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Canadian Angus Association’s Magazine 2020 Angus Life magazine is published by the Canadian Angus Association. Angus Life Editor-in-Chief: Myles Immerkar Managing Editor: Carmen Koning Executive Editor: Tina Zakowsky Creative Director: Kiani Evans Design: Coyote Publishing Printer: Style-Craft Printing Photography: Kiani Evans, Eduardo Fey, B. Lynn Gordon, Myles Immerkar, Russ Mallard, Melissa McRae, Jeff Partridge, Grant Rolston, Rahil Tarique, Taryn Reimer Contributing Writers: Jason Archer, Caroline Beninger, Reynold Bergen, Tom Brink, Crosbie Cotton, Kajal Devani, Kiani Evans, Camille Ferrier, Eduardo Fey, Tyra Fox, B. Lynn Gordon, Lynne Gunville, Andrea Hanson, Myles Immerkar, Carmen Koning, Annie Larose, Cathy MacKenzie, Lorne McClinton, Michelle Miller, Laura Nelson, Greg Nolan, Miranda Reiman, Kelli Retallick, Sandy Russell, Dave Saretsky, Karin Schmid, Adelle Stewart, Steve Suther, Brigitte Vallee, Adam Vervoort, Belinda Wagner, Kirk Wildman, Andrea White, Rick Wright, Tina Zakowsky Vision: The Canadian Angus Association exists to preserve and expand the Angus breed for Canadian cattle producers and beef consumers, providing the best opportunities for profitability today and for future generations. Mission: To maintain breed registry, breed purity and provide services that enhance the growth and position of the Angus breed. Angus Life magazine is an annual publication. To place an ad or to subscribe, please contact the Canadian Angus Association at 1-888-571-3580 or
Canadian Angus National Events and Reminders
JANUARY–MARCH Renew membership and verify member details (membership information) Request pedigree extract for sale catalogues and sale promotion package Angus Cow Enrollment (ACE) annual and fist spring herd billing Spring calves: herd inventory and application for registration form (CAAForm11) Record calf birth weight, calving ease, dam teat score and dam udder score Yearling Calves: arrange RFI testing, yearling weights, ultrasound scanning, scrotal circumference, hip height, foot and leg, and docility score Order your Angus Tags: 1-877-909-2333 Order your TSUs, blood cards and hair cards for DNA collection Canadian Junior Angus GOAL Conference | Calgary, AB | February 15–17 Bull Sales Angus Life magazine distributed
APRIL–AUGUST Submit registrations Submit DNA test requests (parentage, Angus GS, genetic conditions) Angus Cow Enrollment (ACE) second and third spring herd billing Angus Cow Enrollment (ACE) annual, first and second fall herd billing Spring herds: calf tattooing Fall herds: herd inventory and application for registration (CAAForm11) Record: Calf birth weight, calving ease, dam teat score, dam udder score Canadian Angus Association Annual Convention | Moncton, NB | June 11–14 Canadian Junior Angus Showdown | Brandon, MB | July 23–25 Gold Shows
SEPTEMBER–DECEMBER Ensure all sale animals are registered Request pedigree extract for sale catalogues and sale promotion package Angus Cow Enrollment (ACE) third fall herd billing Spring herds: Calf weaning weights, dam mature weight, dam body condition score, dam docility score Submit Angus GS DNA samples ASAP for results in time for your sale catalgoue Order your Angus tags: 1-877-909-2333 Order TSUs, blood and/or hair cards for DNA collection Fall feeder calf sales Bred female sales Canadian Angus National Show | Canadian Western Agribition, SK | December 3 Gold Shows Angus Life magazine submission deadline
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EXPRESSVerified .ca * If you find a BVD PI calf from a cow or heifer that was vaccinated with any of our Express® FP products according to label directions, we’ll pay the fair market value in cash, plus the cost of testing. ** Express® FP5, Express FP5 /Somnugen®, Express® FP5 VL5, Express FP10, and Express FP10 /Somnugen®. *** Perrett et al. A retrospective analysis of feedlot morbidity and mortality outcomes in calves born to dams with known viral vaccination history. (In Press) EXPRESS® FP is a registered trademark of Boehringer Ingelheim, used under license. ©2019 Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
93 Retaining Ownership:
130 Atlantic Beef Products Inc:
An Optional Business Model
95 Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed 99 Protecting Your Health During Calving Season
100 How McDonald’s Canada is Leading
An Overnight Success, 15 Years in the Making
132 Maritime Beef Test Station: Achieving Big Things Through Small Matters
134 Starting a Farm with Sound Advice
the World in Beef Sustainability
102 Top Dollar Angus Seeks Canadian
Angus Breeders with High-End Genetics
BRITISH COLUMBIA Meat Fuels the Body_TB.qxp_Layout 1 9/6/19 12:40 PM Page 1
28 Bringing the Auction Mart to You
BEEF fuels the BODY Beef is a nutrient dense food that fuels many functions in our bodies.
37 CCIA: What Everyone Should Know About Livestock Traceability
Provide your body with energy and help maintain proper brain function. Vitamin B6 - 15% DV Vitamin B12 - 100% DV
39 An Interview with Bob Prestage 44
Canadian Beef Innovation Network: A New Opportunity for Genetic Advancement
Did you know that the only natural sources of Vitamin B12 are from animal foods such as meat? This vitamin keeps our nerves and red blood cells healthy.
Supports energy production and metabolism. 40% DV
Helps preserve and build muscle. 35g
62 Keep Calm and Love Cows
110 Managing Your Cash Flow
76 Beretta Farms & Heritage Farms 82 Harmony Setting Quality Standards for Canadian Beef
PHOSPHOROUS Helps build bones and teeth. 16% DV
136 1 Year In: Interview with CAA CEO
Helps protect cells from damage. 53% DV
Helps convert food into fuel for your body. 25% DV
113 LMAC: Advantage of Price Discovery by Public Auction
Per 100g cooked beef, Health Canada, Canadian Nutrient Files 2015, food code 6172: beef, composite cuts, steak/roast, lean and fat.
115 Upgrading the Parentage Test: More Markers for More Results
118 Testing Your Feed
83 Submit Feed Intake Data for RADG EPD 119 Provincial Resources for Agricultural Grants 85 Canadian Angus Parentage Verification Policy
Helps your body use oxygen. Especially important for infant cognitive development. 19% DV
58 Meet the Breeder: Benchmark Angus
Projects Benefit Producers
Helps maintain a healthy immune system. 79% DV
74 Lakeland’s Student-Led Research
Supports the development of the body’s nervous system. 13% DV
138 CAA News Highlights 139 The Commercial Producer’s Guide to Canadian Angus EPD’s
146 An Evolution of Genetic Evaluations; GEPD for New Traits
152 What is IVF and Is It Right For You? 154 High Immune Response in Canadian and American Angus Cattle
156 Canadian Angus Genetic Condition Policy
158 Angus GS and Genomics 162 What is AngusConnect?
185 What is a Heifer Bull
164 CAF Chair’s Message: Kirk Wildman
186 Ferme Larose 188 A Guide on Transitioning the Farm 189 Profitability Starts with a Live Calf
at The Canadian Angus Foundation’s Building the Legacy Sale
Jason Brock
194 Cattle and Conservation Go Hand-In-Hand
234 Gold Show 2019 Results
237 Blair’s.AG Argentina-Canada
Program Showcases Commitment to Accelerated Genetic Progress
240 WCVM Internship Primes Vet for Large Animal Practice
244 Gold Show History 248 Kazakhstan: A Land of Opportunity
202 174
200 Certified Angus Beef: Build with the Best
172 CJA President’s Message: Tyra Fox
203 Working Together for Better Beef,
176 CJA and Young Breeder Opportunities 177 Canadian Angus Association Mentorship Program
178 CJA Showdown Experience
201 Certified Angus Beef a Crossover Success Profitably
204 Broaden Horizons with Quality Focus 208 Here’s Your Target and How to Hit It 212 CRSB: Advancing Sustainability in the Canadian Beef Industry
166 What Do You Support When You Bid 190 Sollio Agriculture: An Interview with
Dennis: Johnny: Jack: LWNBRG RESERVE 163C
403.308.3003 403.382.1794 403.330.6123
HEADQUARTERS In September 2019 the CAA Board of Directors met at the American Angus Association Headquarters in Saint Joseph, Missouri. The relationship with the American Angus Association is one of the strongest relationships Canadian Angus has in the industry in a number of areas. It was an honour to accept their invitation for CAA to meet in Saint Joseph to gain a better understanding of their business model and further develop this relationship. In their own words, CAA directors share their key learnings from the meetings and discussions.
Bob Hahn | President This trip has been instrumental in building a strong relationship with the American Angus Association. It is clear that we share common goals of delivering top-notch member service as well as developing industry partnerships. It is reassuring that the issues we struggle with are the same issues that our American counterparts deal with. Sharing possible solutions will absolutely result in the best possible outcomes. Shawn Birmingham | President Elect The American Angus Association is educating their membership all the time on new and existing initiatives and I think we need to continue our efforts and also do more to keep our membership informed about what we’re doing. Everything they do has value and they are very focused on measuring the value of their products and services. Trevor Welch | Past President My key interest is in the American Angus field service program, especially how they promote it and how they generate revenue to pay for it. We came up with many ideas for projects that we can work on together as well as ideas to improve our own projects based on their transparent sharing of information.
George Baxter After seeing first-hand how the American Angus Association operates we will be able to take some of the things that we’ve seen and learned and apply them at home to benefit our members.
Ryan Currie We have a lot to learn from American Angus. It was especially good to see how their regional managers are viewed as such an asset to their organization and how much member education those staff members do.
Tom deWaal Being able to have face-to-face discussions and exchange ideas with the American Angus Association is going to do nothing but benefit relations between our associations. We have many new ideas to bring back home to our members.
Dale Easton The Canadian and American Angus Associations face similar problems and threats and we have similar strengths. The technical information was a very good learning experience for me. I think we can help assure the best tools are available to our members if they choose to use them.
Brian Geis The American Angus Association staff were very warm and welcoming. There is so much that we can utilize and learn from the information that they shared with us. I look forward to how we put it to use.
Mike Howe It was an incredible learning experience. We got to see all the challenges and the successes they’ve had and I think that’s going to make our organization even stronger.
Sheldon Kyle This experience will hopefully allow us to learn from the American Angus Association’s experiences as we develop and grow our programs for our members. It is evident that there are many commonalities between our organizations and we deal with lots of the same issues.
Graham McLean It was a great meeting. The flow of information was a very good learning and educational tool. The Americans were very hospitable and open. They struggle with the same issues that we do as far as membership, registrations and genetic conditions.
Brett Wildman I appreciate the opportunity to learn from American Angus members and staff how they do business. We can take those learnings back to our membership and apply it when we get home.
Angus branded Allflex and ComfortEar® available exclusively at CCIA Photo courtesy of the Canadian Angus Association
YOUR ONE-STOP DIGITAL-SHOP FOR ANGUS TAGS Order tags online or by phone
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Manito ba Cooperato r
| Vol ume 77 Issu e 35
| Aug ust 29,
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PASTUR E, County, 276 CUL as yard 2 adjaBEAUVA T. AC. Canada , 2 1/2 nation site beincent QTRLLON, Two on Hwy age g sub ., approx. lease. tame Hills erto ; 1755 acre 10, miles N divided 310 info@fnFNC-Ser& native gras mix 1 mile of the Tran Jim out. Comac., Max n. Valley McLach ed farm, of hwy fron s NEW csereco econ Inc. s. One bilan, just View or 780 surface Realty 204-724 N of Riv-t- tion, AAC WIL HWY www.fnc-448-744 Inc., Bran -7753, possibl616, Eas ter: register DFIRE serecon 6 or LAR GE GRA don, MB.Re- Dog Certifie ed, cert red win gra in .ca 780-45 e break t of Millet, farm , IN FAR M, Seeds d, cleaned ified. Moater: Fou The Pas ings or 1-4224 up into 80 AB.: 2 QTR $53 nda Inc. 306 ts and , MB ,29 0,0 23, 804 acr darrens email: days, ac. -483-296ready tored win-00, 306 ray@ 780-97 parcels. could es, exc ander.c. dar ren san 3, Oxb go. Big raylin.c 3-4500 Call: FARM/ om der @r-29 1-8 944 . ow, SK. a even1 crow RANCH em ax. , net County n quarter OPERAT ION of Tho Hwy. rhild joining. Loc : 640 acre All fenc MULCH w/beau ated ed. , AB. INGin thes, Call calving tiful tree Nice half15 min tod TRE N d yard on log ay 306 ES, ing spa barn, etab -248-2 , sho siding hou661 t. anim Club Ann verickco -933-2 BRUSH, TOP old. Veryce and all steel corr ps, grai Coverin field 7, 2019 les, hobbies als, equ 110 ual se handlin nstructi 950. Visi Stumps seed. QUALITY at 10 Online als, n ipm g 140 , wel vendorCurling Club bins All etc. FOR ent, lots g CER l maintai syst AM . t us Call Pick Manito of sort , Mel RENT: 1st. cow/calf pair email: info con , Dugald,to 4 PM.Saturday, at: 306-874-568 Gary TIFIED alfa ned em notred -Up Reques ba 1 ville, bhartm tact: s with yard. a few yea quarterWould con MB. For Spring4, Naic or Janice lfa and t Ava SK. qua ameus ann@x Bill 204 am, SK. separat sider pasture Selling alsors 215, 138 acre Part ofrter of pas further Waterh grass edoil.c ilable plornet. -755-234 PUR selling until Sep e. Call s. Call NW-26- ture, SW ouse om com 5 QTR 7 or 780-349 306-861 22-07-W SmallEBRED AND t. 22 the of QUARTE shop, S OF -9810. home Plen -4592. 2, RM 11:00 Animal CRO RS Wild barn & FARM/RANC ty AuctionSSBRED AM, Building msg, of water OF grazing at H land Bird d, AB. fencing, Call: woo 780-656 and To con , Exhibiti the Wey, Sun., Sep and Kelly 780 5 Could , sign call on Gro burn -2283, new corrlease for t sep. miles Norhouse, -203-500 Smoky als. Call sale. Charlot unds, Ag Soc15th, 5. home yard th of , Lake, te: 306 Weyburn iety AB. leave BES half. -861-630 , SK. CO 5. mustard GRAIN INVEST PRO-CE WINDY RT cialty . Also LTD. 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Che sub tney, e, not den . rs will to unsucCOTTAG MB. 150 KWS ck and inq include ject to fina Sel 3 greenh son City, ac. on thea 88. reta be E ON near Yukon m Swi ft uiri es to: d. Plea Propow ncing. con sid- stor il prices, l bed din g ouses, larg DAIRY deep,Meota, SK. SUTTON BEA Mineral 867 age she 3 bdrm. pla nts er Curren Cur ren t, Jam es se forward e fen w/ in July GOATS: -99 3-6 ds & woo home, gar & veg iesced detached3 bed Lake front, CH, Jack 236 - Cam pbe all bid http Lacade t, SK., S9H frontage fish age, ll Rem s 100 + /Augus 180 mature at na, SK. s://bit.l 163, jlvo dshed, $42 ble wate garage,cottage w/f 0M9 1 Ave Lake Email: . Call: 309. NW , Swiax y/330lr gt2 2@ 5,00 shop, 2 does 519 -80you ng t. 80 doeling urni is 150’x10 Taking r system dock, cano chadc8 gm ail. 0. Call: H2 -932-7 ft offers, and sew e and-ture, sing 0’ ON. 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FAR -526-790 includ- with 42-4 bath,SE FOR SAL 30’ holi -9375, d conditio Bay, SK. osit will fectiona 4-43-4 , 170 MER/CA 9. finished E: 124 power, NW 23 W2. 210 day SK. For Theodo Reg Her n. has W2 Would te, kindlbs., NS, TTLEMAN bsmt, 4 sq. ft., re, SK. Please info or ema tz, 306phone & yard site cult. ac., KELLN like to in -hearte fit, clea is reas il: fand & photos $390,00 3 bdrm., -865-746 water, on d and n, neat, late TERING SOLAR t4usrv@ call: 0. Les 2 FOR REN and hasonably meet a lady 9, Hud $30,000. river af- 900 sasktel.n306-274 tock, Melville T: 1 son Bay, Call areas, System SUMME in her outgoin quietnes sq. an fit and qua -2111 215 R/W . improve , prov et SK. pasture s of affinity foractive, kind60’s whog. tral AC, ft., 2 storey, Wes , 138 Part of rter of pas ides wat INTER TOP QUA acres. 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MLS Lar ge ft., 4 bdr m, ge spl it Reimer. www.ez t feed and help n you VAR TIM .com ve. Call: Leo wn Mill atta che , SK. 3 Welding efeeder. der ekm306-880-7® SK7 775 mineral ing your pest MITGETTER nard 204 et. Clea OTHY, Red d garbat h, ca Call con s out 1-877-69 653. Visi 69. Ple www.d org an@ VAC ATI age , ALBERT -685-237ned and Pro ALTERN to etc. If youtrol for gop for dea erek ase t 5-25 FL, 2 bd/ON REN 6, Aus bag zo morganrea ltye xecmy web cal FARML 32. 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Leg R HOME 403 -70 BC. Sta S: Hol -620-403 4.9 acr Commer 20-13 W213 W2 , visit: httpguestservic SAL Virden, r 204 es/mod . 2 bath acy info bath stay -556-234 els. WANTE es/par cial Sub ; 24. 5 MB. ://www es@ rtin g fromiday Inn 8, Hig ., call Bob $118,90, $97,900; , $84,900 home seriES, Canadian Ma hm 0-2 929 division h Rive es; 960 6 or cel oud .HIOsoypallasgrou $99 9. K Ros D: 6” L-SH , weekend 0. Call: 1520 sq. ft.,; 1216 sq. ft., r. sq. 403-407-1 403 -99Ali 403 . Cal l: Om kamp ; 306-496 3 or 4 Call 807 calls -69 Call: rolle APE 700, or bdrm, 3 bdrm, -753 780-872. New sale -475-958r mill orlift auger 313 8-4 ar Fort 9-1 headmo WANTE Qu'App or Na 400, -2728. s lot in 8, Yorkton,2 bath, 4, Thu the com for mod dularho elle, sse r WOODSVEN CAN D HEA el nder Bay, plete Website Lloydminste SK., mesales SK. TED years. ROLLER eight MIZER r, AB. livery.OLA. No brok ON. mill. 201 2 CAN .ca : www.yellow models, POR Exampl PTO/ele MILLS. er invo OLA OR 1-877-86 306-228Call Jerr be mo 16X 76 SIM TAB - EXT GREEN -7306, y 306-22 lved. Cas 6-0667. options LE SAW run. Rolle: 300 c. drive, Built for REM bath, ved. 3 bed PLI CIT 40 to of Mea ELY BEA no text h ove and 8-7 www MIL wal s pea bu./hr. unit Y and repa roo r mo 100 gas fire k in clos m, .woodm accesso LS, 40 s. Unit 325, or on deSAW bile UTI Rive dow costs 0 bu./hr. Machine ir all s and all y, SK. Merv ries. Lucky place, $80 et, thir2 bath, larg hom e to or r. Totally Lake, nea FUL 160 and MILLS from d Lake, e mas r farmland orga www.apo 306-24makes ofgrains. We $1/hr. to lum Save Mon only $43 SK. bse,000 OBOexterior doo ter & nic. SW side acres, llomach 2-9884 mills. Callregroov ttler@ . 306-85 r and 588treed arou. Natural Could be of BeaNW Freeber any dim ey with you 97 - Mak ineandp , 1-8772008 Apo e ensi spri , NW info 8-7620 e r own nd, recr ver STEEL roducts. 255-01 llo & in 16X76’ MOD , ravine on -31-60-1 no rock ng water, eation com/168 . and DVDon. In stoc bandmiMoney NU 87, excellen windbre VIEW or com s, k, ll. VIS ULA 8-W : fenc call nort read Cut www $19 $67 R HOM ed 1-800-56 .Norwoo y to ship purcha ION COM h end 3. 16 t ,500 aks, silagMFG. Self els, acre 2,000. . Call: Canadia . Ponoka,shape. New E. Full of 160 7-0404. dSawm . milling sing feed MODIT 306-304s of treeRM ders. sucker rod e/hay -standin n Mod AB. Call laminat up-grade #35 ACRE ACR ills. IES oats. bunks, g pan barl Call s, ular fenc -800 ; s e SK. www ey, is for 204 Qua EAG Homes Sha e 7. feeder els, details: flooring, yard -758-340 wheat, currentl .steelvi ne 306 posts. Cus 403-396 site rter sec E QUA pany pea 1, St. ewmfg.c -493-2 -8509.Western #364 Nor, 20 min tion acreRTER on NORTH Jean, s and 300, tom orNH 147 bach, . from age om th of Hwy MB. WES Del ing 306-536 Balgonie Reg complet isle, farmgate T AGR Morris 5 16’ HAY SK. www ina feed ; feed I LOGIST bale 800 roun BINE, .colliers-3269, Coll, SK. Bria on Hwye old wheat, mill ICS faba canada iers Int. n Tiefenneck processor, d bale JD 535 roun crop 12 ACR ing gradbeans, INC: Buy 204-320 .com Regina, horse stock trai22’ Royal Hay Hiker, d bal-er, ES FOR and -6694,and new e oatsfeed barley,pounde trailer, ler, Chic tandem axleJiffy 920 SAL Cranbe price borders crop & wheat, Lak E nea is neg rry Port portabler, BearCatFlexi-Coil kasha tand goosewelcom otiable.e Diefenbr Central WANTE age, MB. em axle e. corral mix mill trailer panel Call 306 aker, Butt QUA peas, D: FEE portableframes, panels, , quantit type post -586-105$16,000 e East RTER SEC 306-823 oats andD GRA , calf shenumerous portable y of 5 bar of Don TION metal 7. IN, call: Jan -4493, OF gates windbre stem, clad chop lters, catt Neilburcanola. barley, whe et Adaovan, SK., farmland and pan ak PJ tand bin, qua le squ nda-ir 403 at, g, SK. Phone The Esta $150,00 , 5 kms els, Fou eeze em -269 n-ti : WANTE Gary win axle 30’ ty of chute, WANTED -3841. 0. Plea . Livestoc te of winter red Big Cattle D: FEE J&H se goosenoilfield drill older, male: GOLred Septem k Equ Gor-don DEN Moats to go. . barley. Compan D BARLEY up to HOMES: SK orEfemed. RET & pho ber 21, ip-ment Petterson eck trailer. dy FIR MO RIEV w, Cele y 50% LD ale. 306DER rea Oxbo ER abou Kristen For pric is look Call 306 Buff on the brating ny.comtos vis-it: 2019, ManAuction, Farm and C WI , certifi acres, N 4 306-624 ing and ing to alo Plai 63,861-6473 t 3 yrs -652-532 50 yea mov red aned and 306-421 and joinwww.mackor, SK. ForSaturdayW, AA set, 183 miles BDRM, pas , Weyburn or SARiste -2381, delivery purcha ns rs. Sav cle 6-483-29 2 wwwe of all RTM NE reg ,NIN NW PLA sale ture -2928, us on HOM auc se acre , Beth ied Bus .jhh e SK. n, of date ns bill /rec Ede ines s, une, SK. s, call homes. tio Cro IAC 306-487 FB. Mac tion Tra ss Inc. 30 com Certif tage E HARDW FAL L house, s opp 7 mile n; 3 bdrmland 80 LAS k Aucfro the nt- pa-ter: AB. GREG’S m edspups, -7815, BO OK tion line s. Phone ARE RTM , quo pel let N of PL y311 g Searea, $25 4 femalesSIE BORDER equippe PTH#16ortunity: s SW of WELDI corral ING Riv-Co. 1-8 for 0 each. , 3 mal Neepaw n, Nee of 962 Bra d; - Do screen s, hig h S FO R milesle of hw with COLLIE www.nor floor 00-663-33Homes and 2 Free silage panels andNG: Call: 780 es. Mun residenCarona Hot pawa, hmas Ste a; pro tei gra in mistan just N 53, Re.. thbattle plans 50 GSP ings. Tim 2 1/ Kelwood wind scr now troughs; , 1brea -918-801 dare, m, ding ce. 34 el Glen 2 acres akfordhom and or go Cot- Joh 10 AC., asy well 24-77on, MB farks; needs's (14 % pro e to boon me al andeen ing ng grai LT. fully silageselli & 1. ehardw specs onAlsond24’ n Nels. Liz Sum acres equella, turn Hw as calf 204-7 n mis,xed 6 CU ing/ (39% pro tein & 5% k your fall grai 30’ c. bale cor on 204 at: ner, ., Bra 27for Call grass a on wrap ebag hla netn,ywra ters n and Incshel -476-371 204-47ine ranch key ings rolling cos tein & 11% fat) and /winte n Lactwin and pric , ex FILL 55 acr FOREIG Canad , p, silag . Weres a and house alt Mc 17ing, are 9 G&S 6-6362 in cor n),(similar nutts and pur fat). Sav pro teinr alfalf Water 89 44 w Re e, delivery ranches, N & LOC -768 plastic, age; . Jim306 4e ac tankt , -RITE 12 Realty. or FREEST ,80avai on lley Vie -8555, Carr .ne 29 1- axand jlei shmdel iver y rient valuchase corn e grindVOL mod IFIED 6-labl suburban grain AL BUY , 23ot 30 AND Janice to you panels;ert es e. x Va ERS land, hose. el 1210, T FUE CERT 204-82 an@ sha Rive L or Ma propertie ings cott r farm to wholescreenFA RM,00 0,de PUMPSK. r@r, rem mixed ARE calli 306-259ALITY 6-barING PAN 1/4 ryHP SK. and NELS Hills30’ 2-6 ferc kernel 90 m, . AI 275 , s, Ple age Ga farm for 24’ an manitob ng for QU -443 Na,icaw/w hunting 3,2: 30’ , Mordenom .co m ase Em s, feed trou s, slip MA Two Sila E GRand 0 ac. ge i-bun TOP d. Call 0, rre ns, lake land, rural and and hay or con ail: m, $530’ 84,Young, SK.o nozzle cattleRGUERITE , MB. . 31 ghs ers; ON, . dapanels;windbreak small ks;RG ;MB Comb see 74-56 tac t: ranch, RANCH Bale emetLA All land; ca Dallas, propertie Feefar Eriksdal WHY ain holdt.cust Lake 10’, VALL approx der s, fac com shre 6-8 gr war Hod ou self . al MB. AU Pa 20’ pan er. s. e: om buil or Th16’ e Dog Lake 160,150 gson: You NOT KEE els; HDdder bun BE nt QTR., ided One sur equip. Has large m microcl sufficien s. 30 ck 46 1741 : 1058 ac. Che nsand d. 306rreand ks; div 24’ buyingare sellingP MARKE ac., 600 grain $3,200, graz imate, neart 2266 ac. ac.; Alon : 160 ac.; ac.; Star Lake Stumpat: da -424-209 calf she bale feed URE, adjace sub grass. HEA 48-74 sa: 160 Teulon: - USH, Seller ing leas TIN Will ranc us fee lters. 00. pea cult fee VY Rea 110 PAST ty, 2 beingnative . 780-4BRE 4, iam ere G d Bob h; s, .; Ken lty, 250 76 ac.; may cons e, catt ,145.9 Gladston ac.; grains. d grains. SIMPLE DUTldY Granholm dal, SK.S,WillBR. Visit ment, lentils and of le s el; Counyardsite e & con Incwww.fncs AKS, cou ac.; -983 ? Also 50 ies-337 more QTR balell: 24’ PAN , ReM ider fina and todaGrahamdale:e: 57 BayWinnipegosiLangruth: 160 with covery. TREE as ion tamC-Sere a or buyingWe are Ca feed prom gold y, it’s St., 105 s: 140 for variet spe-2, rbgtrope ax Wine ncing, selli of 1 ema ELS-, 6-933-29 .: 2il jcho chic 0 ac. Ltd., 1-86Call Marpt picken flax. Fas cel eve.n-Inq ers, calf nat se. FN econ.c NG 8 sq.f r@gmai Capital AB g all other MB ng! the way Main WINructio WHY up, true e, SW RM uire: LCHI ayshe30 llet, ac. par 00f@p t payk253-737 Call Haro to go! LetSt., lrg. stort. 6-512-17 ket Plac lea Buyin some nkild, fncser tur latinum. NOT-W2, lter MU 403 kcosnst D- Okanag age of Mi o 80 73-45 3, man ld at Delt buyers Bru LTD. WA andTER 11, Leth e Comprice dis--07 BUY info@ ca llRimtod-704 of pas averic-382 and erfect an? int 0-9 Ca kno . List itobafar 62, East -22 AIN arydee . A PRO bridge, modities w.mbey, AB. 8,quor -26 92Let art Roy prop es, 13.05 LACKAW ms.caa Real Esta w you’re 5-36 FRO NT 616, ak up ys, 78 .ca me help -45erty PEROTYGRAlso can AB. te: 204 W 1 0 acr the ww al61LeP of NW 4-74alfa ded , 104 RAN for you bath ACRES, McC ANNA HWY ble bre 24 da@raylin sellers sale. you BESC • 2 and E BU in 20 NT: Part ll Ema : 64 home, 306-8 findrd.the for lea. ve the and lfa, 910 0 irri gatCH: 312 1 ps. PRODUC il: sha agese Kelo Shane possi 51-42ail: ray machine ucts. of all type ION ated in 661 Y: musta R RE SK. Ca 6 row acr barn reary, 159 tim ed nat leaunnCall,wna lty cro • 15. ERAT Loc N on use FO lville, acres. 780-4 email: Contact Kev s of feed TS. Buy g nec ning per- pro ces ive gra oth y, bal und er pives, 281 0 204-476 shed, MLS, double 6 sq. ft. Malt or em s. ingh , 250ciaCun 0+ kgrant@ in Gra grain anc e ss. 2 H OP ers and Barle -3719, ning.15 minsiding hobins, Me 5, 138 sin g grazin ral AB. am@roya-859-2506ham, sho p, ings 192338 detached 3 bed, 2 Sprin protein dry lanot,1 30 Gill/Sch OF new corLake, y lpctrade nt 403 & by-prod8. Call RANC er joi llepage or 500 120 ' scabar n, ma hou ses and AB. f log grain sort- 21 g Wh garage, Ha d / art RS , 1/2 hay -892 rd mal oky Pro Joh chi 0 TE ter and , Sm .ca .com le, 30, l Agencie n Nels -5795 ne she trai ler, ac., SECTIO tein eat and Red FARM wn quThorhildNice hal shops, lots of yearso rights.head feedlo QUAR on, Winter N or • Soy s. 11.5 Call 403 t per000 bu. gra d, hea ted of wa56-2283 22 1 croty of ced. yard,corrals, a few g als sian Class B soilNEAR Rus bea E: -807-7 mit, $25 in sto rag wel sell Barle ns, Fee Wheat Couny. All fenl treed steel systemd. Sellin Sept. Plenty 780-6 485, Sun ,000 sur e, round l, 1120 . Well tree , MB., 220 Vand RETIR to y, Co d Wh Hw beautifu n, all dling ed yar e until home msg, TO land rn nynook face Salespe roof barn sq. ft. d yardsite cult. eat • Co w/ g bar and hanintain h pasturg the Com er veen ING grain ke at: , AB. nfectio and Pe , surance rson 204 . Contactbungalow, , Arteas calvinspace well ma rs wit sellin -9810. LOOK of ll Mi & Rea -773-6797: Karen 40’x60’ karen@ Sunfl n and Oil Serv modity , OR 00 acres . Ca Lice ing . Very lf painsider 0-349 l Esta Gor owers north-st , nse d ices ase . Farm houseof TORS 50 or te, MLSNorthStar aluk, old cow/ca co Call 78 and SK Pick up Ltd. land, North f. INVES d up toto purch Bon 37 4th www.nor #19038 In140 . Wouldarate. River, Availab hal CH Ave. NE ded Gra in th-star.c 93, le Wante yard ease 41, Big 1st er sep /RAN 5 miles Bro ker Car ma a rent/l 69-77 FARM g, home quart Best pric tt@seed-e s Ph. (20 man, MB 6-4 OF fencin sep. 30 x.c ing, Bes RS rn & Could . Email: 4) 745-6444 R0G 0J0 t option, om ba AB. 5 QT And vscltd@ -5005 y Van d Best serv shop, ood, 780-203 derv of een ice S S t WildwKelly RM · Bre Jesse KW ers KW r A Sea the barn, llo Vandervtt Vanderv Call: son to powe Danie H in ps, Also een een Pro Grow… t Oil RANC , sho ers; 140 Only AND house water hay, Low, Days iners e ve and RES tion, o to Pay Y AC 4 sec rants es tam . Da e ! Guttin freez WIND . 1/ ter hyd20 acr fenced-9201. wa d, 31 9 and Caron rals, Orcharl grass , 306-6 x. 39 , All cor pro 28 MJ Ap ering oba U-Pick natura ives SK. RM #2(3 91 d, res aliNA, ke a acres y Execut Manit ac h qu it : Maon the CADE for lan alt 9 Re LA EN . ER nd er nt 39 w/hig bm , able GA RD 10 ac kon w/d 30 TEND e TeEx ce lleen land as e su Avail pt . RK ETrs fre e,City, Yu fenceat LAND , Es tat Sk . of op y so il. Plen., Se 6 1 Av e.MA ge , s nte res on ac de na acres) y cla by Mo nt, 23 At ten ws es, lar ve gie p, 2 AB LE w/wi La ca able he av nd er Cu rre 0M 9. ers &e PR OF IT om e near Da hous nt s & e, shoCall: pla , garag ,000. or cultiv ep ter d Te Sw ift ., S9 H ll: All offbe for t go od inc River, 3 green m ty Sc se ale /m ax nt , SK mp be on or gh es . Klondikentage be dd ing home , $425 .co yo ur , to Re Cu rre d) Ca itt ed PM . Hi pt ed d Hwy fro . Se ll 3 bdrm.odshed gm ail , 2@ en 20 19, Sw ift s (C ha su bm at 2:0 0 y ac ce ere og t2 ga rdail priceseds & wo NWn: Ja me to be 20 19 , ssa ril th e off , jlv eque sh tio uir ies 30 , t ne ce3% of offer. Ch Sw ift- ret rage 3- 61 63330lrH2 99 inq n., Se pt.ers no for ny the /m ax unsuc sto 86 7your on you gle Mo an y offch eq ue ompa st to Re ed to co ns id- https:// s ficati rs or sinada’s or po sit must accin trul be return me find ll be Minerals grassery Certi& tradeOrwi m Let g. De bid ? far . Can lm, ble s wil al s ains o ers cin all y of r. Ga ount x ssion cessor TIRING hobby , BC Granhoalty, am de pa ya eque . No offto finan ward Re ma variet farme . rt rettist’s whget liday LFA, mer to icam, SK OF RE condo, Okanagan nt (ch de rs)subject ase for be ll , Sw ift , rs, pro en ’ ho ase to SK. l: Bob ital ma Pro-Ce rre ING mp nt th ALFA Sci bid 11 . Ple Cal ed Cu ul . NW -77 L, 30ion. Ple are ces Food need n, s Ca ITY nds, far 84, Na THINKretireme In Sou mate. ne Capertypo zo ce ssfd which includedJa me 1 Av e. 9-932 WHEE QUAL ble 74-56 and ents condit SK. new ily home. son cli- MAX Wi @prop d Proed. ere hts not ies to: 23 6 - Call: 30 saskte cum TOP custom 306-8 FIFTH od dore, , Re bagg fam t all sea372, REemail: bob e domarket. pro-ce SER ts, go Theo rig inq uirrre nt , 0M9. dc88@ and terhouse OTHY and , MB. bes -983-3 Please CRUI e ou 75, to ail: info@ Wa ed rs, an d Cu ., S9H ail: cha E, TIM 250 , BC. 2006 , 3 slid6-620-93 E-m Clean76, Austin timbeeck Sw ift nt, SKSK. Em OM iler ver 30 t. BR Fir rre Oli tra t: s, . Ch Cu ena, Mille 85-23 LFA, of contac in log Lacad and ALFA Crown d 204-6 kb radius ail: G cab al lses siand Leonar , LOdar. Speci rouc mile or em ll: S, pueds, As . at: 388. , 35 -2600 BC., Ca SIDING, Ce Lake GRAIN Se40-8437 RENT Lake stove. kfish ’x100’ LOG flooring info.-960-3 NIC e Global TO 306-776 6-6 Jac W2 re nay GA 00 30 od et H H, , 150 single Fir mo 1-8 ote wo OR heng 00 3-4 ac., LAND. Call ktel.n BEAC ge is a ls, out by, BC., to Ko bdrm, Stone6-640-86 SE 4-4 lt. river ON fronta ture, potaGRAIN SK @sas bushe Lum HEADincl, 3 Farmz 30 Part 0 cu SUTTe front, w/furni- kayak, tank. Rouleau, sacres ON SK., SK. . 21 site on00. Call 400 BIRDS$1,300 otos on oe and p out 007. AGE SK. Lak tage kraus IN NE -4 W2 yard $30,0 , SK. SNOWApr., 32, ph FLAX,. COTTr Meota,bed cotdock, can-age pum-270-4 c.n Bay 306 SALE 23-42 has ter, N nea p, 3 FEED oy, SK age, and sew164 or of De 0-223-82 un ty, FOR NW NW 23e & wa, Hudso Ler GREE 25 SW h Co t 1 dee ached gar 4-3 tem ANIC 041, and 5/ac. r, phon -7469 OR on derv Be ac ach. Oc67. ture, 2, RM det water sys , 306-37 LA sh Me of $117 we 6-865 -320-1 PA LM lf & be 37-42 of pas -07-W ble ing offers uth 0 with portz, 30 CANO ed. Ca or go 6-7 AL : 96 He arter -26-22 92. ED involv -7325, . Tak les So RE NTol, nearmo, 30 in rox. lud- Reg 1 qu NW 61-45 HEAT 5 mi SK Inn TI ONba, po $1500/ broker306-228 of gra02, NT: rt of ll 306-8 e inc. ated style, app CA liday 99 . Unity, RE ns NTED No /1 , loc Pa -78 nac VA , bd w 19 09 fur S: Ho m $9 or WA NOLA. ll Jerry texts. FOR le. sectio 6-365 SK. es. Ca FL, 2c 31, 20 MOVE ngalo A/C, 26-79 30 NTAL ng fro n, CA ry. Ca 06, no TER 2 Melvil 8 acr 4-5 h, Y TO, MB. Bu -De RT RE. Sta rtillasgrou rm., k, 215, 13 QUAR t/Call:n, Laniga live 28-73 1 bat age, 20 SO bd READ 10 Tex d/ oro RE s, BC pa : ma om . 306-2 ft., 3 Lestoc 11 Glenbft., 2 be tach gar BIRD oy oo es@ oos.c RENT #309 y Wilde sq. 0. -21 rentlyd FORd, RM Am sq. 2 car de SNOWite s Osestservic.HIOsoy 1244 $390,00306-274 LE: is cur an lan ce and ed, & Su ail: gu /www 0 R SA bsmt, s call: ES , peas . and p:/ - Mauri oto kte E FO ed ILLS, ODITI wheat Jean, MB farml n. E-mit: htt h., cen y, es. HOUS finisho & ph v@sas n of 7, 45 mi lt. vis SAWM COMM 2 bat d gar barle 01, St. essori bath, For inf dt4usr 18 550 cu , sectio rm., tache l, SK. ION feed 58-34 Buy: ABLE d acc No . W2 AC., SK. ail: fan , 3 bdsgl. de peria INC: ley, NUVISasing s. 204-7 PORTns an 635 , SK ., 0,000 -13 .5 or em storey ws, 97, Im rch oat y ICS d bar , R ND: pe lle $1,49 04-20W2 ; 24 n; tio oodm lit GIST , fee wheat . e sp , ft., 2 windo 60-70 Mone t pu lling , SE -13 -MIZE ls, op w.w ivisio RMLA 'Ap gina, to kid . RI LO abeansoats &welcome . La rg ba th FA rth Qu Re -13 W209-20 al Subd Om ar , WOOD mode 667. ww Make ill. Cu mi e 900 sq. , new . 306-2 00 y, SKbd rm , 3ga rag e,ll in No ute to ht 97 - n bandmto -20 , SE merci Ca ll: 44 00 ST AG 6-0 d fabgrade p MB. MarchO. in lataf- tral AC co 5,0 04 eig $43 fee WE l. -86 mm cro ge, ; g H , $7 AN r ow ready mil at, . Va ns ft. , 4ac he d as e caat: co res NE -13 W2l/Com pa rce 69 8-Na ss er 1-877 only 00 OB rd, NORTfarmgate, millin new y Porta TLEM an, ne ing age E. E, sq . ac 04-20 entia re s/ i 40 3- or SK. Ple ites from with you stock, oodSaw , an tfo /CAT cle outgo who bs D AV 21 84 e att 69 . ing d wheat and nberr ILLS ney ion. In w.Norw SW es Resid 4.9 ac , Al 13 13pelle, wheat 3 2N me , . La rg 77 75 my we s.c om RMER NS, fit, and 60’s ted fee crop 94, Cra SAWMSave Modimens D: ww -0404. acr rce ls, 29 29 99 9-Qu'Ap rley, e Gary . FA lbs., earted in her d-hear and 22 el ho fam ily S® SK . Visit ut ive old 20-66 , ba and ber any and DV 00-567 rt lev y 5 pa3- 70 0-d 40 353 ex ec kin ty SASK 170 ML AIN . Phon 4-3 . , Fo l 1-8 PB AnPB NE 5’8”, kind-het a ladactive, beau 33 c/o sin gle,00 0. 80-76rea lty 20 ou lum GR 00 info 40 . cal ola 17 ale d to 0 60’s, nate, to me and the x 56 3530 $3 75 , 306-8 an @ .ca Free 8 or Ma hm407FEEDd can , SK. like ly fit inity for y. Bo 1000 an ilburg s, breat $200few fectio ins NW com/16 ED: today mo rgkmorgan 403an lo Pla ase ws for a will Would sonab aff countrfieds, 0B6. ere acres, aver de rek WANT oats 93, Ne Buffa rch l Canadi 160 of Be n is reahas anof the Classi ., S7P www.d peas, 23-44 ept deposit EY to pu cal LES, ; 960 sq. UL side recreatio and ness ducertoon, SK 306-8 BARL king ry dates, ME SAseries 3 bdrm,h, ct., , SK. SW be , fenced AUTIF iet rn Pro ska HO loo ar BE ED RM . qu ft., live ter me uld bat ne Co Bay Sa FE Y is 0. 2 de wa , SK DULAR ho 6 sq. Weste Ave, SK., ED: any g and thune ing 92,00 trees, EMEL Lake, c. D MO Legacy 0; 121or 4 bdrm, kton,ter, AB. EXTR adow organial spr ks, $1 es of 07. Millar ING ,90 3 g WANT Comppricin 81, Be WHEA ine. ins ow- of Me Totally . Naturno roc 16 acr 04-80 en in RROW gers YELLOby Modul bath, $840 sq. ft., 538, Yor Cattle . For 24-23 2 bad or WAsc red co rner 6-7 Lloydmw.yell lt A: BU River.farmland und, -W3. 306-3 barley n 306-6 Hwy ER ain les, pping m, bui 2 bdrm, ,900; 152 RTA ote 306-49 lot in ww R grme al an or treed aro -60-18d. Call: l/wintein ALBEers, mo WINT in rem ses Kriste , tra of the e ft., h, $97 Call: w sales bsite: R on pletey FO fal R/ R ng ot en -31 TE n rea bat ph Th We com TE go oti ad & Ne ME s water inc life. 2 00. ei your d pr ndIN GS QUAR e on Hw 8, NW north ahe answer.tunnel $118,9 nd calls. 2-2728. me to pr ot book fat ) an ve grieende ality, gout ITGETl for en sho get e ho ster 58 ine on AGE acreaggina Tiefen BO OK ). Sa l hi gh e to VARMcontro have becan’t is the in the l stayb weeke 780-87larhome er qu ds du 63. ACREsection m Re. Brian Regina, mo bil ge ma and rav FA LL ts, s. Tim ein & 5%% fat corn scrkerne ls u wil l Bo pest you just etter IT Y th, lar door 20, exten4-379-27 Call: modu ACRE er pe lleening pr ot n & 11rchase whole Em ail : n. fro , SK Int. 20 your etc. Ifning & rmitgthe animaw. Yo o., cal er. MP LIC , 2 ba terior -76 head 160 5; Quart20 miBalgonieColliers MB. screP's (1 4%% proteiand pu ues to Ple ase nt ac t: s 6 SI droom rd ex 306-858 , burro re inf h Riv intainng youto poison the Va , tte of kill X7 #3 val co site sts thi m. 69 (39 GS ma om Bu , Hig be n O. nt far mo 16 3 the lpi t or s co al 00, yard North 36-32 nada.c For -4038, help by he s ou r the cussio ses need/rollinglar nutrie yo ur m. co m 20 12 ved. in closet 00 OB Centr $16,0 Will ll-being mineral deale cond collap years.403-620 grades #364 306-5 iersca ing s (simi ery toafe rco MB. be mo walk ce, $80,0 ttler@ nearbaker, 57. an for ay: we d and Call for l of up- oring, bach, w.coll LE sh rden, ing , de liv bath,fireplae, SK. bse -10 . Ful te flo stern SK. ww PLE? clean ll tod R SA Diefen 86 fee 532. co rn) gas Lak kms. ma n@75, Mo SIM are HOME laminaails: We - Derda S FO Lake ll 306-5 , 5 Please ING . We ckjle ish 22-62 Lucky efeed77-695-2 New for det 509. N SO DULAR ACRErders ble. Ca and ET LL 4-8 mp MO ml pe. ins g chipay6-8 12 bo gotia l 20 KE pu far ,000. g 1-8 MARK yin 50 BY water cing on . 16X76’ nt shaAB. Cal 403-39 OF d gra and is ne EP o bu Fast dis2008 excelle oka, Homes ION ., $1 41. pri ation . WER solar T KE g fee. Als flax. price ities price SECT , SK -38 aer els & in,500. Pon dular e E POmote Call for od Y NO sellin ins n od or TER novan 3-269 ors, WH are d grad goldekup, truComm . $67 adian Mo 46 ble/re mmer.generatmakes/m QUAR of DoAdair 40 an t pic ce AB You g fee 80 Can Pla ridge, ter/suwind on all 4-556-23 East Janet land onbuyin lentils promprket hb qu rec d call: ems,repair edger 20 peas,nt, with ll Ma 711, Let l s andture/ bdrm, awa; nd rl Dri n, MB. modell. me ery. Ca -512-1 , pasen; 3 of NeepSteakBuyer Ca de for . mi by-pro or RM 66 Ed ly er cov all: 45, Vir te 1-8 UCTS in & -5795 4 BD of les SW hmas es ful Ltd., -01 lift augcomple. RN les NW acr n key Bra PROD d gra 92 mi HAPE or the Bay, ON NA es of feent 403-8 3 mi es, 7rtunity: awa, 2 lla, tur ch in MODE 40 Gra m acr po Neep Glene e ran or 6” L-S mill der AWAN typ acres, over r. 18 op 62 ED: roller84, Thun LACK s of allct for bu./h set, ess H#16, a Hotel es equin76-63 y. nta @lpc skamp75-95 sin , PT ron Built 1000 /hr. to seller 4-4 Realt n Co acr Bu 20 S. ant s. 7-4 ve to S $1 use d; Ca . 34 er, 80 uct ail: kgr for MILLve, 40 costs regrooollo rvee y Save ho uippe idence Sumn -3719 G& ling ER em it We E cal al anddLiz 4-476 andemodit d. r. ungrains. Call Ap187, ROLLelec. dri eq h res AR . V rur ./h N wit 20 od 50 , hol RS VE PTO/ 0 bu all RTM mills. -255-0 lson ing Kelwo BUYE farms small eck Com ces Lt ok er s n Ne ears. le: 30 as andkes of , lebrat of all CAL mixed land, s. 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Bob 372, rbg , Sa e bil Best ION l. We ft. bu Karen Star 93, equ 200,00 -983-3 pa . portatal clad tandem r-don Auction. For sal rth 38 PUMPwo no ct: SECT B soi sq. 10 $3, lty, 250 me m, PJ of Go -ment nor, SK tioncom , 28 0 1/2 Class 1120 Conta 97, No #190 .ca FUELHP, w/ SK. on Co Rea ste Estate Equip 19, Maackaucck Aucti 62. ac res ot ,13 y ac., well, f barn. 73-67 , MLSorth-star VOLT, 1/4 Young, 12 , 31 21 r piv d ha The ock 21, 20 w.m FB. 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NOT R DAM E • • Buy Used Oil EGG Buy Bat E Ready LAYER CHI teries USE • Collec 306-270mid Sep CKENS, -8251, tember. brown t Used D Gruenth For mor or whi Filters al, SK. e info te. OIL call: • Collec & Containt Oil CLU FILT ers Sale.CK & QUA • Antifre E crafts, Poultry, CK Pou R Tel: eze ltry small veg 204 Sep
H ig h q ua lit y, hi gh va lu hy br id e, rye
, a li ty h qu e, H ig va lu h ig h d rye ri b y h
FOR $15.00 (REG. $53.00)
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BONUS OFFER 3 LINE PRINT AD in the Western Producer, Manitoba Co-operator, Alberta Farmer Express, and Farmtario 3 LINE ONLINE AD on for 28 days and up to 10 colour online photos to help sell your item Ad can be placed in any category for print and online listing ad
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2019-10-15 9:20 AM
Cajun-spiced Beef Steak with Harvest Sauté Author: Think Beef / Serves: 4 to 6 servings
Ingredients 1 tsp EACH Cajun Spice* and ground cumin
Combine Cajun spice, cumin, salt and pepper flakes in small bowl. Set aside half of mixture. Sprinkle both sides of steak with remaining mixture.
Grill steak over medium-high heat until medium, about 10 minutes, turning twice or more for medium-rare doneness (145°F/63°C). Remove to plate; cover loosely with foil.
Let steak stand for 5 minutes before slicing thinly across the grain. Serve with Harvest Sauté.
*Cajun Spice: buy ready-made or make by combining ¼ tsp (1 mL) EACH paprika, dried oregano, garlic powder and dried thyme.
¼ tsp EACH salt and hot pepper flakes 1 lb (500 g) Beef Grilling Steak (e.g. Top Sirloin, Strip Loin, Tenderloin) ¾ to 1-inch thick
Harvest Sauté: In large skillet, melt 2 tbsp butter over mediumhigh heat. Add 2 cloves garlic, minced, 1 cob corn (kernels removed from cob), 2 small zucchini sliced, 1 small sweet red pepper, diced and 1 cup shelled cooked edamame (optional) and reserved half Cajun spice mix. Cook, stirring occasionally until just tender, about 8 minutes. Add ¼ cup minced fresh parsley or chives. Makes 4 cups. Cook Smart Tip: When using the oven for roasting, add a piece of garlic wrapped in foil to make roasted garlic or add some potatoes or sweet potatoes for baking.
Tuesday April 7, 2020 Markerville, Alberta Selling
• 40 yearling & fall-born bulls • Black baldie 2-year-old cow/calf pairs • Select black & black baldie commercial heifers Richard 403-505-2353 | Chad 403-896-9585
Richard & Joyce | Chad & Becky | Brandon 36545 River Road, Red Deer County, AB, T4G 0M9 | Ph: 403-728-3285
Calendar of Sales
Lazy S Ranch: (780) 785-3136 Mac & Pat Creech: (780) 875-8167 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 Moose Creek Red Angus: (306) 462-4836
Lazy S Bull Power Sale MC Quantock Bull Sale
Mayerthorpe, AB Lloydminster, SK
Moose Creek Red Angus 2-Year-Old Bull Sale XTC Ranches/Topham Red Angus Bull Sale
Kisbey, SK
Eastend, SK
XTC Ranches: (306) 295-7246 Topham Red Angus: (306) 295-4040
Hill 70 Quantock Bull Sale
Lloydminster, AB
Blairs.Ag Pursuit of Excellence Red & Black Angus Bull Sale Carlrams Ranching/RNR Flicek Angus 10th Annual Hereford & Angus Bull Sale Janzen Ranches 27th Annual Simmental and Red Angus Bull Sale Stauffer Ranches Bull Sale Northway Cattle Co. Annual Bull & Select Female Sale MJT Bull Sale Soderglen Bull Sale Langco/Kueber Angus Bull Sale
Sedley, SK
T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 Hill 70 Quantock: (780) 871-4947 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006
Cut Knife, SK
Rick Flicek: (306) 823 7266
Rosemary, AB
Transcon Livestock Corp: (403) 638-9377
Fort MacLeod, AB Fairview, AB
Stauffer Ranches: (403) 627-8229 Northway Cattle Co.: (780) 685-2870
Edgerton, AB Airdrie, AB Viking, AB
Lazy E Bar Bull Sale Cutler and P&H Bull Sale Triple Threat Bull Sale Beauce Genetics Station Bull Sale OLE Farms Bull Sale JPM Farms Bull & Female Sale M&J/Glasman Farms Simmental and Angus 2-year-old Bull and Female Sale Nordal Farms Bull Sale Chapman Bull Sale Brookside Angus Bull & Female Sale Benlock Farms Heinz Cattle Company Annual Sale KT Ranches & Harvie Crest Farms Joint Sale Lone Stone Farms Simmental & Red Angus Bull Sale Lewis Farms 35th Annual Bull Sale Movin On Farms No Name No Nonsense Bull Sale
Bashaw, AB Innisfail, AB Wetaskiwin, AB Beauce, QC Athabasca, AB Parkbeg, SK Russell, MB
T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 Soderglen Ranches: (403) 948-6700 Langco Land & Cattle: (780) 336-4928 Kueber Farms: (780) 385-2396 Lazy E Bar Ranching Ltd.: (780) 372-4175 Garth Cutler: (403) 304-0896 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082 Beauce Genetic Station: (418) 382-5678 OLE Farms: (780) 675-4664 JPM Farms: (306) 648-3634 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006
Saskatoon, SK Stettler, AB Neepawa, SK Grandora, SK Fort Macleod, AB Olds, AB Westlock, AB
OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 Chapman Cattle Company: (403) 741-2099 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 Benlock Farms: (306) 230-9809 Heinz Cattle Company: (403) 312-2259 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082 Transcon Livestock Corp: (403) 638-9377
Spruce Grove, AB Lloydminster, SK
Lewis Farms: (780) 962-5050 Movin On Farms: (780) 205-7311
Kamloops, BC Beauce, QC
Tafika Angus: (250) 547-6584 Ferme Louber: (418) 386-3604 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082 Severtson Land & Cattle: (403) 224-3756 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082
6 6 6 7 8 8 14
20 20 26 27 27 28 28
Ad featured in magazine
25 25
14 15 15 15 17 17 19
All sale dates subject to change
29 29
MARCH Date Sale
2 3
Tafika Angus Advantage Bull Sale Louber Farm Bull Auction Sale of Synergy Bulls Severtson Bull Sale Belvin Angus 8th Annual Bull Sale
Ste-Sophie-de-Levrard, QC
Innisfail, AB Bowden, AB
7 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14
19 19 19 19
Rimbey, AB
Little Valley Livestock: (403) 588-6199 Matejka Farms: (403) 783-9857 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006
McAuley, MB Mayerthorpe, AB Brandon, MB Carievale, SK
McMillan Ranching Ltd.: (306) 483-8067 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082 First Class Cattle Marketing: (403) 795-8030 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006
Ward’s Red Angus 12th Annual Bull Sale Combest Angus Bull Sale Canadian Central Bull and Female Simmental and Angus Sale Pride of the Prairies Bull Sale Pedersen Livestock Built Right Bull Sale Pugh Farms Spring Bull Sale Leeuwenburgh Bull Sale Easy Ray Angus Bull Sale J Lazy A/Fine Line Bull Sale
Vanscoy, SK Erskine, AB Winnipeg, MB
Blades Bull Sale Mar Mac Farms Bull Sale Bar-E-L Bull & Select Female Sale In Pursuit of Perfection 15th Annual Simmental & Angus Bull Sale Richmond Ranch Ltd. Bull Sale Standard Hill Connections Sale LCL Bull Sale Meridian Ag Ventures Bull Sale ARDA Angus Bull Sale Brandl Bull Sale LLB Angus Bull & Female Sale
Stavely, AB Brandon, MB Stettler, AB Moosomin, SK
Wheeler’s Stock Farm 17th Annual Bull & Female Sale Edie Creek Angus 13th Annual Bull Sale Bandura Bull Sale V8U Ranch Ltd. Sale CD Land and Cattle Bull Sale Early Sunset Bull & Female Sale K Lazy T/Flat Valley Cattle Co. Sale Remitall Farms Bull & Select Female Sale South Saskatchewan Simmental & Angus Sale Fraser’s Total Performance Bull Sale Reid Angus Bull Sale On Target Bull & Female Sale Still Meadows Bull Sale Spruceview Angus Bull Sale
Saskatoon, SK
Reich Angus Bull Sale Wilbar Farms 25th Annual Tools of the Trade Bull & Female Sale Johnson Livestock Allandale & Golden Sunset Bull Sale Ter-Ron Farms Bull & Select Female Sale All Black Bull Sale
Ponoka, AB Dundurn, SK
Edie Creek Angus: (204) 471-4696 Bandura Ranches: (403) 378-3043 Don & Jade Mackenzie: (403) 653-2539 CD Land and Cattle: (403) 635-1840 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 F-R Angus: (403) 787-2341 Reid Angus: (403) 932-6648 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 Jon Fox: (780) 808-6860 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 Reich Angus Ranch: (403) 783-0207 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006
Peebles, SK Vermilion, AB Forestbug, AB Meadow Lake, SK
T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485
Lloydminster, SK Provost, AB Veteran, AB Lethbridge, AB Lethbridge, AB La Glace, AB
Rumsey, AB Maidstone, SK Coronation, AB Acadia Valley, AB Acme, AB Jarvie, AB Erskine, AB
Ashern, MB Brooks, AB Fort Macleod, AB Taber, AB Edam, SK Medicine Hat, AB Olds, AB Moose Jaw, SK Brooks, AB Brooks, AB Barrhead, AB Kamloops, BC Killam, AB
Seedstock Consultants Specialized Sales: (804) 353-2220
T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006
Lloydminster Ag. Exhibition Society: (306) 825-5571 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 341-5098 Pugh Farms: (780) 755-2207 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 Easy Ray Angus: (403) 892-0291 J Lazy A: (780) 518-9652 Fineline Red Angus: (780) 831-8421 Blades Angus: (403) 646-2101 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 ARDA Farms: (403) 546-2299 Brandl Cattle Co.: (780)954-2599 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082
All sale dates subject to change
18 18
Contact T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006
Ad featured in magazine
14 14 14 14 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18
Location Hartney, MB
Calendar of Sales
Date Sale Maple Lake Stock Farms Kick Off to Spring 4 Bull Sale Cutting Edge 15th Annual Red & Black 5 Angus Bull Sale JP Cattle Co. & Stewart Cattle Co. Bull Sale 5 Chittick Bull Sale 6 HBH Angus Farms ‘Cattleman’s Connection’ 6 Bull & Female Sale McMillen Ranching 26th Annual Bull Sale 7
Calendar of Sales
Date 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21
Sale Allencroft Bull Sale Scott Stock Farm Ltd. “The Bull Sale” Harvest Angus Bull Sale Lakeland College Beef Day Sale Duralta Bull Sale Yarrow Creek Bull Sale Select Genetics Bull Sale Joint Venture 41st Annual Bull Sale Working Stiff’s Angus Bull Sale
Location Medicine Hat, AB Crossfield, AB Prince George, BC Vermilion, AB Lavoy, AB Lethbridge, AB Herbert, SK Sangudo, AB Moosomin, SK
Highland Stock Farms 17th Annual Bull & Female Sale Northern Alliance Bull Sale
Bragg Creek, AB
Moose Jaw, SK Glenboro, MB Radville, SK Pollockville, AB Calgary, AB Neudorf, SK
Canada’s Red, White and Black Bull Sale Hamco Cattle Co. 22nd Annual Bull Sale Brooking Angus Ranch 8th Annual Bull Sale Rebel Creek Angus Bull Sale Triple S Bull Sale Hollinger Land & Cattle/Nu Horizon Angus Bull Sale U2 Ranch Ltd. 24th Annual Bull Sale
City View/Ivanhoe Angus Bull & Female Sale
Moose Jaw, SK
Hamilton Farms 25th Annual Bull & Select Female Sale Bar H Land & Cattle Annual Bull Sale Count Ridge Bull Sale Minburn Angus Bull Sale
Cochrane, AB
Anchor B/Anchorage Farms 19th Annual Bull & Female Sale Double F Cattle Co. Annual Bull Sale Wheatland Cattle Co. Bull Sale Rivercrest/Valleymere Bull Sale Tannas Ranch Bull Sale Strongbow Farms Bull Sale Thistle Ridge Bull Sale Perrot Cattle Co./Come As U R Bull & Female Sale 28th Annual Top Cut Black Angus Bull Sale
Hanley, SK
OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 City View Simmentals: (306) 391-3747 Ivanhoe Angus: (306) 345-2560 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 Count Ridge Red Angus: (403) 641-2205 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082
Prince Albert, SK Bienfait, SK Alliance, AB Cremona, AB Hartney, MB Taber, AB Alameda, SK
Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 Rivercrest/Valleyemere: (780) 583-2420 Tannas Ranch: (403) 863-9560 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082
Maple Creek, SK
49th Parallel Bull Sale Manitoba Bull Test Station Sale Impact Angus & Charolais Bull Sale Shiloh 6th Annual ‘Trendsetter’ Bull & Female Sale Heart of the Valley Angus Bull Sale North Point Angus Bull Sale Lamb’s Quarters 31st Anniversary Black Angus Yearling Bull Sale Anderson Cattle 10th Annual Bull Sale
Mankota, SK Brandon, MB Saskatoon, SK Hand Hills Lake, AB
Craig Angus: (306) 622-2021 Bear Creek Angus: (306) 558-0011 Forbes Angus: (306) 558-2063 Hawkeye Ranching Co. Ltd.: (306) 622-2632 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 Tyler Winters: (204) 763-4696 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 Shiloh Cattle Co.: (403) 665-2023
Williams Lake, BC Dawson Creek, BC Swift Current, SK
OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 Lamb’s Quarters Angus: (306) 778-3797
Moose Jaw, SK
Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082
21 21
21 21 23 23 23 24
25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27
Ad featured in magazine
All sale dates subject to change
27 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
Fort Fraser, BC
Coaldale, AB
Langenburg, SK Brooks, AB Minburn, AB
Contact Allencroft Angus: (403) 223-8008 Scott Stock Farm Ltd.: (403) 333-1790 Harvest Angus: (250) 562-5200 Lakeland College: (780) 853-8671 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 Yarrow Creek Farm & Ranch: (403) 315-2614 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082 Bridgeway Livestock: (306) 435-7053 Smart Farms Angus: (306) 435-9899 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082 Poplar Meadows Angus: (250) 845-3050 Red Moon Angus: (250) 567-9762 Marberly Angus: (250) 692-2349 Blast Angus: (250) 845-3500 First Class Cattle Marketing: (403) 795-8030 Hamco Cattle Co.: (204) 827-2358 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082 Rebel Creek Angus: (403) 633-2726 Triple S Red Angus: (403) 932-5585 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006
Yorkton, SK Olds, AB Moose Jaw, SK
30 30 30 30 31
Open AV Red Angus Bull Sale Benchmark Bull Sale Three Choice Bull Sale Everblack Bull Sale Redrich Farms 2nd Annual Bull & Commercial Heifer Sale Double C Red Angus Annual Bull & Female Sale Anderson Cattle Co. Bull Sale
Medicine Hat, AB Warner, AB Lethbridge, AB Vermilion, AB Forestburg, AB Foam Lake, SK
Double C Red Angus: (306) 272-3948
Swan River, MB
T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006
Sale El Dorado Bull Sale Cow Boys Bull Sale Howe Red Angus Bull Sale
Location Medicine Hat, AB Pipestone, MB Moose Jaw, SK Wood Mountain, SK Redvers, SK Hosted by DLMS
2 2 2 3 3
Peak Dot Ranch Spring Sale Kenray Red Angus Online Sale Dual E Cattle Co./4K Angus online Red & Black Angus Bull Sale Rainbow Hills Ranch Bull Sale Taylor’s Red Angus Bull Sale Moose Creek Red Angus Yearling Bull Sale Fleming Stock Farm Bull Sale RSL Red Angus Bull Sale
Grasslands 6th Annual Bull Sale
Mankota, SK
4 4
Williams Lake, BC Lloydminster, AB Nappan, NS
Maritime Beef Test Station: (902) 661-2855
Best Bet Bull Sale Royal Rock Angus/Running Steady Ranch Bull Sale Maritime Beef Test Station Breeding Stock Sale Crescent Creek Angus Bull & Female Sale
Contact El Dorado Angus: (403) 526-3129 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 Howe Red Angus: (306) 631-8779 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 Peak Dot Ranch Ltd.: (306) 266-4309 DV Auction: (402) 316-5460 Dual E Cattle Co.: (306) 560-7085 4K Angus: (306) 939-4499 Rainbow Hills Ranch: (403) 391-3753 Taylor’s Red Angus: (306) 297-4011 Moose Creek Red Angus: (306) 462-4836 Fleming Stock Farm: (403) 625-1124 RSL Red Angus: (306) 937-2880 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 Cowtrax Cattle Co.: (306) 298-4609 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082 Mitchell Cattle Co.: (250) 672-9309 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990
Goodeve, SK
Six Mile Ranch 45th Annual Bull Sale
Fir Mountain, SK
4 4
Burnett 36th Annual Bull Sale Equinox Bull Sale
Swift Current, SK Weyburn, SK
Crescent Creek Angus: (306) 876-4420 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 Six Mile Ranch: (306) 266-4895 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 Burnett Black Angus: (306) 631-9254
4 6 6
Lauron Red Angus Justamere Bull Sale Eastondale 13th Annual Angus Sale
Didsbury, AB Lloydminster, SK Wawota, SK
Anderson’s Four Bar X Ranch/CMT Farms Black Angus Bull Sale Your Choice Black Angus Bull & Female Sale Windy Willows Bull & Female Sale
Spiritwood, SK
Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 Lauron Red Angus: (403) 335-9112 Justamere: (306) 825-9702 Eastondale Angus: (306) 739-2805 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006
Maple Creek, SK Hodgeville, SK
Don & Connie Delorme: (306) 299-4494 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990
31 31
Date 1 1 1 1 1-2 1-2
6 7
Delburne, AB Cabri, SK Kisbey, SK Stavley, AB Saskatoon, SK
R.A.M. Rutledge Auction Management: (306) 842-4574
All sale dates subject to change
Best of the Breeds Bull Sale Riverstone Cattle Co. Bull Sale Cockburn/Merit Cattle Co. Bull Sale
Ad featured in magazine
29 30 30
Contact Riskan Hope Farm: (306) 567-7114 Halls Cattle Co.: (306) 533-8416 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082 Cockburn Red Angus: (306) 631-9490 Merit Cattle Co.: (306) 869-7207 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 Doug Ferguson: (403) 937-7337 Benchmark Angus: (403) 328-6966 Samtia Angus: (403) 634-8226 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 Redrich Farms: (780) 889-2259
Calendar of Sales
Date Sale Location 29 Riskan Hope Farm/Hall’s Cattle Co. Bull Sale Craik, SK
Calendar of Sales
Date Sale 7 7 7
Lorenz Angus Bull Sale Rogers Red Angus Bull Sale Jas Red Angus & Camo Cattle Co. Buy the Beef Bull Sale 7 Allison Farms Red Angus Bull Sale 7 Diamond T Bull Sale 8 W Sunrise Angus Bull & Commercial Female Sale 9 Flying K Red Angus Bull Sale 9 Daines Cattle Bull Sale 9 Nielson Land and Cattle Bull Sale 9 Spirit of the North Bull Sale 11 Southwest Bull Development Centre Sale 11 Blue Collar Bull Sale 11 Anchor 1 Angus Bull Sale 11 Triple A Bull Sale 13 Cattle Capital Bull Sale 13 Riverside Angus Bull & Female Sale 13 Genetic Distinction 2nd Annual Bull Sale 13 Triple J Farms Angus Bull Sale 13 Running JR Ranch Red & Black Angus Bull Sale 14 Rodgers Red Angus Annual Perforamce Bull Sale 14 Young Dale Angus 17th Annual Bull Sale 15 Stuart Cattle Station Bull Sale 16 Southview Ranch Red & Black Angus Bull Sale 16-17 Williams Lake All Breeds Bull Sale 17 Fleury Cattle Co. Bull Sale 17 Freyburn Angus Bull and Female Sale 17 Lines Red Angus Generation G Bull Sale 18 42nd Annual Shortgrass Bull & Female Sale 18 Lazy MC Signature Series Bull Sale 18 A.S. Galton Farms Black Angus Bull Sale 18 Cornerstone More Bang for your Buck Bull Sale 20 Right Cross Ranch Spring Bull Sale 23 66 Ranch Bull Sale 25 Wiwa Creek 8th Annual Bull Sale 25 Beasley Ranch Bull Sale
Ad featured in magazine
Markerville, AB Lethbridge, AB Neepawa, MB
Lorenz Angus: (403) 728-3285 Rodgers Red Angus: (403) 642-2041 First Class Cattle Marketing: (403) 795-8030
Delburne, AB Olds, AB Fort McLeod, AB
T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082
Swift Current, SK Innisfail, AB Craik, SK Spiritwood, SK Oak Lake, MB Yorkton, SK Mayerthorpe, AB Moose Jaw, SK Ste Rose du Lac, MB Innisfail, AB Alameda, SK Whitewood, SK Swift Current, SK
Flying K Ranch: (306) 773- 6313 Daines Cattle: (403) 350-1519 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 Ron Batho: (204) 748-5208 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 Anchor 1 Angus: (780) 786-2903 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082 Triple J Farms: (306) 538-2178 Josh Rempel: (306) 774-9726
Lethbridge, AB
Rodgers Red Angus: 1-877-888-BULL
Alameda, SK Edam, SK Ceylon, SK
Young Dale Angus: (306) 928-4810 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 Southview Ranch: (306) 454-2730
Williams Lake, BC Saskatoon, SK Oxbow, SK Swift Current, SK Aneroid, SK Bassano, AB Cookstown, ON Whitewood, SK
BC Livestock Producers Coop: (250) 398-7174
Kisbey, AB Fort MacLeod, AB Swift Current, SK Brooks, AB
Matt Fleury: (306) 291-3960 Jason Frey: (306) 485-7230 Lines Red Angus: (306) 773-6708 Sandy Bar Ranch: (306) 588-2545 Lazy MC Angus: (403) 793-1656 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 By Livestock: (306) 584-7937 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 66 Ranch Ltd.: (403) 362-0672 Wiwa Creek: (306) 774-4006 Beasley Ranch: (403) 378-3902
Date Sale
May 2 Schulz Angus 1st Annual Bull Sale May 8 66 Ranch Sale June Sheidaghan Angus Bull Sale
Rycroft, AB Brooks, AB Maple Creek, SK
Schulz Angus: (780) 864-6506 66 Ranch: (403) 362-0672 Tom Flanighan: (306) 662-2272
Lucknow, ON Taber, AB Lindsay, ON Prince George, BC Houston, BC
T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 First Class Cattle Marketing: (403) 795-8030 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 Harvest Angus: (250) 562-5200 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082 Poplar Meadows Angus: (250) 845-3050
MAY/JUNE All sale dates subject to change
3 10 10
Gilchrist Farms & Guests In It To Win it Sale Chinook Classic Sale Eastern Extravaganza Angus Sale BC Elite Angus Sale Shades of Autumn Production & Prospect Sale
Canadian Red Round-up Show & Sale
Olds, AB
21 31
Justamere Angus Sale of the Year Triple S Red Angus Cowgirls Female Sale
Lloydminster,SK Calgary, AB
Date Sale Harvest Classic Sale Royal Elite All Breeds Sale Chittick Farms Production Sale 9 Northern Select Angus Sale 10 Pahl Livestock Production Sale 10 Six Mile Ranch Genetic Focus Female Sale Right Cross Ranch Long Yearling & 19 Commercial Bred Heifer Sale Acadia Colony Bull Sale 26
Date Sale
1 2 2 3 4 4 4
Justamere: (306) 825-9702 Triple S Red Angus: (403) 932-5585
Moose Jaw, SK Toronto, ON Mayerthorpe, AB Camrose, AB Medicne Hat, AB Online (Agribition) Kisbey, AB
Contact T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 Pahl Livestock: (403) 548-1614 Six Mile Ranch: (306) 266-4895 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006
Oyen, AB
T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006
Double P Angus Production Sale Premier Livestock & Guests Angus Sale Manitoba Angus Keystone Klassic Sale Touch of Class Sale Females of Merit Sale Rock Solid Bred Heifer Sale
Lloydminster, SK Niagra Falls, ON Brandon, MB Saskatoon, SK Radville, SK Piapot, SK
LLB Angus Female Production Sale Masterpiece Angus Sale Pride of the Prairies/Mulberry Mayhen Sale Select Genetics Purebred & Commercial Female Sale Cockburn/South View Ranch Share the Herd Sale Form & Function Sale Mar Mac Farms Female Sale Stromsmoe Hereford & Angus Bull Sale Cudlobe Bull Sale Gemstone Cattle Co. Bull Sale LCI Doenz Ranches Bull Sale 49th Brylor Ranch Red Angus Bull Sale Lone Stone Female Sale Nelson Hirsche Purebreds 4th Annual Production Sale Power & Perfection Angus Sale The British Connection Bull Sale Peak Dot Ranch Fall Bull Sale Y Coulee Land & Cattle Co. Bull & Female Sale 66 Ranch Ltd. Fall Bull Sale Atlasta Angus Bull & Heifer Sale Pride of the Prairies Female Sale Border Butte Bull Sale The Angus Collection Sale New Year’s Resolution Sale
Erskine, AB Saskatoon, SK Saskatoon, SK Swift Current, SK
Briercrest, SK Lloydminster, SK Brandon, MB Etzikom, AB Stavely, AB Brooks, AB Warner, AB Fort Macleod, AB Westlock, AB Del Bonita, AB
Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 Merit Cattle Co.: (306) 869-7207 Wayne Bircham: (306) 662-7940 Donnie Peacock: (306) 662-8288 Bryce Weiss: (306) 662-8733 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.: (306) 220-5006 First Class Cattle Marketing: (403) 795-8030 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 Cockburn Red Angus: (306) 631-9490 South View Ranch: (306) 454-2688 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 Mar Mac Farms: (204) 728-3058
Stromsmoe Hereford & Angus: (403) 666-3957
OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 Gemstone Cattle Co.: (403) 641-2886 Doenz Ranches: (403) 642-7696 Brylor Ranch: (403) 627-5676 Transcon Livestock Corp.: (403) 638-9337 Grant Hirsche: (403) 652-8254
Regina, SK Lethbridge, AB Wood Mountain, SK Lloydminster, SK
Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082 BJ Cattle Co.: (403) 758-3339 Peak Dot Ranch Ltd.: (306) 266-4309 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082
Fort Macleod, AB Sylvan Lake, AB Westlock, AB Medicine Hat, AB Olds, AB Lloydminster, SK
66 Ranch Ltd.: (403) 362-0672 OBI Livestock Ltd.: (403) 896-4990 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 Castlerock Marketing: (306) 741-7485 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082 Bohrson Marketing Services: (306) 270-6082
All sale dates subject to change
11 12 12 14 19 31
First Class Cattle Marketing: (403) 795-8030
Mackenzie Sales Management: (403) 627-5676
Ad featured in magazine
4 5 5 7
Calendar of Sales
Date Sale
Canadian Bull Congress Camrose, AB
Association of Alberta JAN 28–29 Feeder President Blake Morton Annual Convention
403-665-2023 Red Deer, AB FEB
Alberta Beef Industry Conference Red Deer, AB
SecretaryGOAL Susanne Fankhanel Conference Calgary, AB Oyen Pen Show Oyenm, AB 888-556-9057 JUN 9 Alberta Beef Producers Semi-
Annual Meeting Edmonton, AB
January 24–25
Livestock Identification Services Convention Calgary, AB
Canadian Bull Congress | Camrose, AB
Summer Synergy Olds, AB Calgary Stampede Calgary, AB Alberta Angus Association AGM Bashaw, AB Southern Alberta Angus Club Field Day TBD
President Blake Morton Feeder Associations of Alberta Annual Convention | Red Deer, AB 403-665-2023 AUG Alberta Angus Junior Show Bashaw, AB Alberta Beef Industry Conference | Red Deer, AB February Cudlobe Angus Field Day Stavely, AB GOAL Conference | Calgary, AB Secretary Susanne Fankhanel Oyen Pen Show | Oyenm AB SEP Olds Fall Classic Olds, AB 888-556-9057 Alberta Beef Producers Semi-Annual Meeting | Edmonton, AB June 9
January 28–29
Farmfair Edmonton, AB
Southern Alberta Angus Club Annual General Meeting Lethbridge, AB
Livestockplease Identification For more information, contact theServices Convention| Calgary, AB Alberta Angus Association for inquiries
Summer Julyregarding events in 2020.Synergy | Olds, AB
Calgary Stampede | Calgary, AB Alberta Angus Association AGM | Bashaw, AB18–19 DEC Southern Alberta Angus Club Field Day | TBD
w w w. a l b e r t a a n g u s . c o m August 20
Alberta Angus Junior Show | Bashaw, AB Cudlobe Angus Field Day | Stavely, AB
Olds Fall Classic | Olds, AB
Medicine Hat Pen Show Medicine Hat, AB
CANTRIEX In His Own Words
Angus have had a big impact on our business, but they have had an even larger impact on my life. I am reminded of a story that former Canadian Angus Association CEO Rob Smith told me about my mentor Doug Henderson in a meeting when the CAA was putting together the third edition of the history book. I can’t remember the exact wording of the question, but Rob said they asked what drew people to Angus cattle. Most of the responses were about the cattle themselves: strong maternal characteristics, overall heartiness or exceptional beef quality. Then they got to Doug. Doug responded with ”history”. He said that having Angus cattle makes you a part of history, part of a lineage that dates back to the first cattle to come across the Atlantic and part of the original herds in Scotland. It allows you to be part of something bigger than yourself. That is one of the ways Angus has influenced me—it has allowed me to be a part of history. Taking Doug’s idea of Angus history a step further, I think that the Angus people are what have been the biggest influence for me. I think of all of the people that I have been able to meet, all the great friends that I have made, the great stories heard (and even the questionable jokes), and it all brings a smile to my face. It has helped me realize that success is something that gets recalibrated as we get older. When I was younger, success was something that only pertained to my career and I measured it by dollars and cents and on a deal-by-deal basis. I thought that in order to be considered successful I had to make as many deals as possible and make as much money as possible. Today I look at success a lot differently. I used to associate success with big houses and nice cars, but time has taught me that often those that live in those houses and drive those cars would give it all back if they could go back in time and recalibrate their own definitions of success. Now, success is being the husband that my wife deserves; being a good father to my son and daughter; being there when friends and family need me; and making a living doing something that I enjoy.
Dave, Gjenna, Jack and Emma Seretsky
Cantriex Livestock is a livestock brokerage and consulting company that was started by my father Tony Saretsky in 1980. The focus in the early days was live cattle exports. Tony had a lot of success internationally in the late 1970s shipping cattle and horses into Asia and South America. When business began to wane, he started looking for opportunities in the USA and was able to develop a relationship with a slaughterhouse in northern Utah that resulted in a very successful long-term partnership. He began by shipping a few loads of cattle to them and it developed into the export of literally millions of cattle. There were long stretches of time where he was shipping 200,000 to 300,000 head per year. It was a great time for our company, but it all came to a crashing halt with BSE. BSE hurt everyone in our industry, but it really took a major toll on us, to the point where most people would have simply declared bankruptcy. But my dad pushed through; he was too stubborn to quit.
overseas intrigued me. We started with one pen of steers and soon after we had his entire feedlot full of EU certified Angus cattle. I became a little more formally involved with Heritage Angus and we started placing more cattle with another good friend, Jason Hagel. My initial involvement with Heritage Angus had a major impact on our business. We were basically the first cattle brokerage company to focus on buying EU certified and antibiotic-free cattle. This led to opportunities to buy and sell other niche market cattle and it changed my perspective about the value chain. When
and beef operations. We want cattle that excel in all three phases of the cycle. Our industry is incredibly specialized and we want to try and bring everything together. First, ranching operations comprise everything from conception to weaning and, in a certain sense, are the phase furthest removed from the end product: beef. We want to promote cattle and genetics that can be efficient at the ranch level—cows that raise calves with minimal human interaction. From a high level and a consumer standpoint, ranching operations are the most romantic and create the strongest feelings for the final customer. Our goal is to be in a position where we can create relationships between our beef customers and our partner ranches.
Second, feeding operations comprise everything from the point the calf is weaned up to the point the animal is harvested. This portion of the process is the least romantic, but quite likely the most important. We work to explain, in detail, what happens at the feedlot. We want people to understand that the feedlot is Prior to BSE I had a fairly nice creating value in multiple ways; career path laid out. I knew I that the cattle are not only just had to keep doing what getting bigger, which adds value, Tony had done and everything but they are also developing the would be fine; but when that all-important marbling that we fateful day came and the want our beef to be known for, border closed, I realized that which adds value via the quality our business was permanently (LtoR) Fabio Bervini, Dave Saretsky, Renzo Bervini, Adrea Pavesi grade. We want cattle that gain changed. I continued to export and convert as efficiently as fat cattle and feeder cattle to possible and we want to promote genetics the USA, but our sales slowly slipped and I Heritage Angus sold to One Earth Farms I knew that we were going to have to make transitioned into a new role. I learned a lot that increase the odds of that happening. some changes if we wanted to continue in with them, and I will always be thankful for When we talk to customers, we want them to understand the complexity of this our line of work. that opportunity. process and the science behind it. We find I am not sure what year it was, but it was in Since we started moving forward with it of great importance that they know that the mid to late 2000s that I got a call from our export program a lot of people have the cattle are carefully managed, checked my good friend Will Hofer from Pine Haven asked what type of cattle we are looking daily and fed rations developed by nutrition Colony. Our families had worked together for. This question is fairly common, and for professionals. for a number of years, both cordially and in us it takes on quite a bit of importance. business. He received a call from a group Fortunately, we are in a position where we The final phase is beef operations. We called Heritage Angus and they were can give a fairly specific answer. As the want to sell beef that grades as high as looking for someone to feed cattle for their program becomes a little more solid, we possible while controlling our yield grade program. He gave me the details about want to promote cattle and genetics that as best we can. Since we started selecting the program and said that Heritage Angus unite the value chain. The term value chain feeder cattle sired by bulls with high was exporting beef to Europe. I am not is something that gets thrown around marbling EPDs we have been shocked at going to lie, I was initially against the idea quite a bit, but I look at it very simplistically. the results. It is not uncommon for us to because of the hassle of getting everything I break it down into three distinct phases: have harvests with 40–60 percent Prime certified, but the idea of exporting beef ranching operations, feeding operations grade carcasses. When you compare this
to industry averages it is a real tribute to our ranch partners as well as the feeding program at the feedlot. I have always been the type of person that tries to pursue every opportunity that comes across my desk and the project that I am focusing on now came over my desk in the spring of 2017. It started with a call from Doug Price. He had an associate coming over from Europe with some folks from Italy that were interested in starting a Canadian beef program. Doug asked if I was interested and I simply replied where and when. I am not sure if it was good luck or Doug’s infectious personality, but we immediately hit it off with the Bervinis. Much like Doug’s business and our business Cantriex, the Bervinis worked as a family and we saw a lot of similarities with Renzo and Fabio. We had a great tour with them on that first visit. We showed them what the possibilities were and outlined where the potential was. We also outlined the challenges, primarily accessing a plant with certification for Europe. Over the next year or so I stayed in contact with the Bervinis and in the late spring of 2019 they came back to Canada. We met again, toured again and decided that we were simply going to make this happen. In August it became a reality. Our first sample shipment of 20 head of sub-primal cuts came with more than a few hurdles, but they made it safely and on time to Italy. I went to Italy to be part of that shipment and it was among the
most rewarding days of my career. To be part of the entire value chain is something very special, and to have friendships with everyone along the way is a real privilege. Since the first shipment we have followed up with steady shipments approximately every two weeks and our hope is that we can continue to grow to the point where we can do the equivalent of one sea container per week. The Bervini family have worked hard to promote the program in Italy and have been able to bring on a number of significant customers since the initial sample was sent over. During this process I was able to partner with Cattleland Feedyards and the Gregory family. Keith Gregory and I went to Italy in late September and were treated like VIPs. We went from beef tasting to beef tasting, and to literally taste the fruits of our labour was something that I will never forget. Moving forward we hope that we can continue to grow. There are a few obstacles on our path, but we are hopeful that we can navigate through them. One thing that we want to do is to be as inclusive as possible and to share in the success with everyone involved. We want to unite the value chain and promote genetics that focus on each stage of the chain. Ranchers want to know what happens with their cattle and we want them to be a key part of our story. We are going to continually develop this part of our marketing strategy and keep everyone up to date with what is happening with our program.
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 23
Red & Black Angus
Pride in the Pursuit of Excellence
Visit us on FACEBOOK
Blake Morton - 403-820-4162 :: Darcy Olesky - 403-820-1830 Alisha Minchau ( Herdsman ) - 403-857-9563 :: Home - 403-665-2023 24
ANGUS LIFE 2020 /25
females are our foundation BULLS are our BUSINESS
SALE bulls
With GUEST Consignors:
sireD by
Cole & Sara Brost & family
PLUS: T0p Cut C0mmercial Replacement Heifers
Reid Angus Clayt0n 1D Vide0 Sale and Live Bidding
SR Angus C0nverter 5D
DOUG & KATE REID: 403-818-2075 | Box 9, Site 7, R.R. #2, Cochrane, T4C 1A2 SARA & COLE BROST: 403-501-4087 | Duchess, AB | 26
14th Annual
We select for high fertility & calving ease with good maternal merit. We pride ourselves in our females ability to graze through the winter & get bred back.
On Offer: 180 Purebred Angus Bulls 200 Commercial Heifers
February 17th, 2020 Athabasca, Alberta
Kelly, Anna, Graham & Travis Olson Travis’s Mobile: 780-689-8324 Email:
ANGUS LIFE 2020 /27
Auction Market to Yo u
During the 1980s, the Calgary Stockyards (Don Danard and Will Irvine), took notice of the at the time emerging technology for the eletronic auction platform, decided they should take a calculated risk, diversify their business and introduced electronic marketing to Alberta (and soon after Western Canada). Thus TEAM, The Electronic Auction Market, came to be in 1986. It facilitated direct sales while maintaining the competitive nature of the auction. TEAM operated on a closed nework between 1986 and 2002. The closed network was basically a series of 200 terminals sent to various offices and buyers that people used to bid on animals just as seamlessly as if they were live at the ring. In August 2002, TEAM made the transition from the closed network to the Internet, thus opening TEAM Auction Sales to the world. TEAM has seen consistent uptake since its inception, marketing approximately 15,000 cattle their first year. Before 2019 drew to a close, TEAM had marketed more than 5 million head of cattle. Besides being able to buy or sell cattle from virtually anywhere, there are several benefits to online auction sales. As Jason Danard, Manager for Team Auction Sales, explains, “Most producers are really focused on production, which is how it should be. Marketing might be an area outside of their comfort zone or expertise. We can take care of all that worry for them. TEAM can sell 365 days a year. Producers can exercise their ability to price cattle at any time. Rather than waiting until October or November, for example, when historically the market is flooded with cattle and there is a bit of a depression in the prices, a producer could price their cattle in May.” Online selling is a way to capture a certain price without paying a large insurance premium. Further, online auction sales take away some of the cost of logistics; there is no need to ship cattle to a physical location to be sold and take on the added expense of trucking, and so on.
Commercial producers really like this type of service. “Producers can take full advantage of the options available,” Jason says, “There are options available to producers today that weren’t in the past. But it’s not always easy choosing the best one, there’s a lot out there.” Jason uses insurance as an example. Insurance can be expensive, but it’s a way to provide assurance. “If a producer likes insurance in May for October delivery, then why not use a platform like TEAM to price the cattle at a fraction of the cost?” When asked what advice he would give to those selling cattle, Jason goes on to say that it’s all about first, being aware of the programs available and second, getting involved. Jason suggests taking advantage of branded programs for example. “There are more and more branded programs available than ever before. As an industry, we’ve done a good job of building programs; programs producers can access without dramatic changes to what they are already doing. Take the Canadian Angus RFID indicator program for example. A producer has to buy cattle tags anyway, so why not buy Canadian Angus RFID indicators if they’re eligible? At TEAM we consistently see Angus and Angus influence cattle sell at the top of the market. The Angus tagged cattle in particular always fetch a premium.” Jason stresses the importance of educating oneself: on the market, what it’s doing, what programs the cattle might be eligible for, on insurance, on future selling prices, on all the factors that go into pricing cattle. “In a lot of cases it can be done easily. And we can help. There are a lot of experts who work at TEAM; just call and ask.
Photo credit: Thank you to Rob Bergevin & the Sundquist Family for permission to use the picture.
Why not qualify if you can? Why not take advantage?” When asked what Jason sees in store for the future, he starts by commenting on the present. “2019 has seen a movement towards more video sales than any other year before. A lot of producers who may have sold direct in the past are capitalizing from the exposure a platform like TEAM can provide. We’ve had such a great response, that’s what keeps me in love with this business. The world is becoming smaller and smaller. That is where the industry is heading.” Jason also goes on to say how genetics are getting better, producing a more consistent better performing product. “Producers are utilizing the tools available and continuing to evolve. That’s how the industry will not only survive, but thrive.” TEAM has not only served The Calgary Stockyards well, but also the cattle marketing and auction business. Jason feels very fortunate to have been involved with TEAM throughout his career, like it is what he was meant to do. “Young people are often asked what they want to do for a career. My job didn’t even exist when I was growing up and now we’re an integral part of the industry. I am very thankful for that.”
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ANGUS LIFE 2020 /29
NORTHWAY cattle co.
Northway Cattle Co. is situated in the beautiful Peace River region of Alberta. We raise and sell purebred Black Angus cattle for sale as seedstock. We’re Angus enthusiasts, and as the breed has come a long way, we can now hit all our targets within the Black Angus gene pool.
Northway Cattle Co.
We run approximately 1,000 cows and are no strangers to a variety of different breeds of cattle and their respective performances in a commercial setting. We still have a lot of exotic and Angus-crossed cows in our commercial herds, but the type and kind of Angus cattle that we have been breeding are outperforming our exotic and Angus-crossed cattle at contributing more profit to the bottom line. Can we say that all Angus cattle can do that? The answer isn’t simple. With the breed as big and diverse as it is, there’s plenty of versatility today.
At Northway Cattle we breed with a balanced approach: we aim for high maternal qualities with top-end performance in growth and feed efficiency. As the cow is responsible for 50 percent of the genetic makeup of her calf, we challenge our purebred cows to calve in the early summer on pasture by themselves where their maternal mentality, calving ease, udder and teat conformation and a vigorous calf are a huge asset. Fertility is also one of the traits at the top of our list, and select replacement heifers are only bred one cycle—if she don’t “get ‘er done,” she ain’t seedstock type! The cows are expected to milk and produce a heavy calf while maintaining enough condition to breed back in the late summer on lower quality grass in just a short 45-day breeding season. As commercial producers ourselves, we know you only get one chance per year, so investing in the right bull is crucial. The sire you purchase will be responsible for 50 percent of his calves’ outcomes. Most cattle producers are looking for easy calving and highly vigorous births at calving time, but just as important is the ability to grow and weigh-up heavy at weaning (pounds pay!). When we select for sires to use in our purebred program, we stay consistent in our frame size to avoid calving difficulties—no more than one point up or down (that will do more for calving ease than birth weight). A lesson we learned a long time ago is not to use sires that sacrifice growth for low birth weight; there are not that many sires in the Angus breed that are cow killers at calving time, but there are enough in the industry that have very little performance and growth.
Hawker Pavilion Arena, Fairview AB Free bull insurance, wintering and delivery available (conditions apply)
Our commercial cow herd has been moved to a winter calving program and is also being utilized to test the genetic performance of new sires. If a sire fails to meet our expectations in the commercial herd there’s no way we’ll chance him on our purebred cows—we will not pass on genetics that don’t hit our target. Our bulls are born in the summer on pasture. After weaning they are fed a high roughage ration throughout the first winter, then go back out to pasture for the summer. We prefer to develop our bulls in a real-world environment and allow the bulls to put on extra age without pushing them on hot feed. We believe bulls that have a healthy start and are developed responsibly should have longevity and perform better in the breeding season. Besides running a cow-calf operation we also operate our own feedlot; we buy calves and feed them alongside our own. The feed conversions and slaughter data gives us a lot of direction in the industry. The select Angus genetics that we work with have produced some of the most profitable calves in our feedlot with better gains and feed efficiency and hang heavier, higher quality carcasses on the rail. At Northway Cattle we also offer quality Angus females as replacement types. We believe replacements need to be very particular in genetic design with the ability to adapt and thrive in diverse environments. We believe our genetics to be some of the best on offer and stand behind them with our customer satisfaction guarantee. We also offer a premium marketing and buyback program to our customers.
For more information visit our website at
We would like to thank all our buyers and bidders who helped make our 10th Anniversary Sale so successful. Without you, our program would not be where it is at today.
n! o s y a w l a s i The coffee Joe, Sandy, and Jordan Bandura . Box 566 Duchess, Alberta T0J 0Z0 Phone 403.378.3043 . Cell 403.363.8774 . Email
Schulz Angus
Rycroft Ag. Centre- Rycroft, AB Registered Black & Red Angus Yearlings
Saturday May 2, 2020 1:00 pm
1st Annual Bull Sale Join us for a BBQ lunch before the sale To get on the mailing list for a catalogue call or text 780-864-6506 or email
ANGUS LIFE 2020 /33
Beef Science
TAKE THE LEAD AT LAKELAND You’ve got options with our Animal Science Technology program. Choose from one of the four majors in this two-year diploma program: • Beef Science – Focus on purebred and
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Livestock Science
How to Prepare for Proposed Regulatory Amendments
What Everyone Should Know About
LIVESTOCK TRACEABILITY Provided by the Canadian Cattle
Identification Agency What is Traceability?
The ability to follow an item or a group of items — be it animal, plant, food product or ingredient — from one point in the supply chain to another, either backwards or forwards. Traceability systems are important, effective tools that can be used for many things, including the protection of animal health, public health and food safety. They can help reduce response time, thereby limiting economic, environmental and social impacts of emergency situations such as disease outbreaks and environmental disasters such as floods, fires and pipeline bursts.
1 GET A PID Consult our website for the provincial listing. Inform CCIA of your PID. A PID will be required under future regulations and is necessary to purchase animal indicators. 2 VISIT YOUR CLTS ACCOUNT Include your PID number, submit retirements, practice animal move-in and download the CLTS MOBO app. It is important to get familiar with your CLTS account now to save time later. Your CLTS account = CCIA account. 3 STAY TUNED FOR PROPOSED REGULATION PUBLISHING (CANADA GAZETTE) Offer comments during the comment period. Draft regulations targeted for 2020 publication.
Who does what?
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) creates and enforces the National Livestock Identification Regulations under Part XV of the Health of Animals Act. Industry administers the program. There are three responsible administrators in Canada: Agri-Traçabilité Quebec (ATQ), PigTrace, Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA).
Current Regulations ANIMAL IDENTIFICATION — All cattle/sheep/bison must be tagged with an approved indicator prior to moving from their current location or leaving their farm of origin. REQUIREMENTS FOR ABATTOIRS — Cattle and bison: Mandatory reporting of the identification number within 30 days of the animal’s death or slaughter.
Expected Proposed Regulatory Amendments MOVEMENT REPORTING (animals leaving premises) Animals would travel with a movement document. The document would include: Premises Identification (PID) of departure and PID of destination, time and date of loading, license plate or conveyance identification and number of animals and species. MOVEMENT REPORTING (animals arriving to premises) The destination site would be responsible for reporting the arrival of animals: including individual indicator numbers. Note some expected exemptions: auction markets, assembly yards, community pastures.
(choices and how to purchase) Angus tags may be purchased directly online, or by calling CCIA Client Support toll-free at 1-877-909-2333. The webstore also offers generic beef tags (non-breed specific) And other products such as visual management tags and readers. A retail catalogue of products is posted on the CCIA website All orders are shipped within 24 hours once your order is approved by the Canadian Angus Association. ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 37
BUSINESS An Interview with Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame Inductee
Bob Prestage was born in 1936 in London, Ontario. His first memory in the cattle business is from around 1951 when he was in high school. The chairman of the school board, William Stewart— who went on to be Minister of Agriculture in Ontario— decided that there should be a beef 4-H club in addition to the agriculture option class that the high school offered. “William had imported a carload of Hereford calves from Western Canada and he volunteered to let us draw lots and buy a calf from him. All kids had equal opportunity on those calves,” explains Bob. “My dad was in business in London and one of his customers was Alex Edwards from Anoka Angus Farm. Alex found out I was in a 4-H club with a Hereford calf and he went ballistic,” Bob recalls. Bob purchased an Angus steer from Anoka Angus and joined the Ilderton 4-H club as well, and William and Alex both became Bob’s mentors.
“I ended up with an Angus calf in the Ilderton 4-H Club and a Hereford calf in the Arva 4-H Club. Both calves were eligible for the Queen’s Guineas class at the Royal in 1952. That created a tornado. At the time this happened there was no rule that said you could only belong to one 4-H club. So these two mentors of mine got me into a lot of trouble.” Bob showed the Angus steer in the competition and won the Angus division and Reserve Queen’s Guineas Grand Champion. In 1953, a new rule was created stating that that a 4-H member could only belong to one 4-H beef club at a time. Bob sold the Angus steer and bought two cows in the fall of 1952. He registered his first calf in 1953 and has been registering ever since. He has seen a lot of changes in more than 65 years in the Angus business, and he’s not shy about sharing his opinions on those changes.
By Tina Zakowsky, Canadian Angus Association
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He says that the size of cattle has increased dramatically since he started in the business. “That 4-H calf weighed 1,003 pounds at the Royal which was the norm at that time. The norm now is 1,500- to 1,600-pound steers going to market.” He says that the cattle have also gotten taller, remembering a time when he and Alex had to dig a hole for a bull to breed a cow because he wasn’t capable of jumping that high.
and breeders. We still have people that are multipliers and not breeders. The breeders are in the forefront today and that will hopefully continue. In the 1950s when we came out of the war there were a certain number of people who started in the cattle breeding business as a hobby. They turned out to be multipliers. There are still those who look upon the cattle business as a hobby. Fortunately in the Angus breed we are
has been a problem for some years mostly caused by the race to try to get bigger and only considering bigger as better. You need good feet, legs and udders if you’re going to have longevity. It costs a lot of money to raise a heifer to be a cow and if you’re going to raise one with bad feet and legs and a bad udder, those are short-lived within the herd generally. We still aren’t paying enough attention to feet and legs and udders. There’s only
it never even got to suck the first time,” he laughs.
“Our cattle are a lot more practical now than they were in 1952,” says Bob. “At that time we were influenced by people who had the best of intentions but they put the purebred cattle industry in the wrong direction. The cattle were belt buckle cattle. The pendulum swung and we went crazy for height for a while. We’re back to more practical cattle again.”
dominated by breeders who look at the practical side of the business rather than the hobby side of the business.”
one way to cure bad feet and legs and udders, and that’s by slaughter. If you have to trim the feet on a bull every year, you’re only propagating a problem.”
deal to do with the increase in popularity of the Angus breed.”
Bob credits Angus breeders with ensuring that practical cattle have endured. “In the 1950s,” he says, “there were multipliers
Thanks to those breeders, says Bob, feet, legs and udders have remained a strong point of the Angus breed. When producers were focussing on growing the numbers of Angus cattle, “we got away from being so critical of feet and legs and udders and it’s only been recently that you’ve heard anything about anyone trying to improve them. It definitely in my mind
The Angus breed was not the favourable breed of beef cattle when Bob got his start in the industry. Red Angus cattle were also virtually unheard of. “In 1952 there were virtually no red cattle in Canada. When the first Red Angus were imported by the Mackenzie Brothers, they were discriminated against. If anyone had a red calf back then
Bob credits the Bashaw Junior Heifer Show for starting to change people’s opinions of the breed. “There were 12 young people that participated in the first show at Bashaw. That show progressed to where it wasn’t just a livestock show. There was marketing, public speaking, judging. In my mind, that junior heifer show had a great
Bob also credits the Certified Angus Beef program for helping to grow the popularity of the Angus breed. “The Certified Angus Beef program that is trademarked in North America has added tremendously to the popularity of the Angus breed. That program has put the name Angus on the menu in many restaurants which has done a tremendous amount for the popularity of the breed. People look at the word Angus
now—and at one time it was called Aberdeen Angus and those of us who are purists still refer to Aberdeen Angus—and they associate quality beef with Angus. The dropping of the word Aberdeen helped with breed recognition and made it simplistic in the advertising world.” Bob has learned a few things about advertising and marketing during his career and he
strongly believes that shows are a powerful marketing tool for breeders. “A man said to me one time that he wasn’t going to take any cattle to the show because the judge didn’t like his cattle. I told him that what takes place in the show ring is not very important because you’re before that judge for at most 15 minutes with an animal and he will place your animal where he wants to. You shouldn’t worry about how the judge places your cattle, you should worry about how the general public accepts your cattle. Taking cattle to a show
is not just for the judging of the cattle, it’s for the exhibiting of your breeding program.” Bob is as much a fan of cattle shows now as he was in his youth. He remembers missing a lot of high school classes in the fall to attend shows. “I remember one time I came back to class on a Monday morning after being gone the previous week showing cattle. My physics teacher Mr. Blosham called on me to answer
a question. I said ‘I’m sorry sir I wasn’t here last week so I don’t know the answer.’ He ranted and raved about me taking so much time off to show cattle. He asked me, ‘Do you plan to go to school or show cattle for the rest of your life?’ I said ‘Probably show cattle for the rest of my life.’ He made an emphatic point that I was not a great student and I wasn’t giving it my total effort studying in school,” Bob laughs. He graduated from high school and then graduated from the University of Guelph
with a Bachelor of Science in agriculture. His first job after university was with the Ontario Department of Agriculture. In that position he developed, encouraged and supervised the progeny testing of beef cattle. “When I worked for the Ontario government, Bob recalls, “I was charged with weighing bull calves. In 1960 we started with four herds in Ontario, two Hereford herds and two Angus
herds. Bill Jackson’s father Tom was one of the Angus herds and the other was Murray Jack at Chatham. Harold Lannon at Winchester and Calvin Ireland at Everett had the Herefords.” Bob would go to each farm and weigh the calves at weaning (200 days). At the same time as he weighed the calves, he would write down a phenotypic type score between 1 and 5. He would go back at 365 days and weigh the calves again and grade them again. When the calves were 18 months old, he would return
once again to weigh and score whatever calves were left. “The breeders had good information on the weights, feet and legs and udder development,” he says. Bob and his family moved to Camrose, Alberta in 1963 after he accepted a position managing the Byer Flour Mills. In 1971, he joined Canadian Beef Sires. The following year he became involved in the management of Western Breeders Service
at Balzac, Alberta. Western Breeders Service was formed by Doug Blair, Gordon De Lear, and Rodney and Earl James to create a beef artificial insemination unit and distribution centre. “AI was not popular in the 50s,” recalls Bob. “It slowly gained momentum and the introduction of the European breeds made AI almost necessary for people who wanted to get involved with new breeds like Limousin, Simmental and Charolais because there weren’t many bulls around. Most of the cows were British breed cows and the only way to get the
ANGUS LIFE 2020 /41
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cows serviced was through AI.” In the late 1970s, Bob left Western Breeders Service to further develop his own cattle herd. He got involved with the Alberta Angus Association as their fieldman. “They had made a shipment to Argentina that turned out to be a bit of a disaster. There were people in Argentina and Brazil who were not satisfied with the cattle that they received,” Bob remembers. “In the summer of 1976, the Canadian Angus Association sent me to Port Alegre in Brazil to the livestock show. I also went to Argentina to talk to the breeders in both countries to discuss their experience importing cattle from Canada. They were not pleased.” At that time, there was no alternative to exporting live cattle. Embryo transfer hadn’t been developed yet and AI wasn’t popular in those countries. “Over the years, I got involved in exporting live cattle to various countries around the world. As embryos and semen transport became more popular and more reliable, it became easier to transport frozen embryos and straws of semen. Today it’s very expensive to send live animals and embryo and semen packaging has developed so it’s much more practical to send embryos and semen for genetic improvement in other countries,” Bob explains. “At one time they had to operate on a cow to extract embryos. Embryos were difficult to come by and preserving them was problematic.” Being involved in exporting meant that Bob also hosted international delegations that visited Canada. He learned a great deal from international buyers, especially about marketing. “Whenever I had international people come to
Canada, I asked them where they would like to go; I didn’t always dictate where I would take them. They all did research on our cattle by reading Canadian cattle industry magazines. In the early years the only magazine our breed had was the Angus News. What I found was that international buyers would list the people with two-page ads first, then people with one-page ads and the last people they were interested in seeing were those who only had column-inch ads.” Bob goes on to explain his 50 percent rule. “If you’re a purebred breeder and you’re not taking every opportunity to market, you’re missing the boat. If you’re not spending 50 percent of your time, effort and resources in marketing, you’re wasting your time in the purebred cattle business.” He shares a story about a man who asked Bob for advice about international marketing at Farmfair. “He was a purebred breeder exhibiting cattle at Farmfair, doing his marketing. He was interested in getting into international marketing.” Bob asked the breeder what he did with his cull animals and the man replied that he took them to the auction market. Bob asked if the breeder went to the auction market on a regular basis to see how the market was and talk to the buyers and the man responded that he didn’t have time for that. Bob then asked the man if he stayed to watch his cattle sell. The man again responded that he didn’t have time for that. Bob told the man “If you don’t have time to sell your culls and you don’t have time to talk to the buyers who are going to buy your culls, you don’t have time to do international marketing.
the door,” he continues. “Once you recognize that you’re in the business, make sure you take advantage of that and talk to people when you go places. Talk to them at the rodeo, at the ball game, and talk to them after church.” Still in the business, Bob continues to take his own advice. He says he is often asked what he is up to. He tells people: “I get up Monday morning and I go to bed Saturday night. In between it’s kind of a blur. I’m enjoying myself.” He regularly attends sales and shows and continues to visit with people and share his opinions and advice. Bob enjoys spending time with people in the cattle business. He is also quick to recognize his “ever-patient wife Margaret” for her support. “None of what I accomplished or what some people think I accomplished would have been possible without my family. Without my family I would not have been able to do anything. Really and truly, without my mentors, none of this would have been possible. My face is on the painting but without my family and my mentors, nothing would have got done. My wife was an integral part of it and my children were an integral part while they were at home. At one point I spent six weeks in South
America and my wife was at home looking after everything. I give a lot of credit to my family, including my mother and father and Margaret’s mother and father who were integral in getting both of us started, for what was done throughout the years.” When he reflects on his career in the cattle industry, Bob doesn’t look back. “Nothing stays static. If you stay static you’re going backwards. I don’t look back with any view of wanting to go back to the good old days. I just wish that at my stage in life, I was starting over rather than coming to the end of the trail. There’s so much to do in the cattle business. It’s changed—some people would say for the worse, some would say for the better— but it’s constantly evolving and you have to appreciate that there is so much that can be done in the future. What disappoints me is there’s so much turmoil in the world. In 1952 I didn’t know what was going on 10 miles from home. Now somebody burps halfway around the world and it’s on the evening news.” In November 2019, Bob joined his mentors William Stewart and Alex Edwards as inductees in the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame.
“I went to a rodeo one time and sold two bulls before I got in ANGUS LIFE 2020 /43
CANADIAN BEEF Innovation Network A New Opportunity for Genetic Advancement BY SANDY RUSSELL, Canadian Beef Innovation Network Canadian beef production is increasingly under pressure from consumers to ensure sustainable production systems and faces competition from other protein sources. The Canadian beef industry has worked hard to address concerns and to communicate those efforts and the overall sustainability of beef production. In an effort to position the Canadian beef industry for a sustainable and profitable future, the National Beef Strategy was developed through the leadership of the Canadian Beef Advisors and launched in 2015. Within the Strategy are four key pillars: beef demand, competitiveness, productivity and connectivity. Each pillar has specific goals and defined outcomes. A status update released in 2018 summarized progress towards achieving the outcomes outlined in the initial Strategy and in October 2019 an updated National Beef Strategy for 2020–2024 was released. To view the Strategy visit: Efficient utilization of resources is a key component to achieving the goals within the Strategy and, while much work has been done in recent decades, there are always additional improvements to be made. One vital area of focus to achieve sustainable beef production is genetic improvement of the animal itself. Identified within the National Beef Strategy is the development of the Canadian Beef Innovation Network (CBIN). The creation of a network focused on optimal genetic improvement of the Canadian beef herd was first 44
explored and deemed feasible through engagement of key industry stakeholders in 2015 and, after several consultations and strategic leadership efforts over recent years, the development of a sustainable business model for CBIN is underway. Led by the Canadian Beef Breeds Council (CBBC) and the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA) in partnership with the Canadian Angus Association, Canadian Charolais Association, Canadian Hereford Association and the Canadian Simmental Association, the development of CBIN is anchored in achieving clear identifiable value from focused genetic improvement for each segment of the beef production chain. “The successful development of CBIN is no small feat and will take strong commitment across the entire industry,” acknowledges David Moss, General Manager of CCA. “However, the potential return on investment for all segments of the Canadian cattle industry is incredibly significant and warrants our efforts.” The Canadian beef industry has failed to fully capitalize on the true potential of genetic selection and innovative technologies while dairy, pork and poultry production systems have made significant genetic advances. While beef production has unique challenges in comparison to these controlled production systems, there remain untapped opportunities that could afford considerable advancements
and increased efficiencies in beef cattle production. “There is no doubt that genetic selection is a very powerful tool for increasing profitability and improving our competitiveness with other animal protein choices,” states Michael Latimer, CBBC Executive Director. “The Network itself is a platform for genetic innovation and technology adoption that will leverage genetic research for the advancement of outcome-based decision-making tools to further enhance genetic improvement for the benefit of all segments in the Canadian beef value chain from seedstock production through to the consumer.” With expressed interest and active engagement from all segments of the beef production chain, including processing, retail and food service segments, development work is well underway to clearly define the self-sustaining business model under which CBIN will operate, as well as efforts to clearly demonstrate the capacity to transfer economically important genetic information throughout the production chain and quantify the value proposition of genetic selection, adoption of innovative genetic technologies and data transfer for each segment. The successful development of the Canadian Beef Innovation Network is a critical component to ensure the Canadian beef industry fully captures its future economic potential.
ANGUS LIFE 2020 /45
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ANGUS LIFE 2020 /53
By Carmen Koning, Canadian Angus Association
got its start in 1960 with the purchase of a single Angus female. Stanley Munton and his son Doug were instantly hooked and started raising purebred Angus cattle.
G A R Velocity
The Munton Family
DOUG MUNTON Doug passed the torch to his son Michael. When Michael returned home after completing his studies at Oklahoma State University, the Munton family purchased the Morton Ranch west of Warner, Alberta on the Milk River Ridge. The ranch is comprised of close to 10,000 acres and is home to around 300 Black Angus and 100 Red Angus. After the very cold winter of 2018, the Muntons switched their calving program to May and June; Doug remarks that “the guys at the ranch were all smiles after that decision.” As a result, their annual April bull sale will feature the fall 2018-born calves in 2020 and the 2021 sale will feature two–year-olds. The Muntons may have taken a page out of former coach of the New York Jets Lou Holtz’s playbook: “Show me someone who has done something worthwhile and I’ll show you someone who has overcome adversity.” Benchmark Angus’ Pasture to Plate program evolved out of the 2003 BSE crisis. During that period, they carefully studied the Certified Angus Beef program and the US Premium Beef program and from those teachings, the Benchmark Beef program was born. Since its humble beginnings, the program has grown exponentially with the Muntons purchasing their own small provincially inspected processing plant four years ago. The plant now processes more than 6,000 head annually and is still growing. In addition, Benchmark Angus continues to maintain strong relationships with their bull customers by buying their calves at a good premium or buying their finished cattle at a good premium. The calves they buy have to be the right cattle, sired by a Benchmark bull and out of the right kind of cows. “What do we mean by the right cattle?” Doug explains, “They have to marble. If they marble they will grade Prime or AAA and we can sell that quality meat.
In expanding our meat business we soon confirmed that some cattle make the grade and some do not.” And knowing the difference makes all the difference. The Muntons have put a lot of effort into knowing the difference for what makes the right cattle stand out. They have been ultrasounding every animal born at Benchmark for over 20 years and have done significant DNA testing on their cattle. As well, they try and source bulls that will keep them moving “up the ladder,” as Doug phrases it, in terms of their cattle being more profitable. They collectively put a concentrated effort into developing their EPDs to ensure their herd was, and is, headed in the direction they want it to go. As Doug explains, “When leading a breeding program, a leader needs to understand the necessity and importance of dependable, meaningful EPDs. I can’t wait to see what the Canadian Angus Indexes will do for us.” Much like the anticipation for Canadian Angus Indexes, the forecast for Benchmark Angus’ future is full of buzz as well. Longterm goals include continuing to breed cattle that, as Doug says, “Make the grade; thus ensuring both our own and our bull customers’ continued profitability.” In addition, they plan to place more emphasis on the results from their Grow Safe System. As Doug explains, “Feed costs are the biggest input cost we have. We want to develop more efficient cattle, lower our costs and increase the value of what we produce in order to increase profits.”
of Angus cattle we need to be aware of why we are where we are. It is because of Certified Angus Beef. If you think about it, it is truly amazing. For fiscal 2019, for example, CAB merchandised one–and-a-quarter billion pounds of CAB certified beef; that equates to approximately 5.6 million head of black-hided cattle. At Benchmark Beef we appreciate what CAB has done for the breed and we know quality beef pays.” In listening to Doug speak, one would be hard-pressed not to catch the mixture of passion, humbleness and work ethic in everything he does, and this permeates throughout the Benchmark Angus operation. When discussing his success with his customers, he is full of pride, “Producing a top quality product is what it takes. Our upscale purveyors of Angus beef will not accept second best.” When asked about priorities for Benchmark Angus, Doug remains humble, “We want to be good stewards of the land and water that has been entrusted to us and to raise cattle that are profitable, which will ensure our sustainability as well as that of our bull customers.” And when asked about the key to Benchmark Angus’ success, Doug earnestly says, “Our people are the key: at the ranch and at the plant. Hard conscientious work is so important. Another key that has opened the doors for Benchmark is our genetics which evolve into a mother cow herd that survives our environment, ensures carcass quality, which is so important, and that is efficient, resulting in a bottom line that is in the black.”
Doug is not only thankful for what the cattle have accomplished and for everyone who has helped along the way, but also those who have helped both the industry and the Angus breed flourish. “As breeders
ANGUS LIFE 2020 /59
M IC H AE L M U N T ON By Carmen Koning, Canadian Angus Association Michael Munton is a man on a mission. He believes in the Canadian beef industry and he wants everyone to succeed and do better. He believes some of the best cattle in the world are raised in Canada and that we produce some of the best beef there is. But that is not enough. Producers have to get better at marketing themselves and their cattle and, more importantly, get better at educating the consumer and beef producer about how each cut of beef can make a delicious meal. Benchmark® Beef came to be out of necessity. The BSE crisis hit in 2003, cattle prices were down and bills still needed to be paid. Michael and his father Doug expanded their Benchmark Angus operation to include a pasture-to-plate strategy and Benchmark Beef was born. As Michael explains, “Out of bad, you have to find good. Bad situations can lead to the best creativity and creativity is never a bad thing.” Despite the changing markets and everevolving strategies, their philosophy has remained the same: raising the best cattle goes hand in hand with producing the best beef. “Consumers are savvy. The average consumer has raised their expectations Lincoln Michael Douglas Munton for what a good piece of beef is. Benchmark Beef’s focus is on raising premium beef and marketing it to people who will appreciate it.”Michael goes on to say,“The consumer tells us what they want through their pocketbook but we can help educate
the beef producer as to what the consumer wants. It costs us just as much to raise a bad cut of beef as it does a good one. When a consumer sits down to eat and it’s a better cut of beef on their plate, they are going to want to eat more of it. The beef industry needs to focus more on what the consumer wants.” The Benchmark brand came about through Doug and Michael wanting to create the standard in beef; to set the benchmark for what quality beef should be. For them, this standard means integrity, standing behind their product, filling demand, as well as producing top quality beef. As Michael describes, “The beef needs to tell our story to our consumers in order for them to feel an attachment. We tell the Benchmark story and our beef gives the consumer a good eating experience, the best. We want our product to be the best eating experience a consumer has ever had. This will ensure they keep coming back for more. This is not only good for us, but good for the whole industry.” Benchmark Beef has maintained its competitive edge over the years through a few different strategies. For example, they are genuinely interested in their partners. They want their partners to succeed and will do whatever they can to help to that end. As part of that relationship, they participate in extensive staff training with their partners, showing staff where their beef comes from, explaining the different types of cuts, helping test new recipes, answering any and all questions. Along the same lines, they eagerly open their ranch doors to public tours, helping to educate consumers about where beef comes from and how it is raised. As Michael describes, “There is a disconnect between the consumer and their food, but the public has an appetite to know where their food comes from and this appetite is growing. Anything we can do to help the beef industry
educate the public or counteract any negative publicity, we are more than happy to do.” Education for Michael does not only mean cattle production but also in terms of cuts of meat. “There is a general lack of knowledge regarding cuts of meat. Even some producers don’t know the different cuts. If we can train customers on what the various cuts are and how they can be utilized to their full potential, we can sell more of the carcass for top dollar.” Benchmark Beef has begun laying the groundwork for this movement, even developing new cuts of meat themselves. They have been able to achieve this through relationships with their partners, working closely with restaurant chefs to provide the cuts of beef needed to their specifications. Dale and Laura Fehr
“All parts of the animal need to be taken into account and it changes all the time,” explains Michael. “There’s haggis sausage, different pet food products; different markets consume different parts of the animal. And then there’s the fat. I can either pay someone to take it away or find a market for it. I’d much rather have someone pay me to take it home.” He uses brisket as an example. Years ago, brisket was primarily used in ground beef. Nowadays, it is one of the choice cuts of beef that consumers ask for. This evolution occurred through educating consumers on brisket and what it can be used for. “We,
BEEF as producers, should want to eat our own product. Steak, roasts, grinds, whatever it is. Pounds in, pounds out. One pound of rocks weighs the same as one pound of gold, just like AA weighs the same as Prime. We want gold not rocks. The sad thing is over half of the industry is producing rocks and the consumer is telling us they want gold. The responsibility is on us as producers to produce a better product, not the product we think we can talk the consumer into wanting. AAA and Prime is what the consumer wants which is proven out by nearly every major grocery chain having switched to AAA and Prime programs, and yet over half of the cattle harvested in Canada over the last several months grade AA. We need to change our focus.” Michael further explains how his philosophy towards customer education is all about understanding the customer. “People don’t have time. A chef. A restaurateur. Parents. Kids. People are busy. They need to be provided the information on their food in an easy-to-digest manner. We shouldn’t expect them to know anything about producing cattle. Why would they? But they do want to know how it was raised and what cuts work for them, and we should be providing this information as an industry. It’s everyone’s responsibility.” Benchmark Beef is all about providing that memorable eating experience. As Michael illustrates, “What type of eating experience does the customer want to achieve? If they can achieve the same type of experience for less money, we’ve made another hold on their pocketbooks. We want people to try our more crazy cuts of beef, the ones that they’ve never heard of before. There are tonnes of opportunities there. It will not only increase beef consumption but it will also increase enjoyment for the consumer.” Benchmark Beef doesn’t just talk the talk. Every Christmas they host a staff party with their employees at a partner restaurant. They ask the chef to create an uncommon dish with a mystery cut of beef and have their staff guess what it is. This past year, not a single staff person guessed correctly: the meal was beef cheek ragu.
Beef Cheek Ragu with thanks to Benchmark® Beef for permission to use
Benchmark Tender Beef Michael, much like Benchmark Beef, is always learning. “We learn something new every day. The business changes minute to minute; we need to be adaptable for different customers. We can have productive, efficient cattle that taste better and with EPDs we can make cattle better. Every beef animal will end up in a box for consumption. If we can make that box worth more money, then it is better for everyone. We hope to see a continued effort for EPDs provided by the Canadian Angus Association to be a helpful tool to make beef better.” Michael’s passion for the industry is infectious and visibly permeates throughout Benchmark Beef. “We can do better. If we can improve the quality of beef, it does good things for all of us. We just need to be attentive to what the customer wants.” He goes on to add,“Anyone involved in the beef industry should be a beef connoisseur. If it’s not good, if we wouldn’t eat it, we shouldn’t be endorsing it. It sounds arrogant, but if we are truly passionate in what we are doing then we should be proudly endorsing all that we do; and consume with confidence knowing it is the best product available. The consumer tells us with every purchase they want better beef, now it is on our industry to produce exactly that.”
12 cloves garlic, minced 6 cleaned beef cheeks 2 large yellow onions, diced small 6 ribs celery, diced small 3 carrots, diced small ¼ cup olive oil ½ cup tomato paste 1 tbsp chili flakes 2 anchovy filets 51 oz whole canned tomatoes 1 bottle red wine ¾ cup parsley, chopped 2 tbsp oregano, chopped 2 tbsp thyme, chopped Kosher salt Fresh ground pepper
INSTRUCTIONS Serve with buttered rigatoni, fettuccini, or spaghetti Brown beef cheeks in a Dutch oven, season with salt and pepper. Sear until dark golden brown. Alternate sides, about 15 minutes. Remove from pan. Add onions, celery, carrots, and garlic, with a splash more oil. Sauté until golden. Add tomato paste. Cook 3 minutes.
Mike and Hailey Trainer
Add wine. Reduce by half. Add chili and anchovy. Return beef cheeks with herbs and tomato puree. Add 4 cups of water. Cover and braise 4 to 6 hours at 300 Fo. Shred cheek into sauce. Season with salt and pepper, if needed. Serve with pasta, fresh parmesan cheese and more chopped herbs.
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 61
Dr. Karin Orsel has a sign on her office door that reads “Keep calm and love cows,” and it’s a motto that has served her well through her 11 years at the University of Calgary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UCVM). Karin, a veterinary epidemiologist and one of the faculty’s original members, is the head of the UCVM’s Cattle Health Research Group where she studies herdlevel infectious diseases in both beef and dairy cattle.
LOVE COWS Karin Orsel Featured as Inspiring Albertan After Winning National Award
Over the summer, Karin received a Canadian Veterinary Medical Association award ( news-events/news/2019-cvma-awardrecipients) for her work in animal health and welfare and sustainability of animal production. “It is beyond words to explain what that means to me,” she says. “Being an immigrant that moved here to join UCVM, you try to come here and do something good, and it’s super special that it’s appreciated and awarded.” On the heels of that national honour, she is being recognized by local Calgary television host Darrel Janz as an Inspiring Albertan ( “That made me very proud,” says Karin, of the brief segment that aired on CTV television in September. But she is quick to point out that she is just one part of big multidisciplinary team. “Really there is nothing that I can do without colleagues that have different expertise,” she says. “My research is all about an infectious disease that causes lameness in cows. I have amazing collaborations with a welfare and behaviour expert that looks at the lameness, a microbiologist that takes skin samples from the infections to the lab, and an immunologist that looks at how the cow is responding to the infection.” She credits a number of mentors in UCVM
Story reprinted courtesy the University of Calgary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Photo credit: Rahil Tarique 62
and the wider veterinary community in Alberta and across Canada for welcoming her in 2008 from the Netherlands and helping her learn and grow as a veterinarian and academic. “People have just been amazing,” she says. “Now I feel amazingly at home with all the cows here in the west and amazing colleagues across the country.” And her students feel very much at home in her lab. “Our lab is a very tight knit group,” says Kajal Devani, who is four years into her PhD with Karin as supervisor. Karin and her husband “always have an annual barbecue for students and a Christmas dinner and she makes us feel like family. She makes it a really fun environment.” Karin also makes sure her students graduate knowing how to give an elevator pitch and network to find the right collaborators for research. “Karin really believes in a broad definition of education and wants me to graduate not just as an expert in genetics, but as a well-rounded professional,” says Kajal. As for what inspires the ever-inspiring Karin, the answer is simple, her students. “I have been in academia now since 1997 and students keep you going,” she says. “They have more questions than you can answer. They’re keen to learn. They feel you have something to offer that can help their careers and you see them being successful in their dreams. That is my inspiration.”
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91 YW
151 MILK
18 TM
Peak Dot No Doubt 235D BW
70 YW
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SPADY 17th Annual
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Alberta Angus Association
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61 YW
115 MILK
33 TM
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99 YW
167 MILK
12 TM
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69 YW
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to industry demands and deliver on what consumers are asking for.” The PLT test is a way of “gaining insight to help our global markets learn about guest expectations and preferences, while understanding the impact to our restaurant operations.”
How McDonald’s Reacts to Consumer Demand and Beef Industry Changes By Tina Zakowksy, Canadian Angus Association
“McDonald’s has been, is, and always will be a beef burger company. That’s what we were founded on, that’s what we do and that’s not going to change,” says Jeffrey. If he had the chance to sit down one-on-one with a beef producer, the most important thing he would want to tell them is “how appreciative McDonald’s is of the work that Canadian beef producers do day in, day out, 365 days a year, sometimes for 24 hours of that day.”
The plant-based option trial run does not diminish McDonald’s
McDonald's is recognized for their commitment to Canadian agriculture. They strive to source quality products and supplies from within Canada, purchasing more than $887 million in food and materials from more than 100 suppliers across Canada each year.
One example of that response to guest feedback is the Classics Remastered program launched in August 2019. The full suite of changes include: 100 percent Canadian beef patties now cooked in smaller batches for hotter juicier beef; storage changes for fresher and crispier produce; onions added directly on the grill to intensify flavour; more of their legendary Mac Sauce applied on Big Macs; new bun recipes for warmer buns.
McDonald’s is also committed to its customers. When it comes to the menu, there are three key elements: choice, flexibility and being customerdriven. They listen to their guests and customers, especially to hear what guests want McDonald’s to offer to them. “It’s about providing our guests with options and choices, but it’s also about listening to them and not giving them items that they don’t want,” explains Jeffrey Fitzpatrick-Stilwell, Senior Manager, Sustainability and Agriculture Lead, McDonald's Canada. "We listen to what guests want and provide it to them in a way that only McDonald’s can.”
Another response to customer requests was a decision by McDonald’s Global to conduct a trial run of a plant based protein offering at 28 of its Southwestern Ontario stores for a limited three-month trial in late 2019. The Canadian beef industry took notice as only a few months prior McDonald’s had heavily promoted the virtues of beef and animal proteins. McDonald’s Canada President & CEO John Betts was quick to reassure Canadian beef producers of the company’s ongoing commitment to Canadian beef. In a statement, he said “We have a responsibility to respond
Canada’s commitment to sourcing 100 percent Canadian beef or their role as a founding member of the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef. At the Canadian Angus Association’s 2019 Annual National Convention, Jeffrey participated in a panel discussion about consumer demand and said that often restaurants offer plant-based menu items not in an attempt to convert meat eaters but as a way of bringing in groups and families in which one or two of the guests are flexitarian. McDonald’s Canada has been a proud partner of the Canadian beef industry for many years and the Canadian beef industry values our relationship with them.
Since McDonald’s is always listening to their customers and innovating, they have many long-term programs as well as short-term promotions. They are also involved in many pilot projects. In response to customer inquires about and requests for sustainable beef, the McDonald’s Verified Sustainable Beef pilot project ran from 2014–2016. McDonald’s began working with producers in cooperation with the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef to build a certification framework to define sustainability in a way that made sense for beef producers, the foodservice industry and consumers. That commitment to sustainability extends beyond beef. They’ve joined Conservation International’s Sustainable Coffee Challenge and use sustainably sourced McCafe coffee beans from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms. McDonald’s Canada also serves wild-caught Alaskan Pollock that can be directly traced back to sustainable fisheries in Canada. In 2009 McDonald’s was recognized as a seafood champion by Seafood Choices Alliance, for their dedication and leadership within the global sustainable seafood movement, and their work in advancing the marketplace for sustainable seafood. McDonald’s is also committed to reducing their environmental impact. They aspire to source all food and packaging sustainably. The majority of environmental impacts to air, land and water occur in the McDonald’s supply chain so they work directly
with suppliers who are committed to doing business responsibly in their own supply chains and making sure that those suppliers meet McDonald’s requirements for ethics, environmental responsibility and economic viability. One of the company’s 2020 sustainable sourcing goals is to source all of their fibre-based packaging such as sandwich wraps, fry boxes, takeout bags and tray liners from recycled or certified responsibly managed forests where no deforestation occurs. McDonald’s also aims to eliminate deforestation from their global supply chains by 2030. As part of this initiative called their Commitment on Forests, they have pledged to eliminate deforestation from their beef supply chain by 2020 by focusing on countries with identified deforestation risks. The program is not limited to beef. It also includes chicken (including soy in feed), palm oil, coffee and the fibre used in customer packaging. Another hot topic in the beef industry is consumer concern about the use of hormones and antibiotics. McDonald’s promotes responsible use of antibiotics. They are working with their top 10 beef sourcing countries to gather baseline usage data which will be used to establish market specific reduction targets by the end of 2020. They are also working with potato growers in the United States and Canada on a comprehensive audit process that analyzes the use of pesticides, fertilizer and water on crops.
Knowing where food comes from is another important topic for consumers. McDonald’s has food safety requirements in place to help them ensure the quality and safety of ingredients from farm to the front counter. In all countries where they source beef, they have traceability from the abattoirs through the processing plant and to McDonald’s restaurants. They audit the processors that supply their beef annually and all of them pass their strict requirements for food safety. In many of these countries, traceability systems also exist to track further up the supply chain to the individual farms where animals are raised. John describes their efforts: “This isn’t the easy road, it’s the right road. As we move forward, side by side with our partners from the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, Ducks Unlimited Canada, WWF, Nature Conservancy of Canada, academia, government, food and agricultural business and Canadian ranchers and farmers, we are all changing the industry for the better one step at a time. Which is something we are proud of, our partners are proud of, and all Canadians can be proud of too.”
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14th annual “F O R A G E D E V E L O P E D ”
8 2020
100 2 year old bulls
to CHAPMAN Bulls Sold
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Modern, quality shoe care.
The Shoe Shine Shack is a premium drop-off and quick shine shoe care service serving downtown Edmonton and surrounding area.
Educational Opportunity for Agricultural Studies: OLDS COLLEGE, OLDS, ALBERTA
Each year, Angus Life magazine will feature an educational opportunity for agricultural studies. This year we highlight Olds College in Alberta. Olds College offers high-tech, hands-on learning experiences that lay the foundation for solving real-world problems in farming, food and land. Agriculture programs at Olds College include: •
Agricultural Management Diploma: provides a comprehensive education working in production agriculture, agribusiness, or businesses that process, market and distribute products from agriculture. Students gain skills in crops and livestock, finance, agribusiness management, marketing and the latest technology.
Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc)—Agribusiness Degree: for students looking to continue their education after receiving a diploma, students earn while they learn with an eight-month directed field study.
Precision Agriculture—Techgronomy Diploma: this new diploma focusses on agronomy and technology. Students will be prepared for careers that require a deep understanding of the connectedness between agronomy, agriculture machinery/purpose-built networks and data sciences.
Agriculture Technology Integration Post-Diploma Certificate: provides students with an understanding of how related technologies and components interact to provide accurate information and real-time monitoring and controls to the agriculture producer. Students will learn to link emerging technologies with existing farm infrastructure including the installation, calibration, troubleshooting and repair of precision agriculture hardware and equipment, including mechanical, hydraulic and software systems.
All students in our agriculture programs have access to the Olds College Smart Farm, a giant lab that gives our students a competitive advantage. By incorporating the latest technologies aimed at improving productivity, while efficiently and sustainably using resources, the Smart Farm is creating a cutting-edge learning environment for students and life-long learners. The Smart Farm ensures students have access to new and innovative technologies in a real-world ag environment. “The unique structure of the Agribusiness program allowed me to apply academic theory under the guidance of experienced mentors to an employment opportunity.” Sepp Felder, Graduate “Working with industry partners and producers, Olds College identified a significant skills gap exists within the agriculture industry when it comes to supporting producers adopting technology. Graduates from the ag tech programs will be able to fill that demand.” James Benkie, Dean Agriculture Technology
ANGUS LIFE 2020 /71
Hazel Bluff Angus
The Clausen Family Martin & Erica, Erich & Meggie Box 5728, Westlock, AB, T7P 2P6 Martin: 780.307.7042 | Ph: 780.349.2768 Bulls, female breeding stock and exportable embryos always available by private treaty and at select sales Quality ~ Service ~ Selection
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Lazy E Bar Ranching Ltd. Jim & Karyl Bleakley P: 780-372-4175 - C: 403-741-9864
Wade & Laura Bleakley P: 780-372-4417 - C: 403-318-8775
P.O. Box 513, Bashaw, AB T0B 0H0
$1,000 Trade in Bonus for Cdn Angus Assoc. Members
ANGUS LIFE 2020 /73
shorter periods will increase productivity and sustainability in the cattle industry.
Lakeland’s Student-Led Research Projects Benefit Producers By Kajal Devani, Canadian Angus Association
Lakeland College Animal Science Technology students are making strides in helping agricultural producers improve their bottom line. In fall 2018, students in the Livestock Research Unit of the Student-Managed Farm, powered by New Holland, initiated a 70-day residual feed intake (RFI) test with 22 yearling bulls (Red/Black Angus), in partnership with Animal Inframetrics Inc. To complete this custom feed efficiency assessment, they used Lakeland’s GrowSafe automatic feeding system and infrared thermography (IRT) at the G.N. Sweet Livestock Research Facility on the Vermilion campus. With guidance and mentorship from Dr. Obioha Durunna, Lakeland’s Livestock Research Scientist, students collected performance and economic data. They learned how to run cost-benefit analyses on both systems. The project assessed the potential application of IRT for profiling cattle for RFI. Developing alternative tools for screening or profiling animals is important due to cost implications. Assessing the trait requires about 50 to 70 days of feeding trials and is usually conducted after weaning; therefore finding practical proxies that can be used on younger calves or for much 74
“Engaging students with emerging technologies has become an essential component of learning at Lakeland,” says Dr. Durunna, a geneticist who previously worked for the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, and Livestock Gentec which is based at the University of Alberta. His past research on feed efficiency and feeding behaviours has been published in numerous research journals. The RFI profiles of the bulls help support the producer’s breeding and culling decisions. Efficient bulls that have other desirable economic traits attract some premium during bull sales. Because RFI is moderately heritable, the animal’s feed efficiency can be passed on to their progeny. “These projects help our students develop valuable research skills and allow them to play a key role in developing economical management options for the beef industry. Overall, these applied research opportunities improve their employability,”says Dr. Durunna. Lakeland is committed to pursuing applied research projects that enhance both teaching and learning, and also support regional economic development. During fall 2019, Dr. Durunna pursued high-immune response testing and the application of advanced technologies for phenotype assessment in partnership with the Canadian Angus Association.
Student-Managed Learning
The Research Centre features a Crop Research and Bioenergy Building, Renewable Energy Centre, and an Electronics and Fabrication Lab. The Vermilion campus will soon be home to the Centre for Ag Technology. For many of Lakeland’s programs, research is embedded into the coursework and programming through assignments, case studies, capstone projects, student clubs and more. The SMF includes crop and livestock research units that actively design and implement research experiments. This year, in addition to the recently completed RFI test, SMF students will have the opportunity to use the new SmartFeedPro (SFP) systems for RFI assessments and supplement research. The SFP units were recently secured using funding support from the Applied Research Tools and Instruments Grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada’s (NSERC) College and Community Innovation program. The SFP units will be used in different research trials in the beef pens, sheep units, Dairy Learning Centre or in pastures. The addition of these units towards expanding the applied research capacity on feed efficiency and supplementation research in beef, dairy and sheep using these systems is unique to Lakeland. This equipment will increase the scope of Lakeland’s multi-year livestock trials. Every applied research initiative undertaken at Lakeland is geared towards supporting the economy by helping industry partners capitalize on new opportunities and find solutions to current challenges.
The Livestock Research Unit is one of six Student-Managed Farm (SMF) units managed by Animal Science Technology students. The other units are commercial beef, purebred beef, dairy, sheep and equine. The crop technology program also has a crop SMF unit. Second-year students in these programs manage commercial-scale enterprises on Lakeland’s 2,000 acres and in facilities such as the G.N. Sweet Livestock Research Facility and the Dairy Learning Centre. With mentorship from faculty and staff advisors, these students are in charge of research, finances, production, management decisions, public relations, sustainability and more.
Leading in Research Lakeland has a dynamic Research Centre with multiple facilities on site dedicated to advancing research in commercial agriculture—including crop, livestock and agriculture technologies—as well as energy and environmental sciences.
Lakeland is committed to pursuing applied
research projects that
enhance both teaching and learning, and also support regional economic development.
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Payment Must Accompany All Work Submissions
Payment is required to accompany all work submitted. Members can choose to keep a valid credit card on file, to send a cheque with their submission, or pay by e-transfer. Please remember to provide the verification code on the back of your card when you provide or update your credit card information. We are unable to process credit card payments without the verification code. To pay by e-transfer, send it to and use your CAA member id as the answer to the security question.
Please be aware that failing to provide a method of payment with your work submission may result in delays processing your work. Declined payments may result in overdue charges and account suspension.
BERETTA FARMS & HERITAGE ANGUS By Kiani Evans, Canadian Angus Association
hen Mike Beretta and his wife Cynthia bought two pigs 27 years ago, they never thought it would lead to a thriving farm-to-table business. But the process of raising, marketing and selling the two pigs developed into a passion neither of them had expected, having both come from non-farming backgrounds. Today, Beretta Farms is an established Canadian brand that specializes in ‘never ever’ products—meat raised without hormones or antibiotics. Heritage Angus was a later addition, developed in partnership with western Canadian ranchers who were marketing their beef under a similar name. “It mimicked what we were doing from a supply standpoint,” says Mike. “So it was a nice fit to bring our Beretta supply and the supply from Heritage Angus all together.” Heritage Angus evolved into Beretta’s primary export brand with high demand for the product in Europe. Mike says that Beretta chose the
Angus breed because “We’ve always had a strong affinity for the breed and it fits really well into what we’re doing. Less input, very hardy animals that finish easier and, as we sell to a wide range of customers, we find that the slightly smaller carcass size fits better into what our market is asking for. For all these reasons, Angus became the backbone. We do accept non-Angus, but we often don’t pay the same premium.” Another essential factor for Heritage Angus is the lack of hormones and antibiotics, but the Berettas—in consideration of the different factors necessary for ranchers on their operations—have recognized the difficulty of maintaining an entirely antibiotic-free herd and have developed a program to allow for a variety of producers. “We’re developing a new market for animals that fall outside of the ‘never-ever’ program that are treated with antibiotics but still hormone free,” Mike says. “So it’s not a case of if you give your
A recent evolution for Beretta Farms is a partnership with Harvey’s, a Canadian quickservice restaurant chain. The release of a 100 percent Canadian beef burger raised without antibiotics or hormones has seen high praise from Canadian ranchers and consumers, further emphasizing how the Berettas’ niche market has now expanded to a much wider audience. “We’ve worked with Harvey’s for close to two years now; they’re quite a big company and we didn’t have the supply yet when first approached. But now we’ve been able to build up a supply to the point that we’re comfortable offering it. It’s been a great relationship—their head office is just 15 minutes away from our farm outside of Toronto.”
cow antibiotics you’re banned, it’s just that you’ll fall under a different program. Subsequently, it’s very important that ranchers document their treated animals. By creating a secondary market, ranchers that have put a significant amount of time and effort into an animal but end up having to treat it can still market it with us. Everybody wins and it significantly reduces the stress for all involved.” As to why the Berettas have gone the ‘never ever’ route, much of it comes down to demand. As Mike explains, “We were very much a niche market years ago, but things have changed over time. Now, to get into a market like Europe, you have to be hormone free. This attracts more ranchers to become a part of our program because we’re in the fortunate situation of having a large market and just needing to find the supply—not the other way around. “We let ranchers do what they do best: raise quality cattle. We handle the marketing and distribution part, and now we can accommodate most with both the treated and non-treated program.”
For ranchers who are interested in becoming part of Beretta Farms or Heritage Angus, Mike feels it’s important that they know they’re valued. “I do want to stress that we pay a premium—we’re not out there hoping people will do all this hard work for a highend market and not share in the profits.” In addition to premiums, an added benefit is the ability to go to the Beretta Farmsowned processing facility in Lacombe, Alberta. Each year, Mike brings all the ranchers that are part of Beretta and Heritage Angus out to the facility to see how the carcass is broken down and how each individual piece is marketed. “There’s a huge disconnect in the cattle industry,” he says. “It’s not as transparent as it should be. When we host our annual event, you see on one side of the table a group of butchers that work at the plant that break down the carcasses— they’re experts in meat, and they’re standing in awe of the ranchers that grow
the cattle. On the other side we’ve got these ranchers who are experts in growing cattle who are in awe of the butchers that are converting the raw material into a consumer friendly product. It’s really cool, because I’ve literally stood on the end of the table and watched these two groups and I can’t help but go, wow the industry’s right in front of me and it’s amazing how it’s so complimentary, yet can be so separated.” At the end of the day, when measuring the success of their business, Mike knows that it all comes down to family. “Our three children are all involved in the business and we’ve made a business sustainable enough to allow them the opportunity to participate in it. My daughter manages our head office on the farm in Ontario, and we use it for a lot of public relations purposes. We bring a lot of customers through, and use it for educational events and workshops; she really loves teaching ranching to people. My son is a photographer and does all the marketing photography and videography. He’s not as passionate about animals as his sister, yet he found a niche that he believes in and can tie it into the family business. My oldest boy works in the summer in our finance department and is currently in his last year of university studying business administration with the intent to come back as well. All three kids are playing active roles and will continue to in our business—I think that shows true sustainability. If you can pass something on that way… wow, it doesn’t get much better than that.” If you are interested in becoming part of Beretta Farms or Heritage Angus, Mike encourages you to reach out. He is happy to chat and come see your ranch. Contact him via email, ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 77
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STANDARDS FOR CANADIAN BEEF By Crosbie Cotton, Harmony Beef Ltd.
Jeremy (left) Rich and Christopher Vesta
key reason the Colorado-based Vesta Family came to Alberta to open the Harmony Beef processing facility just outside Calgary was the belief that Canada produces the very best cattle in North America. Rich Vesta’s compliment about the quality delivered by Canadian producers is high praise from a 50-year industry veteran who has had ownership and top leadership positions in some of the best-known meat companies in the US, including Land O’Lakes, Val’Agri, Swift, Monfort, Packerland Packing, Smithfield Beef Group and, before retirement, president of JBS’ North American beef division. Shortly after leaving JBS, he received a telephone call from a cattle feeder he knew asking if he would look at the former Rancher’s Beef facility near Calgary. The plant had been shuttered for seven years after suffering financial troubles due to overspending on construction and lack of beef industry knowledge. “After retiring from JBS North America, we wanted to have a family business and I wanted to work with our two sons Jeremy and Christopher,” says Rich, whose family now employs more than 500 people. “We knew we were going to do something else, we just didn’t know it would be in Canada.”
Global processing leader Harmony Beef
Jeremy, a Northwestern University graduate with a major in economics and a minor in transportation and logistics, focusses more on the financial and strategy side of the business. Christopher began working with his father after high school, rising to director of quality assurance for both Smithfield Beef Group and JBS North America. The St. Norbert College gradate has a double major in business and economics. They are a formidable trio at the helm of what is now the most modern and environmentally progressive facility in North America.
Vestas are a formidable leadership trio 82
At its origin, Rancher’s Beef was the dream of many cattle industry investors when the US border was closed to Canadian cattle in the aftermath of the BSE crisis. State-of-the-art and built to achieve European export standards, the plant opened its doors in July 2006, but closed only 14 months later.
“The more we explored and fully analyzed the opportunity, the more we began to appreciate Canada and especially the high quality cattle produced here,” says Rich, who can, in detail, easily explain the genetic and historical difference between herds north and south of the border. At a Canadian conference when a recognized expert said the quality of Alberta beef was one of the world’s bestkept secrets, the idea to purchase the plant was confirmed. “We became convinced that there was outstanding opportunity to market quality Canadian beef and that there is an outstanding story that should be told,” says Rich, who is telling the story with shipments across Canada, to the United States, to Hong Kong and most recently to Japan. The reviews about the overall quality of the product and Canadian beef have been stellar. The Vesta family invested millions of dollars improving and reopening the plant, making it one of the most advanced in the world. Perhaps the greatest accomplishment in this climate-conscious world has been the reduction in fresh water use. The new water recycling facility, unlike anything ever seen in the industry or in Canada, has by industry comparison, reduced water usage by more than 90 percent. Traditionally a facility of Harmony’s size would use more than 450,000 gallons of water per day in its operations. “Our welcome to Canada by everyone has been exceptional and genuinely appreciated,” says Rich. “We are absolutely delighted to be here and help tell the great story of Canadian beef. The best is yet to come from us.”
Recycling facility reduces water use by more than 90 percent
Submit Feed Intake Data for RADG EPD By Kajal Devani, Canadian Angus Association Feed efficiency in beef cattle impacts all sectors of the beef production chain. In the seedstock and commercial sectors, approximately 70 percent of feed costs go towards maintaining the breeding herd. Increased feed efficiency has been correlated with a lower proportion of open cows as more efficient cows are able to recover body condition and cycle back into production faster. Feed efficiency has also been associated with docility and health. At the feedlot, animals that are more feed efficient finish sooner. In these ways increased feed efficiency impacts the entire beef industry by increasing profitability and decreasing the environmental footprint of production. When people refer to feed efficiency they typically talk about Residual Feed Efficiency (RFI) which is the difference between what an animal is expected to consume based on its body weight and average daily gain and what it actually eats. RFI tells you if an animal needs more feed beyond what is needed to support body maintenance and growth. RFI keeps the gain constant and measures the difference in feed. The feed efficiency indicator that will be available through the Canadian Angus Association AngusONE genetic evaluation is Residual Average Daily Gain (RADG). RADG describes an animal’s genetic potential to gain, compared to another animal, on the same amount of feed. RADG keeps the feed constant and measures the differences in gain. The higher RADG EPD value, the higher an animal’s genetic potential for gain on a constant amount of feed.
In order to calculate RADG EPD for you, the Canadian Angus Association requires the following data for your cattle which can be submitted by members and/or Growsafe: 1. Feed intake data must be collected between 160–480 days of age, with a test minimum of 45 days and 14 days adjustment period 2. Weaning weight, yearling weight, and in and out weights must also be recorded 3. Must be in a contemporary group of at least two animals The Canadian Angus Association is working with Growsafe to access historic feed intake test data. If you have tested your cattle on feed before, please contact the Association or Growsafe so we can include your data. We are also working with the Growsafe partners listed below to collect future feed intake information. To arrange to test your cattle for feed intake please contact a Growsafe partner in your region or one of the following options: 1. Lakeland College Feeding tests can occur anytime during the year but two months’ notice is required before commencement of trial. The test is currently a 70-day intake test with a 21-day warm up period. The minimum number for feed testing is 20 head. Ration ingredients will vary but will be formulated for bulls to gain 2.5 to 3 lbs per day while heifers will target 1.5 to 2.5 lbs of ADG per day. Feed test costs depend on market cost of feed (the typical range is $4.50 to $5.50/head/day). To arrange for feed intake testing at Lakeland College please contact Obioha Durunna at or by calling 780-853-8481. 2. Olds College The Technology Access Centre for Livestock Production (TACLP) at Olds College is also conducting feed intake testing using GrowSafe feeding systems. To learn more about the TACLP or for more information on accessing these services, contact Sean Thompson, TACLP Manager, at 403-556-8314 or 3. Maritimes Bull Test Station Maritimes Bull Test Station is also equipped with Growsafe feed intake test systems. To arrange to test your cattle here, contact Brad McCallum at 902-661-2855. 4. Cattleland National Bull Evaluation Centre Cattleland National Bull Evaluation Centre has a capacity of 5,000 head that includes options for feed testing and marketing cattle. For more information on feed testing your cattle at Cattleland, please contact Kristine Burgess at or 403-333-5607.
By using a tool that describes animals’ genetic potential for feed efficiency producers can make significant strides in the efficiency of Angus cattle. The Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) estimates that a 1 percent improvement in feed efficiency would save the feedlot sector in the beef industry alone $11.1 million (based on 2016 feed costs). This potential savings is an underestimation of the total impact of feed efficiency as it does not account for the savings in the seedstock and commercial sectors, and it does not account for the increased sustainability of the industry as a whole. ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 83
Tel: 403.250.9022 Fax: 403.291.0918
2815 - 12 th Street N.E. Calgary, AB
Canadian Angus Parentage Verification Policy The Canadian Angus Association and board of directors’ goal is to help guarantee your genetics and provide bull buyers with the most accurate pedigree information possible. The changes at our lab, Neogen Canada, mean that we can now provide a SNP Parentage Verification test with double the number of SNPs so that our parentage verification is more accurate than ever. The board has also changed the requirements for parent verification on sires to reinforce this. The Canadian Angus policy on parentage verification now states: For Sires: • All sires born on or before December 31, 2018 must have a DNA parentage profile on record with the Canadian Angus Association showing sire verification before their offspring can be registered. • All sires born on or after January 1, 2019 must have a DNA parentage profile on record with the Canadian Angus Association showing parentage verification (to both sire and dam) before their offspring can be registered. • Sires being used for AI must be parentage verified (to both sire and dam) before they are granted AI approval status. For Dams: • Dams being used as Donor Dams must be parentage verified (to both sire and dam) before they are granted Donor Dam approval status. • Embryo transfer calves must be parentage verified (to both sire and dam) before they can be registered. For Calves: • Calves from cows that have been exposed to different sires within 14 days must be sire verified before they can be registered. Because bull calves born on or after January 1, 2019 that go on to be sires in purebred herds must have a DNA parentage profile on record with the Canadian Angus Association showing parentage verification (to both sire and dam) before their offspring can be registered we recommend that you have a DNA sample available for your females in case they have a great bull calf that ends up being a sire, either in your herd or another Canadian Angus member’s herd. Information on different methods available to collect DNA samples can be found throughout Angus Life. Canadian Angus members are able to collect DNA in the form of hair, tissue, semen or blood. As long as it is a high quality sample the test results will be the same. This allows our members to use whichever technique and sample type is practical for them. ANGUS LIFE 2020 /85
nuary 9–10
Ontario Beef Industry Convention | London, ON Royal Agricultural Winter Fair | Toronto, ON
or more information, please contact the Ontario Angus Association for inquiries regarding events in 2020.
O NTAR I O Ontario Beef Industry Convention London, ON
Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Toronto, ON
President Paula Cornish
President 705-295-2925Paula Cornish 705-295-2925
Secretary Julie Townsend
519-787-2397Julie Townsend Secretary 519-787-2397 For more information, please contact the Ontario Angus Association for inquiries regarding events in 2020.
w w w. o n t a r i o a n g u s . c o m
tion | London, ON 86 / ANGUS LIFE 2020 | Toronto, ON
70 pa
51 se
GREG NOLAN Artisan Farms By Kiani Evans, Canadian Angus Association
HOW DID ARTISAN FARMS COME TO BE? As a meat business, Artisan Farms started on the farm with freezer beef orders to friends and associates in the greater Toronto area in the late 80s. We have raised cattle in Grey County since 1973, and we started to sell our steer beef off the farm. We formally entered the wholesale industry in 2007, obtaining CFIA approval for labelling Angus beef as RWA—Raised Without Added Hormones or Antibiotics. Over the years we have shared facilities with many Toronto-based meat companies. In 2017 we expanded our business into our current facility and now occupy a 20,000-square-foot distribution centre and office facility in the Toronto airport area. We currently purchase 120 to 160 head of finished cattle a week, including from our own family farms. Our sales are business to business; selling wholesale meats like beef, lamb and chicken from our own farms and our community of family farms. We locate game, veal and pork in the marketplace to wholesale to our customers. We sell into two different sales channels, retail and food service. Retail customers range from large chains to medium local chains to single-location butcher shops, and comprise about 50 percent of our total sales. The food service side is the remaining 50 percent and consists of small to large food distributors that further process meats into steaks, portions or ground product to distribute to restaurants, institutions and event centres.
WHAT ARE THE PRIORITIES OF ARTISAN FARMS? The Artisan Farms mandates are threefold. First, we aim to provide a direct wholesale distribution option to the greater Toronto area and other major markets in Canada for both big and small cattle producers in a closely aligned value chain. Second, to offer a direct connection for wholesale meat purchasers to access family farmed finished cattle with attributes of Angus, raised without growth hormones, and other attributes being produced on the farms but that are in demand from the consumer side. Third, Artisan Farms is actually a division of our family farm operation which raises purebred Angus, Simmental and Wagyu; we let the meat market pull along our breeding decisions to give consumers what they want to buy. Current indicators are that the market is demanding higher marbling animals—not a lot of wasted yield, but we have to achieve that efficiently on the farm. With that said, we run about 85 percent of our cows as registered Angus, and 9 of our 10 herd bulls are registered Angus. We finish 70 percent of the calves we raise for beef with only the top 30 percent being retained as breeding stock. So when all is said and done, carcass grade is our priority for all three mandates. ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 87
HOW DO YOU SEE THE ‘PASTURE-TO-PLATE’ PROGRAM EVOLVING? HOW IS IT CURRENTLY BEING RECEIVED BY THE PUBLIC? The pasture-to-plate program is evolving into larger scale supply chains like Artisan Farms and many others in the industry. Our thesis at Artisan Farms is that the public wants to know more about where the meat is coming from, how the animals lived and what they were fed, and this desire for information is only going to grow. Transparency and traceability from conception to consumption is a key component in this process. There has been an increasing demand over the years from the public for producers and suppliers to be open about the journey of the meat they are going to eat. We at Artisan Farms have made this one of our key missions in our day-today business and have found it to be overwhelmingly positive. Being transparent about how the animals journeyed from pasture to plate builds trust with our customers and end consumers, which has allowed us to grow well in the RWA beef industry.
WHERE DO YOU SEE ARTISAN FARMS IN THE FUTURE? We see Artisan Farms continuing to grow and expand into more specialty beef sectors (RWA, grass fed and organic) and the Angus name becoming more and more important. We use the word Angus on the organic and grass-fed products, as we do in the RWA. We see our future as continuing to grow the business, grow each product sector, and continuing to build strong relationships in the meat industry. We see opportunities to integrate both back and forward within the supply chain, which further deepens our commitment to our mandates of connecting farmers to the marketplace and connecting the marketplace with farmers.
IN WHAT WAYS HAS THE CANADIAN ANGUS ASSOCIATION IMPACTED YOUR OPERATION? The Canadian Angus Association has been helpful in many ways. On the cattle side, the continuous improvements to selection tools have been very useful. Since 2008, the Association has been a great advocate for us in the commercial cattle industry, and a voice of support as we struggled to grow our business. The Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed program was also helpful from its
launch in 2009 as it legitimatized our use of the word Angus on the meat products and identified who is working with Angus genetics. The Angus tag (indicator) program is gaining in acceptance and helping to identify Angus calves and cattle with both black and red hides. Artisan is proud to use Angus indicators. The Canadian Angus Association continues to assist us and offer us an industry connection as we all try to produce the best possible meat we can.
IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU WOULD LIKE TO TELL US? Ultimately, we cannot impress enough upon producers the importance of marbling to the consumer. People want the information: farm of origin, age, feed and breed, but they also want an enjoyable eating experience. This can be found in a high-marbled steak. Social media has helped drive this as people post pictures of the high marbled steaks they barbecue at home.
The food service industry also wants marbling in the right size of steak. Our carcass target at Artisan Farms is 825 pounds, about 1,350 pounds for a finished animal. The wholesale market does not want a giant 18-inch ribeye; they want a 13inch rib eye, marbled in the upper two-thirds of AAA or Prime grade. It is interesting to note that our market info has taken us to about a 13- to 14-inch ribeye with very high marbling. We then look at the Certified Angus Beef (CAB) industry information and we see that CAB requires a 10- to 15.9-inch ribeye, or a 13-inch midpoint, and only takes as marbling grade the upper two-thirds or higher. This makes us feel pretty good about where we are and are comfortable to say it out loud. CAB allows larger carcasses than we do, but they break price at 1,050 pounds on the high end of weight as opposed to our 950 pounds high end. We think CAB is dead-on in all their animal and carcass targets as they match all ours and our customers’ preferences, so we strongly suggest producers research and find out how to raise CAB cattle. Don’t look back—we all want them! We have run cattle since 1902 in our family, and at one time we were the largest breeder of full-blood cattle of another breed through the 90s. Today we run Angus cows with Angus bulls because we have to have that good marbling in our beef. Yes, we understand pounds matter and many cow-calf producers sell the calves off the cow, and pounds at weaning determine value, and that the stocker buyers want calves that will perform. The end goal is to produce efficient pounds that marble in order to attain the marbling at the right size of muscle for the end product. Not an easy task, but one we know is achievable with the right selection of tools utilized on the ranches and farms across Canada. The Angus breed and the Canadian Angus Association will play a large part in this.
Join our expanding community of beef producers in raising top quality ANGUS BEEF. We can connect you to our growing customer base in the GTA, Ontario and Canada. We offer premium pricing that reflects the work you put into raising premium angus beef. We have a fully integrated supply chain and can assist in all aspects from genetics to breeding to wholesaling beef. Certified Angus Genetics Maternal Crossbreeding Efficient Performance
Target Grades
Branded Quality
Office: 905 670-3450 | | ANGUS LIFE 2020 /89
Maximize on-farm performance and profitability. Blueprint Beef Minerals are a unique and effective approach to beef cattle nutrition, designed with cutting-edge nutrition technologies for today’s advanced beef genetics. The Blueprint Seasonal Beef Cow Mineral Program is designed with three stages of gestation in mind, allowing nutrition to be targeted towards gestational needs. It includes a balanced supply of minerals and vitamins, provides a rising plane of nutrition and has excellent absorption and retention for better health and reproductive performance. Contact us today to help your beef cattle reach their full genetic potential.
Yogi Berra infamously said, “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” Now, with the Canadian Angus Mating Predictor tool, making predictions on your future calves just got a whole lot easier.
Canadian Angus Association Mating Predictor
The Mating Predictor is simple to use and is an excellent decision-making tool. All you need to do is enter a bull registration number and a cow or a group of cows, and you can instantly see what the starting EPDs for the resultant mating will be. It acts like an estimator for what your calves will look like before they are even conceived. BIRTH WEIGHT
SIRE: MR BOW DUKE 3D - 0987654
DAM: DAME EDNA BOVINE 007 - 1234567
Expected Average Progeny Value
Inbreeding Coefficient: 2% 50th Percentile is the Breed Avg. EPDs for 2018 Born Calves
+0.36 +0.24
+0.014 +0.004
Min/(Avg) generation: 8/(13.0) +2.2 +1.2
+46 +34
+79 +57
+21 +21
+44 +38
Pedigree display of this mating
+0.72 +0.55
+3.2 +2.5
+6.9 +5.5
+0.41 +0.33
+33 +21
“I love the mating predictor. For each animal that we AI, we use this tool to determine sire use and then when we determine walking bulls and their cows to be mated to, we use the predictor.” - Doug Munton, Alberta For more information and to access the tool, visit
hile retained ownership is on the rise in Canada’s beef cattle industry, the majority of commercial producers using Canadian Angus genetics who responded to our recent index survey indicated that they sell their animals at weaning. The number one benefit of retained ownership is for the producer to earn more money. After all, no one buys cattle with the intention of losing money. Producers who retain ownership also receive data that allows them to see first-hand how their cattle compare and if they have the right genetics to match what the industry is looking for. The majority of cattle producers would believe that retaining ownership would be beneficial and would probably pay more says Dr. Troy Drake, a veterinarian at Kathyrn, Alberta and developer of the Herdtrax on-farm management system. Because of the herd sizes of many commercial producers, he continues, it’s sometimes logistically difficult to make it happen. The two primary reasons for the difficulty are not having enough cattle to fill a pen and not having the expertise or connections to market the cattle.
there to support it. We have investors that will buy a share of these producers’ cattle so that they don’t have to retain 100 percent of the ownership. They may only want to retain 50, 60 or 70 percent of the ownership and sell 30 percent.” Dr. Drake cautions that retained ownership is not for everyone. Retaining ownership means foregoing the money that producers are used to receiving at sale time. Not receiving that lump sum payment can make it difficult for producers to make land or mortgage payments. ”Most of the time,” he adds, producers will be custom feeding their cattle elsewhere. “Cow-calf farms aren’t set up for custom feeding. There’s a monthly feed yard health bill that goes with that and a lot of times the producer doesn’t have the cash flow to take that on. In such cases, the producer needs a partner to support them or a financing option to manage the monthly feed bills and balance it all out when the cattle are sold in the end.” When it comes to marketing cattle, Dr. Drake points out that not all cattle are ready at the same time. “Every herd has six groups of cattle: a light, middle and heavy end and two genders
report card. There’s an initial moment of fear when you think that you did okay but now you’re going to see how you really did.” “I can assure you after doing this for 20 years that I know who has bulls that are great and who has bulls that aren’t great and they’re in every herd,” adds Dr. Drake. “If one herd sells five bulls, all five won’t be superstars but all five also won’t be duds. It’s just never happened and I can’t see how it could ever happen. “But with the data, you can fine tune. You can say that ‘this set of genetics seems to be working better in this herd than this other pedigree line’. That data informs the commercial producer about the type of bull that he wants to purchase next time.” He points out that it’s scary because there are many unknowns and it’s different from the way that your dad or grandpa did it in the past. There is a safety net to make it less frightening, and that is insurance like the Western Livestock Insurance Program. Insurance allows producers to lock the price in at a break even or minimal loss. Dr. Drake encourages all of his producers to buy the insurance.
RETAINING OWNERSHIP An Optional Business Model By Tina Zakowsky Canadian Angus Association
Retained ownership networks can help producers to overcome these challenges. As an example, the network offered through Herdtrax allows producers to combine steers and heifers from five herds of 200 each to make pens at custom feedlots.
within that. So even though a producer has 200 cattle, when you break it down and remove the replacements that they’re keeping in their herd, it doesn’t leave a lot. You need the timing and collaboration with other herds to make it successful.”
Producers can approach feedlots about selling direct or retaining shares in calves, but most large feedlots are not well set up for tracking a few steers or heifers separately.
Retained ownership strongly ties to data and ensures that producers have access to the information. It appears that a lot of producers underestimate the value of receiving data to make informed decisions about their breeding programs. “Sometimes there is a little bit of fear that comes with knowing,” explains Kajal Devani, Canadian Angus Association Director of Science and Technology. “It’s a little bit like opening your
“What we’ve found,” offers Dr. Drake, “Is that in 16 out of the last 20 years it has paid to retain ownership of calves over and above selling them. And we’re not doing anything magical. We’re just
If you decide that retained ownership is a viable option for you, Dr. Drake offers some advice prior to jumping in. He says: ° Get your agreement in writing. Do not rely on a handshake deal. ° Be prepared for the work involved. ° Buy insurance. ° Visit with others who have done it. “We don’t have a single producer that has started doing it (retaining ownership) who has quit doing it,” says Dr. Drake.
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 93
BUILDING BETTER BEEF Building Better Beef is more than just our slogan, it’s what we’ve been doing for over 30 years in Canada and around the world. Semex has +80 distributors in over 100 countries working with producers shoulderto-shoulder every day, expanding our global footprint for Canadian producers and securing the future of the Beef industry. We’re Canada’s best genetic source for: structural soundness; functionality; and industry-leading performance. For more information on these or other Semex bulls, please contact your local representative.
Setting the Bar for Quality Some of the world’s finest Angus cattle are raised right here in Canada, under ideal conditions. The Canadian landscape, water and fresh air are a big part of what make them so great. It also takes a select group of hard working Canadian ranchers to bring those elements together. The result is Angus beef that is as delicious as it is nutritious.
Our ranchers are true stewards of their land. They raise cattle in a humane fashion not only because they know it’s best for the animals and their customers, but also because they know it’s best for future generations. Their beef is processed in federally or provincially inspected facilities. These businesses are subject to regular audits that ensure a high standard of food safety. Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed™ is a certification program that offers quality assurances and endorsements for Canadian Angus genetics. With the support of the Canadian Angus Association, Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed offers confidence that the beef will exceed expectations. Beef partners can qualify for the Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed program by meeting the following requirements: • Apply through the Canadian Angus Association • Animals must have a minimum of 50% Angus genetics; at least one of the parents must be registered Angus • Cattle must use the Canadian Angus RFID indicator • An audit process will be finalized in consultation with participants to ensure program integrity
C A N A D A’ S
G O A L S ,
2020–2024 A N D
THE 2020-24 NATIONAL BEEF STRATEGY IS DESIGNED TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE OPPORTUNITIES FACING THE INDUSTRY WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY ADDRESSING THE CHALLENGES. It is about how to best position our industry to compete for a larger share of the world market and to become the high-quality beef product of choice in the world. The industry vision, mission and pillars remain unchanged, from the 2015-19 National Beef Strategy. Focus areas and tactics have been updated to reflect the current market and regulatory environment that producers face.
The 2020-2024 National Beef Strategy has been developed with the aim to achieve specific goals that are aligned with the industry’s vision and mission under four pillars. The pillars identify focus areas where industry stakeholders will work together to collectively achieve the outcomes identified. Under each focus area specific outcomes have been defined that work towards meeting the goals established by industry.
A D Y N A M I C P R O F I TA B L E Canadian cattle and beef industry
To be the M O S T T R U S T E D and C O M P E T I T I V E high-quality beef cattle producer in the world recognized for our superior quality, safety, value, innovation and sustainable production methods.
Support the comprehensive cutout above $270/cwt
Encourage a Encourag competitive regulatory, co omp m etitive re policy, po olicy, and market environment environm
Improve Im mprove production pro efficiencies effi fficiencies throught out ou ut the suply supl chain
Enhance industry E hance in En synergies sy yne ergies and connect positively with government g vernmen and go partner pa artner industries ind
To support the retail beef demand above 115 (Index 2000=100)
To T o rreduce educe aver average open rates rate es by two percentage pe points each region po oints in eac To o reduce th the labour by 50% shortage b To reduce ave average calf death de eath losses to 5% in region each reg
To support the wholesale beef demand above 105 (Index 2000=100)
To support the international beef demand above 100 (Index 2000=100) 96
To reduc reduce cost disadvantages disa advantages compared to o main competitors com by 2% 2
To improv improve feed efficiency by 5%
To improve national average av verage hay yields by 2-10% 2-10
The Canadian Beef Advisors consist of the current chair or president and senior staff of each of the seven national beef organizations responsible for policy, marketing, research and sustainability. They are a diverse group of experienced industry representatives who are leading the implementation of the National Beef Strategy on behalf of producers. They are tasked with prioritizing and reaching the goals outlined in the strategy.
BEEF DEMAND DOMESTIC AND GLOBAL MARKETING 1. Establish the Canadian Beef Advantage as the most recognized and loyalty-based premium beef program in the world 2. Get the right product to the right customer every time MARKET ACCESS 1. Reduce non-tariff and tariff barriers in our export markets for beef, live cattle, and beef cattle genetics 2. Increase our capability to utilize preferential access in key exports markets for Canadian beef, live cattle, and beef cattle genetics 3. Eliminate market access restrictions T H E C A N A D I A N B E E F A D VA N TA G E 1. Monitor the Canadian Beef Advantage to assess the effectiveness of efforts to improve the product attributes with the greatest impact on carcass value and beef demand 2. Develop of a National Total Quality Management System to enhance decision making in support of customer satisfaction with Canadian beef and the profitability of the sector 3. Research and development to improve consumer satisfaction with Canadian beef CONSUMER CONFIDENCE 1. Enhance consumer confidence in Canadian beef across all markets through a focus on enabling industry advocates, leadership in issues management, and partnerships with influencers 2. Improve the effectiveness and reach of consumer communication 3. Promote the health and nutritional benefits of beef to consumers 4. Support consumer food safety education initiatives that demonstrate the effectiveness of Canada’s science-based food safety system 5. Research and extension to drive the reduction of food safety incidences and improve food safety along the beef supply chain PUBLIC TRUST 1. Enhance the public image of the Canadian beef industry emphasizing the many positive benefits our industry contributes along with the continual improvement in environmental sustainability, animal health and welfare, and food safety practices
2. Increase public recognition of the beef industry’s direct and indirect contributions to the Canadian economy and society 3. Maintain the Canadian beef industry’s social license to operate through communicating production practices and identifying opportunities for continuous improvement in areas of public concern 4. Implement the Stakeholder Engagement Strategy S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y 1. Support the activities of the Global and Canadian Roundtables for Sustainable Beef 2. Advance the sustainability of the Canadian beef industry 3. Implement and increase uptake of the Certified Sustainable Beef Framework 4. Science-based information to inform the development of effective public communication and policy development regarding environmental goods and services provided by the beef industry
COMPETITIVENESS Y O U T H I N V O LV E M E N T A N D S U C C E S S I O N 1. Support succession between generations and attract new talent to the beef industry 2. Increase involvement of youth in the beef industry 3. Encourage greater stakeholder engagement in the Young Cattlemen’s Council, Cattlemen’s Young Leaders, and other programs including direct participation, being a mentor, or networking with participants S U P P O R T I V E R E G U L AT O R Y F R A M E W O R K 1. Improve return on investment and long-term profitability of the beef industry 2. Advocate and uphold a scientific risk based regulatory system 3. Pursue outcome based flexible alternatives to prescriptive tactic-based regulations 4. Pursue regulatory cooperation with major trading partners 5. Ensure that traceability systems are based upon real benefits and fairly allocated costs; through national industry-led cattle identification systems with an emphasis on animal identification, premise identification, and animal movement
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 97
A RESPONSIVE MARKETPLACE 1. Develop a National Emergency Management Strategy in event of a major trade disruption (e.g. Foot and Mouth Disease) 2. Address internal barriers to a competitive marketplace 3. Generate science-based information to inform regulatory approvals 4. Proactively address and influence domestic and global food production standards, codes of practices, and potential regulations A C C E S S T O C O M P E T I T I V E LY P R I C E D I N P U T S 1. Improve access to affordable skilled labour; most particularly improving processing times 2. Improve access to competitively priced inputs including animal health products, feed grains and forages, new technologies, and other inputs
PRODUCTIVITY GENETIC SELECTION 1. The Canadian Beef Innovation Network will provide producers with world leading scientific based selection tools that will allow them to make informed herd management decisions 2. Increase producer knowledge and adoption of genetic selection tools I N F O R M AT I O N F L O W • Guiding Principles for industry investments and partnerships in digital technology are outlined R E S E A R C H C A PA C I T Y 1. Support the maintenance and renewal of key research capacity supporting Canada’s beef industry 2. National food safety, antimicrobial resistance and production limiting disease surveillance programs enhanced or developed, with research capacity and expertise in place 3. Ensure research facilities in each region are maintained and staffed to support activities that address local production practices RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 1. 15% Improvement in yields and nutritional quality of tame, native and annual species through regionally appropriate efforts to improve pasture, forage and grazing management, soil health, and plant breeding 2. Improved feed efficiency through cattle breeding methods that consider and balance the production traits of economic relevance to different sectors of the beef value chain 3. Improved feed supply and utilization through the development of improved feed grain varieties and agronomic and feeding strategies that cost-effectively optimize animal nutrition, performance and cost of gain while considering impacts on animal performance, health, beef quality and nutrient management 4. Quantify the economic and agronomic benefits of integrated annual crop, forage, and beef production systems and identify strategies to optimize and improve integrated production systems 5. Improved surveillance of the incidence and economic impact of production limiting diseases and nutritional, health management, biosecurity and welfare practices in cow-calf, backgrounding and feedlot operations
6. Improved prevention of animal disease and welfare issues through the identification, development and promotion of cost-effective vaccination, treatment and management strategies that can be widely adopted to improve health, welfare, reproductive and performance outcomes throughout the beef production system 7. Evidence-based antimicrobial resistance decision making and communication through clinical trials to confirm the best antimicrobial treatment options to minimize antimicrobial resistance throughout the cattle production cycle, and development of rapid, accurate, cost-effective diagnostic technology to detect antimicrobial resistance in production environments. 8. Develop a broader toolbox for disease management through evidence-based risk assessment of the effectiveness of alternative production practices and non-antimicrobial products to prevent and control disease TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION 1. Engage academic and research organizations to encourage the development of new technologies that will benefit the beef cattle industry 2. Advance the development and implementation of the Canadian Beef Technology Transfer Network to encourage the more rapid adoption of relevant technologies and production practices 3. Increase the proportion of producers adopting new technology with reduced lag from development to adoption
CONNECTIVITY I N D U S T R Y C O M M U N I C AT I O N 1. Timely concise, and effective delivery of industry communications 2. Enhance industry’s ability to speak with consistent messaging E N G A G E I N D U S T R Y PA R T N E R S 1. The Canadian Beef Advisors to oversee the delivery and reporting on the National Strategy for the beef and cattle industry 2. Maintain and enhance the Canadian Beef Industry Conference as an annual event with multiple industry organizations conducting meetings and bringing industry together 3. Expand cross organizational learning and stakeholder engagement opportunities through the expansion of current programs such as Town Halls, webinars, lunch and learns, Beef Advocacy Canada, and other opportunities 4. Build strategic partnerships with non-beef organizations to support and promote beef production and consumption E N G A G E G O V E R N M E N T A N D G L O B A L PA R T N E R S 1. Engage government and regulatory agencies to build and maintain long-term relationships 2. Participate in consumer discussions and forums to obtain feedback and provide information regarding the Canadian beef industry 3. Invest in developing long-term relationships with a broad range of stakeholders, including domestic and international organizations, encouraging collaboration on priorities of mutual interest (i.e. trade agreements, animal health and care, government policy and programming, research and marketing) and open discussion when differences arise.
Your Health During
Calving Season Calving time is physically and mentally demanding and can also be very stressful. There are several ways to compromise your health and wellbeing during calving. It is important to take care of yourself so that you can provide proper care to your animals. By Karin Schmid Alberta Beef Producers
Adelle Stewart The Do More Agriculture Foundation
and Kajal Devani, Canadian Angus Association
ZOONOSES are diseases that can be transmitted between animals and people. As calving season approaches, many producers will spend increased time in close contact with their cattle, whether that is for winter feedings, late night checks, assisting with difficult calvings, or treating sick calves. This close contact can increase the risk of being exposed to something that can make you or your family sick. Below is more information on a few common zoonoses in cattle. While most calf scours are caused by rotavirus or coronavirus (which can be vaccinated against), E. coli, Clostridia, Salmonella, and Campylobacter are bacteria that can be involved, and spread to humans causing varying degrees of gastrointestinal distress. Serious cases in people can result in hospitalization or death. In addition, people can contract Cryptosporidium by coming into contact with the feces from infected calves. Most people with healthy immune systems will recover on their own after about two weeks of vomiting and diarrhea, but about 10 percent of cases require hospitalization. Another common issue in cattle during this time is Q fever. Q fever is caused by bacteria that is shed in feces, urine, milk and birthing fluids/membranes. The bacteria can become airborne when an animal gives birth, and that’s how people most commonly become infected. Symptoms are similar to the flu with fever, chills or sweats, fatigue, muscle aches, etc. Women infected during pregnancy may be at risk of miscarriage or early delivery. Symptoms are similar to Leptospirosis infections although with lepto a second phase of illness may follow one to two weeks later with jaundice, reduced kidney function, irregular heartbeat and red eyes as common symptoms. Without treatment, hospitalization is often required to treat complications like kidney failure.
Protect yourself and your family from bovine zoonoses by ensuring sound biosecurity protocols are in place. This includes limiting access for young, old, pregnant and immunocompromised people to sick cattle, wearing personal protective equipment (gloves, masks, goggles, waterproof coveralls/apron) as appropriate, isolating sick animals and visiting them last, using separate equipment to work with sick versus healthy animals, staying up to date on vaccinations, disinfecting and covering any scratches or bites thoroughly, frequently washing your hands well, and letting your doctor know that you work with animals. The most effective way to avoid zoonosis is to wash your hands well and often.
MANAGE YOUR STRESS – The days are cold, the nights are long, weather is unpredictable and our animals at times require significant support and intervention. Calving season in Canada comes with natural and expected stress, but can also lead to excessive hardship which can take a toll on our mental health. Early recognition of undue stress can go a long way in maintaining our health. Living and working on the farm, our physical health needs are often met, but mental stress and illness can have direct correlations on our physical health as well—including headaches, gut health, back pain, cardiovascular contraindications and more. Unlike a physical fracture in which a bone breaks, mends, and is healed, mental health is a constant fluctuation of one’s state of mind. It’s important to know that every individual floats between mental wellness and mental stress, usually on a daily basis. One in five individuals will fluctuate to mental illness in their lifetime. Achieving a consistent return to mental wellness requires a balance of physical, emotional, spiritual and social attention.
Humans are social creatures and we require quality interaction with others to stimulate our social wellness. Whether it’s a game of cards in a barn alley while waiting to see if #23 needs a calf pull, lunch around the kitchen table, or morning coffee at the local shop— ensuring you spend some quality time on a social level with family and friends is a great step towards supporting mental wellness during calving season. Even though a lot of calving season is done solo, you can still have meaningful interactions via technology, versus simply scrolling through social media posts. When it comes to emotional wellness, with calving also coinciding with the start of a new year, resolving to “Feel Your Feels” could be a goal to focus on during those barn checks. We have a wide array of natural emotions—and it is important to experience and go through them versus stuffing them away. Whether you’re feeling sad, or mad, happy, or glad—resolving to talk to someone or exploring those feelings yourself through reflection, journalling or your own means of exploration—can make a big impact on our abilities to put perspective on a situation and help cope with the stressors the season undoubtedly brings.
LASTLY AND ABOVE ALL, GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSION TO “DO YOU”. There are many tips and techniques that people use to manage stress, but no one way works for every person. The key is exploration and finding what works for you, even if it’s nothing you’ve ever been told before. Try it, you might like it, but if you don’t—remember to keep trying something else. The key is to keep searching for your own solutions, but if you feel that you have and are out of options, reach out. If you need help accessing resources, visit where you can find national, provincial and regional supports to help you through difficult times. ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 99
how mcdonald’s canada is leading the world in beef sustainability By Tina Zakowsky, Canadian Angus Association
In 2014, McDonald’s made a notable global commitment to sustainable beef. In response to customer inquiries about and requests for sustainable beef, McDonald’s began working with producers in cooperation with the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef to build a certification framework to define sustainability in a way that made sense for beef producers, the foodservice industry and consumers.
ust a few short years later, in July 2018 McDonald’s announced that their Angus burger lineup in Canada would be the first verified sustainable line of burgers at McDonald’s restaurants worldwide. McDonald’s chose to launch their sustainable beef offering in Canada with their Angus lineup because it’s a premium offering and because logistically, the volumes would be easiest for the company to manage. The sustainable Angus lineup provides McDonald’s Canada with a unique way to communicate with customers about a product that they know that consumers care a lot about. In addition to having several Angus burger options on the regular menu, there are limited-time flavours because sales prove that McDonald’s consumers love the lineup. McDonald’s says they are just beginning their sustainable beef journey, and they are excited about expanding the availability to consumers. They have not been able to set a target implementation date for their next burger as they are still working to source a steady supply of certified sustainable beef.
Nicole Zeni, Senior Manager, Strategic Sourcing for McDonald’s Canada encourages Canadian beef producers to get involved and to tell others about the program. Jeffrey Fitzpatrick-Stilwell, Senior Manager, Sustainability and Agriculture Lead McDonald’s Canada adds, “Help us help you. Help us be able to tell your great story by going through those audits and helping us talk to Canadians about the sustainability of Canadian beef
There are three steps to joining the certified sustainable beef supply chain:
Get trained and audited by Verified Beef Production Plus (VBP+) or audited by Where Food Comes From.
Register for BIX.
Age verify your cattle.
production. Angus producers have a unique opportunity because we’re already using the logo on the Angus products.” He adds that the supply chain is always concerned about assured supply. Making sure that there is plenty of certified sustainable Canadian Angus beef not only helps McDonald’s, it helps other Canadian Beef Sustainability Acceleration Pilot customers. Certified sustainable beef is about a lot more than simply feeling good about your beef production practices. Producers always want to know what’s in it for them, especially if they’re being asked to do more. According to McDonald’s, there are two components. One component is building consumer trust and sharing the positive sustainable attributes of Canadian beef. The other component is financial. Cargill customers that participate in the Canadian Beef Sustainability Acceleration Pilot fund financial credits. Pilot project per head credits to cattle producers have varied each quarter based on the number of qualifying animals, cattle weights and beef demand from participating retailers and food service operations. Quarterly pilot project credit payments to date have averaged $18/head. “We’re living in a time with a lot more options than there have ever been,” says Nicole. “The logo provides an
opportunity to start the discussion and continue the discussion.” She points out that numerous logos are available on everyday products such as chocolate, coffee and tea. “Consumers will slowly grow to learn more about what the logos mean. To me, it’s a very powerful tool for the beef industry to tell and share their story and the impact beef has on sustainability within Canada and elsewhere.” McDonald’s is very appreciative of the efforts of Canadian beef producers and especially to those who participate in the Canadian Beef Sustainability Acceleration Pilot. Jeffrey says, “We can’t serve the highest quality, safest, most sustainable Angus beef to our customers if we don’t have Canadian Angus producers doing that work day in and day out.” “Nothing delights me more when I hear from a guest to say they had an Angus burger and it was the best burger they’ve ever had,” says Nicole. She adds one final comment that she wants Canadian Angus producers to know. “McDonald’s Canada is really proud of our Angus burger. We have visitors that come to our offices and our
restaurants from around the world and one of the hallmarks of their visit is how incredible the Angus burger is, as well as the coffee and poutine.” To learn more about the program, get registered and start the process of becoming a certified sustainable beef operation, visit
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 101
Top Dollar Angus Seeks
with High-End Genetics
By Tom Brink, founder, Top Dollar Angus, Inc. and CEO, Red Angus Association of America
North American feedlot operators have historically purchased feeder cattle much differently than how they buy pickup trucks. Odd, but true. When buying feeder cattle, the focus is on price and little else. Pickup trucks are evaluated and purchased on the basis of value, which can be described as benefits balanced against cost. Buy a ‘cheap’ pickup and there won’t be many benefits in the form of engine horsepower, towing capacity, leather seats and the like. Alternatively, you can choose to pay more and get more. That is a well-understood principle everyone uses when purchasing a vehicle. Feeder cattle, on the other hand, are rarely evaluated this way. Cost alone dominates most purchasing decisions, while the benefits that one group of cattle bring versus another take a back seat.
Top Dollar Angus aims to bring a more value-based orientation to feeder cattle procurement and is already putting a dent in the cattle industry’s commodity-oriented, price-above-all-else mentality. The price paid for cattle definitely matters to a feedlot’s bottom line, but equally important is the performance and carcass characteristics those cattle possess (that’s the benefits package), and genetics determine up to 50 percent of those important outcomes. Simply stated, genetics loaded with improved performance and carcass potential are 102
worth more because they produce better. More pounds, greater feed efficiency and more quality—that’s easy to understand. The challenge, however, is getting buyers to adjust their thinking and begin recognizing that it is okay (economically rational) to bid more and, ultimately pay more, for cattle with documented genetics for superior growth and carcass traits.
What is Top Dollar Angus? Watching the beef industry struggle with its commodity orientation combined with an understanding of the importance of genetics led to the founding of Top Dollar Angus in 2014. In short, Top Dollar Angus is a genetic verification and marketing assistance company that works at the top end of the Angus bell curve. To qualify for the program, cattle must be at least 50 percent Angus (black or red) and objectively rank in the top 25 percent of the breed for growth and carcass traits. Objective information in the form of EPDs on historically used sires and/or DNA test scores determine whether or not a herd qualifies. Commercial calf crops that meet or exceed a top 25 percent ranking are verified as Top Dollar Angus and can be marketed under the Top Dollar Angus logo, assuring feedlot buyers they’re getting high-end genetic cattle that will gain and grade well above average levels. Higher daily gain rates, improved feed efficiency and significantly higher quality grades are the ‘benefits package’ that comes standard with Top Dollar Angus-verified feeder cattle. Additionally, Top Dollar Angus provides best-in-class marketing assistance when a group of verified cattle are ready to be sold. Thus, the Top Dollar Angus brand represents the best in genetic superiority for the characteristics that matter most to cattle feeders—gain rates, feed efficiency and positive carcass merit traits. When a group of cattle is identified as being Top Dollar Angus, buyers know that they are getting the top end of the best breed in the entire cattle population. Guesswork is eliminated, and confidence in how the cattle will perform and grade is significantly reduced.
Top Dollar Angus is a genetic verification and marketing assistance company that works at the top end of the genetic bell curve. To qualify for the program, cattle must be at least 50 percent Angus (black or red) and objectively rank in the top 25 percent of the breed for growth and carcass traits. Top Dollar Angus feeder calves typically bring premiums of $20 to $60 per head in the US where the program is well established. Calendar year to date, Top Dollar Angus has done business in 27 different states, ranging from North Dakota to Texas and from California to Virginia and South Carolina. Producers across the nation want their high-end Angus genetics to stand out in the marketplace and that’s what Top Dollar Angus accomplishes for them.
Partnering with Angus Seedstock Suppliers Early on in the development of Top Dollar Angus, partnerships with highend Angus seedstock suppliers were established for mutual benefit. Today, Top Dollar Angus has more than 120 Seedstock Partners all across the US. Progressive seedstock suppliers are always looking for ways to support their best and most loyal bull customers. Additionally, these elite genetic suppliers have a vested interest in seeing their genetics succeed on sale day via their customers’ calves. Commercial bull buyers are now asking whether (or not) a given seedstock supplier’s genetics will help them succeed when their feeder calves are sold. If the genetics meet Top Dollar Angus specification, that answer is a resounding YES. Top value genetics create a win-win scenario for the breeder and their customer.
The Seedstock Partnership aspect of Top Dollar Angus is relatively simple. High-end Angus and Red Angus breeders pay an annual escrow fee to Top Dollar Angus, usually $500 or $1,000 based on herd size, which provides them with herd enrollment credits to be used with selected bull customers, helping these customers access Top Dollar Angus certification and marketing assistance for less cost. An escrow amount of $500 provides two herd enrollment credits (for breeders selling up to 85 bulls per year), while a $1,000 escrow amount (herds selling more than 85 bulls annually) provides four herd enrollment credits for commercial customers. In this way, Seedstock Partners are paying the entry or access fee to help their customers become part of the premium genetics marketed through Top Dollar Angus. Top Dollar Angus thusly helps Black and Red Angus breeders reach out and support their most important bull buyers. Seedstock Partners also benefit Top Dollar Angus by helping the company find commercial herds with top quartile Angus genetics that are likely to qualify for the program. Top Dollar Angus completes commercial herd evaluations at no cost, so there’s no risk for the commercial producer to find out if his/ her calf crop qualifies. If the calf crop does qualify, the producer then has the option of enrolling their feeder calves in the program. Noteworthy too is that many of the herds that do not initially qualify will heed the improvement recommendations offered by Top Dollar Angus personnel. It has become commonplace to see these herds ‘up their game’ genetically and become eligible for certification with future calf crops, often in just a year or two.
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Working with Canadian Angus Breeders Top Dollar Angus is gradually expanding into Canada and is actively seeking high-end Angus breeders as Seedstock Partners. The beef cattle business is much the same north and south of the 49th parallel. Elite Angus genetics are worth more in both geographies, but they don’t always bring the premium they should. That’s why Top Dollar Angus is working hard every day to connect feedlot buyers with the best value proposition in the business, Angus-based feeder cattle verified to represent the top growth and carcass genetics available anywhere. For more information on Top Dollar Angus, please contact Jared Wareham (general manager) at 660-492-2777 or See also the company Facebook page and website
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800.989.8247 ANGUS LIFE 2020 /105
bc May 28–30 August
September Fall
BC Cattlemen’s Convention | Fort St. John, BC Canadian Beef Industry Conference | Penticton, BC
BC Angus Association Annual General Meeting | Location TBD Angus Gold Shows | Locations TBD
For more information, please contact the BC Angus Association for inquiries regarding events in 2020.
reek, BC
E V E N T S JAN 10–11
Peace River Classic Dawson Creek, BC
BC Cattlemen’s Convention Fort St. John, BC AUG Canadian Beef Industry Conference Penticton, BC
President Jim Moon
President Jim Moon 250-567-9762 250-567-9762
BC Angus Association Annual General Meeting Location TBD Angus Gold Shows Locations TBD
Secretary Carley Henniger
Secretary Carley Henniger 250-571-3475 250-571-3475
For more information, please contact the BC Angus Association for inquiries regarding events in 2020.
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106 / ANGUS ence | Penticton, BC LIFE 2020
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BRAD CHAPPELL Heart of the Valley Farms By Kiani Evans, Canadian Angus Association
For Heart of the Valley Farms, the path to success is as varied as the landscape surrounding them. From alpine forest to valley lowland, the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island is not the first place many would look to start a ranch. But for Brad Chappell, it was in his blood. “My own family can be traced back to the 1880s here in BC, on the Island then up into the Rocky Mountains, and my wife Aleta’s even farther, all the way back to the 1830s at Fort Vancouver in (what is) now Washington State to the original colony of Vancouver Island,” he says. “Having had a cow-calf operation for a number of years but wanting to return to the Island to be closer to family, we bought new, raw forested land and cut it right from the bush. It’s a very tough region to make a cow-calf operation work on a commercial scale in the present day of commercial prices and serious transport distance, so we decided that we’d use the experience we had gained elsewhere to move into a seedstock operation.” In 2006, the Chappells purchased their first purebred Angus heifers from U2 ranch in Alberta, creating a solid foundation for their current herd. Having a commercial herd with Brad’s brothers in Wardner, BC allowed them to continue to build their purebred operation, selecting for strong conformation cattle with good feet and udders. The Chappells base all their purchasing choices on what they believe the commercial cattleman would use. “The whole reason we got into this business was to supply ranchers with sound, solid, working breedstock. If anything that’s our forward mission: to provide those types of cattle to the working rancher. They’re the foundation of our business.” With a bull sale in Williams Lake—the hub of the Chilcotin and a primary source for commercial breeders throughout the Cariboo region—Heart of the Valley’s cattle have to be fit for the rugged environment that many in BC face, and the North Island is able to show them just how durable the cattle can be. “In addition to the varying terrain, we can get up to nine feet of snow in bad winters. In the summer we’re a drought zone; we irrigate massively here. We’re lucky to have an inch of rain from mid-April to midOctober. Temperatures can range from -25 to +40 in the extremes; there are many difficulties to overcome, but also many positives. By mid-April the cattle are usually on grass up to their bellies, and our growing season goes well into the fall. On the farming side we’ll see three cuts, sometimes four or five. We’ve also been able to develop our own commercial market on culls, as being on an island segregates you.” The greatest source of pride for Brad stems from their desire to breed adaptable cattle. From the BC Boundary Country to the remote mountains of Tatlayoko, north to the Peace River Country, out to eastern Saskatchewan and south to Texas and Mexico, their cattle have been distributed throughout North America. “Aleta and I have cumulatively made the breeding decisions that produce cattle that will be profitable for the buyer, no matter where they are. It is also very rewarding to have purebred breeders buy our stock and find benefit.” For the future, three things are important in building Heart of the Valley Farms: experience, knowledge and efficiency, all of which will help strengthen their ties to commercial breeders. “There is great value in the Aberdeen-Angus breed for adaptability and feed efficiency, and the next 20 years will allow us to represent that to the world. The breed has massive forward capacity.” And for any young breeders interested in getting involved? “Work hard,” Brad states adamantly. “I believe the best way to support youth and youth engagement is through encouragement and leadership—if they see others working hard and being successful, they will follow.”
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 109
managing your
CASH FLOW By Lorne McClinton
Knowing when your bills are due and making sure you have the cash on hand to pay them is a key pillar of good financial management. It impacts everything from how you market your inventory to your relationship with your lending institution. Yet surprising numbers of producers find it challenging. “Over the short term, managing your cash flow just means making sure you have access to cash, either in your bank account or on your operating loan, when you need it,” says Terry Betker with Backswath Management in Winnipeg, Manitoba. “Over the longer term, it involves managing the liquidity in your operation; understanding where the cash is coming from, where it’s going and making sure it’s being used for the right purpose. Purchasing equipment on an operating loan is a classic way to get into a tight cash flow scenario.” Drawing up a cash flow budget is a good way to start. Farm Credit Canada has a month-by-month sample in their downloadable Cash Flow Planning Guide that lists initial cash on hand then tallies revenue from all sources and total monthly expenditures. The resulting itemized list highlights potential shortfalls well in advance so they don’t become critical.
This article was originally published by Farm Credit Canada, and is republished with permission. Visit for more articles and tools on farm business management.
A typical grain, oilseed and cash crop operation requires large amounts of cash in spring to cover the expenses of planting a crop. Mortgage or machinery payments can be scheduled for any month of the year and living expenses are constant. Some producers have 100 percent liquidity: enough working capital in their bank accounts to cover a full year’s expenses. Most rely on operational loans to tide them over until they receive revenue from inventory sales. Many people struggle the first time they attempt a cash flow plan that accurately forecasts their income and expenses, Betker says. However, most improve after they’ve done a few and gain a better understanding of their income and expense patterns. You can try different scenarios to see how you would fare if the price of a commodity drops or if your repair bill surges. Ideally, you’ll determine you have access to enough capital so minor fluctuations don’t have an outsized impact on your operation. “If you get to the point where your cash flow impacts your management decisions, forcing you to sell something you don’t want to, or prevents you from purchasing something you need, you’ve got a real problem,” Betker says. “The more liquidity your operation has, the more resilience it has when faced with adversity.” You can find the Cash Flow Planning Guide mentioned above at
THE LIVESTOCK MARKETS ASSOCIATION OF CANADA “True Price Discovery” by public auction is a time tested, proven method of determining the value of the demand for your livestock, regardless of breed, type or condition. LMAC members offer a wide variety of marketing options including traditional live auctions, co-mingled sales, show alley, video, electronic, time based and direct marketing. Contact the member of your choice to discuss what marketing option meets your needs. Take advantage of your marketer’s expertise and the best method of transparent price discovery by auction. LMAC represents over 250 auction markets, order buyers and buying stations across Canada. Our members are provincially licensed, bonded and insured to handle your cattle. LMAC members practice prompt payment for your livestock. LMAC represents it members and the marketing sector on a number of committees dealing with traceability, transportation, animal welfare, workplace health and safety, humane livestock handling and a host of other industry and regulatory issues. The Livestock Markets Association of Canada works with national and provincial livestock organizations, service providers and government agencies to keep the Canadian livestock industry sustainable and competitive, making sure that the Canadian livestock producer is not regulated out of business. To find out more about LMAC, check out our website at or our Facebook site LMAC Canada for industry news and other information.
May 7–9, 2020 Convention Headquarters Clarion Hotel, Brandon Auctioneer Championships Heartland Livestock, Virden
May 8, 2020 10:00 A.M.
LMAC President Rob Bergevin
Foothills Auctioneers Inc. 112
LMAC Administrator Rick Wright
By Rick Wright, CEO of the Livestock Markets Association of Canada
cattle feeding operations from across Canada and the United States. LMAC member markets offer a variety of different ways to market your livestock; traditional auctions, show list, comingled pre-sorts, video and electronic sales. The choice is yours, and LMAC member markets are licensed and bonded in the province in which they operate, giving you, the consignor, prompt payment for your cattle.
It is no secret that Angus-influenced cattle bring premium prices, and it is also no secret that in Canada there are more and more Angus-influenced calves available on the markets. How do you distinguish your calves in the competitive marketplace? In a “supply and demand” based market, it is extremely important that when marketing your cattle, you take advantage of the expertise and the competitive, transparent method of “true price discovery” offered by the auction system. Not all cattle are created equal, and for that reason you will see price differentials during the sales and from market to market. It is a proven fact that top quality cattle that are sorted for quality, size, condition and flesh, and that are promoted and presented properly, bring premium prices. The way cattle are priced has changed considerably over the years. The introduction of price slides for weight differentials from the estimated weight can be very confusing for producers selling direct. At the auction, the buyers know exactly what they are bidding on and the exact weight. With slides of 15 to 40 cents on light calves and 8 to 12 cents on heavy cattle, a few pounds either way make a huge difference in the dollars per head. Livestock markets sort the cattle to uniform packages, giving the seller the optimum pricing opportunity. When buying direct, they sort the cattle and re-price the packages. How many times has one buyer purchased all of your calves at an auction? Auctions have buyers and sellers for all types and qualities of livestock. Livestock Markets Association of Canada (LMAC) market members bring together large numbers of cattle from various producers and offer them to buyers representing
Some producers think that they save the commission when they sell direct. Most successful farmers hire consultants to assist them in crop production and marketing their products. In the cattle business, using the services of the auction of your choice is the same as hiring an expert consultant to market your calves. Sale day is pay day. The promotion of your calf crop goes a long way to develop a solid reputation for your offering and will help build that reputation that will pay dividends in the future. Who do you call when looking for price trends in the cattle market? The auction market because the public auction is time tested and a true method of price discovery for that region of the country for that day.
Many Angus seedstock producers work with LMAC members to promote their breeding programs and assist their customers. A great example is Cudlobe Angus. Cudlobe Angus has developed a strong reputation for high quality genetics. The Cudlobe Influence Calf Sale for producers using Cudlobe genetics has been very successful with the consignors. They choose to use the auction at Foothills Auctioneers Incorporated in Stavely to market their calves. Other commercial cattlemen are having great success at the Angus influence sales. Regardless of which type of auction sale method you choose, the public auction method will give you the chance for the best returns for the quality of cattle you deliver. The Livestock Markets Association of Canada and the Canadian Angus Association have been industry partners for more than 25 years promoting the Canadian cattle industry. If you have any questions regarding the livestock market or would like to market your calves with the best exposure available, trust true price discovery and contact the LMAC member market of your choice.
COMMUNICATION IS KEY. Develop a working relationship with your market operator so they are familiar with your operation and your cattle. BOOK YOUR CALVES IN ADVANCE. This gives the market time to let buyers know when you are selling and can then promote your calves and give sound advice on market conditions. They will also work to book similar cattle for that sale such as the popular Angus Influence Sales. TRY TO DELIVER YOUR CATTLE EARLY SO THAT THE MARKET STAFF HAS ADEQUATE TIME TO SORT YOUR CATTLE PROPERLY. Shrink is always a concern for producers. The introduction of show list and presort sales that provide feed and water can manage the shrink on your cattle. If shrink is a concern when you book your cattle for a traditional or special sale, feed and water pens are usually available on request. PROVIDE AS MUCH INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR CONSIGNMENT TO THE MARKET IN ADVANCE SO THAT THEY CAN PROMOTE YOUR CATTLE. Important information includes health protocols including implants, the castration method on steers and feed ration. Include program eligibility such as EU certified, natural, Verified Beef Production Plus certification or any other information that will make your cattle stand out and distinguish them.
B.C. Livestock Producers Co-Op (Kamloops) 250-573-3939 Okanagon Falls Stockyards 250-497-5416 Vanderhoof Auction Market Ltd. 250-567-4333 VJV Dawson Creek Auction 250-782-3766 Williams Lake Stockyards 250-398-7174
Balog Auction Services Inc. 403-320-1980 Bow Slope Shipping Association 403-362-5521 Calgary Stockyards Ltd. (Strathmore) 403-934-3344 DLMS 780-991-3025 Dryland Cattle Trading Corp (Veteran) 403-575-3772 Foothills Auctioneers Inc. (Stavely) 403-549-2120 Innisfail Auction Mart 403-227-3166 Medicine Hat Feeding Company 403-526-2707 North Central Livestock Exchange Inc. (Clyde) 780-348-5893 (Vermilion) 780-853-5372 Olds Auction Mart 403-556-3655 Perlich Bros. Auction Market Ltd. 403-329-3101 Provost Livestock Exchange 780-753-2218 Southern Alberta Livestock Exchange (Fort Macleod) 403-553-3315 Stettler Auction Mart (1990) Ltd. 403-742-2368
TEAM Electronic Sale 403-234-7429 Thorsby Stockyards Inc. 780-789-3915 VJV Auctions | 780-336-2209 Beaverlodge 780-354-2423 Ponoka 403-783-5561 Rimbey 403-843-2439 Triple J VJV Westlock 780-349-3153
Alameda Auction Market 306-489-2221 Assiniboia Livestock Auction 306-642-5358 Cowtown Livestock Exchange Inc. (Maple Creek) 306-662-2648 Heartland Livestock Services Moose Jaw 306-692-2385 Swift Current 306-773-3174 Yorkton 306-783-9437 Mankota Stockmen’s Weigh Co. 306-478-2229 Northern Livestock Sales Lloydminster 306-825-8831 Meadow Lake 306-236-3411 Prince Albert 306-763-8463 Saskatoon Livestock Sales Ltd. 306-382-8088 Shaunavon Livestock Sales (88) Ltd. 306-297-2457 Spiritwood Stockyards 306-883-2168 Weyburn Livestock Exchange 306-842-4574 Whitewood Livestock Sales 306-735-2822
Heartland Livestock Brandon 204-727-1431 Virden 204-748-2809
Please contact auction markets for sale dates. 114
Feeder Sales
Market your 2020 Angus tagged calves at participating auction markets. These auction markets are recognized supporters and sellers of cattle identified as Angus through the Canadian Angus RFID indicator.
Interlake Cattlemen’s Co-Op Assn Ltd. (Ashern) 204-768-2360 Grunthal Livestock Auction 204-434-6519 Killarney Auction Mart Ltd. 204-523-8477 Pipestone Livestock Sales 204-854-2262 Ste. Rose Auction Mart Ltd. 204-447-2266 Winnipeg Livestock Sales 204-694-8328
Brussels Livestock 519-887-6461 Kawartha Lakes Cooperative Auction Market Inc. (Woodville) 705-439-4444 Keady Livestock Market (Blue Water) 519-934-2339 Ontario Livestock Exchange Ltd. (Waterloo) 519-884-2082 Ontario Stockyards Inc (Cookstown) 705-458-4000 Ottawa Livestock Exchange (Greely) 613-821-2634
Contact the Feeder Calf Sales Agency 450-697-0540
Sussex and Studholm Agricultural Society Auction Barn 506-432-1841
Atlantic Stockyards Ltd. 902-893-9603
To order Canadian Angus RFID indicators, please order directly from CCIA at or call 1-877-909-2333.
Upgrading the Parentage Test: More Markers for More Results By Michelle Miller, Neogen Canada Parentage testing has become a standard practice in today’s Angus herds. The information from verified sire and dam results is not only useful for guaranteeing the pedigree when registering calves, but it also allows for more effective bull management in terms of multi-sire pastures and AI with a clean-up bull. Given the utility of the information from parentage testing, Neogen Canada is very motivated to ensure that the parentage results you receive are of utmost accuracy. When a DNA sample for a calf is received by the lab, the sample is processed and a certain number of SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) markers are read. The SNPs that are read are those recommended for parentage verification testing by the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG). Once the laboratory work is done and the SNPs for the calf have been determined, we are able to perform the parent qualifications and disqualifications. The laboratory takes the SNPs from the calf and the same SNPs from the bulls that were identified as possible sires and matches them up. We compare how many calf SNPs match to each bull.
Where multiple calf SNPs do not match to a bull, the bull is disqualified as a potential parent of the calf. A bull is only qualified to be the sire of a calf if his SNPs are a 97 percent or higher match to the calf SNPs. The lab reports the best matched bull with the highest match over 97 percent as the qualified sire. Occasionally though, and especially when possible sires are related bulls, we can have situations where two bulls have SNP genotypes with the same percentage match to the calf’s SNPs. In these cases it is useful to have the dam’s SNP genotype on record. This makes the bull qualification or disqualification very clear. Having the dam SNPs on record allows the lab to match the SNPs between three animals instead of two. The second way is to read a larger number of SNPs. Since January 2019, Neogen Canada has been reading 200 SNPs for all Canadian Angus animals to eliminate the issue of ambiguous sires, even when closely related bulls are in the same breeding pasture and report very accurate parentage verification test results.
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 115
BEEF BELONGS Whether your goal is to sell seedstock to other producers or to market your beef direct to consumers or the retail industry, the ultimate end goal for every beef producer is to raise the best quality animals to provide healthy and nutritious beef to consumers. But do you really know how this nutritional powerhouse
By Tina Zakowsky Canadian Angus Association
stacks up? According to a recent Nielsen survey, consumers aren’t as aware of beef’s high protein content as may be assumed. There is much more to beef than zinc, iron and protein (ZIP). Beef provides more protein, amino acids, vitamin B12, zinc and iron per calorie than any plant food source.
Meat Fuels the Body_TB.qxp_Layout 1 9/6/19 12:40 PM Page 1
BEEF fuels the BODY Beef is a nutrient dense food that fuels many functions in our bodies.
Provide your body with energy and help maintain proper brain function. Vitamin B6 - 15% DV Vitamin B12 - 100% DV Did you know that the only natural sources of Vitamin B12 are from animal foods such as meat? This vitamin keeps our nerves and red blood cells healthy.
Supports energy production and metabolism. 40% DV
Helps maintain a healthy immune system. 79% DV
Supports the development of the body’s nervous system. 13% DV
Images courtesy of
Helps preserve and build muscle. 35g
PHOSPHOROUS Helps build bones and teeth. 16% DV
Per 100g cooked beef, Health Canada, Canadian Nutrient Files 2015, food code 6172: beef, composite cuts, steak/roast, lean and fat.
Helps your body use oxygen. Especially important for infant cognitive development. 19% DV
Helps protect cells from damage. 53% DV
Helps convert food into fuel for your body. 25% DV
Beef is nutrient-rich. One hundred grams of cooked beef contains 14 essential nutrients, 245 calories, 35 grams of protein, 10 grams of fat and zero carbohydrates. Beef is an excellent source of protein, niacin, vitamin B12, selenium and zinc and is high in iron, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and phosphorus. It is also a source of magnesium, potassium and vitamin D.
Beef is an excellent source of heme iron. The body more readily absorbs heme iron than iron found in eggs or plant foods such as spinach, cereals or legumes. Eating foods that are a source of heme iron boosts the uptake of non-heme iron from other food sources by 150 percent. Iron is an important component of hemoglobin, the substance in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs throughout the body. Iron also helps maintain healthy skin, hair and nails. A lack of iron causes weakness, fatigue, decreased immune function and can lead to anemia.
Beef is an excellent source of protein. Each 100-gram serving of beef contains 35 grams of protein. Protein helps build and repair body tissue, helps build muscle, helps build antibodies, controls blood sugars, maintains muscle mass as we age, and helps contribute to feeling full for longer periods of time. The protein in beef is a complete protein. Animal proteins like beef contain all of the essential amino acids—in the right proportions— required for human health.
Beef contains 55% monounsaturated fat, the same healthy fat that is found in olive oil and avocados. Monounsaturated fats can help reduce bad cholesterol levels in blood which can in turn lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. Beef also contains Omega-3 which contributes to brain, nerve and eye health and Omega-6 which helps regulate genes, protect the immune system and assist with blood clotting.
Seeking Protein?
Here’s what 35 g of protein looks like CALORIES
245 Beef (cooked)
100 grams = 1 serving*
960 Almonds
approx 3/4 cup (5.5 servings); 2 tbsp = 1 serving*
Lean beef plays an important role in a healthy balanced diet. Eating beef or other meats with vegetable and plant sources of iron and zinc improves the body’s absorption of these nutrients.
Peanut butter
approx 10 tbsp (10 servings); 1 tbsp = 1 serving*
735 Hummus
approx 1-3/4 cups (14.75 servings); 2 tbsp = 1 serving*
520 Black beans
approx 2 cups (4.3 servings); 1/2 cup = 1 serving*
(cooked/canned) Source: Health Canada, Canadian Nutrient File, 2015, Beef 6172, Almonds 2534, Peanut Butter 6289, Hummus 4870, Black Beans 3377 *Table of Reference Amounts for Food:
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 117
Testing Your Feed By Andrea Hanson, Livestock Extension Specialist, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
hen roughly two-thirds of cattle production’s cost is feed, closely examining the resources available could mean the difference between a net profit, just breaking even or, worse yet, losing money by either feeding too much or too little and affecting the herd’s health status and reproductive capacity. Close examination begins with knowing what nutrients the feeds provide through the feeding season. Visual assessment of the forage is not a substitute for a feed analysis. Getting a feed test costs less than one large round hay bale—a small investment that could generate large returns. Accurate feed testing starts with getting a representative sample of the forage. The sample should take into consideration the field, forage composition and harvesting. As an example, if you are sampling a field that was half cut in early July but the last half wasn’t cut and baled until late July, there should be two separate samples taken. Combining those samples would skew the analysis significantly. Obtaining core samples from 20 random and scattered bales across the field or stack (from the same field and management) should provide an accurate representative sample. To collect a good sample, push the feed probe into the wrapped side of a round bale between the twines or through the net wrap and from the end for square bales. Collect the samples in a clean, sealable plastic bag. If sampling silage, use a W pattern to carefully collect samples from across the face of the silage pile (be sure to keep safety in mind when sampling from a steep face of silage) or even better, scrape across the face of the silage with a loader bucket and collect grab samples from the pile that accumulates on the ground. Place approximately one pound in a clean, sealable plastic bag and freeze until shipping. 118
The cost of a forage analysis varies depending on the information a producer wants. A basic test includes dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), total digestible nutrients (TDN) and fibre (ADF and NDF) along with the macro nutrients calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na) and potassium (K). There are two methods to analyze feed: near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR or NIRS) and wet chemical analysis. The NIR test is quick and less expensive but the accuracy of the minerals is low. Wet chemical analysis takes longer to complete and costs more yet the accuracy of the mineral composition is much more reliable. Crude protein, acid and neutral detergent fibre (ADF and NDF) can be done by either method with the same accuracy. If the crop was stressed (hail, heat, frost) prior to harvest, a nitrate test would also be advisable. Once the lab receives the analysis, the information needs to be put to use; filing the information in a drawer will not capitalize on the small investment. Ideally, information from the feed analysis should be plugged into a ration balancing program to ensure the animals’ nutrient requirements are met. CowBytes (, developed by Alberta Agriculture and Forestry staff, is an inexpensive program available for a small cost to all farmers/ranchers. If the cattle manager is not comfortable balancing the ration, seeking help and providing the information to the local feed rep may be a viable alternative. The Alberta Beef Forage and Grazing Centre (ABFGC) has developed two tools that put a feed analysis to use at the basic level. A Tool for Evaluating Feed Test Results helps to evaluate individual feed test results. First the producer selects a class of cattle that the feed may be fed to and then the average daily gain is selected or stage of production, depending on the class. The third step requires the average weight of the class to be indicated and then finally the feed test results are inserted. A colour-coded response is provided to indicate if the feed meets that class of cattle’s nutritional requirements. Green means the nutrient requirements are met, yellow indicates that there are insufficiencies and red means the requirements for that animal type are not met. This tool is not meant to replace ration balancing but it does provide an initial
indication of where each feed may fit into the winter feeding program. The tool helps to further evaluate the feeds to ensure adequate nutrition for the various classes and allows a manager to strategize the winter feeding system. A feed that does not meet crude protein requirements for backgrounding calves may work well for cows at mid gestation. It’s a matter of considering various alternatives to best use the resources and meet nutritional needs. This is a first step in the process. When combining various feeds to build a ration, it should be done with a ration balancing program such as CowBytes. The other tool for valuation is the Tool for Evaluating the Economic Value of Using a Single Feed which appraises the value of the feed based on the nutrient content. After inputting the feed results into the program and adjusting the current price of the reference feeds (barley and canola meal are the default feeds to determine the contribution costs for energy and protein), the program compares the value of the forage to using the reference feeds. This tool is useful when considering the purchase of forage to determine if it is worth the price. More information about feed testing and analysis ( as well as both of the evaluation tools are available on the Beef Cattle Research Council’s (BCRC) website under Resources in Decision Making Tools ( A final note when considering feeds: know your weights, don’t estimate them. Just like quality, bale weights vary from year to year based on moisture content, bale age, density and size, and forage species and maturity. We tend to overestimate the weight of the bales (and underestimate cow weight) which means we may think we’re feeding the cows either more or less than they are actually getting. Cattle, grain and fertilizer are typically bought and sold on weight, as should baled forage. Getting an average weight of a representative sample of bales will better determine weight than guessing alone.
Provincial Resources for Agricultural Grants Each year thousands of grant dollars go unclaimed due to a lack of applicants. Some of the applications are quite simple to complete. Below is a list of just some of the publicly funded resources available in Canada. This list is by no means exhaustive, but it will get you started down the right path to accessing the various programs that can help your operation.
British Columbia
Alberta Saskatchewan
Agriculture and Seafood Programs: Agriculture Research and Development Corporation: Investment Agriculture Foundation: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry: Agriculture Development Fund: knowledge-creation/agriculture-development-fund Programs for Farmers:
Programs and Services for Ontario Farmers: progserv.htm
Support for Quebec Farm Business Development: Becoming a Farmer:
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island
Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries: agriculture/content/agriculture_programs.html New Brunswick Cattle Producers: Department of Agriculture: Agri-Futures Nova Scotia Association: Agriculture and Land: Youth in Agriculture: AgPal: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada: Canadian Agricultural Partnership: ANGUS LIFE 2020
E V E N T S JAN 26 Maritime Angus Association AGM Amherst, Nova Scotia
President Amy Higgins Moncton, New Brunswick
MAR 20–21 Maritime Beef Conference
506-349-5395 APR 4 Maritime Beef Test Station Bull & Heifer Sale Nappan, Nova Scotia
Secretary Position to be filled
JUN 11–14 National Angus Convention Moncton, New Brunswick
2020 January 26
AUG 13–15 Old Home Week Angus Gold Show & Futurity Charlottetown, PEI
Maritime Angus Association AGM | Amherst, Nova Scotia
SEP 19–20 New Brunswick Beef Expo Gold Show & Futurity
March 20–21
Maritime Beef Conference | Moncton, New Brunswick
Sussex, New Brunswick
President Amy Higgins
Amy Higgins Maritime Beef Test Station Bull & Heifer Sale | Nappan, Nova Scotia April President 4 SEP 27 Maritime Angus Field Day & Junior Heifer Show* 506-349-5395 or OCT 10 New Brunswick National Angus Convention | Moncton, New Brunswick June 11–14
OCT 19 Angus PEI in Action Sale* Secretary Position to Week be Filled Old Home Angus Gold Show & Futurity | Charlottetown, Nappan, Nova Scotia Secretary Position to be filled New Brunswick Beef Expo Gold Show & Futurity | Sussex, New Brunswick eptember 19–20 August 13–15
*Dates Tentative Pasture tours and other local events to be September 27 Angus Field Day & Junior Heifer Show* | New Brunswick later dates. Follow on social OR announced atMaritime media October 10 or check out the websites for updates.
October Amherst, Nova19Scotia
Angus in Action Sale* | Nappan, Nova Scotia
w w w. m a r i t i m e a n g u s . c o m
New Brunswick tes tentative 120 / ANGUS LIFE 2020
ure tours and other local events to be announced at later dates. Follow on social media or check out the website for updates!
MARTIN KUHLE Old Lake Angus By Kiani Evans, Canadian Angus Association
When Martin Kuhle first laid eyes upon his plot of land in New Brunswick, the question of what to do with it was not far behind. The lush grass provided the obvious answer: cattle. Today, Martin and his wife raise a small purebred Red Angus herd near the Atlantic Ocean while running a feedlot and growing their own forage. Old Lake Angus developed slowly, beginning in 2002 when Martin and his wife Kerstin purchased the plot. Originally from Germany, they travelled back and forth before finally settling on the land in 2009 with their five children, followed by a purchase of purebred Red Angus in 2014. The mercurial weather of New Brunswick quickly tested the Kuhle’s mettle, however, as a storm in 2015 caused their barn to collapse and killed six of their purebred herd. “That was terrible,” says Martin. “But we had to rebuild, and so here we are. I love Angus and I love the Red Angus especially; it’s nice to work with them.” When asked what drew him to Red Angus, Martin is quick to answer. “The first thing is that the cattle are calm to work with— that’s important for safety. They work great in the environment here; we’ve had no problems, not in the winter, not in the summer. Their colour is good and we have no problems with calving. They are middle-sized, middle-framed cattle, and they’re really a joy to have around. That’s what makes me happy, to go and see the cows and the crop.” In searching for the right genetics for his farm, Martin wanted to explore operations beyond his home on the East Coast. This led him to Medicine Hat, Alberta, where he made arrangements to purchase a Red Angus bull. By May the bull was on New Brunswick grass, and an exciting new chapter began for the Kuhles. “I’m very excited to see the new calf crop next year, and an even greater step will be to see when they are tested what the results are. It also gives me the ability to provide new genetics for my customers.” In 2018 Old Lake Angus was awarded Producer of the Year by Atlantic Beef Products Inc. Not only did the award reinforce the path that the operation was on, it proved that their customers were satisfied with their product. “It’s a good cushion to sleep on,” says Martin. “Especially since we haven’t been here long. Everything was started from scratch.” From learning about a new country to the weather and language barriers, there were many hurdles to overcome. But the operation quickly adjusted to a new environment, and their relationship with it is another source of pride for Martin. “We have a good balance; we work with the Environmental Farm Plan and we are VBP+ certified; we make sure the cattle are not polluting and maintain a good reputation.” But the ultimate source of satisfaction for Martin is the moment he walks into the barn at the end of the day and is greeted with silence. “You know when you walk in and all is quiet that you did everything right. There are no complaints; they are all satisfied and happy.” “Farming really relaxes me,” he continues. “It can be a physical challenge, but it’s good for the soul.” For the future, Martin expresses a desire that many in the industry echo. “When people talk about beef, they should have Angus in their mind.” ANGUS LIFE 2020
you’re invited to
at the Delta Hotels by Marriott Beauséjour
0 2 20
Arriving early? Please join us for the complete lobster experience supper aboard Shediac Bay Cruises on Wednesday, June 10. The President’s Reception will be Thursday, June 11 at the historic Capital Theatre in the heart of downtown Moncton. Make plans to stay Sunday, June 14 and experience even more of the world-famous Maritime hospitality during the sightseeing tour!
JUNE 11–14, 2020
For more details, please visit
Proudly hosted by
Your Source for Eastern Canadian Angus Genetics JEM Farms
Ernie & Joanne Mutch Earnscliffe, PEI (902)651-2379
DJ Farms
Derek Weeks & Julie Mutch Hannah Weeks Fredericton, PEI (902)626-7856
Visitors Always Welcome!
Canadian Angus
Road Map to
Our strength as a breed is a result of the strength and success of our industry partners. We value our partnerships from across the industry and cannot achieve growth and success without your support. Our mandate is to ensure our partners continue to thrive and gain exposure through our network; and in turn, the value brought to our industry in products, services, research, education and support are vital. In addition to our new marketing platform Angus Life, other facets of our Association bring added exposure to our partner brands. These include National Convention, the Canadian Angus Foundation, Canadian Junior Angus, joint branded marketing opportunities and education for our membership. Our success in the industry is elevated by your efforts, and in turn we stand firmly behind you and your brand. To be included in our Road Map to Success—which will also be featured on our new website, through our social media strategies and a number of industry events in 2020—the only requirement is your support for the Angus breed through one of the Canadian Angus Association’s key marketing platforms. We look forward to showcasing our partner brands in our Road Map to Success in 2020 and beyond. ANGUS LIFE 2020
Genetic Suppliers
Premium Genetics
Commercial Buyers Tag Them Green
HEALTH & Nutrition
Data & Research
Marketing Options
Hit the Target
Know Our Consumers ANGUS LIFE 2020
Atlantic Beef Products Inc. An Overnight Success, 15 Years in the Making By Carmen Koning, Canadian Angus Association
If necessity is the mother of invention and taking chances is the father of innovation, their offspring must be Atlantic Beef Products.
Atlantic Beef Products Inc. (ABP) launched in 2003 in response to the only federally inspected beef plant in the area closing two years earlier. The producers in the area got together and formed the Atlantic Beef Producers Cooperative. Producers who wanted to ship cattle to a brand-new plant bought shares in the form of hooks for $60/hook. To make it possible to build the plant, the provinces of Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia along with the Government of Canada and COOP Atlantic all pitched in financially. BSE hit the industry shortly after ABP’s opening causing the beef producers supplying the plant considerable hardship. The first few years of most new business are challenging, and the BSE crisis made matters worse. The province of PEI stepped up in 2009 and provided the necessary financial commitment to allow the plant to operate as it worked through significant challenges, as it is a critical piece of infrastructure for the agricultural economy of the Maritimes. A new board of trustees/directors were put in place and they have worked diligently since then, together with plant management, to get the plant on a steady footing. Volume has grown significantly in the past few years and the company has doubled its market share and now accounts for about one percent of Canadas beef output. ABP is planning a significant plant expansion in the near future and continues to innovate and evolve their products and brand to meet market needs. As Russ Mallard, President of ABP says, “The
future is to expand the plant, to continue to grow our brands, to make our beef available to more and more consumers, and to like the story that we’re doing.” In order to achieve and maintain their success, ABP focuses not only on consumer needs and industry gaps, but also on running a better business. Their processes are efficient, they manage growth thoughtfully, and they care about their employees. In 2016, ABP employed approximately 25 percent visible minorities. In 2019, that number was over 65 percent, with employees coming from more than 20 different countries from around the globe. As Russ states, “I must say our staff is outstanding here. PEI as a province is very proud of the fact that it’s growing in the number of young people living here. Companies like ourselves help attract young people and, hopefully, a lot of them will stay. That’s another important driver for the local economy is just the fact that there are so many people from different backgrounds and countries coming to PEI. We encourage people to come and stay. Hopefully they’ll be here for the long term and stay at ABP.” ABP needed to look no further than their staff lunchroom for another important market to cater to. As Bruce Andrews, Vice President of Operations describes, “The thing that we did to service the growing Muslim population in Canada was to become a halal plant in 2016. Customers who are interested in halal beef can order from us in
advance. Some of the beef is sold retail, but a lot of halal is also used for value-added products that a couple of processors here in Atlantic Canada can produce, such as donair meat and beef bacon. They take our trim, or our products, and they convert them into value-added products and they ship them into markets across the country. That’s a good news story as well.” As ABP continues to grow its business and increase its product line, its plant will expand as well. The current location in Albany, Prince Edward Island, is surrounded by neighbouring industries. So like all things ABP does, it will expand efficiently using the resources available. As Bruce explains, “We’re looking to add; we know that if we can’t meet the needs of our growing customers, they’re going to get them met somewhere else. And our growth rate has been kind of off the charts the last few years. The company has more or less doubled in size in the last four to five years because of what we’ve been able to achieve.” ABP started their grinding program in 2013, which allowed them to start transforming their operations. By grinding the beef trim rather than sending it out as a commodity, they increased profitability. It helped the plant and volume started to build. As Andrews describes, “We worked hard as a team to take some risk and worry from producers by figuring out ways to keep the plant here. We knew we needed to process more, because this is a game of throughput; the more you put through the lower your fixed operating costs come down. It’s probably the same for any producer. By increasing the amount of ground beef and the value adding portion, we were not playing as much in the commodity field anymore.” Also around 2013, ABP started their Prince Edward Island Certified brand. “We feel we’ve got a huge domestic opportunity for people to want to buy sustainable beef and humanely raised products. We’ve done a really deliberate job in trying to communicate that. So when people buy from us they understand what they’ve got. It’s not just a box of beef; there’s a story that goes along with that,” Russ says. Part of ABP’s efforts in this area included a visit from Dr. Temple Grandin to the plant in 2018. She toured all around the plant, looking at things from the animals’ perspective. Her suggestions were mainly little items such as fixing lighting on a ramp, closing a few gaps in a box, ensuring the cattle could see where they stepped and not get spooked. ABP has been a pioneer in championing sustainability and humanely raised cattle long before it became a predominant issue in the beef industry.
Along with their Prince Edward Island Certified AAA Beef™, ABP is also known for their True Beef™, Island View Farms™ and Blue Dot Reserve™ brands. Blue Dot Reserve™ got its name because a customer wanted a way to easily identify the product from the box. A staff member at the time had the idea of getting a bingo marker and simply stamping a blue bingo dot on all the boxes. After that word of mouth spread and soon all the customers were asking for the beef in the boxes with the blue dot. Thus, the Blue Dot Reserve™ brand was born. As Russ states, “Branding allows us not to play the commodity game. This region produces good beef. It’s just that we weren’t as good as we needed to be at telling the story. So we now really concentrate on developing the story of our beef. When a customer enjoys a piece of beef, they’re also experiencing the story. If we’ve done a good job and our producers have done a good job, consumers are going to be telling our story too.” When asked what’s next for ABP’s brands, both Russ and Bruce agree they’d like to see a Canadian Angus branded beef program added to ABP’s portfolio. One of the biggest growth potentials in Eastern Canada right now is for Canadian Angus. ABP would like to see a bigger Angus presence go through their plant and are working with the Canadian Angus Association and producers to determine what shape a program could take. Because of their roots as a cooperative, ABP is very respectful when working with producers, who they recognize as not only their reason for being but also as the support they needed to get them through their early years. As Andrews says, “We work closely with the producers to try and create programs and value that makes them feel good about shipping to us. We try to create a good chemistry between us to help understand that this is what they want and this is what we want. We’re probably one of the most open and transparent plants around.” A key to maintaining ABP’s ever-growing success is this management of expectations to ensure whatever programs are put into place are going to benefit both ABP and the producers they work with. ABP is a state-of-the-art beef processing facility that marries old world farming traditions with leading-edge processes. It’s a very exciting time to be a part of Atlantic Beef Products Inc. As Russ says, “The Beatles took 10 years to become an ‘overnight’ success. We took a little longer than 10, but we’re getting there now!”
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 131
Maritime Beef Test
Achieving BIG THINGS
Small Matters
By Carmen Koning
Canadian Angus Association
he Maritime Beef Test Station (MBTS) is in the midst of some big changes. The cattle testing facilities are being completely redesigned and they are looking at expanding to include sheep, are working on having their own ultrasound technician in the region, are innovating in technology and efficiencies, and are working on improving connectivity in the region. The facility itself was built in the early 1960s by the Nova Scotia provincial government. The government administered operations until the early 2000s when it became an independent non-profit organization. The facility is surrounded by eight acres of farmland and maintains good relationships with all its neighbours, like the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Experimental Farm and a local dairy farmer who are contracted to supply and store feed for the MBTS. The original barn still stands, despite losing part of the building in 2014 due to a relentless snowstorm, as does the original sale ring. Both facilities are put to good use throughout the year. The MBTS has always been a bit of a pioneer. They have the first, and only, public GrowSafe system in Eastern
Canada. Installed in 2012, it allowed them to dramatically shift their business model by enabling them to charge for the feed an animal has consumed accurately measured to the nearest gram. They are able to track everything from individual feed supplements to individual medications, so they know exactly what it costs to test a bull. GrowSafe has enabled the Test Station to take their program forward in a big way. They are able to show the commercial producers they work with exactly where the value is when it comes to feed efficiency. For example, if an animal is in the top 20 percent of feed efficiency, the producer will save around six bales of feed. Producers know the value of a bale. This information helps explain feed efficiency in a way that makes dollars and sense. In addition to providing EPD metrics, the GrowSafe system has also decreased their annual vet bill by $10,000–$12,000. Subscribing to all the services GrowSafe has to offer allows the MBTS to get daily monitoring reports on the status of their cattle. When it comes to EPDs, there is so much data available that it can be difficult to make sense of it all. Knowing how to read a catalogue and understand the EPDs, how they fit within a program and
what their values are is crucial. A lot of commercial producers in the Maritimes have other jobs or they buy and sell cattle as a hobby. Being able to access the information needed, understand it and know how to apply it can make all the difference when selling and buying. The information needs to be available in advance—it is not something that can be fed through a fire hose the day of a sale to commercial producers. Commercial producers can access data from feedlots or test stations. They can call prior to sales and ask questions about vaccination protocols or gains. As Brad McCullum, MBTS Managing Director, explains, “It’s connectivity. For example, the breeder’s goal as the genetics guy should be to have the finishing guy at the end get as much money as possible, because if this guy can make money, everybody else along the chain is going to make money. That’s where that value chain really comes into it—the calf club model, the feeder club model, data sharing—but we’re fractured and challenged. Part of our challenge is that a lot of our calves don’t stay in the region. I think 80 percent of our calves end up in Quebec and Ontario. So it’s not as easy to know where those calves are in order
to follow up on them, unless you’re going direct to a PEI or New Brunswick feedlot. There are lots of hurdles but they’re not insurmountable with a little bit of will and action, and not a lot of money. Because all of the systems are there, it’s just a matter of making sure everyone’s plugged into it.”
are buying replacements versus keeping replacements for a couple reasons. One is they might not be able to produce enough replacements for what they need or want. And the other one is just to improve quality at a more rapid pace. So I think those are probably the two biggest things.
The MBTS has seen a streamlining of the bulls for testing over the past few years. They basically test three breeds now and a few other animals from time to time. Simmental, Angus and Charolais account for about 70–75 percent of the animals tested which is what one would expect as that is what the regional herd looks like. Another element of note is the quality of cattle they are getting now versus five or six years ago. The overall quality is constantly improving. For the most part, the purebred breeders and the commercial producers know what they are doing. They use the data and are more into the health protocols. The Maritimes is predominately a cow-calf region and there are more and more opportunities to feed that were not there before.
“There are all kinds of issues around management and marketing, even just kind of the shortage of feed in the West. I would love for somebody ship 20 truckloads of cattle here. I mean, walk around there and you don’t see grass like you see here anywhere from here to Virginia—1,200 cows now on 1,500 acres, we can take care of them. Whereas out West, that’s like 40 to 1; so now you’ve got 60,000 acres. Scale and availability. That’s why we’re a cow-calf region; we can produce calves cheaply. There are more guys doing things like rotational grazing, bale grazing, extended season grazing and stockpiling. We can actually graze from the second week of March right into November on quality grass most of the time and you can’t really do that in the West. So I think that’s our big advantage. Our disadvantage is we don’t have the grains and the scale to market. But as far as quality of cattle, I think ours are very comparable, if not the same levels as theirs.”
When asked about differences between Eastern Canada and Western Canada, Brad explains it this way: “I think probably one of the biggest differences is just our cow management in general. A lot of guys here are hands-on with their cows; they see them all day, every day. Whereas in the West, you can throw 400 cows with 12 bulls and away you go, see you next spring. Scale has a lot to do with it. That’s probably the biggest one I would guess and I could be wrong. We have a lot of smaller scale commercial folks that
In terms of support from the breeds, MBTS would like to see more outreach to commercial producers. Most likely the genetics are going to go to a commercial producer, so outreach and education are crucial. Purebred breeders need to ensure they are marketing themselves and marketing their genetics. Showing animals is a very important part of selling genetics in the Maritimes. That’s where potential buyers come and see your animals; make the connections with not only other breeders but also with the commercial producers. Even something as simple as sending out a thank you card or following up after a sale will help solidify and maintain those relationships. The future is full of opportunities for the MBTS as well as the cattle industry in the Maritimes. The Station is looking at doing other genetic-type evaluation work. They would like to expand their big sale on new programming
with EPDs; being able to test it within the environment is very important as well to make sure those genes are expressed the way producers would want them to be. As far as the industry goes, one of the biggest opportunities lays in working together. As Brad explains, “There is a history of— not even just in this region, but across the country—competing with ourselves. Our biggest competition is not the Limo guys, it’s not the Hereford guys or the Angus guys; it’s the pork guys, the chicken guys, the plant-based protein folks. That’s really what we’re up against. You can switch somebody from Argentinian beef to Canadian beef, but it’s really tough to switch them from chicken to beef. Really tough. So we need to take more of a collaborative approach and realize that beef is beef.” That said, Brad does think Canadian Angus has done a great job marketing beef. “Consumers care about taste, quality and experience. Angus has done great job marketing beef but I still don’t think a general consumer would pick an Angus out of a crowd. But, hey, they’re asking for it so that’s a good thing.”
This article was originally published by Farm Credit Canada, and is republished with permission. Visit for more articles and tools on farm business management.
It was a big day for Jeremy—and it was a long time coming. He quit his job. He was now officially a full-time farmer.
The following is Part 1 of a fictional case study created by BDO.
It was a great feeling, but scary at the same time. There would be no more safety net in the form of a weekly paycheque. He knew he was making the right decision, but he suddenly had some anxiety about aspects of his farm enterprise. Jeremy had always wanted to farm, but he came from an urban background. After getting a diploma in agricultural business, he worked a number of jobs for crop protection companies, an equipment dealership and most recently, as a farm manager. At the same time, he was able to
rent some acres and equipment from the farmer he worked for. When his parents passed away within a couple of years of each other, Jeremy inherited their house in a super-heated housing market in a major urban center. He sold the house and bought land, but cash flow was always an issue and he needed a job to keep everything moving forward. A turning point came when a former boss suggested he look into an opportunity to custombale hay and straw for some of the mid-sized operations in his area. He started with an old baler and rented tractor, but within three years he had purchased two newer balers and a couple of tractors to power them. He had more work than he could handle so it was time to make the leap. His plan was to grow value-added crops and use the custom baling enterprise to
keep growing the land base. Jeremy had always relied on mentors and neighbours to help him on his journey. But when it came to questions about how to structure his business, land ownership options and tax planning, the free advice he was getting at the coffee shop seemed priced about right. With the warm fuzzy feelings after quitting his job subsiding, Jeremy made a list of the questions that kept bubbling up. He wasn’t dealing with succession—he was initiating a business, and although he had been farming part-time for a number of years, he knew he needed help to start his full-time farming venture off on the right foot. The first priority was to meet with his accountant, Alex, a local professional with a wealth of experience in agriculture.
Should he incorporate the business?
He wasn’t dealing with succession—he was initiating a business, and although he had been farming part-time for a
Jeremy expected gross revenues this year of about $300,000 from farming and the custom work, similar to the prior year. However, last year, after expenses, he had only reported about $35,000 of taxable income. This puzzled Jeremy, but Alex explained that because he could depreciate his equipment, he had been able to report a sizable deduction last year. Given his plans for additional expansion, Jeremy and Alex estimated taxable income of about $50,000 for the next few years. At that level of income and with no other personal income, Alex thought there’d be insufficient tax savings to offset the legal and accounting fees to set up and maintain a corporation. He could always incorporate in the future if his income increased. At that time, they would decide if it made sense to transfer all the assets into the corporation, or only the equipment.
What about future capital gains? Jeremy knew there were capital gains exemptions available for farm property. Alex provided some insights. An individual (not a corporation) may claim up to $1 million of exemption from gains on the sale of qualified farm property. Although Jeremy didn’t intend to sell any farm property in the future, he was glad to have a better understanding of how the exemption worked. There was a benefit to not putting land into a corporation, because gains that accrue on it after it was in a corporation would not be sheltered with this exemption. Unlike many of his peers who operated farms that had been in the family for generations, Jeremy now knew that if he ever quit farming and started renting his land out, or if the custom work business became much more substantial, he would have to consult with Alex to keep his farm aligned with the rules concerning capital gains.
number of years, he knew he needed help to start his full-time farming venture off on the right foot.
How would he pay his personal expenses? This was not on Jeremy’s list, but Alex wanted to discuss the logistics of keeping business and personal expenses separate. Rather than running all his personal expenses through a single account, he should transfer a set amount regularly to a personal account and then pay personal expenses like groceries and entertainment from that. Jeremy liked this idea as it would help him budget his personal expenses. After meeting with Alex, Jeremy knew he was just getting started on accounting and business management decisions. He needed to learn more about avoiding issues when hiring and firing employees, and managing payroll. He also needed to choose an accounting software program, develop a plan for RRSPs and think about what kind of insurance coverage he needed at this stage of his career. Watch for the January edition of AgriSuccess to read more about Jeremy’s journey to establish a successful farm business. BDO Canada LLP is a national accounting and advisory firm serving producers from offices across Canada. Visit them online at
@BDOCanada_Ag ANGUS LIFE 2020
1 Year In
Interview with CAA CEO Myles Immerkar on some of the most asked questions in his first 12 months
What has been your greatest surprise in taking this role? The power of the brand has definitely been an eye opener. While I say that, I have always been aware of the strong brand Angus has globally but in my interactions through the community not involved in agriculture, the power of the brand has even become more evident. In my previous career working for a global company in a specialized field, unless you were connected to the industry very few people recognized the brand or knew what it stood for. I often found myself explaining the basics of the semen industry in general. Since taking this role with Angus, I often have had to tell people outside the industry who I worked for whether it be a banker, doctor, neighbour or the person beside me on the airplane. The first reaction I receive when I ask them whether they know what Angus is, is like they are insulted for being asked such an obvious question. They may not have any connection to agriculture or know what a cow looks like but they know what the Angus brand is and what it stands for. The stamp of “Quality” is what they know Angus to be. It is one of the most powerful brands in all industry as in what other commodity do we know what breed or variety of grain the product has come from. We have a responsibility to carry on this tradition, protect the brand and grow it even further.
Are we to expect rising fees in the future as we see with other products and services in this and other industries due to natural inflation or other causes? One of the tasks that I was assigned when I took this position was to be creative and search out new revenue sources that added value to the Association and membership. In June 2019, I was able to present a number of new initiatives that the CAA will explore over time that can drive new revenue to the Association. One of the key points of these new initiatives is that none of the new revenue will come off the backs of our membership. All new revenue will come from outside sources bringing value to the CAA or new products and services that would be optional for members to take advantage of. Our goal is to create new efficiencies, increase value and provide more opportunities for all members and drive new value for your membership in the CAA.
The idea of an index has been introduced. What value does an index bring to the breed? Yes, we introduced the idea of index development to our members at the 2019 convention. There are a number of reasons we wanted to explore this path for our members. First, it was about the opportunity to be competitive on the global stage. I want to make sure our members are able to provide similar or equivalent data to our southern partners to grow potential customers or have greater competitiveness when marketing their genetics against American genetics which has an evaluation system that is deemed the benchmark of the industry. In my previous line of work in the AI industry, I was asked many times why so many American bred bulls were purchased over Canadian bred bulls and the number one reason was usually due to the lack of information required to market globally. Many markets are looking for different traits that will make their investment decision and without that information, it would remove any bulls from that selection criteria. In many cases it wasn’t about how extreme the numbers were but what they were so they knew how to use that animal in their program for its strength and protect on its weakness. I heard for many years about why we couldn’t have the same competitive information available in the form of traits or index and made it one of my goals when I joined the CAA that we would be on a competitive playing field. I was excited in early spring that the AAA granted the CAA permission to join their index development. It was also important that we listen to our own members about what an index looked like and recognize the differences a true breeding index would look like for Canada as we have a different marketing system, environment, economy and challenges that we must recognize when we develop the weighting factors. The perception has been that an index is providing a target for breeders to shoot for and in fact it somewhat of the opposite. An index is designed for the commercial breeder and is to provide them with tools to make their bull buying decision less risky. With an array of EPDs and traits to analyze, even the most progressive breeder can sometimes struggle to find the right balance of traits but becomes even more comprehensive when looking at them for the first time. An index is designed to move away from single trait selection and we all know some bulls are marketed for that one exceptional trait ignoring the five negatives that no one is told about. The intended index is not designed to promote the extremes as we will leave that to the breeders to do on their own but to expose the holes or the negatives so our commercial buyers can continue to buy in confidence without fear of the unknown. I am a large believer that an index must make sense and there will be extensive dialogue and breeder groups developed to begin to look at these options to ensure they make sense to the grassroots breeders before proceeding with any launch of an index. 136
A number of new traits are being evaluated. Does the way the data is being collected today provide true data accuracy and reliability? As a result of our member surveys and feedback, it has become evident that some of the traits having the greatest impact on herd productivity and efficiency currently lack the tools to support and make accurate selection decisions at the farm gate. In our recent member survey of traits of importance, the top four traits of member importance currently do not have an evaluation system in place to provide selection tools. These traits that have a large impact on herd efficiency and productivity are very subjective in their analysis and can vary greatly from farm to farm or are simply data that is difficult to analyze and collect. The evaluations we have for traits is only going to be as good as the data that we are able to collect. We must continue to look at new ways to help collect data, effectively analyze the data in a way that it makes true breeding sense and that this data can be collected in a manner that it can be less time consuming and more efficient. Our goal is to continue to collect data with the best reliability so we can produce reliable data and information and continue exploring the field of technology that can greater increase the accuracy and efficiency of this information. I truly believe that what I read on the paper must make sense in what I see in the field and if it doesn’t then we need to continue to improve these models.
Are we putting too much emphasis on science and losing the real-world cattle breeding skills that have been developed over generations? One of the greatest strengths the beef industry has is the passion, knowledge and skills that are possessed by our grassroots beef breeders. They are multi-generational on the family farm and skills and experience that been passed down for generations. This is experience that can’t be taught anywhere else. As we developed new technologies and tools to select cattle and measure and evaluate for increased productivity and efficiencies, we can’t lose sight of this experience and must ensure that new technologies support these skills and experience. The world is changing and how we use science and technology to improve the productivity of our product or increase the confidence in our industry will continue to play an important role in the eyes of our consumer. I recently sat down with one of the largest retailers of beef in the industry to get their take on the changing consumer and how we all need to adapt in advance of these changing consumer demands. They have done extensive research to understand how their consumer will be different in the future. Today’s consumer is very much about labels without much understanding on what is behind that label and more into how it sounds or what they believe it to be. They like to be called vegan, organic, plant based, natural or some other fancy word that will make them feel good about their purchase with little knowledge about what those labels mean. The next generation of consumer is predicted to be different, they are growing up with iPhones, tablets and rely on Google to help them with their daily decisions. This group believes in science and the use of technology as they have grown up with it. They will make their decisions based on true facts on how science was used to increase efficiency, productivity and make a healthier product and less on the fake marketing behind a label. It is important that we recognize the opportunity that our product will provide for a safer and healthier alternative and we have used tools and technology to ensure it is produced in a more efficient and sustainable manner but also draw upon the generations of experience possessed by our industry.
What is your vision of the Angus breed and direction for the future? My vision for the CAA is the creation of opportunities for all members regardless of the type of cattle that you are selecting that works in your program. We know there are opportunities, a need and a fit for different type and the tools that each need are uniquely different. I want to ensure that we situate the Angus breed in a position of success for the future and predict future demands and trends that we need to be prepared for rather than reacting to. The tools, products, services or research that we will be investing in will be designed to support those ambitions and ensure as the markets change that we have the ability to adapt and fit the needs of the changing landscape. The power of the Angus brand is strong and the demand for quality beef is only going to continue to grow so we know our opportunity is great to continue to position Angus beef but also an opportunity to position Canadian Angus differently. Not only is the Angus brand valued around the world but so is the Canadian brand and combining this two brands will create greater strength for our members and demand for uniquely made Canadian product. We need to recognize the strength of our breed here in Canada and ensure that we showcase those unique strengths to create more demand for our own product.
NEWS HIGHLIGHTS DECEMBER 2018 McDonald’s Canada releases a commercial that receives wide acclaim, playing in theatres and television spots across the nation. Featuring Angus producer Stephen Hughes of Chinook Ranch, Bob Lowe of Bear Trap Feeders and the Fleming family of Fleming Stock Farms, the commercial sought to bring public awareness to the sustainable practices of Canadian beef farmers.
JANUARY 2019 Myles Immerkar becomes the new CEO of the Canadian Angus Association on January 2.
FEBRUARY 2019 Kirsty Duncan, federal minister of science, announces $1.5 million to the University of Guelph for genomics research. The funding includes $426,622 to adapt high immune response technology developed for dairy cattle to help improve beef cattle health and welfare. U of G is working with the Semex Alliance and through them, CAA and the American Angus Association, to develop an HIR™ genomics test for beef cattle.
A Canadian Angus record is set as Rob and Gail Hamilton’s bull Alcatraz 60F sells for $200,000 at their annual sale.
Canadian Angus Association Senior Director of Business Development, BC/Alberta Brian Good receives the Industry Champion Award from the Livestock Markets Association of Canada. The presentation marks only the third time that the award has been presented.
Belvin Angus receives the Certified Angus Beef Commitment to Excellence Award. They are the second Canadian operation to receive the prestigious award. The Canadian Angus History book The Breeds, The Legends, The History launches at the Canadian Angus Association National Convention. /
On July 10, Minster of Agriculture and Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau announces at the Calgary Stampede that $8.3 million will be invested into six projects to support Canada’s beef industry. Canadian Angus receives $238,920 to develop genetic selection tools for feet and legs in beef cattle.
The annual Canadian Angus Junior Show, Showdown, celebrates its twentieth anniversary in Barriere, BC.
MARCH 2019
JUNE 2019
J U LY 2 0 1 9
SEPTEMBER 2019 The Canadian Angus Association Board of Directors meets at the American Angus Association offices in St. Joseph, Missouri. The board was honoured to accept the invitation from AAA to gain a better understanding of their business model and further develop one of the strongest relationships Canadian Angus has in the industry.
NOVEMBER 2019 Canadian Angus personalities Robert (Bob) Prestage and Louis Latimer are inducted into the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame. Miller Wilson Angus receives the Champion of the World-Angus and All Breeds World Supreme award at Farmfair.
PDs have been around since the 1970s. Traditionally they were designed to make performance information useful and easy to use. For example, if you’re comparing calves at weaning, it’s easier to compare weaning weights if they’re all adjusted to the same age of calf and also adjusted for age of dam. What about other environmental factors, especially between different herds? EPDs became useful because, for the first time, you could compare animals in one herd to another herd. EPDs take the performance information and adjust for all environmental factors, so that you can compare only the genetic potential for weaning weight.
The Commercial Producer’s Guide to Canadian Angus EPDs By Kajal Devani, Canadian Angus Association
The best way to use EPDs is to compare them: Bull A has a Weaning Weight EPD of +50 Bull B has a Weaning Weight EPD of +25
This means that on average, Bull A’s calves, when both bulls are bred to similar cows and the calves are managed the same, will have calves that are 25 pounds heavier at weaning. If you are not comparing two bulls, compare to the breed average (always posted on our website). Percentile ranks (1 = best out of 100, 100 = worst out of 100,
and 50 = middle of the population) are also an easy way to use EPDs. Percentile rank graphs are also available on our website. EPDs are always published with a corresponding accuracy, which indicates the quantity and quality of the information available to calculate the EPD. EPDs with higher accuracy are more reliable and less subject to change than EPDs of low accuracy. Many Canadian Angus members collect large volumes of high quality data and invest in genomic technology to deliver the most accurate EPDs on their cattle as possible. This high-quality data allows commercial producers to buy breeding stock with accurate predictions of genetic merit. Canadian Angus genetic evaluations have grown extensively in the last few years. In 2018 we moved to a single genetic evaluation, called AngusONE, for all Canadian Angus cattle (Black Angus and Red Angus). This means EPDs are comparable across all Canadian Angus animals. The base has changed for Red Angus, so this season as you go to Red Angus bull sales, please ensure that you are familiar with the new Red Angus breed averages. The AngusONE genetic evaluation is more accurate and has allowed us to significantly expand the traits that we can include in the evaluation. Through the next year we plan to bring you EPDs for new traits such as feet, teat and udder, docility, feed efficiency and mature weight. Other EPDs we are working to bring you include high immune response and gestation length. If you have questions about EPDs, please contact the Canadian Angus Association office for help.
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Igenity Blood Sample Instructions ®
Two to three drops of blood are needed on the collector portion of the card. This can be collected from anywhere on the animal. Two locations for easy-to-find blood vessels are the ear and the underside of the tail.
1. Appropriately restrain the animal. Locate a blood vessel, visually or by palpation. Clean the area so the sample is not contaminated with dirt or manure. Use a clean needle or lancet for every animal.
2. Blood can also be sampled with a syringe or blood tube from the vein on the underside of the tail. This may be easier than sampling blood from an ear vein that is covered with long, thick hair.
3. Collect two to three drops of blood on the collector portion of the collection card by allowing the blood to drip or squirt onto the card. Do not wipe the needle, ear or tail on the collection card. Discard the needle in an appropriate disposal container.
4. Before placing blood drops on blood cards, write an accurate customer name and animal ID in the spaces provided. Let the cards sit open and air dry before closing cover flap.
Neogen Canada 4244 – 10230 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J 4P6 ©Neogen Corporation, 2019. Neogen Igenity are registered trademarks of Neogen Corporation, Lansing, Michigan, USA.
Canadian Angus Association Develops Economic Indexes By Jason Archer, AbacusBio and Kajal Devani Canadian Angus Association
Within the next year, Canadian Angus breeders and their customers will have access to an economic selection index. Canadian producers familiar with the American Angus genetic evaluation system will be aware of its suite of $ indexes. The Canadian Angus Association has not produced an index previously but with a growing number of EPDs available, the need for a Canadian specific index is increasingly relevant. To that end, Canadian Angus has embarked on a project to provide exactly that. 141
What are indexes?
A common criticism
Indexes are a way of summarizing and balancing information about different traits into one easy-to-use number.
A criticism levelled at indexes is that bulls with high indexes are often from a variety of different types, with different mixes of traits. That is exactly the point. There are several different ways to breed highly profitable cattle! It comes down to how you use the index.
In animal breeding, indexes represent the contribution of multiple traits to an overall breeding goal, according to their impact on profitability. Selection using an index is NOT single trait selection; it is the opposite. A good selection index balances traits to avoid chasing extremes.
Balancing traits Balancing traits can be complex. Not all traits make an equal contribution to profitability, and some traits counteract each other (e.g. milk production and feed intake requirements). Other traits are important to a certain threshold. Once that threshold is reached there is less benefit in going any further (e.g. calving ease) or there may be a direct cost (e.g. milk production). In some instances, the emphasis of a trait can have a significant “convenience” component, where the value placed on the trait by producers goes beyond the economic cost of the trait. For instance, most cattle producers avoid using poor calving ease bulls—but to an extent which goes well beyond what a calculation of the straight economic impact of the calving ease impact would suggest. A well-constructed index can help streamline the process of selecting cattle for breeding. It is not intended to replace EPDs for individual traits (which will still be available) or to tell breeders how to breed. An index can help breeders focus on cattle that will tend to be more profitable under Canadian production systems and markets. For the commercial producer—who likely purchases bulls and thinks about EPDs on only one day of the year—it is a useful overall guide that simplifies the complexity of multiple EPDs.
The purist theory is that you select the most profitable cattle, regardless of how you get there. But, quite rightly, most breeders and commercial producers don’t want a herd that is a real mixture in terms of balance of traits. A practical option is to use the index to identify a top cut of bulls, then within that cut, look at trait EPDs to find the bull that achieves a high index in the way you prefer.
Constructing indexes The Canadian Angus Association has contracted AbacusBio, a company with extensive expertise on economic indexes to develop indexes for our producers. AbacusBio has been constructing breeding indexes for many years, using wellaccepted techniques. They have added innovations to help produce indexes that make more sense to breeders. At the heart of most breeding indexes are economic models that calculate the value of each trait included. Models use information on biology, economic market prices, and genetics to work out how much a trait is worth in a given production system. But not all traits are valued by profit only and some traits are more difficult to value than others. For example, weaning weight is easy to value, whereas the economic impact of improvements in foot scores is more difficult to quantify.
What we’ve learned so far An important part of constructing an index is developing a good understanding of the production system, market economics and payment systems relevant to the situation. AbacusBio recently assisted the American Angus Association in creating the revised $Beef and $Maternal indexes, but we understand that Canadian production systems, markets and views on cattle differ. Two members of the AbacusBio team attended the 2019 Canadian Angus Convention and met with breeders, commercial producers, feed lot representatives and packers. While 10 days immersed in the Canadian beef industry does not make us industry experts, we learned a lot and are now working with Canadian Angus with their industry expertise and networks to build a good index.
Canadian Angus member and commercial producer input AbacusBio has developed survey methods to gather breeder and commercial beef producer views on traits. These views are then compared to our index models and, where these differ, we evaluate whether the assumptions made are correct or whether adjustments can be made that would help align the index to breeder and commercial producer opinion (we only use plausible scenarios to make these adjustments—it is still important that economics is the key driver to balance traits against). We also use this information for an overall sense test of the index. Are the index’s bull rankings sensible? Do they line up with what breeders believe? Significantly, we use “non-linear” economic values in our indexes. Some traits make a lot of sense to improve at the bottom end of the range, but once this trait reaches a certain level, the benefit for getting even more of the trait diminishes or possibly even declines. For instance, most Angus breeders don’t want bulls to get to the top of the index simply because they have very high Milk EPDs but they also don’t want very low milk
bulls. By using a “non-linear function” in the index, we let the index give value to bulls for milk production up to a point, but don’t give the bulls with milk production beyond this point any extra value in the index. We have surveyed breeders and commercial producers on the Canadian Angus database (see below). A total of 469 responses were received from across the country. Thirty-six percent of respondents were purebred members, 51 percent of respondents had both a purebred and a commercial herd, and 13 percent of the respondents were commercial Angus bull buyers. 60 percent of them raise Black Angus, 26 percent raise red Angus, and more than 28 percent have both Black and Red Angus animals. Many respondents said that Canadian Angus was one of several breeds used in the herd. Herds ranged in size from less than 50 head to more than 500 head.
Figure 1: Responses to the survey were received from across the country. The largest proportion comes from the darkest shaded regions (AB) to the smallest proportion coming from the lighter shaded provinces.
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Breeder Price/cost Price/cost Bull selection criteria
The survey generated a wealth of information. When asked about their bull selection criteria the majority of respondents reported that structural soundness and phenotype were very important. Information on performance, scrotal circumference, pedigree, breed, breeder reputation, price, and genomic information also ranked as very important in bull selection criteria.
Genomic tests (Angus GS or Zoetis HD 50K) ranks Genomically Enhanced Expected Progeny Difference (GE-EPD)
Sire/Dam pedigree Information on performance (live weight and growth, dam or daughter fertility, % IMF scan, etc.) Overall appearance (muscling, body depth, eye appeal) Structural soundness (e.g. feet and legs and other type traits)
Hide colour
0.0 Very important
Moderately important
20.0 Slightly important
% of Respondents Not important I don’t have an opinion on this
Figure 2: Canadian Angus members and commercial bull buyers were asked what was important to them when buying bulls
30% 25% 20%
% of responses
Seventy percent of respondents said that EPDs were of importance in bull selection decisions, and surprisingly more commercial producers ranked EPDs as “very important” than purebred respondents.
15% 10% 5% 0% Very Important
Important Purebred breeder
Moderately Important
Slightly Important
Not Important
I don’t have an opinion on this
Commercial producer
Figure 3: More than 70% of Canadian Angus members and their commercial producers think EPDs are important
When comparing female traits to bull selection the majority of respondents indicated that dam or daughter teat and udder structure and fertility were of utmost importance to them. The survey asked producers to choose between improvement in different traits and an overall trait preference list was produced for each respondent. The graphic below shows the overall preferences across all respondents. The results clearly tell us that Canadian Angus stakeholders prioritize traits that avoid inefficiencies from cows dropping out of the herd early, with the top three traits being Feet and Legs, Teat and Udder Suspension and Cow Longevity. The results give a clear message to include new EPDs for these traits in the index. Another example of information from the survey is that most respondents, whether purebred or commercial, are satisfied with the milk production from their current cow herd. The response shown in Figure 5 tells us tells us that this trait should be maintained through the index, rather than trying to drive change in milk production through the index. These are just a sample of the survey outcomes. The next few months will see further industry consultation to better understand the diversity of views, followed by building economic models for key traits. Kajal Devani from Canadian Angus will work closely with AbacusBio to test the newly developed index(es). Groups of Canadian Angus members will be consulted extensively to test and validate the index as it is developed. This is the “real life” approach to showing the overall trait balance that the index will create. Release of the indexes is planned for the Canadian Angus Convention next year (June 11—14, 2020 in Moncton, New Brunswick).
Figure 4: Ranking traits in order of importance for Canadian Angus members and commercial producers from the recent survey 90% 80% 70%
% of responses
60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% More milk is desirable
I’m happy with current milk potential of my cow herd
Purebred breeder
Less milk would be preferable
I’m not concerned about the milk potential of my cow herd
Commercial producer
Figure 5: Member and commercial producer satisfaction with the milking ability in their current cow herd ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 145
An Evolution of Genetic Evaluations; GEPDs for New Traits By Kelli Retallick, Angus Genetics Inc. and Kajal Devani, Canadian Angus Association
In 2018 the Canadian Angus Association decided to move all Canadian Angus members, regardless of Red Angus or Black Angus cattle, to one genetic evaluation. There are several advantages to the AngusONE genetic evaluation. One of the biggest benefits to the evaluation is the combined Canadian Angus Association and American Angus Association pedigree file that fuels the evaluation. The pedigree file includes approximately 25 million animals. It’s really dense; there are a lot of relationships across herds which provides the ability to calculate more accurate EPDs. The use of genomic technology and method for genetic evaluations called Single-Step has also increased the amount of linkage between herds, animals and the accuracy of our EPDs. Together, the Canadian Angus Association and American Angus Association genetic evaluation includes more than half a million animals that have been genomically tested. This number is growing as Canadian Angus members invest in the Angus GS genomic panel in order to have more accurate EPDs and GEPDs for traits that are more difficult and more expensive to measure to base breeding decisions on.
AngusONE has also allowed expanded genetic evaluations and brings EPDs for new traits that are priorities for the industry and are economically relevant to breeders and producers. Some of these new traits include: Residual Average Daily Gain (RADG) is a measure of an animal’s genetic ability for growth (post weaning gain) on a constant amount of feed. This RADG EPD will help you identify animals that can grow more on a constant amount of feed. Feed consumption has long been recognized as one of the most important factors in determining profitability of beef cattle production. The Canadian Angus Association is adding residual average daily gain (RADG) EPDs to its genetic selection tools to better characterize post weaning efficiency. Feed intake data collected from cooperating breeders, bull test facilities and multi-year research projects will be incorporated into the AngusONE genetic evaluation. Use of the RADG EPD will allow members to identify Angus genetics that will perform more efficiently in a post weaning feeding environment. The RADG EPD provides a balanced approach to identify cattle that, with a given quantity of feed, will still perform. Docility EPD is a measure of yearling cattle temperament, where higher numbers on parent animals indicate more docility in their calves. Yearling temperament scoring and recording will help us better predict differences in docility within the Canadian Angus population. Animals are scored on a scale of 1 to 6. A 1 represents cattle with mild dispositions and favourable temperaments, while a 6 describes very aggressive animals. The scores are designed to evaluate disposition differences when processing animals through the chute, including how animals enter, exit and react while being handled.
Heifer Pregnancy EPD is a selection tool to increase the probability of a sire’s daughters becoming pregnant at first exposure. A higher EPD number indicates higher probability of pregnancy. Heifer pregnancy has an estimated heritability of 15 percent. This means that environment, like feed and body condition score, greatly dictates a heifer’s probability of becoming pregnant at first exposure to a bull. However, this also means that members can select for and make improvements on the genetic potential of heifers’ probability of becoming pregnant at first exposure. Open heifers have an increasing impact on the profitability of a cow herd and improvement in this area, by using the new Heifer Pregnancy HPG EPD, can be of significant benefit.
Mature Weight EPD is a measure of a sire’s genetic potential for mature weight of daughters. Canadian Angus members identify that as we select and push Canadian Angus genetics for growth and performance, we should maintain the optimal mature weight on our cow herds as dictated by our individual environments. The Mature Weight EPD is a tool that will help members maintain their cow herd at their chosen optimal weight.
Claw EPD will be an indicator of genetic potential for claw set on progeny. A lower number will indicate a more ideal claw set. Foot angle EPD will measure genetic potential for foot angle, where the ideal is a 45-degree angle at the pastern joint with appropriate toe length and heel depth. A lower number EPD is more favourable, indicating that a sire will produce progeny with more ideal foot angle. Foot structure has a heritability estimate of 0.25, which is similar to weaning weight. This means genetic improvement for claw set and foot angle can occur. In order to calculate the most accurate EPD for these two traits we need consistent and accurate data on claw set and foot angle. Canadian Angus members are now able to score their cattle for claw set and foot angle at yearling, and subsequently when scoring mature cow weight. Claw set and foot angle scores range from 1 to 9 (see scoring scale diagram). Animals that have been fed and managed the same should be placed in the same management group. Complete groups (all the animals in each group) should be scored and submitted. Claw set and foot angle scores can be submitted on AngusNOW. Teat and Udder EPDs will be a measure of genetic potential for teat size and udder suspension. Higher EPDs will be favourable. Pendulous udders that have lost their suspensory support and large bottle-shaped teats have been associated with increased mastitis in the cow, and delayed teat finding and suckling by her calf resulting in early culling for the cow and financial loss for the producer. Teat and udder structure is important to both seedstock and commercial producers. Teat size and udder suspension can be measured using the scale shown on the diagram. Scores range from 1 for large, bottle shaped teats to 9 for very small teats and from 1 for very pendulous udders with a broken floor to 9 for very tight udders. Canadian Angus members are encouraged to score their cows at calving and submit their scores on AngusNOW when registering calves. These scores will be used to generate teat and udder score EPDs.
Cow Longevity EPD. Cow longevity plays an important role in the profitability, sustainability, and environmental footprint of a beef operation. Canadian Angus members enrolled in the Performance Program have for the past 30 years provided whole herd reporting (complete cow herd data). Production and cull information on these cow herds is being used by the Canadian Angus Association and the American Angus Association to develop a Cow Longevity EPD.
Gestation Length EPD will be a measure of a sire’s potential to have calves that are born fewer days from conception. A lower number will be indicative of shorter gestation length. Gestation length EPDs are a great tool for selecting for shortened gestation length which is associated with higher calving ease and lower birth weight without compromising on growth potential. A shorter gestation period also gives females longer to recover and cycle back into heat so this is a valuable EPD.
It all starts with good data reporting. The Canadian Angus Association requires phenotypes to calculate EPDs for these traits. Therefore, members need to measure and record information like mature cow weight and mature body condition score. Canadian Angus members are able to record this data using AngusNOW. A guide to data collection for all traits is included in Angus Life. Reporting correct management group information is key to accurate genetic evaluations. Canadian Angus members should group animals that have had the same opportunity to develop the trait. For example, birth weight is primarily developed in the last trimester of gestation. Calves from cows that were treated the same, fed and managed together should be grouped together for birth weight. Management groups should only reflect management and environment like feed and health. Members should not separate calves based on sire group or sex. “On a commercial operation, the biggest attrition for our bulls is feet, and so an EPD for good feet is really important to us. Fertility is our next priority. When I look at the list above, all of these traits are what keep an animal in our herd for an extended period. A cow that stays in production for more than seven years is very valuable to our operation so these are exciting and valuable tools that Canadian Angus is developing.” Bruce Niznik, Brooks, Alberta
“Gestation length for my first calvers is going to be very useful. Being a family operation with my dad and my daughters helping me raise my animals, docility is something we pride ourselves in and if you can have a measure for that it would be very valuable. When I sell replacement females my customers are looking for easy to manage and quiet heifers. Quiet cattle are easier to treat, to move, and to manage. It creates less stress on the animals and the producers. Udder quality for me is paramount because it impacts longevity. Having a Longevity EPD is going to be a game changer. I typically buy from breeders that have a very strong cow herd and I’m happy that the Canadian Angus Association is developing EPDs that describe female traits.” Stephen Hughes, Chinook Ranch, Longview, Alberta ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 147
Data Collection Guide BREEDING DATA
• Submitted on female exposure and disposal worksheets • Submitted for all females • Record all AI and Natural services, including sires and dates
CALVING EASE • Submitted on application for registration and herd inventory worksheets, or on AngusNOW • Collect at birth U = Unassisted Delivery, E = Easy Pull, H = Hard Pull (hand or mechanical), M = Malpresentation, S = Surgical (Caesarean) Intervention
• Submitted on application for registration and herd inventory worksheets, or on AngusNOW • Collect within 24 hours of birth • Weigh with a scale, in pounds • Management group information should only reflect different treatment of dams while pregnant
Blank – Single Born, Nursed Own Dam 1 – Calf was Fostered onto Another Cow 2 – Twin Calves Both Nursed Own Dam Together 3 – Twin Calf That Nursed Own Dam Alone
• Submitted on weaning weight worksheets, or AngusNOW • Collect between 120–280 days when the majority of calves are as close to 205 days as possible • Weigh with a scale, in pounds • Individual weights should be recorded on the entire weaned group on the same day • Management group information should reflect different treatment of calves from birth to weaning
• Submitted on yearling weight worksheets, or AngusNOW • Collect between 320–440 days when the majority of calves are as close to 365 days as possible • Weigh with a scale, in pounds • Individual weights should be recorded on the entire group on the same day • Management group information should reflect different treatment of calves from weaning to yearling 148
• Submitted on yearling weight worksheets, or on AngusNOW • Collect between 320–440 days of age • Measure in cm, using a tape placed at the largest diameter of the scrotum • Same day weight not required • Management group information should reflect different treatment of calves from weaning to yearling
• Submitted on yearling weight worksheets, or AngusNOW • Collect between 320–440 days of age • Measure in inches the distance from the ground to the hooks or hip bones • Same day weight is required • Individual heights should be recorded on the entire group on the same day • Management group information should reflect different treatment of calves from weaning to yearling
• Collect on bulls between 320–440 days of age, and on heifers and steers between 320–460 days of age • Scanning must be performed by a certified ultrasound technician; data and images must be reported to the Association by the CUP lab • At least 5 animals, from 2 different sires, are required for the contemporary group to be included in genetic evaluations • Management group information should reflect different treatment of calves from weaning to yearling
• Submitted by member or Growsafe directly, on CAA template spreadsheet • Collect at 160–480 days of age • Must be on test a minimum of 45 days with at least 14 days adjustment period • Weaning Weight, Yearling Weight and In and Out Weights must be recorded
• Submitted on CAA template spreadsheet • Calves must be at least sire verified; dams must be identified • Calf tattoo, date of birth and sex must be recorded • Collect harvest data between 360 and 660 days of age • At least 5 animals, from 2 different sires, are required for the group to be included in genetic evaluations • Carcass traits recorded include: - Harvest plant and location - Hot carcass weight - Marbling score (e.g., MD30) - Carcass maturity - Fat thickness - Ribeye area - Percent pelvic, heart, and kidney fat, if available - Quality grade - Yield grade
• Submitted on AngusNOW BCS 1 = Bone structure of shoulder, ribs, back, hooks and pins are sharp and easily visible, no fat deposits or muscling. BCS 2 = No fat deposition, some muscling in the hindquarters, the spine feels sharp to the touch. BCS 3 = Beginning of fat cover over the loin, back and fore ribs, the backbone is still highly visible. BCS 4 = Fore ribs are not noticeable but the 12th and 13th ribs are still noticeable to the eye. Spine can be felt with slight pressure and feels rounded. BCS 5 = The 12th and 13th ribs are not visible to the eye. The backbones can only be felt with firm pressure but are not noticeble to the eye, areas on each side of the tail head are well filled but not mounded. BCS 6 = Ribs are fully covered, hindquarters are plump and full, noticeable sponginess over the fore ribs and on each side of the tail head. BCS 7 = Abundant fat cover on either side of the tail head with evident patchiness. BCS 8 = Animal takes on a smooth, blocky appearance, bone structure disappears from sight, fat cover is thick and spongy. BCS 9 = Bone structure is not seen or felt, tail head is buried in fat, the animal’s mobility may actually be impaired by excessive fat.
• Submitted on AngusNOW and CAA worksheets • Collected on date of yearling weight and subsequently when scoring mature cow weight on untrimmed cattle • Management group information includes animals that were fed and pastured the same • Foot and claw scores range from 1–9 (see chart) • Leg scoring (rear leg side view and rear leg rear view) range from 1-9 (see chart)
• Submitted on AngusNOW • Must be taken +/- 45 days of calf ’s weaning weight date • Must be taken with a body condition score
• Submitted on AngusNOW and CAA worksheets • Recorded on herd inventory and application for registration worksheets or AngusNOW • Collected within 72 hours of calving • Udder suspension and teat size scores range from 1–9 (see interior chart)
11 – Animal on Lease 12 – Open (missed calving opportunity) 13 – ET Donor Dam 14 – ET Recipient Dam 15 – Moved to Next Calving Season 16 – Still to Calve in Current Season 17 – Aborted Calf
MATURE ANIMAL DISPOSAL CODES 1 – Died Disease 2 – Died Age 3 – Died Other 4 – Culled Physical Defect 5 – Culled Fertility 6 – Culled Performance 7 – Culled Temperament 8 – Culled Age 9 – Sold for Breeding (no papers transferred) 10 – Sold for Breeding (transfer forthcoming) 18 – Moved to Commercial Herd
B – Stillborn (Full Term) C – Died at Birth (Defect) D – Died at Birth (Other) E – Died Before Weaning (Disease) F – Died Before Weaning (Other) G – Died After Weaning (Disease) H – Died After Weaning (Other) I – Sold (no transfer) J – Sold (transfer forthcoming)
• Submitted on AngusNOW and CAA worksheets 1 = Docile (acceptable, mild disposition) 2 = Restless (restless during processing) 3 = Nervous (nervous and impatient) 4 = Flighty (jumpy and out of control, quivers and struggles) 5 = Aggressive (extreme agitation) 6 = Very Aggressive (extremely violent behaviour) ANGUS LIFE 2020
Breed Development Contact Kajal Devani Director of Science and Technology Phone: 403-537-5604
With thanks to the Beef Improvement Federation for permission to use
With thanks to the American Angus Association for permission to use
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 151
IS IT RIGHT FOR YOU? By Kajal Devani, Canadian Angus Association In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) can be an excellent technology for Canadian Angus members and some commercial producers— under the right circumstances. IVF is an embryo transfer technology; it is a way to collect eggs from cows and create multiple full sib (Embryo Transfer or ET) calves rather than being limited to one calf per cow per year. Conventional flushing of cows to create ET calves has been used by producers for more than 40 years. The process of conventional flushing involves making a cow super ovulate (produce many eggs), inseminating her when she comes into heat, and seven days later harvesting her fertilized and dividing embryos. With IVF the cow is stimulated to super ovulate and numerous unfertilized eggs are collected 24 hours before ovulation. The rest is done in the lab. The eggs are fertilized and grown in the lab until they become dividing embryos ready to implant into a recipient dam or freeze.
IVF offers advantages over conventional flushing: 1 With IVF one straw of good quality semen can be used
to fertilize eggs from multiple cows. A straw of very expensive semen could be used to fertilize eggs from five or six cows. IVF works well with regular semen as well as sexed semen and reverse sexed semen.
2 IVF works very well on both cows and virgin heifers. With
conventional flushing, virgin heifers tend to produce more unfertilized and degenerate embryos. With IVF, producers can expect just as many viable embryos from virgin heifers as they will get from older cows. The average viable embryo for both cows and virgin heifers is six to seven embryos per flush.
Using IVF technology, collection from a cow can happen every two weeks rather than every 30 to 60 days giving producers who wish to collect as much as possible in a short period of time a significant advantage.
4 In addition, using IVF donors can be pregnant up to
approximately 120–150 days, allowing producers to have a natural calf from the donor and flush her.
5 Cows with uterus problems and older cows that have stopped giving good embryos using conventional flushing have had good results with IVF.
Initially, IVF technology got off to a rocky start. Producers who tried the technology in its infancy had issues with some large calves and abnormal placentas. The cause of this has since been identified and rectified. Bow Valley Genetics has been offering IVF services for several years now, and Dr. Rob Stables recommends it to producers who want to flush a virgin heifer or a cow that just doesn’t work well with conventional flushing. Dr. Stables says “Genomics is playing a huge part in genetic improvement within the industry, especially in large breeds like Holsteins and Angus, who are using genomics to identify superior breeding stock. Embryo transfer technology, whether it is conventional flushing or IVF, allows producers to multiply their superior genetics quickly, speeding up the rate of genetic progress.” IVF is more expensive than conventional flushing. Therefore, to a producer that has never used embryo transfer technology or wants to flush a cow that has never been flushed before, Dr. Stables recommends starting with conventional flushing which can be done on farm. Whether a cow responds well to conventional flushing is based completely on trial and error as each cow responds differently. If a producer wants to flush a virgin heifer, then Dr. Stables recommends IVF which has to be done at a facility such as Bow Valley Genetics. The most effective way to flush a cow, says Dr. Stables, is to use conventional flushing for one or two flushes, get the cow bred, and then use IVF while she is pregnant so that you also have embryos for banking and fall sales. That way you can have two ET calf crops from her in one go.
It’s always handy to have an ACE up your sleeve.
Angus Cow Enrollment
The voluntary ACE program gives breeders the option to pay an annual fee of $65/cow enrolled to gain access to a full suite of member services provided at no extra cost. To enroll: return your completed Female Exposure Worksheet to the Canadian Angus Association office by December 1. Any cows left active on this worksheet will be enrolled in ACE and assessed an ACE fee as of January 1. You can choose to pay either as a one-time annual fee or a tri-annual fee where fees are broken down into three equal payments. • Spring herds will be assessed their annual fee on January 1 or their tri-annual fee on January 1, April 1 and July 1. • Fall herds will be assessed their annual fee on April 1 or their tri-annual fee on April 1, July 1 and October 1. By enrolling in the ACE program, breeders gain access to more than 30 member services. These services include: • Membership Fee • Regional Association Membership Fee • *Calf Registration • Calf Transfer • *Weaning Weight Submissions • Yearling Weight Submissions • Ultrasound Scan Results Processing Charge • Canadian Angus Performance Program Membership Fee • Non-Financial Transfers • *SNP Parentage Verification Test • Export Package • AI Approval for Sire • Donor Dam Approval • Registration of Imported Animal • Registration of Lease • Registration of Herd Name • Registration of Tattoo Letters
• Transfer of Herd Name or Tattoo Letters • Name Change of a Registered Animal • Duplicate Certificate • Five-Generation Pedigree • Correction Fee • Sale Promotion Package • Online Herdbook Photos • Geneprob Report • Herd Data Extract for On-Farm Software Program • *Canadian Angus Indicator Program RFID Indicator • Age Verification • Export Package • Transaction fee Discounted services include: • *AngusGS Genomic Panel ($14 per test discount) * These items must be accessed within two calendar years. For example, members have until December 31, 2020 to access services for cows enrolled on the program in 2019.
The Canadian Angus Association is proud to offer Canadian Junior Angus members their first five cows enrolled on ACE for free.
“I find the ACE program to be highly valuable to our operation; from a book and record keeping perspective, it’s great only getting billed three times a year as opposed to previously when we were making payments ad hoc throughout the year. Sire verification for the whole calf crop has been extremely valuable; we believe in the value this provides to both our operation as well as the value this passes on to our customers. We have the most accurate online inventory herdbook we’ve ever had as a result of joining ACE. It’s created flexibility for us during breeding season resulting in a tighter calving interval and easier decisions around grass management.” - Bryan Willms, Wilbar Cattle If you are interested in the ACE program or require additional information, please call the Canadian Angus Association at 1-888-571-3580. ANGUS LIFE 2020
High Immune Response in Canadian and American Angus Cattle By Kajal Devani
Canadian Angus Association
Michael Lohuis, Semex Alliance; Dr. Bonnie Mallard, University of Guelph & Ontario minister of science and sport the Honourable Kristy Duncan.
attle producers experience emotional and financial difficulty when animals get sick or die. That’s why your Canadian Angus Association has partnered with the Semex Alliance, American Angus Association and the University of Guelph to adapt the High Immune Response (HIR™) test that has previously been used in Canadian dairy cattle to fight diseases like Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) that impact the beef industry. BRD alone results in an economic loss of more than $100 million to the Canadian beef industry per year. Interestingly, immune response, an animal’s ability to fight off infections, varies greatly from animal to animal. This variation is related to the environment, e.g. nutrition, as well as animal’s genetic makeup. Some animals naturally have the genetic potential for higher immune response. These animals have the genetic potential to fight disease off more successfully, and are therefore at lower risk to develop disease. The genetic potential for HIR™ has been characterized in Canadian
dairy cattle by the same team at the University of Guelph. Cows sired by high immune bulls, on average have higher colostrum quality, and have up to 20 percent lower incidences of disease. Dairy cows that have a high genetic potential to remain healthy are estimated to provide producers savings of more than $125 per year per head by avoiding losses in production and costs associated with disease. The Canadian dairy industry, through Semex Alliance, has been using the Immunity+® Plus
EPD and the HIR test to select breeding stock that have the genetic potential for high immune response, thereby generating future generations of cattle that are at lower risk to develop disease, more productive, more profitable, and more sustainable. To adapt the HIR test and develop an Immunity EPD for Canadian and American Angus, the team started by measuring Canadian and American Angus animals for immune response
(both cell-mediated and antibody-mediated). Measuring for both types of immune response involves processing calves through a chute on three different occasions. On Day 0 we take a blood sample from each animal to establish a baseline for antibodies to the test antigen. Each animal receives an intramuscular injection of the antigen. The animals then get 14 days to build an immune response, by way of antibodies, to the test antigen. On Day 14, we take a second blood sample to measure the amount of antibodies each animal generated. We also give the animals an intradermal injection to measure animals’ cell-mediated response to the test antigen. One day later, on Day 15, we measure the dermal response to the intradermal injection. DNA samples are also collected while cattle are being processed for immune response measurements. Each animal will be genotyped using the Angus GS test which provides members with parentage verification and GEPDs for these animals. It also helps the project team develop an Angus-specific high immune response test and GEPD for the trait. To participate in our High Immune Response project and have your calves phenotyped for immune response, please contact your Canadian Angus office. This project is funded by Genome Canada. Industry partners have come together to develop this test and EPD for Canadian and American Angus cattle because cattle that are naturally genetically, healthier are more productive. The consumer wants assurances that their beef is coming from healthy animals that are raised using sustainable practices. Genetic selection is often the best solution available. High immune response is hereditary and can be selected for in breeding programs. A high immune response test and EPD will help Angus producers identify animals that have superior genetic potential for high health, allowing the industry to capitalize on all the benefits of healthier animals, including decreased use of antibiotics.
TESTIMONIALS We are excited to be working with the Canadian and American Angus Associations, along with our long-time partner the Semex Alliance to adapt the University of Guelph patented HIR™ technology for use in beef cattle. This Genome Canada funded project is a unique opportunity to develop a genomic test to enhance immunity in Angus cattle in a way that is similar to the Immunity+ program used by Semex for dairy cattle. The HIR™/Immunity+ breeding programs are so successful in part because of the high heritability of the traits used in the selection index. High immune responders have less disease occurrence, fewer disease treatments and if they do get sick the illness is less severe. High immune responder cows also produce a higher quality colostrum with more antibodies giving an additional advantage to progeny of HIR™ females. This technology is a proven winner for the producers, the cattle and the consumers looking for wholesome sustainably sourced food.
Dr. Bonnie Mallard
Professor of Immunogenetics, University of Guelph
Semex is pleased to help support the extension and validation of HIRTM technology in the Angus breed. There is a growing demand for high quality beef that is naturally better at withstanding diseases on the farm with less intervention. This project will lead the industry to greater efficiency for cow-calf operations and feedlots and greater appeal to consumers.
Dr. Michael Lohuis
VP Research & Innovation, Semex
I was excited to participate in the HIR™ project because this type of study is quantitative; it’s measurable. This is a way to precisely describe genetics for a very important trait. As a purebred member, any time you can have tools to develop better cow lines it’s a really big advantage. Embryo transfer and AI technology enable us to transfer genetics quickly, and this tool can help us identify the right genetics to use for future generations. The genetic potential for higher immune response will mean bulls staying healthy, their daughters staying healthy and having healthier calves. If the seedstock industry wants to remain relevant and continue to get high prices for our bulls we need to develop the best genetics possible, and have ways to prove these things about our cattle. This is definitely a competitive advantage for Canadian Angus genetics.
Clint Morasch Lazy MC Angus
Canadian Angus Genetic Conditions Policy By Kajal Devani, Canadian Angus Association Genetic conditions, caused by recessive genes, exist in all animals. The Canadian Angus Association identifies animals that have been tested for genetic conditions and reports the subsequent results of this testing to maintain Angus breed integrity in Canada, and to assist our members with their mating decisions. It is good ethical practice to disclose full pedigree information to potential buyers of an animal. Test results are printed on registration certificates and we encourage breeders to report all carriers in sale catalogues. Genetic Condition
AI sires and donor dams that have a known carrier of any genetic condition, for which there is a DNA test available commercially, within the first two generations of their pedigree are required to be tested prior to registration of calves. Below is a summary of the Canadian Angus Association genetic condition policy (effective September 22, 2013).
Testing Available
Arthrogryposis Multiplex (AM) If there is a known carrier in the first 2 generations of the pedigree, the Neuropathic Hydrocephalous animal must be tested before it can be (NH) registered.
AMF, NHF, OSF = tested and does not carry the mutation
Standalone test
Osteopetrosis (OS)
AMC, NHC, OSC = tested and a carrier of the mutation
Included on Angus GS test for additional fee
Once tested, both free and carrier animals can be registered. Test results are recorded on registration certificates.
Genetic Condition
Contractural Arachnodactyly (CA) Testing is not required
Developmental Duplication (DD) Mannosidosis (MA)
Double Muscling (DM)
for registration purposes.
Where a commercial test is available, it is provided, and test results are recorded on registration certificates.
Dwarfism (DW) Oculocutaneous Hypopigmentation (OH)
Hypotrichosis (HY)
Included in the Angus genetic condition test package
Testing Available
CAF, DDF, MAF = tested and free of the mutation
Standalone test
CAC, DDC, MAC = tested and a carrier of the mutation
Included in the Angus genetic condition test package Included on Angus GS test for additional fee
DMF, OHF = tested and Standalone test free of the mutation DMC, OHC = tested and a carrier of the mutation
Included on Angus GS test for additional fee
No test available
Protoporphyria (PR) Pulmonary Hypoplasia (PH) Syndactyly (SN) Tibial Hemimelia (TH)
Co mm e rc i a l Pr od u cer I m p lications : Genetic conditions exist in all animals and all breeds of cattle. The Canadian Angus Association believes it is good business to facilitate testing for genetic conditions and be transparent about test results. The probability of breeding two carrier animals to each other and having an affected calf is infinitely low. Still, we want producers who buy Canadian Angus genetics to do so with utmost confidence. 156
Igenity Hair Sample Instructions ÂŽ
1. Pull (do not cut) hair from the tail switch, not tail head. Pull hair in the opposite direction from which the hair is laying. This results in less breakage than pulling straight out from the tail.
2. Make sure hair is free of fecal material and dirt.
3. Roots must be clearly visible. Approximately 30 hair roots are needed. For animals with finer hair, a minimum of 50 to 60 hairs is desired. For animals younger than three months, blood is recommended since hair roots will likely not be visible.
4. Open the collector and peel back the plastic cover. Insert the root end of hairs in the middle of the collector. Seal the plastic cover over the hair and then close the collector cover tab.
5. Trim excess hair extending from the collector. Write animal ID and other information in the spaces provided.
6. Properly record animal IDs on the collector cards and correctly enter that information on your testing order form to ensure you are matching the right DNA to the right animal.
Neogen Canada 4244 – 10230 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J 4P6 ŠNeogen Corporation, 2019. Neogen and Igenity are registered trademarks of Neogen Corporation, Lansing, Michigan, USA.
Angus GS and Genomics
By Kajal Devani, Canadian Angus Association
Today’s EPDs are generated using:
the pedigree information, performance data, progeny data and genomic test results. Genomic tests like Angus GS are used to enhance the predictability or accuracy of genetic selection tools. Genomic technology helps us do this in two ways—it helps increase the accuracy of the pedigree and relationship information used in the evaluation. We know that not all siblings are genetically related in the same degree. Some full-sibs share 50 percent of their genetics; some only share 37 percent of their genetics. This is because DNA gets
passed down in chunks from ancestors. And the chunks that different siblings inherit can vary greatly. Knowing how well animals are genetically related (whether they share pedigree or not) also allows us to infer performance for related animals. Genomic technology allows us to predict the genetic merit for animals that have never been measured for certain phenotypes. This is how genomic tests help to achieve more accuracy on EPDs for younger animals, and to calculate EPDs for traits that are
difficult or expensive to measure, such as feed efficiency and carcass traits. The Angus GS test also helps us calculate EPDs for animals who are in a contemporary group of one (for example, ET calves, twins or animals from smaller herds where there is only one heifer calf or only one bull calf).
How much accuracy do genomics really add?
Depending on the trait, GEPDs on unproven, young bulls have the same amount of accuracy as if they had already sired 10–36 calves. We would recommend Angus GS to
Progeny Equivalent
Progeny Equivalent
Birth Weight
Calving Ease
any Angus breeder. It’s an efficient
Weaning Weight
Teat and Udder
Dry Matter Intake
Yearling Weight
Scrotal Circumference
Yearling Height
Claw Set
Heifer Pregnancy
Heel Depth
Calving Ease Maternal 20
Mature Height
Mature Weight
Carcass Weight
Back Fat
Rib Eye Area
and easy way to test your whole herd. The results are accurate and it helps us to better utilize and promote our Angus genetics.
The main reason I use Angus GS is to
The Angus GS genomic panel is a unique technology specific to
increase EPD accuracies. The test is
Angus cattle and was created through a close collaboration between
a great tool for whole herd selection
the American Angus Association and Neogen. In this partnership,
and gives my cattle more value with
American Angus brought the knowledge of Angus animals and Angus
higher accuracies.
genetics to the table while Neogen provided the expertise in what is
required to create high quality genotyping technologies.
Frequently asked questions about Angus GS How much does it cost?
The Angus GS test costs $45 per animal and includes parentage verification. Genetic condition tests can be added for an additional $10 per test.
How long does the Angus GS test take?
The Canadian Angus Association has worked with our lab, Neogen Canada, to ensure that the Angus GS test results will be delivered within 21 calendar days. Once the test is completed we will process parentage verification. We will also include the Angus GS test results in the next genetic evaluation. Genetic evaluations are run monthly. For example, if your Angus GS test is completed by the 15th of January, the results will be incorporated into the February genetic evaluation and reported on the first weekend in February.
Will I receive genomic percentile ranks from the test?
Yes, once the Angus GS test results are incorporated into the next genetic evaluation, members will also receive genomic percentile ranks from the tests.
Will my animal have higher EPDs if I do the Angus GS test? Genomic tests don’t necessarily mean that animals will have higher EPD numbers. They will have more accurate EPDs called GEPDs (genomically enhanced EPDs). Depending on the heritability of the trait and the amount of information currently available, the animal’s EPD accuracy can increase approximately 30 percent.
Which animals should I test with the Angus GS panel?
Genomic tests like the Angus GS are most effective when used on young animals that typically have lower accuracy EPDs. Typically, animals that do not have progeny recorded or performance for certain traits have lower accuracy EPDs. The Angus GS test helps us more accurately predict the genetic merit of these animals. A good rule of thumb is to make your initial cut based on phenotype and structure and then use a genomic test for the remaining animals. The results will help rank the remaining animals.
Should I test my heifers?
Identifying the right heifers to keep in your herd can have longterm consequences for your cow herd. Testing heifers using the Angus GS panel can greatly improve the accuracy of the EPDs for your heifers and provide more information with which to make heifer retention decisions.
Do hair samples work better than blood cards?
The DNA sample type, as long as it is a good quality sample, does not change your Angus GS test results. The Canadian Angus Association has worked with Neogen Canada to accept DNA samples in form of hair, blood, tissue or semen. Hair must be placed on Neogen Canada hair cards or wrapped in tape. Hair cards, blood cards, and Allflex TSUs are available through the Canadian Angus Association. Samples submitted using cards and tubes from other labs or companies will not be accepted as they typically fail.
Angus GS is a great tool for evaluating young stock. It’s easy to use and has been very helpful in speeding up data collection. It’s only going to get better as more data is collected and the performance database expands.”
Justin & Bonnie Schopfer, Marsden, Saskatchewan ANGUS LIFE 2020
The Canadian Angus
Association No one will ever care more about your success than you, but your Canadian Angus Association is a very close second. The staff go above and beyond to provide you with outstanding service. Contact us today and see how we can help. 1-888-571-3580
At your service
Need help with: Account Details Age Verification Angus Cow Enrollment Angus GS AngusNOW Bill Payments DNA Test Requests Memberships Ordering Management Tags Pedigree Extract Services Registrations Transferring Angus Cattle Call your Member Service Team: Lexi, Julia, Avery or Mandi
for answers regarding: A Store Ite ms Angus Adv isor AngusCon nect Angus Life Branded B eef Progra ms Business D evelopme Canadian nt Angus Fou Canadian ndation Angus Ran c h e r Endorsed Canadian Junior Ang us Commerc ial Animals Events Ca lendar Gold Show Program Mentorship Program National C onvention Regional A ngus Assoc iations Sales Pack ages Sponsorsh Contact yo ips ur Membe r Value Tea m today: Carmen, K iani, Belind a, Bob and B rian
Have inquiries? AngusINDEX Canadian Angus Performance Program Canadian Angus Pedigree Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) Genetic Conditions Look no further than Science and Technology: Kajal Devani
out: ng ab i r e d Won ransfers ities E-t ortun p p er O r of Care , Directo the n n, is Ala tratio plan s i n i Adm with the man
Have questions about: Canadian Angus Foundation Archives General Information Media Inquiries Tina, Administration Team Leader, is your go-to for answers
Complaints? ht to the top : contact My
Take it straig
les, CEO
When in doubt about who to call? Contact Joanelle, Office Administrator extraordinaire! 1-888-571-3580 or ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 161
What is AngusCONNECT? AngusCONNECT is a new initiative by the Canadian Angus Association to provide opportunity for commercial producers to showcase the value of their calves through the Angus bulls they have purchased by showcasing the genetic merit of the animals. In similar fashion to Angus Link and Top Dollar programs in the US, this is a program to CONNECT commercial calf producers with potential buyers and provide some insight into the genetic potential of their calves. Among AngusCONNECT’s features is the Angus Index, which is strictly a terminal index combining groups of traits relevant to the feedlot’s performance and quality grade, focusing on a balance of marbling, weaning to yearling performance, rib eye size, yield and carcass weight. To enter the program a commercial producer must: • Use Canadian Angus RFID indicators and have calves that carry the Angus green tag • Purchase Angus bulls from any CAA member and have the bulls transferred into your name • Provide the CAA with the registration numbers of your purchased Angus bulls The CAA will provide a certificate showcasing the genetic merit of your calves with known data through the sire lineage. In the future the Canadian Angus Association will support your marketing efforts through a future platform of sharing information to interested and potential buyers looking for cattle to fit their programs. AngusCONNECT only provides genetic merit. To receive full value and benefit, cattle must still be a part of a strong herd health program, sound nutrition program, look the part and follow your past strong breed reputation. Cudlobe Influence Sale 2019 was the first Angus sale in Canada to have all animals in the sale showcased to their buyers with the AngusCONNECT Index of genetic merit. Steers:
Canfax—Cudlobe Angus Price Comparison:
Index Score
Lot #
# of Animals
Average Weight
Strs Weight
Strs Price
Sale Results
Results from September 30, 2019 162
Fat Yearling Weight Marbling Rib Eye Area Carcass Weight
Testimonials: “Anytime you can add information that leads to greater success for everybody involved is beneficial. That’s one reason why I was so in favour when the AngusCONNECT program came out—to give everybody the ability to use data and make real comparisons.” - Dave Saretsky, Cantriex Livestock International Inc. “The Cudlobe steers had an average weight of 588 lbs and sold at a $6/cwt premium to the other sales for similar weight calves. This works out to approximately a $35/head premium for the Cudlobe steers.” - Canfax ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 163
Canadian Angus Foundation CH A I R ’ S M E S S AGE
Kirk Wildman The mandate of the Canadian Angus Foundation is to expand and grow the Angus breed for future generations. I feel the board of directors and the supporters of the Foundation are completely in step with that goal. Our focus on youth development, research, and historical preservation is an important cog in not only maintaining the Angus breed’s place in the industry but continuing to grow its footprint. In an ever-changing world, we feel engaging our youth and new breeders is vital to the success and relevancy of the purebred Angus sector. We want the best and brightest to consider the Angus business, both purebred and commercial, to be an exciting and challenging career choice. If we want to feed an ever-increasing population, the Foundation believes we are going to have to find new and innovative ways to do things. Through leveraging Foundation dollars, we are partnering on research projects to take our breed to the next level. We are very excited to be involved in the research and development of DNA work on hard-to-measure traits. The future is very bright when we can open up new avenues for growth and success. Educating our youth and breeders is another vital cog in our future success. The GOAL Conference held annually in February is a three-day conference that gives young people a chance to learn and network. The Foundation is a major sponsor. We have created bursaries to provide financial help for Angus enthusiasts from across the country to attend. There are also self-directed bursaries set up to help young people from 18 to 30 years of age take part in educational opportunities. CJA Showdown is held annually across the country and is, once again, an outstanding place for our youth to get together and learn. The bursary program is an excellent way for our youth to attend and see different parts of our vast country. At Showdown 2019, three young commercial breeders from BC received vouchers totalling $7,000 to purchase a purebred heifer to start their herds. It is an exciting time in our industry and we feel that the CAF is, and will be in the future, a big part of our Angus youth succeeding in that future. Scholarships and awards are also provided annually to junior members and young breeders, helping them to succeed in their education, and helping us to promote our breed and Association as they represent us across the country and internationally. Another mandate of the Foundation is to preserve and promote the past. Angus Central is a great place to display our thousands of archival items and we encourage all interested folks to come check it out. Our group was extremely proud to publish The Breed, The Legends, the History, our 2019 Canadian Angus history book that was unveiled at Convention in Drumheller in June 2019. Huge thanks go out to our lead team of Kiani Evans, Tina Zakowsky and Belinda Wagner for making this project a reality. Many volunteers helped with this mammoth project and we can’t thank them enough. The book is available through our offices in Calgary and Regina and at various events, but please don’t wait too long to get your copy as supply is limited. All of these projects could not happen without the continued support of our generous donors. So many breeders and industry partners have seen the value of the Foundation and have generously donated over the years to this worthwhile cause. Once again in 2019 the Building the Legacy Sale was a huge success and the major fundraiser for the Foundation.
One Book
Order your copy of The Breed, the Legends, the History: Canadian Angus History Book, 2019 Edition today!
The Breed | The Legends | The History
2019 Edition
Contact Belinda Wagner at or at 306-757-6133 to order. This project was funded by the Government of Alberta through the Alberta Historical Resources Foundation ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 165
What Do You Support When You Bid at The Canadian Angus Foundation’s
The Building the Legacy sale has become the main fundraising focus of the Canadian Angus Foundation and has been very successful in helping to further the Canadian Angus Foundation’s mission which is to preserve and expand the Angus breed for future generations through education, youth development, scientific and market research, and historical preservation and restoration. The Canadian Angus Foundation was incorporated in 1993 and is the charitable arm of the Canadian Angus Association.
The Foundation supports youth, young breeder and
LEGACY SALE By Kiani Evans Canadian Angus Association
member development: this includes scholarships and awards such as the Outstanding Young Angus Breeder and the Robert C. McHaffie Junior Ambassador (and others), as well as travel bursaries and junior shows. This support also includes providing junior and young breeders the opportunity to learn and grow in areas of leadership, marketing, technology and Angus production as well as opportunities for non-livestock youth to learn about our industry. Funding is also provided to assist with speakers and events targeted at member education. The Foundation supports preserving and restoring our history. The Foundation Board was extremely excited to launch the new Canadian Angus History Book, The Breed, The Legends, The History at the CAA Convention in Drumheller in June 2019. We also have extensive archives at Angus Central that members are invited to view. Over the course of several years, summer interns organized and catalogued historical documents and the items are on display in the archives.
The Foundation also supports scientific research and technical development. The Canadian Angus Foundation currently provides funding for seven ongoing Canadian Angus Association research and development projects. Some of these include:
High Immune Response: The Immunity Plus EPD, available for the Canadian dairy industry, helps identify cattle that have the genetic potential to raise a high immune response to bacterial and viral infection. CAA, Semex and AGI have partnered to develop this tool for Angus cattle.
Development of Genetic Evaluations for Feet and Leg Structure Using a discovery population scored by one well-trained research technician for feet and leg structure using the AGI published scoring guideline, a genetic evaluation for these traits in the Canadian Angus population will be developed. These animals will also be genotyped for a more accurate evaluation. Ultimately, members will submit their own scores so that the data can be incorporated into our AngusONE evaluation.
Development of Collection of New Phenotypes for the Purpose of Genetic Evaluations: These new traits include Dry Matter Intake for Feed Efficiency EPDs, Teat and Udder Scores, Feet and Leg Scores, Docility, Mature Cow Weight, Height, Body Condition Score and Carcass Quality.
Whether your passion is supporting youth development, supporting member education, supporting the preservation of Angus history and archives, or supporting scientific research and development (or all four), we invite you to to support Building the Legacy in person at Canadian Angus Convention or online.
What’s Your
Legacy? Canadian Angus Foundation’s Building the Legacy Sale 9 Saturday June 13, 2020 – 8pm EST Delta Beausejour, Moncton, New Brunswick Building the Legacy has become the Canadian Angus Foundation’s main fundraiser focus and is a main source for generating resources to further our mission. Please join us. The Canadian Angus Foundation functions to preserve and expand the Angus breed for future generations through education, youth development, scientific and market research, and historical preservation and restoration. The Canadian Angus Foundation was incorporated in 1993 and is the charitable arm of the Canadian Angus Association. The vision of Building the Legacy is to allow the Foundation to build monetary resources. The Foundation uses its funds to provide opportunities for our youth, young breeders and membership to grow in the areas of leadership, marketing, networking, animal husbandry, genetic improvement and to learn about developing tools to enhance Angus production. The vision also includes the importance of preserving Angus history. By fostering these areas we can ensure our Angus history is not lost and will keep Angus as the breed of choice for the commercial beef sector and end users for years to come. Because of generous donors, we can support initiatives, scholarships, travel bursaries and learning opportunities. Through benevolent donations of livestock, semen, embryos, items and experiences, as well as the purchasing of the auction offerings, the Foundation is able to put together a great suite of opportunities for our Angus membership. Please join us!
If you are interested in making a donation to the Building the Legacy sale, the Canadian Angus Foundation, or would like more information please contact: Belinda Wagner Canadian Angus Foundation Executive Director (306) 757-6133
Are you using your live registration system, AngusNOW? Please contact to sign up. Visit for quick how-to videos and step-by-step instructions.
Toll Free: 1-888-571-3580 • Email: •
The Canadian Angus Association will be launching a new website to serve you better in the summer of 2020!
This is your chance to be a part of this exciting process: we are looking for photos, stories, testimonials and content ideas to be featured on our newly designed, mobile friendly site. Please contact to submit your content for consideration. The web address will remain the same but the website will be a whole new experience!
By Kiani Evans Canadian Angus Association
Why Do You Donate to the Canadian Angus Foundation? Incorporated in 1993, the Canadian Angus Foundation is run by a group of dedicated volunteers. The functions of the Foundation are to preserve and expand the Angus breed for future generations through education, youth development, scientific and market research and historical preservation. The Canadian Angus Foundation has committed to “Building a Strong Foundation.” This is an initiative that will allow members to get involved and provide building blocks for the Foundation to grow and have success with future projects. There are various ways that you can support the Foundation. It is with your help and care that the Foundation is able to offer different programs in support of Angus in Canada and our national youth. Dave Longshore donates to
help fund Junior activities and to encourage them to form a pattern for life in the Angus breed. “You wouldn’t get these kids going to other countries if you didn’t have those funds in place,” he says. “It’s easier for us as breeders to come up with the cash.” Dave also sees the importance in both donating and purchasing in Building the Legacy, finding value in the items for sale and satisfaction in donated items being bought. For Bill and Sylvia Jackson of Tullamore Farms in Caledon, Ontario, Junior activities lie close to their hearts. “As Angus breeders, this is our life. The future of this industry will be strengthened by encouraging and supporting young people to stay in or enter into the business.
The Jackson family: Heather, Vicky, Madeleine, Bill, Sylvia, Matt Goodson, Riley, Emily
“I am grateful for the opportunities availed to me as a Junior and chose to provide similar opportunities to the youth of today,” says Bill. “One of the highlights as a Junior was competing in the first National USA Junior Show in 1967.” “Serving on the CAF board as a director and chair of the Foundation from 2014–2017 has been very rewarding personally,” states Sylvia. “It really is the passion of people working together for a common goal and contributing in whatever capacity they can. The Foundation is an important component of the Angus industry.” The Canadian Angus Foundation focuses on three streams: preserving the history of Angus in Canada through maintaining the extensive archives; providing research and educational opportunities to help build and expand the breed as well as producers’ operations; and
supporting Junior activities to encourage the continuance of the breed. “The rewards for us in donating to the Foundation are very evident when you witness the Juniors that participate in GOAL and Showdown or apply for scholarships and awards then returning as presidents and secretaries for their respective provinces a few years later,” say Bill and Sylvia. “Their own experiences help build all aspects of the Foundation. Funds raised through the Building the Legacy fundraiser auction and other events for the Foundation support the CAF motto and Angus industry as a whole.”
Dave and Lynne Longshore
Cheryl to do up pics at bottom are the Jackson family on left
to #WAFdownunder
- Dave & Lynne Longshore on right
Join us for the World Angus Forum being held April–May 2021 in Australia!
Welcome Function in Sydney: Renowned for its stunning harbour setting, temperate climate, and world-class restaurants. Pre-tour through central west NSW: Showcasing world-class Angus properties and one of Australia’s best known food and wine regions. Technical forum in Canberra: Australia’s capital city, the heart of the nation and home to many of Australia’s inspirational landmarks and renowned cultural attractions. Post-tour, from Toowoomba to Rockhampton: Experience our northern beef precinct, culminating in Beef Australia 2021, the southern hemisphere’s largest beef exposition.
Contact us for more information: The Canadian Angus Association • 1-888-571-3580 • ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 171
President Message TYRA FOX
he Canadian Junior Angus board consists of nine members representing each region of the country. As a board we organize our two major events Showdown and GOAL, and do fundraising to put on those events as well as work to promote them. Our 2020 GOAL Conference will be held in Calgary, Alberta. The GOAL conference is a great experience for all Juniors. The weekend involves a number of educational speakers along with activities for Juniors to gain knowledge and create friendships with other Juniors from all over the country. The Legacy Scholarship panel discussion also takes place at GOAL. The five finalists selected by the Canadian Angus Foundation take part in a panel discussion to complete the scholarship competition. It is great for all Juniors in attendance to watch. There are also many travel bursaries available for Juniors to apply for to make it out to GOAL. I highly recommend to all Juniors to apply for the travel bursaries and come out to GOAL for a great time.
round-trip. The application process is very simple and can make a great opportunity! There are also travel bursaries available for juniors to apply for. Be sure to watch for more information closer to the event for entries and bursary application deadlines. If you have any questions about Showdown, please don’t hesitate to contact the Manitoba director Naomi Best or me.
July 23–25 is Showdown 2020. This year it will be held in Brandon, Manitoba. The board is very excited to be hosting Showdown in Manitoba again. Showdown is a great event because it allows Juniors to compete in a variety of competitions along with conformation classes. The competitions available include photography, literature, print marketing, sales talk, art, scrapbook, judging, team grooming and showmanship. There are trucking bursaries available for Juniors travelling 1,000 kilometres or more
None of these opportunities would be possible without the help of our generous supporters and fellow breed association members. I would like to thank anyone and everyone who has supported the Junior programs it is greatly appreciated by all Juniors.
There are plenty of other opportunities available for Juniors along with GOAL and Showdown such as the Robert C. McHaffie Junior Ambassador competition, self-directed travel bursaries, scholarships and exchange programs to attend American Junior Angus events such as LEAD, Young Stockman Program and Round Up. Be sure to check out the Canadian Junior Angus website and look further into each of these opportunities available for all Juniors. Don’t be afraid to contact me or any of my fellow directors if you have any questions.
I hope everyone has a smooth calving season and not too much crazy weather. I look forward to seeing everyone throughout bull sale season and spring progress jackpot shows, as well as our Junior events.
July 23–25, 2020 Brandon, Manitoba The annual national Canadian Junior Angus show, Showdown, began in 2000 as an outlet for juniors from across the nation to gather in one location to exhibit their Angus cattle in conformation divisions. There have been many different activities and contests added over the years. Currently there is marketing, sales talk, judging, team judging, team grooming, photography, literature, art, scrapbook, graphic design, farm sign, public speaking, cook-off, Spirit of Youth, herdsman, showmanship, conformation and grand aggregate.
Showdown 2020
21st Annual Canadian Junior Angus Show
For more information on Showdown or GOAL, please contact Canadian Junior Angus Coordinator Belinda Wagner at 306-757-6133 or at
Guiding Outstanding Angus Leaders Conference
Goal 2020
The Guiding Outstanding Angus Leaders (GOAL) Conference promotes leadership skills within the Angus breed. Junior members from all over the nation attend this three-day event that is held in a different location each year. During GOAL the Juniors hear from motivational and educational speakers, participate in workshops, get involved in teamwork activities and develop beef and industry knowledge. Juniors are also given the opportunity to network and socialize with fellow Junior Angus members.
February 15–17, 2020 Holiday Inn Calgary Airport, Calgary, AB
ANGUS LIFE 2020 173
How Canadian Junior Angus
Changed My Life
By Kiani Evans, Canadian Angus Association
Established in 1999, Canadian Junior Angus (CJA) provides many opportunities for youth to grow their cattle herd and meet other enthusiastic Angus breeders. The Canadian Junior Angus Board of Directors helps plan and execute various events throughout the year, including GOAL and Showdown. Junior memberships are available to any individual 21 years of age and under. In addition to events, Canadian Junior Angus offers scholarships in
addition to those that juniors can apply for through the Canadian Angus Foundation. The Foundation functions to preserve and expand the Angus breed for future generations through education, youth development, scientific and market research and historical preservation and restoration. Three graduates of the CJA program were asked to describe the impact that the program had on their lives. They all responded that CJA changed their lives.
Canadian Juniors compete at the 2013 World Angus Forum in New Zealand 174
ROBYN BURT “The mentorship has been such a positive experience for me. (Former CAA Director of Business Development, New Generation) Nate Marin toured my calves a few falls ago and at the end asked how the Association could help me; he then suggested the mentorship program. I knew I wanted to raise better cattle, be more progressive and learn all I could about the purebred industry but I only had a few connections that could help me. The mentorship was the perfect solution. “I was very lucky to be partnered with Justin Morrison of Brooking Angus Ranch. I greatly admire his program, and consider him to be an expert at what he does. He always makes the time to answer my questions even if it means a quick phone call while sorting cows or delivering bulls. “Having a mentor has greatly encouraged me to work hard to develop my own program. It has given me the confidence to try new things because I know I have someone to bounce ideas off of. I have taken more risks because of this mentorship, and through his guidance they often result in success. Justin has also supported me during challenging times. Whether its troubleshooting AI protocols, critiquing show cattle or developing sale strategies; I always have a more positive outlook after discussing things with Justin. He has also helped me to build connections with others in the industry. It started as a mentorship relationship but has developed into a friendship which ultimately helps to connect the Angus breed across Canada.
“There is always an opportunity to learn something new and to pass on the knowledge you have gained to others. My mentor once told me: ‘don’t compare your chapter one with someone else’s chapter twenty.’ It takes time and hard work to reach your goals.”
Dick Turner scholarship to Chad Lorenz
Juniors at World Angus Forum 2009
Erika Easton
For Chad Lorenz, his involvement in Canadian Junior Angus began slowly. Beginning with encouragement from peers and friends, he started showing heifers at the Alberta Junior Angus Association show, eventually becoming involved with the Alberta Junior program as director and then president. Chad was encouraged to join the CJA board, where he then served as a director for three terms followed by two terms as president.
Erika Easton joined the Canadian Junior Angus program when she was young, encouraged by her parents. As opportunities to travel and meet Juniors from across Canada became available, she realized how much she appreciated building relationships within the industry.
“It seems like once you’re hooked, one thing leads to another,” says Chad. Travel and scholarship opportunities began to arise, leading to his application for the Robert C. McHaffie Junior Ambassador program, which he competed for and won, serving as ambassador in 2013–2014. When asked what he enjoyed most about the Junior program, his immediate response is the people.
“Not only the Juniors I became friends with, but also the breeders, sponsors, judges and organizers at all the various events.” Travel was also a highlight for Chad; the Junior program provided him with both the time and the finances to see Canada coast to coast, nurturing relationships all throughout the industry. “I gained valuable knowledge from my experiences, both with cattle and working on boards and executives,” he says. “But more importantly, I gained contacts and a network of friends, customers and coaches that have impacted my career and life every year since my involvement as a Junior.”
“I enjoyed the people who I got to meet. I created some lifelong friendships with Juniors from coast to coast. I also enjoyed all the places I got to travel to, whether it was for Showdown, GOAL Conference or the World Angus Forum.” Erika states that the Junior program helped her succeed in life through the creation of opportunities to make connections from around the world, and in doing so help build her own voice. “The program helped grow my confidence in myself and when speaking to others,” she says.
Austen Anderson & Erika Easton at the first Building The Legacy Sale ANGUS LIFE 2020
Canadian Junior Angus and Young Breeder Opportunities Scholarships
Foundation Legacy Scholarship | Deadline: January 5 Three awards totalling $10,000 will be presented to Canadian Junior Angus members recognizing overall academic achievement, leadership, community involvement, and industry knowledge. Awards in the amounts of $5,000, $3,000 and $2,000 will be presented.
Dick Turner Memorial Award | Deadline: May 15 The Dick Turner Memorial Award was established after the passing of legendary Angus icon Dick Turner. During his lifetime, Dick committed 55 years of his career to livestock publishing and successfully promoted and advertised the Angus breed specifically through the Canadian Aberdeen Angus News magazine. One $1,000 scholarship is presented annually. Canadian Junior Angus Scholarships | Deadline: June 15 A total of three scholarships will be awarded in the amounts of $2,000, $1,500, and $1,000. GOAL Travel Bursaries | Deadline: January 1 Bursaries of up to $750 will be awarded to12 deserving CJA members from anywhere in Canada. Bursaries must be used within the same year awarded to help offset travel and registration costs for attending the GOAL Conference.
Showdown Travel & Trucking Bursaries | Deadline: May 25 & June 1 Bursaries of up to $750 will be awarded to six deserving CJA members from anywhere in Canada. Bursaries must be used within the same year awarded to help offset travel costs for attending Showdown. Trucking assistance is also available for those who travel over 1000 km one way. Bridging the Gap Trucking Bursary The Bridging the Gap Trucking Bursary was developed to assist young Angus breeders financially with trucking Angus cattle to shows in other regions. Examples of events may include but are not limited to the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Farmfair, Canadian Western Agribition, and the Maritime Junior Angus Show. Connecting Food and Farm Bursary The Connecting Food and Farm Travel Bursary was developed to encourage urban or non-livestock youth to attend one of our events with a current member to learn about the industry. Examples of events may include but are not limited to GOAL Conference, the Canadian Angus National Convention or livestock shows. Self-Directed National or International Travel Bursaries The Self-Directed National or International Travel Bursaries were developed to assist young Angus breeders with financial travel assistance for conferences or events related to the beef cattle industry. For members aged 18–30.
Junior Angus Stockman of the Year | Nominations due April 15 The Junior Angus Stockman of the Year award recognizes outstanding young cattlemen who are constantly growing their capacity by actively working with their Angus cattle, promoting their operation and cattle to the public, growing their knowledge of nutrition, genetics and breeding, and producing/selling quality Angus cattle. Five finalists will be selected from the nominations and will each receive $250. The winner of the award will receive a $3,500 bursary to be used for genetics, cattle supplies/equipment, and/or training, along with travel assistance to attend Showdown. Outstanding Young Angus Breeder | Nominations due April 15 The Outstanding Young Angus Breeder award was developed to recognize an Angus breeder between the ages of 22 and 30 who has demonstrated a desire to stay involved in the Angus business based on their involvement within the breed up to this point in his/her career. The winner will receive $3,500. CAF Robert C. McHaffie Junior Ambassador | Applications due April 30 The Junior Ambassador is sponsored by the Canadian Angus Foundation. The ambassador acts as a role model for youth and represents members of the Canadian Angus Association. It is an opportunity to network with leaders in the agriculture industry and learn from them. Ambassadors have the opportunity to attend at least one international event and various major agricultural events in Canada. This position is for one year.
For more information contact Belinda Wagner at 306-757-6133 or at 176
Canadian Angus Association Mentorship Program “In learning you will teach, in teaching you will learn.” Phil Collins, English drummer, singer and songwriter
Mentorship is about sharing experiences and knowledge that will help someone through obstacles in their life and in their career. Often people are mentored or act as a mentor without even realizing the importance of what has taken place. The Canadian Angus Mentorship Program provides a great opportunity for aspiring, new and experienced cattle producers to exchange experience and knowledge. Mentorship provides rewards for both the mentors as well as those being mentored.
Looking for a Mentor?
Have you ever wanted a second opinion? Looked for sage advice and maybe a kind word? Do you want to know what works and what doesn’t, without the trial and error of testing it out for yourself? One-on-one mentorship will help ensure that information is understood and you are able to put it to good use. Individual mentors will be able to provide further details and more in-depth explanations as they pertain to each individual’s situation and will be based on real-life experiences.
Thinking of Becoming a Mentor?
Being a mentor has great benefits: • Broaden your network and ties with the community • Enhance your analytical skills • Provide opportunities for professional exchange with a fresh perspective • Meet and connect with new and upcoming breeders • Help guide the future of the Canadian Angus industry • Leave a legacy • It feels good to help others
Individuals interested in becoming a mentor or a mentee can find more information on our website at or call 1-888-571-3580.
SHOWDOWN EXPERIENCE By Kiani Evans, Canadian Angus Association
In the Words of the Juniors that Participate For Cassidy Huffman and Renee Seelhof, the return of Showdown to BC was a unique opportunity for them as it was a mere four hours from their hometowns of Williams Lake and Horsefly. Both attending for the first time, they emphasized their excitement to show steers and participate in some of the activities and competitions offered. “We thought that all the art projects would be fun,” said Cassidy, Renee nodding eagerly beside her. “We also like showing steers, and I’m in the showmanship contest and Renee’s in the grooming contest with my little brother.” The excitement can be palpable at these events—but make no mistake, the giddy laughs echoing throughout the barn are not testaments to free time. All the kids fit, clip and show their own cattle. And when a Junior from PEI wants to show in the westernmost province in our country, local breeders step in to lend a helping hand. We had the opportunity to speak to four Juniors between events at Showdown and two parents providing moral support and ask their perspectives on why Showdown attracts so many Angus youth from across the country every year. 178
Why did you decide to participate in Showdown this year? It’s in a beautiful location right now (Barriere, BC) and I always love coming to Junior shows and meeting new people. Being fairly new to the breed, I think coming to these events and being able to work is a perfect opportunity to work with cattle, meet new people and make new connections in a fun environment.
What opportunities would you say have been provided to you through these Junior events? Oh, I’ve had countless opportunities. Every time I’ve travelled outside of Saskatchewan for Angus events I have been lucky enough to receive travel assistance from Saskatchewan Angus and the Canadian Angus Foundation—I’ve applied for all the travel bursaries. The opportunities that are provided and the available funding to come out to these shows that I otherwise wouldn’t have been able to come to—and not having to worry about anything because it’s all figured out for you—makes it so much easier to focus on creating connections and having fun with the other Juniors.
Tom deWaal of Harvest Angus in Prince George, BC brought down some of his cattle for you to use. How has working with Tom been? Oh Tom’s been great. Belinda Wagner helped connect us, and it’s very generous of him to come all the way out here and get the cattle ready for us at home. He has been very supportive, taking a teaching role as opposed to an action role and helping us take the reins. The calves are still getting used to the show and it’s a new experience working on a string of this size, but I think it’s good to do this in a junior show atmosphere where there is a little more give and I can learn and take a bit more of a leadership role with the string. I’ve been able to see how, as young adults, we can really have an impact.
THOMAS WILDMAN What has your experience at Showdown been like this year?
LEXI HICKS What made you decide to enter the Robert C. McHaffie Junior Ambassador competition? It was something I’d been on the fence about doing for a long time. In the past I was a rodeo queen and the ambassador for Swift Current Frontier Days, so it’s something that I’ve always enjoyed. I love holding positions like this, and what’s better than to hold such a prestigious position within the CJA? The opportunities both personal and professional that come with it are outstanding, and right now I’m at a bit of a crossroads with my schooling—being halfway done, I’m trying to figure out what I want to do with my life when I’m out of school. This is helping me find some clarity with that and what I want to pursue. This is a very big honour.
What are you studying right now? Policy studies. It’s a mix between political science, economics, communication and English. I’m hoping when I’m done that I can wedge my foot into the door of politics. I’d like to be a political aid for agriculture and work on trade deals.
What have you enoyed the most about all the junior events you have participated in, including Showdown, GOAL (Guiding Outstanding Angus Leaders) and your Ambassadorship?
JESSICA DAVEY Is this your first time attending Showdown? This is my second Showdown. The one I went to last year was in Barrie, Ontario and I absolutely loved it and had a blast, so I was super excited when I applied for the bursary this year and got it. It’s really exciting to be able to come to a new place like BC.
It’s pretty solid. I really like coming out to the show with all of my Angus friends from across the country; I’ve got a lot of friends from Saskatchewan and BC here this year. That’s one of the big things for me—I really enjoy the atmosphere of the show. It’s really positive and everyone is really open to talking.
And do you think you’ll be coming back in the future? Yes definitely; I’ve always wanted to go to one without cattle just to see what it would be like, perhaps out in Ontario or the Maritimes. I might apply for some of the bursaries to go out to some of those farther away ones. Showdown’s definitely up there as one of my favourite things to go to over the summer.
What opportunities would you say Junior events and the Junior program have provided to you? It’s a great way to learn how to raise cattle and how to become a successful businessperson and how to operate it. They have organized everything so that us Juniors can register and sell our own animals. The Junior programs help us learn different ways to market them through different sales, and the Canadian Angus Foundation is a great help for Juniors. At these events opportunities like networking, meeting new people and even just expanding your skillset—there’s public speaking, graphic design, photography— it’s a safe environment to express those different skills and to change and improve.
Oh, I don’t know! The ambassadorship is so new, but I am really looking forward to some exciting trips that we have lined up. I’m going to Nashville for the American Junior Angus LEAD Conference and am really looking forward to that. I’ve also always wanted to go to LEAD; it has been a dream of mine for a long time. But in the past, I feel like it’s so much fun going to GOAL with all the people that you meet, and the speakers have all been really eye-opening. I think last year’s GOAL conference was my favourite—it really made me realize how important it is for us to be advocates in our industry, which resonated with me particularly because of my path in schooling. GOAL and all the Junior events are so eye-opening… it’s a great learning experience. And to be able to have these experiences so young is really cool.
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TANYA BELSHAM Why did you decide to bring down cattle for youth to show at Showdown? Last year at our female sale we offered to all the kids that, if they purchased an animal from us, we would keep it, feed it and deliver it to Showdown. There were three kids that chose to buy heifers and we kept them all winter, bred them, got them ready and brought them here. Then other kids throughout Canada asked if they could borrow a heifer. Given that Showdown was coming to BC, we wanted to make sure that it was well supported, so we brought heifers for them as well.
How has being involved in Junior Events affects you and your/operation? I think juniors are such a key part of what we’re trying to do because if we don’t have any juniors we’re not going to have anybody to take over the farms. So we really try to encourage kids; we usually have Juniors that come to shows and help us at events in Dawson Creek and Armstrong, and at Farmfair and Agribition. We usually try to bring two or three Juniors with us; some even bring their own cattle. The sad part is that the Juniors don’t stay Juniors, and they eventually end up moving away to university. I do have two granddaughters, though, and I can hardly wait for them to be old enough to bring along and help us at the shows!
Do you have any advice for Juniors attending these events that might not have cattle, or even much agricultural experience? I think kids just shouldn’t be afraid to contact breeders. We would’ve been able to bring more calves for Juniors, but if they don’t ask us we don’t know. A lot of the time what breeders want is to just encourage kids to come—we can bring cattle and help them out on that end of it. All the kids we’ve helped have gotten along and they’ve done an excellent job of looking after our animals because we’ve just stood back and let them do it.
So you’ve had good experiences with Juniorsyou’veworkedwithat Showdown? It’s been awesome, and the cool part is that there are several of these kids that I didn’t really know—we’ve only messaged back and forth, as one of the girls is from PEI, a couple others are from Saskatchewan and there are several from Alberta. I got to meet them for the first time here and they’ve all worked out really well. I’m excited to build these new relationships and I’m thinking some of these kids will probably end up helping me at shows throughout the fall. It’s been a really great experience. 180
JASON MCGILLIVRAY What made you decide to bring cattle for Juniors to show? Well, part of it was that our daughter Meghan is on the board this year, so she asked us to get involved and to help out. We like to see the kids come and participate in Showdown—it’s been a great event for our kids. We thought if it created an opportunity to give back and let some other kids show like had been done for our kids when they went out to PEI and Ontario and elsewhere, it would be us doing our part to give back.
How have you seen Showdown and the Junior programs impact your children? I think the program has been excellent in raising the level of interaction with other breeders; my kids seem to know a lot more people than I do now, so that’s been positive! I think it’s improved their fitting and showing as they’ve been exposed to higher-level competition, which has been really good. I think the other thing that it’s done is improve their ability to interact with adults. The Junior program is tied with the Canadian Angus Foundation and Canadian Angus Association and their members, so they have to work back and forth with some adults.
Would you say your involvement and your kid’s involvement in the Junior programs influenced the direction of your operation? Has it just enhanced your desire to be a part of the Junior side of things? It has enhanced our desire to be a little more involved in the Association; I don’t think it’s influenced the direction of our breeding program at this point, but it has certainly been good to be exposed to what other breeders are doing and look at their cattle and learn from that, which I think has been really positive. The other thing I’ve noted is that our kids have been much more up on their pedigrees and breeding and talking about different directions that they want to go with their own breeding cattle. In fact, all six of the animals that are here were either bred by my daughters or my son—none of them are from me or my wife’s purebred herd, they’re all out of the kid’s cows.
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Station Génétique de la Beauce Vente de taureaux (Bull Sale) 136, rang 1 Shenley Sud St-Martin-de-Beauce, QC Vente de taureaux Ferme Louber
President Frédéric Gouin 1630, Route St-Martin, Ste-Marie-de-Beauce, QC Info: Bernard Bégin (418-389-7181) 418-332-2418 Vente de Taureaux Synergie Ste-Sophie-de-Lévrard, QC Info: Luc Noiseux (450-379-9989)
Secretary Cynthia Jackson
Vente de Taureaux Vinoy 418-784-2311 426, route 315, Chénéville, QC Info: Francis Gagnon (514-975-3722)
2020 fevrier
Quebec Junior Beef Show Location TBD
Saint-Hyacinthe Angus Show Saint-Hyacinthe, Station Génétique de la Beauce Vente de taureaux (Bull Sale) | 136, rangQC1 Shenley Sud St-
Martin-de-Beauce, QC, G0M 1B0
Cookshire Angus Show Cookshire, QC Vente de taureaux Ferme Louber | 1630, Route St-Martin, Ste-Marie-de-Beauce, QC mars Ayer’s Cliff Angus Show President Frédéric Gouin Info: Bernard Bégin (418-389-7181) Ayer’s Cliff, QC
President Frédéric Gouin
418-332-2418 418-332-2418 Vente de Taureaux Synergie | Ste-Sophie-de-Lévrard, QC
Info: Luc Noiseux (450-379-9989) SEPTEMBRE Brome Angus Show Secretary Cynthia Jackson Secretary Cynthia Jackson Vente de Taureaux Vinoy | 426, route 315, Chénéville, QCBrome, QC 418-784-2311 Expo Shawville Fair Info: Francis Gagnon (514-975-3722) 418-784-2311 Shawville, QC juin
Quebec Junior Beef Show | Location TBD
For more information, please contact the Quebec Angus Association for inquiries Saint-Hyacinthe Angus Show | Saint-Hyacinthe, QC juillet regarding events in 2020.
Cookshire Angus Show | Cookshire, QC aout Vente de taureaux (Bull Sale) | 136, rang 1 Shenley Sud St0 w w w. q u e b eAyer’s c a n gCliff u sAngus . c a Show | Ayer’s Cliff, QC
Brome Angus Show |QC Brome, QC septembre er | 1630, Route St-Martin, Ste-Marie-de-Beauce, 181) 182 / ANGUS LIFE 2020Expo Shawville Fair | Shawville, QC
Expo Boeuf Victoriaville, Quebec Vente des Partinaires / Partners for Progress Sale (female sale) 163 Chamin Clark Hill, Shefford, Quebec Info: Luc Noiseux ( 450-379-9989)
DAVID SAMPLE Mac Angus Farms/Les Fermes Mac Angus By Carmen Koning, Canadian Angus Association
The Sample family of Mac Angus Farms/Les Fermes Mac Angus first entered the world of Angus breeding in 1962 when Kenneth Sample bought 10 Angus females. It’s the only breed they’ve owned since then. They mainly market purebred Angus bulls to commercial producers in Eastern Canada in addition to serving their steady customer base for purebred Angus females. Prior to 1960 the Sample family milked a herd of Ayrshire cattle, grew apples and made maple syrup. The name Mac Angus Farms comes from the Macintosh apples that have been growing in the Havelock area for the past 150 years. They’ve been a steadfast fixture of the cattle industry in Canada and Quebec for over 60 years. David Sample jokes, “A lot of guys don’t know me as David; they think my name is Mac, because of the farm name.” The strong association with Mac Angus Farms is a testament to the Samples’ breeding and marketing efforts. They have used Canadian Angus indicators as part of their marketing program since they first came out more than 20 years ago. David also appreciates the Canadian Angus Association’s efforts to advance and promote genomic testing. “We’ve always maintained as our advertising model that our cattle are easy to look at and easy to live with,” explains David. “We relied heavily on the docility EPD before it even came out in the United States.” As the Samples grow their herd, they still look at docility but also look at feet and scrotal circumference. “When I think of the Angus breed as a whole today, I think we could work on improving the feet. When I judge cattle, we judge from the ground up. Plus, our farm is located on the side of a hill, so the feet have to be of good quality. The good news is that the Angus breed has so many
bulls to choose from, we can really state what we want and steer away from anything else.” Part of Mac Angus Farm’s marketing and breeding comes from surviving the BSE crisis that hit in the early 2000s. “I know it was difficult for the producers out west, but it was absolutely devastating for cattle producers in the east; we were decimated. I knew young producers who were just starting up during that time and none of their herds made it. We had to start over from scratch.” Sample goes on to describe how his operation evolved, “We had to find a way to sell livestock because we’ll never have the volume that they have in the west but we can produce a specific product for a specific market. I talk to my customers and they’re always looking for something a little different. So I market the genetics, not just the Angus name but the quality. When you look at the phenotypic traits, like carcass EPDs for example, you need to balance everything to produce a quality beef product. That’s what the bottom line is for everyone, its quality beef.” David’s sons have both been involved in the Canadian Junior Angus program. “Mark got involved when he was 16,” says David, “I remember pulling up to the Dorval Airport in Montreal and he’d never flown before. I just had this really weird feeling in my stomach. I said to him, ‘Do your best.’ And now when we travel he has far more knowledge of travelling than I do. He’s made some awesome friends, not just his own age but some of the older generation as well, who will come up and shake his hand. It’s been a fantastic program. For someone who’s never left the farm or is maybe a little nervous to get out there and do stuff, they’ll learn and experience so much.”
David remains involved in cattle shows today, although his sons Alex and Mark have mainly taken over in the ring. He feels it’s important to keep not only the Angus breed but also the cattle industry in the public eye, where you can talk to people. “Sometimes the people with the negative opinions of the industry, they’ll come and talk to me at an event and they say raising cattle is death. But I explain to them, it’s the opposite of death, it’s life. If you come to a farm or a ranch, it’s life. Sure, cattle are born and bred for beef, but while they’re here, they have the best time. I just can’t imagine life without them.” The Samples only show the cattle they raise and that they believe in, not necessarily the ones the judges might like best. “When I judge,” explains David, “I think it’s important to step up and tell people why I choose a certain way. We had cattle really big for the show ring at one point, and then we brought them down too far, and now they’re coming back too big for the average everyday herd. We’ve shown for a long time. When we started, Angus wasn’t the breed of choice but now it is, and it’s a lot of fun to go to the shows.” David first got involved with showing when he was 17 years old. He bought an Angus cow at the Bytown Bonanza sale in May 1987. June 10 of the same year she was crowned Grand Champion Female at the Ormstown Fair, which at that time was quite an achievement considering Angus wasn’t the popular breed at the time. The quality of the cattle sold at that sale in those years was excellent. Since then his goal for Mac Angus Farms has been to supply the best quality Angus bulls to commercial cattle producers in Eastern Canada.
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CATTLE THAT ARE EASY TO LIVE WITH AND LOOK AT 2020 calves sired by Silver Star, Dear Valley Foxtrot, SAV Supercharger, Mogck Entice and Red DKF Racer 8E Visitors are always welcome!
The Mac Saracen, 57F
Whether producers are purchasing a new herd sire or selecting bulls for artificial insemination (AI) programs, the commonly asked question “What is a heifer bull?” is often a topic of conversation. While no one can definitely state the one perfect cutoff to be used across the industry, producers can rely on the information available to them to make the best decisions. CED EPD–what is calving ease direct (CED) and what does the CED EPD describe? The CED EPD predicts the percentage of unassisted births a bull will produce when mated to first-time heifers. A higher CED EPD means that the bull has a higher probability of producing unassisted calving. For example: Bull A CED EPD = +8 Bull B CED EPD = -2 When bred to heifers, Bull A’s calves will be born with 10 percent less probability of requiring assistance. Calving ease direct is the most
in crossbred commercial cow herds which in most cases have higher incidence of calving difficulties than a purebred Angus herd. What is the right CED EPD number for you? The best way to answer this question is to understand the cow herd in which the bull will be used. If a customer’s bull battery for heifers has used bulls with a CED EPD of +3.2 without having to pull a calf then a +3.2 CED EPD is right for that customer. Other customers have used bulls with a CED EPD of +10 and still had to pull calves from first-time heifers. Other customers may find that they can use bulls with a CED EPD of -2 on heifers with no issues at all. The range of EPD that’s right for you will depend greatly on your cow herd composition, so look for the EPD that’s right for you, which is not necessarily always the largest number. Why is the largest number not always the right number? Calving ease direct is negatively correlated with birth weight. The higher the calving ease, the lower the birth weight (typically).
WHAT IS A HEIFER BULL? By Kelli Retallick, Angus Genetics Inc. and Kajal Devani, Canadian Angus Association effective tool when deciding which bulls to mate to first-time heifers. How is the CED EPD calculated? Calving ease scores that are submitted on calves from heifers are used to predict the CED EPD. Calving ease scores range from Unassisted, to Easy Pull, Hard Pull, and C-Section required. Birth weight is also used as a correlated trait in the calculation of CED EPD. However, birth weight and calving ease are only correlated by -0.65. There is more to calving ease than birth weight alone, which is why the CED EPD is a more accurate way to identify heifer bulls. In the case of the Canadian Angus CED EPD, the model was designed to help lower the level of assisted births
Birth weight is also correlated with weaning weight and yearling weight. The lower the birth weight (typically) the lower the weaning weight and yearling weight. So it is important to select for calving ease but not to the extreme where it compromises your birth weight, weaning weight, yearling weight and growth. We say typically because the Canadian Angus Association is developing a genetic evaluation (an EPD) for gestation length that will help producers select for calving ease without compromising on growth. Keep your eye out for this new EPD to help you select the right genetics for your cow herd.
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Parlez-nous de la Ferme Larose. Pour nous, l’aventure dans la race Angus a débuté en 1998, lorsque je suis devenue copropriétaire de la ferme avec mon père et grand-père. À ce moment, nous étions éleveurs de bovins charolais pursang. Pour ajouter de la facilité de vêlage chez nos taures charolais, nous avons fait l’acquisition de notre tout premier taureau Angus rouge RED GET-A-LONG Bourbon. Ce taureau provenait du troupeau de M. Ericson et c’est le meilleur Angus rouge que nous avons possédé. Au même moment, en plus du taureau, nous avons acheté une bonne partie du troupeau COWAN BRAE lors de sa dispersion en 1998 et quelques Angus noir du troupeau EMERALD HILLS. En 1999, nous également fait l’acquisition du taureau CCCC GOLD 68G du troupeau Curraghdale Cattle Corp. Et nous voilà plongé dans la race Angus. Dès la première année, nous avons tellement aimé cette race de vaches et les veaux que nous avons continué le troupeau en race pure. Graduellement, le troupeau a augmenté et nous vendions des sujets reproducteurs. Suite à une relocalisation en 2005, nous avons dû réduire de beaucoup notre troupeau. C’est à ce moment que je suis devenue copropriétaire avec mon père de la Ferme Larose. Ma conjointe s’est jointe à nous en 2008. C’est en 2005 que nous avons fait l’achat d’une partie du troupeau angus noir de Mme Sandra Watson (Emerald Hills). Présentement, nous tentons de répondre aux demandes du marché, nous conservons environ
15 à 20 femelles angus pursang que nous utilisons pour produire des sujets reproducteurs ainsi que des femelles F1 (Angus X Simmental). Tous les ans, depuis 2012, nous participons à différentes expositions agricoles pour faire connaître notre programme d’élevage. Parlez-nous de votre programme d’élevage. Que recherchez-vous dans un animal ? Quels outils utilisez-vous ? Afin de répondre le plus possible aux demandes du marché, nous nous efforçons d’élever des sujets fonctionnels, facile d’entretien avec d’excellents pieds et membres tout en ayant un habileté naturelle à produire du muscle (viande). Le caractère est aussi très important pour nous, étant deux femmes à la ferme, nos sujets ont donc un tempérament calme. Nous utilisons presque exclusivement l’insémination artificielle, que nous faisons nous-même depuis 1996, pour la saillie des femelles du troupeau. Les taureaux utilisés proviennent de l’Ontario et de l’Ouest canadien. Nous travaillons fort pour de cibler les meilleurs taureaux améliorateurs afin de pouvoir toujours améliorer la génétique au sein du troupeau et la qualité des pieds et membres qui est très importante pour nous. À nos débuts dans la race Angus, nous utilisions beaucoup le programme Performance, de l’Association Canadienne Angus, car nous vendions beaucoup de sujets pursang. Suite à la réduction du troupeau, nous avons cessé le programme Performance par
manque de sujets dans le troupeau et par manque de demande de sujets reproducteurs dans ma région. Maintenant, nous vendons plus de taureaux angus pursang, nous allons définitivement adhérer à nouveau au programme Performance afin de pouvoir fournir le plus d’informations possible à nos clients. Comment l’Association canadienne Angus vous a-t-elle aidé ? L’Association Canadienne nous a permis de bien commencer dans la race angus puisqu’elle met beaucoup d’information à notre disposition. Les sujets achetés lors de la dispersion COWAN BRAE étaient tous enregistrés donc nous avons eu accès à des informations précises sur chaque animal. À ce moment, je me souviens que, puisque je ne connaissait pas vraiment la génétique angus, je passais des soirées à étudier les certificats d’enregistrement et à consulter la site de l’Association Canadienne Angus. À quoi s’attend l’avenir de la Ferme Larose et que réserve l’avenir de l’industrie bovine au Québec ? Pour le futur, nous allons continuer d’exercer notre passion pour la race Angus et continuer d’améliorer notre troupeau afin de surmonter les temps plus difficiles au Québec. Nous assistons, malheureusement, à une diminution continue des éleveurs de bovins puisque l’élevage au Québec est
plutôt difficile en ce moment. Il faut vraiment avoir la passion pour continuer dans ce domaine considérant le contexte difficile. Nous sommes entourés de bonnes personnes, nous utilisons les bons outils mis à notre disposition et nous explorons différentes voies possibles afin de tirer notre épingle du jeu! Que conseillez-vous à quelqu’un qui vient de débuter dans l’industrie ? À quelqu’un qui veut commencer dans la race Angus? Le seul vrai conseil que nous puissions leur donner est de ``BIEN`` partir. Ce que nous voulons dire c’est que prenez le temps de rencontrer des éleveurs établis dans la race afin de connaître leur programme d’élevage, posez des questions pour ainsi choisir les bons animaux qui constitueront la base de votre troupeau. Tout commence avec une `Bonne base`!
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transitioning the farm By Adam Vervoort, BMO
A demographic shift continues to unfold for Canadian farmers. According to the 2016 Agriculture Census, the average farmer’s age is now 55 years old, with farmers between 55 and 59 accounting for the largest share of farm operators. Despite the increase in age, only 8 percent of all operators had a written succession plan laying out either how the operation will be transferred to the next generation or sold.
With the average farmer’s age increasing, it will become ever more important to have a plan in place. When looking to sell, there are several points to consider—including how to determine the farm’s value and different options for actually selling the operation. When speaking with agriculture customers, we provide the following advice to help producers capture the best value.
Farm Value The average price of farmland in Canada has more than doubled in the last 10 years. According to Statistics Canada, the average farm in Canada sells for roughly $2.2 million—based on the average price per acre and farm size. In Ontario, it’s around $2.6 million and in Saskatchewan around $2.1 million. The land itself can carry significant value, but the overall value of the farm isn’t just in the land. When determining value, one of the major factors to consider is productivity. Farmland productivity is measured by yield per acre, so greater yields mean higher revenue, which should translate into higher profitability. Agtech now provides operators with a way to improve overall productivity. If you are selling equipment that contributes to the productivity and operation of your farm, the value of that equipment and what can be gained from it must also be considered, as should any other tangible or intangible assets that bring value to the farm operation; whether it be long-term leases, sales contracts or customer lists. 188
How to Sell
When considering the sale of the farm itself, there are two options: selling to a third party with a private or public sale, or through a bid process. With a private sale, the onus is on the farmer or farm family to market their farm and find a buyer. This can be a lengthy process and, from what we’ve seen, works best if there is an existing buyer in mind (typically another family member or neighbour). Farmers sometimes don’t consider the tender or bid process. The tender system lets prospective buyers make their best offer (or bid) on the farmland they wish to purchase. The advantage here is that it can help increase the number of prospective buyers and, in the end, lead to a higher sale price.
Capital Gains Exemption When selling, there are some options available that will help you keep more of the after-tax proceeds of the sale. With the capital gains exemption, $1 million of the capital gain on the sale of qualified farm property can be exempt from capital gains taxes. Note that the capital gains exemption does not apply to corporations; if the farm was set up as a corporation, the shares of the corporation will need to be sold in order for the corporation’s shareholders to qualify for the capital gains exemption. As well, a number of different criteria are required to qualify for the capital gains exemption. Find some time to speak with your business advisors that are familiar with agriculture—your banker, accountant or lawyer—to understand the qualification criteria better. Exploring this as an option can help you realize significant tax savings when selling your farm property. The other avenue open to farmers is transitioning the farm to a family member. The industry, as a whole, is starting to see greater interest from
younger farmers. Despite the increase in the average farmer’s age, for the first time since 1991 there has been an increase in farmers under the age of 35. If transitioning is a viable alternative and there is a member of the family that is willing to take up the reins on the farm, there are a couple of items to consider: Capability: A family farm isn’t built overnight so, when looking at transitioning, it’s incredibly important to assess the skills of the potential successor. As this is typically a family member, it can be a good practice to engage a business advisor to help make the choice, taking any emotion out of the decision. As well, the advisor can assist with creating a plan to ensure a smooth transition and can help craft a business plan to help put the operation on the right path when ownership changes. Splitting responsibilities: If the operation is large enough, it can be worthwhile exploring the option of transitioning the farm to two or more family members. As an option, this can be particularly helpful when trying to decide on a single person for sole ownership. A benefit in this type of arrangement is that joint owners can divide and oversee specific aspects of the farm’s operations based on their strengths. When it comes time to sell the farm, keep in mind what makes up its value and strategies for how to keep more of the after-tax proceeds. And, if you’re looking to transition, ensure you have a plan in place for a family member that shares your goals and objectives. In either scenario, a banking partner or other business advisor can be a valuable resource to help ensure the operation’s continued success. Adam Vervoort is the Head of Agriculture Financing at BMO Bank of Montreal.
Profitability depends on the birth of live, healthy calves each season. Cow nutrition throughout pregnancy is critical to ensure proper calf development and growth. The first two trimesters are when critical muscle development occurs. Decreased nutrient intake during this time period limits muscle cell development and future weight gain. Later in pregnancy, poor body condition can weaken cows and lead to calving difficulties. Once the calf is born, ensuring adequate colostrum is consumed in the first 24 hours is paramount to calf health. Undernourished cows do not produce optimal colostrum to provide calves with passive immunity. Finally, in order to maintain a 12-month calving interval, cows must be cycling 80–85 days postcalving which is only possible if the cow has enough energy to produce milk for her calf and begin reproductive cycling. Ideal body condition scores for calving are 3.5 for heifers and 3 for older cows. While many producers want their cows to “get by” over winter, ensuring proper nutrition will improve calf health, future breeding and profitability. Monitoring cattle during calving season can be tiring and stressful, therefore Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC) recommends effective planning to improve efficiency and reduce labour costs. First, heifers should calve separately in a location that can be easily monitored since they are at greater risk of calving difficulty and mis-mothering. Separating heifercalf pairs from the larger herd will
also reduce disease exposure for these calves. BCRC recommends ensuring that everyone helping during calving is trained to recognize signs of calving difficulty including: a cow acting restless for hours without going into labour; a cow straining without part of the calf showing; calf body parts are visible but the calf has not been delivered for hours; or signs of abnormal presentation of the calf (anything other than legs first). If intervention is necessary, use clean equipment including gloves and abide by the 30-minute rule: if you have not made progress in 30 minutes, it’s time to change your tactic. Calling in
The most significant factor protecting calf health is receiving adequate, high quality colostrum within the first 24 hours of life. Colostrum is the first milk produced post-calving and contains antibodies that provide the calf with their only source of immunity against pathogens for the first six months of their lives. When it comes to colostrum, time is of the essence because absorption decreases rapidly post-calving. For calves that experienced a difficult calving, it is recommended that producers assess calf vigour and sucking reflex by placing two fingers on the roof of the calf’s mouth. Animals with a weak sucking reflex require assisted colostrum feedings. If you are
Preventing disease in calves is much less expensive and more reliable than treating diseases; however, if calves are displaying signs of scours or pneumonia, fast and appropriate treatment will reduce calf mortality. Calves with scours can become severely dehydrated and can die within 24 hours if not treated and given electrolytes. It is important to maintain good biosecurity practices even within your own herd: separate sick calves from healthy cattle, separate newborn calves, and use separate feeder tubes for electrolytes and colostrum to prevent the spread of infection. If calves are not showing signs of illness, antibiotics will not ‘boost’ the immune system and should not be used in healthy animals. Good management practices, temperature control and ventilation reduce the need for many interventions and treatments prior to branding.
Profitability Starts With a Live Calf more experienced hands, including neighbours or a veterinarian, can help prevent getting caught in the cycle of a technique almost working. The final stage of labour is the expulsion of the placenta which normally occurs within 24 hours of giving birth; however, animals with poor body condition score may take longer to expel their placenta and it is important not to pull the placenta prematurely. Retained placentas are analogous to scabs: ripping them off prematurely will cause bleeding and form scar tissue leading to decreased future fertility and potential haemorrhage. Finally, ensure calving areas are clean, dry, sheltered, and well bedded to prevent the spread of infections and keep calves warm.
Following passive transfer, preventing calf hypothermia will decrease calf By Caroline Beninger, Canadian Angus Association; susceptibility Karin Schmid, Alberta Beef Producers; to disease and Reynold Bergen, Beef Cattle Research Council negate the need for interventions and treatment concerned your calf hasn’t been prior to branding. Ensure adequate nursing enough, bottle feeding bedding, keep calves dry, and if your calf 2 litres of quality necessary consider ear warmers colostrum within the first 4 hours or move the calves inside. There is an excellent way to ensure calves are many small but effective items receive antibodies through passive that you can have on hand to help transfer. You can milk another keep your calves healthy and alive cow that has calved within the through the winter. last 24 hours for colostrum or use previously frozen colostrum for up to 1 year if it is thawed only once and slowly. Commercial substitutes are an option as well. It is important to refrain from using colostrum collected from other herds due to the risk of introducing disease. Colostrum from dairy herds should not be used as it is typically of much poorer quality. Preventing passive transfer failure is the best and least expensive way to control disease in your herd.
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 189
Sollio Agriculture
An Interview with Jason Brock By Carmen Koning, Canadian Angus Association
In a world sometimes bogged down with negativity, it’s refreshing to speak with someone full of positivity and optimism. In October 2019, Jason Brock from Sollio Agriculture made time for an interview at Expo Boeuf in Victoriaville, Quebec. Previously known as the agri-business division of La Coop Fédérée, Sollio Agriculture is a Canadian leader in the agriculture industry. The company works within three prominent agricultural sectors: livestock production, crop production and grains to add quality to farmers through its value-added agronomic services and merchandising of farm inputs. About six years ago, La Coop Fédérée decided to expand its cattle production services and created a dedicated team of beef specialists, including Jason Brock, whose territory covers western Quebec, eastern Ontario and occasional trips to the Maritimes. The five-member beef team is starting to expand west as the work they’ve accomplished in the east to support cattle producers has been met with appreciation. Approximately 90 percent of their customers are cow-calf producers and 10 percent are feedlots but because they work a lot more with inputs at the feedlots than with the cow-calf producers, their time is actually divided equally between the two groups.
In the last eight years, especially in the province of Quebec, the agricultural industry has seen a big spike in land prices, which has caused challenges for producers competing for land. Even land previously set aside for animal production, such as land that is hilly or smaller parcels, is now being used for crops or the dairy industry. This land shortage has caused cattle producers to come up with innovative ways to get their cattle out on grass. As Jason explains, “I think the beef industry, particularly cowcalf production, is a great area for people to enter into agriculture because of the more flexible production options. To start off, it’s not a huge investment; you can start with a few cattle and gradually increase or decrease as it suits you. You can get into it now much easier than you used to be able to. A lot of people that want to get into agriculture in some way are choosing to work on a smaller scale. That’s definitely an opportunity. Another opportunity with regards to land prices is in the more northern part of Quebec where it’s less expensive, but they can still grow really good grass; it’s good for cattle production. We’ve had a lot of support from the government to develop those northern areas, to get cattle on them so they’re not growing up brush; it’s all land that had been cultivated in the past. Some areas were almost abandoned. There’s a lot of emphasis on that to try and get that land back into production.” Jason also talks extensively about the importance of both good bulls and proper bull management. He and his beef team diligently work with their clients to educate them on the importance of proper investment in their bulls. Jason states, “In order to develop their bulls
properly, producers need to educate their bull customers as well as be educated themselves. The bulls need to be fed properly and be tested. Producers need to do the best they can in order to put out a good quality product so they can help improve their customers’ cow-calf crops, which will result in repeat customers.” Jason goes on to speak specifically about the Angus breed. “Angus is a big part of what we’ve seen the last 10 to 12 years out here in the east; the demand for the Angus bulls and cattle crossbred with Angus. They feed really well. And for the fat market, the Angus cattle definitely fit the bill.” When asked about advice he would give to new producers just starting out in the industry, Jason stresses the importance of starting with good cattle. “Find a reputable producer, someone that can help and mentor a little bit after the initial sale of the animals; help coach them through. The second biggest thing we tell the producers is to be careful on their start-up expenses. We find new producers spend on a lot of features, especially on the machinery side. They dig themselves a bit of a hole, which is very difficult to get out of. Even if things look good at the beginning, it doesn’t take much bad luck to get behind. Also, when just starting out, take some time to just find your feet. Hire someone like a custom hay operator or even purchase hay to help keep machinery costs low. But the main thing is the cattle, because that’s what’s going to bring you money. Start with a good base of cattle and focus your attention on them. Keep them in good shape, not just when calving. Look after your cattle properly year-round.” When discussing differences Jason might have seen between cattle production in eastern versus Western Canada, Jason describes climate as one of the biggest factors. “Here in Eastern Canada, I find it a completely different climate than out west. We get a lot more humidity which creates certain challenges once we get into the fall and throughout the winter. We are also very closely monitored by the ministry of agriculture; our wintering sites have to be up to code and even our grass pastures in the summertime with the waterways have to be fenced off. It demands a lot more; a lot more costs for infrastructure for buildings. When we bring cattle from the west sometimes it takes them a little
while to adapt to the climate and the feed. There’s a lot of moisture in the feed here and sometimes they have a bit of a tough time adjusting to the climate and the moisture. That said, environment is a huge consideration across the country, not just for us out east.” When questioned further about where the cattle industry might be headed, both in Quebec and across Canada, Jason describes a rebounding trend. “I think five or six years ago we saw quite a drop off in Canada. But if you look at the numbers on our website, in the last five or six years the cattle numbers have been pretty stable. The cattle are getting better; we’re producing more pounds per calf. In Quebec, there’s a lot of room for growth in the northern areas for the cattle industry. I think, like I mentioned earlier about people getting into agriculture, it’s a great opportunity. I’m seeing more young people wanting to get into cattle. We have a great product for the public. We have a very noble production to be feeding people so I think there’s always going to be a place for cattle in Canada.” Jason Brock has worked in the agriculture industry for more than 20 years as a cowcalf producer and a maple syrup producer. When asked about what success means, both to him and for the industry, Jason is very thoughtful in his response. “I think for producers success is finding a way to not necessarily make their living off the farm, but just that they can get out from under the financial pressures, whether it’s a purebred or commercial operation. Producers are very proud, honest and humble people who don’t ask for much. They’re just happy to be doing what they do. When I go to producers’ farms, success can be very different from one to another. But when I see someone that is so proud of what they’ve accomplished and where they live, often still living on their
grandparent’s original farm, everything in good shape and well fed. They’re not shy to show it off. For Sollio Agriculture, we want to see producers do well. We want to see them be proud, to show us their cattle, to show us the results from their bull sales or their shows. So that means success for me and I think, for the collective. If we played some small role in that, I’m just happy that we could help them.” The conversation with Jason ends just as it started, on a positive note. “I think it’s important for producers and industry associations to work together because we’re a small part of the population. Part of our job as producers and industry people is to help educate the population. Shows like Expo Boeuf are a great opportunity for us to meet people that aren’t familiar with farming or agriculture and it’s important to take the time if they ask questions or want to look at your cattle or touch your cattle, to take the time to educate them. We need to try to pass the good things on about what we do because it’s important. I’m very passionate about this industry. There are good people across the industry. We have a very noble production in what we do. Not many people can do it and we don’t ask for much. It’s important for us all to help each other out whether that means different breeds working together or people from the feedlot industry working hand-in-hand with cow-calf producers. If we don’t do a good job, it hurts everyone, so we gotta stick together. We’ve all got the same goals in mind and if one of us does well, it helps everyone to do well.”
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 191
The Last Big Farm on Display Uruguay Hosts 2019 World Angus Secretariat and Tour By B. Lynn Gordon for the Canadian Angus Association
n this day and age, when it seems the focus may be slipping away from keeping agriculture on the forefront, it was refreshing for Canadian Angus Association (CAA) members and staff to visit a country whose motto is “The Last Big Farm”. Uruguay is a tiny country, nestled between its much larger, more prominently known agricultural neighbours, Brazil and Argentina. The delegation of 10 CAA members and 2 staff learned first-hand about how proud Uruguayans are of agriculture being their economic driver. The country’s beef cattle industry was on display during the World Angus Secretariat (WAS) held March 18–29, 2019. Tours, delegate meetings, an educational forum, and a pen, open heifer and bull show put this South American country on the international Angus stage.
Historical Timeline of Angus in Uruguay 192
MOTTO’S MEANING With more than 84 percent of Uruguay’s landscape used for farming and 12 million head of cattle grazing the slightly rolling, native grasslands, it is easy to understand why the country claims it is the last big farm. Uruguay receives an average rainfall of 35 inches (89 cm) per year, which results in lush grass that grows nearly year-round in the humid subtropical climate where temperatures average 33 Cͦ in the summer and 18 Cͦ in the winter. The extensive grass-fed environment leads the locals to refer to this as “raising cattle in natural conditions”. Crop production in the country consists of rice, corn, wheat and soybeans. Cattle outnumber people at a 4-to-1 ratio, and Uruguayans eat more beef per capita than any country in the world, consuming 61 kg (134 lbs) of beef per person annually in comparison to Canada’s consumers who eat 18 kg (40 lbs).
Angus Imported from England
Angus introduced from Argentina
Despite the high in-country consumption, Uruguay ranks seventh for meat exports worldwide, accessing more than 150 markets and exporting 80 percent of the country’s production. This impressive impact on the world stage means Uruguay represents 5 percent of the total meat volume exported worldwide. Eighty-five percent of the market animals are finished on grass. However, researchers reported a shift to the production of both improved pastures and grain feeding to increase production efficiency. It is estimated 15 percent are now finished on a grain-fed diet for 100 days prior to harvest from locally produced crops including corn. Market end weights average 510 kg, (1,000–1,100 lbs) and cattle are harvested between 24 and 36 months of age. Because of a law passed in 1962 prohibiting the sale and/or use of hormones or growth regulators, the European Union is
Angus imported from the US
The country enforced a law prohibiting the sale and/or use of hormones or growth regulators.
one of its largest importers, and China is a growing market. In 2006, a national cattle identification system was mandated. GENETIC GOALS The Aberdeen Angus Breeders Society of Uruguay (SCAAU) showcased Angus production leading a tour 2,700 kilometres to view Angus ranches and research facilities. Black and Red Angus are registered in the same herd book, annually registering around 8,000 head from 130 members, making Angus the seconded-largest breed in the country behind Hereford. An Angusinfluenced genetics program called Selection Angus continues to gain popularity. Genetic evaluations were introduced in 1992, and nine EPDs are published twice a year. Future EPD focus is on reproductive traits and maintenance energy. North American genetics have a significant influence in the Uruguayan Angus bloodlines, and many of the animals viewed on tour and in the show traced back to leading Canadian Angus herds. Because the cattle are selected to fit the more temperate climate and graze on grass year-round, most heifers are not bred until 24 months of age. A branded beef program was developed 15 years ago to market growth of a branded beef line, Carne Angus, to manage the control of all processes involved from the field to the plate and put a distinguishing Angus stamp on the end product. Each tour stop served up the country’s grass-fed Carne Angus beef, cooked over the famous Asado barbeque style pits. ANGUS AFFILIATION The World Angus Secretariat brings together 20 member countries (associations/ societies) to discuss protocols and pedigree records of Angus cattle. As the international transfer and commerce of Angus genetics continues to expand, the WAS, established in 1969, provides oversight and development of standards influencing the breed. The delegation convenes every two years either in conjunction with the World Angus Secretariat or the World Angus Forum. The next annual meeting will take place at the 2021 World Angus Forum hosted by Australia. Presentations were made by each of the member countries. Myles Immerkar, CEO of the CAA reported on the programs, progress and current activities taking place in Canada.
Red Angus imported from Argentina
Common themes presented by country delegations included the integration of genomically enhanced EPDs, marketing and education about Angus beef as a premium beef product to build consumer confidence and the continued growth and marketability of Angus cattle. TAKE HOME THOUGHTS FROM URUGUAY “Being a part of the 2019 World Angus Secretariat was a phenomenal experience. More than 7,500 people met and networked with like-minded Angus breeders.” Trevor Welch, 2018–2019 CAA President, Glassville, NB “Their animal welfare was impressive. On the ranches cattle where handled on horseback by some of the best ‘gauchos’ (herdsman/cowboys) in the world. They were able to stream large groups of cattle before us to view.” Earl and Deb Scott, Scott Population Stock Farms, Crossfield, AB “The cattle were smaller in stature. However, the adaptation to climate and growing conditions did make it challenging to gauge age and condition of the animals, as humans tend to compare to what we know in our own country.” Kurt and Shannon Trefiak, MJT Cattle, Edgerton, AB
37.41 million
3.46 million
Total Cattle & Calves (# of head) 12.07 million
11.7 million
Total Beef Cattle
3.83 million
4.83 million
Angus Registrations (# of head)
Beef Exports (Ranking)
% of Beef harvested, Exported
Per Capita Beef Consumption
18 kg
61 kg
(*Statistics from 2017-2019)
“We attended a major internet feeder cattle sale. Thousands of feeders were sold in large packages all with payment due in 90 days. In Canada, if producers get their checks in over 60 minutes, complaints are loud and long.” Bob and Marjorie Blacklock, Saskatoon, SK “It was fascinating to view a country where the cows can do what they do best; eat grass all year. Here, we try and grow enough feed, one way or another, in about 100 days to last all year. There were more similarities between Uruguay and Canada than I expected–both rely on global trade agreements to export beef we don’t consume, and have a traceability system in place from calving to processing,” Erich Clausen, Hazel Bluff Red Angus, Westlock, AB
1992 First Angus
Sire Summary
2004 Uruguayan Angus
Beef (Carne Angus Uruguay) was developed
Editor’s note: B. Lynn Gordon, Sioux Falls, SD, is an agricultural freelance writer, formerly from Souris, Manitoba 1 – L to R: David Bolduc, Cudlobe Angus, Claresholm, AB; Myles Immerkar, CAA; Jenna Longshore, Bar-E-L Angus, Stettler, AB; Trevor Welch, Garvie Mountain Angus, Glassville, NB; Belinda Wagner, CAA; Amy Higgins, Model Farm Angus, Quispamsis, NB; Shannon and Kurt Trefiak, MJT Cattle Co., Edgerton, AB; Marjorie and Bob Blacklock, Saskatoon, SK; Deb and Earl Scott, Scott Stock Farm, Crossfield, AB. Not pictured: Erich Clausen, Hazel Bluff Angus, Westlock, AB. 2 – With a herd book containing Black and Red Angus cattle, top quality genetics from both segments were viewed on the country-wide tour. 3 – The Champion Bull line-up. Over 420 head of Black and Red Angus cattle were exhibited in the country’s largest Angus show including a Pen Show, Heifer and Bull Show. 4 – The featured ranches own between 1,500 to 10,000 head of Angus and with the skill and stockmanship of the Gauchos (cowboys) large groups of cattle were streamed in front of the visiting Angus delegation. 5 - Canada’s report was presented by Myles Immerkar, CAA CEO. 6 - Beef dominates each meal and is often cooked featuring the traditional Uruguayan Asado ̶ beef slowly grilled on an open-air campfire.
2006 National System of 2019 Host of the World Mandatory Cattle Identification Implemented
Angus Secretariat
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 193
Go Hand-in-Hand Submitted by Ducks Unlimited
For decades, Canada’s cattle producers have made conservation part of their operations. This commitment to conserve wetlands and grasslands is setting new standards for beef sustainability on working landscapes. Now, a new initiative by Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) is assisting cattle producers in their conservation efforts. Cattle and Conservation is a new initiative started by DUC in April 2019. It only took a few short months for the impact to start to show.
Mick Plemel-Stronks, DUC’s cattle industry liaison, prepares to be filmed for a new video that explains the intertwined relationship between cattle production and conservation.
“We started this initiative to tell the story and the truth about how, within the context of the Canadian prairies, beef really does support conservation and, in turn, conservation supports beef,” says Mickenzie (Mick) Plemel-Stronks, DUC’s cattle liaison specialist. “We know our conservation lands need to be grazed to stay healthy. Within the context of Canada and raising beef in Western Canada, on the northern edge of the Northern Great Plains, beef production is not just an important aspect of grassland and wetland conservation, it’s the backbone.” Mick works directly with producers and landowners to support grassland and wetland conservation within the beef production chain. This takes on many forms including providing producers with information on sustainable land management techniques, as well as informing consumers about the positive and integral role Canadian beef production has within the realm of conservation. “In Alberta, cattle and conservation really are on the same side of the fence. We share common interests and common ground, literally,” notes Mick. “In order to have a healthy and profitable cattle industry, producers need healthy grasslands for grazing and good, clean, reliable water sources for their livestock. At the same time, waterfowl need healthy grasslands for nesting, and clean, productive wetlands, especially during spring and fall migration.
“In essence, the grassland and water sources that DUC is interested in conserving are the same pasturelands and water sources cattle producers are interested in maintaining for their livestock. It makes sense that we would work together to conserve this common ground.” Mick is no stranger to the cattle industry. Growing up, she spent a lot of time on her grandparents’ farm in Saskatchewan which had a lot of natural areas such as wetlands and forested tracts. In her teens, she worked on farms during the summers, and after graduating from high school, spent two years working full-time on farms in Alberta and Ontario. “While I loved working as a farm hand, I eventually decided to pursue post-secondary education, studying environmental stewardship and rural land use planning, with the intention of gaining the skills and knowledge needed to start a career in sustainable agriculture,” says Mick. After graduation, she moved into an agriculturefocused career as a sales agronomist and obtained her certified crop adviser professional designation. During her college years, Mick first learned about the native grassland ecosystem. “I was captivated by its intricate beauty and diverse plant and animal life,” she says. “I was also very concerned to learn that temperate grasslands, including the native prairie in Alberta, is the most endangered terrestrial ecosystem in the world. I decided I wanted to focus my efforts on finding ways to conserve this precious resource.” Mick said the cattle industry liaison position allows her the opportunity to tell the story of grasslands and wetlands and to raise awareness of the ecosystem services that they provide. It also enables her to explain the importance of having cattle on the landscape. “There is a direct correlation between grasslands being lost and converted when cattle herds decrease,” she notes. “If we want to keep grasslands on the landscape, it’s important to keep the cattle herd healthy and on the incline. If it weren’t for the ranchers out there being the stewards of these ecosystems, we probably wouldn’t have any native prairie left.” According to the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB), in Canada, land used for beef cattle production is about 33 percent of agricultural land. That 33 per cent, however, provides about 68 percent of the habitat for wildlife within the agriculture landscape. By conserving native prairie and tame grasslands and using them to graze cattle, Alberta’s—and Canada’s—producers are protecting endangered species, providing wildlife with valuable habitat and producing a high-quality protein source for people.
Mick’s position with DUC as cattle industry liaison offers outreach to cattle producers, focused on strengthening and furthering the relationship between DUC and the cattle industry. Another part of her role includes bringing awareness to DUC programs that would provide value to cattle producers. Conservation easements, for example, are effective tools to help keep grasslands and wetlands on the landscape. They also help producers with sustainable land management, often from one generation to the next. DUC’s revolving land conservation program (RLCP) is another example of DUC working with cattle producers. The program is particularly helpful to new or small beef and livestock producers as it may make the opportunity for purchasing land at a lower cost for grazing or haying more enticing. For instance, when a piece of land becomes available for sale, DUC purchases it, restores any wetlands and/or grasslands, and then sells it back to the agricultural community with a conservation easement on it. This results in a cost savings for buyers. “In some areas, because of the restrictions and conditions of the CE, there could be a reduction in the sale price,” said Mick. “This makes it more accessible for young farmers and smaller producers to be able to buy that grassland.” DUC’s Cattle and Conservation initiative is running throughout Alberta as a pilot program. Organizations including the Alberta Beef Producers and the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association are supportive of the work.
“If it weren’t for the ranchers out there being the stewards of these ecosystems, we probably wouldn’t have any native prairie left.” ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 195
Beef & Forage Week Various locations across the province
Manitoba Ag Days Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB Come find Bob Toner and provincial directors at the 204-761-1851 booth outside of Bull Congress
JAN 21–24
President Barb Airey
FEB 6–7
MB Beef Producer AGM Victoria Inn, Brandon, MB Come chat with our rep Bob Toner
Secretary Mandi Fewings 1-888-622-6487 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB
MAR 30–APR 4
2020 January/February
Come see Angus breeders exhibiting at the fair
MAY 7–9
Livestock Markets Association of Canada Convention Virden & Brandon, MB
SPRING Manitoba Angus Producers Bull Sales Beef & Forage Week | Various locations acrossVarious the province locations
Check the Manitoba Angus Association website Manitoba Ag Days | Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB and Outlook for listing of bull sales President Barb Airey Come find Bob Toner and provincial directors at the booth outside of Bull Congress President Barb Airey 204-761-1851 204-761-1851 SUMMER MAA Pasture Tour Location TBD MB Beef Producer AGM | Victoria Inn, Brandon, MBfor details! Stay tuned February 6–7 Secretary Mandi Fewings Come chat with our rep Bob Toner MAA Summer Gold Show and Jr. Show Secretary Mandi Fewings
January 21–24
Location TBD 1-888-622-6487 1-888-622-6487 Royal Manitoba Winter Fair | Keystone Centre,Stay tuned for details! Brandon, MB March 30–April 4
Come see Angus breeders exhibiting at the fairCanadian Junior Angus Showdown
Neepawa, Manitoba Watch for the fall run of sales including Stay tuned for details! Livestock Markets Association of Canada Convention | Virden & Brandon, MB May -9 Angus7Indicator Calf Sales, happening at various locations around the province. Check OCT 29 MAA Fall Gold Show Manitoba locations to the MAA website for a fullAngus listing ofProducers Bull Sales | Various Spring ns acrossback the province Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB sales! Check the Manitoba Angus Assoc. website and Outlook for listing of bull sales Brandon, MB w m b outside angu s .Bull c aPasture DEC 3 Keystone Klassic Sale Location TBD directorsSummer at w thew. booth of Congress MAA Tour | Location TBD MAA AGM Location TBD
196 / ANGUS nn, Brandon, MB LIFE 2020
Stay tuned for details! MAA Summer Gold Show and Jr. Show | Location TBD Stay tuned for details!
BRETT MCRAE McRae Land & Livestock By Kiani Evans, Canadian Angus Association
Brett McRae grew up farming alongside his parents in Manitoba. Surrounded by purebred Angus and Simmental cattle, 4-H and junior purebred events quickly became part of his everyday life. His burgeoning interests in agriculture were further developed after graduating high school when Brett studied agribusiness at Lakeland College. He then went to work in the oil fields for a year, after which he knew his true home was in agriculture. He returned to Manitoba to start his own cattle program. Brett was accepted into the Cattlemen’s Young Leaders (CYL) program in 2014 and was paired with mentor Steve Kenyon of Greener Pastures Ranching in Busby, Alberta. It was under Steve’s mentorship that Brett realized just how important innovation on the farm is for profitability and success. “One of the first things Steve recommended to me was to take the Ranching for Profit course, which was already on my radar at the time, so I did it that year. Between his mentorship, CYL and Ranching for Profit, my desire to change and improve my operation really accelerated.” Among the many things happening on McRae Land and Livestock is the General Mills initiative. Begun as a pilot program, General Mills selected 50 farms to take part in a study on regenerative agriculture. The threeyear program includes organic and conventional farms, as well as people both experienced in and brand new to regenerative agriculture. The study looks at how the ecosystem functions as a whole—everything from birds and insect populations to soil biology and chemical compounds—in order to determine the benefits of regenerative farming. Of course, profitability of the farmer is a significant component, incorporated alongside product quality and environmental benefits, and this bodes well for people like Brett who are already working hard to find balance between profit and the longterm function of their operation. One of Brett’s own projects has been the use of off-the-road (OTR) mining tires as water troughs for his cattle. Driven primarily by gravity, the troughs fill either using a natural spring or a holding tank, both of which allow for continuous water flow year-round. Interseeding is also being tested on the farm, although with a few more setbacks than the tire troughs. “We’ve grazed standing corn for probably five or eight years, and even dad wintered his cows like that for quite some time. Last year I did some trials of interseeding without a lot of success. This year I built a seeder that goes between the corn rows so after spring I can plant the corn, spray it, then seed cool season forages in between the rows. My theory is that the corn will grow throughout the summertime and, as soon as it freezes off, the cool season seeds will have September and October to grow up and become accessible for the cows to eat in addition to the corn. The goal is diversity and a balanced diet for the herd during winter.”
When asked if he began his operation with the intent to do all the innovative things he’s doing today, Brett responded that it was a little more complicated than that. “I’ve been really aggressively trying to improve my business since 2014. It seems like a long five years at times, but then again it’s only been five years. If I look forward the same amount of time, I’ll probably be light years ahead of where I am now. It takes time and it can be frustrating. You walk a mile, see a mile, and as you improve you learn as much what not to do as what to do. There will always be a few failures and mishaps. The corn grazing project this year saw an unexpected result, as I had a crop seeded last fall that I thought I terminated this spring, and it’s actually become the best interseeding that I currently have. “I was at a seminar last fall and one guy commented that ‘inconsistencies in your trial are just more chances to learn,’ and I think he’s 100 percent right. There are a lot of things I never planned on doing that, once learned, became my standard for the next year. As a young farmer, profitability and cash flow are really crucial to my business, and if those two boxes are checked off then I like to look at long-term environmental benefits, how I’m affecting the soil and all other ecosystem services. How is this working in the big picture, and how is it working for my customers?” When it comes to his breeding program, his customers are at the forefront of Brett’s decision making. Low-maintenance, maternally oriented cows are his ultimate goal, with a selection criteria based around soundness and fertility. “I want cows that come in the fall with a calf in their belly, a calf at side, and that breed easily. I want bulls that have large testicles and that do their job well. Both need to have correct feet and leg structure, but most importantly both need to have soundness of mind.” Brett has found that at the top of most of his buyers’ lists is docility and low maintenance, and so breeding cows that can “live on snowballs and sunshine” are the best ones for his— and subsequently his customers’—herds. One of the biggest changes Brett has made in his operation is changing his calving season from February to May, and he adamantly states it’s one of the best decisions he’s ever made. After taking Ranching for Profit he decided to try it from a forage utilization perspective, but quickly found that the change affected so much more than that. The labour savings at calving time were exponential, and a fair bit is now saved on feed. “It does change how you do business, though,” he states. “Now that I’m weaning at a different time of year, I’ve got different sized calves in the fall. I’m selling two-year-old or 22-month-old bulls instead of yearlings, but I find that because of that I can give those bulls a better chance to become prepared for looking after the cows and doing their job well.” Brett is passionate about running a profitable and successful operation while positively impacting both the environment and his customers. Follow Brett on Twitter:
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REPRODUCTION is the most important factor affecting PROFITABILITY.
Reproduction is 5X more important than growth rate, and 10X more important than carcass quality when it comes to profit. Every missed breeding cycle represents a 42 lb loss in weaning weight.
FERTILITY MATTERS AT EDIE CREEK ANGUS Our cowherd calves on pasture, then pairs graze until December. Over Winter, the cows take care of themselves bale grazing without grain. Yearling heifers are developed without any grain, and are exposed to a bull for 42 days. This year our main cowherd saw an Angus bull for 30 days and then their chance to produce Purebred stock was over. Last cycle they were exposed to Fleckvieh Bulls.
Steers graze extensively year-round & are direct marketed as Grass Finished Beef. If you’re looking to increase the Fertility & Longevity of your Cowherd to Optimize your Profit from Grass, it starts with the Bulls you’re keeping Replacements from. 55 2yr old Angus Bulls & 20 Bred Heifers sell March 14, 2020 - Ashern Auction Mart, Ashern MB. ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 199
BUILD with the BEST John Stika, President, Certified Angus Beef LLC
The North America beef cow herd has fundamentally changed in this century, ending a long liquidation punctuated by drought just in the last decade. Marketing has become more responsive to consumer demand, to where most beef is now valued on beef-buyer signals. This is the age of producing beef for the targets that pay, and rebuilding with the best registered Angus genetics. Congratulations to all those who have joined the movement to earn more from their cattle by satisfying consumers. The Certified Angus Beef® (CAB®) brand is owned by members of the American Angus Association but fully open to Canadian Angus producers. Anyone can harness its power through selection and management of registered Angus genetics focused to satisfy everyone along the supply chain. Field demonstrations have shown a commodity herd can produce premium beef after just one generation of focused genetic improvement. You know the beef community is data driven, with buyers tracking performance and grade by source. If your calves are consistently topping the auction market, you’re already on the right track. That’s 200
also an indication you can feel confident in working with feeding partners to share data and build a more profitable herd together. Angus has become the destination breed across North America, and CAB is proud to have been able to help everyone bring out the best that Angus cattle have to offer, specific to Canada for the last 20 years. When the program began in 1978, Angus registrations were on a downward trend just about everywhere as the latest Continental genetics were in style. Within 10 years, that was turning around to par value and by century’s end, surveys showed Angus calves worth $15 more per head than non-Angus. In the US, that number more than doubled since then. Packers have paid more than $800 million in grid premiums since 1996 for finished cattle with carcasses that qualify for the brand. That has meant as much as $80/head, and usually at least $40/head for individual cattle premiums with annual totals of $75 million. Early econometric models suggested that every million pounds sold added $1 to the value of an Angus bull. Since then, annual brand sales moved up to 1.25 billion pounds—that old model has not been updated, but you can see
the impact of the brand in the favorable position of registered Angus bull prices related to other breeds. Those prices come from the greater value of Angus genetics in commercial cattle. As we moved into the years of increasing supplies, value separation between Angus and other feeder cattle remains strong. Animal scientists figure the typical bull will sire 18 calves per year and at least 42 in its lifetime. That extra $35 per head at weaning means the registered Angus bull contributes $630 more every year, or $1,470 more over time than alternatives. Those calves can double that return in programs retaining ownership through the feedlot. Angus producers, together with CAB, have capitalized on the most established and dependable demand in the industry, with many millions of dollars percolating through every segment. It all starts with the consumer, who is the source of all new money in the industry.
Now is the time to focus on producing the best beef profitably.
Certified Angus Beef a Crossover Success REGARDLESS OF THE ECONOMY, “HEDONIC” DESIRES DRIVE DEMAND By Laura Nelson The economics just didn’t add up. Median household net wealth decreased 27 percent between 2000 and 2010 according to the US Consumer Price Index. Canadians were in the same financially leaky boat. “Research would show that during an economic downturn, people tend not to buy premium products, to a point where they will go to a private brand or a lower price competitor to save money,” University of Guelph (Ontario) business and economics professor Tanya Mark says. “For any premium brand, we would certainly expect sales to decrease.” Yet in 2010, just after the toughest segment of America’s Great Recession—December 2007 through May 2009—she attended an Ontario cattle business conference and heard about a branded beef company with sales results that were completely counterintuitive. She tried to explain the recordbreaking sales with various other theories. But the product category’s total consumption was down, too, another sign that the premium end should have been slipping. In the first decade of this century, annual per capita red meat consumption decreased from 120.8 pounds to only 108.7 pounds. Meanwhile, this brand went from 550 million pounds to 775 million 10 years later, with the 2010 tonnage up 17 percent from 2009. The premium product did follow
one trend of its category, however, by purchasing habits of the affluent consumer alone. One possible mirroring record-high beef prices. explanation for this surprising “It’s a very well-known theory that increase in demand for luxury goods as price decreases, the quantity is related to the substitution effect.” demanded increases,” she says. “When you see a very large increase That’s where the multi-market data in sales, you must have dropped on CAB sales came in handy. When the researchers started comparing your prices, right?” the data of restaurant sales against Wrong. The company’s average grocer sales, they found significant annual price moved from $1.15 per impact in what they termed “crosspound in 2000 to $1.64 in 2010. category indulgence,” or more simply put, substitution. “So, even though the price continued to rise, and it is still rising, demand is “We all want to dine out and eat the still increasing,” Tanya says. best food and enjoy and indulge. But we can’t all do that all the time, To figure out why, she and especially in a recession,” Tanya colleagues in Canada, France and says. “So going to a cross-category Norway looked at total monthly is this ‘dining in’ where you’re sales volumes for the Certified still buying the premium cut and Angus Beef ® (CAB®) brand from enjoying it at home.” 2000 through 2010, plus a breakout of monthly foodservice and retail Buying that premium, high-priced sales volumes from 2006–2011. steak at the retail store is worth the pleasurable experience—as long as Results formed the basis for a the product consistently delivers. white paper for CAB available at What goes out of the wallet must be made up for with taste-bud and entitled, “Cross-Category Indul- gratification. gence: Why Do Some Premium Brands Grow During Recession?” “If there is a message for anyone in this research, it would be the Industry trends were cross- importance of a premium product,” referenced with wholesale beef Tanya says. “There are more prices for a unique dataset that and more people who want that allowed the team to analyze overall hedonic consumption and really, demand throughout an entire really want a premium product.” business cycle. Fortunately,marbling is a production “Although luxury goods were hit trait for which cattlemen can select hard during the recession,” the and manage. That’s important if paper notes, “the stark recovery of beef producers want to continue to this category cannot be explained swim against a current of economic
realities—beef prices are often higher than many consumers can afford as a necessity. The only thing that will keep them coming back to the meat counter is quality—or the promise of a hedonic experience. “The message to producers is—the cost of acquiring Certified Angus Beef-type cattle—or whatever it takes to get that premium product—is becoming more and more important,” Tanya says. “If you’re paying attention to this, you’re going to increase your profits, right?” It has staying power, too, the research indicates. In the years since Mark and colleagues were crunching the recession-era numbers, the CAB brand hit another six years of consecutive record sales. “When the economy recovers, consumers not only continue to indulge in a premium brand in one category—dining in—but also return to consuming the premium brand in general—dining out,” Tanya says. “It comes back to that notion of the quality of the beef. If you have a premium, quality product to offer consumers, the likelihood of your product experiencing similar growth is high,” she says. If red meat sales are not doing well, “but you see Certified Angus Beef is doing well, we’re arguing that the only reason is its quality. And consumers want quality.”
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MARBLING, MATERNAL COWS WORK By Miranda Reiman, Certified Angus Beef
It may be easier to explain away why you don’t have marbling in the herd than it is to get it. Some say that’s the origin of the popular “urban legend” in the Angus breed: high marbling potential is for “terminal” cattle because they don’t make good mamas; you can’t have both in the same herd. Perhaps that theory comes from producers who have never included a focus on carcass traits as a way to explain why not. A 2014 research paper, “Selection for Marbling and the Impact on Maternal Traits,” by Virginia Tech Extension animal scientist Scott Greiner and graduate student Jason Smith, explores the topic. It’s available at research. “Marbling has a very small, if not insignificant relationship, with most of the traits that we associate with cow herd productivity,” Scott says. “You can have terminal traits and maternal traits, and they coexist.” The first step to building a productive cow is to get her bred and bred early. Some of the earlier high-marbling bulls were relatively low in scrotal circumference, one indicator of fertility. That fed discredited theories, too. Studies and analysis of expected progeny differences (EPDs) for marbling and scrotal circumference found no association, nor between marbling and heifer age at puberty. “Age at first calving” is often used to determine if a female will get pregnant during a normal breeding season and studies show differing results. One indicated no relationship and another said an increase in a full unit of marbling would extend age at first calving by 10 days. The practical application of the latter leaves little need for concern. “A breeder that makes a 0.25 unit improvement in marbling EPD would be expected to increase age at first calving by less than three days,” the authors state. There is no correlation between marbling and heifer pregnancy in the Angus database. Commercial producers look for Angus bulls because they’re known for calving ease while maintaining or improving carcass traits, “compared
Table 1. Pairwise correlations between marbling and maternal EPDs or Dollar Value indices for all sires included in the Fall 2013 American Angus Association Sire Evaluation Report 202
to a number of other breeds and their composites.” What research exists notes possible positive impact of increased marbling in tandem with calf survival, lower birth weight and calving ease. The American Angus Association’s data show a positive correlation between marbling and maternal milk EPDs at 0.22, but Scott suggests simply, “Keep milk production at a level appropriate for your environment and management.” Moreover, the paper notes, “Opportunity currently exists within the Angus sire population to select for marbling while divergently selecting for maternal milk.” The scientists found no evidence of increased calving interval or reduced stayability among high-marbling populations. Seedstock producer Lee Leachman, Wellington, Colorado, says, “We calculate a calving-interval EPD, and it is not correlated to marbling in our database.” He also wondered about the impact of popularity in AI sire selection, since that is bound to be “influenced by the trends and fads of the day.” The use of sires that stand out for feedlot and carcass performance fell back for a time because of perceptions that those cattle might be less functional. The Virginia Tech white paper showed all of the trait correlations maintained the same trends when high-use and high-accuracy bulls were compared to the data for all Angus sires. Research on mature cow size and efficiency is less clear. High-marbling cows may be larger and slightly less efficient based on a minor negative correlation with marbling. Yet other positive correlations “suggest a favourable relationship between marbling potential and both preweaning value and post-weaning gain efficiency,” the paper says. Using EPDs and other selection tools to match cattle with environment is key, Scott says, but breeding for maternal traits takes much longer to see marked improvements since they’re lowly heritable. “Take a trait like fertility… we do know there is a genetic component, unquestionably,” he says. “It’s just that the environmental factors override it so much that genetic selection becomes more difficult for the simple fact that identifying differences becomes more difficult.” Dick Beck, Three Trees Ranch, Sharpsburg, Georgia, says that’s why it is so rewarding to focus on both sides at the same time: “Of course we should keep working on the cow herd, but why would you walk away from making progress on a trait that’s easily improved?” Some goals are less attainable. “To say I’m going to improve 90-day conception rate by 5 percent, that is a tough, tough goal, but to improve the quality grade of my next calves by 5 percent, I can do that in my sleep, with the right genetics,” he says. “And it doesn’t take away from my efforts to improve on those tough goals.”
EPD or $ Index
Birth Weight (BW) Calving Ease Direct (CED) Calving Ease Maternal (CEM) Weaning Weight (WW) Yearling Weight (YW) Residual Average Daily Gain (RADG) Scrotal Circumference (SC) Heifer Pregnancy (HP) Docility (DOC) Maternal Milk (Milk) Mature Weight (MW) Mature Height (MH) Cow Energy Value ($EN) Weaned Calf Value ($W)
-0.08 0.17 0.28 0.15 0.19 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.22 0.13 0.18 -0.23 0.15
Statistics P – value 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 0.0027 0.0039 0.0408 0.0258 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 < 0.0001
Working Together for Better Beef, Profitably By Steve Suther, Certified Angus Beef
he last 10 years have seen more commercial Angus farmers and ranchers take an interest in how their calves perform after weaning. That only makes sense, considering an increased willingness of cattle feeders to share information and consult with the ranch of origin to help improve future calf crops. Allied Marketing Group (AMG), an innovative group of cattle feeders in southern Alberta, made news in 2013 when they signed on as official partners with the Certified Angus Beef ® (CAB®) brand. Though the brand no longer maintains a licensed feedlot program, the consortium of five family-run feedyards maintains the spirit of partnership with CAB and reaches out to all cow-calf producers who want to improve their cattle. The five are Kasko Cattle Co., KCL (Les Wall), Stronks Feedlot, Kolk Farms and Murray Farms. As Ed Stronks said in the original CAB article on their group, “We live and breathe this every day.” They are family operations that live on the premises of feedlots they run. “It shows you how committed we are to what we do and how we do things.”
cattle that excel in the feedlot and in the packing plant can make an extra $70 per head—although the other end of that is the fact that some also lose that much. The key is working with ranchers to cull genetics and change management practices that lead to the discounts while building herds from the premium earners. Just this past fall, Leighton Kolk of Iron Springs, Alberta, said the 11 feedyard locations of AMG with a one-time capacity of 125,000 and annual marketings of 220,000 head realize ongoing advantages of the link with CAB. “Receiving that premium on cattle that qualify for CAB is an easy measure of the value we still see in our connection,” he says. “We also get a little more exposure, more chances to bid on or buy Angus cattle for sale in our area.”
Leighton Kolk
“If they don’t retain ownership, they probably still receive some premium in the feeder cattle market, especially if they have a track record with us and we buy them. Sometimes it may look like we paid too much for some cattle, but we do it gladly because we know we can get it all back and more at the other end in the carcass premiums.”
Some feedyards seem unwilling to share information back to the ranch, but Leighton says that may depend on how simple it is or isn’t for the yard to share.
Those are ranchers who have established relationships with an AMG group member. It all begins with building trust, just as AMG established that coin of future business with Cargill, a licensed CAB packing partner.
Leighton says, “Well look, if they’re trying to improve their cattle and have the records to use, it’s best for both of us if we provide feedback on how the cattle perform and grade, all we can find out on individual basis, then show what you’re trying to do next because of that.”
“If an Angus producer wants to feed, or we decide to buy his calves, no doubt it takes a little bit of time for both sides to see the value of it, Kolk says. “It’s easy to say, ‘we’ve got premium calves,’ but it takes time for both of us to go through Leighton has not shared ownership the feeding process and actually on many pens of cattle, but keeps see what that is. It doesn’t happen an open mind to all offers. overnight, takes a year or two.” “If a rancher wants to retain some ownership, we certainly would work with them,” he says. Retaining ownership or partnering would let the ranch of origin share in the premiums.
Ryan, of Coaldale, Alberta, later in 2013 made news as Canadian For those not ready to keep up Angus Association Western Feedlot ownership after weaning, Leighton of the Year. He noted then, the understands.
AMG has system-wide data analysis by the head, so the members usually figure, “Why not share with the rancher?”
The AMG frame of mind is not to keep information secret when a rancher could benefit from sharing.
“They may not own the cattle, but at least they take an interest after they sold them. I think it’s fair that we accommodate their interest—it’s my experience that not many ranchers follow up on their cattle. They get There’s great potential for both busy with life and the next calf crop. sides of the production chain, calves and consumers to benefit from “Together, we could make their cooperation, but it takes a level of cattle better.” trust. Anyone could say calves have “had all their shots.” Just keep in mind that it takes time, But that means little without detail, and that means planning ahead and even with some facts, it takes without expecting instant results. results to show value, Kolk says. “We can’t take cattle in on a phone “If we believe them and the calves call. We might have 2,000 coming fall apart, we’d be more cautious in next week, we might have the next time around. But if we buy everything booked up,” Leighton a number of years in a row and the says. “You have to be talking in calves stay healthy, then we have August about fall weaning, after proof they are doing what they you started talking in the spring said, and it’s working,” he says. about the fall. That makes a lot “You start to trust their system.” more sense here.”
AMG Members: Shawn Murray, Picture Butte, AB; Leighton Kolk, Iron Springs, AB; Ryan Kasko, Coaldale, AB; Ed Stronks, Picture Butte, AB; Les Wall, Coaldale, AB ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 203
BROADEN Quality HORIZONS Focus with
Canadian cattlemen know the horizons are broad, from the western range across the prairies to the eastern farmsteads. Broader still are the opportunities for beef demand with a renewed focus on high quality and international trade. The North American beef market has been a reality since the 1990s, and the world’s leading brand of fresh beef moved
to license production in Canada as that decade came to a close. Regardless of recent trade issues, the continent is a natural common market in many ways. The Certified Angus Beef ® (CAB®) brand already worked with the US-based owners when it licensed the Cargill plant at High River and the now-JBS plant at Brooks, Alberta, in 2000. The next year, sales of all CAB product to Canada stood at 15 million pounds, second only to Japan. The move would allow for a large share of brand sales in Canada to come from this country’s farms and ranches.
Accepted Rate Trend January - December
Fig. 1
In the years ahead with international trade disruptions and Mexican markets closed to US beef, orders for the CAB brand were filled through new partners in the north. Many other windows have opened for Canadian-source product since then says Geof Bednar, CAB Vice President, International, whose team looks for those opportunities around the world. And as Canadian Beef has noted, grain-fed beef is the North American advantage in the world market, where Canada is a leading player. To fully capitalize on grain feeding, Canada must step up the potential to marble, both in cattle genetics and management to allow full expression of marbling, Geof says. “Many studies have shown we buy beef for its taste. We’ll pay more for beef of higher quality when tenderness is equivalent.” Canada Beef Consumer Satisfaction Benchmark studies show about 85 percent of the shortfall in satisfaction here is in the product itself. The best way to address that is to add marbling, Geof noted: “It’s highly heritable, so the combination of selection and focused management leads to rapid progress as it has in the US since 2012 (Fig. 1).” That was the last time the annual CAB acceptance rate in the US was lower than in Canada, he says, but the point today is, that year marked the start of a steady climb in quality with CAB acceptance in the US moving up from 22.8 percent then to 35 percent in 2019. By contrast, the Canadian rate has remained flat to lower, some 12
percentage points lower than the US last year—but there are signs that will turn higher.
Cattle Identified up 7.3%; Certified Head up 13.7%
Geof says there are great opportunities as people at every step from breeders through commercial producers to feedlots, processors and marketers build relationships with those at other steps along the chain. The average expected progeny difference (EPD) for marbling in the American Angus Association was .54 in fall 2019, compared to .35 in the Canadian registry, but balanced-trait, aboveaverage-marbling bulls are certainly available.
Canada–Identified Angus Type vs. Certified Head
Everything else is certainly on track (see Fig. 2, 3), Geof says. Twenty years ago, half of all CAB sales to Canadian buyers were locally produced. By last year, sales volume had tripled and Canadian ranchers produced an amount equal to more than 90 percent of that 49-million-pound total.
Canadian sales of the Certified Angus Beef ® brand by country, in millions of pounds 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5
19 20
All Other
To Canada
0 20
Angus breeders and their commercial ranching customers should consider a proactive approach to calf marketing, he says. “Talk to potential buyers many months before weaning and target both genetics and management to what buyers want. Most importantly, follow up with the feedyard that buys your calves. Most ranchers don’t, but it’s the way to rise above average returns on investment and participate in the wider beef industry in Canada.”
Fig. 2
That’s impressive considering most commercial ranchers do not take an interest in their calves after weaning. Incentives can change that. It took 20 years to prime the economic pump in the US to where those supplying the brand received premiums sufficient to stimulate focused production, Geof says. “This next decade could be an exciting one for premium beef producers in Canada. History says stillgrowing demand here and worldwide will build up to stimulate more production by paying more premiums in this country.”
January–June 2019 US 4,088,211 head certified Canada 169,859 head certified (4.2% of total head certified)
Total Canadian Produced
Fig. 3
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Canadians Respond to Demand for Higher Quality Beef Only a third of Canadian-fed beef cattle managed to grade AAA 20 years ago, but that share increased to half in the next five years and reached two-thirds today. Consumer demand here echoes what
is happening south of the border, says Canfax chief analyst Brian Perillat. “If you look at a chart showing both the US Choice/Select spread and the AAA/AA
Allowing that the late summer fire in a Kansas packing plant helped shape the picture, Brian says the spread trend began before that and has a more solid foundation than a single event. Canada’s beef herd expanded very little in the last three years, and a long-term trend toward higher quality grading seemed to stall at its 2016 peak (Charts 2, 3). The market reacted.
US vs Canadian Cut-out Spreads AAA/AA
$45 $40 $35 $30
Cdn $ per cwt
$25 $20 $15
“People just keep demanding more AAA and Choice beef over AA and Select,” Brian says. “We have been producing more of it, and the market is incentivizing still more, with a projected 2019 recordwide AAA/AA spread going out at more than $15 per hundredweight.”
$10 $5
spread in Canada, you can see they are highly correlated,” he says (Chart 1). “Here as in the US, we’re seeing extremely wide spreads in the late summer and fall of 2019. That bodes well for high-quality beef demand.”
Chart 1
Canadian AAA & Prime as a % of all A Grades (Fed & Prov Packing Plants)
Annual Canadian AAA/AA Cut-out Spread $16
Cdn $ per cwt
40% 35%
2019 YTD
Chart 2
25% 20%
96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Chart 3
A Higher Call to Premium Beef $18 $14
CAB, however, offers real opportunities. It’s already offered at more than 600 licensed retail stores and restaurants across Canada, part of a worldwide network of nearly 20,000 partners in 50 countries. As encouraging as the AAA/ AA spread has been, the spread between CAB and Choice or AAA often represents that much more premium in the market (see Chart 4). The CAB/Choice spread reported by Urner Barry has averaged more than $10 US per hundredweight since 2012. Recent Canadian currency rates put that above $13.
Within the annual averages there are weeks where the CAB value advantage has spiked as high as $14 US. More dramatically, the early fall 2019 Prime premium over Choice spiked as high as $68 US. Those are the recurring signs that more consumers are trying and liking premium beef as North America produces more. Anytime the supply falters, the demand signal sends dollars down the line.
$12 $10 $8 $6 $4 $2 1
Week 2017
Chart 4
$2.00 $0.00
2013 2014 Fiscal Year
CAB Ch. Cut-out Spread
CAB brand sales, million lbs.
Economic Signals For More CAB® CAB -Choice Spread $/cwt
“The premium for CAB above Choice or AAA tends to be more stable over time,” says the brand’s beef cattle specialist, Paul Dykstra. “It doesn’t fall off as much or spike as high as Choice, but a Kansas State University model shows 10 consecutive years of increasing demand for CAB. That’s part of the reason for our 13 straight record sales years (Chart 5).”
CAB® / Choice Cut-out Spread
On top of the Choice/Select or AAA/AA spreads and their signals for better beef, the market consistently pays more for Prime and the Certified Angus Beef ® (CAB®) brand. Although Prime production has emerged from just a fraction of a percent to more than 2 percent, Brian says there’s still too little for most businesses to consider.
CAB brand Sales
Chart 5
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HERE’S YOUR TARGET and how to hit it
With dozens of other branded programs in the marketplace, it’s important to understand what sets the Certified Angus Beef ® brand (CAB®) apart, and more importantly, how you can get your cattle certified into the brand. It’s a simple process. Sell finished cattle to one of the four licensed packing plants in Canada. Those that are predominantly solid black with no other color behind the shoulder or above the flank will be identified as Angus influenced and evaluated by the Canadian Beef Grading Agency to see which meet all 10 of these specifications:
10 SPECIFICATIONS • Modest or higher marbling • 10- to 16-square-inch ribeye area • 1,050-pound hot carcass weight or less • Less than 1-inch fat thickness • Medium or fine marbling texture • “A” maturity from cattle harvested less than 30 months of age • Superior muscling (restricts dairy influence) • Practically free of capillary rupture • No dark cutters • No neck hump exceeding 2 inches
The trait most related to achieving the CAB target is marbling, reported as an expected progeny difference (EPD) that predicts genetic potential. That’s why our minimum requirements are 0.54 for Marbling of nonparent Angus sires, and +46 for $G. Breeders and Angus bull stud companies may use the logo in catalogs to identify bulls meeting these standards. WHEN TO AIM HIGHER: The amount of marbling needed when selecting a herd sire depends on the cow herd he will service. If carcass merit has been a focus of selection within your herd for several generations, you can continue a trend toward quality by starting with the Targeting the Brand™ marbling level of 0.54. However, if that’s been a lower priority until now, you should choose sires with more than that noted level of marbling. When buying, consider bulls that have been DNA tested and have genomic-enhanced EPDs for greater accuracies.
NO EITHER/OR DECISIONS: Many cattlemen have proven you can gain in marbling and maternal function at the same time. You choose sires based on relevant ranch and feedlot traits, but why stop there? EPDs let you select balanced-trait bulls that complement your maternal goals while building carcass potential in your feeder cattle.
4 With nutritionist advice, balance the cow herd’s dietary and mineral needs at different stages of grazing and gestation. Manage your cows toward a body condition score of 5, calving for optimal performance. 4 Test your forages to adjust supplementation needs.
As heifers are retained or purchased, superior marbling should be a key in a balanced-trait selection strategy. Retaining and developing your own replacements can help improve your herd, but sorting the right ones should be strategic.
WEANING MANAGEMENT FOR QUALITY: Calf growth, forage resources, cow condition and market plans help determine when to separate pairs. Early weaning (60 to 150 days) makes sense when cow or pasture conditions limit calf performance. If not early, match weaning time to the calf’s growth potential. Standard 205-day weaning may be too late for today’s high-growth genetics, when milk just isn’t enough. Consider weaning when calves reach 45% of expected finished weight. After weaning, precondition calves for at least 45 days.
4 Identify heifers born earlier in the calving season. They’re born to cows that fit your resources so they’ll be more productive over their lifetime than late-born heifers. 4 Study their structure, soundness and ability to thrive in your environment to increase longevity of your choices. 4 Cull any nervous prospects. Research shows excitable cattle have more health problems, risk injury and produce lower grading carcasses. 4 Consider genomic evaluation to increase knowledge of their potential on both maternal and terminal traits. HERD MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS: Studies prove marbling is a lifetime event. Genetic selection and calf management are key, but other basic cow herd management strategies can influence your potential for achieving optimal carcass quality. Here’s a checklist of strategies to implement to let your herd reach its full potential: 4 Maintain a calving window of 90 days or less for more effective vaccinations and uniform marketing groups. 4 Consider breeding heifers to calve a month ahead of mature cows to allow more recovery time for rebreeding and staying in the desired calving window for future calf crops. 4 With veterinary advice, adapt a comprehensive herd vaccination program and don’t neglect deworming and fly control. 4 After calving, consider early branding, vaccination and castration to reduce stress and improve lifetime immune function.
Nutrition -- This is the most nutritionally challenging time for calves. Dietary starch helps put on marbling, so include grain in the ration, with no more than 20% from distillers grains. Nutrient amounts are as important as the source. If calves shift from a highenergy to lower energy growing diet, marbling deposition will slow. Target 2 to 2.5 lb. of gain per day during preconditioning. Consult your nutritionist and veterinarian to determine which feed additives may help maintain health. Health -- Complete a vaccination and booster program prior to or at weaning, always with veterinarian consultation. Make every effort to reduce stress at weaning to optimize vaccine response and immune system function. Fenceline weaning may let calves adjust to new feed and forage while minimizing their search for the cows. Implant Use -- Growth-promoting implants at or before weaning may increase gain, but with the wrong implant or inadequate nutrition, marbling may be reduced. To maintain some quality grade potential, calves need to gain at least a pound a day, likely more if implanted. Work with your nutritionist to match calves’ nutrition with implant potency and grading potential.
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 209
Start today with cow status in the palm of your hand.
SenseHub™ Beef from Allflex Livestock Intelligence is a new remote monitoring system that tracks and reports cow status to your operation’s network of smart phones and office computers. See how it works at (608) 237-3170 •
Sustainability Benchmarking & Strategy
Advancing Sustainability i n
t h e
Canadian Beef Industry A Full Value Chain Effort By Andrea White, Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef
Raise your hand if you’ve heard of the CRSB! The Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB) was formed in 2014 as a central place for not only beef producers, but the whole value chain, to come together to advance the sustainability of our industry from gate to plate. Guided by a multi-stakeholder membership including beef producer organizations such as the Canadian Angus Association who is very engaged and sits on two of our committees, processors, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), agribusiness, retail and foodservice sector, academic institutions, as well as observers that are individual producers, government and academic researchers, the whole value chain works collaboratively to advance sustainability in Canadian beef production from environmental, social and economic perspectives. You may know us primarily because of the CRSB Certified beef sustainability program, but the CRSB has three main pillars of work: 1) sustainability benchmarking 2) a certification framework and 3) sustainability projects.
The first National Beef Sustainability Assessment and Strategy was released in 2016 and is a comprehensive benchmark of the overall performance of the Canadian beef industry from environmental, social and economic perspectives. The Assessment identified areas where the industry is doing well, and opportunities for improvement. A sustainability strategy accompanied the Assessment and identified 10 overarching goals for the industry to work towards for continuous improvement. Re-assessment is expected every 5–7 years to measure progress and re-evaluate the goals. The next Assessment and Strategy are expected to be released in 2023, with an interim report coming in early 2020. Details about the Assessment, including a summary and full reports, and shareable infographics are available at
Sustainability Certification Launched in 2017, the Certified Sustainable Beef Framework is a voluntary certification scheme with the mission of recognizing and advancing beef sustainability in Canada through a world class operation-level certification program. Its objectives are three-fold: 1. recognizing sustainable practices in beef production and processing, 2. supporting the retail and foodservice sector to meet sustainable sourcing goals, and 3. providing assurances to consumers about the sustainability of how beef is raised in Canada The system is centered around sustainability standards for beef production (cow-calf, backgrounding and feedlot operations) and primary processing; operations are certified through an audited certification system, with tracking through the value chain to provide assurances to consumers via a logo and claims that the beef has been raised sustainably at every point in the supply chain. Certification and auditing is conducted by CRSB-approved Certification Bodies (currently Verified Beef Production Plus and Where Food Comes From), and producers who are already a VBP+-certified operation are automatically credited with CRSB certification. Since launching the logo and claims in September 2018, we have seen excitement in the industry and building momentum throughout the supply chain about the need for a program like this, especially with the constant media barrage about alternative proteins and a (sometimes) perceived link between beef production and climate change. Adoption of the Framework far exceeded expectations in 2018–19, with McDonald’s now sourcing a portion of their Angus line of burgers (August 2018) followed by Harvey’s (June 2019) for their Original Burger. At the 2019 Canadian Beef Industry Conference, we heard that McDonald’s would really like 70 MILLION pounds of beef (for reference, in 2018, 4.9 million pounds qualified for a claim). As of August 2018, there are two processors (Cargill and Atlantic Beef Products Inc.) certified to the Sustainable Beef Processing Standard, and three further processors have passed a
Chain of Custody audit for their beef traceability systems in order to facilitate beef sustainability claims for their customers. This quick and early adoption by these supply chain partners is a clear signal to producers of the market demand for beef raised according to the sustainability standards developed by the CRSB and its members. Although there has been a 45 percent increase in beef volume that qualifies for a CRSB claim since 2018, the biggest need is from the primary beef producer in order to supply the retail and foodservice demand, as shown by this distribution of Certified Producer Operations.
Heifers and Bulls For Sale
Check out the CRSB’s 2019 Annual Report for a detailed impact report of the first full year of the Certified Sustainable Beef Framework.
Ernie, Sheldon & Travis Froese H: (204) 326.7606 C: (204) Follow us on Social Media 905.1617
RISING TO THE Sustainability PROJECTS Led by the CRSB’s Scientific Advisory Committee, the CRSB’s Projects Pillar supports advancing the goals of the National Beef Sustainability Strategy. A Projects Inventory, now available at, highlights key projects across Canada that are piloting, demonstrating or promoting continuous improvement in the sustainability of Canadian beef production. Identification of the projects, which are categorized by tags such as region, industry sector and sustainability goal, is facilitated through an annual Inventory Survey, which will be active every April. To learn more about the CRSB, visit or contact us at
AUGUST 11-13
JAN 28–30
JAN 30
Saskatchewan Beef Industry Conference Saskatoon Inn, Saskatoon, SK
Saskatchewan Angus Association AGM Saskatoon Inn, Saskatoon, SK
President Trent Liebreich
306-869-7207 JUN Livestock & Forage Centre of Excellence Field Day Clavet, SK
General Ag In Motion Belinda Wagner JUL 21–23Manager Langham, SK 306-757-6133
2020 January 28–30
OCT 31– NOV 1
Annual Summer Tour Location TBD Annual Gold and Junior Show Location TBD
Lloydminster Stockade Roundup Lloydminster, SK
Saskatchewan Beef Industry Conference | Saskatoon Inn, Saskatoon, SK
Saskatchewan Angus Association AGM | Saskatoon Inn, Saskatoon, SK January 30 Liebreich President Trent DEC 1–5 Agribition Regina, SK President Trent Liebreich 306-869-7207 306-879-7207 June
Livestock & Forage Centre of Excellence Field Day | Clavet, SK DEC 3 Ag In Motion | Langham, SK July 21–23 General Manager Belinda Wagner 306-757-6133 General Manager Belinda Wagner Summer/Fall 306-757-6133 Annual Summer Tour | Location TBD Annual Gold and Junior Show| Location TBD
National Angus Show Canadian Western Agribition, Regina, SK
For more information, please contact the Roundup | Lloydminster, SK Stockade ctober 31–November 1 Lloydminster Saskatchewan Angus Association for inquiries regarding events in 2020. 1–5 SK Agribition | Regina, SK AGM December | Saskatoon Inn, Saskatoon,
ference | Saskatoon Inn, Saskatoon, SK
ellence Field Day | Clavet, SK
Canadian Western Agribition, Regina, SK December w w w. s3a s k a t c National h e w a nAngus a n g uShow s . c o| m
For more/ information, please contact the Saskatchewan Angus Association for inquiries regarding events in 2020.
214 TBD ocation TBD
LIVESTOCK Dave and Terri Rajotte D & N Livestock was formed in 2003 when Dave and Terri Rajotte joined Terri’s parents, Neil and Agnes Kerslake, on their farm three miles south of Peebles, Saskatchewan. Dave had been working on the family farm (Green Belt Farms) where he had grown up at Wainwright, Alberta. Green Belt had a large dairy, poultry, beef cows, crop land and a feed mill. Dave was looking for land of his own though and in 2002 an opportunity came up near his in-laws for three quarters of pasture land. In 2003 the family moved to Peebles, bringing 300 ewes to add to Neil and Agnes’ mixed farm. The sheep flock grew to 700 head before being dispersed in 2007. They have continued to expand their land base to a current 9,600 acres with around 1,500 acres in corn for grazing, 1,000 acres in canola and cereals, and the balance in hay and pasture. With this much land, D & N are committed to improving it, working with Ducks Unlimited to create wetlands to encourage more diversity in the pastures. They have taken the initial herd of 175 crossbred cows to 1,000 highpercentage Angus cows. They are bred straight AI to highly proven Angus bulls in the first cycle, and in the last few years have used sexed heifer semen to develop even more females. The cow herd and bred heifers are heavily influenced by EXT, Sitz Alliance, Net Worth, Density, Resource, Renown, Bismark and Final Answer. All cows get an Estrous Alert sticker on day one and are bred on natural heat detection for a period of 21 days.
The main herd of 1,000 cows grazes year-round. They begin calving April 20, at which time they bale graze and run on leftover grass. Moving into the tame pastures around June 1, they rotate through quarters until they arrive near home for a 21-day AI period near the end of June. In the fall they graze on their own stubble as well as having agreements with several neighbours to graze theirs, often into December. After that the cows go into 250 acres of corn, where they stay until April 1. In 2019, 780 heifers were bred through a 21-day AI natural bred cycle to Rainfall, Bismark and JL Prefered. Top-end Angus bulls were then run for 42 days and the heifers ultrasounded in early September. About half the bred heifers are marketed as breds at an on-farm sale. D & N offer to buy back all future heifer calves out of those heifers. D & N will pay steer price on all future heifer calves providing acceptable straight Angus bulls are used. Steer calves are backgrounded until early spring and then sold in semi load lots. They feel that being able to sell all steers in large weight groups has added a lot of value to their sales. With often 400 steers all bred the same way with similar appearances, it really attracts a lot of interest at sale time. In an effort to expand marketing, D & N became EU certified in 2019. In 2016, D & N Livestock began participating in the Canadian Angus CAIPP program (Commercial Angus Identification and Performance Program). Dave has always kept detailed records on all his cows and believes that it is easier to improve if records are kept so the CAIPP program was a natural fit. Going into the future, D & N looks forward to having all the indexes and data that purebred breeders have had available to them. D & N markets several hundred bred heifers each year, and now every heifer comes with at least two to three generations of Angus pedigree, so their new owners know exactly what they’re getting. Although the farm takes much of their time, Dave, Terri and their three boys take time to camp every summer and spend a week snowboarding in the mountains in winter. In order to have time for family and friends, D & N have hired some seasonal help most of whom have been from New Zealand. D & N Livestock were awarded the Saskatchewan Angus Commercial Producer of the Year Award in 2017.
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 215
Mark yOuR
K E n R Ay R A n C h P h O t O & D E S i g n © E l l A w R i g h t. C O M
Kenray K
Quality Red Angus Genetics 216
Pride of the Prairies Fall Annual Female Sale • Saskatoon, SK March 28th • Annual Open House - at Kenray Ranch April 1st & 2nd • Annual Kenray Ranch Online Bull Sale Fall 2020 • Agribition in “the Yards” stop in for a visit December 2020 •
The Kyles - REDvERS, SK • Visitors Always Welcome Sheldon, Ella & Oliver: 306.452.7545 • Ray & Donelda: 306.452.7447
[e] sheldon@ • visit our website:
twitter@ kenrayranch
Merit Sting 7047 | first sons sell
Bull Sale MONDAY, MARCH 30 . 2020 . 1PM . MOOSE JAW, SK
Trent, Janelle, Macy, Garrett & Carson Liebreich Radville, Saskatchewan Trents & Janelle 306.869.7207 Garrett 306.815.7078 Carson 306.815.7073
grassroots . family . passion . program
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 217
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 219
Are you
See you there! 220
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 221
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 223
RED ANGUS Ranch Tested...Ranch Trusted
50th Anniversary Canadian Red Round-up $100,000 50th Anniversary Progressive Junior Heifer Futurity (see our website for details)
2019 Canadian Red Round-up Junior Futurity Over $40,000 in sale credit given out to Junior enthusiasts
the Canadian Red Angus Promotion Society supports 4-H Awards • Canadian Junior Shows • Red Round-up Junior Heifer Calf Futurity Canadian Red Angus Tour • CWA Red Angus Show • Breed Promotion
Member Directory • Red Angus Sales • Red Round-up Jr. Futurity Breed Information • Become a Member • List Your Sale
For more information visit our website or contact one of our executive members: Mark Matejka President: (403) 783-9857 Dennis Lastuka Vice President: (403) 315-2614 224
Breeding Quality Red Angus Since 1972
Bull Sale - April 9, 2020 14
2 pm CST at the Ranch miles SW of Swift Current, SK Canada
80 Yearling Red Angus Bulls Some of the Sires Represented: Flying K Julian 22A 3SCC Navigator A448 LJC Merlin 937Z Flying K Hard Drive 83E Flying K Arrow 13E JRA Escalade 76A Flying K LionHeart 188E Flying K Ajax 90E Taylors Kodiak 40D Andras Fusion R236 VGW Thunder 647
Follow us on Facebook!
Brian, Christine, Dylan, & Shane Hanel
H: 306-773-6313
C: 306-741-1582 ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 225
Established in 1950...
Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan
4th generation family operation backed by longevity and integrity...
Canada's Largest Source of Angus Genetics
Two Sales a Year...
Spring Bull Sale Wednesday April 1, 2020 Selling 220 Yearling Bulls
Fall Bull Sale
Saturday December 5, 2020 Selling 200 Coming Two Year Old Bulls First breeding season Garentee Developed Sensibly for Longevity Free Delivery 500 miles or $100 Pick up Discount Semen Tested and Ready for Immediate Service Sight Unseen Satisfaction Guaranteed Winter Boarding Available Cull Bull Program. Receive a $500 credit on each new replacement bull you buy. (eg: If you cull 5 bulls you will receive a $500 deduction for each of the 5 replacement bulls you buy.) Credits must be used on a per bull basis and you cannot use more than 1 credit toward a new bull.
View Sale Book at or phone Carson Moneo 306-266-4414 Clay Moneo 306-266-4411 226
2020 Bull Sale Red Lazy MC Tradition
February 20 Saskatoon Livestock Sales, Saskatoon, SK ON OFFER...
Rising 2 year old Black and Red Angus Bulls &
Polled Limousin Bulls
Sons of these Sires Sell! Also featuring sons of Multi trait leading HA Payweight 6458
HA Counselor 5118 Sale and videos will be on DLMS
Box 85, Simpson, SK S0G 4M0 ROB GARNER Cell: 306.946.7946 ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 227
NOVA PIRATININGA Brazilian Highlight in Beef Cattle Breeding Submitted by Semex Beef
In Brazil the noble beef market has been growing and should, in a few years, gain even greater proportions. And to ensure quality beef in supermarkets, the work begins long before the gate—that is, on the cattle farms—through high demand for investment in the production of a noble product that pleases demanding consumers. These investments start with adequate physical structure, targeted and differentiated livestock nutrition, soundness, special management and cutting-edge bovine genetics specially selected to result in highperformance and top-quality beef animals. In São Miguel do Araguaia, State of Goiás, in the Brazilian Midwest, the Nova Piratininga Farm has been intensifying their quality meat production project and, 228
since 2012, has been using Fixed Time Artificial Insemination (FTAI) as a genetic improvement tool. In the 2016–2017 breeding season the Farm—searching for better results—sought a new partner. Since then Semex has supplied 100 percent of the Angus genetics used by Nova Piratininga. Today, the Farm selects and works with semen from bulls that have balanced performance characteristics, carcass quality, excellent economic ratios, but a strong focus on marbling. “We’ve been working to produce a balanced animal that gives us a good performance, carcass quality and above average marbling,” says João Paulo de Faria e Castro, financial manager of Nova Piratininga. With 205,000 hectares and 52,000 females of reproductive age at the 2018–2019 breeding season within
Fertility rates were also very good,” says José Cláudio. In July 2017 the Nova Piratininga team travelled with the Semex Brasil team to Canada, where they were able to visit some of the main Angus operations in the country. In these locations the Nova Piratininga team chose bulls that met the farm selection objective. “On this trip we chose three sires: Easy Decision, Full Power and Unanimous. Balanced bulls in all the characteristics, especially for carcass, rib eye area and marbling. Characteristics that met what Nova Piratininga wanted,” says Sciamarelli Júnior, beef manager at Semex Brasil. The trip was also repeated in 2018 and enabled even more focus on the economic indices and beef quality. That year two new breeders were chosen for Nova Piratininga’s breeding season, Roll Call and Discovery. “We’ve been bringing the best bulls since the beginning of the project with Nova Piratininga,
adding all the indexes they’ve been looking for their meat project,” recalls Nelson Eduardo Ziehlsdorff, director of Semex Brasil. In 2019 the board of Semex Alliance visited Nova Piratininga and closely followed the first results of the partnership. Altogether, 11,000 animals were evaluated and sent to slaughter—5,500 females and 5,500 males—which were weaned at 7 months weighing 240 kg (male) and 200 kg (female). The feedlot weight recorded was 240 kg (male) and 300 kg (female), with an average daily gain of 1.45 kg/ head/day in females and 1.6 kg/head/day in males. Finally the animals were slaughtered at 14 months (males) with 520 kg and at 20 months (females) with 500 kg. The carcass yield average was 57 percent. “I see Semex and Nova Piratininga in a grand breeding program. Everything we have seen here has been conducted together with Semex. I think this partnership serves as a great example not only for
the growth of livestock in Brazil, but around the world,” celebrates Paul Larmer, Semex Alliance CEO. Currently, the farm has been investing in quality food to increase productivity in all aspects of the production process. Beyond the quality nutrition, the farm is also working on soy production with the objective of intensifying the post-harvest areas, focusing on having quality food year round, in other words, crop-livestock integration. “With this process, the idea is to produce more with a lower cost and in a smaller space, reducing the cost per hectare produced and increasing profitability,” says João. Through 2019 Nova Piratininga has already inseminated a total of 45,000 females, 20,000 of which are with Angus Semex bulls. And the growth projection does not stop. The Farm projects 20 percent more results for next year.
a total herd of 127,000 head, Nova Piratininga is considered one of the largest beef cattle farms in the world and inseminates 100 percent of its breeding females. Nowadays the Farm uses Nellore females crossed with Aberdeen Angus bulls. Nellore is the most common cattle breed in Brazil. The goal of this crossbreeding is to produce halfblood animals that meet the farm cycle that is linked to the breeding and fattening of these animals. Partnering with Semex since the 2016–2017 breeding season has resulted in a 125 percent increase in the amount of Angus semen used in the inseminations. For Nova Piratininga manager José Cláudio da Silva, the first results show that Semex’s selection of bulls was correct. “We were able to produce well-standardized calves with excellent weight gain at weaning. ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 229
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 231
all your sales in one book! Let us help you keep track of your favourite bull & female sales this Spring. Our Buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Agenda gives you the who, where, when and what breed will be selling all in the ease of one book. Watch for it to hit your mailbox the end of January. Call/TEXT OR EMAIL us today to secure your very own copy.
BUSY? Need a bull? we have you covered!
Whether you are calving cows, struggling with weather conditions, running your kids to hockey or catching up on all the tasks a cattlemen tackles daily, you can’t make it to every sale... But we can! Save time and money – Have our experienced and professional staff select your next herd bull or breeding female from the 5500 head of cattle we are marketing this spring. We are proud to offer FREE ORDER BUYING and SIRE SELECTION CONSULTATIONS. we spend the time and effort to analyze your needs and ensure you get a quality bull within your budget suited for your operation.
Scott Bohrson 403.370.3010
Darryl Snider 780.385.5561
Rob Voice Taylor Richards Geoff Anderson Martin Bohrson 306.220.7901 306.270.6082 306.821.4169 306.731.7921
Matt Criddle 306-539-6934 ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 233
GOLD 2019 Results
OF THE YEAR DMM Crank 13E Miller Wilson Angus & Nelson Hirsche Purebreds
Second: Third:
Graco Conversation 14F Merit Sting 7047E
Second: Third:
Vos Vegas Black Pearl 6E BNWZ Wendy 8143
OF THE YEAR North Perth Barbara 507 Merit Cattle Co. 234
OF THE YEAR Red DKF Racer 8E Second: Third:
Red HRA Lookout 711E Red Shiloh Gunner 23G
DKF Angus & Shiloh Cattle Co.
OF THE YEAR Red Six Mile Fanny 149D Second: Third:
Red Towaw Sybil 407F Red Cinder Freyja 29E
Six Mile Red Angus & Sunberry Valley Farms ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 235
Windy Willows Farms
Git ‘R Done Bull and Female Sale Tuesday, April 7, 2020 At the Farm - Hodgeville, SK
Collin , Michelle & Hillary Sauder Box 55, Hodgeville, SK S0H 2B0 Michelle’s cell 306-667-7540 Hillary’s cell 306-677-7542
The Blair family
has been involved in the purebred industry for more than 50 years.
the purchase of a core group of Red Angus cows from the Jackson Cattle Company dispersal. From that core nucleus group of females, the livestock genetics operation has grown to include more than 400 purebred Red and Black Angus females, a core herd of Hereford cows and more than 250 commercial females which primarily are utilized for Blairs. Ag’s embryo transfer program. Blairs.Ag Cattle Co. is committed to accelerated genetic progress and a significant commitment has been made to identify top producing donor females ensuring the proliferation of their genetics through multiple embryo transfer matings with top sires.
approximately 53,565,000 head. They have a long tradition of breeding cattle and possess a very solid reputation for productivity and high quality. Almost no cow in the nation receives any help during winter—no hay, no silage; they need to survive and carry a pregnancy by themselves. After generations of keeping the efficient ones, Argentina’s cattle have become very hardy and adaptable to different environments. The first step for the joint ArgentinaCanada program with Blair’s Cattle Co. couldn’t be more auspicious: Blair’s Surena 402D sold in the Power & Perfection Sale at Canadian Western Agribition in 2017 to Kurt Hamburger of Oklahoma for $34,000. She was the highest selling female of that prestigious event. The international joint program between the Blair’s & Carlos Ojea plans to market top Argentine genetics across North America. Blairs.Ag hosts a bull sale
BLAIR’S.AG Argentina-Canada Program Showcases Commitment to
ACCELERATED GENETIC PROGRESS By Kiani Evans, Canadian Angus Association
andy and Lindsay Blair started the Blair’s Family of Companies in Drake, Saskatchewan in 1948. While farming, they became interested in the possibility of using fertilizer. They bought some Elephant brand fertilizer from Cominco and it was the first rail car of fertilizer that was brought into Saskatchewan. Ron Blair later took over the business and now Ron’s son Kevin and nephew Darren own and operate the business. The Blair family has been involved with the Simmental, Angus and Hereford breeds. In 2006, Blairs.Ag Cattle Company began with
Blairs.Ag’s mission is to produce “predictable offspring with predictable matings.” They have gathered proven cows and proven cow families from reputable breeders across North America. The Blair family focuses on maternal traits and functional cattle that can work in both the pasture and show ring and believe that they have some of the toughest culling criteria in the breed. They will scrutinize any and all breeding decisions and ensure that all new sires come from great mothers. Recently, Blairs.Ag have partnered with Carlos Ojea from Argentina to bring moderately sized, efficiently typed and explosive-boned Angus to Canada. Argentina has the world’s fifth-largest population of cattle, standing at
each April called the Pursuit of Excellence sale where the offering is two-year-old Red and Black Angus bulls that offer greater genetic predictability and performance. In addition to the bull sale, female genetics— both purebred and commercial—are offered at two female sales in December. Over the years, the Blairs Family of Companies has grown in locations and businesses. Blairs has ag retail locations in Lanigan, Nokomis, Watrous, Liberty, McLean, Strongfield, Lipton and Rosthern, Saskatchewan as well as a fertilizer distribution terminal in Hanley. Within the Blairs group of businesses are Blairs Crop and Livestock Solutions, Blairs.Ag Cattle Company, Blairs AgIntelligence, Blair’s Premium Angus Beef and TexCana Logistics.
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 237
We finance the PEOPLE the DREAMS the FUTURE
TEAM - The Electronic Auction Market
of Canadian ag
Mobile: (403) 519-8916
1-800-387-3232 |
Jason Danard Phone: (403) 234-7429
Introducing These Foundation Females to the JPM Donor Pro
S A V Emblynette 4603
S A V Elba 900
AAA#: 17927236 Sire: S A V Angus Valley 1867 Dam: S A V Emblynette 3301
AAA#: 16391005 Sire: S A V Net Worth 4200 Dam: S A V Elba 1094
• Maternal brothers include sires for ABS Global & Select Sires • A maternal sister sold in the 2016 S A V Sale for $150,000
S A V Emblynette 3301 Dam of S A V Emblynette 4603 • 2 million dollar in progeny • 15 daughters in the SAV herd
• Feature donor at PVF and Siebring • Produced many top selling offspring
S A V Elba 1094
Dam of S A V Elba 900 • A model angus cow • 1.5 million dollar in progeny sales
Annual Yearling Bull and Replacement Heifer Sale at Parkbeg, Saskatchewan February 17, 2020
JP & Marlene Monvoisin Josee and Colton Monvoisin Box 745, Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan, Canada S0H 1XO JP 306-648-7935 | Marlene 306-648-8200 | Josee 306-648-7338 |
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 239
INTERNSHIP Primes Vet for Large Animal Practice By Lynne Gunville
Photo: Taryn Reimer
Reprinted with permission from WCVM Today (, online news site for the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM)
Dr. Robin (Rob) Stevens had been a practicing physiotherapist for several years when he decided to adopt Cola, a rescue dog from Taiwan. Although Rob knew he could provide a better life for Cola, he had no idea that his new pet would ultimately lead him to a better life as well. “I think that deep down inside of me I’d always wanted to be a veterinarian,” says Rob who had moved to Canada from South Africa in 2008. “Cola just kind of sparked the fire inside me again, and so I started taking undergraduate classes so I could apply for veterinary medicine.” By the time Rob had graduated from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) in 2018, he’d developed a keen interest in large animals, particularly dairy cattle and theriogenology (reproduction). He decided to apply for a oneyear ruminant field service internship at the WCVM—an opportunity for him to determine whether large animal medicine was the best fit. Since Rob had grown up in a South African city, he lacked the experience of many of his Canadian classmates who came from farms. He hoped the internship would allow him to learn more about the veterinary care of production animals while working with local producers and learning the small but important aspects of large animal medicine that aren’t taught in veterinary school. He wasn’t disappointed. As a member of the WCVM Veterinary Medical Centre’s Ruminant Field Service team, Rob spent most of his days driving to local farms and providing a range of services that included pregnancy diagnoses, estrus synchronizations, bull breeding soundness evaluations, calving and treatment of sick animals. Although Rob and his team worked mainly with beef and dairy cattle, they also provided care for sheep and goats as well as the odd llama or alpaca. He particularly enjoyed dairy herd health. “I enjoy having an ultrasound in my hand and using my hands to diagnose pregnancies from as early as 30 days on,” says Rob. “Calving is also fun. Correcting a dystocia [difficult
calving] or doing a C-section right there in the barn—it’s a surgery where you’re basically the technician, surgeon and anaesthesiologist all in one, and getting a live animal out after is extremely rewarding.
Since the Smithers area has no regular veterinarian for routine bovine work, Rob will focus on the ambulatory large animal services and hopes to expand the large animal field service side of the practices.
In addition to his field service duties, Rob participated in a research project that explored the possibility of reusing costly progesterone inserts. He also helped investigate a commercial beef farm’s high incidence of respiratory disease in calves to determine if the issue was caused by insufficient immunoglobulin in the cows’ colostrum (first milk).
“I’m looking forward to building a practice where you have people who trust you and your opinion and value the hard work and effort that you put in and the friendships that you create,” says Rob. “I learned a lot about that from Dr. Schumann—if I could be half the doctor as someone like Dr. Schumann, then I’d consider myself to be a success.”
Rob valued the chance to work with and learn from the other members of the field service team, including Drs. Fritz Schumann, Kamal Gabadage, Nathan Erickson and Chris Luby. “They taught me some wonderful things— different ways of seeing and approaching cases,” Rob says. “They have a wealth of knowledge and experience, and they would help me and give me advice when I needed it. I had some really good mentorship during this past year.” In February 2019, Rob was rewarded for his commitment when he received the Dr. W. Bruce Wren Food Animal Incentive Award—an honour that’s given during the Western Veterinary Conference (WVC), held each year in Las Vegas, Nevada. Rob was one of five North American postgraduate students who were recognized for demonstrating excellence in the food animal practice area. As one of the award recipients, Rob’s expenses were paid to attend the entire international conference. He benefitted from the chance to attend lectures given by prestigious veterinary specialists and to meet people from other educational institutions all over North America. “The connections that I made were the most valuable part,” says Rob. “I’ve actually sent a couple of emails with questions for people that I met at the conference. Just attending those lectures and making those connections was very valuable for my career and education.” Now that Rob has completed the one-year fieldservice internship, he’s moved to Smithers, BC, where he’s working with Dr. Mike Des Harnais (WCVM ’00) at his practices, Babine Animal Hospital and Driftwood Veterinary Services.
They taught me some wonderful things— different ways of seeing and approaching cases. They have a wealth of knowledge and experience, and they would help me and give me advice when I needed it. I had some really good mentorship during this past year.
In addition to working as a clinician, Rob is hopeful that there will be a teaching role for him in the future, perhaps through setting up clinical rotations for fourth-year WCVM students at his practice. When Rob looks back on his year as a clinical intern at the WCVM, he appreciates the education and the knowledge he gained and recommends that anyone considering an internship should be prepared for hard work but great value. “The level of experience and the mentorship and the value that you get in terms of your academic advancement is second-to-none,” says Rob. “I’ve met a lot of wonderful people here, and I’ve made a lot of good friendships. There’s a team aspect here at the WCVM, and that’s probably the most important part. It’s been a wonderful team.”
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BURNETT ANGUS 36th BULL SALE Saturday - April 4, 2020 - 2:00 pm at the Ranch, Swift Current, Sask.
Black and Red Angus Yearling Bulls s but it es in pp ha y bu â&#x20AC;&#x2122;t on w ey on M ULL will buy a BURNETT B ers which will make your heif HAPPY! Leptin tested, fertility tested, foot rot vaccinated over half the bulls have been genetically selected on the sire and dam side for breeding heifers low birth weight, short gestation, curve benders Sires include: Shipwheel Chinook, OCC Missing Link, Soo Line Motive, Pioneer, Element 215, Chisium 255
Annual Bred Heifer Sale (Purebred and Commercial) December 6, 2020 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; at the Ranch
For catalogues and information contact: Bryce Burnett (306) 773-7065 | Wyatt Burnett (306) 750-7822
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 243
GOLD SHOW history 1989 Black Angus bull champion: first choice
1989 Black Angus Female champion: BLACK RIDGE BRITTANY 6X
1996 Black Angus Female champion: DOUBLE A ROSEBUD 3D
The Canadian Angus Gold Show program was developed in 1989 to provide an incentive for breeders to move between regions to show cattle. Awards for Red and Black Show Bull of the Year and Red and Black Show Female of the Year are calculated based on the number of points accumulated over the show season. Each region designates two shows as Gold Shows which are open to competitors from across Canada. The Maritimes designates three shows so that each Maritime province hosts an official Gold Show. Animals must participate in three shows to accumulate points.
1994 Red Angus Bull champion: RED RAZORâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S EDGE 8D
2006 Red Angus Female champion: RED SIX MILE SEREBL 175H
2007 Red Angus Bull champion: RED TER-RON FULLY LOADED 540R
ANGUS LIFE 2020 / 245
KAZAK A Land of Opportunity By Myles Immerkar, Canadian Angus Association
Kazakhstan is the ninthlargest country in the world by land mass and is the world’s largest landlocked country. The countryside from north to south and east to west is scattered with rolling hills and flatlands ideal for crops and cattle. For years it was the epicentre of the Soviet Union’s agriculture and cattle production.
Feedlot at KazMyaso
After a generation was lost from beef cattle breeding, Kazakhstan looks to build upon its history and views growing their beef industry as one of the great opportunities for this resourcerich country. For many visitors, depending on what part of the country you have a chance to visit, Kazakhstan will remind you of southern Saskatchewan and the foothills of Alberta with cold winters, dry summers and blowing winds. An environment well suited to beef cattle and Angus cattle in particular, the opportunities for Kazakhstan in the beef sector are endless as
they look to expand beef production and improve production practices with the goal of once again becoming a proud beef-producing nation. The challenges are there for new cattle producers as a generation lost from beef cattle breeding has left them with a lack of industry expertise, a shortage of young cattlemen and a consumer market not traditionally exposed to quality grade beef. The first import of Angus cattle began in 2011 as a result of President Nazarbayev’s mission to grow beef production in Kazakhstan. The first Angus imported from Canada were a product of the four key founding ranches: SC Foods, KazBeef, Aksinat Engineering and Dinara Ranch. In 2012, these four founding partners formed the Chamber of Kazakhstan Angus with the goal of establishing a Kazakhstan herd book, maintaining breed purity, and marketing and promoting the Angus breed in Kazakhstan. The Angus breed has seen tremendous growth in Kazakhstan since its start in 2012. There are currently 277 Angus breeders in Kazakhstan and 57,500 registered animals in the herd book with 15,000 annual registrations per year. Their members vary in herd size with the following breakdowns:
Herd Size
Total head
% of animals
# of farms
HSTAN The herdbook is mainly made up of Black Angus with only 5 percent Red Angus but that breakdown has more to do with availability of cattle and the preference of initial exporters than it has to do with breeder preference. Many breeders want to incorporate Red Angus into their program and are looking to do it via the use of top Red Angus bulls from North America mated to imported black animals. The focus of Kazakhstan Angus has to been to provide members with tools, technology and guidance in their herd selection and focus on the following traits in their selection of genetics abroad and domestically:
The Kazakhstan Angus Association has set a number of goals for their organization over the next 5 to 10 years that include: -
Increasing the value of bulls to the commercial market
More focus on data and data collecting to support membersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; selection decisions
Incorporation of electronic ID
Incorporation of new technologies such as genomic testing
Feed efficiency
Low maintenance and natural fleshing ability
Ease of data and accuracy of data collected
Moderate in frame in the 5.0 to 5.5 range
On-farm reports and software to establish tools for breeder herd selection and benchmarking
Structural soundness with focus on feet and legs
Most genetics are marketed via private treaty but some bull sales have begun. Breeders struggle with the proper value of genetics as the commercial market is somewhat reluctant to pay for value. The average selling price of a commercial bull is approximately $2,500 CDN but with the focus on improving data collection, their goal is to increase the value of the cattle.
to support their association in the development of tools and technologies to make available to their breeders. Some of the work CAA has done in the area of research, data collection, evaluations, marketing and promotion has been the envy of other associations around the world that struggle to incorporate similar tools, technologies and programs. CAA has worked with the Kazak Association to establish registration guidelines, breeding policies and data collection parameters. It remains a goal of ours to leverage one of our strengths in the industry and support member associations around the world in their growth and technology development with the goal of creating new and increased demand for Canadian genetics and generating new revenue streams for the CAA.
A number of herds continue to expand their size via imported genetics with the majority of current imports coming from Australia where there was more influence from Canada and the US in their initial imports. Progressive projects have begun to utilize embryo technology to expand their genetic base. The majority of seedstock breeders use a high level of AI to input new genetics and premier bloodlines into their programs. Since March 2019, Canadian Angus has been working with the Kazakhstan Angus Association
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In October 2019, I visited Kazakhstan to continue to develop this relationship and work on new strategies to support both the Kazakhstan market and the Canadian Angus Association. The establishment of new agreements with the Kazak Angus Association will focus on three areas: data management, genetic evaluations and adding value to leading genetic programs. As the Kazak Association has grown rapidly, they have quickly outgrown their current system capabilities and fear that their current system will not be able to handle their future needs. CAA will work with the Kazak Association to research partners that can provide data management in a format that will work with future initiatives with the CAA. Canadian Angus Association genetic evaluations continue to be one of the leading evaluations in the world and a tool that gives Angus genetics a leading edge in the industry. Kazakhstan is in search of new tools to provide their breeders with information to support their breeding and selection principles. As new developing markets around the world grow, the use of science and technology is a key component to these marketsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; growth. EPDs are considered extremely valuable as a genetic selection tool and many associations and countries around the world are establishing minimum genetic levels for eligibility for import. One barrier to exporting Canadian genetics is that a number of traits deemed very important in these developing markets
were lacking in the Canadian evaluation system and prevented the growth of Canadian genetics. The use of various EPDs as well as an index to help with the understanding of the genetic evaluation is only going to be a more critical requirement in the export of genetics in the future. The Kazak market has asked for CAAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s support in developing a genetic evaluation system for their market that will include the guidelines for data collection, introduction of genomics, on-farm reports for herd evaluation and the processing of the genetic information in a format that is easily understood and comparable to the North American system to promote increased trade and increased value on premium breed-leading genetics. The CAA in partnership with Neogen Canada implemented the first genomic testing on two key leading operations in the fall of 2019. Many breeders have followed Canadian Angus programs for direction and guidance and inquiries about the Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed program and what it stands for has been a topic of conversation with a number of leading Kazakhstan programs. During the CAA visit to Kazakhstan in October 2019, this was one of the main topics of discussion with one of Kazakhstanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leading operations, KazMyaso. KazMyaso is located in the southeastern part of the country bordering China and Kyrgyzstan. It sits at an elevation of around 2,500 metres and experiences hot summers
and cold windy winters. The operation began in 2014 and their breeding herd now stands at 3,000 breeding females. They plan to run their first bull and female sale in February 2020 with the goal of selling 20 elite bulls and 20 elite females and will also offer the first genomically tested animals in Kazakhstan during this sale. One of the challenges in Kazakhstan is that due to lack of infrastructure that we take for granted in Canada, operations need to be fully integrated to achieve profitability as Kazakhstan lacks a marketing system for commercial calves. In 2019, KazMyaso
completed construction on a 3,000head feedlot with the goal of finishing their cattle and purchased calves. In August 2019 they finished building their own slaughter plant to process premium quality meat for the Kazakhstan and neighbouring export markets in the future. The KazMyaso program is looking to differentiate themselves and their product in the Kazakhstan market and requested support from the Canadian Angus Association to help them in this process through our Rancher Endorsed brand. They are interested in obtaining CAAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s endorsement of their management program, genetic program and production practices to support their marketing program as well as the quality of their management practices. We outlined five criteria that they would have to follow and incorporate into their program which includes production standards, farm management standards, beef quality standards, Angus verification and genetic standards. For a modest fee, CAA will perform an audit process (similar to VBP+) at KazMyaso through a contracted third-party verification partner twice a year that will ensure standards at all parts of the chain are fulfilled. Some of the key components of the
genetic program require Canadian Angus genetic influence in all animals as well as strict guidelines on genetic standards that all sires used in the program must meet. Genetics from their program and partner programs from which they buy genetics can come from any genetic supplier but the genetics must be Canadian in birth. CAA is excited to work with KazMyaso on their new initiative and see the demand for Canadian genetics within the Kazakhstan marketplace grow in the future. The Kazakhstan beef market continues to have growth ambitions and opportunities for many companies in the areas of genetics, cattle and technologies will only continue to grow in the future. The CAA is excited to work with the Kazakhstan Angus Association in these initiatives and be a part of the growth. Look for future delegations from Kazakhstan visiting Canada to learn more about Canadian beef practices, Canadian Angus genetics and learn more about the value of genetics from Canada that they can help Kazakhstan breeders meet their breeding objectives.
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INDEX Lasting Loyalty â&#x20AC;&#x153;Backed by an unwavering commitment to sustainable beef production, JBS Canada is honoured to be a premier beef supplier in partnership with the Canadian Angus Association to provide consumers around the world with high quality, 100% Canadian, single-sourced Angus beef. It all begins with hardworking ranchers and farm families dedicated to raising their animals with utmost care and attention to every detail. We thank you for being a part of the Canadian Black Diamond Angus story, its heritage and tradition. Welcome to the family. â&#x20AC;? David Colwell, President JBS Canada Est. 38, Brooks, Alberta For more information, visit
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Fleming Stock Farm
Flying K Ranch
Garvie Mountain Angus
Gemstone Cattle Company
Gurney Land and Livestock
Hamco Cattle Co.
Hamilton Farms
Harvest Angus
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Bar 5
Bandura Ranches
Harvie Crest Cattle Company
Hazel Bluff Angus
Belvin Angus
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Heart of the Valley Farms
Benchmark Angus
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Heinz Cattle Company
Blue Mountain Angus Farm
Jas Red Angus
JBS Canada
Bohrson Marketing Services
232 - 233
JEM Farms
Brandl Cattle Co
JPM Farms
Burnett Angus
Justamere Ranches
C Rooke Ranching Ltd
KC Stock Farm
Canada Beef
Kenray Ranch
Canadian Beef Industry Conference (CBIC)
KT Ranches
Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA)
Lakeland College
Canadian Cattleman Magazine
Lauron Red Angus
Canadian Red Angus Promotion Society (CRAPS)
Lazy E Bar Ranching Ltd.
Camo Cattle Co
Lazy MC Angus
Cantriex Livestock
Lazy S Ranch
Certified Angus Beef (CAB)
Leeuwenburgh Angus
Chapman Cattle Company
Livestock Markets Association of Canada (LMAC)
Count Ridge Red Angus
LLB Angus
Coyote Publishing
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Lorenz Angus
Cudlobe West
Mac Angus Farm
Diamond T Cattle
Merit Cattle Co.
Direct Livestock Marketing Systems (DLMS)
MJT Cattle Co. Ltd.
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DJ Farms
Moose Creek Red Angus
East Ray Angus
Neogen Canada
72, 115, 140, 157
Eastondale Angus
Nolan Angus Farm
Edie Creek Angus
Nordal Limousin and Angus
Ellsmere Farms Ltd.
Norfolk Cattle
90LIFE 2020 / 251 ANGUS
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Ravenbrook Farms
Rebel Creek Angus
Reid Angus
Remitall Farms
Rivercrest Angus
River Valley Angus
Rodgers Red Angus
Sandy Bar Ranch
Schulz Angus
Scott Stock Farm
Shiloh Cattle Company
Six Mile Ranch
Spruce View Angus
Style-Craft Printing
The Electronic Auction Market (TEAM)
The Shoe Shine Shack
Transcon Livestock Corp.
Triple S Red Angus
Valley Blossom Ranch
Valleymere BPPS/HPS
Valleymere TTT Angus
Vancise Cattle Company Inc.
Ward’s Red Angus
Wheelers Stock Farm
Whitton-Brook Farms Ltd.
Windy Willows Farms
Yarrow Creek Farm and Ranch
Z Bar Angus Ltd.
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