CP November 2017

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FAWAZ AL-ASAD “If you believe you have reached where you want to be, think again” lKUWAITlBAHRAINlQATARlPOLANDlCANADAlRUSSIAlUKlUSAlCYPRUSlNEW ZEALAND


‫ﺧﺪﻣﺎت اﻟﻌﻴﺎدة‬ ‫ﻟﻴﺰر ‪ -‬ﺗﺠﻤﻴﻞ ‪ -‬ﺟﻠﺪﻳﺔ‬ ‫اﻟﻌﻘﻴﻠﺔ‬

‫زﯾﻨﺐ ﺑﺪر‬



(SoKu, The Avenues)


:‫تيك توك‬

)‫ األڤنيوز‬،‫(سوكو‬

The Gate Mall:


:‫اجليت مول‬

Do you know that With

You can buy a diamond set?


AUTOMOBILE 98. Porsche Panamera BEAUTY 72. Our Top Picks This Month Are Dedicated To Men! 76. A Guide To A Day Well Spent At The Spa In Kuwait ENTERTAINMENT 90. Writing Movie Wrongs 91. Top Music Charts 92. Top Reading Picks For November 94. Movies

FASHION 74. Men Styling With Carla And Marie 84. Fashion News 86. Top Picks By Yasmeen Alsalem FEATURES 16. Why emotional intelligence in kids matters 18. Coffee time 20. University dress code - respect it 22. The legacy you leave 29. ‫ أموت كي أكون أنا‬/‫كتاب‬ 28. Why business incubators?



FITNESS 74. Five Things To Do Now To Slim Down Before The Holidays FOOD 66. Life With Cake HEALTH 40. Common Causes Of Hair Loss In Men INTERVIEWS 30. Fawaz Al-Asad 68. Samiksha Nath NUTRITION 24. Men Superfoods SPECIAL FEATURE 50. CP Inspiring Men 2017

TECHNOLOGY 96. Cool Gadgets TRAVEL 43. Top Five For Wiesbaden 44. The City Guide 46. Bonus Miles - Treehouse Hotels REGULARS 26. In Permanent Pursuit Of Perfection 108. Press 111. Social Diary 112. Fuel For Your Grey Matter 114. Horoscopes




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On the cover: Fawaz Al-Asad (@fawazasad) Photography & Video: Hamad AlAinati (@7mdphotography) Stylist: Musaed AlMutairi (@musaed_1980) Outfits: Harvery Nichols, Kuwait (@harveynicholskuwait) Creative Director: Jameel Arif - (@jameelarif) Location: Four Seasons at Burj AlShaya - Kuwait (@fskuwait)

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‫ﻗﻮة‪ ،‬ﻓﺨﺎﻣﺔ وأداء‬

‫رام ‪LONGHORN 1500‬‬

‫ﻛــﺎﻣـﻞ اﻟﻤـﻮاﺻـﻔـﺎت‬



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any people, especially parents, are well aware of what IQ is. IQ or intelligence quotient is the measure of a person’s academic intelligence and ability. For a very long time, IQ scores were used as a measure of success for children. Today, thanks to extensive research from psychologists like Daniel Goleman, author of the New York Times' bestselling book, Emotional Intelligence, Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, we now know of another kind of intelligence called emotional intelligence or EQ. The argument today, and what could be a big surprise to parents, is that EQ can be a better indicator of our children’s success than IQ. Now, more than ever, there are more schools incorporating EQ into their curriculums and rightly so. The question to ask becomes what is EQ and why is it important? EQ is a person’s ability to recognize emotions in themselves and in others, and to respond intelligently in a socially appropriate way with empathy. Other traits associated with EQ are a person’s ability to regulate anxiety, self-acceptance and a capacity to see another person’s point of view. Having a high EQ is a better indicator for success than IQ for many reasons. While a high IQ score might help your child’s academic ability in terms of verbal comprehension, reasoning, memory and processing speed, these abilities will only take them so far in both school and in life. On the other hand, a high EQ in a child will help your child stay longer in school, build resilience, grit, motivation, perseverance, impulse control, coping mechanisms and the ability to delay gratifications. All of these traits have been linked with more success in life and happier individuals. Now comes the big question: Can we teach our children emotional intelligence and how? The answer to the first question is absolutely yes! How? Here are a few points to get you started: 1. Help your child to acknowledge and label his own emotions. When your child is mad, help your child label that feeling and do not suppress it. Provide your child with coping mechanisms to deal with his different emotions. When your child is frustrated but does not know how to label his feeling, ask him to describe his feeling to you 2. Walk the talk! This means you as a parent need to talk about your own emotions and put a label to them. Share how you feel and model appropriate ways of dealing with these emotions. 3. Teach empathy. Challenge your child to be curious about other people’s emotions. Ask your child quite openly about how she thinks a certain person feels in a certain situation. Eventually this will teach your child to consider what other people might be feeling or why they act in a certain way. 4. Teach appropriate responses and behaviors. This means teaching your child that being angry is ok but hitting, screaming and yelling are not acceptable ways to express anger. Children will feel a range of emotions on any given day and having the tools to help them express these feelings appropriately is one of the best ways to foster EQ in a child. More tips include reading out loud, playing together, modeling kindness and practicing gratitude to name a few. Keep in mind that developmentally, children typically tend to focus on themselves rather than others. This will eventually change. Keep up the hard work, teaching and modeling and eventually you will start to notice a change. ‘If your emotional abilities aren't in hand, if you don't have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can't have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far’ - Daniel Goleman






eeping up with the times is an almost impossible task. No sooner has the latest fad been revealed than it’s replaced with another, more up-to-date version. Fuelled by technology, this modern day progression seems unstoppable. For example, can you believe the Apple i-phone is now on version 10? And who would ever have thought you could pause and rewind live TV? When I was a child, I vaguely remember my parents watching a TV programme called Tomorrow’s World. It was always on just before Top of the Pops so I would endure the thirty minutes of science and technology knowing I would soon be entertained by my favourite pop stars. Some of the inventions featured were so weird and wonderful it was hard to believe they were real. Certainly, I could never imagine them coming to fruition in my lifetime. Now, forty years later, I am using those inventions on a daily basis. In fact, so familiar am I with the presence of my Sky Q box, my i-phone and my SatNav, I can’t imagine my life without them. But it’s not just gadgets that have progressed. Our ever increasing appetite for all things new and unique has resulted in massive changes in the food and beverage industry. Remember when your choice of coffee was limited to black or white? If you were lucky, you got to choose between a cup and a mug. The last time I visited my favourite coffee shop there were almost fifty different coffee options on the menu. That’s some choice! And that’s before I even considered which of the seven measurements I wanted. These seemingly endless coffee options extend to our own kitchens too. Gone are the days when all you needed were a kettle, a mug and a jar of your favourite instant granules. The modern domestic gadgets such as Tassimo, Nespresso and Dolce Gusto are designed to bring the ultimate coffee experience into our homes. There’s no denying coffee is now big business. Your local coffee shop offers the ideal social environment to meet friends and family. It’s also an ideal place to catch up on some work; to sit and read the newspaper; to enjoy a spot of lunch; or to meet a business associate. It offers solutions for breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper and everything in between. But is it healthy? I was brought up to believe that too much coffee was bad for you. In those days, there were very few coffee shops around and those that did exist were a far cry from the clean, relaxing spaces we see today. Very occasionally, as a treat, we would stand 18


in the self-service queue of a department store restaurant and help ourselves to a chipped white cup and saucer filled with a strong, lukewarm liquid passing itself off as coffee. Inevitably, the restaurant would be full of cigarette smoke which, looking back, was much more of a health concern than the coffee itself. Far from being a treat, the experience was rarely pleasurable. Thankfully, with most coffee shops now observing the no smoking rules, they are far more welcoming than they used to be. Good news indeed; but there’s even better news. Coffee is apparently good for you! Yes, studies have revealed that drinking 2-3 cups of coffee every day can help fight against cancer, heart disease, dementia and respiratory diseases. It’s also believed that caffeine can protect you from premature ageing, reduce the risk of diabetes, aid weight loss and boost memory. Apparently, drinking 2-3 cups of coffee each day can also help beat depression. This particular finding is probably one most of us can relate to. After all, who doesn’t feel better after a daily dose of caffeine? The good thing about modern science and technology is that it doesn’t just provide the tools to create the next big thing, it also provides the information necessary to measure the impact that ‘thing’ has on its consumers. Coffee is no different. We’re all happy to hear of the latest health benefits associated with our favourite beverage, but before we all go running off to purchase a Double Espresso, what about the health concerns? It’s a well known fact that too much coffee can play havoc with our sleep patterns so avoiding caffeine before we retire at night is advice we’ve long since heeded. Most of us are also aware of its addictive nature and will restrict our daily intake accordingly. However, a lesser known fact is that excessive caffeine is linked with infertility. This applies to both the male and female gender so couples struggling to conceive should consider reducing their daily consumption. We should also be aware that some coffee options are far more calorie laden than others. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that a Caramel Macciato is much more calorific than an Americano. Add an extra shot of vanilla and that figure is even higher; not to mention the Chocolate Chip Cookie you buy to go with it. Enjoy your coffee by all means, but don’t be fooled by the latest claims that it’s the new health drink. Underneath every headline is a myriad of facts. Within those facts lies a labyrinth of small print. You need to read the whole story to understand the message. Modern technology provides us with gadgets and information, but it’s how we use those things that’s important. Not everything, even coffee, is black or white.

AtyabConsultations since 2010



he new laws regarding Kuwait University’s dress code are met with disagreement from the vast majority of students, making it an important subject to negotiate.

Since the establishment of Kuwait University in 1966, students have never faced an official dress code issue. General university regulations urge students to keep covered and decent and not to wear inappropriate clothing. This allows students to follow the regulations while still being able to follow fashion. However, since that time a number of changes have occurred in Kuwait. The dominance of Islamic political currents suggests that the freedom to dress in Kuwait must be regulated by a certain point of view. Which brings the question, should these regulations conflict with freedom to dress? Basically, the regulations to dress appropriately and stay covered were in the law system before the university dress code was issued. Kuwait’s constitution (Part 1, Article 2) mentions that the religion of Kuwait is Islam. The public order and ethics also join to serve the same law system. These orders and ethics regulate how people should act when they're in public places and that includes dealing with people, following public order and dressing up. It clearly explains that the dress code is just an expansion of the main system of public order on ethics. Personally I think it's very important to have a dress code in the university as it’s an academic institute where people are working and learning so students should respect both the environment and culture. I therefore advise students, for their own benefit, to be committed to these new codes.



‫ﺑﺤﺮﻳﺔ‬ ‫إﻧﻄﻠﻖ ُ‬

‫ﺟـﻴـﺐ® راﻧـﺠـﻠـﺮ ‪2017‬‬

‫اﺑﺘﺪاء ﻣﻦ ‪ 8,999‬د‪.‬ك‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ﻋﺮض اﻟﻤﻮﺳﻢ‪:‬‬ ‫• ﺧﺪﻣﺔ ‪ 3‬ﺳﻨﻮات ‪ 60,000 /‬ﻛﻢ ﻣﺠﺎﻧ ‬ ‫• ﻛﻔﺎﻟﺔ ‪ 5‬ﺳﻨﻮات أو ‪ 100,000‬ﻛﻢ‬ ‫• ﺗﺴﺠﻴﻞ وﺗﺄﻣﻴﻦ ﺿﺪ اﻟﻐﻴﺮ ﻣﺠﺎﻧ ‬ ‫• ﺧﺼﻢ ﻟﻐﺎﻳﺔ ‪ 40%‬ﻋﻠﻰ إﻛﺴﺴﻮارات ﻣﻮﺑﺎر اﻟﺨﺎﺻﺔ ﺑﺮاﻧﺠﻠﺮ‬

‫أﻓﻀﻞ ﺳﻌﺮ وﻣﻮاﺻﻔﺎت ‪ ...‬ﻧﺘﺤﺪى أن ﺗﺠﺪ أﻓﻀﻞ‬ ‫ا ﻛﺴﺴﻮارات‪/‬اﻟﻤﻮاﺻﻔﺎت اﻟﻈﺎﻫﺮة ﻓﻲ اﻟﺼﻮرة ﻗﺪ ﻻ ﺗﻜﻮن ﻣﺘﻮﻓﺮة ﻓﻲ اﻟﻄﺮاز اﻟﻘﻴﺎﺳﻲ‪ 2017© .‬ﻣﺠﻤﻮﻋﺔ ﻓﻴﺎت ﻛﺮاﻳﺴﻠﺮ ﻟﻠﺴﻴﺎرات‪ ،‬اﻟﻮﻻﻳﺎت اﻟﻤﺘﺤﺪة ذ‪.‬م‪.‬م‪ .‬ﺟﻤﻴﻊ اﻟﺤﻘﻮق ﻣﺤﻔﻮﻇﺔ‪ .‬ﻛﺮاﻳﺴﻠﺮ‪ ،‬دودج‪ ،‬ﺟﻴﺐ®‪ ،‬رام‪ SRT ،‬ﻣﻮﺑﺎر ﻫﻲ ﻋﻼﻣﺎت ﺗﺠﺎرﻳﺔ ﻣﺴﺠﻠﺔ ﻟﻤﺠﻤﻮﻋﺔ ﻓﻴﺎت ﻛﺮاﻳﺴﻠﺮ ﻟﻠﺴﻴﺎرات‪ ،‬اﻟﻮﻻﻳﺎت اﻟﻤﺘﺤﺪة ذ‪.‬م‪.‬م‪.‬‬

‫ت – ﻫـ ‪1961/2017 /‬‬




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remember as a child in school we were asked to write a eulogy to ourselves; the idea was that it made us think about living our best (child) versions of ourselves. A eulogy is a piece of writing that pays tribute and praise to someone who has passed. Sounds crazy to think about yourself in that way, right? Or to even fathom what you would say to your deceased self. But stay with me here and you’ll see how this all makes crazy sense. Fast forward almost twenty years later to another training course. Being in the field of counseling and psychology I’ve mostly found myself on the side of the giver, rather than the receiver. So during this training last month, my assignment was to write a eulogy to myself. After an intense four month long course of deep soul searching and thinking, a eulogy no longer seemed simple. In fact, it was rather daunting; challenging me to dive even deeper into myself. I felt awkward and uncomfortable at first but only until I took the plunge that brought forth a flood of ideas I wanted to jot down. As our own lives become fast paced, focused on rushed schedules and keeping busy with external realities, we neglect the inner dimensions of who we are and what we actually want. So if we are faced with this task at hand, we may tend to shrivel up and avoid it altogether. But I challenge you now to give this a go. As you delve into the activity you will be able to prioritize what you value, who you want to be and how you want to improve your life. I took the plunge. It was compulsory as part of my exam but even so, I’m so glad I did it. Underneath the initial avoidance I felt was a person waiting to emerge, more aware of my life’s purpose and more focused on how I wanted to spend my life. Encourage yourself towards a direction you’ve never been before. It is only when we push ourselves out of our comfort zones that we are able to excel beyond our average selves and find growth in the spheres we’d like to grow. Are you ready to give this a go? Let’s get started! Don’t over-think this exercise. Do not edit, censor, analyze or critique your thoughts. Just allow your pen to flow. Step 1: Focus of your character traits, values and strengths. Jot down ten things you know are your positive traits. These are things people may have acknowledged in you. It may be things you realized you are innately skilled at. Things that come with ease and grace to you that perhaps other people struggle with. This needs some reflection and thought. Take some time to ponder and introspect on what these could be. 22


Step 2: Visualize standing at the end of your timeline Now, in order to fully immerse yourself in this step visualize yourself watching your life as if it were on a movie screen. You see a person reading a eulogy of someone. That someone is to be admired, respected and looked upon with awe as people praise his/her achievements, traits and legacy. You are inspired by all the accomplishments (perhaps tangible, perhaps not) and there is a sense that this person has touched the hearts and lives of many. People are ready to go out living more consciously because this person’s life inspired them to live their best lives. This person, whose legacy is alive, is you. Questions to help you… •What or who did you impact and how so? •How did you care for and what footprint did you leave them with? •At 20/30/40/50 what did you accomplish? •What were your interests, light-up moments, passions? Write how you want to be spoken of as a family person and then speak about how your colleagues would remember you. Lastly, those in the community who may have known of you - your neighbours, the guy in the mosque/ church, the lady at the grocery store - what would they say? THINK BIG. IMAGINE POSSIBILITIES. RECALL INSPIRING DREAMS AND THOUGHTS YOU’VE HAD IN THE PAST. Step 3. Consolidate and summarize your points. Well done on working on the more challenging parts of the exercise, the next step is easier. In this step, take all the aspects of step 1 and all the aspects of step 2 and combine them into a written structure in the present tense. Come up with a short, precise three line paragraph summing up all of the above through patterns that you brainstormed above. You have just shed some light on how to go out and live your most optimal life. A life with minimal regrets, maximum impressionable footprints, fulfilled with who you are and the kind of influence you’d one day leave behind. Well done! Feeling enthusiastic about trying to live a more fulfilled and more purposeful life is an incredible way to start living your legendary life.




since 2010



ou are what you eat, but you probably already know that. That's why, like all of us, you're trying to clean up your act and start eating healthier. But the truth is, that's just not enough. Because if you're feasting on salads made of iceberg lettuce, tossing back cold-pressed juices, and eating bananas by the bunch, you're eating healthy(ish) but you're not eating smart. In order to reach the results you need for a healthy body and mind, you need to build your diet around the best nutrientdense, disease-fighting, muscle-growing foods. Below is a list of the superfoods men should include in their diets:

1.Almonds Eat 3 servings per week Although almonds are loaded with healthy unsaturated fats as well as protein, fiber and vitamin E - they are great for your heart, digestive system and skin.

2.Turkey breast Eat 3 servings per week Skinless turkey yields seven grams of muscle-building protein per 30 grams. It's also the leanest meat you can find. Turkey is high in B vitamins, zinc and selenium.

3.Black beans Eat 2 servings per week Beans can help you feel energized and fuller longer than almost any other food source. The reason is twofold: They're incredibly high in fiber, which swells in your stomach and promotes a feeling of fullness. And, they're stuffed with a highly complex form of carbohydrate that can take your body a long time to convert into energy. Like meat, they're also packed with protein. However, unlike meat, they've got no saturated fats. 24


4.Eggs Eat 3-7 eggs per week

8.Broccoli Eat 2-3 half-cup servings per week

Eggs contain 4 grams of pure muscle-building amino acids inside every shell, in addition to boasting some of the highest naturally available doses around of a vitamin called choline, which is thought to help enhance memory.

Broccoli has a healthy supply of iron, calcium, fiber and vitamin C, meaning it's good for your circulatory system, bones and immunity.

5.Milk Get 3 servings of dairy per day Not only is milk rich in calcium and phosphorous, there are components in dairy that help turn on your body's fat-burning system and slow down the storage of fat. Although some forms of supplements are good, this is one case in which the real thing works the best.

6.Yogurt Get 3 servings of dairy per day Yogurt has all the benefits of milk, plus active cultures that boost the number of germ-fighting bacteria along your intestinal walls. A healthy gut is super important because it can keep you from getting sick. People who eat yogurt most often are less likely to catch a cold than people who rarely eat the stuff, according to research. Like milk, yogurt contains calcium that not only boosts fat burning but also helps you feel satiated, making it an ideal food for weight loss.

7.Spinach Eat 2-3 servings per week One serving of these leafy greens is loaded with fiber, calcium and virtually your entire day's recommended dosage of beta carotene - a nutrient vital for immunesystem health and good vision.

9.Oatmeal Eat 3-4 servings per week There's nothing better than a bowl of oatmeal to spike your energy levels and provide you with hours of fuel. Oatmeal is also filled with stress-fighting and immunityboosting zinc. Oats can also help promote weight loss and lower your risk of heart disease. Oatmeal is filled with high levels of soluble fiber that protect your heart and arteries by trapping and expelling cholesterol.

10.Salmon Eat 3-4 servings per week Salmon is loaded with omega-3s. These fatty acids are thought to slow memory loss as you age and boost heart health by regulating heart rhythms and keeping arteries and veins supple and free of blockages. While saturated fats lead to obesity, the polyunsaturated fatty acids in fish appear to correct and prevent obesity, according to a study published in Clinical Science. Salmon is also an excellent source of protein. A three-ounce cooked serving contains 20 grams making it ideal for building muscle and trimming fat. Besides helping stimulate your metabolism three to four times more than carbs or fat, protein is the absolute best food for helping fill you up, so you take in fewer calories and burn more. Finally, you can’t reap any of the healthy benefits of food if you are not drinking enough water. Water flushes toxins from your system, regulates body temp, acts as an insulator for joints and prevents kidney stones. So in short, without water, none of the other superfoods would matter. Make sure you are drinking at least 8 cups a day to get the ultimate benefits of foods.





ood waste is a major issue across the globe and has been the subject of debate for many years. It’s thought that about one third of the world’s food production is wasted every year. That’s a lot of food! It’s also heartbreaking when you think of the lives lost as a result of widespread famine in certain parts of the world. If only we could deliver our leftovers to those who need it most. Well, perhaps we can. Whilst we may not be able to hop on a plane and serve up a tasty meal to the starving in Nigeria or Somalia, we can make life a bit easier for those a little closer to home. How much food do you waste at home? Do you buy too much food at the supermarket and end up throwing some of it away? Or, when eating out, do you order more food than you actually need? Do you give in to the temptation of dessert and then find you’re unable to eat it? Rather than throw out this excess food, why not give it to those less fortunate than yourself? Kuwait may be a wealthy country but not everyone here can afford to eat in restaurants. In fact, some can barely afford to buy bread, let alone a trolley full of food from the supermarket. Spare a thought for those who keep our streets clean and tidy; those who build our homes, shops and restaurants; those who wash our cars and clean our windows. These manual workers often spend hours on end working in extreme temperatures and have nothing beyond basic life necessities. Imagine not having enough money to buy a bag of cookies, a chocolate bar or a sandwich. Imagine the pleasure one small dessert could bring? Just because you can’t enjoy it, doesn’t mean someone else shouldn’t. 26


Of course, it makes sense to buy (or order) less food in the first place. Sticking to a strict shopping list when visiting the supermarket avoids the temptation of buying food that you don’t actually need. Similarly, when eating out, ask yourself if you really need that dessert before you order it. Most of the time you will have already enjoyed a substantial appetizer and main course so a dessert is either unnecessary calories or another item wasted. Only when we’re able to control and stabilize our own eating habits, can we even begin to think about the wider problem of unfair food distribution on our planet. Perhaps the most obvious example of food waste is a buffet. Whether it’s a hotel breakfast, a light lunch or a sumptuous world cuisine, a buffet is evidence of food waste at its worst. When ordering from a menu we are restricted to our imaginations when it comes to picturing the food on offer. The menu may include illustrations but it still limits the accessibility of the various dishes. A buffet, however, allows instant access to an unlimited amount of food. This encourages over-indulgence on a grand scale. Plates are piled high, tables are filled and all too often, a mountain of food is wasted. It would help if restaurants and hotels were to cut down on portion sizes. If they were to stop and consider the amount of food thrown away at the end of each day, they may think twice about the size of the portions they serve. However, this doesn’t appear to be a concern (let alone a priority) so it’s down to us to be sensible when it comes to ordering our food. But if you can’t be sensible then at least be charitable and if you can’t eat everything you’ve ordered, give it to someone who can.







‫‪AUGUST 2017‬‬


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โ ซโ ช29โ ฌโ ฌ

โ ซโ ชwww.cpmagazine.netโ ฌโ ฌ

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Fawaz AlAsad CEO of Tri-Med Medical Services Company

“If you believe you have reached where you want to be, think again” Fawaz Al-Asad believes that in order to succeed at the top, you need to start at the bottom. Working for other people is not only vital for gaining experience, it’s also essential for building your own management and leadership style. In this exclusive interview Fawaz shares the story of his journey to the top, including who he goes to for advice, how he stays motivated, and why teamwork is so important.



Shirt: Comme des Garcons Jacket: Comme des Garcons Trousers: Corneliani Scarf: Alexander McQueen

Photography & Video: Hamad AlAinati (@7mdphotography) Stylist: Musaed AlMutairi (@musaed_1980) Outfits: Harvery Nichols, Kuwait (@harveynicholskuwait) Watch: ORIS from Behbehani Luxury, Kuwait (@behbehaniluxury) Creative Director: Jameel Arif - (@jameelarif) Location: Four Seasons at Burj AlShaya - Kuwait (@fskuwait)



Can you tell us a little about your path to becoming CEO of Tri-Med?

I always wanted to be independent, ever since I graduated. There is a saying that in order to mange you have to be managed. So, I decided to start as an employee to learn. Lots of fresh graduates want to start as the boss. I believe this is a big mistake as it becomes a major reason of failure. It is part of the learning process to start working. I believe you have to work in different places, have different experiences, and gather the management skills you like in order to build your own culture and way. For me, it took almost 14 years before I started my own business. I was still working when I started several businesses. I went on a rough road until I established my medical company which is now running very successfully (Alhamdulillah). It has been 6 years and the company is growing and running very well.

Being the CEO, you must have a lot on your plate. What’s the average day in your life? How do you manage your time?

When I first started my business, it was more like a job; a job that I loved. I worked from the office from 8am to 8pm. I was more involved in the office work but slowly as I hired people to handle different responsibilities, I had more time to invest in public relations and to visit different companies to understand their working styles and cultures. So, I have lots of meetings these days as my role now is very strategic.

What lessons did you learn early on as an entrepreneur?

a.Never be afraid to say no. Saying no will save you lots of headache and money in the future. b.Never be scared of failure because only after failure can you enjoy success. Yet you should always be aware of risk factors relating to your investment ideas and always conduct a SWAT analysis before proceeding with any plan. c.When facing problems down the line of any business or operation and looking for solutions, never look for keys to open locked doors but instead look for the open ones.

What are the non-negotiable parts of your organizational culture?

Working as one family where teamwork is an important aspect of our day to day work; where everyone is willing to take part in any task given regardless of their job description.

You’ve been CEO for many years. How do you stay motivated?

Ambition and continuously striving to expand my business opportunities and creating challenges within my organization in order to improve the quality and quantity of output. There is always room for improvement and the sky is the limit. If you believe you have reached where you want to be, think again. Otherwise, you will be stuck where you are and someone else will surpass you and take over your market share.

So how do you keep everyone together when things are not going your way?

Communication, motivation and expectation. Communication: to be able to speak out freely with your team and for your team to have the freedom to speak of



Shirt: Stella McCartney T-Shirt: Cornelliani Trousers: Kenzo Jacket: Neil Barrett Shoes: Converse Watch: Oris



Shirt: Stella McCartney T-Shirt: Cornelliani Trousers: Kenzo Jacket: Neil Barrett Shoes: Converse Watch: Oris



Photography & Video: Hamad AlAinati (@7mdphotography) Stylist: Musaed AlMutairi (@musaed_1980) Outfits: Harvery Nichols, Kuwait (@harveynicholskuwait) Watch: ORIS from Behbehani Luxury, Kuwait (@behbehaniluxury) Creative Director: Jameel Arif - (@jameelarif) Location: Four Seasons at Burj AlShaya - Kuwait (@fskuwait)

Sweater: Maison Martin Margiela Trousers: Cornelliani Jacket: Kolor Watch: Oris



their opinions about why things are not going ok. Motivation: after you identify obstacles, you create challenges and motivate everyone including yourself to conquer these challenges. Expectation: you start setting up quantitative and qualitative targets for your team and yourself and expect everyone to do their best; and by doing that you make way for things to go your way.

Who do YOU go to when you need advice?

My mother. I always share my strategic thoughts with my mother. She is the only person I believe can speak to me with total honesty! Sometimes a humble opinion can go a very long way. But, for professional advice I have always relied on professional consultants.

What is your philosophy of leadership?

There's a saying that I believe in and go by: ‘You lead people and you manage resources’.

If you could rewind the clock to when you started your first business, what advice would you give yourself about being an effective leader?

At the beginning of every business you require more management skills than leadership. At the start you have to be dictator like. You must be affirmative with what is needed and then slowly with time you ease up. Even your leadership style should be managed according to the ability of each and every one of your team members. Similar to the way you need to manage other parts of the business.

What is one book that has most influenced your leadership?

The Situational Leader by Dr. Paul Hersey. This book helped me a lot. I have read the book and also attended the workshops.

What are some of the challenges that your industry is facing?

Growing competition and price wars. Yet it is very healthy.

When it comes to your own travels, is there anywhere you keep going back to?

There are three countries that I go back to continuously for different reasons.1) UAE, specifically Dubai to remember that nothing is impossible. 2) Denmark to remember how to be organized and 3) Thailand for peace of mind and reflection.

Are you proud of creating a place where people genuinely enjoy coming to work? How did you do that?

Yes I am proud. I did it by creating a non-competitive family atmosphere.

Do you ever experience burnout? How does that manifest for you and as a CEO, how do you manage that?

Yes indeed. It affects my decision making, therefore I avoided making any decisions during my burnout period. Also, I tend to take a break from the office to come back strong and fully functional. I do that by conducting professional and social meetings out of the office and/or exercise and practicing my hobbies.

Where do you see the company by the end of 2017?

Conquering all the challenges that 2017 has brought forth. It has been a very deficit financial year for many businesses.

What is one piece of advice you would give to an aspiring leader?

Choose a leadership style. Learn about leadership styles and choose the right one for your type of business.

What do you never travel without?

My swimming suit. Even if I am travelling to a cold country, I look for an opportunity to dip myself in water.

Your message for the month of Movember:

Go for an early checkup and adapt to a healthy lifestyle.



Shirt: Alexander McQueen Trousers: Corneliani Vest: Dries Van Noten Watch: Oris



Shirt: Palm Angels Trousers: Neil Barrett Jacket: Palm Angels Shoes: Valentino Watch: Oris

Photography & Video: Hamad AlAinati (@7mdphotography) Stylist: Musaed AlMutairi (@musaed_1980) Outfits: Harvery Nichols, Kuwait (@harveynicholskuwait) Watch: ORIS from Behbehani Luxury, Kuwait (@behbehaniluxury) Creative Director: Jameel Arif - (@jameelarif) Location: Four Seasons at Burj AlShaya - Kuwait (@fskuwait)






since 2010



air loss is a common problem worldwide, affecting one-third of the population. Everyone loses 100 hair strands each day. It’s a natural phenomenon but the prospect of going bald can be a nightmare. So, when a man starts to realize that he’s losing his hair, he tends to panic. Don’t panic! Consult your doctor. Panic may just incite further hair loss. There are many things that cause hair loss in men. Some of them are highlighted below: 1. Genetic causes: the most common cause of hair loss is ‘male pattern baldness’ which causes the familiar ‘U-shape’ balding patch on many men. 2. Age: unfortunately you can’t fight Mother Nature on this one. Both men and women will see at least some hair loss and thinning as they age. From 30 onwards, hair growth starts to slow and volume decreases. 3. Diet: like anything else, your hair needs nutrients to grow and stay healthy. Sudden weight loss, low iron levels, or a poor diet can all lead to hair shedding – albeit on a temporary basis. 4. Stress: hair loss can be caused by intense physical or emotional stress. But this type of hair loss can cause a sudden widespread thinning, rather than a receding hairline. 5. Dermatological conditions: some dermatological conditions such as Psoriasis or Seborrheic Dermatitis can also cause hair loss. Easily mistaken for dandruff, Psoriasis of the scalp causes an overproduction of skin cells visible as large white flakes. This condition can sometimes damage hair follicles and lead to temporary hair loss. Seborrheic Dermatitis is a skin condition that is sometimes found on the scalp, indicated by small red patches that are often itchy. This is caused by an inflammatory response in your scalp and can cause hair loss in large patches on the head.

Treatment: • Proper diet: balance your diet properly. Ensure that you have proper intakes of vitamins and proteins in your food. •Daily shampooing •Dermatological conditions: once they are treated with medications, hair growth returns to normal. •Food Supplements: these supplements are very effective to battle hair loss causes such as inflammation, and strengthen hair with vitamins. •Topical Treatment: the best known, *FDA-approved way to fight hair loss is Minoxidil. It has been clinically proven to slow hair loss and regrow some hair. However, according to some research its long-term results can be disappointing. •Prescription Medication: the most effective treatment for male pattern baldness is the prescription medicine, Finasteride. While exact causes of male pattern baldness are still being studied, this medicine has been proven to help stop hair loss in 90% of men. •Non-surgical Treatments: non-surgical treatments like PRP and Mesotherapy are also popular *FDA- approved treatments to support hair growth, nourish and strengthen your hair naturally. •Hair Transplant: there is surgical option of hair transplant in which hairs are moved individually from the back of the head to the areas that need them. 40


*FDA = Food & Drug Administration





Top Five for

Wiesbaden Jim West

Just half an hour drive away from Frankfurt, Wiesbaden is known as the ‘Nice of the North’. Wiesbaden is one of the oldest spa towns in Europe. The name Wiesbaden translates to ‘Meadow Baths’. With 14 hot springs still flowing today, wonderful architecture and a pleasant climate, this city is a nice getaway from the hustle and bustle of nearby Frankfurt. 1. the MUST see...Rheingau and Taunus surrounding Wiesbaden with miles and miles of rolling hills and fields which are a sight to see whether by car, bike or hiking. https://www.wiesbaden.de/en/tourism/sightseeing/ rheingau-taunus/index.php

2. the MUST eat…Stop by the Paulaner and be sure to try their Gulaschsuppe - or any dish with the German favourite spargel (asparagus). Then wrap up your meal with their fantastic apple strudel. http://www.paulaner-wiesbaden.de/en/

3. the MUST shop…Just stroll along the streets in the downtown Wiesbaden area, also referred to as Wiesbaden-Mitte. There are plenty of shops downtown with something for just about everyone. http://www.wiesbaden.de/en/economy/shopping/

4. the MUST stay… Situated right in the heart of downtown Wiesbaden is the Radisson BluSchwarzer Bock Hotel. The main walking street downtown is just outside their lobby. Rejuvenate with a thermal bath of hot spring water in their spa which boasts a Finnish sauna, an aroma steam room, heated benches and foot baths. https://www.radissonblu.com/en/hotel-wiesbaden

5. the MUST do off the beaten path…Just south of Wiesbaden is Mainz and here you can hop on a river boat and tour the Rhine river valley. Boats go all the way to Cologne. Other nice cities to stop and explore are Koblenz and Bonn. http://www.kdrhine.com/kdrhineMainz.htm

For more information check out https://www.wiesbaden.de/en/tourism/ www.cpmagazine.net





WHERE TO DINE The Coal Shed Restaurant

Brighton is an English seaside resort town. About an hour south of London by train, it's a popular day-trip destination. Its broad shingle beach is backed by amusement arcades and Regency-era buildings. Brighton Pier, in the central waterfront section, opened in 1899 and now has rides and food kiosks. The town is also known for its nightlife, arts scene, shopping and festivals.


Silo Brighton Hilton Brighton Metropole

Less than a mile from Brighton railway station, this upscale Victorian seafront hotel is within 15 minutes' walk of both Brighton Pier and the Royal Pavilion palace.

The Grand Brighton

This opulent Victorian seafront hotel is a 12-minute walk from the Royal Pavilion and a 14-minute walk from Brighton Pier.

Terre A Terre The Old Ship Hotel

Across the street from Brighton Beach, this upmarket hotel in a building with sections dating from the 16th century is a 3-minute walk from antique shops in The Lanes and a 9-minute walk from the landmark Brighton Pier.


Within 5 minutes' walk of both the Royal Pavilion and Brighton Pier, this no-nonsense hostel in a seafront Victorian building is next to Pool Valley Coach Station.


64 Degrees

South Downs and Seven Sisters

Situated in the South Downs National Park, the Seven Sisters Country Park is made up of 280 hectares of chalk cliffs, meandering river valley and open chalk grassland. It is a popular place for a number of outdoor activities including walking, birdwatching, cycling and canoeing. Or if you simply want to take in the surroundings relax at Saltmarsh cafe and rooms, located behind the visitors centre.

Brighton Museum and Art Gallery

Brighton Museum & Art Gallery is a municipally-owned public museum and art gallery in the city of Brighton and Hove in the South East of England. It is part of "Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton and Hove".


Royal Pavilion

The Royal Pavilion, also known as the Brighton Pavilion, is a Grade I listed former royal residence located in Brighton, England.



Brighton Beach

Brighton Beach is a clean, pebble beach and a popular destination for residents and tourists alike. After a paddle in the sea, why not treat yourself to some traditional fish and chips?

Bon voyage!




since 2010

Currently based in the GCC and exploring the Middle East, I have lived in three continents, four countries and have visited over 250 cities across the world. Join me in this adventure to find out more about the latest and coolest travel recommendations. ‘Embrace new cultures; be inspired; take a technological break; bring out your adventurous side; TRAVEL, it´s fun!’



ave you ever longed for that feeling of being a kid again? Where nothing else matters and it’s just you and the world around you? A throwback to your childhood, the idyllic feeling of being immersed within nature, a chance to escape the pattern of mundane routine? Staying in a hotel on a tree is not only a fable, but a real and true tendency of green architecture. Treehouses are synonymous with adventure; Robbers Cave and eventful summer holidays. Nowadays, many adventure parks attract more and more visitors through playgrounds, cableways and, of course, treehuts hidden in the tops of trees. The innerchild can relax in peace and the age does not matter.

The tree tendency is ascending and is taken very seriously by architects. Together with nature conservationists and civil servants, architects are developing and designing their ideas for optimized buildings that bring man and nature closer together without harming eachother. Apart from the ecological, the economic factors, which also have to be taken into account, naturally also play a part. If you want to feel like a kid again, you will find that these one-of-a-kind properties let you relive the magic of childhood memories while appealing to your grown-up tastes. No matter what season, these incredible treehouse hotels offer lodging experiences you won´t soon forget.



Photo Credit: Peter Lundström

A hotel among the tres; now that is what I would like to experience. If you are travelling to Sweden, the Treehotel inspired by the movie E.T. is just the place you should go. Treehotel offers a unique hotel stay with contemporary design in the middle of nature in Harads, near the Lule River. Husband-and-wife team Kent and Britta Lindvall set up Treehotel in 2010 to cater to tourists visiting the Arctic Circle in search of the Northern Lights. Over the years, the hoteliers have called on architects including Snøhetta and Tham and Videgård Arkiteckter to add to their growing number of tree-mounted cabins. One of their most sought-after is the UFO-themedroom, while another looks appropriately like a bird´s nest. There is also a mirror cube and a blue cone that changes colour to orange. They call their spot ‘a childhood dream with a touch of luxury and flair’. Even the bathrooms are special, with combustion toilets that incinerate their contents at more than 1100 degrees Fahrenheit. www.treehotel.se




The Gibbon Experience is a ‘tourism-based conservation project’ that takes you through the Nam Kan National Park in Laos, by zip-lining your way between tree-houses. This project began 12 years ago thanks to a French man with a mission to protect the forest from poachers, logging and the destruction of agriculture. To protect the forest alone, funding was hard to come by so he came up with the idea of using tourism to generate the needed funds. The Gibbon Experience turned poachers into guides by using their tracking and forest skills to educate visitors rather than kill animals. Villagers became support teams for the project and helped maintain and build the treehouses and soon, the animals and forest were becoming more and more protected. There are 7 treehouses located in the jungle and you’ll be split up based on which tour you’re doing and how many are in your group. The treehouses are well equipped with drinkingwater, a small kitchen, an open-air bathroom and a dinner table. The jungle is filled with all sorts of animals but what you see and when you see them cannot be planned or arranged. There are only a small number of gibbons left in South East Asia and unfortunately, these animals are critically endangered. www.gibbonexperience.org


Where: VANCOUVER ISLAND, CANADA Think modern-day glamping meets the mythical elvish Kingdom of Middle Earth and you have the quirky spheres of this magical Vancouver retreat. Spending a night in one of Canada's Free Spirit Spheres is a moving experience. The three rentable spheres, named Eve, Eryn, and Melody, are suspended from trees in the woods just north of Qualicum Beach. When a breeze sweeps through the forest, the spheres sway gently. Each 1100-pound, 10-foot-wide orb is equipped with a bed, dining table, storage space, built-in speakers, and big circular windows for gazing at the forest. Spiral staircases and drawbridges provide access to the spheres which hang between 10 and 15 feet above the ground. Toilets and showers are located in separate buildings nearby - Eryn's outhouse is shaped like a mushroom. The spheres are the work of Tom Chudleigh, who operates the property with his wife Rosey. Chudleigh used shipbuilding techniques to handcraft them, aiming to create natural-looking, nut-like globes that blend in with the surrounding environment. www.freespiritspheres.com




Where: PHUKET, THAILAND. Keemala is a small wellness-focused resort in the woodlands just outside the village and beach of Kamala, on the posh west coast of the island. This place looks like one of those magical villages you would find described in the pages of JRR Tolkien or JK Rowling. It is a sanctuary for those who wish to rebalance, rejuvenate and relax. Keemala embraces traditional Thai culture. The tree pool houses are built to represent the ‘We-Ha’ people who worshipped the universe and chose to live suspended from the trees to be nearer to the sky. The clan included the talents of healers, creators, architects and inventors. The treehouses are designed to seemingly be suspended from the trees. The interiors incorporate furniture and fittings that are hung from the ceiling and are complete with a private pool. Guests can meet two resident water buffalo and learn about their daily routine and significance in Thai culture. Born in Phattalung Province in Southern Thailand, the duo was rescued from the slaughterhouse and is now permanently homed at this beautiful property. www.keemala.com


Where: BECKERWITZ, GERMANY. Shaped like a honeycomb, these stylishly furnished wooden houses can turn your childhood dream of sleeping in a treehouse into a reality. Just a few metres away from the unspoiled Baltic Sea beach, DJH Youth Hostel features 6 treehouses for up to 6 people each. The hilly meadows and pastures of the federal state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania entice visitors to take a stroll. Take the path along the village pond and past the well-tended manors and gardens. It will take you to the cliffs and



the beach washed by the waves of the sea. Nature is all around, as far as the eye can see. It offers the perfect backdrop for playing, running, jumping and learning and, like the beach at the foot of the cliffs, it’s unspoiled. But what if you are up for something else? If that is the case, a short car ride will take you to the towns of Wismar, Poel and Klützor Boltenhagen. www.jugendherbergen-mv.de/de-de/jugendherbergen/beckerwitz



since 2010



since 2010


MEN 2017 This month sees the return of CP’s Inspiring Men. What better month to feature these inspirational men than the month of ‘Movember’ when men across the globe unite to raise awareness of men’s health issues? Our seven Inspiring Men not only represent ambition, motivation and success but also humility. They recognize that progress and prosperity result from hard work and dedication. They also appreciate that you do not achieve great things without the strength and support of others. These extraordinary men have faced obstacles, made sacrifices, learned from their mistakes and, most importantly, never given up on their dreams. We are delighted to share their stories with you and would like to congratulate them on their magnificent and inspiring achievements.



Ahmed Mohammed Al-Refai “Whatever you give, God will give you more.” The sea whispers its call on the wild winds. It asks for those with the blood of explorers in their veins to come and experience its beauty, its wildness, its truth. For Ahmed Mohammed Al-Refai, the ocean is the source of freshness and vitality. All his loveliest memories involve time spent on the beach, in the sea, the thrill of water-skiing on open waters, the risk of it all and the timeless allure of wave and salt and sand. His love of deep blue waters is the inspiration behind his business. As the founder of ASAMA Fragrances, Al-Refai mixes perfumes that combine salt breezes with delicate blossoms opening on the wind, seashells and storms, the leather and wood of a ship vessel or a port town. The perfumes do more than please the senses - they please the soul. They are scents that tell stories; and as AlRefai likes to quip, ‘My nose is my vessel!’ How does one make it as a perfume businessman? ‘I like to smell a lot!’ Al-Refai jokes as he expounds upon his favourite hobbies. But in all seriousness, for Al-Refai life and business must be rooted in respect and commitment, first to Allah, then to family and friends, and of course, to every customer. ‘God blesses anyone who does good for others’. The fragrance industry is competitive and ever-changing, but Al-Refai doesn’t fear falling behind. The key to success, he believes, is innovating new ways to make the customer happy - but to do it faster than the latest trends! ‘It’s both simple and complicated!’ says Al-Refai. His good humor and expansive personality may be the product of his very loving and supportive family, but may also have arisen from a mantra he repeats to himself which is, ‘If you have yet to reach a goal or did not get something you desired, it’s because God is preparing for you something better, inshAllah.’ This motto pushes him to always drive forward and keep going, trusting that growth and success are not destinations to arrive at, but lifelong journeys to enjoy. Like the waves that roll ever, endlessly on, so do the dreams of man beat always on the shores of his heart. The greatest barrier to realizing your dreams, Al-Refai warns is only this: ‘Being your own worst enemy’. With these wise words, he reminds us that while respect and commitment must be given to others, whether at home or in business, they are also the greatest gift we can give ourselves.





Maher Ghadhanfar “You are much stronger than you think.” For those who love and enjoy what they do, hard work becomes a joy. For those who believe in themselves, obstacles become stepping stones. For those confident in their plans, success becomes an afterthought. ‘Be honest with yourself and others, this is a major component for success’, shares Maher Ghadhanfar, the Managing Director at the International Business Centre Co (IBC). ‘In general, I don’t believe in dreams or miracles. I have always believed in working hard with a clear mind in order to achieve something I want’. And work hard he has. Ghadhanfar and his business partner established IBC in 1988 and the company has grown steadily. Indeed, nothing motivates Ghadhanfar more than the thought of a bigger and better IBC. ‘I strongly believe in developing IBC and look forward to its growth every year’. To this day, IBC is not only a key player in international trading, but also a brand that boasts over 4,000 office and school supply products under their name. To stay in business nearly 30 years, and to create a trusted brand of high-quality products that keep up with market trends has ‘required a lot of hard work and dedication’, says Ghadhanfar. ‘I appreciate Kuwait as a country as well as its people who give opportunities for growth and success’. Ghadanfar always had the goal to start his own business. He earned an Agricultural Engineering degree and then started his career as a ‘normal salesman’ to learn the market before becoming a sales manager, and finally, establishing his own business shortly after. His success seems so straightforward and simple, but he’ll tell you honestly, ‘You were born to win, but to be a winner you must still plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win’. For Ghadhanfar, success has been one part belief in himself and the other part support from family. Ambitious and confident, Ghadhanfar’s patient determination has taken him far but he always credits the support of his parents for raising him to be disciplined and confident; also his wonderful wife and children as well as his business partner for always supporting him. Though accustomed to big city commotion, Ghadanfar prefers the quiet beauty of nature in mountains or along a tropical shore to clear his mind and revitalize his spirits. He loves music of all kinds from classical to blues and jazz because he believes music isn’t just about listening, it’s about feeling. And perhaps, in a similar vein, that is also why he’s such a role model in the business world, because success isn’t just about making money, it’s about loving what you do. Ghadhanfar feels honored to be recognized as a CP Inspiring Man and sincerely hopes that he ‘can be an inspiration to young entrepreneurs and people who want to start their own businesses’.





Musaed Al Mutairi “Love what you do until you do what you love.” Like a suit cut perfectly to your size, Musaed Al Mutairi’s life and career as the Brand Executive and Personal Shopper at Harvey Nichols is a tailor-made story. Mutairi exudes confidence, charm and class both in his personal style and in his stylish personality. His life philosophy is rooted in the deep belief that everyone has the power to create the life they want if they continue to develop themselves and understand that self is useless without a sincere goal. ‘The successful person is the one who knows his defects and gets rid of them to always develop his personality and his behavior. You must love work, you must love information, and you must improve yourself on all levels daily’. Mutairi’s love of life and friendly nature are as appealing as the sharp, designer wardrobes he outfits his customers with. When asked who inspires and motivates him the most, he says, ‘Me!’ His selfconfidence is truly catching. Being the youngest of eight boys made Mutairi outgoing by nature. He’s always had an eye for the beautiful and aesthetically pleasing but his family was not at first supportive of his choice to join the fashion industry. This is why he emphasizes, ‘Be yourself and do not lose confidence in yourself and do not wait for help or support from others. If you wait on others approval, you waste your valuable time because the only person you need to earn trust, help and encouragement from is yourself’. His family is supportive and proud of the name Mutairi has made for himself at Harvey Nichols where he provides expert training and workshops on sales methods and skills to keep staff up-todate with the fashion industry. He also works with everything related to social media, participating in video sessions, and most importantly providing VIP customer service. Last year he had the privilege of being featured and working with the TV industry of his beloved country of Kuwait, to highlight everything that makes Kuwaitis beautiful and proud through weekly talk shows on the House Talk show with media personality Iftikhar Hashemi. So what other dreams stir the heart of this man committed to living an exceptional life and leaving positive impressions? ‘I envision myself one day in my own restaurant, cooking for my beloved customers - with my book on the shelf!’ With his effervescent personality and boundless warmth, we know whatever Mutairi’s goal, his aim will be true. No matter where our readers are in life, Mutairi’s final encouragement is this: ‘Define your goals and seek to achieve them with all your strength’.





Paul Dennis “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re probably right.” ~ Henry ford Business has entered a new era and its name is Industry 4.0. With tremendous growth from digitalization, the world is seeing, and expected to see, much more automation for everyday tasks and the connection of more and more systems. In Kuwait, the Power and Automation industry covers a large market from generating electricity, to transmission, through to end applications. Most people interact with equipment from ABB, one of the largest and most innovative companies in the world, yet they probably aren’t even aware how many ABB patent-products are in their home or office! As the Country Managing Director of ABB Kuwait, and CEO of ABB England Technologies KSCC, Paul Dennis shares his excitement working for the company instrumental in bringing electricity to the country back in the 1950s and the company that is involved today in expanding Kuwait’s power grid, the new causeway bridge, the expansion of the avenues mall, new airport, as well as the new refinery and clean fuel projects. All in all, ‘life is quite busy!’ says Dennis smiling. ‘Here are two quick fun facts about ABB: the runway lights at the airport are controlled by an ABB system and our oldest daily working piece of equipment is a transformer from 1964!’ Friendly, patient and focused Dennis’ thoughts on leadership stem from his early beginnings in business. ‘Working on the shop floor made me realize people only gave their best to managers they respected’. Helping other people find success and grow their talent is what motivates Dennis the most in his professional life. Having traveled through Africa and Cambodia, Dennis has seen firsthand the devastating effects of poverty and the need for innovative solutions to world issues. It has also helped him form his definition of success, which is to ‘be happy with yourself and what you have achieved’. But he knows his own achievements go hand in hand with the support of his family, most especially his wife who gave up her first career in the medical industry to allow them to travel with his job and retrained as a teacher so their family could have greater flexibility. Originally from Wales, Dennis has lived and worked overseas for the last 15 years across Europe, Asia and the Middle East; he sees himself living in the US one day, just to try it out. The person who has been one of Dennis’ greatest sources of inspiration is, believe it or not, the man behind the Cadbury Egg, John Cadbury. ‘He built a lasting legacy on helping his workforce at a time when many people lived in extreme poverty. He built modern, large houses, schools and community facilities for his workers. He truly understood the meaning of teamwork’. Dennis quips that while his childhood dream of becoming James Bond unfortunately never worked out, he has got to travel and drive fast cars so he is kind of living the dream! But even better than the fantastic things that happen to men of mystery, Dennis believes that ‘when people trust each other and collaborate, fantastic things happen’. That is the best kind of dream for the world today.





Faisal A. Ben Dhofari “Time is money.” ~ Benjamin Franklin Through times of triumph or trouble, family remains. Their constant support and sincere belief in us opens doors to pursue our deepest dreams. If one thing defines Faisal A. Ben Dhofari, it is the love and respect he has for his hero - his father. From a very young age, Dhofari’s father encouraged him in business and taught him necessary skills and important lessons. That driving motivation remains with him, even if his father does not. When Dhofari’s father passed away, that was when the real challenges began. Feeling lost and alone he had to build on his own and make his own way in a world without his biggest supporter. Today, his father would be proud to see Dhofari married, the father to three children, and the dedicated CEO of Click Integrated Media Solutions, a marketing services and solutions group for the food supplies industry in Kuwait and GCC. Click uses social media services, advertisements, chefs, menus, and productions to support their client goals. When asked what makes his business a success, Dhofari gives credit first to his belief in Allah and then to his company’s commitment to customer satisfaction. This laser focus on satisfaction has contributed to the steady growth and consistently high-quality service offerings. It makes sense since Dhofari’s hobbies all revolve around his business, improving work-life and customer satisfaction through creativity and motivation. He’d like to leave the same thing behind as his father always did - inspiration. A self-proclaimed man of patience and faith, he believes that with Allah there is nothing in life to fear. The most important thing is to ‘take care of yourself, your family, and enjoy your life’. He believes everything that happens in life can be turned into good and used for good. Just like how his many years working in various companies after graduating from the University of the Pacific of California in 2002, gave Dhofari great scope and broad understanding that has led to his ability to operate his own company. ‘I’ve always been on track in life and, so far, half of my dreams have come true’. The other half probably include more time spent by the ocean, indulging water sports with his family, but no matter what, Dhofari knows taking action to execute a dream is what makes a dream come true.





Didier Jardin “Treat everyone as you would like to be treated.” ‘I believe that life is one big journey to many great destinations. Each one of us must find the one we can call home’, says Didier Jardin, the French born, globe-trotting General Manager of the newly opened Four Seasons Hotel Kuwait at Burj Alshaya. Like all great journeys, Jardin’s began humbly as a farmer’s son, milking cows day in and day out in northern France. There was no time for vacations or holidays, but plenty of time for dreaming. It was a summer job as a dishwasher at a hotel in the Pyrenees that forever changed the course of his life. From the moment he left, he was enchanted with the hospitality industry and chose to pursue degrees in Food and Beverage and Hotel Management. Other than a short compulsory stint in the French Navy, Jardin has worked exclusively in the hospitality industry for over twenty years. From Paris to Bermuda, from Montreal to Hawaii, from Cairo to Kuwait, and dozens of other places in between, Jardin still believes that hospitality is the most exciting and rewarding industry to be a part of. ‘To be able to create unforgettable memories for our guests is the most satisfying aspect of our work’, shares Jardin; and though he’s been around the world he considers himself particularly lucky to serve as the General Manager of the first Four Seasons address in Kuwait. Jardin leads a diverse team of more than 450 passionate hospitality professionals on a beautiful property that represents a stylish new centerpiece for the city, setting new benchmarks in luxury hospitality. Long ago he learned that the key to being a great leader didn’t lie in simply being able to expertly run a new division - anyone with grit and determination could do that - it took expertly managing people and consistently learning from them in order to become a true leader. At the Four Seasons, Jardin is committed to creating a work environment that is inclusive and collaborative. His work ethic is firm but he still prides himself on being fun; he hopes to always inspire his colleagues to translate hard work into unforgettable experiences - whether for their customers or in their personal lives. For Jardin, true success is more than growing a career. ‘In a time and age when everything is changing by the minute, my definition of success is simple - finding true happiness in anything and everything you do’. He enjoys traveling with his wife and twin daughters who are a source of strength and inspiration in his life. He and his wife consider the bright, beautiful, talented and responsible young women their daughters have grown into, to be their greatest achievement. For anyone else looking for a bit of inspiration, Jardin encourages, ‘Amidst all the action happening around you, be it professional commitments or personal relationships, remember that it is important to live a life worth living. Find out what makes it so’. When he heard he was chosen as one of CP’s Inspiring Men of 2017, Jardin said, ‘I am humbled by this honor, but this is not my achievement alone, this is a testament to my team’s trust and confidence in my leadership abilities, and I am deeply thankful for their support’.





Dr. Abdullah Khalaf “Simplicity is the highest achievement.” ~ Frederic Chopin As an international concert pianist and composer, music is the lens through which Dr. Abdullah Khalaf views the world. He believes that pedagogy, however, is as important as performance, which is why he also works as the assistant professor of piano at the College of Basic Education. It is here that Dr. Khalaf tells his students, ‘Everything is connected. You must read philosophy to understand music, physics to understand history, and poems to understand math!’ He encourages them to look at everything through the one thing they love most. Dr. Khalaf’s sincerest wish is to inspire young Kuwaitis to pursue music as an intellectual branch of both art and science. From a young age Khalaf was drawn to music, listening and learning difficult, classical Arabic songs by the age of ten. However, like most Kuwaiti children he was encouraged to be an engineer or a doctor, never a musician. Gaining permission from his mother to switch his degree in Microbiology to Music was a defining and difficult moment in his life. In the end, Khalaf could pursue his dream of being a musician and he remains, to this day, motivated by a certain sparkle in his mother’s eye. He knew mere belief wasn’t enough to make his dreams come true though - dedication and hard work were necessary as well. Khalaf earned a Bachelor’s degree and worked as a secondary school music teacher, but quickly realized he wanted to go further. Ever fascinated with the way one dream can open the door to another dream, Khalaf went back to school and earned both a Master’s and PhD in Piano Performance. Now, he has published numerous academic papers and presented at international musicology conferences, proving the future is bright for aspiring Kuwaiti musicians. Khalaf views himself as a success but only if by success one means improving oneself. ‘Success is beating yourself, not beating others. It is influencing others positively and making a contribution to the world’. The next contribution he dreams of making comes in the form of establishing a private piano academy where he can continue to influence and help students reach their goals. Dr. Khalaf would like to thank everyone who has supported and believed in him over the years, and is honored to be selected as an inspiring man of the year. ‘To inspire is to cultivate a good seed and to believe that one day it will flourish and inspire others to seek a better life’. Though Dr. Khalaf always hopes to open the eyes and widen the imaginations of his students, for himself he knows that books, always books, remain the greatest source of inspiration. And so in any great city of history and culture, from Florence to Barcelona or London, you will find this seeker of knowledge enjoying his vacations not only in museums and galleries, but also in bookstores and coffee shops, nosedeep in the infinite, wonderful world of learning. For learning is the one thing, Khalaf wholeheartedly believes, that every person can do no matter if they are rich or poor, young or old; you can always ‘search for the truth yourself’.





Photographer: Faisal Al-Humaid





his month is all about pumpkins! If you truly want to experience fall, this pumpkin cake recipe is what you need. The saffron sauce that comes with it will just add to the sweetness and coziness of this recipe.

You will need: FOR THE CAKE: l2 cups of all-purpose flour l2 teaspoons baking powder l1 teaspoon baking soda l1 teaspoon salt l1 and 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon l1 cup of canola or vegetable oil l4 large eggs l1 cup of brown sugar l1/2 cup granulated sugar l1 cap of pumpkin puree (fresh or canned) l1 and 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract FOR THE SAUCE: 1 cup of condensed milk l1 teaspoon saffron l½ cup fresh milk l



Steps: 1.Preheat the oven to 350oF (177oC) and grease a 9x13 inch

baking pan for this recipe. 2.Whisk the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon together in a large bowl. Set aside. 3.Whisk the oil, eggs, brown sugar, granulated sugar, pumpkin and vanilla extract together until combined. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and use a mixer or whisk until completely combined. Batter will be thick. 4.Spread batter into the pan. Bake for 30-36 minutes. 5.Remove the cake from the oven and set the entire pan to allow to cool completely. 6.Now for the sauce, soak the saffron in the milk for an hour. Place in a pan and start heating the milk. 7.Start adding condensed milk into the saffron milk until it forms the slightly thick sauce. 8.Add the hot sauce directly over the cake and start serving. The cake will have a texture of a date pudding. 9.Optional: you can add cream cheese or whipped cream on top to give it more sweetness. I once tried the same recipe but added almonds in the cake mix and served the cake topped with vanilla ice-cream.

Remember: Bake for love and bake with love! Let me know how your recipe turns out: www.sherisnovember.wordpress.com Bon appetite!



Samiksha Nath

‘A healthy mind brings out healthy and positive ideas’ Sakshi Nath knows better than most that Dubai really is the land of opportunity. But her ambitions don’t stop there. Dubai isn’t the only place where food and beauty are in high demand; and with one Indian restaurant already opened in Kuwait, her beauty lounge looks set to follow. Interview by: Edna Trogen

Please introduce yourself to our readers: My name is Samiksha Nath, known as Sakshi Nath. I am science graduate and hold a master’s degree in fashion designing from India. I’m married, lived in Delhi, moved to Nigeria after marriage, then after 12 years, moved to Dubai. I am married to Bhupender Nath and we have two teenage boys aged 15 and 18. I have always worked, both before marriage and after. In Dubai we own two beautiful Indian restaurants and two beauty salons. We have taken our restaurant brand to Kuwait – it’s called Tresind Kuwait.

Tell us a bit more about your education and how and when you got started in the beauty industry: I believe time should be spent productively and effectively and that drives me to work. I worked in the fashion industry before moving to Africa and pursued my passion for fashion, opening a boutique in Lagos, Nigeria. I always wanted to get in to the beauty industry because I feel it's a very integral part of fashion. Makeup, skin and hair play a very important role in fashion. I did a beauty course in India many years ago and always wanted to open a spa and salon back in Nigeria. It didn’t happen due to logistics but when I moved to Dubai, the sky was the limit! I realized that the Middle East has a lot of scope in the beauty business but was somehow missing the niche of it. I saw a gap in the beauty industry in this region and wanted to establish a dedicated leading brand. After a long search for both the place and concept we finally found what we were looking for and, with the right team, set up the first branch of Queens Beauty Lounge in JLT. A month later, we opened in Dubai Marina Walk. 68


Did anyone or anything inspire you along the way? I have a learned spirit and many people, places and incidents inspire me. I believe in healthy living and a healthy lifestyle and feel it’s important to feel good, look good and have a healthy mindset. A healthy mind brings out healthy and positive ideas and that makes a lot of difference. I believe in eating good, feeling good and looking good.

In what way have you evolved since you began your journey of having a beauty salon? We moved to Dubai at the time when it was going through a serious financial crisis. The market was crushed and businesses seemed to have a lot of problems. However, we were very positive and never lost hope, constantly looking for opportunities and working to bring in new ideas and a new concept to this part of the world. My husband always had a dream to open a restaurant in India but when we moved here, he realized there were no really good Indian restaurants. We opened the first molecular gastronomy restaurant in Dubai called Tresind, successfully in 2014. A year after, we opened another restaurant called Carnival by Tresind. I had been simultaneously working on my beauty business and opened my two salons in 2015. That proves our faith in this land and the opportunities it offers to people. In August 2017, we opened Tresind in Kuwait and are looking at opening one more branch of Queens in another very good location by 2018.



Tell us about your Queens brand/ business: As we all know, the beauty industry is vast and one that can be explored in many ways. We don’t believe in competing in the rat-race but always want to try something new and different. Dubai has hundreds and thousands of spas and salons and I didn’t want to do what everyone else was doing. After visiting a lot of places and doing my research, I finally decided to open a brand that caters for complete and long lasting solutions and results and not just a quick fix. I came up with a natural and organic spa and salon and that’s how Queens Beauty Lounge was born. This is the only spa I think which offers complete head-to-toe services using different well known organic and natural brands.

How did you come up with the name of your salon? I believe every girl is treated in her father's home like a princess and should be treated like a queen in her husband’s home. I want every woman to feel like, be treated like, and be pampered like a queen and what better name to give to the place which offers exactly that to every client who walks in our salon?

What do you think is the key to your success? We are in a service industry in both of our businesses. Whether it’s our restaurant or our spa the keys to success are operation and the service we offer and provide to our clients. We invest in our staff because they are the ones who satisfy every need and expectation of our clients.

Which piece of advice would you give to someone starting a new business? I would say, believe in yourself and follow your heart. Do what you are passionate about not what everyone else is doing. In fact, I would say, do what no-one else does or has thought to do. Be a trend setter not a follower.

Where do you see your brand in ten years? There are many plans in man’s heart but time will tell what and where one would be. I would like to have several branches of Queens in GCC. We are using lots of different organic and natural brands in our spa but eventually, God willing, I will have my own organic brands under Queens for our spa and salon and would like to distribute too.

Please tell us your tips on how you manage to always look fabulous, while having a family and running your own company? I believe in simple things. Keep your skin clean and healthy, drink lots of water and green tea, and focus on the strong points of your beauty. You must know your body type and dress accordingly. Wear comfortable clothes and highlight your face with proper contouring. I believe your hair, nails and smile make all the difference to your appearance.

If you would describe yourself in three words, what would those words be? Glamorous, demanding and hard-working.

Last but not least, which are the favourite skincare, makeup and hair products that you can’t live without? I love Shirley Conlon Organics for my skin, bareMinerals make up primer, Urban Decay naked palette eyeshadow, bareMinerals highlighter, translucent powder, Paese eye and lip concealer, Nashi Argan hair oil.






OUR TOP PICKS THIS MONTH ARE DEDICATED TO MEN! CP Magazine has taken this opportunity to show you a few products specially designed for men. From shampoos to moisturizers and lip balms, CP has chosen the best reviewed products. Who said that beauty products were only made for women? The market has always favoured skin care for a female public but fortunately, the focus of men has dramatically increased over the past years and with good reason! Men are starting to incorporate daily moisturizers and are taking more care of themselves! Let’s face it, Anti Ageing creams are not going to completely remove wrinkles from your face but they will definitely moisturize and give a youthful complexion - perhaps making you look less tired and delay the appearance of signs of age. It is important to know your skin type before choosing the right product. To help you navigate in a sea of brands, you need to determine what you are really looking for, otherwise it can be overwhelming. To guide you through this process, there are a few factors that you need to take into account. Is your skin type sensitive, normal, dry, oily or combination? Here, I have selected some favourites:

1. BOTTEGA VENETA POUR HOMME Bottega Veneta ‘Pour Homme’ Eau de Toilette is a masculine, yet delicate, French made fragrance with hints of bergamot, pine, juniper and berry. Mixed with notes of leather, pimento, sage and fir balsam, this harmonious combination gives a strong yet classic aroma that lasts throughout the day.

3. AMERICAN CREW CLASSIC DAILY MOISTURIZING SHAMPOO This daily moisturizing all-hair types shampoo by American Crew is formulated to enrich hair and scalps, helping to condition the hair without removing natural oils and instead adding elasticity and moisture. Thanks to its natural ingredients such as rosemary, thyme and chamomile extracts, this shampoo soothes and calms irritated scalps and leaves hair soft, manageable and shiny.

2. AMERICAN CREW GROOMING CREME This cream is a winner when it comes to styling men’s hair as it is used to create a sleek, straight look or to soften naturally wavy or curly hair. It repels moisture to increase hold and gives shine.

4. TOM FORD ANTI-FATIGUE EYE TREATMENT Tom Ford has once again upped the game by including in his male skin care collection the Anti-Fatigue Eye Treatment. This small bottle is equipped with a cooling applicator, formulated with antioxidants and a restorative complex to stimulate the skin's repair mechanisms. From now on, guys can stop stealing their wife’s or girlfriend’s eye creams! A total 10-star product for men!



5.LA ROCHE POSAY HYDRAPHASE INTENSE YEUX Nothing will age your face as much as puffy, baggy eyes. If you want a guaranteed way to appear younger, keep the skin around your eyes hydrated with a good eye cream - especially if, like most of us, you're not getting as much sleep as you should. This is a product that immediately and long-lastingly moisturizes and diminishes the look of under-eye bags and puffiness. This eye gel contains fragmented Hyaluronic acid to infuse skin with water, at the same time moisturizing and soothing, giving a refreshing cooling effect. It is suitable for very sensitive skin.

7. No 7 MEN PROTECT & PERFECT INTENSE MOISTURIZER SPF 15 This lightweight hypo-allergenic moisturizer especially designed for dry to normal skin, is infused with anti-ageing properties. It keeps your face well hydrated without the oily feeling thanks to one of its ingredients, dimethicone. Beyond its moisturizing abilities, No7 by Boots is an anti-ageing serum that also includes protection from the sun at a SPF 15 rating.

6.ELEMIS DAILY MOISTURE BOOST This daily moisturizer is formulated to immediately nourish and hydrate skin after shaving. The powerful blend of Polynesian Green Tamanu Oil, milks of chestnut and bamboo, and also Cactus Cereus flower extract, helps soothe and calm shaved skin as it hydrates, soothes and promotes elasticity.

8. KIEHL’S FACIAL FUEL ENERGIZING SCRUB I’m a big fan of Kiehl’s products thanks to their natural approach to creating products. This scrub is no exception. It contains apricot kernel oil which is high in vitamin E, caffeine, menthol, and vitamin C among others. This gentle exfoliator sheds dead cells and other impurities. Its effective particles help break down tough facial hair for a smoother shave, therefore recommended for use before shaving.

9. SELF TANNING HYDRATING FACIAL SKIN CARE BY SISLEY Forget about Donald Trump’s failed attempt to self tan. This plant-based product will NOT disappoint you, especially if you use it after a good exfoliation. The combination of DHA and Erythrulose - two self tanning molecules - will create a natural looking and long-lasting tan, visible two hours after application. Don’t forget to wash your hands afterwards!

10. BIOTHERM, HOMME ULTIMATE LIP BALM This little tube will keep your lips moisturized under cold temperatures as well as under desert conditions. A must have!






e are officially on the verge of holiday season - and with it a myriad of food temptations and weight gain traps. Don’t fret, if you act now there’s still time to tighten up before putting on your holiday finest.

Do these 5 things NOW to quickly shape up: 1. Eat more veggies: Your mom was right; eating vegetables really is a good idea, especially when aiming to drop pounds. Why? There are a couple of reasons. First, veggies are low in calories and high in fibre which means you’re filling up without packing on pounds. Second, the vitamins and minerals in fresh vegetables nourish your body and cut down on cravings. 2. Add five minutes: Each week, between now and New Year, we want you to add five minutes to your workouts. Just five more minutes. The slight increase from week to week will hardly be noticeable, but the extra fat burn will pay off nicely. Use these extra five minutes to do an intense burst of exercise, such as burpees, squat to presses and walking lunges. 3. Double up on water: Not only will staying extra hydrated help your skin to have a healthy glow, it will also speed up your fat loss efforts. Most of us are walking around in a state of chronic dehydration, which contributes to fatigue,

stubborn weight gain and constipation. By drinking more water throughout the day and by limiting your intake of caffeinated beverages, you’ll become healthier and more radiant. 4. Eat low carb (after 4pm): One of the easiest ways to drop a few inches around your waist before the holidays is to eat low carb after 4pm each day. This means eating dinners that are centred around salads and vegetables rather than breads and pastas. If you simply must have your oatmeal or whole grain bread each day, then eat it for breakfast or lunch and give low carb dinners a try. Don’t forget that sugar counts as carbs, so skip that sugary dessert and try a grapefruit instead. 5. Train with us: If you’re not yet one of our beloved clients, then now is the time. We’d love to get you into phenomenal shape before New Year, and to give you the foundation that will keep you lean and healthy for life. Call or email today and we will get you started this week on an exercise program that will get you back in control of your body.








eauty is the fastest growing industry in the market today and the business of wellness is no exception. Spas are the emerging trend and demonstrate a growing desire to rejuvenate one's youth and sustain a healthy lifestyle. There are several different types of spas. The most common is the day spa. When in Kuwait there is no better way to relax than going to a spa; and with new ones popping up all the time, it becomes hard to choose the perfect fit for yourself. Use this guide to navigate through the plethora of fabulous spas and find the perfect fit for your perfect day! Usually, first-time spa-goers have their first spa experience on vacation, at resort/hotel spas. Resort/hotel spas come in a wide range of sizes and styles, from small private units like The Hilton Kuwait, to lavish sprawling resort spas like the Jumeirah Hotel or the Four Seasons in Kuwait City. Spas provide wonderful, nurturing experiences, although they aren't usually cheap. But why not splurge once in a while! If you are on a budget, you can always go to one of the many fabulous salons like Nail Station Kuwait, TanFastic Salon, Casa Spa and of course Glamour Abeer Al Yaseen Salon. With so many to choose from you are able to splurge the dinars! Alternatively, save some and treat yourself afterwards to a stroll through the Avenues Mall! There are many affordable day spas in Kuwait and they offer excellent service and client satisfaction. Going to the spa is an enjoyable experience for so many who need to relax and de-stress. However, some spa goers also look to use the fitness facilities as well. Exercise, healthy food, relaxation and good sleep are the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle which most of us have heard on more than one occasion. Kuwait is no stranger to fitness either and hotels boast not just fitness but a gathering place for friends. The C Club, The Al Corniche Club, The Palms, The Radisson Blu and The Holiday Inn offer both spa and fitness facilities combined with trained coaches to help you achieve your health goals. It’s no wonder Kuwait is a destination of choice for neighboring GCC countries and global visitors. In Kuwait, you can find some of the best spas in the GCC. From the Movenpick Resort Al’Bidaa to the Talise Spa in the Jumeirah Hotel; Kuwait is not short of beauty and 76


glamour. To go to the spa is such a relaxing experience and makes everyone feel rejuvenated and pampered. The Symphony Style Hotel also offers a great experience at the Six Senses Spa. If you are looking to de-stress by the pool then the Millennium Hotel in Salmiya is a must, as well as The J.W. Marriott Pool in Kuwait City. Your spa experience is an investment in yourself. You should always leave feeling better than when you arrived at the spa. And while problems are the exception, should any arise, approach it with honesty and sincerity. Most spas want satisfied guests and your feedback will be invaluable. Lastly, knowing why you want to go to a spa is just as important as finding a spa that will meet your needs and expectations. And while the spa experience is relaxing, pampering and restorative, it can also be life changing. Here are some tips for the spa newbie or the spa savvy: lDo your research! No two spas are alike and you want to make sure the amenities fit the bill for what you’re looking for. lIf you’re booking a treatment at a hotel spa during your vacation, make sure to book early, as appointments tend to fill up quickly. lMake sure to go easy on caffeine before your visit - it’s hard to relax on the massage table when you’re still jittery from your afternoon coffee! The same goes for eating a heavy meal. lA good tip is also to avoid poking and prodding your skin or nails in the days leading up to a treatment, as it may interfere with the technician’s services. lIf you’ve booked any exfoliation treatments, do not shave less than 24 hours or more before your appointment. lYou should arrive at least 15-30 minutes before your appointment to have ample time to get accustomed to the spa’s environment. However, if there are many free amenities on site, you should arrive earlier to take advantage of them.

Modern Italian Food

Soku - The Avenues Tel: 22200669





with Carla & Marie November is all about styling the gents! We have come fully prepared to give you plenty of tips on how to look more stylish, sharp yet casual, without being too flashy or trying too hard to follow trends. The aim is to look and feel great, which will undoubtedly create the best first impression wherever you go. We are featuring Wali Khan, a Dubai based entrepreneur of an event management company. He will be our model to show you how to get your style on track.

Credits: Photographer: Arsan Hassan (@arsan_photography) Image Consultants: Carla Otero & Marie Auffret (@thestylistes) Model: Wali Khan (@walikhan235) Model's Makeup: Edna Trogen (@edna_trogen) Carla & Marie’s Wardrobe: Sandro (@sandroparis) Model’s Wardrobe: Scotch & Soda (@scotch_official) Watches: Smart Turnout (@smartturnout) Location: Media One Hotel, Dubai (@mediaonehotel)





MEN'S GROOMING Grooming is the first step when refreshing or styling a male image. Our gorgeous CP Magazine makeup artist, Edna Trogen, has taken care of Wali’s grooming regime and the results are clearly visible. She has started with a moisturizer for his face and another one for his hands. A touch of liquid concealer has done the magic to cover the dark circles under his eyes. Finally, Wali’s hair and beard have been trimmed to achieve the look we were looking for. We are now ready to move on to the next step.

BODY SHAPE ANALYSIS Understanding your male body shape is very important in order to determine which cuts and fabrics will be more suited for your body. For instance, if you have a well-built body with broad shoulders and want to appear more slender, we recommend adding some structure like a blazer or a biker jacket. We have measured Wali and have learned that he has a Rhomboid body shape, which means his shoulders are wellbuilt and larger in comparison to the hips. We take note of this result as it will determine his final outfit.



COLOUR ANALYSIS Having a professional colour analysis is crucial in order to understand which are your optimal colours and whether warm or cool shades suit you best. In the case of our male model, when placing warm fabrics, like brown, green or beige, near his face, we discover unflattering darkness under his eyes. Furthermore, his complexion becomes pale next to warm colours. Whereas cool shades of blue, white or pink bring light and freshness to his complexion. Therefore, we conclude that Wali is cool.

LAYERING IS KEY When creating a stylish look for men, we need to add layers. For some reason, layers are interesting and unique and make an outfit instantly more stylish. If you look at our model Wali as an example, the layering here includes a casual shirt, a sweater and a blazer. Can you see the touch of style right there? It is so easy to achieve!



DON’T FORGET DETAILS No look can be described as stylish without small details and final touches. In other words, accessories and small elements that elevate a good look into a stylish one. For instance, let’s have a look at Wali’s details: Socks: it is very important that your socks don't match the colour of your pants. Pick one with some pattern or print and you will add that extra wow factor. Handkerchief: who would think that such a subtle element could transform a simple blazer into an effortlessly stylish one? Shoes: this is a very important detail in a man's outfit. If you want to downplay your look and make it more casual, add a pair of leather sneakers like we have done with our model. Watch: this all time classic piece describes the person that wears it, pure elegance. Briefcase/ Laptop case: if you need one, pick one that is stylish and of quality, as it will count as an accessory to your look.

THE OUTFIT We can describe Wali’s look with three words smart-casual-chic. At first, a blazer and shirt paired with chinos may seem boring and formal, but add a striped sweater and leather sneakers and it instantly transforms into a much more relaxed yet stylish outfit. To complete the look, don't forget the small but very important details (also known as accessories).



10 TIPS TO UPGRADE YOUR STYLE 1- “Always roll up your sleeves" It simply makes clothes look more fitted and stylish. 2- “Layering, layering, layering" If you want instant style, add layers. 3- “Loosen up" Never ever button anything but the top button of your blazer/suit jacket. 4- “Put some shine on those shoes" A fresh shine makes all the difference, as simple as it may sound. 5- “Socks matter” The simplest rule of thumb when selecting socks is that their colour shouldn't match the shoe. It can match your tie, shirt, blazer… 6- “A touch of colour” Add a faded pink shirt, like that of our model Wali. 7- “Handkerchief” Few items are as effortlessly stylish as a handkerchief. It's the perfect touch of style! 8. "Handy Tailor” A tailor can bring new life to items you would otherwise not use. 9. "Invest in a leather jacket and a blazer” A wellfitted leather jacket or a blazer will instantly upgrade your look, so we advise you to invest in them. 10. “The wristwatch” A classic timeless wristwatch, like the one our model is wearing, will add that extra bit of elegance you were looking for.



Decked Out – For Those On The Nice List With the festive season right around the corner, spoil your loved ones with a special Blue Box from Tiffany & Co. to make this special time of year even more magical.

Calvin Klein whirl

Gold Makes Great Diamonds at Pure Gold Jewellers

Harmonious. Chic. Calvin Klein whirl. This delicate watch distinguishes itself by its design as the organic lines and geometric shape accentuate its sensorial aspirations. A silver or black dial complements the wave-like bracelet design. Each watch provides ultimate comfort and creates a seamless silhouette. Water resistant to 3 bar.



JIMMY CHOO UNVEILS Borrowed From the Boys Cruise 2018 Collection As part of the Cruise 2018 collection Jimmy Choo introduces a capsule of styles that are literally Borrowed from the Boys with three styles from the Jimmy Choo men’s collection tailored for a women’s fit. The Borrowed from The Boys collection features 3 hero styles in a variety of fabrications that are available for both the Jimmy Choo woman and man. The androgynous style of a men’s loafer or evening slipper is timelessly modern and that is the essence of the collection, taking men’s signature silhouettes and tailoring them for a women’s fit respecting the form of each genders foot as it isn’t simply a case of offering smaller sizes. “Personally I have always explored more androgynous ways of dressing. The trick is retaining a notion of femininity with subtle styling nuances lending a softness and counter balance to masculine style. The Borrowed from the Boys collection of shoes is something I have wanted to create for a while. The designs are sleek and formal, working from day to night. The masculine silhouettes are softened with fabrications of tactile velvet and playful accents of fur. I think there’s a notion of innate confidence when a woman experiments with masculine tailoring that feels relevant to the Jimmy Choo woman.” Sandra Choi, Creative Director The TEDI is a refined loafer in high shine brushed leather with a playful flourish of fur decorating the front of the shoe and lining the interior presented in a tonal colour palette. The TEDI is offered in black, slate and aubergine hues. The MARTI is a new loafer featuring a chevron-hemmed snaffle that echoes the buckle of Jimmy Choo’s signature LOCKETT handbag. It is presented in an assortment of tactile velvet, coloured suede and a crushed black patent leather. The collection will be available from December 2017 onwards in all Jimmy Choo stores across Kuwait. Jimmy Choo enthusiasts are invited to explore the new collection in stores, and follow @alyasra on Instagram to find out more.



since 2010

BY: YASMEEN AL-SALEM Red is the colour of the season. During the winter shows, red coats and trousers were popular but more recently it's the red dress that’s really proving to be the must-have piece. Fashion advice: Go Red, Head to Toe! Joseph




Mansur Gavriel



PRADA Givenchy Loewe






Lady in Red inspiration



Jazz_boutique since 2010





Sonya Vajifdar is a design label that celebrates sustainable luxury in a contemporary, fresh and edgy aesthetic. It combines indigenous elements with a global design aesthetics, resulting in garments which represent the metamorphosis of raw influences, both fantastical and mundane. Each one of our piece is crafted with a story behind it: from the unique culture of the country it's made in to the inimitable skills of the craftsmen who make it. Our focus is to create a strong global lifestyle around our brand that remains innovative and interesting in an ever-changing retail environment through product development, inspiring launches, excellent service levels and organic fashion. The ethos of the brand lies in “Redefining Luxury through sustainability� for people all over the globe. www.cpmagazine.net



WRONGS moviewrongs.com by: JIM WEST

Directed by Taika Waititi Written by Eric Pearson, Craig Kyle, Christopher Yost


his is quite easily the most fun of all the Marvel films to date; the director’s comedic influences are oozing with each scene. The three writers actually did a very solid job although pacing was a bit fast and they rushed to get us to the reunion of Thor and Hulk (the highlight of the film). Unfortunately a film can only be a great as its villain. This film, while funny and action packed, fails heavily in that department.

Here come the spoilers! The film opens with Thor tracking down questions relating to Ragnarok; an end of the world phenomenon he wants to prevent for his homeland, Asgard. He meets and soon defeats the creature whose destiny is to destroy Asgard. He thinks all is won but returns home to discover that Loki is posing as Odin. They set off to Earth to find Odin and as soon as they find him he dies. What?! His two sons are unaware they have a sister and that there is a darker history than the one they grew up knowing - a history of war and conquest that was kept hidden. When Odin is gone he can no longer contain Hela, Goddess of Death (wonderful name for your daughter Daddy Odin!). As soon as Odin fades to light particles, viola! Hela appears to greet her brothers and starts taking over. Through a sequence of teleporting and a fight between the three, the two brothers end up on a junkyard planet run by Jeff Goldblum where the main thing to do is collect scrap and watch gladiator fights. The funniest and best scenes do occur on this planet, but the lore of Asgard falls to the wayside for the Thor versus Hulk matchup. There’s no explanation why Bruce Banner has been in Hulk form 90


for two years, and no explanation for Hela’s ability to just appear on mudguard (aka Earth) right where Odin was. Was she just in Odin’s back pocket? Jokes abound and soon we are off into a swirling wormhole to magically get back to Asgard just in time for the final showdown. That’s enough spoilers. This is how to take this solid film and elevate it to epic status. Show more Hela. Hela appoints a weasel of a guard as her executioner and yet nothing menacing happens here with the role (other than his quasi redemption and glaringly obvious selfsacrifice which is as cliché as it gets). The only real surprise in store for the viewer is our title hero loses an eye. Hela needs more back story to show her in action so show us a flashback with Odin, the two of them destroying armies and taking over the nine realms. THAT would help solidify her as a real villain. Sure she destroys Thor’s hammer but everyone saw that in the trailer (Marvel, you should really learn to keep some surprises for the viewers by not revealing essentially the entire film in the trailers!). So add at least two more minutes of Hela’s past destruction and have her be quick to kill without hesitation - when the executioner hesitates, let her finish off the girl in the courtyard interrogation scene - further enforcing her ruthlessness. That is how you can elevate the film from good to great. Now most may disagree with me on this, but think about it this way: Marvel has been infusing more comedy into their films since Ant-Man and Spiderman. Although I can appreciate the laughs and witty jokes, this can be one slippery slope by which you descend into bodily fluids and body part jokes. Wait a second, they had one of those in this film! Thanks for reading Writing Movie ‘WRONGS’.








Dusk Till Dawn

...Ready For It?

Gucci Gang

Post Malone & 21 Savage

Ed Sheeran

Zayn & Sia

Taylor Swift

Lil Pump






Bodak Yellow (Money Moves)

Too Good At Goodbyes

What Lovers Do

Young, Dumb And Broke

Do Re Mi

Cardi B

Sam Smith

Maroon 5 & SZA









I Get The Bag

I Fall Apart

No Limit

Love So Soft

Logic, Alessia Cara & Khalid

Gucci Mane & Migos

Post Malone

G-Eazy, A$AP Rocky & Cardi B

Kelly Clarkson






Feel It Still


Versace On The Floor

The Story Of O.J.

What About Us

Portugal. The Man

Taylor Swift

Bruno Mars










Jocelyn Flores

Rake It Up

New Rules

Imagine Dragons

Imagine Dragons


Yo Gotti & Nicki Minaj

Dua Lipa





Mi Gente

When It Rains It Pours

Camila Cabello & Young Thug

J Balvin & Willy William

Luke Combs


Sorry Not Sorry Demi Lovato





There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back Body Like A Back Road Shawn Mendes


Sam Hunt



Look What You Made Me Do

Almost Like Praying

The Way Life Goes


Taylor Swift

Lin-Manuel Miranda & Artists For Puerto Rico

Lil Uzi Vert

Calvin Harris, Pharell Williams, Katy Perry & Big Sean








Bad At Love

That's What I Like

French Montana & Swae Lee

Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee

Charlie Puth


Bruno Mars







by Joy Jordan-Lake

by Louise Erdrich

After the sudden death of her troubled mother, struggling Harvard grad student Kate Drayton walks out on her lecture—and her entire New England life. Haunted by unanswered questions and her own uncertain future, she flees to Charleston, South Carolina, the place where her parents met, convinced it holds the key to understanding her fractured family and saving her career in academia. Kate is determined to unearth groundbreaking information on a failed 1822 slave revolt—the subject of her mother’s own research. Nearly two centuries earlier, Tom Russell, a gifted blacksmith and slave, grappled with a terrible choice: arm the uprising spearheaded by members of the fiercely independent African Methodist Episcopal Church or keep his own neck out of the noose and protect the woman he loves.

The world as we know it is ending. Evolution has reversed itself, affecting every living creature on earth. Science cannot stop the world from running backwards, as woman after woman gives birth to infants that appear to be primitive species of humans. Thirty-two-year-old Cedar Hawk Songmaker, adopted daughter of a pair of big-hearted, open-minded Minneapolis liberals, is as disturbed and uncertain as the rest of America around her. But for Cedar, this change is profound and deeply personal. She is four months pregnant. Though she wants to tell the adoptive parents who raised her from infancy, Cedar first feels compelled to find her birth mother, Mary Potts, an Ojibwe living on the reservation, to understand both her and her baby’s origins. As Cedar goes back to her own biological beginnings, society around her begins to disintegrate, fueled by a swelling panic about the end of humanity.



by Joe Biden

St. Petersburg, New Year's Eve, 1916. Marina Makarova is a young woman of privilege who aches to break free of the constraints of her genteel life, a life about to be violently upended by the vast forces of history. Swept up on these tides, Marina will join the marches for workers' rights, fall in love with a radical young poet, and betray everything she holds dear, before being betrayed in turn. As her country goes through almost unimaginable upheaval, Marina's own coming-of-age unfolds, marked by deep passion and devastating loss, and the private heroism of an ordinary woman living through extraordinary times. This is the epic, mesmerizing story of one indomitable woman's journey through some of the most dramatic events of the last century.

In November 2014, thirteen members of the Biden family gathered on Nantucket for Thanksgiving, a tradition they had been celebrating for the past forty years; it was the one constant in what had become a hectic, scrutinized, and overscheduled life. The Thanksgiving holiday was a much-needed respite, a time to connect, a time to reflect on what the year had brought, and what the future might hold. But this year felt different from all those that had come before. Joe and Jill Biden's eldest son, Beau, had been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor fifteen months earlier, and his survival was uncertain. "Promise me, Dad," Beau had told his father. "Give me your word that no matter what happens, you're going to be all right." Joe Biden gave him his word.



by Janet Fitch



by Gordon S. Wood

by Myriam Gurba

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams could scarcely have come from more different worlds, or been more different in temperament. Jefferson, the optimist with enough faith in the innate goodness of his fellow man to be democracy's champion, was an aristocratic Southern slaveowner, while Adams, the overachiever from New England's rising middling classes, painfully aware he was no aristocrat, was a skeptic about popular rule and a defender of a more elitist view of government. They worked closely in the crucible of revolution, crafting the Declaration of Independence and leading, with Franklin, the diplomatic effort that brought France into the fight. But ultimately, their profound differences would lead to a fundamental crisis, in their friendship and in the nation writ large, as they became the figureheads of two entirely new forces, the first American political parties. It was a bitter breach, lasting through the presidential administrations of both men, and beyond.

Myriam Gurba's debut is the bold and hilarious tale of her coming of age as a queer, mixed-race Chicana. Blending radical formal fluidity and caustic humor, Mean turns what might be tragic into piercing, revealing comedy. This is a confident, funny, brassy book that takes the cost of sexual assault, racism, misogyny, and homophobia deadly seriously. We act mean to defend ourselves from boredom and from those who would cut off our breasts. We act mean to defend our clubs and institutions. We act mean because we like to laugh. Being mean to boys is fun and a second-wave feminist duty. Being mean to men who deserve it is a holy mission. Sisterhood is powerful, but being mean is more exhilarating.


New York Times bestselling author of The Know-It-All and The Year of Living Biblically, A.J. Jacobs undergoes a hilarious, heartfelt quest to understand what constitutes family—where it begins and how far it goes—and attempts to untangle the true meaning of the “Family of Humankind.” A.J. Jacobs has received some strange emails over the years, but this note was perhaps the strangest: “You don’t know me, but I’m your eighth cousin. And we have over 80,000 relatives of yours in our database.” That’s enough family members to fill Madison Square Garden four times over. Who are these people, A.J. wondered, and how do I find them? So began Jacobs’s three-year adventure to help build the biggest family tree in history.

HERE WE ARE NOW by Jasmine Warga

Despite sending him letters ever since she was thirteen, Taliah Abdallat never thought she'd ever really meet Julian Oliver. But one day, while her mother is out of the country, the famed rock star from Staring Into the Abyss shows up on her doorstep. This makes sense - kinda because Julian Oliver is Taliah's father, even though her mother would never admit it to her. Julian asks if Taliah if she will drop everything and go with him to his hometown of Oak Falls, Indiana, to meet his father - her grandfather - who is nearing the end of his life. Taliah, torn between betraying her mother's trust and meeting the family she has never known, goes. With her best friend Harlow by her side, Taliah embarks on a three-day journey to find out everything about her 'father' and her family. But Julian isn't the father Taliah always hoped for, and revelations about her mother's past are seriously shaking her foundation. Through all these new experiences, Taliah will have to find new ways to be true to herself, honoring her past and her future.






Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman’s selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his newfound ally, Diana Prince, to face an even greater enemy. Together, Batman and Wonder Woman work quickly to find and recruit a team of metahumans to stand against this newly awakened threat. But despite the formation of this unprecedented league of heroes—Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and The Flash—it may already be too late to save the planet from an assault of catastrophic proportions.

This is a true story about the making of The Room – the cult classic described as the “Citizen Kane of bad movies”. The Masterpiece is a buddy comedy about two outsiders chasing a dream. When the world rejects them, they decide to make their own movie.

CAST: Julianne Moore, Michelle Williams, Amy Hargreaves, Oakes Fegley, Millicent Simmonds

CAST: Henry Cavill, Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller, J.K. Simmons

CAST:James Franco, Dave Franco, Seth Rogen, Josh Hutcherson, Zoey Deutch, Zac Efron

DIRECTOR: Todd Haynes


DIRECTOR: James Franco

Ben and Rose are children from two different eras who secretly wish their lives were different. Ben longs for the father he has never known, while Rose dreams of a mysterious actress whose life she chronicles in a scrapbook. When Ben discovers a puzzling clue in his home and Rose reads an enticing headline in the newspaper, both children set out on quests to find what they are missing that unfold with mesmerizing symmetry.







Despite his family’s baffling generations-old ban on music, Miguel (voice of newcomer Anthony Gonzalez) dreams of becoming an accomplished musician like his idol, Ernesto de la Cruz (voice of Benjamin Bratt). Desperate to prove his talent, Miguel finds himself in the stunning and colorful Land of the Dead following a mysterious chain of events. Along the way, he meets charming trickster Hector (voice of Gael García Bernal), and together, they set off on an extraordinary journey to unlock the real story behind Miguel’s family history.

August (Auggie) Pullman was born with a facial deformity that prevented him from going to a mainstream school—until now. He's about to start 5th grade at Beecher Prep, and if you've ever been the new kid then you know how hard that can be. The thing is Auggie's just an ordinary kid, with an extraordinary face. But can he convince his new classmates that he's just like them, despite appearances?

Father and stepfather, Dusty (Mark Wahlberg) and Brad (Will Ferrell) have joined forces to provide their kids with the perfect Christmas. Their newfound partnership is put to the test when Dusty’s oldschool, macho Dad (Mel Gibson) and Brad’s ultraaffectionate and emotional Dad (John Lithgow) arrive just in time to throw the holiday into complete chaos.

CAST: Benjamin Bratt, Anthony Gonzalez, Renée Victor, Ana Ofelia Murguía, Gael García Bernal, Jaime Camil DIRECTOR: Lee Unkrich, Adrian Molina

CAST: Jacob Tremblay, Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson, Noah Jupe, Mandy Patinkin, Daveed Diggs

CAST: Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, Mel Gibson, John Lithgow, Linda Cardellini, John Cena

DIRECTOR: Stephen Chbosky

DIRECTOR: Sean Anders








In Marvel Studios’ Thor: Ragnarok, Thor is imprisoned on the other side of the universe without his mighty hammer and finds himself in a race against time to get back to Asgard to stop Ragnarok—the destruction of his homeworld and the end of Asgardian civilization—at the hands of an all-powerful new threat, the ruthless Hela. But first he must survive a deadly gladiatorial contest that pits him against his former ally and fellow Avenger—the Incredible Hulk!

A Bad Moms Christmas follows our three underappreciated and over-burdened women as they rebel against the challenges and expectations of the Super Bowl for moms: Christmas. And if creating a more perfect holiday for their families wasn’t hard enough, they have to do all of that while hosting and entertaining their own mothers. By the end of the journey, our moms will redefine how to make the holidays special for all and discover a closer relationship with their mothers.

CAST: Mila Kunis, Kathryn Hahn, Kristen Bell, Susan Sarandon, Cheryl Hines, Christine Baranski

DIRECTOR: Kenneth Branagh

CAST: Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Jaimie Alexander, Tessa Thompson, Cate Blanchett, Mark Ruffalo DIRECTOR: Taika Waititi




MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS What starts out as a lavish train ride through Europe quickly unfolds into one of the most stylish, suspenseful and thrilling mysteries ever told. From the novel by best selling author Agatha Christie, "Murder on the Orient Express" tells the tale of thirteen strangers stranded on a train, where everyone's a suspect. One man must race against time to solve the puzzle before the murderer strikes again.

CAST: Kenneth Branagh, Leslie Odom Jr., Michelle Pfeiffer, Daisy Ridley, Michael Pena, Judi Dench


DIRECTOR: Jon Lucas, Scott Moore



A hard nosed liberal lawyer named Roman J. Israel has been fighting the good fight forever while others take the credit. When his partner, the firm's front man, has a heart attack, Israel suddenly takes on that role. He finds out some unsettling things about what the crusading law firm as done that run afoul of his values of helping the poor and dispossessed, and finds himself in existential crisis that leads to extreme action.

Within days of becoming Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill must face one of his most turbulent and defining trials: exploring a negotiated peace treaty with Nazi Germany, or standing firm to fight for the ideals, liberty and freedom of a nation. As the unstoppable Nazi forces roll across Western Europe and the threat of invasion is imminent, and with an unprepared public, a skeptical King, and his own party plotting against him, Churchill must withstand his darkest hour, rally a nation, and attempt to change the course of world history.

CAST: Michael Fassbender, Rebecca Ferguson, Charlotte Gainsbourg

CAST: Denzel Washington, Colin Farrell, Hugo Armstrong, Carmen Ejogo

CAST: Gary Oldman, John Hurt, Lily James, Ben Mendelsohn, Kristen Scott Thomas, Stephen Dillane

DIRECTOR: Tomas Alfredson

DIRECTOR: Dan Gilroy

DIRECTOR: Joe Wright




When an elite crime squad’s lead detective (Fassbender) investigates the disappearance of a victim on the first snow of winter, he fears an elusive serial killer may be active again. With the help of a brilliant recruit (Ferguson), the cop must connect decades-old cold cases to the brutal new one if he hopes to outwit this unthinkable evil before the next snowfall.




The coolest products curated especially for you

Razer Seiren X HD USB Studio Microphone

Razer’s New Webcam Comes with a Built-in Ring Light

Upgrade your accompanying audio with the Razer Seiren X HD USB Studio Microphone. Plugging directly into your device, this condenser microphone uses technology to only pick up what you want. The supercardioid pickup pattern keeps environmental noise to a minimum as you record. With this, it records as a tighter angle. And, to allow for your human nature to shine through, the Seiren X is complete with a built-in shock mount. As you bang your fists with joy, the microphone mount actually dampens vibrations to keep your audio clear. Even with all of this technology, the Seiren X remains compact as to not take up valuable real estate on your desk. Plus, with the latest technology, it has zero latency monitoring so that echo trip ups are a thing of the past.

Always look your best on camera with the Razer Kiyo Ring Light Streaming Camera. Attaching to the top of your computer like a standard webcam, this device has something extra to offer. Surrounding the lens is a powerful yet flattering ring of light. In this position, it projects light evenly onto your face or anything in the center of the frame. The all-in-one system virtually eliminates harsh shadows and you can even adjust the brightness to suit the environmental lighting. In addition to lights, the Kiyo Camera also offers impeccable detail. You can choose either 720p resolution at 60fps or go for full 1080p HD at 30fps. Great for gamers as well as budding YouTubers, the Kiyo Camera works flawlessly with programs such as Open Broadcaster and Xsplit.

Newton Lever-Press Espresso Maker

RapidX - Luxurious Gaming and Lifestyle Chair

Get back to basics with your java with the Newton Lever-Press Espresso Maker. Using a clean and simple design, this system delivers delicious coffee in a matter of moments. The Newton Espresso can sit on your counter or mount to the wall. With either model, the process is the same. Simply add your grinds to the basket, pour in boiling water, and lift and lower the lever. The Newton Espresso pushes the water through the grinds to extract the optimal flavor.

Uplift your game and play simultaneously with this Luxurious Gaming and Lifestyle Chair from RapidX. This luxurious chair features carbon fiber trimming on the bolsters and back. In fact, the design gives you the exact comfort you feel in a luxurious sports car. Additionally, there’s the polyurethane core which makes sure to keep you comfortable during extended work or gaming sessions. You also get to tilt the seat in five positions, thanks to the locking mechanism.



Bone Owl Jigsaw Puzzles

Philips OneBlade Pro Hybrid Electric Shaver

Challenge your brain in an artistic way with these Bone Owl Jigsaw Puzzles. What makes these 1,000-piece puzzles different is their unique and offbeat themes. They feature illustrations by the best independent artists from around the world. Made in the USA, each puzzle piece is thicker than normal to snap in place easily and hold together tightly. The linen texture on every puzzle also reduces glare and gives every piece an ultra-premium look and feel. All 1,000 pieces are randomly shaped to interest and excite you every step of the way.

Do more than just shave with the Philips OneBlade Pro Hybrid Electric Shaver. As part of the Norelco range, this device is also a trimmer. Using a powerful battery, you have the choice of 14 different length settings. All locking in place, the multitude of lengths let you choose exactly how you look. You can go for the instant 5 o’clock shadow or go totally clean cut. In an effort to save your skin, the OneBlade Pro keeps a safe distance from your face so you stay smooth and cut-free. The rechargeable grooming device also lets you trim and edge to achieve the perfect cut every time. In addition, you can use it either wet or dry.

Paxter Smart Travel Hygiene Container Kraftwerk - Highly Innovative Portable Power Plant A totally new energy supply technology for mobile electronic devices. Efficient and remains independent from the power grid. kraftwerk opens up a whole new dimension in freedom and independence when it comes to supplying your mobile electronic devices with energy. Why? Because kraftwerk enables you to generate your own energy using a small, handy device in such large amounts that you can run your iPhone, tablet, or even your GoPro camera for weeks! kraftwerk is your very own portable power plant Amazingly small and highly efficient

Pongo Portable Ping Pong A good round of table-tennis can be your pastime during any outdoor meetup or vacation with this on-the-go Pongo Portable Ping Pong set. It consists of a retractable net, adjustable paddles and two ping-pong balls which comes in a pouch you can carry practically anywhere you travel. The net can expand to a range of six feet thus giving you enough space to set up your own round of table tennis game wherever you go. It could be the office meeting room table or even the dining table at your friends place, the Pongo Ping Pong set is made with a notion of enabling you to master your ping pong skills around the clock. Let the game begin!

Streamline the way you stay clean with the Paxter Smart Travel Hygiene Container. This device has space for everything you need when you go from work to the gym, and back home. Paxter features three chambers that hold 95mL each for your body wash, shampoo, lotion, and more. In addition, there’s a see-through panel so you know just how much is left. With a pump button on the side, you can easily access your products on the go. Paxter also features interchangeable label dispensing caps so you always know what’s inside. On the back is a ventilated compartment to keep your toothbrush clean and ready. Finally, the strong-bodied container has a waterproof compartment and a customizable insert for your smaller goods like vitamins, Q-tips, and more. The sides are complete with silicone strips to make handling in the shower a breeze. It’s perfect for gym-goers and travelers alike.

Uvolt Smartphone Charging Solar Watch Never run out of battery again when you wear the Uvolt Smartphone Charging Solar Watch. Complete with a minimalist yet stylish design, this timepiece leads an incredible double life. Offering clean energy, it conceals a totally portable battery inside. The Uvolt Watch has an inconspicuous solar panel to passively gather energy from the sun throughout the day. When it’s time to top up your smartphone, just take off the compact removable induction power reserve. This tiny yet mighty power bank also comes with a built-in connector and cable to plug right into your smartphone. In addition to solar energy, the Uvolt Watch has a wireless charging dock for those who are stuck inside. www.cpmagazine.net


Unmistakable Silhouette With Power And Grace Newly redesigned Porsche Panamera astonishes us with its sporting spirit and luxurious comfort that is ideal for everyday drive. When you are offered the opportunity to drive an automotive masterpiece, you don’t just say yes, you jump at the chance with excitement. We all felt the enthusiasm when our Auto Team was offered the chance to test drive the new Porsche Panamera. This modern marvel not only drives like a dream but it turns heads, and that is just what we intended to do as the whole team embarked on being part of the review.

Model: Georgia (@georgia_canavan) Photographer & Videography: Rashid Al-Nuaimi (@rashidpvg) Behind The Scenes: Hamad AlAinati (@7mdphotography) Creative Director: Jameel Arif - (@jameelarif) Car: Porsche Panamera - Porsche Centre Kuwait (@porschecentrekuwait) 98




I was excited to be first in the team to take the Porsche Panamera for a solid test run. The beautiful Georgia from our fashion team couldn’t resist coming along for the ride and Rashid, from our photography team, envisioned the photo shoot and insisted on leading the photography to capture the Porsche Panamera in all its glory. 100


Lucky for us, Porsche Centre Kuwait - Behbehani Motors Company invited us to test drive this vehicle for three days in order to fully examine how this luxurious saloon concept is handled in typical driving conditions. We cruised the Arabian Gulf Street and spotted spectacular locations to portrait the Porsche Panamera. What follows is my (rather our Auto Team’s) account of experiencing the Porsche Panamera – a true automotive dream for me and my fellow colleagues. www.cpmagazine.net


Model: Georgia (@georgia_canavan) Photographer & Videography: Rashid Al-Nuaimi (@rashidpvg) Behind The Scenes: Hamad AlAinati (@7mdphotography) Creative Director: Jameel Arif - (@jameelarif) Car: Porsche Panamera - Porsche Centre Kuwait (@porschecentrekuwait)



A New Concept and Design First, to understand the Porsche Panamera, you must consider its development. It was designed from the ground up and is a mix of sports car and luxury vehicle all in one. There’s a new engine, transmission, chassis and display and operating concept to take into account - and they certainly don’t disappoint. The Porsche Panamera is a four-door vehicle, which doesn’t diminish its sporty appeal. It adds more convenience and makes it feel quite roomy in its interior. There is 1304 L of luggage space and a tailgate as well as folding seats – plenty of room when you consider its sportiness. We all fit nicely inside and had plenty of room to sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. The look of the Porsche Panamera exceeds expectations as it has that classic Porsche style with a new faster roof line – the flyline as Porsche refers to it. You also have to appreciate the flared shoulders and nice athletic flanks that give the Porsche Panamera a strong build that is iconic to its 911 design. The body is a steel/ aluminum hybrid construction while the door panels, hood, trunk lid, wings, side panels and roof all integrating aluminum for a sleek modern look that is lightweight and aerodynamic.

Plenty of Detail in Its Development Every last detail was thought of when creating the new Porsche Panamera. Porsche really delivered on this vehicle, giving saloon drivers a sporty vehicle that still appeals to their tastes. It extends the boundaries of what is possible with a sports car and proves that it’s a car you want to drive long distances in and really take to the road to feel the power and punch this vehicle packs. For starters, there is more interior room as the Porsche Panamera is 5049 mm long, 1937 mm wide and 1423 mm high. It pays homage to the Porsche 911 and allows passengers to fit quite comfortably inside. We had a great experience as the full Auto Team came along for the ride. Porsche bills the vehicle as the ultimate everyday use vehicle and we wholeheartedly agree as the Porsche Panamera offers all the room you would need to run errands, haul passengers, and embark on long trips in absolute comfort and luxury. Porsche carefully redesigned the new Panamera generation with an intensified attribute of sportiness and luxury. The front wheels are shifted forward to allow for what it calls a prestige dimension. This adds to the concept of the Porsche Panamera and really maintains that true Porsche look.

Bring On The Power Under the hood is where things really get interesting as the Porsche Panamera has three engine options for the road, with increased power and equally increased efficiency. We drove the Porsche Panamera (V6) that was powered by a mighty 2.9 L petrol engine rated 330 hp. This engine roared as we experienced its acceleration in 5.5 seconds, while activating the Sport Chrono Package option. It provided plenty of torque and performance no matter the terrain we encountered. We loved the feel of the powertrain as it offered all the handling and power you would expect from a sports car without the inertia that a luxury vehicle can sometimes incorporate. For the Porsche Panamera Turbo, owners will get an extra boost of power with a four-litre V8 petrol engine that really has some get up and go. It delivers 550 hp, giving it almost 200 hp of additional power over the Panamera (V6) – it’s got some serious kick to it. Porsche didn’t disappoint its diesel enthusiasts either as it offers the Porsche Panamera 4S Diesel with a drivetrain that is just as capable. The diesel engine offers 422 hp with a four-litre displacement in a V8 configuration. In all the above engine options, a newly developed transmission is outfitted and coupled to the powertrain. This Porsche dual-clutch transmission (PDK) has a whopping eight speeds and all-wheel drive in all models offered under the Porsche Panamera umbrella. The powertrain is situated within a new chassis design that has a broader spread that is designed to allow it to really hug those turns. A new rear axle steering aids in the overall driving capabilities and a three-chamber air suspension cushions the ride. You literally feel



the difference while driving, as it is comfortable yet grips the road during your ride. The Porsche Panamera incorporates the Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control Sport with Porsche Torque Vectoring Plus. These performance systems are all controlled via the 4D Chassis Control and networked together with the additional chassis systems for a complete package that outperforms at every turn. The redesigned Porsche Panamera is also fitted with 19-inch wheels on the Porsche Panamera 4S and 4S Diesel with larger 20-inch wheels on the Turbo model.

Electronic Enhancements Moving to the interior of the Porsche Panamera, you have an allnew Porsche Advanced Cockpit with literally everything you are looking for to control the vehicle, enhance its performance and improve your ride. This state-of-the-art system integrates a black panel with a dynamic styling that really allows the interactive display to standout, especially at night. There is a combination of visually appealing and intuitive operation for your smartphone with multifunctional vehicle control. We really had some fun exploring the InnoDrive and Night Vision Assist systems. Porsche really delivered on its promise to make the Porsche Panamera a vehicle you want to drive. The electronic offerings were designed to be distraction free and not take away from the performance of the vehicle. It’s still all about the ride with this vehicle and we really found this to be true as we drove the Porsche Panamera. We were able to easily use the intuitive electronics without them feeling cumbersome or taking over the ride of the vehicle. They performed as we expected and really provided an enhancement to the vehicle as we drove. The electronic offerings are really designed for increased convenience. They integrate well with the dash display but allow you to focus on the road and the feel of driving the Porsche Panamera. The onboard display is responsive, quick and easy to use. It is the most digitized version of a Porsche offered by the company and still pays a strong respect to what the Porsche name stands for ultimate driving capabilities. Inside the vehicle cockpit, you’ll find the Porsche Communication Management at the gear console. This uses a 12.3-inch touch display that uses user touch for operation. Operating just like a tablet, the Porsche Communication Management system provides smooth navigation and amazingly recognizes handwriting in case you have to jot a quick note such as your destination address. This quaint feature impresses and gives you plenty of flexibility when needed. You can hop on the internet with the Porsche Connect Plus. This interacts with the Porsche Communication Management and uses Apple CarPlay and the Porsche Car Connect app. You can control this system from your smartphone or Apple Watch. Also, it includes capabilities such as security services, roadside assistance, automatic emergency calling, and car finder services. It has a SIM card reader and wireless internet for your passengers and real-time traffic information, which is perfect for everyday driving. Everything you need from the Porsche Connect Plus is there as it literally provides you access to the digital world.

Entertainment Capabilities When you are driving the Porsche Panamera nothing is better than cranking up the tunes and hitting the open road. We found the entertainment system for the Porsche Panamera just added to the overall driving experience as it has 10 loudspeakers and 150 watts of music power. There is also the option to kick this music system up a notch with the Burmester system with 20 directly driven loudspeakers and an active subwoofer. The Porsche Panamera also includes two USB charging ports to keep your digital devices powered as they connect with the Porsche Connect Plus system. Your passengers will also enjoy their own entertainment experience as the Porsche Panamera offers two 10-inch touchscreens at the back of the front seats. This allows for a separate entertainment option for passengers with a touchscreen functionality and Bluetooth headphone capabilities. There is an SD card input, jukebox, CD/DVD drive, and USB stick plug-ins. Passengers can also listen to their own music separate from the driver as well as use GPS navigation from these touchscreens. There is also access to the Google Play Store that kept Rashid busy for quite some time as we drove. The touchscreens in the rear of the Porsche Panamera also provide for video calls and chats and have an internal flash memory. 104


Model: Georgia (@georgia_canavan) Photographer & Videography: Rashid Al-Nuaimi (@rashidpvg) Behind The Scenes: Hamad AlAinati (@7mdphotography) Creative Director: Jameel Arif - (@jameelarif) Car: Porsche Panamera - Porsche Centre Kuwait (@porschecentrekuwait)



Light It Up Adding to the appearance of the Porsche Panamera is new LED headlights that provide plenty of visibility while looking the part of the vehicle. In the Porsche Panamera Turbo, the Porsche Dynamic Light System is included. There are also LED rear lights that illuminate the back of the Porsche Panamera and a rain sensor, automatic truck lid for added convenience, and an interior online navigation system, so you never get lost. We explored this quite a bit to get a feel of how the new digital systems work on the Porsche Panamera. It worked as expected and lulled us into relaxation with its calming directions. This is a feature that Porsche Panamera owners will get plenty of use out of. There are a keyless engine starting system and part-leather seats that are just as comfortable as you would imagine. We felt right at home in this Porsche Panamera from Porsche Centre Kuwait Many thanks to them for offering us the ride.

Make It Your Own While the Porsche Panamera we drove was white, Porsche offers the vehicle in a total of 12 colours. There are the standard white and black and two special colours with the Carmine Red and GT Silver Metallic. Other body colours also include a Carrara White, Deep Black, Vulcan Grey, Rhodium Silver, Sapphire Blue, Night Blue, Agate Grey, and Mahogany. This really allows you to custom pick the body colour of choice. These colours can be matched with 10 different interior colours and leathers. Choose from Black, Agate Grey, Luxor Beige, Marsala, and Saddle Brown as well as five two-tone colour combinations. You also have the options of part-leather seats in the Porsche Panamera 4S and 4S Diesel while the Porsche Panamera is featured with leather upholstery and all leather seats. Porsche also offers the ability to paint your Porsche Panamera in any colour you can imagine through its Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur option. This allows for complete personalization of your Porsche Panamera and can give it that finishing touch you have imagined forever. The Porsche Panamera we drove was standard white with Marsala interior. The contract was impeccable, and we loved the sporty feel it gave to the vehicle. Our Auto Team was impressed with the lavishness of the interior as much as we were with the outward appearance of the Porsche Panamera. 106


Our Assessment After driving the Porsche Panamera, our Auto Team had to admit it really was a vehicle that we aspired to. For myself, it gave plenty of sport when I wanted it, yet would be functional as an everyday vehicle when I needed it. There was plenty of room and of course the new engine power delivered in all respects. Cruising the streets in the Porsche Panamera did turn heads as we expected and we appreciated every wave that was delivered our way. This automotive marvel is a new entry for Porsche, but it looks promising for the company as vehicle owners will be able to retain the elements that they love about a Porsche with an updated twist. We have to admit; this was one test vehicle that we had a hard time letting go of. We drove the Porsche Panamera down to the last minute when we had to give it back to Porsche Centre Kuwait. We really didn’t want to let go of this beauty.

The Verdict Overall the Porsche Panamera scored high marks with our Auto Team. There wasn’t an area that we could see that Porsche didn’t already improve, make better, or enhance. Porsche really thought of everything when it came to design the new generation of the Porsche Panamera. It has plenty of power as well as grace as it hits the road. You can feel the difference with its new transmission, and the all-wheel drive is a nice standard feature to improve handling in extreme weather conditions. The verdict on the Porsche Panamera across our Auto Team was unanimous as the Porsche Panamera was a vehicle that we’d all love to own and have as a part of our automotive portfolio. Its style impresses on first glance, and its performance rides like a true Porsche only enhanced by the modern technology that the company has equipped into the design. The interior of the Porsche Panamera shines and you’ll feel the luxury as you drive. This is one vehicle that will be hard to say no to as it literally drives you towards it with its look and keeps you coming back to it with its drivability. You’ll want to say yes to the Porsche Panamera as this is a vehicle you’ll be proud to drive, have as your own, and above all, fall in love with. We promise! www.cpmagazine.net


Four Seasons Hotel Kuwait At Burj Alshaya Celebrates Grand Opening

His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah was guest of honour on November 6, 2017 at the grand official opening ceremony of Four Seasons Hotel Kuwait at Burj Alshaya, the leading luxury hospitality company’s first address in Kuwait. Representing Four Seasons and welcoming His Highness to the hotel were Four Seasons executives Isadore Sharp, Founder and Chairman, and J. Allen Smith, President and CEO. Offering his welcome, as representative of the Alshaya family, was Mohammed Alshaya, Executive Chairman of the Alshaya Group of companies, who own the property. “We are honoured to welcome His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah to the grand opening celebrations of Four Seasons Hotel Kuwait at Burj Alshaya, and extend our deepest gratitude for his gracious presence,” said J. Allen Smith, President and CEO, Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts. “The significance of the opening of Four Seasons Hotel Kuwait at Burj Alshaya goes beyond our commitment to expanding our presence in the Middle East region. This magnificent property is a special celebration of the close relationship we share with our guests in the region who have come to deeply appreciate the Four Seasons experience for its personalised service, attention to detail and warm and welcoming care. We are humbled by the initial response to this property, which holds an important place in our growth story in the region,” added Smith. Speaking on behalf of the Alshaya family, Mohammed Alshaya thanked His Highness, the Prime Minister and the government of Kuwait for its support throughout the planning, building and pre-opening of the hotel and expressed his gratitude for the presence of His Highness and senior government representatives at the opening. Reflecting on the contribution of Four Seasons Kuwait at Burj Alshaya to Kuwait’s economy, Mr Alshaya commented: “World-class infrastructure and hospitality is the mark of a progressive city and we are delighted to support Kuwait’s 2035 Vision through our investment in this iconic development which reflects Alshaya’s commitment to Kuwait and to the growth of a vibrant private sector. This iconic hotel is a wonderful new addition to Kuwait’s hospitality offer and has redefined modern luxury.” As the capital’s stylish new centrepiece, Four Seasons Hotel Kuwait at Burj Alshaya is a desirable destination for dining, entertainment and relaxation for both business and leisure travellers as well as local guests. Visitors to the Hotel will experience legendary Four Seasons service across the Hotel’s collection of 217 wellappointed guest rooms, 67 lavish suites as well as five exquisite restaurants that combine culinary influences from international trends with local tastes and traditions.



A Successful Wrap up for ArabNet’s Second Conference in Kuwait

Held under the patronage of His Excellency Mr. Khaled Nasser Abdullah Al-Roudan, Minister of Commerce and Industry and Minister of State for Youth Affairs and with the Platinum Sponsorship of the The National Fund for Small and Medium Enterprise Development, the 2nd edition of ArabNet Kuwait was a great success and gathered over 800 attendees and 70 speakers from across the UAE, the region and the world. The second day of ArabNet Kuwait 2017 featured eight panels spread among two Forums: Digital Commerce and Adtech. The conference also featured a 1-on-1 interview with one of the most successful entrepreneurs and active investors in the MENA region, Fadi Ghandour, who spoke about the trends in tech investing. The highlights included keynotes from Twitter, Instagram and KNET, as well as the CEO series which hosted Salah AlFulaij – CEO of NBK and Neil Hardwick – CEO of MEC MENA. ArabNet conference hosted a roundtable, “Aligning Efforts to Support Entrepreneurship & Innovation”, focused on analyzing the state of Kuwait’s entrepreneurship ecosystem and evaluating gaps and opportunities that would help maximize market growth in the next few years. It brought together investors, entrepreneurship enablers and regulators who presented and discussed the best methods for stimulating the growth of entrepreneurship in Kuwait. At the closing ceremony, and for the second time in Kuwait, the three winners of the Startup Battle were announced. Under the sponsorship of Kuwaitnet and with Sirdab Lab as a training partner, orddr, a platform that connects food suppliers to restaurants, by Naser Al-Qatami came in 1st place; Festivity, an online destination delivering event, by Nasser Altowaijri came in 2nd and PantryBee, delivering fresh preportioned ingredients and visual step-by-step recipe cards, by Yousef Almunayes was chosen in 3rd place. The three winning startups will get the chance to participate in ArabNet Startup Championship taking place in Dubai at the ArabNet Digital Summit 2018 (April 30 - May 1). Furthermore, and with Sirdab Lab again as a training partner, TABB, a smart restaurant solution for wait-free dining, by Yong Joon (John) Rhee was announced as the Ideathon winner and received $5,000 as a seed grant to help them kick start their idea. ArabNet Kuwait is sponsored by The Kuwait National Fund (KNF), Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS), Gulf Bank, KuwaitNet, Nabad, Bayt.com, JustClean, KNet, Social Entrepreneurship Enterprise Development (SEED), DBS Digital, Wataniya Airways, VIVA Telecom, Careem, MEC Global, DarisniME, and Boubyan Bank. ArabNet Kuwait was able to highlight the state of digital economy in Kuwait, as well as delve into the latest trends in digital media and marketing. High profile industry leaders and entrepreneurs tackled key topics via 3 forums, and it served as a platform for thriving entrepreneurs who want to turn their ideas into reality. ArabNet will be hosting its next event in Riyadh on December 11-13, 2017; in Beirut on February 20-22, 2018; and Dubai April 30 - May 1, 2018.

Countdown To ‘Gulf Bank 642 Marathon’ Is On

Register today to walk/run on 7am, Sat, 18 November In Support UNHCR’s #Voices4Refugees

With just days to go until the ‘Gulf Bank 642 Marathon’, Gulf Bank along with Pro-Vision Sport Management held a press conference to announce the launch of Kuwait’s most exciting sporting event. The ‘Gulf Bank 642 Marathon’ will take place at 7am, Saturday, 18 November at Souq Sharq. Participants of all ages and fitness levels can participate, by either walking or running one of the four distance categories: the Family Fun Walk/Run (5KM); Souq Run for regular runners (10KM); Half Marathon for more advanced runners (21KM); and Kuwait’s only Full Marathon (42KM). The Marathon starts and ends at Souq Sharq and the route takes participants past some of Kuwait’s most recognisable landmarks including Souk Al Mubarakiya, the Gulf Bank head office, the Grand Mosque, Al Seif Palace, the National Assembly, the Jaber Al Ahmad Cultural Center, and Kuwait Towers. Each year the Marathon partners with a leading group to raise awareness of an important issue. For the second consecutive year, the ‘Gulf Bank 642 Marathon’ is partnering with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, to support its #Voices4Refugees campaign. This awareness campaign aims to make stories of refugees heard around the world and encourages people to add their voices to the campaign. Mrs. Salma Al-Hajjaj, General Manager of Human Resources at Gulf Bank said: “We are just days away from the ‘Gulf Bank 642 Marathon’, and excitement is really building. The event has seen tremendous success over the years and we look forward to another fantastic edition. The ‘Gulf Bank 642 Marathon’ is a very special initiative for us as it reflects our commitment to social responsibility for our beloved country, Kuwait. We are further proud to have the support of numerous Kuwaiti government ministries and agencies this year, which demonstrates the importance of this event for Kuwait. We are also glad to be once again partnering with the UNHCR and their #Voices4Refugees campaign that advocates for all refugees to live in safety.” With regard to social responsibility, Mrs. AlHajjaj added: “The ‘Gulf Bank 642 Marathon’ encourages an active and healthy lifestyle, which is an important component of our corporate social responsibility program, as is our support for youth and entrepreneurs. We are very proud of the Pro-Vision Sport Management team who we partner with to hold this event. When the team came to us with their idea, we saw two young Kuwaiti entrepreneurs with a vision and the determination to succeed. As Gulf Bank is heavily invested in supporting Kuwait youth and entrepreneurs, we joined together to create an event that puts Kuwait on the international sporting map.”

Home Centre’s Latest Catalogue puts the Joy into Homemaking

Home Centre, the largest home retailer in the Middle East, has launched its much-awaited catalogue. Featuring a broad range of new trends and ideas, this 104-page catalogue fulfils Home Centre’s promise of inspiring beautiful homes, enabling customers to find the joy of homemaking. Designed to appeal to Home Centre’s diverse client base and offer a melange of vibrant furniture and home accessory solutions to live, dine, relax and play, the catalogue caters to every style and budget, helping customers create spaces they can call their own. Introducing over 1,100 new products, the catalogue depicts 3 key themes - Inspired by Nature, Indian Sojourn and Geomatrix, to weave harmony into homes. Inspired by Nature, comprising the Springfield and Lexington collections is about bringing the outdoors in and making nature a key feature in interior decoration. Indian Sojourn’s Taj and Indiana collections take their inspiration from Indian design trends, featuring vibrant colour palettes with modernised prints and patterns while Geomatrix’s Mystique collection boasts of impactful graphics and futuristic designs played against the palette of monochromes. Home Centre’s expanded offering includes 6 modular solutions this year such as Stellar day bed, Spazio storage units, Infinity wardrobe, Bradley bedroom and the in-house designed Eterno sofas & cabinetry and Kidit to perfectly suit customers’ space and personalities. In addition to exquisite classic accents for those seeking a glamourous feel, the catalogue presents a wide variety of value options for those looking for affordable home solutions and maximum functionality. The newly introduced Ready Rooms concept allows shoppers to purchase the complete set of furniture and home accessories from the catalogue at a packaged price. Reiterating its commitment to ensuring value and savings, Home Centre is offering customers up to five-year warranty upon purchasing furniture and up to two-year warranty on home accessories. The new catalogue also reinforces the brand’s focus on durability, internationally sourced materials and special features that ensure best-in-class product quality. This year, Home Centre has also amplified engagement with customers on its digital platforms. A fully digitised version of the catalogue is available online, featuring interactive elements, a mobile responsive design and informative embedded videos. The catalogue will be available across all Home Centre stores, located at Al Rai, Shuwaikh, The Avenues, Kuwait City, Fahaheel and Sama Mall (Fintas) as well as on the mobile application and online on www.homecentre.com.

‫‪PRESS‬‬ ‫تماشيا ً مع التطور التكنولوجي حول العالم‬ ‫مستشفى دار الشفاء يعلن األول من نوفمبر موعدا ً لتشغيل‬ ‫ملفه الطبي اإللكتروني األحدث من نوعه إلى جانب بوابته‬ ‫اإللكترونية للمرضى ‪" ..‬صحتي أونالين"‬

‫”‪Etoile “La Boutique‬‬ ‫‪Hosts Exclusive Styling‬‬ ‫‪Event With The Real‬‬ ‫‪Fouz‬‬ ‫‪The New Arteon is now‬‬ ‫‪available in Volkswagen‬‬ ‫‪Kuwait, Behbehani‬‬ ‫‪Motors Company‬‬

‫أعلن مستشفى دار الشفاء في مؤتمر صحفي يوم اإلثنين‬ ‫الماضي عن موعد إطالق نظام متكامل هو األحدث من‬ ‫نوعه للملف الطبي اإللكتروني للمرضى بالمستشفى‬ ‫باإلضافه إلى توفير بوابة إلكترونية خاصة للمرضى تحت‬ ‫اسم "صحتي أونالين"‪ ،‬وبذلك سيتحول المستشفى‬ ‫بداي ًة من األول من نوفمبر ‪ 2017‬إلى نظام رقمي‬ ‫متكامل للملفات الطبية للمرضى مودعا ً بذلك النظام‬ ‫الورقي بسلبياته‪.‬‬ ‫أحمد نصر هللا‪ :‬األول من نوفمبر سيصبح عالمة فارقة‬ ‫في تاريخ المستشفى كونه موعد تحولنا من العالم الورقي‬ ‫إلى العالم اإللكتروني‬ ‫وفي هذا الصدد صرح السيد أحمد نصر هللا – الرئيس‬ ‫التنفيذي في مستشفى دار الشفاء – خالل المؤتمر‬ ‫الصحفي قائالً‪ " :‬تم اطالق مشروع اعتماد الملف الطبي‬ ‫اإللكتروني للمرضى ليكون هذا النظام الجديد األداة‬ ‫التي تنقل الخدمة المقدمة وكذلك تجربة مرضانا إلى‬ ‫مستويات جديدة‪ .‬وعليه تم توقيع العقد مع شركة سيرنر‬ ‫وهي من أهم الشركات المعروفة عالميا ً في مجال صناعة‬ ‫الملف الطبي االلكتروني‪ ،‬وتعد هذه الخطوة استثمار في‬ ‫الجودة‪ ،‬في سالمة المرضى‪ ،‬في دقة التشخيص والعالج‪،‬‬ ‫في السرعة واإلنجاز‪ ،‬وفي مرونة التواصل‪ ،‬إنه استثمار في‬ ‫الثقة الغالية التي منحنا إياها مرضانا‪ ،‬واألهم من ذلك أنه‬ ‫استثمار للحاضر وللمستقبل لتكون مؤسسات الكويت‬ ‫الطبية على قدر من الحداثة والتقدم توازي المؤسسات‬ ‫الطبية المرموقة"‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف‪" :‬إن هذا اإلنجاز سوف يؤرخ لمرحلة جديدة من‬ ‫العناية الطبية في المستشفى‪ ،‬إذ بنجاح هذا المشروع‬ ‫سوف تصبح العودة إلى الملفات الورقية أمرا ً من‬ ‫الماضي‪ .‬وبه ستلتحق مستشفى دار الشفاء بركب‬ ‫المستشفيات المتقدمة عالمياً"‪.‬‬ ‫وفي نهاية كلمته تقدم بالشكر لقيادة مشروع شركة‬ ‫سيرنر في المستشفى ومدرائها في الشرق األوسط وفي‬ ‫المكتب الرئيسي في الواليات المتحدة األمريكية‪ ،‬وكذلك‬ ‫عشرات المستشارين الذين تحملو مصاعب التجربة‬ ‫ألكثر من عام كامل‪ .‬كما توجه بالشكر الجزيل لموظفي‬ ‫المستشفى اللذين بذلو جهدا ً مضنيا ً على مدى ‪ 13‬شهرا ً‬ ‫بال كلل وال ملل في سبيل إتمام المهمة المنوطة بهم بكل‬ ‫نجاح وفي الوقت المتفق عليه‪.‬‬ ‫فرونسوا فافر‪ :‬الشرا كة بين مستشفى دار الشفاء وسرنر‬ ‫ستوفر خدمات رعاية صحية فائقة ومتميزة للشعب‬ ‫والمجتمع الكويتي‬ ‫وفي هذا السياق صرح السيد فرونسوا فافر‪ -‬المدير‬ ‫اإلداري لسرنر‪ ،‬ومستشار الشرق األوسط وإفريقيا–‬ ‫حيث قال‪" :‬اليوم يتقدم مستشفى دار الشفاء كمؤسسة‬ ‫رائدة في مجال الرعاية الصحية في القطاع الخاص بدولة‬ ‫الكويت و"سرنر" كرائد في مجال تكنولوجيا المعلومات‬ ‫الصحية في العالم‪ ،‬لذلك يمكنني القول أن هذه الشرا كة‬ ‫ستوفر خدمات رعاية صحية فائقة ومتميزة للشعب‬ ‫والمجتمع الكويتي‪ ،‬وأنا أتطلع بحماس للنتائج التي‬ ‫ستنبثق في المستقبل القريب عن هذه الشرا كة خاصة‬ ‫عندما نوسع موطئ قدمنا في دولة الكويت"‪.‬‬ ‫د‪.‬يوسف الظفيري‪ :‬تم االنتهاء من تدريب كافة الفرق‬ ‫الطبية والتمريضية واإلدارية التي تتعامل مع النظام‬ ‫الجديد لضمان أفضل تطبيق والحصول على أفضل‬ ‫النتائج‬ ‫وعن الفوائد التي يقدمها نظام الملف الطبي اإللكتروني‪،‬‬ ‫أشار د‪ .‬يوسف الظفيري – رئيس الهيئة الطبية في‬ ‫مستشفى دار الشفاء – إلى أن تطبيق نظام الملف الطبي‬ ‫اإللكتروني يعود بفائدة كبيرة على المرضى والمستشفى‬ ‫حيث سيتم تزويد المرضى بملف طبي مدى الحياة‪،‬‬ ‫ويربط هذا الملف كافة أقسام مستشفى دار الشفاء‬ ‫مع بعضها البعض بحيث ال يتطلب من الطبيب سوى‬ ‫ضغطة زر لإلطالع على ملف مريضه الطبي أينما كان‬ ‫بالمستشفى مما يوفر من وقت المريض ‪ ،‬كما يزود‬ ‫الطبيب بما يحتاجه من صور وتقارير عن حالة مريضه‬ ‫الصحية بشكل آلي وسريع واستخدامها في قراراه الطبي‬ ‫وتحويل الخدمات بين األطباء وكافة الخدمات المساعدة‬ ‫بالمستشفى مثل المختبر واألشعة والصيدلية‪ .‬كذلك‬ ‫يسجل نوعية األدوية التي تناسب المريض واألدوية‬ ‫التي ال تتالئم مع حالته كالمسببة للحساسية للمريض‬ ‫مع تحذير الطبيب الذي يفحص الحالة بتبعات المركب‬ ‫الدوائي وتأثيراته السلبية بإعتبارها مدرجة ضمن البرنامج‬



‫وبالتالي يصبح الطبيب صاحب القرار باتخاذ ما يراه‬ ‫مناسبا ً من تدابير تصون المريض وتحمي صحته‪ .‬كما‬ ‫أنه يقلل من احتماالت الخطأ أو عدم وضوح المعلومات‬ ‫أو األوامر المكتوبة بخط اليد‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف‪" :‬تم االنتهاء من تدريب كافة الفرق الطبية‬ ‫والتمريضية واإلدارية التي تتعامل مع نظام الملف‬ ‫الطبي اإللكتروني لضمان أفضل تطبيق والحصول على‬ ‫أفضل النتائج‪ ،‬كما أن كافة الفرق العاملة في مستشفى‬ ‫دار الشفاء جاهزة للتعامل مع نظام الملف الطبي‬ ‫اإللكتروني عند بدء تطبيقه من خالل ساعات التدريب‬ ‫المكثف التي حصل عليها كل منهم‪ ،‬إال أنه من المحتمل‬ ‫حدوث بعض التأخير في عمليات التسجيل خالل الفترة‬ ‫التجريبية األولى من تشغيل النظام الجديد للملفات‬ ‫الطبية االلكترونية‪ ،‬وهذا التأخير المحتمل لن يطال‬ ‫الحاالت المرضية الحرجة بأي صورة من الصور"‪.‬‬ ‫علي سليماني‪ :‬تعلمنا الكثير من عملنا مع المستشفى‪،‬‬ ‫وسيكون ما تعلمناه جزءا ً هاما ً من مجموعة الحلول‬ ‫والخدمات التي تقدمها سرنر إلى شركائنا في المستقبل‬ ‫في أرجاء المنطقة‬ ‫وأشار السيد علي سليماني ‪ -‬المدير العام والمدير‬ ‫المسؤول بسرنر الشرق األوسط وأفريقيا – خالل‬ ‫المؤتمر إلى أن عالقة الشرا كة مع مستشفى دار الشفاء‬ ‫قدمت قدمت قيمة كبيرة لعملنا‪ ،‬فلقد تعلمنا الكثير‬ ‫من عملنا مع المستشفى‪ ،‬وسيكون ما تعلمناه جزءا ً‬ ‫هاما ً من مجموعة الحلول والخدمات التي نقدمها‬ ‫للقطاع الخاص إضافة إلى شركائنا في المستقبل في أرجاء‬ ‫المنطقة‪ .‬وأنا على ثقة تامة بأن كال الشريكين مستشفى‬ ‫دار الشفاء وشركة سيرنر سيحصل على مكتسبات قيمة‬ ‫من هذه الشرا كة على مدى السنوات القادمة‪.‬‬ ‫طالب جراق‪ :‬تنامي ثقة وزارة الصحة بالقطاع الصحي‬ ‫الخاص يضاعف من حجم مسؤولياتنا ويحفزنا لمزيد من‬ ‫العمل لتطوير تجربتنا الحالية‬ ‫وعلى هامش المؤتمر صرح السيد طالب جراق – رئيس‬ ‫مجلس إدارة مستشفى دار الشفاء ‪ -‬قائالً‪" :‬لطالما‬ ‫مثلت تطلعات ورؤية المستشفى عامال ً ملهما ً ودافعا ً‬ ‫لخوض غمار تطوير المستشفى والدفع به دوما ً الى‬ ‫مستويات جديدة من اإلنجاز والتميز‪ ،‬واليوم ومن خالل‬ ‫تبنينا ألحدث وسائل التكنولوجيا المتطورة بتشغيل‬ ‫الملف الطبي اإللكتروني المتكامل نعد مرضانا بمواصلة‬ ‫تقديم أفضل مستويات الرعاية الصحية للمرضى‬ ‫وتحسين كفاءة وسرعة العمل داخل مرافق المستشفى‬ ‫المختلفة مع الحفاظ على أعلى درجات الكفاءة في تقديم‬ ‫الخدمة الصحية"‪.‬‬ ‫كما أ كد على التزام المستشفى الذي ال يحيد عن تحقيق‬ ‫مصلحة المرضى حتى لو كانت تكلفة هذا اإللتزام عالية‬ ‫أحياناً‪ ،‬وشدد على تطلع إدارة المستشفى الدائم لتكون‬ ‫خير مؤازر لمؤسسات وزارة الصحة في تحمل أعباء تقديم‬ ‫خدمة طبية الئقة وذات جودة عالية‪ ،‬ويأتي ذلك في وقت‬ ‫تعبر وزارة الصحة عن تنامي ثقتها بالقطاع الصحي‬ ‫الخاص وهو ما يضاعف من حجم مسؤولياتنا ويحفزنا‬ ‫لمزيد من العمل لتطوير تجربتنا الحالية‪.‬‬ ‫"صحتي أونالين" ‪ ..‬بوابة إلكترونية خاصة بالمرضى في‬ ‫مستشفى دار الشفاء‬ ‫على جانب آخر‪ ،‬قام مستشفى دار الشفاء بتطوير بوابة‬ ‫خدمات إلكترونية خاصه بالمرضى تحت اسم "صحتي‬ ‫أونالين" وذلك لتسهيل وتحسين التواصل بين المرضى‬ ‫والمستشفى عن طريق توفير مدخل آمن وفعال‬ ‫وغني بالمعلومات والخدمات‪ ،‬حيث يمكن لجميع‬ ‫المرضى المسجلين في "صحتي أونالين" الوصول إلى‬ ‫معلوماتهم الصحية الشخصية والقيام بالعديد من‬ ‫الخدمات إلكترونيا ً مثل ترتيب المواعيد الطبية بسهولة‬ ‫وإرسال الرسائل اإللكترونية إلى األطباء واستعراض‬ ‫قائمة أدويتهم والتطعيمات السابقة والقادمة باإلضافه‬ ‫إلى إمكانية اإلطالع على تقارير الفحوصات واألشعة‪.‬‬ ‫وللحصول على هذه الخدمة اإللكترونية المميزة يجب‬ ‫أن يكون للمريض ملف طبي حالي بالمستشفى ويقوم‬ ‫موظف اإلستقبال عند الطلب بإنشاء حساب خاص لكل‬ ‫مريض باسم مستخدم وكلمة مرور خاصة‪ .‬حينها‪ ،‬يمكن‬ ‫للمريض استخدام حسابه بشكل رسمي واستعراض‬ ‫كافة المعلومات الصحية الخاصة به على مدار ‪ 24‬ساعة‬ ‫و من أي مكان‪.‬‬

‫‪The Volkswagen brand model line-up expands‬‬ ‫‪with the new Arteon revealed at the official‬‬ ‫‪vehicle launch media event, which took place‬‬ ‫‪at the Volkswagen Al Rai showroom. The‬‬ ‫‪notably dynamic fastback model was launched‬‬ ‫‪last week and is now available in Volkswagen‬‬ ‫‪Kuwait’s showroom.‬‬ ‫‪The new Arteon combines sporty charisma,‬‬ ‫‪great flexibility and excellent spaciousness‬‬ ‫‪in an emotional fastback design. The Arteon‬‬ ‫‪scores with attributes such as its excellent rear‬‬ ‫‪legroom and luggage compartment volume of‬‬ ‫‪563 to 1,557 litres. The new Volkswagen also‬‬ ‫‪offers available front and all-wheel drive as‬‬ ‫‪well as digitalized instruments and controls.‬‬ ‫‪Further features include an Active Info Display‬‬ ‫‪(fully digital and programmable instruments),‬‬ ‫‪a head-up display and the new Discover Pro‬‬ ‫‪infotainment system with a 9.2-inch glass‬‬ ‫‪screen and gesture control.‬‬ ‫‪In addition, new state-of-the-art driver‬‬ ‫‪assistance systems make their debut on the‬‬ ‫‪Arteon: these include the next-generation‬‬ ‫‪adaptive cruise control (ACC), which now takes‬‬ ‫‪into account speed limits as well as route‬‬ ‫‪information and automatically adjusts vehicle‬‬ ‫‪speed accordingly within system limits. Using‬‬ ‫‪the navigation system's GPS data, the new‬‬ ‫‪dynamic cornering lights with predictive beam‬‬ ‫‪control anticipate when a bend is approaching‬‬ ‫‪and illuminate it before the driver actively turns‬‬ ‫‪into the bend. Another new feature on the new‬‬ ‫‪fastback is the second generation of Emergency‬‬ ‫‪Assist: if the driver becomes incapacitated‬‬ ‫‪by ill health, the system not only (within its‬‬ ‫‪system limits) slows the Arteon down, but now‬‬ ‫‪also activates the hazard warning lights and‬‬ ‫‪steers it onto the nearside lane, traffic behind‬‬ ‫‪permitting.‬‬ ‫‪Along with the sophisticated base version, the‬‬ ‫‪new gran turismo is available in two exclusive‬‬ ‫‪equipment lines: the 'Elegance' and 'R-Line'.‬‬ ‫‪The standard configuration of the Arteon‬‬ ‫‪Elegance is focused heavily on a cultivated‬‬ ‫‪look. The Arteon R-Line, meanwhile, puts‬‬ ‫‪sportiness even more at the heart of the‬‬ ‫‪vehicle's configuration. On the basis of these‬‬ ‫‪three trim styles, it is possible for the fastback‬‬ ‫‪model to be extensively personalised. The range‬‬ ‫‪of optional equipment includes features such‬‬ ‫‪as a panoramic tilt/slide sunroof, three-zone‬‬ ‫‪automatic air conditioning (Air Care Climatronic‬‬ ‫‪including air quality sensor and allergen filter),‬‬ ‫‪massage seats in front, heated steering wheel‬‬ ‫‪and two-tone Nappa leather interior.‬‬ ‫‪To find out more information about the‬‬ ‫‪available Arteon range, please visit the‬‬ ‫‪Volkswagen Kuwait showroom in Al Rai area or‬‬ ‫‪www.volkswagen.com/kw‬‬

‫”‪On the 3rd November 2017, Etoile “La boutique‬‬ ‫‪and The Real Fouz celebrated a fantastic edit‬‬ ‫‪of this seasons key collections at Etoile “La‬‬ ‫‪boutique” The Avenues, Grand Avenue, Kuwait.‬‬ ‫‪In case you were wondering what to wear this‬‬ ‫‪autumn/winter, Etoile “La boutique” hosted‬‬ ‫‪an exclusive evening with The Real Fouz, giving‬‬ ‫‪priceless style inspiration and advice on how‬‬ ‫‪to create a winning winter wardrobe. There was‬‬ ‫‪real fun to be had mixing shimmering sequins,‬‬ ‫‪flaunting florals and brilliant bold brights.‬‬ ‫‪With a wonderful combination of collections‬‬ ‫‪including Tibi, Philosophy, Rupert Sanderson‬‬ ‫‪and Isla. The Real Fouz created her own wardrobe‬‬ ‫‪of must haves “The Real Fouz Favourites”. Her‬‬ ‫‪fabulous wardrobe picks included floral prints‬‬ ‫‪and embroideries by Temperely London, Soiree‬‬ ‫‪dresses in colour tones representing a wardrobe‬‬ ‫‪based on fragrance notes by Alexis Mabille,‬‬ ‫‪ultra-feminine dresses with quirky details by‬‬ ‫‪Huishan Zhang, 70’s sophisticated floor length‬‬ ‫‪skirts and elegant capes by INGIE PARIS, and‬‬ ‫‪elegant eveningwear by Greta Constantine.‬‬ ‫‪To complete each look guest also enjoyed a‬‬ ‫‪suitable array of accessories including jeweled‬‬ ‫‪bags by Isla, velvet slippers by Rochas, and‬‬ ‫‪dazzling jewels by Shourouk, to hone every style‬‬ ‫‪choice.‬‬ ‫‪Guest departed the boutique having celebrated‬‬ ‫‪a super season of style with Etoile “La‬‬ ‫‪boutique”, and a cleverly created wardrobe by‬‬ ‫‪The Real Fouz.‬‬

Experience The First Ever ‘The World Of The Hunger Games’ Now Open At MotiongateTM Dubai

The first ever World of The Hunger Games featuring rides and attractions from the blockbuster movie franchise was officially inaugurated on October 20th at Dubai Parks and Resorts, the region’s largest integrated theme park destination. The launch of the World of the Hunger Games completes all the rides and attractions at the LIONSGATE Zone, one of the five zones at MOTIONGATE™ Dubai, and is the latest addition to the Hollywood-inspired theme park. Fans of the movies can now experience the action-packed, thrill of the beloved films that reached audiences worldwide through a first-of-its kind theme park land designed by LIONSGATE, the global film studio behind The Hunger Games movies. For the very first time, guests can experience an immersive land which includes a replication of the movie set, and exclusive video content, featuring film favorites, Effie Trinket and Caesar Flickerman, broadcasted on screens across the land. Also, The World of The Hunger Games is composed of two incredible attractions, one high-energy street show, an immersive shopping outlet with exclusive branded merchandise and a great street-front café taking guests on an immersive journey in the dystopian world of Panem. Thrill-seekers can soar on the highspeed, gravity-defying Capitol Bullet Train which is an adrenaline-fuelled ride aboard a half-pipe rollercoaster that offers a taste of the futuristic technology of Panem. Guests are also graciously invited by President Snow to take the Panem Aerial Tour, an exhilarating hovercraft aerial tour over the districts on the way to the Capitol. Visitors continue their journey with a live, highenergy show filled with exciting percussion from District 12’s coal miners who come together to entertain guests with the creative use of their work tools in this interactive musical extravaganza. Peeta’s Bakery inspired by Peeta Mellark, one of the main characters in the movies, offers more than 20 themed food and beverage choices for guests to refuel during The Hunger Games experience. Finally, guests of all ages can stock up on supplies and exclusive movie merchandise at Panem Supply Co. Representatives from LIONSGATE and Dubai Parks and Resorts management, in addition to key local and international media outlets who covered the event, attended the launch



ceremony. Brent Black from Virgin radio, which featured the official reveal of the new entertainment destination, hosted. The ceremony also included the first performance of The Hunger Games street show and an exhilarating fireworks show celebrating the official opening. Mohamed Almulla, Chief Executive Officer Of DXB Entertainments PJSC, the company that owns Dubai Parks and Resorts said, “Dubai has always been home to some of the biggest and most prominent events and shows in the world. Today, we are proud to launch the latest addition to Dubai Parks and Resorts, a first of its kind in the world. The World of The Hunger Games brings an all-new adventure to MOTIONGATE™ Dubai with a variety of rides and attractions, live shows, a unique food and beverage experience in addition to exclusive movie merchandise. Guests can enjoy the new rides and attractions while creating unforgettable memories using the MOTIONGATE™ Dubai pass with no additional charge to maximize their experience. The new destination at the LIONSGATE zone features two thrilling rollercoaster rides, and with this we have now delivered all the 100 rides and attractions within the destination brining happiness to our guests from all ages” he added. Lionsgate Chief Brand Officer and President of Worldwide Marketing, Tim Palen, said “We are thrilled that Lionsgate and THE HUNGER GAMES are a part of MOTIONGATE™ Dubai, Dubai Parks and Resorts is a fantastic partner. Together, we have created an interactive experience that allows fans from around the world a chance to immerse themselves in the world that Suzanne Collins created in an authentic, fun and exciting way.” For guests who missed their chance last weekend but still want to get in on the action, MOTIONGATE™ Dubai has recently announced their winter season daily pass of AED 165 for UAE and GCC residents and AED 235 for international visitors. For those looking to experience unlimited, year-round access to MOTIONGATE™ Dubai, the Annual Membership is priced at AED 275 which is less than the cost of two visits to the park. For booking and information on new park timings visit www.motiongatedubai.com or www. dubaiparksandresorts.com

Season of dreamlike styles with Marco De Vincenzo AW 2017 Collection Exclusively available at Harvey Nichols Kuwait

Taking a geometrical approach with his collections, Marco de Vincenzo showcases an overuse of symmetry to make a bold statement. Housed exclusively in Kuwait at Harvey Nichols Kuwait, the Italian brand plays it far from safe and assures the finest craftsmanship amidst its funkiness. Creating a conjunction between seemingly incompatible elements is a main creative drive for Marco de Vincenzo, this season. The bigger the gap, the more quirky and more personal the outcome. The starting point of the collection is a narrative between aesthetic codes and time settings carried out through de Vincenzo's favourite expressive medium; fabric. Relying on manmade, intensely wrought-out, unexpected and ultimately playful fabrications, he depicts an image of a hypothetical future, as it would have been conceived by someone living in the past. The quantum leap defines a rather peculiar idea of ladylike dressing - slightly lysergic and decidedly off-kilter. The friction between familiar shapes of iconic classicism and unexpected surfaces of freewheeling experimentalism creates an electric glitch with a cartoonish tingle. The repertoire includes all the elements that are traditionally associated with the idea of appropriate feminine elegance - demure blouses and pleated skirts, fur coats and tartan, pencil skirts, flat shoes and stranded pearls - yet nothing looks like it is supposed to. Tradition is put through a time machine; synthetic furs are covered in futuristic landscape patterns or glistening PVC fringes; pleats add geometric depth; petals swarm on tops, skirts get a sidereal metallic sheen and leopard spots turn into 3D decorations. Accessories, too, are a dialogue of opposites pearls ingrained in plastic, sneakers squeezed into ballerina flats, stockings decorated in painterly flowers. The synthetic pleasure of time-traveling is extended to menswear, as workman overalls are paired with garish furs and braided velvet sandals.

‘Toss &Wrap’restaurant Makes Its Debut In Kuwait Ghanija Restaurant Concepts Takes Healthy Eating To Greater Heights

Inspired by the growing trend to cater to Kuwait’s need for a healthier lifestyle, Ghanija Restaurant Concepts - a diversified dining retail group, officially unveiled their first Kuwaiti health food outlet named ‘Toss & Wrap’ at Olympia Mall, Salmiya. This opening marks the first venture of the restaurant in Kuwait and internationally, reinforcing Ghanija’s continued commitment to bringing its customers new and innovative experiences. ‘Toss& Wrap’ comes to the aid of every person seeking to improve their daily food habits by serving healthier ready-made and freshly prepared meals. Equipped with a dining area that is both an open-air outdoor garden concept and a seated dining experience, the restaurant can accommodate over 50 customers. Initially, started as a project among friends and family a year ago, the restaurant made its way on ground as an operational business to expand its promising reach. The menu ranges from vegan, gluten free and paleo specialties moreover, Toss & Wrap offer a wide selection of healthy juices and drinks. Each item is backed with complete nutritional information that allows any customer to choose from as he/she starts and ends their day with. Food and Beverage Manager at Ghanija Group commented on the opening, “We are excited to finally launch our first home-grown concept, after having received many positive reviews through our first customers online. We understand the need of the hour and that is to find suitable avenues to help the community on their way to living healthier and happier in the long run. Combining tasty food with wholesome ingredients and inventive techniques makes our recipes more interesting and hence, no one will feel deprived of enjoying their favorite food.” Toss & Wrap is scheduled will be made available on Talabat.com starting from January 2018onwards. With popular brands such as UGrill, Naranj and Rohr under its belt, the Ghanija Restaurant Concepts is a destination of choice for companies or individuals willing to enrich the food and dining industry in the Middle East. The group recreates, and develops dining concepts that suit even the most discernible tastes and most cultivated palates.

‘Cactus de Cartier’ brings an extraordinary sensory journey to Kuwait for the first time






1. A quarter multiplied by a third is a: Half, Quarter,Third, or Twelfth? 2. Isaac Asimov, Robert A Heinlein, and Arthur C Clarke are famous






writers of: Crime-thrillers, Science-Fiction, Children's Stories, or 1900s Broadway Musicals?


3. Plankton (including jellyfish, algae, krill) is named from Greek 'planktos', which refers to its defining feature: Drifter, Hunter, Poisonous, or Tasty?










4. Which one of these cheeses is not from and named after a Dutch city/place: Edam, Gouda, Emmental, or Leerdammer? 5. The planet Jupiter has how many known moons: None, One, Two, or Sixty-seven?


6. Barber, Debussy, Glass and Holst are: Occupational surnames, Composers, Diamond cuts, or Google brands?

7. The area of a right-angled isosceles triangle whose two short sides are 4cms each is how many square cms: 8, 10, 12, or 16?

8. The major UK/European mobile network corp EE was originally branded: Eccentric Egg, Everything Everywhere, Excellent Elephant or Electric Earhole?


9. Marfona, Charlotte, Jersey, and Desiree are: Atlantic islands, Potato varieties, Canadian state capitals, or Medieval German queens?


10. According to the iconic 1958 song, popularized futuristically again

We are a busy and dynamic organization whose mission needless effrontery and harassment can only hinder.

in 1985, 'Deep down in Louisiana close to New Orleans, Way back up in the woods among the (What sort of trees?) ?

11. Comb, Spiral, Ring and Perfect are types of: Hair perming, In this sentence, harassment means: a.

the act of tormenting by persistent attacks and criticism


the act of delaying and playing instead of working


the act of pointing out by name


the act of becoming formally connected or joined

Ice-skating moves, Book-bindings, Solar flares, or Wedding cake decorations?

12. Mach 1 refers to the speed of: Gravity, Light, Sound, or the Starship Enterprise?

13. Which one of these is not a popular curry dish: Jalfrezi, Tikka Masala, Bhuna, or Wonton?

14. Which two of these are not 'open' (unfretted) strings of a conventionally tuned guitar: E, B, G, D, C, H?

15. According to the punning joke, the difference between a buffalo and a (What synonym?) is that you cannot wash your hands in a (What?) (two punning answers required)?

Harassment is a word that describes any kind of ongoing torment. At school, harassment is often known as bullying. In the workplace, employees need to be careful about sexual harassment. Harassment involves persistent attacks or abuse, and can range from shouting racial slurs to crank calling your ex-boyfriend every night at 3am. Even teasing your kid sister about her braces could be considered harassment.

b. If someone is abusing, insulting, or otherwise harming you on a regular basis, it's called harassment. Cruel and usually really annoying, harassment is also illegal in some cases.

16. A subaltern is an old word for an: Arranged marriage, Bank holiday, Army officer, or Curry starter dish?


17. Which one of these is not among the three most common gases of the Earth's atmosphere, instead being the most abundant chemical in the Universe: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, or Hydrogen?

Mathematics Riddle

18. The hook symbol joined under a letter (e.g., to the letter C, to soften the sound) is a: Streg, Circumflex, Cedilla, or Umlaut?

Simplify: 0 X 10


19. Common interpretation (UK/US) of a 'duplex' home mostly equates to: Maisonette, Basement, Loft, or Full of gadgets?

A. 10

20. Bloodhound, Bluebird, Koenigsegg, and Thrust are: Fast cars, Space probes, Superman villians, or Twitter apps?

D. None of these. ANSWERS: D




C. 102

1.Twelfth (1/4 x 1/3 - 1/12), 2.Science-Fiction, 3.Drifter (plankton cannot swim against a current, and therefore drifts), 4.Emmental (from Switzerland, from the central Emmental valley area), 5.Sixty-seven, 6.Composers, 7.8 (this triangle equates to half a 4x4 square, cut diagonally), 8.Everything Everywhere, 9.Potato varieties, 10.Evergreens (from Chuck Berry's Johnny B Goode, which featured in the film Back to the Future), 11.Bookbindings, 12.Sound (typically of a moving object such a jet or spacecraft), 13.Wonton (a Chinese dumpling), 14.C and H, 15.Bison and Basin, 16.Army officer (typically below captain, eg 2nd lieutenant, from Latin sub, next below, and alternus, every other), 17.Hydrogen, 18.Cedilla (or cedilha - see diacritical marks), 19.Maisonette (typically a two-storey apartment - note there are other interpretations around the world, but this is the general US/UK correlation, and in terms of the question, a duplex is never defined as a basement, loft or gadget-laden), 20.Fast cars (world record breaking)

B. 10.2

BBQ Nights At Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa

PRONOVIAS New Collection Launch







(March 21 - April 19)

(July 23 - August 22)

(November 22 - December)

The November 3 full moon lights up the money and material possessions in your life. Someone, or an unusual situation, could lead to an influx of cash or earning opportunity. It may take time, but it can start now. The moon-Mars conjunction on the fourteenth makes it easy to get what you want, if you know what that is. The new moon on November 18 suggests that nothing will be a problem for you during the next month. You have a clear view of a situation that may have been a bother for a while. Resources and helpful advice are at your fingertips.

Career options and opportunities are blazing under the full moon on November 3. Feel secure and solid in your talents, skills, and experience. Friends or family may encourage you beyond your comfort level, but really, they're right. Be brave if not bold. The new moon on the eighteenth makes home the best place to be. Spoil yourself and have a party if you like. Change something and make your environment luxurious and beautiful. Let friends and family visit and be jealous of your great space. The sun enters Sagittarius on November 21. If it wasn't party time before, it is now.

Health and happiness are spotlighted by the full moon on November 3. Take pleasure in taking care of yourself. You may also have a friend or a pet who needs a little extra pampering. Pamper away! On the thirteenth, the Venus-Jupiter conjunction shows you just how loved and cherished you really are. During the new moon on November 18, your private life and interior landscape may be much more interesting and richer than anything in the outside world. Indulge in deep thoughts, read a heavy book, get philosophical, and talk with your soul mate, real or yet to be manifested.




(April 20 - May 20)

(August 23 - September)

(December 22 - January 19)

You're totally conspicuous around the full moon on November 3, and in all the best ways. If you have wanted a boost for a special project, helping hands and brilliant ideas are on their way. You won't even need to ask. Venus enters Scorpio on the seventh. Watch for love to get deep and for romance to get serious. A spectacular new love or romantic interest comes your way with the new moon on November 18. Or a current partnership may deepen and become rich beyond either of your wildest dreams. Be inundated with random acts of kindness and generosity.

If you're feeling limited or constrained, the full moon on November 3 lets you break out and run free. You may not want to do anything extreme, but you have plenty of support and people cheering you on if you do. Mercury enters Sagittarius on the fifth, and it might be hard to concentrate on the important small stuff. Do your best. Stay near to home during the new moon on November 18. There will be a lot that you want to do with your friends. If siblings show up, let them figure out how to fit in with what's going on.

Around the November 3 full moon, get creative and spruce up your home, wardrobe, or anything else that you value and would like to give a fresh look. Get daring and have some wild and crazy fun with a lot of friends. The new moon on the eighteenth says to get ready for a fantastic social life in the coming weeks. Be popular and be treated extremely well. It's OK to be pampered, so long as you appreciate it. On November 27, the Mercury-Saturn conjunction could slow down the pace and maybe change the direction of a developing relationship.




(May 21 - June 20)

(September 23 - October)

(January 20 - February 18)

Feel appreciated and cuddled around the full moon on November 3. Enjoy your personal space and private time. If feeling restless or still thinking of what else you should have or be doing, set all that aside and love your life here and now. Feel good about yourself with the new moon on the eighteenth. Feel good about your day job, and let your co-workers feel good about you, too. If there have been any doubts about anything, they will be resolved and disappear now. The Mercury-Saturn conjunction on November 27 can help you understand a piece of cryptic but valuable advice.

On the full moon of November 3, resolve something that has been annoying or worrying you. It may not be important in the long run, but it could feel that way now. You have more than enough resources and lots of moral support. On the thirteenth, Venus conjoins Jupiter in Scorpio. Something or someone could touch or steal your heart. Money and material possessions are highlighted with the new moon on November 18. Pretty things look prettier and more desirable than usual. You might be tempted to go on a spending spree. Maybe leave your plastic at home and do some serious window-shopping.

Family or home life could tug at your heart with the full moon on November 3. There may be good news at work that makes time at home better and better. It's so nice when home and work are not in fierce competition. The new moon on the eighteenth could open a door for your career or public presence that puts you on the fast track to success and popularity. Enjoy a burst of charm that brings someone or something to help you make the next big leap. On November 25, the Mercury-Uranus trine could reveal something powerful and useful that has long been concealed.




(June 21 - July 22)

(October 23 - November)

(February 19 - March 20)

The spotlight is on your social life during the November 3 full moon. Step into a bigger, perhaps faster social set. Don't feel shy or awkward. Let others do the crazy stuff if they like. Dance to your own music, but dance. On the new moon on the eighteenth, pour your feelings into something creative. Paint, decorate, cook, play or write music, and soak yourself in all the things that you love best. Surround yourself with your best-loved company, too. The moon-Uranus conjunction on November 30 could reopen - or settle - an old argument. Be emotional but also reasonable, and heal an old wound.

A rise in love and romance is highlighted by the full moon on November 3. Get sexy and sensual with someone who already worships the air you breathe. Don't let any socializing get too extravagant, because it might. The new moon on the eighteenth gives you the chance to do and say things that you would normally keep private. Be tactful, keep it nice, and people will understand and probably agree. You could alter your appearance now, too, with no negative criticism. On November 21, the Venus-Pluto sextile could smooth the rough edges on a relationship that shows promise of becoming valuable.

Friends and neighbors are prominent, in all the best ways, during the full moon on November 3. Generosity from afar may be shared with you and your besties. It may not be party time, but it could be close. Break out of your shell with the new moon on the eighteenth. If you've been hunkered down with one specific job or project, you can now widen your range and have a fuller perspective without sacrificing your concentration. You will make success look easy. On November 26, the Moon-Neptune conjunction exposes hidden emotions and lets you talk openly about them.



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