Salers Magazine The Balanced, Maternal Breed...
2010-2011 Salers Association of Canada Board of Directors From L-R: Wayne Sereda, Big Valley AB; Paul Hondl, Bowden AB; Kathy Adams, Carstairs AB (Sec-Mgr); Gerald McGee, Richmond QC (President); Brian Jones, Okotoks AB (Treasurer). Missing: Tammi McGee, Gatineau QC; Ken Sweetland, Lundar MB (Vice-President)
Salers Association of Canada 2010/11 Board of Directors President: Gerald McGee.......................OF RICHMOND, QC PHONE: 819-826-2918 Vice-President: Ken Sweetland ...........................OF LUNDAR, MB PHONE: 204-762-5512 Treasurer: Brian Jones ......................OF OKOTOKS, ALBERTA PHONE: 403-938-6367
• Managing Bulls After Breeding Season ................................................................3 • President’s Message............................................................................................... 6 • From the Office.....................................................................................................6 • Sun Fun in Cuba...................................................................................................8 • The Genetics of Docility .....................................................................................12 • Top Canadian Bulls .............................................................................................14 • Provincial Report.................................................................................................15 • Around the Rings ......................................................................................................................16 • Mise à jour du Centre de recherche sur la viande bovine (U.S. MARC) ...............18 • 2011 Trait Leaders...............................................................................................19 • Announcements ..................................................................................................21 Cover picture: Crossroads Cattle Co. bred heifers. Photo courtesy of Chad Mader, Peterborough, Ontario.
PROVINCIAL ASSOCIATIONS SASKATCHEWAN SALERS ASSOCIATION c/o Garfield Williams Box 33, Borden SK, S0K 0N0 PHONE: 306-997-4909 FAX: 306-997-2242
ALBERTA SALERS ASSOCIATION c/o Carol Eigner, Box 209, Thorhild, AB T0A 3J0 780-398-2494
Salers Magazine
Paul Hondl ...............................OF BOWDEN, AB PHONE: 403-556-7810 Wayne Sereda.................OF BIG VALLEY, ALBERTA PHONE: 403-876-2241 Tammi McGee ........................OF GATINEAU, QC PHONE: 819-561-7789
Physical Location: Suite 2, 517 – 10 Avenue S Mailing Address: P.O. Box 879 Carstairs, AB
T0M 0N0
c/o Dale Butler 1253 Huff ’s Corners Rd, RR3 Croton, ON N0P 1K0 PHONE: 519-692-4145
c/o Steve Parrish Waterville, RR #1 Kings County,NS B0P 1V0 PHONE: 902-538-9174
QUEBEC SALERS ASSOCIATION c/o Kacie Mason 546 5th Rang St. Felix de Kingsey QC, J0B2T0 PHONE: 819-674-3907 Fax: 819-848-2659
c/o Ken Sweetland Box 84 Lundar, MB R0C 1Y0 PHONE: 204-762-5512 FAX: 204-762-5113
Phone: 403-337-5851 Fax: 403-337-3143 email: website:
(Gerald McGee) QUEBEC LIAISON 315 Chemin Grande Ligne, RR3 Richmond, QC J0B 2H0 PHONE: 819-826-2918
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Proud Sponsor of Salers Sun Fun 2011
Research has proven that Salers are superior to competing Continental breeds for calving ease AND marbling and are equal to any for yield. ( Dr Dan Moser-Kansas State University).
- Large growthy heifers that will CONSISTENTLY produce LIVE unassisted healthy calves and that display exceptional maternal instincts. Maintain moderate frame size but with VOLUME and MILK to wean above average calves “off the pasture.” -FERTILE healthy cattle that CONSISTENTLY “do it” on their own. Excellent feet, to travel for feed and do well on any type of forage throughout the year. Thick coats to withstand the cold. -Cows that will CONSISTENTLY remain in herd year after year with no reduction in performance. -Cows that can CONSISTENTLY produce replacement heifers or bulls that will become herd sires. -Females that can be crossed with any other breed and will CONSISTENTLY out perform the competition. - Cattle raised CONSISTENTLY with the commercial producer in mind but will compete in the show ring. - Temperament. If we can’t handle an animal it is not for sale for breeding.
For Sale by Private Treaty: Bred and replacement Heifers and a selection of 2 and 3 year old bulls. Semen tested and guaranteed docile. Semen available on two herd sires. All animals registered and EPD Data available Use SALERS and cut costs as well as your work. SALERS get it done on their own. Located 18 kilometers south west of Okotoks, less than 40 kilometers south of Calgary. Breeding Salers since 1983 for performance and disposition. Docility GUARANTEED.
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Salers Magazine
Feature Article
Managing Bulls After Breeding Season Following the breeding season, many producers would like to forget about their breeding bulls, and some do. They become a hassle and no one really wants them in the way, it’d be much easier to push them to the back forty and worry about them next spring. However, bulls should be looked upon as an investment and be treated accordingly. Bulls are typically either grossly over-fed or neglected. Overfeeding should be avoided for several reasons. The most recent to come to light is that overweight bulls have lowered sperm production. This is because a layer of fat will reportedly line the scrotum and insulate the testes, which raises the temperature and thereby retards the development of viable sperm. Another problem related to overfeeding is liver abscess. This is not directly related to being overweight but is a product of sub-acute acidosis. This occurs most commonly with high-grain “growing” rations. Caution should always be taken when feeding energy concentrates to livestock. Specifically, care must be taken to ensure larger aggressive animals don’t eat a disproportionate share, or that excessive amounts in general are not fed. This can create sub-acute acidosis, which in turn can create liver abscess and
Salers Magazine
may lead to death of the animal. Although it is true that bulls during the postbreeding season don’t require much management, adequate planning and care can help to reduce costs and ensure the bulls are ready to go again next time they’re needed. In most spring calving herds, the breeding season starts in the spring or early summer and extends for two to three months. If a 60 day pre-breeding conditioning period is allowed, this leaves a post-breeding season of about seven months, usually the fall and winter months. Goals for this period are basically to keep the bulls in moderate condition, minimize chance of injuries and allow for growth of young bulls.
Post-Breeding Appraisal As bulls come out of the breeding pastures, one of the first steps should be to appraise the bull battery and sort them into three groups. The largest group should be mature bulls in good condition that won’t require any special care. Perhaps the most important group is the young bulls that are still growing and need higher quality feed during the winter. Bulls that are extremely thin or need special care for other reasons can be put into this group as well. The last group is the
old or crippled bulls that have completed their productive life and are to be marketed. All bulls should have access at all times to a high quality mineral mix. Phosphorus is a critical mineral for successful reproduction and it isn’t present in adequate amounts in dry or harvested forage. Good supplemental phosphorus sources are monocalcium phosphate or dicalcium phosphate; these can be mixed with trace mineral salt in equal parts or two parts salt to one part mineral. Vitamin A nutrition is also important to the resting bull. Natural sources are green growing plants or high quality hay with good green colour. Supplemental vitamin A can be added to the mineral mix or fed with a supplement. It can also be administered as an intramuscular injection once or twice during the winter, but oral supplementation is cheaper. Mature bulls in good condition can exist very well on an essentially all-roughage diet. While the amount will vary somewhat with the size of the cattle, a good rule of thumb is about 2 percent of their body weight in dry feed per day. Protein needs will closely parallel those of a dry pregnant mature cow in the second trimester of Page 3
gestation, so it can be supplemented as needed.
Yearlings Yearlings should be left with the cow herd for 60 days or less. Beyond that time their condition falls off to such a degree that it may have long-term effects on their growth. After removal from the cow herd, yearlings should be kept separate from the older bulls at least through their second winter to reduce chance of injuries and to lessen competition for feed. Yearlings should be placed on the best available roughage, such as regrowth from hay fields or high quality hay. Their supplemental feeding regime can be compared to the program for bred yearling heifers. These cattle are still growing rapidly, in addition to replacing the condition they lost in the breeding pasture. Extra care and feed of yearling bulls after breeding season will result in stronger, healthier and more attractive mature bulls with a much higher salvage value.
Two-year Old Bulls These cattle should have reached more of their mature size by breeding season, so their ration is not quite so critical. A 1300 pound 2year old in excellent body condition (BCS) will likely need to gain only 1 pound per day at this stage in his life. To achieve this, active bulls may need 35 pounds of feed or more, of which 5 to 7
pounds should be grain. If BCS is at “5” or lower, the amount of grain will need to be increased to near 1 pound or more per 100 pounds of body weight. Caution: make any increases in grain intake gradually, so that digestive disorders are unlikely. Continue to monitor the total protein content of the diet and keep the concentration of crude protein near 12%. Depending on the forage available, this may require protein supplements to be included in the grain mix. Also, closely monitor the BCS of the bulls and make grain feeding adjustments to reach a BCS of “6” before next breeding season beings. This is critical if the bulls will be used again in a fall breeding season!
energy source (usually a cereal grain). Concentrates can be fed at 20 to 25 pounds per head per day, although when fed at this level it should be split into two equal daily feedings. Start the bulls slowly and gradually increase the grain level to avoid digestive disturbances. Bulls at this nutritional level can be expected to gain between 3 and 5 pounds per day for at least 60 days. Mature cattle also make excellent use of silage, if that feed is available. Adjustments to these feed portions may be required in extreme cold climate regions, so a conversation with your local veterinarian or nutrition specialist will be helpful.
Salvage Bulls
Bull Pastures
Most bulls that have completed their productive life due to age or injury can be marketed to advantage after a brief period on a high energy feed regime. Bulls will vary greatly in condition at the end of the breeding season, depending on the number of cows per bull, the length of the breeding season, and the quality of feed available. However, most bulls will gain very rapidly and efficiently post-breeding, if they are provided the necessary nutritional level. These bulls should be placed on excellent pasture or free-choice hay of high quality and then fed a full ration of the feed concentrate providing the most economical
It is a good idea to have a bull pasture that is somewhat isolated. Bulls kept away from cows will remain quieter and will fight less. A pasture with adequate area will also encourage exercise and reduce confrontations between bulls.
Sources: OSU Cow/Calf Corner; “Bull Care” by Mark Miller, Rolette County Extension Agent; and “Winter Bull Feeding” by David Price, PhD.
Gerald McGee, president Kacie Mason, secretary Directors: Douglas Beard Mark Mason Michael Morin Jacob Morin David Leclair
819-825-2918 819-674-3907 Fax: 819-848-2659
819-848-2932 819-828-2659 819-848-2627 819-470-8844 819-390-8144
Salers Association of Canada (403) 337-5851 Page 4 Salers Magazine
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President’s Message
Welcome to 2011 with all our hopes and aspirations for a great new year. In the beef business, it is shaping up to be a tremendous year with opportunities from low numbers of beef cattle and great prices for our calves. The results from the recent USMARC studies show that, as usual, Salers
Kathy Adams Secretary/Manager
Hello Everyone! We’re off to a flying start this year with breeders participating in bull congresses in the Peace region of BC/AB, Brandon MB and Camrose. Salers will have a booth & cattle display at the Edmonton Farm & Ranch Trade show in March. As always, there are 4-H and junior members working with Salers projects across the country and will be taking them to various shows and achievement activities this spring. Salers are in test station feeding trials in MB, QC and the Maritimes. Our sincere appreciation to Everyone who is making the effort to promote the “new” and improved Salers to the public! Bull Sale season is fast approaching too, with tangible optimism for a very good year! SAC has two new large sign/banners available to put up during shows, sales and displays – they both list the 10 Reasons Why You Should Use Salers. The signs have been used at Agribition and the Brandon Bull Page 6
are well placed to be the center of Canadian cow herds and to produce these great calves that we are so used to having on our farms and ranches. Salers breeders, keep your heads held high – you’ve worked hard to do your part. You’ve managed to maintain the ‘balanced breed’ concept. To retain all the maternal and beef traits that made this breed so attractive to the pioneer importers but also to cull hard to improve the docility and put it all in a package acceptable to our industry. Gathering data and tracking docility traits should enable us to dispel the perception that these are wild cattle. By only selling animals that we would be proud to have in our own herds, standing behind our product and giving excellent customer service we can expect even greater demand from the commercial sector for our cattle.
In October 2010, I found myself sidelined after having suffered a small stroke which paralyzed my right arm. Thankfully it was very slight, with a hospital stay of only 5 days, and everything has come back very quickly. We participated in Expo-Boeuf with the great help of all our family and friends. To you all, a very sincere “Thank you! We really appreciate everything that you did for us”. Be sure that you do take time to smell the roses and appreciate your family and friends – we never know! I would also like to thank everyone for all the telephone calls, best wishes, get well cards and prayers. I was very, very lucky. On behalf of your Board of Directors, I wish everyone a very happy 2011 and I’m very confident it is going to be a great year. Jerry McGee
From the Office Congress, so far, and have generated good interest and discussion from attendees at both displays. These are available – 1st come basis – to members and can be booked through the office. The Salers Sun Fun group enjoyed a fantastic time in Cuba. Thanks to all our past participating breeders and sponsors for their support! The Sun Fun program is proceeding in 2011 with the Alberta Salers Association taking over its operation. Keep it in mind Buyers, and Sellers, make sure you ask for the transferred Registration Certificate – the certificate is a guarantee from your seller of exactly what you are getting! Go to the SAC website for the latest updated EPD Trait leading dams and sires, breed averages and percentile tables. These are already adjusted to the AAA base to make comparisons simpler (of course, the MARC Across-Breed adjustments should be used for more accuracy). EPDs are becoming even more important to purebred breeders as more commercial producers increase their use of EPDs as a tool to evaluate and compare various breeds or individual animals within breeds. During my recent visit to the National Western Stock Show in Denver, even the judges were using performance information and visual evaluations to place the cattle. With the industry changing around us, we have to change with the times or be left behind.
I also learned while in Denver that the Salers breed is one of only three breeds in the US who are gathering data on docility in their national evaluations. With hard facts and volumes of data, it should be easy to dispel the misconception that these cattle are wild. Space is available on the Association website for breeders to advertise with web pages and/or links to member websites. Jana Keely of Coyote Publishing will be contacting you to offer this service and her technical assistance in creating a page or a site for you. Contact the office if you’re interested and haven’t yet heard from Jana. Classified ads can also be placed for a nominal fee. Salers merchandise is available: leather embossed gloves, window decals, and lapel pins (bull & cow designs), ball caps, some clothing articles and other can be obtained on request. Lap top and sling bags proved very popular and we are low on inventory, these can be pre-ordered if there is interest. Good calving and Happy Trails! SALERS – “THE Continental with the most calving ease and marbling – should be an easy sell!”
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by Werner & Debbie Grundke This year the Sun Fun tour went to the Melia Veradero in Veradero, Cuba. There were 13 travelers directly involved with the Canadian Salers Association; however, we ended up with a group of 29 people with family and friends of the 13 travelers. The weather was not as hot as last year, however it was still very much nicer than here!! Travel was very reasonable; we were able to do all the booking for just over $1050/person including tax. Great value for the money! The weather did cause some issues on the way home as we faced a 240 km/hr headwind and had to set down in Great Falls in the USA for fuel, which caused a little excitement (4 fighter jets, 2 black government security vans and lots of airport security) since we were coming from Cuba. This was still far better than the Calgary flight, since they ended up being re-routed through Toronto for fuel. We did a follow up tour to the Research Station, Indio Hatuey; Msc. Milagro Milera Page 8
Rodriguez was very excited to have us visit again and welcomed us back, anytime. We had discussions on genetics trade and of a possible Canadian visit from them. This is very exciting! Lic Yudelmis Madruga Vazquez, a Cuban government Specialist of International Relations, was at the farm to
greet us then also came and met with us at the hotel. Fidel Gonzalez, our translator / guide, took us to a Sugar Factory & Steam Train Museum that was built in the early 1940’s, on the way back from the Farm. The Cuban government is gradually opening up more to free enterprise, in order
Getting a load of bulls ready to ship at the Research Station, Indio Hatuey.
Salers Magazine
to encourage more people to get into food production. Cuba is not self-sufficient in this area, it never really was, but it has a large amount of arable land that was used to grow sugar cane for export. This land has gone back to a wild state and is not currently in production at all. Sugar Cane was the major crop in the past but Sugar exports have almost stopped and sugar production is Âź of what it was formerly. Having no sugar exports to trade for other food products and not producing enough themselves means they need to purchase it or trade for other services, such as medical services. Cuba now supplies medical services and trained health industry personnel for several South American countries. Fidel talked to us looking for ideas on this and other topics to take back to the Cuban government, who are looking for ways to increase the numbers of people working the land and engaging in primary agricultural production.
Left to right-Glen and Annette Hickie, Darrel and Mona Vermunt, Jean Ross & Bill Switzer, tour guide Fidel and the bus Driver, Randy Mader , Werner and Debbie Grundke, all returning from a tour.
Many of our group did tours, some spent a day at the Bay of Pigs snorkelling, touring a Nature and Crocodile reserve and others went to Havana for the night or just for the day. The Vermunts went to the Cuban island of Cayo Largo via plane and still another group went to Cuban city of Trinidad for a 2-day bus tour of northern Cuba. We had a great time and were very busy seeing the various sites in and around Veradero, as well as spending time enjoying the ocean and sun tanning on the beach.
Explaining the methane stove in a house, methane is produced from farm waste with a bio-digester
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Farewell supper with the group! Page 9
We would like to thank the Farms who have supported this and other Programs Sun Fun 2010 Nominated Farms Voss Family Salers, Randy & Lesli Voss, Hythe AB (780)356-3361 Werner & Debbie Grundke, Alberta Beach AB (780)924-2464 Beau Valley Cattle Co, Peter Zahacy, Edmonton AB (780)929-6283 Spring Coulee Salers, Reg Baldwin, Didsbury AB (403)337-2975 Randy Mader, Mader Ranches Inc, Carstairs AB (403)337-2928 Windrush Hill Salers, Brian & Pat Jones, Okotoks AB (403)938-6367 Harbrad Salers Farm, Brad Dunn, Ogema SK (306)459-2523 AGW Salers, Gar Williams, Borden SK (306)997-4909 Tall-Tree Salers, Tim Thompson, Choiceland SK (306)428-2773 Ken & Wendy Sweetland, Sweetland Super Six Salers, Lundar MB (204)762-5512 Elderberry Farm, Robert & Vivian Stieb, Parkside SK (306)747-3302 Sun Fun 2010 Sponsors
Werner and Fidel discussing crops!!
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Morand Industries LTD, Onoway AB 1-800-582-4037 The Meyers Group, Wellington West Calgary AB 1-888-331-4859 Fred Mertz Professional Corporation Calgary AB 1-877-247-4829 RBC Royal Bank Lethbridge AB 1-403-382-3832
Salers Magazine
The Genetics of Docility _By Jim Doubet
Recently, the National Beef Cattle Evaluation Consortium held a Brown Bagger series internet discussion, one of several in the series, regarding the genetics of Docility. Dr. Bob Weaber, University of Missouri, State Extension Specialist in Beef Genetics. began the discussion by covering much of the research of docility and its relationship with other production traits. There is a lot of research available evaluating docility and its effect on performance. Research has shown cattle with poor docility have lower weaning weights, lower average daily gain in the feedlot and higher morbidity or death loss. It is thought to contribute to chronic stress. Animals with poor docility have elevated stress hormone levels and have a reduced response to vaccination. Additional research shows poor docility is negatively related to feed efficiency, Those with poor docility eat for a shorter period of time, they eat less, have a
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poorer feed conversion and poorer residual feed intake. When carcass quality was evaluated, poor docility resulted in increased Warner-Bratzler shear force levels. WarnerBratzler shear force evaluates tenderness levels. Docility is a heritable trait, that is passed on from parents to their offspring. The heritability estimates range from 0.18 to 0.40 As with most any trait that is heritable and can be measured, we can make progress in selecting for or against it. In the case of Docility, we are really selecting against a poor docility. In other words, we cull those animals that aren't acceptable. Salers breeders are to be commended in making this a priority in their breeding, selection and marketing decisions. Just ask seedstock producer Eaf Parke in western Montana about docility, “Our buyers continue to be impressed with the docility of the cattle we sell when compared to other
breeds they have available” states Eaf. Each year they collect and record docility scores on all of the calves in their herd at the same time they take weaning weights. "We collect the measurements at weaning. We will sort off 1 or 2 head in the alley when we are making our decisions on replacements or which bulls we are keeping and assign our scores, but it is really something we are continually measuring whether it is at yearling or any time we are sorting or working cattle,” he adds. The same goes for Chad Konow of Konow Farms in Kentucky. “We are always working on it. We collect the docility measurements at weaning and score them again at yearling. Our customers have come to rely on our cattle having a manageable docility and we pride ourselves in knowing the cattle we sell will measure up to any cattle out there regardless of the breed.” Sherry Doubet, American Salers Association Executive Vice President, was the other featured speaker as part of the Brown Bagger series discussion and covered the breed association aspect and genetic improvement being seen by the breeds collecting data for docility and calculating Expected Progeny Differences for the trait. There are currently 3 breeds in the United States that calculate Docility EPDs as part of their National Cattle Evaluations. The Salers, Angus and Limousin breeds all print Docility EPDs for their members and their commercial customers to utilize as part of their breeding decisions. The Australian Limousin and Angus breeds offer Docility as part of their evaluations as well. The Salers breed is currently using a 1-5 scoring system developed prior to the Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) developing a standardized scoring system. Limousin and Angus use the 1-6 BIF scoring system. Australian Limousin and Angus use a 1-5 Salers Magazine
scoring system. Regardless of the scoring system used, 1 is calm, 5&6 are aggressive & wild. The American Salers Association has 163,066 docility records submitted by its breeders, while the North American Limousin Foundation has 210,167 in its database and the American Angus Association has 94,357 records collected on their cattle. The Australian Limousin have 48,276 records collected while Australian Angus has 22,055 records in their database. The genetic trend for the Salers breed has been very positive from a breed average of near zero in 1992 to the current breed average EPO of over +8.0. Limousin has seen a similar genetic trend while Angus is relatively flat since they have not been collecting the information very long. What does all of this mean? Basically, docility is a heritable trait. We can select for it (or against a poor docility) and we can make
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genetic progress for the trait. Salers breeders are actually fortunate since Docility is an easy trait to measure - it is easy to see, easy to cull on and easy to report the scores to the association as part of your performance data. It doesn't require $25 for a DNA test. There are no ultrasound fees charged to collect it. A vet doesn't have to do it for you. As a breeder, you are already culling for it. Take the time to record and submit the score to the association so the
Salers breed can have the most accurate genetic for evaluation docility to allow producers to continue to make the positive change we've already seen. As several people have stated, the Salers cattle are the most stringently culled breed available today and their docility is actually now one of their positive attributes. “When someone comments about a negative experience with Salers cattle and docility, my dollar says it was based on an experience they had or heard about some years ago. What they need to do is try today's Salers and they will be in for a pleasant experience� adds ASA President, Bob Neben from Neben Ranch in Nebraska.
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Top 10 Canadian Salers Bulls – By Registered Calves Of All Time Reg.No Animal Name 364 3876 6291 1881 3238 209 6318 1786 1000 17175
Last 15 Years
Reg’d Progeny Count
451 443 389 383 306 298 275 258 242 240
Reg.No Animal Name 31859 46653 27466 26755 52213 24788 46782 36943 42255 48040
Reg’d Progeny Count
195 170 148 108 104 100 98 97 96 94
To January 2011
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Salers Magazine
Provincial Reports
Alberta Salers Association Sun Fun 2011 The Alberta Salers Association has worked out a plan that will see the Sun Fun continue. It will continue to be open for members from all provinces to participate. The sponsorship amount has been set at $500.00. At this point we have 3 sponsors, Morand Industries, Fred Mertz Professional Corporation and The Myers Group, Wellington West Capital Inc., their continued support is appreciated. Sponsors’ will have their name and contact information in the Salers Association of Canada magazine, Alberta Salers Advertising and it will be posted at Alberta Salers events. Farm nominations will remain at 100.00. We are asking all members to find sponsors, and when you get the sponsor your farm nomination fee of $100.00 will be waived. Bull entries will remain at $10.00/registered and transferred bull. We will draw for two tickets for a bull buyer and one ticket for the nominated farm to go on the trip. The winners will be announced in September. The trips will be booked in the most cost effective manner possible. We welcome your ideas! We are planning to use the profits of the Sun Fun program for advertising. It is an exciting time to get the “Salers” word out! I have heard a lot of positive feedback from Sun Fun sponsors, travelers and participants. Many that have been involved have requested that it be continued. The purpose of this program was to assist you in selling registered Salers bulls by rewarding your buyers and yourselves with an opportunity to win a trip to some place warm, with other Salers Breeders and industry partners! I have had a few customers ask about the program and they were excited to be entered and when they did not win, bought tickets!! If you would like to be involved in the Sun Fun 2011 or would like us to look at a destination or need information on getting sponsors please call Werner at 780-924-2464 or email at Advertising The Alberta Salers Association will be doing an advertising campaign, starting in January 2011. These will be a couple of ASA paid ads with all the members listed. The next ads will be co-op advertising, members must pay $300.00 to be included the ads. Please contact Randy Voss at 780-356-3361. Alberta Junior Darlene Hondl is co-ordinating the Alberta Juniors. If you have a junior member or 4-H member please give her a call at 403-5567810. There are some new and exciting ideas in the works! Show and Sale We have also been working at getting the booth out; the booth will be going to the Camrose Bull Congress, Jan 21-22/11 and the Farm and Ranch Show in Edmonton, March 31-April 2/11. It also looks like we have members interested in going to Farmfair Salers Magazine
International in November 2011. Call Carol Eigner at 780-398-2494 for more info. Our Annual meeting will be in the spring and the Alberta Salers Association board is looking forward to meeting all members. Werner Grundke ASA President/Sunfun Chairman 780-924-2464
Quebec Salers Association The QC Agriculture Department is changing priorities again, just as everyone was getting used to the present system – no matter how flawed it was. • The Blue Paper on bulls, to designate if it is a genetic superior bull, is now a thing of the past. • The Provincial R.O.P. program, known as PATBQ, is also out, as it has finally been discovered that each Breed Association has it’s own system. • The beef stabilization program is also in for major changes. With the changes proposed, we expect that opportunities for Salers will increase as the new program will benefit those producers with higher performance and quality beef calves. There are bulls on test again this year in Quebec, with the test at St-Martin going well and nearing the end of the feeding period. There are 14 bulls on test with the 2 top bulls gaining almost 4 lbs per day. The sale will be at 1:00 pm, Sunday February 20th, 2011 with more information available by contacting Jerry McGee at 819-826-2918. Calving has started with great weather so far – not too cold and not much snow. We would like to welcome Kacie Mason as our new Secretary/Treasurer. It is great to have the junior members growing up and now taking on different posts in the provincial group. Also, thank you to Christine McGee for all her time and hard work as QC Association Secretary/Treasurer for the past years. We really appreciate everything she has done for us during that time. Best wishes to Christine in her new endeavours on the dairy farm. The Quebec Salers Association will be holding their annual General Meeting on February 13th, 2011 at Hotel Le Dauphin in Drummondville from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. There will be a guest speaker to inform us about any new provincial programs coming in the future. Come and enjoy the day with us. Happy New Year to all! Jerry McGee, President 819-826-2918 Page 15
Around the Rings Expo Boeuf 2010 Results October 7 - 10, 2010 Victoriaville QC Expo Boeuf was held in Victoriaville QC on October 7 - 10, 2010 with the Salers Show taking place Saturday, Oct 9th at 8:00 a.m. Breeders participating were Douglas & Marion Beard; Mark Mason; Michael Morin; Dale & James Butler; TCJ Salers; Brian Walker, Windbec Salers and QC Junior Members: Kacie Mason & Jacob Morin. Many thanks to all exhibitors for a great show. Bull Calf Champion: Millstream PAB Xman owned by Brian Walker
Grand Champion Bull, JBB Mr. Wally
Res Bull Calf Champion: Windbec Mr Xtreme owned by Windbec Salers Junior Champion Bull: JBB Mr. Wally owned by James Butler Grand Champion Bull: JBB Mr. Wally owned by James Butler Res Gr Champion Bull: Millstream PAB Xman owned by Brian Walker Heifer Calf Champion: Pine Grove X-Uberance owned by Michael Morin
Res Gr Champion Bull, OBR Pld Whimsical, Millstream PAB Xman
Res Heifer Calf Champion: Winddancer Miss Xenia owned by Mark Mason Junior Champion Female: OBR Pld Whimsical owned by Jacob Morin Res Junior Female: GIT Wishful 11W owned by Douglas & Marion Beard Senior Champion Female: Pine Grove Vanity Fair owned by Michael Morin Res Senior Female: TCJ Miss Primetime owned by TCJ Salers Grand Champion Female, Pine Grove Vanity Fair
Grand Champion Female: Pine Grove Vanity Fair owned by Michael Morin Res Gr Champion Female: OBR Pld Whimsical owned by Jacob Morin Breeder’s Herd: Mark Mason Premier Breeder Banner won by: Winddancer Farms (Mark Mason) Premier Exhibitor Banner won by: Winddancer Farms (Mark Mason) All banners were donated by the Quebec Salers Association. Page 16
Res Gr Champion Female, OBR Pld Whimsical
Salers Magazine
Around the Rings Salers Show September 25 & 26, 2010 NB Beef Expo, Sussex NB CLASS 1 - Bull Calf 1. CPM Xtreme 12, owner Chris & Pat McQuaid 2. Millstream Pab X Man 15X, owner Brian Walker Grand Champion Male: – CPM Xtreme 12X, owner Chris & Pat McQuaid Reserve Grand Champion Male: – Millstream Pab X Man 15X, owner Brian Walker CLASS 4 - Heifer Calf 1. CPM Xtra Special 242X, owner Chris & Pat McQuaid 2. Winddancer Miss Xenia 1X, owner Mark & Kacie Mason CLASS 5 - Yearling Heifer 1. GIT Wishful 11W, owner Douglas Beard 2. Winddancer Miss Winona 3W, owner Mark & Kacie Mason Junior Champion Female: GIT Wishful 11W, owner Douglas Beard
Reserve Junior Champion Female: CPM Xtra Special 242X, owner Chris & Pat McQuaid CLASS 7 - Mature Cow 1. TCJ Miss Merlot 2M, owner Gerald McGee Calf: Windbec Mr. Xtreme 3X Senior Champion Female: TCJ Miss Merlot 2M & Windbec Mr. Xtreme 3X, owner Gerald McGee Grand Champion Female: GIT Wishful 11W, owner Douglas Beard
Reserve Grand Champion Female: CPM Xtra Special 242X owner Chris & Pat McQuaid Premier Exhibitor: Brian Walker
– Premier Breeder: Brian Walker
(goes back to MBF Gold Bar – FB) Red & polled with tremendous thickness & depth
(son of SC Legacy) Light birthweight, 2nd highest gains over all breeds at Bull Test Centre
(MAC Matador & GMS Excellence) Thick-butted, deep-bodied, exceptionally easy-keeper, very good disposition, & built like a tank but with an acceptable birthweight of 88 lbs
Salers Magazine
Featuring Red & Black Bulls Mostly Polled 15 Yearlings 10 Two year olds Birth, Weaning and Yearling weights will be available • Free Wintering to May 1, 2011 • Will Deliver • All bulls semen tested and guaranteed Catalogues available on request
Page 17
Mise à jour sur la recherche
Mise à jour du Centre de recherche sur la viande bovine (U.S. MARC) Par Jim Doubet Plusieurs changements significatifs ont été apportés aux facteurs d’ajustement des ÉPD calculés par le Centre de recherche sur la viande bovine (U.S. MARC). Les modifications les plus importantes sont dues à l’ajout de plusieurs descendants testés dans le cadre du programme d’évaluation du matériel génétique de souche aux États-Unis (USMARC GPE). Depuis l’automne 2007, on y retrouve donc des descendants de seize des dix-huit races incluses dans ce schéma de production d’ÉPD inter-races. Il y a environ 50 descendants nés par année qui sont ajoutés à la base de données afin d’accroître la précision de la prédiction des différences entre les races. Les seize races impliquées sont celles qui possèdent à la fois une évaluation génétique nationale, laquelle permet de calculer des Écarts Prévus chez la Descendance (ÉPD), et elles représentent également les associations avec le plus grand nombre d’enregistrements aux États-Unis. On constate que les races Santa Gertrudis et Chiangus enregistrent la plus forte augmentation du nombre de descendants au Centre USMARC, avec une hausse de 30% des données de poids à la naissance et au sevrage, tandis que la race Salers présente une augmentation de 20% du nombre de descendants avec un poids à la naissance et au sevrage. En conséquence, on peut anticiper que chacune de ces mêmes races présentera d’importants changements comparés à l’an dernier pour leurs estimés générés par le USMARC par race de taureau pour le poids au sevrage et à un an. On peut observer des changements substantiels au niveau des différences de poids à un an entre les races de taureau, car ces poids ont été considérés pour la première fois dans les nouveaux groupes de testage, parmi lesquels certaines races n’avaient jamais été comparées directement au cours des vingt dernières années aux descendances produites par les taureaux des races Hereford et Angus. Mentionnons que les races Hereford et Angus sont considérées en tant que races de référence, car elles possèdent le plus grand nombre de descendants dans la base de données. En plus de cet ajout de plusieurs descendants ayant pour effet de modifier les facteurs d’ajustements inter-races, on constate également que des changements ont été effectués aux diverses évaluations génétiques nationales. Pour la dernière évaluation bovine nationale de la race Salers, des changements ont été apportés à la base génétique de la race, contribuant ainsi à l’obtention de facteurs d’ajustement différents de ceux de l’année précédente. Toutefois, leurs différences exprimées Page 18
par race de taureau sont demeurées relativement constantes à celles de la dernière année. CARACTÈRES DE PRODUCTION Cette année, on constate que des données additionnelles ont été incluses dans les calculs des facteurs d’ajustement du projet USMARC GPE pour les caractères suivants: le poids à la naissance, le poids au sevrage et le poids à un an. Comparativement à l’analyse de l’année dernière, la plupart des effets liés à la race sont demeurés les mêmes pour le poids à la naissance. Un résultat semblable est observé pour le poids au sevrage. On retrouve seize des dix-sept races comparées à l’intérieur d’une valeur de 10 lb de celle calculée l’an dernier. Des données de poids à un an ont été ajoutées pour la première fois pour les races Santa Gertrudis et Chiangus. Parmi les quinze races restantes, treize de celles-ci sont demeurées à l’intérieur d’une valeur de 5,5 lb de la mise à jour précédente. Les races Braunvieh et Salers ont connu plus de changements que cette valeur, en raison d’une augmentation du nombre de données de poids à un an chez les descendants de ces races inclus dans le projet USMARC GPE. La race Braunvieh enregistre une hausse de +22,4 lb tandis que la race Salers affiche une diminution de -10,8 lb. La plupart des autres races étaient plus légères que la race Angus, sauf les races Charolais et Simmental, indiquant bien la tendance observée pour le poids à maturité pour ces deux mêmes races. CARACTÈRES LIÉS À LA CARCASSE Fait important à signaler, les données démontrent que la race Salers est toujours celle qui possède le plus haut degré de persillage. Si on classe les races en ordre décroissant de valeur du degré de persillage, il est intéressant de constater que les groupes de races Angus (5,62), South Devon (5,54),Angus Rouge (5,27), Salers (5,17) et Shorthorn (5,15) sont celles qui présentent les meilleurs degrés moyens de persillage au-dessus de 5,0 (5,0 = Léger 00 ou le degré minimum requis pour l’obtention de la classe de qualité de carcasse « US CHOICE »). Sauf pour la race Salers, la plupart des races continentales avaient un demi à un degré de persillage inférieur à celui de la race Angus. Tel qu’anticipé, les races continentales avaient une surface de l’oeil-de-longe supérieure à celle des races britanniques, et ces résultats sont semblables à ceux obtenus par le passé. Quant au degré de gras de couverture, les descendants des races continentales étaient plus maigres de 0,1 à
0,2 pouce comparativement aux races britanniques. Toutes les races étaient plus maigres que la race Angus, avec les races Charolais, Salers et Simmental qui demeurent les plus maigres parmi les douze races analysées sur leurs caractères liés aux carcasses (remarque : la race Limousin ne calcule pas d’ÉPD du gras de couverture dans leur analyse). FACTEURS D’AJUSTEMENT DES ÉPD INTER-RACES Alors, que pouvons-nous apprendre à partir de toute cette information sur les races disponibles dans le projet USMARC GPE ? L’un des plus importants résultats est en lien avec l’industrie bovine commerciale et a trait à la meilleure manière pour les producteurs d’utiliser les informations sur les ÉPD dans leur prise de décision et leurs programmes de croisement de races. Les facteurs d’ajustement peuvent être utilisés afin de comparer le mérite génétique de taureaux spécifiques de ces diverses races, si on désire déterminer leur valeur respective à l’intérieur d’un programme de croisement. Prenons l’exemple d’un producteur qui recherche des taureaux pour ces taures. Supposons qu’il considère un taureau Salers avec un ÉPD de +1,0 du poids à la naissance, comparé à un taureau Limousin avec un ÉPD de +1,0 du poids à la naissance, et qu’il veut l’utiliser chez ses génisses afin d’ajouter un peu de vigueur hybride dans son troupeau. Si on se réfère au Tableau 1 du rapport de l’étude USMARC disponible en anglais sur le site : et qu’on additionne les facteurs d’ajustement de +2,6 pour le taureau de race Salers et de +4,2 pour le taureau de race Limousin, cela nous permettra d’obtenir les ÉPD ajustés pour le poids à la naissance. Ainsi, comparativement à la moyenne de base de la race Angus, on obtient un ÉPD de +3,6 (1,0 +2,6) pour le taureau Salers et un ÉPD de +5,2 (1,0 + 4,2) pour le taureau Limousin. Maintenant, nous pouvons prendre une meilleure décision quant au taureau à utiliser. Le même calcul peut être effectué pour n’importe lequel des caractères mentionnés dans le tableau 1-. L’information incluse dans cet article est adaptée du rapport du projet USMARC présenté lors du Congrès 2010 du “Beef Improvement Federation ». Le rapport complet peut être consulté sur le site internet de l’ASA au :
Salers Magazine
2011 Trait Leaders TRAIT BW MILK SS WW YW
SAC REGN# 56703 53847 A3393 53271 53271
DAM NAME RL Miss Voss Tanya 19T Mader Polled Silverado 73R BEV Emma 262E SLS Pld Paris 448P SLS Pld Paris 448P
EPD VALUE -2.6 +38 +1.2 +69 +112
SAC REGN# 56504 287 50466 48999 58452
SIRES”A” – NAME SLS Pld Spaniard 412S Banner BEV Masterpiece 110H SLS Pld CJ Marshall 1M SLS Pld Union Jack 412U
EPD VALUE -1.9 +35 +1.4 +72 +129
SAC REGN# 59044 58454 58395 57167 57167
SIRES”B” – NAME GGT P Apache 155U SLS Pld Umar 415U SLS Pld Rio Uberto 90U SLS Pld T-Rex 311T SLS Pld T-Rex 311T
EPD VALUE -1.0 +28 +0.4 +54 +94
BW 2.2 3.1 2.5 1.8 2.2 2.5
WW 29.7 37.9 40.3 28.2 30.5 35.7
YW 56.2 71.8 76.6 54.2 58.1 66.1
MILK 20.9 21.5 22.0 19.4 20.2 20.6
MV 35.8 40.5 42.1 33.5 35.5 38.5
SS 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.2
GLOSSARY: Sires A – bulls with EPD accuracy of at least 0.50 Sires B – bulls with fewer progeny reported, therefore lower accuracy rating BW – birth weight WW – weaning weight YW – yearling weight MILK – Sires – milking ability of daughters MV – milk + weaning weight = genetic merit to produce a weaned calf SS – scrotal size or circumference All EPDs, trait leaders and averages are based on data submitted by SAC members and includes all information available to December 1/2010 on animals born in 2009 or earlier. 2009 is the most recent calf crop with Yearling weights & measurements available at the time of the National Evaluation. Canadian and American Salers EPDs are combined for the evaluation, each Association’s data is then separated for publication. Both databases have been adjusted to the AAA base for ease of comparison. Go to for more complete EPD information.
Salers Magazine
Page 19
Canadian Salers Cow Lapel Pins Now Available CELEBRATING THE MATERNAL SALERS benefits through a Canadian Salers cow lapel pin. These pins are available through the SAC office, members will receive FREE a small initial number for their use and anyone can purchase additional supplies at $2 each plus GST, S/H not included. WEAR one to initiate conversations & stimulate discussion of Salers attributes. HAND THEM OUT to your bull and female buyers, visitors to your farm/ranch or display. Small token of appreciation to get the message out,
“It’s need Salers”.
2011 Year Letter Is
V & S Effa
Box 217 Springside, SK S0A 3V0 (306) 782-5636
SUBSCRIBE TODAY to receive a one year subscription of
the official publication of the Salers Association of Canada. $17 per year in Canada $21 per year Foreign (Canadian Funds, GST included) Please make cheques payable to Salers Association of Canada NAME: ....................................................... ADDRESS: ................................................. TOWN/CITY: ................... PROV./STATE ............................ POSTAL CODE: .........................PHONE: ............................
Copy deadline for next issue: September 10, 2011 SALERS MAGAZINE P.O. Box 879, Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0 Phone: 403-337-5851 Fax: 403-337-3143 email: website:
Page 20
Salers Magazine
LIESEMER – Donna With profound sadness and relief, the family of Donalda Liesemer, of Carstairs, AB announce her passing on November 26, 2010 at Didsbury, AB at the age of 78 years. Donna was born and raised at Grande Prairie. At 19 years of age, she married and moved to Carstairs, to farm with her husband Ron. Together they shared 58 years of a good life; raising 4 children and getting to enjoy 9 grandchildren and an increasing number of great grandchildren. In the early 1970’s, Ron and Donna got involved with bringing some of the first Salers to Canada, along with John Moore, Donna’s brother. Through contract breeding, Ron and Donna helped local families such as the Dixons, Kimmels and Smiths get started in the Salers breed. This gave Donna and Ron a new, fun perspective of raising cattle, meeting new friends and providing travel to such places as the Denver Stock Show and Regina Agribition. Donna was the first president of the Canadian Salettes, at the same time that Ron was the initial leader of SAC. Daughter Ronda Mader’s husband Randy, managed E & P Salers for Phil and Norma Tetrault for many years, before Ronda and Randy started their own operation, in 1985, west of Carstairs. Donna witnessed for many decades the positive impact that the Salers breed had on her immediate family and community. Ron, Murray, Ronda and Randy, Karen and Gary greatly miss Donna, as do the rest of her extended family. They continue to be inspired and comforted by the courageous and dignified way Donna dealt with her long difficult battle with lung cancer. Salers Magazine
MORIN – Congratulations to Katelyn Morin of St. Felix de Kingsey QC for successfully completing her education at Eastern Townships Learning Center in June of 2010. Her family, Michael, Judy and Jacob Morin of PINE GROVE SALERS, is very proud of her! *** EFFA – Vern is doing well after his heart attack earlier this year; he and Sonya are pleased to announce the arrival of not only their first grandchild but the second as well. Grandson Grady Dawson Beres, was born June 7/2010 (7 lbs 4 oz and 19.75 inches) – courtesy of their eldest daughter and her husband. Grand-daughter Stevie Lane Effa, was born Sept. 9/2010 (6 lbs 10 oz and 20 inches) – to son Scott and his wife Jessie. Congratulations all! ******
lovingly remembered by all and missed so very much! Condolences to his family and many friends.
LIESEMER – Congratulations and best wishes to Jeremy & Jackie on the birth of their first child, Layne Garrett, born Sept. 9/2010. 6 lbs 10 oz and 19.5 inches. A new grandson for Kathy Adams. ***
ISF CONGRESS 2012 – Ireland
ELVESTAD – Rodney Dale passed away Nov. 5/2010 at the age of 63 years, after courageously enduring ill-health for a number of years. He was born in Sexsmith AB and grew up on the family farm near LaGlace AB. He enjoyed many sports, loved hockey and got the name “Elbows” while playing. His love of animals and his husbandry earned him much respect on his travels around the world and through his lifelong involvement with 4-H, as a member, leader and a judge. He became a Salers breeder, joined SAC in the early 1980’s and continued as a member until 1996. Many of his good cows formed the start of a herd for his nephew Randy Voss and Randy credits Rod for his love of the breed. Rod’s generous loving nature and distinctive laugh will be
The next International Salers Federation (ISF) Congress will take place in Ireland in the second week of August 2012. Exact dates will be confirmed in early 2011. This will include a week of farm visits in both the north and south of Ireland, finishing up with the Ireland National Show in Tullamore, County Offaly. Information provided by David Kirrane .
Page 21
Fred Mertz
F. Fred Mertz, CGA
Professional Corporation
Telephone: (403) 277-2605 Fax: 403) 230-0955 Toll free: 1-877-AGRI-TAX (247-4829) email: Suite 101, 4603 Varsity Drive NWCalgary, Alberta T3A 2V7
RBC Royal Bank
Southland Tower 10655 Southport Rd. SW, Suite 1100 Calgary, AB T2W 4Y1 Main: 403.301.4859 Fax: 888.301.4026 Toll Free: 888.331.4859
Joan Myers, CIM,FCSI Senior Vice President, Investment Advisor Direct Line: 403.301.4962 E-mail: Jeremy Dahms Investment Advisor Direct Line: 403.301.4897 E-mail:
J.G.(John) Arnold, P. Ag Vice President Commercial Financial Services Alberta South West Tel: 403-382-3832 Royal Bank of Canada Fax: 403-320-9122 614 4 Avenue South Cell: 403-393-8832 Lethbridge, AB T1J 0N7
Russell & Carol Eigner
Lloyd’s Correspondent Marjorie Blacklock R.R. #4, Box 277, Site 412 Saskatoon, Sk S7K 3J7 Ph: 306/931-0088 Fax: 306/931-8782 Your Livestock Insurance Specialist Page 22
Salers Magazine
Calendar of Events Feb, 18, 2011
Mader Ranches Bull Power & Female Sale Olds, AB
Feb. 19, 2011
St. Martin Bull Test Sale, in the Beauce QC
March 17, 2011 New Trend Bull Sale, Olds, AB March 19, 2011 Best of Beef Bull Sale, Beaverlodge, AB March 29, 2011 Cow Booster Bull Sale, Lethbridge, AB April 2 , 2011
Manitoba Bull Test Sale, Douglas MB
April 2, 2011
Maritimes Bull Test Sale, Nappan NB
April 16, 2011
Lundar Purebred Beef Show & Sale Ad Index
AGW Salers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Best Valley Salers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Care Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Cleopatra Salers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Co-Alta Salers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Salers Association of Canada ADVERTISING RATES Salers Magazine NO INCREASE IN PRICE FOR 2011!!! Salers Magazine is the official Salers breed publication in Canada. Salers Magazine accesses our mailing list of over 3200 Salers breeders, commercial cattle producers, industry contacts and interested parties across Canada, the US and internationally. Salers Magazine is published twice per year and is distributed widely in addition to each mailing. The magazine is included in information packages, handed out at promotional booths at major Fairs and Expositions, is available at select Bull Test Stations, auction markets, at our AGM and during the Salers National Shows and Sales. Magazines are also taken to international trade events for distribution.
Elderberry Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Grundke Family Salers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Harbrad Salers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Igenity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OBC Mader Ranches Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFC New Trend Salers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Quebec Salers Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Salers Sun Fun Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Sandy Lake Salers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Sereda Stock Farms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Sky West Salers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
In short, Salers Magazine is excellent value for your advertising $$$. AD RATES: Cover positions Full page full color 1/2 page full color 1/4 page full color Business card (runs in both calendar year issues) Full page black & white 1/2 page black & white 1/4 page black & white
$700 525 400 300 220 425 320 240
Rates quoted do not include GST.
Spring Coulee Salers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Contact Kathy @ Salers Association (403) 337-5851.
Stockmens Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
For ad layout and/or creative assistance contact Rhonda Bollum @ (403) 948-4768
Sweetland Super Six Salers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IBC Tall Tree Salers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Voss Family Salers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Windrush Hill Salers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Salers Magazine
Deadlines: Ad booking by January 1st and September 1st. Ad copy received by January 10th and September 10th. Late charges will apply. Page 23
Ted & Mina Serhienko Chris Polley #4 - 3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, S7K 7G9 Ph: (306) 933-4200 Chris cell: (306) 220-5006
Gerry Isley Calgary, AB Gerry, Taylor, Riley, Cody Isley (403) 888-2577 / 403-936-5393 Wayne and Shelly Sereda Big Valley, AB (403) 876-2241 Peter & Tina Watkins Calgary, AB (403) 650-8362
Watch for our exhibits and consignments at: Manitoba Bull Congress/Ag Days, Jan 2011 Manitoba Bull Test Station (bulls & heifers) Lundar PB Beef Show & Sale (bulls & heifers) April 16
Selection of prime bulls and heifers at the farm. We have an outstanding group of young females: Our 2010 born heifers (58) averaged BW 82/ 205 day WW 624 EPD for this group +2.8 +49 +85 +23 Breed average EPD +2.4 +39 +70 +21 We have bulls suitable for breeding heifers, for example: 551W Red/Polled BW 87 WW 656/ EPD +0.8 +51 +83 +24 719X Red/Polled BW 71 WW 662/ EPD -1.4 +46 +75 +25 804X Red/Polled BW 75 WW 753/ EPD +1.2 +39 +73 +22 753X Red/Polled BW 86 WW 761/ EPD +1.1 +62 +99 +24 860X Blk/Polled BW 82 WW 728/ EPD +2.9 +62 +99 +24 And high performance bulls to challenge cows, for example: 14X Red/Polled BW 109 WW 745/ EPD +6.4 +62 +111 +26 37X Red/Polled BW 108 WW 784/ EPD +5.9 +50 +94 +24 415X Blk/Polled BW 96 WW 694/ EPD +6.3 +49 +94 +27
Horned/Polled, Genetic Abnormalities, and more.
Carcass Composition t Quality Grade t Yield Grade t Ribeye Area t Fat Thickness t Marbling t Tenderness
Coat Colour Multi-Sire Parentage BVD Virus Horned/Polled
Genetic Abnormalities & Conditions t Alpha-mannosidosis (MA), t Arthrogryposis Multiplex (AM) t Congenital Contractural Arachnodactyly (CA) t Chondrodysplasia (CHO) t Coat Colour Dilutor (DL) t Dun (DN) t Idiopathic Epilepsy (IE) t Myostatin (M) t Neuropathic Hydrocephalus (NH) t Osteopetrosis (OS) t Pulmonary Hypoplasia with Anasarca (PHA) t Tibial Hemimelia (TH)
Maternal & Reproduction Traits t Heifer Pregnancy Rate t Maternal Calving Ease t Stayability
Docility Average Daily Gain Replacement Heifer Selection Profile
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