Grandes Marques, Maastricht 2020

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Grandes Marques Friday 17th January 2020 Saturday 18th January 2020 An Important Auction of Fine Historic Automobiles



16 / 17 / 18 / 19 jaNuarY 2020

Grandes Marques mecc maasTrichT fOrum 100, 6229 gV maasTrichT, neTherlands

Friday 17th January 2020 Auction At 2:00PM Saturday 18th January 2020 Auction At 2:00PM On View: Thursday 16Th January frOm 12.00pm TO 8.00pm friday 17Th January frOm 10.00am TO sTarT Of sale saTurday 18Th January frOm 9.00am TO sTarT Of sale sunday 19Th January : On View during shOw Opening hOurs admissiOn by caTalOgue Only (admiTs TwO) Please note: This catalogue does not allow free access to the Interclassics show.

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16 / 17 / 18 / 19 jaNuarY 2020

CONDITIONS OF BUSINESS DEFINITIONS 1. In these Conditions : 1.1. “Auctioneer” means the representative of Coys conducting the Auction 1.2. “Buyer” means the person to whom a Lot is knocked down by the Auctioneer 1.3. ”Buyer’s Premium” shall have the definition given in Condition 10.2 1.4. “Catalogue” includes any advertisement, brochure, estimate, price list and other publication 1.5. “Coys” means Coys of Kensington Automobiles Ltd. 1.6. “Expenses” in relation to the sale of any Lot means any of Coys’ charges and expenses for insurance, storage, illustrations, cataloguing costs, special advertising, packing and freight of that Lot and any VAT thereon 1.7. “Hammer Price” means the price in pounds sterling (or the currency in which the sale is conducted) at which a Lot is knocked down by the Auctioneer to the Buyer 1.8. “Motor Vehicle” means any item included or proposed to be included in a sale of motor vehicles 1.9 ”Net Sale Proceeds” means the net amount due to the Seller being the Hammer Price less the Seller’s Commission, any VAT thereon, Expenses and any other amount due to Coys from the Seller 1.10 “Purchase Price” means the Hammer Price together with VAT thereon, the Buyer’s Premium and any additional charges or Expenses due from any Buyer 1.11 “Reserve” means the minimum Hammer Price agreed between Coys and the Seller at which a Lot may be sold 1.12 ”Seller” means the person who offers the Lot for sale 1.13 ”Seller’s Commission” shall have the definition given in Condition 10.1 1.14 ”The Auction” means the auction sale in respect of which a Lot is consigned for sale 1.15. “The Lot” means any item(s) consigned with the view to its or their sale at auction 1.16. “VAT” means Value Added Tax applicable at the prevailing rate from time to time 2. GOVERNING LAW All transactions to which the conditions apply shall be governed by English Law, and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts and irrevocably agree to waive any right to assert that proceedings ought not to be brought in England and Wales on grounds of forum non conveniens.

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8. VEHICLE REGISTRATION NUMBERS 8.1. If the Seller wishes to sell any Motor Vehicle but to retain the right to the registration number of the Vehicle (“VRN”) , it is the Seller’s responsibility to notify Coys in writing either on the Auction Entry Form or sooner. 8.2. It shall be the Seller’s responsibility to take all necessary steps to ensure that the current VRN is reserved and that a new number is allocated prior to the Motor Vehicle being sold at the Auction and if he does not do so, Coys shall not be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever and howsoever arising (including for the avoidance of doubt arising out of Coys’ negligence) out of the Seller’s loss of the right to the VRN following the sale of the Vehicle. 8.3. Coys may, at its own discretion, (without any assumption of responsibility or duty towards the Seller or the Buyer) take such steps to facilitate the reservation or transfer of any particular registration number as it thinks fit in order to assist the Seller or Buyer but strictly on condition that no claim attaches to Coys for taking any such steps whether arising out of Coys’

10. COMMISSION AND EXPENSES 10.1. The parties hereby acknowledge that Coys shall be entitled to deduct from the Hammer Price a Seller’s Commission of 10% plus VAT (or, in the case of automobilia, 15% plus VAT) or such other sum agreed by Coys in writing, plus any Expenses, and any other sums due from the Seller to Coys. 10.2. The Buyer shall pay (and the Seller acknowledges Coys’ entitlement to) a Buyer’s Premium equal to 15% of the Hammer Price, plus VAT.

9. RESERVES 9.1. The Seller may place a reserve price (“Reserve”) on any Lot prior to the Auction and once placed by the Seller, it may not be changed without the written consent of Coys. All Lots will be sold without Reserve unless a Reserve has been agreed by Coys in writing. 9.2. Where a Reserve has been agreed, only Coys may bid on behalf of the Seller. If the Seller makes such bid, then the Auctioneer may knock the Lot down to the Seller without observing any Reserve and the Seller shall pay to Coys the Buyer’s Premium in addition to the Seller’s Commission and Expenses. 9.3. Where a Reserve is agreed, Coys may in its sole discretion sell a Lot for less than the Reserve but shall account to the Seller as if the Lot had been sold for the Reserve. 9.4. Where no Reserve has been placed, the Seller may bid either personally or through the agency of any person. 9.5. If no Reserve has been placed on a Lot, Coys shall not be held liable should the Lot be purchased for a price below any lowest estimated selling price of the Lot given in any Catalogue, save insofar as and limited to the extent that the same arises out of the actual fault or negligence of Coys.

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18.5. The ownership of the Lot will pass to the Buyer only when the Purchase Price in cleared funds has been received by Coys. 18.6. Immediately a Lot is sold the risk shall pass to the Buyer notwithstanding that possession will not be given and ownership will not pass to the Buyer before payment of the Purchase Price in full and Coys will not be responsible for any damage to or the loss or destruction of the Lot or any injury, loss or damage caused by the Lot unless caused by the negligence of or other breach of duty by Coys, its employees or agents in the ordinary course of their duties to Coys. The Buyer will compensate Coys in full in respect of all claims and proceedings brought against Coys in respect of any loss or damage to the Lot or injury, loss or damage caused by it not arising from the negligence of or other breach of duty by Coys, its employees or agents in the ordinary course of their duties to Coys. 19. VALUE ADDED TAX VAT payable by the Buyer on the Hammer Price may be refundable by Customs and Excise on proof of export, but Coys makes no warranties in this regard. 20. PAYMENT OF SALE PROCEEDS 20.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing by both Coys and the Seller, the Buyer shall pay Coys forthwith and in any event no later than 35 days from the Auction the Purchase Price. 20.2. Coys shall pay the Net Sale Proceeds to the Seller not later than 35 days after the Auction, or within five working days after receiving cleared funds from the Buyer, whichever shall be the later. Coys shall be under no liability as a result of or arising out of any delay or failure by the Buyer in making payment. 20.3 Unless an alternative method of payment has been agreed by Coys in writing, payment of the Net Sale Proceeds shall be made by sending to the Seller a cheque drawn on Coys’ client account by first class post at the Seller’s risk. 20.4. Coys may in its discretion withhold remittance of the Net Sale Proceeds to the Seller until such time as the Seller has deposited with Coys the V5 registration document in the case of a UK registered vehicle or, in the case of an unregistered, or non-UK registered vehicle, the appropriate documents of title (ownership) relevant and appropriate to the country of registration of the vehicle, and any other documentation relating

to the vehicle in the Seller’s possession or control which he agreed with Coys to supply. 21. BUYER’S DEFAULT 21.1 In the event that the Purchase Price is not duly paid in accordance with Condition 20.1, Coys may hold the Buyer in default and shall as against the Buyer (a “Defaulting Buyer”) have the following rights, in addition to those set out in Condition 21.4 below: (a) As agent for the Seller, to charge interest at a rate not exceeding 5% per annum above the Bank of England base rate on so much of the Purchase Price as remains due and unpaid; (b) To retain any Lot sold to the same Buyer at the same or any other Auction and to release it only after payment of the total amount due; (c) To reject or disregard any bid or bids made by or on behalf of the Defaulting Buyer at any future auction or to require payment of a deposit before any future bid made by or on behalf of that Buyer; (d) To apply any money due or to become due to the Defaulting Buyer in or towards settlement of the total amount due and to exercise a charge on any property of the Defaulting Buyer which is in Coys’ possession for any purpose. 21.2. If the Buyer continues to fail to make payment of the Purchase Price in full within 14 days of it falling due under Condition 20.1, Coys may (if so instructed by the Seller, or acting of its own motion in accordance with Condition 21.4 below) without prejudice to any other rights it may have, exercise one or more of the following additional remedies: (a) To institute proceedings against the Buyer in its own name, or in the name of the Seller for damages or specific performance for breach of the sale contract; (b) To institute proceedings against the Buyer in its own name in respect of the Buyer’s Premium and any other sums that the Buyer shall be liable to pay Coys; (b) To cancel the sale of that or any other Lot sold to the Defaulting Buyer at the same or any other auction notwithstanding the total amount due in respect of such other Lot shall have been paid; (c) To re-sell the Lot or cause it to be resold by public auction or private sale. 21.3. If the Buyer fails or refuses to pay the Purchase Price in full within 35 days of the Auction, Coys will notify the Seller who may instruct Coys as to the appropriate course of action, including (where permitted under

Clause 21.2) but not limited to one or more of the courses of action set out in Condition 21.4 below. Such notice will draw attention to the 14 day limit for the provision of instructions as set out in Condition 21.4 below. Coys shall if instructed take reasonable steps to assist the Seller but Coys shall be under no obligation to institute proceedings in its own name or personally incur any cost or expense. 21.4. In the absence of any written instructions from the Seller to Coys within 14 days of Coys’ notice to the Seller served in accordance with Condition 21.3 above then Coys shall in its sole discretion be entitled to do any of the following in its capacity as the Seller’s agent and with the Seller’s full authority:(a) To agree terms for the payment of the Purchase Price with the Buyer; (b) To remove, store and insure the Lot at the expense of the Buyer; (c) To settle claims and/or proceedings made by or against the Buyer on such terms as Coys shall at its absolute discretion think fit; (d) To take such steps as Coys shall at its absolute discretion consider necessary to collect the monies due from the Buyer; (e) Where appropriate to rescind and/or terminate the sale and in its sole discretion: (i) Return the Lot to the Seller, and distribute any monies received to the Buyer in accordance with Conditions 21.5 and/or 21.6; (ii) Offer the Lot for resale, by Auction or private treaty, with or without Reserve; (iii) Purchase the Lot itself at the Hammer Price or such other price as may be agreed with the Seller, in which case property in the Lot shall pass to Coys and Coys shall remit the Hammer Price to the Seller within fourteen days of its election less any sums payable pursuant to Condition 21.5 below; (f) To appoint a solicitor and/or other agent to pursue any of the courses of action referred to in sub-paragraphs (a) to (e) above and the Seller authorises Coys to take any of the courses referred to in this Condition 21.4, including the issue and prosecution of proceedings on the Seller’s behalf and in the Seller’s name. 21.5. In the event that the sale contract for the Lot is rescinded because of the Buyer’s default aforesaid, whether as a result of the Seller’s instruction or Coys’ action taken under Condition 21.4, the Seller shall nonetheless (and without prejudice to any

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Friday 17th January 2020 Auction At 2:00PM

Lot 101

Opel Manta GSI Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €16,000 - €20,000

The Manta A Series was released in September 1970, two months ahead of the new Opel Ascona on which it was based. A competitor to the Ford Capri, it was a two door ‘three-box’ coupé, and featured distinctive round tail lights, quite similar to those on the Opel GT and which, in fact, were used on the GT in 1973, its final model year. It took its name, and a few minor styling cues, from the Manta Ray concept car, which also famously influenced the 1968 Chevrolet Corvette C3. The Manta was normally equipped with 1.6 or 1.9 litre CIH engine, although in Europe a small, 1.2 litre, motor was also offered. It came with either a 4-speed manual or an optional 3-speed TH-180 automatic. Known to be one of the best handling cars in its class and went on to win a large number of rallies in Europe and the United States. The example shown here is a later C series GSi model, in a white colour scheme with yellow stripes and grey velour interior. This Manta is very original and would benefit from minor cosmetic improvements.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 102

2003 Audi RS6 Avant Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €19,000 - €21,000

The RS6’s sheer power gives it a very special feel but there’s no need for heroics at the wheel to make absurdly rapid progress. Tail out thuggishness and uncouth wheelspin has been massaged from the Audi’s dynamic makeup, the electronic control systems ensuring that the car is always comporting itself with utter decorum. Comparisons with BMW’s M5 rather miss the point in this respect, as the RS6 is more akin to a juiced up Jaguar S-TYPE R than the more focused 5 Series. That’s not to say it lacks a wicked side to its personality. The engine is a gem, the 40-valve Audi 4.2-litre V8 putting in sterling service, in this instance with a pair of light pressure turbocharger thrown into the mix. The low inertia blowers give a wide spread of torque and the correspondingly punchy 9.3:1 compression ratio means the engine never has that typically ‘baggy’ throttle response that many powerful turbocharged cars have when you catch them with their trousers down, off-boost and off-colour. Beautifully finished and classically understated, the Audi RS6 is effortlessly desirable. If you’ve got the means, this is the car for those who don’t do airline food. Obscene power has rarely been packaged so discreetly. This superb 2003 year Audi RS6 Avant is presented in fine order throughout, with a recent service and associated works which totalled over €12,000. Offered with the original book pack and wallet, the Audi is Dutch-registered and ready to transport the whole family at speed and in supreme comfort.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 103

1992 BMW Alpina B6 Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: â‚Ź14,000 - â‚Ź18,000

In March 1991, the limited edition Alpina tuned BMW E36 was unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show. This variant was based on the 325i and features a 2.8 litre engine and new camshafts, Mahle pistons and an improved exhaust system. To A 5-speed ZF manual gearbox was standard, although a 5-speed automatic was available. In addition to this, Bilstein gas-pressure spring units feature at the front with Bilstein gas-pressure shocks at the rear. This allows the B6 to handle like a performance car but with a ride only slightly stiffer than a conventional E36.

the extra heat.

Unusually, the B6 2.8 proved quicker than claimed when tested by Auto Motor Und Sport, achieving 0-100 km/h in 6.4 seconds, 0.5 seconds less than claimed. Top speed was set to 253 km/h. Larger uprated brakes on the front wheels bring the car to a stop quickly, with ventilated discs to dissipate

In trademark Alpina fashion, blue and green details are emblazoned on the seats, with a matching steering wheel and a wooden gear lever. Exterior changes include a new front spoiler, rear spoiler and Alpina wheels. The example presented for sale today was first delivered from Alpina in Japan and comes with detailed service history and the original board folder. The car comes with a new TUV document and a recent service. This is number 27 of just 40 coupes built.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 104

1966 Lancia Flavia Coupe Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €18,000 – €22,000

The Lancia Flavia was produced from 1961 through 1975 with a total of 105,848 examples produced. The design was courtesy of Professor Fessia and initially offered only as a four door saloon. Mounted in the engine bay was an aluminum boxer engine that displaced 1.5-liters. Power was sent to the front wheels with Dunlop discs being placed on all four corners. The saloon was soon joined by a Pininfarina designed coupe sitting on a shortened wheelbase. Other coachbuilders were soon creating their own interpretation of the Flavia, including Vignale who produced a two door convertible, and Zagato created a two-door sports version constructed of lightweight design principles. The Vignale and Zagato versions would continued until Fiat took control of the company in the late 1960s and these two were discontinued. At which time, the coupe and saloon versions were given new bodywork. A 1.8-liter engine was introduced in 1963, featuring mechanical fuel injection using the Kugelfischer system and mated to a five-speed manual gearbox. The engine was replaced in 1967 by a 2.0-liter version available as either a carburetted version of fuel injection. A four- or five-speed manual gearbox were also offered. Coys are delighted to offer this well maintained example, meticulously looked after by its last enthusiast owner. This Lancia Flavia is equipped with the 1800cc four-cylinder boxer engine and a manual gearbox. The wooden steering wheel, wooden dashboard and the driving characteristics of the Flavia perfectly capture the zeitgeist of the 1960s. This lovely example surely warrants further inspection. Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 105

1973 Datsun 240Z Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €18,000 – €20,000

It soon became apparent during its creation, that the Datsun 240Z represented all the requirements of sports-minded drivers by fulfilling their desires for superb styling, power and safety whilst providing them with the most thrilling and enjoyable ride available in any car. Reporting 151bhp and 146 lb/ft of torque at just 4,400 rpm, Car & Driver said; ‘A brilliantly conceived car with twice as much thought having gone into it when compared to the Big Healey, MGC, Lotus Elan, Porsches and Corvettes’. Offering a 125mph top-speed and the 0-60mph dash in a shade under 8 seconds, the well-spaced 5-speed gear ratios made the most of the engine’s torque whilst retaining the ability to achieve in excess of 30 mpg, this was to put the ‘Z’ ahead of many of its contemporaries and on a par with Porsche 911’s of the time. Very impressive, by anyone’s standards. Although Datsun didn’t invent the Overhead-Cam Engine, Disc Brakes or all-round Independent suspension, the 240Z incorporated all of these systems into a brilliantly conceived car. It was no surprise therefore that, for many years the Datsun 240Z was heralded as the most successful sports-car of all time. This particular model was delivered new to its first owner in the United States and is a sought after specification of dark brown exterior with light tan leather interior. With good examples of these cult Japanese cars becoming increasingly harder to find, this represents a good opportunity to own this desirable classic in a rarely seen specification.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 106

1952 Volkswagen Beetle Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €25,000 - €30,000

The Volkswagen Beetle – officially the Volkswagen Type 1 – is a two-door, four passenger, rear-engined economy car manufactured and marketed by Volkswagen from 1938 until 2003, and is among the earlier rear-engined cars. The need for this kind of car, and its functional objectives, were formulated by the Third Reich of Germany, wishing for a cheap, simple car that could be mass-produced for the new road network of the country. Volkwagen contracted Porsche in 1934 to design and build it, although the design was not finalised by Ferdinand Porsche until 1938. The car was designed to be as simple as possible mechanically, so that there was not much to go wrong. With over 21 million manufactured, the Beetle is the longest-running and most-manufactured car of a single design platform – worldwide. During the 1950s, the car was modified progressively, with the obvious visual changes including the rear windows: in March 1953, the small oval two-piece rear window was replaced by a slightly larger single-piece window. This rare and desirable split-window model has been restored to a very high standard and is ready to be enjoyed by its next keeper. Finished in black with a beige cloth interior, this rare split window example is a beautifully presented inside and out.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 107

1968 Porsche 912 Targa Registration Number: EU Taxes Paid

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €55,000 - €60,000

Although widely acclaimed, the 911 was necessarily expensive, a shortcoming that Porsche addressed by offering the 912 which, though outwardly identical, was powered by the 356’s 1.6-liter four-cylinder engine. As installed in the 912 the latter produced 90bhp, some 40 horsepower less than the 911’s six, but this deficit was offset by significantly reduced weight, resulting in a well-balanced car with great road manners. The 911 gearbox was used, offering a choice of four or five speeds. Despite being down on power, the 912 had a respectable top speed of 119mph. A little over 30,000 examples were produced at Karmann’s works (Porsche’s was fully occupied with the 911) between 1965 and 1968 and today the 912 is a relative rarity when compared with its better-known sibling.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

This exceptionally rare Soft Window Targa has recently benefited from a program of refurbishment, including a repaint in Burgundy Red (code 6608), almost all new rubber seals, and a new black leather interior which is in very good order. The 912 is said to run and drive very nicely and we note the odometer reads 88,000 miles. The Soft Window version of the 912 is a rare variant and we are sure this example will be a rewarding car to own for the next custodian.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 108

1989 Mercedes-Benz 560SL Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €17,000 - €19,000

When Mercedes redesigned its famed SL in 1971, there was a lot of equity behind it – after all, when the incomparable 300SL Coupe and Roadster were built fewer than 20 years before, they set the world on fire. The next-generation 230/250/280SL in 1963 brought Mercedes’ sports car down to Earth, replacing both the incredible 300SL and four-cylinder 190SL. For the next SL, Mercedes started with the chassis of the midsize “W114/115” model and added the motors from the large “W116” S-Class. The result was a luxurious V8 Convertible that ended up being the longest passenger car series ever produced by Mercedes to date. Despite its age, the final iteration, the 560SL, remained a prized automotive status symbol and an iconic part of the brand’s lineup, until it was finally replaced by the all-new fourth-generation SL in 1990. This nice top of the range 560SL model is finished in the highly attractive combination of Diamond Blue with a Navy leather interior. This very attractive SL is also offered with its Mercedes wallet, all in all an extremely stylish modern classic car which can be used and enjoyed throughout the whole year.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 109

2004 Mercedes-Benz AMG G55 Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €50,000 - €55,000

The German word Gelandewagen translates as “cross country vehicle”. This abbreviates to G-Wagen and is a fitting name for the four-wheel drive luxury SUV manufactured by Magna Steyr in Austria and sold by Mercedes-Benz. The G-Wagen has enjoyed an impressive build run of over 40 years, during which time notable owners have included the Vatican who took delivery of a specially made G-Wagen which included a clear top and served as the Popemobile, a car that now has permanent residence in the Mercedes-Benz museum in Stuttgart. The powerful looks of this impressive G-Wagen certainly match the manufacturers stated 499bhp for this model. In addition to the luxurious and high level of standard equipment that this car was delivered with, an invoice present in the file shows a series of Brabus enhancements that cost over €41,000. These include the Widestar body conversion and fine leather interior trim which have created a car with striking looks. With its brilliant white bodywork, black wheels, black and orange quilted leather seats and suede roof lining, this G-Wagen will certainly turn heads. Offered to auction with a stamped service book, various bills and receipts, a V5C registration document and a fresh MoT test certificate, this superbly well-equipped G-Wagen is available at a fraction of its original cost. This beautifully presented 2004 model AMG G55 is finished in silver with a very well preserved black leather interior. Equiped with almost all factory options, this well maintained example is offered with all service books to support the 116,000 kilometers recorded. Supplied with Dutch registration papers, this is a fine example of Mercedes’ autobahn-bruising super SUV. Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 110

Opel Calibra 4 x 4 Turbo Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €22,000 - €26,000

The 1990s offered a selection of cult performance cars which captured the mood of the times including the BMW E36 M3, Volkswagen Corrado VR6 and the Ford Escort RS Cosworth to name a couple. Lesser known but similarly impressive, Opel’s 204hp turbocharged Calibra 4x4 turbo hit the production line in 1991. Boasting a low-lag C20LET engine and six speed Getrag F28/6 transmission, it offered buyers the everyday driving experience with spirited, weekend driving in mind. The Calibra Turbo had a four-cylinder engine boosting it to 204 hp, as well as 4 wheel-drive. The 4x4 version was optional on the first models but later became the default on the Turbo model, This example offered is a rare 4 x 4 Turbo model with just 18,000 kilometres from new, and is described by the vendor as being in very good condition throughout. Presented in a desirable black exterior with black interior, this low mileage classic is ready to enjoy immediately by its new owner.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 111

1965 Volkswagen Beetle - one owner from new Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €20,000 - €22,000

One of the 20th Century’s truly great automobiles, the Volkswagen ‘Beetle’ lived down its origin as Hitler’s ‘people’s car’, going on to become an all-time best-seller and cult classic. The Beetle was continuously updated from the time post-war production commenced, under British military supervision, in 1945, acquiring subtly altered coachwork, improved running gear and larger engines. Development proceeded slowly in the immediately post-war years. There were numerous detail improvements but the model range – standard and ‘export’ saloons plus the Karmann-built cabriolet – remained unchanged from 1949 to 1965. The first major change to the original design occurred in 1953 when a larger, 1,192cc engine was introduced on the ‘1200’ model. Export models were built to a higher specification, incorporating hydraulic brakes and synchromesh gears, but even as late as 1962 the standard saloon was being built with cable brakes and a non-synchromesh gearbox! By the time European production ceased in 1974 a staggering 21,000,000-plus Beetles of all types had been made. This incredible 1965 example of the classic VW Beetle is presented is almost as new condition. Offered from the first and only owner since new, the Beetle is supplied with much documentation over the years, including a German TuV. Fitted with original radio and a rare and desirable sliding metal sun-roof, this beautiful Beetle is a real delight.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 112

‘ample’ power.

2004 Mercedes S55 AMG - 38,000 kilometers from new Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €20,000 - €22,000

In July 1998, the new W220 was introduced. It was a completely restyled S-Class; the very pinnacle of luxury from Mercedes-Benz and sported a body that was slightly smaller and lighter than its predecessor. It bought a renewed focus on elegance and style in a more rounded shape compared to the preceding W140. Despite being smaller, the W220 S-Class offered more interior space than the W140. As expected, innovations included Airmatic air suspension and Active Ventilated Seats (which used miniature fans in the seats to move air through perforations). A navigation system with centre console-mounted screen display was introduced along with the COMAND input control system. Other options included keyless entry and ignition, a radar-controlled Distronic cruise control system and a cylinder shut-off system called Active Cylinder Control. The S55 AMG Kompressor was outfitted with a supercharged 5.4 litre, 493bhp, V8 engine and provides

This extremely well equipped 2004 AMG S55 has had just two owners from new and has covered a mere 38,000 since first registration. The full specification is available upon request, but needless to say this AMG has not only every option you could want, but also the sheer power and comfort to cross the continent with ease.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 113

1970 Jaguar XJ6 4.2 Registration Number: Dutch Registered

Chassis Number: 1L54433BW Estimate: €8,000 - €12,000

Launched to universal acclaim in 1968, the XJ6 refined concepts embodied by previous Jaguar saloons to create a car rivalling the best offered by Mercedes-Benz. The six-cylinder XK engine was available in either 2.8 or 4.2 litre capacities initially, the latter capable of propelling the luxuriously appointed XJ6 to a top speed of 120mph, while there was a choice of either four-speed manual (usually with overdrive) or three-speed automatic transmission. In 1975 the range was extended by the introduction of two-door XJ6C and XJ12C coupés, which were built on the shorter of the two available wheelbase lengths. The prohibitive expense of getting its two-door pillar-less bodyshell to meet United States safety regulations meant that the coupé version never went on sale in the USA; consequently the model is one of the rarest of the XJ family, being produced between 1975 and 1977 only, and is becoming increasingly sought after by Jaguar collectors. This series one automatic XJ6 was newly delivered in the US in 1970 and finished in “Sable brown’’ with the desirable “Cinnamon” leather interior. This particular model has benefitted from new Weber carburettors and retains the sought after original options including a Becker Curona radio and Britax safety belts. Imported from California to the Netherlands in 2018, this car is now listed on Dutch registration. Thanks to the favourable climate in California, this vehicle is in superb condition and surely warrants further attention.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 114

1975 BMW 3.0 S Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 3023075 Estimate: €12,000 - €14,000

The BMW 3.0 model is part of the BMW ‘New Six’ range of cars, a series of sport- ing luxury sedans, and part of BMW’s efforts to re-establish itself in this market after production of the BMW 503 ended in 1963. The BMW ‘3.0’ was released. in 1971 as a dual carburettor version, big bore 3.0S version, and also as a longer wheelbase model, the 3.0L. The BMW 3.0 series production run ended in 1977.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

This highly original example has come from a private collection in Sweden. Fin- ished in red metallic with a beige interior it is described to be in good condition throughout. A desirable sunroof model this delightful 3.0 S would be at home in a city as it would be driving on twisty mountain roads.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 115

1971 Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €14,000 - €18,000

The Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow was a luxury saloon car built from 1965 until 1980 and was the first Rolls-Royce to be constructed using a monocoque chassis and, to date, has the largest production volume of any Rolls-Royce. The original Shadow was 3½” narrower and shorter than the Silver Cloud which it replaced, but managed to offer increased passenger and luggage space thanks to more efficient packaging made possible by its construction. Aside from a more modern appearance and construction, the Silver Shadow introduced many new features such as disc brakes instead of drum brakes and independent rear suspension rather than the ageing live axle design of previous cars. The superb ride quality achieved in the Shadow was thanks to the innovative high-pressure hydraulic system with dual-circuit braking and hydraulic self-levelling suspension. The pre-1970 Shadow 1 featured a 172 bhp 6.2 Litre V8 coupled to the same 4-speed automatic gearbox as the Silver Cloud sourced from General Motors. The car’s most innovative feature was a high-pressure hydraulic system licensed from Citroen, with dual-circuit braking and hydraulic self-levelling suspension. At first, both the front and rear of the car were controlled by the levelling system; the front levelling was deleted in 1969 as it had been determined that the rear levelling did almost all the work. Rolls-Royce achieved a high degree of ride quality with this arrangement. This earlier 1971 Shadow was first delivered new to the United States, returning to Europe in the 1990s. Always well maintained, we understand the Rolls runs and drives well. The bodywork is clean, benefitting from an older repaint, and interior is very well preserved. The Shadow was once regarded as the best saloon car in the world, and now offers exceptional value in the current market. Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 116

1952 MG TD Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €15,000 - €20,000

The 1950 MG TD combined the TC’s drivetrain, a modified hypoid-geared rear axle, the MG Y-Type chassis, a familiar T-Type style body and independent suspension using coil springs from the MG Y-Type Saloon. Also new; the rack and pinion steering, smaller 15-inch disc type road wheels, a left hand drive option and standard equipment bumpers with over-riders. The car was five inches wider with a track of 50 inches. In 1950, the TD Mk. II was introduced alongside the standard car, featuring a more highly tuned engine with 8.0:1 compression ratio giving 57bhp at 5500rpm. It featured twin fuel pumps, revised dampers, and a higher rear-axle ratio. Nearly 30,000 MG TD’s have been produced, including some 1,700 Mk. II models.

When the series ended in 1953, all but 1,656 were exported with 23,488 of them to the United States. An example tested by ‘The Motor’ magazine in 1952 had a top speed of 77mph and could accelerate from 0-60 mph in 18.2 seconds.

This beautiful MG TD, finished in Ivory with a green leather interior, is presented in lovely condition. Enthusiast owned and offered with all EU taxes paid, this is a highly enjoyable car for summer driving fun!

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 117

1990 Range Rover 3 Door Classic Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €28,000 - €33,000

The Range Rover was greeted enthusiastically by both press and public on its arrival in 1970, offering comfortable cruising at 90mph and a greater off-road capability than most of its customers would ever need. The fact that the original lasted in production for an amazing 24 years before being replaced in 1994 only serves to illustrate the soundness of the original concept. Indeed, the ‘old’ Range Rover – evocatively renamed Range Rover Classic – did not disappear immediately but continued to be built for another year alongside the new version. This later and desirable 3 door version is fitted with the larger and more powerful 3.9 litre V8 motor and ZF4 automatic gearbox. Offered from a specialist with much experience in these classic 4x4s, this remarkably straight example has been serviced thoroughly and is ready to be enjoyed. Notably the Range has benefitted from new brake pads and discs, all new fluids, engine mount rubbers, steering rods, shocks absorbers all round and a new steel exhaust. Finished in a super cool combination of white with a beige interior, this is a great usable off-road classic which can be enjoyed all year round.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 118

1968 Lotus Elan S4 - FIA eligible Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €33,000 - €38,000

The original Elan 1500 was introduced in 1962 as a roadster. After a very short production run of just 22 cars the engine was enlarged and the car was redesignated the Elan 1600. An optional hardtop was offered in 1963 and a coupé version in 1965. The two-seat Lotus Elan replaced the elegant, but unreliable and expensive to produce Lotus Elite. It was the first Lotus road car to use a steel backbone chassis with a fibreglass body. At 726 kg, the Elan embodied the Colin Chapman minimum weight design philosophy. Initial versions of the Elan were also available as a kit to be assembled by the customer. The Elan was technologically advanced with a DOHC 1557 cc engine, 4-wheel disc brakes, rack and pinion steering, and 4-wheel independent suspension. Gordon Murray, designer of the McLaren F1 supercar, reportedly said that his only disappointment with the McLaren F1 was that he couldn’t give it the perfect steering of the Lotus Elan. This Series 4 example is extremely light and very agile and is said to drive fantastically, especially being converted from a street car to a semi-rally/hillclimb car - thus benefiting from a galvanised chassis, suspension and engine improvements/parts from a 26R. The Elan recently benefited from a repaint, new brakes, new wheels (the originals are included in the sale as are many other spare parts) and engine work (dyno file included to show 120 bhp). The Lotus retains its original seats and door panels and even has an original hardtop. Ideal to be enjoyed regularly and/or for classic events/rallys, the Elan is offered with Italian title and FIA papers.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 119

1967 Austin- Healey 3000 Mk III Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €55,000 – €65,000

The Austin Healey 3000 is a car that has endeared itself to enthusiasts all over the world, not least for those who remember the sight and sound of this muscular British sports car roaring to spectacular success in international rallying. The final model, the Mk III BJ8, appeared in February 1964. Complete with larger SUs, a new camshaft and rerouted exhaust with four silencers, its 148bhp provided 120mph performance and 0-60mph in just 9.5 seconds. May 1964 saw a last and notable change; a lack of rear ground clearance had been a long-time bugbear of Healey owners and this was addressed by better locating the axle by the twin radius arms rather than the Panhard rod.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

This impressive Austin Healey 3000 Mark III Phase 2 has lived in the Netherlands for over 20 years and presents very well. The car is finished in desirable Ice Blue over Old English White, with a complementing dark blue interior and soft top. The look is completed with a lovely set of chrome wire wheels, additional lighting and period wooden steering wheel. Fitted with the desirable overdrive gearbox, this cherished Big Healey is ready for more summer adventures!

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 120

1988 BMW M6 Registration Number: EU Taxes Paid

Chassis Number: WBAEE1413J2561098 Estimate: €30,000 - €40,000

The “Bayern-Express” M635 CSI debuted 1984 and is based on the E24 which came on the market in 1976. The M635 CSI being the “sporty” high-end version of the BMW 6 Series. This elegant coupe designed by chief designer Paul Bracq is a milestone in the history of the automobile. The four-valve M88 engine built in the M635 originally came from the M1 and was equipped with two overhead camshafts and six single-butterfly valves. ABS belonged to the standard equipment, otherwise the M635 CSI was lowered and equipped with a sports gear and differential lock to bring the high performance to the road. This is a great opportunity to acquire an excellent BMW M635 CSI (often referred to as the M6) in an attractive colour scheme of diamond metallic black, with grey interior. Presented in good condition throughout, this imposing autobahn cruiser is an excellent prospect for any BMW enthusiast.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 121

2001 Mercedes G500 Registration Number: UK Registered

Chassis Number: WDB4632481X125545 Estimate: €25,000 – €30,000

The Mercedes-Benz G-Class or G-Wagen, short for Geländewagen (cross-country vehicle), is characterised by its boxy styling and body-on-frame construction. It uses three fully locking differentials, one of the few vehicles to have such a feature. The G-Class is still in production and is one of the longest produced Mercedes-Benz in Daimler’s history. It was developed as a military vehicle from a suggestion by the Shah of Iran and offered as a civilian version in 1979. A new version was expected for 2007, but ultimately whilst the new GL-Class is a fine performing product in the Mercedes tradition, it was not sufficient to steal the affection for the classic Geländewagen. And so the G-Wagon is still in production and selling well to the current day. This very well specified Japanese G500 model is presented well with just over 80,000 miles shown on the odometer, imported into the UK in 2016 by the previous owner. The car comes with V5, 2 key fobs, service book and EU Certificate of Conformity. this is a highly capable classic which can be used and enjoyed in all weather conditions. This model has been facelifted to the desirable 2012-2018 variant, and comes with the original full spare wheel. This high specification model includes air conditioning, automatic lights and windscreen wipers, heated seats all round, and a sunroof to name a few. Over £5000 has been spent under the current owner including a change of transmission oil in the last 5,000 miles. G-Wagens are rare on UK roads and this example is one of the best kept that we have seen in recent years.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 122

1957 Alfa Romeo Giulietta Spider Registration Number: UK Registered

Chassis Number: AR1495.02713 Estimate: €40,000 - €45,000

Designed by Pininfarina on a modified Sprint Coupe chassis that had been shortened by five inches, the Alfa Giulietta Spider was the company’s second post-war model. The little two-seat Sports Spider was introduced in mid-1955 at the insistence of New York importer Max Hoffman, who saw how well small British and German sports cars were being received in America. The Giulietta Spider offered brisk performance (almost 100 mph) from its free-revving all-alloy 1.3-litre twin-cam four mounted in a steel unibody chassis that weighed less than 1900 lbs. With the installation of a 1600 cc engine, the Spider became the slightly larger Giulia, and remained available in that form until the arrival of the iconic Duetto in 1966. In recent years, Giuliettas, especially the Spiders, are gaining recognition as good value in the collector’s market and prices have been rising steadily, following the course of that other post-war small-displacement favourite, the Porsche 356.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Many have been prepared for vintage racing, where they deliver good performance and predictable handling, often giving their rivals a good run for their money. As with many Giuliettas, this nice restored matching numbers example was first delivered to the United States in 1957, to the sunny climes of San Diego. Later the Alfa was repatriated into Europe and comprehensively “nut and bolt� restored. Now UK registered, this delightful sporting Alfa has recently been serviced and is ready to be enjoyed. Offered with a history file and UK V5 document, and finished in Alfa Romeo red with a contrasting black leather interior, this is a really attractive example of a perennial favourite in the classic car world.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 123

2003 Mercedes-Benz E55 AMG Saloon Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €19,000 - €21,000

The Mercedes-Benz E-Class is a range of executive cars manufactured in various engine and body configurations. Produced since 1993, the E-Class falls mid-range in the Mercedes line-up, and has been marketed worldwide across five generations. Launched in 2002, the W211 E-Class was another evolution of the previous model and was face-lifted in June 2006 for the 2007 model year to address quality and technical issues raised by earlier models. The largest factory built engine in the E-class range is the E500 which had its engine size increased from 5 litres to 5.5 litres in 2006 along with the facelift. This Mercedes-Benz E55 is finished in White Metallic, complemented by Anthracite Black leather interior with dark wood inlays. With only 58,000 kilometers recorded, the E55 has just enjoyed a comprehensive service and overhaul. Supplied with original service books, this is a fine example of AMG’s bahnstorming executive express of the early 2000s.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 124

1974 BMW 2002 Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: 3676120 Estimate: €12,000 – €15,000

The BMW 2002 series is important in the history of BMW for several reasons; not the least of which being that it brought the company out of near bankruptcy in the 1960’s and put BMW on the map in the United States. It was the ancestral grandfather to the BMW 3 Series and was produced from 1968 to 1976. German BMW importer Max Hoffman is credited with the car’s creation. He had suggested to BMW’s engineering director that a 2.0 litre engine should be installed into the small two-door 1602 to improve performance and emissions. The engineering director argued that the larger motor would not fit, but Hoffman countered that it certainly would fit; if he refused to put the motor in, Hoffman would personally take a car with the new engine to George Meier, a famous motorcycle racer, for installation. Almost immediately this brought action – and the resulting 2002 (named after the new motor’s displacement) was popular in its first

year on sale. Only 354 examples were manufactured to Right-Hand drive specification and only 260 of these were early ‘round rear tail-light’ examples. The ‘square tail’ example on offer today was first registered in 1974 in Holland, and is a matching numbers vehicle- showing just 18,249 km at the time of printing. The paintwork is the original and sought-after colour of Chamonix Weiss in combination with the blue fabric combination interior. The vendor describes the car as being in good condition throughout, and the MOT is valid to 25/04/2021 which goes some way in supporting this statement. In addition, rust treatment inside and out has been applied to preserve this desirable classic for years to come. This is a fantastic opportunity to buy a highly sought after classic, which is ready for enjoyment immediately.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 125

1952 Jaguar XK120 FHC Registration Number: Polish Registered

Chassis Number: J1189679188 Estimate: €70,000 - €90,000

Conceived and constructed in but a few months, the XK120 debuted at the 1948 Earls Court Motor Show where the stunning-looking roadster caused a sensation, the resulting demand for what was then the world’s fastest production car taking Jaguar by surprise. It was immediately obvious that the slow-to-produce alloy bodywork would have to go, and the car was swiftly re-engineered in steel. The work of Jaguar boss William Lyons himself and one of the most beautiful shapes ever to grace an automobile, the body was conceived as a coachbuilt aluminium structure for the simple reason that Jaguar expected to sell no more than 200 XK120s in the first year! The car’s heart was, of course, the fabulous XK engine, a 3.4-litre ‘six’ embodying the best of modern design, boasting twin overhead camshafts running in an aluminium-alloy cylinder head, seven main bearings and a maximum output of 160bhp. The XK120 set new standards of comfort, road-holding and performance for British sports cars and, in keeping with the Jaguar tradition, there was nothing to touch it at the price.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

This wonderful XK120 Fixed Head Coupe on offer today is presented in the superb original sage green with matching sumptuous green leather interior. Restored in the early 2000’s the current vendor purchased the car in 2016 and has used it for numerous rallies in France, even securing the Elegance Award at Loches on 2018. With the inclusion of the rear spats, this is an effortlessly classy automobile and would be a superb addition to any collection.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 126

1995 Mitsubishi 3000 GT Spyder Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: â‚Ź30,000 - â‚Ź35,000

The Mitsubishi 3000 GT was produced from 1992 to 1999, at a time where the rise of multiple Japanese supercars was very apparent. From the rotary powered Mazda RX-7 to the legendary Nissan Skyline GT-R, there was no shortage of technologically advanced coupes with supercar beating capabilities. A combination of powerful turbocharged engines and previously unseen technological improvements made these vehicles appealing to a wide audience, at the fraction of the cost of a traditional supercar. The Mitsubishi 3000 GT was one of a handful of production vehicles that was instrumental in influencing the improved mechanisation of cars in the years that followed. For instance, features such as active aerodynamics and an all-wheel drive system came as standard in the 3000 GT Despite the complex hardware causing the 3000 GT to weigh in at over 1700 kg, acceleration from 0-60 mph was claimed to take just 5.5 seconds. In addition to this, the vehicle offered great long distance touring capabilities and boasted rear high speed stability and grip, partly as a result of a wide rear spoiler. Owners of these cars are said to appreciate the impressive straight-line performance and lavish interior. The example offered today is the rarest variant- the 3000 GT Spyder- and there are very few known examples in Europe in particular. This is because the company named ASC (American Sunroof Corporation) carried out the conversions on regular coupes by using an automatic folding roof, in a similar fashion to Mercedes for the SLK a few years later. The vendor describes the vehicle as being very good mechanically, with a few cosmetic blemishes on the folding roof. As both a Japanese sports icon and a usable weekend toy, this represents an opportunity to buy a cult convertible which is ready to drive immediately. Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 127

1987 Porsche 928 S4 Registration Number: EU Taxes Paid

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: â‚Ź14,000 - â‚Ź16,000

First introduced to the world at the Geneva Salon in 1977, and subsequently voted European Car of the Year in 1978, the 928 was intended as a more refined replacement for the long-running 911. With the 928, Porsche had created a serious long distance Grand Tourer that could also tackle twisting country roads with ease. Thanks to an alloy V8 attached to a rear mounted gearbox and 50/50 weight distribution, the car felt planted and nimble with a vast amount of grip. A five-speed transaxle gearbox or three-speed automatic were the transmission options. In 1979 the 928S with 4.6 litre engine arrived, and then in 1986 the model was further revised and restyled, becoming the 928 S4. Its engine producing 320bhp courtesy of twin-cam, 16-valve cylinder heads and enlargement to 4,957cc, the S4 enjoyed a welcome top speed boost to 260kph. Porsche has not made anything like the 928 since its deletion in 1995. This stunning late S4 model must surely one of the best and certainly lowest mileage example available today. Showing a mere 32,500 kilometres from new, the 928 can only be described as being in concours condition, and as you would expect is offered with a full and complete service record with Porsche. The 928s are extremely capable GT cars and this is the nicest one we have seen. This later Series 4 example is finished in a stylish shade of Venetian Blue with a Navy blue leather interior. Offered with the relevant Porsche wallet and book pack, this modern GT car offers exceptional value in the current market. Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 128

1930 Peugeot 201 Registration Number: French Registered

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €10,000 - €20,000

Announced in 1929, Peugeot’s new 201 was a 10hp car powered by 1,122cc side valve engine driving via a threespeed gearbox with worm drive rear axle. It was aimed very much at the new motorist and in mainland Europe sought the same market that in the UK was contested by 10hp models from Austin and Morris. This charming little two-seater, with additional ‘dickey’ seat in the back was bought by the current vendor in France in 2016. He surmised that the car had been the subject of an earlier restoration and on purchasing the car found that no major work was required. Described to be highly original, this charming little car would be an excellent addition to any garage.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 129

1971 MGB GT Registration Number: Polish Registered

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: â‚Ź7,000 - â‚Ź10,000

The MGB was first introduced in May 1962 as a direct replacement for the MGA. Performance was brisk with power supplied by a 1,798cc four cylinder iron block engine set within a monocoque lightweight body shell with crumple zones incorporated. October 1965 saw the introduction of the GT and was based on the already popular roadster. Designed by Pininfarina, the new GT sported a hatchback giving useful access to the rear luggage space and a rear bench seat that enabled the car to be called a 2+2. Although acceleration was slightly slower than the roadster, top speed was better by 5mph due to the increased aerodynamic efficiency. A UK delivered car, this excellent little sports car is described to be a good straight example. Previously the car was lightly modified to change the switch gear from knobs to toggle switches for taking part in Le Mans. The car also features overdrive and in 2016 the current owner used the vehicle to compete in the Trois Rally in France.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 130

1969 Mini Cooper Mark II Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: C-A258 / 1287344-A Estimate: €15,000 - €18,000

Alec Issigonis’ friend John Cooper, owner of the Cooper Car Company and designer and builder of Formula 1 and Sports Cars, saw the potential of the Mini for competition. Issigonis was initially reluctant to see the Mini as a performance car, but after John Cooper appealed to BMC management, the two men collaborated to create the Mini Cooper, and the Austin and Morris Mini Coopers debuted simultaneously in 1961. Some six years later, the Cooper MkIIs appeared and were more refined without diluting the out and out fun of these amazing little cars.The overall production figures of the Mk II were only just behind the earlier cars. Launched in 1967, the Mk II Coopers are regarded by many, in hindsight, as the most attractive of the Mini Cooper evolution with the squared rear lights, larger rear window, and new grille, but still retaining the sliding windows and one or two early features so characteristic of the original Mini. The look is further enhanced with the slightly wider vented steel rims. Offered here is an Austin Mini Cooper MkII, finished in the classic combination of Red with a Black roof. Exported to Sweden, where it spent the majority of its life, it was extensively restored in the 1990s. The Mini is said to present well and is offered with a file of invoices for works completed in addition to a certificate of authenticity. A huge amount of fun and we are sure will be a rewarding classic for the lucky next owner.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Saturday 18th January 2020 Auction At 2:00PM

Lot 201

1990 Mercedes-Benz G-Wagen 250 GD Wolf Registration Number: Lithuanian Registered

Chassis Number: WDB46140117069073 Estimate: €25,000 - €35,000

The Mercedes-Benz G-Class or G-Wagon, short for Geländewagen (cross-country vehicle), is characterised by its boxy styling and body-on-frame construction. It uses three fully locking differentials, one of the few vehicles to have such a feature. The G-Class is still in production and is one of the longest produced Mercedes-Benz in Daimler’s history. It was developed as a military vehicle from a suggestion by the Shah of Iran and offered as a civilian version in 1979. A new version was expected for 2007, but ultimately whilst the new GL-Class is a fine performing product in the Mercedes tradition, it was not sufficient to steal the affection for the classic Geländewagen. And so the G-Wagon is still in production and selling well to the current day. Originally delivered to the German Army, this fantastic G-Wagen has been subjected to a comprehensive restoration since 2018. Every aspect of the car from the chassis up to the canopy roof has been refurbished and now this car presents as well as when it first left the factory. A superb utility vehicle that continues to increase its cult following and an opportunity not to be missed.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 202

1982 Porsche 928S One owner for 36 years Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: WPOZZZ92ZCS841176 Estimate: €20,000 - €22,000

Porsche’s intended replacement for the 911 may not have achieved that goal, but it wasn’t for a lack of performance or technological wizardry. An alloy V8 was attached to a rear-mounted gearbox, and the galvanised body had aluminium doors and bonnet, plus body-coloured plastic bumpers – pretty radical for its time. The 928 was launched to a fanfare and surprised many by being named European Car of the Year, an award that traditionally went to worthy but dull family hatchbacks. With the 928, Porsche created a serious long distance grand touring car that could also tackle twisting B-roads with ease, thanks to super-direct steering, 50/50 weight distribution and a clever Weissach rear axle that kept the car firmly planted on the road. Many testers found that their nerve ran out long before the 928’s grip. If the 928 attracted any criticisms it was that it wasn’t quite quick enough. The original 4.4-litre engine generated 240 bhp but mated to a relatively heavy car, the performance didn’t match the 911. So Porsche introduced the 928 S fitted with a 4.7-litre version of the engine and generating 310 bhp. This began to deliver the car’s potential, achieving a 0-60 mph time of around 7.0 seconds. But the real trump card of this engine, which extra power began to reveal, was its in-gear acceleration around the mid-range – 50-70 mph sprints or indeed any acceleration from 3,000 rpm is in the supercar league. This nice original 928S was first registered in 1982, supplied in “Black Metallic” with a black leather interior. The first owner bought the car in Italy in 1982, keeping it for a remarkable 36 years until it changed hands in 2018. At this point the 928 was serviced at a local Porsche centre at a cost of more than €5.800. Supplied with a fully stamped service record, with only 131,637 kms on the odometer and 90% original paint, this very capable modern GT is one not to be missed.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 203

2006 Bentley Arnage Red Label - 35,000 kilometers from new Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €45,000 - €50,000

The Arnage was introduced in the spring of 1998 and was the first entirely new design for the marque since 1980. The new Arnage was originally powered by a BMW V8 engine and from 2001, a heavily modified version of the old 6.75-litre Rolls Royce engine was fitted. The Arnage T, also from 2002, was claimed to be the most powerful road-going Bentley at its launch at the Detroit Motor Show. As with the Arnage R, there were twin turbochargers, but tuned to develop 459bhp and 645 lbf•ft of torque. The Arnage T’s 0–60 mph time was reported to be 5.5 seconds and a top speed of 170mph. This fabulous late model Arnage has covered a mere 35,000 kilometers from new and as such is presented in excellent condition. The white exterior gleams whilst the interior leather and wood trim is in excellent order. A classically styled sporting gentleman’s express in the true Bentley tradition, this wonderful motor vehicle is a great prospect for the collector.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 204

1965 Mercedes-Benz 300SE Coupe Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: Estimate: â‚Ź25,000 - â‚Ź30,000

In 1962 the company introduced the top-of-the-line 300 SE, with the new M189 engine producing a powerful (for the period) 185-horsepower engine. For the true luxury market, the 300 SE was even available with self-leveling, smooth-riding air suspension, a variation important enough to get its own chassis number, W112. This ultra-desirable model was produced in long-wheelbase limousine configuration, and for the successful executive or celebrity who enjoyed driving, two-door coupe and cabriolet versions were also available in very small numbers. Sharing their lines, interior trim, and power train with the long-appreciated W112 cabriolets, the coupes are only starting to gather attention in the collector-car market. Presented here is an example of the W112 300 SE Coupe from the very last year of production before the company introduced a new engine range and restyled the front grille in a lower and less impressive form. In original rich-looking Medium Blue paint with cognac leather interior, with European-specification headlamps flanking the impressive grille, this coupe presents a distinguished appearance. The body and distinctive 300 SE chrome trim of this coupe are in exceptional condition, as is the attractive coupe/cabriolet wood fascia and instrument cluster with its pleasing grain pattern and complementing leather upholstery. The car was formerly owned by a Mercedes-Benz dealer technician who had driven it sparingly and maintained it carefully since 1978. The car currently shows c. 21,000 kilometers on the odometer but is known to have turned over, as such the correct reading will be 121,000 kilometers. With desirable four-speed manual transmission and air suspension in excellent operating condition, it is reported to be a pleasure to drive. This 300 SE is a perfect choice for the Mercedes collector who wants a practical model that can be driven with pride to events and used with confidence and comfort on long-distance tours.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 205

1966 Mercedes-Benz 220SE Cabriolet Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €90,000 - €100,000

Mercedes-Benz debuted four new models at the Frankfurt Show in 1959 – the 220SE among them – all of which shared the same basic unitary-construction bodyshell and allround independent suspension. Longer than their predecessors, the newcomers featured a wider radiator shell, wrap-around windscreen, wider rear window and vertically positioned twin headlamps. Top speed was now 107mph with 60mph attainable in under 14 seconds. Coupe and convertible models appeared in 1961, minus the already dated-looking tail fins of the saloon. More modern in style, the 220SE coupé and convertible were better appointed too, being equipped as standard with a rev-counter, leather upholstery and four-speed automatic transmission. Front disc brakes were fitted from the start of production.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

The convertible offered here was delivered new to Germany before finding its way in the 1970s United States. Since being repatriated to Europe the Mercedes was extensively restored before becoming part of a Monaco-based collection. As you would expect of a car of this quality, the Mercedes performs faultlessly. These are wonderfully stylish and practical classic cars, and this well presented example is well worth considering.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 206

2006 BMW M6 Coupe - 34,000 kilometers from new Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €32,000 - €36,000

Following a hiatus in M6 production for 26 years, the M6 version of the E63/E64 6 Series was introduced in 2005. The M6 uses the same BMW S85 V10 engine and SMG III gearbox as the E60 M5. The M6 was produced as both a coupé (E63 model code) and a convertible (E64 model code). The exterior styling was overseen by Karl Elmitt. The M6 had two modes for engine power: a “P400” mode producing 294 kW (394 hp) and a “P500” mode producing 373 kW (500 hp). Manufacturer claimed performance included a 0-62 mph (100 km/h) acceleration time of 4.6 seconds. The top speed is electronically limited to 250 km/h (155 mph) or 305 km/h (190 mph) if the optional M-driver’s package is fitted. The coupe version weighs 1,710 kg (3,770 lb) and the convertible version weighs 2,005 kg (4,420 lb). Weight reduction measures include a carbon fibre roof (for the coupe only), thermoplastic quarter panels, aluminium doors, aluminium bonnet (hood) and a carbon-fibre boot (trunk) lid. Finished in metallic black with a matching black nappa leather interior, this fine example shows a mere 34,000 kilometers recorded from new, and is supplied with its BMW book pack and wallet. With its V10 engine and an impressive specification, this is very special modern GT car with outstanding performance.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 207

1959 Austin Healey Alexander Sprite Registration Number: Swedish Registered

Chassis Number: AH5L14108 Estimate: €24,000 - €28,000

Intended to make sports car motoring more affordable, the Donald Healey-designed Sprite entered production at MG’s Abingdon factory in March 1958. The new car was officially introduced a few months later in Monte Carlo, just prior to the Monte Carlo Rally, underlining this brand new car’s sporting intentions. Its unitary construction body shell featured a distinctive, rearward-hinging, combined bonnet and wings, which was topped by two ‘frog eye’ headlamps, thus ensuring instant recognition and the now familiar nickname. Powered initially by the Austin A35’s 948cc A-Series engine, the Sprite used independent front suspension and rack-andpinion steering, ensuring great roadholding. Equipped with twin SU carburettors, the engine produced 43bhp, which was good enough for a top speed of around 86mph. Despite a Spartan equipment level (even the front bumper was listed as an extra! ) the ‘Frog Eye’ sold well, which perhaps was unsurprising as there was nothing competing with it either on price or performance. Alexander Engineering was renowned in the 1950s and 1960s for converting popular models into racing cars in limited numbers. Extensive performance modifications include a tuned engine producing 64 bhp, a close ratio gearbox and a Weber carburettor. For this reason, the Alexander tuned Sprite can only be compared somewhat aesthetically to the standard model. Highlights include adjustable shock absorbers, a dual exhaust system, wider wheels and an original Sebring steering wheel compliment the car and subtly hint at the increased efficacy of the vehicle. The very unique Alexander hardtop is perhaps the greatest superficial clue that this is no ordinary Sprite- this can be removed, leaving just the “aero” screens in place for an immersive driving experience. Coys are delighted to present this exceptionally rare original 1959 Alexander-tuned Austin Healey Sprite. The current owner bought the vehicle in 1975 from Sweden and has kept it dry stored for approximately 40 years. Since 2009 it has not been driven on public roads, and the odometer reads just over 29,000 kilometres- remarkable for a 60 year old car. This special example is the first of its type to be offered for years, and comes with Swedish license number “CAD 087”. With just three known worldwide, this is an atypical opportunity to own a piece of motoring history and should not be missed. Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 208

1992 Porsche 964 RS America Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €90,000 - €110,000

The 964 RS America was the brainchild of former Porsche Cars North America CEO and President Fred Schwab. He was responding to complaints from Porsche Club of America members who bemoaned the fact that U.S.-specification Porsche 911s were more grand routiers than the race-bred machines they expected. With guidance from his predecessor, Brian Bowler, and former factory race driver Vic Elford, Schwab requested that the factory develop a lighter, de-contented version of the Carrera 2 aimed at harder-core driving enthusiasts. Because the European Carrera RS could not be imported to the U.S., the RS America was created in a slightly de-tuned form and proved highly competitive. The RS America lost such standard road features as air conditioning, stereo, a full interior, and sunroof, bringing the curb weight down to 2,955 lbs. Added were performance-oriented items such as the M030 Sport suspension (progressively wound coil springs, a larger front anti-roll bar, and uprated shocks). Standard were also larger 17-in. C2 Turbo wheels, 7-in. wide in front and 8-in. in the rear. “Big Red” disc brakes provided plenty of stopping power. There was now a manual steering rack, and a fixed whale tail replaced the C2’s retractable wing.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

The 3.6-liter, normally aspirated M64/01 engine featured ceramic port liners, forged pistons, knock sensors, a lighter crankshaft, twin-plug ignition, and new hydraulic chain tensioners. It produced a solid 250 bhp, delivered through a five-speed G50/05 transmission. The RSA was quick, reaching 60 mph in just 4.6 seconds to reach 60 mph and a top speed of 157 mph. On its introduction, Schwab declared of the RSA: “If you like to autocross, this is your car. If you are a time-trialer, you need this car. If driving is for fun, this is your car – the car that the Porsche Club of America built.” Just 701 RS Americas were constructed over a two-year period beginning in 1992 for the 1993–1994 model years, most of them in 1993. Purchasers could order some of those comfort options for street use; the sunroof, air, stereo, and the ever-useful limited-slip differential. Only a few colors were available: red, black, and white. Two metallics – blue and silver – could be selected at extra cost. Of course, Porsche was always amenable to applying other colors under its pricey “paint-to-sample” program. Offered here is a Guards Red example with a black interior. Showing 96,000 kilometers recorded, the Porsche is supplied with various bills for maintenance over the years, in addition to a Carfax history report. These RS models are perfect for days on the track or long distance driving, a really fun Porsche and ever more collectible. Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 209

1980 Ferrari 308 GTB Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €60,000 - €70,000

Introduced at the Paris Auto Salon in 1975, the contemporary styled 308 GTB – Ferrari’s second V8 road car – marked a return to Pininfarina styling following the Bertone-designed 308 GT4. Badged as a ‘proper’ Ferrari rather than a Dino as its predecessor was, the 308 GTB had changed little mechanically apart from a reduction in both wheelbase and weight, retaining its predecessor’s underpinnings and transversely mounted engine that now featured dry-sump lubrication. In road tune this superbly engineered power unit produced 255bhp, an out-put good enough to propel the 308 GTB to a top speed of over 150mph. Produced initially with fiberglass bodywork – the first time this material had been used for a production Ferrari, the Scaglietti-built 308 GTB used steel after April 1977. Further developments included the introduction of an open-top GTS version with Targa-style removable roof.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

The fine example offered here was delivered new to Rome, Italy, last changing hands in 1996 to the last private owner in Mantova. Clearly well looked after, the 308 has just 30,000 kilometers recorded, and still even wears the factory plastic film to the door panels. Absolutely original, this car is a true delight, having had only a small amount of paint at the front to remove stone chipping. The 308 is presented with all books, folder, tools, and spare wheel, and is to original specification throughout. Finished in Rosso Corsa with a tan interior, this is a really great example of one of Ferrari’s most accessible and beautiful road cars.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 210

1972 Lancia Fulvia Coupe Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €12,000 - €14,000

The introduction of the Fulvia saloon in 1963 maintained Lancia’s reputation for innovation in automobile design. Designed by Antonio Fessia, the boxy-styled Appia replacement featured an all-new, narrow-angle, V4, overhead-camshaft engine; front wheel drive; independent front suspension by double wishbones; and disc brakes all round. A 2+2 coupé on a shorter wheelbase was launched in 1965. Though mechanically similar, the beautiful newcomer had all the visual presence its progenitor lacked and came with a 1,216cc engine producing 80bhp.

World Championship in 1972.

In 1967 the model was up-rated with the 1,298cc, 85bhp engine, becoming the Fulvia Rallye 1.3. Tuned, lightweight ‘HF’ versions provided increased performance and formed the basis of the works’ highly successful rally programme that saw the Fulvia HF1600 secure Lancia’s first Manufacturers’

This Italian-delivered Second Series Fulvia has had an HF visual makeover, with many small details added by a long-time Italian owner, such as the armrests in the door, the upholstered steering wheel and additional headlights. The original bumpers, which are still in good condition, have been removed, but are still available. The engine, transmission, chassis and brakes have been serviced, as such everything performs as it should. A hugely enjoyable sports coupe, and built in the same year as the Lancia World Rally Year of 1972.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 211

1987 Land-Rover Defender 90 V8 Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: â‚Ź28,000 - â‚Ź32,000

Production of the model now known as the Defender began in 1983 as the Land Rover 110, a name which reflected the 110-inch length of the wheelbase. The Land Rover 90, with 93-inch wheelbase soon followed. Superficially there is little to distinguish the post-1983 vehicles from the Series III Land Rover. A full-length bonnet, revised grille, plus the fitting of wheel arch extensions to cover wider-track axles are the most noticeable changes. Initially the conservative engineering department insisted that the Land Rover was also available with a part-time 4WD system familiar to derivatives produced since 1949. However the parttime system failed to sell and was quickly dropped from the options list by 1984. While the engine and other body panels carried over from the Series III, mechanically the 90 and 110 were modernized, including coil springs, permanent four wheel drive from the Range Rover, a more more interior and more powerful engines. Originally delivered from new with the 3.5 V8 motor, this smart example has been upgraded to the 4 litre V8 injection motor with 182bhp as fitted to the 50th anniversary edition. Mechanically strong and fitted with a new set of matching wheels and tyres, this is a hugely capable go anywhere leisure vehicle that just needs to be pointed in the direction of the mountains, it will take care of the rest!

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 212

1960 Mercedes-Benz 220SE Ponton Coupe Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 12803710003809 Estimate: €70,000 - €80,000

A shorter wheelbase was adopted for the cabriolet model of the 220 that appeared in May 1956 and also for the coupé introduced the following year when the Hydrak semi-automatic transmission become available as an option. Luxuriously equipped in the best Daimler-Benz tradition, these superbly constructed Gran Turismos were priced some 70% above the 220S saloon.


In 1958 the 220 range was updated with a fuel-injected version of the 2.2-litre overhead-camshaft six, becoming the 220SE, though manufacture of the carburettor-equipped models continued into 1959, the saloons bowing out in July and the coupé and cabriolet in October of that year. By the time production ceased, only 3,429 220S coupé and cabriolet models had been manufactured and today these elegant and exclusive limited edition Grand Tourers are highly

This later and more desirable Dutch-registered fuel-injected 220SE Coupe is in truly fine condition, having enjoyed much restoration work to bring it up to the standard you see here today. This elegant coupe is finished in brown over beige with a lovely contrasting light tan interior. These six cylinder sports coupes offer exceptional value and elegance for relatively little outlay, and this car represents a rare opportunity to acquire a wonderful example whilst this still remains the case.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 213

1966 Lancia Flavia Zagato Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: 815533 – 1539 Estimate: €70,000 - €90,000

In 1963, the Sport’s 1,500-cubic centimetre, dual-carburettor flat-four was enlarged to 1,800 cubic centimetres. Unlike the other models in the Flavia line, whose single-carburettor arrangement produced 92 brake horsepower, the Sport’s engine retained dual carburettors, which saw its power increase to 100 brake horsepower and then 105 brake horsepower, with competition-tuned units making 130 brake horsepower. In the decade following the 1955 reorganisation, Lancia’s competition efforts consisted of factory support for the “gentlemen drivers” of the HF Squadra Corse. Organised by Cesare Fiorio, son of Lancia’s PR director, the privateer Squadra and the tuning firms that supported its efforts would become the core of Lancia’s competition department when the factory returned to racing in 1965. Whilst the more-numerous Pininfarina-built Flavia Coupé saw competition using engines similar to the Sport, the lighter weight of the Sport made it well suited for hill climbs and rallies, as well as circuit racing. This exceptional Flavia Zagato was the subject of comprehensive, chassis up restoration in 2011 with documented pictures to support the work. The vendor has currently fitted an uprated 2,000cc engine, gearbox and suspension mounted on a subframe but interested parties should be aware that the original, matching numbers, engine, gearbox, subframe, etc are all sold with the car. Used for historic motorsport events and described to be in excellent condition throughout, this is certainly a car for any Lancia enthusiast.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 214

1960 Mercedes- Benz 220 SE Cabriolet Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €90,000 – €110,000

Mercedes-Benz reintroduced six-cylinder models to its range in 1951 with the 220 and 300 types, both of which were shown at the Frankfurt Show in the spring of that year. Both featured single overhead camshaft engines with the valves set across the head, rather than in line, and actuated by rockers. The 220 was powered by a 2,195cc six-cylinder engine producing 80bhp at 4,600rpm, good enough for a top speed of 100mph with acceleration to match, while the gearbox was an all-synchromesh four-speeder with column change. A separate chassis was retained for these models, which were replaced in 1956 by a new range featuring unitary construction bodyshells employing large, box-section side-members – hence the term ‘Ponton’ – the others being the 190 and 219. All-round coil-sprung independent suspension had long been a fixture of the Mercedes-Benz range, and that of the newcomers benefited from the newly developed single-pivot rear swing axle.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

A shorter wheelbase was adopted for the cabriolet model that appeared in May 1956 and also for the coupé introduced the following year when the Hydrak semi-automatic transmission become available as an option. Luxuriously equipped in the best Daimler-Benz tradition, these superbly constructed Gran Turismos were priced some 70% above the 220S saloon. In 1958 the 220 range was updated with a fuel-injected version of the 2.2-litre overhead-camshaft six, becoming the 220SE, though manufacture of the carburettor-equipped models continued into 1959, the saloons bowing out in July and the coupé and cabriolet in October of that year. By the time production ceased, only 3,429 220S coupé and cabriolet models had been manufactured and today these elegant and exclusive limited edition Grand Tourers are highly prized. The wonderful example on offer today is nicely finished in white with a very nice burgundy red leather interior. Subject to an extensive restoration in recent years, this glamorous Ponton, fitted with the smooth fuel-injected six cylinder motor, has been well looked after and is ready to be enjoyed by its next custodian.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 215

1964 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray C2 Registration Number: EU Taxes Paid

Chassis Number: 408675117464 Estimate: €50,000 - €60,000

Back in 1953, Chevrolet’s launch of a two-seater sports car was a radical departure for a marque hitherto associated almost exclusively with sensible family transport. Based on the 1952 EX-122 show car, the Corvette made use of existing GM running gear and a shortened chassis frame, around which was wrapped striking Harley Earl-styled glassfibre coachwork. Motive power came from Chevrolet’s 235.5ci (3.8-litre) overhead-valve straight six and, unusually for a sports car, there was automatic transmission, a feature that attracted much adverse criticism at the time. Intended as competition for the T-Series MG, the Corvette cost way above the target figure, ending up in Jaguar XK120 territory but with an inferior performance. Sales were sluggish initially and the model came close to being axed, surviving thanks to Chevrolet’s need to compete with Ford’s Thunderbird. A V8 engine for 1955 and a radical re-style for ‘56 had consolidated the Vette’s position in the market before arrival of the heavily revised ‘Sting Ray’ version. Introduced for 1963, the Sting Ray sported a totally new ladder-type chassis and for the first time there was a Gran Turismo coupé in the range. As had been the case with the previous (1956-62) generation of Corvettes, development proceeded slowly, being characterised by annual facelifts and few engineering changes of note. This stunning Stingray was imported from the sunny climbs of California where it had been treated to a restoration and is offered with matching hardtop. Few American classics have proved to be such a success globally but the Stingray has certainly cemented its place in the hearts of motoring enthusiasts.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 216

1990 Mercedes-Benz 560 SEL - one owner from new Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €28,000 - €32,000

The Mercedes-Benz W126 model was the successor to the earlier W116 line, and the second generation of the Mercedes-Benz flagship to officially bear the S-Class name designating Sonderklasse or ‘special class’. The W126 debuted a new Mercedes-Benz design style which was subsequently used on other vehicles in the company’s line up. The model range also introduced many Mercedes-Benz safety innovations, including the first airbag (supplemental restraint systems), seatbelt pre-tensioners, and traction control. Six years of development resulted in the W126 model being introduced at the International Motor Show in Frankfurt in September 1979, with design work on the coupé beginning immediately after. Because the appearance differed from the rest of the Mercedes-Benz fleet at that time, some people did not appreciate the design at its launch; compared to its predecessor, the new model had a sleeker, lower profile look, with more aerodynamic qualities than previous models. For the first time, a Mercedes-Benz saloon was not equipped with traditional chrome bumpers; polyurethane deformable bumpers were used, and visually aligned with body panels. On offer today we have a super low mileage example with just one owner from new. Showing a mere 44,700 kilometers from new, the 560 is completely original, has never been repainted and the blue leather interior is spotless. This must be one of the best examples on the market today.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 217

1969 Mercedes-Benz 280 SL Registration Number: EU Taxes Paid

Chassis Number: 11304412008172 Estimate: €60,000 - €70,000

‘Some cars don’t change, they just get better. The Mercedes-Benz 280 SL, latest version of a line that began as the 230 SL in 1963, is the same as ever, just better,’ concluded Road & Track after testing a 280 SL in 1968. ‘For those who value engineering finesse and high quality construction, it’s alone in the field,’ enthused the highly respected American motoring magazine, while its manufacturer considered the 280 SL, ‘a Grand Tourer in the traditional sense’ and ‘a unique combination of sports car performance and saloon car comfort (a Mercedes-Benz saloon naturally).’ These attributes help explain the 280 SL’s phenomenal success, particularly in the all-important North American market where the optional automatic transmission was considered an essential feature by the majority of customers. The fact that it looked like ‘sex on wheels’ helped enormously too, of course. The 280 SL’s essential user friendliness broadened its appeal beyond the traditional sports car-enthusiast market; many celebrities and film stars owned 280SL’s.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

The last of a popular and extremely successful line begun with the 230 SL of 1963, the Mercedes-Benz 280 SL was introduced in 1967 powered by a new 2.8-litre six-cylinder engine that produced 180bhp, 20 horsepower more than the preceding 250 SL’s. The 280 SL’s 120mph top speed was no greater but it was significantly quicker off the mark, its 0-60mph time of 10 seconds being a whole second better than its predecessor’s. Christened ‘Pagoda’ after their distinctive cabin shape with its generous glass area, these SL models were amongst the best-loved sports-tourers of their day and remain highly sought after by collectors. This wonderful 280 SL has been the subject of an earlier restoration and presents well in the classic colour combination of red with tan interior. These cars continue to be hugely popular owing to their ease to run and live with while oozing class and sophistication.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 218

2003 Ferrari 575M ‘Fiorano Edition’ Registration Number: UK Registered

Chassis Number: ZFFBT55J000131993 Estimate: €45,000 – €55,000

Very few buyers were given the opportunity to acquire the 575M ‘Fiorano handling pack edition’ of which just 392 were made. Included in the FHP was an uprated braking system along with new suspension and steering components, in addition to the handling pack the car was also treated to a limited edition interior pack which included the F1 style paddle shifters, dash plate, radio surround and door panels. Other very rare upgrades were also added including the four 19inch alloys it currently sits on, the small spare wheel and the special-order carbon seats. The result of the newly tried suspension, roll cage and other such upgrades produced a much stiffer ride adding to the already sharp handling of the 575. Amongst the very best of modern Ferraris the 575M ‘Fiorano edition’ represents a fantastic opportunity to own a front engine V12 GT car with the spirit of the much earlier Ferraris dating back to the 1960s and 70s.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Coys are delighted to present this rare 575M ‘Fiorano Edition’, finished in Giallo Modena paintwork with Nero black leather and matching yellow stitching. Originally registered in Japan, the car has been UK registered since November 2019. The car comes complete with all three fobs and official Ferrari packs. This particular example comes with a valid MOT until November 2020, and benefits from a recent service. With just 12,000 km from new, opportunities to buy a rare and low mileage edition 575M in this condition are few and far between.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 219

1985 BMW M635 CSI Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: WBAEE310501051587 Estimate: €30,000 – €40,000

The “Bayern-Express” M635 CSI debuted 1984 and is based on the E24 which came on the market in 1976. The M635 CSI being the “sporty” high-end version of the BMW 6 Series. This elegant coupe designed by chief designer Paul Bracq is a milestone in the history of the automobile. The four-valve M88 engine built in the M635 originally came from the M1 and was equipped with two overhead camshafts and six single-butterfly valves. This provided the car with a 3.5 L engine with 286hp. ABS belonged to the standard equipment, otherwise the M635 CSI was lowered and equipped with a sports gear and differential lock to bring the high performance to the road. This is a great opportunity to acquire an excellent BMW M635 CSI (often referred to as the M6) in an attractive colour scheme of diamond metallic black, with shadow-line and pearl beige interior. The original three piece aluminium split rims appear in very good condition. This example has been valued by a BMW specialist at 67,000 EUR and listed as condition 2. The previous owner has owned and enjoyed the car since 1997. Between 2005 and 2006, €10,000 was spent on a complete engine and transmission overhaul, the paperwork is present to document this. The interior appears unmarked and remarkable for the age, with electric windows all round, an electric sunroof and air conditioning working as they should. A desirable, well maintained model that rarely presents like this should not be missed by aspiring collectors. Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 220

1974 De Tomaso Pantera GTS Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: THPNPM07442 Estimate: €80,000 - €100,000

Having established himself as a serious automobile manufacturer with the Mangusta coupé, Alejandro De Tomaso commissioned Lamborghini designer Gianpaolo Dallara to produce the chassis for his new mid-engined supercar, the Pantera. Dallara opted for unitary construction for the steel chassis/body – abandoning the Mangusta’s backbone frame – and competition-specification double wishbone/ coil-spring suspension all round. Exceptionally long-lived for a supercar, the Pantera was still around in the 1990s having undergone a series of upgrades. The first of these had appeared on the ‘L’ model of 1972, which featured ‘impact resistant’ bumpers and improved cooling and air conditioning systems. Flared wheelarches distinguished the GTS model of 1974, which in European trim came with a 350bhp engine, larger wheels/tyres and other performance enhancements. Introduced at approximately the same time was the GT/4, a development of the Group 4 competition cars of 1972/73. The first major revision of the Pantera’s body style occurred in 1980 with the introduction of the GT5 which, with its deep front air dam and delta-wing rear spoiler, represented one of the earliest examples of these aerodynamic devices being applied to passenger car design. Introduced in 1985, the GTS5 incorporated further revisions to the bodywork while its interior was significantly upgraded, rivalling that of many a luxury limousine. In 1990 the Pantera was completely redesigned by Bertone’s Marcello Gandini, stylist of Lamborghini’s Miura and Countach, emerging as virtually a completely new model. Production of the world longest-running supercar finally ceased in 1993. Registered in 1974, this lovely original example has been with the same owner since 2015 and is presented in excellent condition in all respects. Finished red over black with a matching interior, this a superior example of one of the most desirable variants of the De Tomaso range. Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 221

1963 Lancia Flaminia GT 3C Registration Number: UK Registered

Chassis Number: 824103824 Estimate: €70,000 - €90,000

Lancia’s Pininfarina-styled Flaminia saloon debuted at the 1956 Turin Motor Show. The Aurelia’s replacement, the Flaminia retained its predecessor’s mechanical layout, though the form of unitary construction was changed and Lancia’s traditional ‘sliding hub’ independent front suspension gave way to a more-modern double wishbone and coil-spring arrangement. Shorter-wheelbase Coupé and Convertible models followed all featuring disc brakes and increased power. The 2,458cc V6 engine produced 119bhp when installed in the more sporting Flaminias, with 140bhp available in the triple-carburettor ‘3C’ models from 1961, which was good enough for a top speed approaching 190km/h.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

This wonderfully original Flaminia GT was first delivered to Italy where there were only two owners, the second of which owned the car from 1979 to 2006. At this time the car was brought to The Netherlands and the third and current vendor took ownership in 2008. Although this is a rare unrestored example, it has been duly cared for and maintained, with the engine being overhauled in the 1990’s and the clutch replaced in 2010. The brakes have also been renewed. As with much of the car, the interior is original and showing a superb patina without looking tired. Presented in dark blue with contrasting red leather interior, this desirable 3C model is undoubtedly pretty and ready for its lucky next owner.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 222

1970 Ferrari 246 GT “Dino” Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 02184 Estimate: €250,000 - €300,000

It was the need for a production-based engine for the new Formula 2 that had prompted the introduction of a ‘junior’ Ferrari, the Dino 206 GT, at the Turin Motor Show in 1967. The latest in a line of Dino V6 ‘quad-cam’ engines stretching back to the late 1950s, the new unit proved as successful on the racetrack as in the showroom, Derek Bell and Ernesto Brambilla both winning races in the European Championship, while Andrea de Adamich triumphed in the 1968 Argentine Temporada series. Building on experience gained with its successful limited edition Dino 206 S sports-racer of 1966, Ferrari retained the racer’s mid-engined layout for the road car but installed the power unit transversely rather than longitudinally. A compact, aluminium-bodied coupé of striking appearance, the Pininfarina-styled Dino – named after Enzo Ferrari’s late son Alfredino Ferrari and intended as the first of a separate but related marque – was powered by a 2.0-litre, four-cam V6 driving via an in-unit five-speed transaxle. The motor’s 180bhp was good enough to propel the lightweight, aerodynamically-efficient Dino to 142mph, and while there were few complaints about the car’s performance, the high cost enforced by its aluminium construction hindered sales.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

A 2.4-litre version on a longer wheelbase – the 246 GT – replaced the original Dino 206 in late 1969. Built by Scaglietti, the body was now steel, and the cylinder block cast-iron rather than aluminium, but the bigger engine’s increased power – 195bhp at 7,600rpm – adequately compensated for the weight gain. The 246 was built in three series, referred to internally as “L,” “M,” and “E.” Series “L” cars, produced in late 1969 through 1970, have road wheels with a single knock-off spinner, front quarter bumpers that extend into the grille opening, and head rests mounted on the rear bulkhead.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

A short run of Series “M” cars were produced in early 1971; these had five-bolt road wheels, an internal rear boot lid release catch, and seat-mounted headrests. Series “E” cars were produced from early 1971 to the end of production in 1974. They incorporated all the changes to the Series “M” examples, together with further modifications to the engine and gearbox and detail revisions. While not quite as fast in a straight line as its larger V12-engined stable-mates, the nimble Dino was capable of showing almost anything a clean pair of heels over twisty going terrain. Though Enzo was intent on marketing the Dino as a separate, lesser marque, these beloved cars are today considered “proper” Ferraris in every respect.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

This beautiful Italian delivered M-series model was first registered in September of 1971 to Milan, finished in Giallo yellow with a black interior. The Dino later found its way to the UK and to a private collector before changing hands to a Dutch enthusiast who had the car restored in 1990s in the Netherlands. Now offered from a Belgian-based collection, this super Dino is offered with a photographic record of the restoration, many bills for works completed, and a letter from Ferrari confirming the original colour scheme as finished today. The lovely rust-free example has benefited from an engine rebuild and retrim to the interior. An enduring classic sports car in possibly the best colour scheme?

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 223

2002 Porsche 996 Turbo Coupe - manual gearbox Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: â‚Ź35,000 - â‚Ź38,000

In 2000, Porsche introduced the 996 Turbo, equipped with four-wheel-drive and a 3.6-litre, twin turbocharged and intercooled flat-six producing 420bhp, making the car capable of 0-60mph in 4.2 seconds. In 2002, the standard models underwent minor re-styling, which included switching to the Turbo-style headlamps and to a new front fascia. These were sometimes known as the Mk2 generation of the 996. Although the Turbo is water-cooled, it is not the same engine that is found in regular 996s. The turbo engine can trace its ancestry back to the old air-cooled units and is directly related not only to the 996 GT3 but also the GT1 racer (3.2-litres and 600bhp!). The other 996 engines were a completely different design and had gasket problems that could lead to catastrophic failures, but not so the Turbo. This engine is very strong and can be tuned up to well over 500bhp. First registered in 2002 this 996 Turbo, with the more desirable manual gearbox, is finished in silver with a contrasting black hide interior. Fitted with a number of options from new, the 996 has just enjoyed a major service and is ready for much more fast-road driving in 2020.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 224

1965 Lancia Flaminia Pininfarina Coupe Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €27,000 - €32,000

The Flaminia Coupé was introduced at the Turin Motor show in 1958, nearly two years after the saloon. The styling was based on the Aurelia Florida designed by Battista Pininfarina and considered by many to be his most influential design, it was also his personal favourite and he drove one for the rest of his life. Flaminias initially had a single ‘carburettored’ much modified version of the Aurelia all alloy V6, initially with drum brakes but disc brakes replaced the drums early on. Triple carburettors replaced the single in 1962 and the Flaminia became the Flaminia 3B, the power went from 119 to 130bhp, in 1963 the engine was enlarged to 2.8 and the power was raised to 136bhp. The suspension consists of unequal length double wishbones with coil springs at the front and a De Dion axle at the rear, based on the all-conquering D50, this combined with 50/50 weight distribution due to having the engine at the front and gearbox and differential (transaxle) at the rear, made for excellent handling with light and direct steering. This lovely 2.8 litre example was first delivered to Milan, remaining there with just 2 owners until 2015. The Flaminia is a matching numbers cars, with a lightly patinated original interior and nicely refinished in its original shade of “Bianco Saratoga” the Flaminia displays a wonderful mellowed patina. Well maintained and both running and driving well, this is a supremely stylish coupe of the 1960s.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 225

1988 Porsche 930 Turbo Cabriolet Rare Cassis Metallic Turbo Cabriolet Bordeaux Interior Only 77,000 kms from new. Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €130,000 - €150,000

The 930 itself is a rare car. From 1978-1989 less than 15,000 cars were built over an 11-year period. By modern Porsche standards, that’s not a lot of cars at all. And the Cabriolet is, of course, even more rare. It was introduced in February 1987, remaining on sale (and, with the Targa, outliving the original Coupe) until July 1989. Less than 3,000 were built over the three-year period, with the vast majority of them going to the US and Canada. It’s suggested that less than 650 cars were actually sent to Europe. In 1988, 242 Cabriolets were produced for Europe, compared to 677 Coupes and a meagre 136 Targas. That shows what a find this model is: one of 242 1988-build cars across the whole of Europe. Research would show how many still remain, but you can bet it isn’t 242. 930s are becoming cherished cars now, used less and less as age and historical relevance start to factor heavily on owners’ minds. 930 Cabriolets are even thinner on the ground.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

This, then, is a rare opportunity indeed: the chance to buy a genuine 930 Cabriolet. Only 77,000 kms from new in easily the most rare and desirable colour combination of cassis metallic with a Bordeaux interior. Offered with all the relevant paperwork this 930 turbo cabriolet is ready for a new custodian.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 226

1992 Lancia Delta Integrale Evolution Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: ZLA831AB000554879 Estimate: €50,000 - €55,000

Between 1987 and 1992, the Integrale utterly dominated its branch of motor sport, winning 46 rallies and six constructors’ championships outright. And to keep the rally car at the sharp end of the results table, the road car went through a number of iterations, each more potent than the last. As a road car, the Integrale is a truly joyful experience. Just like on the rally stages, its big rivalry in the early days came in the form of the Audi Quattro however the Delta was smaller, quicker and much lighter on its feet. The Integrale is a true drivers’ machine, and delivers a huge amount of feel and feedback that makes them irresistible. This nice example of Lancia’s world beater, finished in the rare scheme of metallic Derby Green with a very nicely preserved grey alcantara interior, really puts a smile on your face with its punchy performance and rally inspired looks. The road holding of the Delta is exceptional and with its freshly rebuilt engine the acceleration is extremely strong. If you are seeking a competition-bred machine to keep in the garage and enjoy on high days and holidays, this lovely example will knock your socks off!

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 227

1968 Alfa-Romeo Duetto Spider Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: AR1671212 Estimate: €32,000 - €34,000

A modern classic by Pininfarina, the simple-yet-elegant “Kamm tail” Spider bodywork premiered on the 1970 Spider Veloce would prove enduringly popular, lasting into the 1990s. The Spider’s mechanics were essentially those of the Giulia saloon while the engine was the GTV’s double-overhead-camshaft four. The original 1750 version was a oneyear-only model, with the advent of the Spica-injected 2000 model in 1971. Wind tunnel testing resulted in the 2000’s signature drag-reducing Kamm tail, while other improvements over the earlier Duetto models included bigger brakes and a limited-slip differential. Outstanding speed, acceleration and handling were all characteristics of this class-leading model, which nevertheless possessed a quite remarkable docility, even at high speeds. Delivered new in October 1968 with the free-revving 1300cc motor, in recent years a more powerful 2.0 motor has been fitted, although the original engine will also be supplied with the car. Recently repainted in white and with a new interior, this rust-free example is said to drive just as well as it looks. A true design icon and a fun summer classic.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 228

2015 Mercedes-Benz AMG Brabus 600 GTS Registration Number: UK Registered

Chassis Number: WMX1903781A002061 Estimate: €90,000 - €110,000

The Mercedes-AMG GT (C190 / R190) is a sports car produced in coupé and roadster bodystyles by German automobile manufacturer Mercedes-AMG. The car was introduced on 9 September 2014 and was officially unveiled to the public in October 2014 at the Paris Motor Show. After the SLS AMG, it is the second sports car developed entirely in-house by Mercedes-AMG. Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton assisted with the development. The Mercedes-AMG GT went on sale in two variants (GT and GT S) in March 2015, while a GT3 racing variant of the car was introduced in 2015. A high performance variant called the GT R was introduced in 2016. A GT4 racing variant, targeted at semi-professional drivers and based on the GT R variant, was introduced in 2017. All variants are assembled at the Mercedes-Benz plant in Sindelfingen, Germany. Beautifully finished in Iridium Silver with full saddlebrown leather interior, the car on offer today is truly a top of the line example, as it is fitted with all original Mercedes optional extras with the exception of a heads up display. Options include backwards-facing camera, garage opening sensor, AMG ride support suspension system, full 8” x 4” colour display, thermotronic air conditioning, high-performance LED headlights and Harman Kardon Logic 7 surround sound system. First registered in 2015, the car was the winner of the Men in Benz event in 2017 and 2018. It has completed a mere 10,500 km from new and comes complete with all maintenance records and invoices from Mercedes-Benz in Germany.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

The seller has owned the car throughout its entire operational and driving life and took delivery of the car with only 50 kilometres on the odometer. The seller has also confirmed that the condition of the car in all respects, in his own words, is “100% perfect”, “accident free” and “as good as new”, and he is also keen to point out to interested parties that the car has never been used on a track day or racing track, and has only ever been washed by hand. In conclusion, it is extremely important that interested parties should note that this is one of a handful of bespoke custom Brabus GTS finished cars, and cannot and should not be confused with the more pedestrian standard specification Mercedes-Benz examples. It is fair to describe this machine as being on a whole different level from its standard factory counterparts, with a list of special competition-inspired optional extras and features which is too exhaustive to be featured here, but is available in full upon request.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 229

1960 Borgward Isabella T5 Coupe Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €28,000 - €31,000

German engineer/designer Carl Borgward progressed from general engineering to the manufacture of three-wheeled trucks under the Blitzkarren and Goliath names in the mid1920s. Hansa-Lloyd was taken over by the Borgward group in 1931, but it was not until 1939 that the Borgward name first appeared on a motor car. The company resumed production after WW2 with the Lloyd LP300, a small saloon built initially with timber/fabric bodywork, and then in 1952 Borgward introduced the Hansa 1800. Germany’s first all-new design of the post-war era, the Hansa boasted a backbone chassis, independent suspension all round and an all-synchromesh gearbox. The best-selling Isabella arrived in 1954. Badged as the ‘Hansa 1500’ until 1957, the Isabella (its factory code name) boasting a modern, unitary construction body/chassis and eye catching American-influenced styling.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

It was just what the German public had been waiting for and went on to become the most successful Borward ever. More powerful (75bhp) Cabriolet and Coupé versions joined the range and were excellent performers, with a 95mph maximum speed and exemplary road manners. Production ceased, in the wake of Borgward’s controversial bankruptcy, in 1962. This nice original 1960 Borgward Isabella was delivered to Spain, later finding its way to Germany and the last private owner. Usefully the Isabella is fitted with power steering, and said to drive well. Finished in white and with an extensive history file, this is a charming and stylish coupe and a rare sight on today’s roads.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 230

1954 Mercedes-Benz 220 Coupé One of only 19 such cars produced Registration Number: EU Taxes Paid

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €180,000 - €210,000

Mercedes-Benz introduced the 220 sedan at the April 1951 Frankfurt Auto Show with regular series production beginning in July of that year. The 220 was the successor to the 170 S and a clever update, using essentially the same body as its predecessor. The main design change faired the headlights into the leading edge of the front fenders with chrome trim atop them so as to have a streamlined effect. The most significant change was under the bonnet, whereby a new 2.2-litre, six-cylinder engine replaced the former four-cylinder engine used in the 170 S. Horsepower jumped from 52 to 80, making the car an able autobahn cruiser, just as Mercedes-Benz had intended. In addition, due to the extra power, the car was equipped with Duplex drum brakes.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

This stunning, rare and desirable coupĂŠ variant, one of only 19 such cars produced, has just benefitted from an exhaustive 2-year restoration to the original specification. A matching numbers example, this wonderful Mercedes-Benz is offered with a comprehensive record of the works completed, in addition to its factory data card. All in all, an opportunity not to be missed for the devoted Mercedes-Benz connoisseur.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 231

1963 Fiat OSCA 1600 S Pininfarina Coupé- 36,000 KM from new Comprehensively Overhauled in Current Ownership Registration Number: Italian Registered

Chassis Number: 118SB 024805 Estimate: €35,000 - €40,000

After WW2 the three surviving Maserati brothers founded Officine Specializzate per la Costruzione Automobili Fratelli Maserati - OSCA for short - to build limited edition competition cars. OSCA was a tiny company, never making more than 30 cars in a single year, all of which were intended for racing. Its first offering, introduced in 1948, was the MT4 (Maserati Tipo 4), a small siluro powered by a 1,092cc overhead-camshaft engine, which was immediately successful in the hands of Luigi Villoresi. Enlarged in stages up to 1,491cc and given a twin-cam cylinder head, the OSCA engine was later taken up by FIAT, for whom it was ‘productionised’ by ex-Ferrari designer, Aurelio Lampredi.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

At the same time as its twin-cam engine was powering FIAT’s range-topping sports cars, OSCA began producing its own GT cars, reversing the policy that had prompted the brothers to leave Maserati. In 1962 the engine was enlarged to 1,568cc for the otherwise virtually identical 1600S model. Power went up to 100bhp and the top speed to 175 km/h. Combining Pinifarina styling with the Maserati brothers’ twin-cam engine the Fiat 1600S was made in very low numbers in Fiat terms as only 300 were made, about 3000 of the convertible were made so this car is very rare indeed. Combined with the very revvy, twin cam Fiat built OSCA engine it makes for very exciting driving. The car on offer today is a very original 1600 S and still retains its original paintwork and original interior. According to the vendor it has only seen 36,000 kms during its lifetime, and today is offered in beautiful condition. Complete with Italian ASI gold plate – highlighting that the car has been approved as original and in great condition by the very particular ASI inspectors.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 232

1959 Mercedes-Benz 190SL Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €85,000 - €95,000

Alongside its hyper-expensive race-bred sports car – the 300SL – Mercedes-Benz offered the less exotic but no less refined 190 SL. Announced in 1954 and based on the 180 saloon whose all-independently-suspended running gear it used, the 190 SL did not enter production until January 1955, the delay being caused by alterations aimed at strengthening the saloon’s shortened platform to compensate for the open body’s reduced stiffness. “Very few new sports cars have been so eagerly awaited or so long in coming as the moderately priced SL version of the Mercedes-Benz,” observed Road & Track magazine. Mounted on a detachable sub-frame along with the four-speed manual gearbox, front suspension and steering, the power unit was a 1,897cc overhead-camshaft four – the first such engine ever to feature in a Mercedes-Benz.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Breathing through twin Solex downdraft carburettors, the M121 unit produced 105bhp at 5,700rpm, an output sufficient to propel the 190SL to 100km/h in 13 seconds, and onto a top speed of 170km/h. The fact that the 190’s ride was more boulevard than sporting, and that many contemporary sports cars could out-perform it while costing a good deal less, did nothing to deter buyers. The model was a big hit in the USA, where many of the 26,000-odd vehicles produced between 1955 and 1963 found homes. The lovely 190SL on offer today, showing just 57,000 kilometers recorded, has received recent refurbishment works with the Fire Engine Red paint being refinished and the interior also very nicely presented. With prices of the 190’s older brother now in excess of €1,000,000, this equally attractive 190 SL offers the elegance of 1960s Mercedes-Benz open top motoring at its very best. Must be seen to be appreciated.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 233

1967 Glas V8 Coupe Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €50,000 - €60,000

The Glas V8 is a V8-engined coupé produced by Hans Glas GmbH at Dingolfing. The car was first presented in September 1965 at the Frankfurt Motor Show, where it became nicknamed the “Glaserati”. The V8 shared its wheelbase with the company’s existing Glas 1700 sedan, resulting in long overhangs at each end which some commentators felt compromised the aesthetics of the striking design and the car’s road holding. By February 1966 Glas were running a prototype V8 with the engine bored out to 2,982cc (literally a doubled up version of the 1,489 cc unit found in some versions of the company’s Glas GT) and a three way carburetor. This version offered maximum power output of 118 kW and according to some sources now managed to top the 200 km/h maximum specified in the original brief for the car. During 1966 a 3.2 litre engined version providing maximum power output of 129 kW was also under development, but 1966 was the year when the company’s precarious finances drove a crisis that resulted, in September 1966, in a take-over by BMW.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

With the Glas model range now under the control of BMW, the Glas company’s former rivals, production of the 2600 V8 Glas was ended in August 1967, (although the model continued to be listed until December). In September the 3000 V8 developed under Glas management the previous year appeared on the market, virtually unchanged, except that it carried a BMW badge on the bonnet/hood and was branded as the BMW-Glas 3000-V8. Production of this model ended in May 1968, however, and exactly a year after its appearance it was delisted in September 1968. In contrast with their treatment of the smaller Glas GT, BMW resisted any temptation to give the BMW branded BMW-Glas 3000-V8 a BMW style “twin kidney” grill. This low mileage Glas V8 has benefitted from older refurbishment before being placed into dry storage for around 30 years in the late 1980s. Now presented in good original condition and with recent attention, this super rate 1960s GT car really makes a statement on the road. A rare luxury sports coupe which offers both dynamic driving enjoyment and future investment potential.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 234

Property of a Gentleman 1938 Rolls-Royce 25/30 Sports Saloon by Thrupp and Maberly In single ownership over a 5 decade period Registration Number: UK Registered

Chassis Number: GGR 26 Estimate: €30,000 - €35,000

The Rolls-Royce 25/30, built between 1936 and 1938, is an updated version of the 20/25 featuring a larger engine than had been fitted to the earlier model which provided more power to compensate for the over-size bodies being built. The in-line six cylinder, overhead valve, engine was similar to that used in the 20/25 but increased in capacity to 4,257cc. A single proprietary Stromberg downdraught carburettor replaced the Rolls-Royce one and magneto ignition was no longer fitted but a spare ignition coil was provided. The riveted chassis had rigid front and rear axles suspended by half elliptic springs with hydraulic dampers. Braking was on all four wheels assisted by a mechanical servo with separate rear brakes fitted for the handbrake. Also fitted was the traditional Rolls-Royce radiator with vertical louvres, the angle of which was controlled thermostatically to control engine cooling. Only the chassis and mechanical parts were made by Rolls-Royce. The body was then made and fitted by a coachbuilder selected by the owner. In the early 1930s, all luxury marques were delivered as rolling chassis to one of many marque-approved coachbuild- ers for completion. Chassis GGR 26 was bodied by Thrupp & Maberly in a delightful four-door “Sports Saloon” design. Thrupp & Maberly were favoured by royalty and heads of state, and they specialised in exquisite, well-built bodies with elaborate interiors for Rolls-Royce, Bentley, and Humber. The quality of their work was so superior that Sir Henry Sea- grave’s Golden Arrow captured the world’s land speed record in 1929, at 231 mph, wearing a streamlined body supplied by this coachbuilder.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

In this case our 25/30 was supplied to Thrupp and Maberly and fitted with Sports Saloon coachwork, thereafter being sold via Jack Barlay of Hanover Square to a Ms. M. Inge in Hampshire. The 25/30 was specified with Polished Staybright Chrome fittings, Ace winglamps, Lucas P100 headlamps, and an outside spare wheel carrier. Our vendor bought this highly original 25/30 in 1971 and has owned it ever since. In current ownership now for over four decades, the 25/30 has been stored carefully and used in conjunction with his other vintage Rolls-Royce motor cars, which are also included in this sale. This rather handsome and well-proportioned Sports Saloon is offered with its original buff logbook and more recent V5/C document.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 235

2004 Ferrari 360 Spider - 11,000 miles from new Registration Number: UK Registered

Chassis Number: ZFFYT53B000137396 Estimate: €40,000 - €50,000

Ferrari’s most successful model since the 308, the F355 was always going to be a tough act to follow. Its successor needed to be ground breaking and revolutionary; two words which, without doubt the 360 lived up to. Starting with a clean sheet of paper in designing the 360 Modena, the new car attracted superlatives that put even its illustrious predecessor in the shade. Just about the only item carried over from the F355 was its glorious V8 engine, enlarged from 3.5 to 3.6 litres for the 360, producing 400bhp. In every other respect the 360 was entirely new, the most striking break with Ferrari tradition being the body’s frontal treatment; gone was the omnipresent oval grille, replaced by two separate intakes set low into the front wings. A larger car than the F355, the 360 owed its radical new shape to the quest for increased downforce, generating four times as much as its predecessor yet achieving the impressively low Cd of 0.33.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

There was further innovation beneath the skin: a lighter, stiffer aluminium spaceframe monocoque replacing the old tubular steel arrangement, resulting in a dry weight around 220lbs less than that of the F355. The 360’s on-the-road dynamics constituted a significant advance, its best time around Ferrari’s Fiorano test track being some three seconds faster than the F355’s. Nicely presented in Grigio alloy with a dark blue leather interior; this clean UK-registered example is offered with the relevant Ferrari service history, all manuals and a recent full healthcheck in August 2019. Since arriving in the UK the 360 has been well maintained by either Modena Ferrari or specialist Joe Macari, and as such is ready to be enjoyed by its lucky next owner. With just 11,000 miles recorded this well-priced example surely merits further inspection. Note: Interested parties should note that this Lot is subject to VAT at the prevailing local rate

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 236

2004 Mercedes-Benz SL55 AMG Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €23,000 - €26,000

Introduced in 2002, after some five years in development, the R230 Series SL Roadster was an engineering ‘tour de force’. Painstakingly modeled on a state-of-the-art supercomputer which enabled the designers to analyse every curve and line, it looked utterly sensational with an air of barely contained aggression that gave it huge road presence. Packed full of sophisticated electronic driver aids which made it immensely safe but also fun to drive, it was an instant hit with press and public alike and is widely considered to be the best-looking Mercedes for many years. The power-operated aluminium folding roof was particularly admired and would disappear into the top of the boot at the press of a button in just 16 seconds, yet still leave enough room underneath for 206 litres of luggage space. It was in 2003 that the stunning looking SL55 AMG version was introduced. Seriously powerful and massively fast, the 5.4-litre engine gave 476 BHP and a tree stump pulling 520lbs/ feet of torque! Early owners included the, notoriously difficult to please, Jeremy Clarkson, who became quite vocal about his enthusiasm for the way it drove, the way it looked and above all, the way it sounded! Featuring the amazing “Panoramic Electric Glass Roof System”, it became the sports car to own between 2003 and 2006. Finished in Basalt Black Metallic with a red leather interior, this 2004 example is in very good order throughout. With a sensible 100,000 kilometres from new, the SL55 is supplied with the all-important service books, and we understand from our vendor is in extremely good order both cosmetically and mechanically. Ferociously quick, fabulous looks, continent covering pace, yet totally civilised in town, this is a hugely impressive car.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 237

1986 Alpina B10: #16 of only 77 produced. Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: €38,000 - €45,000

The Alpina B10 Bi-Turbo is a high performance version of the BMW 5 Series E34 executive car manufactured by German automobile manufacturer Alpina. Beginning production in 1989, the B10 Bi-Turbo was based on the 535i and received several upgrades by Alpina, being the fastest production sedan in the world at the time of its introduction. The original matching numbers car on display here was delivered new to Japan on January 30th of 1986. In 2016 it was imported to the UK and in 2017 it was the subject of a partial restoration at a cost of over €15,000, including new Bilstein shock absorbers, new brakes, new tires, new alternator, new trim and a glass-out repaint. The odometer shows only 120.000 kilometers, which is confirmed by records from Japan and the Japanese export document. The engine and gearbox have been tested and found to be in very good condition. An excellent opportunity to acquire a superb example of this modern classic.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 238

1965 Alfa Romeo Racing GTA Registration Number: Italian Registered

Chassis Number: AR826029 Estimate: €35,000 - €45,000

Introduced in 1962, Alfa Romeo’s 106-Series 2600 range was a direct replacement for the preceding 102-Series 2000 cars. The latter’s chassis design and body styles were retained, with minor revisions and improvements, but in place of the old 2.0-litre, four-cylinder engine was a new, 2,584cc, twin-cam six descended from the immensely successful Giulietta. A maximum output of 145bhp was claimed for this unit when installed in the Sprint Coupé and Spider, good enough for a top speed of around 200km/h in 5th gear. Approximately 2,255 Spiders and 6,999 Sprint Coupés were produced between 1962 and 1966, and today these rare and under-appreciated models are becoming increasingly sought after by discerning collectors.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

This particular 2600 is presented with FIA papers valid until 2026.Uprated by the legendary Vincenzo Fiammetta it weighs just 1070kg , and fires through 3 weber 50 DCO carburettors.. A successful participant in Targa Florio, Corsa Dell Enta, Monza , Prova Challenge Siciliano and Giro d’Sicilia this must be one of the most competitive 2600 cars available on the market today.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 239

1987 Porsche 928 S4 Registration Number: EU Taxes Paid

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: â‚Ź20,000 - â‚Ź25,000

First introduced to the world at the Geneva Salon in 1977, and subsequently voted European Car of the Year in 1978, the 928 was intended as a more refined replacement for the long-running 911. With the 928, Porsche had created a serious long distance Grand Tourer that could also tackle twisting country roads with ease. Thanks to an alloy V8 attached to a rear mounted gearbox and 50/50 weight distribution, the car felt planted and nimble with a vast amount of grip. A five-speed transaxle gearbox or three-speed automatic were the transmission options. In 1979 the 928S with 4.6 litre engine arrived, and then in 1986 the model was further revised and restyled, becoming the 928 S4. Its engine producing 320bhp courtesy of twin-cam, 16-valve cylinder heads and enlargement to 4,957cc, the S4 enjoyed a welcome top speed boost to 260kph. Porsche has not made anything like the 928 since its deletion in 1995. This stunning late S4 model must surely one of the best and certainly lowest mileage example available today. Showing a mere 32,500 kilometres from new, the 928 can only be described as being in concours condition, and as you would expect is offered with a full and complete service record with Porsche. The 928s are extremely capable GT cars and this is the nicest one we have seen. Finished in Grand Prix White with a special order red leather interior, this later Series 4 presents well inside and out, and shows a low 113,000 miles from new. A fabulous modern GT car and one which really does merit further inspection. Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.

Lot 240

1993 Mercedes-Benz E320 Cabriolet Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: TBA Estimate: â‚Ź20,000 - â‚Ź25,000

The W124 Cabriolet was a relatively late addition to the range, being launched in 1991, initially in 300CE-24 form. A little more than a year later, the models were realigned as part of the minor facelift to become the E-Class, becoming the E320 and E220 in 1993. It was the most expensive model in the four-seat open-top class, with the Saab 900 and Audi Cabriolet gaining more sales on the back of their lower prices – but today, this is reflected in much higher values for the Mercedes-Benz. Floors, transmission tunnels, window frames, door frames, even the convertible top storage compartments were engineered to provide extra body rigidity lost by convertibles. Engineers did their homework thoroughly, as all automotive reviewers gave the 320CE Cabriolet high marks for no cowl shake, creaks, or flexing over bumps. In current ownership since 2003, and having covered 124,000 miles the E320 Convertible comes with a large history file showing invoices, historic MOT certificates and tax discs.

Buyers should satisfy themselves prior to sale as to the condition of each lot and should exercise and rely on their own judgement as to whether the lot accords with its description. Coys accepts no liability for the accuracy of these particulars.



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INDEX Lot 122 227 238 237 102 119 207 203 219 120 103 206 124 114 229 215 105 220 218 222 235 209 231 233 113 125 221 104 213 226 224 210 211 118 121

Year 1957 c1967 1966 1986 2003 1967 1959 2006 1985 1988 1992 2007 1974 1975 1960 1964 1973 1974 2003 1971 2004 1980 1963 1967 1970 1952 1963 1966 1966 1992 1965 1970 1987 1968 2001

Make Alfa Romeo Alfa Romeo Alfa Romeo Alpina B10 Audi Austin Healey Austin Healey Bentley BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW BMW Borgward Chevrolet Datsun De Tomasa Ferrari Ferrari Ferrari Ferrari Fiat Glas Jaguar Jaguar Lancia Lancia Lancia Lancia Lancia Lancia Land Rover Lotus Mercedes

Model Giulietta Spider Spider 2600 Sprint Coupe RS6 Avant 3000 Mk 111 Alexander Sprite Arnage M635 CSI M6 Alpina B6 M6 Coupe 2002 305 Isabella Corvette 240Z Pantera 575M Dino 360 Spider 308 GTB Osca GT XJ6 S1 XK120 FHC Flaminia Flavia Coupe Flaminia Zagato Delta Integrale Flaminia Coupe Fulvia Coupe Defender Elan G500

INDEX Lot 217 214 201 204 230 212 228 112 109 216 108 236 123 240 205 232 116 129 130 126 110 101 128 202 239 127 107 223 225 208 117 234 115 106 111

Year 1969 1960 1990 1965 1954 1960 2015 2004 2004 1990 1989 2004 2003 1995 1966 1959 1952 1971 1969 1995

1930 1982 1987 1987 1968 2002 1989 1992 1990 1938 1971 1952 1965

Make Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes Mercedes MG MGB Mini Mitsubishi Opel Opel Peugeot Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche Range Rover Rolls Royce Rolls Royce VW VW

Model 280SL Benz 220SE G250 Wolf 300SE 220A Coupe 220SE Ponton AMG Brabus GTS 600 S55 G55 560SEL 560SL SL55 E55 E320 Cabriolet 220 SE 190SL TD GT Cooper MK111 3000 GT Spider Calibra Manta Gsi 201 928S 928 S4 928 S4 912 Targa 996 Turbo 930 Cabriolet 964 RS America 3 Door Classic 25/30 Shadow Beetle Beetle

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