In My Back Yard - Inspiring Community Change

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In My Back Yard: Inspiring Community Change In My Back Yard is an innovative and grassroots programme running across the UK to tackle child poverty by facilitating Children and Young People to inspire change in their local area, in their ‘backyard’. Save the Children in Wales is currently working in low income areas in Cardiff with groups of children and young people who learn about child poverty and complete a change project to try and tackle child poverty related issues in their community.

Practice examples and recommendations These guidance notes have been developed in order to create a unifying framework around which teams can deliver projects in an environment that ensures children and young people have genuine ownership and participation in all aspects of planning and delivery. The groups with whom we work are diverse in terms of needs, skills, age, background, group and partner contexts and interests. The Programme Officers and Project Officers play a crucial role in supporting the groups to be effective often in challenging environments. Project officers seek to engage with children and young people who live in communities where engagement in this type of project is rare and difficult, and where participants have had bad experiences of being consulted to no affect. Most communities do not start with strong groups in terms of their ability to engage and participate even where the partner organisation may be a strong service delivery organisation and run an apparently established group. The success of a group and the quality of project outcomes relies heavily on the quality of relationship between staff and participants, and on the degree to which staff are flexible in meeting participants at the point at which they can and want to engage. Skills, confidence and ambition is grown from there. Not from an assumed starting point of ability.

How to engage with hard to reach children and young people? Managing expectation is key. In reality the level of individual expectation within a group ranges from the highest to the lowest. However children and young people often find it difficult to meaningfully engage in project work if they have been disappointed by past experience and have resulting low expectation of what can be achieved. Of course, it is equally important to

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