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For Professional Beauty Salons 80s Nails And More Amal Brazilian Hair Coiffured Blooms Blow Dry Bar Blown Away Blush and Brush Brush Casa Spa Cheya Mirror Cristal Bakra Do My Hair Dry Elegant Rouge Fresh Look Glamour Hair Clinic Hair Flip Hanan Dachti Heaven Hazel JS La mode Las Palmas Co Lashes M.Makeup Mariam Al Sobahi ( M S ) Marshmellows Nail Spa Miss One M.H Salon Nail Station Ninel Norma Chic One Secret Rolas Style De Coiffured The Hive Spa Yours Nail Spa Youky Color Bit Yours
Midan Hawally Subah Al Salem Hawally Al Mansoreya Sharg Kuwait City Al Chaab Abdulla Al Salem-Al Nuzha Al Chaab Jabriya Salmiya Jabriya Sharg Salmiya Al Chaab Al Chaab Jabriya Al Chaab Hawally Bneid Al Gar Subah Al Salem Salmiya Al Yarmouk Subah AL Naser Al Yarmouk Al Chaab Salmiya Salmiya-Kuwait City Qurtouba - Abou Hlefa Salmiya Midan Hawally Jabriya Salmiya Al Chaab Salmiya Salmiya Salmiya Fintas Midan Hawally Midan Hawally
9922 8555 99995076 22250057 22543528 22322272 99912337 22621213 22532006-22553006 99782665 95593842 25655502 51696199 99199481 25711182 22644065 22626277 99822369 22626260 22660660 99602116 6909 1049 25743400 25323585 51112833 25329008 22660444 25757533 25770433 - 67777708 25333201-25333202 22250676 25630770 9414 9777 99799491 55000928 25770410 6612 1110 60007085 23901888 60005744 25661014
الشعر بالكيراتين والجينسينج مستوحى من خصائص طبيعية وطرق تطبيق يابانية مبتكرة
AUTO 26. Maserati Ghibli
BEAUTY 56. Eyebrows!
20. Stephen Hawking - Body & Mind
ENTERTAINMENT 78. Writing Movie Wrongs 79. Top Music Charts 80. Top Reading Picks For April 82. Movies
FASHION 70. Spring/Summer 2018 Trends By Thestylistes 74. Top Picks By Yasmeen Alsalem
52. Vegetarian Gone Wild
16. What Grows In Your Secret Garden?
24. Returning To Exercise After Pregnancy FOOD 54. Luxury Dining Riyadh
58. The Importance Of Treating Acne Early 64. How To Lose Weight With Physical Therapy Exercises INTERVIEWS 18. Meet The Entrepreneurs - Ismail Ahmad Al-Tabtabai 48. Alaa Naeem Odeh 60. Diana Chipar 68. Fatma AlSairafi TECHNOLOGY 46. Ways To Be Creative For Your Instagram Profile 84. Cool Gadgets TRAVEL 26. Reasons To Stay At Sofitel Zallaq, Bahrain
40. The City Guide 42. Bonus Miles - Majestic Sea REGULARS 22. In Permanent Pursuit Of Perfection 76. Oouuppsss!!! 94. CP Journal 86. CP Social Diaries 96. Fuel For Your Grey Matter 98. Horoscopes
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Naseera Hoorzook
magine a beautiful garden, rich with new life, vibrant in bursts of colour, with an array of shrubs, trees, plants, grass, flowers and textures. A smorgasbord of textures, rocks, sand and hardy trees, perhaps complemented by the sounds of gushing or flowing water. What would it take to ensure this beautiful garden is maintained and nourished? Among adequate amounts of sunshine, water and oxygen are nourishment and love, tireless hours spent on planning the landscape, sowing the most optimal seeds at the most opportune seasonal times and constant care that’s never ending. This garden image is the garden of your mind; your very own secret getaway. The conscious planning of its landscape and the seeds you plant are the thoughts you allow to flourish and grow, carefully weeding out the pests and all the destructive inhabitants that make their way in and affect the growth of this garden. The weeds are the thoughts that don’t serve you, the people who wear you down, the lifestyle and environments that don’t enhance the garden formation you want to create. Think consciously what you would plant. Seeds of positive thoughts precisely when you need them, layered with sprinkles of gratitude, and look around the garden for the abundance of blessings. So when things are getting challenging at work, the seeds you plant will be focused on growth in the workplace. When a baby is on the way, thoughts to be enhanced are around nurturing a family, perhaps reshaping the success paradigm you see. And when unforeseen circumstances arise that you haven’t planned for, how do you water this garden of yours? Therein lies the ultimate test. This garden-within-me concept got me thinking this past week. I became 16
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clouded and consumed by a circumstance I had to undergo. I noticed how anxious I became by the physical symptoms of my body as well as my emotional state that manifested into my behaviour. I had to stop myself in my tracks and say ‘enough is enough’. Only I can nurture the garden and, if I don’t, my beautiful garden will face neglect and destruction; it will begin to wilt away slowly if this patterned thinking continues. I was not going to allow that to happen. I snapped out of the state I was in, cut out the negative self talk, replaced it with more accepting and purposeful thoughts, using rationality as well as affirmations, breathing and hypnotherapy. As a person who believes in God, I turned to prayer. In the middle of the night I visualized handing over my struggles to God by placing them in His care. My sleep from then on become more restful, my outward behaviour was visibly calmer and I was able to be more accepting of any outcome, whether it was the one I really wanted or not. We cannot control all the occurrences that go on around us. Often those occurrences are not what we want; not what we planned and anticipated. They throw us off our game, leaving us vulnerable, angry, sad, hopeless or defeated. But if we accept that our mind is ours to manage and that we are its keepers and gardeners, then we need to choose what seeds we sow. We need to choose when we sow them, what we plant, how much or how little water and sunshine they need etc. And if we prioritize these gardens above all else then we allow stillness and mindfulness to enter our worlds even when our environments and shaken and chaotic. Nurture that garden of yours; it’s yours to be creative with, yours to reap and delight in. Go nurture that garden and let it thrive!
ISMAIL AHMAD AL-TABTABAI “Give back to Mother Earth as much as you can afford� Environmental problems have long since been an issue in Kuwait, and beyond. But how many of us actually pledge to do something about it? Ismail Ahmad Al-Tabtabai did just that, using natural materials and processes to achieve a positive social impact. And the secret ingredient in his project? Clay.
Hi, can you tell us about yourself and your background? I am a philomath polymath person and a believer in humanity without categorization. My happiest moments are when I am detached from the bitter reality and become a vagrant in my own realm. I consider myself a realist idealist. I want to change my reality, and those who will join me, to a better realm - a realm without man-made borders. I did my higher education in the US and worked for about ten years in Japan. Tell us about your education. A biotechnologist, back when there was no biotechnology major. Thus, my curriculum was a multidisciplinary one. I made two graduation researches, one in pharmaceuticals and one in proteomics.
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Tell us about your invention or idea in brief. Simply put, an air-conditioner that uses natural clay and water to condition hot and arid air. Right now it is a supplement to existing AC. I hope to develop it into an independent device in the not so far future. How and when did you come up with the idea of this invention/project? I am a developer/designer of industrial plants that mitigate environmental problems using natural materials, processes and forces. Natural clay is one of the materials I use in the designs and processes I develop. So, I had to take the role of the clay to understand what it does and that’s when I came up with the idea early in the millennia. It is more of a development of a historical invention and improvement of it.
with Social Impact. What difficulties did you face in the initial stage? The lack of proper equipment to manufacture the clay is the one difficultly that I am still facing. Other than that, I owe it to the private sector in general for building the units, and none to the government sector. National Industries Co being number one and NICeramics, Cubical Services to name but a few. What are some of your future plans? To develop ideas and gadgets that use natural clay in many other aspects of our daily life. What are some of your hobbies? While in Kuwait it is mostly cooking. Abroad, I like walking and hiking and mountain trekking. I long for the days when I volunteered for the National Forest in US and trekked the Cascades of Western Coast. At all times and everywhere, I enjoy reading, learning new skills, contemplating and introspecting on problems and their solutions.
Can you tell us about the process of inventing and prototyping your original idea? How many iterations did you go through? It is essential to live the idea and be passionate about it in order to carry on with its development. Part of being passionate is playing the roles in the idea and exploring the possibilities. In this case, water, clay and air are the philosophical elements of life, and the forth is fire which comes into play when baking the clay. Each of these elements has a complex personality and behaviour which needs to be played. Without this role playing, the process would have been financially costly. Based on that approach, I have developed and manufactured two proof-ofconcept units which answer the most simple minded in the first proof-of-concept and a bit more scientifically challenging minds in the second proof-of-concept - all with about 250 KWD and in about 3 months. The results are very promising and there is so much space for improvement in the future. What kind of special training or studies did you go through to further enhance your idea/invention? All credit goes to the first two years of college, followed by the experience I have accumulated in my carrier and finally, our forefathers who have used clay for thousands of years to condition the living rooms. That’s on the development of the unit itself. But to go commercial I had to develop my business skills to carry on with the idea. For that, I have joined and went through Fikra Program Second Edition to help me out. Who is supporting your project and how difficult was the process to get the support you wanted? Currently, no-one is supporting it financially. It is a team effort and Cubical Services has joined us as administrative partner. We would need financial support for which we are still in the process of preparing the papers to present to potential financial supporters. What problem will your invention/idea solve? Humbly put, and so far in the progress of the idea, it helps to keep most AC unit’s parts off for as much time as possible. Therefore, the plan is to save at least 20% of power consumption on the national level during peak times. This in essence should prevent blackouts during the summer season. With that saving in mind, subsidies can be reduced and funds and power can be diverted elsewhere, AC spare parts will be less susceptible to breakage, maintenance time and money will be reduced and a healthy level of humidity is provided. The above is all about the Kuwaiti market. Once we expand our vision, then there are markets with weak electricity, those with no electricity, and remote areas to count just a few.
What according to you are the keys to success? Being mindful. Be mindful of myself. Be mindful of my environment. Be mindful of other humans around me. Your message for the young entrepreneurs: So much can be said! For those in Kuwait: Don’t let the frustration of other matters put you down. Try your best to live within your own realm if all goes south. If you must, then take a rest and start anew tomorrow morning. I agree with you that today is bad. But tomorrow will be better. For entrepreneurs at large: Be a dreamer, drift with your dreams. Be a vagrant in your drifts, you don’t know where the next idea will be or come from. Many great ideas are bestowed upon us as if they are holy revelations - if your intentions are virtuous of course. If you run into a problem in your everyday life, find the solutions and introspect the solutions with yourself while playing roles. This should be your lifetime training technique. Entrepreneurs are problem understanders, solution finders and presenters; not just problem finders. Eventually you’ll come up with a solution that you’re passionate about and can pursue commercially. Give back to Mother Earth as much as you can afford. Mother Earth needs your contribution. Think in terms of sustainability, not profitability. The more simple and longer lasting your solutions are, the better chance they are sustainable. From there on, the profitability will be insurmountable, if you desire. You don’t have to be a scientist nor a specialist to understand the needs of the market or that of the people. Our forefathers did not need to. Draw a lesson from that. Entrepreneurs are not the kind of people that know-it-all. You will always need to cooperate with others in areas that you don’t grasp or comprehend, e.g. you could be good working with your bare hands, but not good in administrative tasks so seek an administrative partner. Your message for our magazine: Thanks for giving me the chance to talk to my fellow entrepreneurs. I never had the chance to talk freely to the media so far. I could have pinpointed many of the problems that we face, but wanted to present a brighter future for the entrepreneurs to start their holy endeavors to better serve Mother Earth.
What’s unique about the idea/invention? It is Green from cradle to grave in every possible way that I have control over. It is simple in design and operation. I’ve put so much thought into making it almost maintenance free. Hopefully in the future it would be mechanically and electrically passive as well. Where can the idea/invention be implemented? It could serve residential spaces, industrial hangers, greenhouses, livestock hangers and, possibly, open spaces. Geographically it can be used in MENA and all other regions with hot and arid climates. I hope to develop it further in the future to include the regions with high humidity. Tell us about some of your achievements? Completion of Fikra Program. Two proof-of-concept units. Nomination for AIM Startup which is focused on ideas with Sustainable Development Contributions
Gill Sherry
ike many of us, I was saddened to hear of the death of Stephen Hawking last month. Despite suffering from a debilitating physical disease since the age of twenty-one, he went on to become one of the greatest scientists of all time, often referred to as a ‘genius’.
Hawking suffered from Motor Neurone Disease for almost his entire adult life. The condition was largely unheard of when he was diagnosed in 1963, although some were aware of its other titles, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Lou Gehrig's disease. Those fortunate enough to see Eddie Redmayne’s award winning portrayal of Stephen Hawking in the 2014 movie, The Theory of Everything, will have some understanding of the challenges he faced following his diagnosis as a young student at Oxford. Despite his physical decline, his hunger for knowledge continued and his determination to learn and discover never faltered. Even as communication became difficult, his academic brain fought on, not only educating himself, but sharing his knowledge and findings with others. Hawking was probably best known for his research and theories regarding ‘black holes’. These theories are now referred to as ‘Hawking radiation’ and were among many scientific works studied by him during his lifetime. The list of honors and awards accumulated by Hawking is 20
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endless – certainly too long to list here – and a reflection of his dedication, determination and brilliance. One has to wonder what else he would have achieved without the physical restrictions forced upon him by MND. Having watched my own father-in-law die from Motor Neurone Disease in 2004, it was particularly sad for me to learn that the disease had claimed yet another life. My father-in-law died just five months after being diagnosed. His decline was rapid, shocking and, from his point of view, degrading. One by one, his muscles began to fail. He couldn’t walk or talk; his tear ducts shut down; and he was unable to eat or drink. Watching someone suffer in this way is heartbreaking and it’s not surprising to learn that 7-10 people diagnosed with MND, die within the first 3-5 years. So, how was Stephen Hawking able to survive for so long? When he was diagnosed in 1963, he was given a life expectancy of just two years. It’s hard to comprehend that he went on to live with the disease for over fifty years. His personal story is both traumatic and empowering and there’s no denying that many MND sufferers (and those living with other physical or mental disabilities) have benefited from Hawking’s own distressing experiences. He was, without doubt, the most high profile individual to be diagnosed with the disease and, despite his numerous academic achievements, will always be remembered as such. Thankfully, though, it’s not all doom and gloom. Hawking will also be remembered for his sharp sense of humour, something Eddie Redmayne captured
brilliantly in The Theory of Everything. When he first trialed a speech-generating device after losing the ability to communicate, he was disturbed to learn that it came with an American accent. When presented with the opportunity to change it at a later date, he declined on the grounds that he actually rather liked it. He also became notorious for the somewhat erratic use of his wheelchair. Despite the life sentence imposed by MND, Hawking married twice and fathered three children. The affect of the disease on every one of his family members should not be underestimated. Living with MND is not only traumatic
for the sufferer, it’s also deeply distressing for the family; something the MND Association is keen to highlight. Stephen Hawking died peacefully on 14th March 2018 after battling with a slow-progressing from of MND for fifty-fives years. He once said that he wished to be regarded as ‘a scientist first, popular science writer second, and, in all the ways that matter, a normal human being with the same desires, drives, dreams, and ambitions as the next person.’ MND didn’t define Stephen Hawking, it merely disguised the genius that never refused to give up.
Motor Neurone Disease (MND) affects the nerves (motor neurones) in the brain and spinal cord that tell your muscles what to do. With MND, messages from these nerves gradually stop reaching the muscles, leading them to weaken, stiffen and waste. MND can affect how you walk, talk, eat, drink and breathe. It can also affect a person’s thinking and behaviour. MND is life-shortening and there is no cure. It can affect adults of any age, but is more likely to affect those over 50. There are four main types of the disease, each having different symptoms and prognosis: wAmyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This is the most common strain of the disease. Symptoms are first noticed in the hands and feet with muscles becoming stiff and weak. wProgressive bulbar palsy (PBP). The muscles used for talking, chewing and swallowing are those first affected by this strain. wProgressive muscular atrophy (PMA). This is a less common form of MND. Small muscles in the hands and feet are the first to be affected becoming weak but not stiff. wPrimary lateral sclerosis (PLS). This is rare and mainly affects the leg muscles. Clumsiness in the hands or speech problems could also be a sign of PLS. For more information, visit
e all like a party. Whatever the celebration, we love to get together with family and friends and eat lots of cake. Here at CP Magazine, we’re no different; and 100 issues of the magazine is certainly something to celebrate. In January 2010, the very first issue of City Pages was launched. To give you some idea of time, this was when the Burj Khalifa, the tallest structure in the world, was officially opened in Dubai. Seems a lifetime ago, right? Well, the Burj Khalifa is still at the top and thankfully, so too is CP Magazine! But things haven’t always gone as smoothly as we would have liked. We’ve had to share sad news as well as happy occasions; failure as well as success. Even those behind the impressive Burj Khalifa have faced challenging situations in the eight years since its launch. Regardless of scale, it’s how we face these challenges and overcome them that’s important. It’s also good to recognize how far we’ve come and what better way than to focus on the month of our launch? Twelve months after first stepping out as America’s First Lady, Michelle Obama was still everyone’s favourite style icon in January 2010. It seems we couldn’t get enough of America’s First Lady. She dazzled in her Swarovski crystal embellished one-shoulder evening gown at the
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Inauguration Ball and continued to shine throughout her husband’s Presidential term. She may not have favoured every seasonal trend (UGG boots and leather bomber jacket to name just two) but she was always one step ahead in the style stakes. When it came to music, a very different lady was leading the way. Lady Gaga was enjoying chart success in January 2010 with her single ‘Bad Romance’. This was one of many chart hits for the controversial singing star. Her outfit choices may not have been as stylish as The First Lady’s but they still had everyone talking! Movie releases in January 2010 ranged from drama (Edge of Darkness) to comedy (When in Rome) to scifi (Quantum Quest). There was plenty for kids too with Tooth Fairy and Open Season 3. The iphone 3GS was the latest offering from Apple and we also saw the introduction of the Apple iPad. Technology is perhaps the best way of appreciating just how far things have progressed since our magazine first hit the shelves eight years ago. Thankfully, one thing that hasn’t changed during that time is the love of our readers. Thanks to you, we have reached a significant milestone and with your continued support, we look forward to celebrating the next one. In the meantime, in my never ending pursuit of perfection, where’s the cake?
eginning an exercise routine after having a baby can play a huge role in physical and mental recovery. Gaining strength and stability in the pelvis and core is the primary priority on every new mum’s list that is eager to get back into shape after having a baby. As exciting as it is to start a program, it’s also very important to get clearance from your doctor after either a natural or caesarean delivery. Once you have been cleared for exercise, you can then begin building your fitness levels back up gradually and stabilising the pelvis. This can be achieved by learning to activate your deep core muscles and strengthening the muscles around your hips and pelvis - as well as deep core muscles such as your transverse abdominals - and stretching tight muscles. These are just a few factors to consider before embarking on an exercise routine. And remember, there are many benefits from starting back slowly. New mums need to appreciate that their body has been working really hard to grow a human for nine months and that their abdominals, pelvic floor and posture have had to take on a considerable amount of the load. In fact, the first twelve weeks after delivery is referred to as the ‘fourth trimester’ of pregnancy for good reason; your body is recovering from delivery, hours of nursing and feeding is taking place, so care and respect for your body is needed. Taking time to get started slowly is key.
and intensity, as your fitness level improves. Getting out every day for a brisk walk with the baby in the stroller is great for the body, mind and soul! 4.If you’re tired from being up all night with the baby, rest, stretch and hydrate. Don’t worry if you’re experiencing fatigue, you will always have another opportunity to train and you will train better if you can move with more coordination and are better rested. 5.Core, core, core! But remember, traditional crunches have no place in an early post natal program. Stability and balance exercises are important. Gentle abdominal toning exercises will help to restore the shape of your tummy. Pelvic tilting can be done any time while lying, standing or sitting, making it an easy and gentle way to tone the abdominals. Tummy and pelvic floor exercises can be done while doing other tasks where you are sitting or standing. 6.Pelvic floor restore. These exercises are first and foremost mandatory if you are thinking about getting back into high impact training in the future. Guidelines for returning to exercise (post C-Section):
1.Minimal exercise should be done prior to the six-week check up. Pelvic floor exercises are a great way to start Guidelines for returning to exercise (normal delivery): (with your doctor’s permission). Walking with or without a stroller, or short distances with a baby carrier are also ok. posture is crucial when walking longer distances 1.Obtain clearance from your doctor, a women’s health However, with a baby Learning to relax your shoulders and physiotherapist or medical professional before resuming engage your carrier. core while standing with a load (the baby) is exercise. vital to regaining pre-pregnancy posture. 2.Exercise regularly, rather than intermittently. 2.Avoid sit-ups and oblique abdominal exercises for Consistency is key and will help you progress faster than twelve weeks. Start with stabilization and strengthening trying to do it sporadically. exercises for the transverse abdominals (deep core muscles) and only when you have been checked for rectus 3.Begin with stability of the pelvis first and pelvic floor diastasis should you start with other types of abdominal exercises. Then move onto aerobic activity with low exercise. If there is a separation wider than 2cm, please impact type exercise (e.g. cycling, swimming, low impact refrain from traditional crunches and rotational exercises aerobics) and gradually increase the workout duration until you have restored your core. 24
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3.Core stability and pelvic tilting exercises should be practiced often. 4.Postural correction, education and taking care of your lower and upper back are essential. It is important to carry on these exercises long after delivering. 5.Ensure a good warm up and cool down are always performed. When you are ready to return to exercise: HYDRATE Remember to drink often and maintain adequate hydration. Exercise has been shown to increase milk supply if breast feeding, so if you are exercising please remember to drink more during the day to maintain hydration levels. SUPPORT Make sure you wear a highly supportive comfortable bra and supportive shoes before you start exercising and while you are exercising. HEALTHY NUTRITION It is important to ensure your wellbeing and health, regardless of whether you are nursing so now is a perfect
time to create healthy, nutritious eating habits. This should involve consumption of extra dairy foods or high calcium foods, complex carbohydrates and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid high fat and sugar and all ‘fast food’. SAFETY CHECK Check for abdominal diastasis with a women’s health specialist or qualified trainer before starting an exercise program. If present, core stability exercises such as pelvic tilting and pelvic floor exercises can be performed. Crunches and oblique exercises should be avoided. HORMONES Hormones are still present in the body up to twelve weeks post-birth (and a lot longer if nursing). Therefore, the muscles, joints and ligaments are still susceptible to injury. For this reason avoid overloading, overstretching and excessive exercise. Also, avoid activities that involve jarring, ballistic and jumping type movements, as they may lead to and/or aggravate incontinence. Alana is a qualified pre and postnatal trainer and sports and pre/post natal nutritionist based at the Al Corniche Club in Kuwait @alanakarehana
often choose to stay at the Sofitel Hotel in Bahrain. It allows me to escape from the active city life of Riyadh where life is non-stop for 24 hours and where I miss the freshness of the sea air. The resort caters for both leisure and business travel and is the perfect place to unwind amidst views of the crystal clear turquoise waters of the Arabian Gulf. The French décor blends with traditional Arab flair highlights, creating five-star hotel dedication; an exceptional haven from a bustling city. My latest arrival was evening time so I was keen to discover the dining options in the hotel. I opted for the waterfront La Mer, the award-winning French seafood restaurant with endless views of the Arabian Gulf. The dining experience delighted me with delicate tastes of Sea Bass prepared by Head Chef, Mr. Ganow. He was keen to hear my opinion and thanks to him, I have reason to return again and again. My room was the dramatic French décor Prestige Suite on the upper floor of the hotel. Arabian highlights furniture created a strong feeling of the luxurious environment intended. I enjoyed unique service and a private breakfast served on my balcony with 180 degree views of the Arabian Gulf. One of the best things about the Sofitel Zallaq is
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the fabulous experience of the Thalassa Sea & Spa. Being the only hotel in the entire Middle East to offer thalassotherapy treatments, Sofitel Bahrain has created a space where both men and women can reap the health benefits of seawater treatments. My choice fell on the most glamorous package - Thalassa Escape with four Luxurious Body Treatments based on natural sea water, recommended by hydro therapist, Salha. By the end of the day I was enjoying the long and colourful sunset, relaxing and unwinding at Tapas Lounge by the sea; and thinking about which of the hotel’s restaurants to dine at that evening - Italian, Asian or International cuisine at Saraya restaurant? On my final day, before driving back to Riyadh, I decided to spend time by the infinity pool. By the afternoon, I was relaxing in the shade enjoying the music of the hotel DJ. Perfect. In my opinion, Sofitel Bahrain Zallaq Thalassa Sea & Spa is somewhere I wish to return to again and again. The hotel provides special offers at this time of year. One of their fantastic offers during the months of April and May is Magnifique Half Board which offers a Luxury Room with grand sea view, inclusive of lavish dinner and breakfast for two at only BD99net. Accompanying kids up to 12 years of age (maximum 2 per room) are free of charge.
since 2010
I look forward to visiting Sofitel Bahrain during Ramadan, to enjoy an award winning dining experience in their Ramadan Tent, Layali Al Zallaq. This will be set up by the sea and is very popular with locals and expats alike. The resort is surrounded by a number of magnificent landmarks such as Bahrain International Formula One Circuit, The Lost Paradise Water Park and the Al Areen Wildlife Nature Reserve. What’s stopping you?
The absolute opposite of ordinary
Since its late 1966 debut, Maserati Ghibli has consistently pushed against the boundaries of the sports-car universe. This quintessential Italian sports tourer legend has just been treated to an extensive round of revisions to mark its midlife facelift. Most noticeable changes are to the exterior styling. They’re subtle, yet effective. It's been given a new bumper, some neat LED headlights and a little more horsepower, among other things. More work has been done under the skin, though. There’s a new stability control system dubbed Integrated Vehicle Control (IVC), to prevent instability before it happens, an electric power steering system (for the first time) and a host of new driver assistance and safety kit as standard.
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Photography & Video: Rashid Al-Nuaimi (@rashidpvg) Model: Haya (@Kuwaity_haya) Car: Maserati Ghibli Gran Sport 2018 (@maseratikuwait) from @alzayanikw
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Maserati’s also offering a couple of fancy new trim packs on top of the base version – comfort-focused GranLusso or racier GranSport. It was GranSport that we chose to drove, the motor totally lived up to its name with sport seats, sport body detailing and Skyhook electronic dampers and an engine with a lovely V6 howl that’s a treat to listen to. Maserati started fitting a GranSport badge to its products more than a decade ago, with an emphasis on the ‘Sport’. The cars included a number of engine, suspension, aerodynamic and interior enhancements aimed at buyers wanting a little more out of their Italian thoroughbred. Maserati is quite proud of its re-sculpted and completely redesigned headlights, using light emitting diodes, sensors, a camera, and computers, headlight illumination is continually adjusted to ensure that the maximum amount of light is projected on the road without blinding oncoming traffic. In high beam mode, the matrix system selectively blocks illumination to the oncoming traffic – almost magically — to prevent glare. In low beam mode, the lighting system can adapt the width and range of the emitted light to match road conditions and brighten bends as the vehicle turns - a gift to Kuwait’s weather conditions. As far as interiors are concerned, we were completely bowled over by the massive leap forward in space, comfort and sophistication. In true Maserati grand touring tradition, the cabin is characterised by elegant Italian style, handcrafted finishes and perfectly organised, generously proportioned design. The sumptuous leather-finished curves, the clean, technical purity of the dashboard and detailing in metallic-effect dark mirror trim simultaneously relax and heighten the senses. Two side panels converge towards an elegantly simple central structure, which houses the traditional Maserati clock with its blue face and aluminium detailing. Beneath that, there’s the 8.4” touchscreen infotainment system and rotary control, along with a handy phone storage box.
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Go the extra mile - whatever the weather Even with its head-turning coupé-like proportions, the Ghibli offers class-leading front legroom, as well as comfortable head and leg space for rear passengers. All seats are clad in meticulously selected and processed leather. In the finest tradition of Italian craftsmanship, they are also stitched by hand, while the front headrests are embossed with the Trident logo. Start with the drivability. It handles its weight very well. Suspensions, weight distribution, geometry and chassis are extremely well honed. The car turns in with minimum under steer and the steering is very precise, yet a bit numb. Once the front of the car is in the right direction, the body follows the line very well, and stability is guaranteed. Traction is immense thanks to the all-wheel-drive system, which is standard on this model and transfers electronically up to 50 percent of the power – when necessary – to the front wheels. On a road with medium-to-long radius bends, you can enjoy its balance and composure with a big smile on your face.
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Photography: Hamad Al-Ainati (@7mdphotography) Model: Haya (@Kuwaity_haya) Car: Maserati Ghibli Gran Sport 2018 (@maseratikuwait) from @alzayanikw
Kuwait Automotive & Trading Co. (Official Maserati Dealer - Kuwait) Tel. +965 180810
APRIL 2018
Oaxaca, Mexico
Oaxaca is a city in central Mexico. It’s known for its colonial buildings, many of which are made from green volcanic stone. The central Zocalo square features the Palacio de Gobierno, with colorful murals depicting regional history. Alameda de Leon square faces the ornate facade of the Catedral de Oaxaca. The 16th-century Templo de Santo Domingo church has a rich baroque interior and an adjoining former convent.
La Olla
Casa Catrina
Casa Catrina is centrally located in Oaxaca City and 7 minutes’ walk from Rufino Tamayo Museum and 2 minutes’ drive from the main square. It features massage service, Temazcal and a patio.
Hotel Boutique De La Parra
A 2-minute walk from the central square or Zocalo, this Colonial hacienda-style hotel is a 6-minute walk from MACO, or the Museum of Contemporary Art, and 8 km from Xoxocotlán International Airport.
Criollo Hotel Palacio Borghese
On the site of a former 16th-century convent, this colorful hotel in a red building is 3 km from the Guelaguetza and 9 km from Xoxocotlán International Airport.
Hotel Hacienda Los Laureles Spa
This upscale, hacienda-style hotel is 6 km from both the Jardín Etnobotánico de Oaxaca and the Church of Santo Domingo de Guzmán. Featuring Spanish Colonial–style decor, the refined rooms and suites come with free Wi-Fi, TVs and minibars.
Teotitlan del Valle Tours
The state of Oaxaca is famous for the rugs and blankets of Teotitlán del Valle, a small town 24 km southeast of the capital. Weaving is chiefly a cottage industry in Teotitlán del Valle; you can buy rugs and blankets from street vendors, from hole-in-the-wall shops, or even from private homes.
Oaxaca Culture Museum
This beautifully restored monastery is connected to the Templo de Santo Domingo and houses one of the nation’s most impressive museums. Well-curated exhibits transport travelers through the history of Oaxaca, from ancient times to modern day. Visitors will learn not only about New World influences, but about pre-Hispanic traditions through halls lined with handmade crafts, herbal medicines and local costumes.
La Teca
Finca La Gloria Tours
This family-owned coffee plantation just outside Huatulco is known for its fertile green farms and fantastical butterfly sanctuary. Travelers can tour the working facility in the heart of a Mexican jungle and learn about the process of turning fresh berries into a cup of one of the most-loved morning beverages.
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Mitla Tours
A relatively small Mixtec/Zapotec ruin, Mitla is notable for the detailed and well-preserved geometric stonework that decorates the buildings. The setting is pretty, with a cactus garden and shaded benches. From the ruins you can see the domed Church of San Pablo, built in the 16th century when the Spanish pillaged stones from Mitla.
Bon voyage!
joseberrocoso Currently based in the GCC and exploring the Middle East, I have lived in three continents, four countries and have visited over 250 cities across the world. Join me in this adventure to find out more about the latest and coolest travel recommendations. ‘Embrace new cultures; be inspired; take a technological break; bring out your adventurous side; TRAVEL, it´s fun!’
since 2010
he Mediterranean Sea was an important route for merchants and travellers during ancient times as it allowed for trade and cultural exchange between emergent peoples of the region. It borders over 20 countries, home to around 480 million people living across three continents: Africa, Asia and Europe. It is still one of the world´s busiest shipping routes with about one-third of the world´s total merchant shipping crossing the sea each year. Endless golden beaches, lush vegetation, fantastically flavoursome food, wild mountains plummeting into the azure sea and ancient ruins appear all around the coast line; and whether you are looking for an action packed water sports holiday or blissfully romantic getaway in sensational scenery, a Mediterranean holiday can provide it all. There are a staggering number of cultures, landscapes and monuments of ancient civilizations found around the Mediterranean Sea, from the boutique hotels of the Spanish Balearic Islands to the run strewn coasts of the Turkish Mediterranean, from the peace of the coastlines of Croatia to the vibrancy and excitement of Tunisia and the beautiful island of Malta in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea. Check out five wonderful destinations to fall in love with the Magic Sea, again!
Croatia is home to more than 1,200 islands across 2,000 kilometres and is open to all. Rest and relaxation is the order of the day at the Villa Dubrovnik Hotel, set amongst orange and lemon trees with a view of the island of Lokrum. The hotel is housed in a traditional white building with a modernist design and is built into the cliffs. The interior spaces are light and airy while the ambience manages to be both sophisticated and relaxed. Villa Dubrovnik is a twenty minute walk from the sun-soaked walls of the fortified Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, but why walk when you can sail over the glistening turquoise waters in a Venetian taxi boat? Walk along the well-preserved original city walls and explore the historic buildings peppered through the town.
APRIL 2018
OVERLOOKING THE COUNTRYSIDE Where: Gatzara Suites, Ibiza, Spain
All-night raver, boho-cool hippy, blissed-out beach lover… Ibiza is all this and more to the many fans who have a soft spot for this unique oasis in the Baleariac Islands. Gatzara Suites is the place to stay on the island, located at Santa Gertrudis, a perfect spot in the middle of Ibiza. Mixing elegance, design, tradition and avant-garde, this boutique hotel is inspired by the bohemian style of the white island. The light filled interior expertly utilises natural materials and modern design to offer a special base for your Ibiza adventure. One of the hotel´s highlights is undoubtedly its dazzling roof terrace, complete with a sparkling statement pool and cocktail bar. Whether you want to soak up the sun for a few hours, take a refreshing dip in the pool or take in the panoramic views over the stunning countryside, you´re sure to feel on top of the world.
Where: Il Riccio Beach House, Bodrum, Turkey An exclusive yet vibrant retreat equally suited to socialising and relaxation, Il Riccio’s intimacy allows one to set the tone. The essence of Capri’s iconic Michelin-starred Il Riccio restaurant has successfully travelled to Bodrum and Il Riccio Beach House, accurately mirrors its surroundings in a celebration of the Mediterranean. Nestled in the picturesque Aegean bay, every aspect of the hotel is inspired by the sea. Light, white spaces offer a blank canvas for a memorable stay, whether guests choose to indulge in revelry or relaxation. With just ten luxurious rooms and suites, the mood here is more home than hotel. Washed in shades of aqua, this exclusive house is a reflection of its environment, the ‘Land of Eternal Blue’. Seek respite from the Mediterranean heat in cool living spaces, each one lined with hand-painted majolica tiles and offering unrivalled sea views from a terrace or balcony. Canopied beds and tech-led convenience ensure the utmost comfort and give the freedom to set a personalised schedule for a carefree stay.
Valletta is highly sought after by many tourists visiting the Maltese Islands but availability of high quality accommodation is very scarce. Casa Ellul will offer everything a discerning traveller needs for a comfortable stay in this wonderful city. Casa Ellul is a magnificent celebration of a marriage between the past and the future when it comes to style, architecture, design and decor. Originally a Victorian-period Palazzo, this small luxury hotel expresses a classical yet stylish design, inspired from a combination of past Baroque influence and present chic elegance. This upscale sophistication is reflected throughout with restored patterned tiles, walls soaked in art and plush, prestigious antiques, traditional Maltese wooden balconies and contemporary private terraces with breath taking views. The hotel´s rooftop is decorated with fabrics by Gaston y Daniela, combining elegant luxury with style and timeless design. These upper terraces make this hotel in Valletta a unique and very elegant coastal experience. A classic yet contemporary guesthose and a new addition for your must-visit list!
Sunbathing, al fresco dining and amazing nightlife are a way of life in Hammamet, the Tunisian St-Tropez. Located on the fertile Cap Bon Peninsula, about forty miles south of Tunis, the bayfront resort is surrounded by verdant hills and citrus groves. La Badira (‘as bright as the full moon’, in Arabic), is contemporary in concept, but evokes traditional Islamic architectural elements - arched terraces, domed ceilings, columned walkways and reflective pools, complemented by welltended grounds planted with olive trees and date palms. The clean, simple lines of the hotel were inspired by the era of the 1930s when Hammamet was gaining a reputation among cosmopolitan travelers who were drawn by the natural beauty and culture of the area. Playing on the principles of light and shadow that captivated artists of that era, interiors are minimally designed and feature touches such as hand-painted ceramic wall panels featuring Arabic script and a variety of accent pieces in characteristic geometric patterns. Head to The Spa by Clarins at La Badira and prepare to be immersed in your very own world of snug oriental sensuality: subdued lighting; dark Kadhel marble walls (also used by the Romans in the construction of their thermal baths) in hues of grey and pink; abstract mosaic floors; and spacious hammams that envelop you in a thick, warming cloud of steam. 44
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Nada S. Al-Muzaini
ow can I create an eye-catching Instagram profile, including my Instagram grid and Instagram stories? This is a question asked every day by Instagram users the world over. Well, there is no right answer to how creative you can be on your Instagram profile. However, there are many tools that can point you in the right direction. In this article I will give you some tips on how to create a successful Instagram profile and account. Firstly, there’s the beauty of Photoshop. This can help you to be creative and innovative. Photoshop is a great tool for photo editing, typographic, graphical, creative and professional use. Photoshop can help you design the logo of your product, website, business card and other types of visual content. There are also iPhone and Android apps that can help you when you want to edit your photos or videos on your phone at a convenient time. It’s portable and easy to access through your mobile. Try these: 1.Foodie app: This is a great application that helps you take great photos of food and edit them following a filter theme provided by the app.
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2.Snapseed app: A free application and good for photo editing with various tools to help. 3.Facetune: The best portrait and selfie photo editor, highly recommended by all photographers. 4.InshotEditior: A brilliant photo and video editing app which helps you to enhance the final result for any photo or video before you upload it to Instagram. 5.Unfold app: This app is a great Instagram stories editor. It helps you create engaging stories and you can upload them later to Instagram. There are many ways to help you to be creative. For example, you can watch tutorials on YouTube or ask your creative friends how they edit their photos and videos. Also, read the reviews about the apps as there might be pointers on how to use them. The best way to be creative is to follow influential people on Instagram and learn from them. This will help you to create your own theme and eventually set your own guidelines for your Instagram profile and account. Good luck!
NAEEM ODEH ILLUSTRATION ARTIST Alaa Naeem Odeh has come a long way since drawing on her bedroom walls as a child and, with the full support of her family, continues to nurture her artistic talent. That’s when she’s not concentrating on her other roles as engineer, student and housewife!
Please introduce yourself to our readers. My name is Alaa Naeem Odeh. I’m 28 years old, Capricorn, introvert, art lover and enthusiast. My family always comes first to me. I love Camellias, Orchids, Lavender, Basil and Peonies. I have the weirdest taste in music. Labels don’t influence me. The way I define myself as an individual is not limited to a stereotype or a place of birth. Although I secretly pride myself on being a true Gryffindor, I am a citizen of the world. I am a spiritual person too and I feel a strong connection to nature and the divine.
Tell us about your education. My Bachelor’s is engineering and I am currently doing a Master’s in business administration.
How and when did your interest for drawing develop? What made you want to become an illustrator or artist? I have been interested in drawing, and art in general, for as long as I can remember. My mother is a graphic designer who chose to teach art as a career. I grew up in a house with a studio full of all kinds of tools and supplies and a kitchen that was never free of dirty brushes in the sink and paint-stained towels hanging to dry. As a child, my bedtime stories were about Da Vinci and 48
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“My ambitions can be overwhelming sometimes�
Degas. I would play dress up in her work apron and draw aimlessly on the walls of the bedroom until there wasn’t a spot left! My mother, encouraging my creative process, would simply repaint the walls to provide a fresh canvas and I would go at it again! I continued to experiment with different mediums along the years. I tried everything from watercolouring, oil painting, large scale canvas landscapes, graphite portraits, calligraphy, digital media and graphics, until I eventually found ‘my style’.
Did you take any kind of training or did it develop over time? Online visuals were my go-to learning center as I attempted different styles and mediums – you can Google/ Pinterest/Instagram anything these days! Otherwise, I believe, continued experimenting and practice was the major contribution to my skill development. And I’m still learning.
How would you describe your illustration style? Personal. My illustrations are self-expressions; and perhaps a documentation of my journey. Frida, Picasso, Klimt and many other contemporary artists inspire my style.
What would you say is your strongest ability as an illustrator? My strongest ability as an illustrator is probably that I draw what I feel. I think it’s because of how it all started from my journal.
Can you speak about your process coming up with and creating an illustration? It’s difficult to express in words, I’d rather show you. But generally, I may be listening to music or I may glance a balloon or remember something I miss. Then I translate this minor episode in a sketch.
What kinds of applications and tools do you use? And how have they influenced your creative process? I use pencils for my journal, and my journal is always with me. Then for paper-based illustrations I use watercolours and markers. I love the effect of watercolours on paper, it’s my favourite medium. For digital illustrations I use an iPad; this technology definitely made it much easier to edit and share the work and upload it in high definition quality that is far better than scanning or photographing an art work. However, it’s only a tool I use when I want to share an illustration online. In the art exhibit I participated in in 2017, I opted for paper-based illustrations of watercolours and markers.
How supportive is your family with your interest in illustrations? My family is very supportive of my passion. They see me trying to juggle the roles I play in life as an engineer, a student, a housewife and a struggling artist. My ambitions can be overwhelming sometimes and my family, especially my husband, is my support system which is how I manage to do it all. Illustrating is not familiar to our society, and art in general is never thought of as a career option. However, I believe the tide has changed, although there’s a long way to go before this would serve me as my sole profession – but I’m on my way!
How much attention do you pay to the feedback of others on your work? I pay just enough attention to the feedback I receive to enable it to motivate me to drive forward. I’m grateful for the good ones and I do what I can to improve myself with constructive criticism, but I never allow it to weigh me down.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given? To believe in myself, keep my priorities in check, and never stop dreaming. 50
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Your message for us at CP magazine.
Oh, I can’t express enough gratitude for this opportunity CP Magazine has given me. It’s thrilling to be featured in a magazine that is passionate in principle, unique in content, and always manages to shine the light on individuals who are part of the community. I truly wish the magazine and its team all the best.
flavorful main course such as this vegetarian curry keeps dinner interesting and encourages everyone to eat at home. This recipe is so flexible and that’s the thing I love the most about it. You can add whatever vegetables you love.
PREPARATION: 1.Heat coconut oil in a large pan over a medium-low heat. 2.Add the onion and cook for 3 minutes. Add the garlic and ginger
and cook for a further minute.
3.Add the cumin seeds, turmeric, ground cumin, coriander and curry powder and cook for 1 minute, stirring constantly.
INGREDIENTS l 1 tbsp coconut oil l 1 onion, finely chopped l 4 garlic cloves, minced l 1 tbsp freshly grated ginger l 1½ tsp cumin seeds l 1 tsp ground turmeric l ½ tsp ground cumin l 1 tsp ground coriander l 1 tsp curry powder l 1 medium head of cauliflower, cut into florets l 1 28 ounce packet cherry tomatoes l 1 14 ounce can chickpeas, drained and rinsed l ¾ cup water l ¼ tsp dried chili flakes (1/8 for mild, ¼ for a little spice) l ¾ tsp salt l ¾ cup coconut milk l 3 cups cashew nuts l Freshly ground black pepper 52
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4.Add the cauliflower, cherry tomatoes, chickpeas, water, chili flakes and salt. Break up the tomatoes using the back of a wooden spoon.
5.Cover and simmer for 20-25 minutes, or until the cauliflower is tender. 6.Add the coconut milk & cashew nuts. 7.Adjust seasoning if necessary.
Bon Appetite!
Fact: Cauliflowers can be eaten raw, cooked or pickled. If you try this recipe please share your opinion on my blog:
APRIL 2018
since 2010
e all take part in some form of research and one of the most important parts of that research is where to eat, especially in a big city like Riyadh. The variety of restaurants is enormous but places with the latest excellent quality of food, modern design and relaxing interior still take some time to find. The heart of Tahlia Street is where life continues late into the night. A big attraction is the summer terrace of Lavash Lounge, for deliciously fine dining of international and Armenian cuisine with a luxurious, relaxing interior and lounge seating. The biggest trend in Riyadh is to have an outward looking terrace to enjoy your dinning even more, with that special feeling of looking across the streets while breathing fresh evening air. Having been to Lavash Lounge several times I can guarantee you will receive the highest standard of service and best quality of food. The menu ingredients have been chosen under tight guidelines as every detail matters. Lavash opened in January 2017 and is already ‘Hot Spot Number One’ on Tahlia Street for the new Saudi generation. The Lounge is also welcoming for international guests with a great gourmet selection of international dishes. From the waiters to the chefs, customers receive the best standard of service with the added bonus of top quality food. Lavash Lounge is also renowned for its variety of desserts and soft drinks, which will make you want to return to enjoy the experience more and more – particularly with the sunset across the city of Riyadh.
EYEBROWS! Edna_Trogen
s Instagram to blame for women around the world looking almost the same? 2018 is the year to start making a few changes and I’m talking about eyebrows! The Instagram Brow is out of fashion. If you have zero clue what I’m referring to, please check out the picture above to find out what I’m talking about. This eyebrow is boxy and slightly ombré at the beginning, elongated and heavily filled in. We would love to see more confidence and individuality when it comes to beauty. If eyebrows are your thing, you can still work on them making them look strong, but at the same time soft and not harsh looking. It’s all about layering the products and the amount of pressure you use to apply them, which determines how dark or light you want them. Kim Kardashian’s makeup artist, Mario Dedivanovic, says "I usually start by brushing the brows up or down (with a spoolie) and then I lightly fill them in anywhere they need it with a brow pencil (Anastasia is his go-to), mainly along the outer corners. Next, I define the shape by taking a brow brush and shadow - I use one that's one shade lighter than the pencil I used beforehand, which softens the look and adds dimension - to set everything. Then, I use a spoolie with hair spray, brow gel, or a glue from Alcone to brush the brow into place." Instagram also has examples of beautiful well filled eyebrows. The key is to keep them as natural as possible and the colour should be close to your natural hair colour or one shade lighter.
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Eyebrow products to try: 3
12 11
9 7 8
13 14
1.Tamin Brown Eyebrow Pencil from Other Stories 2.Brow Gel, Tinted Brow Groomer from Makeup For Ever 3.Brow Powder Duo from Dolce & Gabbana 4.Micro Tattoo by Brow Artist from L’Oreal Paris 5.Brow Contouring Kit by Max Factor 6.Great Brows Palette by MAC Cosmetics 7.Brow Sculpt by MAC Cosmetics 8.Brow Liner, Intense Brow Definer by Make Up Forever 9.High Definition Eyebrow Pencil by Pupa 10.Brow Shaper Pencil by Max Factor 11.Brow Thickener from Sephora 12.Eyebrow Editor from Sephora 13.Universal Brow Freeze by Sephora 14.Bulletproof Brows Kit from Too Faced
since 2010
Acne is a common occurrence for teens and adults. It can start with just one bad pimple that you ignore, putting the blame on a few late nights or some junk food. But letting your pimple linger on the skin can do more harm than good. Even mild forms of acne can become severe and lead to scarring. Here, I have listed 7 reasons why it’s important to take this one pimple seriously:
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1.Prevent mild acne from becoming severe. Early treatment can prevent a few pimples from progressing to widespread blackheads, whiteheads and deep, painful acne. 2.Decrease the need of stronger acne medicine. When acne becomes severe, strong medicine is needed to see clearing. These medicines have more possible side effects. So seek professional help early to avoid these stronger acne medicines. 3.Reduce scars. Treating acne early may prevent acne scars. In general, the more severe the acne, the more likely it is to scar. While severe acne is most likely to leave scars, mild acne can scar when picked. Treating at the first sign of acne may also prevent someone from developing a habit of picking at their acne, so the person may never develop acne scars. 4.Get faster results from treatment. Your doctor can assess your acne and prescribe a prescription-strength treatment that will not only clear up your skin but keep breakouts at bay. A one-time visit to the doctor can save you years of heartache down the road, so invest in professional treatment. 5.Avoid years of acne. Nowadays, acne is occurring in children as young as 7 years old. These kids may continue to have acne in their 20s, 30s and beyond. Even those in their 50s and 60s
continue to struggle with acne. That’s four or five decades of dealing with pimples – way too long. By getting treatment at the first sign of acne – even at 7 or 8 years old – you can keep it under control. You won’t have to deal with breakouts as a senior citizen and you’ll enjoy many years of clear, healthy skin. 6.Stop acne spots from developing when acne clears. Anyone who has medium-to-dark coloured skin may see a dark spot appear when an acne pimple, cyst, or nodule clears. This is called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). People with light-coloured skin may see a red spot where acne once was. These spots can linger for months. Many consider it worse to have these lingering spots than the acne itself. 7.Sidestep emotional distress. Acne can cause more than breakouts. Studies show that acne can also take a toll on one’s psyche. Many say their self-esteem suffered after developing acne. Some people with acne withdraw from people in their lives. The severity of the acne doesn’t seem to matter. Acne can have negative effect on self-esteem and relationships whether one has mild or severe acne. One large study found that having acne can lead to depression and thoughts of committing suicide. Other studies show that treating acne can alleviate these feelings.
Former model and active fashion and lifestyle blogger, Diana Chipar, stars in a stunning fashion editorial featuring the must-have pieces from Italian label Twinset for this Spring/ Summer.
Please introduce yourself to our readers. I am a Moldovian born traveller with Dubai roots. UAE became my second home 11 years ago. About the same time, I became a model. I had a very fruitful career for 7 amazing years until I decided to pursue Fashion and Wardrobe Styling for the next 4 years. When it comes to blogging, it started as a hobby when I took some time off from work. Honestly, I never thought it would get so popular so quick but I guess people like my work. Blogging empowers me and makes me super confident in the set of skills I have gained throughout my career.
Tell us about your education. High school and Bachelor’s in Economics. Very boring stuff!
When and how did you land in Dubai? After finishing my studies, I was walking past a billboard showing the gorgeous Burj Al Arab on the streets of Chisinau. It overwhelmed me; the turquoise water and the clear blue sky were just breathtaking. That was the second I knew I had to do everything possible to move to Dubai. Not long after I got a job interview and moved here.
When did you enter the world of modelling and blogging? I was 20 years old when I got a modelling opportunity. It was for an Italian designer who was selling her pieces to an Abu Dhabi fashion buyer/distributor. She approached me by chance in the Mall of The Emirates and offered me a week of work with enormous pay (back in the day, that’s what I thought!). Of course, I said yes. After that I signed up with every agency in Dubai and everything started falling in place. Blogging, on the other hand, started as a hobby and turned into a full-time job. 60
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DIANA CHIPAR “Fashion and beauty standards will always change but don’t let that change you”
What is so significant about you as a fashion and lifestyle blogger/influencer? With my 10 years of experience in the fashion industry, I like to think that my style is unique and elegant with a little quirky twist. My style combines local aspects with the western look.
How do you plan your posts? Planning posts is my favourite part. It happens all the time, every time. It never stops. I drive around Dubai and when I see an interesting location I see the post very clearly. This is how every post starts.
Do you do your own photography? Any tips for getting good pics? Yes, I do my own photography. My advice to beginners would be to buy a very good camera and always use daylight.
Could you share your favourite spots for finding fashion treasures? My favourite spots are not spots specifically, but times. I always keep an eye open for discounts and offers as well as shopping festivals. I don’t shy away from big and expensive brands. On the contrary I visit the stores as they have majestically unique pieces on discount which you can style and wear in so many ways. I believe it’s better to have one great quality branded piece of clothing which will never go out of style rather than ten pieces from a fast-moving fashion store.
Where do you find inspiration for your blog topics? Inspiration is all around us. I can turn anything into a blog.
According to you, what are 3 essential qualities a blogger must have to succeed online? First, the new blogger must believe in what they are about to blog. Second, dedication to work hard and spend lots of time on their laptop. Third, be an innovative perfectionist.
How do you balance life and your blog with modelling? I became a mom about six months ago. Pregnancy and motherhood didn’t stop me from working hard. I must say I became more driven to work hard and make better posts. I guess having my daughter by my side every time I shoot brings me more confidence.
Have you overcome a life-changing experience that has made you see or feel happiness? Yes, I met my husband. The love of my life.
What’s the best thing that ever happened to you on Social Media? And the most unexpected? Everything is great and unexpected! As I previously mentioned I never thought this would become so big so quickly. I am super humble for all the support that people have given me. This drives me to post more often with better content.
Tell us about the recent experience working with Twinset for the fashion editorial. I was introduced to Twin Set at their Dubai Mall Boutique opening. The second I entered the store I fell in love with their style and amazing quality. One dress comes to mind. It was part of the winter collection, so the dress was sweater-like, long with a sheer under gown which was flowing underneath. I thought that dress was so sophisticated I had to work with the brand just to get a chance to wear that piece!
How do you personally like their new collection? The new SS18 is everything! It’s super easy to style for any occasion needed. Every single piece is a must have. I feel like a child in candy land every time I am at the store. Simply put, I LOVE IT!
What is the best piece of advice that you have even been given? Never doubt myself and follow my instinct with a humble attitude.
How would you best describe your style? Elegant with a touch of quirky.
APRIL 2018
Inspiration is all around us. I can turn anything into a blog. How can small businesses work with bloggers and influencers to reach a new audience? Influencers are a big thing in our days. I guess because the magazines have unrealistic body standards and images. Honestly, even while modelling and shooting for brands, I found myself filled with doubts every time I would read Vogue or other high-end magazines. Overly photo-shopped bodies and skin can get to anyone. Therefore, people started following Influencers as they post photos with more realistic parameters which everyone can relate to. So, a lot of big or small businesses choose to collaborate with Social Media Influencers for their target audience.
Your message for us at CP magazine and our readers: My message to your readers would be simple. Trust in yourself and follow your instincts with a humble attitude and dress all that with confidence. Fashion and beauty standards will always change but don’t let that change you. Always try the clothes before buying and dress for your size, it’s as simple as that.
Finally, what are you plans for 2018? My plans for 2018 are to continue working hard and make better content for my followers to appreciate. As well as enjoy my little daughter growing up.
How to lose weight with physical therapy exercises
Dr. Adel Roujoula Specialist Physical Therapist
hysical therapy usually involves natural methods, exercises, massages and equipment therapy to help rehabilitate patients who suffer from pain/inflammation or following an injury. Saying so, obesity is one of the main factors for increased pain and inflammation in joints. As physical therapists, we always advise patients to maintain a desired weight and low body fat percentage to ensure any medication/treatment/ therapy works at its best. The sedentary life, unhealthy eating habits and less movement in day to day activities are few things that impact almost everyone battling the weight issue. As mentioned before, weight loss is key to a person’s wellbeing, it is also something that physical therapists specialize in and can help with. The negative impacts of obesity include high blood pressure and diabetes. Other movement related impacts may include, fatigue, limited flexibility, limited endurance, pain in joints and lower back and legs. Physical therapy has always considered the problem of obesity with seriousness. Although not always directly, physical therapy and related exercises can help with considerable weight loss. Following the prescribed exercises with as much accuracy 64
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as possible and as frequently as prescribed is the first step. The exercises are not always intense, but they still burn calories and increase heart rate which aids fat loss. Performing exercises on the area apart form injury (in case of injury) also is essential. Some patients believe in no exercise while injured. This might add up the kilos. For example, if the pain is in the knee only, upper body can still be worked on, thus helping to burn calories. Swimming and movement/prescribed exercises in the water can also greatly benefit many patients. Physical therapy involves patients performing basic stretching exercises along with more intense muscle strengthening exercises. Physiotherapy works to return the body to a healthy condition naturally and safely. Physical therapy is a maintenance therapy and also provides the body with the regular immunity to fight fat build-up and enhance weight loss. Definitely, it must be performed in combination with exercises and a balanced, calorie monitored diet, that can in turn promote weight loss along with healthier over all body movements. Patients can lead a longer and happier life by just taking small, positive steps towards weight loss and physical therapy respects the natural processes in the body.
As Kuwait's leading lifestyle magazine, we’re all about celebrating living a good’ life with a wholesome, backto-basics approach. Now, through our brand-new e-newsleter, we’re excited to be bringing you more health and wellness tips, delicious seasonal recipes, inspiring stories and epic local and international adventures to your inbox to keep you in the loop and in the know.
Meet CP Magazine’s new Design and Interiors Editor – with a love of universal pink!
Location: AM Design @amdesignkuwait
APRIL 2018
APRIL 2018
What and/or who are some of your design inspirations? For me I can find design inspiration in many places, people and things. Home, family, travel is where I can find myself as cool as I can be.
Do you have a signature touch with your designs? Yes, universal pink!
Now, coming to your graphic designs. When and how did this happen? I have loved design and art since childhood so it grew from there.
Can you tell us a little bit about your own design process? I am often asked to design something for my clients that can’t be found in the market so I begin from scratch.
Is there anything exciting that you are working on at the moment that you can tell us about? I am working on the interior design for a juice bar which will open soon.
What colours, textures and furniture pieces do you love the most? I like black, gold and pink and I love to cement textures with a modern touch. I love modern furniture with a little classic touch.
Describe yourself in three words. Local, motivated, ambitious
What are some of your other hobbies? Reading, travelling, relaxing.
What was the worst professional experience you've ever had? Please introduce yourself to our readers. My name is Fatma Alsairafi. I’m an interior designer and graphic designer here in Kuwait.
How and why did you get into the design Industry? Where did you study, etc? I chose art and design because working in these fields seemed like a wonderfully idyllic and relaxed career choice, where you have pure freedom to let your creative juices flow. However, it may shock you to know that these career paths are actually a lot of hard work. I have a Baccalaureate degree in design and TV stage design. I learn a new design every day.
How has your career unfolded? I found graphic design to be perfect way to combine art, usefulness and literacy.
What have been some of your favourite projects? Familiar logos and remixed art with painting and graphic design. Restaurants and saloon spas are my favourite projects.
It’s when I wait for my design to be completed.
What are some of your personal and/or professional goals for the future? My main goal is to be happy and so I look at this goal and think of what makes me happy and the things I value health, family, friendship and money.
What’s the best piece of advice you have heard and repeat to others? People will come and go. It’s a part of life, not your entire life.
How do you feel joining CP magazine as their design and interiors editor? It’s an honor to join CP magazine and I will give my best effort to grow this magazine.
Location: AM Design @amdesignkuwait
What have been some of your most challenging projects? The most challenging project was when I took on three project designs in the same short period of time.
Spring/Summer 2018 Trends
with Carla & Marie
ith spring already here and summer quickly approaching, we have gathered our top S/S ‘18 trends. There is something for everyone, from soft and feminine shades, to loud and bright colours to really help shake off that winter gloom. Are you ready to bring these fabulous trends from the runways straight into your closet?
#1 PASTELS This ladylike and sweet trend goes right to the top of our fashion pick list. Pastels are, without a doubt, one of the biggest trends this spring/summer. Think of ice-cream colours and apply them to any hue and fashion style you can think of; from ruffles to structured shirts, jeans or business suits. Whether you are more of an edgy girl or a classy lady, we are sure you can find a way to style these pastels to suit your personality.
Credits 70
APRIL 2018
Wardrobe: Maje (IG: majeofficiel) Photographer: Arsan Hassan (IG: arsan_photography Stylists: Carla Otero & Marie Auffret (IG: thestylistes) Location: Dubai Marina Mall
#2 CHECKS AND TARTANS Checks and tartans have been a hot trend for the past few seasons and it looks like they are here to stay. Most of us relate these prints to the colder months, but this is about to change. Don’t be surprised to see these power print pieces across the stores during the spring and summer seasons.
#3 RUFFLES AND FRILLS When we think of a fun and joyful outfit, our minds go straight to ruffles and frills. There is something about them that brings a smile to our face. This season dare to not go unnoticed. The choices are endless and we have gone for princess frills on a bright pink dress. Are you ready to stand out from the crowd in the warmer seasons?
#4 BOLD COLOURS If you are daring, you have found your perfect match with this trend. Bold colours are all about making a statement with primary shades like red, yellow and cobalt blue, without forgetting emerald green and ultraviolet. If you want to go a step further, try combining two bold colours together, like yellow and fuxia and let the sunshine in!
APRIL 2018
Spring/Summer 2018 trends are bringing something for everyone; bright colours and ruffles for those more daring, and checks or pastels for those preferring a more subtle and minimalistic approach.
Did you know that green emerald is the colour representing nature, faith and hope? This beautiful jewel tone is on trend and we love the fact that it’s having its fashion moment as we speak. Not only does it add sophistication and richness to your appearance, it also brings uniqueness and versatility. Green emerald can come as an overall colour from top to bottom or it can be easily combined with mustard, navy blue, black, white and even pastels or metallic.
since 2010
NEW SEASON PICKS The sun is shining and summer is getting closer. It’s time to shop the latest looks of the season with these top picks.
APRIL 2018
on’t we all (especially the ladies) wish that time stood still when the clock struck 30? I know I did and I'm not ashamed to say my true age. Many glorious days of happiness and bliss mixed with trial and error, until practice made perfect. Later, add loads of great memories with a sprinkle of pixie dust on all those enchanting years. I loved every minute of it – and that is my true age, darlings!
are intimidating to most men and your evil X-BFF, but still it is so attractive. These three combined exude and radiate beauty and confidence so a huge thank you to that college we graduated from with honors. A big thank you also to our local clinics that give us a boost of youth when we need it in the form of fillers, radical facials and our old time favourite, Botox. This needle is a life saver for many - and I mean many women from the tender age of 20! This injection has switched gears from epidemic to The way I see it, my life has just begun! Because now I pandemic since it was first used in 1977 to treat a certain can simply say I'm done with all the repetitive mistakes, eye condition. Can you believe that? Incredible! And now blunders and solecism – all that ‘OMG!’ And since we live it has evolved to promote ever-lasting youth and beauty. and learn, it’s high time for us to move on to the next best We have to admit, however, that this needle can do very thing with a much resolved and leveled mindset. Don’t little when we ladies (and sometimes gents) don’t have you agree? the heart to follow through with the complete stages of Age is in the heart. How many of us have heard that the treatment. Because we stop looking for the fountain saying and never given it a moment’s thought? When we of youth in a few droplets found in those injections. I am are young we carry with us, at all times, the arrogance of definitely not saying that they don’t help, but try adding youth. If you are blessed or one of the lucky few, you may a positive mindset and contented lifestyle and mix them get to keep that youth for longer until you grow older and up with some Botox and a regular facial - then you can go a long way to feeling and living young forever! lose that confidence. Times have changed, especially for us ladies. We tend to feel more empowered on a daily basis and I must say, God bless all those women’s leagues, socialites and institutions for equal rights movements and gender equality affirmations. They made all these gifts of freedom available for our use (as well as, unfortunately, some abuse). I will not deny that brains, power and beauty 76
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So next time you are in the clinic for your monthly dose of youth, remember that the science of youth can be bought but doesn’t last - unlike the science of happy and content that all of us have but rarely use. And that, my darlings, is the true fountain of youth and beauty that can last forever! Until next time my youthful darlings, stay safe and fashionable.
2018 ربيع وصيف
Nature VI
SECOND SKIN سكند سكين
َ يمكنك الوثوق به حذاء َ يمنحك الثقة والراحة والدعم حذاء
Directed by Steven Spielberg Written by Ernest Cline and Zac Penn
ased on a bestselling book, 80s nostalgia served on a warm post-apocalyptic platter has finally made its way to the big screen; and the legal permissions needed to take the book’s fair use of copyrighted and trademarked characters to film is, in itself, a miracle. Yet some key things from the book did not make it to the movie for this very reason. Spielberg himself is part of the 80s nostalgia, having directed so many films that permeate the ethos of which the material of this story burns brightest. Even the core story itself is a mere clone of another, even older, classic story (more on this later). Here come the spoilers. This film kicks off with an old school street race on the streets of Havana. It’sWade Watts is a kid who spends most of his real life in a virtual world called the OASIS. In the bleak future almost everyone spends their lives living in a virtual reality where they can be anything or anyone. The film handles the explanation well. Groups of people within the game perform challenges to earn coins with which they can buy things both in the virtual world (such as weapons and artifacts) or in the real world (where it gets delivered by drone to their home). The creator of OASIS has died but left the world a challenge to find three keys which, when combined, will unlock an Easter egg in the OASIS and grant the player ownership of his shares and of OASIS itself. This is essentially a riff from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but hidden by an Easter egg as opposed to a golden ticket in a chocolate bar. In fact, as I watched this story unfold, I began to question any of its originality. I was left with nothing to write about. Even when the antagonist, 78
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Nolan Sorrento, who runs operations at Innovative Online Industries (IOI), tries to cheat his way to the same Easter egg as his company, wants control of the OASIS to monetize, it falls flat as a believable villain. The scene of him risking his life and limb to personally see to the real life demise of the hero is just not in line with what his character is first presented as. The brisk pace of the film leaves the story resting upon ‘did you see that character or that figure from your childhood’ moments which is very ‘blink and you will miss it’ in this film. Other than that, the story doesn’t really deliver and left me unsatisfied. Rather than wanting to stay in the OASIS I wanted to get out of the theater and play in the real world. I must admit I haven’t read the book, and I can imagine some things were changed due to copyright and legal issues. But the things I would change to improve this film are to show us Watt growing up in this world and idolizing the creator of the OASIS and how revered he is to Watts. Show us Sorrento’s relationship to the creator and how he is driven to do the things he does. Show us the society’s dependence upon OASIS and lend more credence to why IOI and Sorrento want control of it so badly. Give Watts time to grieve over losing the last family member he had left when the stacks gets blown up. Show some real human emotion for the characters beyond Watts wanting to kiss a girl. There was a feeling that I couldn’t connect to any of the characters to get any sense of gravitas to the story. Thus it became all ‘style over substance’ for me. In closing, the writers need to not lose sight of character development and motivations for both the hero and villain that propel them to do what they do. Otherwise, it is just a forgettable film full of flashes, glimmers and homage to the toys, cartoons, games and movies of the 80s Thanks for reading Writing Movie ‘WRONGS’.
God's Plan
Pray For Me
Stir Fry
Him & I
Weeknd & Kendrick Lamar
G-Eazy & Halsey
Meant To Be
Say Something
Whatever It Takes
Bebe Rexha & Florida Georgia Line
Camila Cabello & Young Thug
Justin Timberlake & Chris Stapleton
Imagine Dragons
44 More
Sky Walker
King's Dead
Ed Sheeran
Miguel & Travis Scott
Maroon 5
Jay Rock, Kendrick Lamar, Future & James Blake
Look Alive
I Get The Bag
Bruno Mars & Cardi B
BlocBoy JB
Justin Timberlake
Gucci Mane & Migos
New Rules
Post Malone & Ty Dolla $ign
Dua Lipa
Marshmello & Anne-Marie
Logic & Marshmello
NERD & Rihanna
The Middle
All The Stars
Plain Jane
Top Off
You Make It Easy
Zedd, Maren Morris & Grey
Kendrick Lamar & SZA
A$AP Ferg
DJ Khaled
Jason Aldean
Sad! XXXTentacion
Bad At Love
No Limit
Most People Are Good
Migos, Nicki Minaj & Cardi B
G-Eazy, A$AP Rocky & Cardi B
Luke Bryan
Freaky Friday
Walk It Talk It
Outside Today
In My Blood
Lil Dicky & Chris Brown
Migos & Drake
Post Malone & 21 Savage
YoungBoy Never Broke Again
Shawn Mendes
APRIL 2018
From the New York Times-bestselling author of The Interestings, an electric, multilayered novel about ambition, power, friendship, and mentorship, and the romantic ideals we all follow deep into adulthood, not just about who we want to be with, but who we want to be. To be admired by someone we admire - we all yearn for this: the private, electrifying pleasure of being singled out by someone of esteem. But sometimes it can also mean entry to a new kind of life, a bigger world.
APRIL 2018
by Stephen Brusatte
The dinosaurs. Sixty-six million years ago, the Earth’s most fearsome creatures vanished. Today they remain one of our planet’s great mysteries. Now The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs reveals their extraordinary, 200-million-year-long story as never before. In this captivating narrative (enlivened with more than seventy original illustrations and photographs), Steve Brusatte, a young American paleontologist who has emerged as one of the foremost stars of the field naming fifteen new species and leading groundbreaking scientific studies and fieldwork—masterfully tells the complete, surprising, and new history of the dinosaurs, drawing on cutting-edge science to dramatically bring to life their lost world and illuminate their enigmatic origins, spectacular flourishing, astonishing diversity, cataclysmic extinction, and startling living legacy. Captivating and revelatory, The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs is a book for the ages.
by Michelle Dean
From bestselling comic-book franchise writer Charles Soule comes a clever and witty first novel of a twentysomething New Yorker who wakes up one morning with the power to predict the future—perfect for fans of Joe Hill and Brad Meltzer, or books like This Book Is Full of Spiders and Welcome to Night Vale. Knowledge is power. So when an unassuming Manhattan bassist named Will Dando awakens from a dream one morning with 108 predictions about the future in his head, he rapidly finds himself the most powerful man in the world. Protecting his anonymity by calling himself the Oracle, he sets up a heavily guarded Web site with the help of his friend Hamza to selectively announce his revelations. In no time, global corporations are offering him millions for exclusive access, eager to profit from his prophecies.
Dorothy Parker, Rebecca West, Hannah Arendt, Mary McCarthy, Susan Sontag, Pauline Kael, Joan Didion, Nora Ephron, Renata Adler, and Janet Malcolm—these brilliant women are the central figures of Sharp. Their lives intertwine as they cut through the cultural and intellectual history of America in the twentieth century, arguing as fervently with each other as they did with the sexist attitudes of the men who often undervalued their work as critics and essayists. These women are united by what Dean terms as “sharpness,” the ability to cut to the quick with precision of thought and wit, a claiming of power through writing rather than position.
by Charles Soule
by Clemantine Wamariya
Curtis Sittenfeld has established a reputation as a sharp chronicler of the modern age who humanizes her subjects even as she skewers them. Now, with this first collection of short fiction, her "astonishing gift for creating characters that take up residence in readers' heads" (The Washington Post) is showcased like never before. Throughout the ten stories in You Think It, I'll Say It, Sittenfeld upends assumptions about class, relationships, and gender roles in a nation that feels both adrift and viscerally divided. In "The World Has Many Butterflies," married acquaintances play a strangely intimate game with devastating consequences. In "Vox Clamantis in Deserto," a shy Ivy League student learns the truth about a classmate's seemingly enviable life. In "A Regular Couple," a high-powered lawyer honeymooning with her husband is caught off guard by the appearance of the girl who tormented her in high school. And in "The Prairie Wife," a suburban mother of two fantasizes about the downfall of an old friend whose wholesome lifestyle-brand empire may or may not be built on a lie.
Clemantine Wamariya was six years old when her mother and father began to speak in whispers, when neighbors began to disappear, and when she heard the loud, ugly sounds her brother said were "thunder." In 1994, she and her fifteen-year-old sister, Claire, fled the Rwandan massacre and spent the next six years wandering through seven African countries, searching for safety perpetually hungry, imprisoned and abused, enduring and escaping refugee camps, finding unexpected kindness, witnessing inhuman cruelty. They did not know whether their parents were dead or alive. When Clemantine was twelve, she and her sister were granted asylum in the United States, where she embarked on another journey to excavate her past and, after years of being made to feel less than human, claim her individuality.
From the New York Times bestselling authors of America’s First Daughter comes the epic story of Eliza Schuyler Hamilton—a revolutionary woman who, like her new nation, struggled to define herself in the wake of war, betrayal, and tragedy. Haunting, moving, and beautifully written, Dray and Kamoie used thousands of letters and original sources to tell Eliza’s story as it’s never been told before— not just as the wronged wife at the center of a political sex scandal— but also as a founding mother who shaped an American legacy in her own right. A general’s daughter… Coming of age on the perilous frontier of revolutionary New York, Elizabeth Schuyler champions the fight for independence. And when she meets Alexander Hamilton, Washington’s penniless but passionate aide-de-camp, she’s captivated by the young officer’s charisma and brilliance. They fall in love, despite Hamilton’s bastard birth and the uncertainties of war.
by Curtis Sittenfeld
DEAR MRS BIRD by A.J. Pearce
London, 1940. Emmeline Lake is Doing Her Bit for the war effort, volunteering as a telephone operator with the Auxiliary Fire Services. When Emmy sees an advertisement for a job at the London Evening Chronicle, her dreams of becoming a Lady War Correspondent suddenly seem achievable. But the job turns out to be working as a typist for the fierce and renowned advice columnist, Henrietta Bird. Emmy is disappointed, but gamely bucks up and buckles down. Mrs. Bird is very clear: letters containing any Unpleasantness must go straight in the bin. But when Emmy reads poignant notes from women who may have Gone Too Far with the wrong men, or who can’t bear to let their children be evacuated, she is unable to resist responding. As the German planes make their nightly raids, and London picks up the smoldering pieces each morning, Emmy secretly begins to write back to the readers who have poured out their troubles.
RAMPAGE Primatologist Davis Okoye (Johnson), a man who keeps people at a distance, shares an unshakable bond with George, the extraordinarily intelligent, silverback gorilla who has been in his care since birth. But a rogue genetic experiment gone awry transforms this gentle ape into a raging monster. To make matters worse, it’s soon discovered there are other similarly altered alpha predators. As these newly created monsters tear across North America, destroying everything in their path, Okoye teams with a discredited genetic engineer to secure an antidote, fighting his way through an ever-changing battlefield, not only to halt a global catastrophe but to save the fearsome creature that was once his friend. CAST: Dwayne Johnson, Naomie Harris, Jake Lacy, Breanne Hill, Malin Akerman, Joe Manganiello DIRECTOR: Brad Peyton GENRES: ACTION HORROR
The Avengers and their Super Hero allies must be willing to sacrifice all in an attempt to defeat the powerful Thanos before his blitz of devastation and ruin puts an end to the universe.
In I FEEL PRETTY an ordinary woman who struggles with feelings of insecurity and inadequacy on a daily basis wakes from a fall believing she is suddenly the most beautiful and capable woman on the planet. With this newfound confidence she is empowered to live her life fearlessly and flawlessly, but what will happen when she realizes her appearance never changed?
CAST: Robert Downey Jr., Jeremy Renner, Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo DIRECTOR: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo GENRES: ACTION ADVENTURE FANTASY SCI-FI
CAST: Amy Schumer, Michelle Williams, Emily Ratajkowski, Rory Scovel, Aidy Bryant, Sasheer Zamata DIRECTOR:Abby Kohn, Marc Silverstein
OVERBOARD Overboard focuses on "Leonardo", a selfish, spoiled, rich playboy from Mexico's richest family and "Kate", a working class single mom of three hired to clean Leonardo's luxury yacht. After unjustly firing Kate and refusing to pay her, Leonardo falls overboard when partying too hard and wakes up on the Oregon coast with amnesia. Kate shows up at the hospital and, to get payback, convinces Leonardo he is her husband and puts him to work - for the first time in his life. At first miserable and inept, Leonardo slowly settles in. Eventually he earns the respect of his new "family" and co-workers. But, with Leonardo's billionaire family hot on their trail and the possibility of his memory returning at any moment, will their new family last or will Leonardo finally put the clues together and leave them for good? CAST: Anna Faris, Eugenio Derbez, Eva Longoria, John Hannah DIRECTOR: Bob Fisher GENRES: COMEDY ROMANCE
APRIL 2018
Marlo (Academy Award® winner Charlize Theron), a mother of three including a newborn, is gifted a night nanny by her brother (Mark Duplass). Hesitant to the extravagance at first, Marlo comes to form a unique bond with the thoughtful, surprising, and sometimes challenging young nanny named Tully (Mackenzie Davis).
Fifteen-year-old Charley Thompson (Charlie Plummer) arrives in Portland, Oregon with his single father Ray (Travis Fimmel), both of them eager for a fresh start after a series of hard knocks. While Ray descends into personal turmoil, Charley finds acceptance and camaraderie at a local racetrack where he lands a job caring for an aging Quarter Horse named Lean On Pete. The horse’s gruff owner Del Montgomery (Steve Buscemi) and his seasoned jockey Bonnie (Chloë Sevigny) help Charley fill the void of his father’s absence—until he discovers that Pete is bound for slaughter, prompting him to take extreme measures to spare his new friend’s life.
CAST: Charlize Theron, Mackenzie Davis, Ron Livingston, Mark Duplass DIRECTOR: Jason Reitman
CAST: Charlie Plummer, Chloë Sevigny, Steve Buscemi, Travis Fimmell, Steve Zahn, Thomas Mann DIRECTOR: Andrew Haigh
A U.S. diplomat (Jon Hamm) flees Lebanon in 1972 after a tragic incident at his home. Ten years later, he is called back to war-torn Beirut by CIA operatives (Rosamund Pike) to negotiate for the life of a friend he left behind.
A faithful wife (Oscar® nominee Taraji P. Henson) tired of standing by her devious husband (Lyriq Bent) is enraged when it becomes clear she has been betrayed.
CAST: Rosamund Pike, Jon Hamm, Shea Whigham, Mark Pellegrino, Dean Norris DIRECTOR: Brad Anderson
CAST: Ajiona Alexus, Danielle Nicolet, Tika Sumpter, Jazmyn Simon, Lyriq Bent DIRECTOR: Rose Olivia Sharon
BLUMHOUSE'S TRUTH OR DARE A harmless game of “Truth or Dare” among friends turns deadly when someone—or something—begins to punish those who tell a lie—or refuse the dare.
CAST: Lucy Hale, Tyler Posey, Violett Beane, Nolan Gerard Funk, Hayden Szeto, Sophia Taylor Ali DIRECTOR: Jeff Wadlow GENRES:
A workaholic dad, stuck in a nowhere job, inherits a rundown circus from a distant relative he hardly knew. On the brink of losing his job, his house, and his sanity… he uncovers a magical box of Animal Crackers that gives him the uncanny ability to become any animal from the box.
When an international border dispute arises between the U.S. and Canada, the Super Troopers- Mac, Thorny, Foster, Rabbit and Farva, are called in to set up a new Highway Patrol station in the disputed area. Unconventional police work follows, and the result is… Super Troopers 2.
In Duck Duck Goose, a high-flying bachelor goose named Peng (voiced by Jim Gaffigan) is injured in flight and finds himself saddled with two adorably hilarious and demanding ducklings (voiced by Zendaya and Lance Lim), on a long journey south that will turn this scrappy threesome into a family.
CAST: Emily Blunt, John Krasinski, Danny DeVito, Sylvester Stallone, Ian McKellen, Patrick Warburton
CAST: Kevin Heffernan, Paul Soter, Steve Lemme, Erik Stolhanske, Jay Chandrasekhar,Rob Lowe
CAST: Jim Gaffigan, Carl Reiner, Stephen Fry, Zendaya, Jennifer Grey, Molly Shannon
DIRECTOR: Tony Bancroft, Scott Christian Sava
DIRECTOR: Jay Chandrasekhar
DIRECTOR: Christopher Jenkins
The coolest products curated especially for you
Invidyo: World's Smartest Child Monitor
Candle Powered LED Lamp
Comes with face recognition with unrecognized person alerts, it automatically detects when your child smiles and generates smile albums, it moderates temperature, humidity and air quality, and lastly comes with Amazon Alexa Show.
It converts a tea light’s heat into electrical light, you can also use a scented candle, if you prefer. It's a battery free, long-live product that's friendly on the environment. It can be used anywhere!
Cut Resistant Gloves With a resistance four times strong than leather, they're ideal for cutting, working with mandoline slicers, knives, cutters, graters and peelers in the kitchen, woodworking, carving, carpentry, oyster shucking, and much more.
Tactical Outdoor Survival Paracord Bracelet A military high strength parachute cord that waves into a bracelet. Includes temperature gauge, paracord, flint rod, scraper, whistle and buckle.
APRIL 2018
Sony HT-ST5000 The Uber Scuuter Plus One of the first electric, foldable scooters with top speed of 15 mph and covers a 27 mile range per charge. It holds a full capacity battery in only three to five hours., unlike most electric scooters than take 10+ hours to charge.
A cinematic home theater experience isn’t quite there without cinematic sound. Sony, a brand that takes home entertainment very seriously, won’t let you suffer through a movie with just your TV speakers taking care of audio. Their new HT-ST5000 is a 7.1.2-channel soundbar with Dolby Atmos, 3D Sound Experience, is Hi-Res Audio rated, and has all of 10 speakers to give you unmatched performance whatever is on the telly.
Athena Wearable Safety Accessory Crispy Bacon GrillPulse Oximeter Cooks up to 6 strips of lean, thin cut bacon in minutes. Vertical cooking drains the grease in to a slide-out drip tray.
This personal safety alarm sends live GPS notifications to your pre-programmed emergency contacts. You can press and hold to sound a high-frequency alarm and simultaneously alert contacts with your location. You can also press three times to silently send a distress signal.
Fingerless LED Flashlight Gloves Good for repairing, owrking in dark places, fishing, camping, hiking and outdoor activities.
Fujifilm X-A5 As the newest entry-level camera in Fujifilm’s X-series and the first to feature power zoom, the X-A5 lets you shoot with confidence. Sporting a 24.2-megapixel APS-C image sensor, this lightweight and compact mirrorless camera has an automatic Bluetooth image transfer function that immediately sends your photos to your mobile device.
Over 300 VIP guests and dignitaries including HH Sheikh Duaj Al Sabah and HH Sheikha Bashaya Al Sabah joined Tina Sharp, General Manager Bloomingdale’s Kuwait on March 14th 2018, for a high-octane, fun-filled birthday party to celebrate the iconic store becoming one year young. Throughout the day leading up to the event, the B-Squad dance troupe performed around 360 Mall to spread the word that the event of the year was happening, and they also performed at regular intervals in-store for the delighted guests, with their energetic breakdance routines. The buzz was spread across all three levels of the store, with exciting and valuable spot prizes and offers, customization stations, make-up tutorials, a flip-book photo activity, special appearances by designers Manar of Kuwaiti based handbag brand Moni & J, and Amanda Navai, candy floss and other sweet treats galore, and Bloomies Pizzeria was back by popular demand. All the while, DJ Miss Meg had the crowd dancing while they shopped, and the Big Brown Bear joined in the fun, showing off his dance moves and giving big bear hugs to everyone that he met. The outstanding work of local artists was on display throughout the store, with Razag creating a live masterpiece in one of the ground floor windows during the course of the evening. Popular café concept Scene also turned one, and launched a revamped menu in honor of the occasion, with a number of new delicacies that are sure to please their loyal clientele. 86
APRIL 2018
Swiss luxury watch manufacturer IWC Schaffhausen and its retail partner in Kuwait, Morad Yousuf Behbehani Group, marked the exciting introduction of the exclusive Ingenieur Chronograph Edition Kuwait City with a cocktail reception. The launch follows the success of the Portugieser Automatic Edition Kuwait and commemorates the longstanding partnership between IWC and the Behbehani Group, as well as the vibrant country’s passion for racing. Held at the IWC boutique at 360 mall, the event was attended by a selection of guests who learned more about the limited-edition timepiece.
APRIL 2018
Salt Restaurant now open for lunch in Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa Signature restaurant launches new menu featuring local favorites and exciting Asian creations
Salt Restaurant for seafood and international cuisine at Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa celebrated the launch of its new menu. The signature restaurant also announced that opening of its doors for lunch in addition to dinner. The announcement was made in a glamorous style with the presence of distinguished members of the media. General Manager, Savino Leone and Director of PR & Communications, Carol Roncoletta welcomed the special guests in an event that epitomized Jumeirah’s luxury and renowned hospitality of Stay Different™. Delighted members of the media were given the privilege of sampling dishes from the crafted menu before it was implemented in Salt. Upon arrival, media invitees were enthralled with a live sushi demonstration where they had the opportunity to dive deep into the succulent creations of the restaurant’s sushi chef. Guests were then treated to an exquisite 3-course
menu as they unwound on the rhythms of live piano music in the background to add up to the sophisticated ambiance. The menu featured Charcoal Sweet Corn soup, served in Salt’s renowned signature style, followed by the main course ‘Salt Discovery’ Surf & Turf, with Wagyu tenderloin, Lobster Thermidor and Jumbo Prawns. The meal was rounded off with a delectable, sweet desert of Valrhona Albino Chocolate; a special finale to an engaging afternoon. General Manager, Savino Leone, said: “As hospitality leaders, we are committed to consistently offer our guests’ unique dining experiences and that is what we strive to do with our revamped Salt menu”. He added: “We are confident our new culinary creations will be popular with our loyal Salt diners and those experiencing our luxury dining hospitality for the first time.” The updated menu features some traditional local and international favourites and some distinctive additions, including flavoursome sushi and sashimi.
Movenpick Hotel Free Zone Launches the BBQ Nights
ICONIC launches Summer’18 campaign
PRESS RELEASES Starbucks Introduces Reserve Store in The Avenues
ICONIC, the youngest fashion destination from the stable of retail conglomerate Landmark Group has just launched its Summer’18 campaign with brand ambassador Varun Dhawan. Adding oomph to the campaign alongside Varun is Bollywood star Esha Gupta. The fresh and youthful campaign will showcase the best of the summer trends in true ICONIC style. With the new collection, you can define your seasonal style with an array of trends ranging from the casual safari look that highlights comfort and relaxed attitude to a more feminine and whimsical ladylike dress code. Casual resort wear is key for women while Men lean towards a minimal line with a contemporary look playing with prints. Men can take their pick from collections that feature a ton of Pink for those who embrace more washed out tones. The new campaign and the uber cool TVC is out in the GCC and across varied communication channels including Outdoor, Radio, TV & Online. Head over to ICONIC and shop the latest Summer collection available at Salam Mall in Salmiya and at Sama Mall in Fintas.
Kuwait was the start of Starbucks journey in the MENA region, with the first store opening 18 years ago in the Souq Sharq waterfront. Today, Starbucks introduces the 3rd immersive coffee destination in The Avenues , where the theatre of coffee led by expert Coffee Master baristas, takes center stage. The opening of the first store with a Reserve coffee bar experience in The Forum - The Avenues, the largest mall in Kuwait, represents Starbucks uncompromising pursuit of elevating the coffee experience for its customers. Commenting on the store opening, Graeme Gardiner, Senior Operations Manager - Starbucks Kuwait said: “We are extremely proud to introduce our 3rd reserve store in Kuwait. These stores showcases our passion for coffee in this region. With an immersive and sensory coffee bar, the new store defines a new opportunity bringing customers closer to their coffee - and Starbucks – more than ever before.” Featuring the company’s rare, small-lot Reserve coffees roasted at its Seattle Roastery, the Reserve bar follows the shape of the banquette elegant design, especially created to celebrate coffee but also to be locally relevant for Kuwait ant eh Avenues mall in particular. The store feature a carved timber elements to give a 3dimentional feel to the walls with elegant lighting allowing these unique designs to sparkle from a distance. Creating a clean yet simple bar setting, allowing the store to run naturally from the core bar thru to the theatric of the Reserve brew methods. This design gives the Coffee Masters the platform to engage in a dialogue with customers over unique brewing methods. These methods include the Clover™ Brewing System, pour over, siphon, chemex, and Black Eagle manual espresso machine. Only available in limited quantities, each Reserve coffee is one-of-a-kind, sourced from coffee growing regions in Latin America, Africa and the Asia Pacific islands. Three Reserve coffees will be on offer at the store opening – Nicaragua Maracaturra, Guatamala Flor Del Roasrio and Kenya Kamwani. The store will also offer Starbucks core range of food and beverages that are known and loved by customers in Kuwait. 90
APRIL 2018
Home Centre Launches Exclusive Catalogue for Nursery, Kids & Teens
The Rado True Thinline Nature Collection Inspired by nature, realised by Rado
The Rado True Thinline Nature Collection is a beautiful fusion of nature and innovation taking the essence of Rado, and blending elements of the natural world into its design. The fruits of a creative partnership with Grandi Giardini Italiani - an organisation that promotes the rich heritage of grand Italian gardens - these additions to the True Thinline Collection celebrate the intersection between design and nature. In our increasingly urbanised lives, great pleasure can be taken from experiencing the vibrant colours of nature. The Rado designers took the very best elements of the natural world and worked to incorporate this aesthetic into these new True Thinline models. Whether it be the rich taupe brown of Earth, the deep midnight blue of Water, or the verdant green of Leaf, each colour rejuvenates the eye like a walk through a beautiful garden leaving it refreshed and inspired. Colours of nature created in high-tech ceramic
Although the palette is simple and comes from nature, Home Centre, the largest home retailer in the Middle East, has launched its first exclusive catalogue for children that introduces over 1,200 inspiring designs for the youngest members of the family. Carefully collated to blend elements of fun and functionality, the 68-page catalogue showcases 23 exquisitely appointed rooms for children of all ages – from infants to teenagers. A full digitised version of the catalogue will also be available online, featuring interactive elements and a mobile responsive design. Designed to appeal to Home Centre’s diverse customer base, the catalogue caters to every style and budget, helping parents create spaces children can call their own. Brimming with creative interior ideas for nurseries, children’s bedrooms, playrooms and study rooms, the catalogue reinforces the brand’s focus on unparalleled quality, internationally sourced materials and ecofriendly, child-safe materials that constitute the best product offering in the market. Home Centre’s new ensemble for kids offers a wide assortment of furniture and accessories ranging from soft furnishing to lighting options, storage solutions and wall art, offering something endearing for every child. One of the highlights is the popular Kidit collection, a line of flexible children’s furniture solutions exclusively designed by Home Centre to adapt to children as they grow. The collection features a vibrant, playful melange of themes inspired by the limitless imagination of children across seven creative ranges – princess, dinosaur, pirate, car, safari, dollhouse and surfer.
recreating these colours consistently in high-tech ceramic is incredibly difficult and, currently, only Rado has the expertise. To complement the lustrous cases and bracelets, each piece in the collection involves a unique dial treatment that echoes the natural world. Water gains a painted Motherof-Pearl dial that evokes the ebb and flow of the open sea, Earth boasts a metallised coating, which reflects and refracts light beautifully, and Leaf sports green Mother-of-Pearl with a leaf structure applied to its underside which shimmers brilliantly in the light. The True Thinline is, in many ways, the ultimate Rado with its full high-tech ceramic construction, pioneering monobloc case and its lightness and thinness working in perfect harmony with its durable and scratch-resistant properties. Now, with the influence of nature, each piece subtly evokes beautiful aspects of the natural world, transforming these timepieces into something truly special, a calming and regenerative visual treat for the wrists of nature lovers.
Sleep is essential for a child’s growth and development owing to which Home Centre has collaborated with industry experts, Growing Child on a new line of mattresses that help support children’s wellbeing at every age. In line with its commitment to providing great value, Home Centre offers a warranty of up to 5 years on furniture and up to 2 years on home accessories. The catalogue is available across all Home Centre stores located at Al Rai, Shuwaikh, The Avenues, Kuwait City, Fahaheel and Sama Mall (Fintas), and online on www. So, shop the collection and surprise your children with a room of their dreams.
Splash announces grand winners of its 25th Anniversary celebrations
Splash, Middle East’s largest fast fashion retailer, recently announced the names of winners of its 25th Anniversary celebrations. Kicking off the celebrations in glamour, Splash partnered with BMW to offer 25 eye- catching 520i 2018 model cars in Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman. The BMW promotion started from 24th January 2018 – 3rd March 2018 with the Raffle draw taking place on 8 March at the Splash store in the Avenues where the two winners from Kuwait were announced. Abu Stait Hamdi Ibrahim Mohammad and Ms. Nourah Fahad Farhan drove away the two BMW 520i. Speaking on the brand turning 25, Raza Beig, CEO, Splash & ICONIC, said “2018 is a testament to how hard-work and determination make dreams come true and the entire team is proud of this achievement. Beig added, Fashion is about change and the industry has significantly evolved in the last two decades and in this world of change, Splash, UAE’s home-grown fast fashion retailer turns 25. An extraordinary journey of celebrations and success, trials & triumphs, we have lived each moment with our valued customers, partners & stakeholders. Commenting on Splash and the promotion, Mr. Saibal Basu, Chief Operating Officer of Landmark Group, Kuwait said, "I would like to congratulate the two lucky winners from Kuwait and the rest of the winners from the GCC. This campaign reinforces our commitment to our customers by bringing the entire brand experience of 25 years of fashion to life. We will continue connecting with the sensibilities of the fashion-savvy Middle Eastern consumer and build a positive response.”
PRESS RELEASES KidZania Kuwait participated in Kuwait’s 16th Annual Firefighters’ Day!
KidZania Kuwait took part in Kuwait’s 16th Annual Firefighters’ Day held at the Sheikh Jaber Al Ahmed Cultural Center from March 1 to 3, with a free pop-up event to give visitors a fun twist to their weekend. The exciting kid-sized metropolis entertained over 800 visitors with loads of fun activities from face painting, arts and crafts to a firefighting-themed activity to teach them all about fire safety and what to do in case of a fire emergency, along with an opportunity to win cool giveaways. KidZania took full control over the children’s section at the Firefighters’ Event, while guaranteeing endless fun, combined with education. The initiative came in line with KidZania’s CSR efforts to continue providing children with the best learning experiences, inside KidZania and among the local community, by performing different community service activities around the year. This opportunity also highlights KidZania’s exiting and strong ties with the Kuwait Fire Services Department, who have collaborated with KidZania on many other projects in the past. Fernando Medroa, Vice President of Leisure and Entertainment at M.H. Alshaya said: “We are delighted to collaborate yet again with our partners from the Kuwait Fire Service Department, to help educate children on a very important topic such as fire safety awareness. We were pleased by the great turn-out at the event and our booth, and we wish to work with them on launching other great initiatives in the future. KidZania’s management team extended a heartfelt thank you to all representatives at the Kuwait Fire Services Department, for their continues collaboration with KidZania to help bring forth its global role as a community involved brand.
APRIL 2018
Porsche Centre Kuwait and Porsche Kids Driving School sponsor Mommy and Me Market
In a step towards reaffirming its support in promoting safe driving in Kuwait, Porsche Centre Kuwait, Behbehani Motors Company, recently sponsored the participation and activities of Porsche Kids Driving School (PKDS) at a fun-filled event, Mommy and Me Market, which was held at the Salwa Sabah Al-Ahmad Theater & Hall. The participation introduced road and traffic safety guidelines to children aged between three and 10 years old through the ‘Early Childhood Road and Traffic Safety Programme’ offered by PKDS, and under the complete support and sponsorship of Porsche Centre Kuwait for the past six years. The programme was launched as a result of the United Nation’s and World Health Organisation’s ‘Decade of Action for Road Safety’ initiative. The programme allows children to become familiar with the different traffic signs and laws through a series of sessions and lectures offered by a group of trained instructors. During the past two years the programme has helped over 40,000 students from schools across the country, both government and private, learn how to be responsible drivers, passengers and pedestrians. Commenting on the sponsorship of the PKDS programmes, Hany Mary, Marketing Manager at Porsche Centre Kuwait said, “It is an honour to continually support PKDS activities year after year as it plays a key role in positively contributing towards the overall traffic safety practices within our community structure. At Porsche Centre Kuwait, we firmly believe that instilling principles of safe driving and understanding the importance of abiding by traffic laws will play an important part in moulding the minds of our young ones who are set to be future leaders of the country.” During the event, children participated in different driving activities, including driving the Porsche 911 pedal cars on a specially designed road circuit, with roundabouts, junctions and speed bumps, in addition to learning about the Four Golden Rules to successfully complete their participation and receive their first driver’s license. The one-day event also featured a display of the Porsche Macan vehicle, one of Porsche’s familyfavourite compact SUVs. The Macan offers genuine Porsche driving dynamics with a turbocharged four-cylinder engine that is ready to embark on every adventure with 252 hp and a top speed of 229 km/h. The five-door sports car can be fitted with optional safety features for children, including the Porsche child seat, which is specially designed, tested and approved to meet strict safety standards and provide protection and comfort to passengers up to 12 years of age. Additionally, an array of the Porsche Driver’s Selection items were available at the event to invite enthusiastic drivers to discover the sophisticated designs and genuine clothing, personal and vehicle accessories ranges offered to match the Porsche lifestyle and drive the fascination of the brand both on the road and beyond. Supporting the PKDS’s programmes and activities comes in line with the company’s corporate social responsibility philosophy and their dedication to extending the levels of traffic safety awareness across the community and as a step towards contributing to minimizing the rates of traffic accidents in Kuwait. For more information, visit Porsche Centre Kuwait on Facebook and Instagram. To learn more about the programmes and activities offered by PKDS, please visit their website,
Jimmy Choo shares the Spring Summer 2018 campaign starring models Anja Rubik and Clément Chabernaud. Two provocateurs in one city, the glossy environs of New York’s apartment life form the backdrop. Surfaces are mirrored and shine, signalling the glamour inherent to Jimmy Choo. A light hearted nod to the stylish voyeurism of Alfred Hitchcock’s 1954 classic thriller Rear Window, is wittily played out for our time. Who’s watching who? Selfaware and mutually assertive, their sexy and entertaining vignettes are captured by British photographer Craig McDean.
“Anja encapsulates the confident style and spirit of the Jimmy Choo woman in her urban habitat. She’s playfully provocative and comfortable in her own skin captured by Craig McDean in natural moments of cat and mouse with Clément.” Sandra Choi, Creative Director Confident in the tease, their parallel lives unfold. The power of the unknown dressed with high sophisticationarchitectural heels have purpose, paired with frissoninducing satins and cashmeres, and subtle lo-fi shimmer. There’s an art to intrigue, yes, but the thrill of the tease is incomparable. Who dares-flirts, and wins.
Leading international retailer Debenhams has opened the doors of its Middle Eastern flagship store in Kuwait’s iconic The Avenues, bringing 20 new beauty brands and 40 new fashion brands to the region in a dazzling three-story destination. The largest Debenhams outside the UK at more than 12,000 square metres, the new store features more than 85 fashion brands, as well as a unique mix of clothing and products from the retailer’s extensive portfolio of household British designer names including Jasper Conran, Julien Macdonald, Preen and John Rocha alongside new fashion brands like Hobbs, Guess, Tommy Hilfiger and Aldo. The new beauty hall with more than 35 beauty brands will be the largest in The Avenues, and will bring 20 new brands that includes Tom Ford, Urban Decay and Huda Beauty. The store also features Kuwait’s first dedicated personal shopper service – a free service, which gives shoppers the chance to relax in the comfort of their own suite while the personal shoppers collect fashion items for them to try on. David Smith, Debenhams’ International Managing Director, said: “Shoppers in the Middle East are passionate about fashion and beauty. Our new Kuwait store is the biggest outside the UK, and will be the cornerstone of Debenhams’ international network. We are proud to add it to our portfolio.” The store has illuminated glass framework showcasing the four main entrances, and each floor has a different finish – marble in the beauty hall, timber and ceramic tiles in home and children’s wear, and a stylish grey tile in menswear - specially designed to create zones, which guide consumers seamlessly around. The new Debenhams joins a portfolio of 243 Debenhams stores across 28 countries worldwide. The store will be open from 10am to 11pm.
INJAZ Kuwait Awards Best Educational Program with Scholarships INJAZ Kuwait awarded Agrivage, a company that aims at recycling food waste and converting it into usable rich soil and winners of the Best Educational Program award, with scholarships for 8 students. In cooperation with Shorelight Education, the students from Agrivage will get a chance to
attend one of three universities in the United States, thanks to a scholarship worth up to $25,000. INJAZ Kuwait has fully dedicated its efforts to making a difference in the lives of Kuwait’s youth and to invest in their positive energy and to encourage them by ensuring that they are equipped with the knowledge and understanding of entrepreneurship and financial literacy through INJAZ Kuwait’s educational programs. Commenting on the occasion, Mrs. Laila Al-Mutairi, INJAZ Kuwait CEO said: “We’re pleased to award Agrivage, one of our most promising companies, with scholarships so that they can continue on their journey towards becoming entrepreneurs.” “We are extremely proud of the exceptional performance and the results delivered by “Agrivage” team in particular and youth of Kuwait in general, they have been working hard to establish their own future businesses. At INJAZ, our responsibility has always been and will always remain to develop youth of Kuwait by providing innovative educational programs to become entrepreneurs. I would like to give a special thanks to Shorelight Education for their cooperation and to all our sponsors and partners for their ongoing support and contribution to the success of INJAZ’s programs, to inspire and educate the generations to come.” INJAZ Kuwait will continue to equip and support youth to ensure a more prosperous future for generations to come.
Dubai Festivals and Retail Establishment (DFRE), an agency of the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (Dubai Tourism), has launched a first-of-its-kind competition ‘Design for Dubai’. Open to all residents and nationals from the GCC, the contest aims to support the region’s fashion designers by showcasing their talent on both a regional and international stage. The Design for Dubai competition invites designers to submit three to four images of their capsule SS18 collections for runway, ready to wear, jewellery and accessories to be in with a chance of winning an exclusive month-long, pop-up retail space in the new fashion extension at Dubai Festival City Mall. The competition runs for two weeks, from 21 March until 4 April, with the five winners set to be announced on 9 April. The exclusive judging panel includes the biggest names in the retail and fashion industry, including Jazia Aldhnahani, CEO Dubai Design & Fashion Council (DDFC); Maitha Al Suwaidi, Executive Director of Marketing and Communications, d3; Maryam Hassani, Founder of 55FIFTY7; and Lisseth Azab, Global Director, Azdef Group. Ahmed Al Khaja, CEO, Dubai Festivals and Retail Establishment (DFRE), an agency of Dubai Tourism said: “We are excited to announce the launch of a brand new initiative that aims to discover and promote fashion designers from across the region, offering them the opportunity to showcase their collections in an exclusive dedicated retail space provided by our partners at Dubai Festival City Mall. I look forward to seeing designs from the incredible talent we have within the GCC, as well as providing the next step for the winners in their fashion careers. Dubai is well established as an international fashion destination and continues to be a base for emerging talent to launch themselves."
APRIL 2018
PRESS Gulf Bank Diamond Sponsor of GUST Career Fair
Doha Bank hosted a knowledge sharing on “New World Order and Changing Business Model” on 19th March 2018 at JW Marriot Hotel, Kuwait. The event was well attended by leading Corporates who were keen to hear about potential business opportunities from Qatar – Kuwait bilateral relationships. Dr. R. Seetharaman, CEO of Doha Bank gave the keynote address. He said “According to IMF Jan 2018 Outlook, the advanced economies expected to grow by 2.3% in 2018 and 2.2% in 2019 respectively. The emerging and developing economies expected to grow by 4.9% in 2018 and 5% in 2019 respectively. The Fed meeting is going to happen this week. The US Federal Reserve is expected to series of interest rate hikes this year, hoping to get out in front of an expected pickup in inflation. This month Japan led 11 countries to sign an ambitious new Trans-Pacific Partnership, despite US withdrawal. Earlier President Donald Trump’s announced that the US will raise tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. ” Dr. R. Seetharaman gave insight on the future trends impacting digital space and sustainable development. He said “The Fourth Industrial Revolution combines advanced technologies in innovative ways, dramatically reshaping the way people live, work and relate to one another. Various industries are getting redefined, the health sector can be reimagined, the work space is undergoing changes, robotics and artificial intelligence are going to play important roles and the customer will be more empowered in the digital environment. Fintech, internet of things, block chain and artificial intelligence are some of the major technological developments. Robotics, enabled by artificial intelligence and machine learning, is proving to be a game changer that can bring unique operational efficiencies to the financial services industry. Accelerating digital ecosystem development could lead to cashless economies. Banks and the financial regulators should address the trade-off between convenience and security when it comes to digital banking. From compliance perspective banks and the regulators have to deal with questions arising from digital banking. To protect customers, thwart organised criminals, and ensure financial stability, prudential and conduct regulators, and legislators, need to ensure that regulation is future-proofed for the digital age. Doha Bank also believes in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which into force from beginning of 2016 after adoption of the same at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015. Doha Bank Group as part of its corporate social responsibility will demonstrate fair, open, efficient and consistent business practices to mitigate climate change and promote sustainable development.”
Porsche Road Safety Program for Schools participates at GCC Traffic Week activities
Gulf Bank will participate in Gulf University for Science and Technology’s (GUST) Career Fair as a Diamond Sponsor. The Career Fair, aimed at connecting students and alumni with potential career opportunities, will take place today Sunday 25 March and tomorrow 26 March 2018 at the university’s campus in Mishref. Gulf Bank’s participation and support of the Career Fair comes in line with its commitment to attract young Kuwaiti talent by being the employer of choice, reinforcing its role in supporting Kuwait’s youth and the development of Kuwait’s economy. During the fair, Gulf Bank will be represented by a team from its Human Resources department at its dedicated booth. A seminar to help guide students on how to present their CV will include tips on what is important to overcome the personal interview. Students interested in working in the banking sector will receive in-depth knowledge about the Bank’s renowned program AJYAL, a graduate development program dedicated to developing potential bankers for the Bank and for Kuwait. They are invited to have informal open discussions with the Human Resources team regarding banking career opportunities. Gulf Bank will liaise with graduates, students, and alumni to offer the opportunity to apply for internships, full-time, and volunteer positions on the spot. The Bank will share its services, market insights, advice, and will collect CVs and help students apply online for possible job opportunities by conducting on-site interviews with candidates. Mrs. Salma Al-Hajjaj, the General Manager of Human Resources at Gulf Bank, said, “We’re proud to be a Diamond Sponsor of the GUST Career Fair, where we have the chance to meet some of the best and brightest students in the country. We at Gulf Bank are committed to supporting Kuwaiti youth as well as the development of our economy.” Mrs. Al-Hajjaj continued, “Students can rest assured that we at the Bank are committed to supporting them as they start their working careers and that the Bank is the employer of choice, placing its human capital at the forefront of its business investment. We are very much looking forward to welcoming ambitious new employees to our workforce very soon.” Gulf Bank remains strongly committed to supporting youth events and initiatives to help empower the next generation of Kuwaitis and contribute to the enhancement of the country’s economy, reaching out through ongoing programs, which provide encouragement and support during their education, by providing practical, superior services, and attractive promotions designed specifically for the younger generation. Most recently, the Bank was also a Diamond Sponsor of the College of Business Administration’s Career Fair, which took place on 15 and 16 March at the Kuwait University campus in Shuwaikh. To find out more about Gulf Bank, customers can visit www.e-gulfbank. com, call 1805805, or visit one of Gulf Bank’s 57 branches in Kuwait.
1. Shazam is a globally popular phone app which recognizes and identifies: Barcodes, Music/Songs, Places/Routes, or Food?
2. Zika disease, identified 1947 and epidemic in S America commencing 2015, is mainly transmitted by infected: Water, Mosquitoes, Coughing and sneezing, or Fruit?
4. What term evolved c.2009-2014 from meaning simply 'relaxing' to a euphemism for sex: Virtual reality, Netflix and chill, TV and pizza, or Harry Potter and popcorn?
5. IHOP refers to which N American-based fast-food chain? 6. What term, originally and still associated with bread, refers
to products made in sets and computer files containing several instructions?
3. Alphabet became in 2015 the holding company of which vast tech corporation?
7. Which of one of these pairs are Arabic derived/inspired words for a high point and a low point: Zephyr & Nike, Nip & Tuck, Zenith & Nadir, or Boom & Bust?
8. Cryptically, what garden hut bulb means 'reveal a mystery', or 'provide an explanation'?
9. Barbara Millicent Roberts (1959 - present) from Willows Wisconsin is better known as what iconic figure?
Increase the numerator and shrink the _____________ of that
10. First recorded late 1800s, the UK terms gongoozling/gongoozler refer to enjoyably watching: Soccer, Birds, Canal boats, or Paint dry?
fraction, and the result exceeds the 300% mark.
11. According to DC Comics history, 'Nightwing' when younger was: a. b.
liter diameter
c. d.
Desperate Dan, Robin, Catwoman, or Bart Simpson?
12. Which of these is not a famous computer operating system: Unix, angle
Windows, Linux, or Glytch?
13. In the history of the universe what term refers to immediately after the Big Bang: Inflation, Inflammation, Conflagration, or Mastication?
14. Breitling, Fortis, Hublot and Longines are makers of: Sports cars, Kitchen knives, Watches, or Equine accessories?
15. Panhead, Shovelhead, Knucklehead and Flathead are types of: Harley Davidson motorbike engines, Ice-hockey playing positions, Bottom-feeding lake fish, or USA money slang?
Another word for denominator is divisor. Both of these words refer to the number under the line in a common fraction. Similarly, when you're talking about statistical values, a denominator refers to the whole number or population from which samples are taken. The national census, for example, gathers the total number of people and households in the country so that there is a denominator by which to compare statistics like unemployment or welfare.
c. Write a fraction like 1/2 and the denominator is the number on the bottom. In this case, the 2.
16. What girl's name beginning with A was punningly chosen first when
the UK decided in 2015 to 'name' its storms?
17. Kola, Palm, Pecan and Betel are: African languages, Milking goat breeds, Nuts, or Smartphone operating systems?
Mathematics Riddle Find the median of the given data: 13, 16, 12, 14, 19, 12, 14, 13, 14.
18. The fitness corporations Fitbit and Fitbug, subject of legal actions 2013-16, pioneered: Energy bars, Energy drinks, Wearable technology, or Performance drugs? 19. Which one of these is not a cloud type: Altostratus, Cumulonimbus, Cirrostratus, or Fluphosoftus?
A. 19.
20. Diacritical marks are symbols for guiding/indicating: Pronunciation, Student grades, Surgical procedures, or Road mending?
C. 12 D.14.5 ANSWERS: B
APRIL 2018
ANSWERS: 1.Music/Songs, 2.Mosquitoes, 3.Google, 4.Netflix and chill, 5.International House of Pancakes, 6.Batch (a batch is originally a plain loaf, from old English bacan, to bake, which later referred to baking in volume), 7.Zenith & Nadir, 8.Shed light, 9.Barbie (Barbie doll), 10.Canal boats, 11.Robin (Batman's assistant, aka Dick Grayson), 12.Glytch, 13. Inflation, 14.Watches, 15.Harley Davidson motorbike engines, 16.Abigail (a big gale), 17.Nuts, 18.Wearable technology (they argued over trademarks), 19.Fluphosoftus, 20.Pronunciation
B. 14
(July 23 - August 22)
(November 22 - December)
On April 2, the Mars-Saturn conjunction gives you tremendous authority. Use it wisely. Surprise the world - and yourself - at the new moon on the fifteenth. Start something new that expresses a usually hidden side of yourself. The Mars-Pluto conjunction on April 26 could ignite tempers. Avoid conflict and put passion to positive use. With the full moon on the twenty-ninth, be someone's good luck and have your reputation bloom and grow. Doing the right favor at the right time won’t be forgotten. It won’t be a matter of choosing what to do for whom. Be spontaneous and let people come to you.
Life might get exciting, in a good way, around the April 15 new moon. The chance could materialize to go somewhere special or do something fantastic. Think “bucket list” quality, and don't think twice about grabbing the chance. The sun enters Taurus on the nineteenth. Food, fun, and luxury become more important. Your family and home are your greatest treasures during the full moon on April 29. If home is less than peaceful, that can all be straightened out, at least for the time being. Be happy for the company and attention. There's a lot of love in the air now.
It's a life of new thrills with the April 15 new moon. They may be small thrills, but fun is fun, and you know how to share the good times. Try something different and enjoy. On the seventeenth, the Venus-Jupiter opposition could bring confusion. You won't know what you want until it's almost too late. The full moon on April 29 lets you bring great pleasure, perhaps anonymously, to someone special. Sometimes it's nice to get full credit, but sometimes it's even more fun to be that secret friend or supporter. It will all get figured out eventually, and great gratitude will come your way.
(April 20 - May 20)
(August 23 - September)
(December 22 - January 19)
On April 10, Venus trines Mars. When desire and passion agree, love is nearby. The new moon on the fifteenth may be subdued, but it won't be calm and quiet. If you stay home and meditate, you could still be restless inside. Do something that nurtures your heart. The sun enters Taurus on April 19. Be energized! Let the full moon on the twenty-ninth bring more love into your life. A lukewarm partner could get much warmer, or a business or work partner could set the stage for a big lucky break that benefits you both. You won't need to do anything special.
The sun-Mercury conjunction on April 1 sets your intuition free. With the new moon on the fifteenth, you'll have all the answers to everybody else's problems. Let them ask first. You may not get involved in anyone's issues, but you can still learn a lot just by watching and listening. Mercury goes stationary direct that day, too. Clear up any misunderstandings. The April 29 full moon brings helpful friends and neighbors to your side. You might think you don’t need help, but really everybody does in some way, big or small. Sometimes accepting is the best way to give. Be gracious and grateful.
The new moon on April 15 can give you a chance to finish something that you thought would never come to an end. It won't take much effort either, just a little nudge in the right direction. Saturn goes retrograde on the seventeenth. Relax and stop worrying. Be more influential or important in your social circle with the full moon on April 29. You could be most effective behind the scenes as a secret master rather than as the obvious leader or expert. Have a great time watching people spontaneously enjoy what you enjoy. Finally, that same day's sun-Saturn trine lets you accomplish a lot.
(May 21 - June 20)
(September 23 - October)
(January 20 - February 18)
The sun-Mercury conjunction on April 1 lets you be more playful and mischievous than ever. The new moon on the fifteenth is all about socializing. Go to the big arena concert and dance up a storm. Associate with the crowd and with people older, younger, and from different backgrounds. You'll find that you have a lot in common. Mercury goes stationary direct that day, too. Pick up momentum. If you've wanted to adopt an animal, the full moon on April 29 could bring you the perfect pet. Or make a pleasant change in your daily routine and be much happier and more comfortable.
Venus trines Mars on April 10. Flirt away! Love could approach from an unexpected angle at the new moon on the fifteenth. Don't be blindsided by a romance that threatens to be beyond perfect. If already with someone grand, things could get grander still. On April 24, Venus enters Gemini. Romance gets more playful and charming than ever. The full moon on the twenty-ninth could shine some extra light on your world of money and material possessions. Find something valuable that was misplaced. Get in the mail a check or rebate that had fallen under your radar. Get to yes on a loan or other application.
Make a new friend on the April 15 new moon, or connect strongly with someone who never much appealed to you before. Your circle of friends and neighbors is getting bigger and bigger. The sun conjoins Uranus on the eighteenth. It's time to be inventive and daring! Step into the spotlight at work or out in public during the April 29 full moon. Be ambitious, lucky, and not too audacious. This could have many good ripple effects in the weeks to come. If you've wanted to play a bigger role in a social group or work group, it could start now.
(March 21 - April 19)
(June 21 - July 22)
(October 23 - November)
(February 19 - March 20)
Around the new moon on April 15, your work or career situation might get knocked sideways but in a much better direction. You'll be much happier for it. Hold on tight, and don't be shy about your own abilities or experience. On the twenty-first, the moon in Cancer trines dreamy Neptune and then big-hearted Jupiter. It could be a romantic weekend. You may not be planning or budgeting for a major amusement or entertainment around the full moon on April 29, but it could happen anyway. It might come as a surprise treat from a person - or group - who appreciates you more than you realize.
Listen to your body more closely around the April 15 new moon. If you don't get hyper or go too hard too fast, everything should be fine. Still, is your digestion trying to tell you something? Just listen. The Mars-Pluto conjunction on the twenty-sixth could be challenging for everyone. Hold on to your temper and don't let a minor argument explode. On the full moon of April 29, be extra lucky just being yourself. Set your own agenda and make yourself happy. It will please those who love you, too. Let the outside world amuse itself. You have better things to do.
On April 12, the moon-Neptune conjunction could make you very sensitive. Remember to honor your own boundaries. The new moon on the fifteenth shines on your finances and moneymaking possibilities. Create an option that didn't seem possible a month or two ago. People are drawn to your clever good ideas. The full moon on April 29 lets you be as generous as you've always wanted to be. It will be more about volunteering and giving time, attention, and even affection than about donating money. Go out and save the world to your heart's content, but be selective. Respect your own resources and energy, too.
APRIL 2018