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Cowichan Valley Probus Club
We’re back! Are you retired, semiretired, or nearing retirement? The Cowichan Valley Probus Club welcomes you to our monthly meetings in our exciting new venue! We meet on the first Tuesday of each month, now at the Arbutus Ridge Golf Club in the beautiful Mt. Baker Room. Our meetings begin at 10:30 with doors opening at 10:00 for some meet-and-greet chat time over complementary coffee, tea, and water. The name “Probus” is derived from “Professional” and “Business”, and our current membership stands at 73 and growing. Our members come from all walks of life, creating opportunities for stimulating conversation and camaraderie. We are one of some 25 clubs on Vancouver Island alone, with over 38,000 members in 255 clubs across Canada. Meetings consist of a few minutes of business updating the various club activities, followed by a
Cowichan Valley Probus Club
1-hour presentation from a monthly speaker on a topic of interest. September’s’ topic will be “Climbing Mt. Denali in Alaska”, and in October, “Nourish Cowichan: fighting child hunger in our community”. Recent presentations have included such exotic travelogues as “Antarctica and the Falklands”, and “Iran” and an update on The Hamlets residence in Duncan. Some members (and often the speaker) remain for an optional lunch at the golf club. Our club activities include a cribbage club, a hiking group, a book exchange, a 50-50 draw, a summer picnic in July (this year at the Zanatta Winery), a Christmas luncheon, two finedining evenings, a monthly luncheon out, and occasional group excursions to area places or events of interest. Our current dues include a $20 one-time initiation plus a special offer of a full membership valid until September of