3 minute read
The Thing About Love
from CP February 2020
by CPmagazine
Nadia AlHaroon
As we all know, Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love and to remind our partners and show them appreciation by a nice dinner or a gift or some other sort of gesture. Many love this certain day, but there are also many that are against it and believe that love should not be confined to one day. There are also many that feel sad around this time of year because they do not have anyone to share it with and when February 14 creeps in, they feel more lonely than ever. I remember one Valentine’s Day when I had no one to share my Valentine’s Day with, I felt so lonely. The thoughts of “why can’t I find anyone to love and love me back?” surfaced and all the other questions that come up on the day where love should be celebrated. After feeling sorry for myself and a bit of meditation, I was able to look deep within myself away from the emotions that tend to cloud my judgement and what the voice within told me is something has stayed with me, and will stay with me forever.
Love is so simple, but we tend to complicate it. When we say something like “love hurts”, that is because we are hurting inside. We tend to look for love on the outside world, but you will only find true love within you. If you are in a relationship where you do not feel at peace, or by yourself and do not feel at peace then the conclusion of this is that you have inner work to do. Love is effortless and is something that is shared freely and unconditionally with everyone. Whether it is a partner, a family member, a friend or even the person who walked passed you in the street. In order to receive love we need to be love, and in order to be love we need to love ourselves fiercely.
In order to raise your vibrations and to get into the right track of loving yourself, start by writing a list of everything you love about yourself. I am not talking about the physical attributes, but more of the things that lie within you that form the way you are as a person such as your love to help others, or your dedication towards your job. After writing this list, write an affirmation that you will recite daily to yourself in front of the mirror as soon as you wake up aloud. It needs to be related to self-love, so it can be something like “I choose to love myself as imperfect as I am, and I choose to give love to all close and far.” And recite this for 21 days. If You Want to Go the Extra Mile…
Some during this process start to become emotional and face an influx of emotions. If this is you, then a bit of meditation will help immensely (you can do it too if you want to strengthen your experience to be love and receive it in the purest form). I would suggest a meditation for 5 minutes and to ask yourself the simple question “what do I need to do to be filled with love?” and keep on asking this question silently with your eyes closed, while giving yourself time to process the question. The answer may not necessarily come after the first meditation. It might take a week or longer for the answer to come, depending on when you are ready to receive the answer. The answer may come during one of the meditations or it may come in some different form, like something you read randomly, or a sentence someone says or even an incident.
Let Valentine’s Day be a reminder that in order to give and receive love in the purest form, we must allow ourselves to be love. When we can be love, we will see love in everything and everyone. Yes, Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love, but all forms of love so do not limit on who you decide to share your affection with on this beautiful day, even if the person is you.
حلو. حصري. مميز. .مع أحمد الزامل
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