CP January 2021

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since 2010

since 2010

ISSUE: 133

The New Managing Editor at CP magazine

since 2010


On the cover: Fatima Hamad Al-Jutaili Directed by: Jameel Arif Location: Bunka Kuwait Photographed by: Hamad Al-Ainati

The Team


GROUP EDITOR Gill Sherry FASHION DIRECTOR Abir Achkar FASHION EDITORS Sandra Carina Yasmeen AlSalem

Corporate Offices

CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Aisha AlSanad Eman AlAwadh Hend AlSanad Iman Matwally Jim West Jose Berrocoso Nada AlMuzaini Paul Tunbridge Sana Mrad Yassarina

PHOTOGRAPHY TEAM Ahmed Madi Hamad Alainati Adel Javed Riyaz Modadi SALES TEAM Nathalie Rolland





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since 2010

50. 30.


contents ART





72. Kristel Bechara Unveils Her Latest 62. Maskne

Collection ‘Psychomachia’

56. New January Releases 64. Top 10 Movies Of 2020

18. Fatima Hamad Al-Jutaili 28. Jwaher Jewels 30. Alward Al-Mutawaa 44. Fabrice 50. Marc Topiol 58. Tyler Ellis




24. All About Liner


36. Why Your Executive Presence Matters 66. The Vibrabce In Your Eyes (Editorial)

74. CP Journal

12. Cape Town’s Top 5S 38. Bonus Miles - 2021: The Year Of Dubai! 55. A Room With A View

58. 16.


8. Maverick: Rebellious, Disruptive,

Independent Minded

11. ‫؟‬... ‫ماذا اريد‬


26. What Is Formerlyme? 43. Escape To Fitness

REGULARS 76. Homework For Grownups 78. Horoscopes


www.dumishmash.com du_mishmash





Rebellious, Disruptive, Independent Minded Gill Sherry


here’s something about a milestone birthday, particularly as you get older. Those significant numbers ending with a zero seem to instil a sense of excitement or, in some cases, dread. Some see it as a legitimate excuse for a party or the chance to book a once-in-a-lifetime holiday. Others prefer to hide from the realisation that they’ve clocked up another decade and will never again be considered ‘young’. Personally, I’ve embraced each and every milestone from 18 to 50. Rather than deny the inevitable ageing process, I’ve seen it as an opportunity to reconsider my aspirations and set new goals. Being born on Christmas Day, I suppose it’s the same as making New Year’s resolutions, making a list each December of things I want to do. One thing I did not expect to do in my fifties was become a mother. Okay, so I didn’t actually give birth but I’m still exhausted from being at the beck and call of my little bundle of joy 24/7. Before you jump to conclusions, I should just clarify that my sweet baby boy is a Dachshund puppy. After losing our family Jack Russell, Ozzie, in June last year, I immediately set about finding another dog. Life was just not the same without a four-legged friend and I missed the daily routine (and exercise) that comes with owning a dog. Little did I know how difficult my search would be. The whole world, it seemed, wanted a puppy during lockdown. As the demand for pups soared, so too did the price. The cost of certain breeds more than doubled and the so-called puppy farms took advantage of the situation by exploiting those searching for their new best friend. Fortunately, I was able to find a reputable breeder and collected my eight-week-old puppy, Maverick, back in September. Then the fun started! Although, as a family, we have always had dogs, I had never been fully responsible for the rearing of a puppy. But how hard could it be? As I cradled my new baby in my arms and looked into his adorable brown eyes, I couldn’t have been happier. Fast-forward six months and my life is no longer my own! I can’t remember the last time I had a full night of unbroken sleep. My hands and feet are scarred with bite marks. I’ve lost

count of the number of flip-flops and slippers destroyed by needle-like teeth. The rug in my lounge is frayed at each corner, the floor is littered with toys and my windows are covered with the tell-tale smear of a wet nose. Not forgetting the number of puddles (and other deposits) I have to clean up from the kitchen floor. Yes, it’s certainly been a challenge. Never more so than at 3am when I drag myself out of bed in response to his incessant cries. Ignoring him is not an option, as any other Dachshund owner will tell you. What they lack in size, they more than make up for in sound. Don’t get me wrong, I love the little guy to bits, but I’m way too old for sleepless nights. And what did I expect when I called him Maverick? I reassure myself with the fact that he won’t be a puppy forever. He’s already losing his milk teeth – five down, twenty-three to go – and will surely soon tire of chewing and biting everything in sight (myself included). His constant need for attention will also wane and his ability to control his bladder will, I hope, improve. Quite what age he will be when he eventually reaches this stage is unknown. Dachshunds are, among other things, unique. They’re also stubborn. Which means he will sleep through the night when he’s good and ready and not a moment before. I suspect there is a long way to go before his puppy days are truly behind him. Perhaps his significant first birthday will bring aspirations of his own. Maybe he’ll make his own resolution to let his parents sleep, undisturbed, for eight hours. In the meantime, I focus my tired eyes on the list I composed on my last milestone birthday. ‘Fifty things to do in my fifties’ makes interesting reading. Some things, I’m happy to say, have already been ticked off (a trip to Rio, a book published). Others (visit Cape Town) remain frustratingly elusive and are not likely to happen anytime soon. In fact, my new parenting responsibilities have put paid to more than one thing on my wish list. That said, Maverick is a welcome addition to our family, regardless of my trivial complaints. I love nothing more than walking along the beach with new little friend, his cute face and tiny legs attracting attention from all directions. Like most youngsters, his personality is beginning to shine through. He’s loving, funny, faithful and very, very cheeky. In short, he’s maverick. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. www.cpmagazine.net


.‫ مميز‬.‫ حصري‬.‫حلو‬

.‫مع أحمد الزامل‬


Iced AZ Latte




AZ Latte


‫ماذا اريد ‪...‬؟‬ ‫‪Lulwa AlKhamees‬‬

‫اهال ً قرائي االعزاء ‪.....‬‬ ‫عام انتهى ‪ ....‬و سنبدأ عام جديد ‪....‬‬ ‫عام انتهى بكل ما فيه من احداث‪....‬‬ ‫عام استثنائي ‪...‬‬ ‫اغرب عام عشته في حياتي ‪....‬‬ ‫تغيرات كبيرة حدثت ‪...‬‬ ‫عام س يدون في التاريخ و يدرس في المدارس‪...‬‬ ‫عام استحدث الحياة ب شكل جديد ‪...‬‬ ‫وها نحن نستعد ل العام الجديد ‪....‬‬ ‫اول سؤال اريدك ان تسأله نفسك ‪...‬‬ ‫ماذا اريد ‪.....‬؟‬ ‫فعال ً ما تريد ‪...‬؟!‬ ‫ا كتب ‪ ....‬واسهب في الكتابة ‪....‬‬ ‫اسأل نفسك لو كان لديك هذا العام فقط ‪...‬‬ ‫ما هي الخبرات التي تعلمتها من السنة الماضية؟‬ ‫ماذا ستفعل ؟‬ ‫ما هي اولوياتك ؟‬ ‫بعدها راجع ما كتبت و حاول ان توازن ‪ ،‬الموازنة مطلوبة في حياتنا ‪...‬‬ ‫ويسعدني عزيزي القاريء ان تشاركني ب ماذا تريد هذا العام ؟‬ ‫على حسابي ب االنستغرام ‪lulwa.lifecoach‬‬ ‫و سأكون سعيدة بمشاركتك ‪.‬‬ ‫تمنياتي لك ب عام مليء بالسعادة واالنجاز كما تحب ‪.‬‬ ‫‪11‬‬







TOP 5S Latifah Al-Hazza





Top 5 Fun Facts: 1.Cape Town’s nickname is the Mother City. 2.The winter season starts in May and ends in September. Summer is from November to March. 3.The first successful heart operation was performed in Cape Town. 4.Afrikaans is the most spoken language in Cape Town (English is also common). 5.Chapman’s Peak scenic drive took seven years to build with a pickaxe.

Top 5 Places to Visit 1.Table Mountain: Table Mountain is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the most iconic landmark of Cape Town. It has a cable car that will take you to its top, where you can enjoy 360-degree views of the city. If you’re adventurous, you may choose to hike one of the trails up and down the mountain. 2.Cape of Good Hope: The Cape of Good Hope is the south-westernmost tip of Africa. It is close to where the Indian and Atlantic Oceans converge—the waves are so intense, it seems like the intersection of two oceans. 3.Boulders Beach: People don’t come here for the beauty of the beach or its crystal-clear waters, Boulders Beach is popular for being a breeding ground to over 2,000 endangered African Penguins. You can observe the penguins from the board walks. 4.Langa Township: Langa is the largest and oldest of Cape Town’s Townships. Townships are bitter legacy of Apartheid era. They are urban areas on the periphery of cities designated for black and other non-white people. Black people were evicted from their properties in designated “white only” neighborhoods and were forced to move in the Townships. It is recommended to tour with a guide. 5.Muizenberg Beach: A beach known for its brightly painted beach huts and waves for surfers.



Top 5 Foods to Try 1.Malva Pudding: Malva pudding is a traditional South African dessert consisting of a pudding base covered in a creamy, sweet sauce. The dessert is typically served warm, preferably with ice cream, whipped cream or vanilla custard on the side. 2.Vetkoek: A traditional South African fried dough bread. It literally means "fat cake" in Afrikaans. It is similar in shape to a doughnut without a hole and is made with a yeast dough. 3.Gatsby: Gatsby is Cape Town's signature sandwich consisting of a crusty, toasted roll that is stuffed with bologna slices, French fries, ketchup, lettuce, and hot piri-piri sauce. The sandwich is so big that it can easily feed several people. There are also a variety of different ingredients that can be selected for the filling, from masala steak to calamari. 4.Biltong: Biltong is a traditional South African beef snack that is cured in a unique way. The beef is dried with vinegar which cures the meat and adds layers of texture and flavor. It is seasoned with salt, pepper, and coriander, and the meat is much thicker than beef jerky. 5.Umxhaxha: A South African dish that is a mix of corn, butternut squash and eggplant. 16


Top 5 Activities to Do 1.Go shark cage diving. 2.Hike Lions Head at sunset. 3.Take a ferry to Robben Island. 4.Eat at Mzansi’s Restaurant (reservations required). 5.Visit the Old Biscuit Mill’s Saturday market.

Top 5 Things You Should Know About Cape Town 1.Cars drive on the left. 2.Don’t swim too far out. 3.Tap water is drinkable. 4.Uber is a great way to get around!

Top 5 Don’ts of the Culture 1.Don’t shower for more than a few minutes. 2.Don’t throw cigarettes out of car windows. 3.Don’t leave valuable items unattended in cars. 4.Don’t ask if locals speak ‘African’ (in Cape Town you’re likely to encounter isiXhosa, Afrikaans and English the most). 5.Don’t accept the first price at curio markets – haggle!




The New Managing Editor at CP magazine

Fashion enthusiast, designer, cat-lover and writer, Fatima Hamad Al-Jutaili, is bringing her upbeat personality and unique set of skills to the table as CP magazine’s new Managing Editor. Fatima wears multiple hats around and most of you may already know her as the Founder and Lead Designer of the fashion brand "Du-MishMash". Music-wise, she enjoys jazz music and takes design inspirations from places she travels. As a whole, CP magazine is proud to welcome our new editorial staff member and bring this exclusive interview with her for our readers to know her more.

Photo credits: Hamad AlAinati (@7mdphotography) Location: Bunka Kuwait (@bunkakw) 18




Hi, please introduce yourself to our readers.

My name is Fatima Hamad Al-Jutaili. I’m an entrepreneur, fashion designer/stylist of DU-MISHMASH and I’m in love with everything handmade and vintage. I am also the newly appointed Managing Editor of this beautiful magazine.

Tell us about your education.

I have a bachelors degree in Marketing.

How does it feel to be the Managing Editor of a magazine that has just turned 11 years?

I am very happy to be the Managing Editor of CP magazine, which has a qualitative and wide audience. I am very grateful for this opportunity that CP magazine is giving me. ‪Honestly, I find myself a lot in CP magazine because I have been a great fan of the magazine from a long time and been following it for years.

What are some of the changes that you would like to bring in the publication with your background in fashion and creativity?

since my childhood I am a lover of creativity, art and fashion‪.‬ As a fashion design student, in photography I think that I always have a different eye that reads differently. I mean, I read and see nature‪, ‬fashion‪,‬ landscape and humanity‪.‬ ‫‏‬I always look at things differently‪and t‬ hat's why CP magazine is the best place to be in because it is the only magazine that reads differently in all these aspects. ‬I see a lot of potential in Middle East and creativity by giving a chance to artist and young designers and will try to expose themselves‪through the magazine.

What according to you makes CP magazine different from others on the market?

As an entrepreneur I had to struggle at the beginning to expose myself to the media and get people to know what is the story behind my brand. CP magazine gave me the chance to expose myself and did not make it difficult on me, helped me on everything from day one. CP magazine is not a random magazine. Its aim and priority is to push young artist and help achieve their dreams and goals.

What do you think is the secret of CP’s longevity? Continuance, passion and hard work.

Do you still believe in print? Why

Of course, I still believe in prints! Prints smell and feel different. Apart from that they are more detailed and can be carried with me everywhere.





Now, what’s new with your fashion brand DuMishMash?

The list is very long I’m on a new journey everyday from exploring new things to implementing them. We are taking the embroidery techniques to another level. For the previous collection that was inspired by my visits to Italy was a success and hopefully the next collection will be successful too.

How did the pandemic affect your business?

To be honest, the Pandemic has taught me how to be patient and think outside the box by working hard and having a great team we help each other by exploring different and new ideas. The outcome was slow but it was worth it.

What is your first fashion memory?

Well, I was born in the 80s so I would say anything baggy like oversized denim jackets, pouf dresses and shorts.

What drives you to continue creating new and inspired designs? The passion I have for fashion. It’s not enough when it comes to designing. I always want to do more.

Your motto in life?

I always find beauty in things that are odd and imperfect. They are much more interesting.

What are your future plans for your brand?

To open stores all over the world, grow and collaborate with creative designers.

How would you describe your personal style?

Simple t-shirt with and oversized padded shoulder suit and fabulous Manolo Blahnik shoes!

What do the first 30 minutes of your day look like?

I spend the 30 minutes of my day appreciating god’s grace for every moment that have passed by and the ones that will occur. After that I feed my cats, fill my to do list and have the best of the day.

Where do you spend the quiet moments in between meetings, writing, designing, etc.? As an introvert, I would play jazz music sip my tea in order to better brainstorm.

Your message for the readers of CP Magazine?

Never be afraid to make your first step toward your dreams. Furthermore , I’m excited to start this adventurous journey and cannot wait to share our path of success together. 22














FormerlyMe.com presents “I Love Kickboxing”


Jim West

FormerlyMe is an online movement to motivate and inspire people to become the best version of themselves by showing them my journey and experience in trying a new workout and lifestyle regime every 30 days. Every post, update, and video is ‘formerly me’ as I endeavor to become the best version of myself and become FormerlyMe. Each month CP Magazine will showcase a part of my journey to becoming the best version of myself. I hope that in turn this inspires and motivates you to start your own journey as well. For this month’s story we will focus on the “I Love Kickboxing Sessions” days of my journey.

All Masked Up! 26



ne of my favorite experience in my journey to becoming the best version of myself was taking MMA lessons. I decided to continue trying out new martial art based workout routines and decided I would try kickboxing. ILoveKickBoxing in the Woodlands just opened a new location and even with COVID restrictions in place I was able to take five classes in a month. Considering the stay-at-home period of quarantine lasted several weeks, it felt good to get out the house and take on a new training session.

Considering how boredom is a top reason people will stop working out due to the same exercises and routines it was nice to get a change of pace. The sessions were always fun, engaging, challenging, and exciting. It is a workout anyone at any fitness or age level can do. Plus, once you strap on your gloves you start to feel like a real fighter without having to really fight.

ILoveKickboxing Woodlands Trainers From the first to the last session, it was a nonstop cardio rush. The trainers do teach good techniques on punching and kicking which I really enjoyed in my sessions. Doing a high intensity cardio workout with kickboxing was tiring as I still would have to leave the session and head to the gym to work out for a couple more hours. Kickboxing gave me a great start to my day to get myself stretched and warmed up for the session and the workouts for the rest of the day.

Follow my journey online at FormerlyMe.com and on the YouTube channel. Next month I will cover my return to Legacy Barbell and Gene Labrada for more weight training. Until next time that has been FormerlyMe! facebook.com/FormerlyMe twitter.com/MeFormerly instagram.com/formerlymeofficial www.cpmagazine.net



Jwaher Jewels Everyone knows that Saudi Arabia is the land of gold. “Saudi gold� remained to be the preferred gift for any occasion. This demand in the market and her passion for jewelries inspired Sara Al Sudairy to establish Jwaher Jewels in 2018.



Tell us about yourself and how did you start in Jewelry Design? Sara Al Sudairy has been an entrepreneur in online business since 2007. I combined my childhood bead making, and my passion about jewellery when I grew up, with my background in IT and marketing, and established Jwaher jewels in 2018.

What is the inspiration behind your style and brand? When we came up with Jwaher jewels we had in mind busy people .. a person who needs to buy a gift or to have a nice piece of jewellery and has a little time to shop. Jwaher jewels is a same day delivery website (in Riyadh) and an international shipping website with a verity of jewellery designs to fulfill everyone’s style.

What makes your brand unique? What are your best selling items? Our pieces made of gold, diamonds and gemstones have eye-catching designs with a focus on being both unique and timeless. Our best selling items are the heartleaf earrings (shown in picture attached) and the Saudi design necklace (also show in picture attached)

How do you see the position of Jewelry Brands in Saudi Arabia? How has it evolved through the years? I’m so proud of the Saudi jewellery designers .. they have some unique ideas and are working really had to establish their names and brands in a very important market.

How can Jewelry Design contribute to Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030? Small business development is a major factor in the Saudi 2030 vision .. it helps in enabling more people and having a stronger economy.

How do you see your brand in the next 5 years? I love my brand & have strong hopes for it in both the short & long term. One of our main goals is to have Jwaher jewels as the leading online jewellery store in the world.

What do you think Saudi still needs in terms of expanding Jewelry style? Saudi women are considered among the most fashionable women in the world. they have a unique style, and more Saudi women entering the jewellery market means more fashionable jewellery styles in Saudi. www.cpmagazine.net



ALWARD A L - M U TAWA A “The pandemic helped me to find more time for my art.�

Alward Al-Mutawaa is a self-taught artist Kuwaiti artist using different techniques to produce her artworks that conveys the message to spread love and creativity. We sat with Alward to know more about her art and where see draws inspiration from. Read the interview to know more about this talented artits.

Photo credits: Deon D'Souza (@dee.dsouza) 30




Thank you for joining us for this interview. Please introduce yourself to our readers.

Hi, my name is Alward AlMutawaa, I am a nonstop learner. I am a girl with an open mentality and am acceptable to any new ideas out of my community and from different cultures.

Tell us about your education.

I hold a Bachelor's Degree in business.

What got you interested in arts?

It's a God's gift. A gift that can create the beauty and color the plain world.

Are you a self-taught artist or did you take any formal training? Yes, I am a self-taught artist.

How would you best describe your style of art?

I would describe it as abstract art, figurative art and portrait.

What are your favourite materials to use?

The artist specializes in imagination that create from a plain white space to a colored painting with a purposeful idea discussing a specific issue. Sometimes this issue is a people suffering or a community issue.

What is your process of completing a piece from start to finish? It all depends on the type of the art and the colors used.

How has your professional life been affected by the pandemic, the ongoing issues with coronavirus? The pandemic helped me to find more time for my art.

What was it like where you are during the early days of Covid-19 and Lockdown?

I focus on its positive sides and changes more than the negative. The early days were the start of refreshing and cleaning the universe and nature.

What does an average day look like for you these days?

My favourites would be charcoal, oil colors, and pencil.

I have a busy day full with working on myself and improvement in many fields.

What is the message that you like to convey through your art?

How are you dealing with this sudden change in lifestyle?

My art conveys the message to spread love and creativity. I hope to see my paintings express this feeling in any place it’s hanged on.


Where do you take the inspiration for your work?


By being more productive.



What are the important lessons you have learned during this time? Not to take anything for granted.

What are you doing now that’s ultimately constructive to your life and/or career? Working on my passion.

Did you develop any new interest or hobby or learned a new skill during this time? Yes, I learnt new art techniques, reading new books, self and mental development, reading articles and watching videos.

What's your favourite music/songs for the moment? I always love Jazz night music.

Any advice on staying sane & relatively positive through this situation? My advice is to stay optimistic and happiness attracts the person and don’t be a complainer.

What 3 things could you not live without under lockdown? Air, water, and some food.

What are you missing most about the outside world? I am missing the world without panic.

What are you most looking forward to doing once the lockdown is over? To live without a stuffy mask.

How do you think life will be after Covid-19? More genuine and real people.

Finally, your message for us at CP magazine. I thank CP magazine for focusing on women and their achievements in different fields. I believe such women need more media exposure. These are the women who benefit Kuwait. I am really glad for reaching out to me and thanks for this beautiful interview.








When we think of a leader, we envision a white, tall, assertive male, someone that fits the typical CEO archetype. Indeed, many of the presumptive signals that someone is leadership material, such as being aggressive, assertive, commanding the room, having grey hair, are still embedded in our workplace stereotypes of power. The fact that 94% of Fortune 500 CEOs are male easily explains this erroneous stereotype.

Abir Achkar

Executive presence Interestingly, research has proven that an aggressive personality and other typically male traits don’t equate to good leadership. Some call it personal brand, others refer to it as executive presence, or the commonly referred to “it factor”. Simply put, it’s a combination of intelligence, credibility, and other intangible skills that make you not only relatable, but also extremely effective in a senior position. It’s that spark that inspires people around you and gets them to act towards a common goal. Your presence in the boardroom, at a dinner table, on social media, all culminate to your very own personal brand. It has nothing to do with performance; it’s more of a measure of communication and image. This exact executive presence is what determines a person’s ability to grow in their career and influence others. It’s your signal to the world that you have what it takes to get the job done.

Please don’t confuse personal brand with personality. Our fundamental personality isn’t meant to be transformed; it’s about adopting specific practices and performing minor tweaks in order to reflect even more confidence, character and poise.

The importance of executive presence in the workplace Executive presence won’t launch your career, however, its absence may hold you back. In a study by the Center for Talent Innovation, a large majority of senior executives surveyed said that executive presence counts for 26% of what it takes to get promoted. Even more so, research shows that women were less likely to get performance feedback on aspects of executive presence, making it even more difficult for them to develop and foster this skill. By fully understanding the fundamental components of executive presence, you’ll be better equipped to navigate



the often contradictory messages around what makes someone leadership material.

Building your personal brand Some people seem to naturally have what it takes to be an exceptional leader. However, don’t worry; just like any other skillset, executive presence can be developed, cultivated and practiced by anybody. Talent experts have broken it down to three specific factors: gravitas, communication, and image.

Gravitas Gravitas by definition fosters respect and recognition as it signifies you’re intelligent and knowledgeable in your field. Becoming an expert in your field is a surefire way to boost your confidence and showcase talent in front of colleagues. Connecting with others and being at ease building a network are other ways to naturally add to your own personal gravitas.

Communication Great communication and presentation skills are another factor crucial to executive presence. Whilst most people frankly admit hating public speaking, it’s unfortunately a key element in building a strong “it factor”. Practicing is crucial so start small with team meetings and small talk, and work your way up to larger groups. There are plenty of opportunities daily to get comfortable speaking in front of an audience.

Image Workwear that inspires trust and confidence may seem like a small detail but honestly it goes a long way. It’s about having the cultural intelligence to know what elicits respect and authority in any specific field. Looking polished and groomed cultivates a professional and trustworthy image and adds once again to your executive presence.

Leadership redefined Certified Image & Etiquette Consultant - AICI Fashion Director - CP magazine




since 2010


The ideal destination for a safe and secluded getaway, Dubai deliver an intoxicating mix of one of the most dynamic cityscapes in the world, mile upon mile of glorious golden sand and endless Arabian sunshine.

Dubai have become synonymous with city-breaks and family holidays. With easy access from all corners of the world, no wonder the country has become such a hotspot for travel lovers from all over. What makes 2021 a particularly exciting prospect is the combination of delayed 2020 projects sitting side by side with scheduled opening in the new year, meaning you’ll have more reasons to visit the city. It’s the year of Dubai. 38


Expo 2020 Dubai, which will take place from October 2021 to March 2022 after being postponed due to the pandemic, will be a once-in-alifetime global celebration, opening up a world of wonder, excitement and hope for millions of visitors from around the world. Through the theme Connecting Minds, Creating the Future’ Expo 2020 Dubai provides a platform to encourage creativity, innovation and collaboration across three subthemes: Opportunity, Mobility and Sustainability. The theme reflects the history of Dubai, historically called Al Wasl, or ‘the connection’ as Dubai has long played an important role in connecting east and west, north and south. Expo 2020 Dubai’s vision is to build on Dubai’s role as a cross-continental gateway and deliver a World Expo that advances the potential of human collaboration, while inspiring visitors to create a positive, long-term impact for people around the world. Along with Expo 2020 Dubai, another milestone that will happen this 2021 in the city is one of the most anticipated new museum opening, in recent years, the Museum of the Future, which is set to become one of the most recognisable buildings in Dubai, if not the world. The exciting design is complemented by the curated exhibitions inside, dedicated to innovation and science. Designed by Shauk Killa in the shape of a torus, with its roundness representing the Earth and the sky and the emply middle signifying the unkwnon, it’s already one of the world’s most complex buildings.



The Museum of the Future joins the select group of Dubai’s most iconic buildings, including Burj Al Arab or Burj Khalifa, which stands at over 828m and is the world’s tallest building. For a bird’s eye view of the city, visitors can choose to visit the observatory, At the Top, on the 124th and 125th floors, At the Top Sky on the 148th floor, or dine at At.mosphere on the 122nd floor for an unforgettable culinary experience. Or Dubai Frame, one of the city’s most famous attractions for visitors and residents alike. The building's landmark location in Zabeel Park provides sweeping panoramic views of the city. At 150m tall and 93m wide with a bridge connecting the two towers, Dubai Frame has a unique concept to its structure. Resembling a picture frame, Dubai's historic district can be seen to the north while the south provides breathtaking vistas of the city's modern skyline. Step onto the clear 50m-long opaque glass bridge at the Sky-deck. Crafted from liquid crystal with an underlying film triggered by sensors, the floor becomes clear only when a visitor walks over it. Peer at the ground beneath, all while feeling like you’re walking on air. Boasting some of the world’s finest restaurants, Dubai is a food lovers’ paradise! The city offers a wonderful concoction of flavours from across the globe with something to satisfy every palate. Tantalise your taste buds with delicious street food in Old Dubai or experience fine dining in a host of celebrityowned restaurants. One of the Madinat Jumeirah’s most coveted restaurants, folly by Nick & Scott brings award-winning cuisine to the forefront. With stunning views of the Madinat waterways and beyond, the restaurant is a top pick for every occasion from sunset nibbles and lazy lunches with friends to a romantic, starlit dinner. Star chefs Nick Alvis and Scott Price opened up folly as their latest venture after their success with Table 9 and Taste Kitchen. The pair learnt from Gordon Ramsay, having worked for him for over 15 years. Assured, European-leaning menus change often: vegetarians are well catered for with the likes of beetroot tuile crisps, filled with homemade ricotta, blackcurrant cordial and pickled beets, while the roasted lobster garners rave reviews On Bluewaters Island, Ain Dubai is the world’s largest Ferris wheel. The 210m tall ride will be able to hold 48 capsules, each accommodating up to 40 people, and give passengers the chance to see the breathtaking Dubai skyline in all its glory, including views of the Burj Khalifa and Palm Jumeirah. To give you an idea of the scale of the structure, each spoke holding up the wheel is longer than a football pitch. Just 5 minutes walking distance from there is Cove Beach Dubai, one of the premiere beach clubs and dining venues in the country. The venue boasts a stunning seafront locale that comprises of a restaurant and 3 pools all set to the backdrop of the tranquil Aranbian Sea. With a series of unique offerings, each day and night brings a different combination of soulful tunes, exotic dancing, tantalizing dishes and an array of package options, making it the only beach club to entirely transform every day. 40


Can immersive dinner really replace a night on the dance floor? The answer is Billionare Dubai. This thrilling nocturnal adventure has made its much-anticipated debut at its new home in Taj Dubai. Offering guests an evening of pure escapism, Billionaire Dubai boldly steers away from the standard dining experiences the city has to offer, by pairing its extraordinary Grand Show with an exquisite culinary experience, enjoyed in the most mesmerizing of settings. In a city that’s always hungry for more, Billionaire is shaking up the hospitality scene with a unique approach that offers everything you need to immerse yourself in an unforgettable night. Aside from the plethora of modern skyscrapers, gleaming shopping malls and extravagant hotels, Dubai also offers a myriad of fantastic cultural attractions. Explore the colourful souks and bustling bazaars in Old Dubai, uncover the city’s intriguing past in historic Al Fahidi with a walking tour to the Dubai Museum located in the Al Fahidi Fort to learn about Dubai’s transformation from a tiny fishing village to a majestic universal city. Or discover trendy galleries in the artistic hub of Al Quoz. Once an industrial area in the very centre of Dubai, Alserkal Avenue now comprises around 40 warehouses, converted into galleries, dance studios, artisanal cafés and more. The neighbourhood has nurtured a culture of creativity and is now one of the region’s leading art hubs. Since its humble beginnings as a standalone gallery in 2008, word soon caught on and other galleries moved into the area. Alserkal Avenue soon grew and became a popular parade of gallery exhibits and displays of contemporary artwork, as well as seasonal events and open-air community days.



WORLD-RENOWNED CHEFS REVEAL THEIR COLOURFUL BUTTER STORIES Two of the Middle East’s leading chefs have collaborated with their counterparts in Asia to reveal their secrets to creating the perfect butter sauce with French butter

The European Union and CNIEL, The French Dairy Board, are utilising the expertise of chefs from the Middle East, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan to showcase how they create naturally coloured sauces using the finest French butter and a range of bold ingredients to create visually enticing dishes. From the home kitchen to Michelin star restaurants, butter has been at the epicentre of creating some of the tastiest sauces since Roman times. CNIEL has launched a new magazine, Butter Stories, which is highlighting how chefs incorporate the finest French butter into their recipes to produce outstanding taste, colour, and depth. Marie-Laure Martin, International Project Manager from CNIEL, said: “In this new Butter Stories edition, our focus is on sauces made with French butter. For many chefs, sauces are the most important component of a dish. However, to create a great sauce, you need a great butter! Real dairy French butter enhances all the flavour of a sauce and gives it a deep texture. “For the chefs featured the challenge truly allowed them to showcase their flair and ability to innovate cooking. Charcoal, beetroots, wasabi, turmeric, and squid ink were just some of the ingredients used to colour and add taste to their butter sauces in a natural way,” added Martin. Representing the Middle East in the latest edition of the Butter Stories publication are Maroun Chedid of Ritage by Maroun Chedid located in Beirut and Riyadh, and Gilles Bosquet, Executive Chef at La Cantine Du Faubourg in Dubai. Both were tasked with creating a range of recipes that incorporated a variety of colorful sauces using French butter. Chef Maroun created a beetroot hollandaise, a turmeric and citrus butter, a cauliflower puree, and an alcohol-free marchand 42


de vin butter, resulting in bold purple, yellow, green and red sauces, all of which complemented a range of vegetable and fish dishes. Speaking about the importance of quality butter as an ingredient when making a sauce, Chef Maroun, Top Chef Middle East judge, said: “Butter adds refinement, taste, and texture to the sauce. It elevates the flavours of any dish and adds finesse to the sauce.” Chef Gilles created a baby vegetable and wasabi butter dish and grilled chicken breast and smoked paprika butter. He said: “The most important thing about a great sauce is the texture. In other words, what we feel immediately in our mouth, the first impression and feeling we have when combining the two things correctly – that is, flavour and texture. The main purpose of a sauce is to stimulate our sensations with the right texture, and therefore the base has to be well proportioned to the butter and the seasoning.” The other chefs contributing to the magazine included Chef Nobu Lee, from Orchid restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan. He created a thread fin bream dish with kelp and used French butter and oranges to create a brightly coloured orange curd. From Shanghai, Chef Wenyuan Zhu, from Borage restaurant developed a vegetarian dish of kapa cabbage and caramelised coffee butter sauce, while Chef May Chow of Happy Paradise in Hong Kong, created a salted lemon and black squid ink butter to accompany her roasted lamb loin, Chinese black olive, lettuce and Chinese lamb jus. The magazine will be used as a promotional tool in the Middle East to underscore the world-class attributes French butter provides.



2020 has been a challenging year for most of us. Health has been at the forefront of many people's minds. A lot of people will agree that keeping healthy is essential, but it seems to be getting more difficult by the day. I will give you the top five tips for good health that are easy to implement right away to start your new year right.

1.HEALTHY EATING Life gets very busy work and other activities, so it's easier to grab a takeaway or instant meal instead of preparing something at home. Over time this leads to nutritional deficiencies. Try to eat a wholesome breakfast at the very least,whichincludesfiber-richfoodsand,ifpossible, protein. This type of meal will give you the nutrients to get going for the day and keep you fuller for longer. 2.REGULAR CHECKUPS Getting a checkup at least once a year is an excellent way of ensuring there are no hidden ailments that need to be addressed. It's a good way to make sure your children aren't missing any vitamins in their diets. As kids grow, getting a once over by the doctor gives you peace of mind that their development is on the right path. As adults, some illnesses develop with age, and it's better to detect problems earlier for treatment than wait until it's too late. Make it simple and book all your appointments for the same day. In this way, you’re bound to keep the date since the entire family needs to go on the same day. 3.LIMIT DIGITAL DEVICES It's common knowledge that we’re exposed to all sorts of electromagnetic radiation at varying levels from the devices that we use. Internet and data connections are just some forms of radiation emitters in our homes, and even our microwaves create some radiation. To keep your family protected, consider investing in EMF protection products. 4.GET OUTSIDE Endorphins are crucial for health. Not only do they reduce stress and depression, but they give you a positive feeling. For added benefit, take your exercising outside; nothing beats a run in the sunshine or a game of soccer with the family. 5.FAMILY TIME The moment you mention health, most people think of food and exercise, but one of the most critical aspects of

your health is your mental and emotional state. Working hand in hand with one of the other suggested tips, switch off your digital devices and spend some time with family. FINAL THOUGHTS Keeping your family healthy might sound daunting at first, but it’s worth it in the long run. If you’re dedicated to eating healthier and getting enough exercise, it should become more comfortable as time goes on. Visiting your doctor regularly will give you the peace of mind that all is well. Finally, make a conscious decision to switch off the digital devices and spend more quality family time. Stick to these tips, and your family's health will improve without you even realizing it. www.cpmagazine.net



"There's a rainbow within every soul, we all need to find it." Meet the French Caribbean musician who has produced two full music albums during the lockdown.

Photo credits: Riyas (@riyas.photokw)

We had a fantastic day out with Fabrice this month to talk and learn more from him and bring this exclusive interview for our readers.



Jacket designed by: Mr. Fari (@xxmrfarixx)



Hi, we last interviewed you in 2017. What all has happened since then?

I have released 3 albums: 971 Boulevard de L'amour, Absurd Abstracks and Distant lovers, I did a lot of gigs, especially in Bahrain and my son has grown up:-)

How was the lockdown for you?

It was terrible because I need to exercise outside. I am not the type of guy who goes to the gym to look fit. I am the type who needs to spend energy, to feel that my body is alive and that I breathe deeply. So it was quite difficult. In a positive way it allowed me to work more in my home studio and my imagination was flowing like a river. I have composed the best album of my career "Distant lovers". It was difficult for my son too who likes to be with me outside but I guess for some other people in the world it was really worse.

Wow! You released 2 albums during the pandemic? What did you name the albums and why?

Yes, "Distant Lovers" and "Absurd Abstracks". "Distant Lovers" because a friend of mine was separated from his wife for 6 months. It inspired me for some songs. When it's a choice it's different but they didn't have the choice, they were waiting for the airport to open. "Absurd Abstrack" comes from the desire to tell something different in French. To go back to spoken word and poetry, the kind of music I used to do when I was listening more hip hop, years ago. It's a very strange UFO ("Absurd") but a lot of my friend think it's brilliant and elegant.

How do you think your album will uplift listeners during the pandemic? I really don't know if my goal is to do that. So I'am not sure it will uplift people. The music has to pleased me first so that I can show this love on stage. I just have visions all the time and I record them. The tempos are between 70 and 100bpm which means it's quite slow and groovy. It's the perfect record for a long drive or a night by a bonfire. Of course if listeners feel uplifted, I would be delighted.

What were some of the challenges you faced in producing your music and recording your albums during the lockdown? How did you overcome them?

I do almost everything for my music. Every voice, lead and background vocals, except on one song. I play every single instruments on it, except the horns, which were recording in South France by a famous Jazzman named Franck Nicolas. I send the song, he records then he send me back the tracks and I mix it.

Which is your favourite song from the album? I am not sure, maybe “Distant Lovers”. The situation 46


I describe must have been experienced by a lot of people and I love the melody.

Have you done any collaborations in Kuwait or are you planning soon?

I have worked on the song "Lonely" with Hashim Al Nasser. We did string arrangements together and he played some slide guitars parts on it. He is talented, wise, funny and clever. I always like what he plays. I have invited also Sana, a friend of mine who lives in Kuwait, for the chorus of one song ("Freedom fighter"). She is easy to work with and she just loves music as much as I do. Moreover, I am currently working and brainstorming with Mr. Fari. As halfies, evolving between mixed cultures we share the same vibes. We want to mix different style of music. I am opened to everything, every style of music, every kind of food. It is diversity that triggers creativity and my personality polishes it. I think we also want to make new stuff, different kind of vibes. Being well emerged in different types of music cultures allows us to do that. We feel honest because it's still us. We will probably produce something together next year.

Has the pandemic situation affected your music in any way?

Yes of course because I have had no shows since March till now. I have started realizing that it was going to be huge when I flew back from France in January. I have first rearrange my home studio, bought new speakers (Eve SC207) and created a more intimistic place with plants, paintings and pictures from my family. I knew I would spend more time there so I wanted a more comfortable and personal space. The energy of the room is very important. In terms of music I was able to mix a better recording because I had more time to listen. Also the inspiration was different, I wanted to go deep inside of the soul of different people, talk about what they feel. Some lyrics went deeper than ever into relationship, ecology, family engagement, lust, and love. I don't know why but people open their heart to me, I mean I go quickly in deep conversation with people I have never seen. The song “Lonely” came from a conversation I had with a businessman at Istanbul Airport. The song” Ring the alarm” came from a woman that I met at a University while I was waiting for an appointment with a teacher.

What lessons have you learnt from the pandemic situation?

The silence. Do you remember the silence in the streets? I have put more silences in my music, less notes, less words. Miles Davis use to say that notes are only a frame for the silence. I totally agree. I have learned that civilization is noisy LOL. Otherwise, I don't have many profound things to say at the end of this very heartbreaking year both personally and globally But, I am coming out of it more human, maybe more spiritual too. It was a gift to be able to focus again on the present.



Your message for us at CP magazine.

Thanks a lot for your support. Merci beaucoup.



Can we expect any video clips soon from your new songs?

I have a secret project with someone who works in this magazine. You might know him :-). As I am an independent artist and I am very bad for business and promotion I am not promoting my music. It's not my job to do that. But if any promoters or managers want to help, I am open to every propositions. We can talk.

What do you miss the most about the prepandemic life? Being able to travel with my family and of course perform live. But as I say in the song "Distant lovers" - there's a rainbow, within every soul, we all need to find it.

Your plans for 2021?

Time will tell would say Bob Marley. Covid too :-)

How do you stay connected to your fans these days?

It's hard for me to stay connected with my fans as I did only two shows in 2020 while I was performing a lot in 2019. I am not comfortable with Social Medias as I am eager to protect my intimacy. I am quite a secret person even if am very social which might sounds strange. During this pandemic I have erased my Facebook account, my Linkeldin account, my twitter account and I have only kept my Instagram account @fabriceroots because I like photography. And my website : Fa7production.com. I made it for your beloved readers.

Do you have plans to release more new music soon? Are you consistently writing new songs?

just wait for them to come to me. Because when I have those visions I always love what I record and it goes smoothly just like a deep river. Think I need to have new experiences. I don't want to repeat. If I want to be creative in terms of arrangements and compositions I need to feel what might be in the air soon I have a very strong creative personality. I always do what I feel. So I will collaborate with others artists like Sana and Mr. Fari next year, it is very inspiring to produce something else and to see how it is to work with people you respect.

What does a typical day look like for you now? How have you adjusted to these times? How are you staying busy?

A typical day when I don't teach is making my sun salutation. Read the news with a cup of green tea and a glass of lemon juice early morning. Dream and enjoy the silence while my family is still asleep, then ride my bike or fish on my kayak. When I come back home, I'll take a 20 minutes break where I sleep deeply and even dream. After that I'll go out with my son and my wife, all together to enjoy, laugh, share our love. In the evening if I am not making music, I would read or watch movies with my wife.

Your New Year's message for your fans and our readers?

Check it out: FABRICE "Distant lovers" on any streaming platform and listen. LOL. Take care of your family, take care of your country, take care of the earth. We need to protect the planet because whatever your country is, we all belong to the same earth.

No plans for the moment but I could have one tomorrow. Depends on the inspiration I used to write songs every day to increase my skill when I was younger. Now I wait for visions, I





“With The Seven we conceived the idea of a one-of-a-kind community by having seven of the world’s leading architects work on developing a villa each”



Talent Radar Words: JosĂŠ Berrocoso

Amidst olive groves, palm trees and the undulating 18-hole golf course, Sotogrande and La Reserva Club curates the finest of Andalusian experiences for adventurers and luxury travellers, golf enthusiasts and sun-seekers. Marc Topiol, the man behind this extraordinary luxury residential and leisure destination, has extensive experience, more than 25 years as an advisor for strategic and business plans, acquisition and sale of assets and development and asset management at an international level. We meet the CEO of Sotogrande to learn more about this project.

www.lareservaclubsotogrande.com www.cpmagazine.net


City Pages Magazine: Sotogrande was established

by American entrepreneur Joseph Rafael McMicking y Ynchausti and his wife Mercedes Zobel de Ayala y Roxas as a private enclave inside a private world in the 60s following the dream of turning it into one of Europe’s leading luxury residential and leisure destination. What’s the current situation of this realestate development?

Marc Topiol: I think that 60 years later the Sotogrande brand is

established and the community is settled; and that’s the way of the place as it was intended; offering the best of the simple things in life for family, as well as luxury. We provide a playground where people seem to have a life of comfort within themselves and I’m sure from wherever he’s looking down from, Mr McMicking must be pleased with the evolution and passing of generations. We’re now entering, in some cases, the third generation of residents taking advantage of the amenities and residences that are being developed in what is now a one-of-a-kind sports and leisure enclave in the south of Europe. What’s more, it benefits from year-round sunshine, which helps it stand out as an attractive place among many great offerings in the Mediterranean coast that might be more seasonal. Maybe you could say that McMicking wouldn’t have foreseen or quite realised the sheer size of the destination, which is basically now a town with world-class amenities in sports and leisure, with a diverse food offering and 7,000 homes – and can now claim to be the largest private estate in Spain.

CPM: Located in San Roque, for those who are not

familiar with Sotogrande and southern Spain, can you let us know about this specific part of Andalusia?

MT: In this specific part of Andalucsia, we are not overdeveloped.

We are, in lots of ways, the complete opposite of what you can find along the coast because, historically, it was very hard to get to Marbella so Sotogrande was set apart from it culturally. This is one place where population density does not exist. Everything is green! Other than that, in Sotogrande the feeling of being close to nature is of paramount importance. It is front and centre in all sport and leisure activities, which could be as simple as taking a walk in our 1,500-hectare green reserve. So, it’s that aspect that clearly stands out as unique in the area, on top of our authenticity driven by the fact that it is a residential destination with only 300 hotel rooms and five villages around which makes it feel very local. We are not a touristic place, though tourism hot spots and history, such as the white village of Ronda, are just around the corner

CPM: Buyers are requesting contemporary architecture,

which pushes the boundaries and offers comfortable and luxurious family homes built with comfort and their very core. New developments are now being created to meet these needs in the final chapter in the Sotogrande story: La Reserva Club Sotogrande. What is the concept behind it?

MT: Well, the concept of La Reserva Club and our private gated communities, that we have conceptualised, can be summarised in a few key elements. One is for people to be protected, to be nourished and have access to health-related infrastructure if something happens. Before we launched our private gated communities: The Seven, The Fifteen, El Mirador, The Lagoon Villas there was just one similar in Sotogrande. Now, privacy and security is widely available due to our new residences. This concept of gated space where no one can knock at our door and you can create a neighbourhood and live in complete privacy and security can only be found in one other place in Sotogrande in an area called Altos de Valderama. All other communities are open because the roads in Spain are public. We have been able to create some private zones and I think this is the most important element in terms of the real estate we are offering – whether it’s in our community properties starting at €800,000, all the way up to ‘The Seven’ starting at €7,000,000. The concepts of neighbourhoods and convenience are crucial to what we’re offering, as being part of these gives you access to La Reserva Country Club which offers an array of amenities that only such a community can get privileged access to.



CPM: Some call it ‘Spanish Venice’, ‘Little Beverly

Hills’… How does La Reserva Club Sotogrande make a difference in luxury living in the region?

MT: The Spanish Venice is more related to the Sotogrande marina

as, like in Venice, you can have your boat right in front of your property. To be honest I have never heard of the Little Beverly Hills reference but, clearly, McMicking came from California and the first district of Sotogrande was developed with Sunset Boulevard in mind. La Reserva district comes with sea views and the amenities of a world-leading country club, , and managing this in its entirety has clear benefits, as we are able to control the quality of the entire offering, from the houses and the gated community to the leisure and sports facility. We are owners of hotels and hospitality and elements in retail, rather than just residential developers, therefore we are able to offer long-term services, which adds to the quality of life of all our residents.

CPM: The Seven is a collection of one-of-a kind homes

crafted by world-renowned landscape architect Jean Mus. Can you tell us more about the development of The Seven? Why did you choose Jean Mus to lead the project?

MT: The Seven is the penultimate gated community that

Sotogrande SA has been engaged in as part of brining gated community concepts to the area. With The Seven we conceived the idea of a one-of-a-kind community by having seven of the world’s leading architects work on developing a villa each. With Jean Mus overseeing the project, he is one of the best-known landscape architects around and the more subtle elements of his designs revolve around the concept of importing the finest elements of Provence to Andalusia. Jean Mus comes from Grasse, and his work is very much inspired by Provence. We’ve found this is something, which resonates with the families we are trying to attract to our communities. If we can provide a mystic sense of Provence, combined with an essence of its history, with the associated discipline in the landscaping then this will simply be a continuation of us being first in what we do. If our guests get the sense, visual and smell of Provence, it will hopefully generate a memorable reaction and entice them to keep spending time with us. We want to extract what Provence means and bring this to The Seven without it feeling fake or like an imitation. This is why we chose Jean.

CPM: A message for our readers in City Pages Kuwait? MT: We look forward to hosting you, and hopefully when you are

in Europe you will make a small detour to come and see us and discover the experiences we have to offer in Sotogrande and the destination as a whole. Most of all, we wish you a safe transition into post-Covid life and hope your 2021 is both healthy and prosperous.




MAY 2020

by travel-expert JosĂŠ Berrocoso


www.joali.com Located on Muravandhoo island on the Raa Atoll in the northen Maldives, JOALI features 73 private beach and water villas and residences. Each villa is inspired by individual stories and designed to evoke this sensibility throughout. Our favourite is the water villa with pool terrace. This 100sqm one bedroom beauty can accommodate up to 3 people and offers and enchanting life on the water. You can relax over the cristal-clear waters of the Indian ocean underneath your feet on your spacious sundeck or dive into your infinite pool against the backdrop of the beautiful Maldives. With its state of the art lighting and mood control system, the water villas offer magical aquatic experiences day and night. There’s even an underwater sculpture to enjoy. www.cpmagazine.net


since 2010

New January Releases

by Mateo Askaripour

The Prophets by Robert Jones Jr.

A memoir about one man’s strange upbringing in a family fanatically devoted to honesty Raised in what he affectionately calls “our little honesty cult,” Michael Leviton was ingrained with his parents’ core philosophy: You do not tell any lies; you do not withhold the truth; and you speak your mind always, regardless of how offensive or hurtful your opinions may be. For young Michael, this freedom to be yourself—despite being bullied and ostracized at school—felt liberating. By the time Leviton was 29 years old, he had told three (what most people would consider) lies in his entire life.

For fans of Sorry to Bother You and The Wolf of Wall Street—a crackling, satirical debut novel about a young man given a shot at stardom as the lone Black salesman at a mysterious, cultlike, and wildly successful startup where nothing is as it seems. There’s nothing like a Black salesman on a mission. An unambitious twenty-two-year-old, Darren lives in a BedStuy brownstone with his mother, who wants nothing more than to see him live up to his potential as the valedictorian of Bronx Science. But Darren is content working at Starbucks in the lobby of a Midtown office building, hanging out with his girlfriend, Soraya, and eating his mother’s home-cooked meals. All that changes when a chance encounter with Rhett Daniels, the silvertongued CEO of Sumwun, NYC’s hottest tech startup, results in an exclusive invitation for Darren to join an elite sales team on the thirty-sixth floor.

A singular and stunning debut novel about the forbidden union between two enslaved young men on a Deep South plantation, the refuge they find in each other, and a betrayal that threatens their existence. Isaiah was Samuel’s and Samuel was Isaiah’s. That was the way it was since the beginning, and the way it was to be until the end. In the barn they tended to the animals, but also to each other, transforming the hollowed-out shed into a place of human refuge, a source of intimacy and hope in a world ruled by vicious masters. But when an older man—a fellow slave—seeks to gain favor by preaching the master’s gospel on the plantation, the enslaved begin to turn on their own. Isaiah and Samuel’s love, which was once so simple, is seen as sinful and a clear danger to the plantation’s harmony.

The Secret Life of Dorothy Soames

Work Won't Love You Back: How

Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It

A riveting family drama evocative of Angela’s Ashes and The Glass Castle , about a woman who discovers the shocking secret at the center of her mother’s life.

A deeply-reported examination of why "doing what you love" is a recipe for exploitation, creating a new tyranny of work in which we cheerily acquiesce to doing jobs that take over our lives. You're told that if you "do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life." Whether it's working for "exposure" and "experience," or enduring poor treatment in the name of "being part of the family," all employees are pushed to make sacrifices for the privilege of being able to do what we love. In Work Won't Love You Back, Sarah Jaffe, a preeminent voice on labor, inequality, and social movements, examines this "labor of love" myth -- the idea that certain work is not really work, and therefore should be done out of passion instead of pay. Told through the lives and experiences of workers in various industries -- from the unpaid intern, to the overworked nurse, to the nonprofit worker and even the professional athlete -- Jaffe reveals how all of us have been tricked into buying into a new tyranny of work.

by Michael Leviton

by Justine Cowan

Justine had always been told that her mother came from royal blood. The proof could be found in her mother’s elegance, her uppercrust London accent—and in a cryptic letter hinting at her claim to a country estate. But beneath the polished veneer lay a fearsome, unpredictable temper that drove Justine from home the moment she was old enough to escape. Years later, when her mother sent her an envelope filled with secrets from the past, Justine buried it in the back of an old filing cabinet.


Black Buck

To Be Honest


Devotion to Our Jobs Keeps Us Exploited, Exhausted, and Alone

by Sarah Jaffe

by Ethan Kross An award-winning psychologist reveals the hidden power of our inner voice and shows how we can harness it to live a healthier, more satisfying, and more productive life. "This book is going to fundamentally change some of the most important conversations in your life--the ones you have with yourself."--Adam Grant, bestselling author of Give and Take One of the best new books of January 2021--The Washington Post, CNN Underscored, Shape, Behavioral Scientist - Kirkus Reviews and Publishers Weekly starred reviews Tell a stranger that you talk to yourself, and you're likely to get written off as eccentric. But the truth is that we all have a voice in our head. When we talk to ourselves, we often hope to tap into our inner coach but find our inner critic instead. When we're facing a tough task, our inner coach can buoy us up: Focus--you can do this. But, just as often, our inner critic sinks us entirely: I'm going to fail. They'll all laugh at me. What's the use?

Meet Me in Bombay by Jenny Ashcroft All he needs is to find her. First, he must remember who she is. "Meet Me in Bombay is a powerful, poignant and deeply emotional tale of love, mystery, loss and joy." –Kate Furnivall, New York Times bestselling author It's New Year's Eve in Bombay, 1913, and Madeline Bright, new to the sweltering heat of colonial India, is yearning for all she has left behind in England. Then, at the stroke of midnight, Maddy meets Luke Devereaux, and as the year changes so do both their lives. Bold and charismatic, Luke opens her eyes to the wonders of Bombay, while Maddy's beauty and vivacity captures his heart. Only her mother disapproves, preferring the devoted Guy Bowen as a match for her daughter.

The Doctors Blackwell: How Two Pioneering Sisters Brought Medicine to Women and Women to Medicine

by Janice P. Nimura Elizabeth Blackwell believed from an early age that she was destined for a mission beyond the scope of "ordinary" womanhood. Though the world at first recoiled at the notion of a woman studying medicine, her intelligence and intensity ultimately won her the acceptance of the male medical establishment. In 1849, she became the first woman in America to receive an M.D. She was soon joined in her iconic achievement by her younger sister, Emily, who was actually the more brilliant physician. Exploring the sisters’ allies, enemies, and enduring partnership, Janice P. Nimura presents a story of trial and triumph. Together, the Blackwells founded the New York Infirmary for Indigent Women and Children, the first hospital staffed entirely by women. Both sisters were tenacious and visionary, but their convictions did not always align with the emergence of women’s rights—or with each other.





TYLER ELLIS Tyler Ellis, the daughter of the iconic fashion designer Perry Ellis and Hollywood TV writer and executive Barbara Gallagher, launched her eponymous luxury accessories brand in 2011. Her seasonless designs balance luxury and function with a timeless elegance. As a result, Tyler’s handbags have become a mainstay on Hollywood’s international red carpets. Her designs are brought to life by the hands of fastidious Italian artisans who produce perfection no machine can mimic. From hand-stitching and hand-painted edges to custom hardware created specifically for each design, Tyler Ellis handbags represent an ardent commitment to couture and quality craftsmanship that has earned a cult following. The designs look equally at home on the red carpet as well as in everyday life and are carried by influential women worldwide. As a personal homage to Tyler’s father, Perry Ellis’ handwriting appears as the company logo; and most dear to Tyler, he is a part of everything she creates.





City Pages Magazine: You have created unique works of art on iconic bags, how did you come up with the idea? Tyler Ellis: I view my handbags as unique works of art. Everything I create, down to my TE metal

dog-clips, is designed by me and handcrafted in one of the few remaining multi-generationally owned Italian factories. I am a woman designing for women, which means practicality is as important as aesthetics. As the sole owner of my company, I do not have investors pushing me to cut corners in order to raise the profit margin. I’ve worked hard to create timeless defining details and source the best materials possible, while always maintaining brand integrity and continuing to strive for perfection. If you stay true to your principles your designs will separate themselves from the rest and your brand will thrive as you build your legacy.

CPM: What made you choose handbags and clutches as your premiere product? TE: I have always loved accessories, but what really pushed me toward handbags was the challenge

of finding a truly unique luxury handbag. From LA to London to Dubai to Delhi; in the exclusive

world of luxury, I found women only carrying the same few established brands. This inspired me to put my roots in the ground and begin the long process of building my own luxury label that, like these legacy brands, will remain relevant for generations to come.

CPM: How does your brand revive true luxury? TE: In today’s world, mainstream, mass-produced and

in-expensive brands use the term ‘luxury’ as a marketing tool to promote their machine-made products. I view luxury items as extremely rare, timeless, perfectly crafted designs, a concept I strive to bring back to life. My designs are all handcrafted at a multi-generationally owned factory in Le Seici, Italy, by highly trained native artisans. Our partnership was founded upon our mutual desire to perfect every aspect of each design. From my metal frames, down to my dog-clips, to my signature Thayer Blue linings, Pinecone Feet, Closures and Zipper pulls, (symbolizing the highest form of spiritual awakening and the third eye) all aspects of my creations are designed and built for Tyler Ellis. The importance of quality service is another key factor in the elite world of luxury that today, few brands are investing in. I am extremely proud of Bespoke by Tyler Ellis a highly curated experience that connects you directly with a member of our dedicated concierge team to customize the decorative aspects of your bag including the skin/material, hardware, embroidery and/or engraving. Our devoted team will work with our exclusive network of top Italian and French tanneries to find the exact colour or shade you’ve been dreaming of. Straps and chains will be cut to your precise measurements and your personalized handbag will be delivered to you within a matter of weeks. When you purchase a TE product you are returning to the purest form of luxury.

CPM: What sets Tyler Ellis apart from other luxury brands? TE: Me. I strongly believe if you’re not going to do it right,

don’t do it at all. My views on the importance of top craftsmanship, unique design, timeless appeal, practical functionality and attention to intricate details are the core DNA of my brand. My goal is not to be the next trend, it’s to establish my roots in the luxury world, grow slowly, continue to gain industry trust and respect, while building my Ellis legacy. I take extreme pride in my work, and make sure each piece produced meets the highest possible standards, my standards.

CPM: What inspires your designs? TE: My inspirations typically come from traveling and

people watching. Lars Nilsson (former Creative Director of Nina Ricci) was a mentor to me in the beginning of my career. We would walk around Paris, the magical City of Lights, and he would point out old brick walls, or doorknob handles, or tops of tea kettles and inspirations for new designs would roll off his tongue. I began to really pay attention to my surroundings and realize how much the world has to offer. My Pinecone symbol was inspired from a trip I took to the Vatican years before I began TE. To this day, I still remember standing in Pigna Court and looking up at the beautifully aged pinecone fountain and being completely enthralled – who knew years later it would become the core signature of my brand. It is all about the details!

CPM: What do you want women to feel when they carry, or covet, a Tyler Ellis bag?

TE: Happy and special! Some of the most rewarding feedback I get from my clients is how thrilled they are because they are continually stopped when carrying their TE bags, as opposed to when they carry their recognizable branded bags. CPM: You work with craftspeople around the

world, tell me more about these people, their skills, their passion, their life.

TE: My bags are all hand crafted in Le Sieci, a tiny region of Italy known for its highly skilled artisans who have been producing handbags for generations. The patriarch of my factory is one of a handful of people left in the world who 60


can construct an entire handbag himself. He and his son, who happens to be my exact age, are incredibly engaged and appreciate the importance of intricate details and view the work of luxury the same way I do. We have an incredible partnership and are always learning and growing from each other.

CPM: Of your designs, which are your

favourites to carry?

TE: At the moment, I’m loving my Stella Petite in

Metallic Lavender Lizard. It’s a mini bag but because of the accordion shaped gusset, the interior tricompartment fits a lot more than you would imagine, including the large iPhone and all your essentials. I’m also in love with my Tiffany ‘Classica’ in patent leather. It’s incredibly timeless, super elegant and can easily transition from day to night. I’ve been spending a lot of time in Cabo San Lucas, so my LJ ‘Jelly’ has been my go-to beach bag as its water resistant and has a cross-body strap, perfect for strolls along the beach.

CPM: Some brands appreciate greatly in

value over time, making handbags a worthy investment. Do you have any advice for women who want to start investing in a handbag collection, but don’t know where to start?

TE: Invest in quality brands that are more than just

a trend. Look for brands that cut no corners and use only the best assets possible. Many self-proclaimed ‘luxury’ brands try, and some do, to get away with sourcing average materials because the typical consumer, at no fault of his/her own, has not been properly educated. Take caiman vs. alligator, many claim the two are the same, yet caiman is the D level cousin of the alligator. Once you touch an alligator handbag’s supple, soft, agile skin and compare it to its cousin’s tough, rigid texture, you will understand why alligator is priced the way it is. Choose unique pieces you fall in love with, timeless pieces that you envision your daughter coveting. As Karl Lagerfeld said, “Trendy is the last phase before tacky.”

CPM: What are your thoughts on the Middle Eastern woman?

TE: I was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA so I’m

a very casual person. I’m typically in jeans, a tee-shirt and flats, rarely will you find me in heels, though I do love to look at them. I am always in awe of Middle Eastern women because of their striking beauty and innate confidence. They are flawless from head to toe, the perfect make-up, outfit and accessories all presented with impeccable poise. Every time I’m in the region I’m always inspired to put on a cocktail dress and some high heels!

CPM: Do you have any plans to increase your presence in the Middle East?

TE: I was hoping to spend more time in the region;

unfortunately I don’t know when that will happen because of the pandemic. However, I am extremely excited to be working on a spectacular handbag collaboration with Abu Dhabi based couture designer Hamda Al Fahim. We are in the final stages and are hoping to launch these incredible beauties shortly. Get ready for sparkling haute couture red carpet clutches! I’m also in discussions with a spectacular 5-star hotel in Dubai about designing custom prints on my bags for their property. Stay tuned!

CPM: What’s next for Tyler Ellis? TE: I spent a lot of time during quarantine expanding

my creativity into adjacent verticals. I continue to be focused on women’s handbags, but it has given me opportunity to expand my men’s collection as well as create some more accessories and home goods. I’m designing golf score card holders, belts meant for the course as well as the C-suite, exotic tissue boxes, blankets, luxury goods you typically might not find. It’s exciting and keeps my creative juices flowing.





MASKNE acne from wearing a mask Dr. Nazia Nausheen

Maskne — the most common kind of which is Acne Mechanica, a.k.a. the type of acne that is common in athletes and soldiers and often results from wearing sports gear such as helmet or baseball cap — is might be new to many of us, it did not originate out of nowhere. It has always been an issue in professions where you have to wear a mask regularly but now that the general public has to wear masks, the incidence of it has certainly increased. When you breathe or talk, your mask tends to trap in a lot of hot air. Besides irritating the skin, this air creates a warm, humid environment — and an ideal setting for yeast, bacteria, and other flora to grow, and thus creating the perfect breeding ground for breakouts.





1. Type of mask.

•Use a gentle cleanser and facial moisturizer- suitable for your skin type. Moisturize as needed throughout the day.

Only you can decide how you want to balance the weight of the mask material with the level of protection it will give you, but 100 percent cotton is a good compromise because it allows skin to breathe a bit. As the temperature rises and you sweat more, you will need to keep the mask clean so wash your mask frequently, you don’t want all of that oil and sweat and dirt to sit there and then you reapply it to your face constantly. 2. Simplify your skin care routine. Many of us use too many beauty products anyway, so consider mask wearing a good excuse to adopt the most basic skin care routine: a gentle non-soap cleanser and a mild, fragrance-free moisturizer. The moisturizer does double duty here. Besides, well, moisturizing the skin, it can protect it from mask friction. Another reason for using fewer products: The mask will intensify product delivery to your skin especially with acids or retinols, which can be irritating, intensifying delivery is not likely to be a good thing. 3. Break up with makeup (at least temporarily). If you put on makeup for a video call, consider taking it off when you go out and for those who absolutely cannot break the habit, you can use a tinted moisturizer with sunscreen. If you sweat underneath your mask, try using micellar water or a gentle cleanser to do a quick wash when you take it off. Over washing your face dries it out, tricking it into thinking it needs to produce more oil, which can give you more of the acne you’re trying to avoid. Either apply moisturizer or, if it is late enough in the day, whatever products you would use at night.

•Spot treatment – At night, after you are done with your face mask for the day, use a benzoyl peroxide spot treatment of 2.5% to 5% concentration (not 10 percent) directly on pimples. Clean any excess benzoyl peroxide from your skin in the morning before putting on your mask. •Retinols – If you do use a retinol treatment for breakouts, apply these products only at nighttime when you won’t be wearing the mask anymore, and be sure to completely clean them from the skin and apply a moisturizer before putting on your mask in the morning. If you use spot treatment, apply retinol one night and the spot treatment the next. •Combat hyperpigmentation – Maskne can cause hyperpigmentation (skin darkening), so using glycolic acidcontaining products can help to combat the pimples and skin darkening. To ensure proper use, consult with a dermatologist, especially if you plan to use these products frequently or for more than a few weeks. •Sunscreen – Applying sunscreen also helps to prevent unnecessary damage and irritation from the sun, and it can also help to reduce the risk for hyperpigmentation. •Hydrocortisone cream – While cortisone shots are used to shrink large pimples, hydrocortisone cream needs to be used intentionally and only under the advice of a dermatologist. Used improperly, hydrocortisone can actually exacerbate maskne breakouts. www.cpmagazine.net




Othman Qalfas

It’s the beginning of the new year, so it’s time to choose my top 10 movies of 2020. Although we couldn’t see some of them in the cinema and some other movies have been delayed to 2021. But we still enjoyed many movies and for this list I have placed 20 movies and choose my top 10 movies so let's start this article.


10 - Love and Monsters

9 - Greyhound

8 - The Trial of the Chicago 7

This Movie is similar to the movie “Zombie Land” if you like that one for sure you will like this. It’s an Action, Adventure and Comedy movie. The story talk about a guy who struggle to meet his girlfriend during a Monsterpocalypse. You don’t want to miss it.

Based on a true story that occurred during the second World War. When a U.S. Navy Commander face the German Submarine and do his best to protect the whole fleet of ships. It’s written and Starring Tom Hanks. It’s a movie that will take your breath away.

A movie produced by Netflix and it’s a real story. The movie talks about the 7 people who got into trial for what happened at the Democratic National Convention protest in Chicago, Illinois. This protest was against Vietnam War and the trail Happened in 1968.


7 - Sonic the Hedgehog

6 - Bad Boys for Life

5 - Tenet

I have been at the movie premier of this movie and I really enjoyed it. Based on a video game designed by Sega in 1991. A well played comedy movie that will add action and adventure in the story line. The Star Jim Carrey takes this movie to another level and adds his flavor when he plays the evil genius Dr. Robotnik.

After Bad Boys (1995) and Bad Boys 2 (2003) we see Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett again in Bad Boys for Life. Finally we saw Martin Lawrence again with his best friend Will Smith again. This movie is dedicated to all Bad Boys sequel lovers. Action, Comedy and Crime movie that will make you get emotional.

Tenet is one of the movie that has been delayed three times until we got a chance to finally see it. A movie that is written and Directed by Christopher Nolan is a must watch movie. But Unfortunately I expected more from this movie. Never the less it’s a good movie to watch but you might feel lost or lose your understanding for whatever is going on. And as the recent movies that Nolan written it talks about time and time travel.

4 - The Invisible Man

3 - Sound of Metal

2 - Onward

It’s an annoying movie that will make you feel disturbed and uncomfortable. I’m not a fan of Horror movies but this movie got me attached while it introduce drama and mystery to it. It will focus on the victim “Cecilia” who star it “Elisabeth Moss” from the “The Handmaid’s Tale” series. She will simply try to get away from her ex life.

This is a Drama movie that talks about a successful heavy metal drummer who get a huge hit. He lose his hearing suddenly and he should find his way through life to get back on his feet. An inspiring movie which motivate you to fight through life for the right decisions. MUST WATCH.

This is the only animation movie that is feature in this list. It deserve to be in number two. First of all it is produced by Disney’s Pixar Company and second of all it has a great story. It’s about two brothers go on for adventure to return their dead father back to life for one day. A movie that will be enjoyed by children and adults together.

1 - The Gentlemen This movie is my Number 1 in my list forever. I didn’t even think twice about its rank. The story is fabulous and it talks about American guy who lives in UK and built his weed empire. With many twists in the story and the exceptional story telling you won’t feel bored. The actors are great, Staring Matthew McConaughey, Charlie Hunnam, Colin Farrell and many other great actors. www.cpmagazine.net




Makeup and Hair: Ana Lopez (@ana.artista) Photography: Hamad Al-Ainati (@7mdphotography) Videography: Abdullah Al-Hindi (@abadito_1) Model: Saygaux Lène (@saygaux.lene) Concept & Direction: Jameel Arif (@jameelarif )











KRISTEL BECHARA UNVEILS HER LATEST COLLECTION ‘PSYCHOMACHIA’ The collection explores the battle between good and evil in light of the past year Award-winning artist Kristel Bechara has unveiled a series of paintings that are inspired by the turbulent events of the past year, encouraging viewers to find hope from within. This series of paintings is named after an epic poem from the early fifth century AD by the Latin poet, Prudentius. Considered one of the most influential works in medieval allegory, the themes and ideas explored in the poem, Psychomachia, are timeless with its many verses being of great relevance particularly in today’s time. The plot of the poem revolves around the battle between the virtues of Hope, Sobriety, Chastity and Humility against the vices of Pride, Wrath, Paganism and Avarice. This battle culminates with each virtue prevailing over its opposing vice, with Chastity defeating Lust, Anger surrendering to Patience and Love being victorious over Greed. All the characters in the poem are portrayed as women because linguistically, Latin uses feminine pronouns when abstract concepts are being discussed. This series is also an exploration of the battle between good and evil and all the grey areas in between. Each painting is an invitation of self-exploration and discovery through Kristel’s signature style of contrasting and expressive colours. The series reimagines Greek mythology through Kristel’s contemporary lens, taking viewers on a journey within. The paintings portray mythological figures and fables in a new light, from a perspective that will leave the viewer asking poignant questions about life, love, values and the human condition.



Sea of Life Acrylic on Canvas 70 x 115 CM

Sailing and the sea have eminent roles to play in Greek mythology, with the nautical voyage one has to take to get to Hades and the primordial waters of Oceanus, being some of them. Symbolically, sailing has represented a spiritual journey with the rough waters representing the ebb and flow of life. This journey is meant to be an introspective one where the person takes a deeper dive into their consciousness to discover their Higher Self, their true calling. Just like the ocean in the oeuvre, Life is full of uncertain waves that bring challenges and obstacles as we try to sail our galleons in this journey of self-discovery. Going by the rules of sailing, why should we sail against the current and risk losing ourselves in the struggle? Why can we not work with the currents of Life and let ourselves be guided to our path and our destiny? As they say, it is not the destination that matters, it is the journey that gives us the clarity and understanding of who we are and where we are headed.

Justice Acrylic on Canvas 80 x 120 CM

Amongst the four cardinal virtues recurring in Greek philosophy, the virtue of Justice is for those who render and safeguard the rights of others. Justice has had numerous depictions in all mythologies, cultures and fables over centuries where the common thread amongst these depictions is the gender of justice‌it has always been female. It is from this virtue, civil and balanced societies are conceived and maintained. In this oeuvre, the depiction of the Lady of Justice is with a colorful scarf that is blindfolding her. It symbolizes her impartiality, for she does not see status, wealth or class. She is immune to all biases and therefore is the guardian of fairness and equality. As we lose ourselves in the swirling pattern of the blindfold, we are left to think about our biases and how they fog up our perspective. Maybe we are the ones wearing a blindfold?

Cassandra’s Dream Acrylic on Canvas 100 x 130 CM Cassandra is a venerated figure of Greek mythology and epic tradition, who as a priestess rejected the advances of the Olympian deity, Apollo who mesmerized by her beauty had given her the gift of prophecy. Not being pleased by the rejection, Apollo cursed Cassandra so no one would believe any of her prophesies that all eventually became tragic realities. This led her to be mocked and ostracised by her family and the Trojan society, even resulting in her frequent imprisonment in the city’s citadel. Her tragic fate now serves as a popular metaphor, known as the Cassandra Complex, which is a term frequently used in the corporate and political world to define someone who has the ability to see what is going to happen but is not believed. This oeuvre finds Cassandra falling into one of her dream like states as she has one of her many prophesies that will fall on deaf ears. The artwork pays tribute to her much-admired beauty and femininity that even had one of the greatest Greek gods fall for her. www.cpmagazine.net


since 2010

The HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro is still the king of 5G flagship smartphones

OPPO introduces new technology to ensure privacy protection for smartphone users in Kuwait

Global technology brand, OPPO, has innovated first-of-its-kind privacy protection technology to make the smartphone user experience more safe and convenient, in an increasingly converged environment. Debuted in Kuwait on the latest OPPO Reno4 smartphone, the technology supports the OPPO’s R&D mission to make mobile phones smarter and enrich the user experience with innovative technologies. With some of the highest smartphone penetrated markets in the world – Kuwait at 174% (source: Datareportal) – mobile phones in MENA are currently the most important social interaction tools. However, they are increasingly vulnerable to threats against information privacy. Strangers could easily catch a glimpse of an official email or private content if a message pops up on a phone that is also being used in a social gathering or to take a photograph. Tarek Zaki, Senior Product Manager, OPPO MEA, said, “We are seeing an increasing demand from consumers for privacy features as well as lifestyle features in smartphones. With consistent penetration of internet and information technology into our lifestyles, staying always connected has made privacy protection one of the trickiest problems for smartphone users. With the new AI-enhanced smart sensor, OPPO is offering consumers smartphones that could realise the integrated functions of N-in-one such as AI assistant, privacy security and touchless gesture operation. It supports the original intention of the OPPO brand and its Research & Development team to make mobile phones smarter and maximise the experience and the technology.” Dismissing the existing solutions in the market – using radio or an ordinary camera due to their limitations, the OPPO R&D team identified a next-generation solution using Artificial Intelligence that is available only on OPPO Reno4 smartphone. Offering ground-breaking camera capabilities and trendy design, OPPO Reno4 is equipped the new AI-enhanced smart sensor that provides four unique and advanced features, far ahead of other smartphone features in the mid-market segment.


With the recent launches of different 5G flagships by different brands, users are getting more options when it comes to deciding on a smartphone. Manufacturers are packing in new designs, improved hardware and even updating all the software, trying to provide users with new features and experiences. However, the HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro is still here and thanks to its futuristic and user-friendly features, powerful hardware-software synergy part of Huawei’s connected ecosystem, it still stays on top as the 5G flagship king. Let’s take a look. Sure, everyone is moving to the 5G bandwagon, even Apple finally jumped on it with the iPhone 12 Pro, and we can expect the same from the upcoming Samsung S21 series. However, it is not to be forgotten that Huawei raised and set the bar for this with its Kirin 9000 chipset. The world’s first 5nm 5G chipset, complete with the 5G modem built into it, offers users the ultimate in 5G performance, incredible power efficiency and connectivity features. The HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro also stands out in terms of design. It boasts an iconic Space Ring design that makes it stand out from the rest of the smartphone crowd. This new Space Ring not only serves a functional purpose of placing the camera module, but it complements the color finishes of the HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro which changes its looks on the ambient light. It also boasts a massive 6.76 inch OLED HUAWEI Horizon Display with an 88-degree curve that is both unique in terms of design and immersive in terms of the visual experience. With everyone whipping out their smartphones to take a picture or record a video now, it’s no surprise that smartphone manufacturers are building powerful camera systems into their flagship devices. The HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro comes with the stellar Ultra Vision Cine Camera setup, which consists of a 50MP Super Sensing Wide Camera, a 20MP Ultra Wide Cine Camera , a 12MP Periscope Telephoto Camera that supports 5x optical zoom, 10x hybrid zoom and 50x digital zoom and a laser sensor for fast autofocusing. Users also get innovative videography features such as real time HDR videos, Steady shots for stabilization, Tracking shots, Story Mode and more. Upfront, users get a 13MP Ultra Vision Selfie Camera and a 3D Depth Sensing Camera that shoots in 4K. This setup also supports Slow-Motion Selfies which is captured at 240fps at 1080p.

Battery performance is also key to what makes a great flagship: the HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro not only packs a large 4400 mAh battery, but also supports 66W HUAWEI Wired SuperCharge or the 50W HUAWEI Wireless SuperCharge. The best part? The charger is provided in the box itself! However, it’s not just the hardware that makes the HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro a true 5G flagship king. It comes with EMUI 11, which brings to the table a wide range of innovative features that completely alter the smartphone experience. For example, users don’t have to physically touch the phone to control it and simply wave their hand to scroll and answer calls all thanks to AI Gesture Control. Huawei also upgrades the traditional Always-On-Display to its new Eyes-On-Display, which only turns on when users look at it, thus saving battery life. Additionally, this feature also allows users to reduce incoming call volume by just looking at the phone when the phone rings. EMUI 11 also brings in a wide range of privacy and security features that ensure maximum protection for important user data from theft or even during online browsing. Another aspect that makes the HUAWEI Mate 40 Pro stand out is how it interacts with other devices in the HUAWEI ecosystem. As a part of the HUAWEI AI Seamless Life and by being connected under one HUAWEI ID, it ensures maximum interconnectivity between devices and services. Additionally, features like Multi-Screen Collaboration and Multi-Window, enhance productivity by seamlessly streaming the smartphone display on compatible HUAWEI MateBook laptops, allowing to easier control, drag and drop file transfer and even running multiple apps side by side in separate windows. Connectivity with other devices, like the HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro, HUAWEI WATCH GT 2 Pro Moon Phase Collection and more are seamless and can be done in a pinch, ensuring an immersive and all-connected experience like never before. JANUARY 2021

The Official SUV of Action: The All-New Chevrolet Tahoe Z71 Turns Mountains into Molehills

To master the dunes, every off-road driver needs an SUV perfectly engineered to fly across the sand. As the Official SUV of Action, the recently launched Chevrolet Tahoe Z71 is the perfect partner for every desert adventure. Built with more Middle East input than ever before, the Tahoe Z71 is in its element with specifically designed off-roading performance features for the region’s most adventurous drivers. For the first time ever, Chevrolet is offering the Z71 as a standalone trim on the all-new Tahoe. Based on regional input from loyal adventurers, Chevrolet engineers designed an SUV as fierce, stylish and capable as its drivers. The very embodiment of action, the Tahoe Z71 boasts exceptional performance off-road along with best-in-class drive dynamics1. The powerful V8 engine, mated to an advanced 10-speed automatic transmission is standard, allowing the Tahoe Z71 to sail across the softest sand with ease. Likewise, the all-new independent multi-link rear suspension transforms the driving dynamics, allowing each rear wheel to handle road conditions separately. This architecture also enables firstin-class Four-Corner Air Ride Adaptive Suspension1 which provides load-levelling at all corners of the vehicle and up to four inches of ride-height adjustment; drivers will feel the smoothness of the journey, even as they throw the Tahoe Z71 across the dunes. The Tahoe Z71 also comes equipped with the Autotrac system, a 2-speed automatic, active transfer case offering five modes: Auto 4WD, 4HI, 4LO, 2HI and Neutral. These modes can be activated across different landscape, supporting the driver no matter what’s beneath the wheels. For example, while Auto 4WD can be used in slippery conditions and mild off-road driving, the driver can switch to 4Hi to increase traction on loose and soft sand for better purchase. For a more demanding route, 4Lo provides optimal torque delivery at moderate speeds throughout the range and up to 80 kph. The Tahoe Z71s off-road credentials are bolstered by one of the industry’s most sophisticated chassis technologies with Magnetic Ride Control. Using sensors to continually ‘read’ the road and alter the damping rate of the shocks almost instantly, reducing bounding body roll and vibrations, making for a smoother ride even across rough ground.

Huawei Users Among the First to Play Giblins™ Fantasy Builder on AppGallery

Huawei users can get to build their own fantasy castle in GiblinsTM Fantasy Builder – a brand-new mobile resource management and castle building strategy game –, available from the 10th of December on the HUAWEI AppGallery. Thanks to a continuous partnership between Huawei and game developer Behaviour™ Interactive, HUAWEI AppGallery is one of the first applications in the marketplace to release the game. “We’re very excited to collaborate with Huawei once again to bring the delightful world of Giblins to AppGallery, and simultaneously to mobile gamers on all platforms” said Wayne Meazza, Executive Vice-President, Behaviour Interactive. “We’re confident the game’s fantasy imagery, humorous tone, and fun pop-culture references will entice a wide variety of players, bringing fun and excitement right into the palm of their hands.” In Giblins TM Fantasy Builder, players get to build and manage their ultimate fantasy castle, while amassing a fortune with the help of Giblins, industrious and mischievous goblin-like creatures. To achieve that, players put their Giblins to work to gather resources underground, and craft epic gear for courageous Adventurers, who visits the player’s very own handcrafted magnificent castle. From mining for precious minerals, to brewing kombucha and crafting weapons, the Giblins do it all. Giblins Fantasy Builder marks the second time Huawei is working with Behaviour Interactive to bring their labour of love to gamers simultaneously through the HUAWEI AppGallery and other mobile platforms. To bring this partnership to life, developers at both Huawei and Behaviour Interactive worked closely to integrate Huawei capabilities such as Account Kit and In-App Purchases to the new game app to make the experience seamless. HUAWEI Account Kit allows users to swiftly sign into the game app to start game play in the shortest time possible, while HUAWEI In-App Purchases (IAP) enable users to purchase extra content and features within the Giblins Fantasy Builder app. Available in more than 170 countries and regions, HUAWEI AppGallery offers a wide variety of global and local apps across 18 categories including navigation & transport, news, social media, and more. HUAWEI AppGallery is committed to providing its 500 million active users with a high-quality app download experience. Visit HUAWEI AppGallery now to download Giblins Fantasy Builder. www.cpmagazine.net











1. The word marmalade is from Portuguese 'marmelo', meaning: Sugar; Quince; Boil; or Breakfast?






2. Commonly used in batteries, what is the lightest metal and least dense solid element?














4. Minyan is a quorum of ten adult males required for public worship in: Sikhism; Judaism; Catholicism; or Buddhism?






5. Name the fantasy flat world on which the 2015 posthumously published novel The Shepherd's Crown is set?







3. Reflected in the names of its holes and reputation, the famously scenic Augusta National Golf Course was previously a: Bird sanctuary; Lake; Cemetery; or Plant nursery?

6. What word commonly follows Plastic, Food, Saran, Glad and Cling in its geographical variations? 7. In 1964, the first commoner featured on a British postage stamp was: Bobby Charlton; William Shakepeare; The Duke of Wellington; or Dennis the Menace?


8. Australia's Liberal National, USA's Democratic, and Israel's Likud political parties are all traditionally branded what colour/color?

TEST YOUR VOCABULARY For most countries that attempt it, the shift from dictatorship to democracy seems as difficult as ever.

9. A misanthrope specifically avoids/dislikes: Females; Males; Children; or People generally?

In this sentence, shift means:

10. The 1957 'Synchrocyclotron' near Geneva was the forerunner for what world's biggest machine, 'LHC' built 1998-2008?

a. a discussion in which reasons are advanced for some proposal

c. the act of changing one thing or position for another

b. the adoption of the behavior of the surrounding culture

d. a vote to select the winner of a position or political office

What makes a shift different from, say, a change is that it implies some kind of movement; a sense that the thing that you're shifting is still the same thing, just moving in a different direction. For example, when you shift gears in a car you're simply moving from one gear to another. If you shift your focus, you're still focused, but the focus has moved. If the government shifts its policy, that policy, while different, is still a policy.

ANSWER: c.Shift the verb and shift the noun are very similar in meaning. A shift is a change in something or an adjustment in the way something is done. You can either make a shift (that's the noun), or you can just shift (that's the verb).


11. What is the fourth root of 16? 12. Name the artist-owned music streaming service launched in 2015 by rapper Jay-Z? 13. The traditional Turkish jelick or yelek, the derivation of an Anglicized French garment name is a: Glove; Waistcoat; Hat; or Sock? 14. Flint, Match, Wheel, and Percussion were early mechanisms for what? 15. 'Badi Bhabhi', meaning ‘eldest brother’s wife’, refers typically to the senior female in family groups common in: Italy; India; Russia; or the Game of Thrones? 16. What 'definite article' pluralised term, refers to a sports affliction restricting/interrupting fine movements and ball release/striking, especially in golf putting?

How many diagonals are there in a quadrilateral?

17. Whose emblem, representing a merger with DKW, Horch and Wanderer, was subject to an unsuccessful trademark action by the IOC in 1995? 18. MIPS means what in computing speed? 19. What sort of sports shoe is the Adidas Stan Smith: Soccer; Golf; Tennis; or Ten-Pin Bowling?

A. 2 B. 3

20. Name the European cities whose airports are coded as: CPH, MUC, ZRH, and SPU?

C. 4 D. No diagonals.

CPH, Munich MUC, Zurich ZRH, and Split SPU Collider, 11.2, 12.Tidal, 13.Waistcoat, 14.Firearms, 15.India, 16.The Yips, 17.Audi, 18.Million Instructions Per Second, 19.Tennis, 20.Copenhagen



ANSWERS: 1.Quince, 2.Lithium, 3.Plant nursery, 4.Judaism, 5.Discworld, 6.Wrap, 7.William Shakepeare, 8.Blue, 9.People generally, 10.Large Hadron


‫جاهـــز للطهــي‬




HOROSCOPES (March 21 - April 19)

(July 23 - August 22)



A new year begins with just a few days left with your ruler Mars powering up your solar first house of identity. You have harbored this mighty strength for the last six months, and it clearly moved you to take control of your life. However, beginning January 6, Mars enters your solar second house of finances where it remains for the next two months. In the coming weeks, you have the fighting power to streamline your accounting. This fuel will likely increase your expenses quite a bit during this time, but it also gives you a chance to make more through all of your gusto. Lovely Venus enters your solar eleventh house of communities on the eighth, adding more focus to the Aquarian stellium in the sky. This assures that you’ll hear from many friends in the several weeks to come and could even enjoy quite a bit of social activity.

(April 20 - May 20)

TAURUS Prepare for a surge of energy and momentum, Taurus, because mighty Mars ignites your solar first house of identity beginning on January 6 and for the coming two months. You will have more fuel to tackle all of your heartfelt goals and plans. Also, with Jupiter and Saturn bringing extra strength to your career at this time, you could find that the approaching two months are major for rising higher than ever before. During the weeks ahead, you will be able to turn over a new leaf, be more hypnotic than usual, and assert yourself finally after nearly six months of being held back. Lovely Venus enters your professional sector on the eighth, adding further luck to your path for the rest of the month. A new moon in your solar ninth house appears on January 12, opening a door for you to step toward new horizons. Some Taurus will soon begin movement on an academic, media, or international project at this time. Get ready to soar!

(May 21 - June 20)

GEMINI January will be a bit slower for you for a few different reasons, Gemini. Mighty Mars, the giver of strength, drive, and energy, will be residing in your solar twelfth house of rest and healing for the first two months of the year. This means that you could still be focusing on tying up matters from 2020 or even working on an important project behind the scenes. Despite this, your mind will be quite active with your ruler Mercury dancing with Venus through your solar ninth house of expansion. You could be restless for new horizons or even contemplate an area such as academics, media, or immigration. A new moon in your solar eighth house of shared assets appears on January 12, filling you with the urge to merge. This will put a focus on partnerships, as well as if you’re having your needs met or you need to walk away. If you’ve been in search of a loan, scholarship, or venture capital, it may begin to move forward now. However, if you’re set to sign paperwork, which it looks like you will this month, do so soon because your ruler turns backward in the sky on the thirtieth. You will notice the slower pace as early as mid-January.

(June 21 - July 22)

CANCER As mighty Mars heats up your solar eleventh house of communities and long-term vision, Cancer, you are going to feel energized and quite excited. This lasts until the beginning of March. Not only will you now see that some of your hopes and dreams are within reach, but you’ll also see your social life erupt with excitement. Build your networks personally and professionally during this time. You will certainly hear from many acquaintances and likely be invited to plenty of events. Partnership will also be on your mind in January as the sun and new moon align on January 12. This opens a doorway for you to improve your significant relationships and make plans together. Some Cancers could feel the impetus to get engaged or even marry. Single Cancers can use this vibration to find people with long-term relationship potential. With Venus dancing through your sector of intimacy for the second half of the month, you’ll certainly be feeling the warmth. However, make commitments or sign contracts soon because Mercury will be slowing down to turn backward on the thirtieth. With its impending retrograde in your intimacy sector, you will find that you’re reassessing where you stand in your unions and if you’re receiving everything you deserve.



Prepare for your professional life to shoot off like fireworks at the onset of January, Leo. Mighty Mars will be heating up your achievements and ambitions until the beginning of March. Not only will you see opportunities come your way, but you must use this firepower to charge toward your goals. You can make much progress during this window of time. The sun will also be heating up your solar sixth house of productivity early on and unite with the goddess of the night to create a new moon on January 12. A doorway to improve your employment will open in your life. Look for new job opportunities, clients, or projects at this time, or ask your boss if you can take on more. It will aid your rise. Because this same house rules your health, exercise, and routine, this would be an excellent moment to set new fitness goals, too. Another important theme this month centers on partnership as Mercury and Venus bring connection and pleasure for you in relationships. However, be sure to make plans and agreements as soon as you can because there is an impending Mercury retrograde that begins on the thirtieth.

(August 23 - September)

VIRGO Life will be very busy for you in 2021, Virgo, so get ready! Mighty Mars moves into your solar ninth house of expansion this month and stays until March. This means that many Virgos will be especially focused on academic, media, publishing, or international matters. Legal issues can also appear during this time. However, a lovely cosmic blessing this month will be the sparkle radiating from your solar fifth house of fertility and romance. The sun will be heating this arena up like a furnace! A new moon in this zone materializes on January 12 and opens a doorway for you to find love if you’re single or improve your rapport with your partner if you’re already committed. Some Virgos may have luck in conceiving if you’re trying. And if you harbor creative talents, new inspiration is certain to cross your path at this time. However, despite the exciting new possibilities, you will begin to notice a slower pace approaching as early as mid-January because your ruler Mercury will be turning retrograde on the thirtieth. You are especially affected any time this occurs, and you could feel as though your mind is in a fog. Projects hit snags and you may feel the world grind to a halt. This period will especially affect your work projects, so realize that you might need to make some adjustments down the line in February.

(September 23 - October)

LIBRA Relationships and intimacy have been major focuses for you for the last six months, and you’re going to be feeling the urge to merge even more from now until March as Mars powers up your solar eighth house. You will be hungry to pull your special person closer than ever. This may manifest in yet another way, such as you being eager to tie up debts or push toward getting a loan, credit card, venture capital, or settlement. However, be sure to use the earlier weeks of the month to sign contracts or apply for loans because our cosmic messenger Mercury turns backward on January 30. After that, February will be riddled with delays and frustration in all communications and legal matters. Romance will be significant this month and in the year to come because of so much focus on your solar fifth house of passion. Your ruler Venus enters here on the eighth to bring extra special attention to matters of the heart. Embrace this now or in the month ahead.

(October 23 - November)

SCORPIO Partnership will be extremely important to you in January and February as mighty Mars dances across the sky from you, Scorpio. The universe is telling you that you must find the right partners at this time. Teamwork and collaboration are favored above all. Scorpios in committed unions will now feel the urge to make long-term plans with their significant other. Single Scorpios will feel an intrinsic urge to date and unite with people at this time, so be sure to look now. This month’s new moon takes place on January 12, encouraging you to focus on important messages close to your heart, and it may see you begin a writing, speaking, or advertising initiative. However, be sure to sign contracts earlier in the month because Mercury goes retrograde on the thirtieth. Whenever this occurs, you are not encouraged to launch new projects or negotiations because they will likely fail later on. Your mind will also have a great deal of focus on your home and family now and in the year to come because of so much planetary activity in your solar fourth house. Many Scorpios will relocate or see their family shift and expand this year, so now might be a good moment to consider your opportunities.

(November 22 - December)

SAGITTARIUS Get ready for your productivity to launch into hyperdrive at the onset of January, Sagittarius. This firepower will be triggered by mighty Mars blazing a trail through your solar sixth house of employment and fitness until the beginning of March. You are set to be quite busy with work projects or clients. Hustle hard because this will impress higher-ups who are paying attention to your progress! Money will also be on your mind at this time with the sun igniting this area of your life. A new moon dawns here on January 12 and opens a doorway for you to get a new job, add more income to your freelance routine, or even possibly get a raise. Rake in the abundance and work for more because you will be supremely blessed. Next to note this month is a great deal of focus on your mind and communication, with so much planetary activity here now and for the year ahead. Yet be aware that a Mercury retrograde will begin to creep in as early as midmonth, even though it officially starts on the thirtieth. Do your best to be patient because some revisions and reviews are likely to be asked of you.

(December 22 - January 19)

CAPRICORN With the mighty sun igniting your zodiac sign at this time, it is your birthday season! You have or will soon go through your solar return, when you can make important plans for the year ahead. Consider how you’d like to build your life, and take action to manifest your goals in the days that follow the new moon that takes place on January 12 in your zodiac sign. This provides a doorway for you to pursue some of your most heartfelt plans and desires. This luminary provides the boost you need to aim high and to soar. It is also clear that passion and love will be important to you right now as Mars heats up your solar fifth house until March. Single Capricorns will have a tremendous opportunity to find a soul-mate connection, whereas committed ones may feel the spice reignite within their relationship. Those Capricorns pursuing conception and pregnancy also have Mars on their side. Another major focus this month is money, and the universe is especially focused on bringing you more. You have the Midas touch now and for the year ahead, so hustle and watch it come to you like a magnet.

(January 20 - February 18)

AQUARIUS Mighty Mars heats up your solar fourth house at the onset of January, so you are especially focused on home and family matters. You could become highly energized regarding a move or renovation or be dealing with an important situation surrounding a family member. This will likely keep you busy until March. Another area of focus is about taking time to pull back and rest. The sun and new moon meet on January 12, telling you to recharge your batteries. Life becomes brighter when the sun joins your zodiac sign for the month ahead, starting on the nineteenth, bringing even more power to you, along with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn! With so many planets in your zodiac sign, it is clear that you have a tremendous amount of dominance now and the ability to shift matters in your favor. Use this time to make plans for what you’d like to launch in the year ahead, and get ready to move the pieces strategically forward. With Venus in your zodiac sign, this is also a magical time for love, beauty, and pleasure, so be sure to indulge yourself.

(February 19 - March 20)

PISCES Fun, laughter, and social vibrations fill your life as the sun ignites your solar eleventh house at the onset of the year. With a new moon also opening a doorway in this area of your life on January 12, it is quite likely that you will hear from many friends and even make a new one at this time, too! Expanding your network and joining communities will bring you happiness and purpose if you choose to do so now. You may also attend a lovely event during this time. As Mars enters your solar third house, yet another area of focus this month is on significant communication-related projects, such as writing, speaking, or advertising initiatives. It will continue to power up your voice until March, so expect to launch things during this time. However, be aware that Mercury, the ruler of communication, is retrograde throughout most of February, so you must use your time now to make the agreements that you want to last. There will also be a lot of planetary activity in your solar twelfth house of privacy, assuring that your dreams and intuition are quite active now. Use this energy to get creative or brainstorm long-term life goals.


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