New year 2012 - Radisson Blu Dubrovnik Sun Gardens

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Dočekajte Novu Godinu u Radisson Blu Resort & Spa u Dubrovačkim Vrtovima Sunca i doživite svečane trenutke koje ćete još dugo pamtiti Pridružite nam se u cjelokupnom novogodišnjem programu sa nezaboravnim događajima.

Uživajte u prekrasnim večerima i glazbom uživo uz Jazz Trio i tradicionalnu Klapsku glazbu.

Okusite izuzetnu kuhinju začinjenu jadranskim okusima i mirisima uz vrhunsku glazbu uživo, te Gala večeru u atmosferi punoj uzbuđenja i slavlja koje će novogodišnje iskustvo učiniti neponovljivim!

A da doček bude nezaboravan pripremili smo zanimljiv program i nastup Soulfingersa!


At the Radisson Blu Resort & Spa at the Dubrovnik Sun Gardens, and make it a festive time to remember, forever Join us for a full New Year programme with memorable events. Enjoy exceptional cuisine, live entertainment, Gala dinner and an atmosphere of excitement and celebration with our New Year Packages that will make your New Year’s experience second to none.

Enjoy serenading night with live music performances by Ines Tričković Jazz Trio and traditional Klapa ensembles. Have the time of your life at New Year’s Eve party with extensive programme and live energetic performance by SOULFINGERS!

29. Prosinac

SAV TAJ JAZZ! Nakon večere sa glazbom uživo u Tartufo restoranu opustite se u Maraska baru i uživajte uz zvuke jazz-a iz 1920-ih koje izvodi Ines Tričković Jazz Trio 16.00 18.00 19.00 21.00

Poslijepodnevni čaj uz slastice u Maraska baru uz zvuke klavira Koktel dobrodošlice za novopridošle goste Večera u Tartufo Restoranu uz zvuke hrvatske glazbe koju izvodi Trio Laus Noć Jazz-a – Ines Tričković Jazz Trio izvodi klasike Jazza 1920-ih

29th December

ALL THAT JAZZ! After dinner with live music in the Tartufo restaurant, unwind at the Maraska bar and enjoy Jazz Sounds of the 1920’s performed by Ines Tričković Jazz Trio 16.00 18.00 19.00 21.00

Afternoon tea with pastries and scones at the Maraska Bar with live piano music Welcome cocktail party in the hotel lobby for today’s arrivals Dinner in the Tartufo Restaurant with sounds of Croatia performed by Trio Laus Jazz Evening – Ines Tričković Jazz Trio performing Jazz classics from the 1920’s

Ako želite rezervirati kontaktirajte nas / If you have any inquiries please contact us: Tel. 00 385 (0)20 361 901 Fax. 00 385 (0)20 361 503 E-mail:

30. Prosinac

30th December



Poslijepodnevni čaj, izvanredna kuhinja Origano restorana i uz nastup klapa F.A. Linđo & Klapa Ragusavecchia.

Afternoon tea, exceptional cuisine in Origano restaurant and authentic Klapa music

07.00 – 10.00 10.00

07.00 – 10.00 10.00

14.00 – 16.00 16.00 18.00 19.00



Doručak u restoranu Origano Minibus transfer do Starog grada ( povratak u 16.00 ) Zabavni program i aktivnosti za djecu u Sportskom Centru Poslijepodnevni čaj uz slastice u Maraska baru uz zvuke klavira Koktel dobrodošlice za novopridošle goste Večera u Origano Restoranu uz zvuke hrvatske glazbe koju izvodi Trio Laus Noć Klapa u Maraska Baru uz nastupe ženske Klape F.A. Linđo i Klape Ragusavecchia

Tijekom dana pripremili smo široku ponudu sportskih aktivnosti, fitnessa, vježbanja s osobnim trenerom,yogilates, aerobik, te školu tenisa. Ako se samo želite opustiti, nema boljeg mjesta od našeg Spa centra!

14.00 – 16.00 16.00 18.00 19.00 21.00

Breakfast in the Origano restaurant Minibus transfer to Old Town (return at 16.00) Children’s fun activities at the Sports Centre Afternoon tea with pastries and scones at the Maraska Bar with live piano music Welcome cocktail party in the hotel lobby for today’s arrivals Dinner in the Origano restaurant with sounds of Croatia performed by Trio Laus Klapa Evening in the Maraska bar with performances by Klapa F.A. Linđo and Klapa Ragusavecchia

During the day we have organized an extensive sports and fitness activities programme including stretching and exercising with a personal trainer, yogilates, aerobics and tennis basics. If you just want to unwind and relax there’s no better place than our Spa!

31. Prosinac

ZBOGOM 2011 07.00 – 10.00 Doručak u restoranu Origano 10.00 Minibus transfer do Starog grada ( povratak u 16.00 ) 14.00 – 16.00 Dječja zabava u Sportskom Centru – Svaka obitelj sa djecom će biti pozvana. Igrat će se razne igre, a naravno služit će i slastice za najmlađe 16.00 Poslijepodnevni čaj uz slastice u Maraska baru uz zvuke klavira Tijekom jutra organizirali smo široku ponudu sportskih aktivnosti, fitnessa, vježbanja sa osobnim trenerom, yogilates, aerobik, te školu penjanja.

31st December

FAREWELL 2011! 07.00 – 10.00 Breakfast in the Origano restaurant 10.00 Minibus transfer to Old Town (return at 16.00) 14.00 – 16.00 Children’s party at the Sports Centre - Every family with children will receive our New Year’s Eve theme party invitation. We will play relays, musical chairs, pass the cup and many other fun games. Cookies and selection of teas and juices will be provided. 16.00 Afternoon tea with pastries and scones in the Maraska Bar with live piano music During the morning we have organized an extensive sports and fitness activities programme including stretching and exercising with a personal trainer, yogilates, aerobics and wall climbing basics.



NEZABORAVAN PROVOD Koktel dobrodošlice, Gala Večera sa 6 slijedova, Novogodišnja lutrija, vatromet, nastup SOULFINGERS-a i party u Ginji! Doček Nove Godine! Pridružite nam se u 20.30 na koktelu dobrodošlice u Soderini Foyer-u.Poslije koktela dobrodošlice Noć za pamćenje počinje sa Gala večerom od 6 slijedova u 21.00. Uz večeru uživajte uz lagane zvuke evergreen i klasika. Sudjelujte u već tradicionalnoj Novogodišnjoj lutriji, i budite jedan od 5 sretnih dobitnika koji će osvojiti boravke u luksuznim Radisson Blu hotelima u Europskim metropolama! Sav prihod Novogodišnje lutrije ide u dobrotvorne svrhe. Večer puna glamura i energije u Dubrovačkim vrtovima Sunca! Deseteročlana atrakcija predvodjena sjajnim zabavljačima - soul braćom Denisom i Harisom, atraktivnim soul ljepoticama Pinky sisters i vrhunskim glazbenicima rasplesat će vas svojim vrućim soul ritmovima u najludjoj noći u godini. Pripremite svoje najdraže plesne cipele, trebat će vam! Uživajte u spektakularnom vatrometu uz piće dobrodošlice dok nastavljamo sa Novogodišnjim party-em u eksluzivnom Noćnom klubu Ginja. Plesni ritmovi Apokalipso banda zabavljati će vas do ranih jutarnjih sati.

NOVOGODIŠNJI MENU 2012 • Jakobove kapice na posteljici od kuskusa s umakom od korijandera • Pjenasta juha od šampanjca s hrskavim kuglicama od sira • Ravioli s kaduljom, dimljenom patkom i kandiranom narančom • Sorbet od limuna s umakom od borovnica • Tournedos Rossini s guščjom jetrom i umakom od tartufa, Svitak od krumpira,Povrće s mirisnim maslacem • Semifreddo od kokosa sa pjenicom od bijele čokolade i karamele

New Year’s Eve

PARTY TO REMEMBER! Welcome cocktails, 6 course Gala Dinner, attractive New Year’s Raffle, fireworks, SOULFINGERS and a party night in Ginja! The New Year’s Eve Grand Ball Join us for a welcome cocktail in the Soderini Foyer at 20.30. After the welcome toast the night to remember starts at 21.00 with 6 course dinner in the Soderini Ballroom. Enjoy your dinner with the sounds of evergreens and classics. As a special treat participate in the attractive New Year’s raffle and be one of 5 lucky winners of stays at luxurious Radisson Blu properties!

Enjoy the spectacular fireworks display with a free welcome drink as we continue with the New Year’s Eve party in Night Club Ginja where the Apokalipso band will make sure you dance, dance, dance!

NEW YEAR’S EVE GALA DINNER MENU: • Saint Jacques on cous-cous salad and coriander vinaigrette • Champagne velouté with crusty baked cheese

All the proceeds from the New Year’s raffle will be donated to charity.

• Sage ravioli with smoked duck and candied oranges

A night of glamour and energy in Dubrovnik Sun Gardens! A performance by Soulfingers led by soul brothers and beautiful Pinky Sisters accompanied by excellent musicians we make you dance with their hot soul rhythms in the craziest night of all! Be certain to put your dancing shoes on! You’ll need them!

• Lemon Sorbet with Blueberry Sauce

It’s not ‘Goodnight and farewell’ yet!

• Tournedos Rossini with foie gras and truffle gravy, Potato strudel, Buttered vegetables • Coconut parfait with white chocolate mousse and caramel

Nova Godina

NOVI POČETAK Oporavite se od uzbudljive noći uz novogodišnji brunch, poslijepodnevni čaj i opuštajuće spa tretmane. 07.00 – 14.00 10.00 15.00 16.00 19.00



Novogodišnji brunch u restoranu Origano Minibus transfer do Starog grada ( povratak u 16.00 ) Zabavni program za djecu – Lov na blago! Poslijepodnevni čaj uz slastice u Maraska Baru uz zvuke klavira Večera u Tartufo Restoranu uz zvuke hrvatske glazbe koju izvodi Trio Laus Noć Jazz-a – Ines Tričković Jazz Trio izvodi klasike Jazza 1920-ih

... I naravno, vidimo se opet!

New Year’s Day

A NEW START Feeling blue? Nothing you can’t resolve with long sleep, brunch, afternoon tea perhaps a rejuvenating spa treatments! 09.00 – 14.00

10.00 15.00 16.00 19.00 21.00

Breakfast & Brunch in the Origano Restaurant with a specialty of freshly carved ham on the bone Minibus transfer to the Old Town (return at 16.00) Children’s treasure hunt Afternoon tea with pastries and scones in the Maraska Bar with live piano music Dinner in the Tartufo Restaurant with sounds of Croatia performed by Trio Laus Jazz Evening – Ines Tričković Jazz Trio performing Jazz classics of 1930’s

Wash away the stress and fatigue by jumping in the spa pool or participate light exercise programme at the Sports Centre ... and of course, see you again



• Smještaj u sobi sa balkonom i pogledom na more • Novogodišnje iznenađenje u sobi • Besplatni koktel dobrodošlice • Bogati buffet doručak • Večeru uz muziku uživo • Gala večeru uz nastup Soulfingersa, te zabavu do jutarnjih sati u Noćnom klubu Ginja • Povratni transfer sa Aerodroma Ćilipi • Jedan besplatan transfer za Dubrovnik tijekom boravka ( unaprijed dogovoreno vrijeme polaska ) • Dnevni sportski programi uz osobnog trenera • Dnevne Dječje zabavne aktivnosti • Besplatan pristup Spa centru • Besplatan bežični internet • Garantirani rani check-in i kasni check-out

• Accommodation in Double Room with balcony and sea view • Special New Year Surprise amenities in room • Welcome cocktail • Rich Buffet breakfast • Dinner with live music • Gala dinner with performance by SOULFINGERS and party in Ginja Night Club • Free return transfer from Dubrovnik Airport • One free transfer to Dubrovnik during your stay (at pre-booking essential) • Daily sports programmes with personal trainer • Daily fun children activities • Free Access to The Spa • Free wireless internet • Early check-in and late check out

Cijene: (po osobi po paketu, bazirano na cijenama dvokrevetne sobe)

Prices: (per person per package, based on double occupancy)

Jednodnevni paket – od Dvodnevni paket – od Trodnevni paket – od Četverodnevni paket – od

€ 139 € 209 € 269 € 329

1 day package - from 2 day package - from 3 day package - from 4 day package - from

€ 139 € 209 € 269 € 329

Obiteljski paketi su također raspoloživi!

Family packages are also available!

Upgrade u Deluxe sobu je moguć za dodatnih 10 EUR po sobi po danu!

Upgrade your package to Deluxe room with sea view and balcony for additional 10 EUR per day!

Radisson Blu Resort & Spa, Dubrovnik Sun Gardens Na Moru 1, 20234 Orašac, Croatia Tel: +385 (0)20 361 500, Fax: +385 (0)20 361 501

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