Community Safety Partnership Briefing

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Community Safety Partnership

Community Safety Partnership Education and Learning Opportunities / Addysg Income Poverty

Current Challenges

What Can Be Done?

Working with others Schools alone are unable to tackle and overcome the effects of child poverty on education. Effective schools working in deprived areas develop creative methods of working with others.

Develop creative methods for the recruitment and retention of staff. Consider recruiting from the local community and ex pupils for all staff positions.

Sustainable Procurement In 2005 it was estimated that 35% of the ÂŁ4 billion spent each year by the public sector in Wales was won by indigenous business supporting some 70,000 jobs. Every 1% increase to this figure should relate to an increase of some 2,000 jobs.

Develop a common partnership approach to sustainable procurement that ensures opportunities to support the local economy and skills development of young people are secured.

De Stigmatising Payment Methods Some free school meals and other payment methods stigmatise pupils making them more vulnerable to bullying.

Develop sensitive payment methods within school settings

Where To Go?

Buy Wales node/1413 toolkit.asp#Socio-Economic Cashless Catering item/1202 Denbighshire Cashless Catering

Community Safety Partnership Play Sport, Leisure and Culture / Chwarae, campau, hamdden a'r pethe Income Poverty

Current Challenges

What Can Be Done?

Where To Go?

The need to support and promote activities within communities rather than introducing activities through external initiatives.

Hand in Hand- Arts based Building local interest and capacity ensures that Activities and Regeneration services are more sustainable because they attract a critical mass of people, are easily accessible and relate (ACW) to the locality. Community capacity can be built by procuring funds to provide subsidised costs and underwrite of activities.

Developing an accurate picture of participation, financial barriers and related outcomes.

Develop a more robust monitoring and evaluation model to reflect the actual number of people engaging in relevant services and measure the impact made.

Unpacking Participation

Community Safety Partnership Play Sport, Leisure and Culture / Chwarae, campau, hamdden a'r pethe Income Poverty

Current Challenges

What Can Be Done?

Where To Go?

Minimising the costs of participation for families with more than one child.

Sports Council - Wales Saturday morning school pilots are being developed by the Welsh Sports Council to provide low cost or free grants additional services in an environment accessible to local families. Increase opportunities for partnership working specifically between CYPPs, Communities First and local arts providers (community arts organisations).

Retaining participation levels when costs for uniforms, equipment or subs become too high

Explore partnership working with the private sector and/ Promoting private sector engagement in sport for or charities to part fund activities and equipment. development partnerships Develop a community co operative model in which facilities and equipment are shared. can be made for up to ÂŁ1000 of funding/grant-schemes/ Community Chest grant from the Sports Council for community-chest Wales to buy sporting equipment to start new clubs or to expand existing clubs. Clubs in deprived communities may also be able to use these funds to purchase uniform for their teams.

Community Safety Partnership Participation and Decision Making / Cymryd rhan yn y broses benderfynu Income Poverty

Current Challenges

What Can Be Done?

Where To Go?

Being Worse Off Children and young people experiencing poverty should not be worse off as a result of their participation.

Fully review the individual costs of participation and ensure that up front costs are minimised.

Camden documents

Lack of money Monetary issues can often act as a barrier to attending participation activity.

Develop good practice in relation to the reward, remuneration and recognition of Children and young people’s participation, ensuring that it takes into account the complexities of the welfare benefits system.

Good practice Guide www.participationworkersw

Community Safety Partnership Participation and Decision Making / Cymryd rhan yn y broses benderfynu Income Poverty

Current Challenges Unemployment and worklessness in families are major factors in child poverty. Paid work is seen by the government as a route out of poverty, however the ability to achieve higher quality and sustainable jobs is also important.

What Can Be Done? Develop in partnership a cohesive local approach to reducing worklessness. That co-ordinates local resource, understanding, data and expertise. Consider the use of outreach services and IT solutions to assist in reducing Worklessness.

Where To Go? Joseph Rowntree Foundation : Local initiatives to help workless people find and keep paid work

Community Safety Partnership Education and Learning Opportunities / Addysg Service Poverty

Current Challenges

What Can Be Done?

Where To Go?

Smooth Transitions Develop a partnership approach to the In Wales, the proportion of young people reduction of NEETs focusing on early not engaged in education, employment or intervention. training (NEET) aged 16-18 is at a relatively high level – at around 10-12% or 12,000 young people for nearly a decade.

WAG Consultation paper on NEETs http:// children/docs/neet-toolkit.pdf

Working with others

Consider bringing in role models to show people from their own background that can be successful. role_model_education.htm

School Exclusion

Work with the Community Safety partnerships to develop robust responses for excluded pupils and appropriate resources to re engage them with education.

Supporting Educational Attainment

Develop effective Children and young people partnership monitoring arrangements for educational attainment specifically targeting underachievement.

Contact Partnership Support Unit for available resources. Contact Charlotte Drury PSU Manager (029) 20468616

Community Safety Partnership Education and Learning Opportunities / Addysg Service Poverty

Current Challenges

What Can Be Done?

Where To Go?

Basic Skills Low levels of basic skills in work hamper the ability of employees to progress and perpetuates in work poverty.

Prioritise basic skills within your own organisations and encourage all partners to sign up to "Basic skills employer pledge". Complete and implement the action plan.

Basic-skills-Wales: employer_pledge

Basic Skills Lack of basic skills limit the ability of pupils to partake in educational and skills based activities. This limits employment opportunities

Basic-skills-Wales: post_16 resource Work with the Basic Skills Cymru to develop a robust approach to developing Basic skills attainment at post 16.

Basic Skills Lack of basic skills limit the ability of pupils to partake in educational and skills based activities.

Basic Skills Agency Work with the Basic Skills Cymru to develop a robust approach to developing Basic skills attainment at secondary level.

Community Safety Partnership Health Freedom from Abuse and Exploitation / Iechyd, a rhyddid rhag cam-drin Service Poverty

Current Challenges

What Can Be Done?

Where To Go?

Access to family planning services

Poverty and deprivation, poor educational achievement and low expectations have all been identified as key factors contributing to high rates of teenage pregnancy Poverty is a key risk factor for teenage pregnancy. Girls whose families are in social class V (unskilled manual) are ten times more likely to become teenage mothers than girls from professional backgrounds. They are also far less likely to have an abortion if they do become pregnant. Providing well targeted family planning and sexual education programmes are essential and linking this provision to the education curricula i.e. via P.S.E. would support the mainstreaming of some family planning and sexual health advice.

Brook information sheet Planned Teenage Pregnancy- JRF perspectives on teenage pregnancy and community based support mechanisms SCIE research briefing

Access to substance misuse services

Poverty and neighbourhood deprivation increase children’s vulnerability to illicit drug use and looked-after children have been identified as particularly at risk. Working with the community safety partnership a review of the existing approach to reducing substance misuse and supporting families could ensure better aligned targets and outcomes across the authority as a corporate centre.

Community Safety Partnership Play Sport, Leisure and Culture / Chwarae, campau, hamdden a'r pethe Service Poverty

Current Challenges There are very few audits of available services mapped against deprivation indicators. This makes planning activities very difficult. Funding for play services is rarely reviewed continuing on the basis of historical information. An audit of services and funding streams would align current resources to children’s play needs

What Can Be Done? In all local authorities there is sustained investment in cultural venues. This in turn needs linking up with local community groups, school curricula and youth services to increase access and opportunity e.g. school visits to museums, hiring of mini buses via transport grants and organising walking buses. Sustainable community provision linked in with local priorities e.g. reclaiming unused land to create new play spaces by working with the environmental services and planning departments. Greater use and development of play impact assessment to support the need for increased provision. linking the wider community with educational and environmental agendas.

Where To Go? Play Impact Assessments Bridging the Gap –from policy to implementation working together to combat poverty (Swansea, Glasgow & Newham)

Community Safety Partnership Play Sport, Leisure and Culture / Chwarae, campau, hamdden a'r pethe Service Poverty

Current Challenges

What Can Be Done?

Lack of joined up local indicators that link access and participation

In the absence of Key Performance Indicators, local Indicators could be developed to enhance access for children in deprived wards, using the Free Swimming and other similar initiatives as benchmarks.

Adequately targeted services and evaluation of outcomes focused on enhancing the participation and engagement of children from deprived or hard to reach communities.

Local authorities are not required to collect information that indicate the number of children from deprived wards who are accessing cultural and leisure services. This continues to undermine targeted planning and provision. A local pilot initiative to collect data and improve targeting would be a step forward.

Where To Go?

Sport Action Zones Arts and Public Engagement : Patterns. Processes and levers for Change Arts Council Wales databases offer details of community arts organisations which operate across Wales

Community Safety Partnership Participation and Decision Making / Cymryd rhan yn y broses benderfynu Service Poverty

Current Challenges Workforce Development There is a perception that there are skills gaps in relation to the delivery of participation activities relating to child poverty.

What Can Be Done? Training adults in the participation of children and young people living in poverty so that they can support, encourage and facilitate this process.

Where To Go? The Participation Unit has a list of participation trainers from across Wales. The Unit is also piloting a Train the Trainers in children and young people’s participation which will cascade training across Wales.

Community Safety Partnership A Safe Home and Community / Cartrefi a chymunedau diogel Service Poverty

Current Challenges

What Can Be Done?

Where To Go?

Home Safety Accidents within the home are a major health problem throughout Wales and are associated with a range of factors including poor housing conditions and poverty.

Develop robust information provision and projects regarding the prevention of accidents with vulnerable families. homesafety/wales/whsc/ links.htm

Child Pedestrian Injuries Child Pedestrian Injuries are strongly related to with deprivation.

department for transport t Explore methods of improving road safety in disadvantaged areas. Via the NSF arrangements within roadsafety research key action 2.38.

Community Safety Partnership Play Sport, Leisure and Culture / Chwarae, campau, hamdden a'r pethe Participation Poverty

Current Challenges The need for local services to encourage greater participation.

What Can Be Done? There will be enhanced participation if service provision is worthwhile, fun and gives opportunity to gain new skills or an award (e.g. Millennium volunteers Grant scheme) Development of intergenerational projects enhances skills and provides access to services e.g. cinema night or cultural trips. Some local authority areas have sports’ councils who provide a voice for local clubs. The umbrella body for these is the Welsh Association of Local Sport Councils. The Libraries for Life scheme launched by WAG should encourage greater engagement with and use of local library facilities

Where To Go? Communities First Network- Billy Brown Creative Partnerships Arts Council Wales strategies for promoting participation and funding opportunities. WAG Statement 2005 Welsh Association of Local Sport Councils Libraries for Life

Community Safety Partnership Play Sport, Leisure and Culture / Chwarae, campau, hamdden a'r pethe Participation Poverty

Current Challenges

What Can Be Done?

Where To Go?

Play Research over recent years has repeatedly highlighted children’s declining presence in the outdoor world that was traditionally their playground. Possible causes are traffic, fear of crime, negative attitudes to children in public and planning policies that take little account of their needs.

One of the main reasons children give for not playing outdoors more is that they and their parents are afraid for their safety. Fear of strangers, traffic and bullying by other children combine to keep children in their own homes. Good play provision protects children through reducing unacceptable levels of danger, while allowing them the opportunity to challenge themselves and use their initiative

Child's Play: Facilitating play on housing estates Open Space and Children's Play Areas Checklist

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