CP April 2020

Page 1

APRIL 2020

since 2010

ISSUE: 124

LIFE BEHIND THE MASKS "The Quarantine Issue"



since 2010

APRIL 2020 CPmagazine

GROUP EDITOR Gill Sherry FASHION DIRECTOR Abir Achkar FASHION EDITORS Sandra Carina Yasmeen AlSalem

CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Aisha AlSanad Eman AlAwadh Hend AlSanad Iman Matwally Jim West Jose Berrocoso Nada AlMuzaini Paul Tunbridge Sana Mrad Yassarina



PHOTOGRAPHY TEAM Ahmed Madi Hamad Alainati Adel Javed Riyaz Modadi


SALES TEAM Nathalie Rolland



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On the cover: Fatimah Hossaini Directed by: Fatimah Hossaini @fatimahhossaini Styled by: Laman Fashion House Photographed by: Tahmeena Salar



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contents ART



22. Life Behind The Masks

8. Back To Basics 11. ‫من الذي سينقذ العالم اليوم؟‬ 12. Covid-19 Crisis And Its Impact On

28. Childhood Trauma & Mental Health

BEAUTY 60. Quercetin

ENTERTAINMENT 34. New Book Releases For April 2020



Migrant Workers In The State Of Kuwait 44. Talent Radar: Bazza Alzouman SOCIAL DIARY From A Legal Perspective 62. CP Journal 14. Staying At Home 17. ‫لمسامحة‬ 18. 10 Virtual Workshops To Try From Around

30. SERRBB - The Spirit Of Morocco The World 42. Ramadan 2020 Collection From Kate 20. Tips For Keeping Your Home Clean In

TRAVEL 37. Bonus Miles - Skylark Negril 50. Top 5 Places Around Riyadh

Spade New York The Time Of Covid-19 43. Five Wardrobe Essentials To Complete 58. Quarantutorial With Dubai Opera Singer The Stay-Home Look Bettina Schweiger REGULARS 48. Quarantine Attire FITNESS 52. Loungewear 41. Gym Closed, No Equipment? No 66. Homework For Grownups 54. The World Of Hindamme 68. Horoscopes Problem.




Gill Sherry

BASICS Wherever you are in the world, you cannot escape the subject of the life-threatening virus that is wreaking havoc across the globe. In the UK, having only just recovered from the boredom of Brexit, we’re now faced with a much more serious headline-dominating subject. The effects of COVID-19 are significant and far-reaching and whilst we were able to switch off from Theresa May’s ‘Brexit means Brexit’ crusade and Boris Johnson’s ‘Let’s get Brexit done’ mantra, we can’t ignore the on-going threat of the coronavirus pandemic. 8

APRIL 2020

The health and economic consequences have been, and will continue to be, catastrophic. But what lessons can we learn from this unprecedented occurrence? We know that washing our hands frequently can help prevent the spread of infectious diseases. We know that stock piling toilet rolls and other essential items is needless and selfish. And now we also know that self-isolation is not a hardship but an opportunity. With major cities forced to shut down, people found themselves remembering the words of another former Conservative leader. John Major’s ‘Back to Basics’ campaign was designed to promote traditional values such as (to use his words) neighbourliness, decency and courtesy. These basic principles are vital when faced with something as life-changing as COVID-19 but it shouldn’t take a global pandemic to remind us of their importance. Rather than complain about the things that are absent, the key is to embrace the things that are present. With sporting events and theatre performances postponed, flights and holidays cancelled, and restaurants and cafes closed, what better time to rediscover the joy of family life? It’s all too easy to turn on the television and binge on boxsets but where’s the satisfaction in that? Blow the dust off those board games, retrieve that guitar from the loft, find those song sheets on your laptop. Try baking, gardening or decorating. Test yourselves with a family quiz. And don’t forget to catch up with those friends and family members you’ve been promising to call. Facetime and Skype are free of charge but

incredibly rewarding. The people of Italy were the first to embrace their enforced isolation by demonstrating the power of music with impromptu performances from windows and balconies. This captured the hearts of nations and reminded us not just of the importance of togetherness but also the relevance of passion. Despite the exceptional and challenging circumstances, passion for life should prevail. In a time when freedom of choice and freedom of movement are taken for granted, it’s hard to accept advisory or mandatory restrictions. As social beings, being asked to stay indoors and self-isolate goes against our natural instincts. But instead of seeing this as time stolen, consider it as time gained. Remember the joy of laughter and the importance of hope. It’s easy to forget life’s simple pleasures such as music, singing and reading but they are perfect examples of the ‘back to basics’ theory. It’s also easy to overlook those people who are taking care of the sick. Care workers and medical staff are working exceptionally long hours in incredibly difficult circumstances, putting themselves at risk by putting others first. These people are true heroes and should be treated as such, even when this pandemic eventually comes to an end. Life has a habit of throwing us challenges. Coronavirus, like any other challenge, will be overcome. It’s how we deal with it that makes all the difference.






‫من الذي سينقذ‬ ‫العالم اليوم؟‬ ‫د‪ .‬دينا عبدالكريم الشمري‬

‫‪Dr. Dina A.Karim Al-Shammeri‬‬

‫في ظل هذه الظروف وبعد أن ُغسلت عقول أبنائنا بهوس‬ ‫متابعة وتقليد بعض مشاهير السوشيال ميديا دعونا اآلن نعيد‬ ‫ترتيب أفكارهم وأولوياتهم‪ ،‬ولندفعهم لالستفادة من هذا الظرف‬ ‫بالتفتيش عن الموعظة والعبرة فيه‪.‬‬ ‫تأثرت معظم بناتنا بالفاشنستات و كذلك بعض األوالد ببعض‬ ‫المشاهير الذين ال يملكون إال التفاهات‪ ،‬و اليوتيوبرز الذين يجنون‬ ‫المال و يحصلون على الشهرة دون مبرر مقنع ونشر التحديات‬ ‫الغير مجدية‪ ،‬لدرجة أنهم بدأوا يهملون الدراسة نوعا ما أو‬ ‫يذا كرون فقط من أجل الدرجات أو خوفا من أبويهم‪.‬‬ ‫اليوم فرصتنا أن ننبه أبناءنا و نوعيهم بطرح هذا السؤال‪:‬‬ ‫في الظرف الذي نعيشه مع هذا الوباء‪ ،‬من الذي سينقذنا في إيجاد‬



‫العالج و في حمايتنا وإنقاذ العالم ؟؟؟‬ ‫هل يا ترى فاشنستا أم مشهور ما؟؟؟‬ ‫اليوم لن ينقذنا غير العلم‪ ،‬هؤالء العلماء المخلصين الذين‬ ‫يعملون ليال ونهارا ال يكلون وال يملون من البحث والدراسة من‬ ‫أجل إعمار األرض‪ ،‬اليوم سنتابع عالِم ينبؤنا و يبشرنا باكتشاف‬ ‫عالج ينقذ البشرية‪ ،‬هذه فرصتكم لتلفتوا أنظار أبناءكم للعلم و‬ ‫أهمية الدراسة و أنه في يوم من األيام سيكونون هم مكان هؤالء‬ ‫العلماء الذين لن يعيشوا إلى األبد لينقذوا العالم من األوبئة‬ ‫والدمار و توضحوا لهم أن العالِم المخلص ال يسعى إلى الشهرة‬ ‫والثناء عليه‪ ،‬بل هو جندي مجهول يبحث و يعمل من أجلنا‪ ،‬من‬ ‫أجل البشرية دون أن يفرق بين األديان والجنسيات‪.‬‬

Atyab Alshatti

Human Rights Lawyer

Crisis And Its Impact On Migrant Workers In The State Of Kuwait From A Legal Perspective The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has impacted the lives of people immensely. In order to address this crisis, the government of the State of Kuwait adopted several precautionary resolutions. One of these resolutions was the suspension of work at the governmental sector. This resolution also mentioned that workers shall be provided with a fully-paid leave during the suspension period. Workers were deemed in office during the suspension period so that their rights remain preserved. In addition, the government imposed a curfew and suspended several activities, which led to the partial closure of many shopping centers and malls including car repair shops, women and men salons, and gyms. This directly impacted labor contracts for those working in the private sector as per the Labor Law No. 6 of 2010. In these exceptional circumstances, several questions are being been raised regarding labor rights under the above-mentioned law: 1- Can the employer terminate the labor contract with the worker?

The adopted resolutions do not entail the permanent closure of any of the establishments mentioned therein. The resolutions stipulate a number of temporary precautionary measures, leading to the temporary or partial closure of some establishments. Such measures also disrupt the normal flow business and could incur huge losses. According to Article 50 of the said law, the employer is not allowed to terminate the labor contract with the worker: “The employment contract shall be deemed terminated… if the establishment was permanently closed” and this does not apply in the current circumstances. Furthermore, the contract cannot be terminated due to force majeure, as this requires the impossibility to implement contractual obligations. This is not generally applicable in this case. One must refer to the provisions of the labor 12

APRIL 2020

law before applying a general principle such as the force majeure. The reason is that labor law is a private law, and the rule is private laws limit general principles. Articles 44-50 of the labor law mention the different cases where the labor contract shall be terminated. Exceptional circumstances that lead to the temporary closure of the establishment is not among them. Articles 45 and 46 impose restrictions to the employer when terminating the labor contract: 1- Article 45: “The employer shall not use the right of termination granted to him … when the worker is enjoying one of the leaves stipulated in this Law.” 2- Article 46: “The service of the worker shall not be terminated without any justification.” Furthermore, Article 61 states that: “The employer shall pay the workers’ remunerations during the closure period, in the event where he deliberately closes the establishment to force the workers to obey and submit

to his demands. He shall also pay the remuneration of workers throughout the complete or partial period of closure in case such closure is due to any other reason not related to the workers as long as the employer wishes them to keep working for his account.” This means that the suspension of an establishment for a reason beyond the worker’s control does not constitute a legitimate reason for the termination of the labor contract. Therefore, the employer must not terminate the labor contract regardless of the reason of the establishment’s suspension if the reason is beyond the workers’ control and if the employer wishes the workers continue to work for him. Article 61 also mentions that the employer is required to pay the workers’ wages during the entire duration of the establishment’s partial or complete suspension, which is beyond the workers’ control.

2- Is it possible to consider the labor contract on hold?

If the labor contract cannot be terminated in the current exceptional circumstances, is the employer allowed to put the contract on hold until the circumstances resolve? Is it possible to temporarily stop the worker from working and the employer from paying the wages? According to the labor law, labor contracts can be suspended in some cases: 1. The contract can be suspended for a period of no more than 10 days in the interests of an investigation. 2. The contract can be suspended in cases when it is impossible to implement the contract, such as when Iraqi invasion happen in 1990 (verdict of the Cassation Court precedes the issuance of law no. 6 of 2010). Article 61 of the Labor Law does not stipulate that it is allowed to suspend the labor contract if the establishment is closed for a reason beyond the worker’s control. The article requires the employer to continue to pay the wages of the workers as long as the employer wants them to continue to work for him. Moreover, the Public Authority of Manpower has stated that employers whose business are suspended must not force their workers to leave on periodic leaves or deduce from their salaries.


Q1: How do the consequences of the Coronavirus affect labor contracts in the private sector from a legal perspective?

1. As per the law, the employer is required to provide safety equipment in the workplace. He is also required to send to quarantine those who are suspected to carry the virus and those who are already infected by the virus. 2. The employer has the right to identify the periods of paid annual leaves for the workers during any time of the year. 3. If the infected worker was given a sick leave, the employer may not dismiss the worker from the job during his leave. 4. As per the labor law, the employer is required to pay the full wages of the workers during the partial/complete suspension of the establishment, except when the employer decides to terminate the services of the worker as per the procedures identified in the law. In this case, the worker is entitled to receive his full entitlements as per law no. 6 of 2010 (3-month notice allowance – end of service benefit – leave balance allowance – overtime – flight tickets… etc.) 5. The employer is not allowed to force the worked to take an unpaid leave.

5. Is the Coronavirus force majeure or exceptional circumstances that affect the commitments of the parties?

Topic of comparison

Force majeure – Article 215 of the civil law

Ability to implement the commitments

Fulfillment is exhausting to the debtor

Fulfillment is impossible: 1. Absolutely impossible 2. Partially impossible

Legal Consequences

During the implementation of contract, unexpected general exceptional circumstances occur. These circumstances make implementation of the commitments more exhausting. As a result, the employer may seek the courts to lessen the burden of the commitments; he may request to decrease the wage of the workers to decrease his losses. While implementation of the commitments is not yet “impossible” it is still exhausting. Such threaten the employer and may cause huge losses. Therefore, the judge may consider the circumstances and look into the interests of both parties and then deem void any agreement that causes exhausting commitments (like what we see in current times when employers force workers to work and decrease their wages in return of not ending their service). The judge can amend the contractual rights and commitments when circumstances change immensely (such as cost + price changes) that could not be foreseen and in a manner that cause unusual huge losses to the employer and were not due to negligence of the workers.

Contract would be terminated by default. In legally binding contracts, when a force majeure situation happens that makes implementing the commitments impossible, such commitments are void and the contract would be terminated by default. If the commitments are partially impossible, the impossible part shall be void. Partial impossibility can be temporal in contracts, and in both cases, the creditor may terminate the contract given that the debtor is aware of such.

Applicability to resident workers

Most likely, provisions of exceptional circumstances will be applied on private contracts for workers in the private sector. This is because according to the governmental resolution, some sectors of the private sector are still in duty. However, the court has the absolute authority to determine whether the provisions of the exceptional circumstances or force majeure shall apply.

3. Is the employer allowed to decrease the worker’s wage?

Article 28 of the labor law forbids decreasing the worker’s wage during the contract, whether the contract’s period is defined or not. Any agreement prior or after the signing of the contract that violates this rule is considered void. The employer is not allowed to decrease the wage of the worker during the contract’s period, even if such was based on a mutual agreement between the employer and worker. The article stipulates that any agreement to decrease the worker’s wage is void, as it is a suspicious act. Nevertheless, some base their views on general rules and see that it is permissible to decrease the wage of a worker during such exceptional circumstances, especially that the employer’s commitments are too great, and he may be facing huge losses. Based on Article 198 of the law-decree no. 67 of 1980 issuing the civil law, the judiciary may consider the interests of both parties and lower any exhausting commitment into a reasonable level either by decreasing its size or increasing the return. The employer is not allowed to decrease the wage by himself; it must be done though the court which would consider the interests of both parties. This remains under the discretion of the court which investigates the exceptional circumstances.

4. Is it allowed to consider the period of suspension as a paid leave?

Article 72 states that, “The employer shall have the right to determine the date of the annual leave and divide such leave after the first 14 days thereof, with the consent of the worker. The worker shall have the right to accumulate his leave entitlements provided that they do not exceed two years and he shall be entitled to take his accumulated leave all at once subject to the approval of the employer.” In addition, Article 71 stipulates that, “The worker shall be paid for his annual leave before taking such leave.” The annual leave is a right of the worker. He shall not waive his annual leave with or without compensation as mentioned in Article 74 of the law. This means that the employer is allowed to reach an agreement with the worker to consider the period of suspension of some of the activities as the worker’s annual leave thus deducting from his leave balance. It should be noted that in this case, the worker has the right to acquire his wage for the suspension period in advance, which may constitute an additional burden to the employer. In case no agreement was reached, the suspension period must not be deducted from the worker’s leave balance. The worker must not be forced to do so, especially when the current circumstances may affect his ability to enjoy his annual leave. Therefore, this would go against the purpose of giving the worker this right in the first place.

Exceptional circumstances–Article 198 of the civil law





APRIL 2020

nadia_omnia enquiries.nadia@gmail.com

STAYING AT HOME Shaping the Best Version of You

During this historic period in time, where it will be a legendary “when I was your age” story to share with your children, nephews or nieces it is also a period where people have developed limiting beliefs about the things you can do from home, or have been forced to self-reflect or have been pleasantly surprised to find that they have a creative side. This “staying at home” ordeal has done more good that one can imagine for the human race and below are some ways to join the “progressive stay-at-home movers and shakers”.

Nadia AlHaroon

Removing Limiting Beliefs For some reason, the lockdown being faced due to the coronavirus has led people to feel and believe that they are “stuck” or that there isn’t much they can do. I hear people often complain about how they are unable to work out, or socialize or go to the movies where in reality, technology has made almost everything possible from the comfort of your own home. Even if you do not have weights, to work out from home we tend to forget that there are ways to compromise like using water bottles or using your own body weight. Many people are using apps now to socialize where groups of people will install and even play games while catching up.

Self-Reflection The crazy thing about this ordeal is that it is cornering people into having no choice but to reflect on everything in their lives. Whether it is their behavior towards people, situations or events or something else like their relationships. The way you reach to self-reflection isn’t easy. You may deal with negative emotions first. You may experience anger, sadness or irritability. The best thing you can do when dealing with these negative emotions (also referred to as negative vibrations) is to observe it for what it is. Look at the emotions detached from yourself. What do

you see when you look at the emotion? Is it a color or a person or perhaps an event? Now ask yourself why do you feel this emotion. When you reach to the answer, ask yourself again “and why so?”. Every time you come up with an answer, ask the question again until there are no more answers. Keep on practicing this during the week every time you are dealing with a negative emotion. You may start to observe yourself no longer having those impulses to react the same anymore. You may also notice that your perspective on things have changed.

Unleashing the Inner Creativity This period is also great to release our inner talents that we have either forgotten or never came around to because of the “hustle and bustle of life”. The time we are able to allocate to activities such as painting or cooking or making videos is so much more rewarding than this time we used to allocate to socializing. We tend to gravitate towards socializing because it is easier and requires little to know mental or physical effort compared to a hobby that takes time to get good at. Unleashing are creative juices are devoured with the end product. Whether it is a finished piece of art, or the gastronomy style meal that you prepared it is the end result that is rewarding and gives us that natural high. www.cpmagazine.net


.‫ مميز‬.‫ حصري‬.‫حلو‬

.‫مع أحمد الزامل‬


Iced AZ Latte




AZ Latte


‫المسامحة‬ ‫‪Lulwa AlKhamees‬‬

‫قرائي االعزاء بما انه شهر رمضان ‪...‬‬ ‫وكل عام وانتم بخير ‪..‬‬

‫والنه شهر كريم وشهر تسامح‪..‬‬ ‫موضوعي اليوم عن (المسامحة)‬ ‫كلنا نتمنى عالقات تسودها المحبة والتسامح ‪ ..‬ولكن في بعض‬ ‫االحيان ال نستطيع ان نسامح الطرف االخر‪..‬‬ ‫وهذا ما اسمعه غالبا من عمالئي‪...‬‬ ‫اليوم الناس تظن انه مفهوم المسامحة هو قبولي ل اعتذار الطرف‬ ‫المخطيء وترجع المياه ل مجاريها‪.‬‬ ‫ال‪..‬‬ ‫المفهوم الصح للمسامحة هو التوقف عن الشعور بالغضب اتجاه‬ ‫الشخص المخطيء‪.‬‬ ‫المسامحة لنفسك‪.‬‬ ‫اليوم المطلوب منك فقط هو عدم الشعور بالغضب والتحرر من‬ ‫هذا الشعور السلبي‪...‬‬ ‫النه هذا الشعور الدي تحمله س يدمرك ويدمر عالقاتك الحالية‬ ‫والمستقبلية مع االخرين‪...‬‬ ‫والخبر المفرح انك بإستطاعتك ان تسامح وتمضي قدما في‬ ‫حياتك‪ ،‬من غير ان تتعامل مع الطرف االخر او ترجع العالقة كما‬ ‫كانت‪...‬‬ ‫يبقى االحترام فقط ‪ ...‬ك اي غريب تقابله في حياتك ‪...‬‬ ‫تذكر عندما تسامح لنفسك اوال و ل عالقاتك المستقبلية‪.‬‬ ‫‪17‬‬



Virtual Workshops to Try from Around the World Latifah Al-Hazza

As someone who constantly has the travel bug, I understand how anxious it can get staying at home until further notice. I have tried a number of virtual workshops from hosts around the world that have eased my mind and lifted my spirits.


APRIL 2020

Learn to Make Pasta from an Italian

Learn how to make pasta from scratch with an 84-year-old Italian grandmother. A different recipe is made each day and a list of ingredients will be sent to you a week in advance. All recipes have been passed down from generation to generation within the family. This is a 2-hour experience.

Study for Ivy League Courses

Eight Ivy League Schools have developed over 450 free online courses that range from business to humanities to social sciences. https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/ivy-league-free-online-coursesa0d7ae675869/


Sweat it Out in Workout Classes Design a Beautiful Flower Arrangement Stay fit while at home by downloading the Tone It Up application. with a New Yorker Most workouts use bodyweight only or require a minimal amount Flower Bodega teaches the fundamentals of floral arranging, from the basic tools you will need to how to condition your flowers before arranging them. In this class, you’ll create a spring arrangement.

of equipment. All classes are free.


Learn how to meditate with Headspace. They offer meditation for stress relief, anxiety, sleep and healthy living.


Practice Meditation https://www.headspace.com/

Join in on a Women’s Gatherings

Quilt offers you a community full of women wherever you are in the world. They’re currently hosting virtual conversations about topics such as self-healing, disco dance parties, relationship survival, belly dancing and many more! Download the Quilt app to RSVP. https://wearequilt.com/

Start a Book Club Take Art History Courses at MoMa

The Museum of Modern Art’s mission is ‘helping you understand, enjoy and use the art of our time’. MoMA is currently offering free courses like ‘Art & Ideas: Teaching with Themes’ and ‘Fashion as Design’. https://www.coursera.org/moma

Start a book club with Goodreads. Keep track of what books you read, give ratings for books, and follow friends! https://www.goodreads.com/

Test your Knowledge in a Live Quiz

You will be asked questions live on YouTube, you write them down and at the end of each round, they’ll give you the answers. There are no overall prizes, but if you stay tuned throughout the live session they’ll try and run some giveaways via the live chat. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxnRWhOSWAQlkzyR8wl2caA

Bake Delicious Bread with a Brit

London’s Bread Ahead Bakery is offering free bread baking classes every day. Learn to bake various types of bread daily on Instagram Live. From bagels to gluten-free orange cakes to sourdough bread, they’re sharing their favorite recipes with us. Check out their schedule to make sure you have all the ingredients beforehand. https://linktr.ee/breadahead




While social distancing and self-isolation can prevent people from being infected by the novel coronavirus via respiratory droplets, the possibility of infection via surface contamination is not completely resolved through these measures, and other precautions are advisable. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) believes the virus is spread primarily when healthy people come in close personal contact with a person who has COVID-19 who is coughing or sneezing. However, the health protection agency has not ruled out the possibility that someone could get the virus from touching something that has been contaminated and then touching their own mouth, nose or eyes. Family medicine physician Neha Vyas, M.D., sheds some light on what we do and don’t know so far about how the 2019 novel coronavirus lives on surfaces, and what you can do to minimize your risk at home. How long does the 2019 novel coronavirus live on surfaces?

A: A yet-to-be-published study conducted by scientists from the CDC, National Institutes of Health and other institutions suggests that the 2019 novel coronavirus can live for two to three days on plastic and stainless steel surfaces. With that in mind, it is a good idea to keep for people to keep their homes clean during this time. If someone in the household is sick, it is especially important to disinfect high-touch surfaces in in the home every day, including doorknobs, handles, tables, countertops, keyboards and light switches. The CDC recommends these tips for disinfecting surfaces in your home: If a surface is visibly dirty, clean it with soap and water first, then use a disinfectant. Wear disposable gloves. Make sure you have good ventilation in the area where you are cleaning. Use a diluted household bleach solution, or an alcohol-based solution with at least 70% alcohol. The Environmental Protection Agency has a list of cleaning products that meet its criteria for use against the 2019 novel coronavirus. Follow instructions on the cleaning product’s label, and check to make sure it has not expired. Wash your hands when you are finished.

Do items of food require special cleaning?

A: The 2019 novel coronavirus causes respiratory illness, not foodborne illness – meaning it affects the lungs, not the digestive system. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, there is currently no reason to believe that the virus has been spread via food or food packaging. However, officials still urge everyone to follow basic food safety guidelines that call for washing your hands before eating or preparing food, using clean utensils, and properly preparing and storing food. Restaurants and delivery services should also be following safe food preparation and handling practices. 20

APRIL 2020

Are delivered packages safe?

A: While the previously mentioned CDC scientists’ study found that the virus can live for up to 24 hours on cardboard, the CDC asserts that chances are low that the virus spreads from packaging that is shipped over a period of days at ambient temperatures.

Can the virus be spread through water?

A: There is no evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread through drinking water or use of pools or hot tubs, according to the CDC.

Can the virus live on clothes?

A: Specific research has not been done on how long this virus can survive on clothes, towels or other fabrics. However, it is still advisable to change and wash clothes regularly – especially when returning from the grocery store or for people who still need to report to work every day. The CDC recommends using the warmest appropriate water setting for clothes and drying them completely. In addition, do not shake laundry items until they are cleaned, as this could potentially disperse germs from clothes when they are dirty. If you are caring for someone who is sick, their clothes can be washed with the other household items, but disposable gloves should be worn when handling them and hands washed with soap and water as soon as the gloves are removed. In addition, it is important to disinfect hampers and the knobs on the washer and dryer.

Could the virus be carried on skin?

A: Germs can live on different parts of the body, but the main concern here is people’s hands. Hands are what are most likely to come in contact with germy surfaces and then touch the face, which is a potential path of transmission for the virus. People can continue to shower regularly as they normally would, but there is no need to wash the whole body multiple times a day like they should their hands.



Life Behind the Masks


APRIL 2020

We follow the news every day, we hear about bad news and all negative vibes. This is the time to keep our spirits high and spread the positive vibes – conveying the message that we’re all in this together. Here are the self portraits of Fatimah Hossaini, Afghan photographer and artist who tries to mark this period of time during the pandemic health crisis in a positive and artistic way. We hear enough nerve-racking and painful news about the world in the time of COVID19 every day. It’s time to play with colors and involve art and fashion to keep the balance and hope. One day, everything will get back to normal, but it’s the best time to become a hero by taking precautions to avoid spreading the virus. In this collection, we have tried to convey this message by mixing art and fashion. The Creative Director in this staged photography collection is Fatimah Hossaini and the photographer is Tahmeena Salar, collection design is by Laman Fashion House and the CEO, Rahiba Rahimi, in the time of Campaign LaMask.




APRIL 2020




APRIL 2020




Definition, Signs, & Resources Physical health ailments in children can be easy to identify and treat, especially in some instances. A scraped knee can indicate whether a toddler has been hurt, or parents can check whether a child has a cold or fever simply by using a thermometer.However, identifying and addressing trauma in a child can be much more difficult. Parents may not recognize signs of a child’s depression or anxiety. They may not be aware of certain mental and emotional health conditions, let alone if their children are experiencing them or other trauma. Additionally, a child’s trauma can stay with them as they grow older and potentially impair their ongoing mental health. Treating childhood trauma and emotional health is a complex challenge. It requires extensive education about children’s mental health, as well as a firm understanding of the necessary tools and treatments that can help these young individuals. Dedicated professionals, such as those who graduate from a master’s in social work program, understand the scope and severity of childhood trauma and what steps need to be taken to help patients.


APRIL 2020

Childhood Trauma Definition According to the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), trauma or a traumatic event is something that is frightening, dangerous or violent and poses a threat to a person’s safety and security. Based on this definition, childhood trauma can refer to a child being physically attacked — whether intentionally or accidentally — by another child, a parent, another adult or even a pet or animal. It can also be caused by a non-violent event, such as a parent or an adult shouting at a child, a child almost being hit by a car, or even the sudden loss of a friend or relative.However, childhood trauma is not only caused by events that a child directly experiences. According to the NCTSN, “witnessing a traumatic event that threatens the life or physical security of a loved one can also be traumatic. This is particularly important for young children as their sense of safety depends on the perceived safety of their attachment figures.” A child witnessing a parent being verbally or physically abused within the family, or watching a sibling or friend being assaulted or attacked by another adult, can also result in childhood trauma. Ultimately, indirectly experiencing a traumatic event differs from other childhood mental and emotional health conditions because it can have a negative health impact throughout a person’s life. For example, an adult who experienced a traumatic event as a child, such as a parent or adult abusing them, can experience negative mental health effects such as anxiety or depression even though the event took place many years ago. The adult may fixate on the childhood abuse or traumatic event and in turn, experience a decline in mental health. They may also experience prolonged anxiety or depression without realizing or understanding why.Because there are many types of events that could potentially traumatize a child, pinpointing the concept of childhood trauma can be difficult. For example, one sibling who experiences verbal abuse by a parent may not suffer any negative health outcomes, while another sibling may experience that same event as traumatic.

Symptoms and Signs of Childhood Trauma Childhood trauma can affect children and adults in a variety of ways. However, there are common signs and symptoms to look for. According to the Center for Early Childhood and Mental Health Consultation at Georgetown University’s Center for Child and Human Development (ECMHC), symptoms of trauma in infants include eating and sleep disturbances, irritability, becoming easily startled and demonstrating aggressive behaviors. For children 3-6 years old, symptoms can include anxiety and fearfulness, inattention, irritability and sadness and depression. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, notes signs of childhood trauma among elementary school children. These can include feelings of guilt and shame, as well as difficulties with sleeping and concentrating. For middle and high school students, SAMSHA states that symptoms can include depression, eating disorders, self-harming behaviors and abuse of drugs and alcohol. But the signs and symptoms of childhood trauma may not end with adolescence. They may linger on and impact adulthood as well. For example, a traumatic event may impair a student’s ability to concentrate and perform well in academic environments. This in turn could lead to suspensions, expulsions and reduced educational and professional opportunities going forward. Childhood trauma can also result in physical health ailments such as heart disease and diabetes. Additionally, it can be a primary cause of substance abuse or addictive disorders, SAMSHA states.Equally important to remember is that just as a child may experience a traumatic event

in their own unique way, the symptoms of childhood trauma can vary from person to person. Individuals who experience the same traumatic childhood event may develop distinctly different physical, mental and emotional symptoms.

Resources to Address Childhood Trauma There are various resources and services to assist individuals who have experienced and have been negatively impacted by childhood trauma.

Mental Health Practitioners Mental health practitioners can help children and adults who may have experienced traumatic events and are exhibiting symptoms and negative behaviors. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), this can include helping a child understand their trauma and their reactions, as well as helping them to, “identify and use their existing coping skills and know when to ask for additional help.” Additionally, mental health practitioners can follow up with patients after observing their initial trauma symptoms, help parents and adults understand the child’s trauma and their reactions to it, and assess present and future risk factors.

Local and National Services When childhood trauma is a result of an abusive, neglectful and illegal action, there are options available to children, parents and other individuals. They have the ability to contact authorities and share information regarding alleged abuse to prevent further harm from being inflicted on the child. An excellent resource is The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at: 1-800-422-4453. Here, callers can communicate with dedicated counselors around the clock. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s Cyber Tipline answers and addresses concerns and claims regarding suspected child sexual abuse and exploitation. Individual states and cities also frequently offer services for reporting and stopping child abuse.

Family, Friends and Loved Ones Families, parents and trusted adults can also help children address and overcome their trauma. If a child experiences a traumatic event within their home or neighborhood, parents can help the child cope with any resulting anxiety, stress or other ailments, according to the Child Mind Institute. This may include removing the traumatic item or stressor entirely, or helping show the child that the item or event is not dangerous. For example, if a child has become afraid of lightning and thunder and is experiencing trauma, the family can help the child understand that they are safe, they can remove the child from the event, or provide items such as a security blanket or stuffed animal. Even if the event does not seem traumatic or dangerous to others, parents should still show empathy and listen to the child’s concerns.

Nonprofit Organizations There are many nonprofit organizations that are committed to raising awareness of childhood abuse and trauma. Some focus on making the public more cognizant of the harms of childhood trauma, while others provide services and resources to those who have been afflicted by trauma. The Child Welfare Information Gateway has an extensive list of organizations that are dedicated to addressing childhood trauma. Additional childhood trauma resources may exist at the local, city and state levels.

This article is contributed by: University of Nevada, Reno Masters of Social Work online program and is originally published on their website: https://onlinedegrees.unr.edu/online-master-of-social-work/childhood-trauma-and-mental-health/







THE SPIRIT OF MOROCCO The vision to create contemporary designs that are culturally conscious yet timeless led to the inception of Serrb. Founded in 2018 by Emirati sisters, Budoor, Noor and Sarah Al Khaja, Serrb is a brand that exudes confidence and defines women supporting each other. Budoor and Noor work hand-in-hand to turn their aspirations into reality.

Words: JosĂŠ Berrocoso

Serrb is a brand that showcases an array of abayas, kaftans, capes and dresses designed by Noor, and brought to business by Budoor. Together, the sisters bring out a contemporary brand that emphasises modest styles. The spirit of Serrb lies in its selection of exceptional and exquisite fabrics that take form in signature clean cut designs reflecting the strength of the brand. Embracing the elegance and power of every woman, Serrb evokes minimalist sophistication transcending seasons. For this season, the brand is presenting designs inspired by the dynamic spirit of Morocco, catered for the warm summer days and the auspicious season of Ramadan. With a focus on contemporary styles, the Spring/Summer designs exhibit a sense of relaxed femininity with minimal silhouettes in light, flowy fabrics. Taking form in dresses and floor length jackets tied together with twisted belts of rope, this collection embraces refined sophistication. Incorporating an element of fringes and tassels highlight a Moroccon approach to detailing. Staying true to the inspiration, the collection flows into classic Ramadan silhouettes of kaftans and abayas with hints of tassels illustrating a contemporary look, finished with an Arabian touch. A neutral color palette drawn from the desert features shades of sand, salt and black, which seamlessly fuses with pastel hues of oasis blue, desert sky, wildflower, dusty rose and dune pink. While blending in gold shimmer for an elegant touch.




MARCH2020 APRIL 2020




since 2010



A Bad Day for Sunshine


by Blake Gopnik

How Much of These Hills Is Gold

by Adam Levin

Sheriff Sunshine Vicram finds her cup o’ joe more than half full when the small village of Del Sol, New Mexico, becomes the center of national attention for a kidnapper on the loose. Del Sol, New Mexico is known for three things: its fryan-egg-on-the-cement summers, its strong cups of coffee—and a nationwide manhunt? Del Sol native Sunshine Vicram has returned to town as the elected sheriff--an election her adorably meddlesome parents entered her in--and she expects her biggest crime wave to involve an elderly flasher named Doug. But a teenage girl is missing, a kidnapper is on the loose, and all of it's reminding Sunny why she left Del Sol in the first place. Add to that trouble at her daughter’s new school and a kidnapped prized rooster named Puff Daddy, and Sunshine has her hands full. Enter sexy almost-old-flame Levi Ravinder and a hunky US Marshall, both elevens on a scale of one to blazing inferno, and the normally savvy sheriff is quickly in over her head. Now it’s up to Sunshine to juggle a few good hunky men, a not-so-nice kidnapping miscreant, and Doug the ever-pesky flasher.

The astonishing new novel by the NYPL Young Lions Fiction Award-winning author of The Instructions. Bubblegum is set in an alternate present-day world in which the Internet does not exist, and has never existed. Rather, a wholly different species of interactive technology--a "flesh-and-bone robot" called the Curio--has dominated both the market and the cultural imagination since the late 1980s. Belt Magnet, who as a boy in greater Chicago became one of the lucky first adopters of a Curio, is now writing his memoir, and through it we follow a singular man out of sync with the harsh realities of a world he feels alien to, but must find a way to live in. At age 38, still living at home with his widowed father, Belt insulates himself from the awful and terrifying world outside by spending most of his time with books, his beloved Curio, and the voices in his head, which he isn't entirely sure are in his head. After Belt's father goes on a fishing excursion, a simple trip to the bank escalates into an epic saga that eventually forces Belt to confront the world he fears.

When critics attacked Andy Warhol's Marilyn paintings as shallow, the Pop artist was happy to present himself as shallower still: He claimed that he silkscreened to avoid the hard work of painting, although he was actually a meticulous workaholic; in interviews he presented himself as a silly naïf when in private he was the canniest of sophisticates. Blake Gopnik's definitive biography digs deep into the contradictions and radical genius that led Andy Warhol to revolutionise our cultural world. Based on years of archival research and on interviews with hundreds of Warhol's surviving friends, lovers and enemies, Warhol traces the artist's path from his origins as the impoverished son of Eastern European immigrants in 1930s Pittsburgh, through his early success as a commercial illustrator and his groundbreaking pivot into fine art, to the society portraiture and popular celebrity of the '70s and '80s, as he reflected and responded to the changing dynamics of commerce and culture.

Ba dies in the night; Ma is already gone. Newly orphaned children of immigrants, Lucy and Sam are suddenly alone in a land that refutes their existence. Fleeing the threats of their western mining town, they set off to bury their father in the only way that will set them free from their past. Along the way, they encounter giant buffalo bones, tiger paw prints, and the specters of a ravaged landscape as well as family secrets, sibling rivalry, and glimpses of a different kind of future. Both epic and intimate, blending Chinese symbolism and re-imagined history with fiercely original language and storytelling, How Much of These Hills Is Gold is a haunting adventure story, an unforgettable sibling story, and the announcement of a stunning new voice in literature. On a broad level, it explores race in an expanding country and the question of where immigrants are allowed to belong. But page by page, it's about the memories that bind and divide families, and the yearning for home.

The Women with Silver Wings:

What We Carry: A Memoir

You Deserve Each Other

by Katherine Sharp Landdeck

Notes from an Apocalypse: A Personal Journey to the End of the World and Back by Mark O'Connell

When Japanese planes executed a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, Cornelia Fort was already in the air. At twenty-two, Cornelia had escaped Nashville's debutante scene for a fresh start as a flight instructor in Hawaii. She and her student were in the middle of their lesson when the bombs began to fall, and they barely made it back to ground that morning. Still, when the U.S. Army Air Forces put out a call for women pilots to aid the war effort, Cornelia was one of the first to respond. She became one of just over 1,100 women from across the nation to make it through the Army's rigorous selection process and earn her silver wings. In The Women with Silver Wings, historian Katherine Sharp Landdeck introduces us to these young women as they meet even-tempered, methodical Nancy Love and demanding visionary Jacqueline Cochran, the trailblazing pilots who first envisioned sending American women into the air, and whose rivalry would define the Women Airforce Service Pilots.

By the author of the award-winning To Be a Machine, an absorbing, deeply felt book about our anxious present tense--and coming to grips with the future We're alive in a time of worst-case scenarios: The weather has gone uncanny. Our old postwar alliances are crumbling. Everywhere you look there's an omen, a joke whose punchline is the end of the world. How is a person supposed to live in the shadow of such a grim future? What does it mean to have children-nothing if not an act of hope? What might it be like to live through the worst? And what on Earth is anybody doing about it? Dublin-based writer Mark O'Connell is consumed by these questions--and, as the father of two young children himself, he finds them increasingly urgent. In Notes from an Apocalypse, he crosses the globe in pursuit of answers. He tours survival bunkers in South Dakota. He ventures to New Zealand, a favored retreat of billionaires banking on civilization's collapse.

In caring for her aging mother and her own young daughter, writer Maya Shanbhag Lang--"a new voice of the highest caliber" (Rebecca Makkai)--confronts the legacy of family myths and how the stories shared between parents and children reverberate through generations: a deeply moving memoir about immigrants and their native-born children, the complicated love between mothers and daughters, and the discovery of strength. How much can you judge another woman's choices? What if that woman is your mother? Maya Shanbhag Lang grew up idolizing her brilliant mother, an accomplished physician who immigrated to the United States from India and completed her residency, all while raising her children and keeping a traditional Indian home. She had always been a source of support--until Maya became a mother herself.

Naomi Westfield has the perfect fiancé: Nicholas Rose holds doors open for her, remembers her restaurant orders, and comes from the kind of upstanding society family any bride would love to be a part of. They never fight. They're preparing for their lavish wedding that's three months away. And she is miserably and utterly sick of him. Naomi wants out, but there's a catch: whoever ends the engagement will have to foot the nonrefundable wedding bill. When Naomi discovers that Nicholas, too, has been feigning contentment, the two of them go head-to-head in a battle of pranks, sabotage, and all-out emotional warfare. But with the countdown looming to the wedding that may or may not come to pass, Naomi finds her resolve slipping. Because now that they have nothing to lose, they're finally being themselves--and having fun with the last person they expect: each other.

The Inspiring True Story of the Women Airforce Service Pilots of World War II



by Darynda Jones

APRIL 2020

by C Pam Zhang

by Maya Lang

by Sarah Hogle



since 2010

Set directly on the white sand and cristal-clear waters of Negril’s famed Seven Mile Beach, the hip, Havana heyday-era bohemian Skylark Negril Beach Resort, member of Design Hotels, the company that represents and markets a curated selection of over 330 independent hotels in more than 60 countries across the globe, provides guests with instant insider access to the Jamaican experience. The seaside sister property of Negril’s cliffside Rockhouse Hotel, this 28room minimalist-meets-retro retreat offers stunning usnset views off the westernmost tip of Jamaica in a beachfront property that draws on inspirations from tropical throwback design and the visual vocabulary of Jamaica and its vast musical culture.


APRIL 2020



Minimalist with a Jamaican retro vibe Cultural nomads, young creatives and veteran Jamaica-philes come to Skylark Negril, member of Design Hotels, for a retro vibe escape with local music scene.




Charged with reimagining the Jamaican version of a hip throwback, the architects of Skylark Negril envisioned a Havana bohemian beach resort and then brought it to life. Here, one discovers ocean views from almost every studio and a turquoise hue throughout the two-acre slice of paradise. Exteriors feature creative repurposing of common Jamaican materials, colors, themes, and building supplies. The designers have taken the visual vocabulary of Jamaica and the country’s vast musical culture and married it with retro simplicity spiced with world-travel inspired flavor. Subtle pops of color brighten beach chairs, striped rugs, floor tiles, lighting fixtures, and the guestroom front doors. The retro vibe is reinforced by its extensive collection of 1970s and 1980s Jamaica album-cover art featured in every room and at Miss Lily’s. This is the colorful world of Jamaica as seen through a modern graphic lens. The Jamaican color palette features rosy pastels inspired by the soft skies overhead, bold reds taken from the ackee (the country’s national fruit) and several shades of sea blue. Skylark’s laidback setting inpires social and creative encounters, making guests feel like locals upon arrival, while its far-reaching philanthropic efforts organically connect the property and its visitors to the community. The hotel’s restaurant and rum bar (the first Caribbean outpost of Manhattan’s celebrated Miss Lily’s) draws guests and locals alike with its stellar food, strong Jamaican music connection, and nightly dancing filled with technicolor visuals and sounds courtesy of renowned international DJs.


APRIL 2020

A world-class spa presents a simple, holistic approach to well-being, health, and happiness through a range of therapies and treatment rituals set in a tropical garden. Swimming and padlle boarding off Negril or a short boat trip to the nearby reef for snorkel-perfect waters round out this truly authentic retreat into paradise.

Photography: Courtesy of Design Hotels™ www.cpmagazine.net



MARCH 2020


GYM CLOSED, NO EQUIPMENT? NO PROBLEM. The only thing you need to work on your fitness is you. switching to a home workout routine isn't easy it takes some space and a lot of intrinsic motivation. Whether staying active, to you, looks like yoga in the living room, running up the stairs or having a go at weighted arm exercises, there are plenty of ways to keep moving even when you can’t get outside.

Fatema AlOthman

The space is yours. GOOD LUCK! If you want to start your journey and having a better body to feel great, Try one of my online program, contact me to find out more about the latest training programs. let’s train together

Here are 5 tips to stay active at home 1. Take The Stairs Climbing stairs is a great way to get your heart rate up while working the muscles in your lower body. 2. Dance! Crank up the tunes and have a dance party in your living room. 3. Exercise While You Watch Tv do some muscle strengthening and bodyweight activities. Many of these exercises are free and can be found on YouTube. 4. Count Your Steps while you talk on the phone, try walking around, use your smart watch or a smartphone app. 5. Home Yoga Practice Fight the stress and to Develops Self-Awareness.




In celebration of Ramadan 2020, Kate Spade New York will be releasing a curated assortment of handbags, ready-to-wear, jewelry and shoes specially selected for the holiday season. Designed by Creative Director Nicola Glass, this selection infuses the pragmatic and witty design, clever use of color and upbeat sophistication that the brand is known for. “We are thrilled to celebrate the festive Ramadan holiday with a curated collection of some of our favorite Spring pieces,” said Creative Director Nicola Glass. “We wanted to create a range of products for the Middle Eastern woman that would integrate seamlessly into her existing wardrobe. I am excited to see how she expresses her spirit and individuality through this assortment.” The collection is comprised of dresses in fluid silhouettes that can easily transition from day to night throughout the festive season; the Romy handbag in a mix of sizes, colors and prints that any woman can make her own; while the spade continues to be incorporated into hardware and jewelry designs, both subtly and overtly – all designed with thoughtful feminine details and ladylike accents. 42


FIVE WARDROBE ESSENTIALS TO COMPLETE THE STAY-HOME LOOK Senior Buyer for Max Fashion guides on best styles to wear while in the house With a number of nations on a drive to stay at home when possible for the foreseeable, some residents in the region are taking the time out to declutter and re-organise the wardrobe. The ideal wardrobe is not only easy to search through, but also reflects personal style with key staples. A home outfit that is built for comfort should not sacrifice in style. Whether you are refreshing your wardrobe or browsing for a new one, essentials play a key role in making you look good at home. As most of us prefer to take an individual approach to fashion, we have put together a list of five most usable and pocket-friendly loungewear essentials to help you look and feel your best while you #StayHome:

1.The Dress: A floral printed maxi dress or midi shift dresses in solid colors are a great option. If you are looking for easily combinable pieces, a lightweight, shirt-like mini dress can be worn all day. For a classic look, opt for a polka-dot printed A-line dress.

2.The T-shirt: A tee is a must-have for every wardrobe, for almost every look. You'll wear it all the time—with jeans, under sweaters, with skirts, you name it! Nothing says laid-back style like a simple tee. Check out a brand-new range of printed and typographic t-shirts.

3.The Trouser: While staying indoors, you may want to wear something light where your skin can breathe and feel cool. So, get a pair of harem pants or palazzos. They're just as comfortable as sweats, but look much more put-together. Look for flattering high-waist, wide-leg styles in order to create different outfit ideas.

4.The Shoes: Versatile and comfortable, sandals are a staple piece in any wardrobe. Go for textured tie-ups, woven slip-ons or wedge sandals on the Max Fashion online store. The casual shoes can be dressed up or down and can look great with dresses, trousers, shorts and skirts.

5.The Accessory: Studs go with everything and take any look up a notch. The small size makes them laid-back enough to wear all day, but the crystals make them elegant enough to rock during that video call for work. Shop for a set of six studded earrings. www.cpmagazine.net



Talent Radar Words: José Berrocoso


ALZOUMAN “My inspiration is a natural process that correlates to whatever I'm experiencing in life, or whatever I'm inspired by during that particular season. I'm also very inspired by the studio, just being there and watching the construction process really generates so many ideas and concepts for me”

www.bazzaalzouman.com 44


THE 4Cs : The purchase of a diamond must be done taking into consideration the four values of the diamond: CUT A diamond's cut refers to the quality of the tiny surfaces, or facets. A well-cut diamond reflects light internally from one mirror-like facet to another and disperses it through the top of the gem. The facets, known as the crown, culet, table, girdle and pavilion, are arranged with precise, mathematical proportions to maximise a diamond's fire, life and brilliance. The cut, the only element of the 4Cs influenced by the human hand, is often considered the most important. A diamond that has been well cut may be given a higher quality or value than one that is larger or of a better colour. CARAT Carat is a measure of weight, not size. One carat is equal to 200 milligrams. The term is derived from the word ‘carob’. Carob seeds were used as a reference for diamond weight in the ancient world. Because larger diamonds are rare, they are more valuable than the equivalent weight in several smaller diamonds. A one carat diamond will generally cost more than two half-carat diamonds, assuming all other qualities are equal. COLOUR White or colourless diamonds actually occur in a range of shades – from truly colourless to off-white. They are graded on a colour scale from D (colourless) to Z. The differences between one shade and the next are very subtle, so grading is done under controlled lighting, using a master diamond sample set for comparison and accuracy. Natural diamonds also occur in shades of blue, green, yellow-orange, pink, red and even black. Known as 'coloured fancies', these gems are extremely rare and valuable. They are graded according to the intensity of their colour. CLARITY Clarity refers to how many ‘inclusions’ there are in a diamond. These inclusions are naturally occurring features – wisps of minerals, uncrystallised carbon, tiny fractures – formed deep within the diamond when it was created. Though usually invisible to the naked eye, they can influence the way light is reflected and refracted. A gemmologist will examine a diamond under 10x magnification before assigning a clarity grade from F (Flawless) to I (Included). The grade may also indicate whether the inclusion is near the centre of the stone or along its girdle, or outer edge.

www.moondiamondsmadrid.com www.cpmagazine.net


Bazza Alzouman was born in Charleston, South Carolina in 1983. Early on in childhood, Bazza’s mother realized her talent for putting clothes together and her eye for fit. After graduating from high school in Kuwait, Bazza went on to earn her BA in Business Administration from Boston University in 2005 with honors while taking sewing classes outside of college. In 2011, Bazza moved to New York to attend the Parsons School of Design and pursue her passion full time, earning her AAS degree in fashion design in December 2012. During her time at Parsons, Bazza worked with designer Naeem Khan, further cementing her love for eveningwear. Her multi-cultural upbringing has influenced her design aesthetic. Bazza is a supporter of ethical fashion. All aspects of the brand, from the design, sampling, to production are managed from the Bazza Alzouman studio in Kuwait. For this Spring Summer 2020, the Kuwaiti designer trained in Parsons New York puts together an ethereal exploration of tulle. In the absence of embellishments that have become synonymous with eveningwear by Middle Eastern designers, Bazza sets her design ethos apart by playing on texture and volume, creating dramatic textures and putting together decadent layers of tulle to take the form of billowing gowns, dramatic dresses and separates. Classic colours of black and white are contrasted with soft hues of pale blush pink, marigold yellow and a touch of neutrals. Her prowess in designing form-flattering silhouettes is evident each creation, ensuring every cut and accent is thoroughly thought of, bringing attention to the elegance of the female matic dresses and separates. figure.


MARCH2020 APRIL 2020





Abir Achkar Fashion Director Image Consultant

o get dressed or not to get dressed? Studies show that the way we dress and look can affect our mental and physical performance and also has a correlation with our emotional state. We are currently in a time we may feel isolated depressed and less connected with the outer world and it may become normal to not have the motivation to get out of our pyjamas! When we first were housebound and the Coronavirus had started, I found myself constantly in my pyjamas and oversized joggers and honestly, I really enjoyed this hibernate mode at first but the fact that I was super comfortable and not bothered to put an effort made me feel less motivated, lazy, and depressed. Staying stuck with your pyjamas day after day sets your mood for the rest of your day. The fact is that it's possible to dress comfy and still look good and polished. However, keeping a consistent routine is very helpful and makes you feel positive and motivated. Setting up a routine can be challenging at first, especially if you don’t know where to start but we have to rapidly adjust to a new way of life! Starting with changing your eating habits and start eating clean, staying active and try a new activity. Get creative and learn something new as keeping your mind engaged is good for your physical health. I divided my routine attire into 3 categories from most casual to most put together:

Athleisure: Whether I’m working out or just chilling, yoga pants and hoodies are true staples and been always my favourites. Try to put on an activewear in the morning it makes you motivated to get some exercise throughout the day LULU LEMON





APRIL 2020

WorkwearCapsules: A pair of your favourite jeans and a basic Tee can lift your mood and put you on a productive mode; ‘it’s time to get back to basics staples.'




Loungewear: Staying home has become the new norm. Joggers whether matching sets or individuals are definitely worth considering. PANJAIA PANJAIA


Style Tip: 'If you feel uninspired with your wardrobe try finding one piece you are into and start building off to that.’ Since you’re quarantined and no one can see you, take the chance to start exploring with different styles and colours and who knows you may find your true style personality!

Stay safe, positive, and stylish! xox Abir




Once you are in Riyadh and having a long weekend you can find places of nature around the Saudi Capital, which are usually not so socialized and not too crowded. Day trips are perfect for a weekend escape from the capital.


APRIL 2020

1. LAKE KARRARAH This place is especially lovely after the spring rains. The name or area Mishash Karrarah . A depression between high sand dunes is transformed into a lake by water rushing down off the escarpment along channels in the valley floor until it can flow no further, being trapped by the encircling dunes. A lake surrounded with spring flowers and birds. The valley beyond the lake is covered with acacia and calotropics bushes. Red dunes appear as sand mountains with amazing shades of red sand. https://goo.gl/maps/BsgRYpbmAqZ961H5A

2. GRAFFITI ROCK. The Black rock headland facing a narrow pass between escarpement and sand dunes covered with ancient graffiti. Excellent examples of rock art human figures, you will see riders on horseback. There are also number of wasms, or tribal marks. The earliest figures on these rocks are supposed to date between 2000 and 1000 bc and even maybe earlier https://goo.gl/maps/GvhE8rbhVnpeKf3T8

3. SHARKS TEETH, KHURAIS Few people know that less than 2 hours from Riyadh by car, are the Khurais reefs. Khurais sharks are 50 million years older than Red Sea sharks.15-20 million years ago, most of the eastern half of Saudi Arabia was covered by the sea. The low ridge of hills of Khurais contains the fossilized remains of the marine life.These fossils include bony reef fish, bivalves, sea urchins and four families of sharks have been indentified near the Khurais reefs. https://goo.gl/maps/jmAfPW1vHKAVm5NJ7

4. EDGE OF THE WORLD The Edge of the World as a rock framed *window* to a dramatic view from the 300-meter-high cliffs overlooking the plain below. These cliffs are the result of the tectonic movement of the Arabian plate towards the north east because of the spread of the Red Sea raft located 1000 kilometers to the west of Tuwaiq. As the cliffs look towards the west it even offers unforgettable sights of sunsets above the Saudi Arabian desert https://goo.gl/maps/hP3jdT8QYB1jG8ov7

5. RIYADH RIVER BY AL HAIR Al Hair is an old village. One of the best places to get closer to the Riyadh river with wonderful birdlife by the water. In fact the river is the city treated waste water which runs for 50 km down the Wadi Hanifah until it peters out, forming lakes in places where it widens. Water is quite clean enough for gold fish. The river attracts a lot of migrating and nesting birds, such a grey herons, little egrets, squacco herons and a snub warbler and many more. You will be surrounded with beautiful bird songs combined with the river water flow. A perfect place for walk along a river for miles with casuarina bushes and trees. https://goo.gl/maps/s1k6yFGXEHAk4nbm6




LOUNGEWEAR Sandra Carina


ith everything going on it’s important to stay safe and positive. You should feel your best while you’re working from home because getting dressed makes us more productive and improves our mental wellbeing. So here are some loungewear inspiration outfits!


APRIL 2020

There’s nothing comfier than sweatpants , pair them with a cute print t-shirt.

Outfit from: @isawitfirst

Outfit from: @jluxlabel

there's nothing better than putting on a super comfy ribbed lounge set whilst staying super stylish. A vibrant color sweat set is just what you need to lighten up your day

Outfit from: @zieboutique

Outfit from: @missyempire

A cozy 3 piece lounge set www.cpmagazine.net




HINDAMME An Arabic term referencing “to have perfect form and harmony in aesthetic”, Hindamme is a contemporary mens and womenswear label inspired by the concept of East meets West. Modern and androgynous with a focus on heritage inspired details, the Saudi-based brand fuses contemporary styles with Eastern influences, creating an urban luxe aesthetic.

Words: José Berrocoso

Born and raised in Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Khoja, the man behind Hindamme, always had a hunger to create, with some of his first memories consisting of drawing shapes and forms. While studying business in Paris, Khoja decided to pursue design and worked on the concept for Hindamme, launching the brand internationally in 2016. Mohammed is inspired by telling stories through wearable works of art, resulting in a luxe and modern approach to readyto-wear. The latest collection of the brand, entitled as the ‘Al Ula’ collection, SEASON IV is a contemporary interpretation and retrospective into the ancient desert Kingdom belonging to the Nabatean Arab civilization, and more specifically that of Al Ula, Saudi Arabia. From silk velvets, golden pleats to Greco-Roman style embroidery, the collection is a very artisanal approach to ready-to-wear resulting in contemporary yet timeless collector pieces that 54

APRIL 2020

reflect the visual and cultural identity of the ancient Nabateans of Al Ula. Designer Mohammed Khoja worked closely with specialized textile experts to create custom brocades and embroideries that illustrate the inscriptions and art of the ancient Nabatean civilization. Key staple pieces include silk velvet jackets and silk shirts that feature signature Greco-Roman brocades with Nabatean inscriptions as well as ‘Mada’in Saleh’ architecture inspired dresses and jackets, silk pleated gold metallic dresses and statement branded tees. Natural plant based colors and graphic symbols pay homage to the ancient civilizations of Al Ula, while pleats and modern silhouettes create a contemporary feel. The collection seamlessly blends artisanal details with ready-to-wear styles, adding a layer of storytelling and nostalgia into every piece.





“Hindamme is a term often used for both formal and casual associations within Middle Eastern culture in the most complementing of ways. By integrating these elements from our culture, my aim is to create a new narrative to Middle Eastern design that is both universal and contemporary yet also acts as a reminder of our heritage�, Mohammed Khoja www.hindamme.com www.cpmagazine.net



BETTINA SCHWEIGER Practical At-Home Tips on How to Properly Use Your Voice with Physical, Emotional and Social Benefits for Everyone


OVID-19 has been classified as a pandemic, governments world wide have begun shutting down regular communal activities and ordering everyone to stay indoors to quarantine the potentially sick and limit interactions. While these measures are in the best interest of everyone’s collective health, it is normal to feel anxious and worried about being seemingly cut off from the world with no definite understanding of when these social distancing measures will end. Since the UAE government ordered a two weeks stay at home rule, a lot of people - single, couples and families - need help to stay focused and protect their health in order to nurture the well being of the whole household. With this, Dubai-based Opera Singer Bettina Schweiger initiated a #Quarantutorial series on her Instagram account teaching free vocal lessons and practical ways of taking care of them whether for moms shouting - if they get mad, teaching their kids at home, reading books for their children, or for single people who have limitations on talking due to social distancing, as well as some of its health benefits during these quarantine weeks. It could be a great bonding activity for kids and the whole family! Practicing healthy habits and protecting your vocal health in these times of "social distancing" is more important than ever in order to lift your spirits and reduce stress levels and what better way to spend this than to get tips from an expert. Here are Bettina’s tips on how to protect and take care of your voices at home as well as some of the physical, health and social benefits of singing:

1. Voice training is selfcare

Singing fortifies health, widens culture, refines the intelligence, enriches the imagination, makes for happiness and endows life with an added zest. Singing clearly has the potential to make a major contribution to our health, well-being and life skills. Singing at least 30 minutes per day can improve your mood and reconnect with your body by working out your vocal cords.

2. Singing is a workout

Singing gives the lungs a workout. It also tones abdominal and intercostal muscles and the diaphragm, and stimulates circulation. It makes a person breathe more deeply than many forms of strenuous exercise, so a person takes in more oxygen, improves aerobic capacity and experiences a release of muscle tension as well. Singing the short-e sound, as in echo stimulates the thyroid gland, which secretes hormones that control the speed which digestion and other bodily processes occur. Making the long-o sound as in ocean stimulates the pancreas, which regulates blood sugar.

3. The therapeutic benefits

Singing takes away your woes. Simply choose a familiar song, and then set your troubles to music. For example, choose one of your favourite songs and sing it over a minus one or online karaoke. This way, it will bring back a lot of memories from the past that helps you calm down and relive happy memories either with your friends or family. Sing your heart out, it will instantly bring you to a more stable emotional state. A free singing tutorial is highly advisable as it will help you gain additional technical knowledge about singing and honing your vocal cords at the same time.

4. Feel and sound younger

Singing exercises the vocal cords and keeps them youthful, even in old age. The less


APRIL 2020

age-battered your voice sounds, the more you will feel, and seem, younger. When you break into song, your chest expands and your back and shoulders straighten, thus improving your posture. Singing lifts moods and clears the “blues” by taking your mind off the stresses of the day, as well as releasing pain-relieving endorphins. As you sing along, your circulation is improved, which in turn oxygenates the cells and boosts the body’s immune system to ward off minor infections. And it provides some aerobic exercise for the elderly or disabled.

5. Strengthen your immune system

Singing strengthens the immune system, according to research by scientists at the University of Frankfurt in Germany, published in the latest edition of the US Journal of Behavioral Medicine. The scientists tested the blood of people who sang in a professional choir in the city, before and after a 60 minute rehearsal of Mozart’s Requiem, they found that concentrations of immunoglobulin A – proteins in the immune system which function as antibodies – and hydrocortisone, an anti-stress hormone, increased significantly during the rehearsal. Singing releases endorphins into your system and makes you feel energized and uplifted. People who sing are healthier than people who don’t. To strengthen immunity, sing the double-o sound, as in a tool. This activates the spleen, which regulates the production of infection fighting white blood cells.

6. Anti-depressant

Sound vibrations massage your aura, going straight to what’s out of balance and fixing it. Singing the short-a sound, as in ahh, for 2-3 minutes will help banish the blues. It forces oxygen into the blood, which signals the brain to release mood-lifting endorphins.

7. Helps you sleep

Singing can help strengthen throat and palate muscles, which helps stop snoring and sleep apnea. If you’re familiar with these ailments, you know how difficult it can be to get a good night’s sleep!

8. Makes you alert

Improved blood circulation and an oxygenated blood stream allow more oxygen to reach the brain. This improves mental alertness, concentration, and memory. The Alzheimer’s Society has even established a “Singing for the Brain” service to help people with dementia and Alzheimer’s maintain their memories. To boost alertness, make the long-e sound, as in emit. It stimulates the pineal gland, which controls the body’s biological clock.

9. Boost your confidence and communications skills

Singing to babies helps prepare their brains for language. Music is just as important as teaching reading and writing at a young age to prevent language problems later in life. If you enjoy writing your own lyrics, honing this talent can improve your ability to communicate in different ways!

10. Socialize online

Whether you’re in a choir or simply enjoy singing karaoke with your friends, one of the unexpected health benefits of singing is that it can improve your social life. The bonds you form with others can be profound, since there’s a level of intimacy naturally involved. Since we are on a lockdown, why not try an online karaoke battle with your friends? It could be fun! You can watch Bettina Schewiger’s free music lesson and practical vocal tips for everyday use by tuning in on her Instagram account @bettina_soprano twice a week - Mondays at 4pm and Thursdays at 8 PM.






uercetin is a bioflavonoid ingredient which occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables such as kale, tomatoes, berries and grapes, as well as some leaves and grains. It helps to give plants their vibrant colours. Quercetin occurs also naturally in red wine, tea, and many other fruits and vegetables, with the highest concentrations found in the leaves and skins. It functions as an antioxidant, skin-soothing agent, and restorative ingredient. Quercetin is present in some herbal ingredients, too, including St. John’s wort and Ginkgo biloba. In terms of skincare, research has shown that a lipid-based delivery system is optimal for quercetin to exert antioxidant benefits. Even more exciting, this type of formula provides an initial burst of quercetin followed by sustained release over a 24-hour period. When quercetin is mixed with silicone and lipids, the intake is greater, as confirmed by testing on human skin. In skincare, quercetin is believed to be skin-soothing and antiinflammatory, with a restorative effect. Because flavonoids have antioxidant functions, quercetin is also often included in products targeted towards fighting free radicals that can damage the skin.


APRIL 2020

quercetin certainly does have powerful antioxidant and antiinflammatory benefits. If you're in the market for a new magic makeup must-have or have have trouble with skin inflammation and irritation, there are plenty of products that offer quercetin as their signature ingredient. If you want to go Greek, Korres makes a Quercetin and Oak Anti-Ageing Night Cream . If you have easily irritated skin, Smashbox Camera Ready Full Cover Foundation, also uses quercetin. Meanwhile, if you're worried about free radicals and age spots, try Laura Mercier Flawless Skin Tone Perfecting Creme . Quercetin is not used widely, but can be found in skincare from toners to creams. Try Ren Flash Defence Anti-Pollution Mist, Paula's Choice Resist Advanced Replenishing Toner or Korres Quercetin and Oak Anti-Ageing Night Cream . A study by skincare brand Korres claimed that the use of quercetin derived from oak bark had an overall excellent performance in boosting proteasome activity and cell regeneration when tested in vitro. It is also believed to have anti-ageing benefits due to the antioxidant functions, preventing free-radical damage and promoting the growth of new cells.


www.dumishmash.com du_mishmash www.cpmagazine.net


Huawei just launched the king of foldable phones –

Power to the littles: princesses and superheroes land at Max Fashion

HUAWEI Mate Xs and here are 5 Reasons why we love it

Ever wondered how it would be to have a foldable phone with a FullView display and super slim body? One with blazing 5G speed and connectivity, an enhanced productive multitasking experience and a powerful SuperSensing Quad Camera for all your photography needs? Huawei’s latest Foldable smartphone, HUAWEI Mate Xs packs a whole lot of powerful and iconic features, but to make it easier for you, we’ve picked out 5 reasons why it actually deserves the title of King of foldable phones!

A new definition of foldable phones With its 8-inch1 and 5.4mm thickness outwards display when unfolded, you can watch your favourite shows, play your favourite games and complete tasks seamlessly. When folded, the HUAWEI Mate Xs turns into a dual-display smartphone featuring a 6.6-inch main screen and a 6.38-inch secondary screen. A viewing experience that is truly mesmeric whether for reading, emailing, web browsing, documenting, online shopping or video streaming.

An Unprecedented Multitasking Experience When it comes to multitasking then the HUAWEI Mate Xs stands-out! Like for example with MultiWindow2 feature you can do many stuff in different apps at the same time. Let us explain a bit more, shall we. With this cool feature, you can view your email in one window while writing one in another window thus significantly improving your effectivity and efficiency. Perhaps another example might let you grab the idea a bit better. Imagine chatting with your friends on your favourite social media platform while surfing the net on another app and you come across something you need to share with them, you can easily just drag the file (Photo, video, audio etc.) and drop it to them on the chatting app – simultaneously! There is also Multi-Screen Collaboration for a smooth and seamless connection between the HUAWEI Mate Xs and compatible HUAWEI MateBooks. With this feature, you can transfer all sorts of media (Photos, videos, files etc.) from your HUAWEI Mate Xs to your HUAWEI MateBook with a simple drag and drop. Additionally, you can use your laptop’s peripherals such as keyboard or mouse to complete tasks or play games installed on your HUAWEI Mate Xs on your MateBook for a bigger, better and an all-round ultimate game experience.

As the GCC summer draws closer, it is becoming that time of year for a wardrobe overhaul. Max Fashion has got you covered with an all new collection of enviable clothing to see little ones through brighter days, warmer weather and higher temperatures. Trendy, fashion-forward, and authentic character apparel is a great opportunity for adorable children to express their fandom and individuality. Finding fun character clothing for little ones can be a challenge but not anymore. From heroes to heroines, the brand new Max Fashion superheroes and princess range for kids will make any young one the icon of the household this season. Little Girls Dreamy visions of fairy lights, castles, carousels and magic mirrors await! A truly enchanting range of clothing, the Disney themed ready-to-wear pieces are full of magic, designed to help the young and imaginative fashionista to immerse herself in favourite stories and characters. For little girls, the range of garment designs include tiered skirt dresses and organza sleeves making dressing up time a breeze. Styles are feminine and on trend where designs are teamed with cool and vibrant block colour palettes. Adults can reminisce in childhood nostalgia and create new, long-lasting memories with their children with the vibrant and enchanting dresses featuring Disney princesses. Little Boys Time to suit up! Explore Max Fashion’s new collection to find the outfit needed for his next big mission - whether it is to save the world or go back to school. Max Fashion’s superheroes collection incorporates top styles with every child’s favorite characters – be it an Avenger, a Marvel superhero or a Star Wars figure. The superhero-themed collection includes wardrobe essentials he needs that will take the guesswork out of dressing up time. Starting at only AED29, pieces can be worn every day for those who don’t want to take them off. Stylish and comfortable, Marvel tees can be worn on their own or layered with a jacket. The t-shirts are staples that can be paired with just about any style of trousers, jacket or cardigan. Childhood dreams get a high-fashion upgrade with a series of accessories like chains and coolers, as well as a colorful and eclectic selection of sling bags on offer.

Bally’s Eid Gifts For The Contemporary Man Introducing The SS20 Gessner, Westminster & Crow

An ultimate camera system that does it all! HUAWEI Mate Xs houses a HUAWEI SuperSensing Leica Quad Camera system that includes a 40MP main camera for capturing stunning photos at the click of a button. The setup also includes a 16MP Ultra-Wide angle camera, perfect for huge group photos without missing anyone out. An 8MP Telephoto camera to take photos of subjects that are farther away, this comes in handy when you are taking photos of things you cannot, or do not want to get close to such as lions or tigers in a safari trip! Lastly, a 3D Depth camera for stunning portrait shots with background blur effects. The cameras are integrated into the sidebar, working as both front and rear cameras, to complement the foldable design, thus making the most of the four lenses. Introducing a new way to take selfies. With the smart Mirror Shooting mode, the person shooting and that being shot can both preview images during the shooting session, which makes room for changes in pose, facial expressions hence coming up with the perfect picture.

Ultimate 5G Performance The King of Foldable Smartphones supports both modes of 5G networks, Non-Standalone (NSA) and Standalone (SA) delivering ultimate performance and connectivity at all times, thanks to the Kirin 990 5G chipset at its heart. Do you feel lost with all the technical terminologies here? Alright, let’s break it down for you;

A Massive Battery that Charges Superfast HUAWEI Mate Xs has a dual-battery design with a massive 4500mAh (typical value) fitting in a thin and compact body. Additionally, the King of Foldable Smartphones comes with a 55W HUAWEI SuperCharge charger, which can charge that massive battery up to 85%3 in an unbelievable half an hour! (30 mins) HUAWEI Mate Xs comes pre-installed with HUAWEI AppGallery, one of the top three app distribution platforms where users can download and enjoy their favourite apps. The platform offers apps that are optimised to run on Huawei mobile devices for an enhanced and an innovative user experience. HUAWEI AppGallery is now available in over 170 countries/regions with 400 million monthly active users (MAUs), covering mainstream apps and services worldwide.


APRIL 2020

Celebrate Eid with Bally as the SS20 collection reveals classic bag and footwear designs that combine function and versatility, featuring an impressive selection of gifting options for the contemporary gentleman. Get your back-to-work wardrobe ready with these sophisticated business essentials. The men’s Gessner range of business bags and accessories, characterized by precision, organization, innovative buckles and a sleek finish, sees new season additions with five contemporary styles. From the Gabher portfolio, which holds a 13” laptop, the Grolh briefcase with a detachable shoulder strap, the modern Gihly cross-body bag or the minimal Gordons backpack, there’s something to suit every sartorial need. Meanwhile, the popular Westminster collection of men’s dress shoes, made in Switzerland, expands its repertoire to include the Weor Chelsea boot and new loafer shapes from the Werden, Wendil and Werien. With lightweight construction, each style features rubber-injected leather soles for added grip, keeping a slim aesthetic. Lastly, the Crow moccasins offer flexible rubber soles and soft leather uppers with tassled, braided and elasticated slip-on finishes, providing subtle flair for all occasions



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Statement on mask production at HUGO BOSS production facilities in Metzingen

Being a clothing manufacturer with the knowledge and capability to do something for the greater good, HUGO BOSS have decided to take decisive action. Therefore, HUGO BOSS has dedicated its clothing production site at its global headquarters in Metzingen to the manufacture of face masks, which will be donated to public facilities. In the coming weeks, HUGO BOSS will manufacture 180,000 masks. The face masks are crafted in a cotton-blend material that can be washed and reused at least 50 times. These masks are not for clinical use. However, they can be used in other settings, such as in nursing homes, fire departments, and by police.

Stay Fabulous with Ted Baker During Self Isolation

Bored of sweats? Brighten up your days during self-isolation with these colourful and chic pieces from Ted Baker's SS20 collection. Whether it’s a breakfast in the garden or a more elaborate balcony brunch, Ted will ensure you look fabulous.


APRIL 2020

Cole Haan's ØriginalGrand Ultra

Experience the perfect combination of comfort and style with Cole Haan's ØriginalGrand Ultra. Designed with next-level technology and inspired by observing astronauts weightlessly walking on the moon, ØriginalGrand Ultra is the latest product in Cole Haan men’s footwear and the next great leap forward in comfort.


This Ramadan, Fendi Timepieces brings you the best timeless gifting ideas for your loved ones. Featuring options for both men and women, the collections artfully combine the classic silhouettes with fashion-forward design elements, the chic Fendi watches will be adding some love to your arms.









































TEST YOUR VOCABULARY We are a busy and dynamic organization whose mission needless effrontery and harassment can only hinder. In this sentence, harassment means: a. the act of becoming formally connected or joined

c. the act of tormenting by persistent attacks and criticism

b. the act of pointing out by name

d. the act of delaying and playing instead of working

Harassment is a word that describes any kind of ongoing torment. At school, harassment is often known as bullying. In the workplace, employees need to be careful about sexual harassment. Harassment involves persistent attacks or abuse, and can range from shouting racial slurs to crank calling your ex-boyfriend every night at 3am. Even teasing your kid sister about her braces could be considered harassment.

ANSWER: c. If someone is abusing, insulting, or otherwise harming you on a regular basis, it's called harassment. Cruel and usually really annoying, harassment is also illegal in some cases.


SIMPLIFY Simplify: 0 Ă— 102 A. 10 B. 10.2 C. 102 D. None of these. ANSWERS: D


APRIL 2020

1. The leg and foot medical acronym RICE stands for: Rest, Ice, Compression, and: Evaporation; Elevation; Examination; or Evacuation? 2. Aspartame, Cyclomate, Isomalt and Sucralose are food additive: Colours/ colors; Sweeteners; Minerals; or Orange flavours/flavors? 3. Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, and Mobilegeddon are: Batman villains; Google search algorithm updates; Beethoven operas; or Harley Davidson motorbikes? 4. The musical and spoken work Fidelio featuring only woodwind, brass, timpani, strings, and offstage trumpet is: Beethoven's only opera; A Genesis album; The longest running show in Broadway's history; or Youtube's most popular ever video? 5. The 9th century mathematician known as Al Kwarizme ('the Man of Kwarism', now Khiva, Uzbekistan) gave his name to a maths/computing process or a set of rules called: Algebra; Algorithm; Axiom; or Abacus? 6. What Yorkshire coastal town event gave its name to a medieval song adapted/popularized by Simon and Garfunkle, about two lovers issuing each other impossible tasks? 7. Internecine refers to (What sort of?) destruction: Global; Mutual; Reputational; or Biblical? 8. In music which two of these are respectively a very brief ornamental passing note (What?), and a very brief note of no pitch such as a stroke of a deadened string (What?): Phantom; Grace; Hoax; Ghost; or Silent? 9. The bacterium Clostridium tetani causes the human muscle spasm disease Tetanus, commonly called: Stiffthumb; Lock 10. Name the Asian country, the South American capital city, and Canadian province in the NATO phonetic alphabet (thee answers required)? 11. What type of machine is classified by the relative positions of the fulcrum, effort and resistance: Lever; Pulley; Pump; or Turbine? 12. What ancient word for dysentery is also a flow of particles, magnetic field, a soldering aid, and means fluidity/change? 13. Major, Small, Tiny, Soup Dragon, Iron Chicken, and Blue String Pudding appear in the popular Children's TV series: Tales of the Riverbank; The Clangers; Andy Pandy; or The Woodentops? 14. This is a 'trick' question: Irrespective of volume, human muscle weighs (What?) compared with human fat: The same; Less; More; or Twice as much? 15. The Brazilian Carnauba palm tree (called the Tree of Life) produces many materials including the "Queen of (What?)" from its leaf extract: Waxes; Tequilas; Beers; Toothpastes? 16. What modern Western vegetable, elsewhere/historically purple and yellow, became orange in 17th century Holland, allegedly developed by the Dutch House of Orange? 17. The Greek-derived prefix 'astro' refers to: Stars/celestial space; Speedy/fast; Vast/infinite; or Intelligence? 18. What fictional game is played for real for fun on a footbridge over a River Medway tributary in Posingford Wood in Ashdown Forest, Sussex, England? 19. Which child diarist (1929-45) wrote - "How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." ? jaw; Tensefoot; or Tightlip? 20. Which two of these refer respectively to malicious and well-intentioned computer hackers: Red cape; Black hat; Rubber glove; White hat; or Purple nose? ANSWERS: 1.Elevation(treatment for many leg and foot injuries/ailments, especially traumas involving swelling), 2.Sweeteners, 3.Google search algorithm updates, 4.Beethoven's only opera, 5.Algorithm (Al Kwarizme was properly named Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Musa), 6.Scarborough Fair, 7.Mutual (eg, between two people, or among members of a group or organization or family), 8.Grace and Ghost, 9.Lockjaw (because that's where spasms typically begin), 10.Black hat andWhite hat, 11.India, Lima, Quebec, 12.Lever , 13.Flux (from Latin fluxus, flow) , 14.The Clangers, 15.The same, 16.Waxes (also called Carnauba wax, or Brazil wax - a high quality wax for furniture, foods, surfboards, cars, etc - the tree also produces materials/wood/fibre/fruit for hats, baskets, construction, cattle-feed, jelly, etc), 17.Carrot, 18.Stars/Celestial space, 19.Poohsticks, 20.Anne Frank


HOROSCOPES (March 21 - April 19)

(July 23 - August 22)



Your ruler Mars is just past a conjunction to Saturn, both newly in Aquarius. You’re entering a whole new playing field, and the sun is in your sign, too, putting you in your element. This is your time to shine, but remain detached, especially from the need for validation or approval. Venus enters Gemini on April 3 and remains here until August, sweetening relationships with siblings and communication (especially surrounding finances and relationships) and highlighting creative thinking. Remember that how you say something matters as much as what you say. Choose your words wisely. As Jupiter meets Pluto on the fourth, a major opportunity arises to move your career to the next level. Acknowledge your growing ambitions—as well as those you’ve outgrown. Also, dig deeper for your integrity and noblest goals rather than cling to superficial standards of success based on society and conditioning.

(April 20 - May 20)

TAURUS Mars and Saturn met in a conjunction at the end of March, marking a whole new professional cycle. Over the coming two and a half years, you’re in a phase of establishing authority, professionally and in your domestic life. Financially and professionally, you’re in a secure position, reaping the rewards of your hard work. But now is not the time to rest on your laurels when so much is opening for you and drawing you to explore your horizons. Jupiter meets Pluto on April 4, followed by the Libra full moon three days later, among other major aspects. You’re at the end of a cycle at work and in your life. Information you learn now is drawing you inward for a deeper search of your soul. You can create and live the life that means something to you, pays your bills, and gives back to the world in a meaningful way. It starts by being honest with yourself about what needs to change. The sun enters Taurus on the nineteenth, putting you back in your element. Dig deep as you move to the Taurus new moon on the twenty-second. You are not who you were a month ago, let alone a year ago. How have you grown? What have you learned? Who are you at your unchanging core? Uproot a false sense of self and you can step wholly into your limitless potential.

The sun is in Aries for the first three weeks of the month, drawing you on a journey, whether literally or metaphorically. Last month, Saturn entered Aquarius, followed by Mars, and now your relationships are moving to a new level. Partners are stepping up to the plate, while you’re having to draw boundaries with others. On April 4, Jupiter meets Pluto in Capricorn, marking the beginning of a huge transformation in a situation at work, regarding your health, or in your life. No matter what unfolds on the surface, trust that this is a breakthrough liberating you from a difficult situation that has taken a lot out of you. The seventh marks the Libra full moon, bringing conversations, choices, and a fork in the road. Acknowledge your secret desires and fears and then you can make conscious choices rather than repeat unconscious patterns. You’re learning important truths, allowing you to make wiser choices. The sun enters Taurus on April 19, and the new moon three days later marks a new career cycle.

(August 23 - September)

VIRGO You’ve been through an immense personal transformation over the past few years. Now, the sun is in Aries, suggesting a powerful transformation is underway in a financial situation, marriage, intimate or sexual commitment, tax matters, or blood-relationships. On April 4, Jupiter meets Pluto in Capricorn, bringing to the surface creative, sexual, and personal desires you can no longer deny. As the full moon aligns in Libra three days later, A financial situation or intimate relationship comes to head. Be honest about your needs for emotional and financial security. You don’t have total control, but you do have a choice about where you want to invest your money, time, energy, and commitment. Be true to your values. This is a breakthrough allowing you to reclaim your power. You have the freedom to choose the situations you want to enter more deeply. Mercury enters Aries on the tenth, drawing you to enter deeper levels of trust in your commitments. Regardless of what you’ve feared, hopefully, you can see that a situation is stabilizing. You have the power to negotiate arrangements that offer you the financial, emotional, and logistical support you need.

(November 22 - December)

SAGITTARIUS In April, life is drawing you to be spontaneous and take a risk and a chance on your heart. The sun is in Aries, highlighting your creativity, sexuality, love, romance, passion, heart, children, and inner child. Over the past few years, you’ve dealt with a difficult financial situation or issues surrounding your self-worth. On April 4, your ruling planet Jupiter meets Pluto for the first of three conjunctions this year, bringing a total transformation in a financial situation, your closest bonds, and sense of self-worth. Saturn and Mars entered Aquarius last month, and the pressure is slowly lifting as this month progresses. As the Libra full moon aligns on the seventh, you start to realize you can have what you want and the freedom and security you desire. But avoid compromising your values for superficial gain. Your heart, integrity, dedication, and undying commitment are what are truly precious about you. It might mean having difficult conversations and making hard choices, but value yourself and you can negotiate arrangements that make you feel comfortable.

(December 22 - January 19)

CAPRICORN The sun in Aries is drawing your attention to matters of home, family, and security this month. Last month, your ruling planet Saturn entered Aquarius (for the first time in 30 years), followed by Mars, ushering in a new chapter financially and in your closest commitments. A situation is heating up, asking you to dig deeper for your values. Take stock of your finances, savings, and budget, and pay attention to where you invest and commit your time, energy, and resources. On the seventh, the Libra full moon brings a professional situation to light, suggesting a need for cooperation. Let go of trying to control or juggle everything single-handedly. Have more faith in yourself and others. It’s okay to ask for help, but let go of expectations and pay attention to who shows up. Midmonth marks a turning point in your ability to feel more emotionally and financially secure. On April 19, the sun enters Taurus, followed by the Taurus new moon three days later, which is drawing you out of your comfort zone. This is a romantic, sensual, fertile, and creative phase. But unpredictable developments ask that you ask yourself what you want. You might be surprised by your desires, but be in no denial.









(May 21 - June 20)

GEMINI The sun is in Aries as you enter April, and you have a busy social calendar this month. Your network is widening, highlighting your connections with your friends and others who can expand your horizons and further your ambitions. Venus enters Gemini on April 3, bringing a touch of sweetness to your world. You can attract what you desire, and you have options to explore. But as Mars separates from Saturn in Aquarius, make time to solidify a long-term goal or goals. Then you won’t stray too far off course. Also, stay true to your highest ideals, integrity, and values. They could be tested this month, especially as Jupiter meets Pluto in Capricorn on the fourth, bringing huge changes in a financial situation, marriage, intimate commitments, perhaps even tax matters. The wheel of fortune is turning, and this is a breakthrough. You don’t have total control, but consciously release the past and you can renegotiate arrangements effectively. April 7 brings the full moon in Libra to highlight matters surrounding love, sex, romance, children, or a matter close to your heart. You needn’t try to please anyone. Be honest with yourself and choose what makes you happy.

(June 21 - July 22)

CANCER You’re on top of your game as you enter April. The sun moves through Aries for the first three weeks, focusing your attention on professional matters. Late last month, Mars and Saturn entered and conjoined in Aquarius, moving you over a threshold in a financial situation and/or intimate relationship. It might have felt like holding your breath in a precarious situation. But regardless of your fears, you can recognize the support and love present from those in the flesh and in spirit. On April 4, Jupiter meets Pluto in Capricorn, marking the beginning of a greater transformation unfolding in your relationships over the year. On the seventh, the Libra full moon marks a peak in this process, asking for balance between a professional and domestic situation. Rather than hold on to the expectations of others, take care of your needs first. Find balance within and you can rise above insecurities to make the necessary choices. This is a chance to wipe the slate clean of the past as you move forward. As Venus enters shadow phase on April 8, acknowledge secret desires and fears, especially those surrounding relationships, money, sex, intimacy, and creativity. This marks the beginning of a longer story that will unfold over the coming months.


APRIL 2020

(September 23 - October)

LIBRA Saturn has been in your domestic sector since December 2017, bringing to the forefront matters surrounding security, home, family, real estate, your father, and roots. You’ve been laying the foundation for a new life, in some cases starting from the ground up. But this has also meant consciously closing a chapter of the past to make room for the life you’re trying to build. You’re turning a powerful corner now, deepening in a sense of security— financially and emotionally. On March 9, Mercury stations direct as the full moon aligns in Virgo. You don’t have all the answers, but you’re learning an important truth about yourself, your heart, and your secret desires and fantasies. You can have what you want, attract who or what you desire, and create the life you dream of, but you have to dare to acknowledge it to yourself first. The sun reaches the equinox on the nineteenth, the next day marks a Mars-Jupiter connection, and Saturn enters Aquarius the day after that (remaining here until July 1), bringing you a glimpse into the coming two and one-half years. Your relationships are drawing you to take what feels like a huge risk. You’ve learned difficult lessons, but as long as you remember them, you needn’t fear repeating cycles or hold back from living in the present.

(October 23 - November)

SCORPIO Your ruler Mars is now in Aquarius, just past a conjunction to Saturn, and drawing your attention to home, family, and sense of security. You’re laying the foundation for a new life over the coming two years. In April, you’re putting the first building blocks in place. The sun is in Aries for the first three weeks of April, and life is picking up speed. Pay attention to your health, get organized, and prioritize your daily schedule so you don’t burn out. This is a chance to restructure your life so it works for you as much as you work for it. Jupiter meets Pluto in Capricorn on April 4, bringing conversations, information, realizations, and opportunities and presenting you with huge choices. Consciously let go of (darker) perceptions and you can discover a greater truth. Not all truth is easy to speak or hear, but have faith that what you’re learning is freeing you to make choices that work. By the seventh, Mars squares Uranus at the Libra full moon, drawing you inward for rest and contemplation. You’re becoming aware of secret desires and subconscious (perhaps self-destructive) patterns that have limited your progress. Awareness is always the first step to healing. This is a breakthrough, opening the door to greater trust and security in your connections.

(January 20 - February 18)

AQUARIUS April marks the beginning of over two years in which you’re in a process of rebuilding yourself and your identity and establishing your authority, taking on greater responsibility in your life. You also have an opportunity to manifest a dream, but it all starts with acknowledging it and your secret desires to yourself. With Mars and Saturn in Aquarius, the pressure is on. But you needn’t take it on all at once. Pace yourself. The more you can accept responsibility for circumstances—past, present, and future—the more you can be empowered to rise to the occasion. It will also mean learning to say no. You can’t do it all, and you will need to draw boundaries around everything demanding your attention so you can focus your energy on what matters and what you’re building. Jupiter meets Pluto in Capricorn on April 4, suggesting major changes unfolding behind the scenes. You don’t have all the information, but the Libra full moon on the seventh can reveal the road ahead. With the sun currently in Aries, your communication is highlighted. In all conversations, remember that how you say something matters as much as what you say. You’re becoming aware of subconscious self-destructive patterns, but armed with a new perspective, you can make wiser choices moving forward to create a new reality.

(February 19 - March 20)

PISCES Saturn and Mars entered and met in Aquarius late last month, marking a phase of two and a half years in which you’re becoming aware of your subconscious patterns, especially surrounding self-esteem, your relationship with money, secret desires and fears regarding intimacy and relationships, or any trauma from which you’ve disassociated. But with awareness, this is also a chance to heal them. Jupiter meets Pluto on April 4, opening the playing field. Your social network is widening, expanding your world and opening doors. There could even be huge dream opportunities arising. But with the sun in Aries, it’s important that you stay true to your values and choose your friends wisely. You’re known for the company you keep. On the seventh, the Libra full moon brings a financial situation, intimate relationship, or power struggle to a head. You have a lot to gain, both financially and emotionally, but let go of trying to control anyone or anything, and avoid compromising your values for superficial gain. This is a turning point freeing you to be more wholly yourself and align with others who share your values and vision.


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