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Best War Movies
from CP February 2021
by CPmagazine
It’s February and it’s the Kuwait National Day Month. For that reason we will be suggesting war movies related to the Gulf War or movies related to wars in general. The reason why I’m suggesting the war movies is because the invasion of Kuwait and how the people felt during that time. I will be choosing six movies because we celebrate the Liberation National Day on the 26th of February.

Othman Qalfas
This Movie is set in Baghdad during the invasion to liberate Iraq from Sadam Hussain. It talk about a bomb disposal team that try to deactivate bombs in Iraq. It’s a stressful movie that you will enjoy watching. Staring Jeremy Renner and Anthony Mackie both appeared in the Marvel Universe as Hawk Eye and Falcon.

This movie is based on a true story about the British Empire and France soldiers in Dunkirk - Belgium, surrounded by German soldiers and forced to the sea in the World War 2. The movie is Written and Directed by Christopher Nolan. No CGI have been used in the movie. Based on a true story that occurred during the Iraqi invasion. When an U.S. Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle work on saving his team. He became a legend and the movie also show his physio-logical life after the war and returning home. Many men don’t feel the same after they interfere with wars and decision making choices.

From the title we can see that it talk about the year 1917, ex-actly at April the 6th. Two soldiers are assigned to deliver a message to another fleet and stop them from dying in the en-emy trap. What makes this movie unique is the ability to shoot most of the shots in the technique of “one shot” and it’s a real story. A team on mission to capture or kill Taliban leader Ahmed Shah in 2005. Marcus Luttrell and his team left to fight for their lives there. A true story movie staring Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch, Ben Foster and Alexander Ludwug. The movie shows that not every person is a bad person.

Saving Private Ryan
This movie has been produced at 1998, staring Tom Hanks and Matt Damon. It’s about a family that lost 3 boys of it’s own in the war and the last boy is still alive “Private Ryan” so they try to save him and bring him back home safe.