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September Arts
A Thriving Arts and Cultural Community
Above Shawnigan Lake
Hughes remarkable career as an artist, spans 70 years and encompasses his work as a gifted printmaker, successful muralist, outstanding Canadian war artist and prolific painter. His paintings depict land, sea and small moments of daily life with a rare clarity and vividness. Hughes has a distinguished reputation
for work underscored by a passion for the beauty of the west coast of Canada.
Despite the changing face of the visual arts, Hughes has remained steadfast in his exploration of a unique and personal approach to realism. The artist’s distinct style, marked by the use of flattened space, skewed perspective and simplified shapes, defies parallels with other artists or easy categorization within artistic genres.
Hughes was born in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and spent a significant part of his childhood in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

Raised during the Depression, E. J. Hughes studied at the Vancouver School of Applied Art and Design. E. J. Hughes graduated in 1933. His talent was recognized early on in his career. One of his teachers was Frederick Varley of the Group of Seven, and another member, Lawren Harris, recommended him for the inaugural Emily Carr Scholarship.
Hughes’ paintings are best known for their strong and appealing images of the landscape and seascape of British Columbia. Because of such, Jack Shadbolt described Hughes as “the most engaging intuitive painter of the BC landscape since Emily Carr.”
His distinctive style of painting is marked by the use
Arbutus Tree at Crofton
E. J. Hughes
of flattened space, skewed perspective, and simplified shapes. The paintings combine compelling clarity with a sense of the unknown and an appreciation for natural surroundings.

End Of The Day, Acrylic on Canvas, 40”x40”, Jutta Kaiser
Inspired by the quality of light and shadow on an object, awardwinning artist Claire Christinel combines the colour, pattern and sets the mood of a scene, turning ordinary objects into objects of extraordinary beauty, striking the balance between realism and painterly interpretations.
Claire will be the guest “Artist In Residence” at Aquamaris Art Gallery on Saturday, September 4th. Stop by to say “Hi” and enjoy a family-friendly, free opportunity to see Claire work near the back patio by the gallery from 1:00 - 3:00 pm.
For details, check the gallery events page at: https:// aquamarisartgallery.com/events/
Late summer’s bounty of new artwork arrivals at Aquamaris Art Gallery is sure to please the senses as we transition into autumn. From the colour-saturated abstract paintings and poetic semi-abstracted landscapes by Jutta Kaiser and Susie Cipolla, magnificent, large, expressive works by Gail Johnson, soft and breezy oil paintings by Sally Chupick, delightful still-life by Claire Christinel, to the newest and exquisite stainless steel bumblebee sculpture by our master metal artist Ian Lowe - the art lovers in the Valley and the gallery’s visitors are in for a treat.

Furthermore, we are poised to continue with the “Meet The Artist In Residence” series scheduled to take place on select Saturdays by the back patio, affording an opportunity for the general public to observe guest artists at work, learn about their process and feel inspired by the passion behind their art. As our guest painters Sally Chupick and Claire Christinel fold their easels in the late afternoon of the last Saturday in August and the first Saturday in September respectively, our gallery will be infused with the sweet sounds of guitar in the virtuous hands of our special guest and a true connoisseur of this romantic instrument – Brian Gauci.
Shadow and Light, Oil on Canvas 24 x 18 Claire Christinel
AQUAMARIS ART GALLERY Saturday, September 4
Artist In Residence a family-friendly opportunity to see Claire Christinel paint near the back patio by the gallery from 1 - 3pm (FREE) Upstairs in the historic Duncan Garage Building (Level entry from the back) September Hours: Tuesday to Friday: 10 am - 4 pm Saturday: 10 am - 7 pm Suite 202 - 330 Duncan Street 250 597-2798 aquamarisartgallery.com
Stop by to pick out a favourite local scene by EJ Hughes. Choose from larger reproductions, open edition giclees on canvas, poster prints, limited editions, and art cards. Excellent Frameworks Home of the EJ Hughes Gallery 115 Kenneth St, Duncan 250-746-7112