since 2010
Dr. Nazia Nausheen “Every day is a gift to have the opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life.”
114 JUNE 2019
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since 2010
JUNE 2019 CPmagazine
GROUP EDITOR Gill Sherry FASHION DIRECTOR Abir Achkar FASHION EDITORS Marie Christine Sandra Carina Yasmeen AlSalem
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Aisha AlSanad Eman AlAwadh Fatema AlSairafi Hend AlSanad Iman Matwally Jim West Jose Berrocoso Nada AlMuzaini Paul Tunbridge Sana Mrad Yassarina
PHOTOGRAPHY TEAM Ahmed Madi Hamad Alainati Adel Javed Riyaz Modadi
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70. The Ferrari Sf90 Stradale 71. Maserati Celebrates The Victory Of The Tipo 6Cm In The 1939 Targa Florio
50. Movies Releasing In June 53. The Hottest New Book Releases Of June 54. Writing Movie Wrongs 55. Top Music Charts
24. A Surprising Fact 28. Make Your Event A Great Success At Crowne Plaza Kuwait Al Thuraya City
16. Dr. Nazia Nausheen 38. Christine Turek 56. Anan El-Kady
60. Toy Story 4
40. Fashion Editorial - Lost In The Desert 46. Tag Heuer 50Th Anniversary Of The Iconic Monaco 47. Hamilton Ventura 62. Indigenous Allure 64. Keep Your Instagram Feed Fashionable And Curated! 66. Ready To Escape 68. Sparks Of Monte-Carlo Fashion Week
23. The Absence Of Ambition
48. Cool Gadgets
12. Summer In Geneva 26. 48 Hours In Brussels. 32. Bonus Miles - White Dream 36. Top Five For Seoul
14. In Permanent Pursuit Of Perfection 73. CP Journal 76. Homework For Grownups 78. Horoscopes
Summer in Geneva Panoramic Views, Water Activities and Family Fun
he summer season is upon us and with temperatures rising in the Gulf region, travelling to Europe is undoubtedly an appealing idea. Pleasant weather, beautiful landscapes, myriad offerings for all family members and shopping opportunities are some of the key reasons to visit Geneva. In 2018, the beautiful Swiss city registered 252,885 overnight stays by GCC travellers indicating the popularity of the destination. Numbers are expected to increase in 2019 owing to a calendar packed with new openings and events across Geneva. Geneva has been ranked among the ‘World’s Top 10 Most Liveable Cities’ several times. This is achieved mainly due to its natural environment, public services, safety, sociocultural environment and tourist attractions. Geneva’s international flair makes it a warm, welcoming destination for all travellers, offering something for everyone. Halal food, Arabic restaurants, and Arabic-speaking staff are just a few elements that cater for travellers from this region. Geneva is an all-in-one destination perfectly located in the heart of Europe, which makes the city an ideal starting point for excursions to world-famous sites. Geneva is a combination of both a city break and mountain adventure. A drive to one of the mountains close to the city is filled with picturesque scenery and spectacular views. Geneva’s old town is rich with culture, history and 12
JUNE 2019
thousands of stories to tell. The Vieille-Ville, as it is called in French, is the largest historic town in Switzerland and is dominated by St. Peter's Cathedral, a symbolic location of the Reformation. Climb the 157 steps to the top of the tower for a unique panorama of the city then take a stroll in the charming alleys and passageways, each telling its own story about Geneva's history. Lake Geneva is another hub for loads of summer activities. Organise a picnic during the afternoon or at sunset and enjoy a magical moment on the lake with your loved ones. Book a one-hour cruise and discover the beautiful shores of the city while soaking in the peaceful surroundings. Unparalleled views of Mont-Blanc, the Jet d’Eau, monuments, famous villas, as well as the parks/ gardens will make the excursion memorable. Another way to enjoy the lake is by the pedal boat, which is an exciting activity for the whole family. What’s more, if guests are in Geneva on August 10th, they’ll get to enjoy The Grand Fireworks, an annual pyrotechnics extravaganza that runs for a solid 45 minutes. Taking place in the heart of the harbour, the free show will be visible through 360º and play on reflections of the lake, as well as through the Jet d’Eau. When it comes to performances throughout the summer, all the way through to 15th September, Geneva will play host to concerts, movie screenings, plays and magic shows, through L’Estivale 2019. Gastronomy will overtake
the city with pop-up restaurants on the lakeside offering a range of local and international cuisine as well as artisan dishes to be enjoyed while visitors are entertained by musicians and performers. Geneva is rich in edutainment for young ones. Schedule a visit to CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research and the home of the Large Hadron Collider, or the United Nations at the Palais des Nations, where humanitarian and global support actions are carried out. The city also plays host to several workshops for little ones including chocolate making, while watchmakers have opened their doors to allow visitors to see the secrets behind some of the world’s finest timepieces. Any description of Geneva is incomplete without highlighting its shopping experiences. The city is considered as the capital of horology as it is home to prestigious international watch brands such as Rolex, Audemars Piguet, IWC and Bovet Fleurier. A trip to the Patek Philippe museum is unmissable. Fashion lovers will find their haven on Rue du Rhône, bursting with boutiques of popular luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Piaget, Cartier and Versace, among several others. Shopping in Geneva is not only about buying a renowned brand, it’s also about the complete experience so that visitors can truly get an insight into their purchases. With less crowded streets, Arabic speaking staff and magnificent mountain views from the city centre, a traveller’s shopping experience will be unmatchable to that of other cities. Also, Geneva’s bespoke services not only cover leisure activities, but also extend to their world-class medical offerings. Travellers can take advantage of their time in Geneva to check on their health in a destination ranked high for its impeccable healthcare systems. Many clinics and hospitals in the city have their own international patients’ centre to ease the process of communication. Arabic speaking doctors, nurses and translators are available to ensure the patients receive complete care. When it comes to getting around the city it’s incredibly safe and clean. Geneva Public Transport’s network is named UNIRESO and is an interconnected system of trams, buses (TPG), mouettes (yellow transport boats) and trains (CFF) which can all be used on the same tickets and to suit your requirements.
t’s good to see the much needed repair work taking place on Kuwait’s roads. But did they really need to do it all at the same time? As if getting from A to B wasn’t difficult enough already, it now takes even longer thanks to the extensive construction work in and around the city. Of course, it’s not only repair work. The addition of new roads and modernization to the existing road network is also adding to the chaos. Regardless of where you are going, which route you are taking and what time you are travelling, you cannot avoid the construction and resulting inconvenience. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for improving the existing, inadequate roadways, I just don’t understand why it couldn’t be done over a period of time rather than in one fell swoop. I’m sure we’ll all be eternally grateful when the work is finally complete and we can drive to our required destinations without having to take a packed lunch but, in the meantime, the incessant delays are becoming intolerable. If only there was an alternative method of transport. If only we could leave our cars at home, avoid the congested roads and take a leisurely ride on an airconditioned tram. If only we could hop on a train or jump on the underground, how much simpler our lives would be. 14
JUNE 2019
There’s no denying the inadequacy of Kuwait’s roads and the efforts being made to upgrade them. The improved bus service also goes some way to pacifying users of public transport. But these two things alone will not solve the problem of congestion. Neither will the removal of driving licences from certain residents. The only way to satisfactorily reduce the volume of traffic using Kuwait’s roads is to offer a viable alternative. The damage to the environment must also be considered. The gas guzzling vehicles favoured by the majority are contributing to poor air quality and climate change. Regardless of the claims made by vehicle manufacturers in relation to CO2 emissions, the fact remains that exhaust pollution is a genuine concern, particularly in long lines of traffic. So, by all means improve our roads, but let’s follow the lead of other forward-thinking countries and think about less damaging, more efficient modes of transport. In the meantime, it is the responsibility of us all to consider the safety and wellbeing of individual construction workers. They are not to blame if you are late for a business appointment or delayed on your way to the mall. Please show them the courtesy and respect they deserve.
“Every day is a gift to have the opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life.” On the face of it, we are all a little obsessed with skincare. But Dr. Nazia Nausheen understands that health goes well beyond skin deep. She also knows it’s the simple things that can make all the difference.
JUNE 2019
Please introduce yourself to our readers. I am Dr. Nazia. I work at Arabiya clinic, a multi specialty clinic in Kuwait.
Tell us about your education. I earned my bachelors in medicine from Pakistan and completed my post graduation from UK. Later, I also completed my masters in business administration.
Who and what inspired you to choose the medical field? When I decided to be a doctor, I never really quite understood what it meant. I wouldn’t have predicted the amazing highs of directly impacting someone’s life, nor the deep lows when a patient did poorly. Every day is a gift to have the opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life. Despite the stress and long hours away from home and family, I could never imagine a different career.
What got you interested in pursuing for your MBA after receiving your medical degree and working in the fields? During my earlier days of working in Kuwait, I realized that as our field was developing rapidly it was lacking proper clinic management. So, I thought it would be an added advantage if a doctor also understands the business and management side of the clinic. That led me to pursue a degree in business administration. I truly believe it was the best decision and can feel the benefits.
What is the most exciting or interesting part of your job? My job allows me to interact with different types of people from different age groups and to play important role in helping them maintain their health. It also makes me feel satisfied that I am an instrumental in helping my patients feel confident about how they look. Skin and cosmetic issues affect appearance and cause serious stress for people, even if the conditions are not life-threatening.
At what age would you recommend people start to visit a dermatologist for skincare advice? It’s never too early to see a dermatologist. There are several reasons to schedule a first appointment. You should certainly see a dermatologist if you have a skin problem. You also may want to schedule an appointment even if you don’t have a skin problem, to get a skin cancer exam or to ask questions about normal skin care.
MAY 2019 JUNE 2019
Tell us about the current trends in beauty procedures and skincare? Non invasive cosmetic procedures and liquid facelifts with a trend for truly natural looking results are the current trends.
According to you, what is the best type of non surgical face lift? Not everyone is willing to have extensive surgery to turn back the years and there are several non-surgical facelift options available that can also provide excellent results. For example, threadlift, 8point lift, liquid facelift etc. They are all walk-in -out procedures, with no or minimal downtime.
What is Mesotherapy? Mesotherapy is a non-surgical skin rejuvenation treatment aimed at diminishing problem areas in the face and body. It involves injecting hylauronic acid, vitamins, amino acids, and skin boosters into the skin.
What are some of the most common beauty procedures you perform on a regular basis? There are a number of cosmetic procedures that are more commonly performed than others. They include therapy with energy-based devices, and injectables such as neurotoxins, Mesotherapy, and dermal fillers.
What is the most important piece of skincare advice you want our readers to know? The three most important skincare tips are: Hydrate, exfoliate, and protect your skin with sunscreen.
What is the worst skincare mistake you can make? Not using enough sunscreen, over exfoliating, and not washing your face at night before you go to bed.
Tell us about the male side of your practice. Are you seeing an increase in male uptake of services? What are the most popular services for males? Men also have their own specific set of aesthetic concerns. Most men are interested in addressing the signs of aging while maintaining a masculine appearance. Some common concerns for men as they age are sagging skin, pigmentations and fine lines and wrinkles. Some of the most common cosmetic procedures for men are laser hair removal, Botox, microdermabrasion, fillers and chemical peels.
What would you like to see developed in the realm of skin care next? Human skin stem cell stimulation with topical peptides, telomerases, and plant stem cells is very interesting. I imagine science will take it one step further and be able to individualize skin care and other health treatments to each of our unique DNA and body chemistry.
How do you keep yourself updated with the latest trends and developments in your field? Every year I attend various international and local conferences and workshops. Whenever possible I take short courses. I am also a member of a few professional groups and associations which helps to keep me abreast with the latest knowledge and trends.
What do you do for fun? Spending time with my family is the definition of fun for me.
How do you manage to balance between professional and family life? Being a doctor means working long hours away from home and family but I am blessed with a supportive husband and well behaved kids who make it possible.
What is your favourite travel destination and why? We have been to several places but Maldives would be one of my favourites because of its dazzling white sandy beaches fronted by Tiffany blue lagoons.
Your message for us at CP Magazine? Your magazine is the best in town. Keep up the good work! 20
JUNE 2019
Jo Malone inspired Nail & Hair Spa
Jabriya Next to Mr.Baker&Surra bridge 2nd Floor Opening hours: 12 noon to 10 PM Tel: 97600640
JUNE 2019
Gill Sherry
hen I left school in the 1980s, only the very best, academically gifted students went on to university. It was unusual in those days to continue studying beyond school leaving age. Instead, youngsters were encouraged to find a job, start at the bottom of the career ladder and work their way up. Some went on to secondary college or were offered an apprenticeship where on-the-job training would accompany an appropriate continued learning programme. University was reserved for the wealthy or those with a burning desire to be a brain surgeon, astronaut or marine biologist. For the rest of us, we would follow in the footsteps of our parents, find a job and work hard. This working-class attitude didn’t, however, allay the ambitions of myself and my fellow students. Despite the apparent lack of opportunities, we were still encouraged to aim high when it came to our career goals. As well as my own aspirations of becoming a journalist, the hopes of my fellow students included the respected positions of lawyer, policeman and nurse. Career advisors guided us through our options and pointed us in the right direction. Some, depending on their academic ability, were encouraged to consider more viable alternatives. Others stuck to their guns and steadfastly pursued their dreams. Of course, it’s entirely different today. These days, it’s unusual not to go to university. The learning possibilities and career opportunities are endless. So why is it that so many students have no ambition whatsoever? Why do so many youngsters want to take the easy way out? In this social media-obsessed world, more and more students and graduates are citing ‘influencer’ as their desired career. For clarification, this is someone who influences potential buyers of a product or service by promoting or recommending certain items on social media. Since when did this become a career? Seems to me they’re just looking for free holidays, free clothes and an excuse to take more photographs of their egotistical selves. Let’s be honest, the only thing they’re
promoting is themselves. Social media has introduced a new breed of selfobsessed attention-seekers with a lack of ambition and an unhealthy addiction to mirrors. I am proud of my working-class roots and will be forever grateful to my parents for instilling in me the importance of working hard. It brings with it a sense of satisfaction, an element of self-respect and undeniable pride. Where is the pride in persuading the naive and the gullible to buy something they don’t need and probably can’t afford? If they genuinely want to influence people, why not become a teacher, a nutritionist or a doctor? Too much like hard work, that’s why. University is no longer the respected institution it once was. For many, it’s an excuse to delay their entry into the world of hard work; a way to evade responsibility and to live an easy life. Of course, there are those who have worked hard for their university place, are committed to their studies and dedicated to the pursuit of their chosen career. Hats off to those students with the desire to succeed and the drive and determination to make a difference – not to be confused with those with no interest in their chosen courses and even less interest in their future career. Rather than leaving university with a degree or, better still, a job, many leave with nothing but debt; a debt they have no hope, or intention, of ever paying back. Laziness has, of course, existed for decades, if not centuries. For every conscientious person there is at least one indolent individual looking for an easy ride. In the 90s, when the salaries of professional footballers rocketed, many girls answered ‘footballer’s wife’ when asked to disclose their future goal. Their lack of ambition was clear - and embarrassingly degrading. But is the modern day equivalent of ‘influencer’ really any different? The idea, it seems, is to have as much money as possible without actually earning any of it. It’s an unhealthy and unrealistic ideal but sadly, one that’s growing in popularity. Maybe one day they’ll realise that self-respect is of far greater value than self-importance.
’ve come across so many mind hack videos lately that it’s made me wonder what the best method to adopt could be to in order to hack my own mind. Do I meditate every day? Do I count down from 5 every time I want to do something? Or do I use my body as leverage to help me get where I want in my life?
The answer is none of the above! Why? Because, the fact that there are tens (if not hundreds) of methods to hack your mind and stop your habitual thinking in order to operate at your best self, means only one thing - your best self is already there! Let me explain by giving a simple example. If a girl goes shopping to find clothes that make her look pretty and she tries a dress that fits, then she tries a skirt that fits, then she tries a pair of jeans that fit, it doesn’t mean that those pieces of clothing made her pretty, it simply means that she has a nice figure and those pieces of clothing just helped her to see that. This is exactly what mind hacks do. I am not saying they do not help, I am just saying they help us bring out our inner power that is already there in the first place. Always remember that life happens inside out and not outside in. Reaching this realization has helped me to enjoy all the mind hacks I’ve tried as part of experiencing new things while staying in touch with my inner power all along. It’s beyond words and beyond understanding. It’s a feeling of strength, confidence, contentment, pure joy and love. It’s the acknowledgement that what we seek is right there within ourselves and not in a faraway land. Every day becomes an opportunity to evolve and grow into your full potential. Every moment will be a lesson to learn from. Life becomes more enjoyable with its ups and downs, because you know no matter how cloudy it is, the sun is right there behind the clouds waiting to shine back.
“Do not look for happiness outside yourself. The awakened seek happiness inside.” Petar Dunov
JUNE 2019
Passengers travelling to Brussels can discover the city with the Brussels Card. Easy and advantageous, the card can be used over periods of 24/48/72 hours and it offers free access to 41 museums, discounts at attractions, shops, restaurants, etc. and unlimited access to public transport or the Hop-on-Hopoff bus. The capital of Belgium, Brussels is easy to walk around and is one of the most fun cities in Europe. It offers both a modern and historic experience to its visitors. Visitors will find a lot can be packed into 48 hours. Take a look at some of the very best attractions and things to do in Brussels. 26
JUNE 2019
Grand Place: Classified as a World Heritage site by UNESCO, building of the Grand Place began in the 15th century. First of all halls, some houses of guilds, then a Town Hall to establish the authority of this place of commerce. Bombed for three days by the French army in 1695, it was almost completely destroyed but like a phoenix, it rose from the ashes in less than five years. That's why four styles mix or overlap. It is a jumble of gothic, opulent baroque, neoclassical and neo-gothic. The tower of the Hôtel de Ville is 96 meters high and Grand Place is one of the most important landmarks and destinations in Brussels.
Manneken-pis: This bronze statuette, executed in the 17th century by elder J. Duquesnoy, embodies the rebellious spirit of Brussels. Also known as ‘Little Julian’, so as to not to be confused with another fountain, het Juliaensborreke, it was one of many fountains feeding the city. From the rank of public fountain, it is now a legendary figure.
Palace of Fine Arts - OZAR When we talk about culture in Belgium, we think of the Palais des BeauxArts in Brussels. Whether its exhibitions, concerts, theatre, cinema, or projects around literature and architecture, BOZAR always puts forward originality and innovation. Not only do they make a point of honour in the creation, quality and richness of the artistic program, but they are especially concerned to offer a total experience to its visitors.
Ghent + Bruges: A bus trip of around ninety minutes will take you to Ghent and Bruges, two exceptional cities with impressive heritage dating back to the Middle Ages. An experienced guide takes you to the places not to be missed: the belfry, the castle of the Counts of Flanders and the historic centre with the Cathedral of SaintBavon in Ghent; the old beguinage, the Church of Notre-Dame, the Place du Bourg with the Hôtel de Ville in Bruges.
Mini-Europe: At the foot of the Atomium, on the site of Bruparck, lies an exotic attraction, a miniature city that offers a trip across Europe in the space of a few hours. With 350 models, with an unequalled finish, are the exact replicas of the most beautiful monuments located in the major cities of the European Union.
Belgian Chocolate Village: Near the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, the Belgian Chocolate Village (BCV) is one of the largest chocolate museums. The scenographic journey reveals the stages of chocolate making, its uses, its history, its benefits, its economy and its diversity. It appeals to all the senses of the visitor whereas a tropical greenhouse reproduces the cocoa growing conditions. The chocolate workshop integrated to the course allows observing artisan chocolate makers at work who will let you taste their latest creation.
MAY 2019 JUNE 2019
Fantastic Function Rooms and Delicious Cuisine for any Special Occasion We’ve been to the fabulous Crowne Plaza Kuwait Al Thuraya City several times and have had the pleasure of experiencing their diverse function rooms and restaurants. And, we’re sure that no matter what event you’re hosting or celebrating, there’s a space to suit your needs. From weddings, grand birthday parties and corporate events to business meetings and casual catchups with friends, it’s tough to beat the different venues within Crowne Plaza Kuwait Al Thuraya City, with luxurious ballrooms that can hold up to 2,500 guests. The dedicated team of experienced chefs creates delicious menus to suit diverse requirements. All spaces are attractive and spacious with modern facilities.
Exquisite Ballrooms The Crowne Plaza Kuwait Al Thuraya City features five striking ballrooms and halls, each elegantly decorated with beautiful lighting. Portable dance floors and platforms are among the facilities that help to customize the different areas to your requirements. Accommodating up to 2,500 guests, you’re sure to find a room that’s perfect for your needs. The hotel is offering summer promotions on wedding packages too, with appealing discounts and the services of a dedicated event planner. The large and contemporary Al Baraka Grand Ballroom hosts many stylish and high-class events and is a premier choice for important occasions in Kuwait City. The space can be tailored to suit a range of functions, from large weddings and gala dinners to business conferences and high-profile fundraising events. We particularly love the fact that the huge ballroom is free from pillars and other obstructions, creating the perfect space for dancing, mingling, setting up dinner tables and placing rows of seats. There’s no sense of separation and all guests can move freely and see what’s happening all around. The VIP balcony is another great feature. The glamorous Al Andalus Ballroom is ideal for smaller events, with a capacity of up to 600 people. The patterned flooring and intricate ceiling are attractive and the polished wood pillars and panelling add to the lavish feel. The colourful flooring, wood-panelled walls and modern light fixtures of Al Jawhara Ballroom help to create another stylish and eye-catching space. Again, the lack of pillars provides great views of any stage, projector screen or other focal point. This ballroom can accommodate up to 400 guests. The chic Afrah Ballroom can fit up to 370 people and the classy Al Murjan Hall can hold up to 300 people. Both are great options for more intimate and smaller gatherings. There’s no compromise on quality and each room can be set up to meet your wishes. 30
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Functional and Comfortable Meeting Rooms If you’re looking for a meeting space that reflects your organisation’s professionalism, forward-thinking approach, and attention to detail, the 13 various-sized meeting and conference rooms at Crowne Plaza Kuwait Al Thuraya City are perfect. Each comes with everything you need to host a successful event, including a PA system, microphones, projector, podium, Wi-Fi, VCR, DVD player and equipment for video conferencing.
Excellent Choice of outside catering and restaurants For romantic dinners, informal outings with friends and family, small-scale meetings and similar, you’ll find diverse restaurants within Crowne Plaza Kuwait Al Thuraya City and we can attest to the high-quality of food, excellent menu choices, efficient service and warm ambience. Travel the world through your taste buds at Sakura Japanese Restaurant, Shabestan Iranian Restaurant, Ayam Zaman Lebanese Restaurant, Jamawar Indian Restaurant, Rib Eye Steak House and Al Ahmadi International Restaurant. Alternatively, savour succulent and fresh bounties from the ocean at Al Noukhaza Sea Food or relax in the casual Espresso Café. Whether in one of the large meeting rooms or outside catering for gatherings and business meetings, the professional team of Crowns Plaza Al Thuraya City are ready to serve you with passion and attention to detail.
Start planning major events well in advance and reserve your chosen date(s) early to avoid disappointment. The event and culinary teams at Crowne Plaza Kuwait Al Thuraya City will help to ensure any celebration and business event is successful and memorable. For more details or reservations, please call: (+965) 1848111 Ext. 6331
joseberrocoso Currently based in the GCC and exploring the Middle East, I have lived in three continents, four countries and have visited over 250 cities across the world. Join me in this adventure to find out more about the latest and coolest travel recommendations. ‘Embrace new cultures; be inspired; take a technological break; bring out your adventurous side; TRAVEL, it´s fun!’
since 2010
WHITE DREAM White. Pure White. Off White. Whether you call it modern minimalism, a reaction to the pattern-heavy aughts or just a love of classic neutrals, it´s imposible to escape how popular all-white hotels seem to be right now. The all-white aesthetic has become such a phenomenon that it has even rubbed off on the desings of many hotels worldwide. Interior designers are turning to the minimalist style, adding clever details and quirks along the way and creating some potential Instagram-worthy photos for your feed. This month, we travel to five all-white hotels in Greece, Singapore, Thailand, Mexico and Japan that have created wonderful spaces with this monochromatic palette.
STYLISH CLIFFTOP SUITES IN THE HEART OF SANTORINI ISLAND Where: Cosmopolitan Suites, Fira, Santorini Island, Greece. Stylish clifftop suites in the heart of the island's capital, Fira. A smart and stylish all-suite boutique hotel, Cosmopolitan Suites hotel, proud member of The Small Luxury Hotels of the World, is set on a cliff edge with breathtaking views of Santorini’s volcano and beyond across the sea. In the heart of Fira and close to the island’s exhilarating nightlife, this is a chic and sophisticated base from which to explore and enjoy superb food, relaxing massage services and amazing views. The luxurious and romantic cosmopolitan sea view suites are part of an authentic and splendidly restored captain’s mansion. Inspired by the enchanting traditional architecture of Cyclades in Greece, the hotel’s dazzling white walls are set against the backdrop of the captivating volcanic landscape of Santorini Island and emanate an aura of calm with a harmonious fusion of warmth and comfort. Each of the hotel’s suites offer a spectacular view of the Aegean sea, the island’s extraordinary geological beauty and the legendary Santorini sunset.
JUNE 2019
MONOCHROMATIC & MINIMALIST Where: The Hotel Mono, Singapore Amongst the dizzying colours and sounds of Singapore’s Chinatown, you’ll find an oasis of quiet in monochrome. Hotel Mono is housed in six heritage shophouses and it retains some of the original architectural elements such as huge Rococo windows and a stunning intricate facade. But there is a twist. Unlike the other traditional shops of Chinatown, this one is not popping with colour. Each of its 46 rooms features a seamless metal bar which functions as a light fixture, coat hanger and sculpture, not to mention good quality bedding and complete bathroom amenities. The construction of the rooms, however, is unique in the sense that every one of them has different layouts. While there is neither a restaurant nor a bar, let’s not forget that you are in an area that is home to many coffee shops as well as bars of all shapes and sizes.
A BOUTIQUE BEACH RETREAT ON THE SERENE ISLAND OF KOH YAO NOI Where: Cape Kudu Hotel, Koh Yao Noi, Thailand Located on the small, unspoilt island of Koh Yao Noi in the middle of Phang Nga Bay, half way between Phuket and Krabi, the new Cape Kudu Hotel delivers a light, bright coastal aesthetic and fantastic views of the region’s dramatic limestone karst islands. There’s a bit of Cape Cod-meets-the-Bahamas about this Thai resort, member of The Small Luxury Hotels of the World, with its whitewashed timbers, pale grey and blue fabrics, sunny balconies and, in the pool villas, linen-swathed four poster beds. This is a quiet island, away from the hubbub of downtown Phuket, but resort management offers plenty to keep guests busy with paddleboards and kayaks, bicycles and a range of classes from batik printing or cooking to Thai boxing. A day spa opens later this year. At the front of the resort a handsome infinity pool and terrace are set above the Andaman Sea with long views of the emerald waters of Phang Nga Bay.
HYPERMODERN CLUSTER OF SUGAR CUBES Where: Viceroy Los Cabos, Baja California, Mexico. Located on the charming waterfront in San Jose del Cabo, the hotel is in an enviable location just moments away from the colonial and authentic streets of this Mexican town. However, it’s a peaceful retreat with only the sounds of the water to provide tranquillity. The design has been kept minimal to draw the eye towards the stunning ocean. Viceroy Los Cabos boasts cinematic sea views at every turn amid an atmosphere that's almost otherworldly, thanks to the sleek, minimalist exteriors from renowned architect Miguel Angel Aragonés. Elements that incorporate the wood, the waves and the colour white echo surrounding Cabo nature, but the effect is completely abstract and unique. Rooms boast the latest gadgets and present the same mostly white aesthetic. Those whose tastes run to the ultra-contemporary will be thrilled. The culinary arts have also been mastered at the four dining and drinking spots where you can enjoy, among other things, fresh ceviche sourced from the Sea of Cortez.
STATE-OF-THE-ART SLEEPING PODS IN JAPAN Where: Nine Hours Hotel, Kyoto, Japan The futuristic Nine Hours Hotel in Kyoto is a minimalist capsule hotel equipped with stateof-the-art sleeping pods that are available for only nine hours. The hotel is the brainchild of Fumie Shibata, and it provides guests with one hour to get ready for bed, seven hours of sleep and one hour to get up in the morning before checking out, and absolutely nothing else. The concept here is simplicity and traditional Japanese hospitality. You check in, shower and retire to your pod for sleep. Hire a pod for the night or just a refreshing nap. Toiletries and towels are provided as are disposable bed clothes if you do not have your pajamas with you. You pull a sliding screen to shut your pod - a traditional touch for a modern space. The hotel brings traditional Ryokan aesthetics into the modern world. Your pod is equipped with futons and tatami mats and all the staff wear kimonos. When it is time to sleep you control the ‘sleep ambient environment’ to help ease the claustrophobic sensation of being buried alive.
JUNE 2019
SEOUL Jim West
When one thinks of Asian destinations, it’s easy to think of China, Singapore and Tokyo. But don’t overlook what South Korea’s capital of Seoul has to offer. Not only does it boast a vibrant nightlife and affordable luxury accommodation, its perfect blend of history and tradition mixes well with modern architecture.
JUNE 2019
#1 the MUST see…Seoul Tower. On a clear day you can see excellent panoramic views of the vast city of Seoul. It has several eateries with various cuisines that should match anyone’s palate. Be sure to take the cable car up to the tower so you can take in the views of both the city and nature that surround this peaceful and serene area. #2 the MUST eat…Korean BBQ. With easily over 100 Korean BBQ spots around this city, you will not go far before running into one. Yet deciding which one is the best is such a daunting task! Everyone in Seoul has their favourite spot but I can recommend a Korean BBQ that is also located in a great spot for nightlife in the Itaewon area. It’s called The Gogitjib and for about $15 you get all-you-can-eat beef ribeye steak and other trimmings (like kimchi and radish cubes) for 90 minutes. #3 the MUST shop…Yeong-dong Street Market. Yeong-dong Street Market. Bustling with people all day and night, this street market is the place to spend a few hours strolling to see the sights or stopping along the various food carts to try some local delights. If you love tea, be sure to find the 100+ year old teahouse tucked away off a side street. Enjoy the delicious honey cookies with
your tea. #4 the MUST stay…Would a sauna, spa, indoor swimming pool, golf driving range, hotel museum and art gallery be on your list of things you would require from a hotel? If so you are in luck with Lotte Hotel Seoul. With over five restaurants on site and in a great location with spectacular views from every room, you will not be disappointed. Modern elegance and great service from the staff makes this the right choice for anyone seeking something that will exceed expectations. #5 the MUST do off the beaten path…Ride a train. South Korea has high speed trains that can take you from Seoul to Busan in just 2.5 hours. Considering the same ride on a bus takes 5 hours, this is amazing! There are trains that take you right next to the DMZ (demilitarized zone) between North and South Korea, to the Valleys, and even one sea train which has seats facing the windows so you can take in the views of the sea. This is a great way to get out of the city for a day or more. Be sure to monitor the weather as it may put a damper on your train plans.
For more information check out
Christine Turek “I love making people feel beautiful.”
As a photographer, Christine Turek knows the importance of being original. She also likes to keep things interesting and fun. Read on to discover more about this talented professional.
Please introduce yourself to our readers.
My name is Christine Turek. I'm a photographer based in Montreal, Canada.
Tell us about your education.
I studied photography in high school and college, mostly on my own.
When did you realise you wanted to be a photographer?
I knew at a very young age that I wanted to be a photographer, at about 11-12 years old.
How long have you been working in this field?
What are you currently working on? Right now I'm working on a new photography platform with some friends called ‘Iconic Artists’ and we are very happy right now.
Where do you take inspiration for your work? My inspiration comes from everywhere. I usually inspire myself from the model I'm woking with during the photo shoot.
What piece of advice can you give to models? The most important piece advice I can give a model during a shoot is not to try too hard. Don't pose, just be yourself.
I've been working as a professional for about 10 years now.
What are some of the challenges that you face?
What is your passion?
The biggest challenge right now is finding time for everything I want to do! I do take my shoots very personally and each one is very important to me. So definitely time, I wish I had more time.
My passion is photography and beauty.
What do you love the most about photography?
I love really capturing someone's real essence and making them feel the most comfortable. I love making people feel beautiful.
The best career advice you have received?
What is your signature style?
What are your future plans?
I think my signature style is very natural, never forced and always effortless.
In the future I would definitely love to travel more for work. That would be the icing on the cake.
What is your work philosophy?
What is that one piece of career advice you would give to new photographers?
I always like to try new things. I like to see things interesting and fun.
Stay true to yourself.
Follow your own path and always be original, never copy.
JUNE 2019
JUNE 2019
PHOTOGRAPHY: VIPIN HARIS (@vipinharisphotos) FASHION ADVISOR: SAMAH EL EMAD (@samah.alemad) MODEL: MERHAN KELLER (@merhankeller)
JUNE 2019
JUNE 2019
All eyes were on the Rock of Monaco for the legendary Formula 1 Grand Prix this weekend, and on the iconic TAG Heuer timepiece celebrating its 50th anniversary in the Principality. In honour of this milestone, it was announced that throughout the year, five creations will be successively revealed, inspired by the different decades from 1969 to 2019, and paying tribute to timeless design, enduring innovation and a style icon now more contemporary than ever. The Monaco’s daring and iconic design has made it instantly recognisable. Every aspect of the Monaco timepiece design was radical, and went where no other watch had gone before in terms of design and technology. Not only was the TAG Heuer Monaco the first ever water-resistant square watch, it was also the first to feature an automatic-winding chronograph movement. Since its debut, the Monaco watch and the Monaco Grand Prix, for which TAG Heuer has been the Official Watch since 2011, have had a strong connection – the most glamorous Grand Prix of the Formula 1 season gave its name to the TAG Heuer Monaco collection in 1969. No other place and location would therefore have been more suitable for celebrating the iconic timepiece’s 50th anniversary. Taking over Monaco during the busiest weekend of the year, TAG Heuer unveiled the first Monaco limited edition at the beautiful Key Largo Villa, in the presence of Stéphane Bianchi, CEO of the LVMH Watchmaking Division and CEO of TAG Heuer and Frédéric Arnault, Chief Strategy and Digital Officer. They were joined by the rising star of the Aston Martin Red Bull Racing Team Max Verstappen, as well as Patrick Dempsey, Bella Hadid, Winnie Harlow, Kai Lenny and selected guests from all over the world. Over the course of the exclusive three-day event, guests were granted access to some of the most prestigious and exciting events in Monaco, from a private tour of the Monaco Top Cars Collection museum including a retrospective of the Monaco timepiece, to a debrief of the Grand Prix qualifications with Christian Horner, Team Principal of the Red Bull Racing Formula One team. They also attended an exclusive party hosted on the TAG Heuer Yacht on Saturday evening with an exclusive performance by famous French DJ Bob Sinclar attended by Patrick Dempsey, Bella Hadid, Winnie Harlow, Jourdan Dunn, Kai Lenny, Jean-Éric Vergne, Richard Madden and Daniel Brühl. The event culminated on Sunday with VIP access to the coveted Formula 1 Grand Prix, for which TAG Heuer is the Official Watch. 46
JUNE 2019
AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THE ICONIC UNIFORM THE HAMILTON VENTURA IS THE OFFICIAL WATCH OF MEN IN BLACK™: INTERNATIONAL The Men in Black are back with a cool new look, a brand-new team and the same famous outfit, which includes the Hamilton Ventura. It’s a perfect choice for the world’s most famous alien-fighting agents.
The Hamilton Ventura has played a starring role in every Men in Black movie - as key to their characters as the black suit, shades and neuralyzer. The Ventura is one of our most popular watches and has had a cult following since its original release in 1957. Since 1997, it has been a part of the iconic Men in Black uniform. Daring, pioneering and ahead of its time, it’s an eye-catching choice that has served the Agents well. Since 1932, Hamilton watches have been at the heart of cinema. They have appeared in over 500 major movies and are specially selected to help define characters and advance the plot. Our watches are instantly recognizable on the wrists of some of the most memorable characters in silver screen history – none more so than the Men in Black. In 2019, the Men in Black are back with a brand-new adventure in Men in Black™: International. They’ve always protected Earth from the scum of the universe. This time, they tackle their biggest, most global threat to date: a mole in the Men in Black organization. Agents M and H are both part of the London-based MIB team, and they both wear the Hamilton Ventura. Agent M is new on the scene but has opted for a bold choice in the original Ventura color combination of stainless steel case, black dial and black leather strap. Agent H is something of a maverick and what you see is what you get. His choice is the Ventura Automatic with H-10 automatic movement, cut out dial and brown leather strap. The film is directed by F. Gary Gray, and written by Art Marcum & Matt Holloway, based on the Malibu Comic by Lowell Cunningham. Produced by Walter F. Parkes and Laurie MacDonald. Executive produced by Steven Spielberg, E. Bennet Walsh, Riyoko Tanaka, David Beaubaire, Barry Sonnenfeld, Edward Cheng, and Howard Chen. The film stars Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson, Rebecca Ferguson, Kumail Nanjiani, Rafe Spall, Laurent Bourgeois & Larry Bourgeois, with Emma Thompson and Liam Neeson.
COOL GADGETS The coolest products curated especially for you
'STRIG' Full-Body Massager
The 'NEMUIX' Thin Reading Light
Harnessing the power of microcurrent and microvibration technology, the device is designed to tackle deep knots in the muscle and even flush out lactic acid. This positions the device as being ideal for athletes to help them recover after intensive training without the need for more intense equipment that is difficult to use.
The 'NEMUIX' thin reading light is a minimalist solution for avid readers that will offer them a compact way to illuminate their favorite book when reading after dark. Designed with a 0.079mm thickness, the light can be used as a bookmark when not in nightstand mode to ensure it's always on hand when it's needed. The strong, flexible design of the light makes it highly applicable for modern consumer lifestyles that are focused on compact mobility.
Nokia Home
Desktop Air Purifier
The conceptual Nokia Home is a smart speaker solution for living spaces that will provide users with a way to enhance their overall lifestyle and linking their various devices together in a unified way. Created by Rik Oudenhoven, the device works by collecting data from the other technology solutions in your life and can provide help with how to further optimize your everyday lifestyle.
The conceptual 'Desktop Air Purifier' seen here is a space-saving solution for the home or office that will offer consumers a way to maintain optimal efficiency. The device works by capturing contaminants found in the air to keep your immediate vicinity free of particles and other irritants for an easy breathing experience.
JUNE 2019
The 'NetBolt' Smart Padlock
The Lofree Candly Ambient Lamp
The 'NetBolt' smart padlock is a biometric security solution for consumers that will allow them to keep their items protected from damage and/or theft thanks to an advanced design. Outfitted with a fingerprint scanner on the front section, the padlock is capable of storing up to 20 fingerprints at a time to let multiple users access the unit without the need for physical keys or codes.
The Lofree Candly Ambient Lamp is a handy piece of illumination equipment that will allow users to light up their space in an inviting, romantic manner. The lantern features LEDs instead of traditional filament bulbs and can be adjusted in terms of brightness to provide the exact kind of illumination desired.
The 'PULS' Calculator
'Branch' Hairdryer
The conceptual 'PULS' calculator has been designed by Carlos Llaneza as an efficient device for use with mathematic equations and number crunching to provide a decidedly demure experience. The calculator positions all essential buttons cleanly into a compact space and even utilizes the digital display as a clear button to eliminate the need for an additional toggle.
The conceptual 'Branch' hairdryer is an artistic approach to the design of the essential consumer appliance that aims to transform the solution into an eyecatching piece in the bathroom when not in use. Featuring an asymmetrical design, the hairdryer has a handle that's easily held during use to eliminate the occurrence of fatigue that can develop with traditional solutions.
Desktop Fan
Luma Bottle
This conceptual desktop fan has been created as a multifunctional solution for those who are looking to optimize the temperature in their living or working space in the summer months. Designed in two metallic color options, the fan is characterized by its rounded aesthetic that makes it a soft decor addition to a desktop to provide targeted heat relief.
The bottle is outfitted with a UV-C light that can be activated after you have filled the reservoir to perform a cleaning functionality that takes about 60 seconds to complete. This will kill 99.999% of the bacteria found in the water and the bottle to provide only the finest H2O to drink each day, which could lead to better levels of hydration and the avoidance of potential illnesses.
Annabelle Comes Home
Shaft is the next chapter in the film franchise featuring the coolest private eye on any New York City block. JJ, aka John Shaft Jr. (Usher), may be a cyber security expert with a degree from MIT, but to uncover the truth behind his best friend’s untimely death, he needs an education only his dad can provide. Absent throughout JJ’s youth, the legendary locked-and-loaded John Shaft (Jackson) agrees to help his progeny navigate Harlem’s heroininfested underbelly. And while JJ’s own FBI analyst’s badge may clash with his dad’s trademark leather coat, there’s no denying family. Besides, Shaft’s got an agenda of his own, and a score to settle that’s professional and personal.
Determined to keep Annabelle from wreaking more havoc, demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren bring the possessed doll to the locked artifacts room in their home, placing her “safely” behind sacred glass and enlisting a priest’s holy blessing. But an unholy night of horror awaits as Annabelle awakens the evil spirits in the room, who all set their sights on a new target—the Warrens’ ten-year-old daughter, Judy, and her friends.
DIRECTED BY: Gary Dauberman CAST: McKenna Grace, Patrick Wilson, Vera Farmiga, Madison Iseman, Katie Sarife
CAST: Jessie Usher, Samuel L. Jackson, Richard Roundtree, Alexandra Shipp, Regina Hall, Matt Lauria, Titus Welliver, Method Man GENRES: Action/Crime/Thriller/Sequel
GENRES: Horror/Sequel/Spin-off
Say My Name
Toy Story 4
Revolves around a one-night stand that gets interrupted by a robbery.
Woody (voice of Tom Hanks) has always been confident about his place in the world, and that his priority is taking care of his kid, whether that’s Andy or Bonnie. So when Bonnie’s beloved new craft-project-turned-toy, Forky (voice of Tony Hale), declares himself as “trash” and not a toy, Woody takes it upon himself to show Forky why he should embrace being a toy. But when Bonnie takes the whole gang on her family’s road trip excursion, Woody ends up on an unexpected detour that includes a reunion with his long-lost friend Bo Peep (voice of Annie Potts). After years of being on her own, Bo’s adventurous spirit and life on the road belie her delicate porcelain exterior. As Woody and Bo realize they’re worlds apart when it comes to life as a toy, they soon come to find that’s the least of their worries.
DIRECTED BY: Jay Stern CAST: Lisa Brenner, Nick Blood, Celyn Jones, Mark Bonnar GENRES: Romance/Romantic/Comedy
DIRECTED BY: Josh Cooley CAST: Tim Allen, Tom Hanks, Kristen Schaal, Joan Cusack, Patricia Arquette, Annie Potts, Bonnie Hunt, Jeff Garlin, Jodi Benson, Laurie Metcalf, Don Rickles, Jordan Peele, Keegan-Michael Key, Tony Hale, Keanu Reeves GENRES: Adventure/Comedy/Family/Animation/CG/ IMAX/Sequel
Men in Black: International
Three Peaks
The Men in Black have always protected the Earth from the scum of the universe. In this new adventure, they tackle their biggest, most global threat to date: a mole in the Men in Black organization.
German Aaron (Alexander Fehling) has found the woman of his life in his French girlfriend Lea (Bérénice Bejo) but her young son Tristan still imagines his mother reconciling with his American father. On what should be an idyllic vacation in the soaring Italian Dolomites, Aaron fights to win over Tristan and cement his place in this family, while Lea wrestles with conflicting loyalties to her son and her lover. Yet when Tristan disappears into the mountains, it’s unclear who is in the most danger.
MAY 2019 JUNE 2019
CAST: Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson, Liam Neeson, Rebecca Ferguson, Les Twins, Kumail Nanjiani, Rafe Spall, Emma Thompson
CAST: Berenice Bejo, Alexander Fehling
GENRES: Action/Adventure/Fantasy/ Sci-Fi
GENRES: Drama Thriller
Late Night
The story follows a venerated late-night talk show host, played by Emma Thompson, who’s in danger of losing her long-running show right when she hires her first female writer, played by Mindy Kaling.
Tells the Hamlet tale from the point of view of Ophelia, the daughter of Claudius’ chief advisor who falls for Prince Hamlet.
DIRECTED BY: Nisha Ganatra
DIRECTED BY: Claire McCarthy
CAST: Mindy Kaling, Emma Thompson, John Lithgow, Max Casella, Hugh Dancy, Denis O’Hare, Reid Scott, Ike Barinholtz, John Early, Paul Walter Hauser, Amy Ryan
CAST: Naomi Watts, Daisy Ridley, Tom Felton, Clive Owen, Daisy Head, George MacKay, Sebastian De Souza, Dominic Mafham, Devon Terrell
GENRES: Comedy
GENRES: Drama/Adaptation
IN JUNE 2019 X-Men: Dark Phoenix
The Outsider
In Dark Phoenix, the X-MEN face their most formidable and powerful foe: one of their own, Jean Grey. During a rescue mission in space, Jean is nearly killed when she is hit by a mysterious cosmic force. Once she returns home, this force not only makes her infinitely more powerful, but far more unstable. Wrestling with this entity inside her, Jean unleashes her powers in ways she can neither comprehend nor contain. With Jean spiraling out of control, and hurting the ones she loves most, she begins to unravel the very fabric that holds the X-Men together. Now, with this family falling apart, they must find a way to unite -- not only to save Jean's soul, but to save our very planet from aliens who wish to weaponize this force and rule the galaxy.
Country Music Legend Trace Adkins stars in this gritty tale of revenge in a small Western boomtown. In search of the American dream, a railroad worker (Jon Foo) finds himself on the wrong side of a lawless frontier. As the Marshall (Adkins) attempts to control his corrupt town, tragedy strikes sending the railroad worker on a path of retaliation.
DIRECTED BY: Simon Kinberg
DIRECTED BY: Timothy Woodward Jr
CAST: Sophie Turner, Tye Sheridan, Kodi Smit-McPhee, Alexandra Shipp, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fas
CAST: Trace Adkins, Sean Patrick Flanery, Jon Foo, Danny Trejo, Kaiwi Lyman-Mersereau, Mitchell L. Johnson
Daughter Of The Wolf
The Secret Life of Pets 2
Following the death of her father, a military specialist returns from the Middle East to claim her inheritance only to find that her son has been kidnapped. She must hunt down the mysterious leader of the gang who is holding him for ransom.
The Secret Life of Pets 2 will follow the lives pets lead after humans leave for work or school each day.
DIRECTED BY: David Hackl CAST: Gina Carano, Richard Dreyfuss, Brendan Fehr
DIRECTED BY: Chris Renaud / Jonathan Del Val CAST: Jenny Slate, Kevin Hart, Eric Stonestreet, Ellie Kemper, Lake Bell, Bobby Moynihan, Hannibal Buress, Tiffany Haddish, Nick Kroll, Patton Oswalt, Harrison Ford
GENRES: Family/Animation/Sequel/Kids
Murder Mystery Follows a New York City cop (Sandler) as he finally takes his wife (Aniston) on a long-promised European trip. A chance meeting on the flight gets them invited to an intimate family gathering on the super-yacht of elderly billionaire Malcolm Quince. When Quince is murdered, the couple become the prime suspects in a modern-day whodunit.
DIRECTED BY: Anne Fletcher CAST: Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston, Luis Gerardo Mendez, Luke Evans, Terrence Stamp, John Kani, Gemma, Arterton, Shioli Kutsuna, David Walliams, Adeel Akhtar, Ă“lafur Darri Ă“lafsson, Dany Boon GENRES: Adventure/Comedy/Mystery
The Hottest New Book Releases of June
MAGIC FOR LIARS by Sarah Gailey
LIKE A LOVE STORY by Abdi Nazemian
THE MOST FUN WE EVER HAD by Claire Lombardo
In this heartfelt, funny, touching memoir, Tan France, star of Netflix's smash-hit QUEER EYE tells his origin story for the first time. With his trademark wit, humor, and radical compassion, Tan reveals what it was like to grow up gay in a traditional Muslim family, as one of the few people of color in Doncaster, England. He illuminates his winding journey of coming of age, finding his voice (and style!), and how he finally came out to his family at the age of 34, revealing that he was happily married to the love of his life-a Mormon cowboy from Salt Lake City.
It's 1989 in New York City, and for three teens, the world is changing.
A dazzling, multigenerational novel in which the four adult daughters of a Chicago couple (still madly in love after forty years) recklessly ignite old rivalries until a long-buried secret threatens to shatter the lives they've built. When Marilyn Connolly and David Sorenson fall in love in the 1970s, they are blithely ignorant of all that's to come. By 2016, their four radically different daughters are each in a state of unrest: Wendy, widowed young, soothes herself with booze and younger men; Violet, a litigator-turned-stay-at-home-mom, battles anxiety and self-doubt when the darkest part of her past resurfaces; Liza, a neurotic and newly tenured professor, finds herself pregnant with a baby she's not sure she wants by a man she's not sure she loves; and Grace, the dawdling youngest daughter, begins living a lie that no one in her family even suspects. Above it all, the daughters share the lingering fear that they will never find a love quite like their parents'.
In Tan's own words, "The book is meant to spread joy, personal acceptance, and most of all understanding. Each of us is living our own private journey, and the more we know about each other, the healthier and happier the world will be."
THE SIXTH MAN by Andre Iguodala, Carvell Wallace The standout memoir from NBA powerhouse Andre Iguodala, the indomitable sixth man of the champion Golden State Warriors. Andre Iguodala is one of the most admired players in the NBA. And fresh off the Warriors' third NBA championship in the last four years, his game has never been stronger. Off the court, Iguodala has earned respect, too for his successful tech investments, his philanthropy, and increasingly for his contributions to the conversation about race in America. It is no surprise, then, that in his first book, Andre (with his cowriter Carvell Wallace) has pushed himself to go further than he ever has before about his life, not only as an athlete but about what makes him who he is at his core.
Reza is an Iranian boy who has just moved to the city with his mother to live with his stepfather and stepbrother. He's terrified that someone will guess the truth he can barely acknowledge about himself. Reza knows he's gay, but all he knows of gay life are the media's images of men dying of AIDS. Judy is an aspiring fashion designer who worships her uncle Stephen, a gay man with AIDS who devotes his time to activism as a member of ACT UP. Judy has never imagined finding romance...until she falls for Reza and they start dating.
BROKEN PLACES & OUTER SPACES: FINDING CREATIVITY IN THE UNEXPECTED by Nnedi Okorafor Nnedi Okorafor was never supposed to be paralyzed. A college track star and budding entomologist, Nnedi’s lifelong battle with scoliosis was just a bump in her plan—something a simple operation would easily correct. But when Nnedi wakes from the surgery to find she can’t move her legs, her entire sense of self begins to waver. Confined to a hospital bed for months, unusual things begin to happen. Psychedelic bugs crawl her hospital walls; strange dreams visit her nightly. Nnedi begins to put these experiences into writing, conjuring up strange, fantastical stories. What Nnedi discovers during her confinement would prove to be the key to her life as a successful science fiction author: In science fiction, when something breaks, something greater often emerges from the cracks.
Sharp, mainstream fantasy meets compelling thrills of investigative noir in this fantasy debut by rising star Sarah Gailey. Ivy Gamble has never wanted to be magic. She is perfectly happy with her life—she has an almost-sustainable career as a private investigator, and an empty apartment, and a slight drinking problem. It's a great life and she doesn't wish she was like her estranged sister, the magically gifted professor Tabitha. But when Ivy is hired to investigate the gruesome murder of a faculty member at Tabitha’s private academy, the stalwart detective starts to lose herself in the case, the life she could have had, and the answer to the mystery that seems just out of her reach.
AYESHA AT LAST by Uzma Jalaluddin
by Emily Nussbaum From her creation of the first “Approval Matrix” in New York magazine in 2004 to her Pulitzer Prize–winning columns for The New Yorker, Emily Nussbaum has known all along that what we watch is who we are. In this collection, including two neverbefore-published essays, Nussbaum writes about her passion for television that began with stumbling upon "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"—a show that was so much more than it appeared—while she was a graduate student studying Victorian literature. What followed was a love affair with television, an education, and a fierce debate about whose work gets to be called “great” that led Nussbaum to a trailblazing career as a critic whose reviews said so much more about our culture than just what’s good on television. Through these pieces, she traces the evolution of female protagonists over the last decade, the complex role of sexual violence on TV, and what to do about art when the artist is revealed to be a monster. And she explores the links between the television antihero and the rise of Donald Trump.
A modern-day Muslim Pride and Prejudice for a new generation of love. Ayesha Shamsi has a lot going on. Her dreams of being a poet have been set aside for a teaching job so she can pay off her debts to her wealthy uncle. She lives with her boisterous Muslim family and is always being reminded that her flighty younger cousin, Hafsa, is close to rejecting her one hundredth marriage proposal. Though Ayesha is lonely, she doesn't want an arranged marriage. Then she meets Khalid who is just as smart and handsome as he is conservative and judgmental. She is irritatingly attracted to someone who looks down on her choices and dresses like he belongs in the seventh century.
CITY OF GIRLS Elizabeth Gilbert Beloved author Elizabeth Gilbert returns to fiction with a unique love story set in the New York City theater world during the 1940s. Told from the perspective of an older woman as she looks back on her youth with both pleasure and regret (but mostly pleasure), City of Girls explores themes of female sexuality and promiscuity, as well as the idiosyncrasies of true love. In 1940, nineteen-year-old Vivian Morris has just been kicked out of Vassar College, owing to her lackluster freshman-year performance. Her affluent parents send her to Manhattan to live with her Aunt Peg, who owns a flamboyant, crumbling midtown theater called the Lily Playhouse. There Vivian is introduced to an entire cosmos of unconventional and charismatic characters, from the fun-chasing showgirls to a sexy male actor, a grand-dame actress, a lady-killer writer, and nononsense stage manager. But when Vivian makes a personal mistake that results in professional scandal, it turns her new world upside down in ways that it will take her years to fully understand. Ultimately, though, it leads her to a new understanding of the kind of life she craves-and the kind of freedom it takes to pursue it. It will also lead to the love of her life, a love that stands out from all the rest.
Elizabeth Gilbert Elizabeth Gilbert is an award-winning writer of both fiction and non-fiction. Her short story collection Pilgrims was a finalist for the PEN/Hemingway award, and her novel Stern Men was a New York Times notable book. Her 2002 book The Last American Man was a finalist for both the National Book Award and the National Book Critic’s Circle Award.
Directed by Chris Addison | Written by Jac Schaeffer
ased on the classic 1988 Comedy, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, starring Steve Martin and Michael Caine, this is the modern day female centered version which I am sad to say is a major flop. It relies too heavily upon trying to fit a perfect mold cast by the film it is trying so hard to imitate. This should easily have been a film to allow twists and turns and more physical comedy from its stars, Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson. The writer completely missed any female empowerment theme that was set up early on in the film. It’s so sad to see such a waste of film when a second writer could have been brought in to rewrite scenes and add a touch of humour. Here come the spoilers.
The film starts off with introducing our two leads showcasing them as similar but operating at far different levels. Josephine (Anne Hathaway) is working her con games in the south of France and utilizes a small team to run her cons against wealthy men. She crosses paths on a train ride with Penny (Rebel Wilson) and quickly dispatches Penny in the hope of deterring her from coming to her town and potentially ruining her cons. Penny eventually gets updated on who Josephine is and she comes to Josephine’s mansion by the sea to insert herself as Josephine’s apprentice to learn how to take down wealthy men. Penny assumes that Josephine is ‘Medusa’, a famous female con artist, which she quickly denies. Josephine reluctantly accepts Penny and we get hit with a training montage which very well may be the highlight of the film from a comedic perspective. Josephine explains to Penny that it is easy to con men because they would never believe a woman to be smarter than they are. The film at this moment would have done well with departing a bit from the original storyline. After a string of successful cons (in which Penny poorly emulates Steve Martin’s con character of Ruprecht to scare away men,
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leaving their expensive engagement rings with Josephine), Penny gets upset because she is not getting her cut of the cons. She and Josephine enter into a bet that whoever cons the next guy gets to stay in town and the other must leave to never return. They select a tech millionaire in town to meet investors for his latest application idea. At this point if you know the original storyline, then you know every beat this film is going to take. Penny sets herself up as a blind woman as opposed to Martin’s original take as a paralyzed man. The issue here is simply that with Martin’s scene Caine gets to really cut loose with the running and swinging a stick to test Martin’s paralysis. Here, there is hold back which I can only assume is to avoid having Josephine actually hit Penny in the face. That actually would have been funny with Penny going the rest of the film with black eyes. This is the first change I would have made to add in visual humour. I would then utilize Josephine to set up obvious pitfalls for Penny to see how she could cleverly get out of falling, running into clear glass walls, etc. This would have greatly elevated this film for more laughs. This films ends with both women being conned by their mark. True to beat with the original, their mark returns with new victims in a real estate ploy and quickly induces the two ladies to join him (another misstep that could have set up a sequel which the first film never took on). Have one of the victims in the group wear a snake emblem - signaling to the audience this may be Medusa - and that our three characters may be in for getting conned. This would have made for a solid set up for a potential sequel but, unfortunately, with the film’s poor writing, poor use of actresses and simply unimaginative storyline, there will most definitely be no sequel for this. Sadly, watching this film itself was the biggest hustle of them all.
Thanks for reading ‘Writing Movie ‘WRONGS’.
Adam Lambert Announces New Single 'Comin in Hot'
Old Town Road Lil Nas X
Bad Guy Billie Eilish
Khalid & Disclosure
I Don't Care
Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber
Jonas Brothers
Post Malone
Post Malone & Swae Lee
Dancing With A Stranger Sam Smith & Normani
Sweet But Psycho
10. Ava Max
Taylor Swift & Brendon Urie
Never Really Over
12. Katy Perry
13. Cardi B
The London
14. Young Thug, J Cole & Travis Scott
Con Calma
15. Daddy Yankee & Snow
Please Me
16. Cardi B & Bruno Mars
Wish Wish
DJ Khaled, Cardi B & 21 Savage
18. Halsey
19. Tyler, The Creator
Boy With Luv
20. BTS & Halsey
Cross Me
21. Ed Sheeran & Chance The Rapper
If I Can't Have You
22. Shawn Mendes
23. Blueface
24. Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper Break Up With Your Girlfriend, I'm Bored
25. Ariana Grande
Without Me
26. Halsey
Sanguine Paradise
27. Lil Uzi Vert
Whiskey Glasses
28. Morgan Wallen
29. Logic & Eminem
7 Rings
30. Ariana Grande
31. Lee Brice
Beer Never Broke My Heart
32. Luke Combs
33. Benny Blanco, Khalid & Halsey
God's Country
34. Blake Shelton
It's a new era for pop/rockstar Adam Lambert. After a four-year hiatus from his solo career, during which he became the new frontman for Queen, the singer returned earlier this year with two new singles and the announcement of his upcoming fourth studio album Velvet. Now, he's literally coming in hot with a new single.
Drake Receives 'Hotline Bling' Wax Figure at Madame Tussauds Las Vegas Drake already has a Las Vegas residency under his belt, and now he'll be immortalized in Sin City in another capacity. On Wednesday (June 19), Madame Tussauds Las Vegas unveils the 6 God as the museum's newest wax figure attraction, which is now open to the public. Drake is part of a fully interactive experience replicating his famed "Hotline Bling" video on the James Turrell-designed colorful set. The wax figure finds Drizzy laced in a gray OVO sweatsuit with a gold Rolex watch and matching Timberland boots to complete the outfit.
Ed Sheeran, Lily James, Himesh Patel Hit Yellow Carpet for London's 'Yesterday' Premiere
a sizeable number of fans - turning out in force, albeit with umbrellas at the ready.
35. Lil Dicky
36. Marshmello & Bastille
Envy Me
37. Calboy
Eyes On You
38. Chase Rice
Middle Child
39. J. Cole
Hey Look Ma, I Made It
40. Panic! At The Disco
Yesterday may have been the film title, but Yellow Submarine was perhaps a better Beatles analogy on Tuesday night (June 18) in London. Following an afternoon of heavy showers, the special yellow carpet laid down for the Yesterday U.K. premiere in Leicester Square had transformed into a somewhat soggy affair. But that didn’t stop the stars of Universal’s musical comedy - and
Kate McKinnon, Lily James, Ed Sheeran and newcomer (and lead star) Himesh Patel were among the cast members in attendance, alongside the multiaward-winning duo of director Danny Boyle and writer Richard Curtis, working together for the first time, plus Universal's top brass including Donna Langley and Jeff Shell.
Cluster Marketing Communications & PR Manager, Crowne Plaza and Holiday Inn Kuwait, Al Thuraya City.
“Every day, there is something new.� Anan El-Kady recognizes the importance of keeping up-to-date with technology. Coupled with her passion for doing what she loves, her success in the hospitality industry speaks for itself.
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Please introduce yourself to our readers. My name is Anan El Kady. I am Egyptian from the city of beauty, Alexandria. I am someone who enjoys travelling and getting to know new people every day. I also love reading.
Tell us about your education. I studied at Alexandria University Faculty of Arts Oriental Languages department (Turkish Class) and got my MBA in Business Administration and Marketing certified from Cambridge University.
What are the highlights of your career so far? I started my career at a very young age, while I was still a student at college, and that played a great role to shape my personality and define my passion for doing what I love. I worked as a radio presenter, instructor and marketing communications project manager. I proudly did three openings for local and international hotel chains in Egypt and GCC.
Did you always want to work in the hospitality industry? Yes, passionately. I have always loved to get involved in this ‘people’s industry’ especially when you mix it with marketing and creativity.
What are your main responsibilities as the Cluster Marketing Communication and PR Manager? Crowne Plaza and Holiday Inn Al Thuraya City, is a landmark hospitality complex with a great heritage and reputation in the city. This gives me a huge responsibility to 1) sustain the hotel luxury image, 2) spread the hotel name everywhere in Kuwait and 3) keep running the market engagement with our happenings and events as well as driving great results to all hotel facilities.
What do you think is most difficult (and most interesting) in your work as a PR Manager? The best aspect of the marketing world is the creativity part of our day-to-day job. Also, thinking outside the box by bringing new ideas to our work place and meeting new people every day. On the other hand, marketing is a very progressive and growing field so it is essential to cope every day with new technology or new media platforms. It requires a non-stop studying and reading process in order to keep up-to-date with state-of-art technology because every day, there is something new.
What have been the most difficult periods in your career so far and what do you consider your personal success? It was during a big hotel chain opening in Egypt. I was the marketing manager of the opening team and the responsibility to establish such a big hotel from scratch was huge. The success story of the hotel now makes me always very proud of what I did as it became one of the best luxury hotels in Egypt.
Tell us about the different dining outlets available at the hotel and which one is your personal favourite? We have an extensive variety of outlets including Nokhaza Seafood, Shabestan Iranian food, Ahmadi all day dining, Sakura Japanese cuisine, Ayam Zaman and Ayam Zaman express Lebanese cuisine. My favourite is Sakura as I love Japanese and Asian food.
MAY 2019 JUNE 2019
How do you spend your day off? I love to see movies and to catch up with my friends. And shopping, for sure!
Your message for us at CP Magazine? This quality publication is a worthy reading lifestyle magazine with a great content and attractive topics. Keep shining!
What features of the hotel set it apart from other hotels in Kuwait? The hotel has the largest convention capacity in the city. We also have Al Barka Ballroom which is the biggest in town accommodating up to 2500 guests. Also, Spa Aquatonic is a unique product using high end brands and boasting 17 treatment rooms with its one of a kind Aquaponic pool.
What’s the first thing you do when you arrive at the office? I write down my list of to-dos, check my emails and then have my very own coffee.
What are some of your hobbies? I love travelling and reading. Also, like all other ladies, shopping is something in my blood!
TOY STORY 4 The toys are back on the big screen with an all-new adventure in “Toy Story 4.” Woody, Buzz and the whole gang find themselves far from home, discovering new friends—and old ones—on an eye-opening road trip that takes them to unexpected places. “Toy Story 4” will be released in cinemas across the Middle East from 20th June 2019.
The Journey of Toy Story:
In 1995, “Toy Story” marked a major milestone in animated moviemaking as the first fully computer animated feature film; it was the highest grossing movie of the year and nominated for three Oscars® and two Golden Globes®. Four years later, “Toy Story 2” broke opening weekend box office records, won the Golden Globe for best motion picture— comedy or musical, as well as a Grammy® for best song written for a motion picture, television or other visual media (Randy Newman/“When She Loved Me”). Released in 2010, “Toy Story 3” won Oscars for best animated feature film and best achievement in music written for motion pictures, original song (Newman/“We Belong Together”). The film also won a Golden Globe and BAFTA for best animated film, and was the second Pixar film to be nominated for the best picture Oscar. Fans around the world thought the toys’ story had ended. “Like most people, I assumed that ‘Toy Story 3’ was the end of the story,” said director Josh Cooley. “Turns out it was only the end of Woody’s story with Andy. Just like in life, every ending is a new beginning. Woody now being in a new room, with new toys and a new kid, was something we 60
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have never seen before. The questions of what that would be like became the beginning of an entertaining story worth exploring.” Woody has always been confident about his place in the world, and that his priority is taking care of his kid. Now that Andy has gone off to college, Woody’s loyalty is to Bonnie. But as Bonnie gears up for kindergarten, she’s feeling a little apprehensive. “Transition is a big thematic piece of this movie,” says producer Jonas Rivera. “Bonnie is growing up and transitioning into kindergarten, and Woody is transitioning into a new role. We’ve never seen him in this situation before.” Directed by Josh Cooley (“Riley’s First Date?”), and produced by Jonas Rivera (“Inside Out,” “Up”) and Mark Nielsen (associate producer “Inside Out”), Disney·Pixar’s “Toy Story 4” ventures to U.S. theaters on June 21, 2019
Meet the cast of “Toy Story 4”
WOODY (voice of TOM HANKS) is the same pullstring cowboy sheriff that Andy fell in love with years ago. He’s found a new home with Bonnie and her toys, and he’ll to anything to make sure she’s happy and they’re all taken care of. But an unexpected reunion with his dear friend Bo Peep shows Woody that the world is much bigger than he ever imagined BUZZ LIGHTYEAR (voice of TIM ALLEN) is loyal not only to his owner, but to the friends he’s made along the way—especially his once-rival Woody who’s like a brother to the ace Space Ranger these days. Buzz would do anything to support his pull-string buddy, but when his efforts land him in a carnival game booth as an inadvertent prize, he turns to his inner voice for guidance.
Production designer Bob Pauley ushered the overall look of “Toy Story 4.”“With the power of our tools today, we can do so much more compared to the first ‘Toy Story,’” he says. “It’s about choices—we are not making a live-action ‘Toy Story’ and want to be true to our history. We stylize the characters and the world to make it believable and feel ‘Toy Story’ with lighting that is theatrical and emotionally driven.” One of the key locations in “Toy Story 4” is an antique store, Second Chance Antiques. According to Pauley, the antique store is vast and filled with thousands of objects. “We did a lot of research,” he says. “We learned that most of the antique stores we visited used to be something else: a furniture store, an auto repair garage,” Pauley continues. “We decided Second Chance used to be an appliance-slash-department store, so we included remnants of fixtures, displays and shelves in our design—all filled with objects. Fortunately, at Pixar, we have a big ‘backlot’ of objects from all of our feature films. It was a big treasure hunt because we have a lot of interesting history and we also took the opportunity to plant some fun Easter eggs.” According to screenwriter Andrew Stanton, the idea of a carnival conjured many ideas when it came to new characters. “If you think about it, a carnival has the cheapest, saddest, most disposable toys known to man,” says Stanton. Pauley and other artists went to several carnivals to gather reference. “We wanted to capture the charm of carnivals—the bright candy colors, the lights, the obligatory Ferris wheel, all the rides and game booths,” he says. “We learned how they function, how they are designed and work. Few will notice all the details, but together, they help build a world that just feels right.”
BO PEEP (voice of ANNIE POTTS) is a long-lost friend of the gang, who always shared a special connection with Woody at Andy’s house. After being separated for years, Bo has become chipped and discarded, but her spirit is far from broken. She has grown into an adventure-seeking free spirit whose strength and sarcasm belie her delicate porcelain exterior. FORKY (voice of TONY HALE) is not a toy! At least that’s what he thinks. An actual spork-turned-craftproject, Forky is pretty sure that he doesn’t belong in Bonnie’s room. Unfortunately, every time he tries to get away, someone yanks him back into an adventure he’d rather skip.
The Production’s Story
Part of the magic of ‘Toy Story’ is getting to view the world from a toy’s perspective. “‘Toy Story’ has a caricatured world where everything is designed from the toy’s point of view,” says director Josh Cooley. “We really wanted to expand the world as much as possible. So, going outside of the tri-county area was huge. And we put the toys in places that they’d never been—places that would have new types of toys that would present new problems.” While the look of the films is stylized, advancements in technology led to new opportunities. “With each film, our technology gets better and better, and we’re able to make things look more believable, more realistic,” says Cooley. “In this movie, there are shots that are staggeringly realistic. At times we have to pull it back—it’s too real. One thing we learned from the first three films was to keep the lighting to more stage-like so that it feels presentational.”
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“Mexico Lindo” is a tribute to the designer’s journey through Mexico, where she experienced three destinations through the lens of The Luxury Collection’s unique hotels and resorts, including Solaz Resort in Los Cabos; Hacienda Temozon and Hacienda Puerta Campeche in the Yucatan; and Las Alcobas in Mexico City. Mercedes Salazar x The Luxury Collection is a celebration of the vibrant and diverse culture of Mexico, reflecting her travels across the country, exploration of unique destinations from coast to coast and work with local artisans to learn traditional techniques. Each exceptional piece in the collection brings to life unique adventures and discoveries Salazar made along her journey – from celebrating Dia de los Muertos and taking in the beauty of the indigenous rock paintings of the Pericues in Cabo, to exploring Mexico City’s architectural marvels and vibrant markets. “I fell in love with the spirit of Mexico when I left Colombia to study jewelry in Mexico City fifteen years ago. I learned the art of craftsmanship and was so moved by the culture that when I finished my studies, I started my jewelry company that still embodies the ethos of the destination today,” said Mercedes Salazar. “When The Luxury Collection invited me to rediscover Mexico through the lens of their stunning properties, I was thrilled to revisit my roots and design an exotic, culturally authentic accessories line inspired by the indigenous experiences I had throughout my journey. From working with native artisans and learning their time-honored techniques, to participating in local events and experiencing The Luxury Collection’s cherished properties, I was able to re-ignite my connection with Mexico and create my first-ever line inspired by the place that is so dear to my heart.” In addition to the expertly crafted statement earrings Salazar is known for, the capsule collection includes a selection of colorful cross-body bags and hats, with each piece highlighting Mexico’s unique qualities and the exotic surroundings of each destination. The Cardón cacti that define the landscape of Los Cabos are reflected in a playful pair of cactus earrings carved from lightweight resin topped with shimmering green crystals and lavender floral accents. The bustling markets of Mexico City inspired a straw cross-body bag intricately woven with brightlyhued threads, strung with pink tassels and adorned with a gold-plated brass flower. The exquisite needlework of Aztec women in the Yucatan is celebrated in the designs of woven straw hats accented with hand-embroidered exotic birds. Mercedes Salazar x The Luxury Collection is exclusively available for purchase on and
n Instagram feed can easily be described as your personal portfolio. Whether you are a blogger or a business owner, getting a perfect feed to show off your content is important! I will be sharing tips and a few interesting apps to help you achieve an aesthetically pleasing profile.
Step 1 - Look for inspiration and decide on the mood you’re going for (something that will represent your style and your account’s identity). Step 2 - Keep your layout looking consistent and balanced (keep the colours of images in harmony and the overall look minimal and not too busy). Apps you would love: VSCO - Afterlight
Step 3 - When you are working on your Instagram aesthetic, you’ll also want to make sure you’re thinking about your Instagram stories as well. Apps you would love: Unfold – StoryArt - Storyluxe - Mojo - Canva Step 4 - See a preview of what your posts will look like next to each other before uploading. Apps you would love: Preview - Later 64
JUNE 2019
T H E H O L I DAY E D I T Abir Achkar
In the art of packing, as so often in life, you learn through your mistakes. Holiday packing always begins with good intentions as planning is the key. Knowing what to pack for a summer holiday can be hard whether you’re hitting an island or the city. Choosing your holiday wardrobe might sound like an exciting prospect but it’s challenging at the same time.
The number one rule is DON’T PACK LIGHT, PACK CLEVER. Your travel wardrobe should be 100% tailored to your style. Be as versatile as possible (to save you valuable suitcase space). Essentially, the perfect travel wardrobe consists of all the same qualities as a great capsule wardrobe, just on a smaller scale and for a much more defined set of activities. In this article I'll show you THE 3-STEP FORMULA to put together a remixable travel wardrobe for anything, whether it’s a short or long break. STEP 1: Think outfits •Write a list of activities •Estimate the number of required outfits for each •Select 1-2 options for each activity The most important piece of information you need to build a travel wardrobe is your itinerary or travel plans. What will you be doing all day during your trip? Sightseeing, lounging on the yacht..? You need to be aware of the nature of your holiday lifestyle. STEP 2: Create your basic wardrobe •Select your outfits 66
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•Create looks with accessories •Mix and match your day-to-night staple pieces The fun part in creating any wardrobe is the mix and match game. Whether it’s a colour game or how to transform your look from day into night using most of the same pieces. Simply be creative and enjoy! STEP3: The outcome •Select specific items to be the highlight of the wardrobe •Make your wardrobe documented (take a picture of each outfit) Planning your outfits ahead of time is a good idea for two reasons. 1) It will help you make sure your travel wardrobe is versatile enough and works for your destination. 2) It will save you tons of valuable getting ready time during your trip. And of course, not forgetting the specific items I have mentioned above for a stylish photo shoot! Who doesn’t like to take a few pictures wearing their best pieces and to share them on their social platform? Make sure you leave your fashion prints wherever you visit!
The maxi dress
Nothing beats a 'throw and go' maxi dress when you're on holiday. Wear on its own with wedges for an evening meal or layer with a T-shirt underneath and a pair of trainers for a day-time look. You could even mix things up by wearing a light knit over the top for your journey home and turning the dress into a skirt.
The oversized shirt
You may think anything long-sleeved is a no-go but a shirt could be perfect to keep you covered up during the evening chill. It also looks great tied around the waist or undone over denim shorts.
Head accessories
The bandana or headscarf is a must-have item this summer. Tie it around your hair, tie it around your hat, tie it around your bag - or even your belt buckle! This little piece of material can brighten up any of your holiday looks and it’s so versatile.
Statement pieces/accessories
No look will be complete without accessories. This summer it’s all about statement necklaces and earrings, bold colours and layering. Have fun this summer and play the layering and stack game.
Sparks of Monte-Carlo Fashion Week Spring Edition 2019
Spring 2019 became an important season for the international fashion designers who showcased during the 7th edition of Monte Carlo Fashion Week in Monaco, the hotspot of the French Riviera. MCFW has been gaining in prestige with the participation of an increasing number of international buyers, fashion editors, press, bloggers and influencers (as well as VIP guests) attending the exclusive runway shows, fashion hubs and glamorous social events. They all came to discover the creations of new and emerging talented designers including two who design completely different styles. They come from 68
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different continents but presented their collections on the same runway of MCFW. Fashion curator, Veronica Sheynina, presented a remarkable selection of international emerging designers. The New York based brand, Diana Mahrach Couture, is known for luxury, quality and heritage as well as sophistication and eye-catching elegance. The collections are created in New York by the Morroccan designer, Diana Mahrach, who mixes MiddleEastern charm with a new fashion-forward vision. The designer favours beautiful fashion silhouettes
and high quality design, focusing primarily on high couture evening and bridal wear. Showcasing in Monte Carol definitely influenced the mood of the collection. Mahrach’s models were like luminous mermaids emerging from the waves and promenading along the seaside. Her splendid evening dresses in silk were finely embroidered and covered with crystals giving them a translucent shimmer. Royal semi-transparent gowns by Diana Mahrach with plunging necklines provided a hint of a flirt risk but never overstepped the line of pure elegance. Wearing one of these fantastic creations would transform any woman into a million-dollar mermaid. A totally different styled designer from Saudi Arabia, Dana Al Nohait, showed her new Glidah Resort collection during MCFW. The fashion brand was founded in 2018 and is a bohemian high-end womenswear brand. Glidah’s mood is influenced by Dana’s personal style. Saudi fashion is always focused on items that are unique and feminine. The second line of the brand is Crème by Glidah, which creates summer dresses, linens and resort wear with the same boho-chic mood and luxury style of Glidah. Dana Al Nohait is the first Saudi
Arabian designer to showcase at Monte Carlo Fashion Week. Her collection includes broderie anglaise caftans, ruffle-trimmed robes and baby-doll maxi dresses, finely decorated with flirty fringes. All looks could certainly be worn as swim cover-ups but would feel refined enough for the city too. They’ll definitely fulfill a lot of women’s fantasies of dressing casually and elegantly on vacation, even when not at the seaside. The natural fabric colour palette is drawn by taupe, blush, cream, olive and light blue. The warm and relaxed feeling when wearing a Glidah creation is the clue to turn on the vacation mood during the whole spring/summer season. Photos provded by Daniele Guidetti
For the complete summer look, Glidah models wore gold shimmering jewels from the Roman jewellery designer, Giulia Barela.
The Ferrari SF90 Stradale the new series-production supercar THE MOST POWERFUL PRANCING HORSE CAR EVER REFERENCES SCUDERIA FERRARI
errari introduces a new chapter in its history with the introduction of its first series production PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle), the SF90 Stradale, images, videos and information on which can be seen on the dedicated web site: The new model is extreme on every level and represents a true paradigm shift, because it delivers unprecedented performance for a production car. Figures such as 1,000 cv, and a weight-topower ratio of 1.57 kg/cv, and 390 kg of downforce at 250 km/h not only put the SF90 Stradale at the top of its segment, but also mean that a V8 is the top-of-the-range model for the first time the marque’s history. The car’s name encapsulates the true significance of all that has been achieved in terms of performance. The reference to the 90th anniversary of the foundation of Scuderia Ferrari underscores the strong link that has always existed between Ferrari’s track and road cars. A brilliant encapsulation of the most advanced technologies developed in Maranello, the SF90 Stradale is also the perfect demonstration of how Ferrari immediately transitions the knowledge and skills it acquires in competition to its production cars. The SF90 Stradale has a 90° V8 turbo engine capable of delivering 780 cv, the highest power output of any 8-cylinder in Ferrari history. The remaining 220 cv is delivered by three electric motors, one at the rear, known as the MGUK (Motor Generator Unit, Kinetic) due to its derivation from the Formula 1 application, located between the engine and the new 8-speed dual-clutch transmission on the rear axle, and two on the front axle. This sophisticated system does not, however, make for a more complicated driving experience. Quite the opposite, in fact: the driver simply has to select one of the four power unit modes, and then just concentrate on driving. The sophisticated control logic takes care of the rest, managing the flow of power
JUNE 2019
between the V8, the electric motors and the batteries. The SF90 Stradale is also the first Ferrari sports car to be equipped with 4WD, a step necessary to allow the incredible power unleashed by the hybrid powertrain to be fully exploited, ensuring the car has become the new benchmark for standing starts: 0-100km/h in 2.5 sec and 0-200km/h in barely 6.7 seconds. Ferrari’s engineers were able to further broaden the spectrum of dynamic controls by introducing the full-electric front axle, known as the RAC-e (electronic cornering set-up regulator). As well as exclusively providing propulsion in electric drive, the two front motors independently control the torque delivered to the two wheels, extending the concept of Torque Vectoring. Fully integrated into the car’s vehicle dynamics controls, the RAC-e governs the distribution of torque, making driving on the limit much simpler and easier. The introduction of this hybrid architecture was a challenge with regard to managing the additional weight which was resolved by an obsessive attention to detail and the overall optimisation of the whole of the car. For maximum performance in terms of overall weight, rigidity and centre of gravity, the chassis and bodyshell of the SF90 Stradale is all new, built using multimaterial technology, including, for example, carbon fibre. The development of a hybrid car of this kind demanded the development of a series of innovative aerodynamic solutions. The significant boost in the power unit’s performance brought with it an increase in the amount of heat energy to be dissipated and required the development team to carry out an in-depth review of the aerodynamic flows on the radiating masses. It also demanded new solutions to increase downforce efficiently and guarantee maximum stability at all speeds and in all driving conditions.
aserati celebrates the eightieth anniversary of Luigi “Gigi� Villoresi's impressive win at the 1939 Targa Florio at the wheel of the Maserati Tipo 6CM. The Milan-born driver achieved victory at the Parco della Favorita circuit in Palermo, Sicily on May 14th 1939 by covering the race's 40 laps, totalling 228 km, in 1:40.15.4. Luigi Villoresi also recorded the fastest lap in the race with the time of 0:02.24.6, averaging 141.908 km/h. Piero Taruffi and Guido Franco Barbieri finished second and third, also in Maserati Tipo 6CM cars. It was a historic result for Maserati, confirming its undisputed leadership in the prestigious Sicilian race. Maserati had also dominated the 1937 and 1938 editions, taking the first three places in both years. Luigi Villoresi also finished first in the 1940 edition, driving a Maserati Tipo 4CL. The Targa Florio, one of the world's oldest and most famous automotive races, is named after Vincenzo Florio. Florio, a wealthy Palermo businessman already well known in the racing world, created, funded, and first organised it in 1906. In total 62 editions of the Targa Florio took place from 1906 to 1977 (it was not held during the two World Wars). The race was held every year, normally in May, on the roads of Palermo. Sicilian roads, especially the narrow, winding roads through the Madonie mountain range, always played a central part in this race. It was only in the years from 1937 to 1940 that the event was held at the Parco della Favorita circuit in Palermo. The Maserati Tipo 6CM, an amazing single-seater racer, was designed by Ernesto Maserati and began to take shape in 1935. The car was fairly conventional in looks but its contents were extremely advanced. Even more ground-breaking than the new engine (a straight six with the cylinders cast in the same block as the head and arranged in pairs on the same elektron crankcase, twin overhead camshafts driven by a rising gear chain, 2 valves per cylinder and a Roots volumetric supercharger, providing a maximum power of 175 HP), the car's most distinctive feature was its chassis, which marked a major step forward in vehicle design. The basic structure was still the ladder frame, but with
innovative front suspensions which provided a major advantage over English and French competitors. The suspensions consisted of torsion bar springs mounted so that the spring tension could be adjusted to suit the characteristics of the circuit. Like the rest of the car, the bodywork was updated in a variety of ways, especially with regard to its aerodynamics. The extremely rounded shapes, the succession of different side panel forms and the more slanted front clearly reflected the research into aerodynamics ongoing throughout the years of its construction. This car's racing supremacy reached its peak in 1938, when it triumphed over the formidable British ERA cars that had always been the Italian constructors' most dreaded rivals. The same year also saw the debut of Alfa Romeo's famous Alfetta, created for the Vetturette Grand Prix competitions. However, to the Maserati Brothers' great satisfaction, that year the Tipo 6CM also defeated the Alfetta at the Pescara GP. The Maserati Tipo 6CM proved to be a highly successful car: 27 were built, from 1936 to 1939, and the model won races on Europe's leading circuits, both with the official team and with gentlemen drivers at the wheel. The Maserati Tipo 6CM holds the record for the most edition wins at the Targa Florio, with three victories in 1937, 1938 and 1939. The Maserati Tipo 6CM, perfectly restored to its original livery, is held in Modena and belongs to the Panini Collection. Key technical features of the Tipo 6CM: Engine: vertical straight six Displacement: 1,493.2 cc Power: 155-175 hp at 6,200-6,600 rpm Transmission: Four speeds + reverse Chassis: 2 chassis beams with steel cross-members, aluminium bodywork Weight: 650 kg Top speed: 210-230 km/h
MAY 2019
Ferrari’s V8 takes its fourth consecutive International Engine & Powertrain of the Year award
This Ramadan, drive to what matters most.
Embracing the traditions of the Holy Month, Al Zayani the official importer of Maserati in Kuwait, has launched a symbolic campaign, which tagline is ‘Drive to what matters most’ carrying a message of reminder of values. The campaign is coupled with a rewarding offer on the complete range of its luxury models to remain In line with the month’s spirit of giving, Commenting on the occasion , Mohammed Dawleh, General Manager of Maserati Al Zayani said: “during a time of spiritual reflection and bountiful giving, we are proud of our initiative. Being an uplifting time of the year, we feel this is the perfect period to extend the best possible approach for our esteemed clients. We would like to believe we are contributing to our enthusiasts and clients driving to what matters most – their family". Driven by an objective of elevating the Maserati experience, the initiative includes 0% interest for 5 years, 5 years warranty, 5 years service package and 5 years road side assistance. Our initiatives are available until end of Ramadan 2019 at the Maserati showroom. To explore further, the showroom is in Al Rai, 4th Ring Road and the working hours are from Saturday to Thursday from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM and from 9:00 PM to 12:00 AM during Ramadan. On the occasion of the Holy Month, Al Zayani also takes immense pleasure in conveying Ramadan greetings to all its customers and the community.
The 21st edition of the International Engine & Powertrain of the Year has seen Ferrari triumph again, taking the overall title with its 720-cv, 3.9-litre V8 for the fourth year running, a feat never achieved by any other engine in the history of the awards. The 3902 cc V8 engine that powers the 488 GTB, 488 Spider, 488 Pista and 488 Pista Spider took the overall honours and also the Performance Engine award. With this year’s change from capacity categories to power
output categories, to ensure a fairer judging of hybrid powertrains, Ferrari’s V8 took a further two categories: the same engine was voted the best power unit over 650 PS, while the 3855 cc version that powers the Portofino (with 600 cv) and GTC4Lusso T (with 610 cv) was awarded the 550 to 650 PS category. As a result, this year’s ceremony in Stuttgart, Germany saw Ferrari’s tally of International Engine & Powertrain of the Year awards rise to an impressive 31.
MAGRABi Optical, the leader in vision care & eyewear throughout the Middle East, is announcing “Vision for All” Initiative across the Middle East. The initiative aims to donate 10,000 pairs of optical frames to children and elderly in need for every sunglasses or eyeglasses sold during the last ten days of Ramadan across MAGRABi Optical stores. “80% of what a human can learn is perceived through the eyes. We understand the real life impact of poor vision and we always strive to grant everyone the opportunity to have healthy eyesight and improve the quality of their lives. To build on the spirit of giving during Ramadan, we are delighted to announce the ‘Vision for All’ Magrabi initiative, with an aim of giving back to the communities in which we operate in.” commented Amin Magrabi, CEO of MAGRABi Retail. The ‘Vision for All’ initiative comes as part of the ‘The Arabian Eye’ campaign which MAGRABi launched during the holy month of Ramadan to cherish the cultural identity and heritage of Arabs and celebrate the modern vision of the Arabs of the Now and the future and how it relates to our roots and values. MAGRABi continues to Empower Vision, by sharing with the world a strong end-statement that reflects an empowered & united vision of what it truly means to be an Arab and highlight the beauty of their diversity. The campaign calls to inspire and empower the vision of a contemporary Arabia that cherishes its common values, cultural heritage of the past, and embraces their diversity in the new world of today. The ‘Arabian Eye’ campaign brings together the most stunning Arabic male and female influencers who have outstanding genuine connection with their followers. Featuring a diverse cast of inspiring influencers from around the region to include Leena Al Ghouti from Palestine, Hala Abdullah from Saudi Arabia, Salma Abu Deif from Egypt, Muhanned Al Hamdi from Saudi Arabia and Mahmoud Sidani from Lebanon.
Black Tap, the cult New York burger joint which operates two outlets in Kuwait, is rolling out a sizzling summer line-up of new seasonal menus and celebratory giveaways to mark its first birthday in the country. Heading the birthday celebrations is a new seasonal menu of Big Apple best-sellers, including a selection of burgers, shakes and tacos for diners to enjoy from18 June through to 6 August across both its Al Kout Mall and 360 Mall venues. Additionally, to thank Black Tap’s fan family in Kuwait and exclusively at Al Kout Mall – the brand’s first venue in Kuwait, diners can also slurp up a free classic shake with every craft burger order from 23 June through to 27 June at Black Tap’s Al Kout Mall outlet. Globally-renowned for its award-winning burgers, customers can wash down their patty of choice with this birthday special and choose from both the existing and new selection of burger goodness. The range of new burgers include The Gulf Burger, which comprises Black Tap’s renowned prime Greater Omaha USA beef burger stacked with arugula, zaatar, marinated halloumi cheese, pesto mayo, sun dried tomatoes, avocado and parmesan cheese; while The Chili Cheese Burger is a prime burger filled with Mexican chili, American cheese, zesty cheese sauce and frizzled onions.
Justice, the specialty fashion and accessories retailer for girls, hosted their first-of-a-kind fashion show in Kuwait at the KidZania Theater, at The Avenues – Kuwait that was attended by Justice VIP customers, parents of the models and esteemed media members. The fashion show highlighted the brand’s latest collection for the season that were modelled by girls aged between 6 to 16 years. The exclusive fashion show, under the title ‘Live Justice’, aimed at highlighting the core values celebrated by the Justice brand and its wide fan base of teenage girls. Live Justice is based upon six values, which guide the girls through their tween life and support them. These values are focused on living: Positively, Smart, Connected, Creatively, Together and Active. Live Justice is a lifestyle that promotes a positive sense of the self and the celebration of every girl. It's a place where girls can share and
discover how they can change the world for the better. Fueled by positivity, the Live Justice community is supportive and promotes confidence-building as girls pursue their dreams, discover their voices, lead, and lift each other up. Live Justice encourages the girls, to try something new every day, learn through curiosity, spread positive vibes, dream big, celebrate social differences and take charge on leading a healthy lifestyle. The new collection features the iconic dazzle and charm of the Justice patterns and colours across the different lines. Pastel and vivid shades of blue, pink, purple and yellow are the highlight for this season’s collection. Justice girls will find their favourite pieces across the new lines featuring active wear, denim, sleepwear, special occasions and casual collections.
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MAY 2019
You’ve got incredible images just waiting to be seen – the window is now open to submit Red Bull Illume Image Quest. Photographers all around the world are getting ready – Red Bull Illume is back, with some exciting new changes! The world’s greatest imagery contest for adventure and action sports returns with new categories, new opportunities, and of course, new challenges. Submit your best images to Red Bull Illume Image Quest 2019 now – the submission phase is finally open and will stay open until July 31st! With multiple new categories including Innovation by Sony, Moving Image, Emerging by Red Bull Photography, and Best of Instagram by SanDisk; there are now more reasons than ever to enter the brand-new Red Bull Illume – including of course, the grand prizes! The prize packages will include some serious camera equipment and accessories with a total value of € 100.000,- for the category winners and the overall winner. Category Winners The 11 category winners will pick up this incredible set of prizes; from consumer electronics giant Sony the phenomenal Alpha A7 III camera kitted out with the 24-105 mm F4 G Master lens. Storage specialist SanDisk will offer a bundle made up of three of their Extreme Pro Memory Card’s, with a suitable card reader, plus an Extreme Pro Portable SSD hard drive that offers photographers the best mobile mobile memory solutions available. The award-winning company, Skylum, will provide photo-editing software including Luminar 3 and their Signature Presets. Skylum will also present a special prize to the winner of the ‘Creative by Skylum’ category – with the winner becoming a part of the Global Skylum Ambassador Team. Likewise, Red Bull Photography will grant the winner of the ‘Emerging by Red Bull Photography’ category a spot at the Red Bull Rising Talent photography workshop including travel, accommodation and board expenses. In addition, high quality photography apparel and accessories will come from photography and accessory brand, COOPH, to keep them equipped and protected at their upcoming shoots. Overall Winner The overall winner will also be guaranteed to receive all of the above prizes by winning a category. Furthermore, the overall winner will receive the Sony Alpha A9 camera with a 2470mm f2.8 lens from their G-Master range. The Sony A9 is perfect for capturing the kind of high-speed, faster-than-the-eye-can-see action that Red Bull Illume photographers are capturing every day; making it the ideal prize for the overall winner of the Image Quest 2019. In addition to the storage package mentioned above, SanDisk will provide the overall winner a oncein a lifetime experience; taking them on a shoot with a SanDisk Extreme Team Member. The Extreme Team is a group of sports photographers known for their uncompromising vision, so this experience is sure to get your adrenaline flowing and push your photography skills to the next level! Submissions from the main contest are open on from now until July 31 – but as always, we suggest getting ahead of the game. Got your adventure and action sports shots? Submit as soon as possible – we can´t wait to see your best work!
Fantasy World & Red Crescent Society Celebrates Girgean
Fantasy World joined hands with Kuwait’s Red Crescent Society to celebrate annual Girgean Event held in the premises of The Red Crescent Society office in Shuwaikh. The event was celebrated to facilitate underprivileged children, their families were along with them to cheer and support them. The event was filled with lots of fun games and activities. Children also had a great time meeting with Fantasy World’s mascot “Freddy Wonderman”. Fantasy World sponsored the event by providing lovely toys for the children which they cherished a lot. The Expression of these Kids was simply priceless on receiving the gifts from fantasy world, claimed one of the attendees who declined to be named. The marketing team of Fantasy World alleged that the overall event was great and we are happy to be associated with Red Crescent Society for such a noble cause, we look forward to do similar events through the year with The Red Crescent Society, an exceptional organization which really puts its heart and soul for renowned noble causes around the world. Fantasy World believes and lives up to the motto – Kids Deserve the Best! and thus will always strive to take necessary steps ensuring it is achieved. This year Fantasy World has taken up the challenge to give the best of the toys available globally to kids in Kuwait and for the kids who cannot afford it due to their limitations will associate with organizations like The Red Crescent Society to achieve it.
Summer Break Made Thrilling with KidZania’s Summer Camp
KidZania Kuwait, the exciting kid-sized metropolis in Kuwait, has put together a bunch of curated activities for children this summer with its exciting Summer Camp. The eight weeks camp running up until 1st August comprises of 20 engaging and fun workshops that taps into kids’ hobbies and interests. Children spending their summer in Kuwait can benefit from a variety of interactive and fun-filled activities guaranteed to help beat the summer heat whilst making new friends and building unforgettable memories. Parents can select from a day, weekly, 2-week, 3-week or a month package that caters to different age groups and includes, free meals, a certificate of completion for each workshop, and extra hours of free play daily. KidZania’s Summer Camp offers kids the opportunity to explore their areas of interests from science, fashion design, acting and arts and crafts, to athletic challenges, fun games, online blogging, recycling and much more.
This summer, KidZania’s Summer Camp will enable kids not only to disconnect from their gadgets and explore a wide range of exciting opportunities but will also develop valuable life skills such as socializing and teamwork in a secure and safe environment. Toddlers (2-4 years old) can also benefit from the toddlers-especially designed area, where they can enjoy fun physical and mental challenges that will aid their development, all whilst embarking on a fun exploration journey. Adults accompanying kids 8 years and below get a free ticket for entry. Registration for the summer camp will run daily from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, from Sunday to Thursday. The camp combines fun, learning, and creative activities to keep kids active, entertained and happy throughout the summer. For more information on KidZania’s Summer Camp, please visit www.kidzania.
GOFSCO Celebrates the spirit of Togetherness during its Annual Employee, Partners, and Media Ghabqa
Gas & Oil Fields Services Company (GOFSCO), one of the largest integrated service providers in Kuwait specializing in the upstream oil and gas sector, both onshore and offshore, recently hosted its annual employee, partners and media Ghabqa at the Sheraton Hotel in Kuwait. Mr. Mubarak Alhajeri – Deputy CEO Business Management at GOFSCO welcomed oil & gas journalists and media representatives where he emphasized his sincere gratitude to their ongoing support to GOFSCO as well as the oil & gas sector. Additionally, Mr. Alhajeri expressed his appreciation to employees who have reflected high professionalism in delivering projects that are up to international standards. He also wished them a blessed Ramadan and praised their efforts and dedication throughout the past year.
Mr. Mubarak Alhajeri – Deputy CEO Business Management at GOFSCO said: “We are honored to host our annual Ghabqa event to reflect our appreciation of the significant efforts exerted last year by our employees, partners, and media members. Through sheer hard work and dedication, backed by a professional team of employees GOFSCO continues to be the vanguard of excellence, within the oil and gas sector. We also take this opportunity to thank our media partners for their continuous support and dedication the past year.” As a leading Kuwaiti oil & gas services company, GOFSCO will continue organizing events that gather employees, partners, and media members together at a family-oriented setting to celebrate the holy month of Ramadan. GOFSCO’s annual
Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa hosts VIP Ghabka
Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa recently hosted its annual VIP ghabka event at the exquisite Layali Al Messilah Tent. The VIP event saw the attendance of ambassadors, high-end dignitaries, businessmen as well as key clients and Kuwaitis from the local community. They enjoyed a captivating Ramadan evening filled with elegance and entertainment. General Manager at Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa, Savino Leone, extended his Ramadan wishes to the guests and welcomed them upon arrival. Leone expressed his sincere appreciation and personally thanked each guest for their continued support. He praised the long mutual relationship in contributing towards the success of the hotel and invited them to enjoy the distinctive true Ramadan hospitality of the special evening. The evening was held in the family-friendly Layali Al Messilah Ramadan Tent
with its sophisticated and elegantly designed décor, offering a rich cultural and authentic experience along with a fantastic opportunity to engage and network in a unique surrounding. The evening was complemented by enlivening sounds of traditional live Arabic music and a sumptuous Ramadan buffet featuring a wide variety of Middle Eastern favourites as well as international delicacies. The Ghabka lasted till after midnight and Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa ensured that each guest had a truly memorable evening filled with warm hospitality and exceptional delights. The Layali Al Messilah Tent is designed in Arabian perfection and can accommodate private Iftars and Ghabkas for families and corporate bookings. Create unforgettable memories by celebrating traditional Ramadan festivities with loved ones at the Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa.
Though he is now a tenured full professor, he stops wearing jackets and ties to the ________. a. warehouse
c. factory
b. university
d. ranch
Just like the word universe (“the whole world”), university comes from the Latin word universus, meaning "whole, entire." So think of a university as being sort of a world of its own — an institute of higher education where you live and study. A university generally offers advanced degrees and research opportunities in many fields. Sometimes college and university are used to mean the same thing, but colleges are typically smaller and more limited in scope than universities.
ANSWER: b. A university is a big school where you go to get a degree — maybe even a master’s or PhD. If you’re going to a university, you’re probably on a big campus that also offers housing for students and professors.
A long rope has to be cut to make 23 small pieces. If it is double folded to start with how many times does it need to be cut? A. 9. B. 23 C. 11 D.12
C JUNE 2019
1. Which popular beverage is derived from the leaves and leaf buds of Camellia sinensis, an evergreen plant native to East Asia and the Indian subcontinent? 2. Which waterfall system at the border of the Brazilian Paraná state and the Argentinian Misiones province is the largest of its kind in the world, stretching along a 1.7 mile stretch of escarpment? 3. Which 1954 novel by William Golding focusses around a group of British schoolchildren, attempting to govern themselves after they find themselves stranded on a tropical island? 4. Lhasa, home of the Potala Palace, is the capital of which autonomous province of China, a nation in its own right from 1913-1951? 5. Which German is the only tennis player - both male and female - to have completed the "Golden Slam", having won all 4 Open titles and the Olympic Gold in 1988? 6. To what name - in the honour of the first leader of North Vietnam - was the former South Vietnamese capital of Saigon changed in 1976, following the country's unification? 7. Which record-breaking footballer agreed to transfer from Newell's Old Boys in Argentina to Barcelona in 2000 at the age of 13, after the club offered to pay his treatment for a growth hormone deficiency? 8. Which Irish musician, a member of the Boomtown Rats, co-founded the charity Band Aid in 1984 to raise money for the ongoing famine in Ethiopia? 9. The Thing and The Human Torch are members of which superhero team, who made their Marvel debut in a comic of 1961? 10. Mt. Roraima, a tepui (table-top mountain, or mesa) on the border of Venezuela, Guyana and Brazil, served as the inspiration for which 1912 Arthur Conan Doyle novel about a plateau in South America where creatures such as dinosaurs still survived? 11. Which French designer is well-known for popularising the "Little Black Dress" during the early 20th century? 12. Which Apollo mission of 1972 saw the last of the 12 NASA astronauts (as of 2019) land on the moon? 13. Henry Jones Jr. was the real first name of which swashbuckling archaeologist, first appearing on movie screens in 1981? 14. The name of which type of appetiser is derived from the Spanish verb meaning "to cover", rumoured to started when Andalusian drinkers used small dishes to cover their glasses of sherry to prevent flies from getting in? 15. Which creature, native to a few small islands in eastern Indonesia, is the largest living reptile, reaching lengths of up to 3m and weights of up to 70kg? 16. King Zog served as the ruler of which small Balkan nation from 19281939, until it was annexed by the Kingdom of Italy under Victor Emmanuel III and Prime Minister Benito Mussolini? 17. Which Queen, originally of England and Scotland, oversaw the 1707 Act of Union which saw the creation of the Kingdom of Great Britain? 18. The wife of which biblical figure was supposedly turned to a pillar of salt upon looking back at the destruction of Sodom? 19. Which friar, born in modern-day Czechia in 1822, is often described as the Father of Genetics, following his experiments cross-breeding different forms of pea plant? 20. Who performed a rock version of The Star Spangled Banner at the closing of Woodstock in 1969, which subsequently became a symbol of the 1960s era? ANSWERS: 1.Tea, 2. Iguazú/Iguaçu falls, 3.Lord of the Flies, 4.Tibet, 5.Steffi Graf, 6.Ho Chi Minh City, 7.Lionel Messi, 8.Bob Geldof, 9.The Fantastic Four, 10.The Lost World, 11.Coco Chanel, 12.Apollo 17, 13.Indiana Jones, 14.Tapas, 15.Komodo Dragon, 16.Albania, 17. Queen Anne, 18.Lot, 19.Gregor Mendel, 20.Jimi Hendrix
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HOROSCOPES (March 21 - April 19)
(July 23 - August 22)
Your ruler Mars is in Cancer in June, so this month you’re focused on matters of home, family, and emotional and financial security. On June 3, a Gemini new moon opens the door for new information and conversations. You can have what you need perhaps what you want - but people aren’t mind readers. It will require honest communication with partners. By midmonth, you’re moving past a milestone – reconnecting with an ambition (perhaps from childhood) or learning what you need to leave behind so you can make progress. On the seventeenth, a full moon in Sagittarius suggests you’re nearing a crossroads. There’s a need for perspective, but you can have honest conversations and negotiate arrangements to bring you the freedom and security you need.
(April 20 - May 20)
TAURUS Old roads are falling away as you enter June, opening new horizons. You’re being asked to evolve your perspective and recognize your greater potential. You’re worth a lot more than you give yourself credit for and have a lot to offer this world. A new moon on June 3 marks a new cycle that sees you growing in self-esteem and well-being, materially, emotionally, and in your commitments. Value yourself, pay attention to actions rather than words (yours and others’), and you can invest your energy wisely and attract the resources you need. By the Sagittarius full moon on the seventeenth, life is changing profoundly. Be willing to reevaluate important financial and personal commitments. Consciously let go of any attachment to outcomes and stay aligned with your values. You have more to gain than to lose, and you can make choices that redirect the course of a situation.
(May 21 - June 20)
GEMINI Happy birthday, Gemini! Take some time for self-reflection as you enter this month. On June 3, the annual new moon in your sign marks a whole new beginning on a personal level. Who are you? What do you want? Stay aligned with an inner truth. Life gets sweeter, like a breath of fresh air, as Venus enters Gemini on the eighth. You’re attracting all kinds of attention. Love yourself first and then you can attract what or whom you desire. On June 17, the Sagittarius full moon marks the end of the road in some relationships, revealing new pathways in others you thought were dead ends. You’re free to change your mind, and you may even experience a change of heart. Acknowledge your feelings and the patterns you don’t wish to repeat. Be open to receive. You can deepen connections that bring you joy, give back equally, and truly appreciate and care for you.
(June 21 - July 22)
CANCER A new moon in your house of spirituality, subconscious, and dreams early in the month is drawing you inward to search your soul. Over the next two weeks, meditate, retreat, relax, and reflect. You don’t have all the answers, but keep asking the questions, and pay attention as the answers reveal themselves in your quiet moments. You’re becoming aware of a deeper reason for your existence, as well as subconscious thought patterns, secret desires, and/ or fears. You needn’t share your business with the world, but be honest with yourself. On June 17, a full moon in Sagittarius is showing you what needs to happen next. Pay attention to your health and avoid burning the candle at both ends. You have a lot to learn, but take things a day at a time and have faith that the path will be revealed.
JUNE 2019
As you enter June, a professional situation is stabilizing as it changes. And the new moon in your house of friends, aspirations, and the fulfillment of wishes on June 3 is opening the playing field. Your ambitions are evolving as you connect with others, showing you a greater world. When in doubt, take your time exploring situations. The full moon in Sagittarius on the seventeenth highlights a creative, sexual, romantic situation or something dear to your heart. You have more freedom and options than you think. Trust your most loving, optimistic vision - something that feels right in your heart and soul. It will mean cutting ties with what no longer works, but trust that the changes you make are opening you to a greater flow of grace and abundance. On June 21, the sun enters Cancer, drawing you inward to rest, retreat, and reflect as you prepare for the sun in your sign next month. In early July, a total solar eclipse and new moon in this area of your life suggest you’re entering a profound period of soul searching. Move in awareness.
(August 23 - September)
VIRGO As you enter June, keep a long-term goal in mind, perhaps one of greater financial freedom and security. There’s real potential on the horizon, and you’re starting a whole new professional cycle as the Gemini new moon aligns on June 3. As Venus enters Gemini on the eighth, there are enticing opportunities coming your way and you’re being noticed. But what does success mean to you? Clarify your goals, then you can make wise and definitive choices. The full moon in your domestic sector on June 17 brings home and family matters to the forefront. Rise above insecurities. The present is not the past. You have freedom and options, and help is close at hand.
(September 23 - October)
LIBRA As you enter the month, a financial situation or personal commitment is evolving and stabilizing. On June 3, a new moon in Gemini, followed by the entry of Venus into Gemini on the eighth, suggests you’re being freed from something that has had you in its grip. You could hear news from a distance, or there could be new opportunities drawing you to distant horizons. This is a journey physical, metaphorical, or spiritual—opening you to a whole new world. You’re free to explore your options, but seek an objective truth above all else. You reach a milestone and crossroads midmonth. The Sagittarius full moon on June 17 brings insightful conversations that reveal information about the road ahead. Avoid premature judgment. Listen, keep an open mind and clear perspective, and be grateful. You’re learning what you need to know, which will allow you to make wise choices.
(October 23 - November)
SCORPIO As the month begins, you’re making solid progress in your relationships, losing darker fears and perceptions to recognize the very real support in your life. The new moon on June 3 is drawing you further into a financial, sexual, or personal commitment. You’re not powerless. Become aware of your patterns, values, and desires and you can make conscious choices. As Mars opposes Saturn on the fourteenth, you’re gaining a fresh perspective on a situation, perhaps a legal matter. Avoid arguing for your limitations. By June 17, the full moon in Sagittarius brings to light issues surrounding your self-worth, income, and involvements. Avoid power struggles. You’re free, and there is no wrong choice. Have faith in your most optimistic vision, and rise above darker perceptions. This is a chance for some reevaluation, allowing you to invest in commitments that align with your values and long-term goals.
(November 22 - December)
SAGITTARIUS As the month begins, hopefully you can see there’s support in your world and not any lack as you may have feared. The Gemini new moon on June 3, followed by the entry of Venus into Gemini on the eighth, marks a new beginning for relationships, allowing you to relate on a more equal level. There’s real love and tangible potential in your connections. Be clear on your values and bottom line, then you needn’t fear going over the edge. On June 17, the full moon in your sign could get emotional. Acknowledge how you feel, but consciously release any power struggles. Become aware of unconscious patterns and you can make choices that end a destructive cycle. The sun enters Cancer on the twenty-first. Consciously release old baggage, habits, and attachments that drain you as you move through the end of the month. This is a process of deep cleansing. Avoid clinging and ease a transition.
(December 22 - January 19)
CAPRICORN As you enter the month, you’re realizing the need to have more fun, relax, and enjoy life more. When the new moon in Gemini aligns on June 3, you can make choices that help you create a life that works for you as much as you work for it. Prioritize selfcare and your health – mental, emotional, and physical. Make time for work and play. As Venus enters Gemini on the eighth, there’s love and inspiration all around you. By June 17, a full moon in Sagittarius is drawing you inward for rest and reflection on the road ahead. There may even be secrets spilling forth. There’s a lot you don’t know, but acknowledge a soul mission. Take things a day at a time. Trust your intuition and you’ll learn what you need to know. The sun enters Cancer on the twenty-first, putting a spotlight on your relationships.
(January 20 - February 18)
AQUARIUS Hopefully, it’s now dawning on you how safe you are, financially and emotionally. As the Gemini new moon aligns on June 3, you’re ready to take what feels like a risk in a creative situation, romantic relationship, or a matter relating to children or something dear to your heart. There is no wrong choice. As Venus enters Gemini on the eighth, listen to and follow your heart. On June 17, with a full moon in Sagittarius, you’re becoming aware of the greater potential in a social situation. You might even see a small dream come true. What’s next? Your dreams are evolving, but you have the power to create and build a new life in alignment with who you are today. Life is getting busier as the sun enters Cancer on the twentyfirst, but this is a chance for deep healing and release. Start with a process of elimination - release emotional baggage and whatever drains you.
(February 19 - March 20)
PISCES As you enter the month, a new moon in Gemini on June 3 is drawing your attention to matters of the home and family. Confront the past honestly, let go of perceptions, and you’ll see a more fertile reality and present. You have choices to make, but there’s a creative way around an apparent obstacle. As the full moon aligns on the seventeenth, a professional matter is highlighted, asking you to reevaluate goals and ambitions. Your talents are recognized, and you have a lot to offer the world, but are you pursuing your calling? Or do you feel like you have to uphold an image or live a double life? Stay aligned with an altruistic vision and you can find support. When the sun enters Cancer on June 21, dive deeper into your heart, consciously release emotional baggage, and seek help if you’re healing from sexual trauma.
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