energy improving life.
cooperative history. Born in 1899, CPL CONCORDIA is one of the most important and long-lived cooperative companies in the Energy and Service industry. The land reclamation the canal construction, the construction of railway, road and water supply infrastructures, have distinguished the work of the company for many years. In 1963 started for CPL a cycle of transformation and rapid growth towards the energy market, thanks to creation of the first gas distribution network. Currently, the wide offer that CPL supplies, includes engineering, construction and services for the Energy, Gas, Cogeneration and ICT sectors.
mission: work. To improve the people’s comfort and quality of life, using efficient and environmentally friendly technologies. To compete on the market following the principles of loyalty, integrity and honesty, developing mutual interest relationships between the company and the clients. To create enduring value for the cooperative and guarantee the best employment conditions for our members and employees.
Value of Production....................223 Ml. Euro Cooperative Employees..........1172 Members...........................................643
Value of Production....................288,6 Ml. Euro Group Employees........................1318 Subsidiaries.....................................60 Updated to: June, 30th, 2017
energy efficiency, savings. Energy savings and efficiency are the key points of the solutions offered by CPL. The company, thanks to a wellestablished experience in the management of the systems, is currently one of the most important players in the fields of Energy and Facility management, global service and airconditioning. Being an ESCo (Energy Service Company), CPL is able to develop projects in order to reduce energetic costs through the revamping of plants and the monitoring of the operating parameters.
high efficiency cogeneration. Over 40 years’ experience and more than 300 systems installed in Italy are the characteristics of the combined heat and power appliances offered by CPL. The service is composed by the planning, installation and maintenance service for a range of systems (BIBLOC and SINCRO) from 70 to 9500 kW, which includes also trigeneration solutions for cooling production. With the maintenance service team, CPL is a guarantee of reliability and of the highest engine manufacturing performances, in order to give continuity to the production, helping the clients to optimize the energetic output during years.
natural gas solutions. CPL stands for expertise and quality also in the oil&gas technologies: decompressione and measurement, filtration and injection facilities for the natural gas and regasification of the LNG. A wide range of services completes the offer in this field: odourisation, gas leak detection, cathodic protection, emergency customer services for utilities, analysis and measurement of the gas quality. CPL is also a certified metrological laboratory and Ispection Body type C.
ICT, digital heart. The digital component is a constant element in the management services and solutions, in particular referring to the Utilities market in which CPL stands as an actual partner in the business process with the billing and the smart metering softwares: MUBI, USER, DIGAS, ESAC. CPL is equipped with a Control Room for the multisite remote management and the company creates and installs remote control and supervision systems and industrial automation. The service is integrated with a wide range of Call and Contact services for the management of property assets in the public administration, in the industry and in the tertiary sector.
sustainable environment. The development of CPL is connected with a strong commitment to reduce the environmental impact through the offer of qualified and certified services. The “green� politics actions, effected since 2006, have allowed the company to accomplish important results in the climate-changing emissions reduction and in the production of energy from renewable sources.
Energy Service Company UNI CEI 11352
Energy efficiency UNI CEI EN ISO 50001
Quality Management
Social Accountability
SA 8000
2.150 GWh
Electricity produced from renewable sources
1.200.000 tCO2
Equivalent tons of atmospheric emissions avoided
40.000 TEP
Equivalent oil tons (certified) of energy savings
Inspection Services Unit UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17020
Qualification of Public Works SOA
Environmental Management
National Register of Environmental Managers
UNI EN ISO 14001
Worker Occupational Safety and Health System OHSAS 18001
Analysis and calibration laboratory - ACCREDIA UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025
certified path. The entire life circle of our services, starting from the planning to the operational phase, is certified in the results achieved. Our main goal is to convert the procedures and the compliance with the rules in behaviours which will be able to engender an actual competitive advantage for our clients in the fields of: Safety, Energy Efficiency, Environment and Quality, Social Responsibility.
© Copyright CPL CONCORDIA - Tutti i diritti riservati CPL CONCORDIA Soc. Coop. | Via A. Grandi, 39 | 41033 Concordia sulla Secchia (Mo) Tel +39.0535.616111 | Fax +39.0535.616.300 |