Printing Innovation Asia Issue 4 2020
Konica Minolta highligh Print Innovation Asia spoke with the Managing Director of Konica Minolta Business Solutions Asia, Mr Osafumi Kawamura, as he outlines moving forward in turbulent times, a focus on end-to-end print technology, and a new flagship series for high production printing. The financial year of 2019 has been a year of growth for Konica Minolta Business Solutions Asia (BSA). According to an IDC report, Konica Minolta achieved an 8% increase in market share, which is staggering compared to its competitors. Konica Minolta BSA is the Southeast Asian subsidiary of Japanese multinational company, Konica Minolta. “I believe that Konica Minolta is well positioned to bring value to our customers with our suite of solutions that goes beyond just hardware but also software solutions. With a strong emphasis on improving our product offerings by understanding customer requirements and partnering with industry partners to provide an endto-end solution to address business needs,” said Osafumi Kawamura, Managing Director for Konica Minolta BSA.
In these times, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has been especially useful in alleviating some of the challenges. Konica Minolta has a suite of workflow automation software that allows companies to cope with issues such as staff shortage. “Our machines are designed to help customers achieve more with less through automated workflow and processes, companies can operate in a more efficient way during difficult times like this,” Kawamura explained. “During this period where many industries are facing manpower crunch, our smart technology like the IQ501, provides extensive automation designed to reduce operator time and print wastage while increasing productivity. This allows companies to reduce manpower reliance and free up the operator to perform higher value task.”
As the COVID-19 pandemic hits globally, businesses are taking a hit, with most impact being felt in the manufacturing sector. Konica Minolta was one of the first few companies in the industry to issue response statements. In its most recent update, the company reported its swift recovery and that production facilities in China has resumed operations. “We anticipate 2020 to be a challenging year, with a possible downturn in the economy that could impact several months ahead. However, we will continue to strive in these difficult times as we scale our operations and adapt to the economic landscape,” addressed Kawamura.
Managing Director of Konica Minolta Business Solutions Asia, Mr Osafumi Kawamura
IQ-501 Intelligent Quality Optimizer is Konica Minolta’s proprietary smart technology that automatically and continuously monitor and adjust colour and front-to-back registration to ensure output stability throughout the production process. Headquartered in Singapore, Konica Minolta BSA distributes industrial and business products designed to transform the workplace of the future. In the region, office printing continues to be a core of its business. That said, Kawamura added that the company is placing high focus on the industrial printing and production printing market. Kawamura highlighted Konica Minolta BSA’s commitment to growing markets in the region: “We continue to place great emphasis on expanding our reach in the region, as we further establish our market presence in growing markets such as Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. Not forgetting our local domestic office in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.”