11 minute read
from CP February 2020
by CPmagazine
ARIES (March 21 - April 19)
You’ve been traveling a long road, and your journey is leading you to the top this month. You’re in the public eye—personally and professionally— and in demand socially. Be authentic and lead by example and you can automatically gravitate toward your tribe. As Venus enters Aries on February 7, practice self-care and love yourself better and you can attract, create, and be open to receiving what you desire. The next day, the Leo full moon highlights a creative situation and matters of love, romance, and the heart. You can have what you want if you dare to acknowledge it. Mercury stations retrograde and Mars enters Capricorn on the sixteenth, marking a peak professional moment. You may secretly have doubts about the future of a (perhaps professional) situation, but you needn’t doubt yourself. You have what it takes and the support of partners who want you to succeed. Reflect on your ambitions, soul vision, and mission. Don’t be afraid to let go of aspirations you’ve outgrown so you can step into your potential. You needn’t reveal all your secrets, but stay true to your integrity.
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) As February begins, you’re in a new professional cycle, making powerful connections that can further your ambitions. But Venus enters Aries on February 7, drawing you inward to clarify a vision and deepen intimacy with your secret desires, fears, and your true self. On the eighth, the Leo full moon draws your attention to home and family matters. Rise above insecurities and regain inner confidence as you reach for the stars. Also, Mercury is in shadow phase, suggesting there’s more than meets the eye in a social situation. As Mercury stations retrograde and Mars enters Capricorn on February 16, a conversation with a friend or information you learn suggests that you keep your perspective. Be careful about who or what you believe and trust. Not that anyone is necessarily being deceptive, but people have their own agendas. Remain aligned with long-term goals and a spiritual mission. Then you can deepen relationships that share your path and will go the distance with you.
LEO (July 23 - August 22)
You’re in a new relationship cycle, moving to the Leo full moon in your sign on February 8. Passions are rising, and this is an emotional but powerfully heart-transforming moment. Don’t be afraid to acknowledge how you feel, but remain detached in an evolving situation. Also, Mercury is in shadow phase and enters Pisces on the third. It’s important that you strive for clarity in all communications, especially those involving sex, money, and commitments. You could be negotiating joint finances, taxes, contracts, or a marriage or intimate relationship. You will be revisiting conversations and negotiations later in the month, but it would be ideal to sign important contracts and arrangements before February 16, when Mercury stations retrograde. There’s information surfacing asking you to reevaluate recent and significant financial and intimate commitments. Honesty and transparency will be key to negotiations. This is a chance to clarify arrangements so they offer teamwork and support and work better for everyone involved. Expect life and work to be busy. If you take on too much, you’ll build resentment. This means learning to ask for help. People aren’t mind readers.
VIRGO (August 23 - September) As you enter February, you’re in a new cycle of your work, health, and daily routines. You have a lot on your plate. Prioritize your life, starting with your health, and give to what matters most. Also, learn to delegate and ask for help when you need it or you’ll end up feeling resentful. Significantly, your ruling planet Mercury enters Pisces on February 3, drawing focus to all one-to-one relationships—personal, business, colleagues, and others you interact with daily. Also, Mercury is in shadow phase, suggesting you’ll be revisiting current conversations. In all interactions, be mindful and seek depth, transparency, and clarity. Avoid assumptions and doublecheck communications. The Leo full moon on the eighth is drawing you inward to rest, recharge, and reflect on the greater purpose of your life and soul vision. Mercury stations retrograde on February 16, and you’re learning information that’s giving you pause. The sun enters Pisces on the eighteenth, followed by the new moon in Pisces five days later, ushering in a new relationship cycle. This is a powerful turning point, allowing you to reclaim your authority in a financial or intimate situation and deepen lucrative and loving connections with powerful equals.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)
You’re on a journey as you enter February. You could be physically traveling or metaphorically expanding your horizons personally, professionally, and in a relationship. You’re free to explore your options, but as Mercury enters Pisces on February 3, reflect on what success means to you as you clarify an ambition and your long-term goals. The Leo full moon on the eighth brings important information to light, revealing the way forward. Be open-minded and reach for your most optimistic vision. On February 16, your ruling planet Mercury stations retrograde just as Mars enters Capricorn, bringing powerful changes professionally, financially, and in your intimate relationships. Consciously examine and redefine your relationship with authority. Release conditioning around power, sex, commitment, and authority. Also, dig deeper for your values. What will matter after all is said and done? The sun enters Pisces on the eighteenth, followed by the Pisces new moon five days later. They mark a fresh start professionally and a second chance at an opportunity you thought had passed you by.
CANCER (June 21 - July 22)
As you enter February, there are powerful changes unfolding in a financial situation, intimate relationship, or a situation that has had you on edge. You have a lot to gain emotionally and financially, but remain detached. On February 8, the Leo full moon brings a chance to reclaim your power. You don’t have total control, but you do hold an ace. Let go of ego battles. Invest your time, money, emotions, and energy in alignment with your values and you can transform a situation. Also, Mercury is in shadow phase. It would be ideal to sign or finalize documents, travel plans, contracts, and visas in the first half of the month. Mercury stations retrograde on the sixteenth, bringing potential detours. Double-check all documents and communications, and stay openminded about delays. Mars enters Capricorn, also on February 16, heating up relationships. Avoid unnecessary conflict, but don’t be afraid to stand your ground if necessary. As long as there is mutual respect, you can learn from, lean on, and strengthen formidable bonds.
LIBRA (September 23 - October) As you enter February, the sun and Mercury are in Aquarius, sparking desires and creativity and drawing you to take a chance on your heart. This means embracing the quirkier parts of yourself and those desires you don’t always acknowledge or express. Venus enters Aries on February 7, shifting your attention to your relationships, followed by the Leo full moon the next day. You can have what you wish for, but you have to dare to acknowledge it. Love and accept yourself and it will be easier to deepen heart connections that love you for who you truly are and offer you the security and freedom you desire. Mercury is in shadow phase this month, so clear communication will be key. Also if you have purchases or agreements to make, do it before Mercury’s retrograde station on the sixteenth. It could cause possible communication breakdowns, e-mails or information might slip through the cracks, or there could be inconvenient issues to deal with. You can only do your best. Be mindful, strive for clarity, double-check communication, and be patient as you clear up a messy situation, literally or figuratively. Consciously release what isn’t working and drains your time, energy, and mental health. Get clear on your priorities and you can make healthier choices moving forward.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November) You’re focused on home, family, security, and domestic matters as you enter February. On February 8, the Leo full moon brings a professional situation to light, asking for balance. Reflect on your growing ambitions, and don’t be afraid to let go of the ones you’ve outgrown. This isn’t just about success but also about your ability to be authentic and feel secure enough to let your inner light shine. Mercury stations retrograde on the sixteenth, the same day that your ruler Mars enters Capricorn, asking for a deeper process of reconnecting with your inner child, truth, and heart’s desire. If you’ve been in denial about something, this is a chance to be brutally honest with yourself about what you want and how you feel. On February 23, the Pisces new moon invites you to take what feels like a risk, emotionally, romantically, creatively, and/or in a matter dear to your heart. No matter what the past was like, stay in the present and you’ll begin to see the infinite possibilities in a situation.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December)
As you enter February, you’re having conversations and learning information, revealing options. You’re free to explore them, but at the Leo full moon on February 8, you’re nearing a moment of truth. Reflect on a long-term goal and your most optimistic vision for your life. Then you can make wise choices that take you further along a chosen path. You can have the freedom and security you need and gain the support of partners. But Mercury is in shadow this month, and it stations retrograde on the sixteenth, highlighting domestic partnerships and arrangements. This could be with family members, a partner, housemates, or property and rental agreements with landlords or tenants. If you have important contracts to sign, it would be best to get it done before the retrograde. During the retrograde, you’ll have a chance to revise and renegotiate arrangements so they work better for everyone involved. If unexpected expenses arise, trust that you also have the depth and resources to take care of whatever comes up. Start by cutting out unnecessary expenditures that drain your resources.
CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19) You’re focused on matters of finance and your closest commitments as you enter February. On February 8, the full moon in Leo highlights matters surrounding joint resources, all contractual relationships, taxes, inheritances, and an intimate relationship or marriage. You have more to gain than lose, and you’re in a safe position financially and emotionally. Remain detached, let go of your ego, and you can ease a transition. Mercury stations retrograde on the sixteenth, giving you a chance to revise and renegotiate contracts and arrangements so they work better for you. Mars enters your sign on the same day, and you have all the firepower. But pace yourself so you don’t burn out, and avoid giving in to pressure. There is no urgency, and you might forget something important if you rush. With Mercury retrograde in your communication sector, be thoughtful and mindful, because it could be easier to slip up or suffer misunderstandings or miscommunications. If you have doubts, ask rather than make assumptions or project onto a situation.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)
You’re in a new personal cycle, and there are profound changes unfolding behind the scenes. Next month, Saturn enters your sign for the first time since 1991. This is a chance for a final confrontation and a chance to clear subconscious blockages that limit your growth. On February 8, the Leo full moon brings significant partnerships to light. You can have the freedom as well as security you desire in your relationships. Acknowledge how you feel, what you want, and your hopes and dreams, but remain detached and avoid expectations. Mercury is in shadow and stations retrograde on the sixteenth, highlighting finances and close commitments. It would be advisable to make major purchases or sign contracts while Mercury is direct. Also on February 16, Mars enters Capricorn, bringing a shift in the energy, causing you to reevaluate important personal and financial commitments. If you aren’t sure who you can trust, trust your intuition, and keep your cards close to your chest. You needn’t share your business with the world. Keep people on a need-to-know basis.
PISCES (February 19 - March 20)
You’re in an introspective phase as you enter February, with the sun in the most hidden sector of your chart. Venus is in Pisces, suggesting you can attract what or whom you desire, but first you must clarify a vision. Mercury enters Pisces on February 3, and you’re ready to talk. You’re learning that partners are on your side, but be clear about what you want, or it could be easy for misunderstandings to occur or boundaries to be blurred. Venus enters Aries on the seventh, followed by the Leo full moon the next day, bringing a work or health situation to light. Life is busy, and you don’t have all the answers, but make time to move inward to rest and reflect as your next steps are revealed. With daily attention and TLC, you can heal yourself or a situation. On February 16, Mercury stations retrograde and Mars enters Capricorn. A social situation is heating up, your powers of manifestation are running high, and something you’ve desired is within reach.
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