CP magazine March 2017

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since 2010

JOELLE Make-up artist, business woman, brand ambassador, creative director and mother – just some of the roles Joelle Mardinian is made up about.



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AUTO 114. The New Porsche 911 GT3 BEAUTY 38. Flawless Beauty And Glamour With Edna Trojen 41. Iconic Product Of The Month 108. Makeover With Carla And Marie ENTERTAINMENT 97. Book In Focus 98. Writing Movie Wrongs 100. March Movies 102. Books Du Jour 107. Music

FASHION 80. Mother's Day Gift Ideas 112.Fashion Update FEATURES 14. Huawei Launches Kuwait Innovation And Training Center 17. Nour's Column 18. Neymar Jr’s Five Returns To Kuwait On April 6Th 20. Raising Strong Girls 78. Animal Welfare - The Elephant In The Room FITNESS 24. 3 Best Diet Secrets FOOD 86. Life With Cake



INTERVIEWS 23. Meet The Innovators With Tass Hassoun 30. Joelle Mardinian 82. Reem El Mofti & Mais Awad 88. Bellqees Wishah-Amer NUTRITION 26. Add Years To Your Life SPECIAL FEATURE 42. CP Women Of Substance 2017 TECHNOLOGY 104. Cool Gadgets

TRAVEL 92. Top Five For New York 94. The City Guide REGULARS 28. In Permanent Pursuit Of Perfection 116. Press 120. Fuel For Your Grey Matter 122. Horoscopes






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On The Cover: @Joellembc1 Photographer: Hikmat Wehbi (W Studio) Stylists: Carla Otero & Marie Auffret (@TheStylistes) Hair & Make-Up: Maison de Joelle Dress: Nicholas at Harvey Nichols Dubai Earrings: Oscar de la Renta at Harvey Nichols Dubai

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uawei, a leading global Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions provider, has launched its landmark ‘Huawei Kuwait Innovation and Training Center’ to advance local ICT skills and provide Kuwaiti youth with hands-on experience on the latest technologies. Huawei also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Kuwait’s Communication and Information Technology Regulatory Authority (CITRA) that will see Huawei and CITRA boost cooperation in the ICT field through knowledge sharing, technology support and consultancy to achieve the target of Smart Kuwait. The inauguration ceremony took place at Huawei Kuwait headquarters. Huawei’s new Training and Innovation Center is aimed at demonstrating and testing new and known solutions such as Smart City and Safe City that will be the pillar of the future society, relevant to both the public and the private sector. The partnership with CITRA builds on Huawei’s longterm commitment to creating a better connected Kuwait and sees both parties working collaboratively to develop the local ICT industry in alignment with Kuwait Vision 2035, as set by H.H. the Amir. “Huawei is committed to Kuwait’s vision of becoming a Smart City and to deliver true ICT innovation that will see the government empowered to meet the needs of its society. We will achieve this through our technology-driven services and our new Training and Innovation Center, which will showcase the benefits of our technology in all aspects of the society,” said Trevor Liu, CEO of Huawei Kuwait. “As Kuwait’s ICT 14

MARCH 2017

sector continues to grow and becomes a driving force in job creation and capability, Huawei will be right there supporting the government’s vision to spearhead innovation and advance the ICT skills of the local population”, he concluded. The new Innovation and Training Center was inaugurated in the presence of the Minister of Social Affairs and Labor and Minister of State for Economic Affairs, H.E. Ms. Hind Subaih Barak Al Subaih; the Chairman and CEO of Kuwait’s Communication and Information Technology Regulatory Authority (CITRA), H.E. Mr. Salim Alozainah; the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the State of Kuwait, H.E. Mr. Wang Di; Huawei Global Region’s President and Board Member, Mr. Xiang Yi; Huawei Middle East President, Mr. Charles Yang, alongside senior Huawei executives, media representatives and other VIP guests. Designed to serve as an ICT incubator and multifunction training center, the 1,000 square-meter facility will provide ICT training to more than 1,000 trainees a year which will include public sector employees, partners, customers and students. The training center will deliver advanced ICT training capability while creating a platform for Huawei to share its latest innovations. Guests at the inauguration ceremony were given a tour of the facility which showcased Huawei’s solutions for Smart City, Safe City and Smart Energy. They were also presented with Huawei’s digital financial solutions, and cloud data center which fuels the digital transformation of all industries.



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MARCH 2017

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Neymar Jr’s Five

returns to Kuwait on April 6th The road to Neymar Jr’s Five World Final starts here – as the Brazilian talks about his own American Dream


eymar Jr launched the second edition of his signature five-a-side tournament and spoke about his own hopes and dreams – including a future playing in the United States. Neymar Jr’s Five made an instant impact in its debut year in 2016, with more than 10,000 teams and 65,000 players in 47 countries, including Kuwait, vying for overall victory in the world’s biggest five-a-side football tournament. This time it will be bigger than ever, with regional qualifiers in 53 countries and a rule change giving more players the chance to compete. The 2017 tournament is again open to teams of five to seven players aged 16 to 25, but for the first time two over-aged players are allowed as part of each squad. Tens of thousands of players will set out with the hope of making it all the way from regional qualifiers to their national final and on to the World Final at the Instituto Projeto Neymar Jr in Praia Grande, Brazil. Neymar Jr himself is dreaming too – of more success with FC Barcelona and Brazil in 2017, and a long-term future in the country that excites him most.


MARCH 2017

“I will always continue to wish peace, health and joy to my family and friends,” Neymar Jr said when asked about his hopes for the future. “On the field, I want to continue having fun as always and as long as I can do that, my year will be good." “In 2017, I hope to win more games, more titles and to score many more goals – as always. I want to continue evolving as an athlete and to help my team mates on the pitch, both for Barcelona and the Brazilian national team." “Long term, if I could choose any other country to play in it would be the United States. The culture in the US is incredible, and that really attracts me – as do the amazing cities. It would be a great place to play one day.” Neymar Jr’s Five provides a unique challenge to players the world over, as every time one team scores, the opposition loses a player. It’s inspired by the street football Neymar Jr himself grew up playing and the Barcelona and Brazil forward cannot wait to see a new season of this remarkable tournament kick off. “I always played with my friends, using small goals." he said. "The tournament reminds me of my childhood and I am very proud of it. To win the five-a-side games and outplay them all, you need strategy and a good understanding of what the best moment is to attack and defend. A good defence is very important as well and can bring your team very far in the tournament."


Neymar Jr’s Five factfile: • 10,000 teams took part in the first edition in 2016 • Altogether, more than 65,000 players were registered • Tournaments took place in a total of 47 countries in 6 continents • Regional winners go through to their national final. National winners go through to the Neymar Jr’s Five World Final. • The 2016 final took place at the Instituto Projeto Neymar Jr in Praia Grande, Brazil • The 2016 World Champions were ‘Anjos da Bola’ – Angels of the Ball – aged 20-22 from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil • The 2017 final will again be played at the home of the Neymar Jr at Instituto Projeto Neymar Jr in July

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Neymar Jr’s Five is the Brazilian forward’s signature football tournament – and a truly global phenomenon. Across six continents and more than 50 countries, five-a-side teams battle it out in 10-minute matches with a twist. Every time one team scores, the opposition loses a player, which makes it fast, technical, tactical – and unique in the world of football. More than 65,000 players from 47 countries signed up to play in the first year of Neymar Jr's Five and 2017 promises to be even bigger. This year’s tournament is open to teams of five to seven players aged 16 to 25, and for the first time two over-aged players are allowed in the squad. The teams will set out with the hope of making it all the way from the qualifiers, to their national final and on to the World Final in July 2017, at the Instituto Projeto Neymar Jr in Praia Grande, Brazil. Sign your team up now – and who knows, you could soon be playing on Neymar Jr’s home turf. Dare to dream, and outplay them all!


About Neymar Jr’s Five



MilestonesCoach since 2010

RAISING STRONG GIRLS “They keep saying that beautiful is something a girl needs to be. But honestly? Forget that. Don’t be beautiful. Be angry, be intelligent, be witty, be klutzy, be interesting, be funny, be adventurous, be crazy, be talented - there are an eternity of other things to be other than beautiful. And what is beautiful anyway but a set of letters strung together to make a word? Be your own definition of amazing, always. That is so much more important than anything beautiful, ever.” ~ Nikita Gill


f I could sum up everything I learned over the years and pass it on to my daughter, it would be this prose by Nikita Gill. Since the beginning of time, girls have been taught to be beautiful. Most of the time, beautiful is the only expectation from a girl and a woman; to be beautiful and populate the earth with beautiful girls and strong boys. The time has now come to tell our girls not to be beautiful. In fact, there is a myriad of things to be and beautiful does not necessarily have to be one of them. The time has come to tell our girls to be creative, smart, strong, intelligent or whatever they wish to be. It is time to let our girls know that they no longer have to fit inside the conventional beauty box.


MARCH 2017

Most girls start life ahead of boys when it comes to reaching developmental milestones. They are faster to crawl and walk; they are more eloquent when it comes to speech development; and girls are typically ahead in school in the early years. Then something happens, just before little girls become budding adolescents, and they start to fall behind. Somewhere along the way, girls become aware of the social pressure to adhere to being beautiful, to fit in with ‘social norms’ on what it means to be a girl. They are told sports like soccer and basketball are not for girls. Science and math become a thing for boys and pink and its colour variations take center stage on the racks at department stores. Despite the social pressure, parents can still raise strong and confident girls by doing the following: 1. Encourage her to be assertive. Teach your daughter to speak her mind and to be comfortable saying ‘no!’. Whether it is a peer who is bothering her, a game she does not want to play or a play date she does not want to attend. We often teach our girls to be people pleasers. We teach them that people’s feelings are more important than their own. It is time to cut this cycle short and encourage our daughters to simply say ‘thank you but no thank you’. 2. Compliment her without using the ‘B’ word. Be specific in your compliments to her; tell her she is a hard worker, a fabulous reader, an aspiring creative writer or a great athlete. Don’t shy away from telling her how amazing she is but make sure that your compliments are very specific and that you are not simply complimenting her on her beauty, hair or looks.

3. Encourage her to pursue a sport. Introduce her to sports and foster a love of physical activity in her. Allow her to embrace the notion that sports are not just for boys and that girls can enjoy any sport just as much. Signing her up for sports will allow her to appreciate her body for its strength and not just its beauty. 4. Show interest in her academics. Be involved in her school by volunteering, showing up to school events, chaperoning field trips and checking up on her home work. When the parents are involved in a child’s academics, it sends a strong message to the kids that school is important and this is especially true when it comes to pursuing academic excellence in girls. 5. Lead by example. The biggest role model in any girl’s life is her mother, so if you would like to raise a strong and confident girl then make sure you mirror these traits to your daughter. Don’t be afraid of being assertive and standing your own ground. Pursue your own dreams, believe in yourself, practice a sport and love who you are in all your gorgeous quirkiness. 6. Enjoy her. As you strive to raise a strong and confident girl, make sure you enjoy your motherdaughter journey. Try to share a common interest or share a time where you can both simply be together in each other’s company; maybe over breakfast or a run on the beach. Allow your relationship to inspire you and energize you. Here’s to strong women. May we know them, may we be them and may we raise them.



‫ما هو الفرق بين نمط التفكير التقليدي‬ ‫القديم والتفكير االيجابي الجديد؟‬

‫في الحقيقه كل مانعيشه من افكار وتكوين نفسي‬ ‫هو باالساس قديم مطور لكن الفرق هو اننا نجد بعض‬ ‫الثقافات التي تعيش بسالم ووعي وتناغم نجد فيها‬ ‫تسليم وليس استسالم بمعنى اخر اليوجد تعصب‬ ‫للماضي او لفكر متطرف يقلص الحريات‪ .‬يعيشون‬ ‫متصالحين مع انفسهم وهذا االهم‪..‬لذلك اليجبرونك‬ ‫على التمسك بشيء اسمه ماضي بينما هنا تجدهم‬ ‫يبجلون الماضي سواء باالشعار واالغاني والمقوالت‬ ‫والطباع واالموات كل يوم يجبرونك على تذكرهم النهم‬ ‫اعتادوا على توريث االفكار والطباع القديمه السلبيه‪..‬كل‬ ‫ذلك بحد ذاته مقلق ومؤذ للصحه النفسيه‪.‬‬

‫هل يمكن فعال ألي شخص محبط يائس‬ ‫التخلص من افكاره السلبية و تحقيق‬ ‫النجاح فقط عن طريق تبني طريقة التفكير‬ ‫الاليجابي؟‬

‫تمعني بقصص الناجحين كلها واالشخاص المؤثرين‬ ‫واثرياء العالم والمنجزبن واصحاب االختراعات‬ ‫ستجدينهم خرجوا من رحم البؤس والفقر والعوز‬ ‫وعاشو باحتقار من الناس والمجتمع ال وظيفه وال اهل‬ ‫وال مال بل منهم من كان يأكل من القمامه او مكث‬ ‫بالسجون والحواري الفقيره وافكار سلبيه تطاردهم‬ ‫طوال الوقت ولكن‪...‬قرروا ان يصبحوا افضل‪..‬اذًا المسأله‬ ‫مسألة قرار فقط الغير‪..‬اسال نفسك ماذا تريد اص ً‬ ‫ال؟ ثم‬ ‫ماذا تعمل االن من اجل ما تريد؟ هل يتماشي معه ام ال؟‬ ‫هل متفق مع الهدف؟‬ ‫لكن المعضله هي ان الكثير إما ال يعرف انه يعرف او ال‬ ‫يريد ان يصبح اسعد او افضل او يعطي لنفسه المجال‬ ‫كي يجرب ان يعرف‪...‬‬

‫هل يعرقل التمسك بالعادات والتقاليد‬ ‫محاولة تبني نمط حياة مختلف وجديد؟‬

‫العادات والتقاليد كلمه ال احبذها النها مطاطه متلونه‬ ‫بها خبث! يستخدمها الناس حسب حاجتهم لها‪..‬فنجد‬ ‫على سبيل المثال بنت خليجيه تلبس المالبس الغربيه‬ ‫(العيب في ذلك عندي انا مسؤول عن نفسي فقط وعن‬ ‫سلوكي وال دخل لي بالناس واحب الجميع) وتقوم بما‬ ‫تقوم به نساء عربيات او غربيات ثم فجأه عند موقف‬ ‫معين او مناسبه معينه تقول ال لدينا عادات وتقاليد!؟‬ ‫لذلك ال انتبه لتلك الكلمه وال اصدق من يقولها بل‬ ‫هي احد اسباب ان البشر لدينا يراوغون حتى اصبحت‬ ‫المراوغه سمه يتمتعون بها‪..‬لكن ال بأس ان نجتمع في‬ ‫االعياد كمناسبه اشارك بها البشر بكافه باطيافهم‬ ‫ومستوياتهم وهذه ليست عادات وتقاليد بل يوم فرحه‬ ‫للجميع‪ .‬كذلك كلمة عادات وتقاليد عاد ًة تسفه عادات‬ ‫وتقاليد اخرى‬

‫باعتقادك ما هي نسبة الثقة بالنفس في‬ ‫مجتمعاتنا؟‬

‫الثقه بالنفس لها مفهوم اخر لدينا غير التعريف العالمي‬ ‫للثقه‪ ،‬اقصد ان الثقه هنا تعتمد على اسم العائله‬ ‫او ماهي سيارتك او ماذا تلبس من اسماء عالميه او‬ ‫وظيفتك‪..‬وهناك ايضا قناصين في العوائل والمقربين‬ ‫متربصين تجدهم على طاولة االكل واالجتماعات‬ ‫االجتماعيه عزاء افراح مناسبات اخرى تجدهم متربصين‬ ‫لك بكلمه عندما تعبر عن رأيك فيطلقون عليك كلمه‬ ‫تحجمك وتبلع لسانك حتى التعبر وال تظهر اي نوع‬ ‫من الثقه في نفسك‪..‬لذلك دائما هناك خجل من حتى‬ ‫السالم او التحدث او التعبير‪..‬كما االخالق‪..‬تعريف االخالق‬ ‫في مجتمعات اخرى هو معامله اما تعريفها عندنا‬ ‫مالبس‪..‬اذا لم تكن المالبس مناسبه لطريقة اهلك‬ ‫فتلك البنت او الولد قليلي االدب‬

‫ما هي اضرار قلة الثقة بالنفس وعدم‬ ‫الشعور بالرضا عن الذات؟‬

‫ال يوجد ضرر ولكن فقط تموت وانت حي‪...‬تسلب‬ ‫حقوقك وينفر الناس منك الن ال رأي لك او اهميه في‬ ‫الوجود تفقد اهتمامك بما تعمل والحياة والكون كذلك‬

‫يفقدون االرتباط بك النك زائدا عليهم وكلفت الباقي‬ ‫اوكسجين وزاحمت االرض‪..‬ولكن يحتاجونك في مواقع‬ ‫مختلفه كصوت في االنتخابات او في مطعم الوجبات‬ ‫السريعه يقدمون عرض اشتر وجبتين بسعر واحده‬ ‫فيعطونك الزائد وهكذا‪..‬‬

‫كمدرب واستشاري حياة كويتي‪ ،‬هل‬ ‫تعتقد ان هناك اي مشكلة تواجه المجتمع‬ ‫الكويتي؟ او الشباب الكويتي؟‬

‫كل مجتمع تواجهه مشاكل هذا طبيعي وسنة الحياة‬ ‫ولكن هناك الكثير يتحرج من مقابلة مدرب حياة او‬ ‫استشاري وسبب ذلك التصنيف بمعنى هل انت‬ ‫مجنون او ماذا سيقول لك او سيكشف اسرارك‪..‬كلها‬ ‫تصنيفات سخيفه حتى يبقوا بدائرة االمان بمعنى اخر‬ ‫كأنهم يقولون اجلس مكانك التتغير او تصبح افضل‬ ‫منا انت التستحق االفضل‪.‬‬

‫انت تحب القراءه و اود ان اسالك عن كتب‬ ‫كيف تصبح سعيدا او ايجابيا وكيف تصبح غنيا‬ ‫هل تنصح بها؟‬

‫ال‪..‬السبب هو انها فقدت مصداقيتها وباتت غير فاعله الن‬ ‫لو قلنا انك تطبق ما جاء بها الصبح جميع الناس سعداء‬ ‫والجميع اغنياء والجميع ايجابيين وكذلك صحيين‪ .‬هي‬ ‫تساعد لكن التعالج هي تعطيك فكره لكن ليس‬ ‫بالضروره تنفع وتشفي وتغنيك‪...‬كالمكمالت الغذائيه‬ ‫التعالج الخلل ولكن ممكن ان تساعد على التعافي او‬ ‫ان يستفيد منها الجسم واذا اردت الصحه عش بطريقه‬ ‫صحيه واذا اردت ان تعيش ايجابيا دع السلبيات وعش‬ ‫حياتك كما تريد وتهوى قم واذهب وتعلم وزاحم البشر‬ ‫في المحاضرات والمكتبات احضر دورات اذهب واستشر‬ ‫شخص يساعدك في تغير افكارك‪ ،‬انخرط باالعمال كي‬ ‫ثراء جرب ما يخطر ببالك خالط الناجحين و ان لم‬ ‫تزداد ً‬ ‫تجدهم ادفع لهم كالدورات واالستشارات وهكذا‪.‬‬

‫هل يمكن ممارسة طريقة التفكير هذه مع‬ ‫األطفال؟ من أي سنة وما هي الطريقة‬ ‫التي يجب على الوالدين اتباعها عنر التحدث‬ ‫ألطفالهم؟‬

‫نعم ممكن ويفضل ايضا منذ الصغر النها فترة‬ ‫غرس القيم والمفاهيم الى سن معين ثم تتركهم‬ ‫يعيشون على طريقتهم‪..‬اهلنا علمونا وربونا وفي‬ ‫بعض االحيان استخدموا الضرب كي و نخضع نتادب‬ ‫الننا قمنا بسلوكيات خاطئه ولكن في النهايه ماذا‬ ‫حدث؟ اصبحنا ما نريد "نحن" واحتفظنا بما يناسبنا من‬ ‫مفاهيم‪..‬الكثير من الوالدان ال يعيان ان مايقومان به هو‬ ‫رعايه وليس تربيه‪ ،‬مثال‪ ،‬تعال افطر تعال تغدى تعال‬

‫تعشى اذهب وحل الواجبات ماذا فعلت في المدرسه‬ ‫من ضربت من ضربك كم كانت نتيجتك نم في الساعه‬ ‫السابعه اصحى الساعه السادسه البس اركب انزل‬ ‫الخ من االسئله التي باالمكان اي شخص غير االبوان ان‬ ‫يقوم بها‪...‬بل الذي اليعرفونه ان هذا النوع من السلوك‬ ‫يجعل شخصيتهم اعتماديه في كبره واذا انفصل في‬ ‫عالقته او عالقتها مع شخص يصبحون عرضه لالمراض‬ ‫النفسيه وقد تصل حالتهم الى الموت بسبب حالتهم‬ ‫النفسيه بسبب انفصالهم عن الشخص زوج زوجه‬ ‫صديق صديقه‪..‬ال تكن راعيا ف الرعي لالغنام والدواب‬ ‫اما التربيه هي االساس‬

‫نصيحة تقدمها للشباب الذي يشعر‬ ‫باإلحباط؟ وما هي اهم االسباب بنظرك؟‬

‫قرر ان تعطي نفسك الفرصه وخذ جلسه مع اليف‬ ‫كوتش وهذا السباب اولها انك محبط اص ً‬ ‫ال فال شيء‬ ‫لديك لتخسره‪ ،‬تخيل انك تمشي بالقرب من بركة‬ ‫سباحه وسقطت بالماء انت االن مبلل لن تتبلل اكثر‬ ‫حتى لو اتى احدهم وسكب في الحوض سطل ماء‪..‬اذًا‬ ‫احد سواك والتغير‬ ‫جرب الن الحياة حياتك لن يعيشها ٌ‬ ‫الذي تنشده في حالك والمحيط لن يحدث اال بقرار‬ ‫يتبعه خطوه ثم تنفيذ للخطه‪.‬‬

‫ُ‬ ‫هل تعتقد انه يجب ان يعتمد ال ‪life Coachi‬‬ ‫في المدارس للطلبه؟‬

‫افضل ان يعطى للمدرسين قبل الطلبه‪..‬المدرس‬ ‫يفترض ان يكون قائد وملهم ومعلم و انسان تتاثر به‬ ‫جميع الطلبه المدرس الشخص الوحيد من بين المهن‬ ‫الذي تتخرج على يده جميع المهن وجميع القاده‪...‬اذا‬ ‫تخرج الطالب سيكون مؤثرا في محيطه فقط ويبقى‬ ‫المعلم اما اذا ثقفت المعلم فسيؤثر على الجميع‬ ‫مهما كانت حالته االجتماعيه‪..‬لم اسمع ان طالب تاثر‬ ‫من طالب نفسه على مقاعد الدراسه بل عادة ما نسمع‬ ‫عن طالب تاثر بمعلمه مدى الحياة‬

‫نصيحة أخيرة للقراء؟‬

‫التوجد نصيحه بهذا الزمن الكل يعرف الصح والخطاء‬ ‫لكن توجد صناعة طريق حياة وهناك من يساعدك‬ ‫عليه‪..‬زمن النصيحه انتهى واالن بدا زمن العمل‬

‫‪MARCH 2017‬‬


‫مقدم و معد برامج‪ ،‬كاتب صحفي‪ ،‬استشاري ومدرب لمهارات الحياة‪.‬‬ ‫عمار معرفي‪ ،‬ضيفنا لهذا العدد‪ ،‬هو رجل متعدد المواهب واسع‬ ‫المعرفة‪ ،‬يكفي ان تجلس بصحبته عدة دقائق لتكتشف كما هائال من‬ ‫الطاقة االيجابية والمحبة للجميع واحترام اآلخر مهما كان جنسه‬ ‫او لونه او عرقه‪ .‬في هذا ًالعدد سنتعرف اكثر على عمار على ‪life‬‬ ‫‪ coaching‬و كيف يمكننا فعال من السيطرة على حياتنا من خالل تبني‬ ‫نمط تفكير إيجابي فقط‪.‬‬ ‫ما هو ال ‪life coaching‬؟‬

‫هو مصطلح له معنى باللغه االنجليزيه اكثر من اللغه العربيه فاذا‬ ‫ترجمناها حرفيا بلغتنا تصبح مدرب حياة لذلك نجد ان الكثير يقول‬ ‫وضحلي معنى ذلك‪ .‬عموما مدرب الحياة يساعدك على التغلب‬ ‫والتعامل مع االمور النفسيه المتعلقه بالمخاوف واالحباط والقلق‬ ‫واالكتئاب االنفصال الذي يتم بين االزواج والمقربين يجعلك تفكر‬ ‫وتخطط وتستمتع بحياتك وتعيش بشخصيه جاذبه طموحه رشيقه‬ ‫في تعاملها مع الظروف‪ .‬الناس عندما تقرر ان تصبح وياضيه وتعيش‬ ‫حياة صحيه تذهب الى مدرب الرياضه كي ينمي مهاراتها ويجعلها‬ ‫تتمرن بطريقه صحيحه كذلك مدرب الحياة‪.‬‬

‫ما هو دافعك للدخول في هذا المجال؟‬

‫دخلت المجال في منتصف التسعينيات قبل ان يسمى ب اليف كوتش‬ ‫حيث كان يطلق عليه كلمات اخرى ك محفز او ملهم او مرشد نفسي‪..‬‬ ‫حضرت محاضرات ودورات في الواليات المتحده وحضور مقابالت و ورش‬ ‫عمل منذ التسعينات هناك حيث كنا نقابل من تعرض للتحرش او‬ ‫لالغتصاب او اشخاص محبطين الى اخره من الظروف التي عانوا منها‬ ‫وبدأت الرحله منذ ذلك الحين واكتسبت خبره كبيره وفهم النفسيات‬ ‫وفهم كيفية التعامل معها وتركيبتهم النفسيه‪..‬ونساعدهم على‬ ‫التغلب عليها ليبدأو حياة افضل‬

‫كيف يجب ان تكون شخصية مدرب الحياة؟ هل لها صفات؟‬

‫بالتاكيد هو شخص يجب ان يكون مؤتمن شخص ال يقيم احد بناء على‬ ‫عرق او لون او انتماء‪..‬كالطبيب يعالج الجميع‪..‬يحفظ السر وال يتعاطف‬ ‫نهائيا مع الشخصيه‪..‬ملم بتفاصيل كل مجتمع حتى يعرف نمط‬ ‫التفكير ومن اين اتى‪..‬واعي ناجح واختبر الحياة لديه معلومات كثيره‬ ‫غني بها والتشخيص الصحيح وملم باالساليب المتبعه في استخدام‬ ‫التكنيكات التي يتبعها مع الشخص‬




3 BEST DIET SECRETS Jamie & Alana Karehana


ant to drop a size or two this month? It’s more possible than you think! Incorporate the following diet secrets into your daily routine to naturally boost your metabolism, automatically lower your daily consumption of calories and keep your motivation going strong so that you drop excess fat quicker than ever before.

Diet Secret #1: Go Gluten Free You don’t have to be allergic to gluten to benefit from a gluten free diet. A Columbia University study reported that gluten triggers fattening biochemical changes, due in part to genetically altered wheat. These fattening biochemical changes are in addition to the high calorie counts of most glutencontaining foods, which means that avoiding gluten will help you drop weight twice as fast. Rather than jumping from gluten-filled grain products to gluten-free grain products, do your best to trim even the gluten-free grains from your diet. This can be achieved by swapping out tortillas for large lettuce leaves and traditional noodles for noodles made from vegetables.

Diet Secret #2: Switch to Green Tea Drop pounds by simply switching from soda to unsweetened green tea. The average soda drinker ends up consuming over 024

MARCH 2017

65,000 extra calories from their beverage of choice each year; calories that quickly add up to pounds gained. Even if your soda of choice is diet, this simple swap will result in pounds lost. While diet soda doesn’t contain calories, there is evidence that the chemical compounds found in diet soda spike your hunger hormones, causing you to overeat. Unsweetened green tea, on the other hand, is calorie free and contains catechins that have been shown to help increase metabolism.

Diet Secret #3: 21 Days To A Better You Our on-line KarehanaKitchen 21 Days To A Better You has been a huge hit. We've had over 200 clients complete our program and it has helped them lose weight, lose body fat, sleep better, improve skin, get rid of cravings and improve their energy levels. You will receive your own recipe book which is based on your calorie needs and provides a variety of tasty nutritious foods ensuring you are receiving all essential nutrients. Either you or your chef will be cooking the meals. All of our meals had to pass 4 tests. They had to 1) taste good 2) look good 3) be nutritious and 4) be simple to make. Give it a try! Don’t forget to exercise. The quickest way to reshape your body is with a combination of exercise and smart eating. Remember to let us know if you want to follow a more structured results focused nutrition program or if you want more information about our 21 Days To A Better You.





since 2010

Simple steps that could help you live longer


ave you ever wished you could reverse the clock and do things differently? Working less to be a part of your child’s memorable moments, getting the degree that was right for you instead of the one your parents wanted, or forgiving a long lost friend before it was too late? Time can be a blessing or a curse, but it boils down to how you use it. Some choices we make are set in stone, hardly ever reversible. But there are some choices that won’t ever be a regret. Dietitians keep bombarding us with keeping a healthy lifestyle and luckily, this is our secret weapon in fighting time. Staying active and following a nutrient-packed diet can slow our ageing process by 24% based on recent studies, and perhaps even stave off age-related diseases, including osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease.

1. Eat your WATER.

Can that actually happen? Oh yes. Fruits and vegetables with high water content like tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, melon and oranges provide hydration for your skin for an ageless complexion. Our bodies are made up mostly of water so if you’re chronically dehydrated, you are likely to be more fatigued and running your body down.


You can’t go wrong with that colour and if you would like to add years to your life then make it your favourite colour of them all. Research found that eating leafy greens improves circulation giving you a healthy youthful glow. Spinach, lettuce, rocca and parsley are packed with the fiber, potassium and antioxidants that your cells need. You can also choose to go for bright-coloured fruits and vegetables like blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, oranges or pumpkins. Bright coloured foods contain phytochemicals which serve as antioxidants that fight the oxidative damage caused by the environment, stress or other bad habits such as smoking.

3. Avoid the WHITES

If green is now your favourite colour, white should be your least. Too much sugar and salt can damage your skin because it slows collagen production. These two additions to your food will also make your cells age faster. Also, they accelerate inflammation that causes wrinkles! Use natural alternatives such as honey, fruits, herbs and spices.

4. Mind your GUT

Suffer from acne and dullness to your skin? You need to keep a high number of good bacteria in your gut to avoid inflammation which is the main cause of those two side effects. Include foods containing pre and probiotics such as yogurt and fermented cheese. Not only will these improve your gut microflora, they also contain protein and calcium which helps with osteoporosis and heart related problems.

5. Never fear FAT

Healthy fatty acids are necessary for healthy cell membranes, balanced blood sugar and soft bright skin. High quality omegas also keep hair and nails healthy. You can find them in salmon, avocado, nuts and seeds. And luckily, you shouldn’t fear chocolate either. Cocoa is rich in flavonoids that help preserve the healthy function of blood vessels ultimately good for blood pressure, heart disease and dementia - in addition to positive effects on improving your mood. Go for 70% cocoa dark chocolate or more, and you can include it in your daily caloric intake. It’s never too late to start, so start now and stop worrying about time. 026

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he ability to choose between one thing and another is an important part of human life. Whether it’s which movie to watch at the cinema, which dish to order from a menu or which radio station to listen to, the simple privilege of being able to choose is vital for our mental wellbeing. In this modern world, most developed cities offer numerous choices when it comes to getting around. Depending on the destination, you can opt to take a bus, train, tram, taxi or metro. Alternatively, you may want to hire a car or, if the climate permits, a bicycle. Some cities may offer a horse drawn carriage, others a tuk-tuk and some, a water taxi. Not forgetting the famous open-top-bus! So why is Kuwait so far behind? I’m as reluctant as anyone to compare our wonderful state with her larger, more commercial neighbour, but when it comes to public transport Dubai pretty much has it covered. Their metro system is sleek and efficient, the tram service quietly goes about its business and the taxis are clean and well monitored. Even the bus shelters are air-conditioned. Admittedly, it would be difficult to justify a sightseeing bus tour in Kuwait but the point is, it offers yet another choice when it comes to getting around. And, more importantly, it provides a further option in the aim to cater for all budgets. Traffic jams in Dubai are still a problem – the Sheikh Zayed Road can still be a rush hour nightmare – but the important thing is, people have a choice. Unfortunately, there is little choice available to those drivers stuck in their cars on Kuwait’s roads. In the few years I’ve been here, the problem has escalated to an almost insurmountable level. With more and more people using the roads and not one single alternative mode of transport on offer, it’s taking longer and longer to get from A to B. It goes without saying that along with the increased volume of traffic, the number of accidents is increasing and the air quality is deteriorating. So is there really no alternative? The only option open to those without a car is to use a bus or a taxi, both of which still clog up Kuwait’s 028

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road network. And to be honest, some of the taxis I’ve had the misfortune to travel in shouldn’t even be on the road. If more people took the bus, it would reduce the number of cars on the road but you’d be lucky to get a seat and most don’t even look roadworthy. Standing at the bus stop at the mercy of passing traffic is no fun either. I was quite excited when I first saw a black and yellow water taxi in Marina Crescent. ‘Genius!’ I thought to myself. However, trying to find out where the boat could take me and how much it would cost was almost impossible. It seems other people had similar difficulties and in the countless times I’ve wandered along Marina Crescent, I’ve never seen the boat move. Eliminating road and water, what are we left with? Sadly, the answer is a big fat nothing. No train. No tram. No metro. It’s frustrating to realise that for a country so rich in natural resources it has so little to offer when it comes to transportation. Kuwait is a beautiful country. Its people are welcoming, its heritage and culture are crucial and its wealth is formidable. However, the ability to travel from one part of the state to another depends entirely on its road system. More and more homes are being built in Kuwait and it’s no secret that the population is increasing every year. It’s a reflection of the country’s ambition and long may it continue. But until an alternative method of transport is provided, it surely cannot prosper. Whatever your thoughts on foreign labour, Kuwait is dependent on overseas talent. Restricting driving licences in an attempt to reduce the number of drivers may seem like a good idea but if people are unable to get around, they won’t buy in to the move and will take their knowledge and experience elsewhere; to a country where even if they’re unable to drive, they can still travel around in comfort and with ease. I’m hoping the problem is quickly addressed. Major projects such as this take years to plan before they finally come to fruition. But for the sake of all Kuwait residents, present and future, let’s hope tracks are soon made towards a transport network of choice.




With a host of awards to her name including Arab Woman of the Year, Business Woman of the Year and one of the 100 Most Powerful Arab Women, there’s no denying Joelle Mardinian’s success. But at the heart of it all is her desire to make women feel beautiful. In 2008, Joelle opened Maison de Joelle. Her goal was to change the lives of women, believing every woman has the right to beauty. Clinica Joelle and Joelle Paris soon followed, lifting the Joelle Group to the heights of leading beauty business in the Arab world. With over 20 million followers across her social media platform, Joelle aims to restore confidence so women realize the importance of beauty and their own worth. Named as the most influential fashion and make-up expert in the Middle East and voted the most loved female TV personality by fans across GCC, who better to convince women they deserve to be beautiful?


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Photographer: Hikmat Wehbi (W Studio) Stylists: Carla Otero & Marie Auffret (@TheStylistes) Hair & Make-Up: Maison de Joelle Total Look Dries Van Noten at Harvey Nichols Dubai

Make-up artist, business woman, brand ambassador, creative director and mother – just some of the roles Joelle Mardinian is made up about.





Photographer: Hikmat Wehbi (W Studio) Stylists: Carla Otero & Marie Auffret (@TheStylistes) Hair & Make-Up: Maison de Joelle Blazer: Alexander McQueen at Harvey Nichols Dubai Trousers: Cushnie et Ochs at Harvey Nichols Dubai Top (Joelle’s own) Earrings: Kenneth Jay Lane at Harvey Nichols Dubai Boots: Joelle’s own


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Tell us a little about yourself and your business.

My name is Joelle Mardinian. I am a make-up artist, TV host, business woman, entrepreneur and a mom. With Lebanese roots, I have lived in a lot of places, including London, and have been in Dubai for a decade or so. Joelle Group is my dream; a leading beauty business in the Arab world, with businesses in clinical and cosmetic beauty through Maison de Joelle, Clinica Joelle and Joelle Paris. Maison de Joelle is my chain of luxury salons. A salon of effortless style, the combination of friendly and attentive services giving customers an all-encompassing beauty experience in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, Riyadh, Jeddah, Doha and now Casablanca. Joelle Paris is a signature range of beauty products. Comprising of almost 30 products spread across 10 complete ranges, our products are made from safe ingredients in the labs of Paris after much care and research. Clinica Joelle is a leading Clinic, offering sophisticated surgical and non-surgical beauty enhancement procedures with the help of A-list doctors and surgeons in the cosmetic industry. I have worked hard to make my business venture full of talented and creative individuals who are devoted to serving our customers with utmost care and service excellence. Aiming to become a premier luxury brand in the world of beauty business with a reach across the MENA region, we want to be the go-to brand for all Arab women.

Who or what inspired you to want to become a make-up artist?

I wanted to be a make-up artist from the very start! When I was younger I would get really inspired by my mom. She would be very busy being a mom, doing all of those chores we women have to do, but she would still take care of herself, take time with the little make-up she did and make an effort for herself. I felt that this is what I wanted too. I started studying and working towards it and I worked as a make-up artist. I decided to bring my own beauty products because I felt the need! I felt like something I needed was missing in this huge beauty market. Always something new comes up, the various skin types and hair types and the need of so many ladies pushed me further into creating my own line. Also the women in the Gulf love make-up and beauty but they lacked information about skin care and how to actually make it healthy.

How did you get your start in the industry?

I always loved the idea of beauty for all. And I truly believe that beauty is a right that everyone should have. I have to tell you it’s not easy. You need to be constant in your effort, work hard and make complete plans. After studying hospitality I went on to study make-up and worked hard as a make-up artist to build my portfolio. I decided to bring my own beauty products because there was a need of some products to just take care of the skin and hair from within.

Best advice you got from another make-up artist when you started?

I look up to huge make-up artists like Pat McGrath. She is the global creative director for Max Factor. She is responsible for more than 20 fashion shows in each fashion week; London, Paris, New York, you name it and she is there! An amazing woman and artist, she creates a make-up trend for the runway to go with the vision of the designer. I am super happy that I have met her many times and I have had the chance to observe her and grow. She holds the title of the global creative director of Max Factor and I am honoured to hold the title of the regional creative director for Max Factor. The best thing I have learnt is to be myself and to use my instinct for what I perceive to be beautiful. That is what I have learnt from her inspiring story too - to never give up on what you love.

What inspires you?

I love life. I love life so much. Even now the smallest things make me happy. Touching snow, walking on a deserted beach, snorkeling, hiking and walking through the forest. These are the things that make me happy.

As an Arab and also as a resident of UAE for the past 12 years, I am very inspired by our great leaders. Undoubtedly Sheikh Mohammed and everything he has been doing is so inspirational. I look up to so many of our great leaders for inspiration. Some of these are extremely powerful, intelligent, forward thinking and honest leaders. I am inspired by a lot of good people I am blessed to have in and around my life. Surely my fans and followers, the millions of fans inspire me to work hard and grow more each day. They are my true inspiration.

Where do you find your creativity?

The work of a make-up artist is art integrated with fun. It can be compared to an artist holding a brush, wanting to convey their message to the world through beauty, creating happiness. It is the same for a beauty/make-up artist. Just like not everyone who holds a brush can paint a beautiful picture, similarly not everyone can be a make-up artist. It takes art and consideration to be able to do good make-up with a sense of smoothness. One of the best parts about this field is also how much exposure you can get, how many chances you have to learn and grow and to experiment without rules. Innovative and very personal, you can create any look, any time.

How do you keep up with all the new trends and styles? How do you incorporate them into your make-up repertoire?

Fashion changes every season but someone with style has a unique style. They can actually mix pieces together, they have their own individual style, and they know how to bring pieces from a previous season, mix it with something from the current season and turn it into something super stylish. That is styling and not everyone can do styling. If we talk about trends, well then it is the same story. Know yourself, your style and what suits you or not. Every shape, size and body is beautiful and what suits one body may not suit another. I like to stick to basics while I incorporate my surroundings or the occasion. If I am going to a business meeting in the evening, I will stick to a minimal make-up look and something classic like dark eyes with maybe nude/neutral lips. If the weather is a little chilly (not so much here in Dubai) then I would incorporate burgundies and my favourite colour green, with all its beautiful shades (they are actually trendy right now).

What are the trendiest styles today?

Beauty is about personality and perception. No matter what the trend or style is, always choose to portray a bit of you in everything. But talking about the fashion scene and the various beautiful fashion shows around us, I would say that for spring 2017, a very 80s inspired mix of modern chic is on trend. Stripes, khakis and sleeve slits are making an appearance. The classics remain though. A good white piece is always in style and will remain in style. Mix colours and use shades of yellow in your clothing, if you haven’t already. In the end, I will mention beauty comes from within. Do what you love and sport what you are comfortable in. You can create a new style, a new trend!

What is your #1 make-up tip?

My mom gave me this advice and I think it’s pretty obvious. She told me never to sleep with my make-up on and to cleanse your skin well before a good night’s rest. The time you sleep is when your skin revives and builds up. It needs to breathe and have proper nutrition. This is my number one make-up tip. The next key to make-up is that less is more and only use more of what really suits you.

Have you come across any particularly innovative beauty gadgets or apps that you can share with us?

We collaborated with beauty on demand application Salonak a while ago. This was something for my salon Maison de Joelle to increase customer reach and find out what services actually are in most demand. It was innovative and gave us an idea about what customers are really aiming to get. We were also able to get customer reviews which was really nice.



Do you feel that looking and feeling beautiful is important with regard to a woman’s confidence and self-esteem?

Of course. I believe that beauty and taking care of yourself is very important. It makes a huge difference to your confidence level and gives you the satisfaction of working on yourself. As I always mention in my program, at ‘Joelle’ our goal is to change the lives of people for the good and restore confidence where they are able to look at themselves differently and love themselves. We start with fixing things from the inside which is why we solve aesthetic problems first. The problem always needs to be solved internally first. Some people get so busy and carried away in their lives and duties that they end up neglecting themselves. We make sure they realize the importance of beauty and their own worth. Women are pretty and they deserve to look and feel the same! Looks can also have a direct impact on a person’s confidence and self-worth. I believe it’s all in the head. I always enter any role in a confident manner; I always want to improvise based on how I was earlier. I never feel like I am less important or that someone can make me feel a certain way. I have gained all that I have through my passion and sheer love for beauty. It has opened doors for me. To be at the top of anything, you need to be an expert in it. You need to know what you are doing as a lot of people are going to be looking up to you. If you are really passionate, you will find a way. Beauty, as I always say, is a right of everyone.

What are some common beauty mistakes that women make?

One of the biggest I feel is wearing a certain trend because it is ‘in fashion’ and not thinking about their body type and even comfort. It is essential for fashion, clothing and make-up to make us feel more confident and more beautiful; sort of like adding that sparkle to your already existing beauty. Also, some people over do things. Exaggeration is never going to make things look better. Like I always say, I am a believer of beauty but beauty lies in you. Everything you add should be to enhance your own beauty. I want to encourage women not to hide imperfections but to treat them. Don’t use make-up to hide. If your spots bother you, go to a dermatologist and figure it out. Solve it and then continue the regime on what you need to use on a daily basis and use make-up only to enhance your beauty. Experiment and learn. There is nothing wrong in working your way around it.

How do you unwind after a long day?

I am very simple when it comes to unwinding. I like a warm bath, maybe some cereal in bed while I watch a TV show. Also the best part is talking to my kids and spending time with them. Just being at home, doing mom things!

What do you think are some of the keys to being a successful make-up artist?

We all know practice makes perfect, and when it comes to being a make-up artist, it is no different. Whether it's trying out different looks on yourself or your friends and family the more you do it, the better you'll be. Take the time to figure out what kind of looks catch your eye and who your make-up artist role models are. Figure out which styles you're most attracted to. These days it is so easy, you can start with all the Instagram videos and product reviews and by looking at magazines, websites, beauty blogs and celebrity images.

You have diversified into a full-fledged beauty clinic and also having your own products. Why did you feel the need for this expansion and what sets your clinic apart?

I think I really influenced people when I started my program on MBC1. Growing through seasons, looks, ideas, trends and comprising all with cosmetology, I was able to earn trust from people. They started looking up to me for inspiration and trusted my opinions. I knew they were looking for answers but


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with trust and credibility. I was grateful for what I was doing and for the opportunity I had. Today, thanks to the enhancement of the medical science around us, a lot of the procedures and techniques have become more accessible to almost anyone. What’s even better is that these results are measurable and the progress is very much visible in a short time. We have painless options and options that require very short recovery times. All of these and more great features have led to the gain of cosmetology. I would say to summarize that beauty is now available to everyone! Clinica Joelle was a huge project for me and my team. We knew we wanted to provide the best of everything while keeping customer satisfaction at the top. We are proud to have not only the latest technologies present but also the best experts in particular fields to use these to the best. At the end, the trust we have amongst people is what sets us apart.

Tell us about your children:

I am blessed with two beautiful kids. My son, Bailey, is 13 years old and I love him way too much to express! My younger one is my princess, my 7 year old daughter Ella. She is super creative and so beautiful in her own way. She loves to cook, to bake, go horse riding and occasionally dab a little gloss. She is the source of my smiles every day. I love spending time with my kids. I love to see them grow. They are my motivation, my peace and everything. I try to dedicate all my time during the week for work and during the weekend I only spend quality time with kids. I do painting, cooking, I sing and I just hang out at home. Watching movies all day, enjoying their innocent company, that teaches me so much more each day.

What has been your proudest moment so far?

I definitely love all the awards that I have, especially the one I got from Tony Blair. I lived in London during the period he was the prime minister. That was truly a very special moment for me. My mom was around and my husband was there. It truly felt amazing to be recognized as a powerful business woman. Of course every moment in my career where I am expanding is something I cherish. When I open new branches and literally expand my business it is something special. The most special, however, was when I opened Clinica Joelle. I remember that day; I think it was one of the most special days of my life. It was amazing for me to go to a new business and make it succeed.

What is one thing you learned from your mother that helped you in your motherhood? I have learnt to be beautiful every day. I saw my mom busy with her responsibilities and her role as a wife, mom and work kept her busy. But she always took care of herself and she always told me that it is important to love yourself. She told me it was necessary and that every woman needed some extra care. There is a lot that I learned from my mother, to love my children the way that I do, to care and get that in return. To find the goodness in people and help them grow.

How do you manage your time? How do you manage being a business woman and a mother?

Being a mother changes you and I have grown so much. It also gives me the ability to work with my team and enables me to give more to people. This role of a mom has definitely taught me to give more, share more and just be happy with people. It’s also provided experience in how to deal with them, my business and my career. Being a business woman, I am definitely grateful for all I have achieved. I believe that you need to sacrifice some to gain some. I remember having dreams and visions. It took me a while but it’s now turned to reality and I am now gaining the fruits from it. It’s important when you are investing to know that you won’t make a profit immediately. An entrepreneur needs to be able to visualize, innovate and make an investment in the right kind of people. You also need to put in mind that you have to work hard, be on top of your business, get into the smallest things and the biggest things, hire the right team around you and be a good leader to your team. You cannot ask your team to work hard while you

Photographer: Hikmat Wehbi (W Studio) Stylists: Carla Otero & Marie Auffret (@TheStylistes) Hair & Make-Up: Maison de Joelle

Blazer: Dries Van Noten at Harvey Nichols Dubai Skirt: Roland Mouret at Harvey Nichols Dubai Shirt: Emilio Pucci at Harvey Nichols Dubai Boots: Joelle’s own www.cpmagazine.net


are sitting down doing nothing. They will not be motivated. I think a great leader is someone that actually, honestly leads the way; that’s why they are called a leader. Remember that your team will take all of their energy from you, they will take all the inspiration from you.

How does it feel watching your children grow up?

I was just thinking about this last night. I was putting my daughter to sleep and that’s a rare thing because usually I am not home. I am usually at work very late or I am travelling. So yesterday I was just thinking that my kids are growing up so quick! I can’t believe how they’ve changed in the last year. One year has made such a huge difference. And I went on to thinking how I really wanted to go back and look at my kid’s photos. My daughter Ella, she loves stories of when she was a baby. That’s how she goes to sleep. She asks me to tell her stories of when she was a baby. I love those times with her, where I can re-live those moments. My best memory with my son, Bailey is when I took him to Australia when he was 5. I had such a good time just running along the beaches with him, exploring sun and nature. It was beautiful. I feel sad about what goes on around us. I always feel that kids should be protected by God. That no harm should come to any child, no hunger, no abuse, no mental abuse, no physical abuse, no sexual abuse. Every child deserves to smile, laugh and play; be happy every single day of their life. No trauma should happen to any child, nothing bad should happen. I am grateful for having healthy, happy kids who I share good times with. I pray to God to keep all kids safe and sound.

What would you say to first time mothers?

I would say one thing, cherish this moment. You only have this once. While taking care of your new born take proper care of yourself too. How else would you be able to enjoy these priceless moments with your baby? Also remember that nothing is impossible. Enjoy and take small steps at a time. Eat clean and don’t stop exercising. Engage in light sports or activity but don’t forget all of it. You need to make your body stronger and enjoy the time with your new born.

Name 5 items you keep with you at all times:

My Lipstick. Good Day cream by Joelle Paris. My sunglasses. Mascara. And mobile phone of course!

Do you have any surprise for us in the near future?

I might – you never know! You’ll have to wait for it. Business wise, I do have a lot of new things coming up. New branches of Clinica Joelle, new ranges by Joelle Paris later this year and, of course, after Casablanca, Maison de Joelle is going to new places!


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What are your plans for Kuwait?

We have plans for a Clinica Joelle to be open soon for our wonderful people of Kuwait and will soon have updates on that. Other than that, I love Kuwait and I am so lucky to have the chance of visiting the place more than once.

What is your goal with your business?

Ever since my show on MBC, I have felt the amount of love and trust people have put in me. The idea is not the number of people who are influenced but how anything positive happened to any of these people. How their life changed, how they got the confidence back, the strength – that’s most important. This is my wider intention, to let everyone know that beauty is the right of everyone. Every step that I take or every decision I make as a beauty expert, as a business woman is understood and taken well by the people and that’s how I’ve managed to make a mark in many lives and I am grateful. For my business, I want to grow with the people and my beloved fans around me. I want to achieve a lot more! I pray this year brings out all that last year came with – success and inspiration. I have plans of opening branches of Clinica Joelle in Riyadh and in Kuwait. There is an announcement for one in Oman too. In addition we will have a branch of Maison de Joelle coming up in Tunisia after the very successful opening in Morocco. Joelle Paris will certainly have the launch of new products – everything more that we need relating to skin and hair care. I call myself a dreamer! I am thankful for all I have achieved but I know there is more that I can accomplish. I want to dream without limits. I want to be successful in life and not just my business. But talking about my work and Joelle group, I want to make it grow. I want my brands to be for all women. .

Your message for the women in Kuwait:

I see the Kuwaiti woman as a woman who loves contemporary fashion; a woman who is confident, beautiful and smart. As I’ve spent more time in the Middle East, I have realized that we Arab women are always looking out towards beauty and that is amazing! Kuwaiti women take care of their appearance and work towards it. They do place fashion at a high place in their lives and that’s amazing. Personally, I love being close to my audience and my followers in the Gulf region because they have the power to give me immense strength, love and the confidence that I can do more. My only advice is to take care of your health, skin and hair from within. Never step outside without a sunblock, eat protein and wholesome food for your hair growth and better skin. Remember, eating honey is better than applying it on your skin. I have always said it. Take care of yourself and it will show.

Your message for us at CP magazine:

I would like to mention that I am a firm believer of eating clean, do enough exercise and that it will eventually show on your skin! Work with your heart, no matter what you do, do it with love and you will ace it! Thank you.




FLAWLESS BEAUTY & since 2010


This month CP Magazine is sharing with you a new column all about make-up and beauty, so you can sharpen up those make-up artist skills and create your own fabulous make-up every day. It’s lovely to be able to play with textures and colours and buy your own tools and products. Follow us every month to get top tips on makeup application, trends and useful products to try. Here’s our first tip:

CLASSIC LOOK… À LA KENDALL JENNER! This look suits absolutely everyone - just adjust the lip colour to suit your own skin tone and you will never go wrong. The key ingredient for a flawless look is to clean and moisturize your skin very well. Make-up adheres better to moist, supple skin, so this step is very important to achieve an elegant application.


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1. After moisturizing your face, start with a skin primer of any kind, followed by a few drops of Giorgio Armani Silk Luminous Foundation or any other dewy base. Work it through your face with your fingers, a sponge or a brush, achieving the cover you want. You can add a drop of face oil and blend it with the foundation for extra radiant skin. Apply a few lines of Yves Saint Laurent Touche Eclat under the eyes and around the mouth and nose. 2. Add a touch of translucent powder to the T-zone. 3. Dab some eye primer on the eyelids and down the eyes on the eyelash line. Let it dry and apply some soft bronze eye shadow colour on the same areas as the primer. You can use any shade of brown to go lighter or darker. 4. Use a gel liner with a brush (Inglot and brush #24 of FACE Stockholm) or a sharp black pencil powder. Try to draw a very thin black line, almost invisible, on the top line of the eyelashes and in between them to add depth and give definition to the eye. Clean the waterline and the excess from the pencil with a Q-tip as we want the look to be clean. 5. Fill out your eyebrows with a pencil in the same shade as your hair colour or one shade lighter (any eyebrow pencil). In the case of Kendall, her make-up artist used a dark grey tone. Avoid black!

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6. Curl your eyelashes if necessary and add several layers of black

Mascara (Dior Show or any other volume mascara will do). Add a few fake individual eyelashes too, in the center of the eye. 7. Add some soft contouring using an angled brush with a bronzing powder following the hollows of the cheeks, on the sides of the forehead and down on the jawlines. I use Kevyn Aucoin or Hoola by Benefit. 8. Apply a touch of highlighter, such as Laura Mercier, on your cheekbones and on the bridge of the nose, cupid’s bow and chin. Avoid applying too much of it, as it can give the impression of oily skin. 9. Go for an intense red lipstick that goes well with your skin tone - you can line your lips with a pencil of the same colour. Keep them matte or add shine with a red lip gloss on top. Tip: Orangey-reds work well on warm toned people, while cherry red, or lipsticks with blue undertones, work better on cool toned people. 10. Check your look as a whole and approach the blush in a soft way. Add creamy blush in a coral warm tone on the apple of the cheeks, or just add some NARS powder blush with a brush. 11. Finish your look by applying any kind of powder in the middle of the face to even-out and mattify the right places of the face.

1. Giorgio Armani - Luminous Silk Foundation 2. Yves Saint Laurent - Touche Éclat Radiant Touch 3. Laura Mercier - Translucent Powder 4• Kevyn Aucoin - The Sculpting Powder (Medium) 5• Laura Mercier - Highlight -01 6• NARS – Blush (Shade – Orgasm) 7• Ardell - Natural Eyelashes 8• Inglot - Eyeliner gel 77 9• FACE - Stockholm Liner Brush #24 10• Giorgio Armani - Powder Brush 11• Laura Mercier - Lip Glacé (Colour – Poppy) 12• MAC - Lip Liner in red 13• Nail polish - editor’s own

GOOD LUCK! www.cpmagazine.net

Product Photo by: Vania Attieh (www.vania-photography.com)

My recommended list of products includes:



MARCH 2017

Product Photo by: Vania Attieh (www.vania-photography.com)


The iconic Eight Hour Cream by Elizabeth Arden is not really a cream, but a mixture of petroleum jelly, salicylic acid, castor oil, seed oils and other ingredients. This magic potion is more than 80 years old (developed in 1930 by Elizabeth Arden herself) and has truly deserved the spotlight on the hall of fame of beauty products. It sells an average of 2 tubes per minute worldwide and is an indispensible product in every celebrity make-up artist bag. Legend says that the ‘Eight Hour’ name comes from one of her loyal costumer’s experience with her son’s scraped knee; healing exactly after that period of time. Ms. Arden herself used it occasionally to dab on her horses' bruises. Winning more than 100 beauty awards, this multi-tasking balm is used for sunburn, chapped lips, unruly eyebrows and dry cuticles. Make-up artists use it to dab over eye-shadows or on lips for glossy looks in fashion magazines. It’s also used on cheekbones to imitate that ‘oh so natural’ dewy highlight effect, or just to simply glam-up calves, heels or knees to channel hydrated skin with stilettos! Its use is definitely endless.

Edna Trogen, Born and raised in Colombia. Married with two girls; 17 and 11 years old. Lived in Sweden for 7 years before moving to Dubai where she is living and working for the past 11 years. Her makeup roots are based on the Latin American Full Makeup Style but has changed over the years due to being influenced by the Scandinavian minimalistic style - Less is more!. After having dabbled in modeling, She was slowly drawn to the world of makeup where her interest has developed to be a passion and career. She is currently working as a Makeup artist for TV commercials and Fashion Magazines of the region.

Photo by: Diana Nasif (@DianaNasif)

Elizabeth Arden, whose original name was Florence Nightingale Graham, developed her cosmetics and fragrance range in the 1900s, starting in a salon in New York’s Fifth Avenue. She personally grew her company at an impressive rate and became one of the wealthiest women in the world. If you mention or hear her name it’s often associated with the iconic Eight Hour Cream, still by far the brand's bestseller.



since 2010

A woman of substance is a woman of power, a woman of positive influence and a woman of meaning


MARCH 2017

since 2010

CP magazine is proud to introduce ‘Women of Substance’ 2017. In March, as we celebrate International Women’s Day, we are featuring eight exceptional women who have excelled in their chosen fields. Each one of these talented and determined women is worthy of our ‘Women of Substance’ title and is an inspiration to us all – men included! These ambitious women have shared their stories of the struggles, hurdles and challenges they overcame in order to succeed. They also tell how they learned from their mistakes and, most importantly, give advice to the next generation of women following in their footsteps. The ‘Women of Substance’ title is not awarded lightly but is a reflection of their strength, determination and commitment. They didn’t just dream about success, they went out and worked for it – and didn’t stop until they got it! Many congratulations to all nine of our ‘Women of Substance’ 2017. Thank you for making a difference and for making us proud.



since 2010

Nejoud Al-Yagout “The rebel in me keeps writing”

There’s no denying that Nejoud Al-Yagout has a way with words. An established poet, Nejoud is also a columnist for Kuwait Times and is the author of the well-followed ‘This is an Imprint’ blog. She is also a Campaign Ambassador for Abolish Article 153 and an Honorary Life Member of ALL Ladies League. But her passion clearly lies with books. Reading them or writing them, she just has to have them!


MARCH 2017

since 2010



since 2010


MARCH 2017

Please introduce yourself to our readers. Well, you know my label, my name. As for a more metaphysical introduction, I haven’t figured out who I am yet. Tell us about your education. I had the education of a lifetime across lands: China, the UAE, Pakistan, Italy, UK; and here, evidently. Tell us about your career journey. All roads led to me being a librarian. Let me not bore you – or myself – with the details leading to this current role in the matrix. How do you manage your time? Describe your average day. Work, writing, writing, writing. Did I say writing? And reading. On a glorious day, I would be running to local music concerts. Running. What is your biggest strength? Boldness in love. Do you have any weaknesses? Do you have a couple of hours? I need to remember them all. Have you made any mistakes that have made you stronger? Yes, yes, yes! My main mistake was taking eons to become intimate with who I thought I was, so I could eventually know who I wasn’t. What have been the biggest challenges you’ve faced during your career? Censorship. I don’t court controversy, but I say what is on my mind, what is in my heart. I forget that we inhabit a realm in which our egos are unprepared for authenticity, openness and love. Nonetheless, the rebel in me keeps writing. How do you stay motivated during challenging times? I read about oneness, non-duality and synchronicity. And I lament to Source. What do you to relax? What does it mean to relax?

What has been your proudest moment so far? Connecting. Oh, the bliss! What is your biggest fear? I love how fear is singular here. Next question… What is your favourite quote? “It is no sign of health to be well-adjusted to a sick society.” Krishnamurti Name one item in life you can’t do without. An item? Let me cheat a bit. A book for reading and writing! Best advice you have ever taken. Observe your thoughts. Share three books on your nightstand. The Stranger by Albert Camus. I Am That by Nisargadatta Maharaj. On Love by Charles Bukowski. None are literally on my nightstand though! These are the latest three. In your opinion, what are the three keys to success? We are here to leave a legacy, an imprint of love. That's all. That's success. Everything else is transient, elusive at best. And there is one key to that: to love. Just love - whether it is loving yourself or another. Love without judgment or expectations. Witness the magic! What is next for you? What would you still like to achieve? I have no idea what is next. Let’s see what the dictator within decides. What advice would you give to young women starting out in their career? Unlearn everything you have been taught to see what arises. How does it feel to be a CP Woman of Substance? Quite surreal. Pleasantly, perplexingly surreal. Your message for the team at CP magazine: Can we have a virtual group hug?



since 2010

Samar Allarakia “Style is an ambassador to inspire the feeling of confidence in others”

By her own admission, Samar Allarakia’s style has no limits. She dreams of becoming an international artist and is already well on the way, expertly connecting the space between design, art and fashion. Raised in London and the Middle East, Samar’s creations reflect the beauty found in daily life; each unique piece using vibrant colour, subtle facial expressions and the recurring symbolism of eyes, hands and wings. Her cosmopolitan vision of wearable art reflects her personal values; each piece serving as an invitation to behold something unique from which to draw radiance and confidence.


MARCH 2017

since 2010



Please introduce yourself to our readers: My name is Samar Allarakia. My identity is an artist. Tell us about your education: I studied at art collage in Jeddah, KSA. However, I consider myself a selftaught artist as I have gained my experience through years of practice and YouTube tutorials. Can you tell us a little bit about your upbringing and how it influenced your artistic talents? I believe there is an artist in everyone. Our souls are fuelled emotions but only a few people are able to direct these emotions into a portrait. My art pieces are a reflection of my memories, good and bad. What were some of the challenges you faced growing up and painting in Saudi? Culture was a big challenge for me. I enjoy painting faces and creating my own themes and characters. When I first started, I noticed that many people had misconceptions about art; they did not understand the difference between art and drawing. Through social media, I can see there is a huge difference between now and when I first started in 2010. There is a growing interest in art, including art galleries and events. How supportive are your parents and the rest of your family when it comes to your being a painter? My family is my biggest fan. My parents supported me since day one. I would not believe in myself if it was not for them. Can you paint anywhere, anytime, in whatever mood? I prefer working alone with music and my cup of coffee. What do you hope viewers take away from your paintings? I hope they take positive vibes, uniqueness, freedom and confidence! Tell us about your first art exhibition - how did you feel when your work gained recognition? My first art exhibition was a group show in Houston Downtown. It was that moment when I saw my art right there that I realized I wanted to be an artist and share my art for the rest of my life. It was an incredible feeling. Have you ever thought about teaching art? I taught private classes at manfisto13 in Kuwait with my own curriculum. I will consider teaching again once I have the time. Now, tell us about what brought you to Kuwait. How has the experience been so far? So far, my experience in Kuwait has been really good. People in Kuwait know a lot about fashion. Since my art is related to fashion, I get a lot of good feedback and opportunities. Tell us some important things you did in Houston: In Houston, I joined forces with the local arts community and became renowned not only for my talent, but for my genuine dedication to support the work of my peers. I exhibited my work with galleries, artists, humanitarian societies and institutions and established recognition for my rare craftsmanship. Collaborators include JoMar Visions, where I served as a gallery assistant for a year. I was the featured artist of a solo exhibition. A variety of artist networks have recognized me for my unique contribution to the local scene and displayed my work in exhibits and festivals, including the international collective RAW artists. In 2015, I was selected as one of Houston’s top 100 young professionals. I also partnered with a NASA Johnson Space Center cultural initiative to create commissioned work on canvas and serve as a professional artist juror. 050

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Other than canvas, what media do you use for your art? I use plain clutch bags but lately I'm painting on acrylic covers and gluing the metals on the covers to make my own clutch bags. Also, I paint on wooden furniture and fabrics and recycled things. Where do you see yourself in the next ten years? I see myself owning a gallery and sharing my wearable art around the world. I also see myself as an art collector. Who do you want to aspire? I would like to inspire viewers who appreciate art and those who are open for new art and experiences. What do you advise Saudi and Arab women that have a talent for art and want to develop it? Practice and share your art everywhere and collaborate. Ignore the bad vibes and don’t let the pressure get to you. Most importantly, always appreciate your supporters! Other than your own work, which painters do you admire? I admire original art everywhere! But Picasso is my biggest inspiration. I'm also a fan of Yayoi Kusama. Tell us how technology has changed and supported what you do. I use technology in my art. I connect with other artists and learn about opportunities in the art world. Also, anyone around the world has access to see my art. Describe your studio: A beautiful mess! Colourful, exciting, inspiring - my zen. What’s on your studio lot playlist? Painting, glues, a lot of acrylic mediums, materials, magazines to recycle, all sizes of brushes and fabrics. Is audience response an important part of your artistic output? Sometimes. Other times it's my therapy and for my own joy. What does art mean to you? It's my way of living. It's the most fun way to learn. I got better in many things through learning from my art and other's art. Your message for us at CP magazine: Stay positive and keep shining.



since 2010

Nimsha Alkharji insists that her decision to study abroad was the best decision she ever made. Now combining her Graphic Design and Interior Design expertise, she’s counting her blessings in Kuwait.


MARCH 2017

Nimsha Alkharji Please introduce yourself to our readers. My name is Nimsha Alkharji, I am a co-owner of Magnet and I am a graphic designer. Tell us about your education. Graduated from The American University of Kuwait (Graphic Design Bachelor’s degree). Master Graduate from the University of Westminster London (MA in Communication Design). Tell us about your career journey. From 2011-2013 I worked at Kuwait Saving and Credit Bank as a graphic designer. From 2013- 2015 I continued my MA program and took courses at the University of the Arts, London. From 2015 - to present, I work at Magnet and at my Graphic Design studio, Nimsha Graphic Design Consultancy. How do you manage your time? Describe your average day. I wake up, go to the gym, go to the office then work, work, work. Sometimes I meet friends and family! What is your biggest strength? I’m a hard worker. Do you have any weaknesses? I get bored very easily. Have you made any mistakes that have made you stronger? Yes. Studying in Kuwait made me lack confidence because of how poor my professors were but I pulled myself up and continued my studies abroad. It was the best decision I ever made! What have been the biggest challenges you’ve faced during your career? Opening Magnet was challenging. My partner and I faced a lot of problems but together our dream became a reality. How do you stay motivated during challenging times? By making a plan, start doing what I can do, and stop stressing over things that I can't. And try to always learn from my mistakes. What do you to relax? Lay in bed and watch TV shows. Or travel!

What has been your proudest moment so far? Opening Magnet. What is your biggest fear? Cockroaches! What is your favourite quote? Learn to appreciate what you have before time makes you appreciate what you had. Name one item in life you can’t do without. Coffee. Best advice you have ever taken. My mom once told me ‘You believe in Allah, you have a roof over your head and you have food! You are the richest person alive, just count your blessings and say alhumdillah!’ Share three books on your nightstand. •The Secret •The Girl on the Train •How to be a Graphic Designer, without losing your soul In your opinion, what are the three keys to success? •Be grateful •Work hard •Never give up What is next for you? What would you still like to achieve? To keep on learning and to make Magnet and my name bigger! What advice would you give to young women starting out in their career? Work hard and achieve your dreams! You can and you will, you just need to believe in yourself. How does it feel to be a CP Woman of Substance? It's an honor, I’m so happy that you chose me! Your message for the team at CP magazine: Thank you for choosing me and thank you for an amazing job and for empowering women! We truly appreciate it.

“You can and you will, you just need to believe in yourself” www.cpmagazine.net


since 2010

Nouf Al-Ghanim “I always tell myself that hard work pays off” Having graduated from law school, Nouf Al-Ghanim knew the importance of having somewhere reposeful to study. So, not only did she open her own law firm, she also opened the perfect place to work, study or relax – right next door!


MARCH 2017

since 2010




MARCH 2017

Please introduce yourself to our readers. I’m Nouf Al-Ghanim, born on July 23, 1990. I’m a lawyer and co-owner of Magnet cafe and workspace. I enjoy traveling and exploring different cultures and food. I have a passion for fashion, art and interior design. Tell us about your education. I graduated from Al-Bayan Bilingual School in 2008. Then I entered Kuwait University, College of Law and graduated in 2013. After graduation, I took a couple of short courses in The University of the Arts in London. Tell us about your career journey. I interned at a law firm for two years to gain experience. After that, my friend, Nimsha, and I planned on opening up Magnet, a place where people can gather to work, study, or just catch up. Upon opening Magnet, I opened my law firm which is located right beside it. How do you manage your time? Describe your average day. I wake up in the morning, have my cup of coffee then head to the gym. It’s very important for me to train almost daily, as it acts as a stress-reliever and makes me feel energized for the day. Later, I check on Magnet to make sure everything is alright, then head to my office. At night, I hang out with my family or friends.

What do you to relax? Read or travel. What has been your proudest moment so far? Graduating from law school and opening up Magnet. What is your biggest fear? Losing someone very dear to me. What is your favourite quote? “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony”- Gandhi Name one item in life you can’t do without. My phone. Best advice you have ever taken. Be grateful for everything in life. Share three books on your nightstand. lThe Holy Quran lWhat They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School lThe Forty Rules of Love In your opinion, what are the three keys to success? lDetermination

What is your biggest strength? Believing in myself.


Do you have any weaknesses? Yes, my baby sister, Muneera.

What is next for you? What would you still like to achieve? I would like to continue my studies and hopefully open another branch of Magnet in and outside of Kuwait.

Have you made any mistakes that have made you stronger? Yes, of course. I consider mistakes as lessons that I learn from. What have been the biggest challenges you’ve faced during your career? Finding the right place for Magnet. It was very challenging and risky, especially when we decided to open it in Salmiya. We couldn’t find a place as spacious as the one we have right now that perfectly fit our concept. How do you stay motivated during challenging times? I always remind myself of my goals and envision the outcome. Also, I always tell myself that hard work pays off, so keep going!


What advice would you give to young women starting out in their career? Never give up when facing a struggle. Believe in yourself, stay strong and try reaching your goal even if it’s taking forever. Great accomplishments take time and most importantly, you’ll be proud of yourself. How does it feel to be a CP Woman of Substance? I feel flattered and honored to be recognized as a woman of substance. It gives me the responsibility to influence other women to succeed in life and believe in their abilities that they can definitely make a difference. Your message for the team at CP magazine: Thank you for choosing me as a CP Women of Substance for 2017!



since 2010

Emiranda Winter “We all make mistakes in life and I’m no different” In addition to her high profile role at ABK, Emiranda Winter volunteers with the Kuwait-British Friendship Society, helping to ensure that friendship is retained between the two countries. She is also a founder member of the Tristar Motolady Club and can often be seen riding her Ducati. She puts her success down to teamwork and is a firm believer that you cannot be successful on your own.


MARCH 2017

since 2010



Please introduce yourself to our readers. My name is Emiranda Winter. I’m South African and I’ve been in Kuwait for just over 23 years. I have one daughter, Rae, a son-in -law, Bader and two grandkids, Joud and Tareq in Kuwait. I’m the AGM Corporate Communications – Board Affairs at Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait (ABK). Tell us about your education. I have an MBA in Strategic Management. Tell us about your career journey. I often look back and ask myself how I ended up in Corporate Communications. I never planned my career. Upon arrival in Kuwait I joined Behbehani Trading as Head of Marketing and Events. I launched the first ‘Britain in Kuwait’ exhibition which led to a few other country expos including ‘That’s Italia’, ‘Made in South Africa’ and the week of ‘Swiss luxury’. ‘Britain in Kuwait’ is now in its 20th year and still going strong. After its launch I felt I needed a more challenging position as the exhibitions were planned annually, leaving a good 6 months free time. I joined a retailer as Head of Marketing for a short period before moving to ASDA’A BurstonMarsteller as the country manager for Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar. This move was no doubt a game changer in my career as my previous experience was more marketing and events driven, whereas this moved me closer to PR and Strategy and our CEO was a true PR Guru. Hence, I learned so much in a very short space of time. I moved from the agency side to the client side and joined Gulf Bank, where I enjoyed many years working with highly professional individuals before moving to ABK, where I am today. I currently have the responsibility of Corporate Marketing, PR, Events, CSR and Branding for the region. How do you manage your time? Describe your average day. I am very set in my ways. I wake up at 5am daily and reach the bank by around 6.30am. The joy of working for a Group like ABK is that no day is the same; you truly never know what the day holds. So it’s always a very busy day filled with diversity. I have a great team at ABK and I can say the working environment is so good that you don’t feel you’re actually working under stress (even when you are). In the evenings and on the weekends I try and get as much family time as possible and enjoy time with my grandchildren. I love having people home and enjoy cooking. What is your biggest strength? From a work perspective I would say I’m structured and value teamwork. I also have a strong network that I’ve built up over the years in Kuwait. From a personal 060

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point of view I’m compassionate and I like to think I’m a good listener. I pride myself in retaining my staff and building a strong, close team. I can proudly say I have one of the best teams! We speak with one voice and work extremely well together. Do you have any weaknesses? On the work front I think ‘attention to detail’ is to my disadvantage at times. I am a perfectionist and this is not always a good thing. On the personal front, I’m over compassionate and I tend to feel everybody’s pain and spend a lot of time working out how to help everyone. My closest friends always tell me ‘you can’t save the world’. Have you made any mistakes that have made you stronger? We all make mistakes in life and I’m no different. I have made mistakes, some bigger than others and some I do regret. But these mistakes have actually made me sit up and rethink where I’m at and where I want to be. Have they made me stronger? I think wiser! As the saying goes 'Another year older, another year wiser’. What have been the biggest challenges you’ve faced during your career? I would say the fact that I am from the ‘old school’ so when social media took off I was way behind. I had to be re-educated in many ways. Luckily my daughter was about 21 and she got me into the swing of things. I also had to learn how to deliver by building a strong support team in a country where I don’t read Arabic. I am very grateful to be able to say this has never hindered my career only because I have surrounded myself with a strong Kuwaiti team with excellent writing skills. I also took time when I first arrived in Kuwait to get to know the culture well and embrace it. How do you stay motivated during challenging times? I keep reminding myself how very lucky I am to be in the position I’m in; that life has dealt me a pretty fair deal. Although I’ve had to work very long hours and I’ve worked extremely hard to achieve, I know there is someone out there that has had it tougher. It’s not in my nature to get overly stressed, I’m reasonably calm during challenging times and I guess this is when your inner strength kicks in. You get through those challenges somehow and when they’re all over you look back and think ‘was it really that bad?’ What do you do to relax? I’m a biker. I’m a founder member of the Tristar Motolady Club with Mr. Jafar Behbehani. I currently have a Ducati and spend most weekends going on very early morning rides with a group (most of us are from the bank). It’s a great way to

unwind. A typical weekend would be an early ride followed by a day at Discovery Mall with my grandkids. That’s what I call the ultimate relaxation. I do some voluntary work for the KuwaitBritish Friendship Society. I’ve been an associate for 20 years and am very involved in the Society and the events of the Society. The objective of the Society is to ensure the friendship is retained between the two countries. We run internship programs with Cambridge and Oxford Universities and we host a number of VIP visitors from the UK to Kuwait. We also assist in delegation visits both in Kuwait and the UK. What has been your proudest moment so far? On a personal front, when I managed to help a young Indian boy in Kuwait many years ago. He was in an awful, abusive situation and I was rather new to Kuwait. Without launching into too much detail, we managed to get him to safety and I found this to be very fulfilling for me personally. There have been a few other moments for me. I’d say when my daughter graduated and I felt I had a big hand in her education. And when I was in the delivery room with my daughter when my grandchild was delivered. On the work front, meeting a number of people I would not have had the chance to meet in South Africa, including : Margaret Thatcher, The Duke of York, HH the Amir, Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmed Al Jaber Al Sabah, HRH Prince Charles to name a few. One of the many beauties of Kuwait is that these opportunities arise. I’m not sure I’d ever have had these opportunities elsewhere. I always feel proud when the organization I work with wins a credible award. I also have to say rebranding Piraeus Bank in Egypt to ABK –Egypt was a proud moment. The unveiling of a brand you have been a part of is extremely gratifying. We worked very hard and once the sign went up I felt as if I owned the Bank! A very proud moment. What is your biggest fear? Honestly, I don’t have a specific fear. Nobody likes failure; I guess that would be a fear. What is your favourite quote? I have two favourite quotes: ‘Do not judge me for my successes, judge me by how many times I fell and got back up again’ - Nelson Mandela ‘The best way to predict the future is to create it’ - Abraham Lincoln Name one item in life you can’t do without. Perfume. I love my perfumes.

since 2010

Best advice you have ever taken. Take a step back in a bad situation, think, sleep and then respond. Share three books on your nightstand. When I do read it’s usually very diverse. I don’t get much time to read anything that’s not work related. I currently have the following books on my nightstand: Churchill: A life Clean Eating by Alejandro Junger A religious book In your opinion, what are the three keys to success? 1.Dare to take a chance even if there is a risk attached. 2.Excellence at what you do. Put 100% into whatever you do - or don’t do it. 3.Be sensitive to others whether it’s a staff member, a supplier or an agency. Build relationships that are steadfast and hold on to them as you cannot be successful on your own. It’s all about networking and retaining long term relationships. What is next for you? What would you still like to achieve? Right now I’m taking one day at a time. I’m

really content and happy where I’m at. I have a great boss, great team, great working environment and I live in a structured, secure country. I’d like to get to a fully bilingual stage with my Arabic and that’s a goal I’ve set and hope to achieve . What advice would you give to young women starting out in their career? 1.Don’t obsess about your career path. Be patient, it will happen. With hard work and dedication you will reach your end goal. 2.Remember the importance of the power of words. As women, we are by nature soft spoken and although extremely assertive, we can come across as wavering. Think through what message you want to get across and make sure to hold your own right from the start. Make it short and to the point. This was advice given to me on a training course years ago and I always remember it. 3.Only compare yourself to you. That’s all that matters. 4.Focus on what you are trying to achieve and reach your goals with integrity and honesty in the workplace. Don’t compromise on this to achieve a short term win. No matter what obstacles you face (and there will be many), always retain your dignity. 5.Never be ashamed to say ‘sorry, my mistake’. Everyone makes mistakes no matter how many years experience they may have. It’s how you manage that mistake that counts. How does it feel to be a CP Woman of Substance? I’m very touched to be included in this list. There are so many women of substance in Kuwait and I feel privileged to be acknowledged. Your message for the team at CP magazine: In defining a woman of substance I found the most common definitive words to be a woman of power, a woman of positive influence and a woman of meaning and those are wonderful words to be associated with. Thank you for including me and thank you for a great magazine. www.cpmagazine.net


since 2010

Danah Faisal Al-Jasem “I believe there is always something new to learn out there on a daily basis” Danah Faisal AlJasem is a talented lady with a passion for sport and languages. Now running the PR and Marketing department for a major Investment Company, she maintains that a positive attitude plays a vital role in achieving one’s goals. She’s also addicted to spas!


MARCH 2017

Photo Credits: @pixiesphoto

since 2010



Photo Credits: @pixiesphoto

since 2010


MARCH 2017

Please introduce yourself to our readers. I’m Danah Faisal AlJasem. I am married and have two adorable sons, Sulaiman and Faisal Al Hunaif. I’m Head of Marketing at KAMCO Investment Company and Co-Founder of Hala Expo Events. I also sit on the Marketing Board of the Union of Investment Companies and I’m a member of the KIPCO CSR Committee. Tell us about your education. I attended and graduated from the American School of Kuwait (ASK) and earned my Bachelor's degree in Business Administration (BBA) in 3 years and 3 months with a major in Management Information Systems from The George Washington University (GWU) in Washington D.C., USA. Tell us about your career journey. I have always been ambitious and was eager to start my career journey early in life. I wanted to know how it felt to work and earn on my own without depending on anyone else. My first job ever was working as a student in the GWU Gym at my university. After graduating, I worked in two different firms in Washington D.C., The American-Arab AntiDiscrimination Committee followed by The World Bank where I met and interacted with professionals from diverse nationalities. When I came back to Kuwait, I joined KAMCO Investment Company and I now run the PR and Marketing department's strategic initiatives along with the lovely team that I work with. How do you manage your time? Describe your average day. During the week, I start off my day by kissing my kids off to school and heading to my office which I consider my second home. After work is when my family time starts where we all gather to discuss how our day went. On weekends, we have our family gatherings and I use that time wisely to complete my personal errands as well. What is your biggest strength? Maintaining a positive attitude which, in my opinion, plays a vital role in successfully achieving one's personal and professional goals. Do you have any weaknesses? I can get very emotional at times although I know that sometimes you need to keep your emotions aside in order to proceed. Have you made any mistakes that have made you stronger? In my opinion, your experiences in life will always make you stronger as they are lessons learned, whether they were mistakes or not. What have been the biggest challenges you’ve faced during your career? Like most employees I guess, to balance equally and fairly between my work and family. How do you stay motivated during challenging times? I try my best to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, I plan ahead and prepare for plan B, and most importantly I remember that the closest people

to me, whether family or friends, are always going to be there for me. What do you do to relax? I’m a spa addict! What has been your proudest moment so far? I used to always feel proud of and for my parents when I saw myself being successful in life. Now, I am proud of my kids when I see them achieving happily both at a personal and academic level. What is your biggest fear? To lose someone who is very dear to my heart. What is your favourite quote? Chin up princess, or the crown slips. Name one item in life you can’t do without. Definitely my phone. Stay connected! Best advice you have ever taken. Once a Jamaican colleague told me, ‘Count every day as a new day.’ Share three books on your nightstand. I will put it in 3 categories: Cooking books, Furniture books and of course the Holy Quran. In your opinion, what are the three keys to success? Optimism, Strategic Planning and Teamwork. What is next for you? What would you still like to achieve? I believe there is always something new to learn out there on a daily basis for every person, young and old. I am always on the lookout to educate myself and enrich my knowledge during my life journey. What advice would you give to young women starting out in their career? Focus on what you like to do. Grow your talent. Don't be afraid to turn a thought into a reality. Don't be shy to seek advice and assistance. How does it feel to be a CP Woman of Substance? I feel very appreciative and special to have been selected from the crowd. Making a difference in society is a great challenge. Passing my experience to the younger generation is a great initiative - and I’m up for it! Your message for the team at CP magazine: Take advantage of your magazine and use it wisely. Since it's a popular communication tool that is well reputed in the market and targeted towards a large audience, it gives you a great opportunity to send across a million messages to the public and upcoming generations about education, health, preserving the environment, making peace, and much more; all that can benefit our community and world as a whole. Last but not least, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be a part of your magazine. Keep up the outstanding work! www.cpmagazine.net


since 2010

Ayah Shedeed “Give me any design filled with intricate detail, but just don’t give me cars!� From an early age, Ayah Shedeed has been cooking up plans to bake cakes. Thanks to her husband and family, her dream has now become a reality and the self-taught baker is raising her standards. Alwasy striving for better, Ayah beleives in learning from your mistakes and never giving up.


MARCH 2017

since 2010



since 2010

Please introduce yourself to our readers. I am Ayah Shedeed. I’m 26 years old, married to my best friend for the past three years and a mother of 3 fur babies! Tell us about your education. I graduated from the International Academy of Kuwait in 2007, then proceeded with my diploma and bachelors degree in Business Marketing at the Australian College of Kuwait, graduating in 2012. Tell us about your career journey. The cake business started a few months after I graduated from university and couldn’t find a proper job in the marketing field. On birthdays and special occasions I would make customized cakes for family and friends as a surprise. It was the perfect way to practice something I always admired and had an interest in. Then one day, my husband created an account on Instagram and posted images of the cakes I had previously made. At first I was not brave enough to take the next step. I had the idea of all these big bakeries and professional cake decorators that I would be competing with and I was obviously not up to their standards, which to be honest intimidated me. After a whole lot of convincing, I finally decided to 068

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give it a shot and posted more pictures of my cakes, keeping my fingers crossed and hoping people would like my work and contact me. Thankfully, I managed to attract a large number of people and started getting daily orders. I can proudly say this is probably one of the best decisions I took back then and of course a big thank you to my supporting husband for pushing me into that field. Not forgetting my parents for always being my number one fans and taste testers! How did you get an interest in baking? Who was your inspiration? I have always had a passion for baking since I was a little kid. I remember I used to watch my mother or my late grandmother whip up a cake batter or cookie dough. I would help dump in all of the ingredients, knead ka’ak doughs for Eid, portion out cookies in a cookie sheet and so on. The process itself was so much fun from a kid’s point of view. The best part was when any kind of sauce was poured on the cake or when the cookies were stuffed/sandwiched together. Did you take any formal training for furthering your techniques? Who needs formal training nowadays when you have talent, YouTube and Google?! Surprisingly,

YouTube was where I learned everything from actual professional bakers and cake decorators. The internet was my best friend when I needed answers and instructions on techniques I was not really sure of. What are your favourite ingredients and flavours? My favourite baking ingredient must be buttermilk! Buttermilk in cakes results in the most moist and airy texture you could have, plus it gives a slight tangy taste which makes you always go back for more. For flavours, nothing could go wrong with chocolate! What has been the most difficult project so far? The most difficult and challenging project for me would definitely be doing cars as cakes! No matter how much I try, I just never seem to get it right or well proportioned. Give me any design filled with intricate detail, but just don’t give me cars! How do you manage your time? Describe your average day. My day usually starts around 8am. I start the day by getting the orders done for that same day, then start baking and preparing things for the following day’s order. Whenever I find enough time for myself I would head off to the gym, then come back home cook lunch, do the dishes, tidy up the house and finally just relax for the rest of the evening with my husband and fur babies. What is your biggest strength? The ability to tolerate a lot of stress and pressure. Do you have any weaknesses? Being naïve. I hate that anyone can take advantage of me just for the fact that I can’t say no to them and I tend to believe a lot of things without reconsidering them. Have you made any mistakes that have made you stronger? Of course! A person that does not learn from their mistakes is never wise. I have made countless mistakes and failed so many challenges in my life but they definitely taught me a lesson, rose me up and made me a stronger person within. What have been the biggest challenges you’ve faced during your career? The answer would definitely be time! Sometimes I would have so much work and barely get to have a proper meal or conversation with my husband and family. How do you stay motivated during challenging times? I thank God for my family and friends that always support me when I get de-motivated. They tend to constantly push me forward and encourage me to try new things all the time.

What do you to relax? Just chill at home or travel the world with my husband. What has been your proudest moment so far? Getting married and actually adapting to marriage life with all its responsibilities! I never imagined myself in that position so soon in my life. What is your biggest fear? Definitely God and losing a loved one. What is your favourite quote? “It’s not length of life, but depth of life”- Ralph Waldo Emerson. Name one item in life you can’t do without. A smart phone of course! Best advice you have ever taken. Don’t believe everything you hear. Share three books on your nightstand. Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert The Zahir by Paulo Coelho Love Me or Leave Me by Claudia Carroll In your opinion, what are the three keys to success? First, a person needs to have passion for what they do in order to succeed in it. Second is commitment, never giving up and always coming up with a new invention. Last but not least, family. Without their support and encouragement a person would not be as successful. What is next for you? What would you still like to achieve? I would love to open up my very own bakery and to be in the top ranked bakeries in town one day. What advice would you give to young women starting out in their career? Never give up and always strive for being better at what you enjoy doing, even though things might not turn out the way you expect at first. At the end of the tunnel you will see the light shining through. The best is always yet to come and you never know what God has planned for you! How does it feel to be a CP Woman of Substance? An absolute pleasure to be honest! Being featured in such a successful magazine was something I always looked forward to. Your message for the team at CP magazine: Thank you! Keep up the great work and all the effort you put into the magazine.



since 2010

Fatma Hussain “I manage my time by recognizing my priorities” It’s not easy being a woman in a man’s world, but Fatma Hussain didn’t let that stop her. Fatma is a certified weightlifting and fitness coach, as well as an Officer of the Kuwait Ladies of Harley Davidson Group. She puts her success down to self belief and positive thinking – and believing each mistake to be a lesson.


MARCH 2017

since 2010



since 2010


MARCH 2017

since 2010

Please introduce yourself to our readers. My name is Fatma Hussain. I'm a weightlifting, crossfit and general fitness coach. I am the owner of Atomhouse gym and health institute. I am also an officer of the Ladies of Harley Davidson Group. Tell us about your education. I am a certified general fitness coach and certified weightlifting coach as well as having an IT and Computer Science Diploma. I studied fitness and weightlifting in Singapore. Tell us about your career journey. I'm the first Kuwaiti female weightlifting coach and player and the first Kuwaiti female crossfit coach and player. I established my own business (Atomhouse gym) in 2013. We provide classes such as fat loss, bodybuilding, fitness, strength and conditioning, martial arts and crossfit. I joined the Weightlifting Men's Federation in Kuwait in 2012 and was authorized as the first WL female player. How do you manage your time? Describe your average day. I manage by time by recognizing my priorities. I manage my gym, exercise daily, train hundreds of people and spend time with my friends and family. And I ride. What is your biggest strength? My biggest strength is having myself.

times? I stay motivated by being kind to myself and by thinking positive to create solutions. What do you to relax? I focus on the here and now. What has been your proudest moment so far? Standing up for myself and my passion. What is your biggest fear? Fear itself. What is your favourite quote? All love begins with the love within. Name one item in life you can’t do without. Nothing! Best advice you have ever taken. To be true to who I am. Share books on your nightstand. - Law of Attraction by Dr. Salad - The Alchemist by Paulo Celo In your opinion, what are the three keys to success? - Believing in yourself - Positive thinking - Working smart to achieve

Do you have any weaknesses? Yes, I'm human and I love it.

What is next for you? What would you still like to achieve? To be a better human being and keep supporting others.

Have you made any mistakes that have made you stronger? There are no mistakes. I consider everything a lesson and experience to grow stronger.

What advice would you give to young women starting out in their career? I advise them to dream big and work tiny. Be smart!

What have been the biggest challenges you’ve faced during your career? My biggest challenge was financial as I started with low income. How do you stay motivated during challenging

How does it feel to be a CP Woman of Substance? I feel proud and happy - thank you for the appreciation. Your message for the team at CP magazine: Keep on rolling guys!



since 2010

Dr. Mona Al Shaikh “No good things come easy….. but in the end, it’s all worth it” Dr. Mona Al Shaikh learned all about hard work at an early age. She also learned the hard way to keep her business ideas to herself. Now running four successful businesses in Kuwait, she puts her success down to sheer determination, passion for her work and the constant support from her family.


MARCH 2017

since 2010



since 2010


MARCH 2017

Please introduce yourself to our readers. Hi, I am Dr. Mona Al Shaikh, an entrepreneur responsible for introducing many innovative initiatives like Engineering for Kids, Toby’s Estate Coffee Roasters, MAS Consultation and bespoke automotive in Kuwait for the first time. Tell us about your education. I graduated with distinction from Kuwait University then started my MBA major in Strategic Management. After graduating from my MBA degree I entered into the Kuwait Investment Authority two year program. After that, I really wanted to get my CFA (Certified Financial Analyst Certificate) which is 3 levels. And finally I did my Doctorate of Business Administration majoring in Accounting at Manchester Business School. I come from a family who strongly believe in education and exculpating your skills and career life. Tell us about your career journey. I have always been an active person. I started volunteering for different things when I was only 16 so I always preferred working rather than sitting idle doing nothing. When I graduated and started working professionally I made sure to leave my mark both in national and international markets. I have worked successfully in Kuwait as well as New York and Boston and have managed to leave an impression. Later I decided to start my own businesses and currently I am successfully running four businesses in Kuwait. How do you manage your time? Describe your average day. I learned time management at a young age when I was going to after school activities. I made sure I came back from school and did my homework so I could then make it to my after school club. I encourage every single parent to teach their kids the sense of time as it's a skill they need to learn from an early age. It's not easy at all but then as they say, no good thing comes easy. My day starts at 5am. I have to make sure I keep a check on all of the businesses and get updates every day, working out, managing my social, work and personal life. The evening time is for my family and kids. I make sure I don’t ignore them in the process. What is your biggest strength? I believe my passion for my work and my family’s support is my biggest strength. Also I believe writing down your yearly plan and making mini plans to achieve your biggest plan is important, which is something I am good at. Do you have any weaknesses? Every human has weaknesses but we must learn to face them and be stronger in order to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves. When it comes to my weakness, I am a workaholic and I sometimes over work which is very tiring. Have you made any mistakes that have made you stronger? We all make mistakes but I am glad I learned from them and made a better, stronger person of myself. My biggest mistake was when I wanted to start my own business I started telling people what I wanted to do and it turned out very bad as people discouraged me. After this, every single idea I opened as a business I did not discuss with anyone. Put your idea into a business plan, write your feasibility study and think of how you will finance it. Then make it happen. What have been the biggest challenges you’ve faced during

your career? Starting a new business always takes a lot of time and hard work. Opening a business and then running it in the beginning is quite a task in itself but it keeps getting easier with time. Being a parent is also a big challenge but one I mastered after getting my third and fourth twins! How do you stay motivated during challenging times? I work even harder and try to look at the brighter side, believing hard work always pays off. I have faith and believe in myself. Also, I don't lose focus, I keep reminding myself of the main purpose of my journey and keep going. What do you do to relax? I like to have family holidays to relax. Reading a book is also relaxing. What has been your proudest moment so far? Seeing my businesses grow and people appreciating all the efforts and hard work that I have put in. What is your biggest fear? Failure or not achieving something. What is your favourite quote? “I will go anywhere as long as it is forward.” "Stay Strong - Be Positive” – me. Name one item in life you can’t do without. My car. Best advice you have ever taken. To believe in the goals I have set for myself and not settle for anything less. Share three books on your nightstand. The 48 Laws of Power is the first book by American author Robert Greene. Also Leave Your Mark and The Kite Runner. In your opinion, what are the three keys to success? Hard work, consistency and passion. What is next for you? What would you still like to achieve? To ace everything I put my head in to and to be a great parent and see my kids escalate with distinction in their life. What advice would you give to young women starting out in their career? Never stop believing in yourselves. Work as hard as you can. No good things come easy but in the end, do your homework and make sure you research every single step you take - it’s all worth it. How does it feel to be a CP Woman of Substance? It makes me very happy and proud to be acknowledged by such a great team. Your message for the team at CP magazine: Keep doing the amazing work and inspiring the upcoming generation to be a better version of themselves.





' ve always been an animal lover. In fact, over the years, I’ve probably shed more tears over animals than I have over my fellow human beings. I could never watch Lassie without crying; I still can’t watch Watership Down without filling up; and as for The Supervet, get the tissues out now! Of course, I’m not immune to heartache when it comes to people, there’s just something about animals and their inability to speak that makes their own, more visible attempts to communicate, all the more heart-wrenching. Thankfully, I was born and raised in a country where animal welfare is high on the list of priorities. There are strict rules in place regarding the treatment of animals and birds on farms, in transit, at market and at slaughter. Various charitable organizations also exist to support the conservation and protection of our two and four legged friends. Government welfare regulations cover various different areas including the treatment of hens, sheep, beef cattle and dairy cows; even fish and deer farming. In addition, members of the public are able to report their suspicions of non-compliance to the appropriate body, including cruelty to domestic pets. If only such measures were in place in Kuwait. Sadly, despite assurances that camels and falcons are treated with the greatest respect, the same can’t be said for other unfortunate creatures. I’ve written before about the lack of censorship on certain social media channels and the disturbing, sometimes horrific sights, involving cruelty to or mistreatment of animals. These images are deeply upsetting and should never be posted on public sites. But for every one example of animal abuse posted on social media, there are hundreds of other unreported cases. I only ever visited the pet market once – never again. Forced to witness countless animals and birds in an obvious state of distress, I will never forget the sight, sound and smell of that short, regrettable experience. Knowing there was absolutely nothing I could do about it only heightened my sense of grief and outrage. During my time in Kuwait, I’ve seen sheep jumping from moving pick-up trucks, dogs abandoned by their owners, cats kicked by ignorant abusers and chicks dyed pink or blue to make them ‘more attractive’ to buyers. When will this intolerable behaviour end? Whilst culture can be cited as the reason (or excuse) for what many may consider unacceptable, it surely can’t be used to justify the obvious lack of respect shown to animals and birds. Ultimately, they are living, breathing creatures, many of which share feelings similar to those of our own. The very least they deserve is to be treated humanely, with dignity and respect. Whilst there are various non-profit organizations in Kuwait which take animal welfare very seriously, I fear they are fighting a losing battle. The horrific sights witnessed by their dedicated volunteers continue to shock and appall as countless injured and neglected animals find themselves in need of their care. Undeniably, without these organizations the situation would be much worse. For every tale of heartache and loss there is one of joy as another animal is saved and found a new home. Thanks to the treatment, care and shelter administered by these charities, at least some of the stories have a happy ending. If only more people would address the problem rather than choosing 078

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to ignore it. Regrettably, for the majority, animal welfare will always be the elephant in the room; an uncomfortable subject they would rather not broach. Kuwait isn’t the only country behind the times when it comes to the treatment of animals. Sadly, it’s a global problem and one that is forever in the headlines. I was more than a little disturbed recently to learn of wildlife traffickers who were selling baby chimpanzees. The most tragic aspect of the story is that the poachers must first kill the adults – sometimes up to ten at a time – in order to seize the baby. The chimps are then sold to rich, nescient customers who simply crave the kudos of an exotic new pet. Whilst the initial offence takes place in West Africa, up to six countries, including those in Europe and the Middle East, are involved in the illegal trafficking network. Not only do the chimps suffer the obvious trauma of being separated from their parents, they are then subject to mistreatment at the hands of their abductors and hidden in crates during transit to their final destination. Pictures of one particular chimp, thankfully rescued when the authorities eventually exposed the trafficking ring, showed it wearing a nappy and clinging to its captor. The scene was heartbreaking, not only because the chimp was so far from its natural, intended habitat but because it was forced to depend upon, and seek affection from, the one person responsible for its abject, grave predicament. Whilst it was a relief to learn that this particular racket had been closed down, there are many more yet to be discovered; and it’s not just chimpanzees at the mercy of human greed. Elephants have long been the subject of poaching in Africa. Such was the extent of the problem, this incredible animal was feared to be on the verge of extinction. Largely due to the capture of a notorious ivory hunter in 2013, numbers are thankfully believed to be expanding. However, the problem of poaching remains. I have to ask myself what makes people think this kind of barbaric behaviour is acceptable. It’s easy to put it down to desperation but more often than not it’s simply a case of greed; and even that excuse falls short when it comes to basic animal cruelty. Perhaps even more worrying is the fact that those who are cruel to animals are usually just as cruel to other human beings, be it physically or emotionally. With this in mind, surely the answer lies with education. If children are taught to respect animals and treat them with care, they will be less likely to show aggression, not just towards animals but towards other people. Learning this lesson at an early age is essential but the message must come from home, not just from school. Leading by example is the only way to truly convey the importance of this subject and until attitudes towards animals and birds improve, I suspect many more creatures will suffer at the hands of these cowardly, despicable beings.



MONCEAU LADY MADE FOR THE WOMAN OF REFINED STYLE Saint Honore, the luxury watch maison reputed for Parisian elan, present the chic and sophisticated Monceau Lady, for women with a refined sense of style that is both urban and casual.

SAINT HONORE MARKS MOTHER’S DAY WITH SPECIAL CHARISMA The latest timepiece by SAINT HONORÉ – Charisma – enchants and intrigues in equal measure as unique gift ideas this Mother’s Day. Its unusual shape takes you by surprise, its aesthetic charm arresting the eye with an assertively innovative look that allies simplicity and elegance.

CELEBRATE MOTHER'S DAY IN 'SWISS STYLE' WITH GILDA FROM EBERHARD & CO. Eberhard & Co., famed maker of fine watches with the inimitable ‘Swiss Style’ presents Gilda, an extraordinary timepiece created for the special woman in your life your Mother.

DAMAS PAYS TRIBUTE TO ALL STRONG WOMEN THIS MOTHER’S DAY Damas, the Middle East’s leading jewellery and watch retailer, is honouring mothers this year with a collection that features two exclusive 18k gold pieces that showcase the essence of eternal love and strength.


MARCH 2017

DELIRIUM LADY MAKES A SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY GIFT FROM CONCORD Concord has launched the Special Edition Delirium Lady, as a tribute to the legendary collection that established Concord in the Swiss Watchmaking Industry as the creator of the thinnest watch in the world.

Dolce&Gabbana PIED DE POULE EYEWEAR COLLECTION The timeless charm of the pied-de-poule theme distinguishes clothes and accessories. The 50s-inspired black and white optical pattern is the theme of the Dolce&Gabbana ready-towear collection, featured on glasses with rigorous designs and contrasting geometries.

STARDANCE BRINGS DOWN THE STARS FOR MOTHER'S DAY Louis Moinet presents a stellar surprise that's literally out of this world, with their Stardance moonphase watch. This shining example of Louis Moinet's ethereal creativity, boasts of a moon that is made of a piece of a meteorite that originated from the orbit of Mercury! Truly a unique piece for the unique woman it is intended for – a mother!

CITIZEN ECO-DRIVE FD2033-52W: BOTH CLASSIC AND STUNNING The CITIZEN Eco Drive FD2033-52W ladies watch from the Swarovski Collection is simultaneously stunning in looks and functionality making it a classic timepiece.

TANGO WATCHES BY RAYMOND WEIL Featuring a redesigned bezel, a guilloché motif and water resistant elements, the ever-successful tango collection showcases a new aesthetic with technical lines through the expression of feminine-masculine tandem. Multi-facetted and complementary models appear subtly attired in twotone shades combining elegance and functionality. www.cpmagazine.net




Reem El Mofti Mais Awad


MARCH 2017

‘Because normal is boring’ In August 2016, two young ladies with completely different personalities and characters came together from across the world to respectfully unite their ideas, their passion and their somewhat dreamy vision, to make a reality. “This is our baby and we'd love the opportunity to introduce Bowties & Gents to you. A luxury brand of custom designed bow ties and pocket squares (and soon, ties). But not just any kind of bow ties and pocket squares (and ties); each one has a carefully thought-out story to bring it to life. The personalized and carefully designed prints took us months to create, design and develop onto pure silk fabric. Months of research, travelling to find the best fabric and quality, and naturally, little disagreements here and there, but no harm done! Every line, every idea, every shape, every colour and every simple touch has been designed and implemented by us - even the packaging. We've done it all! As you can tell, we are very passionate about our brand! We cater to celebrities, stylists, high-end events and of course our lovely customers and personal shoppers”. www.cpmagazine.net


Why bow ties and pocket squares? What was the inspiration behind it?

We were sitting at Paul’s drinking our morning coffee, having a discussion about working together and creating a beautiful luxury brand. We are both dreamers, so we knew we would create something beautiful, without a doubt. We wanted to dive into a men’s fashion line so we started thinking ‘What would be the perfect men’s accessory that would make a suit or an outfit look collected and final?’ Instantly, we both agreed on bow ties and pocket squares, but implementing our own designs. Everything made from scratch by the both of us, from the design, to the shapes, the colours, the branding, the logo, the ideas and content. Every simple touch, done by us.

What roles do each of you play?

We are both the visionaries, the creators, the content makers, the supporters of one another as well as the brand.

There is a story behind each of your creations. Can you give us an example?

A story was thoughtfully created behind each custom designed bow tie and pocket square to represent a collection of men's characters, exclusively. Our signature character ‘The Gentleman’ is one where we wove a bee hive pattern (honey comb) with silk thread onto pure silk fabric. The concept came from the fact that unfortunately nowadays, bees are close to becoming extinct, and in our generation, a true Gentleman is also becoming rare! So, we want to bring back that trend of the actions of chivalrous gentlemen. Hence, bring back the bees!

What is your design process?

It’s a long process of researching, brainstorming ideas, coming up with different men’s personalities for our designs (or the other way around), agreements, disagreements; but we always pull through and we love every step we do!

Hi, please introduce yourself to our readers:

We are the creators and owners of Bowties & Gents.

Tell us about your education:

Reem: I’ve been in the world of design since I was a child, stepping into my dad’s footsteps (he is an artist himself) who surrounded me with the love for art, fashion and design. This lead me to complete my Master’s in Graphic Design in Florence, Italy and a BA degree in Graphic Design and a minor in Fine Arts from the Lebanese American University. Mais: I’ve always been obsessed with fashion! Almost all photos of me as a little girl were of me walking around in my mother’s heels. I come from a background in Marketing Communications and everything I know about fashion was self taught. I graduated from the School of Business at the University of Jordan with a BA degree in Marketing Communications. After that I travelled to Madrid, Spain to complete my Master’s Degree in Visual and Digital Media Communications.

Are you self-taught or did you study fashion design?

Everything we know about fashion has been self taught through our own curiosity and love for what we do, which makes our journey a lot more fascinating and fulfilling. We are both passionate about fashion and eager to keep learning the art of craftsmanship. We have also been blessed to have great families, friends and acquaintances that keep supporting our brand.

How, when and where did the two of you meet?

We met in Dubai a year and a half ago through a common friend.


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What are you fascinated by at the moment and how does it feed into your work?

As clichĂŠ as it may sound, we are both fascinated by making a change in the world. To give something of quality to society. We are fascinated by fashion trends and gutsy runway looks, especially when they involve vibrant colours and interesting textures. It inspires our different designs, bold patterns and crazy colour combinations.

What materials do you use?

Pure silk fabric.

What’s your motto?

Try once. Try again. Keep trying.

Are you planning to add any new items?

We are currently designing and creating content for new bow tie and pocket square designs to add to our current collection, as well as a new collection of ties.

Please explain your current collection:

A concept behind every bow tie and pocket square - trendy, fun, sexy, classy, confident, all put into one collection - and more to come!

How often do you include a new design?

Around 3-4 months.

Where do you derive your inspiration from for new stories?

Our own personal experiences through life and the life of everyone around us. We both have similar taste in design and fashion - and always a positive outlook - so we bring them together into our collections.

What are your future plans?

Expanding our market to start selling our items worldwide and eventually having our own physical store.

Where is your collection currently available to buy?

You can find them in some stores in Dubai and Jordan and online at www.bowtiesandgents.com. We also participate in pop-up markets and concept stores in both countries.

Your message for us at CP magazine:

Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to be part of CP Magazine and to spread our vision, inspired through you.




Pumpkin Saffron Cake


umpkin is one of the widely grown vegetables incredibly rich in vital antioxidants and vitamins. Although this humble vegetable has fewer calories it still carries vitamin A, flavonoid poly-phenolic antioxidants such as lutein, xanthin and carotenes in abundance. The vegetable is one of the food items recommended by dieticians in cholesterol controlling and weight reduction programs. It is also a rich source of minerals including copper, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. Pumpkin has a texture that is easy to puree and work with. I found that the combination of pumpkin and saffron is one with a pleasant taste that is unforgettable, so I decided to make a cake! This cake is light and soft - perfect for an afternoon tea! You will need: l8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter - room temperature - plus more for pan l1 2/3 cup all-purpose flour, plus more for pan l1 teaspoon ground cinnamon l1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg l1/4 teaspoon ground allspice l1/2 teaspoon salt l1/2 teaspoon baking powder l1/2 teaspoon baking soda l1 1/2 cups sugar l2 large eggs lcup homemade or canned pumpkin puree l1/2 cup warm (110 degrees) milk l1 tablespoon saffron loptional: Caramel Sauce - Sunflower Seeds


MARCH 2017

Steps: 1- Heat the oven to 350 degrees. Butter a 9-by-2-inch round cake pan. Line pan with parchment and butter the parchment. Coat pan with flour and tap out any excess. 2- In a large bowl, sift together flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, salt, baking powder and baking soda; set aside.

3- In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat sugar and butter together until light and fluffy - about 2 minutes. Add eggs and beat until combined. Add pumpkin puree and milk and beat until combined. Add reserved flour mixture and beat on low speed until just combined. Soak saffron in 1 tbs of water then add it to the mixture.

4- Pour batter into prepared pan and bake until a cake tester inserted into the middle comes out clean - about 55 minutes. Transfer the cake to a wire rack to cool. Let cake rest for 20 minutes. 5- Sprinkle with icing sugar for extra sweetness. You can also add caramel sauce and sprinkle with sunflower seeds for a crunchy taste.

Remember: Bake for love and bake with love! Let me know how your recipe turns out: www.sherisnovember.wordpress.com Bon appetite!




BellQees Wishah-Amer

With an interest in both fashion and accountancy, it’s safe to say that Bellqees Wishah-Amer is good with figures. Born to Palestinian parents, forced to leave their homeland in 1967, she still values her Middle Eastern identity. Currently living in New York, she holds strong political beliefs and dreams one day of seeing a United States of Arabia.


MARCH 2017



Hi, Please introduce yourself to our readers:

Salam and hello! My name is Bellqees Wishah-Amer. I’m a 20-something accountant currently living in New York. I am the eldest of 5 children. Both of my parents were born in Palestine and the country holds an extremely dear place in my heart.

Tell us about your education:

I received a Master’s in Business from Fordham University in New York, NY.

What are some of your hobbies?

I love learning. I enjoy reading and respect the arts a great deal, so you can always find me listening to music or trying to find someone to visit a museum with me.

What sparked your interest in fashion? Who would you say is your number one fashion inspiration?

Like most girls, I’ve always had an interest in fashion, shopping and dressing up. I remember, even at a young age, having input in what I wore. My earliest memory would be arguing with my mom over how the flower girl dress I was wearing to my uncle’s wedding should look. I was 5 then. My number one fashion inspiration is my mom, she is the epitome of class and no-one can pull off a pantsuit the way she does!

What are some of your current fashion obsessions?

Currently, I’m struggling to keep up with this cold winter! My current obsessions are my touchscreen gloves, long camelcoloured wool coat and my kuffiyeh.

Name your Top 3 favourite bands.

I don’t chase brands and labels. I prefer the unique design of an independent label rather than buying basic items with popular names attached to them.

Coffee or Tea?

I don’t drink coffee at all. I prefer tea with fresh mint leaves and good conversation any day.

What do you think of eco-fashion?

Eco-fashion is the future and I sincerely hope that the fashion industry invests more of its time and resources in developing ways to create apparel that is responsibly sourced and ethically made. Nothing we wear will ever be cute enough to have to hurt the environment for it.

Your favourite food?

This one is tricky, there are so many choices! I would have to say that warek dawali (stuffed grape leaves) is my favourite because I can appreciate hard work. The process of finding the right leaves, stuffing and rolling them is a tedious process. So when they are finally done, I savor each little piece with joy.

Your favourite holiday destination?

I enjoy travelling and exploring new places. I’ve discovered little treasures and made beautiful memories in every country I’ve visited. I fell in love with the city of Barcelona and am anticipating my return. But my all-time favourite holiday destination will always be Palestine. The air is fresher, the tea is sweeter, my home is warmer and the laughs are greater. My heart yearns for it every day we’re not together.

When you can't think of anything to wear, what's your go-to outfit?

My go-to outfit is a pair of jeans, long white tee and sweatshirt. I’m happy athleisure has made its way to the fashion scene and I can easily find trendy pieces to incorporate into everyday looks while still being comfortable.

Who are your style icons?

Najwa Karam always looks amazing. I would love to have her evening gown collection. Queen Rania of Jordan is a class act; her looks are always sophisticated and well polished. 090

MARCH 2017

Favourite Quote?

One of my favourite quotes is a verse from the Quran translating ‘Indeed with every hardship comes ease’.

What do you read?

I love to learn so anything I read is usually non-fiction but the last book I read was 1001 Nights because I couldn’t believe that I’d made it this far in life without reading the Arabian Nights stories.

What’s your dream job?

I would love to have a job that allowed me travel to remote villages and create sustainable infrastructures for them.

What is one thing our readers would be surprised to hear about you?

I have the memory of an elephant! I can remember details, names and faces with no problem (ilhamdulilah! I hope I never lose that).

Do you have any recommendations for some basic pieces to build a core wardrobe from?

My best advice is to get classic pieces like white collar shirts and black pants tailored to fit your body. Fit is so important. Consumers rely heavily on shops to create pieces that fit perfectly, when the truth is that every body shape is unique and requires individual attention.

What's the best advice you've ever received?

Don’t take no for an answer.

Your message for us at CP magazine:

Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your magazine. I look forward to working with you and introducing myself to your readers. I hope they like me!



Top Five for

New York Jim West

The City That Never Sleeps. The Big Apple. The Capital of the World. New York has rightfully earned all of these nicknames. Not many other places can you stand on a street and hear languages from all over the world. It is the most populous city in the US, and the second largest city in the world behind Tokyo. This city has everything waiting for you, and as Frank Sinatra sang; “It’s up to you New York, New York!”


MARCH 2017

1. the MUST see... Times Square of course! It is one of the world’s most visited sights that sees over 50 million visitors a year. It too has many nicknames such as the Crossroad of the World, Center of the Universe, and Heart of the World to name a few. It is the hub of the Broadway Theatre District and you absolutely must catch a show while in town. http://www.timessquarenyc.org 2. the MUST eat… Head down to East Houston Street on the lower east side and visit the self-proclaimed ‘King of NY Delis’, Katz Delicatessen. Since 1888 Katz has been hand carving up their 30 day cured beef. Katz also made an appearance in the famous romantic comedy ‘When Harry Met Sally’. You just may leave here feeling like you have died and gone to deli heaven. http://www.katzsdelicatessen.com 3. the MUST shop… With excellent views of the bay, you’ve got to take a stroll along South Street Seaport off Fulton Street along the East River. Couple this visit with a

trip to see the Statue of Liberty and you have jam packed your day. The new Pier 17 is still under construction, but sometime in 2017 you will get to enjoy its spectacular views of the Brooklyn Bridge. http://www.southstreetseaport.com 4. the MUST stay… In the city center neighborhood of Chelsea is the Kimpton Hotel Eventi. An exquisite boutique hotel that leaves no small detail unchecked. Be sure to check out their views of the Empire State Building and the Freedom Tower from the veranda. http://www.hoteleventi.com 5. the MUST do off the beaten path… Almost nothing is better to get away from the noise than a trip to Coney Island Beach and Boardwalk. Site of the world famous Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest and location where New Yorkers take a break from the city. You can kick off your shoes and feel the sand between your toes. http://coneyislandfunguide.com/Attraction/Beachand-Boardwalk.htm

For more information check out http://www.nycgo.com






The Smith

Cairo, Egypt’s sprawling capital, is set on the Nile River. At its heart is Tahrir Square and the vast Egyptian Museum, a trove of antiquities including royal mummies and gilded King Tutankhamun artifacts. Nearby, Giza is the site of the iconic pyramids and Great Sphinx, dating to the 26th century BC. In Gezira Island’s leafy Zamalek district, 187m Cairo Tower affords panoramic city views.


Eatery Dusit Thani Lakeview Cairo This high-end, modern hotel is 6 km from the Petrified Forest Protected Area and 9 km from the Katameya Heights Golf & Tennis Resort.

The Nile Ritz Carlton Opposite the Nile River, this upscale hotel is 1 km from the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities and the Cairo Opera House. The elegant rooms with fine linens and marble bathrooms also feature balconies with city or river views

The Edwards May Fair Hotel The new renovated Mayfair Hotel is located in the exclusive Zamalek area, close to downtown Cairo. It is within a 5 minute drive of Tahrir squaire, but escape the noise of the big city because Zamalek is an island in the Nile. It is located in a very quiet and safe area of Cairo, surrounded by many foreign embassies.

Four Seasons Hotel Set in a high-rise tower overlooking the Nile, this sophisticated hotel is 2 k from the Egyptian Museum and 3 km from the Cairo Opera House. Plush modern rooms offer terraces, marble bathrooms and free Wi-Fi, as well as minifridges and flat-screen TVs. Suites add living rooms. Room service is offered 24/7.


Egyptian Antiquities Museum

The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, known commonly as the Egyptian Museum or Museum of Cairo, in Cairo, Egypt, is home to an extensive collection of ancient Egyptian antiquities.

Mohamed Ali Mosque

The mosque of Mohamed Ali Pasha is located on the highest point of the Citadel of Cairo which itself overlooks the city. It is a replica of blue mosque of turkey.well built and great architcture that would leave you in awe with a unique touch that would stay in your mind when you would leave it.


Keops Pyramid

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza pyramid complex bordering what is now El Giza, Egypt. It is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largely intact.


MARCH 2017

The Coptic Museum

The Coptic Museum is a museum in Coptic Cairo, Egypt with the largest collection of Egyptian Christian artifacts in the world. It was founded by Marcus Simaika in 1908 to house Coptic antiquities.

Bon voyage!




MARCH 2017


Me Before You

'm sure you’ve all seen the move. I call it the tear jerker of 2016. After watching it, everywhere I looked around me I saw women sobbing, I wondered if they were crying because of sadness or happiness, or both. The Me Before You movie hooked the audience but the book is even better. Me Before You (2012) is written by British author Jojo Moyes. Jojo started as a journalist and went on to become an author in 2002. She is one of the few authors to have won ‘The Romantic Novel of the Year’ twice, awarded by the Romantic Novelists' Association. Jojo has written a total of 14 novels, each translated into 11 languages. Well known titles include, After You (2015), The Girl You Left Behind (2012), The Last Letter From Your Lover (2010) and many more. Me Before You tells a story of two extraordinary souls brought together by fate; Lousia, who was living a very ordinary life; and Will who was living life to the max - until tragedy struck. Lousia makes it her life mission to make Will happy regardless of what it takes, and in the little time they have. They show us that life can be celebrated in any situation we are in. It's happening all around us, everyday; one just needs to pay attention and seize it. Me Before You follows in the footsteps of all romantic literature that praises and believes in the ultimate sacrifice of love. Unconditional love saves all, is part of everything and IS everything. Falling in love is not bound by time, space or reason. The only thing that

survives death is love; you still feel love towards individuals who have passed on, you don't just stop loving them. An interesting question comes to mind. What do you do when making the person you love happy also means breaking your own heart? The answer is, you do it anyway!



Directed by Richie Keen Written by Van Robichaux and Evan Susser WRITING MOVIE

WRONGS moviewrongs.com


t’s the last day of the school year and the seniors are cutting loose with every prank imaginable. It doesn’t take long before the pranks aggravate the teachers so much that eventually two teachers pit against each other. That is the premise of this film. Two teachers fight after school. Laughing yet? I didn’t think so. The screenplay writers seem to have a budding career on their hands with upcoming film work on ‘Wedding Crashers 2’ and ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’. Yet I don’t feel they may be quite ready yet to up the ante when it comes to laughs. Now comedy is one of the most difficult things to write. It is far easier to catch lightning in a bottle. Yet the cast has some great potential. Ice Cube has done his fair share of comedies. Charlie Day is a force to be reckoned with in ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’. Tracy Morgan is always a riot when he is on screen. Yet of the entire cast perhaps the one to get the biggest laughs is Jillian Bell (more on her later). School’s almost out so here goes the spoilers! Charlie Day plays Andy Campbell, an English teacher who is soft spoken and a pushover. His wife is pregnant and his middle grade daughter has a talent show she needs her dad to come to at the end of the school day. Of course no foreshadow is needed to see that being rushed for time will occur and things won’t go as planned. Ice Cube plays a hard-nosed, tough as nails history teacher who simply is called ‘Strickland’ by both students and teachers alike. Of course just giving him a last name is by itself intimidating. Throw in a potentially womanizing Coach Crawford (Morgan), an overtly sexually charged guidance counselor (Bell), your take no prisoners Principal (Dean Norris), and a weird part for Kristina Hendricks playing an assumed teacher yet no idea of what class she taught beyond maybe French? With this mix of talent and characters the film should be ripe with great gags, goofs and laugh out loud moments. Sadly this is where the film disappoints. The writers relied too much on the senior’s pranks as the ‘shock’ factor to snag laughs. After the first few this became repetitive and boring.


MARCH 2017


There is a scene in the boys’ restroom that by the second time around is just not funny. So with all this being said, how can we fix these movie wrongs? First off, either utilize Kristina Hendricks’ character more or cut her role out the film. I would just cut her from the film. Instead use Jillian Bell’s counselor character to catch Charlie’s character with the kid in the restroom scene. This could have gone several different ways and possible improvising could have yielded some funny takes. One take is to have her appear interested in what was going on to play to her character’s craziness. Another way to play the scene would be to have her look at Charlie in a different light and not be so sure if he should be beat up or not. Play her against Charlie for the rest of the film. Next, Ice Cube’s role should have been more than just menacing stare downs and yelling. Introduce some mind games. Have his character really show that as a history teacher he isn’t only about the aggression, but he can strategize and overcome his challenges with his brain as well. Maybe track down Charlie who is hiding from him in the school. During their fight when they go inside the school, show them fighting classroom to classroom, utilizing things in each classroom to hilarious effect. The science lab, for example, would have Bunsen burners. Ice Cube should singe the hair off Charlie Day’s beard and that itself would be hilarious seeing him with a half burnt beard. Then in another class like math class Charlie takes a bunch of protractors and throws them like Ninja stars. Use the school environment to comedic effect more in the film. Coach Crawford played by Tracy Morgan says dialogue that would indicate he is a womanizer especially targeting the single moms of students. There should have been at least one scene expanding upon this. I mean, it is Tracy Morgan! Give him a scene to really cut loose. Overall the film falls flat because the two writers couldn’t imagine anything other than sight gags, and the school became a setting for the film rather than a character of its own. Thanks for reading Writing Movie ‘WRONGS’.







In this fully animated, all-new take on the Smurfs, a mysterious map sets Smurfette and her best friends Brainy, Clumsy and Hefty on an exciting and thrilling race through the Forbidden Forest filled with magical creatures to find a mysterious lost village before the evil wizard Gargamel does. Embarking on a rollercoaster journey full of action and danger, the Smurfs are on a course that leads to the discovery of the biggest secret in Smurf history!

The real-life story of one working wife and mother who became a hero to hundreds during World War II. In 1939 Poland, Antonina Żabińska (portrayed by two-time Academy Award nominee Jessica Chastain) and her husband, Dr. Jan Żabiński (Johan Heldenbergh), have the Warsaw Zoo flourishing under his stewardship and her care. When their country is invaded by the Nazis, Jan and Antonina are stunned – and forced to report to the Reich’s newly appointed chief zoologist, Lutz Heck (Daniel Brühl). To fight back on their own terms, Antonina and Jan covertly begin working with the Resistance – and put into action plans to save lives out of what has become the Warsaw Ghetto, with Antonina putting herself and even her children at great risk.

Follows Major, a special ops, one-of-a-kind humancyborg hybrid, who leads the elite task force Section 9. Devoted to stopping the most dangerous criminals and extremists, Section 9 is faced with an enemy whose singular goal is to wipe out Hanka Robotic’s advancements in cyber technology.

CAST: Mandy Patinkin, Demi Lovato, Rainn Wilson, Joe Manganiello, Jack McBrayer, Danny Pudi

CAST: Scarlett Johansson, Pilou Asbæk, Michael Pitt, Takeshi Kitano, Juliette Binoche, Kaori Momoi

DIRECTOR: Kelly Asbury

CAST: Jessica Chastain, Johan Heldenbergh, Daniel Brühl, Michael McElhatton, Iddo Goldberg, Goran Kostic DIRECTOR: Niki Caro




DIRECTOR: Rupert Sanders




Now that Dom and Letty are on their honeymoon and Brian and Mia have retired from the game— and the rest of the crew has been exonerated—the globetrotting team has found a semblance of a normal life. But when a mysterious woman (Oscar® winner Charlize Theron) seduces Dom into the world of crime he can’t seem to escape and a betrayal of those closest to him, they will face trials that will test them as never before.

Spark (Jace Norman) is a wisecracking teen living on an abandoned planet with his friends Chunk and Vix. Thirteen years ago the power-hungry General Zhong seized control of their planet Beta, wiping out Spark's family and sending him into hiding. But now they've learned of Zhong's plan to wipe out the entire universe using the deadly space Kraken, and no one but Spark can stop him. An action-packed space odyssey filled with humor and heart, SPARK is an epic adventure about becoming the hero you were born to become.

Power Rangers follows five ordinary high school kids who must become something extraordinary when they learn that their small town of Angel Grove – and the world – is on the verge of being obliterated by an alien threat. Chosen by destiny, our heroes quickly discover that they are the only ones who can save the planet. But to do so they will have to overcome their real-life issues and band together as the Power Rangers before it is too late.

CAST: Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, Dwayne Johnson, Michelle Rodriguez, Tyrese Gibson, Ludacris

CAST: Jace Norman, Hilary Swank, Susan Sarandon, Patrick Stewart, Jessica Biel

CAST: Naomi Scott (III), Becky G., RJ Cyler, Dacre Montgomery, Ludi Lin, Elizabeth Banks

DIRECTOR: F. Gary Gray

DIRECTOR: Aaron Woodley

DIRECTOR: Dean Israelite




MARCH 2017





Jon Baker (Shepard) and Frank “Ponch” Poncherello (Peña) have just joined the California Highway Patrol (CHP) in Los Angeles but for very different reasons. Baker is a beaten up pro motorbiker trying to put his life and marriage back together. Poncherello is a cocky undercover Federal agent investigating a multi-million dollar heist that may be an inside job—inside the CHP. The inexperienced rookie and hardened pro are teamed together, but clash more than click, so kickstarting a partnership is easier said than done. But with Baker’s bike skills combined with Ponch’s street savvy it might just work…if they don’t drive each other crazy along the way.

What if you had only one day to change absolutely everything? Samantha Kingston has everything: the perfect friends, the perfect guy, and a seemingly perfect future. Then, everything changes. After one fateful night, Sam wakes up with no future at all. Trapped reliving the same day over and over, she begins to question just how perfect her life really was. As she begins to untangle the mystery of a life suddenly derailed, she must also unwind the secrets of the people closest to her, and discover the power of a single day to make a difference, not just in her own life, but in the lives of those around her—before she runs out of time for good.

A seven-year old is jealous of his fast-talking briefcasecarrying baby brother. When the older brother embarks on a mission to win back the sole affection of his parents, he stumbles upon a secret plot by the CEO of Puppy Co. that threatens to destroy the balance of love in the world – and the brash baby executive masquerading as his new brother is at the center of it all. They must come together as true brothers to stop the dastardly scheme, save their parents, restore order to the world, and prove that love is indeed an infinite force.

CAST: Dax Shepard, Michael Peña, Vincent D'Onofrio, Adam Brody, Rosa Salazar, Kristen Bell

CAST: Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Alan Arkin, Joey King, Christopher Lloyd, Ann-Margret

CAST: Alec Baldwin, Steve Buscemi, Lisa Kudrow, Patton Oswalt, Jimmy Kimmel, ViviAnn Yee

DIRECTOR: Dax Shepard

DIRECTOR: Ted Melfi, Zach Braff








This action-packed military thriller stars Armie Hammer as a U.S. soldier who, stranded in the desert for 52 hours after a mission falls apart, must fight for survival against his enemies, the hostile environment, and the creeping psychological toll of his treacherous situation.

Life tells the story of the six-member crew of the International Space Station that is on the cutting edge of one of the most important discoveries in human history: the first evidence of extraterrestrial life on Mars. As the crew begins to conduct research, their methods end up having unintended consequences and the life form proves more intelligent than anyone ever expected.

Two strangers' lives become inextricably bound together after a devastating plane crash. Inspired by actual events, Aftermath tells a story of guilt and revenge after an air traffic controller's (Scoot McNairy) error causes the death of a construction foreman's (Arnold Schwarzenegger) wife and daughter.

CAST: Armie Hammer, Annabelle Wallis, Tom Cullen

CAST: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Scoot McNairy, Maggie Grace, Martin Donovan, Frances Conroy

DIRECTOR: Fabio Guaglione, Fabio Resinaro

CAST: Rebecca Ferguson, Ryan Reynolds, Jake Gyllenhaal, Olga Dihovichnaya, Ariyon Bakare, Hiroyuki Sanada DIRECTOR: Daniel Espinosa




DIRECTOR: Elliott Lester




MARCH 2017



MARCH 2017


Mixing Didion's affected cool with moments of giddy celebrity worship, Massey examines the lives of the women who reflect our greatest aspirations and darkest fears back onto us. These essays are personal without being confessional and clever in a way that invites readers into the joke. A cultural critique and a finely wrought fan letter, interwoven with stories that are achingly personal, ALL THE LIVES I WANT is also an exploration of mental illness, the sex industry, and the dangers of loving too hard. But it is, above all, a paean to the celebrities who have shaped a generation of women from Scarlett Johansson to Amber Rose, Lil' Kim, Anjelica Huston, Lana Del Rey, Anna Nicole Smith and many more. These reflections aim to reimagine these women's legacies, and in the process, teach us new ways of forgiving ourselves.

Modernity, secularism, development, and progress have long been viewed by the powerful few as benign ideals for the many. Today, however, botched experiments in nation-building, democracy, industrialization, and urbanization visibly scar much of the world. As once happened in Europe, the wider embrace of revolutionary politics, mass movements, technology, the pursuit of wealth, and individualism has cast billions adrift in a literally demoralized world. It was from among the ranks of the disaffected and the spiritually disorientated, that the militants of the nineteenth century arose angry young men who became cultural nationalists in Germany, messianic revolutionaries in Russia, bellicose chauvinists in Italy, and anarchist terrorists internationally.



by Kyo Maclear

by Bill Hayes

When it comes to birds, Kyo Maclear isn’t seeking the exotic. Rather she discovers joy in the seasonal birds that find their way into view in city parks and harbors, along eaves and on wires. In a world that values big and fast, Maclear looks to the small, the steady, the slow accumulations of knowledge, and the lulls that leave room for contemplation. A distilled, crystal-like companion to H is for Hawk, Birds Art Life celebrates the particular madness of chasing after birds in the urban environment and explores what happens when the core lessons of birding are applied to other aspects of art and life.

Bill Hayes came to New York City in 2009 with a one-way ticket and only the vaguest idea of how he would get by. But, at forty-eight years old, having spent decades in San Francisco, he craved change. Grieving over the death of his partner, he quickly discovered the profound consolations of the city's incessant rhythms, the sight of the Empire State Building against the night sky, and New Yorkers themselves, kindred souls that Hayes, a lifelong insomniac, encountered on latenight strolls with his camera.

ABANDON ME by Melissa Febos

In her dazzling Abandon Me, Febos captures the intense bonds of love and the need for connection with family, lovers, and oneself. First, her birth father, who left her with only an inheritance of addiction and Native American blood, its meaning a mystery. As Febos tentatively reconnects, she sees how both these lineages manifest in her own life, marked by compulsion and an instinct for self-erasure. Meanwhile, she remains closely tied to the sea captain who raised her, his parenting ardent but intermittent as his work took him away for months at a time. Woven throughout is the hypnotic story of an allconsuming, long-distance love affair with a woman, marked equally by worship and withdrawal. In visceral, erotic prose, Febos captures their mutual abandonment to passion and obsession and the terror and exhilaration of losing herself in another.


While the Nazi party was being condemned by much of the world for burning books, they were already hard at work perpetrating an even greater literary crime. Through extensive new research that included records saved by the MonumentsMen themselves Anders Rydell tells the untold story of Nazi book theft, as he himself joins the effort to return the stolen books. When the Nazi soldiers ransacked Europe's libraries and bookshops, large and small, the books they stole were not burned. Instead, the Nazis began to compile a library of their own that they could use to wage an intellectual war on literature and history. In this secret war, the libraries of Jews, Communists, Liberal politicians, LGBT activists, Catholics, Freemasons, and many other opposition groups were appropriated for Nazi research, and used as an intellectual weapon against their owners.


There is a myth in our culture that the search for meaning is some esoteric pursuit that you have to travel to a distant monastery or page through dusty volumes to figure out life s great secret. The truth is, there are untapped sources of meaning all around us right here, right now. Drawing on the latest research in positive psychology; on insights from George Eliot, Viktor Frankl, Aristotle, the Buddha, and other great minds; and on interviews with seekers of meaning, Emily Esfahani Smith lays out the four pillars upon which meaning rests.

SAD PERFECT by Stephanie Elliot

The story of a teen girl's struggle with Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder and how love helps her on the road to recovery. Sixteen-year-old Pea looks normal, but she has a secret: she has Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID). It is like having a monster inside of her, one that not only dictates what she can eat, but also causes anxiety, depression, and thoughts that she doesn’t want to have. When she falls crazy-mad in love with Ben, she hides her disorder from him, pretending that she’s fine. At first, everything really does feel like it’s getting better with him around, so she stops taking her anxiety and depression medication. And that's when the monster really takes over her life. Just as everything seems lost and hopeless, Pea finds in her family, and in Ben, the support and strength she needs to learn that her eating disorder doesn’t have to control her.




The coolest products curated especially for you

BLAUPUNKT DVR 3.0 FHD We’ll never really know why Russia has so much dashcam camera footage, but if the trend catches on in India, here’s a product that may just head the trend. Blaupunkt DVR 3.0 FHD is the newest digital video recorder in Blaupunkt’s product portfolio. It’s a digital video recorder that sits on your dashboard and helps you learn where you went wrong while learning to drive and it can also record an accident. The footage can be used as evidence in case you’re witness to an accident.

MINOX ACX 300 Constantly lifting your wrist to check how you’re getting on towards your Fitbit goals might seem like a good way to add a few sneaky numbers to your daily total, but deep down you know you’re only cheating yourself. Instead, get Alexa to tell you how you’re doing. Install the Fitbit Skill on the Echo and you can simply say “Alexa, ask Fitbit how I’m doing today” or “Alexa, ask Fitbit how many calories I have left” and she’ll make sure you’re up to speed on everything from how you slept the previous night to what your resting heart rate is.

SONOS PLAYBAR Think multiroom audio, think Sonos - it’s been the go-to speaker specialist for kitting out our homes for years. And that includes giving the TV a much-needed audio boost, thanks to the Playbar. This isn’t just a simple soundbar - being a Sonos, it does a heck of a lot more besides that.

ORAL-B PRO 2 000, PRO 600 The Oral-B PRO 2000 and PRO 600 both have criss-cross bristles at a 16-degree angle. They also have a visible pressure sensor, which lights up to alert you when you’re brushing too hard, since applying too much pressure can lead to harmful over-brushing and weaken tooth enamel. When you’ve spent 30 seconds on a zone in the mouth, the brush alerts you by vibrating that it’s time to move on to another zone.


MARCH 2017

MINOX ACX 300 The GoPro for extreme scrimpers Time was, buying a good action camera meant shelling out on a GoPro or going home. Not any more, though. Take the ACX 300 from Minox waterproof to 30m, it’ll shoot in 3K at 24fps or 1080p at 60fps, as well as offering a 120fps mode for fans of slow-mo shooting. What’s more, it’s packed with all sorts of tech from optical image stabilisation to Wi-Fi smartphone pairing and a battery that’s good for 90 minutes without Wi-Fi.

PORSCHE DESIGN 911 SOUNDBAR There are very few things in the world that come close to what you could derive from driving a Porsche sportscar. So much so that you would want to take the car home and dine with it, bathe with it, enjoy a romantic candlelit dinner with it. Even play a game with it. While all of the above may or may not be possible, the kind folks at Porsche Design have ensured that, at the very least you are able to sink into blissfull sonics emanating from a speaker system constructed from the original rear silencer and twin exhaust from a 911 GT3.

LOVE TURNTABLE When it’s at rest you can tap the top of the Yves Behar-designed casing to tell it what track to play. Once it’s spinning, you’re better off using the app to change tracks.

SONY CYBER-SHOT HX-350 No, the point-and-shoot camera isn’t dead (and yes, smartphones still have a long way to go). In fact, it’s coming back better than before. Case in point Sony’s new Cyber-Shot HX-350. It’s a proper prosumer camera and it’s got a 20.4MP sensor, 5-axis image stabilisation, a Carl-Zeiss Vario-Sonnar lens with 50X optical zoom, DSLR-style controls, an electronic viewfinder, 24fps, Full HD video recording, in-build photo editing, and a 3in LCD. The perfect, no-fuss vacation accessory which could persuade us to leave our DSLR at home?

BRAINWAVZ AUDIO KRUDUL DUO Can’t figure out where to put your earphones when you’re not listening to them without making your workspace look cluttered? Brainwavz has the answer to your woes. Its latest earphone management system that comes in two parts stores your earphones on either your monitor or any vertical surface. The Krudul Duo attaches to your monitor for a cleaner and tidier workspace, while the Krudal Vertical, as the name suggests, attaches to any vertical surface around the house thanks to a self-adhesive 3M VHB tape.

OKINAWA RIDGE It’s a scooter, it’s a hybrid, it’s a scooty - it’s all of the above, only better coz it’s eco-friendly! Good looks, alloy wheels, tubeless tyres - it’s gotall that a regular scooter has, plus the added advantage of being eco -friendly. So, if you want to impress that lady of yours, take her riding on the Ridge and you’re sure to earn some brownie points for thinking about the environment. Achieving a 55kmph on the roads we drive on isn’t too bad either for an electric two-wheeler! We’re looking forward to the upcoming models which claim to cover almost 200 km once fully charged. www.cpmagazine.net







Shape Of You

I Feel It Coming

4 Your Eyez Only

How Far I'll Go

Body Like A Back Road

Ed Sheeran

Weeknd & Daft Punk

J. Cole

Aulii Cravalho

Sam Hunt






Bad And Boujee


Bad Things

Party Monster


Migos & Lil Uzi Vert

Chainsmokers & Halsey

Machine Gun Kelly


Rae Sremmurd






I Don't Wanna Live Forever

Million Reasons

24K Magic


Comin Out Strong

Zayn & Taylor Swift

Lady Gaga

Bruno Mars

Calvin Harris, Frank Ocean & Migos

Future & Weeknd




That's What I Like

It Ain't Me

Tunnel Vision

No Favors

How Would You Feel (Paean)

Bruno Mars

Kygo & Selena Gomez

Kodak Black

Big Sean & Eminem

Ed Sheeran








Something Just Like This

Side To Side



Black Beatles

Chainsmokers & Coldplay

Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj

Kyle & Lil Yachty

Future & Rihanna

Rae Sremmurd & Gucci Mane






Love On The Brain

Castle On The Hill





Ed Sheeran

Zedd & Alessia Cara

Julia Michaels

21 Savage


Paris Chainsmokers






Let Me Love You




DJ Snake & Justin Bieber


Weeknd & Daft Punk






Chained To The Rhythm

Bounce Back


Ville Mentality


Katy Perry & Skip Marley

Big Sean

Maroon 5 & Future

J. Cole

Post Malone & Quavo




If you could have a dream look, what would it be? The glamour of a red carpet gown, the casual chic look of a Parisian or a business outfit made to perfection? Whatever your dream look may be, we know for certain it can become a reality. As image consultants, we meet people of different ages, styles and nationalities. Each case is different, but our aim always remains the same - making sure our clients look and feel their best. This month is all about women, so we have a gorgeous lady from Estonia ready for her makeover.

since 2010

Marion, please introduce yourself to our readers: Hi everyone, my name is Marion Tasso, I’m 38 years old and from Estonia. I’ve been based in Dubai for the past 11 years and I own an adventure company called Trekkup (IG: @trekkup). I travel to the most remote places in the world with my customers. I couldn't dream of a more rewarding job on earth as I absolutely love nature and being outdoors.

What is your current wardrobe status and style? I must confess that even though I love clothes and make-up, ever since I started my trekking company I tend to always wear jeans, jumpers and trekking clothes. I feel I no longer know what else to wear or buy.

What made you feel you needed a makeover and what do you expect from this experience? With my job and busy schedule, travelling pretty much every week, I feel I need to be pampered and advised on what suits me best in terms of clothing, hair and make-up. I am very keen to see what Carla and Marie can do. Honestly, I would love to look and feel beautiful every day, even when I’m trekking Mount Everest!



MARCH 2017

Photography: Vania Attieh (www.vania-photography.com) Hair & Makeup: Maison de Joelle Clothing: Maje Location: Kempinski Hotel (Mall of Emirates, Dubai) Image Consultants: Carla Otero & Marie Auffret (IG: thestylistes)

Now, let the makeover begin!

COLOUR ANALYSIS The foundation to a perfect makeover is a good colour analysis. You may be wondering why colours that suit you best are so important when choosing your clothes. The fact is that knowing your optimal colour palette is essential to looking your best. The right colours for you will give radiance and a healthy glow to your complexion. On the other hand, wearing your wrong colours will have the opposite effect, highlighting imperfections like pimples, dark circles under the eyes or pigmentation. Now, let’s look at Marion’s colour analysis. By comparing warm vs. cool colour fabrics near her face, we discover that Marion is cool, meaning that clothing in shades of blue, red, white, violet or pink will complement her skin tone and she will look amazing!



BODY SHAPE ANALYSIS Moving on to the body shape analysis, let’s take a closer look at Marion's body proportions. She has a smaller upper body and waist, carrying more weight in her lower body. Our aim will always be to create the illusion of a more balanced body, and in Marion’s case, we will achieve this by adding volume and strong colours to her upper body, so it’s visually more in line with her hips.


When it comes to hair, we always start by looking at our clients' natural roots. Marion’s natural hair is a cool ash blonde, to which she has added golden highlights and kept her hair very long. It was starting to look a bit dull and flat. The professionals at 'Maison de Joelle’ have done an amazing job by highlighting her hair ash blonde and cutting short layers. This new hair style has given Marion movement and freshness, making her look even younger. A beauty transformation cannot be complete without make-up. Following the colour analysis results concluding Marion has a cool undertone, we determine that pink based foundation, lips and blush will be ideal for her. To finish it off, we add black eyeliner and fake lashes to emphasize her beautiful blue eyes.


MARCH 2017

STYLE REVAMP Discovering Marion’s desired style was the first step before selecting her wardrobe for this makeover. After a long chat with her, we realised that Marion is a very feminine lady and we had to reflect that inner feeling on the outside. When it comes to searching for feminine inspiration, we love going back in fashion history to the late ‘30s to the so called ‘pin-up style’. Think of Marilyn Monroe as the icon of this fashion movement. Here are the key essential elements we used to create Marion’s modern ‘pin-up style’: lAdd a fluffy skirt and a belt to accentuate her waist. lBy choosing pink, black and white as her colour palette, we are spot on! lA delicate silk scarf is adding that pin-up touch we were looking for. lTo complete the look, we emphasized her eyes by adding a thick eyeliner and long lashes

MARION’S FEEDBACK: ‘I must confess I was speechless when I saw myself in the mirror. I absolutely loved the make-up, not to mention the shape of the outfit Carla and Marie selected for me. I felt much more stylized. After this makeover, I am determined to follow through and keep this new me! Thank you so much to the lovely ladies and CP Magazine for the great opportunity. It was an experience to remember!’



ANYA HINDMARCH “Autumn Winter 2017 explores the contrast between the romanticised notions of winter and wanderlust and the darker motifs found in Old Norse folklore. This has been explored through modern interpretations of traditional leather craft techniques, including Scandinavian Kurbits and complex hand-woven leatherwork.“

New styles for Autumn Winter 2017 A clean, lightweight bucket bag is the perfect canvas for hand-woven leather straps and layered bag accessories. There are several new additions to the Stack family; the compartmentalised Modular Stack can be worn in many ways, including as a backpack. A new smaller satchel has been added to the Bathurst collection. An expanded footwear collection includes clogs, Jesus sandals and long shearling Creepers. The outerwear collection includes layered textures of wool, sheepskin and felt.

Materials, techniques and colours An evolution of the technique developed for Spring Summer 2017, each motif has been explored through complex hand-woven leatherwork and leather marquetry. Vegetable tanned leathers, long-haired shearling and suede have been used with diamante embellishments.

Introducing Build A Bag 112

MARCH 2017

The Bucket Bag will also be available as part of Build a Bag, an exciting new concept launching in May 2017.

TORY BURCH LAUNCHES THE T SATCHEL Tory Burch recently introduced an instant icon: the T Satchel. Polished and versatile, the handbag is an exquisite addition to the Block-T family, defined by elegant, clean construction and an understated appeal. CEO & Designer, Tory Burch, said: “The T Satchel has clean lines and a structured silhouette; it is fresh and modern, but also timeless. I love it with a colorful scarf— incredibly chic.” A study in luxurious minimalism, the classic, functional shape is crafted in smooth leather with tonal details. Finished with a secure flap closure and an optional, adjustable cross-body strap, it can be carried hands-free or by the top handle. A colorful scarf is a chic way to add a personal, playful accent. The T Satchel is available in black, royal navy, aged vacchetta, court green, new ivory and samba red at Tory Burch boutiques and digital commerce channels worldwide as well as select department stores and specialty stores.







Fast on the corners, stable on the straights: Rigid chassis with rear-axle steering

The majority of Porsche GT drivers also like to take their sportscars for a spin on the racetrack, which is where the new 911 GT3 really comes into its own, thanks to a weightto-power ratio of 2.86 kg/hp (3.88 kg/kW). With seven-speed double-clutch transmission (PDK) as standard, which has been specifically tuned for use in the GT, the two-seater can accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in 3.4 seconds. It boasts a top speed of 318 km/h and weighs 1,430 kg (with a full tank of fuel). For proponents of pure unadulterated driving, Porsche

The chassis of the new 911 GT3 benefits from Porsche’s motor racing experience which has been reworked for even better driving dynamics. The new two-seater sits around 25 mm lower than the 911 Carrera S. In addition to the further refined basic design, the chassis also boasts superior handling characteristics, thanks in large part to the active rear-axle steering. Depending on the speed, it steers either in the opposite or the same direction as the front wheels, thereby improving the vehicle’s agility and stability. The dynamic engine mounts and the rear differential lock also boost the car’s driving dynamics. Appearance wise, the 911 GT3 leaves little doubt as to its purpose. The dominant carbon rear wing emphasises the sportscar’s aerodynamic form. The lightweight front end and front spoiler have been optimised for an even better airflow. Further aerodynamic enhancements are evident on the lightweight rear end with exhaust air openings and on the new diffusor.

he Porsche 911 GT3 delivers motorsportlike performance, a systematic lightweight construction and an unfiltered driving experience. In the new generation of the radical two-seater, the connection between everyday driving and the racetrack is more intense. At the heart of the enhanced model is a four-litre flat, six-cylinder engine. The extremely highrevving naturally aspirated unit with 500 hp (368 kW) remains virtually unchanged from the thoroughbred 911 GT3 Cup racing car. A redesigned chassis with rear-axle steering and the systematic lightweight construction are specifically tuned to convert the engine power into superior driving dynamics. Developed on the same test track and manufactured on the same production line as the racing cars, Porsche’s motorsport technology has once again been incorporated into a roadapproved sportscar.


MARCH 2017

also offers the 911 GT3 with a six-speed sports manual gearbox. This enables the high-performance 911 to sprint from 0 to 100 km/h in 3.9 seconds and reach a top speed of 320 km/h.

Interior: Experience centre for exceptional driving dynamics

Market launch and prices The 911 GT3 is available to order now. It will be launched in Kuwait from mid-July, with a starting price of KWD 44,500.

The interior of the new high-performance sportscar is tailored to the 911 GT3 driving experience. The GT sports steering wheel with a diameter of 360 mm originates from the 918 Spyder. Both the driver and passenger experience the dynamics in Porsche Sports seats Plus featuring enhanced seat side bolsters and mechanical fore/aft adjustment. The seat height and backrests are adjusted electronically. Porsche offers three additional seat variants for the 911 GT3: The adaptive Sports seats Plus boast electrical adjustment of all seat functions (18-way). The second option is sports bucket seats with folding backrest, integrated thorax airbag and manual fore/aft adjustment. The third variant is full bucket seats made from light carbon fibre-reinforced plastic in carbon-weave finish. www.cpmagazine.net


Gulf Bank Concludes Annual General Meeting Omar Kutayba Alghanim “Gulf Bank records third consecutive year of double-digit growth in net profit and is well placed to continue its progress”

NIVEA introduces Skin Delight, the first Oil in Body Milk Moisturizer for a Soft and Radiant Skin All Day Long KidZania Celebrates Kuwait’s National and Liberation Days with line-up of Activities!

With more than 100 years of skincare expertise, NIVEA introduces the first oil in body milk moisturizer, Skin Delight which not only soothes away dry skin but also deeply nourishes and locks in moisture to preserve the skin’s softness and radiance all day long. Studies show that 85% of women use a body lotion to indulge themselves and unwind from the stress of daily life, as tensions melt away while we give ourselves a gentle, pampering gesture. NIVEA Skin Delight caring treatment, infused with delicate scents of rose and lavender, offers women a divine experience as it delights all their senses and gives them a radiant glowing skin. According to NIVEA skincare experts, to deeply nourish and moisturize, you need ingredients that boost the skin’s natural moisture and enhance its moisture-lock in capacity. The non-sticky innovative formula of Skin delight combines new natural mositurining ingredients of milk and oil with rose or lavender scents. Milk, a favored body care ingredient of women in the region, is an elixir by which to preserve youth and beauty. While rose and levender oils are used for skin care and aroma. All of which gives women irresistibly long-lasting soft skin and a natural healthy glow all day long. “It’s important to celebrate milestones while we constantly strive to create new innovative products that fulfil all consumers‘ aspirations and needs. NIVEA Skin Delight is ideal for all skin types recommended for use all over the body after showering and before bed, in order to have a visibly glowing radiant skin,” said Eva Manzano, Brand Manager - NIVEA BODY & SUN. Tensions melt away, while we take off the day in a gentle, pampering gesture. And as we relax, so does our skin. The NIVEA SKIN DELIGHT is available in Rose and Lavender scents in all leading supermarkets.


MARCH 2017

Gulf Bank concluded its Annual General Meeting at the Jumeriah Messilah Hotel Kuwait on 8 March 2017. Shareholders approved the Bank’s audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016 and endorsed the Board of Directors recommendation of a cash dividend of 7 fils per share, an increase of 75% compared to 4 fils per share in the prior year. Gulf Bank recorded a net profit of KD 43 million for the year ended 2016, a 10% increase over the previous year. Loan quality continued to improve; gross credit cost (specific provisions plus write-offs) declined by 16% to KD 72 million compared to 85 million in 2015. Nonperforming loans (NPLs) reached KD 93 million or 2.4% NPL ratio, levels that have not been seen since 2007. The Bank’s capital adequacy ratio is 18.5%, which is well above the regulatory requirement of 14%. The capital of the Bank was enhanced by the successful issuance of KD 100 million of Tier II capital in May 2016. The assets of the Bank were steady at KD 5,467 million, while total shareholders’ equity was up by 7% to KD 573 million. In terms of profitability, the Bank’s earnings per share for the year ended 2016 was 15 fils compared to 13 fils in 2015. The return on average assets was 0.79% compared to 0.72% in 2015, and the return on average equity was 7.73% compared to 7.43% for the previous year. Commenting on the 2016 results, Mr. Omar Kutayba Alghanim, Chairman of Gulf Bank, said: “It is my pleasure to report to you on the performance of Gulf Bank in 2016, we have transformed the Bank quite dramatically in the last several years and we continue to achieve significant milestones and meet key strategic goals. Today, our Bank has strong revenue-generating capacity as well as a clean and sound balance sheet. We have a growing Consumer Banking franchise and a more diversified Wholesale Banking business; we have reduced our concentrations in the real estate and non-Bank financial sectors, reduced non-performing loans, and increased our loan loss coverage.” Mr. Alghanim continued: “As you can see this has resulted in a much stronger capital base with a higher level and quality of earnings. For the third consecutive year, the Bank achieved double-digit net income growth in a very competitive industry and a challenging economic environment. We increased our cash dividends by 75% to 7 fils per share. Our capital adequacy is strong at 18.5 % and is well above the regulatory requirement. For the first time in the last nine years, non-performing loans fell below KD 100 million or 2.4% of total loans. Additionally, we continue to enjoy an “A” rating from the top three international rating agencies. Gulf Bank is well positioned to continue its progress and growth.”

It was celebrations galore as KidZania, the kidsize metropolis, celebrated Kuwait’s National and Liberation Days with a patriotic 17-day program that ran from February 16 to March 4. During the 17-day program, young visitors to the city enjoyed a joyful, festive atmosphere and participated in numerous fun-filled National Festival-themed activities KidZania had to offer. Kids were also hosted at an exciting black light show which introduced them to the history of Kuwait, including the pre-oil era, and how Kuwaitis used to earn their living in the olden days. Celebrations also included public parades and flash mobs at the Avenues Mall over different weekends in February, which were organized alongside KidZania’s staff and beloved characters.

Triumph SPRING SUMMER 2017 Seasonal Overview by Sian Thomas, Global Head of Design

Follow your dreams to the warmer climate of Los Angeles this summer. Embrace a more casual attitude to life and admire the striking modern architecture of the city while embracing the healthy lifestyle with a hike through the Hills or a run along the Santa Monica Boardwalk and be inspired by the Hollywood possibility to be whoever you dream of being... Let's stay at the modernist Pierre Koenig Stahl House in the Hollywood Hills with its garden of desert flowers, lush cacti and succulents. Relax and gaze out at the city below with its streets dappled with palm shadows and soft sun bleached buildings that melt into the clear blue L.A. sky. The more natural casual trend influences a less extreme padded look in bras. New thin, lightweight solutions i.e. Spacer pads still give light enhancing but discrete benefits for everyday and shapewear and soft triangle bra tops epitomize a new unstructured fashionable look influenced by 1970s silhouettes. Soft pastel sunset tones of peach and sky blues mix with modernist sun bleached pale greens and desert neutrals while hot pink and aubergine tones add a new seasonal accents. To escape the beautiful life of California we take a vacation to Mexico, from the simple, back to nature, healthy beach life of Baja California to the colourful parties and Mayan culture of Tulum, where the relaxed attitude continues to inspire Homewear and Beachwear and provide our inspiration for Swimwear and Triaction prints and colour palettes. This is the summer to worship the energy of the Sun.

Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa Reinforces Support for Kuwait Down Syndrome Society


Start The Spring Summer Season In Style With Centrepoint’s Latest Collection

Home Centre Wins Service Hero Award Second Year in a Row

For the second consecutive year, Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa, Kuwait’s idyllic resort, has shown its far-reaching support for the children of the Kuwait Down Syndrome Society. As part of their year long sponsorship, the luxurious landmark sponsored the society's celebrations on the occasion of the National and Liberation Days. General Manager, Hakan Petek, said: “The Kuwait Down Syndrome Society plays a crucial role in so many lives and I applaud their outstanding commitment. A fundamental component of our Social Responsibility culture is to empower and support the local community. It is tremendously rewarding to be part of these initiatives and to be able to contribute to such noble causes.” Greeted by Ms. Hessa Al-Baloula, co-founder of the Kuwait Down Syndrome Society, the Hotel's management team attended the event held under the patronage of Sheikha Sheikha Al-Sabah, a devoted advocate for special needs in Kuwait. The distinguished guests bonded with around 200 children and their families, relatives and members of the community. Children were overjoyed at the occasion and were happy to receive special gifts from the hotel’s management. Carol Roncoletta, Director of PR & Communications, said: “It was a privilege to organise this yearly activity, interact with the children and help support this truly inspirational society. On behalf of Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa, I would like to thank everybody for their significant efforts.” The Kuwait Down Syndrome Society hosts number of workshops and initiatives throughout the year for those with Down syndrome, including arts and crafts and cooking. The activities are meant to empower those with special needs and encourage them to pursue their passions and embolden them to get involved in meaningful community activities.

Sparkle with style inspiration from Centrepoint’s Spring Summer collection. Strike a pose and make your mark with fashion in the latest trendy looks. This season, Splash’s collection sees a return of nautical styling with a neo twist with colourful stripes seen in both an optical re-arrangement and in the classical nautical style. The shapes for this season are contemporary and modern, offset by a romantic pink palette that is dominant in major collection pieces. Distinctive styles with dreamy blossoms such as Berry and citrus tones also featuring through the collection along with cooler shades of aqua, lavender, and lilac. Key details in the collection feature delicate long lines, feminine ruffles and shoulder focus as key details. The athleisure trend of previous seasons continues with urban sporty silhouettes sporting the nautical theme. Women can show off their pretty feet in a range of brightly-coloured and floral-printed sandals this season. Wedges are still in style with feminine pearl detail. Comfortable sneakers, beautiful ballerinas and stiletto-heeled sandals all feature in the fashionable selection of footwear from Shoe Mart. To set a statement this season, Lifestyle brings you a collection of sporty and earthy tones as well as joyful, feel-good brights to add a bohemian look to bags, such as tropical skins and cross body bags. Ladies can chose from a range of fashionable accessories to complement your summer outfits with lighter tones of Swarovski crystals and pastel shades for your scarfs. A simple natural glow is the look of this season with a signature red lip to add glamour to the Spring Summer night. Lifestyle has a range of matt, glossy and frosty shades to suit every woman’s style sentiment. As the weather turns warmer, eyes are bold and bright emphasizing the power of colour in a glossy texture and finish. Babyshop has a pretty palette of pinks for the princess in every little girl. Salmon rose, neon pink and yellow, bright regatta blue, Irish green and softer bird egg green and crystal rose are also infused through the collection. Peasant blouses, pretty sports shorts, plushtextured and mesh-bonded jerseys, statement printed empire-waist dresses are the collection highlights with scalloped edges, graphic embellished numbers, and patchwork and Havana tile patterns featuring in the style. Barbie themed style remain a favourite with little ladies this season as do Disney themes and Hello Kitty looks. Splash’s menswear range showcases key themes of 90’s Nostalgia, Soft Grunge, Military Mania, and Indigo & Beyond. This collection is inspired by 90s graphic styling teamed with modern minimalism. The military look has also emerged as a staple after its resurgence as a strong trend over the last few seasons. Denim stays strong this season with a range of denim shirts and jackets in a colour palette that includes blue and grey. The collection palette consists of cobalt blue, blazing yellow, black, military green, off-set by subtle shades of desert pink. Key Pieces in the collection include waterfall shrugs, drop shoulder tees and printed waistcoats.

QX50 Concept: Infiniti’s Vision For A Next-Generation Mid-Size Premium Crossover

Making its global premiere at the 2017 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, the QX50 Concept showcases INFINITI’s vision for a next-generation mid-size premium crossover. Demonstrating how the design of the 2016 QX Sport Inspiration, its conceptual forebear, could be adapted for a future production model, the QX50 Concept confidently articulates INFINITI’s ‘Powerful Elegance’ design language. A ‘cabinforward’ silhouette combines with muscular lines and flowing surfaces to telegraph its purpose as a dynamic and practical crossover. The organic forms of the ‘driver-centric, passenger-minded’ cabin were designed in harmony with the exterior shape. Blending progressive design with modern craftsmanship, the QX50 Concept’s interior reflects INFINITI’s desire to challenge conventional approaches to premium interior design. INFINITI MOTOR COMPANY LTD. 28-30/F, Hopewell Centre 183 Queen’s Road East Wan Chai, Hong Kong www. infiniti.com INFINITI’s latest concept is the next step toward the company’s future autonomous drive support technologies. Central to the strategy for the development of all future INFINITI autonomous drive support systems, they ensure the driver retains ultimate control over their vehicle – in keeping with INFINITI’s focus on driver engagement. Furthermore, the QX50 Concept illustrates a potential application for INFINITI’s advanced Variable Compression Turbo (VC-Turbo) engine, offering drivers a powertrain that adapts to offer both power and efficiency. An evolution of INFINITI’s 2016 QX Sport Inspiration mid-size crossover

Home Centre, the largest home retailer in the Middle East, has won the Service Hero award in the Home Furniture category for the second consecutive year in recognition of its commitment to providing outstanding service and value to its customers. Service Hero is he Arab world's only 100% consumer-powered customer satisfaction index, which rates 17 industry segments – including cafés, retail banks, mobile operators, home furniture, electronics, and airlines – for customer service. Upon nominating leading brands across every segment, the Service Hero launches a year-long voting process that culminates in the selection of a single winner in each category. Launched in 2010, the index has counted over 150,000 consumer votes on more than 300 private sector companies in Kuwait and has lately expanded its reach to the UAE. Competing against 15 large multinational brands in the Home Furniture category, Home Centre, which has six stores in Kuwait, received the Service Hero award based on votes cast by customers in Kuwait from 2016 to 2017. Voters ranked the brand on its reliability, speed of service, value for money, product quality, convenience, staff attitude and competence, as well as call centre and website quality. In addition, they compared the expected and actual service experience and rated factors such as overall satisfaction and likelihood of recommending the brand to friends. Accepting the award at the Address Hotel, Dubai, Médéric Payne, CEO of Home Centre, said: “We are delighted to receive this prestigious award for the second year running. What makes the validation even more special is that it comes from our customers, who have always been the prime focus of every initiative and launch at Home Centre.” He added: “We aim to bring them only the very best – both in terms of products and experiences – and this recognition reinforces our longstanding dedication to exceptional customer service. Such distinctions motivate us to double our efforts to ensure we remain the preferred home shopping destination in the region.” To guarantee results that are impartial, objective and accurately reflect the voice of the consumer, Service Hero has partnered with the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) and is a member of the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (ESOMAR). www.cpmagazine.net



Turbo S E-Hybrid MARELLA becomes the top model in the Panamera SPRING SUMMER 2017 line

Dishes to delight taste buds and your friends only at ChocoCafeSymphony Style Hotel.

At next month’s Geneva Motor Show, Porsche will celebrate the world premiere of the new Panamera Turbo S E-Hybrid, marking the first time that the sports car manufacturer launches a plug-in hybrid vehicle as the flagship of a model line. The four-litre V8 engine from the Panamera Turbo is combined with an electric motor, resulting in a total of 680 hp (500 kW) of system output and outstanding power delivery. Adapting the boost strategy from the 918 Spyder super sports car, the Panamera Turbo S E-Hybrid offers 850 Nm of torque even when just above idle speed. This results in an acceleration time from zero to 100 km/h in just 3.4 seconds and a top speed of 310 km/h. With a fully electric driving distance of up to 50 kilometres, the average fuel consumption is 2.9 l/100 km, according to the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC). The launch of the new Panamera Turbo S E-Hybrid underlines the importance of electric mobility for the Stuttgart-based manufacturer of exclusive sports cars.

The Dubai international boat show (DIBS) is set to hit a new milestone in the marine luxury world of the Middle East by celebrating 25 years of maritime excellence and displaying the finest in sailing and boating lifestyle. For the eighth consecutive year, PANERAI, the Florentine luxury sports watch brand, renews its partnership as the “VIP supporting partner” of the Dubai Boat show, taking place from February 28 to March 4, 2017 at the Dubai International Marine Club, Mina Seyahi. PANERAI is using this annual marine platform to unveil its latest technically advanced watch collection dedicated to the 35th America’s cup, to the region’s watch collectors and sport enthusiasts. The Panerai DNA is driven by the passion for the sea and the continue research for innovative technical solutions, which represent a perfect match with the values of the America’s Cup, the leading sailing race based on the most advanced technologies. The collection on display will consist of five unique, limitededition watches, renowned for their Swiss mechanics, Italian design and avant-garde technology dedicated to Oracle team USA, Softbank Team Japan and the America’s Cup. VIPs and watch aficionados are invited to visit the exclusive PANERAI lounge, designed in a beautiful marine like atmosphere evoking the past with the brand history rooted in the tradition of the sea, and highlighting the future with the latest innovative timepieces and association with modern day racing. Additional sophisticated novelties launched at the “Salon International of Haute Horlogerie” (SIHH 2017) last January in Geneva will be as well on display in the impressive charming atmosphere of the VIP lounge.


MARCH 2017

Who doesn’t love taking pictures of the perfect coffee or sumptuous dish and sharing them on social media? The new menu at the colourful and vibrant ChocoCafé will make you want to do that and more. Whether it’s chilling out over a coffee with friends or watching the world go by as you share dinner with the family, there’s something for everyone at ChocoCafé – including your Instagram followers. The team at the café, situated in the heart of the Symphony Style Hotel Kuwait, has blended culture with cuisine and colour to create a dynamic hotspot in which to see and be seen. Catering to all tastes – be it a healthy breakfast option, through to salads, sandwiches, mouthwatering main courses, or pastas and pizzas, you will want to sit back, sample, then share your experience. Show off with a specialty coffee – an Almond Toffee Latte or Backlawa Latte with Amaretto syrup perhaps – or a hot chocolate with cherry. Or why not indulge with the chocolate fountain dessert. Open from 8:00 am to 2:00 am daily, the ChocoCafé’s commitment to quality sees the kitchen using ingredients such as prime US Angus beef, French butter, and Pietro Coricello’s Italian extra virgin oil in its dishes. The café’s striking interior design make it the perfect setting for any occasion, while the stunning grand terrace is a great place to kick back with a funky shisha while soaking up the surroundings. Complimented by friendly and exemplary service, anticipating your every need, ChocoCafé offers the perfect break during a busy day.

Unique drive concept with V8 engine and electric motor After the successful debut of the Panamera 4 E-Hybrid, Porsche is showcasing once again that hybrid technology can deliver remarkable performance values. The new Panamera Turbo S E-Hybrid combines an electric motor (136 hp/100 kW) with a V8 engine (550 hp/404 kW). The de-coupler installed in the hybrid module is activated electromechanically by an electric clutch actuator (ECA), just like in the Panamera 4 E-Hybrid. The result is a rapid response time and a high level of comfort. Typical of all secondgeneration Panamera models, the fast-shifting, eight-speed Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK) is used to transmit the power to the adaptive all-wheel drive system – Porsche Traction Management (PTM) which comes as part of the standard equipment. The E-Performance drive accelerates the luxury saloon to 100 km/h in just 3.4 seconds and provides extraordinary tractive force at high speeds. Combined with a top speed of 310 km/h, this means that the Porsche Panamera Turbo S E-Hybrid sets new benchmarks in its class. The new model features air suspension as standard and offers a unique balance in this segment: the comfort of a luxury saloon paired with performance values of a true sports car. The electric motor is supplied with power via a liquid-cooled lithium-ion battery with an energy capacity of 14.1 kWh. The high-voltage battery integrated in the rear is fully charged within six hours via the standard 3.6 kW on-board charger and a 230 V power supply with 10 Ampere. If a customer uses the optional 7.2 kW on-board charger and a 230 V connection with 32 Ampere instead, the charging time is reduced to just 2.4 hours. Owners have the choice of starting the charging process manually or by using a timer in the Porsche Communication Management (PCM). Additionally, the Panamera Turbo S E-Hybrid is fitted with auxiliary air conditioning to cool or heat the passenger compartment even during charging.

Marella’s Spring/Summer flirts with rock and sweetness, displaying a flowing wardrobe, because everything is flexible and nothing defined. The macro Vichy prints of the coat in woven-roving match with the animal-print mini skirt, the shirt with square patterns and maxi bow with the waterproof leopard-print blouson, while the bon ton dress features spotted polkadots. Patterns become more delicate while the collection is even more inspired by lounge-style, with a trench cut like a dressing gown in soft jacquard and a floral pajamas suit. The navy-style must haves underwent a careful revisitation, which redefines its boundaries. Featuring a double-breasted blazer with golden buttons in jacquard, a maxi stripy chemisier dress, suit trousers display either an anchor-shaped pattern or a floral one. All of this comes in navy blue, denim light blue or cream nuances and a single bright tone: red. Bold and vibrant, red hues embellish the high-rise cropped trousers, the bare-shoulder dress and the double-breasted blazer. Red also blends the navy-style part of the collection with the more active side, where stripes are the protagonists for peplum blouses and mini jackets meet up with the new tattoo-effect print of small bustier tops. Energy is a synonym for boldness and practicality, however femininity is highlighted by the gather on the midi halter neck dress and by the technical tulle for the see-through dress. The tropics during summertime move to the city, the graphical jungle prints characterize the full-circle skirts to wear with blouses and tops in ocean hues, shirts and blousons with vibrant tropical garden prints boldly blend with plaincoloured or Vichy-patterned trousers in a daring mix & match. The foliage of palm trees, in green, light blue, Mediterranean blue and blush pink is the must-have for the following summertime items: the slip dress, the peplum top combined with wide trousers, the full-circle skirt and the blouse with flared sleeves. Delicate and dreamy is the occasion wear. Colours are light and lively, easy-going and super chic: emerald green, Mediterranean light blue, sky blue, oleander pink, naked or black for the mini or maxi dresses in lace, silk and rich organza. Precious fabrics define the slightly structured silhouettes, flowing and romantic, with small gathers and bows creating a fresh and impressive look without going over the top.







1. James Grieve, Blenheim Orange, Irish Peach, and Ashmead's Kernel are traditional varieties of: Walnuts; Apples; Plums; or Lemons?


2. RPM on a traditional record player stands for what? 2





3. A traditional Moroccan house with central atrium courtyard/garden is called a: Riad; Cyan; Triad; or Fad?



4. Junk, Trimaran, Pontoon, and Luzzu are types of: Card games; Boats; Floppy hats; or Indian spiced rice dishes?


5. The Atlas Mountains extend across which three of these countries:



6. Twelve three-hundredths (12/300) expresssed as a percentage is: 2%;





Spain; Morocco; Turkey; Algeria; Tunisia?


4%; 8%; or 12%?

7. Sabot and saboton (from French, savate and botte) are respectively a box from which casino cards are dealt, and knight's armour, equating to a: Shoe; Glove; Hat; or Pocket?



8. Oddly known by its river, Kingston-upon-(What?) was judged by Rough Guides 2016 among the ten best places to visit in the world: Thames; Severn; Hull; or Trent?


9. The traditional pudding of strawberries, meringue and whipped

Each group was forced into a rhythm, keeping a pace that was difficult for the slowest and weakest of them as they marched. In this sentence, difficult means:

cream is called: Eton Mess; Harrow Crumble; Roedean Chaos; or Westminster Splodge?

10. Flat-top, Pageboy, Mullet, and Bob are: Simpson's characters; Hairstyles; Plumber's tools; or Yacht sail configurations? 11. Who discovered gravity and proposed the Three Laws of Motion: Darwin; Newton; Aristotle; or Freud?









12. What does the space/movie term ET stand for? 13. Onychomycosis and Onychoschizia are fungal and splitting complaints of human: Hair; Ligaments; Finger/toenails; or Skull? 14. Gluteus medius, Gluteus maximus and Piriformis are muscles in human: Arms; Legs; Hands; or Buttocks?

15. Clove hitch, Sheepshank, Figure eight, and Bowline are: Wrestling holds; Daisies; Knots; or Australian country dances?

Difficult has Latin parts: dis meaning "not, un" and facilis meaning "easy." So, something that is difficult is not easy, like marathon running. Difficult can also be used to describe a situation or person that is hard to control. For example, if you babysit a difficult child, he or she might run away from you and not obey you. And you might have a difficult time agreeing to watch that child again.

Mount Everest, a difficult journey.

d. If something is difficult, it requires physical effort or brain power to complete, like climbing

16. The Piolet d'Or is a major award by the French magazine Montagnes for: Skiing; Mountaineering; Wine-making; or Goat-herding?


17. The UK average hourly wage for a FTSE company CEO (2014/15) is about: £300; £550; £750; or £1200?

Anyone can hold me, even without their hands, yet no one can do it

18. To enable accurate measuring of Moon-Earth distance the

for long. What am I?

NASA lunar landings of 1969-72 left on the moon a: Laser; Powered loudspeaker; Mirror; or Marked basketball court?

19. What scientist did the Vatican officially pardon in 1992, having a.

Your Breath


A DoorYour





declared him a heretic, and forced him to recant under threat of torture, for asserting in 1632 that the Earth orbits the Sun: Galileo; Da Vinci; Copernicus; or Newton?

20. A linen 'stola' is the female equivalent of the Roman man's woollen: Toga; Loincloth; Hat; or Underpants?

ANSWERS: a.Your Breath MARCH 2017

ANSWERS:1.Apples, 2.Revolutions Per Minute, 3.Riad, 4.Boats, 5.Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, 6.4%, 7.Shoe, 8.Hull, 9.Eton Mess, 10.Hairstyles, 11.Newton (Isaac Newton, 1642-1727),12. Extra Terrestrial ('Outside Earth'), 13.Finger/toenails, 14.Buttocks, 15.Knots, 16.Mountaineering (Piolet d'Or means golden ice-axe), 17.£1200 (that's c.£5m per annum), 18.Mirror, 19.Galileo, 20.Toga








(March 21 - April 19)

(July 23 - August 22)

(November 22 - December)

The Mars/Saturn trine on March 5 empowers you to achieve something big. Be practical and not overly ambitious. You may want to keep a low profile during the Full Moon on March 12, but you'll still be very busy. Most of your time and energy may go into figuring out what really pleases you best. Take good care of your health and diet now, and be extremely happy about it. Turn yourself loose at the New Moon of March 27. Love what you do and contrive to do it more often and better. Nothing is going to be able to stop or slow you down.

Money matters could become more important around the March 12 Full Moon. You have a lot of influence and resources at your disposal. You might solve a perceived problem simply by taking a closer look at all the details and find that it's no problem at all. Spring fever could strike with a vengeance when the Sun enters Aries, on March 20. The March 27 New Moon could tug at your heartstrings and make you desire faraway places and a more global experience. You may not get to Morocco, but you can still enjoy lamb and couscous.

The Moon/Jupiter opposition on March 1 gives you a good, clear look at how things are going and how people are treating you. Your work situation gets more organized as the March 12 Full Moon approaches. Your home and family life may very well offer ideas that make you even more productive and impressive at work. The New Moon on March 27 promises many chances for big fun. However, you'll be making your own fun and not relying on anyone else for ideas. Chances are also good that others will want to tag along with you. It could be party time.




(April 20 - May 20)

(August 23 - September)

(December 22 - January 19)

Venus turns retrograde on March 4. Be firmer in looking out for your own romantic interests. Fun times beckon under the March 12 Full Moon. Your social circle may exert a strong emotional pull on your heart, but if it isn't going to be fun, you won't be enticed. Your idea of fun may seem tame to your friends, but it's what makes you happy. The New Moon on March 27 encourages you to make some deep, powerful plans that could turn your world around. Is there something big that you've been yearning to start? Plan it now and begin very soon.

The Mercury/Neptune conjunction on March 4 could confound something that you thought you understood. The March 12 Full Moon lets you revamp your self-image. If you're satisfied with your appearance, you may still want to experiment with a new mode of behavior. How do you want to sound and present yourself? Make modifications. You may feel like taking on the world at the March 27 New Moon. However, it might be wiser to let the world come to you first. Rather than set anything in motion, meet what comes at you head-on. You have a lot going for you now.

The Moon/Saturn trine on March 1 starts the month off strong. The March 12 Full Moon may urge you to run off and do something out of the ordinary with unusual people or alone. Friends and neighbors may want your attention, too, and this could hold you back, for better or worse. The New Moon on March 27 lets you ask yourself if there are any major changes you want to make around the house. You have so much energy available that you could almost take on the challenge of a second home. Plan some remodeling or get new dishes. Whatever makes you happy.




(May 21 - June 20)

(September 23 - October)

(January 20 - February 18)

The Mercury/Neptune conjunction on March 4 sets you up to think the best of a valued but difficult partner or relationship. Home life and domestic stability are highlighted around the Full Moon on March 12. Your day job or a social event may try to lure you away, but your heart won't be in it. That doesn't mean you might not go out for a bit. Social life could spin out of control around the March 27 New Moon. You'll most likely be the instigator and at the center of it. Play nice and go ahead and rattle a few people's cages.

Love may come under more scrutiny and your heart become more discriminating as Venus goes stationary retrograde on March 4. You might appear quiet and withdrawn around the March 12 Full Moon, but appearances are deceiving. Your routine daily life is bustling with love, affection, cleverness, and maybe a few minor snags that only bring you and your loved one closer. The March 27 New Moon is all about love, love, and more love. You might see a current love in a bright, new light. Your heart could try and take you off in a totally new direction. Be open, but be careful.

The Moon conjoins Uranus on March 1. Find inspiration and motivation in the strangest places. Don't forget to look. You may feel anxious about a money or bureaucratic matter as the Full Moon approaches on March 12. Be calm and methodical, and don't let emotions or imagined problems run away with you. This will be an easy fix, if it's anything at all. Let the March 12 New Moon introduce you to some new neighbors. You could make lots of new acquaintances now. Some of them may stick around long enough to become good friends. Expect to be popular with unconventional, forward-thinking people.




(June 21 - July 22)

(October 23 - November)

(February 19 - March 20)

The Moon/Mercury sextile on March 2 makes it easier to talk about what is beautiful in your life. Let the March 12 Full Moon draw you closer to your favorite people. A neighbor or nearby friend may introduce you to a few new people who are a bit out of the ordinary. Enjoy the variety and the different food, music, and dress styles. The March 27 New Moon lights up your workplace and career plans. A big opportunity could fall out of the sky for you now. If you aren't mentally prepared, you might not even notice. Be sharp, ambitious, and realistic.

It's a high-energy month from day one as the Moon and Mars conjoin on March 1. Ration your mania. You may want to socialize during the March 12 Full Moon, but you might not care to be thrust into a big, random party scene. The best times might be with fewer people, doing creative things that most people wouldn't understand anyway. The New Moon on March 27 may not be wildly exciting, but it will be wildly productive and pleasing. You can plow through your to-do list in the blink of an eye and feel virtuous and proud afterward. Amaze yourself.

Dream away when the Sun conjoins Neptune on March 1. It won't hurt to remember your dearest wishes. The March 12 Full Moon shines a spotlight on your love life. You look great and are irresistible now, no matter how you feel inside. Smile and let love work its magic on everything you say and do. Finances may be looking up as the New Moon approaches on March 27. An awaited repayment or sizeable rebate may materialize. Or it might be a pay raise. Spending isn't required to increase, although it might. Regardless, look for money to be on the move for you.


MARCH 2017



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