AUTO 80. CP Test Drives BEAUTY 40. Flawless Beauty And Glamour With Edna Trojen ENTERTAINMENT 66. Movies 80. Top Reading Picks For July 83. Book In Focus 84. Writing Movie Wrongs 85. Top Music Charts FASHION 74. Makeover With Carla And Marie
78. Top Picks By Yasmeen Al-Salem 94. Fashion Report FEATURES 18. A Whole Lot Of History 20. Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone! 22. Understanding The Law 24. Finding That Elusive Work-Life Balance 33. العالج بالقراءة FITNESS 38. When Travelling Has An Impact On Your Mind & Body 46. Forget Your Weight Do This Instead!
FOOD 28. Life With Cake HEALTH 42. Skin Care For Summer In Kuwait INTERVIEWS 14. Dina Melwani 34. Tsjisse Talsma 44. Shirley Conlon 70. Sally Sarieddine NUTRITION 26. Health Claims... Beware Shoppers TECHNOLOGY 68. Cool Gadgets
TRAVEL 48. Top Five For Florence 50. Travelling For The Summer? Here’s Five Apps That Will Ease You Into Your Holiday 52. Travelling With American Tourister 62. The City Guide REGULARS 30. In Permanent Pursuit Of Perfection 64. My City Streets 94. Social Diary 96. Press 100. Fuel For Your Grey Matter 102. Horoscopes
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“…there is no such thing as overdressed.” Dina Melwani is a fashion brand with a difference. Empowering women through elegance and confidence, it promises luxurious, high-end clothing at an affordable price.
to learn more about pattern making from my highly skilled I truly enjoy participating in pattern making and Hi, I am Dina Melwani. I am 29 and I am a mother, wife cutter. draping the fabric on the mannequin. It’s very important and entrepreneur. I am originally from Moldova and have to love what you do. Also, my clients are talented and been living in Dubai for the past nine years. creative themselves and inspire me every day. I feel this hunger for learning something new every day keeps me What sparked your interest in fashion? afloat in this highly competitive industry. I have loved fashion since I was a small child. At 12 I started at painting school and within the first year I won What made you take fashion more seriously and several national and international painting contests. Later make a career out of it? on, I was able to translate this love for creativity into what I Fashion design is something I truly enjoy. When you do am doing today. Creating something new every day gives something you love, in many cases the career growth me a tremendous amount of pleasure. follows. As a mother, I wanted to set an When I shop, I enjoy looking for particular items that somehow example for girls as a working woman; at the same highlight my advantages and make me look elegant time I neededmy job that would allow me to have time with and classy. It was always my belief that the clothing a them and myahusband. Therefore I decided to start my person wears can determine one’s level of confidence. own business. I have a great team of professional people Therefore, when I design I always have my clients in mind. that I can trust when I am with my children. I get a great What would make them happy? What would make them deal of pleasure from what I do therefore, is not work feel empowered? There is an overwhelming feeling of for me; it is something I love that allows this me to express satisfaction when a client is satisfied with our designs. myself in many different ways. This feeling is what created and maintains my interest in fashion design.
Please introduce yourself to our readers:
Tell us about your education: I graduated from Middlesex University, Dubai with a Business Administration degree and First Honor achievement. I am currently featured as the University’s Alumni. In 2009 I enrolled myself in a Summer Fashion Design course at Esmod University, which was followed later by two other courses in Fashion Design and Fashion Branding at the London College of Fashion.
So would you say you are self-taught?
Which designers have had the biggest influence on you?
Tom Ford and Carolina Herrera are two of my favorite designers. They provide classic, timeless and sophisticated clothing. I always feel that it is very important to have clothing that one can still wear years later. It should be an investment and not something worn during just one season.
When and where did you launch your label?
I launched my label in March 2016 in Dubai. The event I would say I am mostly self-taught. Although I’ve taken was held with around 80 of my closest friends and family. short courses in fashion design, these courses only How would you describe your brand? encompass the very basics of drawing, creating mood boards and consequently creating collections. I believe Dina Melwani provides accessible women’s contemporary the inspiration has to come from within. Firstly, one fashion aimed at women with a preference for classic and has to have a vision and then approach this vision from sophisticated clothing. a business point of view. In my case I’ve learned about The company’s goal is to maintain the highest level of the fashion design business by doing things myself and quality for its products by utilizing the very best quality learning through mistakes. I’ve learned about fabrics by fabrics, whilst ensuring that flawless construction and going to the market every day, visiting exhibitions and by tailoring techniques are always used. We work with Italian, meeting my international suppliers. I have also been able French, Spanish and Japanese suppliers to guarantee 014
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the very best quality of our products. The brand aims to empower women worldwide by presenting them with elegance and confidence.
How has your work evolved since you began your own label? I definitely take more risks now, and I utilize more colours and patterns. I have learned how to listen to my customers and cater to their needs accordingly.
How would you differentiate yourself from other similar brands? By combining design simplicity with a luxurious feel to the clothing and creating the feeling of exclusivity for its customers. We make high-end clothing at an affordable price.
How is your work received internationally? Although we are still new in the market, our brand is available in SoHo, New York from the 15th June at Flying Solo. We are also in discussions with several department stores in the United States as well as UAE. Our brand also has a strong presence online on high-end retail websites which allows us to reach a global market. I feel that the way our brand has been received abroad definitely exceeds expectation and we are truly excited for what’s to come.
What are you fascinated by at the moment and how does it feed into your work? I am absolutely fascinated with the Middle East women’s fashion choices. I find on many occasions that there is no such thing as overdressed. Many women here like to combine beautiful classy pieces with exquisite hand 3D embroidery and beading. They are never afraid of experimenting with different pieces and wear the most beautiful clothing. I love seeing beautifully dressed women when I go for lunch or dinner. These women definitely inspire me to use the most sought after Italian Brocades, the French and Italian Laces and gorgeous printed silks. When I showcased my hand-embroidered pieces in the US, they said our designs were very beautiful and unique.
When starting a new collection, where do you begin? First I have a vision which I then translate into a mood board and colour board. It is essential that one uses the same range of colours throughout to tie the collection together. The mood board on the other hand, not only inspires me but also helps me remain focused and consistent throughout the development of my collection.
What was the biggest inspiration behind your latest collection? The cultures in the UAE are extremely diverse and always inspire my clothing. For example, in my new collection one can see some Indian influences and embroidery. Furthermore, my clients inspire me every day and I create for them. I always think, what would my client like to wear? What will make my client look beautiful and happy?
What are three pieces every woman should have in her wardrobe? 1 A classic blazer – It goes with everything and accentuates the waistline. 2. The little black dress – Finding the right fit is essential. I feel it’s a timeless piece that one can always wear at any given time. 3. Heels
What helps you get in the zone when you’re designing? For me, when I see the fabric I immediately see a dress or a top in my mind. I feel fabric is very important when designing, that’s why I only acquire the best fabrics. They truly make a big difference on what a dress ends up looking like.
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What is the biggest lesson that you have learned since you started your company? Never compromise on quality.
What’s your motto? My motto is ‘Design something that I would feel proud wearing’.
How many stores do you have now and where is your collection available worldwide? My collection is currently available at Atelier des Artistes in Box Park on Al Wasl Road in Dubai, as well as in four other stores across the UAE. From June our collection will also be available in New York and London. Furthermore, we are registered with two big online retailers that are of a global scale. At the moment we are also in discussion with two big department stores in the US to start our collaboration with them by October this year. Also my clients can purchase our items from our website: www.
What do you think are the biggest challenges for new designers starting out today and what advice would you give them? This industry has always been very challenging in terms of competition. Therefore doing something that is unique and different is of high significance. Another challenge is finding the right people to work with. People are a company’s biggest asset and it can make a great difference in either making your business profitable or making a loss.
Finally, your message for us at CP magazine: Thank you for this amazing opportunity. I absolutely love your magazine and feel thrilled to be featured here!
Gill Sherry
ast month I talked about family values and making the most of the time we spend with our family, particularly our parents. But it’s not just about shopping trips and eating out, it’s about stories and anecdotes, education and history. Our parents (and grandparents) can offer a wealth of advice based on a lifetime of experience and it’s vital we listen to what they have to say. Sadly, none of us live forever and when our parents are gone, so too is their knowledge. During the last few weeks, I’ve been lucky to spend some real quality time with my parents. I’ve enjoyed their company immensely and have made a conscious effort to ask about their past and their most memorable experiences. Their accounts have ranged from entertaining to shocking, but all have been precious. My father is the younger of two brothers. Growing up they were boisterous and mischievous, constantly getting into scrapes. His brother had a shock of red hair and was instantly recognizable wherever they went. They climbed trees, played Hide-and-Seek and, more than once, drew unwanted attention from their teachers. Dad 018
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often endured the cane across his hand, not for bad behaviour but for untidy handwriting. Their own parents, my grandparents, were working class people with high standards and strict ethics. They had their own upholstery business and worked hard to provide their sons with a decent education. I remember my grandparents as honest people; as generous with their time as they were with their love. With the benefit of hindsight (and maturity), I regret not taking more time to talk to them about their lives. My mother had three older brothers. She was brought up on a farm where they milked cows by hand. She was terrified of geese and remembers them hanging on the back of her dress, unable to shake them off. During World War II, the family would rush to the cellar at the sound of the air raid siren; a sound that still haunts her to this day. After leaving school in 1952 she started work in a needle factory and later became a shop assistant in a grocery store before securing a job in a motorcycle factory. It was there that she met my dad. Dad left school on 31st March 1953 and started work the very next day at Triumph Motorcycles. After dating my mum only twice, he went to join the army and was
stationed in three different UK locations before being posted to Germany. They wrote letters to each other two or three times a week for two years. To their knowledge, only one letter ever went astray. I find it heartbreaking that they no longer have these letters (although dad says he wouldn’t let me read them anyway!). What a precious insight into family history they would be. Before marrying my dad, mum was told she was adopted. Understandably upset by this news, and with her sweetheart away in Germany, she sought comfort from his parents instead. Presumably satisfied by their words of wisdom she returned to her adoptive parents and has not once, in the long years since, been tempted to enquire about her ‘real’ family. Apparently she had suspicions that one of her brothers may also have been adopted. ‘I didn’t like to ask’ was her response when I asked her why she never sought confirmation. How different things must have been in those days. I suspect I may encounter one or two hurdles should I ever decide to research my own family tree. Mum and dad were engaged for two years before marrying on 6th September 1958. The ceremony took place in their local village church and was followed by a reception in the village hall. They honeymooned in Bournemouth, a popular holiday destination on the south coast of England, borrowing his mother’s Morris 1000 for the 150 mile journey. Some of the stories they’ve shared with me have been told before. For instance, I already knew that had I been a boy, I would’ve been called Philip. Others, I’ve heard recently for the first time; like the fact that millions of dogs were ‘put to sleep’ during the war because their owners couldn’t afford to feed them. Food was scarce and it was hard enough to feed the family without having to worry about pets as well. Strangely, one of my mum’s earliest childhood memories was hiding under the kitchen table eating coal. Coal?! And my dad recalls his own father returning home from the butcher’s shop with bones which his mother would then scrape, using the scraps to make soup. My mum used to walk to school - something unheard of these days - and when she was old enough, would cycle seven miles (and back) to the nearest ‘dance’. She drove the tractor on the farm; only ever had an outside toilet; and the first holiday she had was with her brother and his new
wife on their honeymoon. She also admitted to having a fight. One of the girls at her school had the audacity to suggest that her hair was longer than my mum’s. The resulting fight saw my mum emerge victorious - in terms of strength as well as hair length! Thankfully, after this minor misdemeanor, her competitive edge was reserved for the sports field rather than the playground. It’s certainly safe to say she mellowed with age. After leaving the army, my dad started work as a crane driver. I had no idea he had ever driven a crane. The first film he saw at the cinema was Laurel and Hardy; his childhood Christmas gifts consisted of an orange and a pair of hand-knitted socks; and he was once a model in a motorcycle advertising campaign. If anyone ever doubted this particular fact, he still had the poster to prove it! In 1962, they were involved in a serious road traffic accident. Dad was driving a mini-van when it was hit by another vehicle. He suffered a dislocated hip and a smashed ankle as a result. Mum broke her wrist. Fiftyfive years later, it’s dad’s damaged ankle that has led to this article. After suffering with severe arthritis and barely being able to walk, he finally had an operation to fuse his ankle and is now confined to a wheelchair until the plaster cast comes off. I have been supervising his recovery. In other words, I have had the pleasure of his (and mum’s) company 24/7. Rather than being the inconvenience expected, it’s been an enlightening few weeks. I now know where I get my cantankerous streak from. I’ve also learned (not that it was ever in doubt) that I share my dad’s sense of humour and my mum’s fighting spirit; although I draw the line at using my fists! I can also confirm that my dad’s handwriting is still illegible and that my mum is still petrified of geese. Ever wondered what stories remain untold in your own family? One thing’s for sure, if you don’t ask you’ll never know.
f you have ever worked out to exercise guru Jillian Michaels, you are probably familiar with her famous quote ‘get comfortable with being uncomfortable’. To many people this sounds completely absurd! Why would anyone want to get out of their comfort zone? I will let you in on a not-so-little secret. Getting out of your comfort zone is where your life happens; nothing ever gets accomplished sitting in your comfort zone. Your comfort zone is exactly that; comfortable, familiar and predictable. It’s where you feel safe and face almost no risk. It’s your fortress in which you hide away from life’s struggles, challenges and opportunities. But the catch in existing in your comfort zone is that you will never accomplish anything or live a happy and satisfied life. One of the best ways to grow and experience what life can offer is to try something new. But for many of us ‘new’ is unfamiliar and unfamiliar is uncomfortable. So, we willingly trap ourselves in the incapacitating cage of a monotonous job, one that we don't particularly enjoy, out of fear of experiencing a new environment and all that a new job would entail. The reason why most people prefer to stay in their comfort zone or, more precisely, why many people do not get OUT of their comfort zone is simple; it is pure fear. Fear, is usually the root cause of our stunted growth and progress when it comes to life. But, the most successful people know that in order to achieve the lives of our dreams, we need to push past that fear, out of our comfort zone and into our growth zone. Here is where life happens, where you push the boundaries and where you are most uncomfortable. But rest assured, this is where the magic happens. The best way to make the process of leaving your comfort zone a little less daunting is to eliminate your ego. When you shift your mindset from focusing on the finish line and instead be aware of the journey, here is where you will start to learn about yourself. You will not succeed from the beginning and chances are, whatever you plan on doing first, will be one of your biggest failures. However, struggle is part of the package; as is failure. The key is to be comfortable with both and not to allow your ego to get hurt. Struggle will build your character and is a normal step in development and progress. One thing that will help you is to remember that your feelings will come and go, but your experiences will last a lifetime. As you allow yourself to be exposed to more uncomfortable situations, the more you will realize that this is where your growth happens and the more comfortable you will be with it. If you don't get uncomfortable at the gym, you will never achieve the fitness level you aspire to. If you don't get uncomfortable at the office, you will miss important business opportunities. If you don’t put yourself out there in your relationship with your spouse, you will never know what it means to be in a happy and fulfilled relationship. The more you expose yourself to uncomfortable situations, the more accustomed you will be to discomfort and the more growth and benefit you will witness in your life. Once you take that first, scary step, you will discover a vault of untapped potential. So what are you waiting for? Get comfortable being uncomfortable! 020
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since 2010
ne of the first things that comes to mind when trying to understand the law is a funny short story that some of you may have heard. It explains the saying ‘Law will not protect the ignorant’. It’s a useful story from which we learn many things about the law. It’s about a man who was very poor and was the only provider of his family. He was depressed and had tried all means to earn money but his methods were unsuccessful and failed to relieve him from poverty. But then he had an idea. He published an advertisement in the newspaper which said: ‘If you want to know how to be rich, send 1$ by mail to the following address…’ (his personal address). People began to send money wanting to know the secret to wealth. It worked because 1$ was not expensive for them. Lots of money was pouring in from the readers of that newspaper until, eventually, he became a millionaire. After earning this money, he published an advertisement in the same newspaper explaining how he became wealthy from 1$ sent by each person. But the people who read this ad and had sent money were really upset when they read it and wanted to sue him in the courts to get their money back. But the Judgment passed by the Court was interesting and mocked their claims because the action of this man was legally correct and he was not obligated to return the money to them. The law will not protect the people who didn't acknowledge it. It is a wonderful story from which we learn the real content of the law because each action taken by people makes them responsible for the consequences of that action, even if they didn’t know it before. The ignorance of the legal stipulation for any action is not a reason to relieve such person from applying the law against him or to be exempt from punishment. Therefore, it is the responsibility of each person who lives in any country to know the law of this country and to abide by it. I remember when I was young I went to Singapore and I was chewing gum while myself and my mom were walking in the streets. A policeman stopped us and began berating my mother in a language which I didn’t understand. I learned afterwards that chewing gum was prohibited in the streets. It was a very embarrassing situation and I wished I had known the law to avoid such a situation. Also I remember when I was in England and I tried to play with my kite in the streets, a policeman came and reprimanded my mother with ambiguous words. I knew I had done something serious and my mother was taking the blame instead of me. I wonder if dancing in the streets in South Africa is a violation to be penalized. I also tried that at a small age but there was no policeman who came to speak to my mother that time. Laws are different from one State to another. For example in Kuwait there is no problem to chew gum in public areas but in Singapore it is different. Some of the foreigners in Kuwait think that importing or drinking alcohol is a legal thing to do but, in fact, it is a crime which is punishable with 6 months in prison. It is very important to know the laws before visiting any country.
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Natasha E. Feghali
ore than ever before, Millennial play many different roles in their lives. They are workers, parents, spouses, friends, caregivers of elderly relatives and volunteers in their communities. They must also make room in their lives for taking care of their own physical and mental well-being. Not surprisingly, achieving balance among all these competing priorities can be difficult. If you’re finding it difficult to balance the different elements of your life, you’re not alone. 58% of Millennial report ‘overload’ associated with their many roles – work, home and family, friends, physical health, volunteer and community service. These days, work-life balance can seem like an impossible feat. Technology makes workers accessible around the clock. Fears of job loss encourage longer hours. In fact, in a Harvard Business Survey, a whopping 94% of working professionals reported working more than 50 hours per week and nearly half said they worked more than 65 hours per week. It can be agreed that the compounding stress from the never-ending workday is damaging. It can hurt relationships, health and overall happiness. There are often two main aspects associated with work-life balance. The first is lack of time and scheduling conflicts and the other is feeling overwhelmed, overloaded or stressed by the pressures of multiple roles. Work-life balance plans cannot be a one-size-fits-all model. There are many factors to consider such as the different generations at work, age, culture, family needs and socioeconomic status. There is no perfect one-size-fits-all balance you should be striving for. The best work-life balance is different for each of us because we all have different priorities and different lives. Recently, there has been a shift in the workplace as a result of advances in technology. As Bowswell and Olson-Buchanan (2007) stated, ‘increasingly sophisticated and affordable technologies have made it more feasible for employees to keep contact with work’. Employees have many methods, such as emails, computers and cell phones, which enable them to accomplish their work beyond the physical boundaries of their office. Employees may respond to an email or a voice mail afterhours or during the weekend, typically while not officially ‘on the job’. Researchers have found that employees who consider their work roles to be an important component of their identities will be more likely to apply these communication technologies to work while in their non-work domain. It can also be suggested that
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this blurred boundary of work and life is a result of technological control. Work-life balance means something different to every individual, yet you can find some tips to help you find the balance that’s right for you. People need time to think, relax and give themselves a break, otherwise productivity will decrease. So what can workers do to stop stressing and start getting work-life balance right? Here are six things to remember in order to help you adjust your attitude and feel more in control right now!
Recognize the role of work Work plays a significant part in life. It keeps the lights on, pays the mortgage, makes the car payment, funds retirement and permits yearly vacations.
Don't be afraid to unplug We live in a connected world that never sleeps. Turning off from the outside world provides time to recover from weekly stress.
Create (and stick to) a daily routine Like maintaining a calendar, implementing a strong daily routine will help keep you on track to achieve the balance you want.
Make time for yourself While being good at your job is important, it shouldn't be your entire life. You were an individual before taking this position and you should prioritize those activities or hobbies that made you happy.
Take your vacation Sometimes making time for yourself means taking a vacation and shutting work completely off.
Be present, consistent and accountable Being present requires you to be attentive at home, at work and during free time. Where you spend your time and energy has a direct connection to how successful you are in achieving work-life balance.
since 2010
f you’re like most nutrition-minded shoppers, the word ‘healthy’ on the front of a package can be pretty appealing. It might also be the reason for buying a specific food product. Yet these days you’re on shaky nutritional ground if you rely on front-of-package claims like ‘healthy’ and ‘natural’ to determine which soup, sauce, cereal (or other canned, bottled or baggage food) is the best choice. The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) definition of ‘healthy’ could lead consumers in the wrong direction. A recent paper published in ‘Acta Psychologica Sinica’ concluded that consumers aren’t very good at estimating how many calories are in any given food. They are easily mislead by things like health claims. When a food has claims about less salt, they found that consumers assume it has fewer calories. In other words, low salt equals healthy equals don’t worry about the calories, buy more. According to a survey published in January 2017, nearly 59% of consumers have a hard time understanding nutrition labels, stating that health claims are pretty handy for confusing consumers. Below are the FDA approved health claims that are often used on the front package labeling and what they mean:
calorie — Less than 40 calories per serving. cholesterol — Less than 20 mg of cholesterol and 2 gm or less of saturated fat per serving. lReduced — 25% less of the specified nutrient or calories than the usual product. lGood source of — Provides at least 10% of the DV of a particular vitamin or nutrient per serving. lCalorie free — Less than 5 calories per serving. lFat free/sugar free — Less than ½ gram of fat or sugar per serving. lLow sodium — Less than 140 mg of sodium per serving. lSodium-free – less than 5 milligrams of sodium per serving. lUnsalted, no salt added or without added salt – Made without the salt that's normally used, but still contains the sodium that's a natural part of the food itself. lHigh in — Provides 20% or more of the Daily Value of a specified nutrient per serving. lHigh fiber — 5 or more grams of fiber per serving. lLow
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lLean (meat, poultry, seafood) - Ten grams of fat or less, 4
½ grams of saturated fat and less than 95 mg cholesterol per 3 ounce serving. lLight - 1/3 fewer calories or ½ the fat of the usual food. lHealthy (individual food item) - Low fat, low saturated fat, less than 480 mg sodium, less than 95 mg cholesterol and at least 10 percent of the Daily Value of vitamins A and C, iron, protein, calcium and fiber. lLow fat – 3 grams fat or less per serving. By definition, ‘light’ can be put on a product when it has 1/3 the calories less or ½ the fat than the usual food, but this does not mean necessarily that this specific food item is light or healthy, it is just better than its original counterpart. ‘Low calorie’ means less than 40 calories per serving, but the serving can be ridiculously small, so when eating the actual satisfying amount, this will lead to eating too many calories. Also, when you see ‘fat free’, this only means that it is has ½ grams or less of fat per serving, but it can have additional sugar and calories.
So a food labeled ‘natural’ may contain preservatives or, in the case of raw chicken, be injected with sodium. Some ‘natural’ products will have high fructose corn syrup. Companies will argue that since it comes from corn, it’s healthy, when in fact it isn’t.
What can you do? Although food labeling isn’t ideal, it still offers useful information. To get the best idea of what you’re buying you may want to do the following: lTrust, but verify. If the front of the package says ‘healthy’, check the Nutrition Facts on the back to make sure you’re not getting too many calories from sugars. Remember, each gram of sugar has four calories. lDo the math. The serving size on the package is likely to be an underestimate of what you’ll eat. For a more realistic idea of your potential calorie intake, multiply the number of calories in a single serving by the number of servings in the package. Then estimate how much of the package you’re likely to consume. lCut back on packaged foods. If you make your own sauces, dressings and soups from fresh produce, spices and vegetable oils, you’ll have more assurance that you’re eating for good health — and you’ll probably get better flavours in the bargain.
In addition to all that, many products use the word ‘all natural’ to make their food more appealing. However, don’t be fooled. ‘All natural’ doesn’t mean all that much. The Food and Drug Administration doesn’t define it, although food makers won’t get in trouble as long as so-labeled food doesn’t contain added colours, artificial In conclusion, food labels are a very useful tool when shopping and comparing products because they contain flavours, or ‘synthetic substances’. all the information about a certain product. However, informed consumers should know how to read them That means there’s room for interpretation. correctly and not fall in the health claim traps that are used by the food industry.
Blueberry Iced Cake
Steps: 1-For the blueberry sauce: In a saucepan, pour water and add
the blueberries and cornstarch. Let it cook then simmer for a while before adding the lemon zest. Set aside to cool down completely. Do not place it in the fridge but let it cool down to room temperature. You can pour the sauce into a bowl and set it aside to help it cool faster.
2) For the cake base: Pour the whip cream mix into a mixing bowl then add icing sugar, lemon juice and vanilla extract.
here’s nothing better than a sweet citrus creamy iced cake for those hot summer gatherings. This cake was inspired by a Pinterest photo of a mixed berry & lemon cheesecake based on a new trend of using whip cream instead of cheesecake mix. This method is so easy and the result is fluffier and
lighter. This month’s article might be the shortest but trust me, once you try this recipe you'll end up with a beautiful iced cake that looks like it was made in a luxurious French bakery!
3) Mix all together until soft peaks are formed. 4) Finally, the layers: First start with a soft layer of the whip cream,
then drizzle at least 4 tbs of blueberry sauce, again the whip cream, then randomly stack the lotus biscuits etc. until the pan is full.
5) Make sure the last layer is whip cream and that you first place a parchment paper or plastic wrap so it is easy to remove and serve once it's done.
6) Place the pan into the freezer and let it freeze overnight. Stand in room temperature for 10 minutes before serving. 7) Since I am known for my love for a beautiful garnish on a cake, you could go wild with this one! You can add fresh fruits such as mixed berries or try nuts, sprinkles, lemon zest, dried edible flowers, biscuit crumbs etc. .
You will need: l l l l l l l l l
Whipped cream mix (3 packs) Cornstarch (amount depends on texture) Blueberries (2 packs, preferably fresh) 1 cup of icing sugar 1/2 cup of water 1/4 cup of lemon juice 4 tbs of lemon zest 20 pcs of lotus biscuits 2 tsp of vanilla extract
JULY 2017
This iced cake is everything you need in our climate. Make this recipe your way and let me know how it goes. Remember: Bake for love and bake with love! Let me know how your recipe turns out: Bon appetite!
ood reviews. We’ve all read them. Some of us have even written them. But what’s the point of them? Certainly, here in the Middle East, where published criticism of eating establishments is forbidden, they can’t really be called reviews can they? After all, the definition of a review is ‘critical evaluation’. So, in the absence of criticism, they’re really just advertising features designed to promote the eatery concerned and show it off to its best advantage. More to the point, if the establishment in question knows the so called review is taking place, surely the resultant ‘critique’ will only ever be positive. Restaurant reviews in the UK take a rather different approach. One particular gentleman who writes a regular column for a national tabloid has no qualms about naming and shaming eateries which have failed to live up to his expectations. There’s no denying that some of his observations, so utterly damning they are, could easily result in the enterprise concerned going out of business. A little unfair, when, after all, it’s only one person’s opinion. So what’s the answer? Well, I certainly don’t see the point of reviewing a restaurant if you’re not allowed to tell readers of its shortcomings. I also think it’s a little unfair to print unfavourable comments about a business without giving it the opportunity to respond. With this in mind, would it not be better to visit the restaurant in question (unannounced), write a critical evaluation (in draft form), then re-visit the venue once those concerned have read, and acted upon, any criticism? For example, if the draft review highlights the fact that diners were left unattended for an unacceptable length of time, arrangements can be made to ensure this doesn’t happen again. Similarly, if the menu choice was restricted due to the absence of a specific ingredient, plans must be put in place to avoid a repeat of this occurrence. Also, 030
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if the levels of service from a particular member of staff failed to meet customer expectations, training can be given to improve service standards. Having been alerted to the fact that a second review is imminent, the restaurant concerned should receive a glowing reference. If it doesn’t, they only have themselves to blame. The final review, now including observations from two separate visits should be honest and, if all has gone to plan, complimentary. Whilst it will point out negative aspects from the first visit, it should go on to confirm that those defects were absent during the second visit. This will instantly put the reader’s mind at rest and encourage them to visit the restaurant knowing its previous failings have been put right. A good result for all concerned. The method currently adopted in the UK would see the original review printed without so much as a thought (or care) for those affected by its resulting backlash. Poor service standards, bland food or untidy surroundings would all be highlighted for the world to see and the chances of recovery by the unfortunate business would be very slim indeed. With the Middle Eastern method, readers would be unable to make an informed decision about whether or not to visit as they would know they had not been informed of all the facts. They would know that even if the experience was bad, the written review would be good. A fairly pointless exercise. Isn’t it in everyone’s best interest to be honest but fair? Food is a major part of Kuwait’s culture and a very competitive industry. With so many eating establishments to choose from, it’s obvious that only the best will prosper. A genuine, fair and unbiased review can surely only be a good thing.
كراميل كرانش
JULY 2017
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โ ซโ ชwww.cpmagazine.netโ ฌโ ฌ
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Tsjisse Talsma The self-confessed illustration nerd dreaming of earth’s most mysterious places. Meet the illustrator inviting you to lose yourself in his world; a world where old art lives under a rug and new ideas include a futuristic encyclopedia of alternative environments.
Tell us about yourself and how you started in the field. Hi CP! I’m Tsjisse. I grew up in a small village in a rural area in the north of The Netherlands. I have been drawing since I could walk so when I found out drawing was something I could do for my studies I set my mind on going to art school. In the first year I met a group of 8 friends who shared likeminded inspirations and opinions about what illustration could be. During these years I had the chance to study abroad and to backpack during the holidays whenever I could. This turned out to be a big source of inspiration. Once me and my friends graduated we got a studio together. We set up an illustration collective called ‘Knetterijs’ where we work on our own projects as well as collective endeavors.
What is your educational background? I studied illustration at Minerva Art Academy in Groningen, The Netherlands. I spent one exchange semester at The University of the Arts in Philadelphia (USA) and spent about 6 months in London where I did an internship with illustrators William Grill and Marina Muun. I graduated last summer.
Tell us about your style of work? I like to collect familiar shapes and subjects in my sketchbook and combine them with experimental abstracted forms. I try to find the right balance between these familiar and unfamiliar forms to help tell me a story. I like to use abstract shapes to tell stories that the viewer can then unravel and learn to understand as they look at it. As well as looking for a balance between abstract and familiar forms I am also always trying to find the right balance between the digital and the handmade in my illustrations. 034
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What’s the technical process of your work? I describe the process of my work as ‘fake screen printing’. I draw, ink and paint most of the shapes and lines by hand in different layers. Then I scan them and collage them together digitally.
What’s the weirdest client feedback that you’ve received so far, if you don’t mind sharing? Luckily the art directors I have worked with so far have been very nice so awkward and weird feedback has yet to come!
What do you do when you run out of ideas and get stuck? I ask my girlfriend, who’s also an illustrator, for help. Or I go for a walk. Usually both. When I’m working at my studio I ask my studio mates. Having other illustrators working in the same place can be really helpful and a lot of fun, making the day more social. If I didn’t have this studio I’d spend my day just working from home alone.
What do you hope people take away from your drawings? This depends on the project. For my commissioned and editorial work I look for an unusual and interesting perspective in the text or brief. In my personal work I like to invite people to my own world. What I put on paper is mostly how I see things and how they reform in my head. When people see my drawings I hope they can lose themselves in my world for a little while, exploring and figuring out its forms along the way.
What do you regard as your biggest success so far? Being able to leave my part time job behind and provide for myself by doing what I love to do.
What are your other hobbies and passions? Drawing again. And beautifully designed picture books. I’m an illustration nerd. But I also love travelling. I like to combine the two whenever I have the chance.
What would be your dream project? Number one on my dream project list would be making a book about travelling and unfamiliar cultures. For my graduation project I made a book called ‘Wandering’ about living and adapting to new environments, based on my own experiences. I would love to make a second volume of this book, making it while I am travelling instead of making it once I get back home like I did with the first one. Second on the list would be an atlas filled with drawings of mysterious places on earth. Third on the list is a futuristic encyclopedia sketching alternative environments.
What do you think looking back at your own work from a few years ago? Most of my old work is under a rug in my living room, so I walk over it tens of times a day. Whenever I take a look at it I’m glad to see how much it has changed in a few years. It makes me wonder how it will look 5 years from now.
What’s been the most surprising thing you’ve learned during your career as an artist and Illustrator? How to be confident through my work.
What is the most important piece of advice you have received as an artist? William Grill gave me the advice to always draw from your sketchbook. I always take my sketchbook with me so I can draw the different environments I come across. Then I can use the shapes and ideas I collect as inspiration for other projects whenever I need.
What would be the one piece of advice you would like to give to someone considering illustration as his or her career? Go see the world!
Your message for us at CP magazine: Thank you for inviting me to be a part of your magazine. 036
JULY 2017
MENTAL since 2010
he holy month is over, superceded by the month of vacation and travel. There are many different ways to plan and manage your time off; the time you need to feel great and recharged. Some people enjoy doing nothing whereas others prefer a week of adventure and fitness. How you spend your vacation depends on your personality and needs. From my own experience, I either travel alone or with a small group of friends; friends with whom I feel peace of mind and connected with. Whatever your work, lifestyle, needs and budget, travelling helps to recharge your emotional and physical state. Your emotional wellbeing can influence your performance at work as well as your relationship with others and your fitness and mindset. It all stems from the way you treat your mind and body.
Feel‌. If there was a way you could improve your health and overall wellbeing (and that of your loved ones too) you would take it, right? Well, numerous studies have found taking time off to travel not only gives us a break from work, but also boosts our health, state of mind and overall wellbeing. Those who love travelling know just how invigorating and exciting it can be. Nothing helps you rediscover yourself and enjoy the beauty of the world quite like a well planned vacation. Some of the ways exploring the world can enhance your wellbeing are quite intriguing, surprising even. Here are some interesting ways travelling boosts your health and wellbeing, all backed by science.
Emotional impact 1.Planning a trip increases your sense of happiness Research confirms that people are at their happiest when they have a trip coming up. We experience a greater sense of joy and feel good about our own health, our economic situation and general quality of life when we have a vacation on the horizon. People get more happiness from anticipating a travel experience than from anticipating possession of something they’re going to buy or acquire. So, plan that trip - it could be the best thing you do for your wellbeing! 038
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2.Travelling helps you manage stress and negative emotions Sometimes we just want to get as far away from a place as possible. Travelling isn’t just about seeing new places, it’s about escaping old ones. Vacations can help manage stress and negative emotions by removing us from environments and activities that cause stress.
very small space is enough to keep you on track until you can get back to your usual routine.
Travelling also helps reset our emotions. During vacation, we are more compassionate with ourselves and others.
The five recommended travel workouts are one-legged balance stands, push-ups (modified if necessary), walking lunges, bicycle crunches and prone back extensions (Superman). Doing two or three circuits with little rest between exercises will give you a cardiovascular workout as well as maintain your muscular strength and endurance.
3.Travelling reduces the chance of depression
You can of course use some equipment when travelling. Bands are really practical and easy to fit in your luggage. The same goes for swimming goggles and skipping ropes.
Our modern, busy lifestyles can lead to stress, irritability and negativity which impacts upon our productivity, efficiency and wellbeing. The situation is so bad that women who holiday less than once every two years are more likely to suffer from depression and stress than women who vacation at least twice a year. Thankfully, when it comes to the benefits of travelling, stress relief tops the list. As human beings, we thrive on novelty and travel offers the complete package with new faces, sounds and sights. We feel happier, well rested and more energized when we get back from a vacation.
4.Travelling enriches your experiences and understanding of the true essence of life Some people think that the more material possessions they accumulate, the greater their happiness will be. However, you’ll soon learn (if you haven’t already) that material goods such as cars, mansions, jewellery and so on, tend to depreciate with age. Satisfaction from these things will therefore decrease over time. On the other hand, rewarding experiences like travelling grow richer over time. Even short trips can be enriching because you expose yourself to diverse cultures, traditions, passions and perspectives. Ultimately, you become more enlightened and engaged. Over time you might want to trade in your fancy car, but you won’t want to trade in a vacation because that would mean chipping away cherished memories and losing experiences and a part of yourself.
3.Squeeze in Mini-Workouts Because you might not get to exercise every day during the holidays, or the workouts you do manage might not be as robust as usual, try to focus on sneaking in short bursts of activity as often as you can throughout each day. Studies have shown that walking just over a mile a day or doing three four-minute bouts of high-intensity exercise per week may be enough to help you maintain your weight and fitness level. By using the tips provided here, you should have ample time and motivation to do at least that much (or more) during the holiday season.
4.Get started When you arrive at your destination, set the tone for your trip by working out right away. If that's not possible, schedule time for your next workout and treat it as an important appointment. Consider these ways to work out or be active: •Use the halls. Walk the hotel halls — or, if possible, to one of your meetings. Take the stairs or get off the elevator a few floors early and take the stairs the rest of the way.
Buying travel experiences will leave you happier in the long run than buying material things.
•Skip rope. Use a jump-rope in your room or the hotel gym.
•Try aerobics or yoga. If you've got space in your hotel room, use your tablet or smartphone to find a workout and follow along.
1.Travelling reduces your risk of a heart attack
•Use resistance tubing. These stretchy tubes, which can be used virtually anywhere, offer weight-like resistance when you pull on them. Use them to strengthen nearly any muscle group.
Physical impacts Cases of heart attack have continued to rise over the years and it’s interesting to note that men who do not take a vacation for several years are 30 percent more likely to have a heart attack. Those men who go on vacation regularly are 21 percent less likely to die of such an attack, while women who go on holiday only once every six years are eight times more likely to suffer a heart attack.
•Do jumping jacks. Try a few sets in your room.
•Take advantage of your own body weight. Try pushups, planks and squats. •Get wet. Swim laps in the hotel pool.
As surprising as these findings may be, upon closer inspection you can see why that’s the case. Travellers tend to be more active than those who spend most of their lives sitting in an office chair all day.
•Check out local parks and trails. Ask the hotel staff about safe nearby routes for walking or running.
Tourists can walk as much as ten miles a day, sightseeing and soaking up attractions in faraway places. Travellers are also more inclined to try new activities while on their travels, such as hiking, paddle boarding and snorkeling. These activities boost physical and mental health.
Listen to your body
So, yes, science agrees that you are doing yourself a big favour when you embrace travelling.
If jet lag or schedule changes leave you exhausted, make your workout shorter or lighter than usual. It's OK to take it easy once in a while. Because travel can be so disruptive to how you sleep and what you eat, it's also not the best time to try to increase your fitness level.
2.Plan Ahead for Travel
Remember, however, that regular exercise can help reduce stress and feelings of low energy, which might be just what you need to get down to business.
If you’re spending the holidays away from home, it’s imperative that you have a quick and easy travel workout in your repertoire. This needn’t be your typical high-quality workout to be effective. A simple routine consisting of three to five exercises you can do with no equipment in a
Travel is a medicine for stress and anxiety, why not explore it and observe the consequences of an improved employer-employed relationship? Your wellbeing will thank you for it!
with EDNA TROGEN Edna_Trogen
1. Adidas Ultra Boost in black and white are my favourite shoes at the moment for running or with a pair of jeans or shorts for a casual look. 2. Because beauty comes from the inside, berries are a must eat for the hot months of summer when the berries are ripe. 3. Warming Eucalyptus & Ginger Body Scrub by Molton Brown. This is my all-time favourite scrub. The smell is divine and the texture will give you baby skin in minutes. 4. Multivitamin Thermafoliant, Heatactivated Scrub from Dermalogica, infuses skin with age fighting ingredients - once a week is enough. 5. Eucerin, Sun Fluid Anti Age for your face. With no oils it leaves your skin matte and protected. 6. Lancaster Body Milk. The smell reminds me of a Caribbean vacation and the content is high quality protection. 7. Mac Mineralized Powder is the perfect formula for summer as it is a light cover. 8. NARS, Unfiltered Cheek Palette - this limited edition palette with six warm powder blushes is a must have! 9. All time budget favourite, Colossal Mascara from Maybelline. 10. All Soft Argan 6-oil for hair hydration. 11. Panama Hat - a chic accessory with a purpose. 12. Bottle with stopper, Ikea SOMMAR 2017. Non-plastic water bottle. Some politicians might not care about the environment but we do! And one of the best ways to do it is to start with our own choices. Let’s avoid plastic!
JULY 2017
12 7
since 2010
ith summer officially here, now is the time to prepare your skin to sustain it through the summer with an eye towards maintaining and protecting that fair-weather glow. Here are a few skin care tips: Exfoliate the excess layers: while tossing out layers of clothing, we can gently scrub and remove the layer of dead cells to uncover grease and clean skin. Mild exfoliation once or twice a week (depending upon the skin type) is essential to remove dead skin cells, grease, excess makeup and dirt that clog the pores. It helps the skin absorb nourishing ingredients and beneficial skin care products more easily and efficiently. Switch from cream moisturizers to lighter ones: in the winter we need heavier creams to combat the cold, dry air. However, summers in Kuwait are very hot. Lighter moisturizing lotions will likely provide enough moisture for the skin, but heavier and creamier formulations may lead to clogged pores and breakouts. Up your SPF game: although it is important to wear sunscreen all year round, it is even more important during summer as the sun’s UVA/UVB can be more intense. Incidental sun exposure, even for only 10 to 15 minutes a day, adds up over time and can cause significant damage and accelerated photo aging, hyper pigmentation and wrinkles. Using a high SPF sunscreen (30 SPF minimum and 50 SPF ideally) can reduce the accumulation of chronic UV damage that's linked to ageing and skin cancer. Add an extra layer of protection with vitamin C: vitamin C helps combat SPF rays that aren't fully blocked by your sunscreen. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that is particularly important during the summer, when stronger UV rays can damage unprotected skin. Not only can too much sun lead to direct DNA damage, it can also break collagen and elastin due to UV induced free radicals. Apply a vitamin C serum in the morning after cleansing your face and underneath your sunscreen. Steer clear of thick and heavy foundations: slathering heavy foundations and concealer on your skin can cause buildup and potentially lead to breakouts. Switching to lighter products will balance out the extra oil production in warmer months and leave your skin looking healthier. Freshen up with facial mists: throughout the day we collect and spread bacteria all over our face, but even more so in the summer when sweat traps that bacteria and we are more prone to wiping it off with unwashed hands. Facial mists can not only fight bacteria but also help cleanse the skin.
JULY 2017
Jo Malone inspired Nail & Hair Spa
Jabriya Next to Mr.Baker&Surra bridge 2nd Floor Opening hours: 12 noon to 10 PM Tel: 97600640
Shirley Conlon Interviewed by: Edna Trogen
Shirley Conlon, founder and owner of Shirley Conlon Organics, was born into an
Irish family and influenced by her studies in the UK and Australia. Shirley has developed a special range of organic skincare that is perfect for hotter climates.
JULY 2017
With your roots in the UK and Ireland how did you end up in Dubai?
I followed love to Dubai. My husband was opening offices in Dubai and Shanghai. We decided on Dubai over Shanghai as I had been coming to this part of the world since I was a child (my sister is married to a national). I absolutely love living in Dubai.
Being a busy business woman and a married woman with children, do you get time for yourself to go to a spa or gym?
I include my kids in everything I do. We do Cosmic Kids Yoga and meditation together which often ends in fits of giggles. For spa time, I call home services and we enjoy that as a family. Living in Dubai makes it all so easy.
How did you begin your journey with skincare?
I trained as a beauty therapist and particularly loved the facial side of things. Whilst working as a freelance facialist in London, I was offered a job with a distribution company in Italy where I was responsible for brand placement and staff training on luxury high-end niche products throughout the north of Europe. This was when I became more curious about the ingredients side of things.
What is your background? Have you always worked in the skincare industry?
Most of my life has been around skincare but I also worked in real estate in Chelsea, London for five years whilst freelancing as a facialist. It was through this that I got my job offer in Italy with the skincare company.
What inspires you and why?
I am very inspired by nature and by my family. I was lucky enough to have a wonderful large family with a countryside upbringing. I really appreciate nature and believe it holds the key to most of today’s ailments. My family is very hard working and inspires me a lot.
What are the key ingredients of your formulas?
Love and passion! I believe in being passionate about everything I do. If the passion and energy are not there, the results will not come. On a scientific basis we use only certified organic food grade ingredients from nature and we have a no-tolerance policy on harmful chemicals. This is the essence of who we are.
Of all your products, if you would need to choose one, what would it be? Which one is your bestseller?
I personally love the hydrating serum with Argan, pumpkin, q10 and Omani frankincense. It’s so hydrating and I’m fascinated by the medicinal benefits behind this fabulous essential oil found only in Oman. Our rosehip oil (nicknamed Botox in a bottle) is our best seller and has been voted ‘best beauty buy’ by several magazines in Dubai. I love the way this transforms and repairs sun exposed skin.
How is Dubai, in terms of having your own lab and developing your own brand? Have you found any difficulties in the process?
Dubai has very stringent rules and regulations on manufacturing and they expect anything that states 'made in Dubai' to be over and above exceptional. In order for a product to say organic, I needed to present all documentation and certifications. We are GMP approved and ISO accredited and our lab is inspected by Dubai Municipality on a regular basis.
How is it to combine family life and work in the Middle East? Finding balance is not always easy when working for yourself but I try to keep a healthy balance between family and work. We always make time for date nights and we have a family tradition on Thursday evenings where no technology is allowed - only board games and stories.
Do you teach your kids how to take care of their skin from a young age? Absolutely! They are both aware of good habits in skincare and diet. They are very curious about the effects ingredients have on both the skin and the environment. My kids love massages and facials and love to experiment with ingredients. My eldest daughter makes fabulous deodorants, lip scrubs and bath bombs.
How are you with social media? Are you active on Facebook and Instagram with your brand? Yes we are active on both platforms and try to keep things interesting for our audience. However, I must admit, I am old-school and prefer direct contact and conversation than spend time on technology.
I read on your page of organic skincare that you started your journey with a simplistic line of pure ingredients. Could you tell us about a simple routine of yours? Any advice or tips to keep in mind? Purity is key; the higher quality the ingredients, the better the results will be. We use only cold pressed certified organic botanicals in our products. It’s about keeping a simple routine. In the evening I cleanse with olive and castor bean cleansing milk and finish with rosewater and aloe toner followed by a serum (either rosehip or hydrating). I don't like to wear creams at night as they disrupt the skins natural detox process. The skin cannot eliminate toxins if there is a cream applied but our bodies naturally accept oils as they are more like our own sebum. An eye cream is also very important at night and I am loving our new eye and lip cream. A gentle cleanse in the morning followed by fountain of youth face cream and sometimes a little make-up. My hat is my sunscreen and I aim to take sunshine everyday as my skin and soul feel fabulous afterwards. I believe we need sensible sun exposure to maintain healthy glowing skin.
Your skincare is available in some salons in Dubai. Where can we find them in Kuwait? Can we buy them on the internet? For the moment we are focusing on our online presence and finalizing our new website where we offer worldwide shipping. A good distribution channel is our next journey and we are looking for some good collaboration worldwide.
What are your plans for this summer? Where do you go to get away from the heat in Dubai? I have already escaped the heat and am currently buried deep in the Irish countryside. It’s all about fresh air and long walks. For me it’s a paradise and I want my children to experience the simplicity of Irish life, the green, the music, the hospitality - and the rain! We will spend some of the summer in our home in beautiful Venice, my husband’s hometown.
ow would you like to get rid of your bathroom scale? To never again subject yourself to the angst and humiliation of stepping on and waiting for the numberthat-will-determine-your-self-esteem to light up the screen? Sounds awesome, right?! It’s been ingrained in us from an early age to worry about our weight. However, today we'd like to show you how the number on your bathroom scale is an unreliable measurement of your progress that should really be thrown out the window!
JULY 2017
Bathroom scales are unreliable. Take that number with a grain of salt. Your typical bathroom scale is a digital gadget with serious limitations, attempting to measure your gravitational force. Digital scales must be recalibrated after every move. This means that if you pick up your scale and then place it down again you must press on the scale for a reading, wait for the numbers to clear, then proceed with weighing yourself. Most people miss this step and end up with inaccurate readings. Digital scales must be placed on a hard, flat surface.
Since the reading is coming from gravitational force, the slightest inconsistency with the weight distribution onto the floor could skew the reading.
Accurate scales only tell part of the story. At the doctor’s office you will encounter the more accurate balance beam scale. This scale directly compares your weight (gravitational force) to counterweights. The readings from balance beam scales are more consistent and accurate than digital scales. However, even an accurate reading of your weight only tells part of the story. Your weight (gravitational force) naturally fluctuates throughout each day due to the intake and excretion of fluids and food. A pound gained from drinking a large glass of water has no distinction from a pound gained as a result of fat storage on your body when measured on a balance beam scale. However these two weight sources will lead to two very different bodies!
Body composition is what you’re after. Your body is composed of three things - fat, lean mass and water. An attractive, fit body is composed of a low amount of fat, ample lean mass and healthy water levels. When you walk into the gym and tell us that you want to lose weight, what you’re really telling us, is that you want to lower your percentage of body fat. When you begin the process of fat loss, the initial drop that you see on your scale is mostly water weight. This happens as your controlled diet empties out stored energy that releases the water that is held with it. This initial drop in weight makes you feel good..... Until you get back on the scale the following week to see that your weight has barely even budged. This normal ebb and flow of body transformation nearly always brings discouragement. You feel like somehow you’re failing since that initial weight loss has now slowed to a crawl. What’s crazy about the psychological mind game
that the scale plays is that during the third week of a body transformation, when the scale shows the least impressive change, your body composition is actually cranking up to very impressive levels. So while you saw half a pound lost on the scale, behind the scenes you lost three pounds of fat. Remember that all weight is not bad. What you don’t like to see and feel on your body is fat. As noted above, fat is not the only thing measured by your weight. Those toned muscles that you want to have will bring up the number on your scale, but as long as fat is converting to lean mass, the result is a stunning body transformation.
Pictures are more powerful than numbers! It’s possible to measure your body fat levels using different tools. These readings will give you a clearer picture of what is taking place beneath your skin, as your body composition shifts to a lower percentage of body fat. However, pictures are what we have found to be the most powerful measure of body transformation. A picture is truly worth a thousand body composition number readings! When you see two images of yourself, side-by-side, and your eyes take in the differences in the shape and appearance of your arms, legs and stomach it is truly a magical moment; a moment when you understand how silly the number on the scale really is in the face of your undeniable, stunning body transformation. If you’re ready to begin your own stunning body transformation, with the goal of lowering your body fat, feel free to reach out to us. Email us today Let’s do this!
Top Five for
Jim West
Tuscany is a central region of Italy and its capital is Florence. Known as the birthplace of Renaissance, Florence is often ranked among the most beautiful cities in the world. If you find the need to slow down your fast paced lifestyle, then take a break to Florence and recharge your mind, body, spirit and soul. La dolce vita indeed! 048
JULY 2017
1. the MUST see... The David. Undoubtedly one of the greatest works of art in the world, Michelangelo’s masterpiece must be seen in person to truly appreciate. In movies and films the replicas are nowhere near the size of the original. Very few times in my life have I been in awe of something and this is one that must be seen to be appreciated. 4. the MUST stay… In the heart of the historical district and within minutes of the Duomo and other sights is San 2. the MUST eat… I’Tuscani 2 is an Italian Steakhouse Firenze Suites. Piazza Signora is just a one minute walk that specializes in Florentine Beef. Try the cold cuts plate. away. It has recently been restored and the hotel has a spa which is perfect for relaxing your feet and back after Reservations are a must. long days roaming the town. 3. the MUST shop… Mercato Centrale and Mercato San Lorenzo are right next to each other (Centrale is indoors 5. the MUST do off the beaten path… Over the Arno River and Sam Lorenzo is outdoors). While Centrale is more for is Pitti Palace. It is a Renaissance Palace and Art Gallery. foods and local produce, San Lorenzo is your typical flea Be sure to walk through the beautifully landscaped market. If upscale shopping is what you desire just take Boboli Gardens. In fact, the entire area surrounding Pitti a stroll down Via de' Tornabuoni and you will see Armani, is just lovely to walk through. Most parks and gardens Dior, Hermes, Gucci, Prada and every other famous on early mornings in this area will be filled with couples taking wedding photos. It’s amore! Italian designer shop on this street. php?m=palazzopitti For more information check out
Travelling for the summer? Here’s five apps that will ease you into your holiday It’s that time of year, when everyone wants to escape the heat and head out for an adventure, but it’s also that time when you worry about getting ready for the trip. Be prepared for your journey with a little forward planning; these five great apps are designed to help take the pressure off both before and during your holiday:
1. AirWayBill- With AirWayBill, you choose (or buy) and carry items with you on your flight and get paid for it. All it takes is for you to download the app, secure some space in your baggage, and voila: extra money! If you’re planning on flying somewhere but running a bit low on cash, check out their packing tips here and make sure you use the free space that will turn up to earn some extra cash.
laundry done and ready before you go on vacation, or even during, with the app’s “leave at door” option, makes laundry a breeze. 4. Careem– When traveling to an unfamiliar place, be it abroad or in your own country (admit it, even we can be tourists in our own country) and you don’t know which way to go, having the trusty Careem app facilitate your commutes is priceless. Use the “Ride Later” feature and have a driver pick up and drop you off at the airport at the scheduled time (or even be waiting for you once you’ve landed!) #LikeaBoss.
2. ServiceMarket – if you don’t have the time or the energy to make sure your apartment is ready before you go, ServiceMarket is the app that’ll do it for you! If you need scheduled maintenance, deep cleaning while away, and other similar services, then this app is the gift that 5. Your banking app – Well, of course, how could you keeps giving. survive without money? While you may be somewhere with a different time zone or language, you can still have 3. Washmen – No matter what one does, laundry remains access to your bank! Just make sure your app is up to one of the most tiring chores. But, don’t fret! Getting your date, and bank while you’re away.
Using apps to organise your life has become an easy way to get several tasks done at the touch of the button or a swipe on a screen. With apps like these, it’s guaranteed: you can make the best out of your hard-earned time off, and even make some money on the side for your next adventure. 050
JULY 2017
َ كنت تنوي السفر هذا الصيف، إذا َ إليك خمسة تطبيقات تس ّهل عليك تنظيم عطلتك
أق َبل موسم الصيف ،فبدأ الجميع يستع ّد للهرب من الج ّو الحارّ وا كتشاف العالم ،لكن التحضير للرحلة ال يخلو من المشاكل والهموم .أصبح بإمكانك اآلن االستعداد لرحلتك بسرعة وبسهولة بفضل هذه التطبيقات الخمسة الرائعة التي تريحك قبل الذهاب في العطلة وخاللها. تطبيق - AirWayBillيتيح لك تطبيق AirWayBillاختيار (أو شراء) األغراض واصطحابها معك خالل رحلتك ،والحصول على مبلغ مالي لقاء هذه الخدمة .كل ما عليك فعله هو تنزيل التطبيق وتوفير بعض المساحة في أمتعتك كي تتلقى مبلغا ً من َ كنت تعتزم السفر إلى وجهة ما و لكنك تعاني من نقص المال! إذا ّ فاطلع على نصائح حزم األمتعة على هذا الرابط في السيولة، واستفد من المساحة المتوفرة في حقائبك لتجني بعض المال. َ كنت تفتقر للوقت أو الطاقة تطبيق - ServiceMarketإذا لترتيب ش ّقتك قبل السفر ،سلّم هذه المه ّمة إلى تطبي ق �Ser viceMarketالذي سيتولّى القيام بأعمال الصيانة والتنظيف أثناء غيابك ،وغيرها من الخدمات. تطبيق - Washmenيبقى غسيل المالبس من أصعب األعمال المنزلية ،مهما حاول المرء وفعل ،لكن ال داعي للقلق!
أصبح بإمكانك غسل مالبسك وتجهيزها قبل الذهاب في اي عطلة بفضل خيار " "Pick up at Doorالذي يتيحه التطبيق، ليس ّهل عليك هذه المه ّمة الشاقة. قصدت بلدا ً َ تطبيق - Careemعند زيارة منطقة جديدة ،سواء آخر أو كنت سائحا ً في بلدك ،استعِ ن بتطبيق ،Careemرفيقك َ كنت .استفد من خاصية "Ride الدائم للتن ّقل بسهولة وراحة أينما ً ( "Laterأي خدمة الركوب الحقا) واطلب من أحد السائقين اصطحابك من المطار وإيصالك إليه في ساعة محدّدة .حتّى أنّه ّ تحط الطائرة! يستطيع انتظارك ما إن التطبيق التابع لمصرفك -كيف َ لك أن تعيش من دون مال؟ حتّى لو كنت في آخر بقاع الدنيا ،تستطيع االستفادة من خدمات مصرفك اإللكترونية ،ما عليك سوى التأ ّكد من أنّ التطبيق الخاص بمصرفك حديث لكي تتمكن من استخدامه.
حياتك بسهولة وإلنجاز مختلف مهامك اليومية بكبسة زرّ أو بمج ّرد تمرير إصبعك على الشاشة .وبفضل باتت التطبيقات اإللكترونية وسيلة لتنظيم ِ هذه التطبيقات يمكنك قضاء أجمل اللحظات في عطلتك بعد أشهر من التعب ،ال بل يمكنك أيضا ً أن تجني بعض المال لمغامراتك المقبلة. 051
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” – Helen Keller
JULY 2017
Models: Klaudia (@Klaudia_mk007) Meshal (@MeshalJameel) Reem (@ReemQTEE) Photographer: Hamad Al-Ainati (@7mdphotography) Luggage: American Tourister (@americantourister_Kuwait) Location: American Tourister Store Behbehani - Marina Mall
“Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” – Anonymous
JULY 2017
Models: Klaudia (@Klaudia_mk007) Meshal (@MeshalJameel) Reem (@ReemQTEE) Photographer: Hamad Al-Ainati (@7mdphotography) Luggage: American Tourister (@americantourister_Kuwait) Location: THE One Planet - Marina Mall (@THEOnePlanet)
Models: Klaudia (@Klaudia_mk007) Meshal (@MeshalJameel) Reem (@ReemQTEE) Photographer: Hamad Al-Ainati (@7mdphotography) Luggage: American Tourister (@americantourister_Kuwait) Location: THE One Planet - Marina Mall (@THEOnePlanet)
JULY 2017
“The journey not the arrival matters.” – T.S. Eliot
“Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travellers don’t know where they’re going.” – Paul Theroux
Models: Klaudia (@Klaudia_mk007) Meshal (@MeshalJameel) Reem (@ReemQTEE) Photographer: Hamad Al-Ainati (@7mdphotography) Luggage: American Tourister (@americantourister_Kuwait) Location: AlRaya Mall Bridge
JULY 2017
Models: Klaudia (@Klaudia_mk007) Meshal (@MeshalJameel) Reem (@ReemQTEE) Photographer: Hamad Al-Ainati (@7mdphotography) Luggage: American Tourister (@americantourister_Kuwait) Location: Caribou Coffee - AlRaya Mall Branch (@CaribouCoffeeME)
JULY 2017
“Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience.” – Francis Bacon
NOVI SAD, Serbia
Novi Sad is a city in northern Serbia on the banks of the Danube River. Standing atop a riverside bluff, much of Petrovaradin Fortress dates to the 17th and 18th centuries, with an iconic clock tower and a network of tunnels. Across the river is the old quarter, Stari Grad, site of the Gothic Revival Name of Mary Church and the neoRenaissance City Hall.
Fish & Zelenish CitiHotel Veliki
Hotel Veliki is a boutique accommodation in the city center of Novi Sad. Placed in a historic building. Located in the old downtown this historical object has its own landmark a 214year old corner stone, integrated in 1801. According to the Institute for Cultural Heritage Conservation of Novi Sad, it is the oldest corner stone in Novi Sad.
Hotel Planeta Inn
Set in an imposing building adjacent to FutoĹĄki park, this modern hotel with a posh vibe is 2 km from the 17th-century Petrovaradin Fortress and 3 km from Novi Sad City Museum.
Aqua Doria Prezident Hotel
This modern hotel is 2 km from the 18th-century Novi Sad Synagogue, and 3 km from Novi Sad train station and art at the Museum of Vojvodina
Hotel Park
Overlooking the FutoĹĄki Park, this lively hotel is 2 km from the Museum of Vojvodina and the Matica Srpska Gallery.
Veliki Cafe Restaurant
Petrovaradin Fortress
Petrovaradin Fortress is a fortress in the town of Petrovaradin, itself part of the City of Novi Sad, Serbia. It is located on the right bank of the Danube river.
The Clock Tower
Clock Tower is located at the Petrovaradin Fortress. It is set up so that people who once sailed the Danube at a time when not all the watches had a chance to see what time it is. On the terrace of the castle is located a couple of restaurants and cafes, the view is phenomenal and worth a stop and freshen up.
Dunavska Street
Dunavska Street is probably the oldest street in Novi Sad. It consists of three parts: from the direction of Zmaj Jovina streets are one-floor houses on the left and right, whose ground floor premises are used for various stores, the second part is the Danube park on one side and command of the garrison, the Museum of Vojvodina and the Historical Museum, on the other side, while in the third part, near the Danube river, is a House of the officers. On the left side of the street are houses in neo-baroque style.
JULY 2017
Fruska Gora Monasteries
The long lost Serbian monasteries up at the Fruska Gora Mountains are a legend. Dated from as far back as 15th century, once upon a time there were about 35 monasteries of which only 16 are preserved now.
Bon voyage!
JULY 2017
Miraculous evacuation of Allied soldiers from Belgium, Britain and France, who were cut off and surrounded by the German army from the beaches and harbor of Dunkirk, France, between May 27- June 04, 1940, during Battle of France in Word War II.
VALERIAN AND THE CITY OF A THOUSAND PLANETS Valerian (Dane DeHaan) and Laureline (Cara Delevingne) are special operatives for the government of the human territories charged with maintaining order throughout the universe. Valerian has more in mind than a professional relationship with his partnerblatantly chasing after her with propositions of romance. But his extensive history with women, and her traditional values, drive Laureline to continuously rebuff him.
The story is set against the backdrop of Detroit’s devastating riots that took place over five summer days in 1967.
CAST: Kenneth Branagh, Tom Hardy, Harry Styles, Mark Rylance, Aneurin Barnard, Fionn Whitehead
CAST: Cara Delevingne, Dane DeHaan, Clive Owen, Herbie Hancock, Ethan Hawke, Rihanna
CAST: John Boyega, Jacob Latimore, Algee Smith, Will Poulter, Jack Reynor, Ben O'Toole
DIRECTOR: Christopher Nolan
DIRECTOR: Luc Besson
DIRECTOR: Kathryn Bigelow
A thriller following a mother (Halle Berry) who will stop at nothing to rescue her kidnapped son.
The crown jewel of Her Majesty’s Secret Intelligence Service, Agent Lorraine Broughton (Theron) is equal parts spycraft, sensuality and savagery, willing to deploy any of her skills to stay alive on her impossible mission. Sent alone into Berlin to deliver a priceless dossier out of the destabilized city, she partners with embedded station chief David Percival (James McAvoy) to navigate her way through the deadliest game of spies.
Set against the devastating backdrop of war-torn Liberia, The Last Face centers on a love affair between Dr. Wren Petersen (Theron), the director of an international aid organization and Dr. Miguel Leon (Bardem), a relief-aid doctor. Together, Wren and Miguel must find a way to keep their relationship alive in the extraordinarily difficult conditions that surround them, while battling their diametrically opposed opinions on how to solve the conflict, and their mutual passion for life.
CAST: Halle Berry, Lew Temple, Dana Gourrier, Malea Rose DIRECTOR: Luis Prieto
CAST: James McAvoy, Charlize Theron, Sofia Boutella, Lorraine Broughton, John Goodman, Toby Jones DIRECTOR: David Leitch
CAST: Javier Bardem, Charlize Theron, Adele Exarchopoulos, Jean Reno, Jared Harris, Sibo Mlambo DIRECTOR: Sean Penn
JULY 2017
THE DARK TOWER Gunslinger Roland Deschain roams an Old West-like landscape in search of the dark tower, in the hopes that reaching it will preserve his dying world.
The Emoji Movie unlocks the never-before-seen secret world inside your smartphone. Hidden within the messaging app is Textopolis, a bustling city where all your favorite emojis live, hoping to be selected by the phone’s user. In this world, each emoji has only one facial expression – except for Gene (T.J. Miller), an exuberant emoji who was born without a filter and is bursting with multiple expressions. Determined to become “normal” like the other emojis, Gene enlists the help of his handy best friend Hi-5 (James Corden) and the notorious code breaker emoji Jailbreak (Ilana Glazer).
A decade after An Inconvenient Truth brought the climate crisis into the heart of popular culture, comes the riveting and rousing follow-up that shows just how close we are to a real energy revolution. Former Vice President Al Gore continues his tireless fight, traveling around the world training an army of climate champions and influencing international climate policy. Cameras follow him behind the scenes – in moments both private and public, funny and poignant as he pursues the inspirational idea that while the stakes have never been higher, the perils of climate change can be overcome with human ingenuity and passion. CAST: Al Gore
CAST: T.J. Miller, James Corden, Ilana Glazer, Patrick Stewart, Jennifer Coolidge, Maya Rudolph
DIRECTOR: Nikolaj Arcel
DIRECTOR: Bonni Cohen, Jon Shenk
DIRECTOR: Anthony Leondis
CAST: Idris Elba, Matthew McConaughey, Abbey Lee, Tom Taylor, Jackie Earle Haley
In Annabelle 2, several years after the tragic death of their little girl, a dollmaker and his wife welcome a nun and several girls from a shuttered orphanage into their home, soon becoming the target of the dollmaker’s possessed creation, Annabelle.
Tells the story of a successful young woman who was raised by dysfunctional and nonconformist parents. Her world gets turned upside down when they move to New York to be near her.
When four lifelong friends travel to New Orleans for the annual Essence Festival, sisterhoods are rekindled, wild sides are rediscovered, and there’s enough dancing, drinking, brawling and romancing to make the Big Easy blush.
CAST: Talitha Bateman, Miranda Otto, Stephanie Sigman, Anthony LaPaglia, Lulu Wilson, Grace Fulton
CAST: Brie Larson, Woody Harrelson, Naomi Watts, Max Greenfield
DIRECTOR: David F. Sandberg
DIRECTOR: Destin Daniel Cretton
CAST: Regina Hall, Queen Latifah, Jada Pinkett Smith, Tiffany Haddish, Kate Walsh, Deborah Ayorinde DIRECTOR: Malcolm D. Lee
The coolest products curated especially for you
PHILO Headphones You will love the PHILO Headphones because they prevent annoying tangling. The spool-like design keeps the cord wrapped up and neat, and you can easily make the cord longer or shorter so you won't feel restrained no matter what you're doing. These headphones come in seven different colors, too. You'll never be limited in headphone shades again.
Bose soundLink RevoLve+ This is a water-resistant portable speaker that delivers sound in every direction. Like most Bose products, it's exceptionally easy to operate and handsomely designed. From an audio standpoint, it delivers powerful sonic performance with boosted, rich bass and sculpted, clear high-mids and highs. It's not a frequency response for audiophiles seeking accuracy in the mix, but it's a balanced, robust sound signature that will appeal to a wide range of listeners.
Breo Mini 319 Massager Set Ease away stress with the Breo Mini 319 Massager Set. Portable and waterproof, this set of massagers is designed to be used on any part of your body for complete relaxation.
BlendSMART2 Rotating Foundation Brush Starter Set This BlendSMART2 Rotating Foundation Brush Starter Set is the future of makeup application. It includes a battery-operated rotating brush that will blend your makeup to perfection. The movement allows you to get a streak-free finish without hardly any effort. Beauty girls will never have to endure the pangs of blending mishaps again.
JULY 2017
Movado Connect Movado’s first Android Wear smartwatch is compatible with all Wear 2.0 apps, Android Pay and Google Assistant, and gives you a choice of 100 different watch faces, all featuring Movado’s iconic single-dot design.
eSight 3 The eSight is an over-eye visor that helps legally blind people navigate via a combined high-definition camera and video display. Showing a live feed on a pair of OLED displays placed in front of the wearer's eyes, the lightweight, hands-free device do everything from read to provide directions. With virtually no input lag from the front-facing camera to the screens, eSight is a true augmented reality headset.
Detu Twin 3K 360o camera The high-definition, slimline 360o-capable cam captures 3K videos and photos. Its captured content can be uploaded straight to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, with live streaming said to be a simple setup for Facebook and YouTube.
Logitech Circle 2 home security camera Meet Circle 2, the only indoor and outdoor, weatherproof, wired or 100% wire-free 1080p HD home security camera with night vision and up to 180o field-of-view that you can set up in minutes. Circle 2’s easy to use mobile and web apps let you stream and download unlimited amounts of 1080p HD video from anywhere effortlessly.
Superpedestrian Copenhagen Wheel
Sharper Image Waterproof Action Camera and Music Player
Superpedestrian’s robotic bike wheel augments cyclists’ oomph by powering their ride up to 20 miles per hour for over 30 miles. Though it looks like a simple bike wheel, the Copenhagen packs impressive technology inside. An integrated motor powered by a battery provides the giddyup, a wireless sensor connects to smartphones for data crunching, smart-locking hardware makes sure no one makes off with this it and regenerative brakes add to the efficiency.
The Sharper Image Waterproof Action Camera and Music Player has many useful functions. It's one of the only speakers that can play all of your music without relying on the connection of your phone. You sync it through WiFi and download your music onto the speaker, then it's ready to play. Your phone doesn't even need to be close by. It also has a built-in camera so you can film your experiences while you're out in a lake, ocean, or pool.
Sally Sarieddine “I believe in personal expression through art and design.” When Sally Sarieddine set out on her career path, the direction was unclear. However, with family and friends as her compass, she finally took the road to her perfect destination. Now designing handbags in her own magical space, she’s combining art and design with the power of healing. Hi, please introduce yourself to our readers: Hello, my name is Sally Sarieddine. I was born in a festive month and this explains my festive spirit. I am driven by my curious nature and fuelled by passion. When I stop, I breathe deeply and respect the diverse expressions of life and the endless opportunities that life has to offer. My inspirations come from complex thoughts and ideas that are expressed in a simple, soft and powerful way. I love to read, travel and have experiences with extraordinary people and nature. I use my imagination to weave stories in my mind and connect dots in my head. My family and my friends are my compass in life. Tell us about your education: I graduated with a BA in Communication Arts and focused most of my energy on theater. I moved to London, got my masters in Marketing and completed fashion design courses in Central Saint Martins. Tell us about your career path: My first job was as an Assistant Director in a local TV station in Beirut. A year later I moved to Dubai. Being 070
JULY 2017
in the land of opportunities I found a job in the satellite broadcasting industry. Eleven months later the universe gave me another opportunity to work as a PR Executive for an investment company. It paid well but I didn’t know what I was doing and I was fired six months later. However, the positive side of the story is that I had the opportunity to go to London and do my Masters in Marketing. After that I moved back to Dubai and got a job in advertising. So, what motivated or inspired you to get into fashion design? I have always been into art, hence why my energy was put into theater. I believe in personal expression through art and design. I wanted to live in a world where I could express myself through art pieces and create positive vibrations through developing something that was inspirational. What inspired you to design handbags? A vintage doctor handbag was my first inspiration to get into the world of handbags.
What is the number one thing that can make or break a bag? It’s all in the details; and the quality of course. What is a Dr. Bag? It’s our signature collection. It’s how the brand came to life through this inspiration during a trip to Florence. I saw a vintage doctor bag and I was inspired by its beauty and representation of healing powers. I am an energy healer and I wanted to find a way to combine art, design and the power of healing. I thought the Dr. Bag would make that perfect representation. So the journey started then when I merged my love for handbags and healing. What different lines have you launched? Our main line is unique handmade leather handbags that are versatile to anytime of the day. We recently launched an accessory line that includes smaller items such as passport holders and a multifunctional phone holder. We will be launching a new line of clutches soon. How did you come up with the name LaLaQueen? I live in a magical space (which is what I’ve always called my LaLaLand). In this space there is freedom of expression, love, magic and the spreading of good vibes and energy. I encourage each and every person to get in touch with these feelings and allow them to ripple out into our world. I believe that every woman has a ‘queendom’ which she should conquer. From there I merged the two to come up with LaLaQueen. How has your work evolved since you began your own label? Five years ago our work space and showroom was in a little space in Hamra and we were two people handling all sorts of things. Today we are a team of six and we have opened our first flagship store in Downtown Beirut. Where do you do research for your collections? I’m inspired when I travel, when I talk to people and from what I see around me. An inspiration can start from the smallest of details to a combination of things and they get blended in my mind to create a piece or collection that is very personal. What’s important is that every collection is an inspiration with personal meaning. I develop them when I feel that strong connection. How is your work received internationally? Pretty well. We have international celebrity endorsements such as Amal Clooney and Neha Dhupia. After Amal Clooney was spotted wearing the Dr Bag we gained major exposure in the US and orders were coming in non stop in the period following the exposure.
JULY 2017
Tell us about your latest collection ‘Geometric’: The Geometric Collection was launched during Beirut Design Week in May. The collection is inspired by crystals found in nature and my love for irregular shapes and objects. It was launched as a backpack and handbag in a variety of dynamic colours. What is the biggest lesson that you have learned since you started your company? Patience and hard work reaps results. What advice would you give to young designers? Be true to your vision and work creatively to make it happen. What’s your motto? Be kind and just do it. Have you collaborated with other people or organizations? Yes, our most recent collaboration was an educational collaboration with ESMOD Dubai. The objective of the collaboration was to educate the students about sustainability in the handbag industry and get them to design a bag inspired by our Geometric Collection. We ended up with three finalists and our production team then produced their design vision. The result was three fabulous pieces. We will be launching them in September in Dubai. Would you like to expand beyond handbags? Yes, we are in the process of working on accessory pieces that will be launched this year. What do you have in store for the future? We are always researching and coming up with new ideas and designs for the future because we strongly believe in growth and progress, at the same time maintaining where we stand today. What were the most challenging moments you’ve experienced in building your brand? There were many challenges that I took as growth and learning opportunities. Challenging moments come in all parts of the process. I remember once I had a design in mind and we had to do four or five prototypes to get it right. Tell us something not many people would know about you: I don’t watch television!
TheStylistes since 2010
uly is the start of the summer holidays. People go to the beach, to the mountains or to a city to discover new horizons. Everyone takes time off to unwind and spend some precious time with friends and family. We have also taken some time off work and gone back to our respective home towns in Spain and France. Therefore, this month's makeover section has been written within the heart of Europe. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do creating it every month for you. With no further delay, let us introduce you to our special makeover lady! 074
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Photography: Vania Attieh ( Hair & Makeup: Maison de Joelle Neeral's outfit:The Kooples Carla & Marie’s Wardrobe: The Kooples Image Consultants: Carla Otero & Marie Auffret (IG: thestylistes) Location: Jumeirah Islands
Neeral, please introduce yourself to our readers: Hello, I'm Neeral, a 30 year old Canadian Kindergarten teacher living in Dubai.
What made you feel you needed the help of Carla & Marie and what do you expect from this experience? As a petite woman, I felt I could never find clothes that fit. Also, I struggle with looking like one of my students! On many occasions I feel like Goldilocks, attempting to find the right outfit but nothing ever works. Everything is too big, too loose, too long or too baggy. Nothing fits just right. It’s always been a shopping struggle. Sometimes, I even have to shop in the child section -how shameful is that?! I’m a 30 year old woman with a successful career - I need help to look the part! I don’t know what to expect, but I’m hoping Carla and Marie can sparkle their magic on me and make me look more my age, despite my size.
Now, let the makeover begin! We must admit we instantly fell in love with the positive and fun vibe of Neeral. She is a beautiful woman with gorgeous hair, skin tone and a slim body. However, as she mentioned in her intro, she feels being petite is a struggle. We are going to show Neeral (and all of you) how understanding your body proportions and how to shop for the right garments can make you proud of having a petite figure. We must love our bodies no matter our shape or size. There are always ways to enhance our best features and ways to camouflage those we love less. Let’s start by embracing our bodies and focusing on our beautiful features. We all have them, we just need to notice them!
Now, let the makeover begin! COLOUR ANALYSIS
COLOUR ANALYSIS This is the first step when analysing the image of any client. The initial question that pops to mind when it comes to colour is are you warm or cool? You may be wondering which of these two colour temperatures or colour palettes looks better on you. Well, the easiest way to find out is with warm and cool fabrics near your face, wearing no makeup and pulling your hair to the back. If we look at our client Neeral's colour analysis images, we can see that warm colours such as brown, orange, yellow or beige, highlights dark circles and makes our client’s face look pale. This clearly shows that Neeral is definitely not warm, so she should stay away from those colours when shopping for clothing, especially near her face. On the other hand, she comes alive when we test the cool palette on her. Neeral's face looks radiant, even with no makeup, and any dark circles, which were more obvious with warm colours, are almost unnoticeable when having cool colours around her complexion. Therefore, we determine cool colours are the winners for our lovely Neeral.
GOLD vs. SILVER ANALYSIS Have you ever wondered which metal is the most flattering for you? Wouldn't it be amazing knowing whether silver or gold accessories suit you best? The easiest way to do this at home is by taking a gold and a silver piece of jewellery, placing it near your face and observing how your complexion reacts to it. Ask yourself which of the two metals brings light and freshness to your face, which blends in with your undertone best, is it gold or silver? If we look at Neeral Silver vs. Gold analysis, we see that the silver fabric lightens up her face, she looks young and fresh, whereas the golden one ages her and looks old fashioned on her.
HAIR AND MAKEUP Moving on to a favourite section of many ladies, hair and makeup! A look is never complete without hair and makeup; it can make or break a look. Neeral came with natural, never coloured, black hair. In other words ‘virgin' hair. Whilst it is amazing to keep your hair natural and free of hair colouring products, it is also important to understand your features and discover whether a different hair style or colour could bring a different type of beauty that you had hidden all these years. Following the results of Neeral’s colour analysis we now know she is cool and this result applies not only to clothing but also to her choices of hair and makeup. As you can see in her hair transformation image, the professionals at Maison de Joelle understood exactly what we had in mind. In fact, they exceeded our expectations as it was a challenge to highlight such a dark hair colour into the lightest platinum. Bravo Maison De Joelle!
We feel Neeral now looks sophisticated and modern thanks to the silver platinum highlights and the trendy haircut. Both elements add volume and movement to her upper body. She looks radiant, stylish and most importantly, she loves it! We couldn't be happier. With regards to makeup, we went for shades of dark pink for lips and blush as it is the perfect cool shade for her complexion, in line with her skin tone. The black eyeliner and natural eyeshadows give her a slight retro look while the white kohl in the waterline adds brightness to her gorgeous eyes.
JULY 2017
since 2010
THE OUTFIT & PETITE CONCEPT How would you feel if all the clothes available in the store were too big for you? Many people want to look slimmer but let’s look at the opposite side of the spectrum. Imagine you felt too small, too slim and on top of that, imagine if the clothes available in the market couldn't do you justice because they were all too big for you. Well, this is one of the struggles many petite people face and our client Neeral is one of them. Before diving into the details of petite bodies and how to shop for them, we would like to make a statement we really believe in. ‘We all have different body shapes and proportions. Some of us are small, some medium or large, others are very tall or very short. We could go on and on, there will always be a different feature that makes a person stand out from the crowd. The bottom line is, we are all unique in our appearance regardless of our size and shape. So let’s start by understanding our bodies and how to shop to highlight our best features. Whether it’s the colour of your eyes, a slim waist, a gorgeous curvy body, a long neck, or even a petite body, they can all be a blessing. Love yourself, be proud of your uniqueness and be happy’. Going back to our client Neeral, let’s begin by analysing her body figure and proportions. Neeral has a rectangular body shape which means her shoulders, waist and hips measure pretty much the same. In terms of proportions, Neeral is petite in size. The bright side of her body shape is that she can take all sorts of volumising textures and shapes such as big prints, layers, ruffles, mix of textures, off-shoulder tops and widening cuts; anything that adds volume to her figure is a winner for Neeral. All this is music to our ears, as there are almost no restrictions when dressing our beautiful client. When it comes to petite bodies, there are some tips we want to share with you and Neeral, which will surely help when shopping and styling your looks to suit your gorgeous petite figure.
Tips for Petites: lExplore different textures and prints, which can be as big as you like. The bigger the print, the more volume it will
create to your body. lHorizontal stripes will create the illusion of a wider body. On the up side, stripes are on trend and they are so stylish for the summer. lDon’t be embarrassed to check out the kids section. Nowadays kids brands do incredible modern and stylish pieces and their biggest size might fit you just perfect! lUse layers to define your shape, it’s a great way to hide a perhaps unfitted top and it also adds style to your look. What else can we ask for? lDo small alterations to your clothing that don't fit right, like slimming sleeves or raising the neckline. Find a tailor that won't cost you a fortune or DIY if you are the handy type. For investment pieces, use a good tailor to make the alterations, as you will use those pieces year after year and it will be worth the money spent to make them look perfect on you. lCuff/fold long sleeve shirts at elbow level to emphasise your shape and make it appear more fitted to your size. The same applies to your long jeans, cuff them at the hem, it will add style to your look. lSearch for brands that have petite lines like ASOS, Topshop, Banana Republic, J. Crew, Ann Taylor Loft, Old Navy, Anthropologie, The Little Bra (for bras), Pretty Small (for shoes). lA little advice from us: Don’t obsess over clothes that make you look taller or bigger, the key is to embrace your body, find pieces you love that look great on you based on the above tips and feel confident. Above all, love yourself the way you are!
What do you think about Neeral’s makeover outfit? We decided to go for a rock star look with a touch of femininity, which is just perfect for Neeral’s outgoing and fun personality. Looking at the individual pieces, the boyfriend jeans add volume to her figure and by cuffing the bottom of the jeans, the garment looks instantly fitted and stylish. The top with floral prints and bow adds a romantic touch and also complements her really well in terms of colour palette, drawing the attention to her face and upper body. Also, by adding a leather jacket as a layer we instantly add some volume to her gorgeous figure, giving the illusion of a fuller upper body. To conclude, let’s not forget the sunglasses strategically placed on the pocket of the jacket or the belt to accentuate her waist. Details are very important to transform a good look into a killer look! We hope you enjoyed this month’s makeover.
NEERAL’S FEEDBACK: This makeover was beyond fabulous! Carla and Marie were like Fairy Godmothers who sprinkled their fairy dust and transformed me into a beauty. They taught me how to layer my clothes and where to accentuate my best features. We also talked about what colour best suits me. I found out I’m a 'cool winter’ that works best with silver. They even gave me highlights which I have never done before. Thank you Fairy Godmothers, I’m now about to walk in stores with a little more bounce and confidence in myself. Thank you!
since 2010
10 LITTLE WHITE DRESSES FOR THIS SUMMER The white dress season is here! You can never go wrong with a white dress. You will always look fabulous in it and you can wear one dress for almost any occasion.
Wear your white dress with a statement necklace, earrings and a beach bag, or a clutch if you’re wearing it for dinner. You can pair it with wedges or flats but whatever you wear, have fun!
JULY 2017
JULY 2017
by Eric Barker
For her whole life, Souad Mekhennet, a reporter for The Washington Post who was born and educated in Germany, has had to balance the two sides of her upbringing - Muslim and Western. She has also sought to provide a mediating voice between these cultures, which too often misunderstand each other. In this compelling and evocative memoir, we accompany Mekhennet as she journeys behind the lines of jihad, starting in the German neighborhoods where the 9/11 plotters were radicalized and the Iraqi neighborhoods where Sunnis and Shia turned against one another, and culminating on the Turkish/Syrian border region where ISIS is a daily presence. In her travels across the Middle East and North Africa, she documents her chilling run-ins with various intelligence services and shows why the Arab Spring never lived up to its promise. She then returns to Europe, first in London, where she uncovers the identity of the notorious ISIS executioner "Jihadi John," and then in France, Belgium, and her native Germany, where terror has come to the heart of Western civilization.
Much of the advice we’ve been told about achievement is logical, earnest…and downright wrong. In Barking Up the Wrong Tree, Eric Barker reveals the extraordinary science behind what actually determines success and most importantly, how anyone can achieve it. You’ll learn: • Why valedictorians rarely become millionaires, and how your biggest weakness might actually be your greatest strength • Whether nice guys finish last and why the best lessons about cooperation come from gang members, pirates, and serial killers • Why trying to increase confidence fails and how Buddhist philosophy holds a superior solution • The secret ingredient to “grit” that Navy SEALs and disaster survivors leverage to keep going • How to find work-life balance using the strategy of Genghis Khan, the errors of Albert Einstein, and a little lesson from Spider-Man
From the bestselling author of Bad Feminist: a searingly honest memoir of food, weight, self-image, and learning how to feed your hunger while taking care of yourself. In her phenomenally popular essays and long-running Tumblr blog, Roxane Gay has written with intimacy and sensitivity about food and body, using her own emotional and psychological struggles as a means of exploring our shared anxieties over pleasure, consumption, appearance, and health. As a woman who describes her own body as “wildly undisciplined,” Roxane understands the tension between desire and denial, between self-comfort and self-care. In Hunger, she explores her own past—including the devastating act of violence that acted as a turning point in her young life—and brings readers along on her journey to understand and ultimately save herself.
JULY 2017
by Souad Mekhennet
In 2007, Anna Akana lost her teen sister, Kristina, to suicide. In the months that followed, she realized that the one thing helping her process her grief and begin to heal was comedy. So she began making YouTube videos as a form of creative expression and as a way to connect with others. Ten years later, Anna has more than a million subscribers who watch her smart, honest vlogs on her YouTube channel. Her most popular videos, including "How to Put On Your Face" and "Why Girls Should Ask Guys Out," are comical and provocative, but they all share a deeper message: Your worth is determined by you and you alone. You must learn to love yourself.
byTaylor Jenkins ReidReid
by Nina Riggs
From Taylor Jenkins Reid comes an unforgettable and sweeping novel about one classic film actress’s relentless rise to the top—the risks she took, the loves she lost, and the long-held secrets the public could never imagine. Evelyn Hugo is finally ready to tell the truth about her glamorous and scandalous life. But when she chooses unknown magazine reporter Monique Grant for the job, no one in the journalism community is more astounded than Monique herself. Why her? Why now? Monique is not exactly on top of the world. Her husband, David, has left her, and her career has stagnated. Regardless of why Evelyn has chosen her to write her biography, Monique is determined to use this opportunity to jumpstart her career.
An exquisite memoir about how to live-and love-every day with “death in the room,” from poet Nina Riggs, mother of two young sons and the direct descendant of Ralph Waldo Emerson, in the tradition of When Breath Becomes Air. “We are breathless, but we love the days. They are promises. They are the only way to walk from one night to the other.” Nina Riggs was just thirty-seven years old when initially diagnosed with breast cancer—one small spot. Within a year, the mother of two sons, ages seven and nine, and married sixteen years to her best friend, received the devastating news that her cancer was terminal.
by Manal al-Sharif
by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz
A ferociously intimate memoir by a devout woman from a modest family in Saudi Arabia who became the unexpected leader of a courageous movement to support women’s right to drive. Manal al-Sharif grew up in Mecca the second daughter of a taxi driver, born the year fundamentalism took hold. In her adolescence, she was a religious radical, melting her brother’s boy band cassettes in the oven because music was haram: forbidden by Islamic law. But what a difference an education can make. By her twenties she was a computer security engineer, one of few women working in a desert compound that resembled suburban America. That’s when the Saudi kingdom’s contradictions became too much to bear: she was labeled a slut for chatting with male colleagues, her teenage brother chaperoned her on a business trip, and while she kept a car in her garage, she was forbidden from driving down city streets behind the wheel.
Blending the informed analysis of The Signal and the Noise with the instructive iconoclasm of Think Like a Freak, a fascinating, illuminating, and witty look at what the vast amounts of information now instantly available to us reveals about ourselves and our world—provided we ask the right questions. By the end of an average day in the early twenty-first century, human beings searching the internet will amass eight trillion gigabytes of data. This staggering amount of information—unprecedented in history— can tell us a great deal about who we are—the fears, desires, and behaviors that drive us, and the conscious and unconscious decisions we make. From the profound to the mundane, we can gain astonishing knowledge about the human psyche that less than twenty years ago, seemed unfathomable.
JULY 2017
his month, I read a book set in one of my favourite historical times; post WWII. There are many books written about this period but nothing as captivating as The Reader (1995). This International Bestseller was written by German author and law professor, Bernhard Schlink, winner of many awards and author of countless well-known titles which were translated into numerous languages. His best known books include Flights of Love (2000), Self's Murder (2001), Homecoming (2006) and The Weekend (2008). Bernhard is also a former judge and he lives in Berlin. The story takes place in Germany, post WWII and the Holocaust. The Reader (1995) is the story of the relationship between a narrator and an older woman. It captures Germany's past and its present and also the generations that came before and after the war. Once I’d read the book and before writing my review, I did a bit of research on both the author and the book and discovered that the story had been made into a movie under the same name. It starred Kate Winslet (in an Academy Award winning role), Ralph Fiennes and David Kross. I haven't seen the movie
yet but I know I have to! For those of you who are dreading the idea of reading a WWII book, I assure you, it’s a quick read of only 200 pages (12 chapters). It's a mesmerizing novel of love and secrets, horror and compassion, unfolding against the haunted landscape of postwar Germany.
Wonder Woman
Directed by Patty Jenkins Written by Geoff Johns and Allan Heinberg
his is perhaps the best DC Comic Book movie of recent memory and serves as a solid character introduction before this year’s Justice League hits theaters. It’s a film with heaps of gender equality, female empowerment and something for all the young fierce girls of the world to look up to. Yet even those aspirations get somewhat saddled in the final moments of the film. It’s easy to see why, as two men wrote the screenplay! Granted, it had a female director and great screen presence of Gal Gadot and her flawless hair (even in battle she gets to whip her hair!).
Here come the spoilers! The film opens with modern day Diana working at the Louvre in Paris in Antiquities. Convenient and fitting as she is seen receiving a secure package from Bruce Wayne (Batman from Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice) containing a replica of a photo of her from World War I. This photo was seen before in the previously mentioned film, and this origin film will base heavily upon those events. Flashback in time to a young Diana. Fierce, feisty and ready to fight. The film does a splendid job of using a montage to show her age and progress in her training to be a warrior, all the while carefully mentioning in dialogue exchanges between characters about a secret Diana must not know. More on that later. Diana gets to see sacred weapons from the Gods including a lasso of truth, a shield and a magical sword called the God Killer. A sword she is told Zeus himself sent down to the Amazon’s island in order to protect it for the day it needed to be used to kill Ares, the God of War. It doesn’t take long before Diana slowly discovers she has abilities and strengths her fellow Amazonian’s do not possess. Then the world comes crashing in, literally in the form of an American Spy for British Intelligence. She leaves the island with the weapons 084
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from the Gods in tow to find Ares and stop the Great War. Sounds straightforward but wait, there is more! We get to add in a team of misfits. A sniper who can’t shoot anymore, a charismatic actor who missed out on acting due to the war, and an Indian Chief who thinks living in the edges of a war zone grants him more freedom than living in America where the white man has killed off his people and stolen all their land. All of them are mercenaries for fortune and this at first displeases Diana. Now the team is assembled we get the sets of them in action, or rather of Diana in action. The rest of the team serves up as spectators for most of these sequences. The film makes a few subtle points of emotional depth to a couple of team members, such as the sniper who cannot shoot anymore due to the ghosts that haunt him. Later on, Diana connects him with his singing voice. The rest of the team soon comes to believe in her and they are willing to fight with her for the greater good. This is where the film falls flat on a missed emotional opportunity. In the final battle scenes she should witness one by one, each team member dying in order to either protect her or to stop the Germans, each death bringing her to another level of emotional turmoil and then culminating when the last team member dies saving London from chemical attack. The sniper who can’t shoot would then make one last shot while singing. The actor would do a final performance in order to distract the enemy before being shot. The Indian would start to turn away, but return in order to sacrifice himself for the war. That would build up a huge emotional payoff when Diana realizes her full power and potential once she finds out the sword is not the God Killer, but she is. With all of that being said I will knock the screenplay writers on a flawed message of female empowerment. In the final battle, it took a man to inspire a woman to reach her potential. That just mires the message of female empowerment for me and, therefore, makes my recommended change in writing much needed. Thanks for reading Writing Movie ‘WRONGS’.
Chained To The Rhythm
Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee
Post Malone & Quavo
Katy Perry & Skip Marley
Calvin Harris, Frank Ocean & Migos
Kendrick Lamar
I'm The One
Body Like A Back Road
I Feel It Coming
Everyday We Lit
DJ Khaled
Sam Hunt
Calvin Harris, Pharell Williams, Katy Perry & Big Sean
Weeknd & Daft Punk
YFN Lucci
That's What I Like
It Ain't Me
Slow Hands
Craving You
Bruno Mars
David Guetta & Justin Bieber
Kygo & Selena Gomez
Niall Horan
Thomas Rhett & Maren Morris
Wild Thoughts
In Case You Didn't Know
Bad And Boujee
DJ Khaled, Rihanna & Bryson Tiller
Brett Young
Migos & Lil Uzi Vert
Kendrick Lamar
There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back Shawn Mendes
Shape Of You
Mask Off
Something Just Like This
Ed Sheeran
Chainsmokers & Coldplay
Kendrick Lamar
A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie & Kodak Black
Can't Stop The Feeling!
Imagine Dragons
Miley Cyrus
Jason Derulo, Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla $ign
Kyle & Lil Yachty
Justin Timberlake
Unforgettable French Montana & Swae Lee
XO Tour Llif3
Down Fifth
Versace On The Floor
Lil Uzi Vert
Zedd & Alessia Cara
Harmony & Gucci Mane
Bruno Mars
Sign Of The Times
Strip That Down
Kendrick Lamar
Harry Styles
Charlie Puth
Liam Payne & Quavo
2017 Jeep® Grand Cherokee The Most Awarded SUV Ever… Now with Fuel Economy Improvements.
Model: Ahlam Eyada (@ahlamsworld) Photographer: Hamad Al-Ainati (@7mdphotography) Car: 2017 Jeep® Grand Cherokee (@mbmckuwait)
JULY 2017
must confess that we at CP magazine are loving the car test-drives. This month, I was supposed to start my new segment but when I heard we were having the new Jeep Grand Cherokee for a test drive, I immediately asked our Chief Editor to postpone my segment until next month and let me take the test drive! I’ve always had a special love for the Jeep® Grand Cherokee and you may be surprised to know that it is the most awarded SUV ever. It is the vehicle that has long defined what a premium SUV should be. I had read that for 2017, all V6 and 5.7-litre V8 Grand Cherokee models offered improved fuel efficiency due to electric power steering, decreased tyre rolling resistance and weight reductions with aluminum suspension. The 3.6-litre Pentastar V6 engine in the Jeep Grand Cherokee also receives a bump in horsepower for 2016, increasing output to 295hp. New Pentastar technology for 2017 also includes cooled ExhaustGas Recirculation (EGR), advanced two-step Variable Valve Lift (VVL) system and upgraded variable-valve timing (VVT) system that reduces pumping losses and improves combustion. In addition, Grand Cherokee also features a new polystable shifter and Ivory Tri-coat exterior colour for Overland and Summit models. The 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee delivers consumers an unprecedented combination of best-in-class fuel economy and driving range, a choice of leading powertrain options, available clean-diesel technology, legendary benchmark capability, worldclass craftsmanship, premium on-road driving dynamics, and a host of advanced user-friendly technology and safety features. Legendary Jeep capability comes courtesy of four available 4x4 systems, Jeep’s Quadra-Lift air suspension system and classleading Selec-Terrain traction management system. Grand Cherokee boasts best-in-class towing of 7,400 pounds (3,356 kgs), and a crawl ratio of 44.1:1. In addition, Grand Cherokee may also be flat-towed when equipped with Quadra-Trac II or QuadraDrive II systems. The 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee includes more than 70 safety and security features as well as an array of advanced user-friendly technology features, such as the award-winning Uconnect 8.4inch (213.36 mm) touchscreen radio with integrated climate and infotainment controls, and a 7-inch (177.8 mm) TFT customer configurable multiview display cluster. Also all of Jeep Grand Cherokee’s engines are mated to the FCA US eight-speed automatic transmission. In addition to enhancing fuel economy, the robust and durable eight-speed transmission delivers quick acceleration and precise, smooth shifting, enhancing ride quality to luxury car levels. An additional benefit is a low crawl ratio of 44.1:1 to aid in climbing over - or through tough obstacles, when equipped with a two-speed transfer case. As I took the steering wheel in my hands I realized that I could now choose to leave steering wheel paddle shifters “on” or “off” via the radio touch screen display. Steering wheel paddle shifters offer improved control both on- and off-road, including Electronic Range Select when using Selec-Speed Control in extreme offroad situations. Another contributor to Grand Cherokee’s fuel economy is Eco Mode, which optimises the transmission’s shift schedule and, in V8 models, Fuel Saver cylinder deactivation technology. A button on the centre stack allows to disengage Eco Mode if more spirited performance is desired. I thoroughly enjoyed my ride, as I wanted to have a full experience and learn more about the new and enhanced features of the new Cherokee. The 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee features four available 4x4 systems (Quadra-Trac I, Quadra-Trac II, Quadra-Drive II and SelecTrack), an available Quadra-Lift air suspension and a Selec-Terrain traction management system, all of which instill Grand Cherokee with its legendary Jeep capability. Quadra-Trac I features a single-speed transfer case with full-time four-wheel drive without any switches or levers to pull. 088
JULY 2017
Model: Ahlam Eyada (@ahlamsworld) Photographer: Hamad Al-Ainati (@7mdphotography) Car: 2017 JeepÂŽ Grand Cherokee (@mbmckuwait)
The Quadra-Trac II’s two-speed transfer case uses input from a variety of sensors to determine tyre slip at the earliest possible moment and takes corrective action. When wheel slippage is detected, as much as 100 percent of available torque is instantly routed to the axle with the most traction. Quadra-Drive II, with a rear Electronic Limited-slip Differential (ELSD), delivers industry-leading tractive capability. The system instantly detects tyre slip and smoothly distributes engine torque to tyres with traction. In some cases, the vehicle will anticipate low traction and adjust in order to proactively limit or eliminate slip. Quadra-Lift air suspension system is yet another very useful feature of 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee. The 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee rises above the road and rocks with the rugged, class-exclusive Quadra-Lift air suspension system. The Quadra-Lift system features five-height settings for optimum ride performance: lNormal Ride Height (NRH): 8.2 inches (208.28 mm) of clearance offers improved fuel economy as well as improved aerodynamics during on-road driving lOff-road 1: Lifts the vehicle an additional 1.1 inches (27.94 mm) from NRH for added height in clearing obstacles (9.3 inches / 236.22 mm) lOff-road 2: Delivers legendary Jeep off-road capability and provides an additional 2.2 inches (55.88 mm) from NRH for 10.4 inches (264.16 mm) of ground clearance and up to 20 inches (508 mm) of water fording depth lPark Mode: Lowers the vehicle 1.6 inches (40.64 mm) from NRH for easy ingress/egress. NRH and Park Mode are driver selectable allowing the driver full control over vehicle ride height lAero Mode: Lowers the vehicle 0.6 inches (15.24 mm) from NRH. Aero Mode is controlled by vehicle speed and adjusts for optimal performance and fuel economy. The vehicle will also lower to Aero Mode when in Sport Mode Quadra-Lift adds up to 3.8 inches (96.52 mm) of lift span supported by four-corner air springs that provide a cushioned, premium ride. Quadra-Lift operates automatically, or may be controlled manually with console controls. With the front air dam removed (not available on Summit) and the available Quadra-Lift air suspension, the 2016 Jeep Grand Cherokee features a 36.1-degree approach angle, a 27.1-degree departure angle and 22.8-degree breakover angle. In addition to the Quadra-Lift air suspension, the Grand Cherokee’s class-leading Selec-Terrain traction control system allows customers to choose the on- and off-road setting for optimum performance. This feature electronically coordinates up to 12 different powertrain, braking and suspension systems, including throttle control, transmission shift, transfer case, Hill-descent Control and SelecSpeed Control. The Selec-Terrain system offers five different driving conditions to achieve the best driving experience on all terrains: Sand, Mud, Auto, Snow and Rock. Sport Mode is engaged with a new-for-2017 Sport Mode button on the centre stack. Sport Mode provides enhanced on-road "fun-todrive" capability. Selec-Speed Control with Hill-ascent and Hill-descent Control allows drivers to control Grand Cherokee’s speed both up and down steep, rugged grades with the steering wheel paddle shifters - without the need for throttle or brake pedals. Unique to its segment, Grand Cherokee Hill-descent Control also works when the vehicle is in reverse. All 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee models equipped with Off-road groups are Trail Rated. The Jeep Trail Rated badge on the Jeep Grand Cherokee indicates that the vehicle is designed to perform in a variety of challenging off-road conditions, identified by five key consumer-oriented capability categories: traction, ground clearance, maneuverability, articulation and water fording. Now let’s talk about the exterior and interior design. All trim levels of the 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee have a premium look, while simultaneously making each trim level readily identifiable at a glance. Key exterior features include front and rear LED lighting that allow Grand Cherokee to be instantly recognizable, night or 090
JULY 2017
Model: Ahlam Eyada (@ahlamsworld) Photographer: Hamad Al-Ainati (@7mdphotography) Car: 2017 Jeep® Grand Cherokee (@mbmckuwait)
Model: Ahlam Eyada (@ahlamsworld) Photographer: Hamad Al-Ainati (@7mdphotography) Car: 2017 JeepÂŽ Grand Cherokee (@mbmckuwait)
JULY 2017
day, from a great distance. Standard on Overland and Summit and available on Limited are bi-xenon high-intensity discharge (HID) headlamps (adaptive on Summit) that are outlined with signature LED running lamps. Of course, Grand Cherokee retains Jeep’s classic seven-slot grille and trapezoidal wheel arches. The front and rear of the 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee features unique lower fascias for every trim level and a large, aerodynamic rear spoiler. The award-winning interior of the Jeep Grand Cherokee is clearly one of the most technically advanced, well-crafted interiors in the industry. Immediately noticeable is the Uconnect 5-inch (127 mm) or 8.4-inch (213.36 mm) touchscreen. Controls for radio and climate are found below the screen and have easily identifiable knobs and buttons. Following the centre stack down onto the centre console reveals a new leather-wrapped polystable shifter for the eight-speed transmission. Wrapped in leather, the three-spoke steering wheel features sections of wood on Overland and Summit models. All Grand Cherokee models include standard paddle shifters mounted on the back of the steering wheel. The steering wheel is designed and positioned to provide optimal view of the gauge cluster that features a 7-inch (177.8 mm), full-colour, customisable instrument display. This screen allows drivers to select from a multitude of layout and vehicle information to be shown in the centre of the gauge cluster. Laredo and Limited models feature dark wood trim on the dash and doors. Door handle and dash vent bezels, as well as the trim on the centre console, feature a slight gold hue to their brushed aluminum look. Premium cloth seating is standard on Laredo while Capri leather seating is standard in Limited. Overland models have several touches like standard Nappa leather seats, stitched-leather instrument panel and available open-pore wood, which add a distinct touch of modern luxury. Wood trim is also found on the top portion of the leather-wrapped steering wheel. Rear-seat footwell and rear door-pocket ambient lighting highlight the Grand Cherokee’s interior design at night. Grand Cherokee Summit models continue to carry the torch for premium interiors in the SUV segment. Premium Natura-Plus leather seating with heated, ventilated and memory front seats, open-pore wood trim and Copper accents are available on Summit in Morocco Black or Grand Canyon Jeep Brown. Returning for 2016 is the Argentina Tan interior with black-accent stitching. Also unique to Summit is a premium suede-like material covering the A-pillars and headliner. Another impressive feature is a nineteen-speaker, 825-watt high-performance Harman Kardon surround sound audio system. This state-of-the-art system features a 12-channel amplifier, three sub-woofers and surrounds the occupants in high-definition sound. For added passenger comfort, rear seats recline 12 degrees. There also is a 12-degree forward angle to allow 24 degrees of variation. The Cargo volume behind the second row measures 36.3 cu. ft. (1.02 cu. m.) and includes a storage unit with grocery hooks on both sides. With the rear seats folded, there is 68.3 cu. ft. (1.93 cu. m.) of cargo capacity available. Under the cargo floor, the spare tyre compartment includes removable dual storage bins for secure storage of muddy gear or other items. The Grand Chrokee’s Uconnect 8.4-inch (213.36 mm) touchscreen, one-shot voice command navigation and a customer customisable multiview cluster display highlight the state-of-the-art features. The 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee offers more than 70 advanced safety and security features - highest in its class. They include features like Forward Collision Warning with Crash Mitigation and Selec-Speed Control, electronic stability control (ESC), Electronic Roll Mitigation (ERM), Blind-spot Monitoring with Rear Cross Path detection, Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), trailer-sway control (TSC), front-row active head restraints, standard full-length side-curtain air bags and standard seat-mounted side thorax air bags offer enhanced occupant protection to passengers in the event of a collision. Jeep Grand Cherokee is widely known for its outstanding on-road driving dynamics and quietness, thanks in part to its front and rear independent suspension. Variable-rate rear springs deliver improved on-road handling and comfort that complements the vehicle’s off-road capability. Premium on-road manners are enhanced with more than 5,400 welds in the body alone. The independent front and rear suspension features isolated front and rear suspension cradles along with variable-rate rear springs to deliver improved onroad handling and comfort while complementing the vehicle’s legendary offroad capability. The rear suspension also allows the spare tyre to be stored inside the vehicle as opposed to underneath. Grand Cherokee’s steering also has been carefully calibrated for the right amount of assistance whether cruising the parking lot or a twisty two-lane mountain road. Electric power steering adds new steering options, including Sport, Comfort and Normal. Overall, after two days of driving the 2017 Grand Cherokee, I have almost made my mind on buying it as my new vehicle. For more information or to book your test-drive visit the AlMulla and Behbehani Motor Company’s showroom located in AlRai on the 4th Ring Road or you can call them on 1885500 for more details.
Selma Benomar and Jaeger-LeCoultre stage a rendezvous for an ultra stylish Ramadan this season
Mariam - Selma - Sossi
Dr. Deema Naji
Hind Bouchammar
Mariam- Selma - Shaza
Mariam Saed
Houda Said
Shaza Hassoun
JULY 2017
Mahira Abdel Aziz
This Ramadan witnessed a very special touch of added elegance, perfection and sophistication, as well-known Moroccan caftan label designer Selma Benomar and Swiss luxury watchmaker Jaeger-LeCoultre came together in a unique partnership. As part of this collaboration, the two entities played host at an exclusive ‘ladies only’ suhour held at Jumeirah Al Qasr Royal Suite on June 13th. The suhoor was a stylish celebration of the creative collaboration between Selma Benomar and Jaeger-LeCoultre. It showcased few pieces of her stunning new collection of caftans inspired by the subtle, delicate colours and rich, deep shades of Jaeger-LeCoultre’s SIHH 2017 Ladies Collection. Prominent VIP guests at the suhoor included Emirati-Moroccan actress Mayssa Maghrebi, ET Arabia host Mariam Said, the famous social media influencer Noha Nabil, as well as Lojain Omran, Houda Said, Hind Boumchamar, Shatha Hassoun, Mahira Abdelaziz, Sossi Wartanian and May Kinan.
Vida Downtown Hosts Influencer Iftar Vida Downtown has brought impeccable style and artistic inspiration to the Holy month this year by teaming up with Fashion Exclusive for ‘The Edit.’ The boutique hotels most fashionable Ramadan experience to date was in full swing last night hosting a chic Influencer Iftar, in collaboration with the reputable fashion agency. The Iftar included an impressive lineup of some of the most followed social media influencers, including Talayeh Janab, Dee Mohamud, Wafaa Abo El Ela, Haifa Zakaria Arora, Rhea Jacobs, Ashley Al Busmait , Dina Salem, Justyna Robinson, Nehan Saud, and Kimberley Denise. The trendy and trendsetting guests enjoyed the brand new Iftar spread from Executive Chef James Knight-Pacheco, while browsing through new Ramadan styles and enjoying the new Art in Vida installation.
Ashley Al Busmait
Dee Mohamud
Haifa Zakaria Arora
Justyna Robinson
Kimberley Denise
Nehan Saud
Rhea Jacobs
Wafaa Abo El Ela
Photo Credits: Young Habibti
Talayeh Jenab
Baroncelli Heritage collection from MIDO TAG Heuer Luxury Kit Super Raggaeton Nicky Jam Joins The Bomberg Family
BOMBERG watches and jewelry is proud to announce the newest addition to the BOMBERG family: Reggaeton super star Nicky Jam has become the new friend of the Swiss watch & jewerly House. As mutual fans for one another, BOMBERG is excited to be reemerging as one on this new endevour. BOMBERG distinguishes itself by capturing demand as it happens, ready and willing to create exactly what the consumer desires. Nicky Jam had obstacles to overcome early on in his career but instead of giving up, he did what he had to do to distinguish himself from the rest. When things seemed to slow down for him in the USA, he decided to target his energy straight at his fans in Colombia and build up his fan base all over again. With persistence and tenacity, Nicky Jam was resurrected into a household name. The determination that Nicky Jam has shown is just the exact kind of heart and soul as well as values Bomberg is looking for in its partnerships and watches the brand creates. Along with the partnership with Nicky Jam, the Swiss watch & jewelry House unveils two special edition pieces; -The BOLT-68 Nicky Jam quartz chronograph 45mm -And the BOLT-68 automatic 3-hands. 45mm Both time-pieces embellished with the „Fenix“ the mythological bird that recycled its own life, igniting itself on fire only to reemerge from its ashes reborn, renewed, and very much alive – just as Nicky Jam.
JULY 2017
Hyundai Veloster ‘one of the coolest cars under USD 18,000’, says leading auto guide
In another recognition of its delivering both value and fun for drivers in the compact category, Hyundai’s 2017 Veloster has been honored by a leading automotive publication. Kelley Blue Book’s, the United States’ leading online guide to new and used motors, ranked the sporty coupe one of the “coolest cars under USD 18,000”. The ranking, which highlights dynamic vehicles that remain affordable to a wide array of consumers, is one of the longest-running by Kelley Blue Book, a trusted resource that dates back by almost a century. “When we look at these rankings, we factor in not only price but what we describe as a ‘cool factor’ represented by a vehicle being both fun to drive and fun to own,” said Jack R. Nerad, executive editorial director and executive market analyst for Kelley Blue Book’s “The Veloster definitely fits the bill here, with a visual styling and ownership value that gives first-time owners and other budget-conscious buyers a fun experience without having to break the bank.” Awarding the accolade, Kelley Blue Book cited the Veloster’s “utterly unique” styling, particularly the three-door configuration, coupled with a long warranty and low price to offer consumers high value. With bold design features on both interior and exterior, an available 6-speed EcoShift Dual Clutch Transmission, and a five-star safety rating by the United States National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the Veloster provides value and owner experience like nothing else in its class. “The Veloster delivers a fun, fresh design that makes a modern, bold statement to Middle East and Africa consumers, who want affordable vehicles that have high performance and sophisticated styling,” said Mike Song, Head of Operations for Africa and the Middle East at Hyundai Motor Company. “This accolade cements the Veloster’s position as the most refined vehicle in its class, and underscores our determination and refusal to compromise on consistently exceeding our customers’ expectations.”
The Baroque-influenced neoclassical style of Milan’s Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II expresses all the sophistication inherent to Italian architectural tradition. It was from these refined, rounded forms that Mido drew its inspiration for the Baroncelli. The subtle references to this prestigious building and its harmonious curves bestow both a rare sense of elegance and a resolutely timeless style on this iconic collection, which celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2016. The two new Baroncelli Heritage models constitute yet another step in watchmaking refinement. They are the latest additions to a line characterised by its exceptionally thin cases, which make it one of the thinnest and lightest timepieces on the market. Designed in pairs – a cherished Mido tradition – the Baroncelli Heritage was launched in 2016. It quickly met with great success. The new 2017 arrivals are distinguished by their sumptuous white and grained dials, which reveal polished applied Roman numerals around their edge. These details further emphasise the classic style and timeless elegance of the two models. They also feature a magnificent round polished steel case with rose PVD treatment. The dial features the Baroncelli Heritage signature at 6 o’clock, while the date can be read in a window at 3 o’clock. The hour and minute hands are double-sided, with one side sandblasted and the other diamond-cut. The seconds hand, meanwhile, is diamond-cut. These hands can be admired through the sapphire crystal with an antireflective treatment on both sides that protects the dial. These two new light, graceful models echo vertical dancing and the dancers’ bodies as they enhance the architecture. The Baroncelli Heritage is fitted with an automatic movement protected by a case measuring 33 mm in diameter for the women’s model and 39 mm for the men’s model. Enthusiasts of fine watchmaking mechanics will endlessly admire the finely decorated automatic movement, which features blued screws and an oscillating weight adorned with Geneva stripes and the Mido logo, through the transparent case back. This movement is protected by a sapphire crystal offering a perfect view of the heart of the watch. Water-resistant up to a pressure of 3 bars (30 m/100 ft), these two Baroncelli Heritage models come with a semi-matt black crocodile-look genuine calfskin strap. They feature a stainless steel pin buckle with rose PVD treatment. Several versions complete this collection.
In March, to coincide with the launch of the Connected Modular 45, TAG Heuer unveiled its first Luxury Kit. A magnificent exclusive presentation case featuring elegant materials in understated hues, it includes three drawers and a bureau type display. But what does the set contain? The new TAG Heuer Connected Modular 45, which boasts a grade 5 titanium case, a ceramic bezel and an elegant brown leather strap. For the Connected Modular 45, TAG Heuer has worked closely with Intel and Google to create a luxury watch which combines connectivity and smart technology with Swiss watchmaking expertise. The watch is powered by an Intel® Atom™ Z34XX series superprocessor and operates on Android Wear™ 2.0. TAG Heuer worked with Intel to design the smart technology behind the watch's superior performance and multitude of connectivity options including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS and NFC, and which also enables users to benefit from a wide range of functions offered under the Android Wear operating system. The motherboard, brain and body of this watch were manufactured in Switzerland. The final assembly and tests were conducted by TAG Heuer, in a dedicated workshop, at the heart of its manufacture in La Chaux-de-Fonds. The Connected Modular 45 also features an original concept which is brand new in the field of connected watches: the connected module is interchangeable with an Haute Horlogerie mechanical module — a 3-hand watch or COSC-certified Chronograph Tourbillon. This exclusive box set also includes the prestigious Heuer-02 Tourbillon module. The Heuer-02T COSC Chronograph Tourbillon movement was entirely designed and developed at TAG Heuer. With a skeleton movement, and a low inertia tourbillon made from carbon and titanium, it comprises 284 components, within a diameter of 31 mm (13 ¾’’’ lignes) and a thickness of 6.9 mm, and beats at a frequency of 4 Hz (28,800 vibrations/hour). It boasts a 65-hour power reserve. Its design — deliberately conceived with the strategic aim of falling below the CHF 15,000 mark — was launched in 2015. For this to be possible, every team within the manufacture (engineers, watchmakers, designers, purchasing, production) was involved in the process to enable costs to be optimised at each stage. Thanks to this synergy, the challenge was successfully met, and the finished piece was unveiled at BaselWorld 2016. In the Swiss watchmaking industry, this price of CHF 14,900 for a Tourbillon watch is a highly competitive one. It is in line with Jean-Claude Biver's desire — and the strategy he put in place — to make TAG Heuer the leader in accessible luxury.
Aston Martin and Hogan create the ultimate luxury sneaker
Centrepoint Expands its Presence.. Launches 11th Store in Kuwait
Renault Al Babtain Partners with Carriage
During London Fashion Week Men’s, Aston Martin and Hogan are announcing a new partnership that will see the two luxury brands collaborate on an exclusive ‘Aston Martin x Hogan’ limited edition luxury sneaker for the Autumn Winter 2017/18. Available later this month, the exquisite ‘Aston Martin x Hogan’ luxury sneaker will be presented in four striking colour ways. “Collaborating with brands that share our views on quality, style and elegance is important to us,” said Marek Reichman, EVP & Chief Creative Officer at Aston Martin. “Working with creative teams outside of the automotive industry helps to broaden our designers’ minds, and this is always a positive experience for both myself and my team at Gaydon. We take inspiration from all walks of life and our work with Hogan will help to shape and inspire many aspects of our future creations”. Aston Martin’s modern and sophisticated aesthetic combines with Hogan’s beautiful Italian construction for this unique line of shoes. Based on an iconic Hogan design named ‘Olympia’, and offered in four seasonal colours, the palette is versatile yet striking. Leather is paired with nylon mesh to create a look that is as casual as it is smart, creating a contemporary urban feel. The exclusive sneaker reflects the elegance of the silhouette of an Aston Martin sports car and includes detailing from Aston Martin’s artisan leather craft. Applied to the exterior of the shoe, layers of leather create a wave of beautiful colours and materials that are sewn with exquisite attention to detail. The tongue of the sneaker is cut from Aston Martin’s classic kestrel tan leather with pinched seam detailing and feature the iconic Aston Martin wings. Each ‘Aston Martin x Hogan’ sneaker is crafted to the same high standards that are expected by customers of the luxury British marque’s sports cars and those of the Italian master of casual-luxury shoes. “Hogan’s attention to detail and passion for beautiful products, and Aston Martin’s beautiful craftsmanship made this project a natural fit,” said Sergio Azzolari, General Manager from Hogan. “It was a pleasure for us to collaborate on a shoe that reflects the attention to detailing in Aston Martin sports cars.” Limited to a run of 3,000 pairs, the ‘Aston Martin x Hogan’ exclusive collection will be available at Hogan flagship stores worldwide, on and at the Aston Martin Dover Street brand centre from the end of June.
Centrepoint, the region’s largest fashion retailer, celebrated the opening of its 11th store in Kuwait. To mark the celebration, Centrepoint hosted an exclusive ribbon cutting ceremony which was attended by Mdm, Wedad Al Abbdulrazzaq, Mdm, Abeer Al-Sumait, Mdm, Sula Al-Fulaij, members of the press and Landmark Group management. Attendees to the opening ceremony were treated to a preview of the store’s Ramadan and Summer 2017 collection. Located in Al Mutawa tower, Tunis street Hawally, the new Centrepoint store offers the latest Ramadan and summer collection keeping in mind the needs of the local customer. The store has a wide selection of fashion, kidswear, footwear, accessories, cosmetics and home décor. Speaking at the launch of the new store Saibal Basu, Chief Operating Officer, Landmark Group Kuwait said: “As an innovative, one-stop shopping concept, Centrepoint has received tremendous acceptance in Kuwait. Over the years we have grown considerably and this expansion encompasses our commitment to our customers in Kuwait and the region. Our success is a testimony not only to the quality of products and services we offer, but also to the practicality of having a single destination that meets the shopping needs of the entire family.” “Expansion has always played an important role in Landmark Group’s growth strategy. With the addition of our Hawally location – our 11th Centrepoint store opening in Kuwait – we can continue to offer a unique shopping experience for our customers by delivering the latest styles and trends. We are delighted with the new location, it’s fresher and brighter combining quality and style to appeal to a broad customer base.” “Centrepoint is among the fastest growing brands in our growing portfolio of the retail brands we are able to offer our customers. We look forward to delivering unparalleled overall shopping experience at convenient locations.” concluded Mr. Basu Shopping at Centrepoint is an experience in itself. From trendy fashion looks to inspiring accessories, the store are designed for easy browsing and colorful display areas. It features distinctive niches and departments offering the latest fashion range with the hottest new international trends in textures and fabrics to guarantee its patrons an enjoyable Ramadan shopping experience. Every season, Centrepoint produces a collection that is unique and fits with its overall philosophy, and this Ramadan season is no different!!. There’s a wide variety of apparel to choose from; so do visit any of the stores located at Al Rai, Avenues, Salmiya, Fintas, Jahra, Fahaheel, Sulaibhikhat, Kuwait City, Khaitan and Hawally.
Abdulmohsen Abdulaziz Al Babtain Co., the exclusive and authorized agent of Renault in the State of Kuwait is proud of the partnership established with Carriage Co. specialized in food delivery service in Kuwait. The partnership, the first of its kind between the two companies, included the delivery of a fleet of Renault "Symbol" cars. This partnership is also an effective way to enhance the success of the Renault brand as a versatile vehicle of high quality. Carriage Carriage was the very first service of its kind in the State of Kuwait. It was the first platform to combine both online food ordering and food delivery. It was also the first to offer the livetracking feature, so you know where your order is every step of the way. It started out with a small collection of some of the best local restaurants in Kuwait that offered delivery exclusively through it, and now they have over 270 restaurants and counting. They have new restaurants joining every day. Each one of their restaurants is carefully chosen to constantly provide only the best for their customers – the newest, most exciting concepts in Kuwait. The partnership between Renault Al Babtain and Carriage is due to the combination of top vehicles’ quality and the excellent services provided by both businesses. Renault Symbol, is a tailored sedan for the GCC countries. Renault Symbol comes with a modern design. Its sleek body lines enhancing its dynamic appearance enable you to stand out from the crowd: new Renault C-shaped signature for front & rear lights, DRL with front LEDS, new front & rear bumpers as well as a new boot door with chrome embellisher driving in style has never been so affordable! When it comes to comfort, design & safety, the latest generation of specs is provided from entry level.
‘Summer is Cooler @ Muhallab’ Launches with Gusto!
Al Muhallab mall recently launched its yearly summer kid’s camp with colorful celebrations at its venue with families and media personnel. The camp themed ‘Summer is Cooler @ Muhallab’ provides children between the ages of 5 – 12 years, with a healthy and fun avenue to express their creativity and productivity through six different activities for free. Children can attend every weekend – Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays between 5:30 pm and 8: 30 pm until August 5, 2017. The specialized kid’s camp will be divided into six exciting corners across the mall ranging from arts & crafts, hair braiding, hair accessories, nail polishing, tattoos and kids engineering skills building to improve practical capabilities and demonstrate a hands-on approach. Al Muhallab mall is pleased to announce that children who have ambitiously engaged and explored all of the activities listed will receive prizes. Every Thursday at 7 pm, children and families can also expect to be entertained with an exclusive show comprising of famous magicians, and children’s favorite cartoon characters. In a bid to reward and appreciate the children that actively engaged in the malls summer adventure, chosen handiworks will be displayed in the mall to save long lasting memories for years to come! To know more about Al Muhallab Mall’s ongoing activities, please follow the mall’s social media channels on Instagram: @AlmuhallabMall, Twitter: @AlmuhallabMall, or Facebook: Almuhallab Mall.
Volkswagen Kuwait presents the new Golf GTI
Tissot Chrono XL It’s time to think big!
DEAN & DELUCA launches it’s new ‘Light Bites’ specials
Behbehani Motors has announced the arrival of the most iconic hatchback in automotive history at the Volkswagen showrooms in Kuwait. The new Golf GTI features an enhanced design, new assistance systems and a new generation infotainment system. The new Golf GTI was presented through an iconic display during the media event held in The Avenues mall. Abdullah Ali, General Manager Volkswagen, Behbehani Motors, “The Golf GTI is progressive in its design, with an agile daily drive that excites. The new model offers all new technology and safety features that set the bar within its segment. Our customers can enjoy technology such as gesture control – a first for hot hatch models in the region.” He continued, “Furthermore, beyond a powerful daily drive, the safety features offered in the new Golf GTI set benchmarks in its class – drivers behind the wheel of a GTI on the roads of Kuwait can enjoy five star Euro NCAP safety rating, thanks to the innovative safety features such as front assist emergency brakes, blind spot sensors and German Engineering”. The new Golf GTI is powered by an additional 10 HP and a refined design. The progressive model offers gesture control for the Discover Pro infotainment system, a first in the compact class. With a 9.2-inch touchscreen in button-free tablet style and a 12.3-inch Active Info Display that replaces the conventional speedometer, the new Golf is a class apart. From the exterior, the iconic hatchback features a newly designed crisper front-end with LED daytime running lights, as well as a modified rear, adding to its stature on the road. Optional full-LED headlights that replace the previously xenon headlights in the Golf give the car an especially distinctive look. It is also safer than ever. The new Golf features new assistance systems such as pedestrian monitoring of the Front Assist emergency braking system, a revised occupant protection system that closes all windows when sensing an imminent collision and a blind spot sensor. Making the Golf one of the most attractive hatchbacks in the market.
JULY 2017
DEAN & DELUCA, Kuwait’s destination gourmet café and grocery store welcomes the summer season with a flavorful menu available for a limited time only. The Light Bites menu presents an exciting fusion of spices and cuisines with signature Tacos & Sliders dishes, created satisfy your cravings. This summer, Taco fans will get to experience the authentic taste of the Prawn Hamsa Taco specially introduced this season. Tantalize your taste buds in your choice of Chicken or Doner Shawerma Taco. Each choice is carefully crafted with the perfect seasoning of pico de gallo or oriental chili salsa for an unforgettable taste. A Trio Tacos special is available for order to indulge in all three selections; this is not for the fainthearted! For an exciting sizzling selection this summer, DEAN & DELUCA presents for the first time the new sliders creation featuring Chili Lime Shrimp Sliders and Tandoori Chicken Sliders along with the all-time favorite, Burger Sliders. The Trio Sliders will ensure you get a heavenly bite of each of the extravagant flavors. The sliders specials for this season are also available for order separately for a mouth-watering experience. The Light Bites menu will be available from 5th July 2017 and until the end of August 2017, ready to accompany your summer plans, gatherings and munching spree at DEAN & DELUCA, The Avenues Mall.
Intra-Matic 68: a retro automatic chronograph by Hamilton
In 1968 Hamilton presented two new timepieces among others, the Chronograph A with black subdials on a white dial, and the Chronograph B with two white subdials lying against a black background, creating a “reverse panda” face. This type of dial design was very popular in the 60s and 70s, crossing the ages until this day with perhaps more fans than before. A strong character watch with a clean and monochrome design, and highly valued today by collectors. Great attention to detail was a key request for the new Intra-Matic 68 Auto Chrono, and many elements have almost remained untouched. The dial in particular stays true to the “reverse” panda face of the timepiece’s origins, and is circled by a white tachymeter scale. Black and white seems to be the overall theme of the watch, with the date on a dark background, a snowy white central chronograph seconds hand and black lacquered counter hands. Inside the polished stainless steel case is the automatic H-31 movement and its 60-hour power reserve, a technical extension most welcome in today’s busy lives. Additional parts that have been adapted to present taste include a 42mm case, bigger than its predecessor, and Super-LumiNova® coating on the hour and minute hands for higher legibility. True to its origin Sure to delight Hamilton aficionados and collectors alike, the Intra-Matic 68 Auto Chrono emulates that of its illustrious inspiration with vintage-feel pushers placed on each side of the crowns and the same solid stainless steel case back. This overall retro character and sense of heritage is further accentuated by a domedshape dial and curved hands. The black calf leather strap is a cut-edge type, which uses the most traditional strap-production techniques, and is gently perforated for a 60’s-style sporty touch. An ideal companion for individuals of character with a taste for vintage charm and watchmaking heritage, the 1,968-piece limited edition IntraMatic 68 comes with a special luxury packaging as the ultimate finishing touch.
Larger than life The Tissot Chrono XL is characterised by its big case that has a diameter of 45mm. The size of the dial makes time easily readable, with contemporary Arabic numerals at 12, 3, 6 and 9 o’clock. The chronograph function adds to its urban style. It’s time to see big with the Tissot Chrono XL. Stylish The Tissot Chrono XL collection offers multiple styles. Some may prefer the vintage touches of old school leather bracelets in various shades of brown with stylish stitches. Extra character is added with grey or black PVD coating on the case of certain watches. The dials vary depending on the model, from dark green, blue or black. Others may prefer the mat stainless steel bracelet and case for a more sophisticated feel. Whichever one you choose, the Tissot Chrono XL will definitely make a statement. Features •Swiss Made •Quartz Chronograph movement •316L stainless steel case •Water resistance up to a pressure of 10 bar (100 m / 330ft) •316L stainless steel bracelet with folding clasp and push-buttons or leather strap with standard buckle •All grey and black executions are PVD coating •Diameter: 45mm
1.Argentina originated the: Samba; Jive; Tango; or Waltz?
2.English King Henry I (1068-1135) reportedly introduced a standard for (What?) using his nose and thumb: Longbow; Handkerchief; Snuff; or Yard?
3.A typical 'thread count' of high quality bed linen is about 5; 50; 500; or 3
4.When the Moon is at 'Sysygy' with the Earth and Sun which two of these can it be: Half; Full; New; or Red? (two answers required)
5.The ornamental cutting and shaping of plants is: Apiary; Aviary; Topiary; or Incendiary?
6.The famous saying about power and money is "He who (What?) the (What?) calls the tune": Primes; Pays; Pumps; Bellows; Piper; or Banks? (two answers required)
7.In 1934 Englishman Percy Shaw invented and patented: Traffic lights; Car indicator lights; Cats eyes; or Roundabouts? 8.Hydroponics is the production of (What?) without (What?): Light; Eggs; Plants; Soil; Water; Heat; or Babies? (two answers required)
9.A tenth of a Roman army legion, c.500 soldiers, is the derivation of the
group word: Posse; Cohort; Squad; or Committee?
“Are you sure, Madam, that’s what the master requested?” she asked slowly. In this sentence, requested means: a.
identified incorrectly
expressed the need or desire for
perceived to be the same
watched and directed
10.The European reindeer is known in North America as: Caribou; Elk; Bison; or Mountain goat? 11.Scotland's 1388 Battle of Otterburn is also called: Chevy Chase; Tiny Tempah; Benedict Cumberbatch; or Burt Bacharach?
12.In 1926 Eamon de Valera founded the political party Fianna Fail (Soldiers of Destiny) in: France; Portugal; Ireland; or Russia? 13.The Japanese concept translated as 'Divine Wind' is: Origami; Bonsai; Karate; or Kamakazi? 14.Florentine, Garibaldi, Zimsterne, Snickerdoodle, and Anzac are types of: Ballet spin; Biscuit/cookie; Hat; or Napkin fold?
15.According to fiction, Ignatia Wildsmith (1227-1320) invented (What?) enabling transit/communications via fireplaces: Feather dust; Fire styx; Broad skyband; or Floo powder?
You can request something you want, like extra cheese on your pizza, or a better parking space, but you can also "put in a request." Request has a formal quality, as in "request forms." After all, you won't find any "ask forms" out there. Asking for something is one thing, making a request is another. It's more official. If you want to request a certain professor, you'd better put in a request!
c. To request something means to formally ask for it. If you're sick of always getting a middle seat on the airplane, put in a request for the aisle or window next time.
16.The tail of a comet takes what form/direction: Spiral; Tubular; Bent back to the comet; or Pointing away from the Sun?
17.The ancient board game of checkers is also known as: Ludo; Draughts; Backgammon; or Snakes and Ladders?
Mathematics Equation Riddle
18.In Birmingham 2017, Ozzy Osbourne, Geezer Butler, and Tommy Iommi, played their final gig after 49 years in the band: Led Zeppelin; Pink Floyd; Black Sabbath; or The Bay City Rollers?
Replace the ? by the correct Mathematics symbol to make the expression true
18 ? 12 ? 4 ? 5 = 59
19.France gave (What?) to (Where?) in 1886 as a centenary gift: The Statue of Liberty; Napoleon's sword; Nelson's Column; London; USA; or Australia? (two answers required)
20.A scapula is what sort of blade: Surgical; Axe; Grass; or Shoulder? Chevy Chase battle), 12.Ireland, 13.Kamakazi (WW2 suicide pilots), 14.Biscuit/cookie, 15.Floo powder (from the Harry Potter books, alluding to a 'flue', which connects a fireplace to a chimney), 16.Pointing away from the Sun (e.g., when the comet is travelling away from the sun, its tail goes first), 17.Draughts, 18.Black Sabbath, 19.The Statue of Liberty to USA (celebrating 100 years of US independence), 20.Shoulder
ANSWERS: 18 x 12 ÷ 4 + 5 = 59 JULY 2017
1.Tango, 2.Yard, 3.500, 4.Full and New (sysygy is from Greek suzugos, 'yoked together' and refers to three celestial bodies being in line, by which according to position, the Moon is either full or new), 5.Topiary, 6.Pays the Piper, 7.Cats eyes (reflective road studs), 8.Plants without Soil, 9.Cohort, 10.Caribou, 11.Chevy Chase (derived from a hunt/area in the Cheviot Hills - long-called Chevy Chase - on the border of England and Scotland, which led to the bloody Anglo-Scottish Battle of Otterburn of 1388 - The US comedian's nickname Chevy was apparently given by his grandmother, having Scottish ancestry, alluding to folklore/ballads dating back to the 14th century telling of the battle, notably the ballad, The Battle of Chevy Chase - incidentally the town/districts called Chevy Chase in Maryland USA are also named after the 1388
(March 21 - April 19)
(July 23 - August 22)
(November 22 - December)
The Full Moon on July 8 gives you the energy to make a major change at home. You might turn something or some space upside down. Or you might indulge in a big family gathering that improves a relationship in a big way. You may feel like you're all over the map during the New Moon on July 23. Don't fret. Eventually, one or two paths of action or interests will rise to the top and win your less scattered attention. The Sun/Mars conjunction on July 26 should fire you up and power you through the end of the month. Get busy!
The July 8 Full Moon may set your mind and heart ablaze with many ideas and desires that are just too hard to share or explain. Be creative but calm, and gain some major insights into what matters most to you in life. Be open to surprises. The July 23 New Moon in Leo is complicated. People may expect you to fix things or problems that you certainly didn't break or create. You can please a lot of people simply by being yourself and letting matters resolve on their own, because they will. The Sun/Mars conjunction on July 26 is a big energy boost.
Feel lucky and loved with the Moon/Jupiter conjunction on July 1. You can resolve any number of domestic issues when the Moon is Full on July 8. The smaller the loose ends, the more you can tie up. You can tackle some much bigger matters, though. Go for it. The New Moon on July 23 is a busy, stimulating time. Jump into the deep end of the pool and soak up all the new, exciting action and companions that come your way. It's hard to predict what or who will fascinate you the most, and that's a big part of the fun.
(April 20 - May 20)
(August 23 - September)
(December 22 - January 19)
Your friends may have trouble keeping up with you around the Full Moon on July 8. There could be a desire to be more daring and outgoing. Be as outgoing as you please, but happiness may be easier to find with the familiar close to home. The Venus/ Jupiter trine on July 18 could bring people your way and make you quite popular. Let the July 23 New Moon open a door to relatives who have been too busy or scattered to keep in touch. False communication may be the rule, but the texts or calls should be good signs of closer contact to come.
Your social life blazes with the July 8 Full Moon. You might prefer the company of a few eccentric, inspired people, but get ready to be surrounded by social butterflies of all stripes. Have fun. Great restlessness may come with the New Moon on July 23. Spend time alone doing things that are important to you. Or get together with an intimate friend or partner and share what only you and they can appreciate. The strongest emotional bonds can be formed now. Mercury enters Virgo on July 25. You could notice many small things to fix, but you'll feel great fixing them.
Stay calm under the Mars/Pluto opposition on July 2. It isn’t your fault. Love seeks you out at the Full Moon of July 8. You may not feel ready, but it will do no good to run or hide. All this attention might make you nervous for a while, but you could have a change of heart and warm up to it. The July 23 New Moon may complicate your life and toss some distractions your way, but you can handle it. Be patient and let a problem fully appear before addressing it. Halfway measures or half-hearted attempts will only add to the confusion.
(May 21 - June 20)
(September 23 - October)
(January 20 - February 18)
The Moon/Mercury square on July 1 might try to shake your selfconfidence, but don't let it. Feel rich under the July 8 Full Moon. You're in a moneymaking mood and you can see a lot of success. Someone else's sudden change of mood or fortune could create opportunities that let you show off how successful you can be. The July 23 New Moon could set off a season of parties and gettogethers with friends and neighbors who were hard to find earlier in the year. People may come and go more often, but it will be nice to see so many faces again.
You'll be the brightest star in your workplace or in your career efforts for the July 8 Full Moon. This will attract a lot of good attention and more cooperation. Your friends or family might feel uneasy about how conspicuous you’ve become, but that will pass. The July 23 New Moon puts you at the heart of your social scene or community activities. Be prepared for people to admire you and treat you like the expert that you are. You can encourage a lot of people now. Venus enters Cancer on July 31. Think home beautification and maybe a dinner party.
You could get some criticism or interference in how you maintain your daily routine or live your life around the July 8 Full Moon. Not to worry, though, because you’re more than on top of it. Be steady, stable, and healthy, and let other people's chips fall where they may. The Mars/Uranus square on July 17 may bring setbacks. Be ready. Love bubbles over at the July 23 New Moon. It might be hard to deal with all the admirers and narrow it down to that one or two most attractive prospects or suggestions. Lighten up, give yourself time, and don't feel overly committed.
(June 21 - July 22)
(October 23 - November)
(February 19 - March 20)
The Full Moon on July 8 wants you to get serious about love. Even if you aren’t super interested or motivated, love will not let you get off that easily. A partner may pressure you to do what you say or simply say more. The July 23 New Moon breaks a financial logjam and lets you realize a new income stream. It won't be clear or straightforward at first, but it will seem obvious once things begin to move. Venus moves into Cancer on July 31. Feel happier about the time you spend at home. Invite someone to visit.
The Full Moon on July 8 lets you feel deeply about the biggest and most distant of the world's problems. You will even have some solutions that you can apply in your immediate neighborhood. Be passionate globally and do good things locally. The New Moon on July 23 highlights your career moves or public presence. You might feel shy, but you will be highly visible. What you say and do will be noticed and remembered. Make the most of this and make it good. The Sun/Mars conjunction on July 26 could set aflame an issue or relationship that has been smoldering. Play nice.
On the Full Moon of July 8, go for broke and follow your passion. Nothing will be able to stop you anyway. A big social event or invitation could come your way, but it won't linger, so act quickly. The Moon/Neptune conjunction on July 13 turns up the sensitivity and the intuition. Be more psychic, too. The New Moon on July 23 could disrupt sleep and confuse you with too many new, goodsounding ideas to improve your life. Keep everything simple and don't be lured in a new direction that sounds good at first. Don't be too eager for change.
JULY 2017
The Gate Mall - Lower Ground Floor (Next to The Chocolate Gate) Marina Mall - Opposite to COS
Al Fanar Mall - Ground Floor
Tel : 22056207