CP October 2017

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horological smartwatch delight


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AUTOMOBILE 98. Driving The Jeep Wrangler BEAUTY 66. Mastering The Theory Of Colour In Makeup Artistry 85. Iconic Product Of The Month ENTERTAINMENT 90. Writing Movie Wrongs 91. Top Music Charts 92. Top Reading Picks For October 94. Movies

FASHION 74. 7 Days, 7 Trends With Carla And Marie 86. Top Picks By Yasmeen Alsalem / Street Style Trends From The French Capital. FEATURES 12. Boredom Is A Good Thing For Children! 14. The Road To Independence 16. Planning To Study Abroad? 18. 5 Steps To Creating Work-Life Balance 20. Falling For Fall 22. Register Now For Kuwait’s Most Exciting Run/Walk Marathon 27. ‫كتاب مدير الدقيقة الواحدة‬ 28. Why Business Incubators?

Style is automatic. TISSOT everytime swissmatic. UP TO 3 DAYS OF POWER RESERVE.



FITNESS 65. Don’t Be Fooled

NUTRITION 43. Living ‘In The Pink’

FOOD 54. Life With Cacao 60. Life With Cake

TECHNOLOGY 96. Cool Gadgets

HEALTH 40. Breast Cancer Treatments And Skin Solutions

TRAVEL 47. Top Five For Las Vegas 48. The City Guide 50. Bonus Miles - Sleep Like A Royal

HOME DECOR 30. Ashley Furniture Homestore INTERVIEWS 44. Dr. Mohamed Hammoud 62. Karina Frelich 70. Rula Galayini 82. Garance Blanche

REGULARS 24. In Permanent Pursuit Of Perfection 108. Press 111. Social Diary 112. Fuel For Your Grey Matter 114. Horoscopes






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he two words every parent dreads the most are ‘I’m bored!’ To avoid hearing these words, parents over-schedule their kids; offer an endless choice of toys, games, technology and TV time. Parents will schedule play-dates and time to play with their kids, excursions and much more to avoid hearing those dreaded words, ‘I’m bored!’

While play-time with parents is very important to the parent-child relationship and also important to a child’s development, jumping in to entertain our children every time they are bored can have a very harmful affect on their development. When a child is bored, all of a sudden, creativity starts to surface and with it other skills such as problem solving, critical thinking and creative play. Boredom can be an uneasy feeling, but without it their brains do not wander from what is happening every day both to them and around them. When a child is bored, he is given a chance to think outside the box; he starts to think of ways to entertain himself. Imagine all the beautiful things that can come out of that experience!

Why should parents encourage boredom? 1. Fosters independence: boredom allows children to be their own entertainers; it gives

them a chance to take control over what they would like to do and how they will do it. Boredom in essence sparks independence and independent thinking. The opposite is true; if you are constantly entertaining them then they will always look for someone outside of themselves to help them fill up their time.

2. Builds creativity: When children are bored, they come up with the most creative ways

to entertain themselves. They might start a dress-up party in their room, build a fort in your living room, write a poem or simply daydream. Research has shown that there is a strong correlation between creativity and daydreaming. So if you want to raise creative individuals then you need to make sure your kids are given a chance to be bored every once in a while. Like every muscle in your body, if not used it will get weak and wither; creativity works the same way.

3. Stress reliever: We all need time to unwind from our busy days; time to simply switch off without necessarily nodding off and going to sleep. Being bored helps a child’s body relax, and helps your child’s brain to rest and recharge. 4. Restful nights: Do you sleep better when you are stressed or after you unwind and destress? If boredom is a stress reliever, then it is also a great idea to help kids get a better night’s sleep. If a child is over-stimulated from a busy day of activities and then tries to sleep, he will use this time to finally unwind and de-stress which: 1) gives your child less actual sleep time, and 2) causes anxiety because a child who is not used to being bored can feel scared and anxious from feeling bored. In today’s modern world, we have come to fear feelings of boredom and relate that to teen delinquency and worse. Children do not have to be bored 100% of the time nor should they be entertained or glued to screens 100% of the time either. Striking a balance between the two is a great way to create a happy medium. If all else fails, I invite you to reflect on this quote by Louis C.K. and share it with your children: “‘I’m bored’ is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless, it goes on forever, inwardly, do you understand? The fact that you’re alive is amazing, so you don’t get to say ‘I’m bored’”. If nothing else, this will be a great conversation starter between parent and child!. 12





Gill Sherry

tlast! Saudi Arabia has finally granted permission for women to drive. This momentous decision was announced on state television last month, confirming an effective date of June 2018. It’s been a long time coming and whilst many have applauded the ruling, some are against the removal of the ageold ban. Whatever your thoughts on the lifting of the ban, you have eight months to get used to the idea. In this modern world of equality, it’s hard to comprehend how this restriction has been allowed to continue for so long. Of course, many of those critical of the long-standing ban have little or no understanding of Saudi’s culture and are not, therefore, in a position to judge. However, regardless of religious background or belief, there’s no denying that the lifting of the ban will raise an eyebrow or two. Some see it purely as ‘female empowerment’ and the start of a new revolution with disastrous consequences. Others welcome the decision and see it simply as a step towards convenience and independence. Whichever way you look at it, the decision is a controversial one. Of course, just because women can now drive, doesn’t necessarily mean that they will drive. Some will be happy to continue their lives unchanged. Others, although perhaps willing to give it a try, may be unsure of their own capabilities or nervous of other people’s attitudes. Not forgetting those who, quite simply, won’t be allowed. Those women, although having been granted permission to take to the road, may still be forbidden by their husband to get behind the wheel. And in a country where women are expected to obey their spouse, defiance is not an option. So, exactly who will benefit from this ruling? It’s fair to say that if a husband forbids his wife from driving, he won’t allow his daughter to drive either, thus preventing the next generation



from taking advantage of their newly granted freedom. But this theory is based on the assumption that the dominant male is averse to change. There must be some men who will welcome the convenience of having an independent wife or daughter. Mustn’t there? One of the reasons cited for over turning this time-honoured custom is that more and more Saudi women are taking to paid employment and need to be able to drive themselves to work. A fair observation on the face of it. Unfortunately, those opposed to the new ruling believe it is not just granting women a licence to drive but a licence to commit adultery; as if the two go hand in hand. Obviously, this is not the case. When a woman gets behind the wheel of a car, it doesn’t mean she leaves her wedding vows behind. Nor does it mean she’s waving goodbye to her ingrained family values. It simply means she no longer has to rely on her husband, or anyone else, to drive her from A to B. Something that women elsewhere in the world have long since taken for granted. If nothing else, the increase in demand for oil will have a positive effect on the economy. It could also see an increase in visitors from Saudi to Kuwait, bringing more income to our restaurants and stores. But it’s not the economic implications that have rendered this decision headline news, it’s the social ones. Women’s Rights Activists have campaigned tirelessly for an end to the ban preventing women from driving in Saudi. The rule is considered antiquated, discriminative and degrading. Whilst campaigners respect the beliefs and traditions of this conservative country, they argue that such ancient rules must be revisited, reviewed and, if necessary, overturned in order to stay afloat in this ever-changing, turbulent world. Having attracted worldwide attention for the wrong reasons in recent years, Saudi Arabia has finally given its critics something to smile about. As for the women who will benefit from this ground-breaking news, congratulations on your newfound independence!

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‫ﺗﺎﺑﻌﻮﻧﺎ ﻋﻠﻰ‪:‬‬





AtyabConsultations since 2010




TOFEL exam, a master’s degree or even a PhD, is the goal of every ambitious student willing to emigrate from their homeland in order to come back with an earned higher degree.

The hard times and struggles you faced in order to earn that degree are nothing compared to the stress of finding out that the university or institute where you earned your degree is not officially recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education in Kuwait, thus making your degree unaccredited and all the study, hard times and fee payments wasted. Unfortunately, many people who take it upon themselves to go abroad and study - some of whom actually leave their jobs to do so - don’t visit the Ministry of Higher Education to check the list of officially accredited and recognized institutes before making their selection based on that list. That said, the list is subject to change. However, that doesn’t mean that the student who’s already studying in an institute which later becomes unaccredited, has to quit. The Ministerial Decision doesn’t apply to the legal status that was earned before the order was issued. So, if the institute is now shown as unaccredited by the Ministry of Higher Education, no new students should submit to it; but for the students already submitted and who were studying there before the decision, it’s considered an accredited institute. Moreover, the student can sue the Ministry if they refuse to grant the official recognized and accredited status to his certificate. Here is some advice to consider before choosing an institute to study in: 1- Visit the Ministry of Higher Education and ask for the list of officially recognized universities and institutes. This will help save time and effort knowing which institute to study in. 2- The Kuwaiti Culture Office based in the country that you’re hoping to study is a great source for safe information that you can trust. Contact them to learn all you need to know regarding the information needed to submit to an institute. 3- Contact the institute and ask for a list of the fees that should be paid. Good luck building yourself up!






5 STEPS TO CREATING WORK-LIFE BALANCE Do you feel overwhelmed with too much to do? Do you feel that you are missing out on time with your loved ones? Do you feel stretched and torn between work and those you love? Does your life sometimes feel like its spiraling out of control? Do you have limited time to just be? Are you tired and worn thin?

Naseera Hoorzook


ork- life- family balance is something most women struggle to juggle. It’s a tricky road to navigate because there seems to be so much at stake on either side of the scale. Many more women work now than they did in the past. The playing fields and gender roles have changed outside the home but much remains the same within the home and in the division of gender roles. Added to that is the move toward a more nuclear type family structure and away from a community model of care where families were extended and responsibilities were shared between other family members. A woman would work while her mom or another family member shouldered the responsibility within the home. The challenges that many women now face is that they have ambitions to grow within their careers, fulfil their dreams outside the family circle and achieve something else while still wanting to fulfil the roles at home. They have personal goals, and goals to nurture the relationships they care most about. So how can a woman with family responsibilities as well as career and work goals find a balance that is workable and satisfying all round, with minimal help? Not an easy path to navigate but certainly a doable one. Here are some steps to follow: 1.Meditate, ponder, think and breathe consciously to calm your mind before the day begins. This helps you to regain focus and exude those energies on to those around you. Starting your day in calm mode would give you the edge on your day.



2.Plan to eat at least one meal with your family. It is an excellent way to reconnect. Chat about your days. Deeply connect by creating open spaces for communication to flow and reflect on your family’s days, needs and feelings. Use this time to limit and detach from screens and devices that throw you out of the zone you need to awaken. 3.Think of something short and simple that the family may enjoy doing together. Perhaps a walk after dinner, daily story time, gardening, a team sport. Anything. Those moments spent doing such things routinely will be implanted as fond memories to look back on. 4.Choose one time a week that is your family’s special time. Maybe a Thursday evening, or Friday morning. Whatever it is, it becomes something to look forward to when things are chaotic and crazy at work, school and in life. 5.Visualize a physical barrier between work, the outside world, and your home space. Try to create a haven within. Social media has made it that we never really switch off from work; this is why a dedicated screen-free time would do you a world of wonder. Sometimes the key is not how much time we spend together but the quality of that time. Remember to do things that are simple, make changes that are minor so they are achievable and don’t draw out any more energy. The key is to live consciously and work mindfully so that each sector is given its undivided attention.

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Natasha E. Feghali

ome of the best memories are to be had during the fall in Kuwait. The sun is shining, the chalets are full and the taste of delicious cooking can be enjoyed everywhere. The country of Kuwait is a small but large place where all communities enjoy the fruits of the land together. From the cafés in Salmiya to the seaside in Shaab; Kuwait has so much to offer. The fall season is also a wonderful time for family, friends and local celebrations in the region as most local and non-locals are back from holidays. Gatherings and laughter can be heard from the outdoor cafés in Marina Crescent, Salmiya to the fine dining in Salhiya Mall, down to Souk Al Mubarakiya in Kuwait City. The cosmopolitan Kuwait City is the capital of the Arabian Gulf nation of Kuwait. At its heart sits the Grand Mosque, known for its vast interior and chandeliered dome. On the waterfront, the late-19th-century SEIF Palace features a neo-Arabic watchtower and manicured gardens. Nearby, the Kuwait National Museum explores history and features science shows at its planetarium. As mentioned, The Souk Al Mubarakiya is a vast food and handicraft market. There is no place like Kuwait in the fall. Now, the days can be quite adventurous as you never know what to wear in the changing temperatures and therefore, can leave your day open to explore the many indoor attractions if you are not keen to be outdoors. Several museums in Kuwait showcase the country’s history, its art, artifacts, archeological findings and even information on the Gulf War. However, there is one exceptional museum that stands out for its depiction of the exquisiteness and custom encompassed in Bedouin crafts, namely Sadu weaving. Sadu House is a beautiful, traditional Kuwaiti styled house where visitors can discover the Bedouin art of weaving, its styles and history. It’s located right next to the National Museum of Kuwait on the Gulf Road. Sadu 20


House, the Mirror House and Dickson House as well as the many malls such as The Avenues, offer so many things for families to do on long, hot days and then once the sun goes down you are welcome to an array of Kuwaiti hospitality. These long standing historic places will give its visitors a heartfelt experience to Kuwait as well as deepen local Kuwaitis’ understanding of their homeland. Sadu, Mirror and Dickson House are some of the most famous landmarks in Kuwait and share the beautiful culture of the region. They display the traditional past of Kuwait and are rich in information for visitors and locals to enjoy. Now, if museums and history are your cup of tea then Kuwait has its fair share to offer. The Kuwait Maritime Museum in Salmiya offers history buffs a great insight into the pearl diving history of Kuwait. There’s also the Americani Museum, the Al Qurain Martyr’s Museum and the Tareq Rajab Museum of Islamic Caligraphy. All of this will enrich the lens to which any visitor experiences this beautiful land. This lens extends to landmark attractions as well. The Kuwait Towers are located on Arabian Gulf Street in Sharq district and are one of the most famous landmarks in Kuwait. Built in March 1979, it comprises two major towers and a minor tower. There are 55,000 circular steel plates surrounding the towers, painted with 8 different colours. Another popular tower is the Liberation Tower in Kuwait City. The tower recognizes Kuwait’s freedom from Iraq following the Gulf War. The tower consists of a telecommunications outlet, a revolving observatory and a restaurant. Finally, there is history and culture everywhere for you to enjoy. Kuwait has so much history that is documented at the Kuwait National Library, The JACC Opera House and Babtain Library. You can learn a great deal about Kuwait’s culture, history, and life before and after the oil boom that transformed the Middle East.




The Vision To encourage an active and healthy lifestyle, while having a good time with your family and friends. The number ‘642’ stands for the number of muscles in the human body, so come move your muscles at the ‘Gulf Bank 642 Marathon’.

The Cause - UNHCR Each year the ‘Gulf Bank 642 Marathon’ partners with a leading charity to raise awareness for an important cause or issue. This year we are once again partnering with the UNHCR – The UN Refugee Agency to help refugees and displaced families. As winter is around the corner, the UNHCR is working on its Winter Emergency Campaign. This UNHCR campaign helps provide vital assistance such as warm clothes, blankets, mattresses, stoves, fuel, insulation kits and cash funds to refugees and displaced families in the Middle East. The ‘Gulf Bank 642 Marathon’ is working with UNHCR to spread awareness 22


in the community of these real needs and helping to raise funds. Learn more and make your donation at https://donate.unhcr.org/gu-en/gulfbank

Register NOW! Registration for the ‘Gulf Bank 642 Marathon’ is open, register online at: www.gulfbank642marathon.com. The event will be held on Saturday, 18 November 2017 at 7 am at Souq Sharq.

Marathon Categories This walk/run event caters to all levels, from challenging athletes to beginners and families, this includes four different distances/categories: Family Fun Walk/Run (5KM); Souq Run for regular runners (10KM); Half Marathon for more advanced runners (21KM); and Kuwait’s only Full Marathon (42KM).

Kuwait’s First Internationally Accredited Marathon The ‘Gulf Bank 642 Marathon’ is the first full road race in Kuwait to have three of its distance categories (10km, 21km, 42km) accredited by the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS) and the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF Athletics). AIMS is a member based organization of more than 380 of the world’s leading distance races from over 100 countries. IAAF Athletics is the world governing body for the sport of track and field athletics. Once a course is AIMS certified, only then is IAAF able to recognize any world records which might take place on the course. This also means that the 'Gulf Bank 642 Marathon' now appears in the calendar of world marathons.

Dedicated Partnership Between Gulf Bank and Pro Vision Sports Management Gulf Bank is proud to partner with our friends at ProVision Sports Management to bring you the ‘Gulf Bank 642 Marathon’. The Bank is known for its support of talented Kuwaiti entrepreneurs and promoting health and fitness is an important cornerstone of its corporate social responsibility strategy. We consider the Pro-Vision team to be part of the Gulf Bank family and look forward to continuing this partnership for the years to come.

A Truly International Event The ‘Gulf Bank 642 Marathon’ has put Kuwait on the Marathon map. It is a world-class sporting event with a local Kuwaiti touch. It was voted the ‘Best Half Marathon of the Year’ by the “The 100 Half Marathons” and is considered one of the top three marathons in the GCC. Six running clubs joined last year’s marathon, they came from Spain, United States, Germany, United Kingdom and many more. In fact, over 133 nationalities participated in last year’s event.

Famous Landmarks on the Course No other event enables participants to tour Kuwait’s beautiful landmarks in an atmosphere that is filled with energy and excitement. The event starts and ends at Souq Sharq, and the race route is on Gulf Road, passing by Souk Al Mubarakiya, the Gulf Bank head office, the Grand Mosque, Al Seif Palace, the National Assembly, Kuwait Towers, as well as other landmarks. We will again be coordinating with relevant authorities to close the roads to ensure the safety of the walkers and runners.

Get Ready with our Weekly Runs Training Program

For more information For further details on the marathon please keep checking out the dedicated website www.gulfbank642marathon.com , social media accounts of the marathon @gulfbank642, as well as the bank's social media accounts below:

In order to help train anyone who would like to run the event and to build comradery, we are holding weekly practice runs in cooperation with various local running clubs in convenient locations. The weekly run training program locations and partnership are announced regularly on our Instagram account @gulfbank642





suppose you could call me a bit of a perfectionist; hence the title of this monthly column. I blame my parents. From an early age I was taught that if a job is worth doing, it’s worth doing right. As a result, I rarely (if ever) settle for second best. The problem with this, however, is that I expect everyone else to work by the same code. Sadly, my expectations are seldom met. I have recently moved into a new apartment. When I say new, I mean brand spanking new. The paint was barely dry when I signed the lease, received the keys and transported all my worldly goods into their new home. As I sat on my new sofa, in my new lounge, watching my new TV, I congratulated myself on my interior design choices. It was the first time I’d actually looked properly at my surroundings. The first time I saw this room it was still very much a building site. Anywhere other than Kuwait, it would’ve been compulsory to wear a hard hat. The second time, I was so bowled over by the view I didn’t really look at anything else. Now though, my eyes were drawn to the light switch at the doorway. To say it wasn’t straight was an understatement. In fact, it was so ‘un-straight’ I’m surprised it didn’t slide right off the wall. It’s not difficult is it? All you need is a spirit level and a screwdriver. Once switched on (pun intended) to the careless finishing, I began to notice more and more imperfections. The plug sockets were just as crooked as the light switch. The decorators, who had obviously failed to tape over the window frames and skirting boards before starting work, had painted over both. Incredulous, I began to check the other rooms in the apartment. In the kitchen, it was impossible to open one of the cupboard doors because the dishwasher was in the way. The sink/drainer had been fitted in such a way that in order to use the sink, I had to twist and bend over the washing machine. Once again, the light switch and plug 24


sockets were not straight. In the bathroom, the soap holder in the shower was so high you had to be six foot tall to reach it. The same applied to the window handle. In contrast, the sink was so low and so small it would have been better placed in a doll’s house. In the spare bedroom, it was impossible to open the wardrobe door now the bed was in situ. By this time, I was running out of room on my ‘snag’ list. I’m no expert when it comes to building, renovating or decorating. Neither would I claim to be skilled in electrics or plumbing. However, I do know the difference between right and wrong and in this particular instance, crooked was definitely wrong. I would also be able to calculate the length of a standard double bed and work out exactly how much room was required in order to open the wardrobe door. Common sense would also prevail when it came to the height of the soap holder and the position of the kitchen sink. But shoddy workmanship is not unique to Kuwait. In the UK I have encountered tillers who cut the tiles around a plug socket to avoid having to move/remove it; decorators who failed to cover furniture before painting a ceiling; and carpenters who did all of their work right outside the front door on a windy day, covering the entire house in wood shavings and saw dust. When it comes down to it, it’s a matter of respect. If I’m paying someone to do something I expect it to be done right. I also expect them to respect my property and my belongings and protect them from damage or debris. All too often I’m disappointed. It’s this lack of respect that led me to take up DIY. It’s been a learning curve for sure but I’m now quite adept at sanding, painting and wallpapering. I might still need help when it comes to wiring and plumbing but one thing’s for sure; any light switch I ever fit will be absolutely, without a doubt, one hundred percent straight.







‫‪AUGUST 2017‬‬


‫‪alzaabi_nour‬‬ ‫أ‪ .‬نور الزعابي‬

‫ماجستير إدارة األعمال‬ ‫مدربة معتمدة‬ ‫موجهة تخطيط شخصي ‪Plan it‬‬ ‫💟رئيسة نادي المحاسبين الثقافي‬ ‫💟شريك مؤسس معسكر القراءة‬

‫كتاب مدير الدقيقة الواحدة‬

‫‪The One-Minute Manager‬‬


‫صغير جدا ً في حجمه وكبير جدا ً في محتواه لما يحمل من‬ ‫معلومات ومهارات رائعة تفيد الشركات والمؤسسات العالمية‬ ‫لتنهض بمشاريعها من خالل تعاملها مع موظفينها‪.‬‬ ‫تم استخدام نظرية الدقيقة الواحدة في افضل ‪ ٥٠٠‬شركة في العالم واستطاعت‬ ‫أن ترفع من انتاجيتها وتحقيق المطلوب من الموظفين‪.‬‬ ‫كل ذلك يتم بنظرية الدقيقة الواحدة وهي تتمحور على ‪ ٣‬نقاط رئيسية وهم‬ ‫( أهداف ‪ -‬مدح ‪ -‬عقاب)‪.‬‬ ‫أوال ً األهداف ‪:‬‬ ‫وهي تعتمد على تحديد الموظفين ألهداف القسم المطلوبة من خالل كتابتها‬ ‫على ورقة ‪ A4‬خالل دقيقة وقراأتها خالل دقيقة‪ .‬والسبب لذلك يعود اال‬ ‫ان الشخص الذي يعرف اعداف عمله بدقيقة فهو لن يعرف ماهي اهداف‬



‫الشركة ولن تكون رؤيته واضحة‪ .‬ويمكن استخدامها في حياتنا اليومية كذلك‪.‬‬ ‫ثانياً‪ :‬مدح الدقيقة الواحدة‬ ‫وهى أن يقوم المدير بمدح الموظف بدقيقة واحدة فقط من خالل مدحه‬ ‫العماله وانجازاته وتحقيقه للهدف المطلوي ويركز على األمور االيجابية ليرفع‬ ‫من معنوياته‪ .‬ج ّرب أن تفعل ذلك بحياتك وسترى أثرا ً جميالً‪.‬‬ ‫ثالثاً‪ :‬عقاب الدقيقة الواحدة‬ ‫وهو في حال عدم قيام الموظف بالعمل المطلوب منه‪ ،‬فان المدير يتوجهه له‬ ‫ويحدثه بدقيقة واحدة بعقاب له ويوجهه لالفضل‪.‬‬ ‫هذه النظرية تلقى اقباال ً كبيرا ً بين المؤسسات والشركات وباتت نظرية مهمة‬ ‫لما لها من أثر كبير على الشركة والموظفين‪ ،‬وال مانع من تجربتها في حياتنا‬ ‫اليومية ففي دقيقة يمكن ان تبني انسان وتهدم اخر‪ ،‬استغل الدقيقة بما‬ ‫يفيدك‪.‬‬


Eman AlAbdulghani Entrepreneur Consultant


C 28


reativity needs space. Entrepreneurs are artists at heart and as artists they need the ideal space to create. Incubators are one of the best communities for creativity and connections. It becomes a part of participants’ daily activities so whether you are starting a business or growing one, joining an incubator is a good decision to make.

knowledge and experience they need.

Entrepreneurs will come up with great ideas and make connections in a community. Both of these things improve the chances of success as they will be introduced to peers, potential mentors and possible investors.

In fact, a 2010 study by National Business Incubation Association (NBIA), found the survival rate for incubated companies after five years is 87 percent, compared with 44 percent for companies that didn't launch from incubators.

Many new business owners also turn to incubators as an opportunity to learn the ins and outs of forming and growing a start-up or even to cover the lacking

Incubators provide an environment where opportunities exist for beneficial exchanges of ideas and concepts.

So many entrepreneurs still spend days surrounded by noise. Incubators force them to spend time reflecting which means making an effort to find quite time each day that will helps them to think and act creatively.



Photography: Hamad AlAinati (@7mdphotography)

Ashley Furniture HomeStore… Stylish, Affordable Furnishings Created For You

Danah Dashti, our new fashion editor, was on a mission to purchase furniture for her new home and was searching for options. One of our staff members was quick to recommended Ashley Furniture HomeStore to Danah. Ashley Furniture HomeStore is the #1 furniture store brand in the world with over 550 locations and is still growing. They have a huge store in Kuwait located in AlRai area just opposite the Avenues Mall. The showroom is spread over three floors and boasts 4500 sqm of the latest interior architectural design. Displays are exhibited in real room settings down to the smallest of details. This gives Kuwaiti shoppers a totally unique and new furniture buying experience than they’ve ever had before. The HomeStore offers furniture from Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc, the largest furniture manufacturer in the world. Here’s Danah’s story at Ashley Furniture HomeStore:

Model: Danah Dashti (@itsdanahdashti) Photographer: Hamad AlAinati (@7mdphotography) Creative Director: Jameel Arif - (@jameelarif) Videography: Ahmed AlSelim (@aalselim) Location: Ashely Furniture HomeStore, AlRai - Kuwait





Quality that stands the test of time If you’re anything like me, you want your furniture to be both beautiful and functional. It’s an investment in comfort and in joy. All that taken into consideration, it should also stand the test of time! And that’s exactly what I found at the Ashley Furniture HomeStore. I asked their knowledgeable staff a lot of questions, and here is what I learned: From design all the way through to fulfillment, Ashley continuously strive to provide their customers with the best values, selection and service in the furniture industry. They are renowned for quality and world-class designs, so it’s easy to see why Ashley Furniture HomeStore is a brand name people have come to trust. Why should you trust Ashley? Because all their products are subject to rigorous standards at state-of-the-art testing labs worldwide. Their attention to quality gives them the confidence and ability to fully guarantee your purchase. Will my new couch hold up under hundreds of dinner parties, cocktail parties, and holiday gatherings? Yes, definitely!



Customer first - always Walk into an Ashley Furniture HomeStore and you’ll be instantly inspired. I know I was. Sleek, modern designs and luxurious room arrangements had me drooling over décor. Then I started thinking, “There’s no way I can afford this!” Wrong. Customers enjoy huge savings at Ashley Furniture. How can this be so? Ashley Furniture does it all. They design, build, ship and deliver using internationally acclaimed in-house design teams and adhering to some of the most efficient production standards in the world. They have maximized productivity and minimized waste in order to generate additional savings for their customers. I like the sound of that! www.cpmagazine.net


One-stop-shop for a dream home Ready to create your dream home? Look no further. The Ashley Furniture HomeStore Kuwait showroom is a one-stopshop for stylish, quality furniture for the whole home. Seriously. They have it all from sofas, to wall and multimedia units, to end tables to outfit your living room, dining and buffets, to bedroom sets to rugs and accent pillows for the whole family. I love pillows. The more pillows, the better! Ashley impressed me with their gorgeous selection. They get it! Whatever you want, you can find it at the Ashley Furniture HomeStore. This is great news for busy families and busy entrepreneurs - busy anyone!





Widest range of furniture styles So, what’s it like inside? I’m glad you asked. In a word - stunning! Each floor displays a different style of furniture ranging from contemporary, transitional, traditional classics, vintage, urban and youth. On the ground floor, shoppers can experience contemporary living by Ashley. This includes a variety of styles, furniture and accessories that will appeal to people of all age groups. Also on display is a Traditional Classic style for the classical furniture lover; and Old World for those who like to give their home a distinguished, palatial look with ornate carvings and grand scale timeless details. The metro living experience appeals to those who love all things minimalistic; where everything is small-scale, urbane, sleek and sophisticated. The showroom also has on display a wide range of accent pillows, bedding ensembles, beds, chairs, ottomans, chests and armories, nightstands, dressers, mirrors, benches and buffets, desks, chairs, the best recliners, occasional tables, sectional sofas, love seats, chaises, sofas and couches, futons, sofa sleeper, entertainment chairs, media storage, accent chairs, and much more.



On the mezzanine floor, you can experience the vintage casual style that will fit in beach and vacation houses. Furniture that looks natural and classy, from bedroom sets, dining and living room to home entertainment and kid’s bedroom sets, their vintage furniture collection is absolutely a treasure for any home. Last but not the least is the kids’ furniture! It’s vibrant and will appeal to every kid. The showroom is open seven days a week from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM for your convenience. What are you waiting for? It’s time to get shopping!



Shopping experience like none other If you couldn’t tell by now, I really enjoyed my shopping experience at Ashley Furniture HomeStore Kuwait. The showroom staff were clearly passionate about furniture and they provided an unparalleled shopping experience. I could tell they were professional and fully trained. Their dedication to helping me find just the right pieces for my home helped me bring my vision and dreams to life in full colour and amazing patterns (like the Chevron Pouf Ottoman!). That’s not all though. Ashley Kuwait offers free delivery and assembly to all their customers. What's more, they also offer a unique value-add, after sales services where customers are provided a unique storage service for 45 days for all invoiced products. Furthermore, Ashley Kuwait also offers maintenance service for one full year. I just felt like I couldn’t go wrong with Ashley Furniture! I highly recommend it to anyone looking for stylish and good quality furniture.






since 2010



reast cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in women, with one in eight women diagnosed with the condition in their lifetimes. But the good news is that most women can survive breast cancer if it's caught and treated early. That’s why Breast Cancer Awareness Month is considered so important. Diagnosing breast cancer usually involves an initial appointment with a GP, which will include an examination and a referral for a mammogram or ultra sound at a hospital. If necessary, a biopsy may be taken. A mammogram is usually for older patients, where breast tissue is less dense, and includes an X-Ray of the breast. Women over the age of 50 are often invited for breast cancer screening every three years as the risk of breast cancer increases with age. Treatments for breast cancer include surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Unfortunately treatments for breast cancer can also affect your skin at times, leaving it dry or flaky and more sensitive to exposure to sun, wind and other elements.

SKIN CARE DURING CHEMOTHERAPY Chemotherapy can affect your skin's natural moisture because it reduces the amount of oil your glands secrete. There are many things you can do to prevent skin problems during chemotherapy: lAvoid long, hot showers or baths. lUse gentle, fragrance-free soaps and laundry detergent. lUse moisturizers, preferably creams or ointments rather than lotions because the thicker consistency is better at preventing skin dehydration. Apply the cream or ointment 40


within 15 minutes of showering. Reapply moisturizer at night and moisturize your hands every time after you wash them. lSome chemotherapy drugs make skin more susceptible to sunburn. Use a sunscreen with at least an SPF 30 and make sure it protects against both UVA and UVB rays. lChemotherapy patients don’t need to avoid the sun. Just be smart about sun exposure. Use a broad-brimmed hat, sunprotective clothing and an SPF of 30 reapplied every two hours if you’re outside - more if you are swimming or sweating. lItching is also common and can stem from multiple causes: the chemotherapy drug, a patient’s naturally dry skin (particularly in people over 50), or as a symptom of the cancer itself. lWhile many patients aim for itch relief with over-the counter hydrocortisone creams, they’re often too weak to be effective. Instead, itching can be treated with a prescription-strength steroid cream. If itching interferes with sleep, oral medications might work. lSkin can also go through colour changes during chemotherapy, particularly with breast or colon cancer treatment. Sometimes, the hands or face are affected, which can make a patient feel self-conscious. If this happens bleaching creams and exfoliants can be tried. lSwimming is fine for chemo patients as long as there are no open sores on your skin. However, hot tubs aren’t a good idea. They can cause more blood flow to the skin, which can lead to greater blood flow to areas of inflammation.

SKIN CARE DURING RADIOTHERAPY Radiation to the breast causes skin changes: lIn all races, the skin colour will change - lighter skin will turn red; dark skin will get darker or become ashen. Usually the affected areas are limited to small patches. There can be some itching, burning and tenderness of the skin. You may have some dry peeling, like old sunburn, as the skin rubs off. lThe skin generally heals quickly and completely. The red reaction goes away the fastest. The change-over to tan shading, if you have light skin, can take a few weeks to go away. In women of colour, the darkening of the skin can be more significant and may also take longer to disappear. lOrdinary freckles and moles can become much darker within the

treatment field. These spots are almost always benign, but they will darken because of the treatment. After you finish radiation, they usually return to their normal colour, and some eventually disappear. Many products can help ease your way through treatment. These include aloe and aquaphor. In addition, at some point you may need to use some type of steroid cream, such as a 1% hydrocortisone cream. Some women also benefit from a prescription-strength steroid cream. www.cpmagazine.net



since 2010



eing a lady entails lots of privileges, but also requires lots of hard work, from trying to balance the demands of family and work or school, to coping with media pressure to look a certain way; and to top it all, women need to maintain a healthy diet to meet their specific body requirements. The right food can not only support your mood, boost your energy and help you maintain a healthy weight, it can help reduce PMS, boost fertility, make pregnancy and nursing easier, ease symptoms of menopause, and keep your bones strong. Whatever your age or situation, committing to a healthy, nutritious diet will help you look and feel your best and get the most out of life. While women tend to need fewer calories than men, their requirements for certain vitamins and minerals are much higher. Hormonal changes associated with menstruation, child-bearing and menopause mean that women have a higher risk of anemia, weakened bones and osteoporosis, requiring a higher intake of nutrients such as iron, calcium, vitamin D and vitamin B9 (folate). Keeping in mind that what works best for one woman may not always be the best choice for another, the important thing is to build your dietary choices around your vital nutritional needs. The following nutrition tips can help you to stay healthy and vibrant throughout your ever-changing life.

acid: Especially at the child bearing ages, this form of B vitamin helps prevent neural tube defects. Many foods are now fortified with folic acid. Most women get enough as part of their diet through foods such as leafy greens, asparagus, beans and chicken liver.


Like folic acid, B12 is essential for healthy nervous system development and function. Women who are vegan or vegetarian may fall short on B12, since it is present in animal protein and to a lesser extent in dairy.


control. While the sun is the best source of this vitamin, it is present in some foods such as dairy and fish with bones like sardines. Adult women should aim for between 1,000 mg and 1,300 mg of calcium a day. While milk and dairy products remain the best source for calcium, it is also present in a variety of other food sources such as kale, sardines and broccoli.


Adult women between the ages of 19 and 50 need 18 mg a day; this quantity almost doubles for pregnancy and breastfeeding. Best food sources of iron include animal meat sources (red meat, seafood and poultry), beans and green leafy vegetables.


In conclusion, some practical tips to ensure optimal health:

1. Avoid food and drinks that are high in sugar such as sodas, sports drinks, cakes, pies and cookies that are very high in empty calories and fat, and low in important nutrients. 2. Eat more plant-based foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, peas, beans, lentils. These are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients which help to protect the cells in the body from damage and help boost the immune system. 3. Limit processed meats that are generally smoked,

cured or salted. Processing of cold cuts, sausage and hot dogs adds cancer-causing substances like salt or sodium nitrite. Further, they are linked to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes risk.

4. Limit the use of salty foods and foods processed with salt (sodium). Too much salt may increase the risk

Eggs are an excellent source of choline. Other choline-rich food sources include milk, liver and peanuts.

of stomach cancer as well as high blood pressure. Salt in the diet should be less than 2,400 milligrams a day; about one teaspoon. Cut back on the added salt in cooking and avoid salty foods and snacks.

lOmega-3s:These essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA, found

Finally, focus on Phytonutrients and antioxidants


mainly in fatty fish such as salmon, nuts and avocados, play many roles in the body, including building healthy brain and nerve cells. They also reduce the risk of heart disease. D: Over the past decade, dozens of studies have revealed many important roles for vitamin D, the nutrient that skin cells produce when they are exposed to sunlight, from healthy bones, to better mood and better weight


since they are the center of youth for women, improving overall health and keeping the cells protected from environmental damages; in addition to their cancer-fighting benefits. Plant foods are rich in antioxidants like vitamin A, C, E and beta carotene. These include cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, kale and cauliflower. Other excellent sources are: green tea, grapes, berries, citrus fruits, apples, whole grains, soy and nuts. www.cpmagazine.net



Interview with Dr. Mohamed Hammoud, Plastic Surgery Specialist at Clinica Joelle Kuwait.

About Doctor Mohamed Hammoud: Plastic surgery specialist. French (Paris) fellowship in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. French (Grenoble) fellowship in MaxilloFacial surgery with 10 years experience. Member of: lAmerican Academy of Cosmetic Surgery lEuropean College of Facial Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery lInternational Society of Hair Restoration lFrench Association of Anti-Aging Medicine lKuwait Society of Plastic Surgeons lTunisian Society of Aesthetic Surgery 44


Clinica Joelle Kuwait Alshaab Albahri, Block 8, Street 80, Villa 8 Kuwait Phone Number: 00965 22621758

How long does it take to recover from post breast surgery treatment?

What is the post-surgery care like? And how does it impact having these cosmetic procedures?

Breast cancer is a general term used for the disease. There are many types. It can also be either unilateral (only one breast) or bilateral (two breasts). Most often the treatment is based on surgery (mastectomy), which can be limited or extended. The surgery can be associated with chemotherapy (use of drugs), radiotherapy (radiation) or both of them. Breast cancer can affect young or older women. Also, the patient can have other health problems like diabetes, obesity etc. With all these factors and treatments listed above, the recovery after a breast cancer surgery can be very short (about a month) or long (more than a year). It differs patient to patient.

The post-surgery care is as important as the surgery and helps in maintaining health. The patient will follow up with the doctor, depending on the used technique. Sometimes the procedure involves different stages. So, good and close care lays the path for a better result and more effective treatment.

How does it affect the patient psychologically?

How frequent should patients visit/follow up with the doctor?

Any negative change in the body can affect the psychology of the patient (man or woman) in a negative way, even with the smallest scar. This aspect is even more important with the breast because it’s in our social life. It’s a major aspect for women as they feel like it’s what makes a woman a woman. Patients can lose their self-esteem and fall into depression. That’s why it’s as important to take care of the psychology aspect of the patient, even before beginning any cancer investigation and treatment.

How important are cosmetic procedures when it comes to treating patients? Cosmetic procedures are very important and have a positive effect on the psychology of the patient. The psychiatric doctor treats the patient form the inside to the outside. The plastic and cosmetic surgeons treat the psychology of the patient from outside to the inside.

What are the various, most frequently used cosmetic procedures? There are mainly three types of procedures: breast implants, flaps (own patient tissue) and fat graft. These different techniques can be associated with the treatment based on the patient need and case.

Are most patients satisfied? When the surgeon takes time to explain all the aspects of the procedures like the recovery, side effects, advantages and disadvantages, the patient satisfaction levels are very high.

Are there any non-invasive ways too? Although the principal breast cancer reconstruction is a surgical procedure, some non-invasive techniques can be used in association or alone like medical tattoo, machine drainage, and body fillers.

It depends on the procedures and the surgeon. In our clinic Clinica Joelle, we schedule a first week visit and then the first month, three months, six months and one year visit after the surgery.

Please tell us more about patient-reported quality of life and satisfaction with cosmetic outcomes: The quality of life is really improved. I remember many of our patients saying that they enjoy their life again and don’t try to hide the signs of the cancer surgery. They buy new clothes; some of them even start new activities like sport. They take more care about themselves.

Are these cosmetic solutions restricted to a certain age group of patients? Age doesn’t matter. It’s more a question of good health of the patient and her expectations.

Anything else to consider when opting for cosmetology post recovery? Some patients have an unrealistic high expectation. Sometimes they need to understand that even after the cosmetic procedure, there could always be some ‘signs’ or ‘scars’ of the breast cancer surgery. Another very important thing is that some patients wait for the full recovery and the total healing of the breast cancer; understandable after fighting such a disease. That’s why it is always important to have good counseling and even support from the families to help deal with the psychological aspect. www.cpmagazine.net




Top Five for Jim West

Las Vegas Viva Las Vegas! Millions a year flock to this shiny city in the desert to try their luck at the tables, or simply to catch some great entertainment. From Elvis Presley impersonators to the real Britney Spears you can see it all down on the Strip. But don’t be dazzled by all that sparkles in the lights and glam of Vegas. There is actually more to this city than meets the eye. 1. the MUST see...Whether you rent a car or take a bus tour, get out from the lights of Vegas Boulevard and go see one of the greatest natural wonders of the world; The Grand Canyon. Trips are easy to book and it is truly something you must see for yourself. Pictures and videos online do no justice to the real thing. For those not afraid of heights, try the Skywalk where you walk out on a glass walkway hanging 4770 feet above the bottom of the canyon. https://www.grandcanyonwest.com/skywalk--eaglepoint.htm

2. the MUST eat…In Las Vegas food is overflowing everywhere. Buffets are bountiful and every resort tries to claim the top bragging rights as best buffet in town. Yet none can quite measure up to the epic variety of cuisines that you can feast upon at the Caesars Palace Bacchanal Buffet. With its unique wood and steel design decor, this gigantic 25,000-square-foot room features cuisines from around the globe. Be sure to leave room for their red velvet pancakes. There are plenty of options to please vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free eaters which makes this buffet one to treat yourself to. https://www.caesars.com/caesars-palace/restaurants/ bacchanal-buffet

3. the MUST shop… Every resort on ‘the Strip’ has a mini mall of sorts inside, so shopping is everywhere. But nothing can compare to the Fashion Show Mall. With over 250 shops and restaurants in the complex, there is always something exciting happening here. You can even catch a live runway show. https://www.thefashionshow.com/en.html

4. the MUST stay… Vegas is known for great hospitality and excellent hotel services and amenities. It is almost too hard to say which resort is best, but there is something extra special about the Wynn Encore. It was good enough for Prince Harry to stay in - not much more to add than that! http://www.wynnlasvegas.com

5. the MUST do off the beaten path… Everyone will eventually make it north to the old Fremont Street Experience where old casinos like the Four Queens and Golden Nugget reside. The best time to go is after dark when live music and best live performers entertain the crowd. There is now a zip line which gives people the sensation of flying above the street. Zooming along super hero style at 40 miles per hour is an experience that is literally off the beaten path of Fremont Street! https://vegasexperience.com/slotzilla-zip-line

For more information check out http://www.lasvegas.com www.cpmagazine.net




PLOVDIV, Bulgaria


Plovdiv is an ancient city built around 7 hills, in southern Bulgaria. The Regional Archaeological Museum chronicles the city’s history, with exhibits including mosaic panels, clay lamps and early coins. The Roman-era Ancient Theatre of Philippopolis, which once seated around 6,000, now hosts opera and concerts. A 3D movie at the Emperor Hadrian era Ancient Stadium re-creates Plovdiv in the 2nd century A.D.


Poco Loco Alliance hotel

Nestled in the soft embrace of the city’s center, Alliance hotel is only a couple of minutes away from Plovdiv’s best landmarks, administrative buildings as well as other top attractions. For instance, the Ancient Roman Theater and the Roman Stadium are quickly and easily accessible from the luxurious 4-star hotel.

Park Hotel Plovdiv

Park Hotel Plovdiv impresses with its entirely renovated and updated interior of the “white section,” matching the ideal image of a lovely quiet weekend outside the busy city.

Hebros Restaurant Bulgaria Star Hotel

Bulgaria Star Hotel boasts spacious and neat rooms, friendly and helpful staff, and its perfect location provides the best and fastest accessibility to the Old Town. Alongside this, the hotel is centrally located, which makes it easier for newcomers to explore some of the city’s top highlights.

Hotel Gabi

Hotel Gabi is certainly thought to be one of the best hotel options around here. With its gorgeous looks and high-class amenities, it’s absolutely no wonder why the word availability is such a foreign term to the hotel. All jokes aside, Hotel Gabi totally meets even the highest standards and preferences.



Plovdiv Roman Theatre

The Roman theatre of Plovdiv is one of the world's bestpreserved ancient theatres, located in the city center of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. It was constructed in the 90s of I century AD, probably under the rulership of Emperor Domitian.

Archeological Museum

The Regional Archaeological Museum in Plovdiv, is one of the first Bulgarian cultural institutions, officially opened in 1882. Originally set up as an archaeological and numismatic office, it gradually earned the status of Archaeological Museum during the 1920s.


Hisar Kapia

Hisar Kapia is a medieval gate in Plovdiv's old town and one of the most famous tourist sights in the city. The gate was built in the 11th century AD over the foundations of a gate from Roman times.



Art Gallery Philippopolis

This small private gallery, attached to Philippopolis restaurant, features exhibitions of 19th- and 20th-century Bulgarian art.

Bon voyage!




since 2010

Currently based in the GCC and exploring the Middle East, I have lived in three continents, four countries and have visited over 250 cities across the world. Join me in this adventure to find out more about the latest and coolest travel recommendations. ‘Embrace new cultures; be inspired; take a technological break; bring out your adventurous side; TRAVEL, it´s fun!’




nce upon a time, only royals and barons could call home to stunning castles and palaces. Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella got to sleep in castles. But now you can turn those fairy tales into your own reality by staying in a Castle Hotel. From a family owned property to a castle used as location for an award-winning movie, medieval military architecture, bathrooms behind hidden walls, romantic turrets, murder mystery parties and the odd friendly ghost. Castles have long intrigued

travelers, especially those who have no such royal history. Across Europe, many castles have been transformed into hotels in the past years. Each grand estate offers something a little unique making them all worth consideration the next time you truly want to sleep like a King! We’ve found five beautiful castle hotels with prices starting at less than $200 a night. Check them out and prepare to add a few new entries to your travel bucket list.


Truly impressive! Opened to the public in 2003, Castillo del Buen Amor is a beautiful inn surrounded by gardens and vineyards located in the middle of the Castilian countryside, two hours away from Madrid. A XV century castle that lives up to its name, ‘good love’, in every detail, in every room, in every corner. The castle features seven living rooms full of family furniture, paintings and ornaments, a magnificent central courtyard, a mysterious library, an upstairs corridor surrounding an indoor patio, secret passageways, a tower with wraparound views, 41 stone-walled bedrooms… what else do you need to move to another era? The restaurant, located in the old stables, offers regional cuisine with a Mediterranean twist. And the outdoor swimming pool is the perfect frame to relax and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. www.buenamor.net




With 55 rooms in the Meierhof, 12 suites in the historic palace and 2 townhouses, Schloss Leopoldskron is an exclusive and discreet hideaway just minutes from the Old Town of Salzburg. Built in 1736, and surrounded by 17 acres of manicured grounds, the castle is nestled by a small, idyllic lake and features majestic views over the mountains and the Hohensalzburg Fortress. All guests of Hotel Schloss Leopoldskron enjoy the unique privilege of having breakfast in the elegant historic salons of the Schloss. Part of the further fascination is that the Schloss is not a museum, but instead its public areas, manicured garden and extensive park are truly ‘alive’ and open for guests to enjoy and explore during their stay. Built as a family estate for the Prince Archbishop Leopold von Firmian in 1736, the Schloss, as it is popularly known, remained in the Archbishop’s family for nearly 100 years. In 1918 legendary theater business man Max Reinhardt purchased the Schloss and together with Richard Strauss and Hugo von Hofmannsthal, founded the Salzburg Festival there in 1920. In 1947 three Harvard students conceived the idea of organizing seminars for Europeans and Americans at the Schloss, resulting in the first Salzburg Global Seminar ‘session’. In 1964 the Schloss made it to the big screen when it was used for the filming of ‘The Sound of Music’. www.schloss-leopoldskron.com


WHERE: HERÁLEC, CZECH REPUBLIC. Situated in the Vysocina region of the Czech Republic, this 13th century treasure is now a luxury five-star boutique hotel. Dominated by pristine and beautiful nature, the area is filled with dense forests, verdant pastures and stunning panoramas. The hotel itself is situated an hour’s drive from Prague and just a few kilometres from a major motorway that leads to the capital. The chateau was transformed in 2004 into a family-friendly, yet luxurious 20-room retreat with a warm local atmosphere. It is decorated in a modern style that fits so well with the building. The attention to

detail is fantastic, and the atmosphere is pure, calm and relaxing. Guests enjoy unrestricted access to a swimming pool set beneath medieval arches, a traditional Finnish herbal sauna and a steam room. And when it comes to dining, the castle restaurant will transport you back in time as it's situated in the oldest part of the building. Guests are served masterful replicas of ancient chalices from the time period. www.chateauheralec.com




WHERE: COPENHAGEN, DENMARK A 30-minute drive along the coastline or an equally short train ride away is Kokkedal Castle, one of Denmark´s most exclusive castle hotels. It is everything you will associate with a real manor; a fairytale exterior, a stylish interior, an amazing location set amidst a rolling landscape with forest, sea, beach and open meadows in the heart of the royal North Zealand region. With bohemian cristal chandeliers, gilded mirrors and Nina Campbell fabrics adorning the publics areas, Kokkedal Castle is an ideal spot for relaxation, dreams and unique experiences. It is about country life and laidback charm as well as enjoyment, pampering, intimacy and mindfulness. The Danish castle offers a classic experience with a contemporary twist. It is an easygoing destination of Nordic living, one that enjoys a uniquely magnificent setting. www.kokkedal-slot.dk


When you look out from the terraces, which offer a unique view of Perugia and its valley, you will realize how rich the history of this land is and how little life has changed in this corner of Italy over the centuries. Castello di Monterone is ‘love at first sight’. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the castle was badly damaged during the civil war between the most prominent families of Perugia. The façade has been maintained, as have the interior details, including wooden staircases, bits of ceiling frescoes and more.



Spend some time inside the castle walls; the spectacular bar with stained glass windows, on-site restaurant serving local fare, and steam room and sauna should keep you happy. But make sure to get outside too. There´s an outdoor pool with views of the Umbrian countryside, well-maintained gardens for strolling and an accessible rooftop with 360-degree views of the bucolic landscape. www.castellomonterone.com


LIFE WITH CACAO WHERE YOU CAN RELAX, EAT AND DRINK IN STYLE Life With Cacao’s fame might be due to their exquisite selection of desserts, but we found out there is much more to this restaurant than meets the eye (or taste buds!).

Scan this QR code with any QR scanner on your smart phone to watch the video.






ast week, we decided to visit Life With Cacao at Promenade Mall. We had already heard about this restaurant from friends and it seemed like a great place to relax and enjoy great food, so we wanted to try it for ourselves. From what we heard and read, we were expecting a fun venue with terrific desserts and a curious decoration. But, as it turns out, Life With Cacao had a lot more to offer - and we can’t wait to tell you about it. From the moment we entered the place we knew we had made a good decision by going there. The décor in this new restaurant seems elegant and stylish, mixing warm and dark colours in a modern yet intimate way, despite featuring classical style furniture. Several design items were on display, giving us the feeling of entering something between an elegant café and an art gallery. From the moment we walked in, we were greeted by polite and welcoming staff making us feel immediately at ease. As we walked around the restaurant, we could see some of the desserts in the counter and being served, which immediately made us feel hungry and curious. We chose one of the many spacious tables (lack of space and comfort will certainly never be an issue at Life With Cacao) and decided to begin our meal. As we sat down on the soft purple-colored vintage sofas, we asked for some suggestions of what we should try, in order to have a real taste of the menu. Life With Cacao, as the name indicates, is famous for its chocolate-based desserts, but we wanted to have a proper lunch before savouring the signature delicacies. The waiter was friendly and suggested a complete meal, with salad, a main dish, dessert and hot beverage. We were in for a long, calm and delightful experience. We started by ordering some drinks. We asked for two juice-based ones and an extra, the Cooling Breeze, which had a wonderful presentation - deep blue in colour - making it look like an enchanted potion. On top of that, it was delicious and quite cool 56


indeed! Besides that, we tried the Pomegranate Fusion and the lemon juice with mint, both clearly made from fresh fruit and welldecorated. The drinks were refreshing but not too intense, so the flavour did not interfere with the rest of the meal. Then, we decided to try some Butternut Salad. The presentation was once again quite beautiful and the vegetables had a luxurious look to them. The salad was very well-seasoned and, as you can see by the picture, it was also well-served with an interesting variety of ingredients (pumpkin, onions, orange, lettuce, butternut sauce…) and colours. It was a great way to begin the meal and prepare ourselves for the main courses. I decided to try the Steak Waffles Sandwich, which seemed to me to be an interesting twist between something usually used for desserts (waffle) and other ingredients. This dish came with some french fries and a special sauce to go along with them. Life With Cacao’s sauces are homemade, which gives them a distinctive taste difficult to replicate anywhere else. By doing so, they are able to make a routine food experience - french fries, for example, or the mix of greens inside the waffle sandwich - seem like a new discovery of flavours. Although the course filled me up, it wasn’t especially heavy food. It seemed like a good, healthy way to have a quick lunch and I would most certainly recommend it to friends working in the area looking for somewhere to spend their lunch break. As for my friend Nathalie, she decided to try the Pink Pasta - this one looked a lot more like a gourmet dish, with cheese on top and cherry tomatoes with homemade sauce. Both courses were delicious, even though they were very different types of meals, which demonstrates the flexibility of the menu catered for various clients. Life With Cacao’s cuisine has the talent of being creative without affectation, surprising your taste buds in a fun and light way. Even though we both ate well, we were still yearning to try some of Life With Cacao’s desserts. These artfully created inventions are www.cpmagazine.net


you can also purchase carefully designed chocolate truffle boxes, enrobed nuts or marshmallows. The wrapping is sober but elegant, which turns it into a pleasant and polished gift to your loved ones. In case you prefer a different kind of souvenir, Life With Cacao also have their own customized mugs so you can enjoy your homemade tea or coffee and serve it to friends and family. In addition, they also sell fondue sets so you can enjoy that great melted chocolate at home. The location of Life With Cacao at Promenade Mall is one of the many available in Kuwait and across the Gulf region. In Kuwait they are present in Grand Avenue, 360 Mall, Salhiya Complex, West Mishref Coop, The Promenade and soon they will open a new location in the Al-Kout Mall. Abroad, they have recently opened a venue in the Mall of Qatar in Doha and in Al-Nakheel Mall in Riyadh in the ground floor opposite gate number 2, where they also have singles seating until 3pm on weekdays. You can also rely on Life With Cacao for some catering, since they launched their ice cream popsicles booth specifically for that in September. If you are interested, please contact khaled@ufc. com.kw or call 97237031 for reservations. As you can see, there is absolutely no excuse to deny yourself the opportunity of visiting one of Life With Cacao’s restaurants. Whether you go there for lunch, for a snack, for a coffee or just to have some chocolate, you will certainly not be disappointed and you’ll be thinking about going back the minute you step out the door. As for us, our next mission is to go over the dessert menu one more time - we decided to try all of them in the next few months, especially the much celebrated Bird’s Nest. What can I say, it’s the perfect excuse to go back and indulge myself some more in good company and flavours!

what is making Life With Cacao such a success, so we obviously couldn’t leave without trying some. I decided to taste the Caramel Crêpe, a wonderfully designed dish worthy of the best crêperies of Paris with both liquid and solid caramel pieces and some ice cream on the side. My friend had the Berries Waffle, which had the perfect mix between sweet and sour, with fresh strawberries, blueberries and ice cream scoops covered with thin lines of liquid chocolate. The ice cream tasted especially good after a bite filled with warm caramel or chocolate, helping you to freshen up a little bit and making sure neither of the desserts ever tastes sickeningly sweet. The trick of Life With Cacao’s success with desserts must be this one - the harmony it creates between sugar filled ingredients and neutral ones. You might end up eating a lot more than you initially intended precisely because it does not feel like too much sweetness. After indulging our sweet tooth, we couldn’t leave without trying the drinks that make Life With Cacao a celebrated coffee house: the cappuccino and the hot chocolate, Life With Cacao’s signature drink illustrating the passion for chocolate that gave rise to the franchise in the first place. It was a warm and soothing way to wrap up the meal, allowing us to chat and digest a little bit before getting up and making the rounds around the venue, taking in as much as we could of its décor and overall ambiance. By the time we left, we were sure we would be coming back, either for another meal or to share a cup of hot chocolate or coffee with friends. Life With Cacao is the ideal place to have a relaxed time in style. The menu is not extensive but each meal is prepared with care and the quality of the ingredients used is obvious. You can choose to go for the desserts and taste some of that custom-made chocolate that has made Life With Cacao such a success, or you can follow our lead and try some of their salty dishes instead. Their homemade ice-creams are also quite a success with customers. In case you want to bring some of Life With Cacao’s magic home, 58








am so glad that the weather is finally changing; at least in the evening I can sit in my garden and have my tea with a mug cake. Have you tried a mug cake before? Well, mug cakes are cakes in a mug (obviously), but it’s the filling that makes it special. My little girl just loves cookies, so I came up with a recipe that she would love even more. This recipe turned out to be our family favourite! You will need: FOR THE COOKIE DOUGH: l1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened l2 tbsp granulated sugar l¾ cup brown sugar l1 egg l1 tsp vanilla extract l¾ tsp baking soda l½ tsp salt l1 ¾ cup all-purpose flour l100 g semi-sweet chocolate chips (optional) FOR THE MOLTEN CHOCOLATE: l100 g semi-sweet chocolate chips l1/3 cup cooking cream 60


Steps: 1- Bring the heavy cream to a boil in a saucepan or in the

microwave. 2- Pour the hot cream over the chopped chocolate and let it sit for 30 seconds. Then, stir until smooth. Place it in the refrigerator for 2 hours. 3- Start creaming together the butter and sugars. Then add the egg. 4- Add the baking soda, salt and vanilla. Finally, add the flour. 5- Fold in the chocolate chips and chill the dough for 30 minutes. 6- Now start by making the Lava cakes first - don't forget the mugs. Preheat the oven to 350 F (180 C), butter 8 mugs and dust with flour or sugar to prevent sticking. 7- Scoop cup sized mounds of the cookie dough and scoop over the lava mix. Make sure you cover the lava mix with the cookie scoops. 8- Bake for 15-17 minutes or until the tops are golden but the lava cakes are still soft to touch and very slightly jiggly in the centre. 9- Serve them when hot and fresh out of the oven. I love adding berries on top for an additional fresh flavour. My husband loves adding a generous scoop of ice-cream on top!

Remember: Bake for love and bake with love! Let me know how your recipe turns out: www.sherisnovember.wordpress.com Bon appetite!




Karina Frelich Personal Trainer, Bikini Fitness Athlete, British Bodybuilding Champion…. Karina Frelich goes from strength to strength.

Karina Krelich is a personal trainer who believes that motivation and balance are the keys to fitness success. She also believes in setting small goals and that working out should be fun!

Hi, please introduce yourself to our readers: Hi, my name is Karina and I am a full time personal trainer living in Dubai. I am also a competitive bikini fitness athlete for the International Federation of Bodybuilding (IFBB).

How long have you been a personal trainer? I started my career 3 years ago.

If you had to define all that you do in a title, what would you say? Try to live every day to be a better version of you.

What is the difference between working with a personal trainer compared to exercising alone? Definitely motivation. A personal trainer is there with you every step of your journey. I know how to keep my clients motivated so they achieve their goals. Also injury prevention. As a professional I guide you on every exercise to make sure your form is correct and your body can stay healthy and injury free.

How would you describe your philosophy about being fit and healthy? It’s all about balance. You need to find how ‘fit and healthy’ can work for you. You don’t have to spend hours 62


in the gym and eat only salads. A good balanced diet and exercise 4-5 times a week sounds more realistic and will bring you amazing results if you decide to go for personal training.

How do you make sure each person’s training plan is truly personalised? Before I start a program with any new client we go through an assessment session to find out about flexibility, mobility, strength and also nutritional partners. After I have all this information I am ready to design a program just for you!

What are some tips you have for people looking to get into shape? Just start today! Don’t wait any longer. Set yourself a small goal first so it’s easier to achieve it. Drink 3 liters of water per day and walk for 20 minutes 4 times per week. See if you can stick to it for 1-2 weeks. After you succeed set another goal.

What are some mistakes people make when working out? They are impatient and do too much at the beginning! If you’re just starting at the gym and you start with training twice a day the chances are you will quickly give up as the volume will be too big. ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’



and the same applies to your body. Start slow and speed it up each week. Also get a good workout program to know what to do once you get to the gym or simply sign in with a personal trainer to guide you.

What’s your favourite quote or mantra you can’t live without? If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.

Who or what gives you the most inspiration? My mother. She is the one who thought me how to live a healthy balanced lifestyle and stay active while working, being a housewife and raising 3 children.

How do your workouts differ from other workouts out there? I make it fun! Each person has their own preferences. I try to find what motivates them and which workouts they enjoy. No more boring gym sessions!

Who are your fitness idols? Michelle Lewin.

Fuelling your body and living lean takes work. Please share your typical meal for… First thing upon waking: glass of water Morning: oats with banana and egg white omelette Lunch: chicken breast with quinoa salad Supper: salmon with sweet potato and vegetables Snacks or sweets: dark chocolate (80-90%) and walnuts Favourite beverage: black coffee Tell us about some of your achievements you are proud of? Back in 2015, I won the British Championship in Bodybuilding. Becoming a British Champion opened the door to represent the UK on the international stage all over the world. This was my proudest moment in my fitness journey.

How, when and why did you move to Dubai? I moved to Dubai 8 months ago simply because I love the sun and hot weather. Dubai is also very good for personal training as people want to keep fit and healthy here!

How is the fitness scene different in Dubai compared to the UK? People pay more attention to body appearance as it’s always summer weather so you can’t hide behind a winter jacket.

Do you have any tips or tricks to living healthy, lean and fit? Find something that gives you joy. Try running, classes, boxing, swimming etc. There is something for everyone. Treat your body with respect, fuel it with good food - no junk - as it needs to serve you for years.

If people have 10 minutes a day, what can they do? It’s hard to fit a workout in 10 minutes but I still try to look for alternatives. Go to work on your bicycle, take a walk round the office, go for a walk in your lunch hour. There is always time, you just need to organize it better.

So where can everyone keep up with you to learn more? You can find me on Instagram @karina_frelich_pt_dxb or Facebook Karina Frelich Fitness.

Your message for us at CP magazine? Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak out. I hope I will motivate some of the readers and that’s a big success for me! 64



DON’T BE FOOLED Jamie & Alana Karehana


esterday morning we were in line for coffee with friends when we noticed the ‘healthy’ pop tarts on display. The packaging was deceptive, giving it a wholesome look that would make you believe the snack was a healthy one.

We flipped it over and read the ingredients: Refined flour. Refined sugar. Additives. Loads of simple carbs and sugars. There was nothing remotely healthy about it! A snack like that causes weight gain and further poor food choices, yet people are being fooled into thinking that it’s healthy and good for them. Looking around the coffee shop we realized that the new trend is to present processed snack foods in packaging that suggests that it’s healthy. The one or two benefits of the product are displayed prominently so that we forget to check the rest of the ingredients. ‘Gluten Free!’ (but filled with other refined grains AND sugar)

‘Organic!’ (but filled with refined sugar)

What really upsets us about this deceptive marketing is that good people who truly want to make healthy choices are being duped. They are eating these packaged foods with the misconception that it’s healthy and beneficial, when in reality they may as well be eating the cheaper packaged snacks from a gas station. The weight gain and nutritional hazards are the same. Food companies know that we want to eat healthier, so their marketing is getting cleverer than ever to keep us coming back to purchase their packaged, processed, toxic foods. And we pay the price in pounds gained and in health diminished. Let’s fight back! lPass

by the packaged snack foods, no matter how enticing and comforting the words on it may be.


read the ingredient list of foods you purchase.

lStick with

real, whole foods instead of processed foods.


our life-changing fitness program to bring your results to the next level.

‘Vegan!’ (but filled with unhealthy fats and refined sugars) ‘Sugar Free!’ (but filled with artificial sweeteners)

Email us admin@karehanafitness.com to get started on the path to being healthy and fit!




MASTERING THE THEORY OF COLOUR IN MAKEUP ARTISTRY There is psychology behind each colour and you can create ambience of tranquility, elegance or youthfulness. Colours can set a mood, make a statement or just get attention. By selecting the right colour you can always look your best! A good makeup artist should know the basics of colour theory. We need to understand primary, secondary and tertiary colours in order to differentiate the warm colours from the cool ones and how they work with each other

Warm colours are red, orange and yellow and all the variations of the three. They tend to be bright and energetic (eye-popping). Cool colours are green, blue and violet. They give an impression of calmness and tranquility. In makeup artistry, the colour red can be both warm and cool; if the red is blue-based, it is cool and if the red is orange-based then it is automatically warm. The colour green can be warm or cool as well; if it has a yellow undertone then it is warm and if it has a blue undertone then it is a cool colour. As a professional makeup artist, you work constantly with products, tools, shapes, textures and of course, colours. The most common question I get asked is: How do I find the right shade of foundation? Or, which colours look best on me? The answer is always individual as we all have different pigments and this is the result of genetics. It’s also affected by environmental conditions such as sun exposure and lifestyle. Throughout the year our skin colour tends to change. If you ask my personal opinion, when it comes to foundation I would suggest to have two shades of foundations, a lighter one for the time we are not tanned and a slightly darker shade for summer skin. Sometimes, just blend the two and use the lighter one 66


for the center of the face and the darker shade on the side of the face. Generally, I prefer foundations with a yellow undertone as they tend to cancel dark spots and even remove a little bit of redness. There are rules when it comes to choosing the right tone; pink based foundations for pinky undertone faces and yellow based foundations for yellow/olive skin. Cool skin tones have a little pink/rose undertone. My advice is to go for cool eyeshadow colours such as blues, greens, purples, blue-greens, greys and black. In terms of lipsticks, it is good to go for blue based reds, pinks, magentas and nudes with a touch of pink. Avoid browns, as they age you and make your teeth look yellow! Warm skin tones have a yellow-olive undertone. My recommendation is to choose warmer colours such as browns and beiges. For lips, choose oranges and nudes with a touch of brown. There are exceptions about this rule and sometimes people are neutral and have both yellow pigments as well as pink. In these cases, it is better to go for a neutral shade foundation. The theory of colour is a very extensive one and as a professional makeup artist you have to understand it. That’s the difference between being an artist or just a makeup applicator.

I will tell you a practical rule that makes it easy to correct dark circles or unwanted pigments on your face. Complementary colour palettes are designed by mixing colours from opposite sides of the colour wheel. They make a visual contrast; hence both colours appear strikingly beautiful against each other. To master the theory of colour correcting it’s important to understand this rule (visualized below).

When you mix complementary colours together such as blue and orange, it will automatically produce a neutral colour. This is the most effective trick to get rid of dark circles under your eyes. After you have neutralized the darkness (with the orange colour) you can easily put on your foundation and conceal the rest of your face. This way you get rid of the dark circles without using tons of products and will result in your under-eyes not looking grey or ashy. Choosing the right products is another task by itself and requires knowledge about your skin type. If you have dry skin, go for foundations and concealers that are oily or silicon-based. If you have oily skin, you should definitely go for oilfree, water-based products.


If you are not a makeup artist but you have a love story with Laura Mercier, like me, this is your go-for product to conceal tired eyes and small imperfections. Make sure to choose the right shade for you.

5 camouflage cream palette by Makeup Forever

This palette contains the 5 essential correcting colours. The orange and the other two pinkish colours cancel dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. Green neutralizes redness and purple/lilac eliminates unwanted yellow on your face. People with dull, yellow complexion should opt for a purple primer.

Facestudio Master Camo Colour Correcting Palette by Maybelline

This palette is a less expensive version of the 5 essential correcting colours.

Colour Correcting Sticks by Smashbox

Smashbox has these 5 essential pencils. I absolutely love them as they are easy to apply and you can use your fingers to warm the product.

Photo Finish Colour Correcting Foundation Primer by Smashbox

These are five shades of primer. They do wonders for people who have very red complexion (use the green one) or acneprone skin.

Mac Studio Conceal and Correct Palette

This palette has four concealers and two corrector shades. Mac has an extensive colour spectrum so you can choose between light, medium, medium-deep and deep shades.









Blue brilliance as a tribute to artistic craftsmanship





ith an exclusive HANDWERKSKUNST edition, A. Lange & Söhne demonstrates how artisanal virtuosity becomes truly grand art. The dial and the hinged cuvette of the new 1815 RATTRAPANTE PERPETUAL CALENDAR HANDWERKSKUNST consist of blue enamelled white gold with elaborate relief engravings. Ennobled with special decorative techniques, the movement stands out with the rare and fascinating combination of a split-seconds chronograph and a perpetual calendar with a moon-phase display. In its launch year, the 1815 RATTRAPANTE PERPETUAL CALENDAR attracted considerable attention in two respects: in January 2013 at the Geneva Salon, it was enthusiastically received by the horological community as a technically and aesthetically convincing union of classic complications that rank among the most sophisticated mechanical ensembles in precision watchmaking. At the Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève in that same year, the watch was not only the winner in the Grand Complications category but also won the Public’s Choice Award. This remarkable timekeeping instrument was the ideal starting point for a limited 20-watch HANDWERKSKUNST edition. It is the sixth A. Lange & Söhne model with this attribute that stands for the particularly artistic decoration of the movement, dial and case. The 1815 RATTRAPANTE PERPETUAL CALENDAR HANDWERKSKUNST confronted the finishers, engravers and enamel artists with an exciting challenge: to raise the decorative opulence for which the manufactory is known to the next level with rare and in some cases revived techniques as well as innovative ideas.






Rula Galayini

“I let my imagination travel as far and wide as possible”

Rula Galayini describes her handbags as ‘dynamic accessories for a real life edge’. Taking inspiration from art, architecture and nature, Rula has created an internationally acclaimed brand fully deserved of its place among Vogue’s ‘100 Best Bags’.

Please introduce yourself to our readers: I’m Lebanese but grew up between Canada, Kuwait, Cyprus and Lebanon and am now based in Dubai. I’m the founder and creative director of the international handbag label, Rula Galayini, which is proudly made in the Middle East. I constantly seek ways to give back to our local economies by hiring traditional craftsmen to bring the creations to life. The brand’s headquarters are based in Dubai and all our products are produced in Lebanon. I’m driven by creativity, innovative design and an overall determination to show our part of the world in the most positive light.

Tell us about your education: I began my education with a graphic design degree with distinction from the American University of Beirut, coupled with a scholarship from the Rhode Island School of Design. After graduating, I worked as an Associate Creative Director at Leo Burnett in Lebanon on various regional and global fashion and luxury brands. I then joined MTV Arabia as the channel’s Creative Director in 2007. Here I developed the modern Arab identity of the channel, set up the creative department and headed their design and communication strategies. In 2012, I took the helm as Design Director on Fashion Forward, a platform promoting designers form across the Middle East. In addition to a successful career in the corporate world, I was determined to pursue my personal passion in product design, particularly in women’s accessories, and in 2007 launched my handbag brand. I gradually shifted into the realm of fashion under the mentorship of Esmod and London College of Fashion.

With a degree in Graphic Design, how did you get interested in handbag designing? The world of design has many facets and I was always, and still am, intrigued by many of them. Graphic design is a great tool that is at the backbone of all communication 70


and I continue to utilize it on a daily basis. However, I knew that I would eventually want to dive into design that was more three dimensional. Several years after practicing graphic design, branding and advertising, the product design world won me over and I began my adventures with handbags.

Why handbags? I had already spent many years working on fashion brands from a communication perspective, so it was a natural build to enter the world of fashion design. With that world, I always felt that handbags (and accessories in general) were the most democratic fashion items. Women of all sizes, shapes, colours and cultures could enjoy them. They also had a strong functional element that I find rather intriguing.

How did you get started and what were some of the obstacles you had to face at the beginning? Initially one of the greatest challenges was to get retailers to take a chance on the brand. The fashion industry is highly unpredictable and inconsistent which often makes retailers more inclined to stick with the commercial big names as opposed to taking a risk with new, relatively unknown ones. The way we overcame that was by focusing on having a distinctive edge, both aesthetically and functionally, that no other brand, regional or global could claim. In the early years of RULA GALAYINI an immense amount of creative experimentation took place before we were able to truly define a brand promise and signature aesthetic that resonates and leaves a strong impression. In parallel, we perfected the quality of the products to match and, in many instances, surpass the existing benchmarks in luxury and contemporary accessories. By setting a solid unique brand promise that is both innovative and has longevity, allowing room for constant development, gives retailers the confidence that were here to stay. Today the brand retails in approximately 30 countries, including international retailers such as Galeries Lafayette,



Harvey Nichols, Bloomingdales, Saks 5th Avenue and Robinsons.

Where and how do you research for your collection?

What are some of your favourite materials to use in your designs?

Art, architecture and nature are the main three sources of inspiration for our work. Having said that, inspiration can come from anywhere, even from the most mundane things. I generally like to begin by questioning the status quo and challenging the existing in hopes of coming up with something fresh and unprecedented. I also like to ensure my pieces are practical and serve a purpose, as well as looking aesthetically pleasing. Removable insets as well as detachable pouches and covers, allow for multiple variations to be created within one given design. Thus allowing a large degree of personalization by the owner, allowing each piece to be unique and ever changing. Overall, I feel that RULA GALAYINI offers edgy, yet functional pieces that become an extension of the woman and her personality

Gold plated brass is one of the key elements used in all our designs. We are always curious to see how to take a durable industrial material and create a form that is delicate and feminine. On a more symbolic level, we also feel that it’s quite representative of the modern day woman who, despite her external femininity, has remarkable internal strength.

How would you describe your own designs? RULA GALAYINI is about dynamic accessories for a real life edge. ‘Dynamic’ because they are adaptive, empowering and versatile for the multifaceted contemporary woman of today. And the ‘real life edge’ because they are made for women of the real world, who not only question the status quo but are in quest of continuous positive change. Responding to a demand for authenticity and a lasting story that resonates with women of all ages, RULA GALAYINI is an internationally acclaimed brand that caters to the woman who wants to set her own standards and to express herself wholly without compromising on taste and, more importantly, on herself.

What type of women is in your mind when you design your collection? Empowered women who challenge the status quo often adopting an alternative approach to life. Women of all ages, who are fueled by curiosity, directed by instinct, grounded by ethics, and determined to leave their mark with intelligence and kindness alike. 72


Can you describe your design process? Ever since I was a design student, I always felt that paper was too restricting and flat, so I would begin my creative process by experimenting with my hands. So many mistakes happen when you use your hands; great mistakes that often add new dimensions to existing ideas, or become ideas within themselves. In the vivid world of shapes, forms, textures and colours, I can spend hours or days on end. I let my imagination travel as far and wide as possible and once I feel I’m on to something exciting, I explore ways to link them back to the previous collection and overall brand. It’s such a wonderful journey every time, pressing certain emotional buttons like nothing else can.

What’s your favourite stage when creating a new design?

Are you planning to venture into anything else other than handbags in the future?

The most exciting moment is when the prototype comes to life. Seeing a sketch or an idea materialize into a tangible product is definitely the highlight of the design process.

I’m really excited about tapping into new product lines through unexpected collaborations. We are currently working on one such project but that’s pretty much all I can reveal about it right now. We are also hoping to launch a shoe capsule collection towards the end of the year, so keep an eye out!

Who, if anyone, has had the biggest impact on your career? It would have to be my husband who is both my worst critic and greatest fan.

Where is your collection available? Are you planning any exclusive Rula Galayini store in the region?

What are some of the biggest challenges you face today?

Our collection is available in Kuwait at Bloomingdales in 360 Mall. We have created quite a few exclusive pieces for Bloomingdales which is very exciting. We have a strong presence across the Middle East, selling in the likes of Harvey Nichols Riyadh, Galeries Lafayette Dubai and Saks 5th Avenue Manama. We are also available globally on farfetch.com and in a handful of international concept stores.

The greater the success of one collection, the greater the expectation for the following one. Consequently, it becomes challenging to preserve the brand identity whilst retaining the novelty element, time and time again.

What has been your greatest moment on your journey so far? Making into on to Vogue’s ‘100 Best Bags List.’ As though that wasn’t rewarding in itself, we also happened to be the only emerging brand on that list, and came in quite high at number 7, sandwiched between Saint Laurent and Stella McCartney.

What is your philosophy of life? To never rest on your laurels, and to be the best possible version of myself.

What five things couldn’t you live without? Family, friends like family, travel, caffeine and my cell phone of course!

You entered the Kuwait market last year. How has the market responded and what are your expectations? We have sparked great interest from a very early stage which does not come as a surprise, as we have a large Kuwaiti following in the cities that they frequent. The Kuwait woman is the perfect example of the modern Arab woman. She is attuned to all the global trends, yet brave and articulate enough to create her own personal style. As a designer, to be able to appeal to the refined tastes of the Kuwaiti woman is an achievement in itself.

Your message for us at CP magazine: Kuwait is very dear to my heart. Not only did I spend my infancy there, but it left such a great impression, that for many years later I was convinced that I actually was Kuwaiti!




7 Days, 7 Trends with Carla & Marie


DAY 1, SUNDAY: METALLIC SILVER Let’s brighten our Sunday with an eye catching metallic silver outfit. At first sight, it may seem a little too much, but be aware that this metallic trend has been seen at so many shows this season, and it certainly gives a modern and futuristic twist to your look. An alternative, if you don't want to wear metallic from top to toe, is to mix it up with grey elements. This combo will create a monochromatic feel to your look, which blends in nicely with your chosen silver elements, as per our outfits. 74


DAY 2, MONDAY: OFFICE WEAR Over the years, business suits have been a way to empower women in the workplace and inevitably have created a new form of office fashion. Well ladies, the good news is that office wear is a hot trend this fall, and by that we mean a trend outside of office hours. It comes in many styles and shapes but overall it is sleek, sophisticated and feminine. Carla has gone for an office look made of a pleated skirt with a side detail paired with a very feminine business shirt. The key to this trend is to choose an office style you feel comfortable in and be ready to feel the power!

Credits Photographer: Arsan Hassan (IG: arsan_photography) Image Consultants: Carla Otero & Marie Auffret (IG: thestylistes) Carla & Marie’s Wardrobe: LE66, Dubai (IG: le66dubai) Location: Media One Hotel, Dubai (IG: mediaonehotel) www.cpmagazine.net


DAY 3, TUESDAY: FIRE RED On Tuesday, we see everything RED. Our inspiration behind this hot trend comes in the form of female empowerment. Just like the previous trend (office wear), this season is all about power dressing and it’s red hot from top to bottom! Not just splashes of red here and there, this is about all-over, entirely matching and pattern-free red. To show you what we mean, Marie is not only going red in her outfit but also in her choice of lipstick. We just love embracing trends in all its glorious elements. On the other hand, if you feel a little shy about going red from top to bottom, you can also implement individual touches of red in the likes of the sole of a shoe, the leather of a biker jacket or your nail polish. Just remember that when combined all red elements together, it can be even more powerful. Embrace Tuesday, embrace it in Red! 76


7 Days, 7 Trends with Carla & Marie

DAY 4, WEDNESDAY: DOUBLE DENIM As mid-week approaches, we are feeling what we call 'creative comfort’. With this concept the word double denim pops to our mind! It is the 4th trend of our 7 days, 7 trends, which is certainly not going to disappoint you. Not only is double denim a strong contender this fall, there is a lot of variety when it comes to denim wear. Think interesting finishes and unconventional cuts and shapes and you will turn this all time piece into an everyday stylish trend. How do you like Marie’s choice of double denim?



DAY 5, THURSDAY: SECOND SKIN COSY materials in sand and camel tones are a definite trend this fall. Earth shades feel like a second skin and it is one of those colours that just refuses to go out of style - and we totally get it! No matter what time of day or what season you wear it, it still manages to look relevant and sophisticated. We choose to make our second skin look monochromatic (in other words the same colour from top to bottom), which adds an extra bit of elegance and style.



DAY 6, FRIDAY: PRINTS BONANZA There is something about prints that really captivates us and we are thrilled to see it as a trend this fall/winter '17. Mixing prints instantly makes your look creative and stylish. Mixing and matching unexpected pairings of prints, materials and tones is unique, fun and authentic. It may seem challenging at first to style it up, but if you follow this rule of thumb, you will never go wrong mixing prints: ‘Mix motifs and match colours, or match motifs and mix colours’. For example, if you take a close look at Carla’s mix and match prints, she has paired two different motifs but kept the colour palette the same. Give it a try!

7 Days, 7 Trends with Carla & Marie www.cpmagazine.net


7 Days, 7 Trends with Carla & Marie

DAY 7, SATURDAY: FAUX FUR TOUCHES Faux fur is one of the most unexpected trends this season, a statement piece that will add playful and fun elements to your seasonal wardrobe. Don’t be afraid to go for rainbow shades and venture out of the neutral category. We have chosen to implement some accents of faux fur in the sleeve of Carla's shirt and jacket, which adds the touch of style we were looking for.







“Being an international makeup artist is like being a celebrity!” Garance Blanche was an actress before turning her attention to beauty. Now an international makeup artist for By Terry, she believes that the secret to beauty is self-confidence – and never leaving home without lipstick!

Please introduce yourself to our readers: Hi, my name is Garance Blanche from Paris and I am the international makeup artist of By Terry. This means I go from country to country to introduce the new products to the press and I train the team from all over the world.

Tell us about your education: I have a really strange history. I actually used to be an actress and studied acting.

When did you know a career in beauty was for you? What special training did you go for to start your beauty career? Well, while taking acting courses my mom always told me to work to pay for my education. Therefore, I worked at the Body Shop during the weekends and got introduced to the world of cosmetics. The world of theatre is quiet complicated and I was confused between the two things I loved; makeup and theatre. Three years ago I decided to build my career in something I always loved and therefore moved full time into the field of beauty. In a way, being an international makeup artist is like being a celebrity! 82


Tell us about the differences between French and Arab women when it comes to beauty. There are lots of differences. In beauty they are almost opposites. We in France need the fresh complexion, well drawn eyes and lips but the coverage is quite different. This means we are more of a makeup/no makeup type. In the Middle East they go for a lot of coverage and really sophisticated makeup - nearly artistic. In France people are lazy and like something quick and easy.

How, when and why did you get associated with the By Terry brand and what do you think is so special about it? I really wanted to work with Terry because I knew her reputation when I began in the cosmetic world. She is someone who really cares and thinks how to simplify a woman's life every day. She is a woman and creates products for women. She is a mother, grandmother and a working woman and realizes that women today do not have the time to take care of themselves. She therefore makes it simple. Also, this is a brand that does not work with models because we believe that our customers are our models and our duty is to find and highlight the beauty of each woman. We are not here to make them look like someone else. So, I liked this philosophy of the brand.



How does your mood affect the makeup you wear? I don't believe it when women say they think that a certain shade of lipstick doesn't suit them. I believe every makeup suits everyone if they feel self confidence. You need to feel that you want to feel good.

What are your makeup kit must-haves? It's the Light-Expert Click Brush which is a foundation with the brush included. I always keep it in my bag for regular touch-ups. Also lip balms and a blush which is really my life. For me the blush is essential; it can make a woman express her inner feelings.

Does everyone look better with makeup? I would say yes. Yes, because makeup is not to hide, it is to enhance your qualities and looks. We believe everyone is beautiful and with makeup we can enhance the features.

What three makeup items should no woman leave home without? Lipstick, Lipstick, and Lipstick! 84


Where do you get your inspiration from? From every woman. Every woman is different.

What is the most important beauty advice that you can give to women? Believe in yourself.

Share something you would like our readers to know about you: I introduced my grandfather to his new wife thanks to By Terry. She was my customer and they are married now!

What special make tips do you have for Kuwaiti women for their skin? They are so beautiful. I would say they have beautiful eyes and instead of using Kohl I would recommend them to use something lighter inside and extend them outside. They have amazing eyes and applying Kohl makes them look smaller.

Photo by: Diana Nasif (@DianaNasif)




nspired by his signature patent leather, a brilliant material iconic to the house of Louboutin, Christian has created this iconic product in three different shades; Khol (Blackest black), Rouge Louboutin (Vibrant red) and Lady Twist (Indian kohl blue).

This liquid eyeliner is a highly pigmented ink with a glossy sheen coat designed to bring intensity to the eyes. Its soft and flexible texture ensures that the formula applies with precision. No smudge, no smear, for all day wear. Thanks to its clear formula, you can easily correct a mistake but once applied and dried it is designed to stay. I personally like the sheer finish imitating the intense red of his famous shoe soles. My favourite shade of them all is the Vibrant red; unusual for eye makeup as we tend to think of red only for the lips. Red is a colour that goes well with any skin undertone and adds immediate intensity to the eye with a modern twist. You can easily add a thin line on top of the usual classic black on your upper lid.

Christian Louboutin is often inspired by his travels and beauty icons. One of them, the infamous Queen Nefertiti from ancient Egypt, for her iconic sculpted eyes and nude lid precisely lined with carbon black charcoal liner. Also captured by the opulent decorative style of India seen in Kathakali, a form of classical Indian dance where the dancers are known for their extravagant eye makeup. Louboutin’s formulas and colours are influenced by the rich pigments of Indian culture and the packages inspired by the Egyptian motifs of lotus flower petals and obelisks meld with Art Deco geometry. This luminous ink liner is homage to calligraphy and the high quality content makes it an obvious product to be this month’s feature as the iconic product of the month!



since 2010

BY: YASMEEN AL-SALEM Discover our top picks of womenswear Street Style trends from the French capital. The fashion crowd made sure to dress their very best! Find the ‘must haves’ here: Glittery boots - lush velvet - cozy oversized pullovers -power suits - head to toe red- white boots

The Best Street Style Looks From PFW SS18







The Best Street Style Looks From PFW SS18

since 2010








WRONGS moviewrongs.com by: JIM WEST

Directed by Seth Gordon Written by Mark Swift, Damian Shannon, Jay Scherick, David Ronn, Thomas Lennon, and Robert Ben Garant


ot beaches and hot bodies should make for a great film, but when this film tries to do comedy it falls flat and tries desperately to rely on gags in the form of body jokes. With four writers on the story and two screenplay writers this is a complete and utter shame. Now ‘The Rock’ is undeniably the world’s biggest (literally and figuratively) action star. His charisma is on full throttle and he carries this film for the most part. Yet the writers tried to insert too much and deal with too many characters. Mitch Buchannon, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, uncovers drugs on his beach and he and his team of lifeguards take it upon themselves to investigate. Now this is quite a suspension of disbelief, but that’s also in line with many events in the TV series (one of the most beloved and watched shows in TV history). So I won’t knock the ‘kookiness’ of the plot. I will, however, address a fundamental flaw in their story. Too many cooks spoil the soup.

Here come the spoilers! The film opens with a wonderful introduction for Mitch Buchannon and lets us know right up front this is The Rock’s movie. No issues so far. Then we quickly get introduced to the rest of the team, various body jokes and viola, we are not only seeing one new trainee, but THREE! That is where the film went wrong. The writers seemed to feel compelled to match up evenly our characters with their boy/girl counterparts for this film. The Rock has his right hand man, sorry, woman, in actress Ilfenesh Hadera; Jon Bass (Ronnie) has Kelly 90


Rohrback (CJ Parker); and Zac Efron (Matt Brody) has Alexandra Daddario (Summer Quinn). It’s too perfect and this spreads out the screen time quite considerably. This film seemed to have more cast in it than Game of Thrones. This is perhaps the fault of having essentially six writers mess this up. How to quickly fix this film then? I hate to say it, but cut the role of Summer Quinn. She is largely a forgettable character other than to serve as a romantic foil for Zac Efron’s Matt Brody. Instead, and to work the screen for more laughs, pit Zac against Jon Bass’s Ronnie in vying for the affections and attention of CJ Parker. The pretty boy versus the geek. That would have lent to some hilarious scenes by creating a love triangle which CJ herself could care less about. It would have made the tryouts better and every scene between CJ and Ronnie better. Imagine Zac Efron in that shower scene with Ronnie. Imagine them at the party trying to out-dance each other as a distraction. In the end CJ could still end up with Ronnie and Matt Brody can still get admired by the other girls on the beach and actually be better for his character. By dropping this extra role you actually have an unbalanced team and unbalance is what can lead to some good comedy and more time for the other characters to chew the screen a bit before The Rock takes it back. Plot wise it is on par with any of the TV series plots and honestly, I do not expect much in plot here. Yet for laughs there is much more here than sight gags and body jokes; especially from six writers on this film. The out-takes were funnier than the entire movie. Too many cooks spoil the soup and in this film’s case, too many writers wrote too many characters in a comedy with no real benefit for laughs. Thanks for reading Writing Movie ‘WRONGS’.






Bodak Yellow (Money Moves)

Rake It Up

That's What I Like

What Lovers Do


Cardi B

Yo Gotti & Nicki Minaj

Bruno Mars

Maroon 5 & SZA

David Guetta & Justin Bieber







Too Good At Goodbyes

Wild Thoughts

Small Town Boy

What Ifs

Post Malone & 21 Savage

Sam Smith

DJ Khaled, Rihanna & Bryson Tiller

Dustin Lynch

Kane Brown & Lauren Alaina






Look What You Made Me Do

Sorry Not Sorry

There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back

Dusk Till Dawn


Taylor Swift

Demi Lovato

Shawn Mendes

Zayn & Sia

Calvin Harris, Pharell Williams, Katy Perry & Big Sean







Mi Gente

The Story Of O.J.



Logic, Alessia Cara & Khalid

J Balvin & Willy William


Selena Gomez & Gucci Mane

Imagine Dragons








Jocelyn Flores

Say You Won't Let Go

When It Rains It Pours

Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee

Charlie Puth


James Arthur

Luke Combs







...Ready For It?

Chained To The Rhythm

What About Us

Versace On The Floor

French Montana & Swae Lee

Taylor Swift

Katy Perry & Skip Marley


Bruno Mars


Feel It Still Portugal. The Man






I Get The Bag

The Way Life Goes

My Girl

Justin Bieber & Blood Pop

Gucci Mane & Migos

Lil Uzi Vert

Dylan Scott





Imagine Dragons

Migos & Gucci Mane


Young, Dumb And Broke Khalid



Body Like A Back Road


Sam Hunt

Post Malone & Quavo






by Suzy Hansen

A renowned culinary historian offers a fresh perspective on our most divisive cultural issue, race, in this illuminating memoir of Southern cuisine and food culture that traces his ancestry—both black and white—through food, from Africa to America and slavery to freedom. Southern food is integral to the American culinary tradition, yet the question of who "owns" it is one of the most provocative touch points in our ongoing struggles over race. In this unique memoir, culinary historian Michael W. Twitty takes readers to the white-hot center of this fight, tracing the roots of his own family and the charged politics surrounding the origins of soul food, barbecue, and all Southern cuisine. From the tobacco and rice farms of colonial times to plantation kitchens and backbreaking cotton fields, Twitty tells his family story through the foods that enabled his ancestors’ survival across three centuries. He sifts through stories, recipes, genetic tests, and historical documents, and travels from Civil War battlefields in Virginia to synagogues in Alabama to Black-owned organic farms in Georgia.

Suzy Hansen left her country and moved to Istanbul and discovered America In the wake of the September 11 attacks and the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, Suzy Hansen, who grew up in an insular conservative town in New Jersey, was enjoying early success as a journalist for a highprofile New York newspaper. Increasingly, though, the disconnect between the chaos of world events and the response at home took on pressing urgency for her. Seeking to understand the Muslim world that had been reduced to scaremongering headlines, she moved to Istanbul. Hansen arrived in Istanbul with romantic ideas about a mythical city perched between East and West, and with a naïve sense of the Islamic world beyond. Over the course of her many years of living in Turkey and traveling in Greece, Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran, she learned a great deal about these countries and their cultures and histories and politics. But the greatest, most unsettling surprise would be what she learned about her own country—and herself, an American abroad in the era of American decline.



by Kathleen Barber

by Leah Weiss

Serial meets Ruth Ware’s In A Dark, Dark Wood in this inventive and twisty psychological thriller about a mega-hit podcast that reopens a murder case—and threatens to unravel the carefully constructed life of the victim’s daughter.

A gripping memoir of friendship with a tragic twist—two childhood best friends diverge as young adults, one woman is brutally murdered and the other is determined to uncover the truth about her wild and seductive friend. As girls growing up in rural New Jersey in the late 1980s, Ashley and Carolyn had everything in common: two outsiders who loved spending afternoons exploring the woods. Only when the girls attended different high schools did they begin to grow apart. While Carolyn struggled to fit in, Ashley quickly became a hot girl: popular, extroverted, and sexually precocious. After high school, Carolyn entered college in New York City and Ashley ended up in Los Angeles, where she quit school to work as a stripper and an escort, dating actors and older men, and experimenting with drugs. The last time Ashley visited New York, Carolyn was shocked by how the two friends had grown apart. One year later, Ashley was stabbed to death at age twenty-two in her Hollywood home.

The only thing more dangerous than a lie...is the truth. Josie Buhrman has spent the last ten years trying to escape her family’s reputation and with good reason. After her father's murder thirteen years prior, her mother ran away to join a cult and her twin sister Lanie, once Josie’s closest friend and confidant, betrayed her in an unimaginable way. Now, Josie has finally put down roots in New York, settling into domestic life with her partner Caleb, and that’s where she intends to stay. The only problem is that she has lied to Caleb about every detail of her past—starting with her last name.




THE WAY IT HURTS by Patty Blount

Music is Elijah’s life. His band plays loud and hard, and he’ll do anything to get them a big break. He needs that success to help take care of his sister, who has special needs. So he’d rather be practicing when his friends drag him to a musical in the next town…until the lead starts to sing. Kristen dreams of a career on stage like her grandmother’s. She knows she needs an edge to get into a competitive theater program—and being the star in her high school musical isn’t going to cut it. The applause and the attention only encourage her to work harder. Elijah can't take his eyes off of Kristen's performance, and he snaps a photo of her in costume that he posts online with a comment that everybody misunderstands. It goes viral. Suddenly, Elijah and Kristen are in a new spotlight as the online backlash spins out of control. And the consequences are bigger than they both could have ever imagined because these threats don’t stay online…they follow them into real life.


On March 27, 1964, at 5:36 p.m., the biggest earthquake ever recorded in North America and the second biggest ever in the world, measuring 9.2 on the Richter scale struck Alaska, devastating coastal towns and villages and killing more than 130 people in what was then a relatively sparsely populated region. In a riveting tale about the almost unimaginable brute force of nature, New York Times science journalist Henry Fountain, in his first trade book, re-creates the lives of the villagers and townspeople living in Chenega, Anchorage, and Valdez; describes the sheer beauty of the geology of the region, with its towering peaks and 20-mile-long glaciers; and reveals the impact of the quake on the towns, the buildings, and the lives of the inhabitants. George Plafker, a geologist for the U.S. Geological Survey with years of experience scouring the Alaskan wilderness, is asked to investigate the Prince William Sound region in the aftermath of the quake, to better understand its origins. His work confirmed the then controversial theory of plate tectonics that explained how and why such deadly quakes occur, and how we can plan for the next one.



by Maggie O'Farrell

by Gail Kelly

'O'Farrell takes up a bow and arrow and aims at the human heart' The Times 'A life-enhancing two-fingers to death... mesmerising' The Sunday Times I AM, I AM, I AM is a memoir with a difference - the unputdownable story of an extraordinary woman's life in near-death experiences. Intelligent, insightful, inspirational, it is a book to be read at a sitting, a story you finish newly conscious of life's fragility, determined to make every heartbeat count. A childhood illness she was not expected to survive. A teenage yearning to escape that nearly ended in disaster. A terrifying encounter on a remote path. A mismanaged labour in an understaffed hospital. Shocking, electric, unforgettable, this is the extraordinary memoir from Costa Novel-Award winner and Sunday Times bestselling author Maggie O'Farrell.

Gail Kelly's presence reaches far beyond her own profession. The first female CEO of one of Australia's big four banks, listed by Forbes in 2010 as the 8th most powerful woman in the world, and mother of four (including triplets), Gail is celebrated as one of our finest, most innovative thinkers on leadership and workplace culture. In these personal, practical chapters, Gail Kelly shares what she's learned over her remarkable career, drawing from her personal and professional life. As a leader, she argues passionately for the importance of putting people and customers at the heart of a business; of leading with courage and generosity of spirit; and of resilience. Some of those lessons were learnt at times of high pressure, and Gail takes us into her thinking as she led Westpac through the global financial crisis and the merger with St. George.




Starring Chadwick Boseman, Josh Gad, Kate Hudson, Dan Stevens, Sterling K. Brown, and James Cromwell. Director Reginald Hudlin’s Marshall, is based on an early trial in the career of Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. It follows the young lawyer to conservative Connecticut to defend a black chauffeur charged with sexual assault and attempted murder of his white socialite employer. Muzzled by a segregationist court, Marshall partners with a courageous young Jewish lawyer, Samuel Friedman. Together they mount the defense in an environment of racism and Anti-Semitism. The high profile case and the partnership with Friedman served as a template for Marshall’s creation of the NAACP legal defense fund. CAST: Chadwick Boseman, Josh Gad, Kate Hudson, Dan Stevens, James Cromwell, Sterling K. Brown DIRECTOR: Reggie Hudlin GENRES: TRUE-STORY DRAMA




Bodies are turning up around the city, each having met a uniquely gruesome demise. As the investigation proceeds, evidence points to one man: John Kramer. But how can this be? The man known as Jigsaw has been dead for over a decade.

Stranded after a tragic plane crash, two strangers must forge a connection to survive the extreme elements of a remote snow covered mountain. When they realize help is not coming, they embark on a terrifying journey across hundreds of miles of wilderness, pushing one another to endure and igniting an unexpected attraction.

CAST: Laura Vandervoort, Tobin Bell, Mandela Van Peebles, Hannah Anderson, Brittany Allen, Callum Keith Rennie DIRECTOR: Michael Spierig, Peter Spierig GENRES: HORROR SUSPENSE SEQUEL

CAST: Idris Elba, Kate Winslet, Dermot Mulroney DIRECTOR: Hany Abu-Assad GENRES: TRUE-STORY THRILLER CRIME



A restaurant owner in London's Chinatown is forced to push his moral and physical boundaries to track down the group of rogue Irish terrorists responsible for the death of his beloved daughter after the justice system fails him.

Suburbicon is a peaceful, idyllic suburban community with affordable homes and manicured lawns…the perfect place to raise a family, and in the summer of 1959, the Lodge family is doing just that. But the tranquil surface masks a disturbing reality, as husband and father Gardner Lodge (Matt Damon) must navigate the town’s dark underbelly of betrayal, deceit, and violence. This is a tale of very flawed people making very bad choices. This is Suburbicon.

CAST: Jackie Chan, Pierce Brosnan, Katie Leung, Charlie Murphy

CAST: Matt Damon, Julianne Moore, Oscar Isaac, Glenn Fleshler, Noah Jupe, Megan Ferguson

CAST: Jessica Rothe, Israel Broussard, Ruby Modine, Charles Aitken, Rachel Matthews, Laura Clifton

DIRECTOR: Martin Campbell

DIRECTOR: George Clooney

DIRECTOR: Christopher B. Landon





HAPPY DEATH DAY In this mystery thriller, Theresa aka Tree is the queen bee of her sorority, controlling those around her without ever getting too close. Things seem right on track… until she’s suddenly murdered. Somehow Tree wakes up the next morning only to find out that it’s not the next morning, it’s the day she was murdered… again. Forced to relive the same day over and over again until she figures out who is trying to kill her and why, Tree has far more suspects than allies in this game of cat and mouse. Hopefully she figures out the key before she runs out of lives.




ONLY THE BRAVE All men are created equal… then, a few become firefighters. Only the Brave, based on the true story of the Granite Mountain Hotshots, is the heroic story of one unit of local firefighters that through hope, determination, sacrifice, and the drive to protect families, communities, and our country become one of the most elite firefighting teams in the country. As most of us run from danger, they run toward it – they watch over our lives, our homes, everything we hold dear, as they forge a unique brotherhood that comes into focus with one fateful fire.

After an unprecedented series of natural disasters threatened the planet, the world’s leaders came together to create an intricate network of satellites to control the global climate and keep everyone safe. But now, something has gone wrong—the system built to protect the Earth is attacking it, and it’s a race against the clock to uncover the real threat before a worldwide geostorm wipes out everything...and everyone along with it.

When a snowstorm strands former professional hockey player Eric LeMarque (Josh Hartnett) atop a Mountain for eight days, he is forced to face his past and come to terms with his personal demons and rediscover the power of faith within him in order to survive.

CAST: Katheryn Winnick, Gerard Butler, Abbie Cornish, Jim Sturgess, Ed Harris, Robert Sheehan

CAST: Josh Hartnett, Mira Sorvino

CAST: Josh Brolin, Miles Teller, James Badge Dale, Jennifer Connelly, Jeff Bridges, Taylor Kitsch

DIRECTOR: Dean Devlin

DIRECTOR: Scott Waugh

DIRECTOR: Joseph Kosinski







When an elite crime squad’s lead detective (Fassbender) investigates the disappearance of a victim on the first snow of winter, he fears an elusive serial killer may be active again. With the help of a brilliant recruit (Ferguson), the cop must connect decades-old cold cases to the brutal new one if he hopes to outwit this unthinkable evil before the next snowfall.

Thirty years after the events of the first film, a new blade runner, LAPD Officer K (Ryan Gosling), unearths a long-buried secret that has the potential to plunge what’s left of society into chaos. K’s discovery leads him on a quest to find Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford), a former LAPD blade runner who has been missing for 30 years.

Same Kind of Different As Me is the story of an international art dealer Ron Hall (Kinnear) who must befriend a dangerous homeless man (Hounsou) in order to save his struggling marriage to his wife (Zellweger), a woman whose dreams will lead all three of them on the most remarkable journey of their lives. Voight plays Hall's father, with whom he reconciles thanks to the revelations of his new life.

CAST: Michael Fassbender, Rebecca Ferguson, Charlotte Gainsbourg

CAST: Harrison Ford, Ryan Gosling, Robin Wright, Dave Bautista, Ana de Armas, Sylvia Hoeks

CAST: Renée Zellweger, Greg Kinnear, Djimon Hounsou, Olivia Holt

DIRECTOR: Tomas Alfredson

DIRECTOR: Denis Villeneuve

DIRECTOR: Michael Carney








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Penclic B2 Mouse


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Amabrush is a revolutionary new toothbrush that brushes your teeth automatically, all at once, in just 10 seconds.



Wakawaka Power+ The WakaWaka Power+ is a rugged, super efficient solar powered charger and flashlight. Beautifully designed to work for everyone. This improved version has enlarged battery capacity of 3000 mAh. It charges your smartphone, camera and other gear multiple times via its USB ports. In addition, it can provide up to 200 hours of LED light on a full charge.

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8bit Do SN30 Pro The SN30 Pro is the worlds first, fully featured retro controller. It boasts a full button set with clickable joysticks, rumble vibration, motion controls, wireless bluetooth, rechargeable battery, home and screen shot buttons, and a USB-C connector. Not to mention a proper d-pad.

Logitech CRAFT Advanced Keyboard


Craft is a wireless keyboard with a premium typing experience and a versatile input dial that adapts to what you’re making - keeping you focused and in your creative flow.

The DropMix Music Gaming System includes the DropMix board and 60 DropMix cards, and the free downloadable app controls the game. The included DropMix cards let you mix songs from top artists



‫كما نعلم جميعا موسم ألب ّر قادم‪ ،‬ولذلك أفضل سيارة‬ ‫لقيادتها هي سيارة جيب‪.‬‬ ‫كنت أرغب في شراء واحدة لهذا الموسم فأوصاني‬ ‫أصديقائي ّ‬ ‫أن رانغلر هو األفضل‪.‬‬ ‫ذهبت إلى شركة المال وبهبهاني للسيارات الختبار قيادة‬ ‫رانجلر خالل عطلة نهاية األسبوع‪ ،‬واتخذت قراري‪..‬‬ ‫بشكل عام‪ ،‬أحببت التجربة برمتها‪.‬‬ ‫وهنا أشارككم بمزيد من المعلومات حول السيارة‪..‬‬

‫‪OCTOBER 2017‬‬


‫في موسم ال ّبر لن تجد أفضل منها‬

‫جيب رانغلر‪ :‬طرازات مثيرة جديدة من السيارات‬

‫الرياضية متعددة االستخدامات ‪SUV‬‬ ‫األكثر قدرة واألسطورية‬

‫ال تدع شيئا ً يقف في طريقك‬



Model: Zainab Bader (@ziz.bader) Hair: Jo Spa Salon and Spa (@jo_spasalon) Photographer: Hamad AlAinati (@7mdphotography) Creative Director: Jameel Arif - (@jameelarif) Videography: Ahmed AlSelim (@aalselim) Jeep: AlMulla & Behbehani Motor, Kuwait (@mbmckuwait)







‫تقدم جيب رانغلر براعة وقدرات ال مثيل لها على الطرق الوعرة على‬ ‫مدى عقود وذلك بفضل نظامها األسطوري للدفع الرباعي‪ ،‬وبساطة‬ ‫تصميمها وشعارها الذي يلخص فلسفة الذهاب إلى أي مكان‬ ‫والقيامبأي شيء‪ .‬وتواصل رانغلر ‪ ،2017‬التي تم إنتاجها اعتمادا ً‬ ‫على أ كثر من ‪ 75‬عاما ً من الخبرة الهندسية بمجال الدفع الرباعي‪،‬‬ ‫تقديم تصميم الجسم فوق هيكل‪ ،‬نظام تعليق أمامي وخلفي‬ ‫بخمس وصالت‪ ،‬محاور وأقفال إلكترونية ‪ -‬وباإلضافة إلى ذلك‪ ،‬فهي‬ ‫واحدة من عدد قليل من السيارات الرياضية متعددة االستخدامات‬ ‫‪SUV‬متوسطة الحجم التي تقدم ناقل حركة يدوي اختياري بست‬ ‫سرعات‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى ناقل حركة أوتوماتيكي من خمس سرعات‬ ‫يحقق عملية نقل سلسة واختيار أ كثر دقة للسرعات‪.‬‬ ‫ويبحث دائما ً الفريق الهندسي وراء جيب رانغلر‪ -‬السيارة األكثر‬ ‫قدرة والتي تلقى تقديرا ً كبيرا ً في العالم ‪ -‬عن الطرق التي تجعل‬ ‫رانغلر سيارة تحقق متعة وراحة أ كبر على أساس يومي سواء من‬ ‫الداخل أو من الخارج مع االستمرار في تحسين قدراتها على الطرق‬ ‫الوعرة‪.‬‬ ‫ويتم تجهيز رانغلر ورانغلر أنليميتد ذات األربعة أبواب بمحرك‬ ‫بنتاستار ‪ Pentastar V6‬سعة ‪6‬ر‪ 3‬لتر والذي يتم تركيبه بشكل‬ ‫طولي‪ .‬وتبلغ قوة هذا المحرك الذي يقوم على نظام التبريد السائل‬ ‫‪285‬حصانا ً (‪ 209‬كيلووات) عند ‪ 6400‬دورة في الدقيقة‪ ،‬مع عزم‬ ‫دوران يبلغ ‪ 260‬رطل – قدم (‪ 353‬نيوتن متر) عند ‪ 4800‬دورة في‬ ‫الدقيقة‪ .‬ويتم تحديد أقصى سرعة للمحرك إلكترونيا ً عند ‪6600‬‬ ‫دورة في الدقيقة‪ .‬ويعني تجهيز السيارة بمحرك بنتاستار الحائز على‬ ‫الجوائز وناقل حركة أوتوماتيكي من خمس سرعات أن جيب رانغلر‬ ‫حسنت بشكل كبير من األداء على الطرق الممهدة‪.‬‬ ‫وتتوفر جيب رانغلر ورانغلر أنليميتد في إصداري سبورت ‪Sport‬‬ ‫وصحارى ‪ ، Sahara‬كما تشتمل التشكيلة في الشرق األوسط على‬ ‫إصدار روبيكون ‪.Rubicon‬‬ ‫وتتوفر اآلن جيب رانغلر‪ ،‬بجميع أنظمتها األسطورية المتوافقة‬ ‫بشكل مثالي لالنطالق على أصعب الطرقات‪ ،‬في تشكيلة من‬ ‫الطرازات المميزة المتوفرة لدى شركة المال وبهبهاني للسيارات ‪-‬‬ ‫الموزع المعتمد لسيارات ألفا روميو‪ ،‬كرايسلر‪ ،‬دودج‪ ،‬فيات‪ ،‬جيب‪،‬‬ ‫موبار ورام في الكويت‪.‬‬ ‫وتتوفر السيارة بإصدارات جديدة ومثيرة لطرازات ويليس ‪Willys‬‬ ‫‪ ،‬بيغ بير ‪ ، Big Bear‬نايت إيغل ‪ Night Eagle‬وريكون ‪،Recon‬‬ ‫وهو ما يعني أن هناك اآلن جيب رانغلر تناسب ذوق وشخصية‬ ‫كلشخص‪ .‬وتستند الثالثة إصدارات األولى على طرازي سبورت‬ ‫وصحارى في حين يستند إصدار ريكون على طراز روبيكون‪.‬‬ ‫وقال أوسكار ريفولي مدير عام شركة المال وبهبهاني للسيارات‬ ‫"اآلن‪ ،‬ومع إضافة ميزات جديدة على الشكل الخارجي والمقصورة‪،‬‬ ‫فإن أحدث طرازات رانغلر المثيرة تضيف مزيدا من الراحة واألناقة‬ ‫الشخصية إلى قائمة المزايا الطويلة لهذه السيارة األسطورية"‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف قائالً "والنتيجة هي تحقيق مستوى لم يصل إليه أحد‬ ‫من القدرات على الطرق الوعرة‪ ،‬جنبا ً إلى جنب مع ديناميكية‬ ‫على الطريق وكفاءة في استهالك الوقود وراحة بالمقصورة تجعل‬ ‫من جيب رانغلر السيارة المثالية لمتعة القيادة اليومية والرحالت‬ ‫الطويلة في عطلة نهاية األسبوع أو المغامرات على الطرق الوعرة"‪.‬‬ ‫‪103‬‬






Model: Zainab Bader (@ziz.bader) Hair: Jo Spa Salon and Spa (@jo_spasalon) Photographer: Hamad AlAinati (@7mdphotography) Creative Director: Jameel Arif - (@jameelarif) Videography: Ahmed AlSelim (@aalselim) Jeep: AlMulla & Behbehani Motor, Kuwait (@mbmckuwait)



‫رانغلر ويليس ‪Wrangler Willys‬‬

‫يمكن تمييز طراز رانغلر ويليس بسهولة من خالل شكل غطاء‬ ‫محرك السيارة ذي اللون األسود الساتان‪ .‬وفي الجزء الخلفي‬ ‫هناك شارة على الباب الخلفي مكتوب عليها "دفع رباعي"‬ ‫باللون األسود الساتان أيضاً‪ .‬وتتميز الشبكه ذات السبع فتحات‬ ‫األيقونية باللون األسود الالمع مع شارة "جيب" باللون األسود‬ ‫المطفي‪ .‬وتم تجهيز ويليس بعجالت روبيكون قياس ‪ 17‬بوصة‬ ‫وقضبان روبيكون صخريةرياضية‪.‬‬

‫بيغ بير ‪Big Bear‬‬

‫تعتبر رانغلر بيغ بير فريدة من نوعها بأسوبها البسيط في التعبير‬ ‫عن نفسها‪ ،‬وذلك من خالل الصور الطوبوغرافية لغطاء محرك‬ ‫السيارة‪ ،‬والواجهة المطلية باللون األسود الالمع‪ ،‬وقضبان‬ ‫روبيكون الصخرية‪ ،‬وغرافيكي باسم "رانغلر" على جانبي غطاء‬ ‫المحرك‪ ،‬وسقف لين أسود من خامات ممتازة‪ ،‬وباب تعبئة‬ ‫الوقود مطلي باللوناألسود من موبار‪ ،‬وعجالت روبيكون مطلية‬ ‫باللون األسود الالمعقياس ‪ 17‬بوصة‪.‬‬

‫نايت إيغل ‪Night Eagle‬‬

‫تشتمل رانغلر نايت إيغل على مساند للمقاعد من جلد ماكنلي‬ ‫‪ McKinley‬األسود مع إضافات من قماش شبكي الرياضي‬ ‫األسود على أسود‪ ،‬وخياطة بارزة من الرمادي الدا كن وحلقات‬ ‫تهوية بلون البيانو األسود وبروز على مقبض سحب الباب‬ ‫باإلضافة إلى فرش أرضية من موبار‪ ،‬كما تشتمل على نظام‬ ‫ألباين ‪ Alpine‬الصوتي الممتاز مع مضخم صوت لجميع األحوال‬ ‫الجوية ومجموعة االتصاالت ‪.Connectivity Group‬‬ ‫ويتميز نايت إيغل عن غيره من الطرازات بفضل غطاء محرك‬ ‫السيارة‪ ،‬الرفرف والرسوم الغرافية على الرفرف (باألمام والجانب‬ ‫األيسر)‪ ،‬لوحة الربع الخلفي والرفرف (بالخلف والجانب األيمن)‪،‬‬ ‫سقف أسود صلب(سقف صلب اختياري بلون الهيكل مع‬ ‫رسوم غرافية – بالخلف والجانب األيمن – اختياري)‪ ،‬واجهة‬ ‫بلون الجسم مع حلوق باللون األسود الالمع وحلقات مصابيح‬ ‫أمامية جنبا ً إلى جنب مع قضبان موبار الصخرية وغطاء الوقود‬ ‫باللون األسود‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف ريفولي قائالً "مع مجموعة من المكونات التي تعزز‬ ‫القيادة على الطرق الوعرة‪ ،‬يحقق طراز روبيكون ريكون الجديد‬ ‫المزيد من القدرات األسطورية لسيارة جيب رانغلر‪ .‬ومع قدرات‬ ‫ال مثيل لها ومظهر فريد من نوعه‪ ،‬تعتبر روبيكون ريكون سيارة‬ ‫رانغلر المثالية لعشاقنا األكثر والء الذين يتحمسون بشدة‬ ‫للقيادة على الطرق الوعرة والذين يحبون التعامل مع المسارات‬ ‫األكثر تطلباً‪".‬‬ ‫وفي الداخل تتشابه المقصورة مع مقصورة نايت إيغل حيث‬ ‫المقاعد من جلد ماكينلي األسود‪ ،‬وهذه المرة مع خياطة بارزة‬ ‫حمراء‪ .‬وتستكمل المقاعد بخياطة بارزة سوداء على مسند‬ ‫الذراع األوسط‪ ،‬ومساند ذراع الباب األمامي وعجلة القيادة‪.‬‬ ‫وتستكمل أناقة المقصورة الفريدة لسيارة ريكون بحلقات تهوية‬ ‫منتصف الليل‪ ،‬ومقابض لسحب األبواب ‪ ،‬وفرش أرضية من‬ ‫موبار مع شعار "جيب" بارز باللون األحمر‪ ،‬وحزام أمان أحمر‬ ‫وشبكة منخفضة باللون األحمر على الباب‪.‬‬



Cole Haan Reinvents Iconic American Dress Shoes, Handbags and Outerwear To Complement Its Breakthrough Grand Series

AAW Kicks off The Athlete’s Foot Flagship Store Relaunch with Grand Celebration

Calvin Klein city

The Athlete’s Foot (TAF) today announced the relaunch of its flagship store located at The Avenues Mall, Kuwait’s most iconic shopping destination, under the theme ‘Sport with Style’. The revamped store is the largest TAF store in the world and was designed to capture a pre-digital, traditional shopping experience embodying a modern and modular vintage feel. Commemorating TAF’s shift from athletics to athleisure under the slogan )Sport with Style(, the open and inviting space is the world’s largest TAF store offering customers and sneaker enthusiasts alike a wide selection of stylish, athletic-inspired footwear and apparel, including the latest styles and emerging niche brands as well as renowned global brands Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Puma, and much more. Bringing people back to the store, the launch event combined popular trends of the country in accordance with the store’s trendy new Sport with Style look. Attending the event was AAW Chairman and CEO Mr. Faisal Ali Al Mutawa and AAW Deputy CEO Khalid F. Al Mutawa, the U.S ambassador to Kuwait Mr. Lawrence Silverman, TAF CEO Ingmar Kraak, and several managers from Nike and Reebok, in addition to notable social media influencers and the public. Commenting on the relaunch of the store, AAW Deputy CEO Khalid F. Al Mutawa said: “The Athlete's Foot has always been at the forefront of innovation delivering the latest and trendiest products to customers. Celebrating alongside the public we are delighted to relaunch The Athlete’s Foot’s flagship store at The Avenues Mall where sneaker enthusiasts in Kuwait are showcasing their Sport with Style through creative means, whether they are artists, musicians or entrepreneurs just starting out. I would like to thank everyone involved for their support and for continuing to pursue their passion, whatever they may be. Offering the widest selection of stylish athleisure footwear we look forward to welcoming you to our store and invite you to put more style into your game.” The Athlete’s Foot, a global retailer of lifestyle footwear, apparel and accessories for men, women and children offers a variety of footwear from lifestyle to casual-wear that are comfortable yet modern dedicated to sport with style, making it the best choice for sneakerheads to buy the latest footwear from their favorite brands. TAF stores can be found in The Avenues Mall, Discovery Mall, Al Fanar Complex, Gate Mall, Marina Mall, The Promenade Mall, Mishref CoOp and Kuwait International Airport.



Precise. Sophisticated. Calvin Klein city. A timeless and iconic design for those living a modern lifestyle. Featuring a stainless steel case accented by a minimal cool grey, blue, olive green or red dial, this impactful timepiece is coupled with a solid bracelet for a silhouette of appealing sobriety yet full of character. Each watch is finished with a “Calvin Klein” logo at 12 o’clock. Water resistant to 3 bar.

Cole Haan, the iconic American lifestyle footwear and accessories brand and retailer, is delighted to announce its Fall 2017 Extraordinary Women, Extraordinary Stories campaign featuring fashion icons Christy Turlington Burns and Karlie Kloss, lensed by acclaimed photographer Cass Bird. The campaign is a culmination of an all-women cast and crew. Showcasing these extraordinary women and laced with the narrative of the unique relationship between Burns and Kloss, the campaign features strikingly intimate candid video vignettes and editorial photographs, as well as classically cool styling by Karla Welch. Extraordinary Women, Extraordinary Stories explores the meaningful relationship between Christy and Karlie, bound by a shared desire for purposeful change. Each has been inspired to channel the success of their modeling careers to work toward positively impacting women’s lives through their respective initiatives: Kode with Klossy, empowering young women and girls to learn to code as well as become leaders in tech and, Every Mother Counts, providing support to mothers around the world with access to essential maternity care. Through a rare photo essay and video shorts, Bird captures intimate anecdotes and life lessons shared between Kloss and Burns as they aspire to do more, place passion with purpose, and embody the extraordinary. “When someone is extraordinary,” says Karlie Kloss, “they are being genuine to their unique passions and chasing their dreams.” Christy Turlington Burns notes, “What any of us do on any daily basis is very ordinary, very routine. Extraordinary is really born from being your best possible self in any of those given moments.” David Maddocks, Chief Marketing Officer and General Manager of Business Development at Cole Haan concurred, “Cole Haan is a rare leader among fashion and lifestyle companies in that we continuously seek to invent or reinvent footwear and accessories through beautiful design, research-based engineering, and with a thoughtful eye to style. For the launch of Cole Haan Collection and the release of the newest silhouettes in our Grand Series of products, we sought two equally rare individuals. What makes Karlie and Christy beautiful isn’t what they project on camera; it’s what they choose to do off camera. Living extraordinary lives filled with purpose is something everyone can aspire to have in common with them.” Reimagined to feature new silhouettes, materials, and hardware details, the premium fall women’s Cole Haan Collection footwear and handbags transcend the conventional, integrating both functionality and elegance. Italian leathers and supple velvet, with accents of warm metallic gold round off the footwear. Additionally, the Fall 17 Cole Haan Collection introduces a new generation of handbags, including a practical satchel, polished clutch and the perfect on-the-go smartphone crossbody, all featured in luxe ocelot print haircalf with elegant brass hardware details.

Gulf Bank Supports Entrepreneurs as Gold Sponsor of Fikra Program’s 3rd Edition

Building on its commitment to support Kuwaiti youth and economic development in the country, Gulf Bank announced its gold sponsorship of Fikra Program for the second consecutive year during a press conference on 1 October 2017 at Al Hamra Business Tower, Kuwait. Now in its third edition, the program provides aspiring entrepreneurs with the tools they need to start their own business. During the press conference, Fikra Program organizers noted that the website for applying to Fikra Program www.fikraprogram.com is open until 11 November 2017. Ms. Esra Al-Habib, Manager for Corporate Communications at Gulf Bank commended Fikra Program saying: “There is an abundance of talent and business potential in Kuwaiti youth and it is inspiring to see business training and incubation programs like Fikra Program being run by talented young Kuwaitis. Gulf Bank is committed to helping the next generation and such is proud to sponsor Fikra Program. We are looking forward to another excellent training program and to successful businesses emerging from Fikra Program.” Ms. Mariam Hisham Al Rayes, Fikra Program Manager at Cubical Services Business Incubator stated: “We are passionate about empowering aspiring entrepreneurs with creative business ideas and helping them achieve their dreams and we are proud to have Gulf Bank with us in this lifechanging journey.” Fikra Program also plays a fundamental role in advancing the local Kuwaiti market. It is an intensive entrepreneurship training program that provides aspiring entrepreneurs with the technical skills and business knowledge needed to launch their own businesses such as leadership skills, comprehensive business plan design, mentorship, financial analysis, media exposure, investment opportunities, and others. The first edition of the program alone resulted in establishing 33% of businesses, while 40% are still in the negotiation phase with investors. As for the entrepreneurs of Fikra Program- second edition which ended in May 2017, 20% are fully operational and the rest are close to operating. Combined the first and second edition of Fikra Program witnessed above 200 applications, 30 business ideas, 37 training sessions and 48 trained entrepreneurs. Fikra Program is under the kind patronage of H.E. Khaled Al Roudan, Minister of Commerce & Industry and Acting Minister of State for Youth Affairs and is proudly supported by Ministry of State for Youth Affairs, The National Fund for SME Development, Al Hamra Real Estate Company, Ali Abdulwahab Al Mutawa Commercial Co, Markaz Financial Center, Lexus Kuwait as a part of Al Sayer Group, and Grand Cinemas, and is managed by Cubical Services Business Incubator. For further details about Gulf Bank initiatives, please visit the Bank’s website: www.e-gulfbank. com or its social media accounts.

PRESS Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa organizes cooking sessions for the children Classic Sailing Fleet of the Kuwait’s Down Converges On Cannes Spanish fashion brand Syndrome Association For Final Stage Of The El Ganso celebrates 2017 Panerai Classic grand opening in Kuwait Yachts Challenge

Tissot Everytime Swissmatic Style is automatic

Tissot is adding a brand new movement to its collection, integrating it to one of its winning watches. A classical, timeless design, the sleek and clean face of the Tissot Everytime singles it out as a very modern watch. Adding to the contemporary essence of this timepiece is the Swissmatic movement, which allows the brand to offer an automatic watch at an unbeatable price. The secret lies in the automated process of its fabrication. Additionally, it provides up to three days of power reserve. Choices are infinite Wearers will delight in discovering the different options, whether it's a vintage-inspired stainless steel bracelet, a luxuriously smooth or crocodilestyle leather strap, or even a trendy NATO strap, the result is sure to be spectacular. Whichever your style or mood of the day, there is a Tissot Everytime to match. Style is automatic! Technical features •Swiss Made •Swissmatic movement with up to three days of power reserve •316L stainless steel case with scratch-resistant sapphire crystal •Water-resistant up to a pressure of 3 bar (30 m / 100 ft) •316L solid stainless steel bracelet with jewellery clasp •Leather strap, fabric strap or synthetic strap with standard buckle •All rose gold execution is PVD coating •Diameters: 40mm

Spanish fashion brand El Ganso has formally celebrated its Middle East debut with the grand opening of its first store at The Avenues in Kuwait at a ribbon-cutting ceremony attended by El Ganso CEO and co-founder Alvaro Cebrian and Alshaya’s Executive Chairman, Mohammed Alshaya. The store opened its doors for trading in September, and has already attracted an enthusiastic customer base who are drawn to the brand’s originality and hallmark use of distinctive details. Established in 2004 in the heart of Madrid, El Ganso offers fun and elegant clothing for individuals with class, who are in search of a unique style. The El Ganso style is a cosmopolitan look, with colours and ranges from preppy American looks to the more alternative Berlin style, and not forgetting a touch of English elegance. Every collection is designed in Spain and primarily manufactured in Europe from raw materials, using new fabrics and yarns from quality Italian houses such as Subalpino. Co-founder and CEO Alvaro Cebrian said: “We are delighted to be introducing El Ganso into Kuwait and the Middle East. Our design ethos is rooted in our experiences of global culture, and we are sure our hallmarks of confident colour, quality and innovative detail will appeal to fashion-forward consumers in this region. We design clothes, footwear and accessories to reflect the individuality of each person, and look forward to introducing customers to our brand.” Kuwait is now part of the El Ganso global story, joining over 200 stores in 11 countries, including stores in cities such as London, Paris, Milan, Madrid, Amsterdam, Berlin and Lisbon. The new El Ganso store will stock collections for both men and women, boasting styles and designs that reflect the individuality of nonconformists, who are in search of unique attire with a clear focus on design, quality, innovation and attention to detail.

Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa organized special cooking activities for the children of Kuwait Down Syndrome Association as part of its active involvement in supporting the society and local community. The hotel invited a group of children to engage in pizza and pasta making sessions. The children, who previously expressed their interest in learning to cook, had fun with their culinary creations after which they shared with everyone and enjoyed eating altogether. They also got creative with cupcake-making and marshmallow designing. General Manager Savino Leone said: “The Kuwait Down Syndrome Association plays an instrumental role in the lives of these children and we take pride in upholding our strong bond with them every year through various activities. It is heart-warming to see the children enjoying their time and being given the opportunity to develop their abilities, discover their hidden talents and realize their dreams.” Hessa Al Baloul, Deputy Chairman of Kuwait Down Syndrome Association, said: “We are fully appreciative of the efforts of the team at Jumeirah Messilah Beach Hotel & Spa in making our children feel so welcomed every time. These special experiences make a big difference and our long-standing relationship with the Hotel helped us greatly in advocating for this cause.”

After rounds at Antibes (FR), Porto Santo Stefano (ITA) and Mahon (ESP), the Panerai Classic Yachts Challenge, the leading international classic sailing circuit, reaches its official conclusion at Cannes between September 26 and 30. The 39th edition of Les Régates Royales de Cannes will culminate in the presentation of the end-of- season Panerai Trophies in the Vintage Yachts, Classic Yachts and Big Boats categories. The winners’ names will be added to the circuit’s Roll of Honour at the end of a very successful season: more than 250 historic craft, manned by around 2,000 crew, competed in the various stages of this year’s Challenge. In all, just under 90 yachts from more than 10 different nations will be converging on Cannes where they will be split into different categories according to their sailing rigs and year of construction. This is one of the world’s largest and most diverse historic boat fleets built between the end of the 19th century and the 20th century to designs by the great international yacht designers and yards, not least Fife in Scotland, Herreshoff and Sparkman & Stephens in the US, and Camper & Nicholsons in England. Also attending will be a fleet of at least 40 Dragons. The world’s largest one-design keelboat class, the Dragon was designed in 1929 by Norwegian architect Johan Anker and this year celebrates its 30th year at the French regatta. The most spectacular category at Cannes will be the aptly-named Big Boats, genuine giantesses of the sea stretching in the case of Elena of London, a replica of a 1911 schooner, to a massive 55 metres. Also there will be the 40-metre Cambria (1928) and Moonbeam IV (1914), formerly owned by Prince Rainier and Princess Grace of Monaco, both names already inscribed on the Panerai Trophy roll of honour. Hallowe’en (1926) is one of the strongest contenders for the season title in her class along with Moonbeam of Fife (1903). They will be joined on the water by the equallycompetitive Tuiga (1909), the flagship of the Yacht Club de Monaco and often helmed by Pierre Casiraghi. The Vintage category will see a slew of prestige contenders for the title pulling out all the stops to the final mark, not least Linnet, a 1905 New York Yacht Club 30, Spartan (1913), Enterprise and two New York 40s, Rowdy and Chinook, both launched at the Herreshoff yard in New York in 1916 but with rigs. Also in this group is Tilly XV (1912), holder of an important personal record: she is the first and only yacht to have competed in Panerai’s Caribbean regattas at Antigua, on the North American circuit and at Les Regatés Royales de Cannes in a single season! Vying for the Classic title this year will be, amongst others, Ardi (1968), representing the Club Nautico Versilia in Viareggio, Encounter (1976) and the historically-important Il Moro di Venezia I, chasing her third win after 2013 and 2015. Lulu (1897) will be celebrating 120 years since her launch – she boasts a long and glorious career that includes competing in the Paris Olympics of 1900. The two-master Veronique is also marking 110 years since she splashed in England in far-off 1907. The “younger” woodbuilt yachts expected include Cholita, Ellad, France, Havsornen (Sweden), Manitou (US) aboard which J.F. Kennedy used sail, and Skylark of 1937, all celebrating the passing of a mere eight decades since their launch. www.cpmagazine.net


Flamant Launches New Collection In Kuwait

A renewed location in Kuwait where craftsmanship meets luxury, as JaegerLeCoultre’s 360 Mall Boutique reopens.

It was an exclusive, glittering, invitation-only event, held on October 10th at Kuwait’s 360 Mall. In attendance were the brand’s VIP clients, the region’s top bloggers, Kuwaiti influencers, media and socialites. The occasion? A sumptuous evening that saw JaegerLeCoultre and its Kuwaiti partner, Behbehani, come together to celebrate the reopening of the refurbished, elegant ‘new concept’ JaegerLeCoultre boutique at the 360 Mall, ground floor. Jaeger-LeCoultre Brand Director, Marc de Panafieu welcomed guests, saying: “It is our pleasure to have our distinguished patrons and well wishers join us in celebrating this important moment, the reopening of our renovated boutique at the 360 Mall in Kuwait. Your presence and support this evening, at this event, is invaluable to the continued growth of our brand in this region.” Abdul Mohsen Behbehani, Director of Behbehani Group, who cut the opening ribbon along with Jaeger-LeCoultre’s top representatives said: “As Jaeger-LeCoultre’s partners in Kuwait, we at Behbehani are always proud to support and encourage the brand. The newly refurbished boutique is an opportunity to bring Jaeger-LeCoultre’s standards of excellence in watchmaking to yet another location in Kuwait, much to the delight of our loyal patrons. We are looking forward to its continued growth in the future.” As a watchmaker demonstrated JaegerLeCoultre’s intricate movements, guests were able to also take in the refurbished surroundings, to appreciate the inviting new interiors, and browse through the superb array of JaegerLeCoultre products, each selected as an example of the brand’s legendary craftsmanship and Swiss watchmaking traditions. The ‘new concept’ refurbished boutique features luxurious touches, understated tones, refined finishes and softly lit areas to create a space that is designed to feel welcoming, relaxed, elegant and exclusive. An extensive selection of renowned timepieces has been handpicked for display, the highlight of which is this year’s SIHH novelties.



Pottery Barn Kids teams up with Zakat House to initiate the “50/50 Giving Campaign” for children’s education

With the new school year around the corner, Pottery Barn Kids, known for its stylish and child-friendly furniture and accessories, collaborated with Zakat House Charity Organization to launch the “50/50 Giving Campaign” to support children’s education in Kuwait. The donation campaign aimed at helping children in need happily kick-start their school year with brand-new, stylishly-designed and durable school supplies. Starting August 27 till September 16, 2017, the campaign highlighted the use of a designated donations drop-box in store where customers were able to contribute to paying half the cost of a school backpack, while Pottery Barn Kids covered the remaining cost. By the end of the campaign, the collected backpacks were fully donated to Zakat House to be distributed among the school going children in need around Kuwait. The campaign coincided with Pottery Barn Kids’ annual “Back to School” collection, which features the latest school supplies and accessories with contemporary and fashionable designs including long lasting backpacks in creative designs, reusable lunch bags, fun lunch boxes and water bottles that come in an assortment of styles that keeps food and fluids fresh and encourages your little ones to eat healthy. Commenting on the collaboration, Pottery Barn Kids Operations Manager, Ben Lovatt, said: “We are pleased to kick-off this wonderful initiative, which is the first of its kind for the brand in Kuwait. To collaborate with Zakat House to adopt such a philanthropic project, reinforces our corporate social responsibility in giving back to the local community.” He added: “We hope that this new step will pave the way for many great opportunities for collaborations between the brand and Zakat House, to work hand-in-hand towards fulfilling our mutual objectives.” Head of Public Relations at Zakat House, Abdulaziz Al Batti said: “The Pottery Barn Kids’ Giving Campaign was initiated as part of their CSR strategy, and in line with our “Student Bag” Project which we launch every year to provide school bags to the children in need around Kuwait who are registered under Zakat House.” “The “Student Bag” Project for the upcoming academic year will provide around 12,600 school bags including classroom supplies to students of different age groups and will allow families to select the bags best fit for their children. We would like to thank Pottery Barn Kids for their heartfelt contribution towards this project, and we hope to see more companies in Kuwait take a step towards fulfilling their CSR roles in giving back to their community, too.” Al Batti added. Pottery Barn Kid’s initiative comes in line with the brand’s global focus to fulfilling its corporate social responsibility by carrying out different community projects including recycling, using sustainable and organic materials in manufacturing products, reducing energy consumption across its stores and reverting to renewable energy.

The most powerful Sport Turismo becomes a plug-in hybrid

Flamant, the renowned Belgian furniture brand recently unveiled their latest collection at their showroom in Al Rai at the Al Jerawy Gallery. A brand fit for royalty, Flamant was granted the Royal Warrant by His Royal Highness King Filip of Belgium and each piece is created with respect for craftsmanship, using natural quality materials sourced from small workshops all over the world. Flamant’s latest collection offers a multitude of styles that befits the Kuwaiti customer’s needs and aesthetic choices. From classic, country and Gustavian to modern vintage and contemporary urban design, Flamant merges past and present in perfect harmony making tradition and innovation, simplicity and design meet. Housing everything a modern yet traditional home would need, Flamant offers customers in Kuwait the opportunity to purchase everything from beautiful living room sets, bedroom or outdoor furniture, dewaniya sets and all types of accessories both large and small. Flamant offers an ultimate design experience through inviting customers to Belgium to select unique and limited products designed to meet their style. Ehab Zurqieh, Brand Manager of Flamant said “Kuwait is a sophisticated market when it comes to design and aesthetic choices. Consumers in Kuwait take pride in perfecting their home and Flamant is the perfect choice for them. It is a brand that combines tradition and modernity and we have carefully selected pieces that will appease the customer base here in Kuwait.” Flamant is located at Al Rai on Ghazali Road, next to Fantasy World and is open everyday from 10am till 10pm. Customers who would be interested to know more about the brand can also visit their Instagram page at @ flamantkuwait or call them at 1803040.

Porsche is expanding its hybrid range with a new Panamera Sport Turismo model line. The Panamera Turbo S E-Hybrid Sport Turismo flagship model will combine a four-litre V8 biturbo engine with an electric motor, producing a combined 680 hp (500 kW). Even when just above idle speed, the sporty saloon offers 850 Nm of torque, accelerates from zero to 100 km/h in 3.4 seconds and reaches a top speed of 310 km/h. The most powerful Sport Turismo has a range of up to 49 kilometres using solely electric power and therefore producing zero local emissions. It is not just the balance between performance and efficiency that makes this hybrid saloon unique in its segment; its design concept, which features a large tailgate, low loading edge, increased luggage compartment volume and a 4+1 seating configuration, results in the new top performer offering a high standard of everyday usability. Zero to 100 km/h in 3.4 seconds and 3.0-litre fuel consumption As with the Panamera sports saloon flagship model, Porsche is now also demonstrating the huge performance potential of hybrid technology with the Sport Turismo. The boost strategy used in the series-production allwheel drive Panamera Turbo S E-Hybrid Sport Turismo has been taken from the Porsche 918 Spyder super sports car. At revs as low as 1,400 rpm, the V8 biturbo (404 kW/550 hp) and the electric motor (100 kW/136 hp) deliver the maximum system torque of 850 Nm. The decoupler integrated into the hybrid module is electro-mechanically controlled via an Electric Clutch Actuator, resulting in shorter response times and a high level of occupant comfort. The fast-shifting, eight-speed Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK) transmits power to the standard adaptive all-wheel drive system Porsche Traction Management (PTM). The E-performance drive allows the vehicle to sprint from zero to 100 km/h in 3.4 seconds and a further 8.5 seconds to reach the 200 km/h mark, alongside a top speed of 310 km/h. Even with this level of performance, the plug-in hybrid model is extremely efficient, the result from the NEDC was fuel consumption of 3.0 l/100 km and power consumption of 17.6 kWh/100 km. The Turbo S E-Hybrid Sport Turismo has a range of up to 49 kilometres and a top speed of 140 km/h when driven solely on electric power, with no emissions. The lithium-ion battery has an energy content of 14.1 kWh and can be charged within 2.4 to 6 hours, depending on the charger and power connection.

At The Private Launch Event Of Brandatt - An E-Commerce Mobile Application Delivering High-End Brands In Kuwait And All Over The Gcc






1. A quarter multiplied by a third is a: Half; Quarter; Third; or Twelfth? 2. Isaac Asimov, Robert A Heinlein, and Arthur C Clarke are famous


writers of: Crime-thrillers; Science-Fiction; Children's Stories; or 1900s Broadway Musicals?






3. Plankton (including jellyfish, algae, krill) is named from Greek 'planktos', which refers to its defining feature: Drifter; Hunter; Poisonous; or Tasty?







4. Which one of these cheeses is not from and named after a Dutch city/place: Edam; Gouda; Emmental; or Leerdammer? 5. The planet Jupiter has how many known moons: None; One; Two; or Sixty-seven?


6. Barber, Debussy, Glass and Holst are: Occupational surnames; Composers; Diamond cuts; or Google brands?

7. The area of a right-angled isosceles triangle whose two short sides are 4cms each is how many square cms: 8; 10; 12; or 16?

8. The major UK/European mobile network corp EE was originally branded: Eccentric Egg; Everything Everywhere; Excellent Elephant or Electric Earhole?


9. Marfona, Charlotte, Jersey, and Desiree are: Atlantic islands; Potato varieties; Canadian state capitals; or Medieval German queens?


10. According to the iconic 1958 song, popularized futuristically again

Social _______ one of the most common anxiety disorders - is a

in 1985, 'Deep down in Louisiana close to New Orleans, Way back up in the woods among the (What sort of trees?) ?

persistent fear of social situations.

11. Comb, Spiral, Ring and Perfect are types of: Hair perming;









Ice-skating moves; Book-bindings; Solar flares; or Wedding cake decorations?

12. Mach 1 refers to the speed of: Gravity; Light; Sound; or the Starship Enterprise?

13. Which one of these is not a popular curry dish: Jalfrezi; Tikka Masala; Bhuna; or Wonton?

14. Which two of these are not 'open' (unfretted) strings of a conventionally tuned guitar: E, B, G, D, C, H?

15. According to the punning joke, the difference between a buffalo and a (What synonym?) is that you cannot wash your hands in a (What?) (two punning answers required)?

The thing to remember about phobia is that it describes an irrational fear. If you’re afraid of a black widow spider, for example, that’s not a phobia - it’s just smart, because the spider is poisonous. If you’re afraid of all spiders, however, and the sight of a harmless daddy long legs spider has you shaking in terror, then you may have a phobia. In this case, it's a phobia because your reaction is irrational.

scream and jump on top of a table, then you might suffer from a phobia.

b. A phobia is an intense and irrational fear of something. If seeing a spider makes you

16. A subaltern is an old word for an: Arranged marriage; Bank holiday; Army officer; or Curry starter dish?


17. Which one of these is not among the three most common gases of the Earth's atmosphere, instead being the most abundant chemical in the Universe: Nitrogen; Oxygen; Argon; or Hydrogen?

Mathematics Riddle A car covers a distance of 200km in 2 hours 40 minutes, whereas a jeep covers the same distance in 2 hours. What is the ratio of their speed?

to: Maisonette; Basement; Loft; or Full of gadgets? probes; Superman villians;or Twitter apps?

D. 5:4


C. 4:5

1.Twelfth (1/4 x 1/3 = 1/12), 2.Science-Fiction, 3.Drifter (plankton cannot swim against a current, and therefore drifts), 4.Emmental (from Switzerland, from the central Emmental valley area), 5.Sixty-seven, 6.Composers, 7.8 (this triangle equates to half a 4x4 square, cut diagonally), 8.Everything Everywhere, 9.Potato varieties, 10.Evergreens (from Chuck Berry's Johnny B Goode, which featured in the film Back to the Future), 11.Bookbindings, 12.Sound (typically of a moving object such a jet or spacecraft), 13.Wonton (a Chinese dumpling), 14.C and H, 15.Bison and Basin, 16.Army officer (typically below captain, eg 2nd lieutenant, from Latin sub, next below, and alternus, every other), 17.Hydrogen, 18.Cedilla (or cedilha), 19.Maisonette (typically a two-storey apartment note there are other interpretations around the world, but this is the general US/UK correlation, and in terms of the question, a duplex is never defined as a basement, loft or gadget-laden), 20.Fast cars (world record breaking)

B. 4:3


19. Common interpretation (UK/US) of a 'duplex' home mostly equates 20. Bloodhound, Bluebird, Koenigsegg, and Thrust are: Fast cars; Space

A. 3:4


18. The hook symbol joined under a letter (e.g., to the letter C, to soften the sound) is a: Streg; Circumflex; Cedilla; or Umlaut?

NOW AVAILABLE ON CP-STORE www.cpmagazine.net





(March 21 - April 19)

(July 23 - August 22)

(November 22 - December)

Get energized and enthusiastic at the October 5 full moon. Attract a new friend or lover who is willing to make a minor sacrifice or go out of his or her way for your benefit and pleasure. On October 11, the Mars-Saturn square could bring a hidden disagreement to light. Avoid fury but stand firm. Love and romance shine bright with the new moon on October 19. Be at your most attractive and seductive. A very passionate - and practical - romance could be in your near future. A clever word said at just the right moment may be what signals an approaching new love.

Your world rapidly expands when the full moon arrives on October 5. Meet more people, some of them exotic or with exotic tastes. Enjoy the variety and add your personal input as well. At the new moon on October 19, you could be the shining light in your neighborhood and immediate circle of siblings and cousins. You may not spend time with them all, but you will be in their thoughts, and you may hear from some of them. The sun conjoins Jupiter on October 26 and creates a very lucky situation that can correct a fundamental if annoying problem. Be grateful.

Creativity - or perhaps just your already bright sense of fun - bursts forth at the full moon on October 5. Do what makes your heart the happiest without spending the rent money on it. Friends want to play and be inspired, too. Jupiter leaves Libra and enters Scorpio on October 10. Focus on what matters most to you and make great progress during the coming months. At the October 19 new moon, break free of your routine social crowd and try something different. Don't overthink it. Perhaps you’re engrossed in work and could use some fresh ideas for fun and entertainment.




(April 20 - May 20)

(August 23 - September)

(December 22 - January 19)

Your most private opinions and cherished projects get a boost now with the full moon on October 5. You could connect privately with someone who shares your greatest passions. It might go nowhere, but it might go far. Health and happiness go together at the new moon on October 19. Your partner or favorite companion will urge you to take better care of yourself. We all can use a little support to remember those overlooked basics, such as getting enough rest. On October 27, the Venus-Pluto square puts romance under stress as tastes or desires could take a turn toward the wild side.

Make a fundamental change or two in your work or domestic life under the full moon on October 5. You may not even do it consciously, but you'll notice a big improvement in your finances and in a relationship with a friend or family member soon afterward. Around the new moon on October 19, you could get news regarding a financial matter. A check may finally clear or a loan or refinance could be approved. It's also possible a monetary gift could arrive. On October 24, the Mercury-Neptune trine adds a touch of inspiration to pump up an already clever idea. Make it shine.

There's no place like home with this full moon on October 5. Things are looking good at work and it feels even better to go home and feel even better still. A small personal treat is appropriate. Get a new coffee mug or a fun new app on your phone. Your career and work life are highlighted by the new moon on October 19. Organize your thoughts and make sure your work situation works for you. A wanted change or improvement might require a small sacrifice. On October 24, the moon conjoins Saturn and sensitizes you to what you and perhaps a loved one need most.




(May 21 - June 20)

(September 23 - October)

(January 20 - February 18)

The full moon on October 5 lights up your social life big time! Feel comfortable letting your friends choose where to go or what to do when you get there. You don't have to go along with everything, but there are a lot of good ideas for fun out there. Mercury enters Scorpio on October 17, and serious problems are suddenly more interesting and less annoying. You have more patience and persistence than you realize. Greater fun and games come your way with the new moon on October 19. You'll have plenty of company to share the expenses and have a great time.

Love beams directly into your heart around the October 5 full moon. If you've been saturated in your own concerns lately, that won't change, but a love interest will join in and bring a lot of happiness your way. The new moon on October 19 pumps you up and allows you to use all your charms to get what you want. Put together a plan, let people know, and watch them sign on. You have the authority now, too. On October 22, Mars enters Libra and adds passion and self-interest to relationships and social engagements. Enjoy life and company now more than ever.

Indulge your desire to hang out with your friends more under the full moon on October 5. They may not choose to do your favorite things, but that won't matter. Just being together means a lot now. On October 15, Mercury opposes Uranus and an idea or suggestion that once sounded great isn’t quite so appealing now. Take another look. Expand your horizons at the new moon on October 19. You may be in great shape at work, but you need a bigger world to truly thrive. Acknowledge a private passion and make it a bigger part of your life view.




(June 21 - July 22)

(October 23 - November)

(February 19 - March 20)

Watch for a work opportunity or career offer to appear around the full moon on October 5. Home life is stable if not peaceful. Feel secure enough to spread your wings and fly a bit higher. People are backing you. On October 12, the moon is in Cancer when Mercury sextiles Saturn. You can slow down or speed up, as needed, to fix something at home. The new moon on October 19 gives you a chance to turn the corner on a home project that has been in the back of your mind for far too long. Make yourself happy and finish it now.

Put yourself first at the full moon on October 5. If you’ve had a health issue or a desire to bump up your physical activity, address it now. Join a gym, go for a walk, or eat better, and be happy you did. On October 10, Jupiter enters Scorpio and brings you greater opportunities and generous actions for the next twelve months. Lay low but stay busy during the new moon on October 19. You may not see a lot of people, but you could talk to many who want your expertise and brainstorming skills. Feel smart and lucky. You are.

Money matters are illuminated by the full moon on October 5. A favor done in the recent past may come back to your advantage now. You might need to do something on your own behalf to get this started, but a small effort should be enough. On October 10, Jupiter leaves Libra and enters emotional Scorpio. Relate emotionally on a deeper, more constructive level. The new moon on October 19 gives you the chance to make a big difference by doing what to you is minor, easy, and simple. Be careful that you don't raise passionate and exaggerated expectations of gratitude, however.






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