CP December 2019

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120 DECEMBER 2019

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GROUP EDITOR Gill Sherry FASHION DIRECTOR Abir Achkar FASHION EDITORS Marie Christine Sandra Carina Yasmeen AlSalem

CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Aisha AlSanad Eman AlAwadh Fatema AlSairafi Hend AlSanad Iman Matwally Jim West Jose Berrocoso Nada AlMuzaini Paul Tunbridge Sana Mrad Yassarina



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18. Reviving The Sedan: Nissan Maxima 2019 30. Granturismo Zéda Projects Maserati Towards The Future 58. The Sleek, Affordable And Classy Car: Meet The 2020 Honda Civic


38. Autumn/Winter 2019 Make-Up Trends


54. Chic & Cozy 56. Get Ready For The Holidays 68. Luxurious Abayas With An Italian Touch From Alice Giani Margi


11. The Fourth Wise Man 29. ‫اكتشاف الذات‬


17. The Pursuit Of Happiness


46. Talent Radar: Marcello Martino 48. Fatima Hamad Aljutaili 70. Hasna


76. CP Excellence In School Sports Awards 78. CP Inspiring Men's Awards 2019


44. Cool Gadgets


40. Bonus Miles - Mountain ChicRetreat Over Mont-Blanc 42. A Six-Day Road Trip Around Cyprus

REGULARS 12. CP Journal 80. Homework For Grownups 82. Horoscopes





Gill Sherry


egardless of your nationality or religion, you will be familiar with Christmas and what it represents. Millions of people worldwide celebrate this annual festival, decorating their homes with tinsel, fairy lights and baubles and preparing a feast fit for a king (or three kings, in this particular case). I must admit, I’ve never been a huge fan of Christmas. I could blame my father, his ‘bah humbug’ attitude rubbing off on his offspring could easily account for my dislike of the festive season. More likely, however, it’s my shared birthday with a certain Jesus Christ that raises my hackles at the very mention of tinsel or turkey. Believe me, a yuletide birthday is not all it’s cracked up to be. Certainly, wrapping my birthday present in Christmas paper or writing P.S. Happy Birthday! on the inside of my Christmas card will not earn you many (if any) brownie points. Fact is, despite being at an age when birthdays are probably best forgotten, I still feel more than a little hard done by on December 25th. I realise, of course, that most people have other things to think about on this particular day. After all, it’s easy to be dazzled by the commercial craziness that is Christmas. Those under eighteen are too interested in their own presents to worry about my presence. My sister, chief-in-charge of Christmas dinner, is usually elbow-deep in prawns, sprouts or a turkey’s orifice to even notice if the birthday girl has turned up. And who am I to interrupt her crucial culinary concentration? As for my parents, thanks to their enviable social calendar, they rarely know what day of the week it is, so expecting them to remember their youngest daughter’s birthday is, quite simply, expecting too much. One year, it took my dad over an hour to remember it was my birthday which, when you consider my mum’s blunder of presenting me with a birthday cake a full twenty-four hours after my birthday, was actually pretty good. In my husband’s defence, ‘happy’ and ‘birthday’ are the first words out of his mouth every year on December 25th. It’s amazing how far those two little words can stretch, keeping a smile on my face for the entire day, regardless of whether or not anyone else remembers. Of course, it’s in his own interest to remember his wife’s birthday. The consequences of failing to do so don’t bear thinking about and would surely rival any annus horribilis experienced by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. My husband, it seems, is the fourth wise man. Perhaps, like the Queen, I should have an official birthday in June. How lovely it would be to receive cards depicting roses and ribbons instead of robins and

reindeer. Imagine being able to enjoy a birthday lunch without the pungent odour of Brussels sprouts (both first hand and second) or eating out without the need to sell the family jewells to pay for it. I wouldn’t have to wear a paper hat, an oversized jumper with a flashing red nose, or a dress that shed more glitter than the Christmas tree. I could choose my own food from an al a carte menu instead of being compelled to eat a festive three course dinner which would invariably include tasteless soup, dry turkey and cold Christmas pudding. If I was exceptionally unlucky, they might even serve up a stale mince pie. Yes, the more I think about it, the more an official birthday sounds like a mighty fine idea. It would certainly stop me from living up to my zodiac sign and bleating like a disgruntled old goat. That said, my festive birthday does have some advantages. It allows me the luxury of excusing myself from any Christmas Day chores, the result of which sees me sitting with my feet up with sole control of the TV remote. My dinner is prepared, my drinks are served and my chauffeur awaits. I need do no more than sip champagne, nibble hors d’oeuvres and steal the purple chocolates from the Quality Street tin whilst those around me work up a sweat in the kitchen. As for the dinner itself, my sister’s festive feast is far superior to any inflated fixed price offering served up elsewhere. Thanks to my brother-in-law’s possessive relationship with the dish-washer, I don’t even have to wash up. The opening ceremony, as I like to call it, takes place after dinner. In an hour of pure self-indulgence I tear open envelopes, untie bows and thank my lucky stars for my wonderful friends and family. Their cards are glitter free, their gift wrap anything but festive, and their presents always perfect. What more could I want? Well, a few more of those purple chocolates wouldn’t go amiss. If last year’s events are anything to go by, much fun and frivolity will follow. We’ll sacrifice whatever lame movie is repeated on the TV in favour of an enthusiastic rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody; my niece’s piano skills deserving of much more refined vocals than our own rather lairy offering. Despite us being loud enough to wake the neighbours from their post-pudding slumber, my mum will somehow manage to sleep through the entire performance. Meanwhile, my dad will sneak into the kitchen for another bowl of trifle and the dog will disappear behind the sofa with his tail between his legs. Actually, I think I’ll pass on the official birthday. My shared celebrations sound pretty much perfect to me. Assuming, that is, the fourth wise man remains wise. www.cpmagazine.net



The most luxurious and exclusive event of the year “The Regency Luxury Wedding Show”

"‫بيكون" أحدث تطبيق للتواصل االجتماعي يتم‬ ‫إطالقه من الكويت إلى العالم‬

‫م تطبيق التواصل االجتماعي "بيكون" األكثر ابتكارا ً وحداث ًة لألجهزة‬.‫م‬.‫أطلقت شركة بيكون ذ‬ ‫ وذلك خالل حفل خاص أقيم في الكويت بفندق فورسيزونز الكويت برج‬، iOS‫الداعمة لنظام‬ ‫ ويعتبر "بيكون" الجيل الجديد لمنصات التواصل نظرا ً للحلول المتطورة والمبتكرة التي‬.‫الشايع‬ .‫يقدمها للشركات من ناحية عروضها ومواقعها‬ ‫ ذو الخبرة التعليمية‬،‫وتم تطوير فكرة تطبيق "بيكون" من قبل الشريك المؤسس عبدهللا أشكناني‬ ‫ الذي يقدم خبرته الواسعة في عالم‬،‫ وبشرا كة مع مؤيد والي‬،‫في عالم التكنولوجيا ونظام الكمبيوتر‬ ،‫ وسويا ً وبالتعاون مع فريق محترف من مطوري التطبيقات‬."‫الوسائط الرقمية إلى رحلة "بيكون‬ ‫ تم ابتكار "بيكون" ألجل تقديم منصة جديدة لمستخدمي‬،‫المبرمجين والمصممين الموهوبين‬ ‫وسائل التواصل االجتماعي لتسهيل سبل التواصل بينهم وبين الغير من أفراد وشركات بطريقة‬ ‫ وستم ّكن منصة التواصل االجتماعي التي تم إطالقها مؤخرا ً المستخدمين من إنشاء‬.‫بسيطة وآمنة‬ ‫دائرتهم االجتماعية من خالل بيانات الموقع حيث يمكنهم التواصل مع األشخاص الذي يتواجدون‬ .‫في مواقع قريبة منهم‬ ‫ عبدهللا أشكناني بالقول "نعلن اليوم عن إطالق تطبيق‬،‫ علّق الشريك المؤسس‬،‫وبهذا الصدد‬ ‫ وعلى‬،‫ حرصنا أنا ومؤيد على ابتكار وتطوير فكرة التطبيق‬.ً‫بيكون إلى العالم والذي نفتخر به كثيرا‬ ،‫مدار العام الماضي قمنا باختيار فريق عمل محترف لتطوير التطبيق يتضمن أ كفأ المصممين‬ ً ‫ اليوم على أن يتم قريبا‬iOS ‫مطوري التطبيقات والخبراء االستراتيجيين إلطالق التطبيق بنظام‬ ."‫إطالقه ألجهزة اآلندرويد‬ ‫ حيث يتضمن أحدث‬،‫ويعتبر "بيكون" ثورة تكنولوجية بحد ذاتها في مجال التواصل االجتماعي‬ ‫الحلول الحسابية وتقنيات الترميز المبتكرة بهدف قياس جدوى ومدى التأثير الفعلي للملف‬ ‫ فقد تم تطوير التطبيق لخلق التغيير ووضع معاييرا ً جديدة‬.‫الشخصي لألفراد أو صفحة الشركات‬ .‫في هذا المجال‬ The Regency Luxury Wedding Show, organized by The Regency Hotel Kuwait, welcomed its guests to a three-day wedding show, from 23rd October till 25th October, 2019. This dynamic and interactive wedding show showcased the exhibits of the finest wedding suppliers in the GCC at Maha Ballroom and demonstrated the latest bridal trends through a variety of live shows and tutorials that ran in Futtouh Ballroom and the hotels outdoor wedding venues during the 3 days of the exhibition. The Regency Luxury Wedding Show was inaugurated by Mr. Otto Kurzendorfer, The General Manager of The Regency Hotel Kuwait. The inauguration ceremony was attended by a number of distinguished guests, who were then invited to tour the exhibition and explore its many highlights. Afterwards guests were invited to a Gala Dinner at the stunning Futtouh Ballroom of The Regency Hotel Kuwait to honor all the participants who went the extra mile and contributed to the success of the show. “The Regency Luxury Wedding Show culminates more than 35 years of experience in showcasing and hosting the most magnificent & luxurious weddings in Kuwait. With the help of over 20 Kuwaiti and international partners we can offer services and product demonstrations as well as a range of live tutorials in our exhibition space of more than 4000 sqm in the coming days” Said Mr. Otto. A full complimentary wedding for up to 300 guests, offered by The Regency Hotel Kuwait, will be raffled off on the last day of the exhibition, Friday 25th Oct at 9:00 pm. The complimentary package includes the banquet hall reservation, set up day rental, luxury food displays, a memorable wedding cake, bespoke high end service during the event and a bridal suite. In addition, special early bird pricing and extra privileges will also be available for contracts signed during the 4 days of the wedding exhibition. For over 35 years and more than 200 weddings each year, The Regency Hotel Kuwait has established itself as the ultimate destination for luxury weddings in Kuwait, offering a variety of ballrooms ranging between 2 big ballrooms, 2 small ballrooms and 3 outdoor venues, which are elegantly spacious with an attention to detail that leaves lasting impressions on each of its guests. As each couple approaches their wedding day, our well-established wedding team of 6 dedicated professionals along with a banquet team of more than 30 service employees look after the smallest details to help make their special day perfect. From customizable dining options for the reception, including buffet, family style, set menu and silver service and even assistance in selecting the finest linens, each moment is thoughtfully crafted. For more information about The Regency Luxury wedding show, please visit our website: www.regency.com.kw



Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa Collaborates with Jasmin Charitable Society to help Syrian Refugees in Lebanon

As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa collaborated with Jasmin Charitable Society, a charity organisation under the Embassy of Germany in Kuwait, and raised over KWD 3,000 at the recently held Oktoberfest to support and help improve overall life quality of Syrian refugees in Lebanon. Commenting on the donation Assistant Director of PR and Communications, Yasmine Ismail said, “At Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa, we care about the next generation. We are very proud to collaborate with the Embassy of Germany to raise funds during Octoberfest which was donated to Jasmin Hilfe Charitable Society to support the Syrian refugee children in Lebanon. We are pleased to see the efforts of our team who assisted in the fundraising during Octoberfest; this donation will make a difference to the Syrian refugee children in Lebanon.” Jasmin Hilfe Charitable Society - Humanitarian Aid for Syrian Children is a non-profit association that is dedicated to better overall life quality of children in the Syrian refugee camps, particularly in the Bekaa Plain in Lebanon. Currently, the organisation is supporting eight camps with around 2900 people, where the majority of them are children. In addition, the association provides clothes donations to children during the winter season for two additional camps.

Porsche installs charging station at the Environmental Public Authority headquarters

Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa Organized Blood Donation Campaign in collaboration with Kuwait Central Blood Bank

As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives and the hotel’s continuous efforts to highlight the importance of CSR, Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa conducted a Blood Donation Campaign at the resort in association with Kuwait Central Blood Bank (KCBB). The hotel management allocated one of its distinct venues, Al Sadu, to establish the unit for donating blood and provided the necessary facilities for the medical staff of the Kuwait Central Blood Bank. Employees from various departments participated in the campaign, as the Kuwait Central Blood Bank took the necessary measures and brought in medical equipment and beds to facilitate the donation process. The campaign had an overall positive impact on the hotel team with great interaction seen by employees, managers, and head of departments. Commenting on the blood donation campaign, Assistant Director of PR and Communications, Yasmine Ismail said, “We thank KCBB for their support towards the Blood Donation Campaign, which serves the local community and helps in raising awareness about society related humanitarian initiatives and activities. The blood donation campaign sheds a light on the prominence of spirit of collaboration and a culture of giving to members of society. Due to our great belief in the significance of these campaigns and their role in saving the lives of many patients, we are always keen to pay attention to issues that would serve society, especially humanitarian services. Blood donation contributes to saving and treating many patients, and this is one of the highest and noble goals of social responsibility. We are happy to witness a huge success with the number of employees who have participated, and appreciative to them for showing great interest in supporting such an honorable cause.”

Home of World’s Best Pizza and Authentic Italian Cuisine, 400 Gradi opens at the Arabian Gulf Street

Porsche Centre Kuwait, Behbehani Motors Company has collaborated with the Environmental Public Authority (EPA) of Kuwait to install a Porsche Destination Charging station at the organisation’s building. This project is part of an ongoing plan to enhance the ownership of electric vehicles (EV) in the country. Located at the EPA’s 4th ring road, Shuwaikh Industrial Area site, the charger, which is compatible with a range of EVs, is available to staff and members of the public. In line with Porsche’s drive towards electrification, referred to as E-performance, the newly installed charging station is part of a global network of ‘Porsche Destination Charging’ facilities. The programme is aimed at establishing networked infrastructure for owners of hybrid (HEV) and battery operated-electric vehicles (BEVs). Alongside its partnerships with authorities, the brand will also install charging ports at premium hotspot locations where customer with EVs spend some dwell time, such as hotels and malls. The program aims to complement public facilities, those available at dealerships and convenient solutions in the home. Commenting on the installation of the charging station, Hany Marie, Brand Manager at Porsche Centre Kuwait, said: “It is important that we share the EPA’s vision around the shift towards electric mobility here in Kuwait. We are delighted to work with such a key governmental body, to ensure owners can conveniently charge their EVs during visits. We have significant plans for developing charging infrastructure throughout the country, and as such, work is already underway to install more stations at premium locations, which we will be announcing soon. In the meantime, we also encourage those who are interested in becoming a ‘Porsche Destination Charging’ partner to get in contact with us.” Responsible for the general mandate for environmental affairs in the state, the Environmental Public Authority of Kuwait is a public body attached to the Council of Ministers and is supervised by the Supreme Council for the Environment. The public body focuses on developing plans aimed at protecting the air, water, coast and terrestrial environment. The one charging station installed at the site, feature 11kW Porsche Mobile Chargers. The Stuttgart-based sports car manufacturer is currently offering a variety of HEVs in its Panamera and Cayenne model ranges and unveiled its first all-electric sports car the Taycan which will arrive in Kuwait next year. Porsche’s latest model features unique design and dynamic performance that continues the brand’s tradition of producing exhilarating sports cars.



400 Gradi, home of the world’s best pizza and authentic Italian cuisine opened its second restaurant in Kuwait at a new stunning location on the Arabian Gulf Street. The opening of the new branch was attended by founder and award-winning Chef Johnny di Francesco, Mathew Holgate, the President of Alshaya's Food Division, Luis Comas, the Vice President of Fast Casual Brands at Alshaya Group, and other guests. Commenting on the new opening, Chef Di Francesco said: "We are thrilled to open our new restaurant at one of Kuwait’s most loved locations. We have been serving the people of Kuwait with authentic Napolitana cuisine for the past two years and we look forward to welcoming more guests into our new home on the Arabian Gulf Street.” The new restaurant marks the third 400 Gradi in the region, following their last openings at The Avenues - Bahrain and The Avenues, Kuwait. Luis Comas, Vice President of Alshaya Group’s Fast Casual Division said: “The opening the new 400 Gradi restaurant in the new location is part of our series of openings on the Arabian Gulf Street. The country has steadily witnessed an increased appreciation for world-class concepts and high-quality cuisine, and we believe 400 Gradi epitomizes both those qualities in their offering and experience.” Seating 120 people, the new restaurant on the Arabian Gulf Road, has both an interior and exterior seating area, with a sea-facing dining area. 400 Gradi is a Naples-inspired Italian restaurant that was created by Chef Di Francesco, the first Australian ever trained in Naples to the Associazione Verace (AVPN) and President of AVPN Australia. It offers a wide variety of deliciously handcrafted Italian cuisine, using the finest Italian ingredients to give guests the most complete Neapolitan experience outside of Naples.



nadia_omnia enquiries.nadia@gmail.com


HAPPINESS Nadia AlHaroon

Since the day of our birth, the conditioning process begins to believe that some ‘thing’, whether tangible or not, can make us happy. Throughout life we start our pursuit to wealth, material possessions, health, the perfect family dynamic or whatever else comes to your life, but this pursuit never ends because whatever you get will not bring you true happiness. I mean, that watch you've been wanting may bring you happiness, but it will only be short term. So why are we so conditioned to believe something so untrue? This is because when we look at people from the outside that appear to have it all, we also make the assumption that they're happy because they look like they are. If you are not convinced by what I am saying, let's think about it in a different way. Have you ever heard, seen or read about people that have it all and are not happy? If they have everything, believed by many to bring happiness, why are so many of them unhappy? And why are some people who barely have a roof over their head, some of the happiest people out there? This is because happiness isn't a thing, a place or a person. Happiness is within you, and everywhere at the same time. It's a feeling developed from a perception in life that everything and everyone is happiness. I remember years ago a friend asked me, "If there is one thing you could wish for, what would it be?" My answer was happiness. I explained that it wouldn't matter who I have in my life, if I was rich or poor, sick or healthy, because I would be truly happy. If I built happiness from within, brick by brick, I can be alone, sick and poor and none of it would affect my emotional wellbeing, as dark as that scenario sounds. With all that being said, what can you do to achieve your happiest self? Below are a few points to make it happen for you: 1.Spring cleaning. Go through your belongings and evaluate your items by being real with yourself. Do you really need 20 handbags and 50 pairs of shoes? 2.Donate. You can either donate the stuff from your spring cleaning or find an organisation that you would like to participate in and see what kind of donation would be beneficial to them. It could be monetary, time or efforts. 3.Exercise. Exercise helps you release endorphins, helping to relieve stress. Stress is a real strain on your inner happiness. 4.Mindful meditation. With practice and consistency you will see the results. It helps you focus on the here and now. 5.Stretch. If you stretch every single day, no matter what, you should start to notice a difference with time in your body and your mood. Good luck in your pursuit of real happiness!




NISSAN MAXIMA 2019 When the 2019 Nissan Maxima debuted at the 2018 Los Angeles Auto Show, many were of the opinion that the Sedan market was a lost cause; well, this wasn’t the case for Nissan, who seemed to be reading from a different playbook. As other brands flee, Nissan is sticking around and this particular decision to renew the Maxima is worth praising. Nissan updated its Maxima sedan, which they dubbed “the four-door sports car,” for the 2019 model year with new styling and safety features. The 2019 model retains a standard 3.5-liter V-6 and continuously variable automatic transmission. Maxima is well known and loved for its blend of size and sportiness, a feature that Nissan had reserved for the 2019 version. The Maxima comes in three trim levels for 2019: S, SV and SR. All models from S and up include the NissanConnect infotainment system with an 8.0-inch touchscreen display, Apple CarPlay and Android Auto connectivity, and Bluetooth. Automatic emergency braking is standard, as well, although the pedestrian detection element isn’t standard until the SR.






It has been a while since I’ve driven a Maxima, so when my team got a chance to test drive the 2019 version; we decided to spend a few days with a 2019 Nissan Maxima SR, the top-of-the-line trim level. My team arrived for the test drive where Maha, my colleague drove the car to Souq Shark for an exclusive photoshoot.





EXTERIOR My first impression of the Maxima was an attractive four-door midsize sedan with a long hood, and sloping roofline that meets a brief decklid. The V-motion grille is more prominent for the 2019 model and the bumpers and wheels, looked updated from the previous version. Our test car looked attractive and aggressive with an imposing front end, flowing side character lines, rear haunches, a floating roof and an improved spoiler. The Maxima has a fine front-end that features a bolder grille design and more assertive front fascia that work greatly to emphasize the body lines that run across the hood and along the sides of the car. A car enthusiast would clearly see why Nissan named this Sedan a four-door sports car; thanks to its angular details, wide hips and big, eye-grabbing face that make it look well-proportioned. At the front of the Maxima are new LED headlamps, made to look bolder by accentuated boomerang look to the tail lights, and quadexhaust tips integrated into the rear fascia to the general elegance of the 2019 Maxima. Another improvement I noticed on our test car was the new wheel designs one of which we were told are exclusive to the new top-end SR trim. Both were designed to look with contrasting paint to give the effect of thinner spokes. All these new features for the Nissan Maxima clearly show that Nissan is far from running out of ideas in improving this line of this elegant Sedan.


Everything around the dashboard and center console is placed perfectly for easy view. Another outstanding feature I noticed in the 2019 Maxima was the way the steering wheel is placed to sit front and center in the driver's world making it delightful to hold, with perfect nests for your thumbs and a satisfying thickness to the rim. The 2019 Nissan maxima has what I would describe as a great luxury class of both front and rear seats. Base trim levels have cloth upholstery, while other trims offer three grades of leather, culminating in semianiline cowhide. Included with the top-trim Maxima’s Platinum Reserve Package, the semi-aniline upholstery is rich stuff such as lavish padding with double-stitched surfaces down to arm level, and in some cases knee level, to evoke a legitimate luxury car. The "Zero Gravity" seats in our test car felt comfortable and supportive and all the wrapped surfaces made the surroundings inside the car feel a notch above other Sedans I had driven in the past. In terms of roominess, the front and rear seats of the 2019 Maxima are relatively comfortable, with center console fans out ahead of the cup holders. The headroom too is not that large but given the overall size of the midsize Sedan, I would say that Nissan have made it as comfortable as possible, with still a few inches of space left for an adult passenger. Overall, the upgrades done on the interior of this Maxima have worked to give the car a luxurious look to match its exterior sporty design.



Stepping inside the 2019 Maxima reveals a functional and attractive cabin and the Maxima reveals a cabin that's a bit dated, but still plenty functional. The driver's space is greatly designed to bring about a “cockpit-esque” feeling that most drivers crave for in modern cars.

Nissan is not a brand that goes small when it comes to tech. Actually, it would be almost impossible for me to describe every bit of technology used in the 2019 Nissan Maxima, but I will touch on a few that impressed me the most. Top on this list for me is an available active noise cancellation system that effectively reduces low-frequency sound


in the cabin; while an active sound enhancement system pumps up the engine note inside, contributing further to the sporty features of the Maxima. This can be adjusted through the Bose sound system. NissanConnect with door-to-door navigation is also available and it now includes Apple CarPlay and Android Auto capability. In addition to this, I think I should mention that Maxima is one of the first vehicles I’ve seen with both USB-A and USB-C connections, which is a great investment for the future. Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant skills are also accessible. The 2019 Maxima SR comes with a suite of advanced driver assistance features, including Intelligent Cruise Control, Lane Departure Intervention, High Beam Assist, and a new Intelligent Driver Alertness system (IDA) that is standard on all trim levels. The IDA alerts the driver when drowsy driving is detected. A handy Intelligent around View Monitor synthesizes a 360-degree view of the vehicle to aid parking and tight maneuvers. The Maxima has also added some new optional safety tech. Nissan’s Safety Shield 360 suite of active safety features is made up of forward collision warning with automatic emergency braking and pedestrian detection, automatic high-beam headlights, rear automatic braking, lane-departure warning, blind-spot monitoring, and rear-cross-traffic alert. Standard on every 2019 Maxima trim is the “rear door alert” feature that uses door logic rather than weight or other sensors. The feature works in such a way that when you open the rear door before making a trip and the Maxima notes that you probably put something back there, it waits for the rear door to open again after the trip. If it doesn’t, it triggers a chime sounds reminding you to check the back seat. The NissanConnect system in the Maxima is controlled by either a responsive 8-inch touchscreen flanked by large, clearly-marked shortcut buttons, or a dial on the center console. The SR comes standard with

navigation, a rocking 11-speaker Bose audio system and both Apple CarPlay and Android Auto as mentioned earlier.

PERFORMANCE Getting under the hood of the bold Nissan Maxima, there’s a 3.5-liter V6 engine (300 hp/261 lb-ft of torque) mated to an Xtronic continuously variable automatic transmission (CVT) with front-wheel drive. Maxima Platinum weighs in at 3,676 lbs, which means that performance is enthusiastic, if not quite sporty – at least by my definition of the term. The engine puts out a healthy sound (enhanced by the sound system), and the CVT does a good job of emulating the feel of a traditional geared automatic. Nissan has been all-in on the CVT for years, and they’ve refined the Xtronic well. The big advantage of a CVT is improved fuel economy, since the engine can run at peak efficiency in all conditions. Maxima delivers a healthy 20 mpg city/30 mpg highway/24 mpg combined, though disappointingly Nissan recommends running Premium Unleaded gasoline, which mitigates the bottom-line savings a bit. In an era of turbocharged engines and high-tech transmissions with instant torque and short-gear-ratio revving, the Maxima goes it oldschool. A big, normally aspirated V-6 (300 horsepower, 261 poundsfeet of torque) doesn’t dole out the good stuff until 4,000 to 6,000 rpm, and the transmission exhibits relatively few of the simulated shift points that many of today’s CVTs throw in for effect. This seems like a formula that would underwhelm, but the Maxima delivers results with swift accelerator response. Press the gas, and the car leaps to attention; the high-revving punch comes moments later, and the climb up the tachometer is enjoyable enough. Most modern cars have some degree of accelerator lag, ranging from slight to borderline dangerous. The www.cpmagazine.net




Maxima excels simply by not screwing up where so many other cars do. From a personal point of view, I will say the Maxima SR is a fairly composed, thanks to a handful of handling improvements like stiffer shocks and springs, a thicker front antiroll bar and retuned stability electronics; the big sedan swiftly turns in and hangs on tight around corners with some initial body roll at entry. Credit also goes to the 19inch Goodyear Eagle F1 Asymmetric All-Season 245/40 tires, which aren't the greatest in light snow, but grippy on clean pavement. Steering weight is heavy enough in the car's Normal mode and brake muscle is on point to confidently scrub off speed.

TEST DRIVE Now, to my favorite part, I get to share our hands on experience with the 2019 Nissan Maxima. However, before I get into details, I have to commend Nissan for coming out bold with this Sedan by reserving its traditional features that made it a popular sedan and still managing to give it a luxurious, modern and elegant touch for the millennials. Our time with the Maxima made me appreciate the smooth luxury of the sedan. To start with, rear-seat passengers are bound to appreciate the ease of entry and exit in the Maxima. The fine interiors and the sedan’s seductive design made it feel mature even to most of my team members who had never experienced a four door sedan before.

transmission. The car is pleasant to drive; it's nimble and fast enough to get out of other cars’ way with ease, whether it's the one doing the passing or diving out the way of faster traffic. Acceleration is smooth and easy, and there’s plenty of power for merging and passing. That said, the free-spinning nature of the V6 and CVT is another feature that made our ears happy.

CONCLUSION My experience with the 2019 Nissan Maxima did a lot to convince me and the rest of the group that sedan is not dead – it is just waiting for its moment to shine again. With Nissan showing such enthusiasm in the market, it is evident that the Maxima is worth your time and money. Nissan deserves credit in the way it has upgraded this sedan into the elegant car that clearly stands out from its competitors. For more details about the 2019 Nissan Maxima, contact the official Nissan dealers in Kuwait through ABDULMOHSEN ABDULAZIZ ALBABTAIN CO. or call them at: 1804888 You can also visit their website www.nissankuwait.com for more information or check their Instagram account @nissankwt for regular updates. Or simply visit their showroom and book a test-drive today!

When it came to the actual test drive, the Maxima gave us a smooth and comfortable feel as it sped off the highway; a really luxurious feeling for a sedan of its caliber. Its short wheelbase delivers sharp handling, and the Maxima still feels balanced on the road. The gearbox transmission proves itself surprisingly responsive, rarely suffering from the elastic throttle response common to many cars. The front-wheel-drive worked just fine for us, defying what we had expected for a car with such a www.cpmagazine.net






.‫ مميز‬.‫ حصري‬.‫حلو‬

.‫مع أحمد الزامل‬


Iced AZ Latte




AZ Latte


‫اكتشاف الذات‬ ‫طلب مني ان ا كتب ك مدرب حياة‪ ،...‬ورسالتي هنا مختلفة عن‬ ‫اآلخرين‪ ،‬انا ال اريد ان اضع كالم منسوخ‪،...‬اريد ان اشعر بك ك‬ ‫قاريء‪ ...‬وتشعر بي ‪..‬‬ ‫لقد مررت بالكثير ‪ ،...‬والحظت خبرات ناس كثيرة علي‪ ..‬سواء في‬ ‫مجال عملي او خارج عملي‪..‬‬ ‫انا هنا ألساعدك لتجد الطريق ‪ ...‬كلنا أضعنا الطريق في يوم ما ‪..‬‬ ‫بعضنا الى اآلن ضائع ‪...‬‬ ‫والبعض االخر وجد الطريق مبكرا ‪ ..‬وقد كان محظوظا ‪...‬‬ ‫والبعض وجده متأخرا ‪..‬وال بأس ‪...‬‬ ‫المهم ان تجد نفسك وتكون راضي ‪..‬‬ ‫ونقطة مهمة جدا في ايجاد وا كتشاف الذات ‪،‬هي ان ال يوجد وضع‬ ‫مثالي مناسب للجميع ‪..‬‬ ‫قد تكون امنيتك ان تعيش في ( راحة بال) ‪،‬ومن هنا يجب ان‬ ‫تعمل على ايجاد ما يؤثر على حياتك ‪ ..‬وتصلحه لتعيش هذه‬ ‫الراحة المطلوبة‪..‬‬ ‫والبعض االخر يجد امنيته في تكوين( اسرة سعيدة) ومن‬ ‫هذا المنطلق عليه ان يعرف من هو الشخص المناسب الذي‬ ‫سيشاركه هذه الحياة واالمنية‪..‬ويعرف كيف يختار شريك حياته؟‬ ‫والبعض س نجده امنيته االساسية هي (الحصول على المال )‬ ‫ومن هذا المنطلق ايضا يجب ان نركز كيف س نجلب هذا المال ؟‬ ‫وكيف س نخطط له ‪..‬سواء عن طريق مشروع او وظيفة‪...‬ومن هنا‬ ‫نبدأ‪.‬‬ ‫اذا في كل امنياتنا اوال يجب ان نسال انفسنا ‪...‬‬ ‫هل هذا الهدف اريد تحقيقه ألجلي او ألجل االخرين؟ اسأل نفسك‬ ‫!‬ ‫ومن اين ابدأ ؟‬ ‫وهل فعال هذا هو ما اريده !‬ ‫‪29‬‬


GranTurismo ZĂŠda projects Maserati towards the future: from the Modena plant the new era for the Brand begins 30


Maserati takes another step towards a new chapter of its story. The Brand will unveil a special GranTurismo Zéda to mark the end of production of the Maserati GranTurismo. The new car coincides with the Brand’s recent announcement to add more production innovation – as renovation work commences at the Viale Ciro Menotti plant in Modena electrification and autonomous driving.

GranTurismo Zéda: from “Z” in anticipation of a New GranTurismo Maserati unveils a celebratory car all set to tour the world in anticipation of the arrival of a new GranTurismo. The unique model, sporting futuristic exterior shades designed by Centro Stile Maserati, tells the story of the dawn of a new era through colours and materials: GranTurismo Zéda is the bridge which connects the past, the present and the future of the Brand. Observing the model from the rear section to the front, the surfaces change and become richer, shifting from a light satin finish to a burnished “metallurgic” effect. The midsection slowly morphs once again, deepening all the way to Maserati blue. The blue also evolves, becoming energetic, electric, it seems alive, it seems like a mirror. The finished overall effect is a masterpiece in the complex use and juxtaposition of vastly differing effects. Through manual skills we go back in time, with today’s technology and know-how constantly evolving towards the future.

Production of the Maserati GranTurismo comes to an end and work begins in the Modena plant to update the production line The end of production of the Maserati GranTurismo and GranCabrio marks the beginning of a new path for the Modena plant. Work is already under way to update the production line in view of a total renovation that will see the facility devoted to the construction of the new super sports model, a high-performance car, characterised by state-of-the art technology and scheduled to launch in 2020. In parallel, work has already started on a paint shop, a completely new addition to the facility, equipped with low environmental-impact, innovative technologies and boasting a special design enabling customers to personally view their cars as they are painted. www.cpmagazine.net


‫‪Maserati GranTurismo since 2007 in the Olympus of the GTs‬‬ ‫‪The GranTurismo, presented at the Geneva International Motor Show in 2007, represents a milestone in the history of‬‬ ‫‪Maserati. This four-seat, two-door coupé, with Pininfarina’s classic design and a naturally aspirated 8-cylinder engine,‬‬ ‫‪came into being as a modern interpretation of the Maserati A6 1500 of 1947, and has come to be considered, over the‬‬ ‫‪course of time, one of the most emblematic cars ever constructed by Maserati. In 2009, where it was debuted at the‬‬ ‫‪Frankfurt International Motor Show, the GranCabrio joined the GranTurismo.‬‬ ‫‪After various updates, the GranTurismo saw its final and last version with the MY18, in which an efficient restyling‬‬ ‫‪effort improved the aerodynamics, ergonomics and infotainment systems. The MY18 offered the iconic coupé in 16‬‬ ‫‪exterior colours. Also available were 14 light alloy wheels in six different designs, brake callipers available in nine colours,‬‬ ‫‪and Exterior Carbon and Exterior Body Colour packs. With the MY18 the GranTurismo and GranCabrio range included‬‬ ‫‪two versions distinguished by a powerful, distinctive identity: Sport and MC (Maserati Corse). There are more than‬‬ ‫‪400,000 possible combinations. The Maserati GranTurismo represents the maximum expression of the Brand’s GT‬‬ ‫‪character thanks to the charismatic 4.7 litre Ferrari V8 engine capable of delivering 460 hp at 7,000 rpm and 520 Nm‬‬ ‫‪of maximum torque at 4,750 rpm. Innumerable successes have been tallied by GranTurismo and GranCabrio in the‬‬ ‫‪years from 2007 to today; more than 40,000 of the iconic cars have been sold throughout the world, of which 28,805‬‬ ‫‪were GranTurismo and 11,715 were GranCabrio.‬‬

‫مع انطالق وتيرة العمل في مصنع مودينا لتحديث خط اإلنتاج ‪ ...‬يسدل الستار على سلسلة‬ ‫طرازات "جران توريزمو"‬

‫يمثل انتهاء إنتاج طرازات "جران توريزمو" و"جران كابريو" من "مازيراتي"‪ ،‬انطالقة جديدة لمصنع العالمة في مدينة مودينا‪ .‬وقد‬ ‫بدء العمل مؤخرا ً لتحديث خط اإلنتاج في ضوء عملية تجديد شاملة ستشهد تكريس المصنع إلبداع طراز رياضي خارق التصميم‬ ‫لسيارة فائقة األداء تمتاز بأحدث التقنيات‪ ،‬والتي من المقرر طرحها في عام ‪ .2020‬وبالتوازي مع ذلك‪ ،‬بدأ العمل مؤخرا ً إلضافة‬ ‫ورشة طالء جديدة إلى المصنع‪ .‬وتم تزويد الورشة بتقنيات مبتكرة قليلة التأثير على البيئة‪ ،‬كما أنها تتميز بتصميم خاص يتيح‬ ‫للعمالء رؤية سياراتهم شخصيا ً أثناء طالئها‪.‬‬

‫"مازيراتي جران توريزمو" تتربع على عرش سيارات "الجراند تورينج" منذ عام ‪2007‬‬

‫ُطرحت سيارة "جران توريزمو" في معرض جنيف الدولي للسيارت في عام ‪ ،2007‬لتسجل عالمة فارقة في مسيرة "مازيراتي" العريقة‪.‬‬ ‫وتعد سيارة الكوبيه هذه المزودة ببابين و‪ 4‬مقاعد ومحرك ثماني األسطوانات وتصميم كالسيكي مميز من شركة "بينينفارينا"‪،‬‬ ‫نموذجا ً حديثا ً عن سيارة "مازيراتي إيه ‪ "1500 6‬التي ُطرحت عام ‪ ،1947‬وقد أصبحت بمرور الوقت من أ كثر السيارات التي تجسد‬ ‫عالمة "مازيراتي"‪ .‬وفي عام ‪ ،2009‬انضمت "جران كابريو" إلى "جران توريزمو" بعد عرضها في معرض فرانكفورت الدولي للسيارات‪.‬‬

‫وبعد العديد من التحديثات‪ ،‬أبصرت النسخة النهائية واألخيرة من "جران توريزمو" النور عام ‪ ،2018‬والتي تميزت بتحسينات كثيرة‬ ‫شملت األنظمة األيروديناميكية‪ ،‬والخصائص الهندسية‪ ،‬ونظام المعلومات والترفيه‪ .‬وجاءت سيارة الكوبيه المميزة هذه بـ ‪ 16‬خيارا ً‬ ‫لونيا ً للهيكل الخارجي‪ ،‬و‪ 14‬خيارا ً من العجالت خفيفة الوزن بستة تصاميم مختلفة‪ ،‬وضواغط المكابح بتسعة ألوان‪ ،‬وحزمتي ألوان‬ ‫لهيكل السيارة واإلضافات الكربونية الخارجية‪ .‬وتضمنت مجموعة "جران توريزمو" و"جران كابريو" موديل ‪ 2018‬فئتين تتميزان‬ ‫بطابع قوي وشخصية بارزة‪ ،‬وهما‪" :‬سبورت" و"إم سي" (‪ .)Maserati Corse‬ومع كل هذه الخيارات‪ ،‬يمكن ابتكار أ كثر من ‪400‬‬ ‫ألف تصميم للسيارة‪ .‬وتمثل "مازيراتي جران توريزمو" التعبير األمثل عن مفهوم "الجراند تورينج" الخاص بعالمة "مازيراتي"؛‬ ‫ويتجلى ذلك في محرك فيراري ثماني األسطوانات بسعة ‪ 4,7‬لتر وقوة ‪ 460‬حصانا ً عند ‪ 7000‬دورة في الدقيقة وعزم دوران ‪520‬‬ ‫نيوتن متر عند ‪ 4,750‬دورة في الدقيقة‪ .‬وحققت "جران توريزمو" و"جران كابريو" منذ عام ‪ 2007‬وحتى اليوم العديد من النجاحات‬ ‫المتميزة‪ ،‬حيث تم بيع أ كثر من ‪ 40‬ألف سيارة منهما حول العالم؛ توزعت بين ‪ 28,805‬سيارة "جران توريزمو" و‪ 11,715‬سيارة‬ ‫"جران كابريو"‪.‬‬

‫‪DECEMBER 2019‬‬




lGranTurismo Zéda is the car created to celebrate the

last day of production of the Maserati GranTurismo. lZéda is the bridge which connects the past, the

present and the future. It means “Z” in the Modena dialect, it pays tribute to Maserati’s roots and reminds us that there is a new beginning for every ending: Maserati starts for “Z” in anticipation of a new GranTurismo. lRenovation work has begun on the Modena Plant

which will produce the new high-performance sports car as production of the Maserati GranTurismo and GranCabrio comes to an end. lThe new GranTurismo and GranCabrio, to be

produced at the Turin manufacturing hub, will herald a new era of electrification for the Maserati range of cars, constituting the first models to adopt 100% electric solutions in the history of the Brand.



‫•السيارة الجديدة تحتفي بختام إنتاج طرزات سلسلة "جران توريزمو" من "مازيراتي"‬

‫•السيارة الجديدة تحتفي بتراث العالمة العريق‪ ،‬وتشكل جسرا ً يربط بين ماضيها وحاضرها ومستقبلها‬

‫•كلمة "زيدا" تعني الحرف األخير بلهجة مدينة مودينا اإليطالية‪ ،‬وهي تذكرنا بأن كل نهاية تليها بداية جديدة‪ ،‬وأن "مازيراتي" تبدأ فصالً‬

‫جديدا ً في قصة "جران توريزمو" الشيقة‬

‫•أعمال التحديث بدأت مؤخرا ً في مصنع العالمة في مودينا والذي سينتج سيارة رياضية جديدة وفائقة األداء تختتم سلسلة طرازات "جران‬ ‫توريزمو" و"جران كابريو" من "مازيراتي"‬

‫•سيارات "جران كابريو" و"جران توريزمو" الجديدة والتي سيتم إنتاجها في مركز تصنيع العالمة في مدينة تورينو‪ ،‬تعلن عن بدء حقبة جديدة‬ ‫من استخدام التقنيات الكهربائية في سيارات "مازيراتي"؛ مما يجعلها أول طرازات في تاريخ العالمة تعتمد ‪ %100‬على الحلول الكهربائية‪.‬‬ ‫‪35‬‬


‫"جران توريزمو زيدا" تستمد اسمها من حرف "‪ "Z‬في إشارة إلى طراز جديد من سلسلة‬ ‫"جران توريزمو"‬

‫تكشف "مازيراتي" النقاب عن سيارة مميزة ستجوب مختلف أنحاء العالم احتفا ًء بوصول اإلصدار الجديد من "جران توريزمو"‪.‬‬ ‫ويحكي هذا الطراز الفريد‪ ،‬الذي يتميز هيكله الخارجي بظالل لونية تجمع بين الطابعين العصري والرياضي ومصمم من قبل‬ ‫مركز "مازيراتي سنترو ستيل"‪ ،‬قصة انطالق حقبة جديدة في مسيرة العالمة من خالل األلوان والمواد الفريدة المستخدمة؛ مما‬ ‫يجعل من "جران توريزمو زيدا" الجسر الذي يربط بين ماضي وحاضر ومستقبل العالمة التجارية‪.‬‬ ‫ولدى مراقبة الطراز الجديد من الجزء الخلف وصوال ً إلى األمامي‪ ،‬يتغير منظر سطح هيكله الخارجي ويصبح أ كثر ثراء وتنوعا ً‬ ‫بالتفاصيل‪ ،‬حيث ينتقل من اللمسات اللماعة إلى ح ٍد ما إلى تأثير مستوحى من ’المعادن‘ المصقولة‪.‬‬ ‫ويعود الجزء األوسط ليتغير مرة أخرى‪ ،‬ويصبح أ كثر قتامة متحوال ً إلى اللون األزرق الخاص بـ "مازيراتي" والذي سرعان ما يتغير‬ ‫بدوره ليتخذ طابعا ً أ كثر حيوية وحركة ولمعاناً‪ ،‬فيبدو وكأنه مرآة عاكسة‪.‬‬ ‫وينم التأثير النهائي العام عن البراعة الحرفية الواضحة من خالل االستخدام المتقن والمتناسق للتأثيرات شديدة التباين‪ .‬وتعود‬ ‫العالمة بالزمن إلى الوراء من خالل المهارات اليدوية المستخدمة إلى جانب التقنيات المتطورة واألساليب الحديثة التي سرعان‬ ‫ما تتطور لتتخذ طابعا ً عصرياً‪.‬‬

‫‪DECEMBER 2019‬‬


‫"جران توريزمو زيدا" الجديدة تطلق‬ ‫"مازيراتي" نحو المستقبل‬ ‫الحقبة الجديدة في مسيرة العالمة تبدأ من مصنعها في مودينا‬ ‫تستعد "مازيراتي" للكشف عن سيارتها المميزة "جران توريزمو زيدا" ‪ GranTurismo Zéda‬والتي تختتم من خاللها إنتاج‬ ‫طرازات سلسلة "جران توريزمو" الشهيرة‪ ،‬وتبدأ معها فصالً جديدا ً من فصول حكايتها الشيقة‪ .‬ويتزامن إطالق السيارة‬ ‫الجديدة مع إعالن العالمة مؤخرا ً إضافة المزيد من اإلبداعات إلى سلسلة إنتاجاتها؛ حيث تبدأ عمليات التحديث في مصنع‬ ‫العالمة "فيالي تشيرو مينوتي" في مدينة مودينا اإليطالية‪ ،‬ضمن إطار خطتها المبتكرة إلنتاج السيارات الكهربائية وتقنيات‬ ‫القيادة الذاتية‪.‬‬






The autumn/winter 2019 catwalks saw the return of some beauty classics, from smoky eyes to red lips and outdoorsy blush, reimagined with modern twists. For the beauty experimental, graphic shapes, neon flashes and glitter sprinklings trended too.

*Matte red lips Paco Rabanne Helmut Lang

Max Mara Elie Saab

*Dewy lips *A flush of blush (monotone make-up) Chanel Aigner Dolce & Gabbana

*Graphic eyes Dior Moon Young Hee Giambattista Valli

*Smoky neutrals Tom Ford 38


Badgley Mischka Christopher Kane

*Shots of neon Carolina Herrera Natasha Zinko.

*Minimalist-to-maximalist glitz Dries Van Noten Rodarte

These make-up looks inspired me to create my make-up using: Double wear foundation 3N1 @esteelaudercanada Tarteist lip paint @tartecosmetics Double wear zero smudge liquid eyeliner @esteelaudercanada Glitter @maccosmeticscanada Eyeshadow/blush/highlights 35 G @morphebrushes Mascara @itcosmetics www.cpmagazine.net



since 2010


Photography: Benoît Linero

Covered with a mantle of powder snow in winter and lush green pastureland in summer, the view over the Aravis range is breathtaking. Alpaga prides itself of blending seamlessly into the countryside whilst offering chic and cosy décor.

Nestled in the heart of Megève, France, Alpaga awaits you for a moment out of time. With contemporary aesthetics inspired by the traditional architecture of the region, Alpaga offers a relaxing environment allowing guests to completely disconnect from their busy lives. The hotel’s 22 rooms are shared between two chalets designed in the typical style of the region. Each enjoys views over the high mountain pastures and surrounding peaks through wide picture windows. Its warm, contemporary aesthetic is inspired by the traditional architecture of Megève, which gives pride of place to exposed surfaces and fine materials. Welcoming, spacious and 40


filled with light, these rooms invite guests on an inner journey to a world of pure relaxation. Alpaga’s chalets have been designed in the purest Megève tradition. They can accommodate up to 12 people over three floors, with five bedrooms and a space for children under the eaves. With their warm, contemporary aesthetic, amenities and services, these chalets pay worthy tribute to the very highest standard of expertise in luxury hospitality. Each chalet enjoys remarkable views over the village of Megève and its surrounding peaks.

Alpaga serves two versions of its authentic, seasonal Alpine cuisine, in La Table de l’Alpaga gastronomic restaurant and l'Onyx bistro. For La Table, one Michelin star restaurant since 2014, Anthony Bisquerra draws inspiration from the Alpine environment to craft menus that mirror the changing seasons. From the Atlantic coasts to the Megevane lands, Anthony Bisquerra has built strong relationships with local craftsmen. Passionate about the taste for good products, he offers an exclusive menu using vegetables to which he gives particular attention. Craftsmen provide him with exceptional products, the result of

their fishing, farming and gardens. In spring, the restaurant opens on to a vast terrace from where diners can admire Mont Blanc. For a more informal dining experience, l’Onyx is open from midday to midnight for lunch or dinner. It’s a great place to curl up with a book, play chess or for pre-dinner drinks. In this natural setting, the Spa de l’Alpaga has selected professional care and cosmetic brands that are respectful of Les Hotels d’en Haut brand values. Combining the expertise of Sothys, the authenticity of Igrane and the naturalness of Snö, they have choosen, for each of their treatments, the most suitable brand.





A Six-Day Road Trip Around


Latifah Al-Hazza

Cyprus, an island in the Mediterranean, often stands in the shadow of well-known neighbouring Greek islands. However, the various regions of the country offer a wide variety of differing activities (foodie’s paradise, water activities, historical sights, night life, etc.) that suit every type of traveller. Fly into Larnaca International Airport (LCA), rent a car and drive about 40 minutes to Limassol. Check into Sir Paul Hotel (5, Ifigeneias Str, Limassol 3036; +357 25 755454), an upscale boutique hotel located in the heart of the historic town.

DAY 1: LIMASSOL Start your day with a traditional Cypriot coffee at Angel’s Cup (Kanari 20, Limassol). Exceptional coffee is brewed here with a daily delivery by a Greek company. Pair your cup of coffee with a homemade pastry. Gluten-free items can be found here as well. Now you’ll have energy to explore the narrow cobblestone streets of Old Town Limassol. Be sure to learn some history at the Limassol Castle. Craving a meal? You’re in for some luck as Limassol is the gastronomic capital of Cyprus. Sit down for traditional Greek meze at a family run restaurant in Old Town Limassol - Meze Taverna (209 Agiou Andreou St). If you’re in the mood to spend a little, check out Makarios Avenue for boutique shopping. Head back to the hotel to rest and change before heading to dinner at Pier One Café Restobar (Old Port, Limassol) in the marina. The restaurant has stunning views and is designed to make you feel as if you’re sitting on a super yacht. To keep the night going, Guaba Beach Bar (Amathountos 7) is quite lively if you fancy concert-style dancing with well-known DJs.

DAY 2: PAPHOS After indulging in Sir Paul Hotel’s delicious breakfast, start your travels to Paphos. Paphos has a mix of fascinating UNESCO World Heritage Sites, incredible diving spots and beautiful nature.



Some places not to be missed: •Aphrodite’s Rock: The mythical birthplace of the Greek goddess of love and beauty and one of Cyprus’ most photographed beaches. •Tombs of the Kings: A UNESCO World Heritage Site that dates back to the Hellenistic and Roman periods. This was the burial place used for local nobility from the 4th century onwards. There are a maze of caves and sandstone chambers. •Sea Caves of Peyia: The beautiful dramatic coastline of Cyprus paired with the country’s crystal-clear blue waters can be seen from this spot. Don’t forget to schedule in a lunch break at Psarou (Psarou Aristarchou 1 Anania And Aristarchou Corner, Paphos). After a day of exploration, check into Leonardo Plaza Cypria Maris Beach Hotel & Spa (10 Theas Afroditis Avenue, Geroskipou, Paphos 8042; +357269641111) to freshen up before heading to a trendy dinner at Alea Lounge Bar (Poseidonos Ave 4, Paphos 8042).

DAY 3: TROODOS MOUNTAINS & KYRENIA Make your way across the island to the Turkish occupied side of Kyrenia. It’s a leisurely drive through the Troodos Mountains. Make frequent stops at the various stunning scenic spots and quaint churches and monasteries. Explore the 10 UNESCO-listed monasteries scattered throughout. Along the route, you’ll most likely encounter ‘mouflon’ – a wild sheep native to Cyprus. Some places that I highly recommend stopping at along the way: •Omodos Village: The countryside in Cyprus has an abundant historical heritage. Its natural environment is complemented by traditional villages and architecture that give it a charming character. The villagers offer traditional warmth and hospitality, the Cypriot way. This is a good place to stop for lunch at Katoi Restaurant (25 Linou Street, Omodos 4760). •Mount Olympus: Cyprus' highest peak with an altitude of 1,952 meters. There’s an observation deck that offers majestic views of the rolling green mountains of Troodos, as well as a panoramic view of the Bay of Morphou. •Caledonia Waterfall: The lush, cool forest at the bottom of the Troodos Mountains is ideal for nature lovers. Journey into the hills to the village of Platres, where you’ll set off on a 3km hike along the stream to the Caledonia Falls. Once you’ve reached Kyrenia, you’ll need to leave your vehicle on the Cypriot occupied side and walk across the border. Have your passport ready as it’ll need to be stamped since you’re walking into Turkish territory. The Turks have occupied this city since 1974. Kyrenia’s history is fairly impressive, as it was built up by various empires, although always stalled in conflict. The port town was noted for its strategic position on the north coast, allowing for trade with Asia. The Greeks, Romans, Venetians, Turks and the Brits all occupied this city at one point in time. After walking around the markets at the border, head to Nicosia, the divided capital, for the night. Have dinner at Sexy Fish (Onasagorou 45-47, Nicosia 1011). Stay at The 3 Rooms (Onasagorou 16, 3 Stoa Klokkari, Nicosia 1011; +357 99312590).

DAY 4: NICOSIA Nicosia is the world's last divided capital. A UN buffer zone, the Green Line, divides the North and South of the island in two: the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus. The main sights to see in Nicosia: •Walk around the Old City and explore the mosques, churches and old colonial buildings scattered throughout. •Check out the Cyprus Museum for a detailed history of the island. •Relax at Hammam Omerye, a restored 14th-century Turkish bath that offers various spa packages. Drive to Ayia Napa (in Famagusta) for dinner and to sleep. Eat at The Deck Terrace at your hotel (Kryou Nerou 38, 5343 Ayia Napa). Stay at Alion Beach Hotel (Kryou Nerou 38, 5343 Ayia Napa). Play on Louka Louka Street.

DAY 5: AYIA NAPA Known for its water sports and nightlife, Ayia Napa is the hippest place to be on the island. Once a fishing village, it is now a trendy seaside getaway.

MUST-SEE PLACES: •Cape Greco National Forest Park: This national park has numerous trails and cycling paths, sitting areas, cliffs and sea views. Be sure to swim at Agioi Anargyroi Dive Site. •The Bridge of Loved Ones: Legend has it that if you kiss your loved one on this beautiful natural bridge and make a wish while standing in the middle of the arch, it is guaranteed to come true. It has become a tradition for newlyweds and couples to come here. Wedding ceremonies have even been held on this bridge! •Nissi Beach: This popular beach was awarded the blue flag designation for having such clean waters. The beach stretches 500 meters and hosts a number of water activities and beach parties.

PLACES TO EAT: •Feast on Cypriot cuisine at En-Yevo Tavernaki (Dionysiou Solomou 16 Famagusta, Ayia Napa 5330). •Have a delicious pizza at Quadro Italian Restaurant (Odos Kryou Nerou, 7, Ayia Napa 5330). •Try unique dishes at Fiji Polynesian Cuisine (Makarios Avenue 23, Ayia Napa 5340).

DAY 6: LARNACA Drive to Larnaca International Airport (LCA), return your car and depart Cyprus. www.cpmagazine.net


COOL GADGETS The coolest products curated especially for you


Today’s mobile accessories must not only be functional and decorative, but become fully integrated in our own environment. As a proud member of FrenchTech network, Power Technology Company, represented by its authorized distributor in the State of Kuwait, Arabian Business Machines Company, groups the innovative core of tech companies in France with brands like Kiwi Box, Akashi and Bidul, all of which combine the latest technologies while adapting to today’s market trends. Bidul is specialized in data storage and the development of certified peripherals by some of the largest companies in the IT industry (Apple and Microsoft), making this brand an important player in its own market.

The Microsoft range is entirely approved by Microsoft Redmond and includes products like: 1.‘Designed for Surface Hub’ - this product take the definition of Hub to a new level. 2.Surface Sound Speaker - Bluetooth speaker and microphone (Skype compatible) for conference calls, 2 x 5W with an integrated powerbank of 4,000 mAh (20 hours of music in a row, up to 8,000 hours of power in stand-by mode). NFC Technology, SD card/USB slot to play music directly from an external memory card... 3.Ultimate Hub - following the launch of the Surface Pro 6 and Surface Go, Bidul launched its USBC ultimate hub. It is an 8-in-1 hub, bringing back all the missing slots: USB, HDMI, RJ45 - internet, Type-C input so you can keep charging the Surface while using the hub. Kiwi Box focuses on elegance and refinement for smartphones and tablets. The Kiwi Box range is comprehensive and includes universal chargers, QI Products, Peripherals, Power banks and B2B products. The two brands have been recognized internationally on multiple occasions during international trade fairs and represent ‘LaFrenchTech’ in 24 countries. In this edition we will highlight the Kiwi Charger which is based on patented system of interchangeable heads that has received international recognition by IOT leaders.

DESCRIPTION: •The new Kiwi Charge with magnetic connectors, included one micro-USB connector, one type C (USB-C) connector, one Apple Lightning connector for iPhone 11, X, 8, 7, 6, 5 and a Qi pad for all wireless charging phones (Samsung S7, S8, S9, Note 7, Note 8, Note 9) iPhone11, X, iPhone 8… •Charge up to 5 smartphones or tablets simultaneously (2 USB ports at the back of the kiwi charge Qi) All Kiwi Box and Bidul products are available for sale at Arabian Business Machines Co. showroom and online store (http://www.abm-kuwait.com/ store/). 44


Logitech Brio webcam

DJI Osmo Mobile 3

Designed to be the “Tesla of webcams,” the Brio offers 4K HDR streaming, 5x zoom, 60 frames per second streaming at 1080p, and even infrared facial recognition for services like Windows Hello, all in a sleek metal and glass package that’ll blend in seamlessly with most computer monitor setups.

The Osmo Mobile 3 is perfect for someone who wants to shoot really smooth footage with the camera that’s already in their pocket. It’s lightweight, folds up easily to fit into a bag, and offers 15 hours of battery life at a price that won’t break the bank.

RavPower 61W GaN charger

Philips Hue with Bluetooth

RavPower's 61W charger looks about the size of a phone charger, but it packs some serious firepower. It's enough to charge most laptops, while still fitting in the palm of your hand. If you have a USB-C laptop, you'll never want to travel with anything else again.

Philip's Hue bulbs are a great place to start if you're looking to dip your toe into a smart light system. The company's latest Bluetooth-enabled smart bulbs make that even easier by removing the need to get a wired hub first.

Moment Anamorphic Lens Google Nest Hub Google's Nest Hub smart display is many things: a TV-like device that can play YouTube videos, a command center for smart home gadgets, and, most importantly, an excellent digital photo frame for your Google Photos collection.

Moment's Anamorphic lens turns your phone into a cinematic tool, allowing for true widescreen aspect ratios and natural lens flares. You'll need the companion case to attach the lens and the Moment Pro Camera app to de-squeeze the anamorphic footage. Or you can import to your favorite video editing program and work your J.J. Abrams-esque magic from there. www.cpmagazine.net



Talent Radar Words: José Berrocoso

MARCELLO MARTINO “Our mission is to define a new culture in eyewear.”

Marcello Martino founded Covrt Project in London’s Old Street in June 2018. The brand represents the first real standalone eyewear label designed by a specialist frame designer for streetwear connoisseurs. The expertise of Marcello started in 2011 when he completed his MA in product design. Since then, he has led projects to design numerous bar and restaurant interiors in Central London, and today has become a leading creative innovator in 3D spatial desgin. His sunglasses designs have featured in numerous music videos and have been worn by sports personalities and musicians including Maître Gims, Rick Ross, Daddy Yankee and Anthony Joshua. Covrt Project represents the culmination of Martino’s eyewear and interior design projects, a streetwear collection designed and developed in a period of two years, with a sharp intuition, born from within the urban culture and evolved through an understanding of external wide- ranging, multicultural influences. Drawing inspiration from across the globe, the label sets out to highlight the perception of eyewear as a fashion accessory in a collection which embraces new technologies, advanced materials and state-of-the-art details culminating in outstanding aesthetics and unrivalled functionality. In this way, Covrt Project has worked tirelessly to create the ultimate mix of statement style, technical innovation and top-level craftsmanship in both frame designs and selection of UV protective sun lenses. Using the same acute attention to detail and precision in production processes as the very finest apparel brands, Covrt has achieved what it sees as the sophisticated balance between functionality, style and attention to detail that today’s streetwear aesthetic demands. Opposed to the fast-fashion throwaway culture, the brand is also a strong advocate of producing eyewear with a longlasting quality of design and timeless aesthetic vocabulary that make the products worth treasuring over time. Covrt’s accessories explore multi-functionality in designs that are practical, adaptable, and built to last.

Photography: Hamad AlAinati @7mdphotography Directed by: Jameel Arif @jameelarif Location: House Of X @houseofx_kw



SPRING SUMMER 2020 COLLECTION Covrt Project’s SS20 sunglasses collection, called _Mission One brings a brand new concept into the eyewear arena, fusing a creative vision, with utilitarian functionality, and the quality and high-tech expertise of Italian luxury eyewear production. The launch collection consists of seven models, four in CNC milled steel and three in premium Mazzucchelli acetate, fitted with Carl Zeiss sun lenses. Advanced tech features have been built into the designs with focus on enhanced comfort, durability and bold, modern design. All models in the _Mission One collection are supplied with multifunctional accessories, designed for accessibility and everyday use, by Creative Director, Marcello Martino. Premium matt black packaging includes a presentation box and monochrome branded cleaning cloth. www.cpmagazine.net



Fashion Designer and Founder of DU-MISHMASH brand “I look forward to creating outstanding handmade pieces that speak for themselves.” Fatima Hamad Al-Jutaili’s handmade creations are inspired by everything from unicorns to cupcakes. Her designs are now sought by the rich and famous but she never forgets the importance of supporting the community. Photography: Hamad AlAinati @7mdphotography Directed by: Jameel Arif @jameelarif Location: House Of X @houseofx_kw 48




Hi, please introduce yourself to our readers. My name is Fatima Hamad Al-jutaili. I’m an entrepreneur, fashion designer/stylist of DU-MISHMASH and I’m in love with everything handmade and vintage.

Tell us about your education. I have bachelor degree in Marketing.

Are you self-taught or did you study Fashion Designing? Fashion is a huge passion of mine. For me to master it I had to study and I have a diploma in fashion designing/styling.

What are your fondest childhood memories? Huge birthday cakes, hairdos and ruffle dresses.

What is your first fashion memory? Well, I was born in the 80s so I would say anything baggy like oversized denim jackets, pouf dresses and shorts.

Can you tell us about how your interest in fashion began and what inspired you to become a fashion designer? I have always appreciated everything handmade, that’s why I have called my brand DU-MISHMASH. It means combining different fabrics, beads and wires in one piece. I wanted people to never get bored of dressing up. After finishing my fashion diploma I focused on what people really want. Then I came up with an idea of doing timeless handcrafted jackets that would never get old. I developed my skills, worked hard on my target and built my brand. After that I knew there was no way of going back.

What influences the design details in your collection and what's the inspiration behind each of those designs? My first collection is called DREAM. The love of fashion was a dream that I wanted to achieve and follow for a very long time. It was inspired by happy moments in my life from mermaids to unicorns.

Explain how you manufacture your designs. Do you outsource? I outsource and customize my fabric, pattern and cut, but the embroidery is complicated and it is hard work and time consuming. It should be done neatly and under my supervision.

How would you describe your brand aesthetics? Fun, complicated and bold.

As a fashion designer, how would you define your role in society? I have collaborated with different local artisans who had a very low income. They have helped me achieve my dreams. Without them my collection wouldn’t be a success. So I would say always to support and give back to the community.





When starting a new collection, where do you begin? I develop my ideas when I’m around nature, butterflies and cupcakes. Then the magic begins!

Can you name a celebrity look you’ve loved in your designs? Latifa Al Tunisia! She always looks fabulous especially with our biker jackets.

How did living in different countries help in your designs? It helped me get inspired by new countries, nature and fashion. You expose yourself to different kinds of inspiration.

Which entrepreneur/person has inspired you the most and why? My friend, Lady Fozaza, is my ultimate favourite. She supported me from day one. She worked from scratch in the fashion industry.

What is the biggest lesson you have learned and what have you learned since your brand was established? The biggest lesson is to listen to everyone's opinion but only follow your heart. I have also learnt to keep upgrading my skills.

What drives you to continue creating new and inspired designs? The passion I have for fashion. It’s not enough when it comes to designing. I always want to do more.

Who have you been most excited to see wearing your clothes? Lady Gaga. Her style is very close to mine.

Your motto in life? I always find beauty in things that are odd and imperfect. They are much more interesting.

What are your future plans for your business? To open stores all over the world, grow and collaborate with creative designers.

How would you describe your personal style? Simple t-shirt with and oversized padded shoulder suit and fabulous Monolo Blahnik shoes!

Your message for us at CP Magazine? I would personally like to thank CP Magazine for supporting young entrepreneurs and giving me this opportunity to introduce myself and my brand.

Finally, what can we look forward to and expect in the future from you? I look forward to creating outstanding handmade pieces that speak for themselves.






CHIC & COZY Sandra Carina

Fireplace, comfortable couch, a blanket and, of course, a cup of hot chocolate. This perfect winter moment inspired me to write about the cozy styles for the holidays!



Teddy bear jacket

Knit set

Snuggle up in this season's fave teddy bear coat! Pair it with a minimalistic neutral outfit and gold accessories!

Loungewear co-ord is everything you need! You can dress it up with heels or down with sneakers or fluffy sliders!

Chunky cardigan

Balloon sleeve

Chunky cardigans add style to any basic outfit! Pair with a hat to complete the fashionable winter look.

Give your look some comfort with a balloon sleeve knit cardigan! Pair with a lace satin top and white denim pants. www.cpmagazine.net


Jazz_boutique since 2010




















When Honda announced that they would be releasing a whole new Civic for 2020, I was curious just to know what features they would be adding to, or improving in the new model. The 2020 Civic can be described as an affordable car due to its pocket friendly price, but it sure doesn’t look or feel like it. The Civic Si is available as a coupe or sedan, the Civic Type R is hatchback only. The base LX comes with a lot of equipment for the money. The EX includes a turbocharged engine plus other goodies, and the EX-L primarily adds leather upholstery. The Touring is the most luxurious Civic, while the Si swaps some amenities for a sportier driving experience. Two other body styles — the Civic coupe and Civic hatchback — have differing trim structures and are reviewed separately. Honda has also included a few upgrades for the 2020 model in terms of interior and exterior design, to give the car a more luxurious and modern look. Honda is also expanding the availability of Civic's optional six-speed manual transmission to include the hatchback's top Sport Touring trim. At a time when automakers can't get rid of the old-school stick shift fast enough, this move is a refreshing commitment from Honda to keep the connection between car and driver strong. As usual, my team and I decided to go for a test drive in the new Civic as soon as an opportunity showed up in order to get a first hand feel of the car. We decided to pick the S 2.0 cc which is the top trim in order to get the best experience from the 2020 model.

Quicker And More Efficient Than Before.

A Porsche Weekend With The 718 Cayman GTS.




Meet the 2020 Honda Ci


The Sleek, Affordable and Classy Car


Featuring: Arumi Al-Mutawa @arumi.almutawa Brand: Porsche 718 Cayman GTS. @porschecentrekuwait Photography by: Hamad AlAinati @7mdphotography Directed by: Jameel Arif @jameelarif Assistance: Abdullah Shakeel @abdullah_shkl Locations: DHAI COMPLEX @dhaicomplex & BOULEVARD KUWAIT @Boulevardq8







EXTERIOR For the 2020 Civic, Honda has pretty much preserved the traditional bold look of the car while adding a few other changes to its body that have definitely done a great job in giving it a more mature and modern look. The Civic has been designed exceptionally to fulfill the promise of supple dynamics. It boasts of a light and highly rigid body, thanks to an ingenious engineering and construction techniques. The 2020 Year Model 1.6L Civic has a brand new look for the exterior with a fresh design of the chrome grille for the standard grades and dark chrome for the sport grades. Other features in the new Civic include chrome or dark chrome door handles, updated rear grille design, rear deck lid spoiler, LED daytime running lights, new fog garnish, material black lower bumper and new 17� alloy wheel design for the sport grade. The 2020 Civic is a beauty from the outside, and the new features have definitely worked to complement this car’s reputation.



INTERIOR In terms of interior designs, basically every Civic nails the basics—Bluetooth connectivity, power features, and active safety equipment. The car looks attractive on the inside and like I said before, it doesn’t look or feel like a budget car at all. The Civic’s compact footprint belies its spacious cabin. Up front, the driver and front-seat passenger have a better view than a rooftop patio. The dashboard is low and the seats are comfortable, shod in durable grippy fabrics. Leg and headroom up front are exceptional, while folks of all sizes should be able to fit comfortably in the back. There is also a clever center console that features a deep bin, a sliding cup holder unit and a large, grippy area for smartphones. For large items, both the sedan and hatchback provide best-in-class cargo room with the rear seats up. All Civics get a digital display for the tachometer, speedometer and additional driving information, and the readouts are under deep cowls. The 2020 Civic also offers auto air-conditioning, rear ventilation in all grades, steering wheel mounted controls for Bluetooth Hands Free Telephone (HFT), a 5-inch touch screen audio and USB jacks. In addition to that, there are some standard features in all grades include 60:40 fold down rear seats, rear seat armrest with cup holders, sun visor extension mechanism and map light. Model 1.6L Civic also features Wide View Rear Camera, Sports Pedals and Steering Wheel Mounted Paddle Shifters to control the shifting up and down of the transmission that perform excellently in providing a sporty feeling when driving the car. Other impressive features included in the 2020 Civic include Smart Entry, Push Button Start, and Remote Engine Starter which

enables the driver to start the engine from a distance, a feature that ensures that the air-conditioning is switched on and cabin temperature is at maximum comfort by the time you hop in. All grades of the 2020 Civic have Electric Power Steering, Auto headlight off timer, Rear Parking Sensors, Electric Parking Brake with Brake Hold Function that has replaced the old conventional handbrake lever with compact, easy to operate switch.

TECHNOLOGY AND SAFETY The 2020 Honda Civic has scored quite well in terms of safety and crashworthiness, including a five-star overall score from the feds. Every 2020 Honda Civic comes standard with forward collision warning, automatic emergency braking, lane-departure warning, and lane-keeping assist. Automatic high-beams are standard on the Civic coupe and sedan, but are optional on the hatchback. The only other real safety option is LaneWatch (standard on EX and higher), which is Honda's alternative to blind-spot monitoring. It features a camera on the passenger-side mirror that displays what's in the driver's blind spot on the center stack. The Civic also scored impressively in other crash tests including a five star rating for side and roll over tests. The 2020 Civic also features Honda’s active-safety features such as Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA) with Traction Control Systems (TCS), Anti-Lock Brake Systems (ABS), Electronic Brake Distributor (EBD), Hill Start Assist (HSA), Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) and Emergency Stop Signal (ESS).





PERFORMANCE Before getting to how the 2020 Honda Civic felt on the road, let me give you a detailed tour of what lies inside the hood. There are three available engines, with five power outputs spread among them, mated to automatic or manual transmissions. Short of a pickup truck, few cars offer the same variety in available performance or efficiency than the Civic. A base 2.0-liter inline-4 is standard in the sedan and coupe and makes 158 horsepower. It can team to a continuously variable automatic transmission (CVT) or 6-speed manual in some cases. A 1.5-liter turbo-4 that makes 174 hp normally is a spend-up option and also more efficient. The Civic Si draws power from the same engine. It is capable of making more than 200 hp with the turbos screwed in tighter. The wild Type R makes more than 300 hp, and it’s a serious track performer. Some trims offer a 6-speed manual paired to the turbo-4, and it can help tame some of the lag in the driveline when drivers mash on the throttle. All Civics are equipped with especially taut handling and clean steering that make it enjoyable to drive around town and even on twisty roads. Turbo-4 versions get fluid-filled rear bushings that sharpen handling further.

The Civic Si is available in coupe or sedan body styles, and is powered by a 205-hp 1.5-liter turbo-4. It’s paired exclusively with a 6-speed manual that wrings out the most from the busy engine. The Si is capable of gaining up to 60 mph in less than seven seconds and features two-mode adaptive dampers that toggle between Normal and Sport settings for a firmer feel. Summer tires are optional from the factory, and a good idea for warm-weather buyers—the little Civic Si has a big grip on twisty roads. .

TEST DRIVE We took the Civic to a ride around town to test how the 2.0 cc engine combined with the other amazing features would actually perform on the road. Before I even begin describing everything in detail, I have to say that the Civic platform is exceptionally well done. The body control of the test car was outstanding and the car possessed a solid, substantial feel. The extra power that comes with the Si trim was noticeable, especially with the revs up. This gets me to one other feature that impressed me during the ride; the soundtrack of the engine. The engine revs so happily and sounds so growly in an amazing way that you won’t mind revving up all the way. The clutch action felt superlight with the pick-up point not far from the top of the pedal’s travel. The stick is quick and precise. The



final drive gear ratio for the 2020 model is now a bit shorter for quicker launches and also enabling highway passing under certain conditions without requiring a downshift. The car felt light and nimble with a light yet responsive and precise steering. With this car, I commend the Honda engineers for doing a marvelous job at balancing ride and handling. The cabin was also pretty comfortable and silent, thanks to the meaty tires on 18-inch matte-black alloy wheels that made very little road noise even at a high speed. The suspension of the Civic was great as the car handled bumps quite easily.

CONCLUSION The 2020 Honda civic is an outstanding car across all trims. For a vehicle this well-equipped, comfortable, versatile, reliable, capable and genuinely fun to drive, calling it a budget car feels wrong. Honda have done an impressive job in this update, adding up to both performance and comfort feature of the car. The 2020 Honda Civic has certainly changed the game on how its predecessors were perceived. The Civic offers a well-rounded docket that goes beyond just dollars-and-sense matters. Its interior is spacious, comfortable and well-made. The turbocharged engine found in most trim levels provides excellent acceleration and fuel economy. Its ride and handling are well-balanced, while interior noise levels have fallen sharply from past versions. The Civic Si meanwhile, is one of the most desirable performance cars on the market.

All these, plus the great safety features adds to the 2020 Honda Civic's other strengths that include quick acceleration, crisp handling and cargo-carrying versatility. The 2020 Civic is well ahead of the competition and Honda have done a great job in ensuring that this model comes with a little something for everyone who might consider buying the car. The 2020 Civic Si is light, has immediate response, handles extremely well and has more than enough power for a daily driver. Honda has also done a great job at including many driver aides and electronic conveniences as standard equipment. Better part yet is in a car of this type, fairly easy to turnoff the electronic nannies when you don't want them. Riding the Civic felt great and I would personally recommend this car to anyone out there who is interested in getting a car that is totally worth every cent it costs. For more information about the 2020 Honda Civic including prices and other inquiries, please call Honda AlGhanim at 1822 777 or pay visit their showrooms at AlRai.







As an Italian living in Riyadh, inspired by real women and their real needs and dreams, Alice founded the eponymous Abaya label in Milan, the heart of fashion, with the goal of merging the quality of the iconic Italian tailoring and the value of modesty into a unique collection of timeless garments. Alice combines traditions and heritage with a modern vision in order to create pieces that all women from around the world can approach in their own personal and stylish way. Alice as an Italian woman, how did you become a designer in the Saudi fashion market?

needs. We believe in quality, not quantity. www.alicegianimargi.com

When I moved to Riyadh back in 2009 I needed to wear a practical abaya that could fit my busy lifestyle. I started designing with the goal to create a collection of luxurious yet comfortable abayas 100% hand-made in Italy for the modern woman. I founded my company in Milan, the heart of fashion, and my signature Sport Abayas soon became a success not only in Saudi but in the whole Gulf area, Europe and USA.

Where was the last fashion event where you participated as an abaya designer?

As we know, you now expand your sales around the world. Please tell us where we can buy your abayas in Milan?

Do you feel that the abaya is still on top of the sales trends in the Middle East region?

You can order online via email info@alicegianimargi.com or Instagram @ alicegianimargi, we ship worldwide. We like to give consultations to our customers and follow the whole process with extra care and attention towards the client’s 68


It was an honor for me to be among the Modest Fashion designers selected by the Islamic Fashion Design Council this year. I had the opportunity to showcase my ‘Nero Sublime’ collection on the runway at Torino Fashion Week last June and the show was a great success.

I believe that Modest Fashion is above trends and my goal when designing a new collection is always to create timeless garments which emphasise the beauty of the woman who wants to dress modestly.

What are your inspirations during a new collection creation?

transparent, sunblock, wrinkle free and are guaranteed to last with you for years. The use of zippers, functional hoods and pockets makes them the perfect partner for modern women on the go and the minimal Italian touch makes them suitable for all occasions and styles.

My creative process has different phases. It usually all starts from a story that inspires me and inspires a message I want to deliver through my creations. Since my mind is like a white canvas, I like to isolate myself and I don't look at the work of other designers in order to always keep my work genuine, true, original and most importantly free from influences.

Any fashion advice for our CP readers and Middle East fashionistas?

Abaya as a sportswear: please tell us about Sporty-Chic Abayas Collection.

My advice is to always stay true to yourself and your style. Find your ‘uniform,’ buy a few good quality pieces you can mix and match and wear garments that make you feel confident. It's all about the attitude.

My sport abayas are definitely the ones that are closer to my heart and now my signature models. They are made with innovative Italian fabrics that are stretchy, www.cpmagazine.net



HASNA Meet the fashion and beauty model with a unique defining feature.

Originally from Tunisia, Al-Hasna is now a familiar face in and around Kuwait. Read on to discover her beauty routine, her secret talent and her guilty pleasure!

Photography by: Bob Sabbah @bobsabbah Directed by: Jameel Arif @jameelarif Makeup & Hair: Moss Saloon @moss_saloon







Please introduce yourself to our readers. I am Hasna. I am from Tunisia. I am currently a freelance fashion and beauty model.

When and how did you come to Kuwait? I came to work in Kuwait for a different position around 8 years ago but recently became a full-time model.

Tell us about your education. I completed university in Tunis in Physical Education and later worked as a volleyball, Zumba and Physical Education trainer also specializing in Special Needs.

Why did you change your field to modelling? Since childhood, I had a dream to be a model and I received modelling offers when I was teenager. But I decided to complete my education first. In the past few years, however, people thought I was a model or a star and I started to get offers. That was when I decided to make it a full-time profession, officially one year ago.

What was your first modelling job in Kuwait? It was for a local fashion store.

Did you find any difficulties during your first job? Yes, initially I had the power to learn but needed some guidance and support in posing. I mastered this later and now have no problem in posing.

Who is your favourite photographer in Kuwait? I have worked with many local and international photographers but I would certainly choose Shikhoon who supported me and pushed me to where I am today.

What is your personal style? I like dresses which are elegant and can bring out the feminine body in the most beautiful way.

What would you say is your special trait or defining feature? My smile. When I smile, my eyes don't close which is not very common and my clients like this.

What are your hobbies? I love dancing, travelling and shopping.

Which is your favourite travel destination and why? My country, Tunisia. Because it is a small world in itself.

What is your opinion about the modelling scene in Kuwait for a beginner? I see lots of beautiful faces modelling in Kuwait. Some of them are professional and some of them are still struggling to find their niche. But eventually, everyone will take his or her share of the energy they put into the work.

What is your beauty routine? As I specialized in fitness I do regular exercises in the morning and





drink a lot of water and fresh juices. I also sleep well and try to avoid anything that brings stress.

How do you stay confident and full of energy? I get confidence from the way people look at my work and appreciate it and also when they like me as a person. This gives me more energy and confidence to give better results.

Any good memories from your modelling projects? My first photo session was both the most difficult and the most fun because I entered as a beginner without experience and was very natural. It went very well. Now I am more disciplined and understand how it works. But the fun part is that most of my followers love my first work.

What is your favourite music or singer? I love French music and my favourite singer is Celine Dion.

Your favourite all time movie? The Wedding Date.

What is your guilty pleasure? I love Fatayer.

Do you have a secret talent? I am a good hip-hop dancer.

What is your go-to everyday outfit? I always love easy and simple dresses.

What is your biggest dream to achieve? To see my photos everywhere I go.

Your favourite brands? I love ZARA as a brand but I definitely like GUCCI.

What is a favourite must for you to bring to a shoot? I have a small black travel pack that has all my essential things and I cannot go to a shoot without it.

How do you feel to be on the cover of CP Magazine? This is the first step of my dream. I feel proud and happy that I am going in the right direction.

Your message for us at CP Magazine? I would like to thank CP Magazine, especially Mr. Jameel Arif, for choosing me amongst all the other beautiful models and girls to bless your cover to complete your 10 successful years. I wish you many more successful years to come.

















1. The election on December 12th was the first UK election to be held



















3. 20 new moons were discovered around which planet this year, meaning it now has more recognized moons than any other planet in the Solar System?








4. 2019 marked which anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall?








5. A Sunday Times report in 2019 found that over 50 billboards in the






in December – True or False?

2. Got it Covered, an album of celebrities singing songs was released in 2019. What charity was this in aid of?

UK were fitted with what?

6. A stainless steel sculpture called Rabbit sold at Auction in May 2019 for $91 million. Who was the artist?

7. Which actress, who rose to fame as part of the Harry Potter franchise, described herself as 'self-partnered' in an interview this year?


8. High street mainstay 555 Thomas Cook closed this year, with its stores in the UK being purchased by which fellow travel agent?

TEST YOUR VOCABULARY The island attracted saltwater fish into its subterranean tunnels—how, I don’t know; perhaps fish ate the algae as gluttonously as I did. In this sentence, subterranean means: a.








9. Antonio Brown joined, and then left, which NFL Team after playing only one game?

10. BBC Viewers of Songs of Praise voted which hymn as Britain's Favourite in a 2019 poll? 11. By what scoreline did South Africa defeat England in the 2019 Rugby World Cup Final? 12. Channel 4 opened its new headquarters in 2019 in which city? 13. Coleen Rooney has been in the news this year after discovering that the wife of which footballer had been sharing her private Instagram stories with a national newspaper?

14. Complete the title of the hit 2019 film "Ford vs. ________"?

Subterranean feelings and intentions are those you keep "on the down low." In fact, real things that are subterranean really are down low — underground, in fact. A subterranean worm lives under the earth's surface. A subterranean lair is a secret hideout dug under the dirt — or maybe it's just your basement. The word comes from the Latin subterraneus, from sub meaning "under" and terra meaning "earth."

ANSWER: d. Subterranean is an adjective that describes something just below what can be seen, like the subterranean jealousy you hide under a smile and kind words for the actor who got the part you wanted.

15. Which rap artist released album Cuz I Love You in April 2019? 16. Dark Fate, released in October, was the sixth instalment in which movie series?



17. Eat Like Andy was a 2019 advertising campaign by which fast-food

A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is divisible by ……...

18. Evo Morales, widely considered the first indigenous ruler of his


19. Far From Home, released in 2019, features which Marvel superhero?

A. 1

20. Which major tech organisation announced its purchase of health

B. 2

tracking company Fitbit in November?



ANSWERS: 1.False, 2.Children in Need, 3.Saturn, 4.30 years, 5.Surveillance cameras, 6.Jeff Koons, 7.Emma Watson, 8.Hays, 9.New England Patriots, 10.Jerusalem, 11.3212, 12.Leeds, 13.Jamie Vardy, 14.Ferrari, 15.Dina Asher-Smith, 16.The Terminator, 17.Burger King, 18.Bolivia, 19.Spider-man, 20.Google

C. 3


nation, resigned as leader of which country in late 2019, leading to mass protests?

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HOROSCOPES (March 21 - April 19)

(July 23 - August 22)



Over the past year, Jupiter’s transit in Sagittarius has taken you on a long and winding journey, expanding your consciousness, horizons, and vision. Now, after all its twists and turns, your journey has led you to the top. Your ruler Mars is in Scorpio in December, and you’re in a powerful phase of transformation and resurrection—personally, financially, intimately— reclaiming power where you’ve felt powerless before. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, enters Capricorn on December 2 for the first time in twelve years, and you’re hitting the big time. Capricorn rules your tenth house, which deals with your profession, career, public image, and relationship with authority, among other themes. Jupiter’s transit in Capricorn in December and over the coming year brings an expansion of these themes. There are huge opportunities to take your career to the next level. For some, this could mean the joys of parenthood. On the eleventh, the Gemini full moon brings conversations and information, marking a fork in the road. Explore your options, but keep your eyes on the prize. Then you can make wise choices that take you a huge step closer to a goal.

(April 20 - May 20)

TAURUS On December 2, Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, joins Venus in Capricorn, expanding your world, horizons, and consciousness. Capricorn rules the ninth house in your chart, which deals with “everything across known boundaries”: international relations, travel, foreign countries, cultures, languages, higher education, law, publishing, and, at its highest level, spirituality. Jupiter magnifies, so you can expect an expansion in these areas over the coming year. Jupiter and the ninth house also represent journeys of all kinds, and December brings a glimpse into your journey over the coming year. The higher you climb, the farther the fall, so it’s important that you stay anchored in your integrity above all. This is a time when you’re seeking greater meaning in your life, and there are valuable discoveries to be made. But this will mean letting go of what you think you know, dogma, and superficial conditioning surrounding how you think the world works. Then you can discover a greater truth.

(May 21 - June 20)

GEMINI Over the past year, your life has been undergoing a core excavation and renovation. Also, your relationships have expanded, bringing significant others into your life. December brings you to the next stage of evolution and a glimpse into the coming twelve months. On December 2, Jupiter enters Capricorn and magnifies themes surrounding sex, transformation, change, death, taxes, inheritances, shared resources, and other people’s money. Your relationships are moving to the next level, especially those involving sex, money, and blood. For some, this could mean marriage, buying property, making investments together, dealing with taxes, inheritances, or perhaps divorce. This is not a prediction but rather an alert that situations are gathering critical mass, reaching a point of no return so there can be a resurrection. On the eleventh, the full moon in your sign puts you in the spotlight, bringing relationships to the forefront and presenting you with choices. Over the past year, your relationships have expanded and grown, as have you. Now you’re reaching the end of the road with some and discovering deeper potential in others.

(June 21 - July 22)

CANCER You’ve been working hard over the past year, giving your all to a situation at work or in your life, and healing on a profound level. On December 2, as Jupiter enters Capricorn and your relationship sector for the first time in twelve years, December brings a glimpse into the coming twelve months. Jupiter’s influence is expansive in Capricorn. This is a time when your relationships are expanding and taking center stage. This includes all your one-on-one relationships—emotional, business, as well as those with open enemies or “frenemies.” This is a time when you could meet or deepen a connection with a significant other, as well as with other benevolent and fortuitous connections that can greatly expand your world. But first, on the eleventh, the Gemini full moon brings you to a culmination of a journey you’ve been on for the past year. You’ve been working hard. Move inward now to rest, recharge, and search your soul. Also acknowledge your secret desires and the way you might secretly feel divided about the future of a situation.



There are huge changes unfolding right out of the gate as you enter December, bringing a glimpse into the themes you will be dealing with over the coming year. On December 2, Jupiter enters Capricorn for a year. Expect life to get busier and more demanding. Time management will be key, so you don’t get overwhelmed. Also prioritize your health, and pay attention to any health issues. You can heal, but it will mean reevaluating your lifestyle so it supports your goals and a healing journey. The eleventh marks the Gemini full moon, opposite the sun in Sagittarius. Your aspirations are coming to light, as is a heart’s desire. You can have what you wish for and need, but it starts with you being honest with yourself. You’ve been working hard over the past year, but there has been a steady breakdown of old structures and routines. On December 21, the sun enters Capricorn, asking you to consciously release what isn’t working. Make room for a life that is more sustainable and supports a creative vision.

(August 23 - September)

VIRGO Over the past year, you’ve grown in a sense of security. Now December brings you a glimpse into the next twelve months as you enter the next stage of your life. On December 2, Jupiter enters Capricorn, the area of your chart that relates to your heart, creativity, passion, children, sex, love, romance, and your inner child or innermost sense of self. Over the past year, you’ve been in the process of breaking down a false self to reveal an inner you. This process is magnifying and taking center stage now, drawing you to take a huge risk. On the eleventh, the Gemini full moon opposes the sun in Sagittarius, bringing a professional situation to light. You’re reaching the end of a chapter, professionally, but this is a chance to realign with your true ambitions so they reflect an authentic part of you. Then you can achieve the kind of success that makes the world take notice and that you are truly proud to achieve. On December 21, the sun enters Capricorn and reaches the solstice, shining a light on your heart and its true desires. You’re learning your power to create your reality in every moment. This means taking responsibility for the reality you have already created so you can learn from it and release it.

(September 23 - October)

LIBRA You’ve been on a long journey over the past year, and December marks a homecoming. On December 2, Jupiter enters Capricorn, bringing a growing sense of support where it once felt like the walls were closing in or the ground was giving way. If there’s a part of your past you’ve avoided confronting, it might be impossible to do that now. But once you do, you can more deeply enjoy all the gifts the present has to offer you. On the eleventh, the Gemini full moon suggests a need for perspective. Communication is highlighted. It would be best to take the high road in a disagreement. You’re learning information that brings choices and marks a fork in the road. You could be dealing with legal or immigration matters, higher education, traveling, relocating, exploring job offers overseas, signing contracts, or publishing a book. However this manifests, what matters is that you realize you have options. This is a culmination of a journey you’ve been on for the past year. Embody your lessons and you can make wise choices that take you toward a greater goal of freedom and security.

(October 23 - November)

SCORPIO Over the past year, you’ve grown in self-esteem, financial and emotional well-being, and in awareness of your values and potential. Now you’re entering a new phase as Jupiter enters Capricorn on December 2. This is the area of your chart that deals with communication, ideas, the mind, short-distance travel, writing , information, and siblings, among other things. Jupiter’s influence magnifies, and you can expect an expansion of these themes in December and over the next twelve months. If there’s an inconvenient truth, conversation, or something you’ve avoided confronting, it won’t be easy to continue doing that for much longer. The sooner you confront the elephant in the room, the sooner you can move past it. On the eleventh, the Gemini full moon highlights themes surrounding marriage divorce, taxes, business and personal commitments, inheritances, and finances, especially where your money is tied with others. You have a choice and hold the cards in a situation where you’ve felt powerless. Remember your lessons of the past year, and value yourself rather than be attached to an outcome. Then you can gain tangibly, as well as deepen commitments that go the distance with you.

(November 22 - December)

SAGITTARIUS Over the past year, Jupiter’s transit through Sagittarius has marked a phase of self-discovery and personal growth. You’ve grown in selfawareness, wisdom, and in the awareness of your gifts and potential. Now, on December 2, Jupiter enters Capricorn, marking the beginning of a new chapter and yearlong journey that sees you growing in emotional and financial well-being and security. But first will come a process of deconstructing false attachments to security so you can discover what is truly valuable. On the eleventh, the Gemini full moon brings your closest one-on-one relationships to light. You’re reaching the end of the road with certain connections, deepening and discovering greater potential in others. You have choices to make. Be honest with yourself about how you feel, and remember the lessons of the past year. Then you can align with others who are truly your equals and who give back to you equally.

(December 22 - January 19)

CAPRICORN Over the past year, Jupiter’s transit in Sagittarius has tested your faith, and now your faith is due to be rewarded. On December 2, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, good fortune, abundance, and benevolence, enters your sign for the first time in twelve years. In December and over the coming year, luck is on your side. You’re on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, expansion, and growing self-awareness as you step into the fullness of your potential. For some, this might mean an actual pregnancy, but metaphorically speaking, you’re on the verge of birthing a vision that’s been growing within you for a while. But Jupiter’s influence magnifies, so there will also be an expansion of what you can no longer ignore and the changes that need to happen. And change always comes from the inside out. On the eleventh, the full moon aligns in Gemini, highlighting your health, work, and daily routines. Pay attention to what surfaces now. Make time to rest, meditate, deepen your spiritual practices, and move inward for introspection as you clarify a vision.

(January 20 - February 18)

AQUARIUS It’s that time of year when you’re feeling festive, and you have plenty to celebrate this year. Over the past year, Jupiter, the planet of abundance, has been traveling through Sagittarius, expanding your social circle and network, and you’ve seen at least one wish come true. But now Jupiter enters Capricorn on December 2, inviting you to dream a new dream for your life. No matter what else is unfolding on the surface, in December and over the next twelve months, this a profoundly introspective and spiritual phase, drawing you on a soul search. Capricorn rules the part of your chart that relates to your dreams, unconscious, subconscious, spirituality, “pleasures of the bed,” and self-undoing. This energy is not easy to access other than through meditation and spiritual practice, which will be your lifeline, support, and refuge over the coming year. Then you can stay rooted and in touch with a greater reality and divine plan unfolding behind the scenes.

(February 19 - March 20)

PISCES Welcome to December! Your traditional ruling planet Jupiter has been transiting through Sagittarius over the past year, expanding your career, ambitions, and vision. Now on December 2, Jupiter enters Capricorn, and you’re entering a whole new chapter of making your dreams come true. Capricorn rules the part of your chart that relates to your dreams, hopes, wish fulfillment, community, friends, social networks, freedom, and liberation. Jupiter’s influence magnifies, so expect an expansion in these themes in December and over the coming twelve months. On the eleventh, the Gemini full moon highlights your domestic sector. With the sun in your professional sector, there’s a sense of having to balance your career with home and family matters that are drawing your attention. This is a chance to release the past so you can expand your vision. Also, what was your childhood like? Were you encouraged to reach for your dreams? Rise above insecurities as you reach for your ambitions, and live in alignment with an inner truth.

HAVE AN AFTERNOON PARTEA! Tea lovers, you can now please your eyes and taste buds at the same time! You can enjoy pouring your tea from various range of tea pots offered by Pylones, a French brand for contemporary pieces, & sipping your hot tea with Legami mug, brought to you all the way from Italy. These European brands have many loveable pieces that will bring delight to your everyday life.


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