CP June 2021

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JUNE 2021

since 2010

ISSUE: 138

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since 2010

JUNE 2021

On the cover: Talal Khalaf (@talalkhalaf) Directed by: Jameel Arif (@jameelarif) Photographed by: Riyas (@riyas.photokw) Location: In2Raw Studio (@in2raw)

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30. 44.

contents since 2010

AUTOMOBILE 64. Chevrolet Introduces Special Edition

2022 Corvette Stingray

ENTERTAINMENT 58. New June Book Releases 59. Writing Movie Wrongs 60. Top 5 Live-Action Movies From Disney

FASHION 62. From My Rotting Body

FEATURES 8. Back To The Movies? 11. ‫كيف ترى نفسك؟‬ 22. Let The Walls Speak 28. Branching Out Of The Homeland


16. Maraheb Al-Qallaf 30. Meet The Founders Of 'Aybiz' 40. Munira Al-Shaikh 44. From Marbella To The World! 52. Yara J. Salman


12. The Ultimate Guide To Washington, D.c. 34. Bonus Miles - Sha: A Life-Changing Experince 51. A Room With A View


22. 16. 34.

FITNESS 24. What Is Formerlyme? 26. How To Do Deep Squats Safely For Max


REGULARS 68. Homework For Grownups 70. Horoscopes

Hello CP magazine readers, How is everyone coping with the hot summer? I think we are starting to reach the daily high temperatures in Kuwait. Please don't forget to stay healthy and hydrated. For our June cover we have an interview with the amazing Maraheb Al-Qallaf who is a speech language pathologist . Maraheb completed her Bachelors degree from Boston, and she is very passionate about changing the quality of others lives, specially the children who are suffering from delayed speech and language, as well as feeding and swallowing disorders. We have also interviewed the brains behind Aybiz App., Mohammed Al-Eisa, Talal Al-Mousherji and Rawan Al-Eisa. We had a little chitchat about how their idea started and the process. A new creative idea to shop all your needs easily online. Yara Salman is a boss lady from Bahrain. She is an entrepreneur, businesswoman and an owner of multiple businesses from hospitals to beauty lounges. Yara was fascinated by beauty at young age, Yara also mentioned that her mother is a doctor and her father is a business man that have helped her in her career. Munira Al-Shaikh is a UK registered and accredited integrative psychotherapist and the president of shamsaha. Shamsaha is a woman’s centre and a non-profit organization founded in the kingdom of Bahrain. Munira’s goal is to empower woman, improve their self esteem by finding balance and peace. We had the pleasure of interviewing Munira this month. Last but not least, we have the regular dose of our travel features by our travel experts Jose and Latifah. I hope you will also enjoy the other amazing articles that are put together by our other team members. Thank you for reading! See you next month.

Fatima Hamad AlJutaili Managing Editor


I make no apology for admitting that Top Gun is my all-time favourite movie. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve seen Air Boss Johnson spill his coffee as a result of Maverick’s fly-by. Or how often I’ve quoted that unforgettable line: “I feel the need… the need for speed!” I still shed a tear when Maverick throws Goose’s dog tags into the ocean. The hairs on the back of my neck still stand on end in the closing scene when Charlie slots a quarter into the jukebox. And let’s not forget, I named my dog after the Top Gun protagonist.


JUNE 2021


So, imagine my frustration when the sequel, originally due to be released in December last year, was delayed until July 2021, and then again until 19th November 2021. As if the pandemic hasn’t been frustrating enough, now I’m denied the pleasure of seeing Pete “Maverick” Mitchell train a new squad of aviator graduates. Not to mention Val Kilmer’s return as “Iceman” (he can be my wingman anytime). It’s not that I’m a huge Tom Cruise fan (I’m more of a Daniel Craig girl myself) but I must admit, he has aged rather well. And if the sequel is anywhere near as good as the original 1986 movie, then box office receipts should be as big as Maverick’s ego. (“Your ego is writing checks your body can’t cash.”) That said, as much as I’m itching to see the new film, I’m not sure I want to sit in a cinema wearing a face mask. Not only that, I’m reluctant to share my viewing space with a bunch of strangers who will no doubt annoy me with their constant chattering, fidgeting and eating (not forgetting those who forget to turn off their phone). I want my long awaited viewing to be uninterrupted. I want to hear every word, feel every emotion, enjoy every scene. Like many others, I’ve become used to watching movies in the comfort of my own home. Admittedly, the size of the screen is significantly smaller and the surround sound not quite in the same league but, if it means I don’t have to sit behind a mask for the duration of the film, then I might just opt to stay at home. But I’ve waited thirty-five long years for this sequel, the last of which has been the longest year of all. Can I really wait

any longer for it be shown on TV? And aren’t we obliged to support the economy by spending our money at the box office? It sure is a quandary. Let’s hope that by the time November comes around, the rules regarding face masks will no longer apply. It’s a shame we can’t remove noisy cinema-goers at the same time but I live in hope that my fellow film buffs will be as keen to enjoy the sequel as I am. Now, returning to the subject of Daniel Craig, the release date of the new James Bond movie has been shifted for a third time as a result of the pandemic. No Time to Die was originally scheduled for release in the UK in April 2020 but was postponed until November the same year. It was then delayed again until 8th October 2021 until, surprisingly, being brought forward to 30th September. Admittedly, I haven’t waited over thirty years for the handsome intelligence officer to order a Vodka Martini “shaken not stirred” but that doesn’t mean the wait has been any less frustrating. The fact that it is Daniel Craig’s final appearance as 007 has made the delay even more disappointing. No doubt it will be full of the usual corny and outdated clichés but isn’t that what makes a Bond film so enjoyable? Both movies are guaranteed to attract huge audiences and, despite their obvious differences, their attraction is undeniably similar. Action-packed with a heroic male lead, a hint of romance and an awesome soundtrack/ theme tune. A winning combination and a welcome return to our cinemas. Bring it on!



.‫ مميز‬.‫ حصري‬.‫حلو‬

.‫مع أحمد الزامل‬


Iced AZ Latte




AZ Latte


‫كيف ترى نفسك؟‬ ‫‪Lulwa AlKhamees‬‬ ‫اهال ً قرائي االعزاء ‪...‬‬ ‫الكثير منا يوجه انتقادته و احكامه على االخرين ‪ ،‬وينسى ان الشخص‬ ‫الوحيد الذي يحق لك انتقاده وتغييره هو انت …!‬ ‫نحن ال نستطيع ان نغير احد ‪ ،‬سوى انفسنا …‬

‫يحزنني عندما ارى اشخاص يعيشون حياة ال تشبههم … فقط النه‬ ‫مجتمعهم يريد ذلك …‬ ‫مثال ل عبارات سمعتها من عمالئي ‪:‬‬

‫لذا‬ ‫اليوم موضوعي سؤال اريدك ان تطرحه على نفسك (كيف ترى نفسك؟)‬

‫يجب علي شراء سيارة فارهة …‬ ‫يجب علي السفر كل سنة‪..‬‬ ‫يجب ان اجمع المال لكي اتزوج …‬

‫هل انت راض عن نفسك ؟‬

‫قل انا اريد …‪.‬‬ ‫انا اريد سيارة فارهة …‬

‫ما هو مستوى رضاك عن نفسك من ‪ ١٠‬؟‬

‫يوجد فرق شاسع بين اريد و يجب ‪..‬‬

‫كن صادقا ً مع نفسك …‬

‫اسأل نفسك ‪ :‬هل س تسعدني هذه السيارة الفارهة ؟‬ ‫ان كانت من ضمن اهتماماتك و لديك القدرة المالية … امتلكها‬ ‫واستمتع في حياتك ‪..‬‬ ‫ولكن المشكلة تكمن ان كنت تريد امتالكها النه يجب عليك ذلك ‪..‬‬ ‫النك س تتعرض لالنتقادات ان امتلكت سيارة بسيطة‪..‬‬ ‫اعرف جيدا ً انه التعرض لالنتقادات قد يجرح احيانا ً ‪ ،‬والسبب يرجع‬ ‫الننا لم نركز على انفسنا وعلى سعادتنا واحتياجاتنا … و ركزنا على كالم‬ ‫االخرين ‪..‬‬ ‫تركيزك على كالم غيرك قد يضيعك من ذاتك و هويتك الخاصة بك …‬ ‫تذكر نحن خلقنا ل نكتشف انفسنا و نوجد التميز الذي وهبنا هللا اياه‬ ‫…‬ ‫لم نخلق ل نقلد بعض … لم نخلق ل نصبح نسخ …‬ ‫خلقنا مختلفين …‬ ‫موضوع نظرتك ل نفسك موضوع مطول جدا ً …‬ ‫و يدخل في مواضيع عديدة ‪..‬‬ ‫ولكن يبقى االهم بعد التفكير في كل قراراتك و جودة حياتك …‬ ‫هل انت راض عن نفسك ؟‬ ‫اوصف لي اسلوب الحياة الذي تتمنى ان تعيشه ؟‬ ‫وفي حال انك شعرت ب انك ب حاجة للتحدث ألحدهم عن نفسك‬ ‫وذاتك …‬ ‫يسعدني ان تتواصل معي ‪..‬‬ ‫على حسابي ب االنستغرام ‪lulwa.lifecoach‬‬ ‫وسأكون سعيدة بمساعدتك و االبحار معك في رحلتك مع ذاتك ‪.‬‬ ‫‪11‬‬



The Ultimate Guide to WASHINGTON, D.C. We all know Washington, D.C. as the nation’s capital city and the epicenter of American politics, but there is so much more life to this city that demands to be noticed. The side most travelers see is a city overflowing with memorials and museums; the side we want to share with you is a city that is also lively, hip, enticing, entertaining, and memorable. There is an abundance of options on and off the beaten path for every type of traveler to The District. With this being said, we’re here to help. Here is our list of insider’s top choices of places to eat, drink, play, visit and stay while in Washington, D.C. Latifah Al-Hazza


JUNE 2021

Visit the Smithsonian (and other) Museums

Whether it's your first-time visiting Washington, D.C., or your tenth, you will find a wide array of the nation's best museums to explore on each visit. In fact, there are so many outstanding museums to select from, we have narrowed the list to our absolute favorites. Spoiler alert, you won’t be able to see them all in one visit, which means you’ll have to return to this beautiful city for more! You can never go wrong with any of the Smithsonian Museums. Our favorites include: the National Museum of Natural History, the National Museum of African American History and Culture, the National Air and Space Museum and the National Museum of the Native American. Although not a part of the Smithsonian, the National Gallery of Art is a must see. If the quality of these museums isn't enough incentive, consider that they are also free! Other highly recommended and genuinely memorable museums are the International Spy Museum (with an entrance fee) and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Celebrate Black Culture

The District's U Street Corridor, once known as Black Broadway, was one of the most established and exciting areas in the country to celebrate black culture in the first half of the 1900s. U Street was influential in the music and performing arts scene as theaters like Lincoln opened and iconic artists such as musician Duke Ellington and poet Langston Hughes launched their careers here. Over the past two decades, U Street has become a vibrant center for art, culture and African American heritage. A new generation of artists has revitalized the area, making it the favored neighborhood for art, music and especially jazz.

Get Lost in the World’s Largest Library

Books worms, look no further! The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world, with over 170 million books, recordings, photographs, newspapers, maps and manuscripts. Each day they receive around 15,000 items and add more than 10,000 items to its collections! The Library even houses materials in approximately 470 languages. The catch? All books can only be used on the premises and cannot be checked out. Don’t let that deter you from a visit; the impressive architecture of the building and the expansive collection of artwork is enough to make it worth a visit.

Reenergize with Panamanian Coffee

Café Unido is a high-end Panamanian coffee shop committed to roasting and serving exclusively Panamanian coffee beans. The team at Café Unido has developed strong relationships with farmers in over 15 different farms in Panama to source beans for their pour-overs, espresso blends, nitro coffee, and cascara (coffee cherry tea). Beans are sourced from diverse climates (volcanic, oceanic, and highland) to produce an array of flavors. Unido also offers the exclusive and sought-after geisha bean, a Panamanian-grown variety of an Ethiopian strain that is the most expensive coffee in the world. This bean thrives in Panama’s soil and climate and is glorified for its rare flavor with notes ranging from floral and fruity to jasmine tea and lemongrass. Café Unido has also implemented an initiative to support migrant coffee-harvest families by developing schools near the farms for children who must travel to the farms with their parents.

Brush up on Your American History

To relearn your American history, or to learn more, a visit to some of the nation’s most famous historical monuments will do the trick. Most monuments and plaques can be spotted on the National Mall. Favorites include the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial. Tidal Basin is another not to be missed area for seeing Thomas Jefferson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Martin Luther King Jr. memorials. To see them in a different light (literally), return at night and visit the tributes under the moonlight; and to see them from a different perspective, rent a paddleboat and circle around the Tidal Basin to see some of the monuments.

Stroll through District Wharf

District Wharf is your all-in-one entertainment stop. Along the marina’s edge, lie exquisite restaurants (see NaRa-Ya below) and shops and entertainment venues. We suggest enjoying live free concerts that are typically held during warmer months, renting a kayak or paddleboard from The Wharf Boathouse, taking a free jitney ride to East Potomac Park (a man-made island) and visiting The Municipal Fish Market – having opened in 1805, it is the oldest continuously operating open-air fish market in the United States.

Experience a Traditional Moroccan Body Scrub

An unassuming storefront on a busy crowded street in DuPont's Circle belies the unique services offered at Spa Logic. Owned by Kathy Luu from Vietnam and her Lebanese husband Fadi Gharbieh, Spa Logic provides a wide array of exclusive beauty services including Western, Eastern, and Middle Eastern spa selections. Spa specialties include Moroccan staples such as the hammam body scrub and the body scrub with argan oil that are basically facials for your entire body. Spa-goers will enter into a private room with a jacuzzi-like bed where the entire body will be scrubbed of dead skin. With pauses for showers in between and time in the private sauna, guests will leave with incredibly soft (and clean) skin. Eastern treatments include oriental cupping and kinesiology taping. There is an old-fashioned claw-footed tub for specialty baths, a full-service hair salon, and so much more.



Step Back in Time at Ford’s Theater

On April 14, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln was shot while attending Ford’s Theater. Today, the theater still performs live shows. Visitors can tour the balcony where Lincoln sat, visit the Petersen House across the street where Lincoln inevitably died, and peruse the theater’s excellent basement museum. The tour ends at the Center for Education and Leadership where history buffs can wander through several floors of exhibits that examine the aftermath of Lincoln’s death and his legacy.

Stay in Iconic Accommodations

Stepping into what was once a bus terminal and printing house, guests will immediately notice Eaton’s understated, natural, and vintage decor feels authentic rather than overly curated. The hotel’s aesthetics are inspired by people and places such as the Beatniks and Hong Kong culture. Eaton supports over a hundred community organizations working toward social justice and advocates for the health and safety of the community by working closely with environmental justice groups. In the heart of Dupont Circle sits a reimagined apartment building that now serves as an unassuming art deco hotel, Lyle. Casual elegance best describes the interior, which is beautifully appointed with abstract artwork, tapestries, burl wood furnishings, rattan seating, berber carpets, white or natural-toned couches and bedspreads, and delicious smelling bath products. Did we mention the oh so comfy bed and pillows? Located at the gateway of high-end boutiques and upscale restaurants, lies Conrad, an architecturally striking, minimalist expression of purity. Light, neutral colors throughout the hotel evoke relaxation and calmness during visitors’ stay. The hotel’s all-glass conspicuous exterior gives guests a sneak preview of the incredible floor-to-ceiling windows offered in each guestroom. Conrad has partnered with DC Central Kitchen to provide culinary internships for youth and Clean the World to recycle soap from guestrooms.

Discover La Cosecha

La Cosecha is a Latin lifestyle market in the Union Market neighborhood. Aside from being home to a number of delicious Latin American food stalls, two boutiques inside are worth the trip. Nova Bossa features more than thirty small artisanal brands – approximately 90% women-owned – that celebrate Latin American heritage. The boutique has also developed its own line of eco-friendly handbags, scarfs, notebooks and home décor. Zona E is a mother and daughter-owned boho-chic boutique with home, interior, lifestyle products and jewelry from Colombia and around the world.

Play with your food at El Cielo

Chef Juan Manuel Barrientos, of El Cielo, is the first Colombian chef to win a Michelin star for a Colombian concept. The restaurant offers two menus; The Journey Menu is 15 courses and The Experience Menu is 22 courses. The sequence of dishes not only follows a unique journey through Barrientos’s love for his home country but is meant to thrill all five senses: sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste. For instance, both menus involve immersive moments like choco-therapy – a ritual where guests wash their hands with liquid chocolate and then get to taste it straight from their fingers, and lick me! – a playful dish that requires guests to lick a sorbet-like dessert straight from the plate. The main dining room offers an a la carte menu with unique dishes like Yucca Gnocchi, served with sweet plantain honey and pecorino cheese foam, and Guava BBQ Ribs, served with atollado rice and apple. Supporting a good cause, El Cielo foundation provides aid to wounded warriors, former guerrilla soldiers, and indigenous peoples who have experienced violence in Colombia.

Stop and Smell the Flowers at the U.S. National Arboretum

The United States National Arboretum is a 446-acre haven of beauty that was established in 1927. The green space is home to the National Bonsai Collection, a mesmeric collection of renowned miniature Japanese and Chinese trees; the Gotelli Conifer Collection, a collection of conifers from Arctic and subtropical climates; a herbarium and variety of other flora. The National Capital Columns are also not to be missed as the installation features 22 Corinthian columns that once supported the U.S. Capital but were later removed due to poor construction. They are now one of the most photographed spots in the arboretum. The arboretum is open daily, free to the public, and literally changes with the seasons, so it’s worth repeated visits. Insider’s Tip: Visit in the spring to see the outstanding Azaleas in bloom.

Wander through Georgetown

Georgetown’s cobblestone streets are recognized as one of the best shopping areas in the country. M Street is a good starting point for shoppers with the intersection of M and Wisconsin Avenue being the heart of Georgetown, with mainstream stores and boutique-lined streets extending in all four directions. Exhausted from shopping? Meander through Georgetown Waterfront Park and stroll along the Potamic River for beautiful and relaxing views. If you are feeling energized, visit Thompson Boat Center where you can rent a kayak, canoe or paddleboard and explore the Potomac. Insider's Tip: This is also a great way to see the Cherry Blossoms without the crowds!

Treat Yourself to the Flavors of Michelin-Starred Cuisine

Undeniable creativity can be found dining at Masseria. Owner and Chef, Nicholas Stefanelli's southeastern Italian ancestral roots are evident in his traditionally inspired creations; however, his food is by no means limited to this region as he takes inspiration


JUNE 2021

from the rich culinary heritage woven in the dishes throughout Italy. To indulge your palate in a wide range of sensations and unusual combinations, try the six-course tasting menu and you will finish your evening satiated and anticipating your next booking. Bresca takes inspiration from Paris but characterizes itself as taking a more dynamic, experimental and informal approach to cooking than traditional French cuisine. Ordinary ingredients like beets and tomatoes hold the same value as truffles and caviar in their three or four-course menu. Look around and guests will spot whimsical touches throughout the restaurant – like animal paintings, fish heads and a moss wall. Maydan, meaning gathering place in Arabic, brings attention to wonderous cuisines from parts of the world that remain mainly misunderstood in the US. Diners walk on antique Arabian carpets to reach their dining table where herb-drenched cheeses, a variety of flavorful dipping spreads, honey-soaked dates and mains like spiced fish and chicken thigh can be shared. The faint sounds of traditional Arabian beats will transport guests to the Middle East during this dining experience.

Peruse Union Market

Dating back to 1871, Union Market, once the largest market in Washington, D.C., has been transformed into an urban village that proves to be a gathering place by way of restaurants, shops, workspace and artwork. One noteworthy boutique is In Seven Words which focuses on giving new life to gently used clothing, footwear, and accessories. Proceeds from sales support N Street Village, a community for empowerment and recovery for women, Women Giving Back, provides first steps to stability for women and children, and Central Union Mission, offers shelter, hot meals, medical care and job training to those in need. Our second recommendation is theTwelve, which offers holistic retail, housewares, live plants, fragrance, and sustainable apparel and accessories. The back room of theTwelve is also a gallery.

Take Photos of the Cherry Blossoms

Every Spring, the city turns pinks during the two to four weeks of cherry blossom season. This is such a highly sought-after occurrence that The District calls it the National Cherry Blossom Festival. The festival commemorates Tokyo’s gift of 3,000 cherry trees to Washington, D.C. in 1912 and it celebrates the lasting friendship between the United States and Japan. In addition to aweing over the magnificent flowers, a number of arts and culture events that are free to the public occur around this time as well. Insider’s Tip: Head to the Tidal Basin at sunrise for the best views and less crowds of the striking pink flora.

Sample Incredible Restaurants

NaRa-Ya is a Japanese eatery that offers a la carte options in addition to three unique tasting menus (including a vegan option). Named for the year Georgetown University was founded, 1789 is the quintessential Washington, D.C. dining experience. The ambiance reminds you of a stately home and the cuisine embodies seasonal dishes such as brioche-crusted halibut with roasted fingerling potatoes, fennel, grilled leeks and saffron-mussel broth and pheasant ballotine with foie gras, pickled tiny radishes and mustard aioli. If you’re looking for a dining experience that embraces true African heritage, look no further than Swahili Village. Kenyan immigrant, executive chef and founder, Keven Onyona, offers diners an immersion into African culture through his wide variety of traditional African dishes. Step into Maketto, an eclectic Cambodian and Taiwanese marketplace, and you may find yourself here all day. Whether you’re stopping in to enjoy fried rice noodles, reenergize with coffee, shop for new shoes or listen to classic vinyls; Maketto’s policy is always ‘our home is your home’. Royal is a Latin-inspired, family-owned restaurant where the food and drinks are influenced by the family’s Colombian heritage, family recipes, and time living throughout Central and South America. Guava pastries, egg arepas, and masa gnocchi are a few of the droolworthy dishes found on the menu. Makan, which is Malaysian for ‘to eat’, showcases diverse and flavorful Malaysian cuisine. Dishes showcase the complexity of flavors and cooking processes that are unique to Malaysia.

Express Yourself at Culture House

A bold building located in an unassuming inner-city neighborhood; Culture House is a vehicle for artists to expressive themselves. Culture House’s mission is to provide a space for all to enjoy and learn more about art through exhibitions, events, performances, and workshops. The building was built as a church in 1886 and was purchased by a real estate developer with the intention of building condos in 2004, until the Historic Preservation Board stopped the project from happening. The developer then re-envisioned the space as a community art center. A huge mural now wraps around the building, while the interior is covered in graffiti. The space is used for rotating art exhibitions as well as a community garden.

Revel in Nature at Rock Creek Park

Rock Creek Park is an urban oasis that was founded in 1890 by the U.S. Congress. Visitors can explore 1,754 acres of the park by foot, bike or horse. With lush greenery, 32 miles of trails, picnic areas, a nature center, an amphitheater and even a planetarium, the park is open year-round during daylight hours. Other activities available in the park include fishing, tennis, golfing and boating. For history buffs, the park is also home to a number of Civil War sights that are labeled with plaques or statues.




Helping Your Child With Articulation Problems

Maraheb Al-Qallaf is a speech-language pathologist specializing in identifying and treating children with delayed speech and language, as well as feeding and swallowing disorders. Maraheb has worked at multiple hospitals and speech, language and hearing centers during her studies, leading her to develop a special interest in working with school-aged children. Her areas of expertise include articulation disorder, cerebral palsy, auditory processing disorder, dyslexia, global developmental delay, and genetic disorders. Maraheb is also a certified member of the American Speech & Hearing Association, where she received the Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCCSLP). We had great pleasure interviewing Maraheb this month for our readers and learn more about her profession.



JUNE 2021




JUNE 2021

Please introduce yourself to our readers. I am Maraheb AlQallaf. I am a speech-language pathologist. I am passionate about my work, driven to help my clients, and determined to achieve my goals.

Tell us about your education. I completed my bachelor degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders in Boston, Massachusetts. Then, I moved to New York State to earn my Master’s in Speech-Language Pathology. I am also certified by American Speech-Language and Hearing Association where I received the certificate of clinical competence. Studying in such diverse cities helped me to appreciate different backgrounds and cultures, especially to make more individualized treatment plans for my clients. Studying abroad has arisen an interest in learning languages. I broadened my horizon by learning the dynamics of some languages, and understanding how bilinguals and multi-linguals are able to use all of the languages they know.

What inspired or motivated you to choose this as your area of study? As a child I was fascinated by medical and healthcare sciences and humanitarian work. Fortunately, Speech-Language Pathology gave me exactly what I was looking for. I wanted to make a difference in a person’s daily life, quality of life, and also help others to communicate and express their wants and needs.

What exactly is Speech and language therapy? What are some of the disorders and conditions that your address? Language includes comprehending incoming information; How we understand a speaker’s message, how we understand written information, facial expression, body language, and voice tone. Language also includes expression which means how we use words and voice tone to make meaningful sentences or ask questions. Unlike speech which has frequently been confused with language. In our field, speech means how we pronounce sounds in words and say fluent and flawless sentences. As a speech-language pathologist, I see many speech and language delays caused by medical conditions such as ear infections, especially in children. We work with cases of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), genetic disorders like Down syndrome and more. We also work on pronunciation errors and disfluencies such as stuttering. Speech therapists who work with adults usually try to restore the ability to communicate after brain injuries due to car accidents; In addition to neurological

conditions such as Parkinson’s and strokes, and surgical removal of the voice box.

Do you cater to all ages? Speech-Language pathology service is available for all ages. However, I work mostly with children as it is my passion ever since I got into the field.

What is your area of specialization? I specialize in early identification of language delays. I believe that screening language skills at an early age is very critical. A child’s brain is similar to a sponge; it absorbs information instantly and can be reshaped flawlessly. The sooner the onset of intervention creates a higher chance to improve. Unlike the “wait and see” method which reduces those chances dramatically.

Parents who are new to the world of speech therapy can often feel pretty overwhelmed. What advice would you give to them? Taking the step to come for speech therapy means that parents took the right decision willingly with courage. It is a big decision to ask a specialist for guidance to understand what they faced and what they will face. It is healthy to feel overwhelmed and it is healthy to feel stressed and lost because we are talking about a child with an indefinite future. Therefore, It is our job as therapists to support children and their families and prepare them for handling bigger decisions.

Over the course of a week what is a normal number of patients or individuals that you would interact with? I roughly see 40 children a week including their parents. I usually see the same child twice a week.

Kids tend to progress best with a combination of speech therapy sessions and at-home speech therapy activities. What types of activities do you encourage parents to do with their kids at home to encourage speech and language development? Kids want their parents to be “loving parents” not teachers. Therefore, I prefer that they engage in fun and natural home activities such as baking cookies, making pizza, art and crafts, gardening, doing laundry…etc as we can incorporate therapy goals within. As an example, we want to teach a child opposites like big/small, clean/dirty, wet/ dry, hot/cold… we can add the concept while doing the activities by saying “This cookie is hot out of the oven” or “Would you like a big pizza or a small pizza?”

How much of a child’s success do you think is www.cpmagazine.net


dependent on the parent and how the parent is involved? Success rate increases with parental involvement. Children spend most of their time with their caregivers at home. Attending speech therapy would be technically an hour a week. Therefore, I encourage parents to accompany their children so I could give them feedback on how to practice therapy goals at home. At times, I observe parent-child interaction to give feedback on how to fix errors.

experience in Kuwait, I interacted with many people from different cultures. They are all different but we all agreed that we needed to support their loved ones by getting high quality intervention. Therefore, the hardest thing to do is trying to change the mindset of others to accept the current situation and function with the available options- it is like going on a rollercoaster ride of accepting and not accepting the decision that children can be different.

What is the most rewarding part? What are your thoughts about group therapy vs. one-on-one? Which works best for which types of kids? Depends on the child’s skills and needs. Teaching the skill individually is perfect because the attention is on the child only, no distraction. As an example, a child is working on “taking turns” during conversations exclusively with his therapist. The child can generalize this learned concept in group. He/she can either join group therapy directed by a clinician or simply practice it in school with his friends (still considered as a group). The child can have an opportunity

My reward as a therapist is seeing my clients say their first words and see their families happy with the therapy results. Enrolling into speech therapy program is a journey that needs patience, commitment, appreciation and flexibility. It is an indescribable feeling.

How do you manage work and life balance? I make sure to have a routine everyday. I set my priorities by planning and managing my time. I stay active physically and socially to enjoy my time and have fun with my friends and family.

"Taking the step to come for speech therapy means that parents took the right decision willingly with courage." to observe others taking turns and eventually participates. The combination of both would be the best action to fully achieve the skill.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career? Every patient I treat is interesting. I treated an amazing boy who started speech therapy when he was only 3 years old. I remember he used echo me whenever I said something- he repeated exactly what I said. We worked together on understanding instructions and understanding statements and questions. We also worked on developing vocabulary words to make short sentences and to answer questions. Currently, he reads books independently and discusses many topics. I am very proud of him and proud of his supportive parents. This boy is 6 years old now and promoted to Grade 1.

What would you say has been the most difficult part of your job? During my studies in the United states and working 20

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What are some of your hobbies? I like to use all of my senses to fully engage in baking, making natural soap and play jigsaw puzzle. Those are my favorite things to do to relieve stress.

What message would you give to parents who are raising a hearing-impaired child? Embrace your child. Show your child your unconditional love. Every child is different and I am definitely sure that your child has a special talent but needs your guidance to release it. Keep supporting your child by following up with his/her treatment plan and intervention.

Your message for us at CP magazine. Thank you for giving me this amazing opportunity. I would like to encourage every parent to overcome their fears about their children. Trust your gut to address your concerns with a specialist. The sooner the better :)




LET THE WALLS SPEAK Capital Street Art

Yana Murash

You may notice a lot of street art works in the Riyadh capital city. The Saudi Ministry of Culture has launched initiatives and programs to support “street artists”, with specific city locations chosen so they can express themselves by using spray paint, paint by brush, markers, stenciling and more, as part of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.


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Locations chosen for graffiti are usually near a traffic light or within a public place, to maximize the potential viewing of the art form. Riyadh Art is also showing Arab Calligraphy, following the vision of the Ministry of Culture and its role in advancing the arts and culture sector in the Kingdom, and due to the historical significance of Arabic Calligraphy. A symbol of Saudi identity, and a source of inspiration for many local artists.




FormerlyMe.com presents “Jason Brown Sessions”


Jim West


JUNE 2021

FormerlyMe is an online movement to motivate and inspire people to become the best version of themselves by showing them my journey and experience in trying a new workout and lifestyle regime every 30 days. Every post, update, and video is ‘formerly me’ as I endeavor to become the best version of myself and become FormerlyMe. Each month CP Magazine will showcase a part of my journey to becoming the best version of myself. I hope that in turn this inspires and motivates you to start your own journey as well. For this month’s story we will focus on the “Jason Brown Sessions” days of my journey.

I started FormerlyMe in November 2019 with Gene Labrada, and now as I was ending my first year of my journey I decided to close out year one with IFBB Pro Bodybuilder & 2020 Mr. Olympia competitor, Jason Brown.

Our training sessions wrapped up with my gaining several inches in my biceps and being able to press 500lbs. I was amazed at how strong I began to feel. That is such a great feeling. Gaining muscle also helped increase my metabolism, which is perfect for long term weight loss. I am so happy to close out the first year of my body transformation with Jason. Follow my journey online at FormerlyMe.com and on the YouTube channel. Next month I will cover my more unique experiences I had the end of 2020. Until next time that has been FormerlyMe!

I told Jason that I wanted to shift my focus from just weight loss to building muscle and strength. We went right to work on developing my chest, shoulders, and arms. We used chains and resistance bands in most of our workouts. I learned a tremendous amount about the science behind building muscle and strength. Bodybuilders are so knowledgeable when it comes to how to develop the body.

During my training sessions with Jason, I got to learn his phenomenal story of his life and how bodybuilding saved his life. I was so impressed by his journey I became a main sponsor for him in his Mr. Olympia debut in Orlando, Florida in December 2020. Although he had a good show, he placed 14th I the world which to me is a epic feat considering this is his first Olympia event. I expect to more of him in future Mr. Olympias.

Follow my journey online at FormerlyMe.com and on the YouTube channel. Next month I will cover more unique experiences. Until next time that has been FormerlyMe! facebook.com/FormerlyMe twitter.com/MeFormerly instagram.com/formerlymeofficial www.cpmagazine.net



GET LOW: Fatema AlOthman

The humble squat might just be the most effective exercise you can do, It engages the entire lower half of your body, including your hips, glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves, while also hitting your core, shoulders, and back.

But how low should you go?

Here’s the lowdown on deep squatting, whether it’s right for you, and how you can do it safely and effectively. Let’s get low.

The benefits of deep squats There are three common squat depths: lFull

squat: (deep squat). Your hips go down below your knees. lParallel squat. Your thighs are parallel to the floor. lHalf squat. Your hips remain above your knees during the squat. Squats are generally great for working out your glutes and legs. And deep squats come with benefits like greater muscle activation and athletic performance. Not only is deep squatting effective, it’s also a one way ticket to a nice Strong Glutes and strong back.


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A study found that back squats (squats with additional weight or resistance in the upper body) activate the muscles that support your back even more than planks. Here are the muscles targeted while deep squatting: lrectus abdominis, obliques, transverse abdominis, and erector spinae (core and abdominal muscles) lgluteus maximus, minimus, and medius (your rear end) lhamstrings (the backs of your thighs) lquadriceps (the fronts of your thighs) ladductor (groin) lhip flexors lcalves and legs

A major bonus?

You can do squats anywhere, at the gym, outdoors, or in your living room while watching TV.

Doing what works for you

Modifying exercises according to your needs, stamina, and ability is always the right choice. And always check in with a doctor or physical therapist to make sure everything you’re doing is aligned with your health goals.






KUWAITI BUSINESSES OPENING OUTSIDE OF KUWAIT We have all seen entrepreneurs in Kuwait thrive in their homeland, however with such skill set and progress why not take it global? This has been a hot topic of our young generation. The Kuwaiti youth have been exposed through studying abroad to start with. This has encouraged them to seek opportunities wether its working or collaborating with establishments outside Kuwait. As well as setting their place in a foreign land. Now this idea has been unfamiliar. Kuwait has offered its citizens lots of enticing benefits to maintain them within the country. However with the growth of knowledge, experience, and adaptability these entrepreneurs decided to risk what they know and open abroad. 28

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The idea of conducting business abroad has existed within history. If we look at the past we had various countrymen going to places and settling in there. Lets date it back to even when Christopher Columbus set out his journey to the “New World”. During the 15th and 16th century international trade was already thought of. Finding new routes for trade, setting bases, and offering services was survival. These voyages has shown us how businesses can be done, and influenced the way we do business today. At a more familiar scope we can also look at the way Kuwait used to trade with neighboring countries and the pearl diving industry in the 1940s. They travelled around to trade and sell goods obtaining spices, boat oil, dates, wood to build houses from India. They even went to Africa to explore and obtain more wood. Therefore Kuwait has developed excellent relations with neighboring countries. Looking at today in the corporate world we have seen companies such Alshaya branch out. They have extended their business within the GCC region and other international countries. With a set vision and promising service they were able to meet global standards. Another favorite was Talabat that revolutionized food ordering process in Kuwait went regional. What they both have in common was providing products that were in demand. With Kuwait being the hub of innovative restaurants, we have witnessed a boom in the food and beverage sector. The classic restaurant Fireej Swaleih serving authentic Kuwaiti cuisine has branched out to cater to Kuwaitis and the community in London United Kingdom. Many others like Pick and Choowey Gooey went regional to Dubai, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain. The restaurant industry is not the only sector, marketing and pr expert Talal Alrashed has started The Contourage in Dubai then moved to Turkey to promote what the country has to offer as a travel destination. Since Turkey has become one of the top destinations for Kuwaitis to travel, Mr. Talal Alrashed used his influence and expertise to base himself there. Another interesting story coming from Mr. Talal Alyousuf which I had the pleasure to get a few remarks from him. He started a business based on his hobby which was Scuba Diving. In 2009 Mr. Talal Alyousuf travelled to Thailand in search of clarity and a career break from the corporate world. “Diving is my hobby and there was no Arabian dive instructors” as he stated. He found an opportunity where Thailand is a scuba diving haven, the fact he spoke Arabic, and had great social skills.He was driven by desire which lead him to open a dive center there within a few weeks. “The paperwork and legalities were simple at the time, we hired an Accountant to do so as we don’t need to

do the ministry runs ourselves. However it was quite expensive to obtain the permits but the return was worth it” - (Talal Alyousuf). Personally I have had the experience as well myself to start a base in Singapore for our skincare brand Souffle Beauty. Singapore had the right attributions to innovate and mass produce products. Once this was all done it was a great experience to work over there and then come back and designate a branch in Kuwait. Total opposite to some as most would start in Kuwait then branch out. However this was a great confident booster as we saw that Kuwaitis can really do it. Especially as a woman there was a lot of backlash to being “alone” in a foreign country, and even the language barrier. However my entrepreneurial skill set was developed immensely in Singapore. The common question arises which is “Why branch out to other countries?”. The entrepreneurs can see the opportunities are feasible. The feasibility would be the ease of setting up, passion, and profitability. Now with many Kuwaitis seeking elsewhere are we loosing them to help fuel up the market in here? The sad truth is Yes. With rigid regulations this has pushed Kuwaiti entrepreneurs to open up elsewhere. With a fast paced environment and different innovations some regulations are outdated which creates an obstacle for them to pursue their businesses. Though we can see some positive changes happening. The country started KBC an offline and online platform that deals only with registration and providing services to obtain permits and licenses. This progression is a good indicator that Kuwait has taken action to facilitate future business enterprises. As well as attract potential investors to invest in Kuwaiti businesses. .





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Please introduce yourselves to our readers. Mohammed: This is Mohammed Al Eisa, joined along with my co-founders Talal Al Mousherji and Rawan Al Eisa.

How and when did the idea of the app come up? Talal: Aybiz began as an idea that Mohammed, Rawan and I had in 2013. Mohammed had originally imagined Aybiz as a fully functional review app and communications platform. Groups of users could keep tabs on what new businesses are trending in the MENA region and visit them. Mohammed and I took this one step further by having those businesses sell their products directly on the platform.

When did you actually start work on developing the app and how long did it take to complete the App? Talal: We first started working on Aybiz in 2015 and it took about 4 years of highs and lows for it to kick off. We got the doors slammed in our face over and over again and eventually the idea started to gain traction. Today we’re a testament that nothing is impossible if you’re consistent and believe in your idea. 32

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Which memorable highs and lows did you encounter on the way? Talal: One of our lows was not knowing whether or not our product would be viable and produce a response by the public. Our main intention was to create an open system where people can pitch in and provide their honest and unbiased opinion in the form of a review about a product they purchased or a business they visited. Aybiz’s rating system takes care of the rest by averaging out those reviews to help other users make more educated decisions on where to go and what to buy. One of our highs was when we started to see people using the app. It’s very exciting to provide a platform and see how people react and use it in different ways. It’s a very magical feeling.

How do you deal with risks? Mohammed: Executing an idea without knowing how people will react was one of the biggest risks we had to deal with. Our team deals with risks by being persistent and not being afraid to pivot as technology continues to change. Sometimes you need to face problems head on and find creative methods to overcome them.

How did you come up with the name? Mohammed: Ay in Arabic means “Any”. Biz in English means “Business”. Put the two words together and you get “Any Business”. Aybiz is what you get when data effortlessly blends with design. Discover new places to visit or shop from thousands of brands you love. It’s a beautifully designed app with a transparent review and rating system that works.

Tell us more about Aybiz and what makes it different from other Apps in the market? Talal: Aybiz is not your conventional app. It’s a fun online directory for discovering local businesses that sell books, electronics, clothing, cosmetics, home, garden, health, beauty and much more. What makes Aybiz different is the way it helps level the playing field between small local businesses and mass chains in the MENA region, allowing them to earn new customers organically without the massive advertising budget. That’s one benefit out of many Aybiz provides to its business owners and customers.

When was the App officially launched? Mohammed: The first version of Aybiz was initially launched in late 2017. Since then, we have pivoted and upgraded the app with special features to get to the point we’re in today.

How has been the response? Talal: The response has been wonderful. We’re ecstatic about the number of people that have joined the platform. People are discovering and purchasing products from local businesses on Aybiz and providing their honest reviews about them. That was our goal initially and it makes us so happy to see that!

order to make the best choice. Whether it’s choosing what cool place to visit next or what best product to buy, we want to educate users to be able to make the most well-informed decision possible.

What can we hope to see from Aybiz in the future? Mohammed: There are many things in store for Aybiz in the future. We would like to provide as many businesses and products on our database as possible, so customers are able to find everything they want under one roof.

What’s your favorite features in the App? Talal: All of them! But if we had to choose one it would be our product pages. We are really proud of that. We break down products into item specifications that help describe the product in detail. Item specifics are descriptive keywords that tell a buyer about an item. They may include brand, size, length, width, height, type, color or style and many more. Item specifics help customers get the most information possible out of a product to make a well informed decision.

Do you have expansion plans in the region? Talal: Yes! We’re already in Kuwait and the UAE and are planning to expand to Saudi Arabia and Qatar by Q4.

Your message for us at CP magazine. Mohammed: Please don’t give up on your idea! There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes it’s only you that sees that light. As cliche as it sounds, it works!

What are some of the popular categories on the App? Talal: Health & Beauty is a big one. Home & Garden, Consumer Electronics and Baby products are also very popular on Aybiz.

Can people actually make purchases through the app or does it only provide the information? Mohammed: It does both! Discover and Shop! People are able to read information about a business including their operating hours, location, amenities, ratings and reviews. Customers can additionally purchase products from those businesses and have it delivered to their door!

What is your target or goal with the App?

Ay in Arabic means “Any”. Biz in English means “Business”. Put the two words together and you get “Any Business”.

Talal: One of our main targets is to achieve transparency and perfect information on our database in the MENA region. Perfect information is when users get to know everything they need in www.cpmagazine.net



since 2010

Specialising in the so-called SHA Method, this clinic merges the latest and greatest developments in genetics, medicine and anti-ageing science and tailors specific diets, therapies, exercise regiments and more to provide guests a kick-start to a healthier life 34

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www.shawellnessclinic.com www.cpmagazine.net


“New year, new you”, “disconnect to recconnect”, “connect with your inner self”… Forget those motivational quotes and forget what you know about wellness. SHA Wellness Clinic is redefining the concept of wellbeing. The center is not just a luxury spa hotel, but a wellness clinic, utilising a medically based approach. If you are searching for a fully immersive experience that prioritizes results, SHA is the real deal. Providing a multitude of treatments and the expertise of a highly trained medical team, this center is all about helping their guests reach their desired goals. Located near the Bay of Altea, in Alicante, Spain, SHA sits on a beautiful mountainside overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and the Sierra Helada Natural Park. The center has achieved international renown and come to be synonymous with a philosophy of holistic health and wellbeing. A serene escape allowing guests to devote time and attention to their own state of being. This life-changing temple offers individualised programmes to cater to every lifestyle and set of needs. The SHA method integrates the most effective natural therapies with highly therapeutic nutrition, without neglecting the latest advances in Western medicine, especially in preventive medicine, genetics and anti-ageing. The coordinated and supervised fusion of these therapies significantly enhances the positive impact that these therapies would have on an individual basis. GCC residents can visit the clinic and recover their general wellbeing through an experience of learning and disconnection in an ideal environment. SHA team of professionals impart an approach to new healthy habits through a food plan and personalised health plan, natural therapies and technological treatments, and lifestyle recommendations, with activities that enable learning new lifestyle habits. Guests can opt for a 7-day Rebalance programme that will include medical services with a general health examination and laboratory testing; consultation with healthy nutrition experts and personalized health plan; natural therapies such as acupuncture, traditional massages, cryotherapy session, aquatic therapy session; mind & body session based on client needs such as yoga or meditation and fitness and an introductory fitness evaluation with a personal trainer. 36

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The purpose of the Healthy-Ageing Unit is to slow down the process of cell degeneration and reactivate the health potential of each and every single guest. The goal is not only to prevent or reverse premature ageing after diagnosis, but also to activate stimulation and a natural reconstruction of the different processes and metabolic systems. The SHA anti-ageing therapies aim improve your quality of life using leading scientific advances to prevent premature illnesses, and the discomforts that ageing can sometimes entail. Our integrative consultation evaluates guests´ state of health from a genetic, hormonal, nutritional and biochemical point of view. Thanks to a series of genetic tests, the talented team can identify possible predispositions to a disease, such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, cognitive impairment, conditions and gum disease, amongst others. Predictive medicine allows to anticipate the potential disease through various medical tests - and by studying an individual´s genetic profile and genes. Once they are aware of the risks involved in the development of any disease, they can take suitable and necessary measures to minimise or reverse this probability, affecting a patient´s health. Correctly following preventive medicine measures will help us live longer - and ensure a better quality of life.


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Nutrition at SHA is organic, healthy, energising, and well-balanced. It is inspired by ancient principles, adapted to modern day life with a flexible, practical - and appealing approach - always respecting nature’s offerings at the given time and place. It is personalised and based on individual needs. The SHA food pyramid follows the recommendations of the World Health Organisation, and for the most part guidance from Harvard Medical School and the Nutritional Science Unit of Cornell University. The SHA restaurant, SHAmadi, offers a cuisine which combines Mediterranean and Japanese traditions using fresh, organic ingredients. Meat, refined sugar, eggs and dairy are absent from SHA menus. Dishes are presented in the most aesthetic manners, and are full of rich flavours and textures so as to fulfil the most demanding palates.


Sleep is a time to recover, repair and restore. It is the basic pillar for a healthy life. Lack of sleep is one of the most frequent causes for premature ageing. Sleep disorders such as frequent awakening, snoring, insomnia, and sleep apnea are some of the most commom causes of chornic fatigue and exhaustion. The aim with the Sleep Medicine Unit at SHA is to diagnose the prevalent sleep disorders and propose a focused treatment solution. Adequate rest for the body allows for natural prevention of premature ageing.


Six buildings, all accessible by lifts and bridges, make up the SHA compound, featuring a total of 93 suites with surface areas ranging from 80 to 320m2 , as well as 11 SHA Residences, recently launched in 2018. SHA includes more than 27.000m2 of land and over 15.000m2 of gardens, including infinity pools and waterfalls, fitness room, pilates and yoga studios, an interactive kitchen for cooking classes - as well as many chill-out areas. They have recently launched SHA Residenes, a luxurious residential project featuring 11 spacious residences ranging from 300 to 500m2, that allow guests to live the transformational experience of an ideal state of health with family or friends, with the privacy of a home. While Spain is the current hub, stay tuned for other international openings: Mexico is set to open its doors soon, followed by SHA Emirates in 2023. www.cpmagazine.net



"No one deserves to be treated with aggression or violence."

Munira Al-Shaikh is the president of Shamsaha - women’s centre; a non-profit organisation and the co-founder of Insights Therapy, both based in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Munira is a Psychotherapist by profession working with individuals and couples and adolescents. She is passionate about working with people, helping them overcome their difficulties and supporting them through their journey in achieving emotional wellbeing and meaningful change. We are delighted to meet her this month for an exclusive interview and learn more about Shamsaha and her future plans.


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What exactly is Shamsaha and when was it formed? Shamsaha women’s centre is a non-profit organisation founded in the Kingdom of Bahrain in 2016, focusing on women’s empowerment and protection. Shamsaha is the only existing women’s crisis advocacy response program in the Middle East, providing 24/7 free and confidential crisis care for victims of domestic and sexual abuse. Shamsaha, which is Arabic for “Her Sun” (from where she derives her power and potential), has three primary mandates which are 24/7 crisis advocacy for women, women’s goalbased empowerment case work support, and community education and awareness, including mirco-finance programs. Shamsaha also engages in conversations about women's empowerment and well-being to amplify voices of women that are struggling everywhere, supporting them to realize their full potential.

When and how did you join Shamsaha? I joined Shamsaha when Mary-Justine Todd, who is the founder of Shamsaha, first proposed the idea of a women’s crisis care program in the region. I was part of the initial group of therapists who were trained and certified as advocates to volunteer for the program. As the program grew, my interest and dedication for the cause increased and over time I became more involved in supporting the program from a management and strategy angle. I was later appointed as President of the board.

What does your role as the President at Shamsaha entail? As president of Shamsaha, most of my duties are behind the scenes to ensure the smooth sailing of the program and its growth. In addition to advocating for its mission and importance, I strive towards cultivating continuous awareness within the community as well as establishing relationships and collaborations with various entities both locally and internationally.

What makes Shamsaha unique from other similar organizations? And what are some of the services offered? Shamsaha offers the only program in the entire Middle East that focuses on crisis advocacy. What we mean when we say ‘crisis advocacy’ is our 24/7 helpline, in both the English language and the Arabic language, is operated by trained advocates who provide informational support, logistical support, and emotional support to women who are going through an immediate crisis such as domestic violence or any type of gender-based abuse or harassment. In Bahrain, we also provide long-term casework such as therapy, medical and legal referrals, along with training in areas of microfinance, business skills, and job placement. We also conduct community awareness campaigns and workshops in order to break the silence around domestic violence and educate our future generations about women empowerment and safety. All our services, which also include food drives for women, are free and confidential for victims of abuse. Apart from 42

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our services, what sets Shamsaha apart are our dedicated volunteers. We have more than 100 women trained and certified as crisis advocates, who volunteer their time with us and often take long shifts on the helpline to ensure there is 24-hour support available for women in crisis. We would not be as effective and successful as we are today without our incredibly competent volunteers.

What are the different kinds of abuses Shamsaha addresses? At Shamsaha, we have come across different types of violence against women including physical abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse, and family abuse. In the last 12 months Shamsaha has served 1000+ women in crisis situations.

Do you have any plans for expansion of Shamsaha in other parts of the GCC and the Middle-East? After launching in Bahrain in 2016, and learning many lessons along the way, we feel ready to take what we have learned and share it with the rest of the region. Shamsaha plans to expand its services across the GCC countries; initially with a virtual expansion via our upcoming mobile application, followed by on-ground operations expansion. Shamsaha will work to forge partnerships with key resource providers to offer victims medical, therapeutic, and legal support as well as food, supplies and transportation.

Who are some of the partners you work with in Bahrain? We work with many different partners and sponsors in Bahrain ranging from local businesses, banking corporations, non-governmental organisations, hospitals, government shelters, law firms, and therapy clinics among others. The partnerships we have built over the years in Bahrain are key to our sustainability and growth.

What are some of the challenges that you face with Shamsaha? Starting a crisis advocacy program comes with its own set of challenges from program design to logistics. We have been lucky, however, in that we have overcome every challenge we faced due to our incredibly talented team and partners.

Did the pandemic affect the situation in any way? The pandemic has contributed to a significant

With Shamsaha Founder & Executive Director Mary Justine Todd

increase in the number of domestic violence cases around the world, and the reasons for this are constraints in movement of people, loss of jobs, and the difficulty of escaping from the abuser due to the quarantine restrictions imposed. Thus has had an immense effect on women that live in circumstances of violence and abuse increasing their suffering all over the world. At Shamsaha we have noticed an increase in the rates of physical, psychological and financial violence against women, in addition to a significant increase in the number of calls received via our helpline - estimated at a 41%since the beginning of the pandemic.

Can you share some of your success stories? Highlighting success stories, especially when it comes to domestic abuse can be hard to measure. Each case differs

and each may require a distinct set of support and action. At Shamsaha, we believe that we succeed when we are able to provide support and relief for any woman who requires assistance during her time of crisis. We exist to ensure that every woman has access to what she needs in order to overcome the situation she faces the way she feels is best for her.

Your message for us at CP magazine. My message for your readers is: Violence and abuse can exist in many forms. If you or anyone you know is going through a crisis, please know that you are not alone, no one deserves to be treated with aggression or violence – it is not your fault. Shamsaha is here for you. www.cpmagazine.net



FROM MARBELLA TO THE WORLD! “Homiés Marbella’s radical fashion style is meant to be recognizable and crafted to help customers boost their inner potential. We want them to be comfortable as well as powerful and confident.” Re-imagined by friends Itziar Fuentes and JM Fernández in 2014, Homiés Marbella began by selling fresh, minimalistic tees to friends around town. Having found a gap in the contemporaryapparel market in Marbella, the demand soon grew so fast that the brand established a flagship store in just under two years – right in the heart of Puerto Banús. Surrounded by palm trees and located in the center of a luxury marina lined with designer shops. Homiés Marbella was born as a tribute to the city where it all began: Marbella. With a collection of laidback high-end pieces that represent the lifestyle of a unique place on the South Coast of Spain. A simple range of thoughtfully designed pieces to make your daily looks sleek yet comfortable, maintaining the clean aesthetics the brand has become renowned for. After 7 years Homiés Marbella has grown considerably in the digital world delivering every collection worldwide and collaborating with iconic fashion labels bringing to life amazing experiences in pop-ups around the world. 44

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Talent Radar Words: José Berrocoso

w w w. h o m i e s m a r b e l l a . c o m



City Pages Magazine: Tell us about yourself and what pushed you to create Homies Marbella. Itziar Fuentes: I’ve always been passionate about fashion and design but it was never my plans to own a clothing Brand. I’ve studied adverstising and marketing which has helped us a lot in order to develop the brand. Life pushed us to do it. We saw the gap in the market and before we knew it we had our shop in Puerto Banus. Dreamy! CPM: When did your love of streetwear begin? JM Fernández: Since I was kid I found myself interested in how clothes can use non-verbal communication as a way of self-expression. I started getting more interested in streetwear that was highly connected with the hip-hop movement and big cities I’ve always loved. CPM: What's behind the name Homiés Marbella? IF: We have been raised in this Paradise and we wanted to create a community in our hometown because “Home is Marbella” and we are very connected to our Homiés, which are our Friends from the same área. CPM: How did the Marbella vibe rub off on your designs? JMF: Marbella is the source, a unique place in the south of Europe. Having amazing sunny weather, nature and a strategic geographical point only 30 minutes from the African coast. Their visitors and community offers a cosmopolitan point of view to their citizens. The holiday lifestyle of good living and no stress is something we want to project in our designs, the Marbella way of life. CPM: How would you describe your brand aesthetics? IF: Minimal, Armonious, Provocative. CPM: Where do you find inspiration for new projects? How do you fuel your creativity? JMF: Music, art, and the history of fashion. Even architecture, everything can be an inspiration. The best way to fuel your creativity is to disconnect from the stress of the modern world and just connect with nature. In the beach or the mountain where you can hear yourself and bring your ideas to reality. Also traveling can be very inspiring as you can always bring new things to old ideas. CPM: You both seem very passionate about art & culture; you take in and absorb from many different strands. How does culture influence your creative process? IF: Culture is everything. There’s so much oppurtunity to find amazing ideas on history. We are passionated about Marbella history, we find ourselves super identify with it and it is a big source of inspiration. Sometimes it could be hard to find your own gap in the millions of clothing brands but we have a very powerful source of ideas that allows us to have a strong concept. From Marbella to the world. CPM: Some of your designs are inspired or influenced by the Middle East. What’s your connection with the Arab World? JMF: Living in Marbella straight away makes us connected with the Arab world. Not only because of the Middle Eastern visitors we have every year in the city. Spain has been a place where Arab culture has been a huge part of our history in architecture, language even in gastronomy or music. Nowadays we can say we have a lot of Arabic friends and our clothes are available in places like Galleries La Fayette in Doha or Rubaiyat in Jeddah and Personage in Riyadh. We are looking forward to be more connected with our Arabic community, they have been big supporters since day one and we are very grateful for that. 46

JUNE 2021

CPM: Does sustainability influence any of your business decisions? IF: Definitely. We have multiple on-going initiatives to become more sustainable. This year we have changed all of our packagings, using 100% compostable or recycled materials. We produce 95% in the Peninsula avoiding more pollution and we use 80% less water than traditional manufacturers with our production systems. It is on-going and we aim to be 100% sustainable by 2025. CPM: What's your personal favorite item in the range right now, and why? JMF: Airplane mode set beige. I love the simplicity and comfort of this two pieces set ( hoodie and pants ) , that you can use for any occasion. The colour contrast between the nude base and neon Orange embroidery makes the right balance between minimal and expressive.

CPM: How do you want people to feel when wearing your clothes? IF: Comfortable, fresh and empowered. CPM: What have been some of the biggest challenges for you so far? JMF: Everyday is a new challenge. Creating a brand from zero, without extra financial support is a challenging situation. From structure, team, production everything is important and makes the difference. One of our biggest challenges has been evolving from a brand that sells only on instagram and basically on the streets, to having a flagship store among the most renowned fashion brands in Puerto Banus. This means producing according to market, creating a team and many other things we have learnt on the way.




JUNE 2021

CPM: What aspects of the fashion industry would you like to change? IF: I would like everything to be a bit more original, instead of following some settled trends, to have a little more freedom to create. Otherwise most of the brands end up looking similar. Uniqueness is missing sometimes. CPM: What role do you think social media plays in fashion today? JM: Today more than ever, social media is a window to see different views of the world. Fashion is a big part of it, since we are talking about images it makes sense that fashion is everyday more related with the digital world. It’s a platform where you can express your attitude towards aesthetics and lifestyle. For us it has been our starting point, even if we sometimes get tired of it. If you know how to use it properly it can be very rewarding. CPM: What's next for Homiés Marbella? IF: We have many exciting things coming their way… As our first motive was to create a community, you’ll see many actions that will follow that desire and of course, continue expanding with amazing experimental pop up’s around the world.




JUNE 2020 MAY 2021

by travel-expert José Berrocoso


www.sixsenses.com Six Senses Kocatas Mansions, Istanbul is located in the prestigious Sariyer district of the city's European side. The extensive and beautifully-landscaped surrounds enjoy significant elevation to enable far-reaching views over the Bosphorus as it begins its last curve toward the Black Sea. The most spacious and gracious of all, this one-bedroom suite with separate living room recreates the heritage ambience of Kocatas Mansion, with high ceilings and authentic Ottoman interior design with mesmerizing wall murals and a working fireplace. This the perfect spot to live the good life and entertain in style with an unequalled Bosphorus view. The marbled bathroom has a tub, walk-in shower and double vanities. www.cpmagazine.net



"A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work."

YARA J. SALMAN, is a young Bahraini entrepreneur, businesswoman and socialite known as the founder and CEO of Hospitaila By Yara and Yara Beauty Lounge. She is also the Cofounder of MJ's Bowling Lounge and serves as the CEO of Burgerland and La Marine Sea food restaurant. Hospitalia by Yara is the latest business venture from young entrepreneur Yara. Yara founded "Hospitalia by Yara" in 2016, a beauty medical center providing new technologybased beauty and health services. Yara also introduced the first robotic pharmacy in the region titled "Farmacia by Yara" which currently operates as a service of Hospitalia by Yara. Yara J. Salman has received the Entrepreneur of the year 2016 award by Bahrain Businesswomen's Society in the event of Global Entrepreneurship Week at the Bahrain Financial Harbour as well as other prestigious awards. We interviewed YARA J. SALMAN for our readers this month and to inspire the youth. 52

JUNE 2021



Tell us about your education.

I am an MsC RCSI graduate of the year 2020. I studied healthcare management. I also completed my bachelor's at UCB in Business Studies. I grew up in St. Christopher’s School, the country’s premier British International School.

How did you develop an interest in health, beauty and business?

I was always fascinated with the world of beauty and aesthetics, from a very young age. My father is a reputable businessman and my mother is a successful doctor. I always looked up to their strong work ethic and drive, and used all the invaluable lessons and knowledge they had given me to build my own empire and blaze my own trail in life.

What were you doing before you started your own business?

I launched my first business at the young age of 17, so I spent most of my early years building and working towards that goal. I always knew I wanted to be a successful entrepreneur, and I wasn’t interested in following the traditional route of life.

Did you face any challenges in establishing your businesses and how did you overcome them?

One thing my parents taught me was that nothing comes easy in life. I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Everything I’ve earned, I had to work 54

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really hard for. Of course, I faced many challenges and criticism. Anyone who starts their own business should expect that and be ready to handle it. Being a woman in a male-dominated world is in itself a terribly difficult challenge. Throw being young on top of that, and you’ll have a longer list of challenges to deal with. Mistakes should be viewed as educational challenges. We should embrace them as natural, productive, and highly potent opportunities. That’s the only way we can grow.

Can you explain more about "Hospitalia by Yara" and what makes it so unique?

Hospitalia By Yara is my main baby. It’s a state-ofthe-art luxury medical and cosmetic center offering all the latest world-class treatments in the fields of Hyperbaric Oxygen, Dermatology, Dentistry, Weightloss & Cryo. Due to high success and demand, we decided on expansion, in fact, we just announced the opening of our second branch, also located in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Tell us more about "Farmacia by Yara" the first robotic pharmacy in the region.

‘Farmacia By Yara’ features a German-imported robot, very “matrix” and “avatar” vibes. This automated dispensing system allows quick input and retrieval of medicines and compact storage. The pharmacist can concentrate on serving the customer without interruption.

What are your other businesses?

I own Farmacia By Yara, the Middle East’s first robotic pharmacy. I own Yara Beauty Lounge, the first and largest beauty Lounge in Amwaj Islands, providing hair, nail, massage, tanning and other beauty services. I am a partner of MJs Bowling Lounge, with my brother Mohammed Jameel Salman, a high-tech, advanced entertainment lounge, where you can enjoy a day of bowling, karaoke, billiard, car simulation and sublime signature dishes at the Italian gourmet restaurant. I own Burgerland, Bahrain’s top shawarma, and burger chain. My father also owns Safa Poultry, the top poultry in the region with locations in Bahrain and Turkey. These are just to name a few.

What has been your biggest achievement so far?

One of my biggest achievements was being awarded Bahrain’s Youngest Female Medical Entrepreneur.

How has your experience in running the business been different from what you expected?

Running a business means you have to continuously adapt to change. The only constant in life, the only thing we can be sure will happen, is change. Running a business also means you have to be involved in the minute details of basic tasks. If you want to be successful in my opinion, you should know your business inside out. That means learning how to manage your team, keep track of finances, understand the concept of legal issues and liability, study the market and customer concerns, etc. Sometimes when you are an entrepreneur newbie, you don’t realize how much goes into it. “The more you think you know the more you realize you don’t know” kinda thing. Knowledge comes with time. www.cpmagazine.net



JUNE 2021

What have you done that has been very effective in helping to grow the business?

The health and beauty industry is a billion-dollar industry. It’s on a continuous and rapid upward trajectory. I would say focusing on the changing needs and wants of my customers really helps the business grow. I bring treatments that are useful and that appease the concerns of today. Social media is another tremendously useful tool that helps the business grow. Engaging and communicating with the audience regularly is a must.

Your message for us at CP magazine.

Thank you CP magazine for reaching out and for giving me a platform to share my story. It’s been an absolute pleasure.

What according to you are the keys to your success?

Patience, persistence, and passion. The 3 Ps are the key to success. Success is not measured by money or status or the number of followers you have on your Instagram page, it’s as simple as doing what you love and loving what you do. Cheesy (I know) but couldn’t be more accurate.

What are your future plans and what are you currently working on?

With everything going on in the world, with COVID-19 and all, who knows what the future holds. I wish for everyone’s safety and I’m optimistic for the future. I plan to continue working hard to make sure everything runs smoothly, especially with the new branch opening, and of course, continuing to juggle all my businesses as usual.

Are you planning expansion in the region?

It’s not on the cards right now, but who knows? Never say never in life. I have to admit though, my hands are pretty full at the moment!

What are some of your hobbies?

When I’m not busy zipping around being busy and on the go, I love a bit of calm and peace. Maybe a boat day with friends, swimming and tanning by the beach. Maybe a jog to get my heart pumping and release endorphins, or maybe just being a couch potato for the evening, ordering yummy take out and watching Netflix- it really depends on my mood that day.

What is your motto in life?

"A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work." We all tend to get carried away with dreaming. There's nothing wrong with that, but try to put those dreams into action and watch how things start to fall into place.

What is the best advise you have been given and by whom? I feel like everyone in my life has given me an excellent piece of advice at some point or another. I am always learning new things every day, directly and indirectly.

Your favourite quote?

“Use every rock thrown at you as a stepping stone."

What message would you give to the women in the region?

Regional conditions, in addition to gender-based discrimination, contribute to a significant difference between men's and women’s participation in MENA economies. With that being said, it’s amazing how women’s empowerment movements are beginning to break new ground in recent years and gain momentum. My message to the women in the region would be to always recognize your sense of self-worth and your ability to determine your own choices. Don’t let any barriers hold you back from pursuing your passions in life. www.cpmagazine.net


since 2010

New June Releases

Somebody's Daughter

Our Woman in Moscow

by Ashley C. Ford

by Beatriz Williams

How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America

From Laurie Frankel, the New York Times bestselling author of This Is How It Always Is, a Reese's Book Club x Hello Sunshine Book Pick, comes One Two Three, a timely, topical novel about love and family that will make you laugh and cry...and laugh again. In a town where nothing ever changes, suddenly everything does... Everyone knows everyone in the tiny town of Bourne, but the Mitchell triplets are especially beloved. Mirabel is the smartest person anyone knows, and no one doubts it just because she can’t speak. Monday is the town’s purveyor of books now that the library’s closed―tell her the book you think you want, and she’ll pull the one you actually do from the microwave or her sock drawer. Mab’s job is hardest of all: get good grades, get into college, get out of Bourne.

One of the most prominent voices of her generation debuts with an extraordinarily powerful memoir: the story of a childhood defined by the ever looming absence of her incarcerated father and the path we must take to both honor and overcome our origins. For as long as she could remember, Ashley has put her father on a pedestal. Despite having only vague memories of seeing him face-to-face, she believes he's the only person in the entire world who understands her. She thinks she understands him too. He's sensitive like her, an artist, and maybe even just as afraid of the dark. She's certain that one day they'll be reunited again, and she'll finally feel complete. There are just a few problems: he's in prison, and she doesn't know what he did to end up there.

In the autumn of 1948, Iris Digby vanishes from her London home with her American diplomat husband and their two children. The world is shocked by the family’s sensational disappearance. Were they eliminated by the Soviet intelligence service? Or have the Digbys defected to Moscow with a trove of the West’s most vital secrets? Four years later, Ruth Macallister receives a postcard from the twin sister she hasn’t seen since their catastrophic parting in Rome in the summer of 1940, as war engulfed the continent and Iris fell desperately in love with an enigmatic United States Embassy official named Sasha Digby. Within days, Ruth is on her way to Moscow, posing as the wife of counterintelligence agent Sumner Fox in a precarious plot to extract the Digbys from behind the Iron Curtain.

Beginning in his own hometown of New Orleans, Clint Smith leads the reader through an unforgettable tour of monuments and landmarks-those that are honest about the past and those that are not-that offer an intergenerational story of how slavery has been central in shaping our nation's collective history, and ourselves. It is the story of the Monticello Plantation in Virginia, the estate where Thomas Jefferson wrote letters espousing the urgent need for liberty while enslaving over 400 people on the premises. It is the story of the Whitney Plantation, one of the only former plantations devoted to preserving the experience of the enslaved people whose lives and work sustained it. It is the story of Angola Prison in Louisiana, a former plantation named for the country from which most of its enslaved people arrived and which has since become one of the most gruesome maximum-security prisons in the world. And it is the story of Blandford Cemetery, the final resting place of tens of thousands of Confederate soldiers.

Bath Haus

Wake: The Hidden History of Women-Led

To Sir, with Love

The Plague Year: America in the Time of

One Two Three by Laurie Frankel

by P.J. Vernon

Oliver Park, a young recovering addict from Indiana, finally has everything he ever wanted: sobriety and a loving, wealthy partner in Nathan, a prominent DC trauma surgeon. Despite their difference in age and disparate backgrounds, they've made a perfect life together. With everything to lose, Oliver shouldn't be visiting Haus, a gay bathhouse. But through the entrance he goes, and it's a line crossed. Inside, he follows a man into a private room, and it's the final line. Whatever happens next, Nathan can never know. But then, everything goes wrong, terribly wrong, and Oliver barely escapes with his life. He races home in full-blown terror as the hand-shaped bruise grows dark on his neck. The truth will destroy Nathan and everything they have together, so Oliver does the thing he used to do so well: he lies.


JUNE 2021

Slave Revolts

by Rebecca Hall & Hugo Martínez Part graphic novel, part memoir, Wake is an imaginative tourde-force that tells the story of women-led slave revolts and chronicles scholar Rebecca Hall’s efforts to uncover the truth about these women warriors who, until now, have been left out of the historical record. Women warriors planned and led slave revolts on slave ships during the Middle Passage. They fought their enslavers throughout the Americas. And then they were erased from history. Wake tells the story of Dr. Rebecca Hall, a historian, granddaughter of slaves, and a woman haunted by the legacy of slavery. The accepted history of slave revolts has always told her that enslaved women took a back seat. But Rebecca decides to look deeper, and her journey takes her through old court records, slave ship captain’s logs, crumbling correspondence, and even the forensic evidence from the bones of enslaved women from the “negro burying ground” uncovered in Manhattan. She finds women warriors everywhere.

by Lauren Layne

by Clint Smith


by Lawrence Wright Love Is Blind meets You’ve Got Mail in this laugh-out-loud romantic comedy following two thirty-somethings who meet on a blind dating app—only to realize that their online chemistry is nothing compared to their offline rivalry. Perpetually cheerful and eager to please, Gracie Cooper strives to make the best out of every situation. So when her father dies just months after a lung cancer diagnosis, she sets aside her dreams of pursuing her passion for art to take over his Midtown Manhattan champagne shop. She soon finds out that the store’s profit margins are being squeezed perilously tight, and complicating matters further, a giant corporation headed by the impossibly handsome, but irritatingly arrogant Sebastian Andrews is proposing a buyout. But Gracie can’t bear the thought of throwing away her father’s dream like she did her own. Overwhelmed and not wanting to admit to her friends or family that she’s having second thoughts about the shop, Gracie seeks advice and solace from someone she’s never met—the faceless “Sir”, with whom she connected on a blind dating app where matches get to know each other through messages and common interests before exchanging real names or photos.

From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Looming Tower, whose best-selling thriller The End of the October all but predicted our current pandemic, comes another momentous account, this time of COVID-19: its origins, its myriad repercussions, and the ongoing fight to contain it Beginning with the absolutely critical first moments of the outbreak in China, and ending with an epilogue on the vaccine rollout and the unprecedented events between the election of Joseph Biden and his inauguration, Lawrence Wright's The Plague Year surges forward with essential information-and fascinating historical parallels--examining the medical, economic, political, and social ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic. Wright takes us inside the CDC, where the first round of faulty test kits cost America precious time; inside the halls of the White House, where Deputy National Security Advisor Matthew Pottinger's early alarm about the virus was met with great skepticism; into a COVID ward in a Charlottesville hospital, with an idealistic young woman doctor from Little Africa, South Carolina; into the precincts of prediction specialists at Goldman Sachs; and even inside the human body, diving deep into the science of just how the virus and vaccines function, with an eyeopening detour into the history of vaccination and of the modern anti-vaxxer movement.

MORTAL KOMBAT Directed by Simon McQuoid Written by Greg Russo, Dave Callaham, and Oren Uziel,


WRONGS moviewrongs.com by: JIM WEST

It was 1992 when Midway Games unleashed a video game that would become a multi-million dollar media franchise. The characters of Sub-Zero, Scorpion, etc would become part of mainstream culture. Three writer's on this film based upon long standing well established characters should be a walk in the park. This should be an easy to write task to pull together a story that has been told and retold multiple times across many films and media.

Here comes the spoilers.

In ancient Japan, assassins led by Bi-Han kill the warriors of the rival ninja clan led by Hanzo Hasashi, including Hanzo's wife and son. Hanzo kills the attackers before being killed by Bi-Han, resulting in his soul being condemned to the Netherrealm. Raiden, god of thunder, arrives and takes Hanzo's surviving infant daughter to safety. This opening scene is perhaps the best part of the film, and definitely the best in any Mortal Kombat film. We jump to modern day with new character, Cole Young, who is rather....meh. He is the modern descendant of Hanzo's bloodline and his destiny is tied to the Mortal Kombat tournament. He is shown as a fighter who has lost his edge and lacks confidence. Jax and Sonja Blade get their introductions and we get a great take on Kano performed flawlessly by Joshua Lawson. He perhaps may be the most interesting character in the entire film.

Unfortunate given that Cole and Hanzo were supposed to be the heart of this film. In fact the film lacks both heart and a soul. Quite frankly the film needed more Hanzo in it. The most exciting parts are the face-offs between Sub-Zero and Scorpion. Sub-Zero versus Scorpion ramp up could have been much better. More brutal and vicious. The end of the film should have shown Sub-Zero being resurrected by Shang Tsung so their battle can rage on for eternity. I think a sequel film should explore Sub-Zero's backstory to show his side of their lifelong battle as a way to split the audience on which character they root for. This film clearly establishes Sub-Zero as a nonredeemable bad guy from the opening scenes and throughout the film. If they showed a flashback of what he lost and went through in his life that brought him to Shang Tsung would have given us some insight to what is driving him to destroy earth. Sometimes having two characters who in their respective ways and perspectives are right, but also wrong is a delicate balance to write. Yet that is the very thing this film needed to elevate it beyond just CGI and action spectacle and into a film that causes debate among audience goers long after the end credits roll. Thanks for reading Writing Movie ‘WRONGS’. www.cpmagazine.net



TOP 5 LIVE-ACTION MOVIES FROM DISNEY This month my article is about our childhood Disney cartoon movies that have been transferred into Live-action movies in the recent years. I will list my personal top 5 of these movies that I really like. Some of them has the same story from the cartoons and the others have been twisted for suiting better story telling. My list is from the best to the least in order.

Othman Qalfas


JUNE 2021

Maleficent (2014).

This my number one movie and is based on Sleeping Beauty cartoon which was produced in 1959. But the difference is that the story has been twisted differently with having the same characters. In this movie we loved Maleficent which is staring “Angelina Jolie” but in the cartoon Maleficent was the villain. With the huge success Disney decided to do another part from the movie and was released in 2019 explaining the origin of Maleficent and it was a good hit too.

Aladdin (2019).

This movie is based on one of the most successful cartoon franchises in the world. The movie has a lot of catchy songs and great story telling. This movie is well directed and giving us the same story telling of the cartoon. Featuring the iconic “Will Smith” as Genie and for the first time in Disney industries we see the Egyptian “Mena Massoud” as Aladdin. Reproducing the original music to keep up with the the audience nowadays because the original songs were produced in 1992.

Cruella (2021).

This is the latest Live-action produced by Disney. Cruella the lady who wanted to turn the Dalmatians dogs into a coat. Now we see who she is and why did she become like this. We also liked her with the new twist that Disney make in this movie. This is a new age for this character and I’m looking forward for the next part. It staring “Emma Stone” as Estella and Cruella with “Emma Thompson” as The Baroness with many great actors such as “Joel Fry”, “Paul Walter Hauser” and “Mark Strong”.

Beauty And The Beast (2017).

Another movie adapting the same story of the cartoon which was published in 1991. It also has the same songs but the new movie is a Live-action movie. Staring “Emma Watson” from the Harry Potter franchise as Belle and “Dan Stevens” as the Beast. A great reproduction from Disney having the same story and music making it suitable for the new generation audience.

The Jungle Book (2016).

I personally like this Live-action movie more than the cartoon because the cartoon was produced in 1967 and the quality of the music wasn’t that good. But the songs in the Live-action are the same but with new and enhanced production. Story is the same with the same character and the same story telling. But this is one of the movies that made Disney want to do more Live-action movies. www.cpmagazine.net




JUNE 2021

Since their launch, Monokel Eyewear has used recycled acetate as the main material in their sunglasses. Their new acetate is still made mainly from cotton- and wood fibres, but is now also entirely bio-based and biodegradable. This new material has many environmental advantages, the most obvious one being that they’ll eventually decompose rather than ending up in landfills or as microplastics in the oceans. We have always always highlighted the importance of a long product life cycle. But there is a limit to everything. Each product in this collection is still made to last for a very long time, but not forever. - Robert Sandgren, Co-Founder Three new shapes form the foundation of the collection. The ”Polly” is a wide oval frame with thick temples for a mix of timeless and contemporary. The ”Memphis” presents sharper edges and a rectangular front, medium wide, but vertically slim. Finally, the ”Forest” frame is distilled from Monokel Eyewear’s large collection of vintage reading glasses. The result is a round style crafted in thin bio-acetate with Japanese hinges, stainless steel rivets and a key-hole nosebridge for an undeniably timeless aestethic and feel. To ensure that they continue to live by their word, and as a foundation for continuous improvement, third party lab tests and factory audits are conducted with each production run. The collection was photographed on friends Alma, Malik, Filip, Tom and Amanda at the Monokel Eyewear office in the Stockholm archipelago and in painter Johanna Robleto’s studio next door. Photographed by Annika Berglund with still life images by Robert Sandgren. Monokel Eyewear is a sustainable sunglass label based in an old percelain factory in the archipelago outside of Stockholm, Sweden. Their frames are made from fully biodegradable and bio-based acetate with lenses are made by Carl Zeiss Vision®. Each frame is handcrafted with tremendous attention to detail in a process taking well over three months.Monokel Eyewear is a product centered brand, meaning that they value product development and the continuous strive for perfection in production over branding.




Chevrolet took over the Raceway at Belle Isle Park today to celebrate Corvette Racing’s dominant 2020 season by introducing the 2022 Corvette Stingray IMSA GTLM Championship Edition. In left-hand drive markets, such as the Middle East, Chevrolet will release just 1,000 of these distinctively styled Corvettes, which resemble the No. 3 and No. 4 Corvette C8.R race cars. These special edition supercars were designed to commemorate the mid-engine Corvette C8.R’s inaugural season. In 2020, Corvette Racing swept IMSA’s sports car championship series, taking the Manufacturers, Drivers and Team titles. “The Chevrolet Corvette is an icon on the roads in the Middle East, a region known for its love of supercars,” said Kelly MacDonald, Chief Marketing Office, GM Middle East. “We were the first market outside of North America to unveil the 2020 mid-engine configuration Corvette and are proud to once again bring the region’s loyal Corvette fans the latest and greatest in performance from Chevrolet.” Corvette Racing’s Jordan Taylor and Antonio Garcia drove coupe and convertible No. 3 64

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Corvette Stingray IMSA GTLM Championship Editions across Belle Isle’s MacArthur Bridge and onto the track. Teammate Nick Tandy led on track in a Corvette Stingray convertible, the official pace car of the 2021 Detroit Grand Prix. Corvette Racing driver Tommy Milner followed the group in the No. 4 Corvette C8.R race car. “Racing has been part of the Corvette’s DNA from nearly the beginning,” said Laura Klauser, General Motors Sports Car Program manager. “Both the Corvette Stingray and C8.R have seen tremendous success capitalizing on the benefits of a mid-engine platform – and we’re just getting started.” Corvette Racing shined during IMSA’s2020 IMSA sports car championship series, capturing six victories and seven pole positions, and setting the fastest class race laps in six events. During the 2020 series, Chevrolet won the GT Manufacturers title – its 13th since 2001. Taylor, Garcia and the No. 3 Corvette C8.R crew won the GTLM Drivers and Team championships. The C8.R races on home turf in Detroit for the first time Saturday, June 12. The Chevrolet Sports Car Classic will air live at 5 p.m. ET / 1 a.m. GST on NBCSN.

IMSA GTLM Championship Edition The 2022 Corvette Stingray IMSA GTLM Championship Edition is based on the 3LT trim with Z51 Performance Package. Each car includes Corvette Racing-themed graphics packages. Accelerate Yellow No. 3 editions feature gray graphics and Hypersonic Gray No. 4 editions feature yellow accents. Additional exterior content (varies by market): lHigh-wing

spoiler in Carbon Flash calipers lBlack Trident design wheels, with the “Jake” logo on the center caps, and black lug nuts lExterior mirrors in Carbon Flash lBlack side rockers lSplash guards lYellow brake

Inside, the Special Edition features a Strike Yellow/Sky Cool Gray cabin that mimics the exterior yellow/gray racing theme, with standard GT2 seats (Competition Sport seats are available), along with yellow seat belts and a C8.R Special Edition numbered plaque. Each car comes with a custom-fitted indoor car cover rendered to the appearance of the No. 3 or No. 4 Corvette C8.R race car, per each Special Edition’s color/graphic scheme.

Corvette for 2022 In addition to the all-new IMSA GTLM Championship Edition, the 2022 Corvette Stingray lineup features three new exterior colors: Hypersonic Gray, Caffeine and Amplify Orange Tintcoat 1. A new low-profile rear spoiler and the Z51 design front splitter will be offered on non-Z51 models. Corvette Stingray’s LT2 6.2L V-8 engine enters 2022 with an upgraded direct injection fuel system, improved engine calibration and an enhanced Active Fuel Management range. It remains rated at 490 horsepower or 495 horsepower, with the available performance exhaust system. Driving through an eight-speed dualclutch transmission, a Z51-equipped model is capable of 0 – 100 kmph in 2.9 seconds. 2 The mid-engine Corvette Stingray is offered in coupe and convertible models in 1LT, 2LT and 3LT trims, with the Z51 Performance Package available on all trims. Magnetic Ride Control is available with or without the Z51 Performance Package. Coupes include a removable roof panel that stores in the rear trunk, and convertibles include a power-retractable hardtop. Dual cargo compartments offer a total of 356.7 cubic litres of cargo volume, with a trunk large enough for two sets of golf clubs. The 2022 Corvette Stingray visualizer is now live on Chevrolet.com and Bowling Green Assembly will begin model year 2022 production in late third quarter. The vehicle is set to arrive to the Middle East in the first quarter of 2022.



since 2010

100 years of Insulin

An event held at Dasman Diabetes Institute

In celebration of the 100 years of Insulin Anniversary, Dasman Diabetes Institute (DDI), a research Institute established by the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences, has held a series of talks and facilitated roundtable discussions with MoH stakeholders across primary and secondary care, as well as the pharmaceutical sector and patient advocates, supported by Novo Nordisk. This was the first time in Kuwait that prominent stakeholders in diabetes care met to discuss the possible options to improve diabetes management in Kuwait. The event was opened by Dr. Qais Al Duwairi, Director-General of DDI, followed by His Excellency Mr. Ole Moesby, the Ambassador of Denmark, who highlighted the global diabetes burden. Dr. Akin Aksekili, Novo Nordisk Vice-President, also gave a speech to commemorate the 100 years of diabetes care innovation and establish hope for the next generation of diabetes treatments and health solutions. Dr. Dalal Al Hajeri, representing the primary healthcare sector in Kuwait, discussed the unmet needs in diabetes care and highlighted areas of focus and strengths in primary care. Dr. Peter Kurtzhals, Chief Scientific Advisor of Novo Nordisk, presented an insightful look into the future of diabetes management by detailing the innovations in insulin therapy we can look forward to seeing.

The roundtable discussion was moderated by Dr. Ebaa Al Ozairi, Chief Medical Officer at DDI, focusing on three main themes: improving the prevention of diabetes, advancement of our health care system, and supporting quality care for people with diabetes. ‘We have seen the evolution of diabetes therapies since insulin production first began,’ stated Dr. Ebaa Al Ozairi. ‘Today, we can offer our people with diabetes an array of management and treatment solutions that better suit their lifestyle and help improve quality of life. At DDI, our medical services use the latest research findings and innovations for quality care and treatment.’ Dr. Al Ozairi also highlighted the important role of diabetes clinics at the primary care centers dedicated by MoH and complemented the outstanding jobs done there. DDI has been providing education for nurses from the MoH to better train them in diabetes care to meet the needs of patients across Kuwait. Dr Qais Al Duwairi stated that ‘At DDI, our teams work tirelessly to create effective programs of research, training, education and health promotion that improve the quality of life of people with diabetes in Kuwait. In celebration of 100 years of insulin, we have created a platform to share a roadmap to improve diabetes care with our partners at MOH, patient’s representative of Blue Circle, and all nonprofit organizations.

We got to try out the Huawei's latest fashion smart band, the HUAWEI Band 6 and these are some features we loved! You have probably heard the hype about Huawei’s latest fashion smart-band with extended battery life, the HUAWEI Band 6. It comes with all-day SpO2 monitoring, a large display and a whopping 2-week battery life. The ideal wearable for the young millennials and always on-themove fitness gurus. We have managed to lay our hands on the HUAWEI Band 6 and here are three reasons why we love it. The HUAWEI Band 6 its available on Huawei’s official website and across select retailers in Kuwait on at a price of 17.900 KWD. Top-grade and continuous health monitoring Keeping track of your health has become somewhat mandatory. Huawei’s latest fashion band provides all-day monitoring of blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) which is an important indicator of a person's health and fitness levels. You get to also track your heart’s performance with HUAWEI TruSeen™ 4.0 heart rate monitoring technology, which monitors your heart rate continuously and quickly. After waking up in the morning and before you head out to indulge in your frantic day, knowing the quality of your sleep together with its pattern is key to living a smooth lifestyle. Thanks to The HUAWEI TruSleepTM 2.0 technology, you can know your sleep quality with data such as real-time heart rate tracking, breathing during sleep and big data analytics which all help in measuring your sleep quality. Lastly, track your relaxation with real-time data thanks to the HUAWEI TruRelaxTM technology which provides 24/7 pressure monitoring, allowing you to maintain a relaxed state of mind at all times.

Unleash your style with the sleek HD screen The HUAWEI Band 6 has altered the thought that smart-bands are accessories or tech gadgets used for fitness and health tracking only. Huawei’s fashion smart-band combines a dazzling 1.47-inch, large AMOLED screen: Meaning, you get to have a larger display area for more content to be displayed and more notifications to be viewed. In addition to that with intuitive smart controls; you can easily swipe upward and downward, left and right, just like using your smartphone touchscreen to navigate and complete tasks. Moreover, the HUAWEI Band 6 is stylish and in line with fashion, it comes in four vibrant colours: Graphite Black, Sakura Pink, Amber Sunrise and Forest Green. Lastly, since you are probably going to be wearing it all-day long, you would be glad to know the HUAWEI Band 6 weighs just 18g, making it comfortable for all-day wear. Battery to last for a whole 2 weeks Robust and powerful, this is the HUAWEI Band 6. A high-efficiency chipset and smart power-


JUNE 2021

saving algorithms support Huawei’s newest smart band. Forget the tech jargon; the HUAWEI Band 6 can last up to 14 days for uninterrupted use. On top of this, the HUAWEI Band 6 supports fast charging via a magnetic charger. A five-minute charge can sustain the HUAWEI Band 6 for two days of typical use. With the HUAWEI Band 6 you get automatic workout detection in addition to 96 preinstalled workout modes. Packed with some smart and interesting features that make everyday life more convenient such as intelligent identification of unfamiliar numbers, incoming calls, message reminders, alarm setting and remote camera shutter that allows you to snap photos when you are not carrying your phone in addition to music playback control What do we think? Well, with all-day SpO2 monitoring to keep you updated about your health and fitness levels, a dazzling 1.47-inch HD display with a stunning 2-week battery life and solid health and fitness tracking features, the HUAWEI Band 6 is the hottest wearable to get right now.

Huawei Kuwait cooperates with MoH to hold vaccination drive for its employees

As part of its commitment to support the government’s efforts to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic, Huawei, a leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices, has joined forces with the Ministry of Health in Kuwait to hold a vaccination drive for its employees. Rico Lin, CEO, Huawei Kuwait said: “We would like to extend our gratitude to the Ministry of Health in Kuwait. They have supported us to ensure the success of this vaccination drive and are playing an important role in protecting our employees as well as Kuwait’s society as a whole, in line with the government’s efforts to preserve the health and safety of this nation. Together, we will overcome the effects of the pandemic towards a stronger community.” Huawei has held strong in the face of adversity and kept innovating to create value, help fight the pandemic, and support both economic recovery and social progress. Since the very early days of the pandemic, Huawei has been working closely with the local governments, customers and partners to respond effectively to the widespread pandemic and protect the health and safety of all the people and employees.

Rado True Square x Yuan Youmin, True Heart A truly “balanced” design collaboration

A millennia-old culture meets minimalist design, Chinese craftsmanship meets Swiss precision. Yuan Youmin – graphic designer, lecturer and curator – has drawn inspiration from traditional elements of his homeland China, and together with Rado, created an exceptional timepiece. The new True Square x Yuan Youmin unites West and East, yesterday and today with elaborate details and the latest methods worthy of a Master of Materials. For the latest Rado True Square design collaboration, the renowned graphic designer Yuan Youmin drew inspiration from the fascinating cultural history of China, combined with modern minimalism. The traditional steelyard served as a motif. This important measuring instrument has been anchored into Chinese everyday life for almost two thousand years. It consists of a rod with markings, a weighing tray and a movable counterweight. The new watch picks up on some of these elements stylised in its design. The recessed, round dial in the centre, for example, represents the weighing tray, the lever arms of the steelyard become the slender hands, and the traditional hexadecimal dot graduation serves as the basis for the design of the hour markings. Their yellow gold colour has also been chosen carefully. It traditionally stands for the pure heart and honesty of the tradesman working with the steelyard. The four segments that connect the round dial with the angular case feature polished black lacquer, a further classic Chinese technique. Yuan ultimately chose the image of a phoenix, the famous symbol of eternal rebirth, for the case back of the watch. The craftsmanship of the watch is just as refined and sophisticated as its design. The basis was the new ground-breaking True Square – the first watch made from solid high-tech ceramic with rounded edges, whose flowing shapes are created using injection moulding. It unmistakably bears the signature of the watchmaker from Lengnau and impresses with pioneering materials, innovative design, scratch-proof longevity and a pleasant, sensual feel. The new Rado True Square x Yuan Youmin is driven by a Swiss- made automatic calibre with an 80-hour power reserve. Traditions passed down through the generations and the latest materials thus create a sophisticated timepiece combining cultures and epochs. About Yuan Youmin Graphic designer Yuan Youmin was born in Anhui, China, in 1971. He is a professor at the China Academy of Art and Director of the China Design Museum. His agency is called STUDIO0909. He also works as a curator and art director and has previously supported Rado during Shanghai Design Week.












1. With a land area of just over 2000 square miles, Princess Edward Island is the smallest province of which Commonwealth country?







2.What disease was the eponymous Cujo infected with in Stephen King's 1981 horror novel?








3.Which other New York building was the tallest in the world for around 11 months before the completion of the Empire State Building in 1931?








4.'Namaste' is a traditional greeting in which Asian language?














5.Which famous artist had both a 'Rose Period' and a 'Blue Period'? 6.Ursus arctos is the scientific name for which bear species? 7.Followers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are more commonly known by what single-word name? 8.In 1934, the surgeon Robert Kenneth Wilson supposedly captured one of the most famous photos of which mythical Scottish creature?


9.By what common name are contusions more well-known as?

TEST YOUR VOCABULARY They did not threaten us in the swaggering way that I recalled from my previous stay, and betrayed no emotion.

In this sentence, threaten means:

10.Which fictional character, created by the late Tom Clancy, has been played on screen by Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford, Ben Affleck, Chris Pine, and most recently, John Krasinski? 11.The Spree river flows through which major European capital city?

a. judge to be right or commendable; think well of

c. be superior or better than some standard

b. utter intentions of injury or punishment against

d. provide the means to perform some task

12.Maria Salomea Skłodowska is more commonly associated with which surname, shared with her French husband and fellow scientist Pierre? 13.What is the highest grade of olive oil that can be purchased? 14.The leatherback is the largest species of which major reptile order?

Unfortunately, there are lots of people and things that threaten — it's a dangerous world. If someone threatens you with violence, you should call the police. The police may then threaten the criminal with arresting them. Nations threaten each other before going to war. You can also say a dangerous situation is threatening, like gloomy weather. Sometimes this word is used more lightheartedly, like if an old friend threatens to hug you to death.

ANSWER: b. Something that threatens makes its danger known. Storm clouds threaten rain, and bullies threaten other kids


15.Which Irish political party's name literally translates into English as "we ourselves"? 16.Which American tennis player won the men's singles at Wimbledon seven out of eight times between 1993 and 2000, a record total until he was surpassed by Roger Federer in 2017? 17.Which famous British musician had acting roles as historical figures Pontius Pilate in Martin Scorsese's 1988 epic, The Last Temptation of Christ, and Nikola Tesla in Christopher Nolan's 2006 thriller The Prestige?

How many months have 30 day.

18.The Lombards, a Germanic people, give their name to a northern region in which European country, that they conquered during the 6th century CE? 19.Gene Cernan, in 1972, was the last person (to date) to complete what feat?

A. 2 months B. 4 months

20.What beverage are Trappist monks in the Low Countries (The Netherlands; Belgium) most famously associated with?

C. 11 months D. 12 months

Ryan, 11.Berlin, 12.Curie, 13.Extra Virgin, 14.Turtles, 15.Sinn Féin, 16.Pete Sampras, 17.David Bowie, 18.Italy, 19.Walk on the moon, 20.Beer


JUNE 2021

ANSWERS: 1.Canada, 2.Rabies, 3.Chrysler Building, 4.Hindi, 5.Pablo Picasso, 6.Brown, 7.Mormons, 8.The Loch Ness Monster, 9.Bruises, 10.Jack


‫جاهـــز للطهــي‬




HOROSCOPES (March 21 - April 19)

(July 23 - August 22)



Dig deep and evaluate your emotional security, Aries. The sun and Mercury can help you to tap into your intuition and practice more self-awareness. While you could feel a bit more emotional if you haven’t been feeling the most stable as of late, the planetary energy should help you be proactive about how to improve this and integrate more self-love. The new moon in your solar fourth house appears on July 9, opening a doorway to make improvements in your domestic sphere. Some Aries could decide it’s time to move or fix up their space. If a parent or family member needs help at this time, step up to aid how you can. Fiery Mars, your ruler, remains ignited within your solar fifth house of passion throughout most of the month, meaning you’re in the mood to have some fun and be romantic. This is the best period in two years for single Aries to put themselves out there to find someone new. Creative and fertility concerns are also favored.

(April 20 - May 20)

TAURUS Let your voice be heard, Taurus. With the sun and Mercury moving through your solar third house of communication through most of July, you have a deeply important message that you’re ready to tell the world. The new moon on July 9 falls in this sector and could help you take the next steps in a writing, speaking, advertising, or social media endeavor. Finetune your approach and know the stars are in your favor to persuade the audience you’d like to reach. This same lunation could bring a new contract your way as well. Next to note is that mighty Mars continues to heat up your solar fourth house of domesticity all month, and this likely sees you especially busy with a move or renovation. You could also be very focused on stepping in to aid a family member in need.

(May 21 - June 20)

GEMINI You have a sharper mind and more clarity for the first time in weeks with your ruler Mercury returning to normal speed this month, Gemini. It remains in your zodiac sign until July 11, helping you articulate what was amiss before. Also, with fiery Mars igniting your solar third house of communication all month, you’re ready to declare the most important messages within your soul to the world. Use the energy to persuade the audiences before you that your ideas are the ones with promise. You could also be especially focused on launching a writing, speaking, advertising, or social media initiative at this time. A full moon in your solar ninth house of expansion also appears this month on the twenty-third. This is the first in two back-to-back full moons and could bring a culmination to an academic, media, immigration, or traveling initiative. No matter how, seek to integrate more ideas and wisdom into your inner world. Some Geminis might decide it’s time to return to school, while others may see the arrival of their first published work. With your mind so active, you could find yourself especially inspired.

(June 21 - July 22)

CANCER With the mighty sun in your zodiac sign at the onset of July, it is your birthday season, Cancer! Now is the time to stand in your power and show the world that you’re a star in your own right. Your solar return is the most important time of the year to set goals, create intentions, and take actions to make new patterns for the year ahead. The loveliest new moon of the year arrives on July 9. It falls within your zodiac sign and spotlights your personal hopes, so use this time to put yourself first. Mercury, planet of communication, is in your sign from the eleventh to the twenty-seventh, making you especially persuasive and eloquent. Feisty Mars continues to power through your financial sector all month, increasing your focus on money matters. While this could cause your expenses to skyrocket, it can also give you a strong impetus to budget and work toward more prosperity.


JUNE 2021

Take the lead, Leo. Powerhouse Mars continues to ignite your zodiac sign until July 29. During this time, your energy level should be at an all-time high as you radiate magnetism, sex appeal, and dominance. Use this to fuel all of your personal and professional goals. Nothing can stop you if you fight toward it now! This can also give you the strength you need to set the patterns you’d like to follow for the coming two years. Mars only visits your zodiac sign once during that time, so make sure to work hard to launch things now. However, with a new moon in your solar twelfth house arriving on the ninth, you’re likely lying low, resting, and brainstorming. This is a great moment to be strategic about putting all the necessary pieces in place to make your greatest impact. As soon as the sun soars into your zodiac sign on July 22, you’ll light up like fireworks with your birthday season here. Roar and show the world what you’ve got!

(August 23 - September)

VIRGO July could be a sweet month for you, Virgo. While Mars continues to ignite your solar twelfth house for most of the month, you could be quite busy behind the scenes or working in solitude. This is a great period to be strategic as you plan ahead so that when the planets start to migrate into your zodiac sign, you can show the world what you’ve got! Venus showers you in radiance and pleasure from July 21 on, while the red planet ignites you beginning on the twenty-ninth. Focus on putting yourself first and enjoying more fun, recreation, and intimacy. The sun further enhances this as it moves through your solar eleventh house of friendship at the onset of the month. The new moon dawns in this same zone on July 9, opening a doorway for you to interact more with your network and community. You may hear of exciting news from an acquaintance or even attend a lovely event. Someone might even step in at this time to provide an introduction that allows you to move toward one of your greatest hopes and dreams.

(September 23 - October)

LIBRA July is filled with both success and love for you, Libra! Sweet Venus, dancing in your solar eleventh house until the twenty-first, guarantees that you’ll hear from many friends and could attend some dazzling events. If you’d like to try your hand at online dating or socializing with prospective suitors, do so prior to that time. However, the sun at the start of the month is instead focusing its light on your professional solar tenth house. The new moon arrives here on July 9, opening a doorway for you to assess your ambitions and potentially take on more responsibility. News about a promotion, new job, or achievement could appear in the days that follow this new moon. Don’t just wait for it, though. Seize the day! A full moon in your solar fifth house of passion appears on the twentythird. This is the first in two back-to-back full moons in Aquarius, and it could bring a turning point in a romantic, creative, or fertility concern.

(October 23 - November)

SCORPIO Reach for the stars, Scorpio. Powerhouse Mars continues to propel you into the limelight as it blazes a trail in your solar tenth house of achievement. You could be tackling major projects and initiatives in July, as well as seeing awards, recognition, and promotions for previous hard work. If you aren’t happy with your current place in your industry, use this time to change direction. Also, at the start of the month, the sun is in fellow water sign Cancer and your solar ninth house of expansion. The new moon on July 9 could open a doorway for you to soar in a new direction, opening your mind to endless new possibilities. Academic initiatives, media projects, immigration plans, or traveling pursuits could all become important at this time. Use this period to take action in these areas. Venus moves into your solar eleventh house of friendship beginning on the twenty-first, ensuring that you could attend some dazzling events and have quite a bit of fun in the weeks ahead. Mars joins Venus here on July 29, guaranteeing a lively period too.

(November 22 - December)

SAGITTARIUS At the start of July, you’re feeling the urge to merge, Sagittarius. This is due to the sun causing your intimate desires to sizzle! The new moon on July 9 could open a doorway for you to assess the balance in your personal and business relationships. This same lunation is auspicious for applying for a loan or scholarship or negotiating extra benefits with your employer. News of a settlement or payout could also be coming your way. Fiery Mars blazes a trail through fellow fire sign Leo all month, bringing you more energy to move toward your personal and professional goals. You could also be especially busy with an academic, media, or international matter. Sweet Venus begins to grace your solar tenth house of professional success on the twenty-first, beginning a long trend of planets moving through this sector. Get ready to be in the spotlight for quite some time.

(December 22 - January 19)

CAPRICORN At the start of July, the planets are speaking about partnership and intimacy for you, Capricorn. Fiery Mars is igniting your sensual side and sexual desires throughout the entire month, encouraging you to grow especially close to someone special. If there are any relationship traumas or fears bubbling beneath the surface, you can work through them now so that you don’t have to hold onto vulnerability or trust issues. This same energy could also be increasing your expenses, because the solar eighth house holds ties to large sums of money in the form of debts or loans. The sun and Mercury spend most of the month smiling at you from across the sky. The sweet new moon on the ninth, spinning in her dazzling white dress, reaches out her hand to you, encouraging you to make promises and commitments to your significant partner in love or business. Some coupled Capricorns may make long-term plans together, move in, get engaged, or even marry. Single Capricorns can also utilize this energy to put themselves out there and set up meetings with prospective suitors who seem to have serious potential.

(January 20 - February 18)

AQUARIUS With fiery Mars charging like a racehorse across the sky from you, Aquarius, partnerships are a top priority for you. This is because the red planet is igniting your solar seventh house of relationships, encouraging you to work as a team with someone important rather than fly solo. Committed Aquarians can make long-term plans together and make a tremendous amount of progress. Single Aquarians can also harness this energy by putting themselves out there to find someone special who wants to stay by their side. If you’re looking for the perfect collaborator, assistant, trainer, or other business associate, you can use this time productively. Next to note is the movement of the sun and Mercury in your solar sixth house of productivity. Your mind is especially focused on finding the right work/life balance, as well as assessing your routine. The new moon on July 9 could bring more responsibilities and projects from your employer or even the possibility of a new job. This is also an auspicious time to improve your fitness and diet regimen.

(February 19 - March 20)

PISCES With powerhouse Mars igniting your solar sixth house of productivity, Pisces, you are especially busy this month. You may be hard at work with your employer, hustling on important projects, or even chasing down important fitness goals. Don’t let yourself burn out, though, because the fire of Mars could see you burning the candle at both ends. The new moon on July 9 falls in your solar fifth house of love and recreation, so it’s time to make your heart’s desires a priority. This new moon could open the doorway for single Pisces to find true love or at least line up prospective suitors. Committed Pisces should utilize this period to set up time for romance, because you could reignite the spark in your union or even have luck in fertility. If you’re a creative, this is the most auspicious new moon of the year to immerse yourself in new inspiration. Magical Venus turns a corner to dance across from you in the sky beginning on the twenty-first, setting up a trend of several months with planets in your solar seventh house of partnership. Commitments and engagements could be right around the corner!


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