9 minute read
from CP February 2021
by CPmagazine
(March 21 - April 19) ARIES
February arrives with a major focus on your finances, Aries. This is because your ruler Mars powers up this sector again this month. It could increase your expenses during this time but also give you the drive to make so much more. This would be an excellent time to look for a better paying job or, if you freelance, hunt down more clients. Venus, planet of pleasure, dances through your solar eleventh house from February 1 until February 25, bringing laughter, joy, and sweetness to your social life. With a new moon arriving in this same sphere on the eleventh, you will surely hear from many friends in the week that follows. You might even be invited to an event that holds both personal and professional opportunities for you.
(April 20 - May 20) TAURUS
You are nearly unstoppable in February, Taurus! That’s because you’re energized by the tremendous power of Mars through the entire month. You’ll be fired up to tackle your goals and able to make a great deal of progress on any of your personal or professional plans. Take the initiative. Be a leader. Don’t sit in the shadows.
However, despite your enthusiasm, this month could see some delays regarding career matters with Mercury retrograde until February 20. Try not to sign any contracts or agree to anything during this time because it could end up shifting later down the line. This could prove difficult to do, though, because the new moon on the eleventh is sure to bring some fresh opportunities your way. If you can hold off signing or announcing them until later in the month, you’ll be happy you did.
(May 21 - June 20) GEMINI
February could feel especially slow for you, Gemini. This is because your ruler Mercury is fast asleep in a retrograde cycle until February 20. Even after he awakens, though, he will be groggily catching up to speed through the remaining days. Mighty Mars, the planet of drive, ignites your solar twelfth house of rest, encouraging you to lie low, rest, and recharge. Don’t let the slower pace stress you out. Instead, find ways to use the vibe to catch up on tasks or give yourself some much-needed TLC. A new moon in your solar ninth house of expansion appears on the eleventh, opening a doorway to you regarding an academic, immigration, travel, or publishing matter. If you’re presented with a contract, though, it wouldn’t be the ideal time to sign. If you’re pressed to, just note that whatever agreement you make may end up shifting later.
(June 21 - July 22) CANCER
As mighty Mars ignites your solar eleventh house of community, you’ll feel your social life highly active this month. This will likely bring exciting news from friends as well as possibilities for events and gatherings. If you’re able to make some time for fun and adventure, go for it. You’ll be glad you did! Venus glides into your solar eighth house of intimacy on February 1 and remains here until February 25, which can increase your need for affection and sensuality. A new moon in this same sector on the eleventh could help you grow closer in a relationship or else walk away once and for all. If you’re applying for financial assistance, a scholarship, or a loan, it could now arrive. However, Mercury is retrograde until February 20, so be careful about making any hasty agreements or decisions this month. (July 23 - August 22)
Your career will be shooting off fireworks in February, Leo! Mars is skyrocketing through your solar tenth house of achievement, which can make this a tremendously exciting time for you to pursue professional goals. Set important meetings with business associates, pitch your plans, or search for a higher-paying job. Promotions, accolades, and public recognition may manifest now from previously completed work. However, this month could also bring some delays and confusion with a Mercury retrograde that lasts until February 20. If you can postpone signing contracts or making agreements until after that time, you’ll be happy you did. A lot of your attention may be focused on partnerships this month with the sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn in your solar seventh house. This bodes well for growing closer to someone, discussing ways to improve your union, or even finding someone with long-term potential if you’re single. The new moon on the eleventh is the best time of the year to do so because it may open a doorway here for you.
(August 23 - September) VIRGO
With so much activity in your solar sixth house of productivity, it’s clear that you have many irons in the fire! This bodes well for Virgos who are looking for work or interested in taking on more projects with their current employer. Venus, planet of harmony, enters this sector on February 1 and remains here until February 25. Laughter, creativity, and camaraderie could fill your workplace as you enjoy time with co-workers and clients more than usual. The new moon on the eleventh could bring a new job your way or more tasks across your desk. If you work hard on them now, you can truly impress your boss or other authority figures as you continue your climb to the top. This same sphere also connects to your diet, fitness, and health regimen, so if you’d like to improve anything in these areas, this is a good time to start new patterns.
(September 23 - October) LIBRA
The stars sparkle divinely for you in February, Libra. Get ready to open your heart wide as the planets rain showers of love upon you! On February 1, Venus dances through your solar fifth house of romance and creativity and remains here until February 25, bringing all Libras luck in matters of the heart. A new moon in this sector on the eleventh opens a doorway for you to welcome in more passion with a current partner or else find someone who truly aligns with your spirit. However, there is also the possibility of confusion in your love life this month because Mercury is retrograde until February 20. Some Libras may hear from someone from the past or consider reaching out to an ex. If you’d like to, go for it in the early part of the month. If you’re suddenly feeling uncertain about where you stand with a lover, or you sense that you aren’t on the same page, this would be a good time to review and reevaluate your interactions. Take the time to patiently discuss where each of you is coming from.
(October 23 - November) SCORPIO
A slower pace of life is guaranteed in February, Scorpio. This is because Mercury, planet of communication and clarity, is spinning backward until the twentieth. This could have you reassessing or reconsidering some plans regarding a home, real estate, or family matter. Despite some delays or uncertainty, a great deal of planetary energy can instead bring opportunities for growth and happiness to these same areas. Venus, planet of love, enters here on February 1 and remains until February 25, ensuring a more pleasant time at home and even giving you the inspiration to update your space if you’d like. More laughter and sweetness with family members can also occur. A new moon in this region occurs on the eleventh, likely bringing sudden movement regarding the domestic situations at the center of your mind. However, if you can hold off making any significant decisions until after February 20, you’ll be happy you did. (November 22 - December)
Your mind could be especially active this month with so much planetary activity lighting up this area of your life, Sagittarius. Venus soars into your solar third house of communication on February 1 and remains here until February 25. This means that you can find the perfect words to charm anyone you want to impress. A new moon appears in this same arena on the eleventh, likely giving you the impetus to further explore a writing, speaking, advertising, or marketing initiative. Contracts often appear when a luminary like this takes place. However, despite the exciting and curious thoughts you may have now, a Mercury retrograde in this same zone occurs simultaneously and lasts until February 20. Despite your eagerness to write, speak, and connect, you may feel like you’re mired in miscommunication and delay. The best thing to do is use this time to brainstorm, journal, and strategize rather than agree to or announce anything. Later in the month, you’ll be far more favored.
(December 22 - January 19) CAPRICORN
February guarantees that your mind is highly focused on your income and prosperity, Capricorn. While you always like to build your life like a business, you’re especially favored to increase your abundance this month and throughout 2021. The sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn are already bringing attention to your solar second house, and Venus happily joins them as soon as the month begins. She remains here until February 25, and you could be a money magnet during this time! The new moon in this sector appears on the eleventh, perhaps bringing news of a raise, lucrative new client, or the offer of a better-paying job. Apply everywhere now if you’re looking for employment. However, despite this good fortune, Mercury is retrograde until February 20, which might slow down some of your progress. This could create some delays or confusion surrounding financial matters.
(January 20 - February 18) AQUARIUS
You are the cosmic favorite at this time, Aquarius! With so much planetary power in your zodiac sign, you have a rare opportunity to direct all events in your favor. The sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn have already been spinning within your grasp, highlighting your personal goals and plans. Venus joins you on February 1 and stays until February 25. With the goddess of pleasure within you, now is a great time to update your look or embrace romance. The new moon on the eleventh is the most important of the year for you because it puts your wishes and hopes front and center. In the coming week, be sure to take action to build the life of your dreams. However, despite all of this happy news, trickster planet Mercury is spinning backward in your zodiac sign until February 20. This can bring a much slower pace to everything around you and cause delays, miscommunication, and confusion. The best thing to do now is focus more on fun, relaxation, and strategizing rather than launching anything of significance. Once Mercury awakens at the end of the month, you can sign contracts, make announcements, and agree to partnerships.
(February 19 - March 20) PISCES
With so much planetary activity in your solar twelfth house, it’s clear that you have a great deal of activity behind the scenes, Pisces. This could be increasing your intuitive senses or the intensity of your dreams. Pay attention to the messages from the universe now because you could have your finger on the pulse of some meaningful breakthroughs. This same sector of the sky also rules working on projects in private or developing things that will take some time to get right, so by all means let your creative juices flow and brainstorm! The new moon on February 11 could help you drum up some muchneeded inspiration or even find more time to rest, recharge, and relax if you’ve been working too hard for too long. Mercury is retrograde this month until the twentieth as well, which can increase the lethargic feel and the likelihood of delays and stagnation. Don’t stress yourself out even if you feel this month is like walking through sludge. Trust the process. You are like a plant. You need your time to grow.