CP February 2018

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DIMA KLAUS When it comes to perfect nails, you have to hand it to Dima Klaus.




AUTO 74. The Gtc4lusso & The Gtc4lusso T BEAUTY 46. Taking A New Step: Jo Love 48. Be My Red Valentine! 56. Simona's Hair Tips ENTERTAINMENT 67. Top Music Charts 68. Top Reading Picks For February 69. Movies

FASHION 58. 5 Items You Can’t Miss For Valentine’s Day 64. Top Picks By Yasmeen Alsalem FEATURES 14. Can You Walk In Someone Else’s Shoes? 17. ‫ أسأل‬/ ‫كتاب‬ 18. Art As Therapy 20. Kindness Costs Nothing 22. Take Your Valentine To Great Heights 44. A Lesson In History

NOW AVAILABLE ON CP-STORE www.cpmagazine.net



FITNESS 30. Training For A Healthy Pregnancy FOOD 42. Life With Cake HEALTH 28. Educating Kuwait About Healthy Lifestyle INTERVIEWS 24. Power Couples 38. Amir Meghani 50. Dima Klaus


TECHNOLOGY 72. Cool Gadgets TRAVEL 32. The City Guide 34. Bonus Miles - Five Of The World’s Best Train Journeys To Experience REGULARS 20. In Permanent Pursuit Of Perfection 76. Press 84. Fuel For Your Grey Matter 85. Horoscopes






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magine this. You are in a room with a bunch of people you have never met. They come from varying backgrounds, races, religions, ethnicities and countries - a complete melting pot. You are then told that you need to place one of your shoes in the center of the room. And, just when you think you’ve been pushed out of your comfort zone, there’s still more to come! Once all the shoes are gathered in the center, a further instruction follows. You must return to the center to put on the shoe. But wait! Not your own shoe! You must pick from the vast array in front of you and put on someone else’s shoe. Now visualize this. There are sandals, boots, trainers, stilettos, red, black, navy blue. Some are glittery, others are matte; some are squeaky clean, others desperately need a wash; some are brand new, others need to be disposed of. Would you be comfortable putting your feet into a stranger’s shoe? Would you be willing to walk a few steps in that shoe? Take a moment here and write down or verbalize to yourself the words that come to mind on how being in this experience would make you feel. Space for your expression in words:

Imagine now the owner of the shoe. What do you think he/ she would be feeling watching you in their shoe? Now you’ve given this more thought (I hope), can you wonder what the point of all this is? Think back to your recent past. Think of the judgements you formed about strangers you saw and never knew. Many of us love to people watch (many restaurants face outward for this very reason, so you can have a place to sit, enjoy your meal and observe the passers-by) so now that you can, think about that time you noticed the way someone was oddly dressed, the way they walked, spoke and looked and how you chose to see them. Judgement. Preconceived Judgement. Labels. Your version of the truth - not theirs. We’re all guilty. But what if the very person you judged had a story that would soften you, a story you never know when you judged them? Perhaps all of the trauma that could fall on someone fell on them, trauma resulting from loss of loved ones or 14


chronic and severe illness. Perhaps they were a victim of abuse, bullying or other vices. But when you judged them you immediately forgot that behind all that judgement was a real being. One who has experienced pain that you never have, trauma that you hope to be spared of and a desire to be heard, supported and held. So, the next time you are about to judge a random person, try to picture your life in their shoes. Try to keep in mind that you are judging a tiny aspect of their complex being, of which you know nothing about. And maybe this exercise will come to mind and remind you to be more consciously aware that your judgements hurt you more than the one you judge. It damages the essence of your soul and scrapes away at the essence of who you are by hardening your heart. And when many of us function in this manner we lose focus of the very purpose we have been created for, to live wholly, co-existing in a peaceful and caring coexistence. Let this be the motivation you need towards becoming a more empathic, supportive, less judgmental version of you.










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as Therapy Gregg Sedgwick

CEO and Founder of Gallery One The colouring-in book phenomena has brought adult ‘art as therapy’ to almost every book shop in the world. The trend is led by Scottish illustrator Johanna Basford – her book Secret Garden has achieved sales exceeding 10 million units across 40 countries. In China alone, Basford’s book sold 3 million copies in its first 3 months after its publication there in 2015. Whilst the trend has cooled since its peak in 2016, the adult colouring-in trend is still very prevalent and has been instrumental in the revitalisation of physical book sales and the slow-down of e-book sales. Even at my own stores (Gallery One) in the Gulf region we have sold several thousand copies of Basford’s titles. But it’s important to make a distinction between art as a therapeutic process and the art of colouring-in. There is no doubt that colouring within pre-defined outlines can be a distraction from everyday life. The outcomes can be highly engaging artworks of great aesthetic appeal. Colouring-in can relieve stress and be an immersive experience which reconnects us with our inner-child. Art therapy, however, is defined by the Art Therapy Association as, ‘a mental health profession in which clients, facilitated by the art therapist, use art media, the creative process, and the resulting artwork, to explore their feelings, reconcile emotional conflicts, foster self-awareness, manage behavior and addictions, develop social skills, improve reality orientation, reduce anxiety, and increase self-esteem’. In short, it goes deeper than colouringin. Art as therapy can be traced to Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung’s theories of the subconscious and unconscious and based on the idea that visual symbols and images are the most readily accessible forms of communication. Practitioners often use art therapy in conjunction with traditional therapies and can be especially helpful with children or adults with more limited vocabulary and means of verbal expression. Whilst I have no qualifications in therapy, I can think of several reasons why art is an effective tool in the mental health arena.



1. Art is a safe place to release emotions. Some emotions can be too powerful or simply too overwhelming to articulate. Anger, fear and longing can be expressed in a variety of ways using basic artwork tools. Characters can be explored in simple drawings and can often reveal deep-rooted feelings towards other people, places or experiences.

2. Expression without words. The act of producing an artwork can feel non-threatening and less intimidating than the spoken word. Through art-therapy, clients can work through emotional issues without talking about feelings. According to artist and art therapist Denise Braun, ‘When you move your focus into your right brain through art, you start to let go of your analytical left brain. It is through that right brain creative process that we learn to release our inner critic and embrace the act of creating. It is never about the product. It is always about the process. Art therapy offers a way to unblock emotional expression without having to sit and talk about feelings. Art makes it easier to represent intense emotion without language’.

3. Creative processes reduce stress. When your mind focuses on creating an artwork - colouring-in or repetitive actions in the development of a pattern - the body becomes relaxed. Stimulating the right side of the brain awakens our creative self and opens up our powers of intuition, insight and visualisation – we get to see ourselves more clearly. As a consequence, stress levels go down and feelings of inner happiness and peace are enhanced.

4. Learning about yourself. Releasing our creative instincts can be a revelation. We learn to interpret our drawing preferences and the more we do it the less inhibited we become about the outcome. Getting to know what colours, movements and media (paint, pens, pencils, clay, photography) work for you will help you to use art as a personal therapy and stress reliever.

As a creative person, I always find the act of starting a creative assignment difficult. There is a block in all of us which is whispering ‘the outcome won’t be good enough’ or ‘my ideas are not worthy’. Through many years of practice, I’ve trained myself to get started anyway – invariably the start hurdle is not as difficult as anticipated. I believe in the power of creativity and design to change the outer world – there is no reason to suppose it cannot profoundly affect our inner-world too. For more information visit www.g-1.com





’ve never been a fan of certain dedicated days designed purely to persuade us to part with our cash. Valentine’s Day, for example, is surely just a devious scheme to entice us into florists to spend ridiculous amounts of money for no good reason other than a false sense of obligation. Similarly, Motherin-Law Day, Siblings Day and National Teacher’s Day are all scams to trick us into buying cards and gifts just because someone says we should. But the list doesn’t end there. There are literally hundreds of these absurd days dedicated to everything from National Golf Day (quick, let’s all go out and buy a set of golf clubs!) to Wear Brown Shoes Day (seriously?). Not forgetting Fragrance Day, National Chocolate Day and National Cheesecake Day (31st July, in case you were wondering). The month of February, however, does include one very worthwhile day. Random Acts of Kindness Day is celebrated on 17th February and is, unlike many, a dedicated day worth remembering. It was first celebrated in the U.S. in 1995 but has gradually spread to become a significant worldwide event. The beauty of Random Acts of Kindness Day is that you don’t need to spend a wad of cash in order to participate. Even the smallest gesture - like helping someone to cross 20


the road – can make a big difference. Remembering to say ‘thank you’ to a valet or store assistant is another example, or helping a neighbour with their shopping. It doesn’t have to be a huge, significant gesture, just something to bring a smile to someone else’s face. Thanks to our obsession with mobile phones, we rarely notice what is going on around us. We’re surrounded by people who are suffering and struggling on a daily basis, yet we’re so preoccupied we don’t even notice. It’s a selfish habit and one we should all try to break – for one day at least. Kuwait is full of people less fortunate than us. We see them every day, cleaning our streets, re-fuelling our cars and securing our buildings. Why not give them the croissant you didn’t need? Or the dessert you couldn’t eat? They will undoubtedly appreciate your random act of kindness and believe it or not, it will make you feel better too. So, on 17th February, why not observe Random Acts of Kindness Day? Take a moment to actually see what is going on around you and pay someone a compliment, treat them to a smile, or wish them a safe journey home. It doesn’t cost anything to be kind but it can make a world of difference to someone’s day.






oving couples will surely indulge in the luxury of love on this special occasion meant for lovebirds. With hundreds of ways to impress your significant other, Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa is taking care of all the romance this year with its renowned ‘Stay Different’ experiences. Whether it’s the resort’s most desirable romantic stays in one of the luxurious accommodations, a candle-lit dinner to remember, or a relaxing spa ritual in the award-winning Talise Spa, celebrating love at the luxurious property will leave your loved one speechless. For a ‘Stay Different’ staycation, the special romantic package includes a one-night stay in a Deluxe Suite, an ornate 5-course set romantic dinner for two from Olio Italian Restaurant, and a hearty breakfast served to your room the next morning. You can also surprise your loved one with an exceptional and rather breath-taking dinner experience served in the romantic private seaside gazebo offering calming views of the coast. Couples can share their love for meat too, as the premium Pepper Steakhouse has also curated a mouth-watering 5-course meal perfect for sharing this Valentine’s Day, serving a taste of the finest steaks complemented by live music entertainment. Salt Restaurant offers its own 5-course culinary artistry for the occasion, with the finest internationally-inspired and locally sourced seafood treasures complete with live music performances. The main all-day dining venue, Garden Café, welcomes couples with a lavish love-themed buffet accompanied by the soothing sounds of a live jazz tunes. Couples who are looking for a more chill way to celebrate their love, Mint Café on the poolside is hosting a ‘Valentine Red & White Night’ with a fun evening in store. A live DJ will entertain the crowd and all guests are encouraged to dress in red or white, the perfect chance for couples to be each other’s match. Looking to ease your mind and zone out to pure bliss? Sweep your partner away to a sanctuary for the senses, Talise Spa, and relish in each other’s company with a special spa treatment for two. Immerse yourselves in sheer relaxation within the luxurious spa’s designated private suites for couples, the perfect way to share a memorable spa experience. To Reserve your luxury Valentine’s experience, call 22269600 for rooms, 22269666 for dining, and 22269688 for Talise Spa. 22


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since 2010


CP Magazine’s Power Couples segment is back! Yes, it’s that time of year again when we celebrate ambition and success, and congratulate those who have gone beyond the ordinary. This year, we honour Michael Nielsen and April Habig, a couple fully deserved of the Power Couple title. Not only are they the driving force in their respective careers, they’re also committed to a happy and healthy work-life balance, successfully juggling their demanding schedules to make time for each other, their daughter, Mia, and the other member of their family, Pumpkin the dog! Michael and April understand the importance of communication, trust and respect, and the vital role they play in achieving success - both in a business and a family environment. We’d like to congratulate Michael and April on being selected as CP Magazine’s Power Couple for 2018 and for being an inspiration to us all! Michael Nielsen I’ve been in Kuwait since 1999 working in hospitality, both in sales and operational roles. Recently, I decided to pursue a different opportunity, making use of my previous work experiences. I am now working for Bateel International as the Country Manager.

Please tell us about your academic backgrounds: Michael - I started my career in banking but found it too monotonous. Later, I discovered a passion for hospitality and moved to Switzerland, where I did my further education and completed a diploma in Hospitality Management. April - After secondary school at KES, I did an apprenticeship in Technical Optics at the College of Applied Sciences in Stuttgart. I continued to study optometry in London, where I also gained my early experience both in Dispensing Optics and in Clinical Optometry.

How and where did the two of you meet? Michael/April - We met in Kuwait at a social gathering.

As a professional, what are the qualities you admire in your spouse? Michael - April has a very strong character and knows how to stay focused at all times. Her dedication is infectious. April - His commitment and his positive outlook. A tough day is a challenge he enjoys. Michael is also a people’s person. He empowers his team and is much respected by his clients and colleagues alike.

Where do you concur and where do you differ from each other? Michael - Well, I am more easygoing and laid back compared to April. 24


April Habig I could be a national of Kuwait for the time that I’ve been living here! After studying and living in Europe, I decided to return to Kuwait in 1999 to work with my dad. He started his business, International Optique back in 1978. I am now the CEO of the company.

We are both organised in different ways. I am organised with immediate things, whereas she thinks ahead and takes pleasure arranging our holidays and other long term plans. April - We are quite different in many ways but we complement each other. We have the same family values, which is very important. I am quite emotional in my decisions, while Michael always finds logic behind every decision he makes. I think we are both light-hearted people but Michael is calm and I can be impatient at times.

Do you think being friends with your spouse is an important part of marriage? Michael - YES! April is my best friend. April - Of course! Otherwise, it won’t work.

How do you handle a work-life balance and challenges in a dynamic work environment? Michael - Over the years, this has become second nature. Being in the hospitality business, you learn to switch off and enjoy private time. April’s work is also customer-oriented, so we both enjoy each other’s company and a quiet night in together. April - It’s not easy as we are both the driving force at work. It can be difficult at times, but we are pretty good at supporting each other when the other is under pressure. We always look on the bright side!

Michael Nielsen April Habig



When do you spend time with each other? How do you unwind?

Michael - The weekend is family time. We start with an hour of ‘me time’ on Friday morning. I go for a run on the seaside and April does yoga on the balcony. April - Since we have an active work week, we take it easy over the weekends. We enjoy a lengthy breakfast together as a family and take advantage of the activities Kuwait has to offer. We always look forward to our trips abroad too.

What is the best gift you received from each other? Michael/April - Mia, our feisty but lovely daughter!

Any memorable holidays? Michael - We have been to many wonderful places! We made great memories together around the world, it would be difficult to pick just one. April - Our first holiday together as a couple was certainly very memorable! Last year we visited Iceland and fell in love with the diverse nature and scenery.

One would imagine that both of you probably discuss business issues a lot at home too. Does that happen? Michael - We try not to discuss work at home but it’s inevitable. We’ll ask each other for advice and second opinions. April - When we get home, we always ask how the other’s day was in general, but don’t let it take over the whole conversation. Since we spend so little time together, we do our best to unplug from our work life. 26


How are household responsibilities divided? Who is the boss at home? Michael - Our daughter is slowly becoming the boss! I take Mia to school in the mornings and drive to her various after school activities. April does homework with her every afternoon and helps her in studying for exams. April - Michael does all the technical work, like car maintenance, insurances, etc. I do more of the household planning.

Has there been any significant event that has changed your marriage? What was the event? How did it change your relationship? Michael/April - We enjoyed being a couple for many years before having a child. Becoming parents was very significant as we had to change our ways and put our main focus on our daughter. Parenthood is a big task and we both take equal responsibility in Mia’s upbringing. It certainly strengthened our relationship and trust towards each other.

How do you manage your time together? Do you have any time left over for your marriage at all? Michael/April - The little time left from our working day is spent relaxing at home and entertaining our fourth family member, our pet dog, Pumpkin. We also set one evening aside during the week just for the two us, as ‘date night’!

What are the challenges of being two powerful people at the top of your professional game? Michael - One of the most difficult things to do is to leave work behind when coming home and be 100% focused towards the family. April - At work, I have to be up-to-date at all times, about all issues. It’s like being everywhere at once, juggling many tasks of different nature.

How do you motivate each other during tough times at work? Michael - By staying positive and looking at the funny side of things and then we start planning a nice holiday! April - We are very optimistic people and always appreciate what we have. There are so many people who are not as lucky as we are - to have a wonderful family and friends, a good career and to live in a safe environment.

Who’s your inspiration professionally? Michael - Danny Meyer (founder of Shake Shack). He reached his goals by nurturing his employees. April - My dad, Rolf Habig. He taught me diligence and trust in people. I have always been inspired by his motivation and passion for his work.

What have you learnt from each other? Michael - April stirred my desire to be more adventurous. April - Michael has taught me not to take things too seriously and enjoy the moment.

Some marriages are ‘passionate’, some are ‘companionate’ -

which fits you? Michael/April - Our marriage is definitely both, since we are best friends and lovers too.

What are the keys to a successful relationship? Michael - Respect, patience and romance. April - To be flexible and understanding. Accept each other’s weakness and build up on each other’s strengths. It’s also important to communicate with one another, to be able to talk openly about your feelings.

Do you have any common interests or hobbies? Michael/April - Reading, going to the movies, travelling and trying different culinary experiences.

Advice for other couples: Michael - Trust and communication is a key factor in a relationship. Do not forget that you are a couple! April - Always enjoy each other’s company, but also respect each other’s boundaries and personal space. An element of surprise is always good too! (Only positive ones of course!)

How do you feel to be selected as CP Magazine’s Power Couple? Michael - It is an honour to be selected as CP Magazine’s Power Couple! April - It was certainly a surprise and a fun experience!

QUICK QUESTIONS Favourite Colour: Michael - Blue April - Black and Purple Favourite Food: Michael - Steak and dates! April - Japanese and Italian Cuisine Tea or Coffee? Michael - Tea on weekdays and coffee on weekends April - All sorts of tea Favourite Car: Michael - Porche 9/11 April - In the past, a TVR. Now a GL500 Favourite Book/Author: Michael - Any book by Ken Follett April - The Little Prince. Favourite Song: Michael – ‘Feel It Coming’ by The Weeknd April - UB 40’s ‘I Got You Babe’. I love oldies! Favourite Movie: Michael - Heat by Michael Mann starring Al Pacino & Robert De Niro April - Pay It Forward Greatest Fear: Michael - Snakes April - Drowning Favourite app on your phone: Michael - My Running App April - WhatsApp What’s one thing you can’t live without? Michael - Family April - Family. And my eyelash curler!




LATE? Dominika Bzduchova


uwait is well-known for its buzzing, truly limitless, all-tastes-encompassing F&B scene. Unfortunately, it is also well-known for allegedly being the most obese nation in the world. Kuwaitis are facing serious, often life-threatening, health conditions linked to their diets. Though available sources differ in their actual figures of obese adults - somewhere in between 39.7% and 42.8% it is not only the adults who are affected and threatened by their alarming diets and eating habits. The obesity rates among the young population are most probably even higher. Who would think that a state with so much wealth like Kuwait for some reason isn’t capable of taking care of the health of its citizens, and especially its youth? Causes of the worrying obesity rates are multiple, the latest one being a rising impact of social media. The growing influence of certain Kuwaiti social media personalities is striking. According to Abdullah Al Askari, a leading local health and fitness role model, these influencers should be tackled in order to safeguard Kuwaiti teenagers, who are the most susceptible consumers of the distressing F&B suggestions available on Instagram and other social media platforms. Kuwait’s obesity challenge has deep roots. Older explanations of its causes include the oil wealth and the inflow of American food. In 2018, Kuwait is still one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Its F&B portfolio is defined by countless food outlets, including the usual fast food chains and a good number of state-of-the-art restaurants. In addition, there is a new trend of whole food 28


complexes popping up, even in the more remote areas of the country. At the same time, Kuwait prides itself with an extensive network of health and fitness facilities, with some belonging to the ‘state-of-the-art’ league, too. Therefore, if one wishes to have a healthy lifestyle, Kuwait certainly does have it all. Neither the 24/7 availability of A-Z cuisines, nor the sophisticated food delivery services should automatically translate into one’s adoption of an unhealthy lifestyle. More so, the expansion of healthy food outlets throughout Kuwait is rather striking. Why then, if a consumer has such a wide choice of F&B places, does he or she nevertheless opt for the junk food? When referring to adults, the answer is a mix of four elements: comfort, laziness, ignorance and lack of education. While the first three are hardly open to external efforts and impulses (i.e. the change must come directly from the person himself or herself), the educational deficiency is indeed manageable and could be overcome. When it comes to children and their habits (and not only eating habits), they usually follow a role model - whether at home or in school - and therefore the responsibility of making the right, well-balanced food choice lays on the shoulders of that particular role model. The country’s educational system is lacking a uniform and comprehensive program that would help create more awareness about healthy eating habits - and healthy lifestyle in general - among the Kuwaiti youth. ‘Kuwait is rated amongst the highest worldwide for obesity, child diabetes and all the other diseases which are associated with them. It has now become very important for the

Ministry of Education to take a stand and implement an educational sports or nutritional program in the schools to build health awareness in our youth. We should go as far as bringing in classes to educate children about the importance of healthy eating and exercise’, said Al Askari in a recent interview. Yet introducing the classes is not enough. Education begins at home. What is the point of having a ‘healthy lifestyle’ class if the child’s home environment doesn’t follow and implement such lifestyle? Al Askari was right when he stressed that ‘It is crucial to educate parents about providing a healthy diet for their children, the importance of exercise and physical activity and how to remain disciplined in these healthy habits. If the house is full of junk food and the children see their parents eating that, then obviously they will eat it too. I believe the change should start at home’. However, what is more worrying are the alreadymentioned sponsored F&B advertorials on social media platforms such as Instagram, in which famous social media influencers (who tend to have hundreds of thousands - if not millions - of followers, mostly teenagers) promote specific F&B outlets. These influencers - whether they are aware of it or not - severely impact the food choices of their followers; and as such, it is becoming common to notice an unknown F&B place (no matter if it offers quality food or not) gaining unforeseen popularity thanks

to a seconds-long video clip, which has the audience so interested that they literally flood the premises shortly after the video clip’s release. ‘Kuwait has really effective social media personalities, who have a huge number of followers and fans and are very influential in the media. Some of them are doing really great things for the country as far as charity work, cleaning beaches, cleaning the desert, planting greenery etc. Unfortunately, most of these influencers are being called to promote unhealthy new concept restaurants, with no consideration to how it will affect the youth and health standards in the country. These influencers have to beware that most of their followers are in their teens and 20s and that they are easily influenced. It would be really fortunate if the influencers could balance out the restaurants or type of food they are promoting and express the importance of having a healthy diet and living a healthy life’, said Al Askari. Gaining control over what is being promoted by social media and their influencers is a long shot. Nevertheless, warning about the impact of such influencers and their campaigns is the first step to take. The fact that Al Askari and others - who are continuously promoting healthy eating and healthy lifestyle - are speaking out is promising. Or was the deadline for a response to deteriorating eating habits of Kuwaitis passed a long time ago?







xercise during pregnancy is a brilliant way to stay healthy, feel great and benefit from being physically active. Maintaining a regular exercise routine during pregnancy has been associated with helping keep pregnancy weight in check, enhancing body image, reducing the risk of gestational diabetes, reducing backaches, bloating and leg cramps, lowering the risk of pre-eclampsia, improving psychological health, improving fetal development and preparing the mother for the demands of labor. Being physically active before pregnancy has many advantages as you can simply strive to maintain your fitness level. Pregnancy isn’t the time to begin to set world records. With your doctor’s clearance, training at a light to moderate intensity is recommended. If you haven’t previously exercised much, that’s okay, starting slowly and gradually with a workout routine will still be beneficial. It’s a great time to establish healthy habits for both mother and baby. During each trimester a woman’s body undergoes a tremendous amount of change. Her body weight increases and joints become more flexible due to a hormone called relaxin, so care should be taken while exercising. As pregnancy progresses, the center of gravity changes with growth of the baby and this could impact training. However, there are always options that can be taken for different exercises. My top exercise tips for training during pregnancy are: lTrain for posture and awareness of your core throughout pregnancy. lTrain with a Swiss ball to engage pelvic floor and core. Use light resistance bands and dumbbells to help modify the movements once they become more challenging with changes in center of gravity. 30


lTry to move daily. Small amounts of exercise improve mood and stress levels. lPractice pre natal yoga and pilates. This will help with preparation for labor and delivery. lIf you belong to a gym, using machine weights or cardio equipment helps maintain stability through the workout once balance gets challenging as the baby bump expands. lIf you are training with a trainer, make sure they are pregnancy qualified and always listen to your doctor and your body. lFirst time mums and regular gym goers often find it hard to slow down and can get frustrated with decreased cardiovascular capacity. As your body changes so does your ability to do certain movements, but everything can be scaled and modified to suit a pregnant lady wanting to exercise. lKeep moving, as this benefits both mother and baby.

Training intensity Guidelines: Training intensity guidelines for cardiovascular fitness and resistance training can be measured by the ‘rate of perceived exertion’ (RPE). This is used to understand how hard a pregnant woman is working during exercise. Light to moderate intensity is generally recommended and anything between 5-7/10 RPE is considered safe. The benefits of strength training for the pregnant mother include: lReduced weight gain during pregnancy, especially the second half of pregnancy. lWeight stays within a normal range recommended by doctors during pregnancy. lIncreased energy levels encourage positive attitude and self-esteem.

lBetter body image and more self-confidence. lDecreased likelihood of varicose veins, pregnancy

induced diabetes and lower back pain. lIncreased muscular strength. lRestful sleep and less exhaustion. lImproved posture. lImproved digestion.

Pregnant ladies naturally becomes more efficient at cooling themselves down while exercising, so overheating at the right intensity shouldn’t be an issue. Key points to remember are:

lDrink adequate amounts of water. lAvoid exercising outdoors in extreme heat. lAvoid swimming in heated swimming pools as this

increases core temperate and compromises the safety of the baby. If you’re new to exercise, take your time and ease into a fitness regime that is attainable throughout pregnancy. Always get clearance from your doctor before embarking on a fitness regime while pregnant and seek the guidance of a prenatal qualified trainer. Alana is a qualified pre and post natal exercise trainer and nutrition coach with a Bachelor of Health science degree.





Zermatt, Switzerland

WHERE TO DINE Restaurant Old Zermatt

Zermatt, in southern Switzerland’s Valais canton, is a mountain resort renowned for skiing, climbing and hiking. The town, at an elevation of around 1,600m, lies below the iconic, pyramid-shaped Matterhorn peak. Its main street, Bahnhofstrasse is lined with boutique shops, hotels and restaurants, and also has a lively apres-ski scene. There are public outdoor rinks for ice-skating and curling.


Chez Vrony

Romantik Hotel Julen Superior

Housed in a wooden chalet dating from 1937, this charming hotel is a 9-minute walk from Zermatt ZBAG-Iz slope station and a 10-minute walk from Zermatt train station.

Hotel Jagerhof

Nestled at the base of Matterhorn mountain, this relaxed hotel is 6 minutes on foot from the Matterhorn Museum-Zermatlantis and a 9-minute walk from Zermatt gondola station.

Restaurant Schaferstube Hotel Alphubel

The Hotel Alphubel is in a quiet and central location. It offers a sitting room, terrace, rest-cure meadow, garden and a sauna.

Swiss Alpine Hotel Allalin

Overlooking the Swiss Alps, this upscale, alpine-style hotel is an 8-minute walk from a train station and a 9-minute walk from the Matterhorn Ski Paradise slopes.


Restaurant Alphitta

Village Tour

The village of Zermatt has been shaped by ancient traditions and modern tourism. The thrilling contrasts can be explored on a walk through the village. Time required: from 1 hour to half a day.


The 5-Seenweg (Five Lakes Walk) is in a class of its own among hikes in the Zermatt mountains. The views of the mountain lakes are superb (with the Matterhorn reflected in three of them), and the trail is full of variety.


Matterhorn Museum - Zermatlantis

The subterranean world of Zermatlantis, the Matterhorn Museum, reveals the history of the village of Zermatt. Attractions include original houses, a multimedia room and finds from the first ascent of the Matterhorn.



Matterhorn glacier paradise

The highest cable car station in Europe (3,883 m), with its new restaurant, sets fresh standards in sustainable development. The views of the highest mountains in Italy, France and Switzerland are breathtaking. The ski area on the Theodul Glacier is open 365 days.

Bon voyage!




Currently based in the GCC and exploring the Middle East, I have lived in three continents, four countries and have visited over 250 cities across the world. Join me in this adventure to find out more about the latest and coolest travel recommendations.

since 2010

‘Embrace new cultures; be inspired; take a technological break; bring out your adventurous side; TRAVEL, it´s fun!’



here´s no better way to travel than a train holiday; soaking up ever-changing landscapes as they roll past your window, sharing time with the local people, waking up each day with a new place to explore. A rail holiday often has a romantic appeal, but in many countries it´s also surprisingly comfortable, efficient and affordable. Best of all it gives you the chance to meet and mingle with your fellow passengers, immersing yourself in local life. From the heart of Australia to Machu Picchu or Cape Town; stepping onto platform 9¾ to catch the train that took Harry Potter to Hogwarts; or live the Maharajas experience in a palace on wheels. These 5 adventures are the most amazing journeys you can take on rails this year.

A LUXURY PALACE ON WHEELS: THE MAHARAJAS EXPRESS Route: 5 different itineraries across India

Suffused with nostalgia and drenched in luxury, Maharajas Express rail tours transport you back into an era of elegant travelling reminiscent of the romance of Indian Maharajas. Almost half-a-mile long it’s not just a train, it´s a luxury palace on wheels that has truly redefined the luxury and confort over rail. It recreates the lifestyle of a princely era. Flagged off in 2010 as a recreation of the exquisite carriages used to transport the ruling maharajas of a bygone era, the train offers 7 pan-Indian itineraries crisscrossing across some of the most fascinating terrains and covering some of the most prominent tourist destinations across India. With the itineraries consisting of a tasteful blend of heritage, culture and exclusive insider experiences, a journey on board is one of the most fulfilling rail journeys in the world. From the desert Kingdom of Rajashtan to the Western Ghats in Maharashtra and from the holy Ghats of Varanasi to the Classical Khajuraho temples, each of the signature journeys is a treat to undertake. Maharajas Express carries a total of 84 passengers in elegantly appointed cabins which include a lavish presidential suite spanning over an entire carriage. There are two restaurants, a lounge bar equipped with library and a souvenir shop to indulge the guests during their journey. Each salon is named after a legendary jewel of a Maharaja, from heera (diamond) to panna (emerald).




In the boundless island continent of Australia, too often visitors and citizens fly right over the top and out of the country rather than seeing what’s in the middle. Because of the vast distances of unpopulated areas, Australians mainly travel the country by aeroplane. But there’s something to be said for seeing the in-between. That´s what makes the Ghan expedition so special. Spanning 2,979 km, the journey takes 48 hours to complete and is a legendary rail service that has been operating since 1878. Originally known as the Afghan Express, The Ghan takes its name from the 19th century Afghan camel drivers who arrived in Australia and helped to explore the country’s remote interior. Boarding The Ghan in Adelaide for Alice Springs and Darwin, the Ghan experience ia three-night, four-day journey. You´ll experience one of the most fascinating great train journeys of the world. You´ll marvel at the spectacular colours of the outback, the spinifex plains and slat pans of the vast interior and the rugged MacDonnell Ranges before travelling on to the tropical splendour of Darwin and the Top End. At every stop, a number of off-board excursions are offered to passengers. Most are included in the cost of the ticket, while some are optional extras.


Belmond Andean Explorer is South America´s first luxury train that combines genuine daytime getaways with sleeping accomodations at night, all while traversing the Peruvian Andes. The train travels along one of the highest train routes in the world, crossing through breathtaking cities on its way from Cusco, the ancient city of the Icncas, to Lake Titicaca and Arequipa, the ‘White city’, and exploring natural wonders and ancient kingdoms on one and two-night trips. The train, which can carry up to 48 passengers, has been built for entertaining, with a lounge car complete with grand piano and live music in the evenings. There’s also a small library with volumes on Peruvian cities to visit, a gift shop and a spa. The caboose, an open-air observation car, is where you can appreciate breathtaking, 230-degree views of the varied Andean terrain, which encompasses volcanoes, grassland, desert, lakes and forest. Interior designs by Inge Moore of The Gallery HBA, are inspired by the texture of Peru’s hand-woven fabrics and the soft tones of the Alpaca wool blended with Andean slate greys, creating a sense of calm thus enabling guests to unwind, relax and enjoy the journey.



SOUTH AFRICA´S ‘BLUE JEWEL’ Route: Cape Town to Pretoria

Southern Africa has always attracted adventurous and romantic souls. But it was not until 1923, when the first deluxe train was introduced between Cape Town and Pretoria, that truly luxurious train travel became a reality. The train with its distinctive sapphire-blue carriages was known as the ‘Union Limited’. However, people soon began referring to them as ‘those Blue Trains’ and so… a legend was born! Its name was changed officially to ‘The Blue Train’ in 1946. The route is a 30-hour journey of 1,600 km through some of South Africa’s most diverse and spectacular scenery. During the journey, the train makes two stops, one at the diamond town of Kimberley for a guided tour at the largest manmade hole in the world, and the other for a guided tour of the quaint hamlet of Matjiesfontein, who’s roots are still firmly set in the historic Victorian era. The Blue Trains is an all-inclusive experience offering a combination of unsurpassed luxury travel, five star-accommodation, fine cuisine, personalised butler service and routes that offer breath-taking views of the South African countryside from the comfort of your private suite or from any of the train’s exquisite lounges.

ALL THE WAY TO HOGWARTS! Route: Fort William to Mallaig

Some say that the West Highland Line is the greatest rail journey in the United Kingdom. In the summer, the Jacobite steam train travels along the route in addition to the regular trains. The steam train had a starring role as the Hogwarts Express taking Harry Potter from Platform 9 ¾ all the way to Howgarts. This 135 km round trip boards in Fort William, near the highest mountain in Britain, Ben Nevis. Once you are on board the Jacbote, you´ll cross the magnificent Glenfinnan Viaduct, whilst enjoying views of Lochshiel from your window, another key location in the films. The train then goes to Mallaig, a fishing port with plenty of restaurant and shops to explore. Fans of the books and films dress up in their best Harry Potter costumes, so expect to see plenty of witches, wizards and Dementors wandering around!






Amir Meghani CEO and Founder of JBW

‘We want to empower our customers to create their own success and show it!’ As a newcomer to his family’s long-established watch business, Amir Meghani decided he didn’t want to sell other people’s brands. His vision was to create a new, eye catching watch which would leave a statement on the wrist. The rest, as they say, is history! Hi, please introduce yourself to our readers. My name is Amir Meghani and I am the CEO and founder of JBW - a luxury diamond watch company based in Dallas, Texas.

Tell us about your education. I studied at New York University (NYU) and graduated with an Economics Degree.

What key lessons did you learn working in the business of luxury watches? First, it takes time to build a luxury watch brand. Most brands in the space have been around for over 100 years. Second, respect the brands who have paved the way for an independent watch brand like mine to thrive and grow. Last, discover your identity and stay true to who you are – it’s the only way to stand out from all the other brands in the space.

Where did your love of watches start? I am third generation in the watch business. It started with my grandfather in 1952. However, I did not know I was going to work in watches even though my family has been plugged to the industry for so long. I never saw it as a real opportunity because in each generation, nothing felt like it had a big future or there was a legacy being built. I was somewhat forced to work for my father right out of college out of a need for help vs a desire to do something with his watch shop. Looking back, it was the best thing that happened to my family and our business. I have 38




learned so much about watches, my family’s roots in the industry, building a brand and a company. My sister and I have spent the past decade educating ourselves about all aspects of building a watch brand – from the manufacturing, product design and inspiration, marketing, human capital, after sales service and operations. We’ve done it all ourselves. It's truly been a journey. Now we are in a very exciting phase of our business. We are confident in our product and brand offering. It’s our own niche and we are taking it to the world, sharing what we are building out of our JBW design studio in Dallas.

What drove you to want to start your own watch brand? It all happened by chance. I was 22 years old and working at my father’s watch shop in a wholesale district of Dallas. At that time we were traders, buying and selling fashion and designer watch brands. In my first year of working in the business I told my father, we are not selling other peoples brands forever. With no background in branding, manufacturing or design my father was completely against the idea of creating our own brand. It became an afterthought. One day a local rapper and his manager came into our shop looking for a watch to wear in his new music video. We didn’t have what he was looking for - something large, gold and blingy. But the hustler mentality in me asked him what he wanted and to show me photos of what he was looking for. I was able to find a watch from our supplier sources in New York that fit his need and I ordered two of them. A few days later they came in. I sent one to a manufacturer in LA we had worked with in the past and said ‘Make me three hundred more of these’. One hundred days later my watches came in, and that was the start of JBW. No prototype, no product design, no logo design, nothing – I had no idea what I was doing. I started going to every rap concert, finding my way backstage and gifting artists with JBWs and snapping photos with them. I made friends with the radio personalities of Dallas and anyone else who could connect me to a famous musician or athlete. JBW’s marketing budget was my time and the watches, that’s it. This was the start of my education into building a brand. Eventually we launched a website - pre-squarespace and shopify. This was before social media was important to brands. Back then it wasn’t easy sharing your brand online, you needed to write code, have a developer, make catalogues, go to tradeshows, visit your customers one by one (the traditional marketing channels). Fast forward nine years, we now have an experienced design team in house, a full product line, distribution channels and a true understanding of our brand and the customer. It’s always evolving but we are on the pulse of their desires and needs when it comes to accessorizing their style with a watch.

What was the inspiration behind keeping diamonds as the DNA of your designs? I started JBW in the late 2000s when diamonds, gold and flash were the rave of rappers and culture – all of them wanted expensive jewellery and watches from their jewelers. At first, I thought I could be the iconic watch man of all the Dallas-based diamond watch enthusiasts. Quite ambitious for a 22 year old without a brand, zero experience in diamonds or manufacturing watches! This mentality is what defined JBW - it was different, bold and unafraid. Today we are an entry-level luxury diamond watch brand. At the core, we are out to make a bold statement in everything we do and it starts with our unique diamond watch designs. We want to empower our customers to create their own success and show it! We provide them with an attainable luxury watch that serves as a symbol of that success. We have boundless confidence and are constantly striving for a higher-class status and hope to inspire our customers to do the same.

Would you do anything differently if you were to start the business again? Well, perhaps alongside e-commerce, we could have also started distributing to physical retailers back when we started out. But, to be honest, we consciously and strictly 40


focused on the e-commerce platform and worked with online retailers in the U.S. So, to answer your question, I don’t think we would do anything different given the same set of circumstances.

You seem to have a very relaxed and friendly approach to doing business. Does this come naturally to you and have you had any business mentors along the way? My relaxed approach has refined over time. I am ten years into the watch business and I have seen the ups and downs of building a brand. For me, it ultimately comes down to confidence and perseverance; a firm

belief and trust in what you are doing and knowing that any challenge or setback is part of the process of growing. With that understanding, I remain calm and enjoy what we are doing.

As the founder and CEO of a company, is it still important to keep work/life balance? Yes, of course. When I was younger all I did was work. As our company has evolved we have built into the culture a work/life balance. It’s about the quality of productivity not quantity. As things get accomplished at work it’s important to take your personal time to enjoy family, hobbies, health, etc.

What do you like to do when you’re not working? Play futbol, spend time with family and travel.

What is your all-time favourite watch from your collection? Strider in gold. It’s our most classic and modern designed diamond watch. I am not as loud as some of our customers, so my favourite is a more understated look. That’s the beauty of JBW and the versatility of our collections.

What’s on the horizon for JBW in the coming years? Hopefully, opening our first ever flagship store and a larger collection of watches that expands into more complicated designs and diamond embellishments unseen in the market. We are working on some very exciting product innovations which are going to push our brand forward into the next decade. Can’t wait! Also, we're working on our 10 year anniversary campaign and we're trying to come up with a unique way to bring that story to life and make it very relevant to today and the history of where it came from.

What would be the definition of a beautiful watch? A watch that makes a statement.

Please share some interesting figures about JBW: In a short period of time we have sold over 50,000 JBW watches in the Middle East region. Our pace of growth is accelerating every year. It’s so exciting to be pushing our growth in this region.

What watch are you wearing today? Phantom in gold.







fter trying nearly all the flavours I could think of, I decided to go extreme and try more exotic ingredients. Four Spices Cake is a cake with four different spices. Some are usually used in desserts and some are mostly used in savoury dishes. The spices I will be using for this recipe are Cinnamon, Cardamom, Turmeric and Curry Powder. Yes, I know the ingredients might sound intimidating, but once you try this cake, you will fall in love!

You will need: For the cake: l 2 and 1/2 cups (312g) all-purpose flour l 2 teaspoons baking powder l 1 teaspoon baking soda l 1/2 teaspoon salt l 1 and 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon l 1 teaspoon ground cardamom l 1/2 teaspoon turmeric l 1/2 teaspoon curry powder l 1 cup canola (240ml) or vegetable oil l 1 and 3/4 cups (350g) packed dark brown sugar l 4 large eggs l 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract l 1 cup grated apple (optional) For the frosting: l 2 cups (115g) unsalted butter, softened to room temperature l 3 cups (360g) confectioners' sugar, plus an extra 1/4 cup if needed l 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract l 1/4 teaspoon salt

Steps: 1.Preheat the oven to 350oF (177oC) and grease a 9x13 inch pan. I always use a glass pan.

2.Whisk the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon and other spices together in a large bowl. Set aside. 3.Whisk the oil, brown sugar, eggs and vanilla extract together in a medium bowl. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and whisk until combined. Fold in the grated apple (if using) until combined. 4.Spread batter into the prepared pan. Bake for 45-50 minutes. Baking times vary, so keep an eye on yours. The cake is done when a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. If you find the top of the cake is browning too quickly in the oven, loosely cover it with aluminum foil.

5.Remove the cake from the oven and set on a wire rack. Allow to cool completely. After about 45 minutes, I usually place it in the refrigerator to speed things up. 6. Beat the butter on high speed until smooth and creamy. Add confectioners' sugar, vanilla and salt. Beat on low speed for 30 seconds, then switch to high speed and beat for 2 minutes. Spread the frosting on the cooled cake. Refrigerate for 30 minutes before serving. This helps sets the frosting and makes cutting easier.

I hope you will love this cake as much as I do. You can skip the frosting and add a scoop of French vanilla ice-cream, as I do sometimes. Remember: Bake for love and bake with love! Let me know how your recipe turns out: www.sherisnovember.wordpress.com Bon appetite!








ne thing I always notice after a prolonged period of absence from Kuwait is its ever changing skyline. Whether it’s an architectural masterpiece, a sky high apartment block, or simply just another shopping mall, Kuwait’s footprint is constantly evolving. But what about the old buildings that are being destroyed in order to make way for these new, modern structures? Compared to other countries, Kuwait doesn’t have much when it comes to historical places of interest. Many were tragically destroyed during the Iraqi invasion/occupation; as we all know, it’s not just people that are casualties of war. Thankfully, those that do remain are rich in cultural



and historical significance - Sadhu House and Dickson House to name just two. So with so little history to boast, is it right to tear down old buildings without a second thought? The so-called ‘bachelor pads’ in Kuwait, currently home to thousands of male immigrants, may not look particularly attractive but that doesn’t necessarily mean they should be destroyed. These buildings represent an important part of the country’s history, as well as a period of influential architecture in the Middle East. Imagine the fascination each domicile will hold for future generations. Think of the stories their very existence will tell our children and grandchildren, not to mention the historians

looking into Kuwait’s past a hundred years from now. The jumble of dwellings would make an ideal museum and with photographs displayed to show the lives of previous habitants, it would also make an excellent history lesson. Of course, some may have to be demolished for health and safety reasons - it’s a miracle their balconies haven’t collapsed under the weight of goods piled onto them – but others can surely be saved, repaired, cleaned and maintained in order to keep alive a vital part of Kuwait’s history. Photographs can only tell part of the story. To actually see these dwellings and imagine what life was like for those who lived there is something that can only be experienced firsthand. To walk between the labyrinth of rooms, visualise the previous occupants and touch the very fabric of the past, is a lesson so valuable it should be learned by all. I’m all for progress and evolution but let’s not forget our history and those who have contributed towards making Kuwait the wonderful place it is today. Many of those who live in the run-down, overcrowded housing that blots our landscape, are the ones who helped to build the shiny, new structures that replace them. By all means make arrangements to re-house them but don’t pretend their hardship and impoverishment didn’t exist. Do we not owe it to them to remember the part they played, not just in Kuwait’s future, but in its past? The Sawaber Complex in Kuwait City is a perfect example of the State’s architectural history. Much controversy surrounds this distinctive landmark with many in favour of seeing the so-called eye-sore demolished. But as one of the first high-density residential complexes to be built in Kuwait, surely it’s in everyone’s interest to retain it. Not

only is it unique, it’s also iconic and buildings such as this should be restored rather than removed. These days, architects are skilled in renovation as well as construction so why not convert the complex into modern, contemporary living accommodation? I’ve seen a prison converted into a boutique hotel, a fire station transformed into a nightclub, and a church remodelled to become a luxury spa. The Sawaber Complex is located on prime land close to Kuwait’s Financial District and could potentially demand significant rental income. Imagine the attraction of a redesigned, exclusive apartment in the heart of Kuwait City. Anything is possible so why not use today’s knowledge to protect yesterday’s ideas? After all, a country rich in history is a rich country indeed.




JO LOVES Have you thought about what your new business venture could be after selling your company? Most of us look for a completely new interest to satisfy us. Jo Malone, however, took a risk and created a new business within the perfumery industry after selling her company, Jo Malone, to Estee Lauder. Nada S. Al-Muzaini

History: Jo Malone created her famous fragrance brand in the 1990s and later sold it to Estee Lauder. However, in 2011, she created a new a fragrance line called Jo Loves. The brand is famous for using unique and rare ingredients and creating beautiful scents that couldn’t be found elsewhere in the market. Jo Malone treasured this gift of smell since she was a child, when she would create perfumes with flowers from her own garden. Later on, she worked as a florist and offered facials in her kitchen in the evenings. At the age of 19, she met her husband, Gary, and this was when her business really thrived and she began taking orders from clients.

Jo Loves In 2011, Jo Malone introduced a new fragrance company called Jo Loves. It was launched in the November when she informed the world that ‘Fragrance is absolutely what I love so I'm so excited to be back. This new brand is all about memories - it's where I am and the person I am now’. She made sure that every scent of her fragrance told a story. Arguably, the most desirable scent at Jo Loves is Pomelo. Pomelo was created by the memories of Jo Malone’s summer holidays, inspired by sandy beaches, fresh linen sheets and sparkling iced water. For more information about Jo Loves perfumes, check out www. https://www.joloves.com 46






am personally fascinated by Tom Ford’s ads. His models always look tremendously chic and glamorous with luster red lips and gorgeous voluminous shiny hair. Red lipstick is one of those beauty staples that never goes out of fashion. It is synonymous with elegance and timeless glamour. It can update your look in seconds - just add a touch of mascara, make sure your skin is clean and luminous, and voila! Your look is effortlessly chic.

for a shade that goes well with your undertone. For that you need to basically find out if your skin tone is warm or cool. The rich blue-based reds goes perfect with cool undertones - think someone like Anne Hathaway, Angelina Jolie or Kim Kardashian, and even Penelope Cruz. They can easily wear strong colours with rich blue based reds. On the other hand the warmer reds that have a touch of yellow-orange - anything leading towards the sunset side of the colour wheel - works well for those with warmer undertones such as Jennifer Lopez, Amanda Seyfried and Rihanna. This is tricky advice but when you know what your real undertone is, it’s easier to choose the right shade of red for your lips and even to choose the right colours for the rest of your makeup such as blush and eye-shadows.

Red lipstick is not only made for special occasions, using it on a day-to-day basis can make the rest of your outfit stand out. It also can change your look from day to night when you don’t have time enough to create a full makeup. Red lipstick can be a real game changer so choosing the right shade for you is vital – and make sure to invest in a good one! Picking a formula is easy. The true pigments of any colour show better through Two factors that you need to consider are: your skin undertone and the right a matte formula but since matte will not reflect any light, make sure your skin is even and looks flawless. This formula will accentuate any imperfection around it. formula. Creamy formulas will sit better and avoid dehydration. The red glossy formulas When it comes to price and quality, it’s up to you to decide but my advice is to tend to lend a sense of high power and true elegance, but make sure your teeth always go for a trusted high end brand. Those brands try to avoid or minimize are clean and the rest of the makeup not too heavy to avoid the drag queen the use of toxic chemicals such as aluminum and lead - let me tell you that most Halloween look! brands will never list lead as an ingredient. I always research brands and read on the internet which ones are conscious about dangerous chemicals and are not Spend time at the beauty counter and try different shades and formulas until you find the perfect one. tested on animals. Lipsticks can be glossy, deep, bright or matte! A good piece of advice is to search Below is a list of 14 shades of red to choose from:

Laura Mercier Lip Parfait Creamy Colourbalm in Red Velvet

Giorgio Armani Rouge Ecstasy in 400

Sephora Collection Cream Lip Stain 01 in Always Red

Le Rouge Pur Couture YSL No1

Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick in Really Red

MAC Russian Red Tom Ford Lip Color in Cherry Lush

MAC Retro Matte Lipstick in Ruby Woo



Maybelline New York Sensational Vivid Lip Color On Fire Red

L’oreal Paris X Balmain 355 Domination Color Riche Red Matte Lipstick

Chanel Rouge Allure Luminous Satin Lip Color in Pirate

NARS Semi Matte Lipstick in Heat Wave

Charlotte Tilbury’s Hollywood Lips in Screen Siren

Tarte Cosmetics Glamazon Pure Performance 12-Hour Lipstick in Fierce


For our Valentine Special, I decided to create a simple makeup with emphasis on the lips. On our model, Olga Poter, I used a strong, bright red wine tone from Tom Ford in colour Black Orchid with a red wine liner from MAC. I added a touch of colourless lip gloss from Mac. Olga wears Laura Mercier foundation primer in Radiance, Chanel Vitalumiere Satin Fluid in Beige 20 applied with hands. Grandiose Liner – Noir Minifique from Lancome in colour Black. I added some dimension on the eyelids using Kevyn Aucoin Sculpting Powder in Medium matte. I filled out her eyebrows a little using Charlotte Tillbury’s eyebrow pencil in Supermodel. No blush or strong contouring was done to balance the look. Special Thanks to Fashion and Advertising photographer Nasir Rauf www.nasirrauf.com (Instagram: @nasirrauf) & Model Olga Poter (Instagram: @olgapoter)




Dima Klaus

Founder of Éclat Nails

When it comes to perfect nails, you have to hand it to Dima Klaus. Dima Klaus is the founder of Éclat Nails, the brand taking nails and nail accessories to new heights. But what inspired the former model to set up her own nail business and what differentiates her brand from the rest in this highly competitive market?





Please introduce yourself to our readers: I am Dima Klaus, founder of Éclat Nails and Five25. Éclat Nails is basically a premium brand for cutting-edge, stylish finger nails and nail accessories. I wanted to bring an easy solution to good-looking nails for busy women, moms and students. I started researching and figured out that there is a real gap in the market for good quality nails that didn’t damage the original nails. And so, I created Éclat Nails in 2017 and it’s been amazing. FIVE25 is a model and talent management company that brings in regional and international models and actors for clients across the region. I used to be a model myself and thoroughly enjoyed working with many brands.

Tell us briefly about your journey so far. The brand Éclat Nails has been received very well and it’s very motivating. However, the process of creating anything is never easy. If you are really sure and confident about your vision, then you keep going and this is exactly my story! Every step takes time and often things that seem small, are the most important in deciding what your brand is going to end up looking like. Throughout, I have mentioned my importance on quality and safety. We have given a lot of attention to creating something that is different and healthier on natural nails. I knew I did not want the use of glue and harmful chemicals so researching on those factors was crucial for me and required a lot of time and patience.

What is the idea behind Éclat Nails and how did you come up with it? Éclat Nails is a premium brand for stylish press-on finger nails and nail accessories. I like stylish finger nails and I love to see women taking care of themselves. However, some just never find the time to spend in nail studios. As for me, I don’t like to sit down for too long! So, at some point I began to look into artificial finger nails and different ways of applying them. I thought there was a real 52


niche if you had the right product; one that’s easy to apply and remove and doesn’t damage the original nails with glue. With our press-on nails you get amazing nails within minutes at an affordable price. I think for a lot of women it’s the perfect solution.

What makes your product different and unique? The brand was born out of years of experience in the fashion industry and we pride ourselves on the edgy and classic designs. What's unique is that our press-on nails are the perfect thickness but also flexible, so they look natural and are comfortable to wear. Moreover, they are both easy to use and remove and they don't damage the natural nails with the use of glue. Together with that focus on quality, I think this is what differentiates Éclat Nails.

How big is the range and how can women select the best nails for them? We currently have 6 designs and we are in the process of constantly adding new colours and designs to satisfy the demands of our diverse audience. The selection of nails differs for each woman and it is of course an individual choice depending on a finger shape and nail size. What's great about Éclat press-on nails is that you can file and shape them the way you want so women can chose what they like and then have fun changing the style and shape every other week or so!

Where do you get your inspiration for your new designs? We are expanding the range slowly to include more colours and designs. We spend a lot of time researching, coming up with colours and designs before we create a sample. One of the factors that I mentioned before is that our nails look natural and we want this to remain constant. Coming from my experience working in fashion and various fashion brands for a long time, I think a lot about colours and trending styles. We go for colours that

can fit everyone, from casual and simple to fancier and bolder. As of now this is what we focus on, but there is more to come as we expand!

How often do you launch new designs? We started last year and we have seen a great response. We launched with 6 styles and we are waiting to bring new colours soon. There are two more new products coming in February 2018. We are constantly working to expand the product portfolio and this will be the first two new products. I can’t wait to see how people will respond to it!

Which are your personal favourites? Personally, for me, I like the simple, classic, oval style. It makes for a feminine, dainty look and I love how it accentuates my fingers. But this is one of the aspects we were also looking to achieve with Éclat Nails. You can press these on and you can shape them as you like for that particular season.

Are you planning to open a store, or will it always be an online concept? Yes, opening our own store is definitely on the agenda. We are not just focused on e-commerce platforms but in the planning to have the brand available in top salons and well-known outlets in the region.

What was the biggest obstacle in establishing your brand and how did you overcome it? The biggest obstacle was being able to bring alive the idea I had in mind, in terms of quality and how the nails needed to look natural. It did take me three and a half years to get things out properly, the way I envisioned it to be. The whole idea behind this concept is to create a press-on nail product without damaging the original nail with the conventional usage of glue etc. I spent a lot of time finding the right material, testing everything for myself before actually bringing it out. This is another

thing, patience. Not many people realize that starting a brand requires a lot of dedication and patience. You don’t give up, no matter how long it takes.

What are your biggest achievements to date? My biggest achievement is establishing the brand and getting such a great response from our customers. I am also very glad about the positive feedback and support from the media.

What are your future plans for your business?

There is nothing better for a woman than hearing that she is able to bring about a difference in the lives of fellow working women, moms and ambitious ladies! I hope to turn Éclat Nails into an international brand that’s recognized for its class, style and quality. We also want to expand and bring more products into the portfolio.

What are the challenges of being a female founder and entrepreneur in this region? The role of women has changed in the region. Looking around, we find female entrepreneurs everywhere. The region has made it easier for women to do things, to start working on their goals and really create something for themselves. Challenges of starting a brand are everywhere, in any country and for anyone. It’s not about being a woman and having to face specific challenges. I feel very glad that being a woman, I am able to create something for women. It definitely makes it easier for me to stand in my customers’ shoes, and really understand their needs.

According to you, what three skills do you need to be a successful business woman? A woman has many roles to play in her life, and in her day to day. I am a mom too, so I understand the task of managing time, being there for your baby, family and still finding time to do the things you love. Ambition is very important. You must be willing to work www.cpmagazine.net




at odd times. You will have doubts, but ambition is what will keep you going. Sometimes, you need to constantly remind yourself about your goals but that’s okay. This will show your level of persistence and determination. As long as you keep going, keep working, even if it’s not the same level of productivity every day, it’s okay. Keep going, remember you are a priority and your vision is yours.

What is the most important piece of advice you can give to all female founders and female entrepreneurs out there? Believe in your idea/concept/product and this will never allow you to give up, no matter how many difficulties you face. I encourage women to be the unstoppable in their pursuit of goals and be clear on your goals.

What advice would you give to women about their nails? A small touch can add a lot to your look and style. I always advise women to take care of themselves, put in a little bit more effort with rubbing some oil on their cuticles, a nice hand cream before bed time and spending some time to look good before an event, an important gathering and festivities. Éclat Nails take almost no time and can be applied the night before your event/occasion and will last for almost 7 days!

Your message for us at CP magazine. Thank you for the interview! I love how there is always something to inspire women, a story that we can relate to. Keep up the good work. Kudos for the all creativity! Have a great year ahead everyone! www.cpmagazine.net www.cpmagazine.net

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imona Barbato is Style Director and Master Colorist @ Chillhairdubai at Intercontinental Hotel in Dubai Marina. She is an International freelance hairstylist based in Dubai with over twenty years of experience in hairdressing. She has worked on prestigious photoshoots and international fashion shows such as CHANEL and Milano Fashion Week. For this special issue of CP Magazine, we invited Simona to share her secrets for beautiful hair. Her all time favourite products are from a not very familiar but very exclusive brand developed in the United States. The brand is ALTERNA, very well known in a few hair salons. She loves Caviar Antiaging Replenishing Moisture Shampoo and conditioner for all hair types. These two products are caviar based, anti-aging and can be used every day. Another favorite, a beauty essential leave-in product that gives 100 percent hydration is Caviar Repair Re-Texturizing Protein Cream from Alterna. This is a deeply restorative luxury product that once you use it, you can’t do without! It’s ideal for dry, damaged hair or natural curly/wavy hair that tends to be dry. Bamboo Sea Salt Spray is highly recommended for fine hair and also for curly or wavy hair. It provides texture so you can easily achieve a beach look. ‘Once you try these products, it’s difficult to go back’ says Simona. They are made with the finest organic ingredients and are not tested on animals. Another favorite on her list is from the Bamboo range from Alterna. Bamboo Luminous Shine. This is a very light shine mist for all types of hair. As the name suggest, it gives incredible shine without leaving your hair oily.







5 Items you can’t miss for Valentine’s Day with Carla & Marie With February 14th right around the corner, love is in the air! Love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day is the greatest excuse to get pampered, especially when it comes from the person you love - whether it’s your significant other, your girlfriend, or even your own self! You’ve probably already started planning gift ideas and evening reservations at your favourite restaurant, but today, let’s just start by chatting about what to wear. For us, a date night outfit should be elegant and super comfortable, so we’ve designed our top five items that can’t be missed in your Valentine’s Day look. And the best bit is, you may already have a lot of these items in your closet!





Red has been linked to romance and Valentine’s Day for a really long time. In fact, red is the colour of heat, passion and love. So it’s no surprise this fiery colour has made it to our top 5 items to inject into your wardrobe for Valentine’s day. You may be wondering how to combine it to look stylish and current. We have some unexpected and uber stylish colour combinations to mach our beloved Red Valentino. On top of the list comes red and pink. Yes, you've read correctly, hot pink and bright red is a genius combination; the two of them just balance each other perfectly and actually make each other look even better! Another killer colour combo is faded pink and red, or bright blue and red if you want to go more futuristic and edgy. Red and emerald green will give you that touch of old Hollywood glam! So, are you ready to experiment with these matches made in heaven?




PINK Pink is the representation of romance, femininity and charm and this Valentine’s Day it’s our star choice! This strong and elegant colour will be everywhere from decorations to fresh flowers. So, get in the mood and dress yourself in this hue on your romantic date with your other half. We are strong believers that, even though it’s Valentine’s Day, you shouldn’t be pressured into dressing in traditionally flirty and feminine outfits like dresses and skirts. You can also opt for a top and trousers or, if you tend to shy away from colour, take baby steps by having just one statement piece in this fuchsia tint.





Nothing is more romantic than lace details on Valentine’s Day. While the first thing you’re probably seeing everywhere in lace is lingerie, there are so many fun ways to incorporate lace into your outfit that everyone can see. Before we delve into ways to wear lace and make it look modern, have you ever thought about the symbolism of lace and its enduring significance throughout history? From fairy princesses to walking down the aisle, from purity to regal elegance, from sweet to sexy, the complex symbolism of lace and its history makes it one of the most substantial yet often over looked fabrications of modern time. Although lace is a timeless fabric, it is very much on trend right now and the options are endless, from handmade designer lace to high street chic pieces. But bear in mind that lace looks modern when it’s minimal and mixed with the unexpected, like a denim or biker jacket. For dressier looks, simple silhouettes that let the fabric be the focal point will look chic and sophisticated.




Shoes are a woman’s best friend, along with handbags and diamonds, they say. We are inclined to agree. High heels have the power to transform any outfit from dull to fabulous, from the classic pointy heels to the minimalistic sandals. But above all, your heels must be comfortable. Heels that you can't walk in? They don't look good on anyone! What do you think about our shoe picks for your date night? We describe them with three words: modern, glamorous and classic.





We cannot be more excited about the fact that statement earrings are making a huge comeback this year. They are the perfect final touch to your date night outfit.

It’s the perfect accessory to dress up your outfit and a great way to instantly transform your look without breaking the bank. Statement earrings are so versatile and can be worn as a single earring or together. Don't forget, to make a statement, the bigger the better! Plus, the options are endless, from amazing metal earrings to cool fabrics, from bold colours to pastels. You can go as wild as you want! Are you in love with this trendy item yet? You will certainly create a sense of personality and style.

Credits Photographer: Arsan Hassan (IG: arsan_photography) Image Consultants: Carla Otero & Marie Auffret (IG: thestylistes) Carla & Marie’s Wardrobe: Zara Location: Palm Jumeirah, Dubai

A final note from us, Carla and Marie: ‘Valentine’s day is whatever you decide it to be. Love should be celebrated each day and a declaration of love can come in the form of a note or a simple text, which can be more valuable than all the presents in the world’.



since 2010



CHIC VALENTINE GIFT IDEAS February 14th is the perfect time to show some love and get a special gift for your special one – and maybe a great gift for yourself too! GUCCI

Van Cleef & Arpels













Diamond Earrings













God's Plan

Stir Fry


Roll In Peace

Feel It Still



Eminem & Ed Sheeran

Kodak Black

Portugal. The Man








Let You Down


Ric Flair Drip

Ed Sheeran

Migos, Nicki Minaj & Cardi B


Selena Gomez & Marshmello

Offset & Metro Boomin








You Make It Easy


Lights Down Low

Bruno Mars & Cardi B

Justin Timberlake

Jason Aldean


MAX & Gnash







Him & I

Meant To Be


The Champion

Camila Cabello & Young Thug

G-Eazy & Halsey

Bebe Rexha & Florida Georgia Line

Imagine Dragons

Carrie Underwood & Ludacris







Too Good At Goodbyes

I Get The Bag

What About Us

All The Stars

Post Malone & 21 Savage

Sam Smith

Gucci Mane & Migos


Kendrick Lamar & SZA






Bad At Love

No Limit

Bartier Cardi


Sorry Not Sorry


G-Eazy, A$AP Rocky & Cardi B

Cardi B & 21 Savage


Demi Lovato


Say Something Justin Timberlake & Chris Stapleton





Plain Jane

End Game


A$AP Ferg

Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran & Future

Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee




Marry Me Thomas Rhett



Diplomatic Immunity


Sky Walker

MIC Drop



Imagine Dragons

Miguel & Travis Scott

BTS & Desiigner










by Joanna Schaffhausen

by Ursula K. Le Guin, Karen Joy Fowler

Ellery Hathaway knows a thing or two about serial killers, but not through her police training. She's an officer in sleepy Woodbury, MA, where a bicycle theft still makes the newspapers. No one there knows she was once victim number seventeen in the grisly story of serial killer Francis Michael Coben. The only victim who lived. When three people disappear from her town in three years, all around her birthday—the day she was kidnapped so long ago—Ellery fears someone knows her secret. Someone very dangerous. Her superiors dismiss her concerns, but Ellery knows the vanishing season is coming and anyone could be next. She contacts the one man she knows will believe her: the FBI agent who saved her from a killer’s closet all those years ago.

Ursula K. Le Guin has taken readers to imaginary worlds for decades. Now she’s in the last great frontier of life, old age, and exploring new literary territory: the blog, a forum where her voice—sharp, witty, as compassionate as it is critical—shines. No Time to Spare collects the best of Ursula’s blog, presenting perfectly crystallized dispatches on what matters to her now, her concerns with this world, and her wonder at it. On the absurdity of denying your age, she says, If I’m ninety and believe I’m forty-five, I’m headed for a very bad time trying to get out of the bathtub. On cultural perceptions of fantasy: The direction of escape is toward freedom. So what is ‘escapism’ an accusation of? On her new cat: He still won’t sit on a lap…I don’t know if he ever will. He just doesn’t accept the lap hypothesis. On breakfast: Eating an egg from the shell takes not only practice, but resolution, even courage, possibly willingness to commit crime. And on all that is unknown, all that we discover as we muddle through life: How rich we are in knowledge, and in all that lies around us yet to learn. Billionaires, all of us.



by E.J. Dionne Jr., Joy-Ann Reid

by Reni Eddo-Lodge

A collection of Barack Obama's greatest speeches selected and introduced by columnist E.J. Dionne and MSNBC host Joy-Ann Reid. We Are the Change We Seek is a collection of Barack Obama's 26 greatest addresses: beginning with his 2002 speech opposing the Iraq War and closing with his final speech before the United Nations in September 2016. As president, Obama's words had the power to move the country, and often the world, as few presidents before him. Whether acting as Commander in Chief or Consoler in Chief, Obama adopted a unique rhetorical style that could simultaneously speak to the national mood and change the course of public events. Obama's eloquence, both written and spoken, propelled him to national prominence and ultimately made it possible for the son of a Kenyan man and a white woman from Kansas to become the first black president of the United States.

In 2014, award-winning journalist Reni Eddo-Lodge wrote about her frustration with the way that discussions of race and racism in Britain were being led by those who weren't affected by it. She posted a piece on her blog, entitled: 'Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race'. Her words hit a nerve. The post went viral and comments flooded in from others desperate to speak up about their own experiences. Galvanised by this clear hunger for open discussion, she decided to dig into the source of these feelings.



A former ocean scientist goes in pursuit of the slippery story of jellyfish, rediscovering her passion for marine science and the sea's imperiled ecosystems. Jellyfish have been swimming in our oceans for well over half a billion years, longer than any other animal that lives on the planet. They make a venom so toxic it can kill a human in three minutes. Their sting microscopic spears that pierce with five million times the acceleration of gravity is the fastest known motion in the animal kingdom. Made of roughly 95 percent water, some jellies are barely perceptible virtuosos of disguise, while others glow with a luminescence that has revolutionized biotechnology. Yet until recently, jellyfish were largely ignored by science, and they remain among the most poorly understood of ocean dwellers.

Many children have grown up in the shadow of Louisiana’s Greenmount State Penitentiary. Most of them—sons and daughters of corrections officers and staff—left the place as soon as they could. Yet Ginny Polk chose to come back to work as a prison cook. She knows the harsh reality of life within those walls—the cries of men being beaten, the lines of shuffling inmates chained together. Yet she has never seen them as monsters, not even the ones sentenced to execution. That’s why, among her duties, Ginny has taken on a special responsibility: preparing their last meals.

by Mandy Mikulencak



By introducing us to the major characters and leading us through many historical twists and turns, Johnny slowly unravels the tale of how humanity built up a knowledge and understanding of shapes, numbers and patterns from ancient times, a story that leads directly to the technological wonderland we live in today. As Galileo said, 'Everything in the universe is written in the language of mathematics', and Wonders Beyond Numbers is your guide to this language.

Don't worry; you don’t have to be a morning person to start each new day well. Join Kat Lee and thousands of women from countries around the world who have learned to maximize their mornings. In Hello Mornings, Kat introduces a simple yet powerful three-minute morning routine that integrates Bible study, planning, and fitness into a foundational morning habit that fits into every schedule. She then helps you build each of these core habits for life-long growth. Everyone can find three minutes. And instead of adding one more thing to the list, Hello Mornings lifts the weight off women by revealing a grace-filled way to establish a powerful morning routine that offers a simple way to incorporate the most-sought-after daily habits into a simple morning routine: God. Plan. Move.



DEATH WISH Dr. Paul Kersey (Bruce Willis) is a surgeon who only sees the aftermath of Chicago violence when it is rushed into his ER - until his wife (Elisabeth Shue) and college-age daughter (Camila Morrone) are viciously attacked in their suburban home. With the police overloaded with crimes, Paul, burning for revenge, hunts his family's assailants to deliver justice. As the anonymous slayings of criminals grabs the media's attention, the city wonders if this deadlyvigilante is a guardian angel or a grim reaper. Fury and fate collide in the intense, action-thriller Death Wish.



The Wishbone family is far from happy. With a struggling bookshop, an overworked husband, and two misunderstood teenagers, Emma is at her wit’s end trying to be the perfect mom. After dragging her family to a costume party on Halloween night, they are cursed by an evil witch and transformed into a Vampire, a Mummy, a Werewolf, and Frankenstein’s monster. Now Emma will fight to keep her Monster Family together and uncover the secret of their curse… eventually leading them to the Prince of Darkness himself, Dracula!

Chadwick Boseman will play T’Challa, the prince of the African nation of Wakanda, who must take over the throne after his father’s murder.

CAST: Bruce Willis, Kimberly Elise, Camilla Morrone, Vincent D'Onofrio, Elisabeth Shue, Dean Norris DIRECTOR: Eli Roth

CAST: Emily Watson, Jason Isaacs, Nick Frost, Jessica Brown Findlay, Celia Imrie, Catherine Tate

CAST: Chadwick Boseman, Lupita Nyong'o, Michael B. Jordan, Danai Gurira, Winston Duke, Forest Whitaker DIRECTOR: Ryan Coogler







Gringo joyrides across the border into Mexico, where all is not as it seems for mild-mannered American businessman Harold Soyinka (David Oyelowo). Crossing the line from citizen to criminal, Harold tangles with duplicitous business partners, Mexican drug lords, international mercenaries, and the DEA. As he attempts to survive in one of the most dangerous places on earth, the question lingers: is this ordinary man in way over his head, or is he two steps ahead?

Set at the dawn of time, when prehistoric creatures and woolly mammoths roamed the earth, Early Man tells the story of Dug, along with sidekick Hognob, who unites his tribe against the mighty Bronze Age in a battle to beat them at their own game.

CAST: Charlize Theron, Amanda Seyfried, Joel Edgerton, Kenneth Choi, Thandie Newton, Michael Angarano DIRECTOR: Nash Edgerton

CAST: Eddie Redmayne, Maisie Williams, Tom Hiddleston DIRECTOR: Nick Park

CAST: Natalie Portman, Gina Rodriguez, Tessa Thompson, Oscar Isaac, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Tuva Novotny DIRECTOR: Alex Garland





ANNIHILATION In seeking answers to her husband’s tragic disappearance, a biologist volunteers for an expedition into an area sealed off by the government for the last 30 years as an environmental disaster zone. A secret agency known as the Southern Reach has sent in 11 expeditions over those years to discover the truth about Area X, and those attempts were failures. She and her team find a pristine wilderness, but they also notice quickly that the rules of nature and evolution seem to work a little differently. And the creature they find is dangerous.




Bateman and McAdams star as Max and Annie, whose weekly couples game night gets kicked up a notch when Max’s charismatic brother, Brooks (Chandler), arranges a murder mystery party, complete with fake thugs and faux federal agents. So when Brooks gets kidnapped, it’s all part of the game…right? But as the six uber-competitive gamers set out to solve the case and win, they begin to discover that neither this “game”—nor Brooks—are what they seem to be. Over the course of one chaotic night, the friends find themselves increasingly in over their heads as each twist leads to another unexpected turn. With no rules, no points, and no idea who all the players are, this could turn out to be the most fun they’ve ever had… or game over. CAST: Jason Bateman, Rachel McAdams, Kylie Bunbury, Jesse Plemons, Kyle Chandler, Lamorne Morris DIRECTOR: Jonathan Goldstein, John Francis Daley

Stratton, a Special Boat Service operative for MI6, and his American counterpart Marty, scope a laboratory complex in Iran in order to intercept deadly biochemical weapons. This most complex of missions goes spectacularly wrong however and in the mayhem Marty is mortally wounded. Stratton knows his trusted friend isn't going to make it. Back at base Stratton is summoned by the big boss at MI6. She has received intel that a former Soviet operative - Barovski - has gone rogue. Thought to be dead for the last 20 years, it is believed Barovski has plans to take revenge on his former paymasters by using stolen chemical weapons. From hereon in, Stratton and his team must draw on all their training and experience to race against time and stop the unimaginable happening. CAST: Oprah Winfrey, Reese Witherspoon, Mindy Kaling, Storm Reid, Zach Galifianakis, Chris Pine DIRECTOR: Ava DuVernay



THE STRANGERS: PREY AT NIGHT A family’s road trip takes a dangerous turn when they arrive at a secluded mobile home park to stay with some relatives and find it mysteriously deserted. Under the cover of darkness, three masked psychopaths pay them a visit to test the family’s every limit as they struggle to survive.

CAST: Christina Hendricks, Bailee Madison, Lewis Pullman, Martin Henderson, Emma Bellomy, Damian Maffei DIRECTOR: Johannes Roberts GENRES: HORROR SEQUEL THRILLER




Every Day tells the story of Rhiannon (Angourie Rice), a 16-year old girl who falls in love with a mysterious spirit named "A" who inhabits a different body every day. Feeling an unmatched connection, Rhiannon and A work each day to find each other, not knowing what or who the next day will bring. The more the two fall in love, the more the realities of loving someone who is a different person every 24 hours takes a toll, leaving Rhiannon and "A" to face the hardest decision either has ever had to make.

Everyone deserves a great love story. But for seventeen-year old Simon Spier it's a little more complicated: he's yet to tell his family or friends he's gay and he doesn't actually know the identity of the anonymous classmate he's fallen for online.

When she suffers a career-ending injury, Dominika and her mother are facing a bleak and uncertain future. That is why she finds herself manipulated into becoming the newest recruit for Sparrow School, a secret intelligence service that trains exceptional young people like her to use their bodies and minds as weapons. After enduring the perverse and sadistic training process, she emerges as the most dangerous Sparrow the program has ever produced.

CAST: Angourie Rice, Owen Teague, Maria Bello, Jacob Batalon, Justice Smith, Debby Ryan

CAST: Nick Robinson, Logan Miller, Jennifer Garner, Katherine Langford, Alexandra Shipp, Jorge Lendeborg Jr.

DIRECTOR: Michael Suscy

DIRECTOR: Greg Berlanti

CAST: Jennifer Lawrence, Joel Edgerton, Matthias Schoenaerts, Jeremy Irons, Nicole O'Neill, Thekla Reuten DIRECTOR: Francis Lawrence







The coolest products curated especially for you

DOT watch The DOT Watch is the world's first smart watch for the visually impaired. It has been developed in Korea to be an affordable and accessible innovation for the blind to lead independent fulfilling lives. The watch uses Braille to tell the wearer the time, as well as give them their notifications from their phone. Since it is the first of its kind to offer the time in Braille, and not just with indicators, the DOT Watch really offers a true smart experience to its wearer.

RIVA Arena multiroom speaker Riva Audio are no different, with Google Assistant (and a slight redesign) coming to their Arena speakers later this year, so that you can chat away to these multiroom speakers to your heart's content. The units themselves use Riva's patented Trillium technology to pump out stereo sound from just the one unit, and connects to all your regular standards like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Chromecast and AirPlay (it even has a line in).



Sony WF-SP700N true wireless ear buds Sony have released seven new headphones that work with Google Assistant, the most interesting of which are the pill shaped WF-SP70Ns. Aside from the joy of speaking to Google, the stand out feature is that these are both noise cancelling and splash proof, so you can sweat on the treadmill to your heart’s content. It also features NFC and quick selection of your favourite sound settings without having to dig into an app.

DJI Osmo Mobile 2 DJI are probably best known for the drones, but they also make a very good camera stabiliser in the DJI Osmo. Well now they’ve made a better one. Not too much has changed but as well as being lighter, it has a longer battery life (up from 4.5 to 15 hours), improved button positions and you can mount the camera in portrait mode.

Halberd Touted as "the world's most advanced NextGen smart Bluetooth key and lock", Halberd is a brand new gadget for 2018 which automatically locks your PC every time you walk away. Made by GateKeeper, Halberd is perfect for those who are perhaps less cautious when it comes to privacy and security, and is an ideal desktop companion if you often forget to log out or lock your machine when leaving your workspace temporarily.

Lenovo Smart Display The imaginatively titled Lenovo Smart Display 10-inch HD touchscreen, which does pretty much everything you expect from the voice assistant but from a rather sleek looking unit. It can be positioned horizontally or vertically, meaning the 10-w speaker is either at the side or bottom, and has a classy bamboo back so it should fit into any space you decide to stick it. The cheaper 8-inch model comes with a grey back and without the full HD touchscreen.

Hori Onyx PS4 controller Don't you ever wish your PlayStation controller was a bit more, well, Xbox? Any gamer will have a preference as to where they like to rest their left thumb, and not all PS4 owners favour the position of the left analogue stick. You're also out of luck if you want a wireless third-party controller, but the Onyx by Hori frags these two birds with one stone. It might not have a speaker or a lightbar on the back, but at least if hours of Uncharted are giving you an RSI this game pad might help.

MyKronoz ZeTime Hybrid Smartwatch After raising more than $6m on Kickstarter and Indiegogo last year, MyKronoz - a watchmaking brand aimed at the smart generation - just announced that its ZeTime hybrid smartwatches will be available to buy this early this year

iKettle Anything that comes between you and your cup of tea is a bad thing in our book, and one of the biggest obstacles is time. Yes, there is no excuse for under brewing a cup of tea, but if you can shave off a few minutes without having to wait for the kettle to boil we're all for it. The iKettle is smart, so you can set it to boil at a specific time or ask Alexa/Google Assistant to switch it on, set it to a specific temperature and get your Hue lights to blink when it's done.

Nutale Live GPS tracker Meet Nutale, a much more intelligent personal GPS tracker. This small and powerful device is different because it gives you actual real-time positioning so you can keep track of your possessions, or even kids and pets - basically anything that moves. You'll know exactly where they got to and where they are going. www.cpmagazine.net


The GTC4Lusso & The GTC4Lusso T: A contemporary vision of Ferrari's illustrious four-seater heritage


he new Ferrari GTC4Lusso stable is Maranello’s latest interpretation of the four-seater concept, which combines extraordinary performance in all driving conditions with sporty elegance and luxurious comfort for both driver and passengers alike. The GTC4Lusso’s name references several illustrious predecessors, not least the 330 GTC or its 2+2 sister model, the 330 GT, as well as the 250 GT Berlinetta Lusso, which married extreme performance with stylish design and sophisticated materials and craftsmanship. It follows in the footsteps of the FF, the first ever Ferrari you could drive on rough terrain or take up mountains for a ski trip thanks to its predictive all-wheel drive system, and continues the lineage of Ferrari’s spacious 2+2 models that began with the 1948 166 Inter. Ferrari has updated the grand touring FF with a stunning new interior, sharper exterior styling, improved engine and handling and a brand new name that reflects the luxury that epitomizes Ferraris’ flagship models. Here we take a moment to reflect on the most significant models that have shaped the history of Ferrari’s V12 and V8 engined four-seaters.

The 166 Inter was Ferrari’s first ever road-going model and was based on the 166 sports racing models, such as the 166 MM barchetta, with which it shared a slightly lowerpowered version of the sophisticated 2-litre V12. Typically for those years, no two cars were alike and one of the most popular coachbuilders of that era, Carrozzeria Touring, produced the majority of the model range, including this, the 166 Inter coupé Touring, which debuted at the 1948 Turin Motor Show. One of just five Ferrari cars sold that year, it was the first ever example of a two-door fourseater and thus the predecessor of today’s GTC4Lusso. Ferrari 250 GT 2+2 (1960)

Ferrari 166 Inter (1948) The 250 GT 2+2 was the first four-seater Ferrari to be produced in large numbers. In fact nearly 1000 cars were produced between the model’s launch at Le Mans 24 Hours in June 1960 and the end of 1963. Although there had been other Ferrari models designated 2+2s in the early 1950s, the 250 GT 2+2 was the first with proper four-seat accommodation and the concept proved to be extremely popular, accounting for about two thirds of the total Ferrari 250 GT road car production of the period. The Pinin Farina-designed car was equipped with the 3-litre version of the V12 producing 240 hp, with the last fifty examples being fitted with 4-litre engines and designated 330 America.



Ferrari 330 GT 2+2 (1964) The 330 America was replaced by the 330 GT 2+2 coupé which was presented at the annual Ferrari pre-season competition press conference in January 1964, making its public appearance at the Brussels Salon later that month. Characterised by its front-end styling that included large quad headlights emphasized by chrome surrounds, its Pininfarina styling was viewed favourably and the new 2+2 was considered to offer substantial improvements over its predecessor. In all, the model garnered much praise from the press at the time. One of the most famous owners of the 330 GT 2+2 coupé was John Lennon of Beatles fame who was bought a model in 1965 by his band mates the day he passed his driving test. Ferrari 365 GT 2+2 (1967) The 365 GT 2+2 was presented at the 1967 Paris Motor Show, and was the replacement for the 330 GT 2+2. With its elegant, imposing lines, it was the first Ferrari to feature power steering and air conditioning as standard for the American market. Ferrari 365 GTC4 (1971)

The 365 GTC4 was the successor to the 365 GT 2+2. The body style was very different from the models that it replaced: gone were the graceful rounded curves and the elliptical radiator grille, to be replaced by a much more angular wedge design, which was coming into vogue at the time. The more compact design of a two-seater coupé actually hid the fact the car had two small rear seats which had folding backs to increase luggage space. Ferrari 365 GT4 2+2 (1972) This was a brand new design from Pininfarina, which faced the task of developing a fast, svelte and elegant 2+2 powered by the classic 4.4-litre VI2 engine that would break with the more classical lines of the 1967 365 GT 2+2 and provide greater rear seat space than that car’s successor, the 1971 GTC4. The 365 GT4 2+2 model was announced at the 1972 Paris Salon, and continued in production until 1976, when it was replaced by the 400 series which maintained - right up until the final interpretation, the 1985 5-litre 412 which ended production in 1989 – the refined styling that exuded an air of sporting luxury.

Ferrari 456 GT (1992) The 456 GT took the luxury 2+2 coupé theme to new heights and saw Ferrari return to the front-engine concept for the first time since the 1968 365 GTB4. The all-new 65° V12 provided unprecedented flexibility and power   Ferrari GTC4Lusso (2016) Along with a new name, Ferrari gave the GTC4Lusso updated lines, a new interior, and a touch more horsepower from its V12 engine. The performance displays the thrilling Ferrari soundtrack, with an increased power output from 651 horsepower to 680 ponies. This Italian horsepower allows the GTC4Lusso to reach 0 to 100 km/h in 3.4 seconds on the way to its 333 km/h top speed. Importantly, the all-wheel drive Ferrari now has four-wheel steering similar to that found in the F12 TDF. Allowing all four wheels to steer and propel the car forward makes the car turn as fast as it can accelerate. The GTC4Lusso sports the latest evolution of the naturally-aspirated Ferrari GT V12 that melds incredible power with efficiency and provides a soundtrack which is thrilling in performance driving, yet discreet and harmonious in normal touring conditions, whether city, mountain or desert. Ferrari GTC4Lusso T (2016)

Recently Ferrari announced the new Ferrari GTC4Lusso T; the first four-seater in Prancing Horse history to sport a V8 turbo engine, hailing a whole new Ferrari GT concept. The model is aimed at owners seeking a car that is sporty and versatile but also perfect for frequent driving. Ferrari has given the GTC4Lusso T a 3.9-litre V8 turbo; the latest evolution to emerge from the engine family named overall “2016 International Engine of the Year”. The car’s maximum power output is 610 cv at 7,500 rpm while maximum torque of 760 Nm is available at between 3,000 and 5,250 rpm. This Italian horsepower allows the GTC4Lusso T to reach 0 to 100 km/h in 3.5 seconds on the way to its 320 km/h top speed. The V8 turbo’s signature characteristics suit day-to-day driving in urban contexts: a rich powerful soundtrack at high speeds that becomes more muted at lower speeds, nimbleness and responsiveness courtesy of versatile, modular torque delivery and, last but not least, an excellent range. The GTC4Lusso & The GTC4Lusso T. This is the Ferrari DNA.




‫مجموعة مجوهرات كارل الغرفيلد لربيع – صيف ‪2018‬‬ ‫يلتقي في مجموعة مجوهرات األزياء لربيع – صيف ‪ 2018‬من كارل الذهب والذهب الوردي مع الترصيع بحبّات كريستال من سواروفسكي‪.‬‬ ‫الحلي القابلة للتبديل‪ ،‬مما يسمح‬ ‫الغرفيلد الرق ّي وأناقة الروك آند رول مع أعمال تزيين مرحة‪ ،‬كما تتميّز وعالوة عن ذلك‪ ،‬يشتمل على برنامج‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫بتشكيلة جديدة من حبّات كريستال من سواروفسكي في ألوان فاتحة لمن ترتديها ابتكار إطاللتها الخاصة حسب طلبها‪.‬‬ ‫(‪ )pastel‬متعددة‪ .‬تتألّف هذه المجموعة من ثالثة أقسام‪:‬‬ ‫‪ :Essentials‬يفيض هذا القسم بجمالية أنيقة وراقية مع تصاميم مالئمة‬ ‫‪ :Klassik Karl‬هذا القسم مستوحى من كل ما لدى كارل الغرفيلد‪ .‬تظهر من النهار إلى الليل بكل راحة وسهولة‪ .‬يدور محور تصميم هذه القطع‬ ‫قطته الشهيرة عالميا ً ‪ Choupette‬مع إمضائه باليد في ترصيع كامل الرائعة حول أهرام متعددة األوجه وحبّات كريستال من سواروفسكي‪،‬‬ ‫بحبّات من كريستال سواروفسكي كلمسات أخيرة‪ .‬يتألّف هذا القسم لتقدّم إطاللة عصرية‪ ،‬صلبة ورائعة في نفس الوقت‪ .‬يشتمل هذا القسم‬ ‫من عقود‪ ،‬أساور وأقراط لألذن‪ ،‬كما يمتاز بقالدة عصرية على شكل الحرف على عقود‪ ،‬قالدات‪ ،‬أقراط لألذن (‪ ،)ear jackets‬وأقراط لألذن على شكل‬ ‫"‪ "K‬ومزيّنة بتصميم التمويه من كارل الغرفيلد‪ .‬تعمل األساور على تقليد حلقة متدلّية (‪ ،)drop and hoop earrings‬أساور وخواتم – تتميّز جميعها‬ ‫أزرار القميص‪ ،‬رمزه الخاص‪ ،‬في حين تتراوح الخواتم من الضخمة إلى بأشكال هندسية ألهرام مج ّمعة مع بعضها‪.‬‬ ‫النحيلة في أساليب من التكديس مع طالء بالروديوم‪.‬‬ ‫تتوفر مجموعة مجوهرات ‪ KARL LAGERFELD‬لربيع – صيف ‪2018‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫‪ :lkonik‬هذا القسم‬ ‫متجذر باالبتكار الرائع والجماليات البديعة من ‪ KARL‬ابتدا ًء من نهاية شهر يناير ‪ 2018‬في جميع متاجر ‪KARL LAGERFELD‬‬ ‫ل‬ ‫تجار الجملة ومواقع‬ ‫‪ ،LAGERFELD‬ويتميّز بنجوم سماوية وقلوب ترافقها دفاتر للرسم وعلى الموقع ‪ ،KARL.com‬باإلضافة إ ى شركاء من ّ‬ ‫ودبابيس مشبك (‪ – )safety pins‬األدوات األساسية لمصممي األزياء‪ .‬مختارة لـ ‪ .Swarovski Crystal World‬تتراوح األسعار بين ‪ 44‬يورو و‪349‬‬ ‫تجمع قطع هذا القسم الطالء بالروديوم‪ ،‬النحاس األحمر (‪ ،)Gunmetal‬يورو‪.‬‬ ‫‪FEBRUARY 2018‬‬




MICHAEL KORS – LUNAR NEW YEAR 2018 MOTT LEATHER CROSSBODY - Designed to take you from AM to PM, the Mott is reimagined in a streamlined crossbody silhouette with a spacious interior that’s equipped to hold your phone, wallet and more. Iconic logo hardware doubles as a turn-lock fastening, while a chain-link accent completes this accessory with a touch of tactile glamour.

Tissot Excellence Feminine Luxury Tissot Excellence, the deeply elegant gold watch from Tissot, can now be enjoyed by women as well as men. Valued by those who appreciate the finer things in life, it reflects the design of the Gent’s version and the fine case, in particular, will be sure to attract admiring glances. Clean, pure lines and smooth curves together create an authentic, timeless look that will enhance the beauty of every woman.

American Tourister Announces Footballing Legend Cristiano Ronaldo as its 2018 Brand Ambassador

RHEA XS BACKPACK - Designed in supple Venus leather, our mini Rhea backpack is perfect for showcasing our interchangeable handbag pins. This compact carryall features two main zip compartments and one smaller zip pocket at the front to keep you organized.

American Tourister, world’s leading fashionable, youthful, international luggage brand, is proud to announce the signing of international football superstar and fashion icon, Cristiano Ronaldo, as its new brand ambassador for 2018. Fivetime winner – a world record, and the current holder of the FIFA Ballon d’Or Award (2008, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017), the former Manchester United (20032009) and Real Madrid (2009-present) goal-scoring record-breaker has won 24 trophies over the course of his illustrious career, including four UEFA Champions League titles, and has captained Portugal to victory in the 2016 UEFA European Championship. Cristiano is a true legend of the game and one of today’s most popular and recognizable sporting icons. Dynamic, stylish and confident, with most followers across Facebook and Instagram globally, Cristiano embodies the soul of the American Tourister brand. His appointment also comes as football fever begins to grip global audiences ahead of the FIFA World Cup, which kicks off in Moscow, Russia on June 14th, 2018. 78


AVA CROSSBODY - Downsize your carryall for days on the go. This compact crossbody is richly tactile and beautifully shaped in a sophisticated silhouette. Timelessly understated with a touch of gilded hardware, this ladylike piece promises to be a go-to in your handbag repertoire.

MOTT CLUTCH - Introducing Mott, a soft leather clutch that’s been sized up to comfortably fit your cell phone, lipstick and other essentials. Fashionably functional with a sleek exterior and chain-link crossbody strap, it’s the perfect partner to a printed dress for day and evening affairs.

PUMA X HELLO KITTY: AN ICONIC DUET #FORALLTIME For over 40 years, fans have been smitten by Hello Kitty. She may only be as tall as five apples and weighs the same as three, but her influence spans the world over, gracing all things ‘kawaii’ since she first debuted in Japan in 1974. The PUMA Suede born in 1968 has long established its iconic status with roots in sport and relevance in the sneaker world. Both Hello Kitty and the PUMA Suede are certified pop cultural icons #ForAllTime. How else can you explain a multi-billion dollar brand built largely on word of mouth? Hello Kitty is for fans of all ages, making her the perfect addition to the Suede’s 50th Anniversary. Everything about the collection, from the red bow-toms to her milk bottle icon, pays homage to Hello Kitty, the little girl from London who loves fresh-baked cookies and Mama’s apple pie. Bold colors, cheeky graphics and fun, intricate details make this offering uniquely endearing.

PRESS Les Parisiennes Champs Elysées Grammy’s 60th Anniversary Weekend 2018, NYC – MCM announces first of its kind NEW collaboration between MCM x WizPak. The exclusive backpack style, with its breakthrough market technology and unparalleled sound quality, was created for the music elite and debuted during Grammy’s 60th Anniversary weekend in NYC. A-listers including Grammy’s performer Miley Cyrus, Jamie Foxx, presenter Alicia Keys, Grammy’s Breakout Star Rapsody (only the fifth female nominee for Best Rap Album ever in the 23-year history of the category), notable artists like Cardi B, Future and Rita Ora, as well as newcomers like hip-hop trio Migos and Lil Uzi Vert and two time nominee 6LACK along with Killer Mike of Run the Jewels, and many more enjoyed the wearable music smart-bag this past weekend.



70 years of sports cars at Porsche

PRESS RELEASES Fahad Al Musallam joins the Red Bull Family

A new athlete has joined the Red Bull family; this time none other than Kuwaiti citizen, Fahad Al Musallam. Junior Baja World Champion, Al Musallam, is no stranger to topping the podium at several competitions. He is a 3-time Qatar Endurocross Champion, 2 time Bahrain Motocross Champion, and a 1 time Kuwait Motocross Champion. Fahad’s story began at the age of six when his father purchased him his very first ATV Dirt Bike. Since then his passion has flourished into a full-fledged career. He will be joining national treasures, Mohammed Burbayea, Mohammed Jaffar, and Mansour Al Safran, to represent Kuwait and Red Bull at worldwide championships. To find out more follow Red Bull Kuwait on Instagram and Twitter @redbullkuwait, on Facebook @RedBull, and follow Fahad on Instagram @fnm22.

Let your personal style bloom with the True Thinline Rado unveils glamorous garden-inspired timepiece

Rado is known for its avant-garde approach to design and materials, but the Swiss watchmaker is now taking its cues from nature too. The pioneering brand has added a glamorous garden-inspired piece to its super slim True Thinline collection. Following last year's successful introduction of four high-tech ceramic colours to the True Thinline collection, Rado presents this gorgeous green timepiece, now featuring intricate and organic detailing. The tone-on-tone dial is crafted from green mother-of-pearl with a delicate leaf structure printed onto its underside. Gold-coloured indexes are metallised on the sapphire crystal, appearing to float effortlessly above the dial. Fully constructed from glossy green ceramic, this flora-themed wristwatch dazzles without being flashy, conveying a mood of down-to-earth luxury. 80


Fast. Puristic. Emotive. For the past 70 years, the Porsche brand has been synonymous with sports car construction at the very highest level. The first vehicle to bear the Porsche name was registered on June 8, 1948: It was the 356 “No.1” Roadster. This is the day on which the Porsche brand was born. The Type 356 turned Ferry Porsche’s dream of a sports car into a reality. “His vision at that time embodied all of the values that still define the brand to this day”, said Oliver Blume, Chairman of the Executive Board of Porsche AG, at yesterday’s New Year Reception at the Porsche Museum. Representatives from the state of Baden-Württemberg as well as from the city of Stuttgart and the worlds of politics, economics and society, joined Porsche to celebrate the beginning of its anniversary year with the slogan “70 years of the Porsche sports car”. “Tradition is a commitment. Without our tradition and without our core values, we would not be where we are today”, explained Blume. “We plan to uphold the standard of technical excellence set by Ferry Porsche well into the future. Intelligent dynamic mobility has a great future ahead of it. And we have the solid technological expertise, creative employees and unique team spirit to be involved. We have what it takes to ensure that the Porsche brand continues to fascinate – even in another 70 years.” The history of the Porsche brand begins in 1948. Yet the foundation of the sports car manufacturer is built upon the life’s work of Professor Ferdinand Porsche – work which his son Ferry then continued. Ferdinand Porsche had already designed pioneering innovations for the automotive industry as early as the start of the last century. In 1900, he built an electric car with a wheel hub drive known as the Lohner-Porsche, a vehicle on which he would then base the world’s first all-wheel-drive passenger car. In the same year, he created a template for hybrid vehicles with the development of a mixed petrol-electric powertrain. In 1931, Ferdinand Porsche founded his own engineering office. The “Berlin-Rome Car” showcased in 1939 was the beginning of his idea for a sports car bearing the Porsche name, although this dream was only realised by his son Ferry in 1948 with the Type 356. The successor model to the 356, the Porsche 911 designed by Ferry Porsche’s son Ferdinand Alexander, finally gave the company its breakthrough as one of the leading manufacturers of sports cars in the world, both from a technical and a design perspective. The Porsche 911, presented to the global public for the first time in 1963, has now been built over a million times. “Although the 911 has been consistently developed in the intervening decades and enhanced many times over with new, innovative technologies, no other vehicle has managed to retain its original essence in the same way as the 911”, says Blume. “All Porsche models to be developed now and in the future are based on this sports car. As the centrepiece of the brand, the 911 has become the sports car of dreams, winning the collective heart of enthusiasts all over the world.” The future of Porsche sports cars is already coming up to the starting line in the form of the Mission E, the first purely electrically driven technology champion from Zuffenhausen. This concept vehicle combines the distinctive emotional design of a Porsche, exceptional driving performance and forwardthinking everyday functionality. The four-door model with four individual seats delivers a system performance of over 440 kW (600 hp) and a range of more than 500 km, acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h in less than 3.5 seconds and a charging time of around 15 minutes for 80 per cent of the electrical energy required. Porsche has invested around one billion euro in this futuristic project, creating more than 1,200 additional jobs just at the headquarters in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen, where the Mission E will be built. “Porsche will always be Porsche – the leading brand for exclusive, sporty mobility”, reinforces Blume.

Shoe Mart reveals its style encounter with Spring 2018’s hottest trends for ladies Walk into the Spring season with Shoe Mart – the region’s leading footwear and accessories brand, as they put their spin on season’s latest trends. From block sandals, mules, flats and sneakers; the spotlight is on bringing a playful factor with finesse and oodles of attitude. Trends: Upgrade your fashion choice with ‘Slow Futures’, a sleeker sci-fi look that makes way to attract trend-explorers. Out of the world looks with richly textured sneakers pave

the way for chic and luxurious fashion needs. Updated minimal designs perched sophisticatedly on utilitarian silhouettes provide for perfect companions and comfort fashion; whether it’s night or day. The trend’s fascination for metallic surfaces in silver and gold, add the glam element to your wardrobe. With sturdy soles, elasticated toplines, pink sand and metallics posing as key styles, the trend adds lots of richness whilst being versatile and making it easy to accessorize your look.

PRESS Pottery Barn Kids Launches Spring 2018 Collection

Home Furnishings brand, Pottery Barn Kids has launched its latest Spring 2018 collection with an emphasis on safety, stability, longevity and space, offering you the chance to make the smallest bedroom feel bigger with the right choice of products. Part of the collection is The Austen Bedroom which is designed to fit small spaces. The subtle fittings on the backboard and elegant finishes make this bedroom the perfect choice. Another choice for an elegant kids’ room is the Avery Bedroom Set. Expertly crafted with curved moldings, flourishes and lathe-turned legs, the Avery Bedroom Set is as versatile as it is chic and is available in two comforting colours of brushed fog, and matte white.

Tissot T-Race MotoGPTM Automatic Limited Edition 2018

It’s time to Start the engine Red and black are the colours that MotoGPTM and Tissot have in common. They are therefore a fitting theme for the Tissot T-Race MotoGP Automatic Limited Edition 2018 watch, which is the fruit of their partnership. The red, as well as reflecting passion, represents dynamism and determination, while black is a sign of strength and prestige - an obvious choice to represent the two brand names and the sport of MotoGP itself.

Character What makes the Tissot T-Race special is that every detail represents a different part of the bike. The brake-disk illustrated on the bezel is one of its iconic features. It is also portrayed on the oscillating mass of the automatic movement, which can be seen through the see-through case, with the lines illustrating tyre treads. The pushers on the side of the case represent the footrests and even the rear suspension rods are represented in the bracelet’s attachment to the case. More obvious, is the grained aspect of the counters, which give them an asphalt look, while reminding us of those of the bikes. This limited edition of 3’333 pieces comes in an exclusive helmet box. It’s time to pay attention to details. www.cpmagazine.net


PRESS RELEASES Indulge in World Flavours Every Weekend with the New Friday Brunch at Four Seasons Hotel Kuwait at Burj Alshaya A stylish new centrepiece in the heart of Kuwait City, Four Seasons Hotel Kuwait at Burj Alshaya invites guests to spend the weekend in luxurious Four Seasons care while indulging in global flavours, as the Hotel’s market-style dining concept, Elements introduces its much-awaited Friday Brunch for guests and visitors. Designed by the Hotel’s Executive Chef Sebastiano Spriveri, the Hotel’s new culinary offering makes the perfect occasion to socialise with friends and family in a stylish setting overlooking the city, while the flavours and aromas of a lavish spread of flavourful Indian, Italian and Arabian whet everyone’s appetite for long, lazy afternoons. Under the expert guidance of the Hotel’s Italian chef Fabio Quarta, the team at Elements will serve up an eclectic selection of international cuisines including appetising Indian favourites such as charcoal smoked chicken biryani and tandoori marinated lamb, Italian delights such as freshly baked wood-oven pizzas and expertly-prepared pasta dishes, exquisite Asian delicacies such as sushi and sashimi and a variety of contemporary and traditional Arabian specialties including hammour stew, lentil soup and shrimp with rice. In addition, guests will be spoilt for choice with the freshest and finest seafood dishes prepared and served at live cooking stations, alongside mouth-watering barbeque and Robata-style grill offerings. Cheese aficionados will be in for a treat, thanks to a delectable array of local and international cheeses served alongside a variety of scrumptious breads straight out of the oven. For sweet endings, guests can savour carefully crafted international and local treats such as tiramisu, passion fruit panna cotta, hazelnut praline brûlée, dark chocolate éclair and Turkish baklava at the restaurant’s dessert corner. Children will be in for a surprise as well with live stations whipping up irresistible homemade ice creams and a chocolate fountain with condiments. Parents can use the rest of the afternoon for some quiet alone time, as they sit back and sip a range of cold or warm beverages, while the little ones have fun with face painting and other art activities at a dedicated children’s corner.

Royale Hayat Hospital won the 2018 Kuwait Public Relations and Customer Service Social Responsibility Excellence Award, Customer Service Excellence Award, and the Call Center Excellence Award. The three awards, presented by Kuwait Public Relations Association, were announced during a ceremony on the 4th of February 2018 at Sheikh Ahmed Al Jaber Cultural Center under the patronage of His Highness the Amir, Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. Mr. Ahmed Abdulaziz AlGhannam, Board Member at Royale Hayat Hospital, expressed his honor in Royale Hayat Hospital’s achievement, knowing that the Kuwait Public Relations Association measures the implementation of international customer service systems and standards, which in essence takes into account the integrated work and level of cooperation between departments and employees in institutions in order to provide the best service to customers. In this regard, Mr. AlGhannam, stressed the fact that Royale Hayat Hospital implements new and innovative programs to optimize the level of performance, and develop effective communication among departments to improve patient experience. Kuwait Public Relations Association is a public benefit organization, established under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Affairs in January 2006. KPRA recognizes excellence in public relations and customer service sectors in private and government institutions. In addition to highlighting the role and importance of public relations in bringing institutions together, providing effective solutions to customers and raising the level of professionalism in this sector.

Najla Al-Jeraiwi ooredoo’s Brand Ambassador

ooredoo, is proud to announce sponsoring Kuwaiti Triathelete Najla Al-Jeraiwi as its first female brand ambassador for the current season 2018-2019. The sponsorship comes in alignment with the company’s commitment to enriching youth and supporting their passions and also the company’s dedication to empowering women. Al-Jeraiwi was the first Arab female triathlete representative in the 17th Asian Games, South Korea and the first GCC representative in UCI Road World Championships 2016. She was also the runner-up in the ATU African Triathlon & Pan Arab championship and the GCC cycling champion in both Time Trial and Road race. Al-Jeraiwi is currently the national champion of Kuwait in both triathlon and cycling. She has come in the top 3 in multiple regional triathalons – her next race will be this upcoming March in the Abu Dhabi World Triathlon series In a statement regarding this, ooredoo Kuwait’s Corporate Communications Senior Director Mijbil Alayoub said, “We have great pride in the achievement of our young promising Kuwaiti female triathelete Najla Al-Jeraiwi. Our commitment to supporting youth and empowering women is deep-rooted within our core values in ooredoo Kuwait. We hope to see more success in the future, and we look forward to bigger achievements on an international scale.”



Commercial Bank Of Kuwait held Its Draw For The Najma Account

Stand Out in the New Year with the signature INFINITI Q30


The Q30 is INFINITI’s daring foray into the new fast-growing segment of premium compact vehicles that youngsters desire. It evolves Infiniti’s new signature design cues into a more stylish and fluid profile that alludes dynamism. One of the prominent styling touches of the Q30 is its double-arch grille with a unique 3D mesh. The signature C-pillar arcs forward in a dynamic crescent shape that emphasizes motion, even when stationary. The contrast of the long, lowslung roof-line, conjuring an image of a rakish shooting brake in silhouette, and elevated stance add to the visual impact. This also adds to a sleek look that gives the impression of the car being in motion even when standing still. The balance of sculptural shapes moving past one another creates a harmonious design that can be appreciated at a glance.


Commercial Bank organized the grand prize draw for "Star Account" and the final draw on the Mercedes Coupe for the "Transfer Your Salary To Commercial" campaign. The event was held at The Avenues amid a festive atmosphere and entertainment and public interest and impressive follow-up directly through 88.8 kuwait radio and through the social networking sites celebrities Abdullah Boftin and Hamad Qalam, and in the presence of the representative of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry Abdulaziz Ashkani. The festival witnessed many surprises, offers and entertainment activities in the presence of leaders and officials from the Commercial Bank, led by General Manager - Commercial Credit Sector and Acting General Manager Retail Banking Sahar Al Rumaih, Assistant General Manager, Retail Banking Hamid Salman, Assistant General Manager - Advertising and Public Relations - Amani Al-Wara, Assistant Director General of Information Technology Department - Bader Qamhiyeh.

Leading food and beverage Distributor Alyasra Foods announced the lucky winner from its latest “Pringles Deserter” campaign earlier this month. Following 45 days of excitement, The grand prize ‘Jeep Wrangler’ reached its new owner in a special ceremony conducted in the presence Al Yasra Foods and Kellogg’s & Pringles-Kuwait delegates at Alyasra foods head office. With joy, Ms. Asraa Qasem proudly received her prize from Ayman Mahmoud, Alyasra Food Senior Director, and Preeti Bhambani, GCC Sales head of Kellogg’s & Pringles. The interactive campaign involved competition seeking consumer engagement, involving coupons in packs distributed through Kuwait’s market to win several prizes including a Jeep Wrangler, 5 ATVs and smaller assured gifts. Pringles has gotten to witness a substantial growth in Kuwait, with the aid of its consistent presence with activities highlighting and encouraging consumer engagement. Following Kuwait’s consumers positive feedback on and active engagement in the latest ‘Pringles Deserter’ promotion, Alyasra Foods made the announcement that the promotion will carry on during the Hala February 2018 festivities. www.cpmagazine.net





1. Rochambo/Rochambeau is better known as (What?), typically used 1


to decide a tie, or determine an order between competitors: Tossing a coin, Spoofing/Three coin, Rock paper scissors, or Drawing straws?



2. Which one of these is not a founding member of the European Union, nor has ever been a member (at 2016): Belgium, Norway, Luxembourg, or Netherlands?












3. In property rental the term 'pax' means what? 4. Parka, Harrington, Crombie, and Anorak are: Arctic seas, Fountain pens, Coats/Jackets, or Canadian national ice-hockey captains?

5. Which two of these are the main qualifications required for astrophysicists: Philosophy, Astrology, Physics, Maths, or History?

6. The international 'Duckworth-Lewis method' was introduced 1996 in Zimbabwe for recalibrating (What?) due to effects of weather, Cricket scores/targets, Pregnancy/birth dates, Cereal crop yields, or Waterfall flow? 7. A slot/fruit machine was originally known as a One-Armed: Banker, Bellboy, Baby, or Bandit?

8. Which two of these are not real Jelly Belly Bertie Bott's jelly bean


flavors/flavours: Earwax, Dirt, Booger, Rotten Egg, Belly-Button Fluff, or Athlete's Foot Powder?


9. A viscometer/viscosimeter measures: Temperature of light, A fluid's resistance to deformation, Weight of sound, or Speed of tennis balls?

The old man offered no remonstrance; he said not a word in his own defence.

10. The modern confection originally from Ancient Egypt and the Malva

In this sentence, remonstrance means:

plant which gave the French word mauve is: Licorice, Marshmallow, Turkish Delight, or Jelly Babies?

11. Hex/Allen, Slot, Cross, and Phillips are types of: Shotguns, Chimneys, Screw-drives, or Boxing moves?









12. In 2008 Magicians Rolfo & Ustignani established a world record (What?) in 30 minutes: 300 women sawn in half, 300 rabbits pulled from a hat, Swallowing 300 audience members' watches, or Hypnotizing 10,000 people?

13. Name the famous naval base and natural port on Oahu island, Hawaii, which featured in the US entry to World War II?

14. The classical composers Bach, Brahms, Handel, Strauss, and Schumann are all: German, Austrian, Russian, or Dutch?

15. Quiche Lorraine traditionally contains lardons, which are pieces of:

Notable remonstrances include the "Five Articles of Remonstrance" (1610), protesting the Calvinist doctrine of predestination; the "Great Remonstrance" (1641), presented to the English people by Parliament, detailing the "evils" of King Charles I; the "Flushing Remonstrance" (1657), protesting a ban on Quaker worship in what would later become New York City; and the "Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments" (1786), opposing a bill in the Virginia General Assembly that would levy taxes to pay for religious teachers.

a. A remonstrance is an objection or protest, the expression of earnest opposition. Just like a protest, PETA members might hold a remonstrance outside a fashion show of a luxury fur and leather designer.

Cheese, Pork fat, Prawns, or Mushrooms?

16. Which of one these does not feature in lists of the most common UK pub names in recent times: Red Lion, Crown, Royal Oak, Princess Diana, or Swan?


17. Philadelphia, Cheddar, Feta, and Paneer are all: American cities, Gorges/Canyons, Cheeses, or Men's hats?

Mathematics Riddle

18. From Latin 'sapo', saponification is a process of producing: Soap, Rubber, Sapphires, or Water?

What is the square of 15?

19. The Technics SL-1210 ('Tec 12') was industry-standard (What?) from 1970s-2000s: Launderette washing machine, Radio/DJ record turntable, McDonalds chip fryer, or Championship golf courses buggy?

A. 15

20. Correctly match these four pairs of heroes and villains: Hulk v

B. 30

Lex Luther, Spider-Man v Abomination, Batman v Electro, Superman v Scarecrow?

D. 225




ANSWERS: 1.Rock paper scissors, 2.Norway, 3.Per Annum Exclusive (exclusive of other costs, eg rates, ultilities, etc, besides the rental), 4.Coats/Jackets, 5.Physics and Maths, 6.Cricket scores/targets (in limited-overs matches which are interrrupted by rain or other play-stopping effect), 7.Bandit (alluding its purpose of extracting money from people, and the side lever used to spin its reels), 8.Belly-Button Fluff and Athlete's Foot Powder (Bertie Bott's jelly beans are a real Jelly Belly product based on the Harry Potter creation), 9.A fluid's resistance to deformation (its viscosity - how 'thick' it is, and its flow), 10.Marshmallow, 11.Screw-drives, 12.300 rabbits pulled from a hat, 13.Pearl Harbor (attacked by Japan, Dec 1941), 14.German, 15.Pork fat, 16.Princess Diana, 17.Cheeses, 18.Soap, 19.Radio/DJ record turntable, 20.Hulk v Abomination, SpiderMan v Electro, Batman v Scarecrow, Superman v Lex Luther

C. 252





(March 21 - April 19)

(July 23 - August 22)

(November 22 - December)

There is no full moon in February this year, but don't feel deprived. February 1 is the day after a full moon and February 28 is the day before one. Get more done than you might imagine as the month starts and as it winds down. The moon conjoins Mars in fiery Sagittarius on the eighth. Connect with a large number of people and come out on top. The new moon (and solar eclipse) on February 15 is packed with people and social interaction. Meet some new people and let them show you some new and exciting places and events. Lead the pack some other time.

February 1 is the day after a full moon, and February 28 is the day before one. Hearts could be beating faster at the beginning and end of the month. There may be no full moon this month, but the new moon (and solar eclipse) on the fifteenth is positioned to bring a new love or business associate into your life. A possible partner could be right around the corner. Don't blink. If you think you're burned out on love, it won't help to hide. The sun enters Pisces on February 18. Be more generous with your time, but stay within reasonable bounds.

Last month had two full moons and next month will, too. Rest up after a possibly hyper February 1, and brace yourself for a busy February 28. The new moon (and solar eclipse) on the fifteenth will keep you hopping with friends and fun close to home. Younger friends or relatives may think they can run circles around you, but they're out of their league. Introduce them to an old perennial favorite treat or activity. The Moon-Jupiter quincunx on February 24 might cause a few moments of self-doubt. Don't let anything throw you off your game. You've got things under control.




(April 20 - May 20)

(August 23 - September)

(December 22 - January 19)

There is no full moon this month, but February 1 is the day after a full moon and February 28 is the day before one. People may be more socially and emotionally active as the month starts and as it ends. Venus enters Pisces on the tenth, and romance and your social life could turn sweeter and more compassionate. Love and friendship are everywhere. The new moon (and solar eclipse) on February 15 could give you a big opportunity at work or out in public. Be self-assured and ready to speak up at just the right moment. Your words will be heard and your efforts valued.

There is no full moon in February this year. February 1 is the day after a full moon, and February 28 is the day before one. People may be passionate and emotionally plugged in as the month begins and as it ends. The new moon (and solar eclipse) on the fifteenth brings some emotional calm and balance to your daily routine. Rediscover a clever little fix that improves everything from paying the bills on time to feeding the cat. Look forward to an efficient month. On February 25, the Mercury-Neptune conjunction can make sense of a fond desire or wish.

There will be no full moon in February. There were two in January, and there will two next month. This could make February 1 and February 28 more romantic than usual, so be prepared. The new moon (and solar eclipse) on the fifteenth shines on your finances and moneymaking skills. Make the most of your networking connections. A friend or co-worker may step in with a good suggestion or helping hand. If something is lost or goes away, it will be replaced by something better. On February 25, the sun sextiles Saturn and nudges you toward greater authority and respect. You've paid for this in advance.




(May 21 - June 20)

(September 23 - October)

(January 20 - February 18)

This month has no full moon, but February 1 is the day after one and February 28 is the day before one. Expect people to be energized and emotionally engaged at the beginning and end of the month. For the new moon (and solar eclipse) on the fifteenth, your world could get bigger and give you more room to move and breathe. It might be time to finally start something special that you've been putting off. It won't be a matter of money that has been delaying you. You could see a dream come true when Mercury conjoins Neptune on February 25.

February may not have a full moon this year, but February 1 is the day after a full moon and February 28 is the day before one. Emotions could fluctuate wildly at those times, so plan accordingly. The new moon (and solar eclipse) on the fifteenth is yours to get more playful and creative. No blahs allowed. Do what makes you happy and turns on your inner light. It might be something that you've loved for a long time. On February 21, the Venus-Neptune conjunction in emotional Pisces could reinvigorate a stalled romance or open your eyes and heart to an unexpected love interest. Remember to love yourself, too.

There is no full moon this month. However, there were two in January and there will be two in March, so don't feel deprived. February 13 is Mardi Gras, with a Sun-Uranus sextile. There is a possibility of wild and crazy fun in a big way. The new moon (and solar eclipse) on the fifteenth is packed with charm, smarts, and maybe the return of a few old habits, for good or ill. No matter how you feel, the world wants you to be upbeat and have fun. On February 26, the moon-Uranus square could cause second thoughts. Don't be too hard on yourself.




(June 21 - July 22)

(October 23 - November)

(February 19 - March 20)

There is no full moon this month, but February 1 is the day after a full moon and February 28 is the day before one. Be ready to see hearts being worn on sleeves at the beginning and end of the month. The new moon (and solar eclipse) on the fifteenth encourages you to respect your own talents and strengths. Someone may come for advice or other help, and you will easily have it for them. If a difficulty arises, don't overthink it. You've got this. Mercury enters Pisces on February 17. Be happy to think less of yourself and a bit more of others.

This month has no full moon, but February 1 is the day after one and February 28 is the day before one. Expect emotions to be high at the beginning and the end of the month. The new moon (and solar eclipse) on the fifteenth could raise a family issue that is ready to be resolved. Admire a smart solution and use it, no matter who thinks of it (probably you, though). On February 27, Venus sextiles Pluto to add a heavy dose of excitement and sassiness to an otherwise ordinary day. It could very well be a romantic encounter.

February has no full moon this year. That's okay. February 1 is the day after one and February 28 is the day before one. Feelings are high and hearts are full as the month begins and as it ends. The new moon (and solar eclipse) on the fifteenth is a precious, private time for you, even if you're busier than usual. Save time and energy to reflect on what is happening to and around you - and what it all really means to you. On February 21, Venus conjoins Neptune in Pisces for possibly the most romantic, dreamy day of the year. Don't float away.







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