since 2010
The Ferrari F8 Tributo makes its debut in Kuwait
113 MAY 2019
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since 2010
MAY 2019 CPmagazine
GROUP EDITOR Gill Sherry FASHION DIRECTOR Abir Achkar FASHION EDITORS Marie Christine Sandra Carina Yasmeen AlSalem
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Aisha AlSanad Eman AlAwadh Fatema AlSairafi Hend AlSanad Iman Matwally Jim West Jose Berrocoso Nada AlMuzaini Paul Tunbridge Sana Mrad Yassarina
PHOTOGRAPHY TEAM Ahmed Madi Hamad Alainati Adel Javed Riyaz Modadi
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66. The Ferrari F8 Tributo Makes Its Debut In Kuwait
44. Makeup Trends Spring/Summer 2019
50. Movies Releasing In May 53. The Hottest New Book Releases Of May 54. Writing Movie Wrongs 55. Top Music Charts
28. 7 Steps To Having A Stress-Free Life
36. Bonus Miles - A Fairy Tale Principality Dream Destination 40. The City Guide
18. Fahad Al Sufayeh & Sheikha Dalal Humood Al Sabah 26. Nancy Alsafadi 30. Adylia-Rhenee Gutierrez 42. Olga Kotashvili
57. Is Class The New Trend This Season? 60. My Ramadan Edit By Abir Achkar 63. Brighten Up Your Wardrobe! 64. Ramadan 2019 Must Haves
12. Taiba Hospital 24. A Welcome Return 58. Victoria Beckham 42. Daily Reminder
SPECIAL FEATURE 46. Where To Iftaar
32. Four Seasons Hampshire, Uk 34. The Merchant House Hotel, Art & More.
16. In Permanent Pursuit Of Perfection 76. CP Journal 78. Homework For Grownups 80. Horoscopes
TAIBA HOSPITAL The innovative healthcare leader with unsurpassed compassion for patients. Gill Sherry
When it comes to private health care in Kuwait, it’s difficult to know where to start. There are so many private hospitals and clinics, it’s almost impossible to decide which one to choose. Which is why I was grateful to visit Taiba Hospital recently and to learn all about their healthcare facilities. 12
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rom the moment I walked in the door, I was greeted with friendly efficiency. The hospital, I was told, has recently undergone extensive renovation and has been extended beyond its original footprint. There’s no denying it’s an eyecatching structure, the sleek, modern interior just as impressive as the contemporary facade. But it’s the facilities that really set it apart. The hospital is spread over ten floors, the elevators bearing the words Happiness, Collaboration, Confidentiality and Communication, reflecting positivity from the start. My first stop was the Orthopedic department. Situated on the first floor, the walls are decorated with various sports shirts, each signed by very grateful patients. Clearly, the original owners of the shirts (professional footballers, handball players and hockey players, to name just three) were thankful for the treatment received at Taiba Hospital, allowing them to continue enjoying and competing in their chosen sport. What better recommendation? The department is led by Dr. Waleed Altnaib, a Fellow of the Royal Canadian College of Surgeons and member of the Canadian Board of Orthopedic Surgery. A total of twelve doctors make up the Orthopedic team so patients are in very safe hands. It’s also worth pointing out that in 2017 Taiba Hospital received accreditations from the JCI (Joint Commission International) for two of its Orthopedic programs: the first internationally for the Lumbar Decompression and Fixation Program, and
the first in the Middle East for the Knee Replacement Program. The hospital is also proud to boast ownership of a Robotic ATT, one of only a few in the hospital private sector in Kuwait. Used for rehabilitation of the neck and back it aids disk decompression treatment by moving the spine through a variety of postural ranges. The equipment has world class credibility and significantly reduces the time of both treatment and recovery – quite a coup for Taiba. The Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy department (home of the Robotic ATT) offers a range of services including treatment relating to musculoskeletal disorders, post-surgical rehabilitation, neurological disorders and sport injuries. My guide at the hospital was keen to point out that Taiba was the only private hospital in Kuwait to have board certified emergency doctors. The Emergency team is able to treat a range of symptoms and complaints including concussion, fractures, pregnancy and trauma. Full medical staff are available around the clock offering efficient coordination with all hospital departments. They also operate strict infection control precautions to keep patients and staff safe from epidemics. In addition, their Triage CTAS system (Canadian Triage Activity Scale) is the only one in use in Kuwait’s private sector.
My next stop was the Laboratory, another highlight of the hospital’s facilities. With seven specialized labs, each with glass walls, not only can patients observe the laboratory process, but the hospital’s work is entirely transparent. The internationally recognized laboratory offers a portfolio of over 1,200 clinical analyses in a variety of areas and fields. Taiba must surely be the best hospital for newborns in Kuwait. It was the first private hospital in the country to be accredited as a Baby Friendly Hospital recognizing its commitment in promoting breastfeeding and the wellbeing of both pregnant women and newborn babies. Situated on the fifth floor, the Nursery has fifteen dedicated beds and sits alongside the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Of course, the comprehensive care for infants extends beyond the Nursery. The hospital’s Pediatrics
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Department offers diagnosis, assessment and followup treatment and boasts 24/7 care for premature babies. Dealing with everything from emergency cases to hereditary diseases to chronic conditions, you can be assured your child is in safe hands. The hospital offers multiple rooms and suites to suit all preferences and budgets. Whether you choose a regular room, intermediate suite or VIP option, the care provided will be first class and the commitment unsurpassed. I was also interested in the strong local administration and management team at Taiba and was particularly impressed to learn that the hospital has, from what I’m led to believe, the first female CEO in Kuwait within the healthcare industry. It also has the most Kuwaiti doctors (both full and part time) compared to other private hospitals. Another tick in the box for this forward-thinking healthcare provider. Taiba Hospital prides itself on its facilities, expertise and care. Its operations are aligned around the needs of its patients and their families and are reinforced by its core values; integrity, compassion, accountability, respect and excellence. It recognizes the importance of teamwork and is committed to continuously improving its quality of service and to promoting community welfare. Health is something we all take for granted. Unfortunately, it can sometimes let us down. It’s at those times we need a healthcare provider we can trust and rely on. Based on my recent visit, Taiba Hospital is the perfect choice.
e all recognise the signs of ageing; grey hair, aching bones, sensible shoes. And if you haven’t succumbed to the curses of maturity yet, you have these unavoidable afflictions to look forward to. Lucky you! For me, the worse thing about getting older is failing eyesight. Trust me, a permanent squint is not a good look. Of course, glasses can easily rectify the problem (there is no room for vanity when it comes to your eye-sight) and I have two pairs of designer spectacles that allow me to see everything with perfect clarity – assuming it’s not raining. But I can’t take my glasses everywhere. I wouldn’t, for example, wear them whilst taking a shower. Which makes it incredibly difficult when trying to decipher between shower gel, shampoo, conditioner and body lotion – particularly when staying in a hotel. Just last week, after trying, but failing, to identify which of the four identical plastic bottles contained shampoo, I washed my hair with shower gel. Well, I got the first letter right! Needless to say, my hair wasn’t quite as bouncy as it should have been. After my shower, the steam having reduced visibility even further, I tried to rub conditioner into my legs. Take it from me, conditioner is nowhere near as absorbent as body lotion. Dinner in the hotel restaurant was equally challenging. I did, of course, have my glasses with me but my husband, in his haste, did not. Sharing a pair of glasses is not ideal and while my husband was deliberating over the pan fried sea bass and the prawn linguine (and no doubt stretching the arms of my Gucci frames as he did so) I was forced to squint at the blurred lines on the menu in front of me. I did try contact lenses, many moons ago. It took me a while to master the process of putting them in and taking them out but I did manage to perfect the art, eventually. What I couldn’t get used to was the permanent feeling of having a foreign body in my eyes. It felt as though a fly had flown in and was struggling to get back out. They never felt entirely comfortable, particularly in a dry atmosphere. I also contracted a number of eye infections before finally admitting defeat. Contact lenses just weren’t for me. 16
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Such was my frustration, I opted for laser surgery - both eyes at the same time. Signing the disclaimer was a frightening experience (basically, if I was rendered blind I had no-one to blame but myself) but I signed it anyway. The thing with laser surgery is, your eyes must be open for the entire procedure. Which means you can see exactly what’s going on in the operating theatre – not necessarily a good thing. Thankfully, I still had my eye-sight when I emerged. I distinctly remember picking up my mobile phone and being able to read a text message – without reaching for my glasses. In fact, my eye-sight was so good (20/20 vision had been restored) my glasses went straight in the bin! Sadly, over time, my eye-sight deteriorated once more. The laser surgery had bought me five years of almost perfect vision but, with age, the need for assistance returned. I had already discounted contact lenses and, whilst the laser surgery had been a success, I had no desire for a repeat performance. When it comes to the smell of burning eyeballs, once is enough! Actually, I’ve been reliably informed there is no burning involved and that the smell is carbon atoms. Even so, I think I’ll pass. So, it’s back to glasses. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not averse to wearing spectacles, it’s just that in my particular case, I don’t need to wear them all the time. I don’t need them, for example, when walking around, which makes shopping quite difficult – it’s never a good thing when you can’t read the price ticket. I once took a handbag to the till thinking the price was £120. It was actually £1,200! I left the store red-faced and empty handed. I’ve learned the hard way to never use my mobile phone without my glasses. I have sent text messages to the wrong person, used inappropriate words in emails and left a voice mail for my sister thinking it was my husband – I got the first letter right that time too! Still, I suppose I should be grateful. There are many people worse off than myself and if all I have to complain about is a few grey hairs and the inconvenience of glasses, then I should be grateful. Now all I have to do is get used to wearing sensible shoes.
Sheikha Dalal is on a mission to help female entrepreneurs in Kuwait. Inspired by her husband, Fahad Al Sufayeh, she is committed to women empowerment and dedicated to supporting ambitious women in the MENA region. Together with Fahad’s vast business experience, Sheikha’s belief in herself and her vision will support the next generation of entrepreneurs; a lasting legacy for this extraordinary Power Couple.
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Fahad& Dalal
Al Sufayeh Sheikha
Humood Al Sabah
“Happiness isn’t just how we measure our success; it’s also the key to it.”
Thank you very much for accepting our interview. It’s a pleasure to have this opportunity to sit face-to-face for our magazine readers. Please tell our readers, who is Sheikha Dalal Humood Al Sabah? Sheikha Dalal: Thank you for asking. I am a passionate
person by nature towards meaningful things in life. I love my country and my family. I come from a loving family who always supported me in my decisions and choices since childhood. Being the youngest daughter in my family, my eldest brother, the Governor Sheikh Faisal Humood Al Sabah, is one of my idols for his achievements and his dedicated hard work for the love of our country. I am a Kuwaiti woman who wants to be remembered for making a difference in the lives of our new generation in Kuwait by inspiring them and showing support to them; especially to our Kuwaiti women entrepreneurs, empowering our youth to see them overcome all obstacles and barriers to reach their highest potential in their lives. I want to see Kuwaiti youth shine for their creative natural talents around the globe.
This is such a beautiful answer and meaningful words. I hear you have great love for business. Is this true Shiekha Dalal? Sheikha Dalal: Thank you for bringing this up. I believe
all Kuwaiti people are born with the talent of business in their blood from our great ancestors. We are all business people deep in our souls since the beginning of time. We have a long history in trading. I always loved business since an early age. After marrying my husband, Fahad Al Sufayeh, he encouraged me and made me discover I had many talents. As my loving partner he always explained to me the future we see is the future we get. With his love, guidance and support I realized and discovered my hidden talents, my ambitions and instincts. I watched him always do business with international companies overseas at different hours of the day with different business leaders in different time zones. He would be on the phone discussing important issues and this motivated me to seek the same in my business goals. I was passionate to achieve success for the purpose of giving back to my country. This was the seed which gave birth to starting the movement I always dreamed of since an early age, to help Kuwaiti women entrepreneurs in our community.
I would like to know, who is Fahad Al Sufayeh? Can you tell us about your family background? Fahad: Thank you for asking me this question. I am the
son of the diplomat, Mr. Khalid Humood Al Sufayeh, one of the first diplomats and politicians in Kuwait’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. My dad was very patriotic and loved Kuwait with a passion. He always went on political missions representing Kuwait around the world. I grew up in many countries because of my father’s political missions abroad. The Al Sufayeh family has a great rich heritage; its roots are from the Al Dosari Tribe. My ancestors were one of the first families and tribes to live in Kuwait during the 1800s, before oil was discovered and before Kuwait got its independence on June 19th 1961 (from United Kingdom). My family name has great respect, tradition and heritage. Also, the Al Sufayeh family has extended relations with the Kuwaiti Ruling Royal Family through the former Amir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Al Salam Al Sabah, who ruled from 1965 -1977. The former Amir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Al Salem Al Sabah’s wife, is from the Al Adwani Family. She is the sister of my father’s mother and my grandmother.
Can you tell us about your business background? Fahad: I have over 18 years experience in launching
and developing new businesses. I have earned repeated successes which have established me as an entrepreneur in starting and growing new businesses. As the founder and chairman of Fahad & Omid Company I have provided strategic direction and executive leadership to my subsidiary companies in rapid growth opportunities. Over the years I have worked directly with international companies who are leaders in their sectors. My primary company goal was to always exceed and seize far beyond our clients’ expectations in every aspect of our work. My innovative and skilled team consists of highly educated
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experts with a successful background within their field. Our group of companies’ services and products are being distributed to a large diversified group of individuals, corporations and governments. We have established a strong distribution network in the local and Middle Eastern markets. Our objective is to create growth opportunities for our international business partners yielding significant results. We have been named in the media as one of the fastest growing sales and marketing companies in year 2006. As the chairman of the Fahad & Omid General Trading Company, myself and my American business partner, Omid Rahravani from Los Angeles, are proud to be the exclusive advisors for the Richardson-based company Prodea Systems Inc, owned by the celebrity astronaut Anousheh Ansari who was the first Muslim female space tourist. She is one of the richest Iranian American women in the world with a net worth estimate of $750 million.
previous business accomplishments include serving as co-founder and CEO of Telecom Technologies Inc (TTI). She was listed in Fortune Magazine's 40 under 40 list in 2001 and honored by Working Woman as the winner of the 2000 National Entrepreneurial Excellence award. Anousheh Ansari also co-founded The Billion Dollar Fund for Women and is the CEO of the XPRIZE Foundation.
As the chairman of the Fahad & Omid General Trading company, why is your organization a loyal supporter of Prodea Systems Inc, investing heavily on marketing and promoting this particular corporation introducing its track record of success and their services in the MENA region? Fahad: Our company did indeed invest a fortune
in marketing Prodea Systems Inc, highlighting its achievements and introducing it to our territory. My company is always searching to introduce the latest technologies to Kuwait and Middle East. I always encourage and welcome international companies who want to have a presence in Kuwait. I am a big fan of creative technology which will benefit our region and help transform our way of living. Prodea Systems Inc is one of the world’s leading corporations in the IoT (Internet of Things) sector. IoT services platform specializes in connecting people and their devices to the internet with the goal of improving quality of life. With over $100
“You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks." said by Winston S. Churchill.
million and a 12 year head start, Prodea Systems Inc tackles the IoT with smart device services, smart home services, remote patient monitoring, e-government and enterprise. Prodea Systems Inc enables service providers, enterprises, manufacturers and governments to quickly add and integrate white-label, value-added services and its best-of-breed IoT Solutions Provider partners to their offerings across smart home, smart city, security, digital health, energy, e-government and other vertical markets. Prodea Systems Inc estimates the worldwide market for IoT products and services could be as much as $5 trillion by the year 2021 (published on July 26th 2017 in an article North Texas Technology Visionary Anousheh Ansari’s Next Big Move on NBC Dallas Forth Worth).
Who is Anousheh Ansari? Tell us more about her. Fahad: Anousheh Ansari and her husband, Hamid
Ansari, who is her business partner in Prodea Systems Inc, are an extremely talented business power couple with an amazing vision beyond the imagination. On September 18th 2006 Anousheh Ansari became the first Muslim female space tourist (as I mentioned earlier) and she is one of the richest Iranian American women. Her
The XPRIZE Foundation is one of the leading foundations in the world. Please tell our readers more about the importance of this famous foundation and the effect it could have on our future? Fahad: Anousheh Ansari is the CEO of the XPRIZE
Foundation. Ansari, along with her family, sponsored the organization’s first competition, the Ansari XPRIZE, a $10 million competition that ignited a new era for commercial space flight. Since then, she has served on XPRIZE’s Board of Directors. XPRIZE Foundation has designed and launched seventeen prizes in the domain areas of Space, Oceans, Learning, Health, Energy, Environment, Transportation, Safety and Robotics. The $10 million Ansari XPRIZE for private spaceflight, spurred an industry and created exponential breakthroughs. Since then, XPRIZE Foundation has launched over $140 million in prize purses, including the $15 million Global Learning XPRIZE, the $10 million Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE and the $1.4 million Wendy Schmidt Oil Cleanup XPRIZE. Each of these prizes has created an industry-changing technology that brings us closer to a better, safer, more sustainable world. The benefactor of the Global Learning XPRIZE, Elon Musk, is the CEO and Chief Technology Officer of Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX)
I believe that Omid Rahravani is your business partner and a childhood friend, is that right? Fahad: Yes, we both attended the same high school in
Kuwait. We had many adventures exploring the world together in our early age. Omid Rahravani is a Persian American from Los Angeles. He entered the world of business and investments because of his father who was a successful trusted businessman who moved to Kuwait in the 1950s. His father taught him the basics of business. At the age of 18, he travelled to Miami, Florida to achieve a higher degree of studies in Business. Omid Rahravani is a successful entrepreneur with over twenty years of experience in business development and has been a trusted strategic advisor for very high profile sophisticated investors and members of the Ruling Royal Families. At the beginning of his career, decades ago, he started as a Financial Advisor. He joined the prestigious Wall Street brokerage firm Morgan Stanley. He is a dynamic results-oriented leader with a strong track record of performance. His skills and leadership resulted in our company being chosen by the Italian Ambassador
and Trade Commissioner as ranking 5th out of the top 20 companies in Kuwait to attend the Business Forum in Milan Italy. In 2007 our company was chosen by the Ambassador of Italy in Kuwait to attend the 46th Salone Internazional Del Mobile in Milan.
I am curious, why did you name your company the Fahad & Omid Company? Fahad: Many people ask me this question, because it is not a common
name for a Kuwaiti company. I named it after our first names because of my future vision. I wanted my company to be recognized globally to concentrate on American and foreign companies introducing their services to Kuwait and the Middle East region. Most leading global companies are named after the owners such as Goldman Sachs, Protector and Gamble, JP Morgan, Merrill Lynch, Patek Phillipe, etc. This is the main reason I decided to name my company in such way, to create a legacy.
To grow a company, does it just depend on great people and products? Fahad: Of course, you need to have great people and you must be a
big believer in teamwork. It is very important to have unique products to grow your business, but if you are not using the proper technology to implement those strategies, you are not realizing nor considering the full potential of your business.
How did you reach this stage and how did you gain knowledge of all these business strategies? Fahad: That is an admirable question. It was not easy for my company to start off; we had many rejections and hard times. I always believed that dreams and dedication is a powerful combination. I never gave up, despite all the odds being against me. My dedication and strong beliefs is the secret that led me to success. The experience and undergoing past actions that led me here were my greatest mentors.
There is a massive amount of competition in the global market and countless people fail in various businesses. What advice can you give them to sustain from failing? Fahad: The advice I can offer is to always stay positive. Failure is the
opportunity to begin all over again but do so more intelligently and intellectually the next time.
What do you do when your company endures certain obstacles? Fahad: When we endure certain obstacles, we are forced to continue
to believe in our goals and to keep our faith strong. We never, ever give up and that evaporates any doubts of failure that might cross our paths in the future. We faced many challenges and obstacles that got in the way of achieving our goals and, like every other successful business, we always remember that facing our challenges with action is the key to success. We believe that only the people who can see the invisible can accomplish the impossible!
Sheikha Dalal Humood Al Sabah, you are a great believer in Woman Empowerment and giving back to your community by working on setting up your own non-profit foundation and collaborating with the top international foundations around the world. Can you give us more details? Sheikha Dalal: First, I would like to congratulate Anousheh Ansari,
the co-founder of The Billion Dollar Fund for Women, that was announced in October 2018 at the Tri Hita Karana (THK) Forum on Sustainable Development in Bali, with a goal of investing $1 billion in women-founded companies by 2020. I'm working on setting up a Women Empowerment awards. It will be a non-profit foundation that will be created initially to support women in the MENA region. We are expected to reach more than 100 women, helping them to grow scalable businesses, accompany them through the process of delivering their initiatives and addressing the key challenges impacting on the growth of female led business initiatives. We are planning to offer programs on women empowerment, entrepreneurship and business development and provide various platforms to revisit and reconstruct better foundational beliefs and ideas on gender issues. Our goal is to sign a partnership protocol with the World Bank and the United Nations and other international institutions on women’s empowerment, inclusion, diversity and gender policy. We are also now in talks with celebrities in Hollywood who have successful nonprofit organizations to team up with us to bring my vision to reality. Also, myself and my husband, Fahad Al Sufayeh, are in the process of launching another non-profit organization called Al Khair. It’s a non-profit organization that offers Disaster and Humanitarian Relief programs which will respond to major global disasters and humanitarian crises. Al Khair’s plan is to collaborate with privatesector partners, government agencies and relevant NGOs to help prepare for future disasters and to work on the initiatives within the Global Health Security Agenda. Al Khair will be committed to preparing
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for and responding to future natural disasters and humanitarian crises, diligently maximizing the impact of our financial, technological and human resources.
As a power couple, how do you see the future of Kuwait? Fahad and Sheikha Dalal: We believe the future belongs to those
who believe in the beauty of their dreams. We always say ‘self-trust is the first secret of success.’ We would like to have this opportunity to introduce and educate the world’s international investors and organizations to Kuwait and to our beloved idol, his Highness the Amir Of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah’s VISION for 2035 ‘NEWKUWAIT’ to transform Kuwait into a financial and trade hub attractive to investors, where the private sector leads the economy, creating competition and promoting production efficiency, under the umbrella of enabling government institutions, providing adequate infrastructure, advanced legislation and inspiring business environment.
As a Kuwaiti power couple, how do you measure your success? Sheikha Dalal: While I’m incredibly grateful that I get to meet fascinating people and change makers, there’s nowhere I feel more
content or special than when I’m with my family. My family is my greatest achievement. When they are happy, I am happy, and that makes me feel so successful. I know I’m fortunate to live an extraordinary life, meet the most extraordinary people, and attended the most amazing events but there’s never been a point in my career in which I’ve felt I’ve truly made it. The way I see it, life is all about striving and growing. I never want to have made it. I want to continue making it! One of the things that makes us most happy as a power couple is being able to give back to our community, which is why we are working to start our non-profit foundations, Al Khair and women empowerment awards, to support the next generation of entrepreneurs and create real lasting change in the MENA region.
What does happiness mean for you as a couple? Fahad and Sheikha Dalal: Happiness isn’t just how we measure our
success; it’s also the key to it. Most people would assume our business success, and the wealth that comes with it, have brought us happiness. But we know we are successful, wealthy and connected because we are happy. We believe that happiness should be everyone’s goal. Life’s too short to waste your time doing things that don’t light your fire. If you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, or aren’t having a lot of fun – despite the fact that you’re making a lot of money or rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous – then it’s time to move on to the something that does make you happy.
Do you think being friends with your spouse is an important part of marriage? Fahad: This is a very important factor in every relationship. Of course,
being friends with your spouse and seeing her as team partner, loving her unconditionally, is the most important part of any marriage. It is very important to always appreciate your spouse, remind them that they are very important in your life, compliment them and remind them that they are the key to your happiness. My advice for the new generation is money you lose or waste you can always bring back but
the time you waste without true love in your life is something you can never bring back.
What advice do you have for couples and entrepreneurs? Fahad and Sheikha Dalal: You can’t reach your full potential until you learn to live your life in the present. No amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of anxiety can change the future. It’s impossible to be happy if you’re constantly somewhere else, unable to fully embrace the reality (good or bad) of this very moment. To help yourself live in the moment, you must do two things. 1. Accept your past. If you don’t make peace with your past, it will never leave you and, in doing so, it will create your future. 2. Accept the uncertainty of the future. Worry has no place in the here and now. As Mark Twain once said, ‘Worrying is like paying a debt you don’t owe.’ Remind yourself every morning when you wake up that each day is a gift and you’re bound to make the most of the blessing you’ve been given. The moment you start acting like life is a blessing is the moment it will start acting like one. After all, a great day begins with a great mindset.
It's been a great journey interviewing a great power couple like you. You inspire so many couples and entrepreneurs who would be thrilled and honored to walk in your footsteps. Last but not least, are there any last words you would like to say to CP magazine or our readers? There are less ambitious people and there are more ambitious people than us. If you spend time with the ones that are less driven than you, your average will go down, and with it your success. However, if you spend time with people more advanced than you, no matter how challenging that might be, you will be more successful. Take a look around yourself and see if you need to make any changes. Finally, we want to thank the CP Magazine team for giving us this opportunity to be in one of the leading advertisement magazines in Kuwait. We also want to thank all those who believed in us and supported us during our years of hard work until we became what we are now.
eturning to Kuwait recently after a period of prolonged absence, I was comforted by the quirky characteristics that epitomize the desert state. When you leave the country for a significant amount of time, it’s easy to forget the sights, sounds and smells that capture its very essence. The same could be said of any country, I suppose, but from my point of view, I’d forgotten some of the little things so symbolic of Kuwait’s charm. I was greeted, as always, by an air of indifference from the Visa processing staff. A smile, it seems, is still a rare occurrence in this area of bad tempered grunts and officious nods. The arrivals hall was predictably frenetic and the usual oppressive heat wrapped itself around me as soon as I stepped out of the terminal building. Despite my ten hours of travel and the intimidating atmosphere, I stood for a moment to savour the feeling. Yes, it was good to be back. There were no seat belts in the rear of the taxi so I sat beside the driver who spent most of the journey on his mobile phone. These two safety issues should, at the very least, have raised an eyebrow of concern. Instead, I allowed myself a wry smile. Some things will never change. Re-familiarizing myself with Kuwait was an absolute pleasure. Things I had previously taken for granted were now forcing themselves to the forefront of my senses. The unmistakable scent of a shisha bar, a smell formerly considered unpleasant but now symbolic of the country I loved. The alluring Call to Prayer, a cultural delight quite literally, music to my ears. The iconic landmarks - Kuwait Towers, Liberation Tower, Al Hamra Tower - instantly recognizable and reassuringly familiar. It all added up to a heart warming return to my adoptive home. Of course, not everything about Kuwait is satisfying. The roads are still as chaotic as ever. The beaches, although beautiful, are often scattered with litter. And the heat, whilst a welcome change from the UK’s unpredictable seasons, can be overwhelmingly intense. Still, I guess nowhere is perfect. From my hotel room, I was afforded a wonderful view of the city’s skyline. It’s a constantly changing landscape with new landmarks vying for space as they soar towards the sun. But while I was happy to see new architectural treasures on the horizon, I was saddened at the demise of Al-Sawaber complex. As history is sacrificed in favour of progress, another iconic landmark is forever lost. As always, Kuwait manages to conjure a cocktail of emotions. One of the first things on my to-do list was a visit to my local beauty salon. It may have been over a year since I’d indulged myself with their services but their recognition was instant and their enthusiasm overwhelming. I had missed their warm smiles and infectious laughter and it was an absolute treat to reacquaint myself with such genuine,
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kind human beings. My nails were grateful for the reunion too! Hair and nails done, I made my way to the first event of the week. The first of many, it had to be said. It always irks me when people say there is nothing to do in Kuwait. Only small-mindedness and laziness prevent folk from finding out what Kuwait has to offer. There really is so much more to it than restaurants and shopping malls. Determined to make the most of every minute, I headed to Sharq to enjoy a leisurely break in my favourite coffee shop. Overlooking the marina at Souq Sharq, the city’s skyscrapers providing a perfect backdrop, I recalled the countless hours I’d spent watching the world go by in that very spot. The sound of boats cruising back to their mooring, the sun slowly melting into the horizon. There are few better ways to relax and switch off from life’s demands. And few nicer places to do it. Since my last trip to Kuwait, many of my friends have moved on. Some have returned to their homeland. Others have relocated elsewhere in the Middle East. And some have become parents, their lives changing beyond recognition from the carefree existence that first brought them to this part of the world. That said, I was still able to catch up with a number of them, their stories of life in my favourite country a welcome tonic indeed. One thing they all had in common was their gracious hospitality. Travelling alone can be an isolating experience but the family values so often evident in this conservative state ensured I barely had time to be lonely. With a generous embrace, I was invited into their family and reminded, once again, of just why I love Kuwait. Returning to more of my favourite locations, it was a pleasure to see the same staff who had previously served me so well. Some had not returned to their home country since I had last visited, the time spent separated from their families ever increasing. Not everyone is sympathetic when it comes to ex-pats in Kuwait but the majority are hardworking individuals making the most of the hand they’ve been dealt. The very least they deserve is a kind word or a friendly smile. Talking of which, I was hoping to find an old friend of mine, a street cleaner known affectionately as Mr. B. This particular gentleman cleaned the streets of my neighbourhood when I lived in Shaab. He worked long hours, in extreme conditions for very little reward but always greeted me with a smile. The lack of a common language prevented us from communicating in anything other than simple signed gestures. However, a beaming smile and a cheery wave are the same whatever your nationality. Sadly, I was unable to find Mr. B but wherever he is, I hope he’s still smiling. My trip to Kuwait was over all too soon but I’d happily reacquainted myself with the country and its people. This little corner of the Middle East will always have a place in my heart. It may not be perfect but it’s certainly special and one thing’s for sure, I’ll be back!
PYLONES – IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU! A proud heir of popular arts and traditions, as well as its techniques and secular ornaments, Pylones cavorts with 21st century materials to create offbeat, contemporary objects that combine both tradition and technology. Pylones has always liked to ruffle a few feathers! We like to shake things up; reinventing, dressing and colouring them to make everyday life more fulfilling.
Rocketworldkw Shuwaikh Plot 40 - Opposite Mayar Complex | Hawalli - The Promenade Mall
Nancy AlSafadi Meet Nancy AlSafadi, the talented violinist hitting all the right notes!
Please introduce yourself to our readers.
How do you choose the songs you cover?
What's your educational background?
I always make sure to cover some songs that are known to people, but I don’t just stick to what people are familiar with. My repertoire includes many classical pieces and soundtracks from movies. Even though people might not be familiar with some pieces that I play, they still really enjoy my passion in performing them. So, I focus on both what other people like and also what I like (and then make people fall in love with it).
My name is Nancy Alsafadi and I’m 22 years old. I’m Syrian, born in Syria, Lattakia. I’ve lived in Kuwait for 18 years. I studied in governmental schools followed by the Arab Open University. I have a degree in English Literature with first class honor.
How old were you when you started playing violin? Why did you choose it? Did you learn other instruments?
I was ten years old when I started learning violin. I was so taken with how amazing it sounded since I was seven years old. Since then, the dream of becoming a great violinist was so powerful. I also started learning piano when I was seven and participated in a few concerts in school. I stopped piano by age fourteen to put all my focus on violin only.
What type of music did you listen to as a child and what do you listen to now? The genre of music I’ve been fascinated by since I was seven years old is classical music. Even though I was very young, I used to feel that I really connected with classical music. I’m also fascinated by movie soundtracks, tango music and modern classical music.
How would you define your own career to date?
My career as a musician and a performer is growing rapidly. Day by day, I’m jumping many steps and evolving more in this field.
How would you describe the relationship with your instrument? My violin is my heart and my soul. The relationship I have with my violin can’t be described with words. It’s a piece of me now and I’m lifeless without it.
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The first time I ever performed in front of people on a stage. That first experience changed me completely and made me thrive more for stage performing.
What are your main artistic challenges? My main challenge for now is to excel in classical music and work on masterpieces in order to have a concert in a theatre, by next year hopefully.
What three things are you looking to accomplish this year either personally or professionally? Personally, I want to finish reading many philosophical books by this year. I love engaging in philosophical thinking and reading. Professionally, there are two high-level violin technique books that I’m hoping to finish this year. I also want to start a YouTube channel very soon.
Who do you dream of performing with? I dream of performing with a philharmonic orchestra one day.
Where is the coolest place you have played?
What is the best part of performing on stage?
The rush of adrenaline that makes me feel so alive! The stage for me is home, it is where I belong.
The coolest place I played was in anime big shows (conventions for anime and video games etc). The enthusiasm from people towards what I’m performing was real!
Who are your greatest musical influences?
Your message for us at CP Magazine?
My musical influences come in order. First, my great grandfather who was an extraordinary violinist. Next, his cousin who is also a great violinist. My favourite international classical violinist is Hilary Hahn.
What do you consider to be incisive moments in your artistic work and/or career?
I’m very thankful for the efforts CP Magazine is making to highlight women’s power. It’s my honor to be chosen for this interview so thank you for giving me the opportunity for my voice to be heard.
“The relationship I have with my violin can’t be described…. it’s a piece of me now and I’m lifeless without it.” N A N C Y A L S A FA D I
his came to me during my morning meditation. There I was, sitting on the floor, breathing deeply, feeling the sun brushing against my skin, my body expanded with love and appreciation for the day.
At the end of my practice, as I always do, I was balancing my chakras, breathing in and out of the seven points of sensation in my body when it hit me. If balancing my chakras creates peacefulness in my life, then it can definitely reduce stress. Stress causes inflammation in the body and is highly associated with depression and heart disease, among many other illnesses. It changes the chemical reactions in your body and can mentally lead you to a place where you would rather not be. Therefore, let’s approach this from a holistic point of view and see how chakra balancing can heal you on the inside and out. Below are my 7 steps to achieving happiness and leading a stress-free life:
1- SPIRITUALITY – Let go of your need to be in control
Because you’re not! You are not in control of anything except yourelf. You are not in control of your boss, of the weather, of your partner or your children. So, just take a chakra balancing chill pill and be okay with that.
2- AWARENESS – Believe in your inner wisdom
You are way smarter than you think you are. In fact, we all have this outrageous genius living within us called inner wisdom. You know that voice you hear when you’re about to do something stupid, telling you not to? Listen to it! Connect to your intuition and believe that you were gifted with this magical compass that will always guide you to what works well for you.
3- COMMUNICATION – Be authentic and use your voice
to speak your truth
Who are you? Are you a health junky? A spiritual weirdo? A crazy naturalist? You need to know these things! Knowing who you are, your values, what you stand for and what you believe in makes you the beautiful unique being that you are. We are all different and that is awesome! Embrace that difference, be
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authentic and never shy away from using your voice because your voice is your power.
4- LOVE & HEALING – Be open to give and receive love
You look around and you see a lot of lonely people; people waiting for love to come into their lives, like it’s some scarce resource. Well it’s not! Love is abundant, love is a never-ending energy, love is who we are and who we will ever become. Love dictates our every action and every decision. We choose a certain career because we love it. We marry a certain person because we love them. We eat a certain fruit because we love it. If you want to receive love, be open to give it - and give lots of it! Once you do, be open to receive it happily and willingly.
5- POWER – Be humble because you are nothing, you are everything you want to be
Don’t take yourself too seriously because, believe me, no-one else does! Life is too short to let our ego control our journey. Let that go and just be! Be who you are, take nothing personally, laugh out loud and, most importantly, know that you have the full freedom to choose who you want to become and how you want to become it.
creative energy flow)
Stay in a state of creation (let your
We are creators, that’s just who we are. If that wasn’t true, you wouldn’t have seen all of these inventions and technologies come to life every single day. It’s like we can’t stop! So hop on the creation train and let that creative energy flow. Choose your creation recipe and go for it. Paint, write, cook, speak or dance. Creation is learning and learning is the essence of life.
7- TRUST – Stay connected to a higher power
We all have a belief system going on! Regardless of what it is for you, just stay connected to it and have faith that it will always have your back. We are only required to have good intentions. Dream big, put the right amount of effort and then let it be. This is my own recipe for a healthy, happy, stress-free life. Try it out because, why not?! Peace and love. www.cpmagazine.net29 29
Adylia-Rhenee Gutierrez CEO/Founder of Adees Co.
“Consumerism is great, but consumerism with a purpose is priceless.” Adylia-Rhenee Gutierrez recognized the need for timeless, quality handbags at an accessible price and set about launching her own company. Using the highest quality leather crafted by skilled artisans, Adees Co. now provides the finest handbags and accessories to a wide range of consumers; and a percentage of the sales is donated to worthy causes.
Please introduce yourself to our readers. Hi, I am Adylia-Rhenee Gutierrez. I was born and raised in Palos Verdes Estates, CA. I was a world class fencer (Hungary and Poland World Cup). Now I’m CEO/ Founder of Adees Co.
Tell us about your education. I attended Chadwick School (a top private school) from Kindergarten until I graduated. Then I graduated from Fox School of Business, Temple University with a degree in Business Administration and Finance.
When did you get involved with the business and when did you take the role of the CEO? I’m very fortunate that Adees Co. was already established as a premier clothing company in the 1970s by my Grandmother, Adylia. The clothes were sold at I. Magnin & Co. and Saks Fifth Avenue in Beverly Hills. I was a junior when my International Business professor said, ‘Find what you have and perfect it.’ At that time I thought he was speaking in a riddle because I had no idea what I wanted to do. I started researching for about two years and saw a gap in the market for quality, timeless handbags at an accessible price and I knew I could fill the need. I knew how I wanted to rebrand the company and gut it. I don’t do clothing but the trust of knowing handmade and high-quality pieces from my grandmother’s Adees Co. has thankfully carried over to my Adees Co.
Could you describe the trajectory of the Adees Co. business from its beginnings and how it’s grown since then? I waited a while before I launched Adees Co. I knew how I wanted to enter the market; the demographic and brand identity I wanted to create. I was quite idealistic in the beginning because I remember the first week I sent emails out I just knew everyone would respond ASAP! They did respond, just not as fast I hoped. I strategized so I had a clear path of who I wanted to work with and would evoke fun, inclusivity and authenticity. Of course there is trial and error and like every business we have lulls. As I’ve continued with Adees Co. I’ve mapped out what our customers like to see at certain times etc. In the beginning I wanted to be seen as a brand/community. Now I’ve reached that goal I work harder to maintain the identity without losing the authenticity.
What materials do you use and where do you source them from? For our leather collection we use calf and saffiano leather. For our backpacks, what Adees Co. is most known for, we use calf on the majority because it’s durable. The saffiano we use more on handbags and accessories. For our exotic collection we use anaconda and alligator. We source our materials from Nicaragua and Pakistan.
Why did you select Nicaragua and Pakistan to manufacture your products? Nicaragua, I have a long and wonderful history with. My family 30
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would split our time between Venezuela and Nicaragua during holidays and breaks from school growing up, so I’ve watched the skilled artisans make quality pieces since I was little. I thought it was a nice way to not only showcase their amazing work but give back to a country that has given me great memories. I was introduced to the skilled artisans in Pakistan by my brother who is Head of Marketing. I trust him completely since the branding/marketing of Adees Co. is all him. He showed me pictures of the work and I was so pleased to be able to showcase more amazing talent.
How often do you visit these two countries? I try to visit Nicaragua every few months. My brother handles Pakistan. I haven’t visited Pakistan yet.
What makes your products unique and special? Because I make them (joking!). No, I think the fact that each item is handmade-toorder which, traditionally, has only been able to serve a higher clientele. I’ve been able to make sure everyone has the ability to have access to quality and fun bright pieces. We also offer a lot of colour and traditionally coloured leather and stamped leather which is more expensive. We offer it all at an attainable price. Our exotic collection is more expensive than our leather but still more accessible.
We know that Adees Co. donates a percentage of its sales. Can you elaborate more on this please? Yes, since I started Adees Co. we donate a percentage of our sales every month to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. The great care they give to both the parents and children affected with cancer is amazing. Then I created a capsule collection to raise funds for the Shoebox Project which helps women affected by homelessness. Overall, I think it’s important to give. Consumerism is great, but consumerism with a purpose is priceless.
Who are some of the celebrities that use Adees Co? Vanessa Simmons (daughter of Rev Run, niece of Russell Simmons), Jenny Frumes, Nikki Mudaris and Danny Simpson (Premier League title winner with Leicester City).
Tell us about some of your collaborations with other brands and which one was your favourite? I was a Brand Ambassador for Jessica’s Nails in Beverly Hills and Essentia water. I’m still sponsored by Essentia water. My favourite would have to be Essentia because Essentia water celebrates being your best and authentic self which is totally aligned with the Adees Co. ethos.
How often do you release your new collection? We keep our staples up year-round because they’re timeless and seasonless. Our leather collections we debut 2-3 times a year. Our exotics we create new styles every 3-4 months and custom orders anytime.
What are some of your future plans for Adees? My goal is to keep creating quality products and building a community that celebrates an individual without judgment. Also to keep partnering with other brands that share the same ethos because I truly believe working together is much more beneficial. Overall, for our customers to keep enjoying and wearing Adees Co’s products.
What is your most favourite place to chill out/hang out/grab some food/ drink a coffee/spend your free time? I love coffee! I love trying new coffee places but my staple is Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. I love being on a beach or pool swimming and reading. I’m more of a dessert person so I love trying new ice cream, cookie places etc. Honestly, any place with my loved ones and a great coffee I’m the happiest person in the world.
How can people from Kuwait buy your products? They can go directly to the website: or email us with any questions/ custom orders at:
Your message for us at CP Magazine? Thank you for including me in CP Magazine! It is truly a privilege and I hope you enjoyed the interview!
f you’re looking for the perfect gateway when you’re in London, I have the answer. Four Seasons Hampshire is just a one-hour drive from the capital and is the perfect choice for relaxation. Four Seasons is located in the beautiful countryside of Hampshire, surrounded by sheep, cows, horses and beautiful green grass. It’s the perfect retreat from London’s stress. The building itself is a historic Georgian manor house set in spacious grounds. It is full of rich history and charm.
The Accommodation: Even though the hotel’s price is quite expensive, the staff take care of you and make you feel like you’re at home. The building has three wings and there are 133 rooms including 22 suites. All rooms are beautiful and spacious. Once you enter your room you will marvel at the stunning views and can take advantage of the luxurious amenities.
The Facilities: Once you’ve checked in you must visit the spa. It’s one of the most beautiful spas in the UK and is located in an 18th century stable block. It has many facilities including a sauna, steam room, indoor swimming pool and Jacuzzi. The outdoor activities are perfect for cycling and horse riding. Adventures in the woodlands include high wire thrills (with both a high and low rope course), an adrenalinpumping zip wire and a sensational ‘Power Fan’ - it’s always fun to test your fear of heights! You can also enjoy clay pigeon shooting which takes place on the estate. The leisure centre includes an outdoor tennis court and you can also partake in a spot of fishing, and canal boating as well as other activities sure to exceed your expectations.
The Food: The hotel’s food is divine. From breakfast, to afternoon tea, to lunch and dinner, everything is delicious. All of the restaurants are located in beautiful surroundings and, whether inside or out, you can enjoy beautiful natural views of Dogmersfield Park. As for the food itself, you can be assured of exotic cuisine and a divine sensation of taste.
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Discovering the Heart of Bahrain
The Merchant House Hotel, Art & More.
y weekend two-night stay in Manama, Bahrain this month became especially pleasurable. I was fortunate to stay in the fabulous new Boutique Hotel, The Merchant House, Bahrain. A 5-star hotel, it sits in the very heart of Manama city, just three minutes walk from the Old Manama Souk grand entrance, Bab al-Bahrain. I did not know, as I was travelling to this enjoyable island, of the life luxuries that awaited in The Merchant House. All 5-Star hotels have essentials which we know and enjoy. The Merchant House, however, is very special and very nearly unique where superlative luxuries are added; added glamorously, tastefully, practically, artistically and elegantly, all with personally attentive beautifully dressed staff that we come to know very quickly. First of all, there is a library; a library, where I could spend more time than I had available. It’s a library stocked with over 1000 large hardback books covering an intellectual spectrum to vastly exercise our pleasure in learning. This library is a delight by traditional architecture of comfort, set contrastingly within the bright vibrant style of The Merchant House. There is also a country garden style open air rooftop restaurant. Seated on super floral fabric seats with ample cushions, I sipped selected tea from the very English, Portmeirion Botanic Garden morning cups. What a delight! Breakfast is almost entirely by choice from the exquisite menu, a multitude of hand crafted egg dishes, pastries, cold dishes and one of my home favourites, a bowl of freshly prepared porridge. This excellent porridge arrives with three mini-bowls, set on a cooled Welsh slate platter, holding brown sugar, honey and fresh cream. The 100-year-old olive trees standing beside me soothed my eyes. I was able to discuss these foods and the marvelous lunches and dinners with Rob Shipman, the highly experienced Executive Chef, who came over to my table to enquire 34
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of my feelings about breakfast. Rob has a worldwide reputation for his creative menus. Dinners were truly delicious, both by quality and their Mediterranean and Asian excitements of flavour. There is an abundance of art; art from Bahraini artists reflective of Bahrani culture and connective with the environment to the artist’s eye. Every wall we pass in The Merchant House tells us a story. The walls speak with feelings, colour and someone’s life. Bahraini and international artists including Damien Hirst and Andy Warhol are here combined in this endeavour. The Merchant House Hotel is more a home for my stay. A home into whose embrace I instantly felt comfortable. A home in the style and from the imagination of the creative hotelier owner, Gordon Campbell Gray, who has fashioned this and his other luxury hotels into multi-award winning paradises of humanity, a world of emotion in simple true relation to nature. The Merchant House has a further uniqueness; this is a 5-Star hotel where you could be highly likely to meet the owner. Gordon was staying as a guest during my visit (we met several times). The hotel staff are all immensely caring, expressing their and the hotel’s philosophy of deep consideration for their guests. My hotel room became a natural extension of all within The Merchant House, holding books, artworks and uniquely designed furniture. All suites provide mini-kitchens and dining zones. A huge tray of specialty ice nestles in the drawer freezer with a scoop to load the ice bucket. And the ice cream is the best! This window of life will always be refreshing whether you stay for leisure or business. I could slide my window shutters to experience the street scene life, or close myself within calm to appreciate the Bahraini fishing and pearling metal screen artwork, delicately set with the structured ceiling beams reflecting the origins of this re-constructed property.
As well as these riches in life-art, the 5-Star essentials are here; the gym, the holistic treatments spa, the rooftop emerald green infinity pool, the drama of the two storey reception lobby, the valet parking, the concierge service, the two differently styled bars, the conference room. The elevators and stairways are also an architect’s dream! There are good reasons to come to Bahrain and my proposals for your thoughts are several. Consider the very easy flights and airport shuttle, convenient also by car from Riyadh, Kuwait City and the UAE. See the historic fort of Qal’at al-Bahrain from the 16th century, the Bahrain National Museum, the Al Fateh Grand Mosque, explore the old streets of the Bab al-Bahrain souk and the high-end outlets in Seef and A’ali Malls. Every March the international Formula 1 Grand Prix race is held at the Bahrain International Circuit. Many exhibitions and events are happening throughout the year. My new and favourite reason to visit Bahrain? Another stay in the Merchant House Hotel!
joseberrocoso Currently based in the GCC and exploring the Middle East, I have lived in three continents, four countries and have visited over 250 cities across the world. Join me in this adventure to find out more about the latest and coolest travel recommendations. ‘Embrace new cultures; be inspired; take a technological break; bring out your adventurous side; TRAVEL, it´s fun!’
since 2010
A FAIRY TALE PRINCIPALITY DREAM DESTINATION Located on the French Riviera between Nice and the Italian border, Monaco is one of the world´s smallest countries, but also one of its richest. This small principality is in fact a single city with several districts, under the rule of the Grimaldi family since 1297. The head of state since 2005 is Prince Albert II. Today, the Principality is a dream destination for people the world over. Often known for the Formula 1 Grand Prix, Monaco is also a country which has been pioneering renewable energy and clean technologies as exemplified by the Monaco e-Grand Prix, the eco-responsible Grimaldi Forum Congress Centre, the Monte-Carlo e-Rally or the marine conservation ‘Monaco Blue Initiative’. Favoured stomping grounds of the international elite, yet also a stronghold of efficiency and sustainability, Monaco is a place where anything is possible. The Principality’s latest feat is the stunning 270 million Euro renovation of the Hôtel de Paris, a hotel that Prince Charles III had built to be the most luxurious in the world. Partial deconstruction, reconstruction, the harmonization of spaces, the design of new areas, a creation of exclusive suites and the evolution of gastronomy; the transformation of Hôtel de Paris Monte-Carlo was entrusted to architects Richard Martinet and Gabriel Viora, who dedicated themselves to enhancing and preserving the timeless spirit of the building. INSIDE THE NEWLY REFUBISHED HÔTEL DE PARIS MONTE-CARLO A magical hotel at the forefront of the luxury hotel sector Since 1864, the Hôtel de Paris Monte-Carlo has aspired to offer the very best of that time and it continues to symbolise that same excellence in the art of hospitality. The property is perfectly located on the legendary Place du Casino. The history of the hotel goes way back. Hôtel de Paris and Monte-Carlo were essentially the dream of Charles III, the Prince who ruled from 1856 until his death in 1889. He commissioned Frenchman Francois Blanc who had successfully developed a first ‘resort’ concept in Bad Homburg, Germany. The billionaire took a big gamble and decided to entirely change an area of the city covered in olive and lemon trees into a decadent venue of luxury. Over the years, the iconic hotel has been modernised on numerous occasions to meet the demands of the international clientèle. In 1909, the hotel was entirely renovated, when the architectural style of the Belle Epoque was adopted in Monte-Carlo. From its renovation to its extraordinary history, its life has been marked by visits of countless VIPs, world-renowned artists and celebrities. From the Prince of Wales, the future Edward VII, Alexandre Dumas, Jacques Offenbach and Winston Churchill, to James Bond (where the cast of Golden Eye stayed) and artists and stars of the stage and screen including Sarah Bernhardt, Charlie Chaplin, Maria Callas and Salvador Dali. With its Belle Epoque architecture and grand steps, the melody in the entrance, the perfumes in the lounges and the stunning spectacle of Place du Casino, people come to see and be seen. Hôtel de Paris Monte-Carlo offers each guest the chance to experience a story like no other.
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THE PRINCE RAINIER III SUITE An excellent location from which to experience the thrill of F1 Grand Prix
Designed by Richard Martinet, the Suite has been created using the best in French and Italian craftsmanship; straw marquetry, leather headboards, textured paints and decorative elements made in the workshops of artisans. The lights were also specially created for the Suite from original designs. Photos, paintings and some of Prince Rainier’s personal effects add a personal and intimate feel to the Suite. Sculptures by the Sovereign provide the final flourish to the interiors scheme, creating a unique experience in the heart of the Principality. The 525 m2 Suite Prince Rainier III includes two bedrooms, a large main lounge with a bar area, a smaller lounge and a library, a dining room and office space. It can be extended to 600 m2 with a third connecting room. Each bedroom has a private bathroom with a steam room shower, a blend of brightness, marble and transparency. The Suite also contains a glass-walled sauna opening onto the Mediterranean sky. The Suite opens onto a superb 135 m2 split-level terrace overlooking Place du Casino. The first level is home to a heated infinity edge swimming pool measuring 10m x 3.70m. The pool is framed on either side by a staircase that leads to the lower level terrace offering unrivalled views over Place du Casino and from where guests can enjoy the permanent show that is the vibrant heart of Monaco... without being seen!
THE PRICESS GRACE SUITE The most exceptional suite on the Riviera The Princess Grace Suite is an exceptional 910 m2 Suite on two floors with a refined and contemporary design and spectacular surroundings offering a 180° view of the Mediterranean. With elegant curves and minimalist lines, the Suite emphasises contemporaneity, transparency and the nobility of the materials enhanced by craftsmen: glass, precious wood, straw marquetry, mother-of-peal, agate panels for the interiors which exude well-being and serenity, and natural stone for the elegant and authentic outside spaces. With nearly 440 m2 of outside space on two floors, the Suite offers an unparalleled setting on the Riviera: a sublime view of the Mediterranean from the terraces for a unique stay between the sky and the sea, a heated infinity pool which opens onto an adjoining outdoor lounge and a hot tub in rare granite, for an intimate and cosy experience.
A UNIQUE CULINARY REPERTOIRE Indulge yourself into the Mediterranean cuisine
There's Alain Ducasse's three Michelin-starred ‘Le Louis XV-Alain Ducasse à l’Hôtel de Paris’. A meal here is considered one of the French Riviera's hottest tickets, attracting food fiends from around the world who come for the haute Mediterranean cuisine. Executive chef, Dominique Lory, offers a menu of seafood-heavy dishes such as shrimp with rock fish jelly and caviar and loup de mer with cilantro and citron. Ducasse also has a new restaurant at the hotel. Omer, which opened in early 2019, has views of the Mediterranean Sea and a menu with flavours from Greece, Lebanon, Turkey and Morocco. One of the most elegant and lively venues in the Principality of Monaco is Le Grill, located on the 8th floor of Hôtel de Paris Monte-Carlo. With breath-taking views of the Mediterranean and the Principality, the restaurant features marine-inspired décor, highquality cuisine and a roof that can disappear to offer guests the magical experience of dining under the stars. Food enthusiasts shouldn’t miss the famous soufflés. In January 2019, Le Grill, headed by Executive Chef Franck Cerutti, was awarded its first Michelin star.
THERMES MARINS MONTE-CARLO Treat your skin to a health and well-being short stay package Thermes Marins Monte-Carlo extends to 7,000 m2 entirely re-imagined and upgraded to meet the needs of local and international clients who are seeking exclusivity. Beauty, slimming and relaxation are all within reach thanks to a team of multidisciplinary experts who assess every need and desire, providing a holistic solution in the way of personalised treatments and protocols. A haven of calm and luxury, Thermes Marins Monte-Carlo is an exceptional place that maximises the benefits of the sea and the Mediterranean climate. From the heated pool, the bird’s-eye view of the ocean is simply sublime. Here, everything is dedicated to wellness: the outdoor jacuzzi facing the port and the Rock solarium, hammam, sauna and panoramic fitness room. Thermes Marins Monte-Carlo is equipped with a wide range of the latest technological equipment for highly effective results on slimming, anti-ageing, health and performance. Rich in expertise of more than one hundred and fifty years in health and well-being, Thermes Marins Monte-Carlo has developed four exclusive stays which resonate with the needs of today. Built around the main objectives, Wellness, Silhouette, Quality Ageing and Potential Boost, this new quartet accompanies those who are hoping to effectively integrate preventative healthcare into their daily life.
MAY 2019
Zanzibar, Tanzania
WHERE TO DINE Lukmaan Restaurant
Zanzibar is a semi-autonomous region of Tanzania. It is composed of the Zanzibar Archipelago in the Indian Ocean, 25–50 kilometres off the coast of the mainland, and consists of many small islands and two large ones: Unguja and Pemba Island. The capital is Zanzibar City, located on the island of Unguja.
Taarab Restaurant
DoubleTree Resort by Hilton Hotel Zanzibar - Nungwi Set along the sandy Nungwi Beach, this laid-back resort is 2 km from Nungwi Mnarani Aquarium and a kilometre from Dr Bulugu Gallery.
MeliĂĄ Zanzibar
Steps from a private beach, this romantic all-inclusive hotel is 2 km from Emerald Dream of Zanzibar and 6 km from Kiwengwa caves.
Mercury's Bar Zanzibar Queen Hotel
Overlooking the Indian Ocean, this polished beach resort is 6 km from Mnemba Island and 45 km from Stone Town.
Konokono Beach Resort
On the Michamvi Peninsula and overlooking Chwaka Bay, this luxe beach resort is 4 km from Pingwe village.
Abyssinian Maritim
Prison Island
Travel to Prison Island, known locally as Changuu, for a tour of this tropical wonderland. The island's most famous inhabitant, a 192-year-old tortoise, wanders the island and may be available for a photo session. After meeting some friendly reptiles, go for a swim or snorkel in the warm waters.
Stone Town
Get to know Zanzibar's diverse cultural fabric among the 19th-century buildings of Stone Town, the island's UNESCO World Heritage Site. As you visit landmarks such as the House of Wonders, the Sultan's Palace, and the Darajani Market, discover how the city reflects a rich mix of global influences.
The Silk Route
Jozani Forest
Venture into the jungle of Jozani Forest to spot the area's red colobus monkeys as they swing and howl in the trees. Wander down a trail through this protected area and spot some of 50 species of butterflies, 40 types of birds, as well as a few endangered animals.
MAY 2019
Fahari Zanzibar
Fahari is a Social Enterprise (NGO) making high quality bags, jewellery and accessories on the island of Zanzibar. All our products are handmade using local materials with expert workmanship - taking inspiration from our cultural meltingpot of African, Arabian & Indian influences borne out of years of trading across the Indian Ocean.By buying from us you will be receiving an exceptional, original product whilst supporting local women build a sustainable future.
Bon voyage!
“When a woman looks in the mirror she has to find herself happy and satisfied.”
Meet the hair care specialist devoted to making other women happy.
Tell us a little about yourself. Well, first of all thanks for having me. I’m Olga from Georgia. It’s a small but great country between Europe and Asia. I’ve lived in Kuwait for almost ten years and for five years I have had my own business as a hair stylist. I own the Olga Beauty Salon in Salmiya which serves the customers professionally with great respect and love.
to discover new colours. I’ve found the way to mix different colours to get a new and interesting colour that makes my customers satisfied and happy. Sometimes my opinion and the request of the customer are not the same when it comes to colour. I suggest taking it stepby-step but I care about their healthy hair as well. As we all know, the style or colour doesn’t matter if the hair doesn’t look silky smooth and healthy. As well as colour, I like to cut and style hair as well. I also do makeup with great success.
Did you always want to be a hair stylist? How did you get started?
Which hair styles are most popular?
My experience started many years ago in Moscow, Russia, where I spent many years with my family. As a young girl I always liked to style my hair and, like many young girls, I tried to change my own hair colour or style in different ways. After my graduation, I started working in a beauty salon where I learned so many tricks about cutting, colouring and styling. At first, I considered it a job or a hobby but later, I realised it made my life much better as I was busy doing my favourite things. I actually fell in love with my hobby and it became a very important and interesting part of my life. That’s when I started to think about my future business in hair styling, which had only before been a dream.
Tell us about your first job/experience as a hair stylist. When I came to Kuwait, I always wondered about the lifestyle of Arabic women. I couldn’t speak Arabic and was without knowledge of the Arabic culture and the character of Arabic women. I began working in a small salon where I used my experience and discovered new skills. Whilst serving my customers, I observed their needs and personalities. Later, I realised it wasn’t enough for me. I began preparing to take a big step in my life. I found trustworthy and professional staff and we got started. At first it wasn’t easy to attract customers but we focused on long term goals and had patience. Most importantly, were offered a high class service with healthy products and we cared about customer satisfaction.
What is your most favourite area to work as a hair stylist? Do you prefer cutting, colouring or hair styling? I like to do everything! I guess most of all I like to do colouring as I like
MAY 2019
When it comes to the hair style, I always follow what the customer wants. These days, it’s mostly wavy or curly, which is a daily style. Sometimes I offer a different opinion by suggesting something that will look much better and will be suitable for their hair length or face shape. We also do bridal hair and makeup.
What celebrities have you personally worked with? This is a good question and I would be happy to count all of my celebrity customers. However, I have to respect their privacy and I guess you will understand that. I can tell you that visitors to our salon have included a TV presenter and business owners. All our customers, regardless of who they are, receive a highly professional service and a warm greeting. The door of our beauty salon is open wide for every woman who wants to keep their style or find the new style for themselves.
What is your number one hair care tip? When it comes to hair care we can’t only talk about one important thing. Hair care requires a daily care routine. It includes the chemicalfree colouring process, shampoo and conditioner (which must be also paraben free and sulfate free), hair masks, conditioning after hair wash. All of those products must be chosen according to the hair type. As a woman, I always care about other women’s appearance and that is exactly what I’ve chosen as my life goal and passion. When a woman looks in the mirror she has to find herself happy and satisfied. In that case she’s much more successful and confident. You’ll find that all women are beautiful, just let them shine. We all deserve to be happy.
MAKEUP TRENDS SPRING/SUMMER 2019 Sana Mrad When you think of spring makeup, you probably think of glowing, dewy skin, bronzed cheeks and shades of pretty pastels; perhaps also pops of electric pink on lips, flecks of golden glitter on lashes, even hints of metallic. *golden smoky eye *colourful eye, lip and cheek but still soft (shape across the eyelid) *pink mascara *metallic edginess *cat-eye flick with a touch of pink eye-shadow *red lips and a pop of red blush (with minimal eye makeup) *flushed cheek or berry-stained lip My favourite new makeup brands for 2019
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since 2010
Teatro restaurant is set to welcome the holy month, creating a warm and inviting ambience where guests can experience a traditional Iftar, Ghabka and Sohour feast. Our talented chefs have developed outstanding buffets filled with oriental and international specialties, in addition to the live cooking stations that truly has something for everyone to enjoy.
Arabic delicacies and special ties from Lebanon to Turkey passing by Morocco as well as Italian gastronomy and international favorites with multiple sections and live cooking stations. Our dessert station will offer Kuwaiti sweet and international desserts and of course our popular ice cream bar and chocolate fountain.
Hilton Kuwait Resort Mangaf
Four Seasons Hotel Kuwait at Burj AlShaya
•The restaurant offers an outstanding seaside Terrace •Live cooking station 21 KWD
Iftar will be served from sunset to 09:00 pm at KWD 18.000 per person (Price includes Ramadan drinks) Ghabka/ Sohour is served from 10:00 pm to 02:00 am at KWD 15.000 per person (Price includes Ramadan drinks)
Main Menu
Booking is required in advance
Booking is required in advance
222 56 222 Ext: 7311
+965 22006065
HiltonKuwaitResort 46
MAY 2019
When you’re looking for a place to relax with the sparkling Arabian Gulf Sea in the distance, Dar Messilah is perfect for a lovely night out with shisha to the sound of the crashing waves in the distance.
Offering an oriental buffet with variety of options that reflects the spirit of the Holy Month including oriental salads, appetizers, homemade style plat du jour, Oriental & Arabic desserts and Ramadan beverages.
For guests looking to enjoy outdoor sea view and a unique Ramadan experience, the Palm Court Terrace is serving Iftar and Sohour in its exceptional private tents, equipped with AC and TV airing the popular Ramadan shows and series.
Ghabka & Sohour buffets complemented by the Oriental Live Music Band. -Kids Outdoor Play Zone is available -Get the chance to enter the weekly raffle draw on airline tickets for every KD 10 spent. -Exclusive discounts for group bookings of 10 persons and above. -Shisha available at the restaurant’s terrace
Shisha Lounge, Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa
Salmiya - 104 Hamad Al Mubarak Street - Holiday Inn Kuwait - Salmiya hotel
Hilton Kuwait Resort Mangaf
Families , Friends & Couples
Families , Friends & Couples
•30 private tents equipped with AC and TV •Overlooking Arabian Gulf
A La Carte 7pm to 2am
Price Per Person: KD13.950 Kids between 7 & 12 : Half Price Kids Below 6: Free
Iftar will be served from sunset to 09:00 pm at KWD 18.000 per person including Ramadan drinks Ghabka/ Sohour is served from 10:00 pm to 02:00 am at KWD 15.000 per person including Ramadan drinks Selection of Fruits and Arabic Sweets is KWD 10.500
Recommended to have a booking prior.
Available on
Booking is required in advance
+965 22269666
+965 2576 0020 +965 90 910 829
222 56 222 Ext: 7075
Enjoy Iftar and Ghabka with a lavish selection of hot and cold mezze, fresh salads, mixed grills, tajine, lamb, pasta and dishes that will melt your heart, paired with Middle Eastern desserts and Arabic-inspired drinks, while enjoying a spectacular Oriental band for live entertainment.
A rich international buffet of delicious Iftar & Ghabga with tempting desserts buffet. Daily entertaining Ghabga buffet with a wide variety of desserts, drinks and Ramadan juices all wrapped in amazing Oriental ambiance and ask about your favorite Shisha flavor.
•During Ramadan enjoy, daily delicious Iftar Buffet and Ghabga with oriental band - Also enjoy special groups offer for bookings above 30 guests. •Ask about your Favorite Shisha at Al Ahmadi Terrace •Ahmadi Terrace for shisha lovers and magnificent view
•Tuesday: •Wednesday: •Thursday: •Friday:
Lower hotel lobby level, Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa
Farwanyia Block 3 – Street 103 – Ground floor
Live entertainment in Garden Café Tent Shisha available in Garden Café Tent
Families, couples, companies, business lunches, gatherings, Iftar and ghabga, also enjoy special groups offer for bookings above 30 guests.
Iftar: 20 KWD per person inclusive of drinks Ghabkha: 18KWD per person inclusive of drinks
Mid-High range
N/A - main buffet
Recommended to have a booking prior.
Booking is required in advance
+965 22269666
Phone: +965 96961300 Online Booking:
JumeirahMessilahBeach 48
MAY 2019
BBQ night on swimming pool Egyptian night with Egyptian food. Layali Lebnan night. Butcher & Roast night.
since 2010
Middle eastern - Fusion
A wide and unique assortment of seafood flawlessly presented in a luxurious buffet.
Offering a lavish International buffet with variety of appetizers, salads and mouth-watering platters that will add a special flavor to your Ramadan family gatherings.
Beautiful Sea View
During the holy month of Ramadan enjoy Bounce Back vouchers of 35% discount on your total bill. Also enjoy special groups offer for bookings above 30 guests.
Kids Outdoor Play Zone is available opposite to the restaurant’s Terrace. Get the chance to enter the weekly raffle draw on airline tickets for every KD 10 spent. Exclusive discounts for group bookings of 10 persons and above. Shisha available at the restaurant’s terrace
Miral Complex, 22 Salem Sabah Al Salem Al Sabah Street
Farwanyia Block 3 – Street 103 – Ground floor
Salmiya - 104 Hamad Al Mubarak Street Holiday Inn Kuwait - Salmiya hotel
Families and couples
Families, couples, companies, business lunches, gatherings, Iftar and ghabga.
Families & Friends
A La Carte
Mid-High range
Price Per Person: KD14.950 Kids between 7 & 12 : Half Price Kids Below 6: Free
Not Available
Not Available
Available on
Available on
Telephone: +965 22054200
Phone: +965 96961300 Online Booking:
+965 2576 0020 +965 90 910 829
The Hustle
The first-ever live-action Pokémon adventure, POKÉMON Detective Pikachu stars Ryan Reynolds as Pikachu, the iconic face of the global Pokémon phenomenon—one of the world’s most popular, multi-generation entertainment properties and the most successful media franchise of all time.
Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson star as female scam artists, one low rent and the other high class, who team up to take down the dirty rotten men who have wronged them.
DIRECTED BY: Rob Letterman
DIRECTED BY: Chris Addison
CAST: Justice Smith, Kathryn Newton, Ryan Reynolds, Rita Ora, Suki Waterhouse, Bill Nighy, Ken Watanabe
CAST: Rebel Wilson, Anne Hathaway, Bruno Sevilla, Alex Sharp
GENRES: Adventure/Family/Sci-Fi
GENRES: Comedy/Remake
The Intruder
The tale of the charming street rat Aladdin, the courageous and self-determined Princess Jasmine and the Genie who may be the key to their future.
When a young married couple (Michael Ealy and Meagan Good) buys their dream house in the Napa Valley, they think they have found the perfect home to take their next steps as a family. But when the strangely attached seller (Dennis Quaid) continues to infiltrate their lives, they begin to suspect that he has hidden motivations beyond a quick sale.
DIRECTED BY: Guy Ritchie
DIRECTED BY: Deon Taylor
CAST: Franz Rogowski, Paula Beer, Godehard Giese, Lilien Batman, Maryam Zaree
CAST: Dennis Quaid, Meaghan Good, Michael Ealy, Joseph Sikora,
GENRES: Adventure/Drama/Family/Musical/Romance Remake/Fairy Tale
GENRES: Suspense/Thriller
The Tomorrow Man
Trial by Fire
A romance between a man who spends his life preparing for a disaster that may never come and a woman who spends her life shopping for things she may never use.
Trial by Fire is the true-life Texas story of the unlikely bond between an imprisoned death row inmate (Jack O'Connell) and a mother of two from Houston (Laura Dern) who, though facing staggering odds, fights mightily for his freedom. Cameron Todd Willingham, a poor, uneducated heavy metal devotee with a violent streak and a criminal record, is convicted of arson-related triple homicide in 1992. During his 12 years on death row, Elizabeth Gilbert, an improbable ally, uncovers questionable methods and illogical conclusions in his case, and battles with the state to expose suppressed evidence that could save him. Her efforts ultimately fail, and since Willingham’s execution, the disturbing question remains: Did Texas execute an innocent man?
DIRECTED BY: Noble Jones
MAY 2019
CAST: John Lithgow, Blythe Danner, Derek Cecil, Katie Aselton, Sophie Thatcher, Eve Harlow
CAST: Jack O'Connell, Laura Dern
GENRES: Drama/Romance
GENRES: Crime/Drama
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum
The new story follows the heroic efforts of the cryptozoological agency Monarch as its members face off against a battery of god-sized monsters, including the mighty Godzilla, who collides with Mothra, Rodan, and his ultimate nemesis, the three-headed King Ghidorah. When these ancient super-species—thought to be mere myths—rise again, they all vie for supremacy, leaving humanity’s very existence hanging in the balance.
John Wick (Keanu Reeves) is on the run for two reasons… he’s being hunted for a global $14 million dollar open contract on his life, and for breaking a central rule: taking a life on Continental Hotel grounds. The victim was a member of the High Table who ordered the open contract. John should have already been executed, except the Continental’s manager, Winston, has given him a one-hour grace period before he’s “Excommunicado” – membership revoked, banned from all services and cut off from other members. John uses the service industry to stay alive as he fights and kills his way out of New York City.
DIRECTED BY: Michael Dougherty
DIRECTED BY: Chad Stahelski
CAST: Millie Bobby Brown, Kyle Chandler, Ken Watanabe, O'Shea Jackson Jr, Vera Farmiga, Sally Hawkins, Charles Dance, Thomas Middleditch, Aisha Hinds, Zhang Ziyi
CAST: Keanu Reeves, Halle Berry, Laurence Fishburne, Ian McShane, Lance Reddick, Anjelica Huston, Asia Kate Dillon, Mark Dacascos, Jason Mantzoukas
GENRES: Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi/3D/IMAX/Sequel
GENRES: Action/Crime/Thriller/Sequel
IN MAY 2019 Rocketman
The Convent
An epic musical fantasy about the incredible human story of Elton John’s breakthrough years. The film follows the fantastical journey of transformation from shy piano prodigy Reginald Dwight into international superstar Elton John. This inspirational story – set to Elton John’s most beloved songs and performed by star Taron Egerton – tells the universally relatable story of how a small-town boy became one of the most iconic figures in pop culture.
In the early 17th century, innocent young Persephone is falsely accused and put on trial for her life. Her fate seems sealed except for the timely intervention of the mysterious Reverend Mother offering her not just sanctuary, but hope. For the Reverend Mother is the selfappointed leader of a small religious retreat, a secluded Priory, where her fellow Sisters devote their lives to the Lord and seek atonement for their pasts. But upon arrival, Persephone is plagued with terrifying visions and soon realizes that it’s not salvation that awaits but a battle for her very soul itself.
DIRECTED BY: Dexter Fletcher CAST: Taron Egerton, Jamie Bell, Richard Madden, Bryce Dallas Howard, Gemma Jones, Tom Hardy
DIRECTED BY: Paul Hyett CAST: Julianne Moore, John Turturro, Michael Cera, Brad Garrett, Sean Astin, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Rita Wilson
GENRES: Biography/Drama/Music
GENRES: Drama Romance
The Sun Is Also A Star
Explores the formative years of the orphaned author as he finds friendship, love and artistic inspiration among a group of fellow outcasts at school. This takes him into the outbreak of World War I, which threatens to tear the “fellowship” apart. All of these experiences would inspire Tolkien to write his famous Middle-Earth novels.
College-bound romantic Daniel Bae and Jamaica-born pragmatist Natasha Kingsley meet—and fall for each other—over one magical day amidst the fervor and flurry of New York City. Sparks immediately fly between these two strangers, who might never have met had fate not given them a little push. But will fate be enough to take these teens from star-crossed to lucky in love? With just hours left on the clock in what looks to be her last day in the U.S., Natasha is fighting against her family’s deportation as fiercely as she’s fighting her budding feelings for Daniel, who is working just as hard to convince her they are destined to be together.
DIRECTED BY: Dome Karukoski CAST: Nicholas Hoult, Lily Collins, Anthony Boyle, Colm Meaney, Tom Glynn-Carney, Craig Roberts, olm Meaney, Patrick Gibson, Laura Donnelly GENRES: Biography/Drama/True Story
DIRECTED BY: Ry Russo-Young CAST: Yara Shahidi, Charles Melton, John Leguizamo
GENRES: Drama/Romance/Adaptation
Long Shot Fred Flarsky (Seth Rogen) is a gifted and free-spirited journalist with an affinity for trouble. Charlotte Field (Charlize Theron) is one of the most influential women in the world. Smart, sophisticated, and accomplished, she’s a powerhouse diplomat with a talent for…well, mostly everything. The two have nothing in common, except that she was his babysitter and childhood crush. When Fred unexpectedly reconnects with Charlotte, he charms her with his self-deprecating humor and his memories of her youthful idealism. As she prepares to make a run for the Presidency, Charlotte impulsively hires Fred as her speechwriter, much to the dismay of her trusted advisors. DIRECTED BY: Jonathan Levine CAST: Charlize Theron, Seth Rogen, Alexander Skarsgard, June Diane Raphael, Andy Serkis, Randall Park, O'Shea Jackson Jr, Aviva Mongillo, Ravi Patel GENRES: Comedy
The Hottest New Book Releases of May
ASK AGAIN, YES by Mary Beth Keane
HOME REMEDIES by Xuan Juliana Wang
One August afternoon, on the shoreline of the Kamchatka peninsula at the northeastern tip of Russia, two girls (sisters, ages eight and eleven) go missing. The police investigation that follows turns up nothing. In the girls' tightly-woven community, everyone must grapple with the loss. But the fear and danger of their disappearance is felt most profoundly among the women of this isolated place.
In twelve stunning stories of love, family, and identity, Xuan Juliana Wang’s debut collection captures the unheard voices of an emerging generation. Young, reckless, and catapulted toward uncertain futures, here is the new face of Chinese youth on a quest for every kind of freedom.
by Fredrik Backman Things My Son Needs to Know About the World collects the personal dispatches from the front lines of one of the most daunting experiences any man can experience: fatherhood. As he conveys his profound awe at experiencing all the "firsts" that fill him with wonder and catch him completely unprepared, Fredrik Backman doesn't shy away from revealing his own false steps and fatherly flaws, tackling issues both great and small, from masculinity and mid-life crises to practical jokes and poop.
THE LAST TIME I SAW YOU by Liv Constantine
Dr. Kate English has it all. Not only is she the heiress to a large fortune; she has a gorgeous husband and daughter, a highflying career, and a beautiful home anyone would envy. But all that changes the night Kate’s mother, Lily, is found dead, brutally murdered in her own home. Heartbroken and distraught, Kate reaches out to her estranged best friend, Blaire Barrington, who rushes to her side for the funeral, where the years of distance between them are forgotten in a moment.
BLACK DEATH AT THE GOLDEN GATE: THE RACE TO SAVE AMERICA FROM THE BUBONIC PLAGUE by David K. Randall For Chinese immigrant Wong Chut King, surviving in San Francisco meant a life in the shadows. His passing on March 6, 1900, would have been unremarkable if a city health officer hadn’t noticed a swollen black lymph node on his groin—a sign of bubonic plague. Empowered by racist pseudoscience, officials rushed to quarantine Chinatown while doctors examined Wong’s tissue for telltale bacteria. If the devastating disease was not contained, San Francisco would become the American epicenter of an outbreak that had already claimed ten million lives worldwide.
A profoundly moving novel about two neighboring families in a suburban town, the friendship between their children, a tragedy that reverberates over four decades, and the power of forgiveness. Francis Gleeson and Brian Stanhope are two NYPD rookies assigned to the same Bronx precinct in 1973. They aren’t close friends on the job, but end up living next door to each other outside the city. What goes on behind closed doors in both houses—the loneliness of Francis’s wife, Lena, and the instability of Brian’s wife, Anne, sets the stage for the stunning events to come.
by Rick Atkinson Rick Atkinson, author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning An Army at Dawn and two other superb books about World War II, has long been admired for his deeply researched, stunningly vivid narrative histories. Now he turns his attention to a new war, and in the initial volume of the Revolution Trilogy he recounts the first twenty-one months of America’s violent war for independence. From the battles at Lexington and Concord in spring 1775 to those at Trenton and Princeton in winter 1777, American militiamen and then the ragged Continental Army take on the world’s most formidable fighting force.
TELL NO ONE Barbara Taylor Sissel Caroline Corbett wants nothing to do with her father, Hoff, a man who abandoned her as a young girl and then vanished from her life almost thirty years ago. But when her beloved aunt expresses a dying wish to see him once more, Caroline, despite her failing marriage and other personal troubles, drops everything to look for him. Harris Fenton found the father figure he’d dreamed of when he turned eight and his mother married Hoff—but his disappearance four years later left Harris with scars he carries even now that he is a father himself. While he has a beautiful family and a great job, he’s hiding a shameful secret and a nightmare from his childhood.
Award-winning author Sonali Dev launches a new series about the Rajes, an immigrant Indian family descended from royalty, who have built their lives in San Francisco... It is a truth universally acknowledged that only in an overachieving Indian American family can a genius daughter be considered a black sheep. Dr. Trisha Raje is San Francisco’s most acclaimed neurosurgeon. But that’s not enough for the Rajes, her influential immigrant family who’s achieved power by making its own non-negotiable rules.
Barbara Taylor Sissel Barbara Taylor Sissel writes issue oriented, upmarket women’s fiction that is threaded with elements of suspense and defined by its particular emphasis on how crime affects the family. She is the author of eight novels, THE TRUTH WE BURY, FAULTLINES, CROOKED LITTLE LIES, SAFE KEEPING, EVIDENCE 0F LIFE, THE NINTH STEP, THE VOLUNTEER, and THE LAST INNOCENT HOUR.
Directed by Anthony Russo and Joe Russo | Written by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely
he Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) got its real kick-off with Iron Man back in 2008. Robert Downey Jr was born to portray Tony Stark. A decade and 22 films later, it will go down in cinematic history as a feat never before seen or dreamed of - a narrative lasting a decade with several stories intertwined. This film brings the culmination of a decade worth of storytelling to a satisfying and bittersweet close - truly an Endgame in every sense of the word. My hat’s off to the two writers for finding the right balance of dark and light moments, drama and humour, and taking the time to allow so many characters to share the screen and each have their moments to shine. Well done - not an easy feat as the runtime of just over 3 hours proves tricky (much had to be cut to get the film as fast paced as it was). Almost certainly there will be a director’s cut or extended edition released one day. After seeing this film back-to-back on opening night and getting to really take in the story and catch many details written into the film expertly well, this review will be a ‘Writing a Movie RIGHT’.
Here come the spoilers.
The film starts off with Hawkeye (Clint Barton) showing his daughter how to shoot a bow and arrow. This quickly reminds us of the horrible loss faced by the Avengers at the end of Infinity War with the infamous Thanos ‘snap’. We quickly get caught up with our remaining heroes and soon Tony Stark is back from outer space. Stark and Captain America are still at odds after the events in Civil War and the loss in Infinity War. Tony, upset and angry, leaves the group to move on with his life. Captain Marvel assists the rest of the team, comprised of Dr. Banner, Iron Patriot, Nebula, Rocket, Black Widow, Captain America and Thor, locate Thanos and fight him to get the Infinity Gauntlet back so they can undo the snap. When they arrive and confront Thanos it is revealed that he used the stones one last time to destroy them - another crushing defeat for the Avengers. Then the screen goes black and 54
MAY 2019
it is five years later. It is emotionally gut wrenching seeing our heroes try to cope with loss and feeling hopeless. Yet hope sometimes comes from the smallest places and in this film it comes from the smallest Avenger, Ant Man. Ant Man returns from the Quantum Realm as though five years were only a few hours. He tells the team they can utilize the Quantum Realm to time travel and sets a plan for them to run a ‘Time Heist’ for the Infinity Stones. This by itself is where the film really shines. Seeing how they brought back earlier films and scenes in the MCU was simply brilliant. There was so much on display to close out character storylines and arcs. Tony Stark was amazing with his father. Captain America had so many great scenes that fans will love and cheer for. At this point I want to simply stop with the spoilers. Most of the world will end up seeing Endgame and if you have not yet done so, go and see this cinematic event. It brings home a long running epic narrative told across 22 films in an achievement that perhaps no other series will ever be able to do. Other than make this film longer, there is not much that can be improved upon the story. Sure, they could go into greater details on the Quantum Realm or take more time with certain characters, but this film leaves very little wasted time in getting things moving fast. I feel the fans will absolutely adore this film. Seeing the characters we have grown to love across the past decade sent off is just bittersweet and heartbreaking. In the end you will find yourself smiling and maybe crying at the same time. Thank you Stan Lee. Thank you Jack Kirby. Thank you Marvel. The bar is now set extremely high. There is no going back now. Ever upward. Excelsior!
Thanks for reading ‘Writing Movie ‘WRONGS’.
Khalid Reveals Music & Arts Foundation For Underserved Communities
Old Town Road Lil Nas X
Post Malone
Post Malone & Swae Lee
7 Rings
Ariana Grande
Jonas Brothers
Without Me Halsey
Dancing With A Stranger Sam Smith & Normani
Disclosure & Khalid
Bad Guy Billie Eilish
Middle Child
10. J. Cole
Break Up With Your Girlfriend, I'm Bored
Ariana Grande
Boy With Luv
12. BTS & Halsey
Please Me
13. Cardi B & Bruno Mars
14. Marshmello & Bastille
In My Head
15. Ariana Grande
16. Ariana Grande
Thotiana Blueface
18. Dan + Shay
Sanguine Paradise
19. Lil Uzi Vert
20. Lil Dicky
Envy Me
21. Calboy
Act Up
22. City Girls
23. Jonas Brothers
Girls Like You
24. Maroon 5 & Cardi B
Going Bad
25. Meek Mill & Drake
Bad Idea
26. Ariana Grande
27. Ariana Grande
Con Calma
28. Daddy Yankee & Snow
29. Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper
Here With Me
30. Marshmello & Chvrches
31. Juice WRLD
32. Ariana Grande
Girls Need Love
33. Summer Walker & Drake
Fake Smile
34. Ariana Grande
R&B sensation Khalid has certainly come a long way since his arrival on the scene. The vocalist rose to prominence in late 2016, after dropping early works via his Soundcloud account and as such, the rest was history. Since then, he has gone onto becoming the voice behind several smash hits such as "Young, Dumb & Broke" and the now-iconic tune "Location." Furthermore, Khalid has seated atop the charts numerous times, released albums which went onto becoming critically acclaim and amassed an impressive amount of awards
Kodak Black Offers To Pay For Funeral Of STEM School Shooting Hero Two suspected shooters killed eight people in an attack on Denver, Colorado's STEM School Highlands Ranch. One of the students who lost his life was 18-year-old Kendrick Castillo, a young man who had hopes of one day becoming an engineer. Unfortunately, his life was cut short after Castillo reportedly lunged at one of the shooters in an effort to save his classmates—many that he considered to be like family.
Kanye West and Kim Kardashian Welcome Fourth Child
Bury A Friend
35. Billie Eilish
36. Benny Blanco, Khalid & Halsey
37. Offset & Cardi B
When The Party's Over
38. Billie Eilish
39. Ariana Grande
God's Country
40. Blake Shelton
Kanye and Kim Kardashian West have welcomed their fourth child, a baby boy, Kardashian announced on Twitter. She added, “He’s also Chicago’s twin lol I’m sure he will change a lot but now he looks just like her.” The West family has not revealed the new child’s name. The new baby is the Wests’ second child via surrogate, following their daughter Chicago, who was born in January 2018. The couple’s first child, their daughter North, was born in 2013, while their second child, their son Saint, was born in December 2015.
MAY 2019
t’s so hard to keep up with the fashion trends and all those unlimited styles every season. It seems that whatever we purchase this fall can’t be flaunted or flashed in spring. So what to do? Buy less? Or just get out of the fashion game altogether? The answer is, neither. In order for you to find the right track, it is seriously important to shop for what you need to coordinate with what you already have. But what if all I have is last season? What if there’s too much ruffled or multi-coloured to be stylish this season? Then what to do? If this is already what you are doing or feeling or going through, then maybe it is. But trust me, it’s not going to last forever! We women (and I’m stressing on the ‘women’) tend to be hardcore shoppers. I mean that with all the respect in the world to my felines, since I am proudly one of them. We tend to shop for loads of crazy trends that do not last from one season to the next. I call that impulsive shopping. Shoppers of that calibre never think ahead. Instead, they tend to focus on the now. Meanwhile, another group of my female friends are the cherry pickers of shoppers. This category is somewhat special. They are tenuously fussy, not to mention cautious and extremely particular. They shop rarely and are never satisfied with what is out there in the fashion market. With the above information in mind, maybe I can help you (and myself) face this seasonal dilemma. Let’s look at the facts. We all need to shop because stylish people need a trendy attitude
in attire to tell a story about who they are as individuals. Most of us have a budget to abide by and remember, you should never shop alone! Shopping is fun. But when you shop for something trendy and elegant, make sure it’s affordable. The key to good shopping is to always select and coordinate with what you already have. I have fell for this shopping frenzy so many times, only to end up with bags of goodies that never last a season. Still, you live and learn from mistakes and move on to help others. But darlings, never make the same mistake twice otherwise you have a huge budget catastrophe on your hands. Remember that trends come and go. They flee like the wind. Class, on the other hand, is forever. Try classy, vintage looks that are timeless. I know it may be hard, but try not to go all shopaholic crazy and purchase those neon multi-colour stiletto heels just because your BFF bought some! Think before you pay. Also, keep in mind that time and age matter. Whether you are in your late teens or early 50s, remember the triple As – Age Appropriate Attire. Even when 40 is the new 20, age demands respect and the first respect is to choose clothes that are age appropriate. At the end of the day, it is far better and much more satisfying to be referred to as a class-setter than a trend-setter. One of those titles will get washed away and die. The other, however, will live forever. Which one will you be?
his month, I’d like to talk about my idol, Victoria Beckham, known as a multi-talented artist and now a public figure. Victoria's career started under the spotlight in 1996 as Posh Spice in the Spice Girls. She sang, danced and took part in a world tour for several years before dedicating her time and passion to becoming a fashion designer. Victoria Beckham was born on April 17 1974. She grew up in Harlow, England. Victoria had been passionate about art since her childhood. She attended art school and practiced dance, singing and photography. Victoria married David Beckham in 1999 and is a now mother of four. The couple quickly became a symbol of glamour and success and the muse of big brands such as Dolce & Gabbana, Marks & Spencer, Adidas and Pepsi. She released her first solo album in 2000 and wrote her first autobiography in 2001. Victoria Beckham is a stylist with a perfect complexion. Always fascinated by the world of fashion, she became a full-time fashion designer in 2003. In 2006, she published a book of fashion, style and beauty tips. In 2008, she became the muse of Marc Jacobs and launched her own brand ‘Victoria Beckham’ (VB). The message behind this brand is to empower women to become the best version of themselves. With her success, she dresses stars such as Oprah Winfrey, Cameron Diaz, Sarah Jessica Parker, Eva Longoria, Kate Middleton and many more. Victoria was awarded Designer Brand of the Year at the British Fashion Awards in November 2011. 58
MAY 2019
“Empty your stomach to feed your soul“ I suppose this sums it up. Ramadan is finally here, a month in its essence filled with spirituality, reflection and social gathering. So much to wear in one month is a challenge! The Suhoor and Iftar invites have already started piling up for Ramadan and it’s time to detox your wardrobe to keep up with the super-busy social schedule. If you haven’t updated your Ramadan wardrobe yet, read on to find some inspirational style tips and fashion updates. To celebrate Ramadan, many regional and international designers have released their Ramadan capsules. Lately, big names such as Gucci, Max Mara and many more have given the Ramadan season a major slot within their agenda. To celebrate the month of Ramadan with style, you must simply make an impression! Creating a balance between tradition and glamour is the key. Be authentic, be creative and try to bring out your style personality. For example, if you are a classic elegant person try wearing a bold silk kaftan and top it with your favourite accessories. One focal point can do the work for your overall look. Kaftan style is a subtle art of chic, the kind of taste you can’t pinpoint or define, but impossible to miss. Kaftans and turbans are becoming commonplace on so many iconic magazine covers. Kaftans are one of the most versatile pieces of clothing, meaning you can wear it during Ramadan then use it in summer from the beach to a barbeque. Simply timeless! Let me take you to my Ramadan edit list from international to regional designers.
Like mother like daughter
Saudi Arabian brand, Leem, has always been focused on bold bright expression, chic in its level. Their latest collection is focused on the mother and daughter matching kaftans. It’s a great way to bond with your little princess during the Holy Month.
Shine like a star
What can be more celebratory than Ramadan to dress your best in one of the brand signature Kaftans? And here we are talking about Oscar de la renta.
SANDRO: The Italian brand, Sandro, has created a capsule collection exclusively for the Middle East. The collection merged both tradition and glamour.
Your own signature
Photographer: Dress: @incanto_boutique
Have you ever thought of creating and designing your own handbag? Bespoke Italian handbag label, Alberto Sartori, will give you the opportunity to create your masterpiece from any array of hues and finishes. A unique way to mark the holy month.
Ted Baker for the Middle East For the first time, Ted baker has launched a collection entirely exclusive to the Middle East. We call it the seven piece collection which consists of elegant evening gowns detailed with prints of the season, all of which have been inspired by handpicked flowers and 70s patterns. Must-have pieces for the Holy month.
Mara are known for their minimal designs. If you flow in such style personality then this could be your option! From sophisticated elegant floral-printed maxi dresses to monochrome metallics gowns.
MAY 2019
Final essential must have: A positive attitude
We all agree on how our Image is important and the first impression we portray to others counts and plays a major role in our daily social life, but also having a humble and positive attitude is the most beautiful component you can add to your wardrobe. It is the best accessory and the number one attribute to any outfit. Stay beautiful, stay fashionable and stay positive! Ramadan Kareem.
MAY 2019
BRIGHTEN UP YOUR WARDROBE! Sandra Carina The neon fashion trends are big this season and it’s time to embrace the fun and vibrant hues! From hot Barbie-doll pink, to super bright green, orange and yellow, these neon clothes are everywhere!
Here are my styling tips and inspirations: Don’t overdo it! Balance out your outfit with neutral bottoms and heels.
Add a pop of neon in your all-black outfit.
Use accessories as a fun way to play around with the neon trend.
Paint your nails a neon colour - the perfect way to be on trend every day!
Jazz_boutique since 2010
MAY 2019
The Ferrari F8 Tributo Makes Its Debut In Kuwait During A Spectacular Display Of Power And Performance From The Prancing Horse Stable
MAY 2019
CELEBRITY/MODEL: AMAL ALANBARY (@amal.alanbary PHOTOGRAPHY: HAMAD ALAINATI (@7mdphotohraphy) DIRECTED BY: JAMEEL ARIF (@jameelarif) STYLING: (@hightastebyS) FOR: FERRARI ALZAYANI KUWAIT (@ferrariAlzayaniKuwait)
ollowing its recent global launch at Geneva Motor Show, the all new Ferrari F8 Tributo, homage to the most powerful V8 in Ferrari History, was unveiled by Al Zayani, the sole authorised dealer of Ferrari in Kuwait, in an exclusive Prancing Horse festival held at the new Kuwait Motor Town (KMT), the latest exciting automotive destination in the region. This beautiful new product is currently touring the GCC market, to allow loyal Ferrarista to see the model in their home markets. The F8 Tributo is the new mid-rear-engined sports car that represents the highest expression of the Prancing Horse’s classic two-seater berlinetta. It is a car with unique characteristics and, as its name implies, is an homage to the most powerful V8 in Ferrari history. The F8 Tributo sets the market benchmark for performance, driving pleasure and ease of handling. It makes the exhilarating performance of the best 8-cylinder in the world accessible to all drivers, with unprecedented handling and superior ride comfort.
MAY 2019
KUWAIT AUTOMOBILE AND TRADING CO. (Official Ferrari Dealer Kuwait) Tel. (+965) 1808010 @ferrarialzayanikuwait
MAY 2019
MAY 2019
Ferrari F8 Tributo Technical specifications
ENGINE Type: V8 - 90° twin turbo Overall displacement: 3902 cc Max. power output*: 720 cv (530 kW) @ 7000 rpm Max. torque*: 770 Nm @ 3250 rpm Specific power output: 185 cv/l Max. engine speed: 8000 rpm Compression ratio: 9.6:1
DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT Length: 4611 mm Width: 1979 mm Height: 1206 mm Wheelbase: 2650 mm Front track: 1677 mm Rear track : 1646 mm Kerb weight **: 1435 kg Dry weight **: 1330 kg Weight distribution: 41.5% fr – 58.5% r Boot capacity: 200 l Fuel tank capacity: 78 l
TYRES Front: 245/35 ZR 20 J9,0 Rear: 305/30 ZR 20 J11.0
BRAKES Front: 398 x 223 x 38 mm Rear: 360 x 233 x 32 mm
TRANSMISSION AND GEARBOX F1 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox
ELECTRONIC CONTROLS E-Diff3, F1-Trac, High Performance ABS/EBD with Ferrari Pre-Fill, FrS SCM-E, SSC 6.1 with FDE*
PERFORMANCE 0-100 km/h: 2.90 s 0-200 km/h: 7.8 s Top speed: 340 km/h Fiorano lap time: 1’22.5”
FUEL CONSUMPTION/C02 EMISSIONS Under homologation * With 98 octane petrol ** With optional content
CELEBRITY/MODEL: AMAL ALANBARY (@amal.alanbary PHOTOGRAPHY: HAMAD ALAINATI (@7mdphotohraphy) DIRECTED BY: JAMEEL ARIF (@jameelarif) STYLING: (@hightastebyS) FOR: FERRARI ALZAYANI KUWAIT (@ferrariAlzayaniKuwait)
MAY 2019
SIFC Media Launch in Riyadh Saudi International Fashion Council
The fashion organization, Saudi International Fashion Council, has been launched in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. CEO, Ghadi Ali, announced that the SIFC has signed a formal contract with Torino Fashion Week, based in the elegant northern Italian city. The mission of the SIFC is to bring Saudi fashion to the next level. Saudi Arabia has a substantial number of fashion designers, mostly promoted locally in the Arabian Gulf region. But this year, the SIFC is creating a bridge between the Middle East and Europe and is
looking forward to future potential partners in Asia. During the media launch, fashion blogger, Nia Amroun, spoke about modest fashion comparisons between England and Saudi Arabia in discussion with Hiba Farrash - the successful Saudi designer and mum of two - who established her fashion career in the early period of her life, when the country was very conservative and opportunity for designers was strictly limited.
CALVIN KLEIN #mycalvins
To celebrate this birthday, Hublot, which has been a long-standing partner of Scuderia Ferrari, is proud to present the Big Bang Scuderia Ferrari 90th Anniversary watch. This is a model that reflects the rich history and heritage of Scuderia Ferrari realized in three limited editions conceived in collaboration with the Ferrari Design Centre. These pieces illustrate the development of the materials used in car racing over the years. This is a permanent quest of both companies, as illustrated by Hublot’s motto “The Art of Fusion”. No future and no victories without innovation. It is only through technical and technological research that the two houses have been able to maintain their respective positions in their respective worlds. The 45mm diameter of each of the three editions houses the famous UNICO movement, a flyback chronograph that offers a 72-hour power reserve. Their bezel is cut in ceramic carbon, the same material that is used for Formula 1 brake discs. The first version is inspired by the early years of Scuderia Ferrari and its glorious past. The visible metal parts, the peccary leather from the bucket seats and the brushed look of the dashboard are represented here by the platinum case and the stitched perforated strap. Its dial evokes oldfashioned speedometers with its calendar underlined in yellow. In this way, it falls in-line with the purest traditions of car racing. The 3D carbon that is used to make the case of the second edition reflects the present day Scuderia Ferrari. Today, research into new composite materials and high-technology are all powerful in competition driving. Its strap is made from Nomex—the fire-resistant synthetic fibre used to make racing driver’s suits—on which the red and black stitching makes a striking contrast. Its colour code is black and red, the colours currently used by Scuderia Ferrari for its single-seater Formula 1 cars. The third model is instantly recognisable by its transparent case made from sapphire, an innovative material that is hard to work, giving it a resolutely futuristic style. It demonstrates the extreme sophistication that technology is heading towards and the possibilities it offers for the future. A promise of innovations that will apply to both car manufacture and watchmaking. Its strap adopts a highly futuristic Kevlar look.
MAY 2019
Colorful. Youthful. CALVIN KLEIN #mycalvins. Fashionable and pop, colorful and young, watch and bracelet. CALVIN KLEIN #mycalvins is the perfect kit to share with your friends and survive the weekend. The possibility to create your personalized bracelet within a set, by interchanging the dial, the CALVIN KLEIN plate or the LOVE plate, thanks to snap buttons, is what makes it fun. The kit is made up of three sets with different color styles: A grey dial with a silver, pale blue and pastel pink leather straps. A white dial, with a lemon, lipstick red and seaport blue leather straps. A black dial, with a white, navy blue and dark green leather straps. Style has no rules and no limits. Water resistant to 3 bar.
Justice, the specialty fashion and accessories retailer for girls, hosted their first-of-a-kind fashion show in Kuwait at the KidZania Theater, at The Avenues – Kuwait that was attended by Justice VIP customers, parents of the models and esteemed media members. The fashion show highlighted the brand’s latest collection for the season that were modelled by girls aged between 6 to 16 years. The exclusive fashion show, under the title ‘Live Justice’, aimed at highlighting the core values celebrated by the Justice brand and its wide fan base of teenage girls. Live Justice is based upon six values, which guide the girls through their tween life and support them. These values are focused on living: Positively, Smart, Connected, Creatively, Together and Active. Live Justice is a lifestyle that promotes a positive sense of the self and the celebration of every girl. It's a place where girls can share and
discover how they can change the world for the better. Fueled by positivity, the Live Justice community is supportive and promotes confidence-building as girls pursue their dreams, discover their voices, lead, and lift each other up. Live Justice encourages the girls, to try something new every day, learn through curiosity, spread positive vibes, dream big, celebrate social differences and take charge on leading a healthy lifestyle. The new collection features the iconic dazzle and charm of the Justice patterns and colours across the different lines. Pastel and vivid shades of blue, pink, purple and yellow are the highlight for this season’s collection. Justice girls will find their favourite pieces across the new lines featuring active wear, denim, sleepwear, special occasions and casual collections.
Oris Divers Sixty-Five Chronograph
The legend of the Oris Divers Sixty-Five continues with the family’s first series-produced chronograph. Inspired by original diver’s watches Oris produced in the 1960s, the Divers Sixty-Five marries the best of vintage design and contemporary manufacturing techniques. So while it has vintage chronograph pushers and a retro bi-compax (twincounter) dial layout, it also boasts a 43mm stainless steel case, a bronze uni-directional rotating diver’s bezel with an aluminium insert, and a domed sapphire crystal. Inside it is a Swiss Made automatic mechanical chronograph movement with quarter-of-a-second accuracy and a 48-hour power reserve.
Tissot Gentleman
Exclusive Volkswagen deals for all the family this Ramadan
Visitors to the Volkswgen Kuwait showroom, can take advantage of purchasing the latest Touareg and Teramont vehicles at an astonishing price throughout the month of Ramadan. Teramont models are available at a starting price of KD 8,999, while Touraeg is available at a starting price of KD 12,999. Customer can also avail exclusive benefits including a three-year warranty, roadside assistance and service, in addition to complimentary vehicle registration. Abdullah Ali, General Manager of Volkswagen Kuwait, said: “Whether looking to add a spacious SUV like the Teramont to the family or opt for the best-selling Touareg model, Volkswagen customers can enjoy worldclass engineering at a lower cost thanks to our Ramadan offers. Throughout the holy month ahead we look forward to welcoming customers into our showroom and to help them find the right vehicle to become part of their family.”
Contemporary New York city-based fashion brand alice + olivia by Stacey Bendet, made its Kuwait debut with the opening of its first store at Grand Avenue – The Avenues, in partnership with the Alshaya Group, the leading international franchise operator. The opening was attended by members of the local media, fashion and lifestyle influencers, brand loyalists and customers, who were welcomed to discover the brand’s latest collection and explore the iconic exquisite décor which aptly reflects the whimsical spirit of the brand. A highlight of the evening included exclusive alice + olivia souvenirs designed by one of Kuwait’s leading illustrators, Abrar Zenkawi. “Every new chapter of Alice + Olivia’s story is fueled by a pursuit to create a greater impact. I hope alice + olivia allows modern Kuwaiti women to express themselves and their personal style through our playful, yet sophisticated outfits and fashion-forward styling,” said Stacey Bendet, the brand’s CEO and Creative Director, at the opening. The brand was born in 2002 from Bendet’s personal quest to create the perfect pair of pants and has grown into a full collection label including clothing, shoes, handbags and accessories. Today, alice + olivia is loved by many celebrities in Hollywood including Gwyneth Paltrow, Gigi Hadid, Kourtney Kardashian and Jessica Alba.
The Regency Wins “Leading Luxury Hotel in Kuwait” for the 7th Consecutive Year
Four Seasons Hotel Kuwait at Burj Alshaya welcomes Ramadan as ‘Best Business Hotel in Kuwait’ for second year running
Permanent elegance
As innovator by tradition, Tissot is dedicating its new Gentleman to the elegant man of today. Sophisticated yet understated, made of steel and solid 18 ct pink gold, it is available in four versions. This 40 mm-diameter model shows Tissot’s devotion to fine workmanship in its watchmaking, with carefully-wrought details. Versatility The Tissot Gentleman is a multi-purpose watch, both ergonomic and elegant in any circumstance. It is equally suitable for wearing in a business environment, where conventional dress codes apply, as at the weekend, when it adapts easily to leisure activities. As part of the life of a modern, active man, the Tissot Gentleman becomes the perfect companion for every day, every occasion and every style.
Rado Tradition Captain Cook MKII Automatic Limited Edition
Underlining its game-changing credentials in Kuwait’s hospitality scene, Four Seasons Hotel Kuwait at Burj Alshaya has once again been recognised as the country’s finest address for business travellers. The stylish property was recently crowned ‘Best Business Hotel in Kuwait’ for the second year running at the Business Traveller Awards 2019 during a glittering awards ceremony held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Since opening its doors in August 2017, Four Seasons Hotel Kuwait at Burj Alshaya has established itself as a firm favourite among both business and leisure travellers from around the world. This Ramadan, the Hotel invites guests to enjoy a delightful selection of culinary experiences and spa packages that offer the ideal way to celebrate this blessed occasion with families, friends and loved ones. Didier Jardin, General Manager, Four Seasons Hotel Kuwait at Burj Alshaya, commented: “We are delighted to retain the title of ‘Best Business Hotel in Kuwait’ for the second consecutive year, an accolade that speaks volumes about our outstanding facilities and team members. With hospitality professionals from more than 50 different nationalities working side-byside, our beautiful Hotel perfectly captures the spirit of unity associated with the holy month of Ramadan. We look forward to welcoming guests to the delightful surroundings of our Jawaher Tent for a memorable celebration, and wish everyone a joyful and blessed Ramadan.” The Hotel’s Al Bidaa Ballroom will be transformed into a tented Ramadan venue throughout the Holy Month, offering authentic Arabian hospitality in a warm and inviting ambience that reflects the region’s traditions. This wonderful setting is among the city’s finest destinations for guests to break their fast with a delicious Iftar or gather for a Ghabga spread.
World Travel Awards named The Regency Hotel Kuwait as “Kuwait’s Leading Luxury Hotel 2019” for the seventh consecutive year respectively at the recent Middle East Grand Gala Ceremony, held at Warner Bros. World™ Abu Dhabi. “Winning consecutive seven years in this prestigious award category marked a history of excellence in Kuwait. My team is delighted to provide inspirational hospitality and best-in-class service” said Otto Kurzendorfer, The General Manager of The Regency Hotel Kuwait. “So a big “thank you” to the originators of this great achievement being every team member here in the estate, striving year after year to deliver an outstanding & luxurious guest experience” added Kurzendorfer. Now celebrating its 26th anniversary, the World Travel Awards acknowledge, reward and celebrate excellence across all key sectors of the travel, tourism and hospitality industries. Today, the World Travel Awards™ brand is recognized globally as the ultimate hallmark of industry excellence. The Regency Hotel Kuwait is a five-star hotel with 203 elegantly designed rooms and suites, reflecting the traditional style and values of the region. The hotel is a luxurious retreat with exceptional hospitality at its core. It is ideally situated on the shores of the Arabian Gulf, located just a short 20 minutes drive from Kuwait International Airport and within easy reach to Kuwait's prime business, shopping and entertainment destinations.
Porsche Centre Kuwait welcomes Ramadan with exclusive offers Embarking on exclusive journeys this Ramadan
Rado has been producing watches designed to stand the test of time and, since the launch of the Golden Horse in 1958, to stand the test of the elements when water-resistant watches were far from the norm. Building on this base, 1962 saw the introduction of an early diver’s model that now makes a welcome comeback to the Rado collection in a reimagined version that is true to the look and feel of the original. The Captain Cook MKII was first launched with an impressive 22 bar (220m) water resistance rating and an inner turning bezel capable of measuring up to 80 minutes of elapsed dive time. The reimagined Captain Cook MKII, retains these impressive features, whilst incorporating a whole lot more. At first glance the Captain Cook MKII bears an uncanny resemblance to the 1962 original, with its red and white inner bezel and natural coloured Super-LumiNova® dots. On closer inspection however, the matt black dial and sleek rhodium coloured dial elements update the Captain Cook MKII for the twentyfirst century.
On the occasion of the Holy month of Ramadan, Porsche Centre Kuwait, Behbehani Motors Company, introduces numerous exclusive offers on the Cayenne to complement the Porsche customer journey. New owners of the third-generation of the Cayenne will be greeted with numerous exclusive privileges as they embark on their next adventure. Customers will be offered with up to four-years of both Porsche Service and Maintenance, and Porsche Worldwide Warranty, in addition to the 24-hour roadside assistance for the first four years, to ensure an impeccable Porsche experience. Complimentary vehicle registration service and exclusive trade-in facilities will also be provided to customers upon request. “Ramadan is the time of the year where families come together, and at Porsche Centre Kuwait, we are proud to grow our family of true Porsche enthusiasts. We continually seek to further fuel their fascination with the brand, therefore, we offer our customers exclusive privileges and benefits as we welcome them into our Porsche family,” said Hany Marie, Brand Manager at Porsche Centre Kuwait. The limited-time offer, which will only be available during the month of
Ramadan, will allow customers to experience the Porsche Cayenne while availing numerous privileges. The Cayenne is the perfect combination of the typical Porsche performance with excellent everyday practicality, featuring the new eight-speed Tiptronic S gearbox. The Cayenne delivers 340 hp and accelerates to 100 km/h in 5.9 seconds with the optional Sports Chrono Package, while the Cayenne S accelerates in less than five seconds only. The Cayenne Turbo on the other hand is powered by an eight-cylinder engine, allowing it to reach a top speed of 286 km/h. The third-generation Cayenne features multiple assistance systems and a fully integrated Porsche Advanced Cockpit into the vehicle model. A 12.3-inch full-HD touchscreen is at the heart of the new display and control concept, allowing a range of digital functions to be operated intuitively, including voice control. The Porsche offerings extend to encompass the entire vehicle range, including the recently launched facelifted Porsche Macan, which has proven with every passing day its well-deserved stance as the leading compact SUV in its segment. Porsche Centre Kuwait will also soon unveil the eighth generation of the Porsche DNA, the 911.
TEST YOUR VOCABULARY Prudence occasions us to restrain where anger might bid us assault.
In this sentence, prudence means: a. Entitlement
c. Hypocrisy
b. Humor
d. Caution
Prudence can also describe the skill of side-stepping trouble or embarrassment, like having the prudence to avoid risks or the prudence to prepare for the unexpected, like packing a change of clothes in case the weather changes or your dinner reservations turn out to be at a fancy restaurant. Prudence comes from the Latin word prudentia, which means "foresight, sagacity."
the prudence of people who spend their money wisely, saving as much as they can.
ANSWER: d. Use the noun prudence to describe sensible decisions about everyday life, like
GUESS THE NUMBER 13 - 13 x 111 - 111 = A. 1319 B. 1443 C. -1541
1. Which king in Greek mythology was cursed to push a boulder up a hill for eternity, only for it to roll all the way back down once he neared the top? 2. Canadian singer Celine Dion represented which country at the 1988 Eurovision Song Contest, where she won with Ne partez pas sans moi? 3. Which island in the Indian Ocean is the only place in the world that native lemurs can be found? 4. Which Venetian merchant inspired the Book of the marvels of the world, describing his travels to the court of Kublai Khan in China, and across much of Asia? 5. Who travelled to locations such as Brobdingnag, Luggnagg and Lilliput in a 1726 satirical book by Irish writer Jonathan Swift? 6. Which legendary quarterback was picked as the overall 199th pick (6th round) in the 2000 NFL Draft? 7. Batavia is the former, colonial name, of which major South-East Asian capital city? 8. Which famous English actor played butler Alfred Pennyworth in Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight series of Batman movies? 9. Tatooine, Naboo and Alderaan are fictional planets depicted in which sci-fi movie series, which began in 1977? 10. George Weah, 1995 Fifa World Player of the Year, became president of which West African country in 2018? 11. Who played teenager Richie Cunningham in the American sitcom Happy Days from 1974 to 1984, before going on to direct movies such as Apollo 13, The Da Vinci Code and A Beautiful Mind, for which he won Best Director at the 2002 Academy Awards? 12. The name of which Central American nation translates literally into English as "Rich Coast", after Christopher Columbus noted the natives wearing large quantities of gold jewellery? 13. Which is the largest creature in the Order Artiodactyla, also known as the Even-Toed Ungulates? 14. To what was Mt. McKinley, the largest mountain in the US and the state of Alaska, officially renamed by the American government in 2015? 15. Tom Cruise is a notable proponent of which modern religious movement, the church of which was founded by L. Ron Hubbard in 1952? 16. Though Thomas Edison invented Direct Current (DC), which Serbian inventor's Alternating Current (AC) became the primary electrical delivery method to businesses and premises? 17. What is placed into a pocket of beef in order to make a "carpetbag steak"? 18. In which book by H.G. Wells do aliens land in the area around the town of Woking, in Surrey, England? 19. Which Mexican artist is well-known for her self-portraits, such as her 1938 piece The Frame, which is currently exhibited in Paris? 20. Which masked vigilante, created by American writer John McCulley, derives his name from the Spanish word for "fox"?
D. 1
C MAY 2019
ANSWERS: 1.Sisyphus, 2.Switzerland, 3.Madagascar, 4.Marco Polo, 5.Gulliver, 6.Tom Brady, 7.Jakarta, 8.Michael Caine, 9.Star Wars, 10.Liberia, 11.Ron Howard, 12.Costa Rica, 13.The Blue Whale (the ancestors of modern whales were hooved land animals), 14.Denali, 15.The Church of Scientology, 16.Nikola Tesla, 17.Oysters, 18.The War of the Worlds, 19.Frida Kahlo, 20.Zorro
Iftar & Suhoor Gathering in a unique Ramadan Ambiance‌ Revive the traditions of the holy month of Ramadan with your family and friends at Mais Alghanim with Arabic and international cuisines to choose from with a wide variety of dishes in our brand new menu; in addition to our extensive daily Iftar specials & oriental Ghabqa choices.
HOROSCOPES (March 21 - April 19)
(July 23 - August 22)
May kicks off with interesting conversations and perhaps difficult realizations, but focus on the big picture and dig deeper for your self-worth and intangible values. On May 4, the Taurus new moon marks a new cycle financially and for your commitments. It sees you growing in physical, material, and emotional well-being. With conscious choices, you can make course corrections, allowing you to turn a corner and stabilize a financial and/or professional situation. On the fifteenth, Venus enters Taurus, until June 8, and Mars enters Cancer, until July 1, drawing your attention to home, property, security, and family matters. Financially and emotionally, you’re in a comfortable position and have support. Rise above your insecurities.
(April 20 - May 20)
TAURUS You’re coming into your own this month, and it’s time to rock and roll! Even if at times it feels like walking in the dark, have more faith in yourself and existence. The Taurus new moon on May 4 marks a new personal cycle and the official beginning of a seven-year phase of prolific growth. On the fifteenth, Venus enters your sign, until June 8, on the same day as Mars enters Cancer, your communication zone. You can attract, create, and/or have what you need, perhaps even what you want. Be clear, gentle, and honest and you can get on the same page with significant others. On May 18, the Scorpio full moon marks the culmination of a relationship. You’re awakening to a whole new depth of emotions and desires asking you to love, accept, and embrace yourself wholly.
(May 21 - June 20)
GEMINI Your ruler moves through three signs this month, suggesting you’re covering a lot of ground. As you enter May, you’re learning who your friends are and who’s in your corner. Not all of this may be easy, but be grateful and you can strengthen friendships that matter. On May 4, the Taurus new moon - and Mercury entering Taurus two days later - draws you underground to seek a greater reason for your existence. Be open to sudden realizations or weird dreams awakening you to subconscious ideas that prevent you from making progress. These need to be consciously uprooted. On the fifteenth, Venus joins the sun and Mercury in Taurus and Mars enters Cancer. If you’re wondering where the resources for something will come from, rise above your insecurities. You are worth a lot more than you realize.
(June 21 - July 22)
CANCER Expect a busy month socially and personally. As you enter May, professional developments are asking you to widen your horizons. And the Taurus new moon on May 4 is opening up the playing field and your social circle. You’re connecting with friends (new and old) and people who can help you materialize a dream and open new and previously closed doors. On the fifteenth, Venus enters Taurus, until June 8, and Mars enters Cancer, until July 1. What you desire is within reach, but if you don’t know what you want, get clear on that first. Flow with life and you can draw what you need to you. By May 18, a Scorpio full moon highlights a creative matter, a romantic connection, or a matter surrounding your children or something dear to your heart. This could get emotional, bringing endings, beginnings, or perhaps even a dream come true. It might be bittersweet, but the only thing constant is change. Stay in the present. You’re being liberated.
MAY 2019
Your horizons are widening as you enter May. Uranus entered Taurus in March, opening new doors professionally. And a new moon in Taurus on May 4 marks a whole new cycle and sevenyear phase of you breaking through the glass ceiling in your chosen field. Your hard work is being recognized, and really there are no limits. But remember that only humility precedes true greatness. On the fifteenth, Venus enters Taurus and Mars enters Cancer, shifting the energy. There are new professional opportunities arising, but first acknowledge any subconscious fear of failure – and perhaps even of success - as well as a secret dream. Then you can make conscious choices.
(August 23 - September)
VIRGO A professional and financial matter is evolving as you enter the month, as are you. And you have choices to make. You’re at the end of a process of evolution, and the Taurus new moon on May 4 and Mercury’s entry into Taurus two days later are inviting you to explore greener pastures beyond the horizon. It will push your boundaries, but have faith. You’re being liberated, and you’re not alone on your journey. On the fifteenth, Venus enters Taurus and Mars enters Cancer, highlighting your international connections. You might hear from a friend overseas or about a business opportunity. Don’t be afraid to explore your options and cast a wide net. As the Scorpio full moon aligns on May 18, you’re learning information that changes everything. There could be sudden unexpected opportunities to travel or take an idea to the next level.
(September 23 - October)
LIBRA As the Taurus new moon aligns on May 4, a financial situation, marriage, and/or sexual relationship is evolving deeply and profoundly. You don’t have total control, but you aren’t powerless, and you do have a choice. Consciously let go of any attachment to an outcome and invest in the situations that align with your values. A process continues as Venus enters Taurus and Mars enters Cancer on the fifteenth. A professional situation or partnership is heating up, and you stand to gain a lot from this. Just be careful not to compromise your values in a hunger for success. It’s not worth it. By May 18, a Scorpio full moon marks the culmination of a cycle, asking you to move beyond your superficial attachments to money, sex, or what a relationship is supposed to look like. If you’re in a power struggle, let go. Recognize your worth and you can reclaim your power.
(October 23 - November)
SCORPIO Uranus entered Taurus and your relationship zone in March, shaking things up. Now a new moon in Taurus on May 4 marks a new beginning for all your one-to-one relationships. There could be surprising new connections or sudden changes in relationship dynamics – detachment and acceptance will be key. On the fifteenth, Venus enters Taurus and Mars enters Cancer, solidifying and sweetening important financial, emotional, love, and/or creative connections. Keep your channels of communication open, then you can get on the same page with significant others. May 18 marks the Scorpio full moon and brings unexpected developments in a creative, personal, or financial relationship, pushing your boundaries. You can’t control another - or your desires - and you needn’t lower your standards. Ask for what you need and let go of expectations. Then pay attention to who shows up when you need them.
(November 22 - December)
SAGITTARIUS On May 4, a new moon in Taurus marks a new cycle for your health, work, and daily routines. Expect life to be busy in May, with sudden developments that push your boundaries and shake up the natural order of things or your routines. But there will be plenty of moments of passion and excitement and time to savor life and enjoy the process. Above all, health is wealth. Prioritize your well-being – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. This is a chance to live life by your rules and improve your quality of life. By midmonth, you’re getting into the groove. On the fifteenth, Venus enters Taurus and Mars enters Cancer, moving a creative, financial, or personal relationship to the next level. But it’s also asking that you dig for your worth and values.
(December 22 - January 19)
CAPRICORN Your ruler Saturn is newly retrograde, and with planets gathering in Taurus, life is asking you to slow down and enjoy the sweeter pleasures. On May 4, the Taurus new moon marks a new cycle creatively and sexually. Love your inner child. Something might feel risky, but the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. Shake up your routine. Be creative and innovative and dig deeper to find what brings you joy. There’s gold to be mined. As Venus enters Taurus and Mars enters Cancer on the fifteenth, you’re sinking into the deliciousness of it all, getting your groove back. You needn’t dive into anything, but at least test the waters.
(January 20 - February 18)
AQUARIUS Conversations early in the month spark new ideas and adventures, but you needn’t go too far. What you seek is hidden in your backyard and closer to home – literally or metaphorically. On May 4, the Taurus new moon marks a new cycle in your ability to sink deeper into a sense of security and belonging. Domestic and family matters are highlighted, but as you reach a deeper understanding of the past, you can free yourself of a ball and chain. Opportunity is knocking as Venus enters Taurus and Mars enters Cancer on the fifteenth. Invite it in and nurture the roots of your life. The Scorpio full moon on May 18 draws your attention to a professional matter. This is the end and beginning of an era, opening the door to greater personal and creative freedom and security. Discover the wealth of treasures at your feet.
(February 19 - March 20)
PISCES What do you believe? Why? Where do your beliefs come from? On May 4, the Taurus new moon is asking you to open your mind to the possibilities. You’re learning information that could be mind-blowing or at least cause you to question what you thought was real. It might take a while to digest all that is coming through, but be patient with the process and keep an open mind as the month progresses. On the fifteenth, Venus enters Taurus and Mars enters Cancer, marking a very creative period for you. It’s also a time when you could have heartfelt conversations that bring you a deeper understanding of others and a situation, allowing you to get on the same page. May 18 marks the Scorpio full moon, bringing you greater insight into a situation. It will rearrange your perceptions, but there’s a need for perspective. We don’t see reality as it is. We see it as we are. Avoid judgment and you can start to see the infinite creative possibilities in a situation. An idea is genius. Believe in it and yourself, and lead with your heart.
RAMADAN KAREEM ABK extends its congratulations to HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, HH the Crown Prince of Kuwait Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and to the Kuwaiti government and its people on the occasion of the Holy Month of Ramadan.
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