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2021 Election Candidates


Green Party of Canada https://liaversaevel. wixsite.com/mysite Lia.Versaevel@GreenParty.ca MARK HECHT


People’s Party of Canada www.markhechtppc.com mark@markhechtppc.com

I’d like to tell you why I am hoping to represent you as your MP in Ottawa. As a lifelong lover of science, I have studied Climate Change in depth. For the sake of our children, grandchildren, and many generations to come, we must reverse these trends.

We need liveable communities where we can locally access goods and services. We need a basic, liveable income for all. The TransCanada Highway has choke points in several places, yet a rail corridor and the ocean is at our eastern seaboard.

We can learn much from indigenous cultures. We can create infrastructure for vehicles that do not rely on fossil fuels. We can return to the local production of most of our food and support the distribution of produce throughout every community in our area.

Medical services can continue to be provided via remotely, as they have been in the North for decades. We can reduce our importation of cheap goods from overseas, and rely on local production and craftsmanship. This will also reduce marine traffic using the waterways around the southern gulf islands as free parking lots. We can increase our wood fibre value by adding a manufacturing component instead of shipping out raw logs. We can halt the logging of ancient forest ecosystems. We can stop fracking and serving as a back door to the export of coal.

I am a mediator and work full time in Advocacy for Cowichan Women Against Violence Society. It’s so gratifying to work with women and their families in their time of need.

I’ve worked in three countries, visiting dozens more, have raised three children and know how privileged I have been as a first generation Canadian, child of WWII refugees. I have known poverty, as well as a comfortable standard of living.

Join me and let’s turn another swath of the Island Green! Dear Cowichan Valley residents,

I would like to introduce myself and extend an invitation to stop by my campaign office at the corner of Ingram Street and Canada Ave.

I am a former university instructor and writer with a passion for freedom, protecting the environment, and common sense.

A great concern for the erosion of our democracy, the rise of cancel culture, and obvious corruption in government has propelled me into politics.

Like many Canadians, I have a deep love and appreciation for our great country and wish to see it prosper. As a candidate for the People’s Party of Canada, I am proud to stand with the only federal party that is against vaccine passports and believes that the right to choose what is best for oneself, should be respected by our government.

Having worked for the Nature Trust of BC in natural habitat management, among accomplished biologists, hunters, and the wisdom of elders, I wish to see our natural environment, including the Cowichan River, restored and vibrant. Homelessness and drug addiction need a new approach and our youth need to be offered visions of a bright future, instead of despair.

I look forward to meeting you and hearing how we can work together to reunite Canadians.


Every election has important issues. This election the mother of all issues, intersecting with every other issue and affecting everything that matters in our lives, is the climate emergency. This June’s “heat dome” smashed high temperature records, causing over 500 heatrelated deaths in BC. Widespread forest fires and smokefilled skies here in the Cowichan Valley and across the province immediately followed. The fires continue. The climate crisis is at our doorsteps.

Last month the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a rigorous review of the science showing the Earth on an accelerating path to 1.5 degrees of global heating by the early 2030s, with more and worse heat waves, floods, droughts, and storms to come. UN Secretary General António Guterres called the report a “code red for humanity”. He said, “the evidence is irrefutable: greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel burning and deforestation are choking our planet and putting billions of people at immediate risk.” The report also said that if top-emitting countries like Canada respond to the IPCC’s alarm bells with aggressive efforts to curb carbon emissions, the worst climate outcomes remain avoidable.

To stay below 2°C this century global emissions must peak sometime in the middle of this decade. In other words, we need to elect federal leaders



who will mobilize and invest to reduce emissions and transform our society at the pace and scale required in this unprecedented emergency. Every candidate running in this election needs to hear this.

Canada has yet to meet any of its greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. This must change. What our federal government does to reduce emissions and limit climate disruption in its next mandate will affect everything – our water, our health, our food systems, our resilience as a society, and our children’s future.

Whoever governs next– in a majority or minority– must act urgently. They need to hear our voices. On September 8th join a non-partisan rally for climate action at Duncan City Square at 4:30pm. See: facebook. com/CowichanClimateHub. Then hear what our local candidates have to say at 7pm at an all-candidates’ debate on the climate crisis and the environment. See facebook. com/100debatesCML/. And vote for our children’s future on September 20th.

Jane Kilthei, One Cowichan, Stephanie Lindstrom, Cowichan Valley Earth Guardians, Ellen Robson, For Our Kids Cowichan Adrienne Brown, Chemainus Climate Solutions, David Slade, Socially Responsible Investing Cowichan, Sandy McPherson, Transition Cowichan for the Cowichan Climate Hub


Liberal Party of Canada blairherbert.liberal.ca voteblair2021@gmail.com

I am Blair Herbert; I am a local businessperson and farmer, and am honoured to represent the Liberals.

The two main issues motivating me are climate change and the economy. Farming has given me a front row seat to the impact of climate change. The Liberals have made significant progress for the environment; we must keep going. The announcement by the Liberals protecting BC’s old growth forests is one example of how we’ll work to secure the environment’s future.

The pandemic wreaked havoc on our economy. I want to be part of the plan to rebuild. The Liberal initiative of $10/ day daycare is just one example of how we’ll do it.

Why vote for me? Unlike the incumbent in this Riding, I am not a professional politician. I am just like you. I have worked in different sectors and have weathered some difficult economic storms, including the pandemic. I have raised a family of four children, with sleepless nights doing so. I feel the impact of climate change. In short, I can relate. And, in my mind, relating to my constituents is the most important part to serving them. I ask for your vote and will not let you down.


New Democratic Party of Canada alistairmacgregor.ndp.ca alistair.macgregor@ndp.ca

Let’s Continue this journey, together: NDP’s MacGregor

I’m asking for your help to continue working for our community, by sending me back to Ottawa!

Since I’ve been your MP, we’ve been through a lot. It’s been an honour and a privilege to represent this riding over these past six years, and I’ve worked hard to make sure your voices are well represented in Ottawa.

You already know me:

From protecting our coast against anchorages, to tackling climate change, or defending our watersheds by getting funding for the Cowichan weir, I’m on your side! I’ve been working for pharmacare and dental care, Indigenous rights and true reconciliation, better agricultural policy, and using my voice to combat the opioid epidemic.

We can’t wait longer for the Trudeau Liberals to eventually deliver on empty promises.

What’s need is the strength and courage to act – together. That’s exactly what NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh and I are offering with the NDP’s Ready for Better plan.

Send me back to Ottawa. Let’s continue this journey, so that we can all prosper. Let’s do it - together!

Alistair MacGregor is the NDP Member of Parliament for Cowichan-MalahatLangford, currently seeking re-election during the 44th General Election. alistair. macgregor@ndp.ca

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