10 minute read
Afrah Bin Hussain
from CP February 2021
by CPmagazine
The Gulf, Arab, and Asian Champion Shooter from Kuwait
Meet Afrah Bin Hussain - Player in the Kuwaiti shooting team. She started practicing archery at the age of 15. Today she is the proud winner of several titles, including: winner of the Asian Championship for the Arabs and the Gulf. Afrah is also a mother of triplets who are one and a half years old and is currently completing her university studies. Read our exclusive interview with Afrah to learn more about her and her love for this sport.
We know it all runs in the family, but who inspired you the most to get in to shooting? My family has always been the reason for my academic and practical successes, and they are the main supporter for me in my sports field, especially my father, who has a great credit in my sports career and is the biggest supporter and first fan in the field of sports. My mother also works as an international wisdom in the field of sports (Mona Habib).
So much success in such little time, how did you manage to pull it off? The path to success is difficult and achieving it is not an easy thing. In my sports career, I faced many difficulties and failures in some of the tournaments, and if it were not for all that I would not have learned from my mistakes and reached what I am. Patience, persistence, determination and self-confidence are important factors and essential traits that enabled me to succeed.
Was it difficult to balance your academic pursuits with school? Yes, I was finding it very difficult, but when I organized my time and my priorities, I was able to give every field its due. There is enough time for shooting, studying and family as well.
How did you first get into competitive shooting? There was an organization of a local championship in Kuwait, but 6 months before that, I was training archery and improving my skills. My coach nominated me to join the tournament, and I was surprised, but the experience was interesting and pushed me to continue shooting even though it is a difficult sport, especially for women.
What shooting gear do you use? The weapon is a Beretta shotgun (DT11). The Shooting Vest is a Beretta brand Shooting glasses from the brand Pella are also intended for archery to protect the eyes from the sun or dishes in the air. Cap and sportswear
What are some of the major challenges that you've faced along the way to where you are now? One of the most difficult tournaments for me was the Asian Championship in Abu Dhabi for the year 2016, in which I won the first place in individual and teams. It included an elite of world champions at the level of the continent of Asia, and it is one of the most difficult tournaments, but I won the gold medal in individual and team.
What's it like competing in a predominantly male sport? Regarding the present time, when we are in the year 2021, there is no game for men only, sport is for everyone, and women are competing with men in sports and all fields.
What are some of your most notable accomplishments? Asian Championship in Abu Dhabi, and I won the gold medal * Asian Championships in India, won the silver medal * The Arab Championship and won the gold medal 3 times in a row * The Gulf Championship and won the gold medal in it 4 times * The major international championship in Kuwait and won the gold medal twice in a row * Fazza Shooting Championship and won the gold medal 5 times in a row
Can you tell us about your exercise and fitness routine? Yes, I do cardio on a daily basis, and there are also specific exercises that I do to strengthen the arms, shoulders, back and legs, in order to help me carry weapons.
انؤارقل كسفن يفرع
بختنملا يف ةبعلا ،ماع٣٠ يرمع ،ةيسنجلا ةيتيوك ،نيسح نب حارفأ انأ.. ابحرم مئاوت لافطأ ثلاثل ما.جيلخلاو برعلل ايسآ ةلوطب ىلع ةلصاح ،ةيامرلل يتيوكلا .ةنس١٥ يرمع انأو ةيامرلا تسرامو .فصنو ةنس رمعلا نم نوغلبي
؟يملعلا كليصحت نع اذامو
.ةيعماجلا يتسارد لامكتساب ايلاح موقأ
يف كل ربكلأا معادلا وه نم نكل نيمعادلا نم ريثكلا كلوح نا ملعن ؟ةيامرلا لاجم
يسيئرلا معادلا مهو ،ةيلمعلاو ةيملعلا يتاحاجن يف اببس امئاد تناك يتلئاع يراوشم يف ريبكلا لضفلا هل يذلا ،يدلاو صخلأابو يضايرلا يلاجم يف يل اضيأ يتدلاوو .ةضايرلا لاجم يف لولأا عجشملاو ربكلأا معادلا وهو يضايرلا .)بيبح ىنم( ةضايرلا لاجم يق ةيلودلا ةمكحلا ةفيظو لغشت يهف
؟كلذ نم يتنكمت فيك ،ةريصق ةينمز ةرتف يف ةريثك تاحاجن يتققح
تهجاو يضايرلا يراوشم يفف ،لهس رما سيل هقيقحتو بعص حاجنلا قيرط امل هلك كلذ لاولو ،تلاوطبلل ضعب يف تاقافخلااو تابوعصلا نم ديدعلا .هيلع انأ ام ىلإ تلصوو يئاطخأ نم تملعت ةيساسا تامسو ةمهم لماوع سفنلاب ةقثلاو ةميزعلاو رارصلإاو ربصلا .حاجنلا نم ينتنكم
نيبو ةيميداكلأا كتسارد نيب ينزاوت نا يف ةبوعص كتهجاو له ؟ةيامرلا
نا تعطتسا،يتايولوأو يتقو تمظن امنيح نكل ةريبك ةبوعص دجا تنك معن .اضيأ ةلئاعلاو ةساردلاو ةيامرلل يفاك تقو كانهف هقح لاجم لك يطعا
؟ةيامرلل ةلوطب لوا يف ينتكراش فيك
بردتأ تنك رهشا٦ ب اهلبق نكلو تيوكلا يف ةيلحم ةلوطبل ميظنت كانه ناك تنكو ،ةلوطبلا يلا مامضنلال يبردم ينحشرف ،يتاراهم نم روطأو ةيامرلا ىلع مغرلاب ةيامرلاب رارمتسلال ينتعفدو ةقوشم تناك ةبرجتلا نا لاا ةبهرلاب رعشا .تاديسلا دنع ةصاخ ةبعصلا تاضايرلا نم دعت اهنا نم
؟ةيامرلا يف ةمدختسملا تاودلأا يه ام
)Beretta)DT11عون نزوشلا وه حلاسلا Beretta ةكرام نم ةيامرلل صصخم وهو Vest ةيامرلا ةيردص نم نيعلا ةيامحل ةيامرلل ةصصخم اضيأ يهو Pellaةكرام نم ةيامرلا ةراظن .ءاوهلا يف ةرثانتملا قابطلأا وأ سمشلا ةعشأ ةيضايرلا سبلاملاو Cap باك
هيلع تنا امل اببس تناكو كتهجاو يتلا تايدحتلا بعصا يه ام ؟نلآا
ماعل يبظ وبأ يف ةماقملا ايسآ ةلوطب تناك يل ةبسنلاب تلاوطبلا بعصا نم لاطبا نم ةبخن مضت تناك ،قرفو يدرف لولأا زكرملا ىلع تلصح اهيفو ٢٠١٦ يننا لاا تلاوطبلا بعصا نم يهو ىربكلاايسآ ةراق ىوتسم ىلع ملاعلا .قيرفو يدرف ةيبهذلا ةيلاديملا ىلع اهيف تلصح
؟ ةيلاجر ةضاير يه ةيامرلا تسيلأ
ةضايرلاف ،طقف لاجرلل ةبعل دجوي لا ٢٠٢١ ماع يف نحنو رضاحلا تقولل ةبسنلاب .تلااجملا عيمجو ةضايرلا يف لجرلا سفانت ةأرملا تحبصاو لب ،عيمجلل
تايلاديم ىلع اهب تلصحو اهب تكراش يتلا تلاوطبلا ضعب انل يركذا ؟
ةيبهذلا ةيلاديملا ىلع تلصحو يبظوبا يف ايسآ ةلوطب* ةيضفلا ةيلاديملا ىلع تلصحو دنهلا يف ايسآ ةلوطب* يلاوتلا ىلع تارم٣ اهيف ةيبهذلا ةيلاديملا ىلع تلصحو برعلا ةلوطب* تارم٤ اهيف ةيبهذلاةيلاديملا ىلع تلصحو جيلخلا ةلوطب* ىلع ناترم ةيبهذلاةيلاديملا ىلع تلصحو تيوكلا يف ىربكلا ةيلودلا ةلوطبلا* يلاوتلا يلاوتلا ىلع تارم ٥ ةيبهذلا ةيلاديملا ىلع تلصحو ةيامرلل عازف ةلوطب*
؟اهب مايقلا ىلع نيصرحت ةيموي نيرامت كيدل له
صرحا ةنيعم نيرامت اضيأ كانهو ،يموي لكشب ويدراكلا ةسراممب موقأ معن لمح ىلع ي ندعاستل كلذو ،نيلجرلاو رهظلاو نيفتكلاو نيعارذلا ةيوقتل اهيلع .حلاسلا

How much do you practice at home and on the range? At home I clear my mind and do some mental exercises but in the field I do some circulatory stimulation exercises before shooting.
So, what are your goals for 2021? Currently there is a season for local championships and where I won the gold and silver medals, and there are other tournaments held online due to the Corona pandemic. Currently we are forbidden to travel until the health conditions stabilize, I strive to achieve more achievements in all tournaments.
What special preparations do you do on a competition match day? * Avoid excessive talking because it takes away mental energy * Some fitness exercises * Sleep and wake up early
How do you mentally prepare for a competition? * Relax. * Sit in a quiet place. * Stay away from social media as well, to avoid any disturbing news that may affect my performance.
How do you cope with distractions while you are shooting? I do not take into account the distractions and complete my shooting more accurately and correctly and consider myself training and not in a tournament.
How do you refocus when a shot doesn’t go as well as you planned? I try to forget it and try to refocus as much as possible and I do not look at the scoreboard until I finish the competition, because looking at the board and knowing the result can make me repeat mistakes without awareness and feel frustrated.
What recommendations would you give someone who is skilled at shooting, but wants to take their performance to the next level? First of all, self-confidence is one of the most important characteristics of the player, not just the shooter. Secondly, not to look at his opponent because he will get confused and change his performance, and he has to challenge himself only, and in this way, you will lead yourself to success.
What are three things that shooters can do now to improve their performance? *Fitness * To continue training and not to stop * Choose the appropriate weapon for each archer
What are some of your other hobbies? Archery, archery and then archery
Your message for us at CP magazine. I thank your magazine for its support for young talents. It is one of the best magazines that highlight the achievements of young people in various fields, especially those that are not well-known in the media and to the community. I thank Mr. Jameel Arif for his interest in young people, and I hope that my interview will impress the readers, and I hope to work with you again in the future. I really thank you from the heart.
لزنملا يف اهب مايقلا ىلع نيصرحت يتلا تابيردتلاو نيرامتلا يه ام ؟ناديملا و
ناديملا يف نكلو ةينهذلا نيرامتلا ضعبب موقأو ينهذ ةيفصتب موقأ لزنملا يف .ةيامرلا أدب لبق ةيومدلا ةرودللةيطيشنتلا نيرامتلا ضعبب موقأ
؟٢٠٢١ ماعلل كفادهأ يه ام
ىلع اهيف تلصح تيوكلا ىوتسم ىلع ةيلحملا تلاوطبلل مسوم دجوي ايلاح ،انوروك ةحئاج ببسب نيلا نوا ماقت تلاوطب دجويو ةيضفلاو ةيبهذلا ةيلاديملا ىلإ ةدهاج ىعسأ انأ ،ةيحصلا عاضولأا رقتست نا ىلإ رفسلا انيلع عنمي ايلاح .تلاوطبلا عيمج يف تازاجنلإا نم ديزملا قيقحت
؟ةلوطبلا موي لبق اهب نيموقت يتلا تادادعتسلااو تازيهجتلا يهام
ةينهذلا ةقاطلا نم ذخأي هنلأ دئازلا ثيدحلا نع داعتبلاا* ةيندبلا ةقايللا نيرامت ضعب* ركابلا ظاقيتسلااو مونلا*
؟ةلوطبلا مويل نيرضحت فيك
ءاخرتسلاا* ئداه ناكم يف سولجلا* رثؤي دق جعزم ربخ يلأ ايدافت ،اضيأ يعامتجلاا لصاوتلا لئاسو نع داعتبلاا* ي ئادأ ىلع
؟ةيامرلا يف دصق نود اهنيبكترت دق يتلا ءاطخلأل نيرظنت فيك
ربتعاو حيحصو ةقد رثكا لكشب ةيامرلا لمكاو رابتعلاا نيعب أطخلل رظنا لا .ةلوطب يف سيلو بردتأ يسفن
؟كل ططخم وه امك يمرلا نيئطخت نيح زيكرتلا نيديعت فيك
ةحولل رظنا لاو عاطتسملا ردق زيكرتلا ةداعا لواحأو اهنايسن ةلواحمب موقأ نا نكمملا نم ةجيتنلا ةفرعمو ةحولل رظنلاب نلا ،ةسفانملا يهنا ىتح جئاتنلا .طابحلااب ينرعشيو يعو نود ءاطخلأا ديعأ ينلعجي
ةيامرلا ةراهم كلتمي نمل اهيطعت يتلا حئاصنلاو تايصوتلا يهام ؟ةمداق ةلحرم ىلإ لاقتنلاا دويو
طقف يمارلا سيلو بعلالا تازيمم مها نم سفنلاب ةقثلا لاوأ هسفن ىدحتي نا هيلعو ، هؤادا ريغتيو كبتري فوس هنلا همصخل رظني لاا ايناث .حاجنلا ىلإ كسفن دوقتس كلذبو طقف
ريوطتل اهب نوموقي نا ةامرلا ىلع يتلا ةمهملا ثلاثلا طاقنلا يه ام ؟مهتاراهم
ةيندبلا ةقايللا* فقوتلا مدعو بيردتلا يف رارمتسلاا* يمار لكل بسانملا حلاسلا رايتخا*
؟ىرخلاا كتاياوه يه ام
ةيامرلا مث ةيامرلاو ةيامرلا
؟انتلجم ءارقل كتلاسر يه ام
نم اهنا ،ةيبابشلا بهاوملل يملاعلإاو يونعملا اهمعد ىلع مكتلجم ركشا ةصاخو تلااجملا فلتخم يف بابشلا ىدل تازاجنلإا زربت يتلا تلاجملا نسحا فراع ليمج يخا ركشاو ،عمتجملا ىدل ةفورعملاو ايملاعإ ةرشتنم ريغلا باجعإ ةلباقملا ىوتحم لاني نا ىنمتأو ،بابشلا نم ةئفلا هذهب همامتها ىلع .بلقلا نم اركش ،الله نذإب ةمداقلا تارملا يف مكعم لمعلا ىنمتأو ،ءارقلا

Sana Mrad