Public Protection
Public Protection Health Freedom from Abuse and Exploitation / Iechyd, a rhyddid rhag cam-drin a Income Poverty
Current Challenges
What Can Be Done?
Where To Go?
Access to safe modes of transport to NPHS Deprivation and the health of Young A review of safe routes to school schemes reduce incidence of RTC’s in deprived wards. could be used to extend 20mph zones across People report Council areas where there is a high density of children and young people.
Public Protection Education and Learning Opportunities / Addysg Service Poverty
Current Challenges
What Can Be Done?
Where To Go?
Homework Policies Children from more advantaged backgrounds enjoy considerable out of school support in overcoming their problems that their disadvantaged peers do not receive. The latter are almost totally dependent on out-of-school homework clubs if they are to access such support.
Develop guidance on homework policies that take account of the difficult situation faced by children experiencing poverty and the support that can be made available to them. atoz/h/homework/ Homework Policies
Working with others
Consider bringing in role models to show people from their own background that can be successful. role_model_education.htm
Basic Skills Low levels of basic skills in work hamper the ability of employees to progress and perpetuates in work poverty.
Prioritise basic skills within your own organi- Basic-skills-Wales: employer_pledge sations and encourage all partners to sign up to "Basic skills employer pledge". Complete and implement the action plan.
Public Protection Health Freedom from Abuse and Exploitation / Iechyd, a rhyddid rhag cam-drin a Service Poverty
Current Challenges
What Can Be Done?
Where To Go?
Access to a safe and healthy environment It is very often the environment in which a Public Health Strategic Framework child or young person is living that can have Route to Health Improvement (WLGA) Review of school toilets (WAG &WLGA) the most impact on their health. Children living in poverty are more likely to be exposed to substandard facilities, such as school toilets or a lack of open access play areas. The public health strategic framework will set out a vision of improved public health and wellbeing for all children and young people by 2020. But for the framework to be successful action at a local level must begin now with reviews of community facilities and a better understanding of the links between wellbeing and poverty.
Public Protection A Safe Home and Community / Cartrefi a chymunedau diogel Service Poverty
Current Challenges
What Can Be Done?
Where To Go?
Home Safety Accidents within the home are a major health problem throughout Wales and are associated with a range of factors including poor housing conditions and poverty.
Develop robust information provision and projects regarding the prevention of accidents with vulnerable families. whsc/links.htm
Child Pedestrian Injuries Child Pedestrian Injuries are strongly related to with deprivation.
Explore methods of improving road safety in department for transport t roadsafety research disadvantaged areas. Via the NSF arrangements within key action 2.38.