Another Ball Drop
The CSU Tuition Increase will Burden the Average Student

By Juliana Tellez Staff Writer
The California State University (CSU) has made the decision to annually raise their tuition by 6% for the next five years. A 15-5 vote by the CSU Board of Trustee has brought forward a series of complaints from students and faculty. This is a result of a desperate attempt to maintain academic quality and financial stability. In response, students and faculty have been left questioning whether CSU truly cares about its core mission of providing affordable and accessible education to students.
The California State University is known to play an important role for individuals. Cal Matters often refers to this as a “dream engine” turned into a “nightmare scenario” with its new tuition increase.
Many individuals that attend these colleges are often first-generation students from low income backgrounds, and are students of color, making
it difficult to get by this system without feeling any sort of financial pressure. The cost of quality education, need for more faculty, support services, mental health professionals, and new infrastructure, has had a major impact on CSU’s decision to increase tuition annually.
In recent years, CSU has faced over $40 million in annual cost due to new protocols for ways to handle sexual misconduct cases, making them
unavoidable expenses and in actuality are in demand for additional resources. Without the revenue that CSU is used to, the CSU Board states that the quality of education will surely decrease for all students, especially among Black, Latino, and Native American students. In order to avoid a decrease in graduation rates and low quality education, CSU is hoping to generate $148 million in its first year with the tuition increase. According

Jesus Medrano is the founder of and organizer with the SATHStudents Against Tuition Hike at CSUSB. He also works as an intern for Students for Quality Education. These growing groups are formed across multiple CSU campuses and exploring ways to raise awareness about the factors affecting the quality of education. Students are no longer remaining silent about the ongoing changes being implemented...

to CSU, 60% of students who already receive coverage to pay off full tuition are believed to be able to continue to do so, while another 18% of these students aren’t believed to see a major change in their financial burden. Furthermore, a new grant has been introduced for middle-class students in order to provide some financial relief for some students and families.

Jesús Conill (Profesor de filosofía en Valencia) publicó un libro en 2021 acerca de las genealogías de la razón, y presenta en su libro algunas preguntas retadoras, a saber:
¿Vale la pena hablar de la razón a estas alturas de la historia? ¿No es más importante tener poder que tener razón?
Students holding up signs during a rally outside of the CSU Board Trustees in Long Beach, California on September 12, 2023. (Photo by Trisha Anas)
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By Amari Cotton Staf Writer
It is a leader’s responsibility to guide those who follow. The mission of the leader and the power they hold is dependent on the ideology of the people. The world we live in now is no stranger to revolution with no one but ourselves and the great or good of humanity to stand up for the protection of freedom. There is a pattern seen in the history of our world where desperation leads to a power struggle between the people and those who want to control us. If we do not advocate for our beliefs, life as we know it could reflect humanitarian crises of the past or present.
Civil rights activists are the most notable revolutionaries America has had since the constitution was created. African American people from all over the country joined together to protest against racial injustice. They stood up for their rights as human beings during a time where oppression was sewn into discriminating laws like Jim Crow that allowed African Americans to be hung from trees (lynchings) as sung about in Billie Holiday’s “Strange Fruit”. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Is celebrated for his work in “nonviolent resistance” according to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). He famously led peaceful protests in spite of “..pressurized water jets… police dogs..” (NAACP) and overall brutality. While this method helped to gain respect and publicity, for some this was not enough. Seeing your friends and family go from being enslaved, exploited, and tortured
with no human rights, to being included at the expense of their livelihood would be enough to make any sane human being lash out against the system that was meant to protect them.
Following the assassination of Dr. King Jr. people had begun to riot “..in Washington D.C. from April 4th thru April 18th” of 1968 according to the National Archive. This outbreak of anger and sadness among African Americans was released through principles taught by Malcom X who was deemed to have “radical strategies” as stated by Edsitement, a humanitarian archive. Malcolm X advocated for African Americans to “..fight back in self-defense whenever and wherever [they] are being unjustly and unlawfully
as well as protect their families from ongoing police brutality through their exercised right to carry weapons for protection. This eventually led to the victory of “African American weapon rights [and] exemption from “white american” sanctions…” (Howard University 2023) Let this be a testament to the power that we the people have. Political systems have always been pressured by the people to make changes that benefit society, especially when people are forced to advocate with their lives. As Martin Luther King Jr. Famously said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere ...There is nothing greater in the world than freedom. It’s worth going to jail for. It’s worth losing a job for. It’s worth dying for.”
Seeing your friends and family go from being enslaved, exploited, and tortured with no human rights, to being included at the expense of their livelihood would be enough to make any sane human being lash out against the system that was meant to protect them.
- Amari Cotton
attacked.” (Malcom X 1964).
The Civil Rights movement was one of the greatest examples of resistance in American history that eventually led to the creation of The Black Panther Party who were committed to a similar social-systemic change of the institutionalized racism they continued to face. They were able to garner “access to medical clinics and free breakfasts for children.” (Howard University 2023) to help their community
(Martin Luther King Jr.1957). There is no time like the present to use your voice and stand up for the preservation of life, liberty, and justice. The voice of the people is the key to a free future whether you choose to speak out against principles that violate human rights or speak out against malpractice in the systems humanity was taught to depend on. It is humanities’ civil duty to protect freedom.

By Ashley Mejia Staff Writer
Jesus Medrano is the founder of and organizer with the SATHStudents Against Tuition Hike at CSUSB. He also works as an intern for Students for Quality Education. These growing groups are formed across multiple CSU campuses and exploring ways to raise awareness about the factors affecting the quality of education. Students are no longer remaining silent about the ongoing changes being implemented across all CSU sites. Feeling that their voices were not being heard clearly, this group decided to take action and pursue a new approach.
To gain a better understanding of SATH and their mission, during the Open Forums SATH addressed concerns raised by faculty and students regarding the proposed tuition increases. “The one thing we did with all the members that are working with California Faculty Association, our partners, they had a brilliant idea that during the Open Forum about the tuition hike, to fill huge hefty bags with “money” and call them Milly bucks since our Chancellor Mildred Garcia makes close to a million dollars. We wanted to hit the nail on the salaries our higher-ups have and as well as the 12 billion they have in
reserves.” further continued Medrano. Through this protest, it was noted that many students did not know about the current salaries or funding that was currently occurring within CSUSB. Through this group and the collaborations that they have with other groups that are advocating for students and faculty, they are able to provide information that is either not provided or not even heard of before.
union see students that are actively doing good work for the student body and they give them an opportunity to be an organizer for the students. Jesus and I are those interns that delegate those tasks, Jesus is the front person for our group, he speaks to large audiences. I
or even better yet how does it attract members?
“What really got me interested in joining was the fact that these guys had held a protest last semester about the tuition and as you know everything has become unaffordable. I felt like I just needed to take that
“It’s amazing to advocate and learn about our CSU funding, a lot of the corruption that goes on within it, the greed, and a lot of the main injustices that are never shown to light through admin and mainstream CSU news. SATH did that, I got in contact with other SATH groups from other CSU campuses and they relay information and vice versa. We are continuously changing the narrative”
Davalos participated in the protest during the Open Forum and asked President Morales a question about the concerning rise in tuition fees.
Jorge Paz, another key organizer of SATH on campus, and intern at SQE provides an insightful overview of his role in researching and organizing protests and presentations to enhance student knowledge.
“Faculty that are within the
plan out social media posts and researching what’s going on within higher education, getting all the information straight, and planning with faculty where the presentations will be held; you know spreadsheets and google forms goes into what I do.” Paz further continues on how this isn’t just one person but really a team working all together to get the message out. How does this group stand out to others,
initiative to actually advocate and challenge their system. I’m seeing a repetition of a cycle where the campus suits say that there is no funding for basic staff and minimum wage but we see them getting richer. I just care, you know”. One of the many reasons Miguel Davalos recently joined the group is that he noticed certain shops on campus no longer offer certain options due to rising costs.
“I was very disheartened, our area was low income, the fact that they are imposing this tuition hike by 6% shows the lack of empathy they have for their students. They know these struggles, President Morales has been getting raises since 2019. When I had asked a question about his (President Morales) feelings about the pricing in the Inland Empire about higher education, he said I’m not doing that and stopped asking questions.” This revealed the frustrations that Davalos and possibly other members of the group felt during the Open Forum. Many people question the reasonings of this group being created and why others would want to join, Davalos reasoning might resonate with many students on campus. “It steals my resolve to fight more and fight for better leadership for CSUSB. I may not see it during my time here but the idea for our cause is a generational fight, it’s not just for me but for future students who want to join here or any other CSU.” stated Davalos. It shows that the group has purpose and will continue to fight for students. The big question is what are the next steps for this group in the coming year?
(Photograph: Francis Miller / The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images)
Illustration by Ashley Mejia.
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Wallows Presents:
The “Model” Tour 2024 at The Kia Forum
By Alyson Chan Staff Writer
Here I am in Boston
A bright and charming city, On a water ferry
And right now I am very merry, Because I love being near the water, I find it very calming and soothing, Feeling like I am at the sea, Is like an escape for me, And being in Boston is great I don’t travel that much, So being on a water ferry
In a exciting city,
With so many amazing places to see, Like the Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Where many beautiful paintings are, And there is Fenway Park
Where many wonderful baseball games are played, And there is Boston Public Garden
Where many people walk everyday, And now I am on water ferry
Where I am very happy and at peace, Boston really is a great place to be, Especially by the sea
Beyond expectations, a beautiful performance by Wallows stole the hearts of the crowd with its unique rock sound, echoing throughout the venue. September 12th, 2024, was a euphoric two-hour experience filled with live, rhythmic music and uplifting energy.
The band, Wallows, is based in Los Angeles, California, and was started by members Dylan Minnette, Braeden Lemasters, and Cole Preston. Their music is inspired by popular bands like The Beatles, Arctic Monkeys, and The Strokes, which leads them to create an alternative, indie, and soft rock musical style. They debuted around 2017 and are continuing their musical journey to this day.
Wallows recently announced a North American tour called the “Model Tour”, named after their newly released album of this year, “Model”. After performing at different venues throughout their tour, they ended it at the Kia Forum in Inglewood, California. As a huge fan of this band, I attended this show with excitement and anticipation as it was my first time seeing them perform in concert. It was
also a special performance for them as the lead singer, Dylan, mentioned that it’s always been a dream for them to perform there one day and their fans were the ones who made it possible.
Beginning their stage with a huge white curtain hung from above, covering them as a single spotlight exposes their silhouette. They start with their song, “Do Not Wait”, and the crowd screams with joy, shifting too slowly singing along with the tune. This song had a mellow and relaxing sound to begin their set before transitioning to their new single, “Your Apartment” which was more upbeat and groovy with the sound of the bass guitar. The curtain drops right as the lead singer, Dylan, sings the lyrics with passion and high energy. Observing the crowd, the general admission section had many fans jumping around, dancing, and singing along to every word. Following along with the songs from their new and old albums, Wallows continued to give a mesmerizing and emotional show. Their stage production was one of the most beautiful sets I’ve seen from other concerts I’ve attended. During their song, “Let The Sun In”, they had a projection of a heavenly sunset that illuminated the crowd and allowed us to not only listen to the song but feel a part of it. Also
during their song, “A Warning”, they had a constellation projection of mini lights that blinked to every beat of the song, as if we were stargazing or surrounded by fireflies to get lost in the emotional sound it brought. Throughout the rest of the show, I felt the enthusiasm and passion the band brought to us to give us the show they planned to perform live. The effort they
put into their stage set and the energy were unforgettable. In the article, Parklife DC, a fan who had also written about her experience seeing Wallows states, “Watching them grow from each single release and every tour filled me with a sense of pride. I, myself, felt responsible for their success. I felt a strong hold over the band because I was there first. I discovered them, which is in

fact, not true, but rather a feeling of teenage exuberance,” said Carolin Harvey. Wallows is the type of band that makes you feel that you are not alone. From songs about heartbreak, unrequited love, or friendships, their songs target our emotions and allow us to feel more connected.
The Historical Story of the Lady of the Dead
By Pricila Gordillo Staff Writer
After the Spaniards conquered America, the traditional pre-Hispanic celebration evolved into the modern celebration of Dia de los Muertos, which we recognize today. Dia de los Muertos is a two-day holiday traditionally celebrated on November 1st and November 2nd. This holiday was originally celebrated for the Lady of the Dead, Mictecacihuatl, Queen of Mictlán. It was first celebrated throughout Latin America and is now also celebrated in the United States.
In modern-day celebrations, family and friends gather to pay respects and remember their loved ones who have passed away. It is a way to reunite the living and the dead, where departed loved ones connect with their families. This special holiday was celebrated differently until it became
modernized in America. Distinct cultures come together to celebrate.
Cecilia Guzman, who has celebrated Dia de Los Muertos for years to remember her grandma who she loves dearly, says “Every year I make an altar for my grandma who passed away a couple of years ago,” Guzman said. “As an offering, I place a piece of bread, pan de dulce, a cup of water and flowers because I know my grandma would have loved that and my heart is filled with joy knowing she is here with me on these days.”
Every family puts different things on the altar based on what their loved ones would have liked. Dia de Los Muertos is a huge part of American celebrations because now there are big parades in the streets, events, and people dressed up and painted skulls on their faces. Bright and colorful colors are used to celebrate this ancient festivity. A holiday where mourning is exchanged for
Aztec empire had been
Aztecs believed

death with dancing and food to thank the Lady of the Dead for her protection. This is how the Aztecs celebrated the Day of the Dead and paid respects.
Instead of mourning a death, Dia de Los Muertos is a way to
Dead is a holiday to remember loved ones by sharing a meal with them as one would when they were alive”. This celebration means a lot to families because it is a way they can reconnect with their to cross over to the land of the living to spend time with their families.

The Lady of the Dead, Mictecacihuatl, was replaced by a new Lady of Death, La Catrina, a skeleton woman wearing a European hat with flowers and feathers. This was a change the Spaniards made. La Catrina is the new face of Dia de Los Muertos. Another thing the Spaniards added to the holiday is Ofrendas, offerings. Families design altars and put offerings on the table to honor their loved ones. On the altar families either have snacks, candies, toys, pan de muerto, mezcal, pulque, atole, flowers, gifts, sugar skulls, or favorite dishes of their departed loved ones as an offering. Altars are decorated with bright yellow marigold flowers, photos of their departed loved ones, and favorite foods and drinks of the family member who died.
The offerings are a way to encourage visits from the land of the dead as the departed souls hear their family’s prayers, smell their favorite foods, and join in the celebration. On November 1st, the spirits of the children are celebrated. Spirits of the adults and spirits of all the dead are celebrated on November 2nd. Each day has a special meaning.
Joker Sequel Review
Folie à deux, folie insensée!
By Samuel Rodriguez Staff Writer
Joker: Folie à Deux is a movie without purpose. The sequel to 2019’s Joker is arguably the biggest cinematic disappointment of 2024. The movie’s box office earnings plummeted 81% in its second weekend following its initial release. It is expected to be hitting digital and streaming services by the end of October despite being released within the same month. Depriving the movie of an exclusively theatrical run so early after release is indicative that Warner Bros. has accepted Joker: Folie à Deux is a failure, but what makes the movie so bad?
For starters, the movie is hollow and its greatest offense is a lack of any substance. I left the theater feeling empty and despite my best efforts to decipher a meaning or intention from the story, I simply could not find a thought provoking theme or message to justify the existence of Joker: Folie à Deux. Truthfully, I feel the sole reason that this movie was made is due to corporate greed. 2019’s Joker was the first R rated movie in cinematic history to have generated over $1 billion in global box office revenue. It stands to reason that Warner Bros. recognized the cash cow and decided to further milk it by making another movie. This detail is crucial in analyzing the stark contrast between

the two movies. The first film was meticulously crafted by a director who wanted to provide a commentary on how we treat those in society who are alienated. The protagonist is a man who struggles to fit in due to a history of physical and mental abuse which has left him broken. His perceived abnormalities make him society’s punching bag and through a series of tragic events he is pushed to the brink of his limitations which transforms him into the titular villain of the story. Joker is a cautionary tale that warns its viewer what may happen when we don’t
Another Ball Drop cont.
However, about 184,000 students, who still continue to pay full tuition, will be faced with a $342 increase the following year. This number will increase to almost $2,000 over the next five years. Although the CSU system states to be doing this solely out of concern for the students, many students find themselves feeling betrayed by the system’s initial mission to them. CSU has continuously prided themselves in being one of the most affordable university systems. Because of these increases, it seems as though that is no longer the case.
Currently, CSU’s average campus tuition is under the national average of $10,000, sitting at $8,000. With this said, the gap between the national average and current CSU tuition will decrease, adding to the burden of families and students.
In response, students have been voicing their frustrations towards this tuition rise and have accused the Board Trustees of being out of touch with reality in terms of financial affordability for these students in public comment sessions. Many of these students are forced to work multiple jobs in order to be able to remotely afford their
have an inclusive mindset and encourages us to be a little more empathetic towards our common man. On the other hand, Joker: Folie à Deux is little more than a commercial product. An attempt to capitalize on the first film’s success and create a brand name from what should have been a singular work of art. It’s clear that Todd Phillips, the director of both movies, never intended for there to be a sequel and it shows in the quality of the film.
To provide a general synopsis of the movie, it follows Arthur Fleck, the title character, in the aftermath of his actions at the end of the
yearly tuition. Student Body President at Sonoma State, Cassandra Garcia, has argued that the tuition hike displays how the system views students as “revenue streams” rather than fundamental learners in our society. Other students have come forward and condemned the board for not being able to address the racial and socioeconomic issues that rise with increasing tuition, especially in a system where the majority of students are people of color.
Lt. Gov Eleni Konalakis, who has expressed the intention to run for governor in 2026, was one member of the Board of Trustees who voted against the tuition increase. She stated with Cal Matters, “We know anecdotally that a lot of students are going to drop out.” She questions whether this system can continue without it falling out and has expressed concern pertaining to the long-term
first film. He is imprisoned and awaiting trial for several counts of murder. The entire movie encompasses the days leading to and during Arthur’s trial in which he becomes enamored with a woman named Harleen Quinzel. The issue with this story is that it does not go anywhere or do anything interesting with its characters. Arthur is incarcerated for the entirety of the film and the audience is trapped with him as we are forced back and forth between the setting of a prison and a courtroom. The protagonist does nothing but move at the whim of those who have him imprisoned. Harleen and Arthur
impact that it will have on students. Kounalakis notes that the board lacks a lot of sufficient data in order to understand the type of impact it can truly make.
Ultimately is the move towards a tuition increase truly the right move?
The former Interim Chancellor, Jolene Koester, acknowledged that this decision was difficult for students, but is necessary to keep the financial stability within the system.
Current Chancellor, Mildred Garcia, is hoping to look at a financial sustainability plan and the possible options available.
CSU states that there would be more risk in having an underfunded and overstretched system that isn’t capable of giving the “quality” education that students are expecting to receive.
With that said, students also might not be able to actually receive this education if it’s
share a mutual infatuation with each other but the movie’s heavily marketed musical romance never fully reaches its stride. I fully anticipated this movie to be a dark reflection of 2016’s La La Land, a tale of Bonnie and Clyde painting the town red in clown make-up and vocally harmonizing amidst their caused chaos. Harleen is not Arthur’s lover so much as a glorified fangirl in attendance at his trial. The aforementioned musical aspect of this film does nothing to redeem it either. Musical sequences are supposed to play into a narrative and push a story along by accentuating dramatic tension or developing character. “Be Prepared” from Walt Disney’s The Lion King is a song in which the antagonist conjures a plan to kill his brother and nephew in order to seize power. This heightens dramatic tension because the audience wants to see how this plan will unfold and develops the antagonist by illustrating the depths of his evil nature. Unfortunately, Joker: Folie à Deux does neither of these things with its songs. Almost every song in the movie occurs within Arthur’s head as a depiction of his outlandish fantasies. When the music concludes, it has done nothing to affect the world around him and does nothing for the character’s growth.
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Students may feel the need to look at more affordable options because of the financial burden that will be coming alongside this increase in tuition.
Students may also begin to feel unmotivated and troubled from the thought of how much more hours they have to put into work in order to earn enough to finish paying off their last couple years of college.
Something that once was affordable for an already attending student has become unaffordable half way through.
In the end, the CSU system faces a number of issues with balancing financial sustainability and its promise of accessible education. As tuition rises and students continue to voice their concerns, the true test will be whether CSU can uphold its commitment to opportunity and equity.
Photo Credit: Vox
An altar decorated with favorite offerings of a departed loved one who is being remembered for Dia de Los Muertos.
Tyler, The Creator’s Chromakopia A True Listening Experience
By Issac Raymond Castillo Staff Writer
If I could describe the atmosphere, it felt as if there was a calm before the storm. Fans eagerly anticipated their own interpretations of what Tyler’s new album, Chromakopia, would sound like. Would it be the pop sound of ‘Igor’ or would it be the rap-filled ‘Call Me When You Get Lost?’ Though, once the album began to play fans, including myself, were taken aback.
Tyler appeared in his new persona, dressed in a bright green military outfit with a skin-colored mask. His hair was shaped into horns. Then he marched onto the stage while the beautiful intro to ‘St. Chroma’ featuring Daniel Caesar started playing.
It starts off tame then immediately blows up into a rap flow with loud bass bumping.
Fans begin to roar and dance along in excitement.
“The album kind of just turned into taking what my mom
told me as a kid. Now that I am thirty-three all that stuff she was saying—like, OH that is what she is talking about,” Tyler Okonma, also known as Tyler, the Creator, explained as his inspiration for his new album Chromakopia.
Since his debut in 2009, he has released a total of eight studio albums, all of which have had different sounds, themes, and personas keeping fans eager for what is next.
Tyler launched a rollout of listening events throughout the United States, starting in his hometown of Los Angeles. The listening event was an opportunity for fans to get an early chance to listen to the album before its October 28th release date.
The location for the Los Angeles event was performed at the Intuit Dome in Inglewood, which I attended on October 27th. Approaching the venue, you could see the dome glistening in a bright green aura. Inside, you catch a glimpse of fans buying exclusive merchandise and taking photos
with the iconic Chromakopia shipping container. Once inside, each seat had a bright green light, while shipping containers shaped into a cross-like stage. You could hear seagulls and ship horns creating an atmosphere for fans to feel as if they were at a shipping dock.
Thematically Chromakopia is a culmination of Tyler’s life up until now. He started his professional music journey when he was nineteen. Now 33 years of age in the album and stating “gray hairs on his chest,” friends getting married and having babies; it is a stark reality check for Tyler that time is timing.
Other themes are conveyed on tracks like ‘Darling, I,’ Tyler’s internal struggle with monogamy and being content with sharing connections, but not settling down. Then there’s ‘Noid’ – a reflection of Tyler’s increased paranoia due to his fame; being in the limelight since a teenager he is only now being vocal about his fans’ obsessive, para-social relationships.
One of the most striking and vulnerable songs that connects
back to Tyler’s previous albums & his evolution as an artist is ‘Like Him.’ In this song, Tyler reveals that his father wanted to be involved in his life, but his mother, Bonita Smith, chose to keep that knowledge from him.
For those unaware, Tyler’s rise to fame was through a mixtape called ‘Bastard’ which reflects his turmoil, anger, and sadness of not having his father in his life. In the beginning of the song, we hear smith comparing Tyler to his father, by the end she is revealing her thought process to making that decision.
In ‘Like Him’ Tyler delivers gut wrenching lyrics: “Mama, I’m chasing a ghost, I don’t know who he is/where he is.”
The lyrics are angelic and sad, but Tyler does not blame his mother and in fact stands by her decision as it all worked out in the end.
For both new and old Tyler fans, the album at first was met with mixed feelings. I went with my friend, Francis De La Rocha to the event. He & I shared the same sentiments about the album. He said, “I need to give the
album another listen alone and then I’ll have a better idea on how I feel.”
Chromakopia leaves us unsure of Tylers future. Sonically, he sounds better than ever, but philosophically he is navigating life just like the rest of us. He seems uncertain if a monogamous life could work for him and his future goals, it is an internal struggle to follow his heart, mind, or soul.
One thing is clear, Tyler loves creating music, presenting it, and wants people to understand that this is what truly drives him. If you are not convinced by the album alone, I implore you to see him live. Tyler not only creates amazing music, but as his mother says in the beginning of the album, “you are the light, it’s not on you, it’s in you” – an incredibly beautiful way to explain his presence on stage and his identity.
Tyler is a generational artist, and the best part for new and returning fans is…he is not even close to being done.

Fans gather around the Chromakopia shipping container, for Tyler, The Creator’s album listening party. Inviting guests to take pictures, buy merchandise, and mingle. (Photo by Issac Castillo)
How One Ex-Athlete is Redefining Life After Softball
By By Luis Romero Staff Writer

She didn’t know that would be her last game. The realization hit her later. Alone in her room staring up at the ceiling, memories of every play, every swing, every inning flooded her mind. Softball had been the thesis of her life from childhood to college. It shaped and defined who she was. But in that quiet moment, with no games left on the schedule and no more practices to prepare for, she realized she would never step onto the field as a player again. A part of her
felt like it died. Tears filled her eyes as she felt the weight of something she deeply held close slipping away, replaced by an ache of uncertainty, anxiety, and fear. However, During that loss, a strange new awareness began to grow. As she let go of softball, she glimpsed something she had not fully noticed before. It was freedom.
For so many college athletes facing the end of their athletic careers, it is not as easy as just saying farewell to the sport but there is a profound shift in identity. After countless years of dedication, structure, and purpose that only focused on their sport, college athletes find themselves facing the daunting question. Who am I? For former Cal State San Bernardino softball player Alyssa Rodriguez, this journey was about loss and liberation. Her story reflects a critical issue faced by athletes on every level. The complicated task of rediscovering themselves in a world beyond their sport and embracing the freedom to define a new path forward.
When asked about how she has tried to redefine herself beyond softball, “I still think I’m in that process of redefining who I am,” she admits, reflecting on the journey she has taken since realizing her athletic career had ended. “I question myself a lot, but over these two years of not being an athlete I have realized that I am more than just a softball player.” Since the third grade
Alyssa gave so much
energy into the sport barely pausing to focus on herself outside the field. Now, without the demands of practices, games, and constant competition, she has started setting goals that are completely and genuinely her own. “Some new goals that I have set for myself are prioritizing me whether it’s physical, emotional, or mental,” she explains. This change has brought a blessing of time to explore her identity and embrace growth that goes beyond the boundaries of her sport.
With her softball career behind her, Alyssa is reshaping her life and creating a new set of priorities. “I feel like I spent the majority of my time playing softball since the third grade, so I didn’t have time to focus on myself as a person. I have always focused on me as an athlete,” she says. She is now starting to look within and invest in herself in ways she had not before like taking the time to focus on her physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. Her newfound time of self-exploration is providing her the freedom to try new things. To find fulfillment beyond the familiar routines of training and competition, and to build an identity that is only hers.
Stepping away from her athletic identity, Alyssa has learned valuable lessons she hopes to pass on to other athletes facing similar transitions. “Be patient with yourself,” she advises. “I think the hardest transition is being an athlete and suddenly not having that title. One can easily be hard on themselves because you may feel like a failure or just feel super uncomfortable letting go of that
identity, which brings a lot of anxiety and uncertainty.” She encourages other former athletes to embrace change as an opportunity for self-discovery.
“There is more to you than your sport,” she emphasizes, highlighting the importance of kindness and patience as part of this journey. For Alyssa, the process of letting go of one identity has given her the chance to redefine herself in ways she has never thought of. Looking back, Alyssa sees this transition not as an ending but as an opportunity. Even though this journey has been challenging it brought up her strengths and passions that extend beyond softball. Today, she is building a life defined not by the roar of the crowd but by a quieter, more resilient sense of purpose. Her journey is still evolving, but the discipline, perseverance, and teamwork she learned as an athlete continue to guide her. As she steps into this new chapter, her story reminds us all that there is a rich and meaningful life beyond the game.
Lo otro de la razón

Credit: frankwagner.stock.adobe.com
By David Lara Catalán Copy Editor
Jesús Conill (Profesor de filosofía en Valencia) publicó un libro en 2021 acerca de las genealogías de la razón, y presenta en su libro algunas preguntas retadoras, a saber:
¿Vale la pena hablar de la razón a estas alturas de la historia? ¿No es más importante tener poder que tener razón?
que la población ha hecho a los reyes de España, al presidente de ese país y a la clase política, respecto a que no reaccionaron ni parecieron interesarse en dar inmediata atención a las víctimas de tal tragedia. Por cierto, a pesar de la tragedia, la Liga de futbol española no suspendió la jornada futbolera a nivel nacional. El negocio es el negocio. La solidaridad y el interés por el dolor ajeno son temas para mejor ocasión.
¿No es más importante tener poder que tener razón?
Me parece que desde estas dos preguntas se pueden plantear algunas ideas a lo largo de estas líneas; ideas que, por lo demás, no tienen otra intención que invitar a la reflexión. Desde luego, también es posible preguntarnos acerca de la utilidad de la reflexión, es decir, de los actos reflexivos, en nuestras sociedades más interesadas en consumir que en pensar.
Tengo tres escenarios que pueden ejemplificar la importancia de la razón o de su lado oscuro, es decir, lo otro de la razón, -el lado oscuro de la razón puede ejemplificarse con figuras como el irrespeto o la falta de solidaridad ante el dolor ajeno-. El primer escenario es la tragedia vivida en Valencia, España. Es lamentable observar la inmensa tragedia que miles de personas han vivido, las pérdidas físicas y humanas que, más allá de lo cuantificable, generan dolor y frustración en muchas familias. Quiero destacar los reclamos
El segundo escenario es en México. La aprobación a la reforma judicial que permitirá que se elijan, en 2025 y 2027, 1,700 cargos judiciales a nivel federal y estatal, por voto popular. Por tanto, la población mexicana podrá decidir a quién quieren como juez en todas las materias de los tribunales, tal y como si la población fuera experta en temas de derecho y de justicia. Los postulantes deberán cumplir algunos requisitos tales como: tener título profesional en Derecho, promedio mínimo de 8 en la licenciatura, promedio de 9 en las áreas relacionadas al puesto que se postula, experiencia profesional de cinco años y, lo más relevante, cinco cartas de recomendación.
El tercer escenario es el reciente proceso electoral en los Estados Unidos. Ha ganado un personaje que ya fue presidente, que ha sido acusado y encontrado culpable de varios delitos, y ha ganado sin dejar duda de que cuenta con el apoyo
popular. Las acciones políticas que pueda tomar en los próximos años preocupan a muchos países y, desde luego, a muchos estados dentro de los Estados Unidos.
A nivel internacional habrá que estar atento con la guerra entre Ucrania y Rusia, el conflicto entre Israel y Palestina, con los indocumentados viviendo en los Estados Unidos que han sido amenazados con una deportación masiva. A nivel local, cito el caso de California, donde el discurso del presidente electo ha enfatizado cortar fondos para las escuelas que protegen a estudiantes transgénero y que promueven diversidad, equidad e inclusión en sus programas.
El gobernador Gavin Newsom declaró el mes pasado que Trump quitaría alrededor de $7.9 billones de los fondos escolares si no se hace lo que el presidente electo quiere.
Por cierto; la facultad que, como titular del poder Ejecutivo, tiene el presidente de los Estados Unidos le permitiría auto otorgarse el perdón.
Es decir, borrón y cuenta nueva.
Ante estos tres escenarios, las preguntas de Jesús Conill son relevantes: ¿Vale la pena hablar de la razón a estas alturas de la historia? ¿No es más importante tener poder que tener razón?
El poder es seductor, y las razones permeadas en acciones de justicia, solidaridad, respeto, equidad, interés por un bienestar común palidecen antes la fuerza del poder que, irónicamente, los propios ciudadanos otorgan sus gobiernos.
