AsiaINNOVATIONPrint-Packaging Magazine Serving Printing, Packaging and Publishing Industries across Asia Pacific since 1985 Issue 9 2022 Face to face open house for MPS hailed a huge success. Full story page 8

Also talk to suppliers one-on-one during the conference breaks to hear firsthand what they see happening in our industry and what your business should be aware

Comming soon : book online
Hear first hand from a lineup of world-class speakers, from technical to operations and into the business area, focused on all areas of the Packaging Industry, flexo, gravure, digital, offset etc. Looking at it from an Asian event will be held in Bangkok on the 8th of December from 10am till 5 pm, followed by the 19th Asian Packaging Excellence Awards dinner, which has been established as a highlight of the packaging year.

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Join us for a one-day conference before the Asian Packaging Excellecne Awards on the 8th of December in Bangkok Thailand.

Book today to secure your seat (Limited Spaces available)
“Getting back to business - will our industry be any different moving fowardWhat do we need to be aware of”
Bangkok Thailand 8th December 2022 10am-5pm Asian Excellence Awards 22 from 6-30pm

We are so excited to bring back this event, live and in person this year, and will present topics that have interest for all delegates. Listen, ask questions and network like we use to in past SHIFT events.

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Also Hotel Packages available

2022 AsianAwardsExcellencePackaging2022 Call for entries Now in our 19th year celebrating the best packaging companies across Asia FREE ENTRY FORM INSIDE Deadline Nov 8th

* This Year due to COVID-19 the 2022 Judging will




ASIA’S BEST Asian Packaging Excellence Awards 9 Wildwood Place Mulgrave VIC 3170 Australia DEADLINE TO ENTER 8th November 2022 DEAD LINE November 8th 2022 will be done in Australia with the Awards held in Bangkok 8th December

XMPie’s Web-to-print solution, StoreFlow, is an essential ingredient for success, especially through hard economic times, offering a plethora of revenue opportunities for Print Providers:
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It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.
th 2022AsianAwards Published by Asian Print Awards Management Pte Ltd 65 Chulia Street #46-23 OCBC Centre 049513 PrintSingaporeInnovation Asia Labels and Packaging Innovation Asia Asian Print Awards Packageing Excellence Awards Label and Packaging Conferences PublisherPaul elizabeth@printinnovationasia.comPackagingelizabeth@printinnovationasia.comEditorialpaul@printinnovationasia.comCallaghanElizabethLiewSalesElizabethLiew Issue 9 - 22 Contents Page AsiaINNOVATIONPrintAWARDS:EXCELLENCEPACKAGINGMagazine2022_018 022 2022 8th December - Bangkok Thailand. See page 58 of this issue for details 2022 Asian Packaging Excellencne Awards free enrty form and the SHIFT 22 Bangkok Confercne dates and information 8 MPS holds its first open house in Asia to a packed house 12 Fastest inkjet on the market 14 CGS interview with Marcus Tang – trend shaping Print and Packaging in Asia 16 Demand for physical books meeting sustainable standards 20 Screen’s new opaque white ink function makes labels more vibrant 22 Why digital print gets results in a sustainable way 24 Two new Evolution 700 plus coater UV presses head to India 26 Demand for digital features and smart connectivity solutions to revolutionize the retail signage market 28 Leveraging on technology as one of its pillars of strategic growth 32 TREND ALERT: Bright PASTELS are in 34 Valuing feedback from a diverse customer base 38 Just Shine: proactive transformation and innovation 42 Online print shop produces almost autonomously with Heidelberg solutions 46 Rigid plastics to drive Japan packaging market at 1.5% CAGR between 2021-26 48 “Perfect from all sides” HEIDELBERG launches newgeneration Speedmaster SX 102 52 Rising recyclability demand pushes beverage makers to switch 54 BOBST service team assists Hunan Furui Printing in technological transformation 56 Indusrty news from the region & around the world

A narrow web press is more economical to use than gravure presses when you run jobs below 30,000 to 40,000 square meters. This is a very interesting space for printers as brand-owners demand more and more SKU’s and more frequent delivery times. The interest from flexible packaging printers was therefore high as well, nott only from label printers.
first day of the Open House we showed how easy it is to change from one job to another by using among others the job memory, the sliding out ink systems, automatic pressure control plus auto register. It's just so much easier these days
What was the reason behind this open house?
MPS holds its first open to a packed house
With months of planning, MPS has held its first open house in Asia, at its new show room in Kuala Lumpur. Supported by many industry leading suppliers, the two day event has been hailed as a success by both visitors and suppliers who attended. We talked to Tim Klappe, Managing Director Asia Pacific at MPS.

You have to see this yourself in order to believe it and see the difference, which is what we did at the open house.
Was the objective that you wanted to achieve reached?
number of unique features in comparison with other suppliers in our market. For example our ability to show full insights in the performance and productivity of the press as the IOT (internet of things / sensor) -technology applied in the latest generation of MPS presses. The ability to run very thin foils (we ran 12 micron during the Open House) to card-board plus the ease of operation.
TK. To show the print community in Asia Pacific what MPS stands for. The MPS Asia office was established back in 2018. We moved to our current office with showroom in 2019. However due to Covid, the decision to display a machine in the showroom was MPSpostponed.hasa
This is your new MPS demo centre of excellence in KL. What did you have going on for this event in terms of running machinery etc. What Jobs did you display live on the equipment.
We started with a shrink-sleeve on 40 micron nylon. We embellished the shrink sleeve with cast & cure. We can do this inline. A feature that is not possible with the gravure and CI presses.
TK. Absolutely, with over 130 people attending our Open House over two days. People were amazed when we sped up the press to 200 m/min while keeping an absolute stable register and sharp Duringdots.the
TK. Over 130 people. During the first day we had the demonstration of the MPS EF Next Generation press and a number of presentations geared towards the production of pouches and shrink sleeves on narrow web presses. We had David Robbins from DIC and Steve Smith from Miraclon speaking about these topics. Further, Atze Bosma – CEO of MPS – spoke about the MPS vision and Frank ten Broeke of MPS spoke about our experiences in pouch and shrink sleeve production.
TK. We had a EF-530 Next generation press with 8 EF flexo printing units with Hybrid UV and one EXL-p-530 unit. This means that the 8 EF units can run both LED and Mercury UV. The EXL-P unit comes in an antiexplosion cabinet and with an hot-airdryer. This makes it possible to print solvent inks, water-based inks and flexo UV inks in one unit.
Over the 2 days how many people came to watch and learn.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 2022 8
You had many companies join MPS for this event, what was the logic for this.
What was the feedback you got from visitors? What was the one thing people keep looking for (ie machinery, Ideas on how to save costs, quality etc).
Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 20229
From day one, our partnership and vision alignment with MPS has resulted in a strong collaboration and joint commitment to its development and market success in Southeast Asia. The outstanding open house event delivered by the MPS team showcased the value of their expertise as a visionary press manufacturer. The quick changeover of the MPS press resulted in coming up to speed at 200m/min with superb quality while rapidly utilizing DIC LED inks, demonstrating the strength of two market leaders.
Peter Goh Yong Long | Sales Manager Singapore & Malaysia | ESKO
Here some reactions from our partners: It is valuable to learn how connectivity and its implementation can be made a breeze, to help business owners understand their processes and make more informed decisions. We are honoured to be part of this.
Tim Klappe, Managing Director Asia Pacific at MPS addressing the audience on day 1.

TK. A number of points seem to have caught our attention in particular. First of all, how very silent and smooth the MPS press is running. Even at high speeds from 150 m/min to even 200 Them/min.fact
The very easy way of setting up the machine. Thisis because of the operator panel on each printing station, the sliding out ink systems, the open concept of the machine and the rail for embellishment over the length of the press.
open house in Asia

register setting. Productivity gaps can be seen with a glimpse of the eye. Ideal for productivity optimization.
that all data about the press operation is transparent. You know the set up times of the unwinder, rewinder, print sleeves, the set up time and printing time in total, the waste plus many details like tension settings and
What was the feedback for the other solution partners at the event.
After this first job, we changed to a 12 micron PET pouch top layer job in reversed print. These two jobs were all done in less than 20 minutes time. For companies that are into pouches and shrink sleeve production a very interesting and economical business opportunity.
TK. To make a good pouch, shrink sleeve or label, you do not only need a good press. You need a good infra structure. From prepress, to press to finishing to inks, substrates, inspection systems, washing up solution, plates, anilox rollers, sticky tape, foils, etc. Everything should match together in order to get the highest productivity. For this reason, we invited partners in the industry.
The gains achieved by our customers via this program is enormous. So, although MPS manufactures machines, our concept goes far beyond the machines. Our vision is to enable top productivity by our customers. Not just by having a top printing press. But, being organized in the most productive way.
Joergowners.Kullwitz | Regional Commercial Director, Asia Pacific at Miraclon
It was particularly interesting to see the subject of machine uptime/ utilisation mentioned by one of the guest speakers arouse the attendees’ Saminterest.Seow | Sales Director of Asia Pacific | APEX International
The overwhelming attendance at the MPS Systems Asia open house event is evidence of great interest by the industry, especially in the flexible film packaging segment where there’s
TK. We truly hope so and want it to be. The machine that we currently have in our showroom will stay here till the end of this year. We are working already on our next showroom machine.
TK. With more installations in the Asia Pacific region, we will continue to build up our team . We are planning to roll out a set of training. The most interesting program that we have rolled out already is a program to guide our customers in achieving higher productivity. In this program we are the facilitator who comes with a set of tools and expertise from several disciplines.
is proud to be a supply chain partner of MPS Systems, known as providing one of the highest flexo printing press in productivity. The two-day event organized by MPS Systems Asia successfully demonstrated and proved the MPS EF series to participating printers. It was an amazing event, bringing printers

We would like to thank MPS Systems Asia for inviting Miraclon to collaborate and present at their open house, one of the first in-person joint partner events we have had in the Asia-Pacific region since travel has normalized. It was a very successful event and provided us with an opportunity to exchange information with MPS as well as other industry leaders. By working together with innovative partners like MPS, we can further our vision of ‘Transforming Flexo Together’ and help packaging printers maximise performance and exceed quality expectations of brand
equipped with BST web guiding, web viewing, and web monitoring systems and as a regionally based subsidiary, BST South East Asia is committed to supporting MPS in the region both from a commercial and technical standpoint.
This partnership event with MPS brought together the latest flexo technologies and designs to make the printer’s life easier. It is all about combined solutions to allow printers to complete complicated jobs with high print quality, cost-effectively, and with process efficiency. For plate mounting tape choices, tesa is happy to land on a solution that fits the
I am completely convinced of the MPSConnect programme. It is a very concrete step towards realizing sustainable development goals, and will certainly help manufacturers and converters achieve ‘responsible consumption and production goals’. It is a simple, clear, and easy to apply PDCA process.
What is on the MPS radar looking into the near future in Asia Pacific.
Albert Tan | Regional Sales – Malaysia | BöttcherBST
together from around the Asia-Pacific region. Great effort and commendable work from the entire MPS Systems Asia
David Robins | Regional Sales & Marketing Manager Flexo Ink Business and Regional Accounts Management, AP Region | DIC
growing demand for shorter print print demonstration clearly showcased the capability and efficiency of the MPS press which includes quick machine setup time, fast print speed with consistency, swift registration, less waste, and more.
Will this become a regular fixture on the MPS Asia calendar for the future.
Kennyteam!Loo | Managing Director | Böttcher Malaysia
For example, benchmarking and full insights in the productivity of a press shows immediately where potential areas of improvement are. Exchanging information on best practices enables the first quick wins. Further, we use 5S concepts, deep dives from our data analysts and experience from our team to fine tune productivity further. This program takes one year.
Stephanieapplication.Lee | Regional Key Account Manager, AP | tesa tape Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
Hoang Ha | C.illies Vietnam
As a key supplier to MPS, BST was very pleased to be invited to participate in what turned out to be a hugely successful open house and seminar. Traditionally, it has been very difficult to penetrate the wide web gravure and flexo film converting market with an alternative narrow web solution; the demonstrated EF-530 press clearly shows that this divide can be

The Quality mode, which is roughly comparable to offset printing using a 200 lpi (80 L/cm) screen, is best for direct mailings, catalogs and magazines. The Performance mode (offset equivalent 133 lpi / 52 L/cm) is ideal for textbooks, fiction books and other medium ink coverage applications, and the Turbo mode (85-100 lpi / <40 L/ cm) is ideal for newspaper printing with low ink coverage.
Turbo productivity in a variety of applications
The PROSPER 7000 Turbo Press uses eco-friendly, water-based KODAK nanoparticulate pigment CMYK inks. The inks offer a wide color gamut and, due to their proprietary ink formulations, support efficient drying even at peak press speeds. PROSPER 7000 Turbo features interstation drying using near infrared (NIR) technology. This drying solution enables the press to keep up with any of the print modes to ensure the highest quality output at the given speed.
To safeguard consistently high quality, even with the longest print runs, the new press features the KODAK Intelligent Print System. This patented solution automatically takes care of monitoring and optimization of stitching, color-tocolor and front-to-back registration.
stocks, newsprint, specialty papers as well as recycled papers.
PROSPER 7000 Turbo not only impresses with its incredible printing speed, but also with its vast application and substrate versatility. It supports a maximum web width of 648 mm (25.5 inches) with a variable cutoff length up to 1,372 mm (54 in.) while printing on a wide range of coated and uncoated
Offering three optimized print modes, the PROSPER 7000 Turbo Press meets the specific requirements of different applications. This allows printers to optimize their production process to always print at the best combination of speed and resolution.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 2022 12
Fastest inkjet on the market
“We believe digital technology will grow in importance as a complement to offset as ongoing supply chain issues continue to increase the cost of prepress. This new press reflects our continued commitment to investing in innovation that helps our customers succeed as the industry evolves.”
Offering printing speeds of up to 410 mpm (1,345 fpm) or up to 5,523 A4 ppm, which is almost 35% faster than its nearest competitor. It enables commercial, publishing and newspaper printers to compete more effectively with offset and to shift more long run jobs from conventional printing processes to inkjet. Kodak is setting unprecedented standards in speed and productivity with its new full color perfecting inkjet press.

“The game-changing speed of the PROSPER 7000 Turbo will help commercial, publishing and newspaper printers increase efficiency by shifting more longrun jobs from conventional printing processes to inkjet,” said Jim Continenza, Kodak’s Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
Kodak has unveiled the revolutionary KODAK PROSPER 7000 Turbo Press at its inkjet facility in Dayton, Ohio. Kodak's new inkjet web press uses KODAK Stream Inkjet Technology

The 8th drupa Global Trends Report will be published in September 2022. The first results from a survey conducted this spring are now available. One important conclusion: overall, confidence is on the rise and all regions and markets forecast higher investment in 2023. Glunz& Jensen A/S (Headquarters) Selandia Park 1 4100 Ringsted Denmark +45 5768 8181 Glunz& Jensen s.r.o Kosicka, 50 08001 Prešov, Slovakia +421 51 7563811 Glunz& Jensen Inc 2185 Hwy 292 Inman SC 23349 USA +1 864 568 4638 ww w .g l u n z - je n se n . co m With a footprint of just 17 sqm (183 sqfeet) FlexiLine 520 Compact makes flexographic platemaking automation a service within everyone's reach. Forget the crazy prices of the competition and Flex Line 520 Compact The greatest innovation since the invention of the flowlines... ask G&J for an offer.

owners, regional digital printing equipment business partners and local printing companies. Most of them are looking for a flexible and open system colour management system (CMS) solution that can seamlessly integrate into their current workflow, or expand their printing workflow when they venture into something new,” said “WeTang.
When it comes to trends, there are a few main ones that are driving the demand for CGS ORIS solutions in the region, namely managing brand colour correctly and reproducing the proof or mock up based on actual material: “This trend requires a short turn over time for proof and mock up approval.”
Marcus Tang, Technical Manager for Asia, CGS ORIS.
To better serve customers in the Asia Pacific region, CGS ORIS established a branch in Hong Kong in 2008. Perfectly poised as the main hub of the region, the branch covers the whole of Asia Pacific except Japan, from business development, OEM business to technical support.
is a fully automatic colour management software for extended colour printing on digital and conventional presses. Multichannel printing enables printing not only in CMYK, but in additional colours such as violet, red, blue and green. With this technology, a 4-colour image for example, would need to be converted into the new colour space – which is where ORIS x GAMUT fits in. This is especially important in packaging, and for brand owners.

are mainly brand
“The purpose of setting up the Asia regional office in Hong Kong is to provide direct sales and service support to our customer in this area. This office has also enabled us to strengthen our presence in this region to develop more business and support to both our customers and global partners,” said Marcus Tang, Technical Manager for Asia, CGS ORIS.
“Since the pandemic and lockdown, we thought the business would get very slow, but surprisingly there were more demand in our solutions in this region, especially the growth in remote proofing (ORIS Color Tuner) and mock
also ventured into the OEM business with Chinese manufacturers. For digital printing machine manufacturers especially, we are able to integrate our CMS engines with the printing machines,” said Tang.
up requirement (ORIS Flexpack),” said TheTang.
ORIS Flex Pack is the most colour accurate package proofing and prototyping system in the market. The inkjet-based packaging solution delivers colour accuracy, spot varnish, embossing and foiling effects. CGS ORIS Color Tuner provides the ultimate flexibility in colour proofing technology in one package and effectively communicating colour worldwide.
Colour Management and Mockup Production
”Thus far, we have successfully implemented multichannel printing in digital printing, commercial offset printing, metal-décor/metal can printing, flexo and gravure printing,” said Tang. “Local digital printing machinery manufacturers are now building printing presses with a minimum of 8 colours. For customers who are keen to venture into this
Multichannel printing process is another growing trend in the region, especially in China: “We also experienced massive growth of the ORIS X GAMUT software in China for printing companies that ventured into multichannel printing process,” said ORISTang.XGAMUT
Trends Shaping Print and
Rising Trend: Multichannel Printing Process
As we make our way through 2022, Print Innovation Asia spoke with CGS ORIS’ Marcus Tang to chat regional plans, and identify trends shaping the print and packaging industry in Hong Kong and China.

The accessible location also enabled CGS Asia to centralise its consumable supply storage in Hong Kong for customers in the region. In 2012, CGS
Asia established a branch in Shanghai to better serve the Chinese-speaking region with a local presence.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 2022 14 Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 2022 18
“The printing markets in Hong Kong and China are very competitive. In the Greater China region especially, the printing industry is very advanced, and very quick to adapt to new technology,” said “OurTang.customers
“Since 2008, we’ve been focusing on digital printing for both the commercial and packaging segments. During that period of time, it was the golden time for the print industry to venture into the digital world. The transition or migration from a traditional printing process to a digital printing process provided the opportunity to place CGS in a higher competency than our competitors,” said Tang.
As we’re closing in on the last quarter of the year, what can we look forward to from CGS Asia?

Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 202215Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 202219
The CGS ORIS CxF Toolbox is a software solution to store, edit and communicate brand colours in a fast, reliable and safe manner. With ORIS CxF Toolbox, any PDFx file can be analyzed to extract the CxF data for tone value increase aims, colorimetry, tolerances and more. The CxF Toolbox is seamlessly connected to the CGS ORIS Color Cloud, the cloud

new multichannel technology, CGS is well capable and ready to provide the solutions.”
technical consultancy for local and international brand owners, multi-national printing companies and strategic business partners in adapting new ISO printing standards, setting up digital mock up solutions and customising printing workflows,” said Tang.
“CGS solutions are being used for ISO delegates from China (TC 170) and Hong Kong (TC 130) for Technical Research in verifying the newly amended ISO standards, as well as developing new standards. This is especially so with our ORIS CxF Toolbox for CxF/x-4 establishment,” Tang continued.
Activists in Traditional to Digital Printing Transition
Additionally, CGS Asia has been heavily involved in educating and helping the print industry move towards digital together with the Hong Kong Printing Association and the printing faculty in vocational technical colleges (VTC) in the “Wecountry.provide
Looking Forward
“We are going to keep improving on our core competencies and development. With the “new normal”, post-Covid situation, we believe the market demand is recovering. Therefore we foresee there will be massive changes in managing brand colours and multichannel printing processes not just in offset, gravure or flexo, but in other printing arenas like the textile, decorative and wide format industrial printing segments too. We are looking forward to it,” Tang concluded.
and Packaging in Asia
solution provided by CGS ORIS to communicate all stored CxF data to the entire supply chain.
“We have gone through massive challenges before the pandemic first with the social movement in Hong Kong, then with the coronavirus pandemic worldwide, and now with the current dynamic zero policy in China. The merchandise trade began to recover, and as travel has opened up again, printing demand are beginning to recover as well. We’ve all had to overcome the challenges, and it hasn't stopped us from seizing opportunities to grow. With our core competencies, we believe we are more than ready to move forward,” said Tang.
also noted that most books are reused over and over again. Indeed, respondents majority said they keep
With sustainability and environmental protection being top of mind to many, it may sound a bit out of place to use physical books instead of digital alternatives. Many readers assume that ebooks are more sustainable. However, ebooks require energy to be produced
In a new survey commissioned by the renewable pulp and paper manufacturer Stora Enso in March 2022 among 2400 book readers and listeners in the UK, France, Germany, and the US were questioned on their reading behavior and handling of books. The goal of the survey was to gain insights into whether the market would stay that way in a post-pandemic world.
and used. Of course, physical books also consume energy and CO2 in their production, but once they are on the bookshelf, they are their own carbon
Physical Books Are Sustainable For Many Reasons
Demand for physical books meeting sustainable standards
rediscovering reading, partly prompted by the pandemic,” Jonathan Bakewell, VP Office Paper Segment of Stora Enso, says, “where many were tethered to their screens all day for work or school, then didn’t want to take them to the sofa when it was time to relax.”
Every book lover knows the debate: physical books or ebooks? A study has now shown that the majority actually still prefer physical books. In the age of rising environmental awareness, however, this means that book printers have to make books sustainable.

The study discovered that more than half of the people who read books still prefer physical books. Ebooks and audiobooks are rather unpopular among reading fans despite our digital age. The study also found that many people took the pandemic and the resulting stay-at-home request as an encouragement to start reading as a regular “Peoplehobby.havebegun

books they have finished reading and do not dispose of them elsewhere. Nearly one-third give finished books away to lend or donate, and another one-third sell the books. Only the remaining five percent throw the books in the trash. Reusing items in this way helps the environment, too.
Apart from this, the surveyed readers also said they are willing to spend more money on sustainably produced books. This suggests that there is an indirect interest in the decarbonization of the industry, which the book printing sector should definitely take into account.
more sustainable book production. They are placing a focus on what are known as Scope Three emissions. These emissions measure the carbon dioxide emissions of an organization along its entire value chain, including the proportion of emissions from suppliers and consumers caused by their “Knowingactivities.this,
The Future of the Book Industry Will Lie in Multiple Formats

Less Scope Three Emissions, but Pay More Companies like Stora Enso are already exploring opportunities for

the next question for Stora Enso and our customers, is how we can best meet this demand for carbon neutrality as an industry,” Bakewell says, adding “Offsetting is something we only consider when we have carbon emissions that are currently unavoidable. And of course, we are always looking for ways we can avoid emissions now and in the future as options open up.”
Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 2022 18
Encouragingly, as already noted, most respondents show openness to spending more money on climateneutral books, because after all, they stick to physical books instead of switching to digital alternatives. So in the long run, the book industry will stay multi-format, and sustainable books fit perfectly into that concept.

“The book industry certainly feels as if it has accelerated its requirement to go green, especially since the lifting of lock down restrictions and ‘business as usual’ returning.” xplains Lisa Faratro, director of environment and sustainability at book printers the CPI Group in Printweek, who presented the study in an article.
Book buyers should be aware that a more sustainable and lower-carbon production will naturally increase the price of books. Books have only become 15% more expensive in the last 20 years. The constant inflation and the more environmentally friendly production will make them more expensive in the long term.
But that shouldn’t be an obstacle for true book lovers. After all, they are less concerned with the price of a book than with its value. It’s not just about enjoying what’s written and using it to imagine foreign worlds. It’s also about treating the book as a work of art. For instance, a book with a beautiful cover, as part of a large collection, simply looks fancy. For some people, books are as much a part of a cozy interior as a pretty picture. Books create tangible moments through their feel and smell. And passionate readers will surely spend a little more money on precisely this sensory experience if it means that the earth can be protected as well.
With MPSConnect we see recurring annual cost savings of €50,000 - €100,000 and even more thanks to a more efficient workflow, time management and waste reduction.

Unleash your printing potential

To improve productivity and profi tability, it’s critical to increase the understanding of your overall label print operation. With MPSConnect, you get real-time insights in the operator activities. You dive into the printing press and see exactly what’s happening.

Connect to Grow. That is your key to stay ahead in a demanding market. By connecting with MPSConnect, you ensure the best in reliability and productivity from your printing press. You will increase competitive advantages and maximize profits.

In response to this growing need, Screen has launched a high-opacity white mode as an option for its Truepress Jet L350UV SAI S digital label press. When used with clear film or similar labels, this new printing mode provides more opaque white, preventing the color of bottles or package contents, from showing through. This helps to maintain rich color saturation, ensuring high-quality labels with eye-catching visual appeal, even when appied to translucent base materials.
As digital has permeated the label sector, both the volume and value of digital printing shipments in the label printing market have shown consistent annual increases. The growth rate of digitally-printed labels has been particularly strong, when compared to shipment volumes, demonstrating the high added-value offered by digital
Screen’s new opaque white ink function makes labels more vibrant
Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 2022 20
The liquor, cosmetics and toiletry industries are increasingly employing UV inkjet-based digital printing as a substitute for silk-screen printing. Digital printing provides these industries with a number of advantages, including shorter turnaround times, lower costs and reduced environmental impact, and demand is expected to grow consistently going forward.
SCREEN has introduced a new high opacity white mode that offers more opaque white for the Truepress Jet L350UV SAI S, the specialised UV inkjet label printing system developed, manufactured and distributed by Screen.
Screen has a long history of developing inkjet printing technologies that offer both high speed and high quality, and has also worked to promote production line automation and create a range of solutions to resolve specific customer needs. By combining these various aspects, Screen hopes to open up further new markets and contribute to the continuing growth of the overall label printing industry.

The high-opacity white mode is avaialble as a retro-fit to existing Screen Truepress Jet L350 SAI installations, or as an inclusion in new installations.
These trends have in turn led to a growing number of situations in which high-quality items such as ‘prime labels’ are required. However, if a bottle or package’s contents, for example, are darkly colored, the color may show through a label, affecting the impact of its design. This has become a point of concern for printing companies seeking higher quality where fundamentally translucent media is concerned.
also been special interest in labels that reflect consumers’ desires to buy specific products, including those promoting local production for
White ink is most commonly applied as a base layer on colored, metallic, or clear stocks. In these applications, white ink is printed first, followed by cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (and specisl colour), inks on top. In these instances, the white ink is used to overcome the colour, or translucency, of the substrate, providing a white background or base. On clear substrates and clear bottles, white is necessary to prevent light from passing through and washing out and affecting other colors
local consumption and limited time campaigns, as well as original designs that may invove variable contant. Visit us at the Pack Print International & CorruTec and Asia CanTech in Bangkok in October! Looking forward to meeting you at booth C12 (German Pavilion)! With its special properties the PackPROOF Clear Shrink Classic Foil allows you to produce perfect shrink sleeves, which can easily be applied to any form or shape cost effectively at no CGStimePublishing Technologies International GmbH D-63512 Hainburg sales@cgs-oris com www cgs-oris com Thickness 70 µm Length 30 m Width 24/40" Haze 6% Shrinkage(15s,85°) 50% Produced by: CGS.ORIS TropifruttiEasyMulticolorprinting(CMYK+X)spotcolor management, optimization & exchange Perfectly printed vivid,imagessaturated prooDirect-to-substrateng&prototypingPackagingsubstratesforanykindofmockup

• European forests are growing at the rate of 1,500 football pitches every day and act as a major carbon sink.
• Between 2010 and 2020 the European region annually removed and stored up to an average of 155 million tonnes of carbon in forest •biomass.Thepaper industry’s carbon emissions have reduced by 48% per tonne of product from 1990 to 2019.
Aside from being produced in variable run lengths on demand and on budget, digital printed communications enable marketers to create memorable customised content and personalised interactions. Waste is minimal and costs more effectively managed by producing only what is required.

Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 2022 22
Paper prices have risen rapidly in 2022. They have hit new highs following a surge in the costs of production, logistics, chemicals, and raw materials, as well as the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
For example:
This has prompted some organisations to rethink their printed communications. DIY chain Obi is one of them. It has ceased its leaflet distribution in Austria citing high paper costs and environmental protection. While paper prices impact budgets and consumer choice should be respected, it is important to acknowledge that engaging printed communications can be produced sustainably.
• The European pulp and paper industry is the biggest single user
Why digital print gets a sustainable way
and producer of renewable energy in Europe, with 62% of its primary energy consumption coming from renewable sources.
Although we each use an average of 119kg of paper every year, producing 73kg of CO2 – equal to driving about 600 kilometres in an average European car – electronic communication has its own footprint too. In fact, the European Commission says ICT (Information and Communications Technology industry) accounts for 5-9% of electricity use worldwide, which is more than 2% of global greenhouse gas emissions (as much as all air traffic). Left unchecked, ICT’s footprint could increase to 14% of global emissions by 2040.
This is how other retailers are tackling the increased costs. Furniture store chain XXXLutz is committed to its leaflet distribution because of the importance consumers attach to them but it has cut costs by reducing volumes and circulations. International furniture store chain Kika-Leiner has similarly revised its use of brochures but maintains they are ‘still the most important medium in addressing customers in retail’.
• Paper fibres in Europe were recycled and re-used 3.8 times on average in 2020.
Digital printed communications get results as Great Britain’s Joint Industry Committee for Mail (JICMail) reports. Mail drives 4% of consumers to make a purchase and 5% to look up their account details. It is interacted with 4.4 times and has a life span of 7.4 days. It is now triggering more smartphone and tablet engagement than phone
Marketing Club (CMS), in a study with Deutsche Post during the first year of the pandemic, also affirmed direct mail’s effectiveness in driving traffic – especially to e-commerce sites. It stated the value of an order was 8% higher if the sale was originated by a printed piece of communication and the average return on advertising spend (ROAS) was 990%. The average order conversion rate was 4.9%, with personalisation lifting this to 5.7%.
And is the most environmentally responsible way to print.
action. It enables greater targeting for more impactful communications that achieve enhanced return on investment.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 202223
gets results in
These are impressive results in a world filled with marketing messages. Personalised digital print can cut through the online noise and prompt

As the pandemic and the lockdowns ended, the company’s wholly-owned subsidiary in India, Manroland Sheetfed India became bolder and went beyond talking to its considerable installed footprint in the India monocarton
The Indian and South Asian carton printers and converters are now relatively well versed in the technicalities and details of purchasing a sophisticated automated press. They are more than able to sort through the levels of features, options, and “innovations” - looking for high performance and reliability not only from the machines but also from the Indian subsidiaries and distributor of the five global manufacturers.
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Two new Evolution 700 plus coater UV presses head to India

The Sain Packaging press will be installed at its plant north of the city in Sonipat, while Galaxy’s Evolution will come to its new plant built south of Manesar. The two Evolution presses will be shipped in the coming months and installed within the financial year that ends on 31 March 2022.
Recently, Manroland Sheetfed Evolution 700 presses were purchased by two monocarton companies in the Delhi NCR-Sain Packaging and Galaxy Offset. The presses with full automate loading with interdeck and end-ofpress UV cassettes besides the standard IR and hot air dryers.
The return of Manroland Sheetfed to the ranks of global suppliers selling new 7-color coater UV presses with automation into the Indian market a
Engineering service and back office support are a given in this highly technical and competitive market, as are improved inputs and consumables. The carton manufacturers are looking for industrial strength reliability – they have put in place the infrastructure to use these presses to higher specification work and quality at rated speeds for performance, productivity, and return on
The steady return of Manroland Sheetfed into the Indian packaging market in the last several years is bearing fruit as the company has considerably lifted its game in the past year.
welcome and successful renewal of intensity by the third German offset sheetfed press manufacturer. It has been an uphill climb. But the re-establishment of the company with its persistence in the supplying spares, service, and technical support services has led to the multiple sales of new and used presses. Its active participation provides significant options for the fast-growing and maturing Indian carton industry.
Theyinvestment.aremindful of the benefits of automation to the skilled human resources and the talent in the press room, The press commissioned in this market in the current financial year are no less sophisticated or automated than those anywhere in the world.
Thisindustry.has paid off, as the industry returns to structured capacity building with several converters who have held off investments in the past two or three years purchasing highly automated 7-color plus coater automated B1 presses. The Manroland Evolution series are thus recognized by the Indian packaging converters as one of the modern automated options that have to be evaluated when looking at capacity expansion.
Let us catalyse your creativity and extend the boundaries of print together. Shine with us and showcase your talent across the Asia Pacific.

Submit your works now at before 30 September 2022, 6pm (SGT)
Innovation Print Award (IPA) is an annual competition organised to acknowledge and spur FUJIFILM Business Innovation’s customers creativity and innovation in print.
In retail industry, in-store signage plays an effective role in generating sales and in-store advertising. It is used for in-store marketing, which helps in creating brand image among the customers. In-store marketing helps in establishing a rich brand identity for excellent customers’ experience.
operating efficiency of businesses, catching the attention of passersby, promoting new products in the market, and enhancing customer experiences.
In outdoor applications, they are used in the form of kiosks, billboards, and signboards. Harsh weather conditions, such as rain, snow, dirt, and extreme temperatures, can affect the performance of the digital signage and even might degrade their future performance. Broadcast advertisements are expected to hinder the growth
The Retail signage market is witnessing significant growth worldwide owing to the fact that a number of digital signage are being installed in commercial retail stores for advertising, as well as displaying product information, instructions, directions, customized content, etc.
Increase in Digital Signage and Printed Signage Market Expected to Drive the Consumption of Signage Market for Retail Industry
Demand for digital features and solutions to revolutionize the retail
Signage is the most widely used form of solution that is majorly employed for marketing and advertisement to attract consumers and expand knowledge regarding the availability of products and features through billboards and backlit displays.

Nowadays, it has been seen that it is the signage which actually attracts the customers in the store. Retail signage provides visual interaction between brand and customer which is a best way to connect customer to a brand.
The use of signage in commercial applications allows businesses to efficiently and effectively reach and interact with their customers, thereby attracting new business opportunities for them by increasing brand awareness among consumers, improving the
Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 2022 26
There are lots of retail chains available in the market with lucrative offers.
The Retail signage market is expected to register a CAGR of 4% to 6% during the forecast period (2021-2031), as per a new market study. With the retail industry focusing on expanding and investing considerably in advertising and marketing, the market for Retail signage is expected to witness significant demand during the forecast period.
signage in stores with added smart connectivity features, and this trend is expected to continue over the next decade. Digital signage is used in indoor as well as outdoor applications.

Interesting and appealing in-store signage actually distinguishes a retailer to its counterparts. Digital signage are now used in place of conventional
What is Driving Demand for Retail Signage Market?
and smart connectivity retail signage market
of the digital signage market in the future. The pandemic has encouraged businesses to accelerate the use of voice-based interfaces that use audiovideo (AV) interactions in physical places like retail stores.
Asia-Pacific of Retail Signage Market Outlook
North America Retail Signage Market Outlook
Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 202227
Other benefits associated with digital signage, such as better audience engagement, reduced paper consumption, increased sales owing to improved influence on customers, and cost-effective advertising, and are encouraging their adoption in the
Several countries, such as China, Japan, South Korea, and India, have witnessed developments related to infrastructure in recent years, along with the growth
of retail, retail chains, super markets which will drive the signage market. Asia Pacific is projected to register largest market share of the digital signage market.

The North America is a prominent demand center for key players as marketing and promotional techniques continue to evolve and advertisers prefer digitized in-store promotion over conventional marketing.
usage of 3D digital signage for effective branding and promotion of the product is anticipated to provide a lucrative platform for retail signage market growth over the forecast period.
The digital signage market has experienced significant growth in APAC due to the increasing adoption and penetration of digital technologies and advanced audio-visual solutions integrated with next-generation technologies, including AI and AR. Increasing penetration of modern retail across the Asia pacific region paves the way for further growth in the sales of Retail signage.
Owing to lower labor costs in APAC, the overall cost of implementing and installing digital signage systems is significantly low in the region. This has led to the emergence of APAC as one of the potentially largest markets for digital signage.
VJ7 Printing and Packaging Inc. (Philippines) invests in a new Heidelberg Speedmaster CX 104-6+L Press and a complete set of automated Pestpress Packaging equipment from Heidelberg.

In 2014, VJ7 embarked on its first expansion mode when it relocated to a 2,800 sqm site along Maysan, Valenzuela City. This is where its new printing plant was built and the installation of a Heidelberg four-color, Speedmaster
“VJ7 Printing and Packaging Inc. believes in leveraging on technology as one of its pillars of strategicPresident,growth”.Mr. Enrico Santos
Vision of Growth in Challenging Times. Mr. Santos, says “We are optimistic given the print market’s growth

VJ7 Printing started its modest operations 25 years ago servicing the requirements of Fatima College, now known as Our Lady of Fatima University. Mr. Enrico Santos, the owner, named the company after his parents – Vicente and Juliet and the 7 children, hence the name – VJ7.
Leveraging on technology as one of its pillars of strategic growth
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CD 102 Offset press and several other postpress finishing equipment, also from Heidelberg. It was later followed by another installation of the Heidelberg Speedmaster XL 75, four-color machine to supplement production. Year on year, VJ7 has grown and it has set its sight on becoming a one-stop shop for a diverse range of printed products.
New CX 104 model includes a quick-change anilox coater

“Our partnership with Heidelberg is a long-term relationship built on trust and mutual respect. We can count on Heidelberg Philippines to provide us with innovative turn-key solutions for our commercial and packaging print business, and excellent after sales support” according to Bianca.

VJ7 Printing is committed to delivering the best products, service and value for its clients. Bianca added “We aim to grow our sales by 30% over the next 3 years focusing on commercial and packaging projects. We envision VJ7 to be one of the opt printers in the Philippines, confident because we have Heidelberg as our strategic partner”.
With a complete set of automated post-press packaging finishing equipment, specifically the Heidelberg MK EM106c Diecutter, MK Diana Easy 115 Folder Gluer (Box Maker!) and Polar 115PF Cutter machine.
It may come as a surprise to many that it is during the time of a pandemic when VJ7 chose to take on another expansion project starting with the construction of a new building that will house its post-press department, large format division, and offices, as well as the installation of a new Heidelberg Speedmaster CX104-6+L press.
also comes with Heidelberg’s Remote Service Package ensuring 24/7 support from Heidelberg’s Global Support Team including live video support when needed. Amazingly, 80-90% of all technical issues can be resolved remotely using this award-winning function.
Press. VJ7 Printing and Packaging Inc., is proud to be the first installation of the Speedmast CX 104-6+L press in the Philippines. Heidelberg’s CX 104 is the latest Speedmaster Press, scalable, intelligent, flexible, and user-friendly to operate. VJ7’s new Heidelberg CX 104 will come equipped with intelligent navigation and assistance systems to help increase automation and
trends and potential particularly in packaging. We envision ourselves doing things better and more efficiently as we upgrade both our premises and equipment. We believe that our investment in Heidelberg will not only result in operational efficiencies but open up new opportunities in business and application”.
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Prinect Heidelberg’s Prinect Production Manager Workflow System reduces
At the helm of the business is Mr. Enrico Santos who is President and Chairman of the Board. He is assisted by his wife, Caroline R. Santos, M.D., as Corporate Treasurer and daughters, Angel Bianca SantosEscalona, as VP-Finance, and Paula Beatrice R. Santos, as VP-Sales and Marketing. Leading the operations team is Marisa S. Reyes, VP-Operations and General Manager.
Prinect will also give real time production analytical data to manage productivity and scheduling which gives the production lead more time to
focus on other important priorities. Postpress. “We carefully selected Heidelberg’s MK EM106C Diecutter, MK Diana Easy 155 Folder Gluer (Box Maker) and Polar 115PF Cutter machines for our Postpress department because we believe that it will give us the consistency, the fast and efficient output as well as full control of the processes with end to end production capabilities”, added Mr. Santos.
Embracing the challenges and opportunities of the future, Mr. Enrico Santos is fully invested in
creating a print-solutions company that is responsive to its clientele, agile and receptive to the constancy of change in the highly competitive printing industry, and passionate about continuous improvement.

After all, they are backed up by a strong partnership with Heidelberg which can only be described in the words of Ms. Bianca Santos-Escalona as “TOPNOTCH”.

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manual touchpoints and integrates the complete workflow process including the CTP system. This enables VJ7 Printing to fully benefit from the usage of Prinect. Mr. Santos says “As Prinect is offered via a monthly subscription system, we felt it makes a lot of sense as we can avail of all updates, fixes, and new features anytime, as soon as they become available.”
is kind of mystical. Their colours are usually yellows, greens, blues, pinks and purples with really exciting names like lemon, apricot, pistachio, mint &

Bright Pastels are trending in 2022, for all the right and bright reasons. Pastels trend in and out quite frequently, but there is an exciting change that is happening: Bright Pastels. By Lindsay Nutley
Source: Mixtape
But sometimes, they need a little kick with some added punch, creating combinations that bring a new vitality or freshness to designs across a much broader range of products. Pastels are a diluted version of a primary or secondary colour, created by adding white. They are a ‘tint’ or diluted hue. Retaining the vibrancy of their original colour but the white seems to make it ‘fresher’. And this is why Bright Pastels are Pastelsbooming.reallycome
Source: Nectar du Monde
Thelavender.soft, chalky and muted palettes are traditionally associated with spring, newness and energy. The colours by themselves tend to evoke a soft, playful
Sometimes referred to as “eccentric pastels” or ‘adventurous pastels’, Bright Pastels present pastels in unconventional ways, evoking new sensations to disrupt our traditional view while still remaining true to their familiarity & calmness.
So – why do we love pastels? Pastels have a joy and lightness that
feel, and as such are often used on children’s products, cleaning products and cosmetics.
into their own when used in combination with other colours creating more complex and dynamic designs for a broader range of designs & Butproducts.pastels
are not just for cosmetics, baby products. They are seeing life in new products like protein powders, craft beer and spirits, health foods, icecream and gelato, as well as products like tea, candy, beverages & cleaning products.

Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 2022 32

yourself and stand out. While shelves are full of products ‘shouting’ for attention, sometimes a calm in the storm can be a way to catch the eye of consumers.

So, if you are a brand that doesn’t usually use pastels, you may want to consider them as a way to differentiate
Pastels have arguably never really gone out of fashion but ebb and flow. Their optimism and colour positivity has become more important than ever before as we’re drawn to colours that combine and clash with contrasting shades and patterns.
Bright PASTELS are in
Colour is an incredibly important tool for designers. It stimulates reactions and emotions, while influencing buying decisions through style and tone!
Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 202233

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Valuing feedback from a diverse customer base
Good Package Co., Ltd. was foundedin2007by presidentHae-jongHyung as a cardboard box manufacturer in Siheung City, Gyeonggi Province. Seeing the future potential of the package market

Hyung soon brought into the company two good friends from his high school days, Sun-Kyoo Kim and Kyung-Chul Hong, as co-presidents and established a solid foundation for expanding the company's business. In 2009, the company's name was changed to Good Package. Now in their 13th year, Good Package is a relative newcomer to Korea's package production industry, but currently has two production sites (plants No. 2) with a total floorspace of20,000m2 on a 10,000m2 site in Gimpo City.
utationamong customers who need short-run jobs and cus-tomers who have no experi ence in package production. Existing customers are constantly referring others to us, and the number of new customers has continued to grow each month."
Good Package prefers to handle work from a larger number of diverse c om ers, even if it means that the volume of each individual job is small. They curren ly handle orders from over 1,000 companies each month. President SunKyoo Kim says, "We offer every aspect
The company operates five presses, including a Mitsubishi D3000LS-6 and an RMGT 1050LX-6+CC+LD, which were purchased in November 2019.

of package production, from design planning to he finished product. We have eight sales staff, but none are aggressively involved in sales activities.
Their job is to attentively respond to customer inquiries. As a result, we've established an excellent rep-
New solution for direct-to-substrate proofing on uncoated packaging media - now available for FLEX PACK! www.cgs-oris.comLearnmore

demic, Good Package has seen rapid growth in demand for packages for face masks, internet shopping shipments, home delivery of restaurant meals and related applications, making it difficult for their current facilities to meet pro duction needs.
have experienced a slowdown due to the COVID-19 pan
Long-term vision for the Good Package Brand

Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 2022 36
to have more than 100 employees." According to president Kim, the company's longterm vision is to build a small industrial park where they can combine facilities now separated between plants No. 1 and No. 2, and also bring in outsourcing affiliates in order to further strengthen the Good Package brand. President Kim says that cooperation with RMGT and RMGT's Korean distributor Sunil Commercial Co. will be essential to accomplish Good Package's future plans.
For the first three years after starting up, Good Package operated with no production equipment. But when the volume of work increased, they began to introduce some post-press equipment, and with the purchase of a used press in 2009 they began offset printing. As the scope of work expand ed, Good Package added new presses and replaced their older presses.
As a result, the company is planning to add finishing machines by the end of the year. They are also considering the purchase of an additional press to enable them to bring back some of the work they have been outsourcing to other companies and to better meet work deadlines.
High coating quality has enabled Good Package to propose new products
The 1050LX-6 that Good Package pur chased just last year is equipped with the latest automation features, as well as a coating unit, an extended delivery sec tion, and an IR dryer, enabling it to perform inline coating. According to president Kim,
"Thanks to the automation features, job changeover is quick and easy, making it ideal for the short-run, diversified printing that accounts for most of our work. And the chamber coater delivers high-quality coating, which has further increased customer satisfaction. Recently we have been proposing aqueous varnish coating to our Whilecustomers."manyindustries
President Sun-Kyoo Kim says, "Good Package's slogan is 'Providing the highest quality at reasonable prices'. We reinvest a large share of our profits in product development and in plant and equipment to boost our
They currently operate four BI -size presses including the RMGT 1050LX6 that they purchased in November 2019. These presses are primarily used for short-run package printing, with an average volume of5,000 to 10,000 packages per job.

Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 202237 Open-up your operating window for flexo production and experience colorconsistency, efficiency and profitability on every job. It’s time to reset the qualityefficiency balance in wide web, flexible packaging with PureFlexo™ Printing. The KODAK FLEXCEL NX System with PureFlexo Printing leverages our expertise in highly controlled ink transfer mechanisms to deliver unprecedented power to: Reset your quality-efficiency balance today. Visit PureFlexo™ Printing. Quality + efficiency + profitability. Now possible, on every job. MIRACLON.COM/GO/PUREFLEXO © 2022 Miraclon Corporation. FLEXCEL and PureFlexo are trademarks of Miraclon. The Kodak trademark, Kodak logo and trade dress are used under license from Kodak. Reduce unscheduled press Experiencestops more predictable color Decrease press-to-proof match issues Save time and money across the production cycle PureFlexo Printing in action Without PureFlexo Printing Digital File Lower Dot GainPureFlexo Printing Dot Bridging Dot Growth Ink Build Up Smoother, more even ink laydown

Just Shine Printing has had an interesting growth journey in the print industry. Initially the company was built on platemaking work, then shifted to book production, and later, after the introduction of UV printing technology, transformed itself into a packaging specialist. In this fiercely competitive market, Just Shine Printing evolved its order-based business model into a comprehensive full-service provider, including planning and developing printed products, all while winning rave reviews for its expertise and
Founded in 1970 with offset litho printing as its core business, Just Shine Printing Enterprise Co., Ltd. in Taichung, Taiwan, is equipped with automated production equipment that handles art and design, prepress, press, and postpress.

Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 2022 38

The company prides itself on its commitment to quality and its philosophy of proactive innovation. They respond to customer needs based on deep professional experience and a solid foundation of well-equipped facilities, strict quality control, and smooth communication.
The addition of a water-based varnish coater and extra units built greater customer trust and led to further
expansion of the company's business. Magic Wu, Manager of Just Shine Printing, explains why they chose a Komori press: "Komori presses meet our needs because they are constantly upgrading their performance, developing new functions, and becoming more automated.
Chen Ming-yang, Just Shine Printing Plant Manager, says, "Komori presses are easy to operate and have been developed with ergonomic thinking, so our operators can quickly get used to them and increase their productivity, yielding improvements in both quality and quantity."
Currently,technology.the company's lineup includes state-of-the-art CTP systems, coater-equipped presses, UV presses, digital numeric cutting systems, and binding equipment. More than 90 percent of Just Shine Printing's output is packaging. The product range covers folding cartons, plastic corrugated boxes, gift boxes, PP clear files, company catalogs, direct mail, desktop calendars, and tarot fortune-telling
volume of their business expands, customer demands are growing more challenging, especially for more creative jobs. To respond to these demands, Just Shine Printing installed its first Komori six-color Lithrone G40 with coater in 2015.
Komori has always been at the top of our list because of their stability and durability as well as the ease of maintenance. Komori presses were completely unknown to us before the introduction of the first Lithrone in 2015. After that installation, the machine's operating efficiency and print quality became our strongest assets, and Komori became a strategic
Lithrone G40 advance production 20% to 30% higher The experience of operating their first Komori press increased the operators' confidence. In July 2021, Just Shine Printing installed the latest six-color Lithrone G40 advance press with coater.
Just Shine: proactive transformation
The newly added single rider roller on the dampening mechanism is very easy to use. "This has made it easier for the operator to manage the water and ink supply, shortening makeready time and reducing waste paper," says Chen.
According to Wu, the new machine has greatly improved feeder and delivery performance, and downtime has been significantly reduced.
The feeder on the new press is very stable even at high speeds. With the addition of more wheels and two feeding belts, both stability and speed during paper transport have been greatly improved. "The operation panel of the feeder is also much easier to read and operate," says Chen.

Register is very easy for the operator to control because touchscreen
Chen Ming-yang, Plant Manager
In addition, the KHS-AI pre-inking function has quicker ink data feedback, reducing waste sheets at print startup and shortening makereadies. Furthermore, since the installation of the new Lithrone G40 advance press, production has proved to be 20 to 30 percent higher than their other presses, according to Chen. The Lithrone G40 advance database stores a wide range of job data, so when a customer requests a reprint, the previous data files (ink volume parameters, paper thickness and size, air quantity, printing pressure, and side lay position) can be easily recalled, allowing speedy job completion. According to KHS-AI
Magic Wu, Manager
Lithrone G40 advance simplifies operation Chen shared his thoughts on the significant functional improvements of the Lithrone G40 advance.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 202239
"Front lay adjustment can be accomplished directly using the touchscreen, which saves time. The feeder operator says that the new
pile pointer function provides easy operation, so paper preparation is optimal and very quick."

transformation and innovation
Regarding delivery, the suction wheels and the newly added sheet guide device on the delivery ensure more stable paper delivery. The number of suction wheels has been increased to 14 for improved air suction. "The effect is obvious when printing on thick paper," he continues. "The impact when the sheet is released is significantly reduced and it can fall more smoothly, resulting in more stable paper alignment."
production data, production efficiency of the new advance press is more than 30 percent higher and paper waste has been cut by 14 percent.
Since a shortage of labor is an ongoing issue in Taiwan's printing industry and a potential threat to printing companies, highly automated production is a musthave solution. Just Shine Printing has dedicated work areas for each printing process. The automated production lines and operator flow lines have greatly improved work efficiency and production quality.

operation has been improved. "Color management has become easier and more stable." he adds. Print quality and efficiency have also been greatly
Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 2022 40
help them to diversify their product development, opening up a wider range of markets.
Sustainable, environmentally friendly management philosophy
Just Shine Printing's environmental philosophy is closely aligned with Komori. It uses environmentally friendly inks at all its plants and is the first company in central Taiwan to obtain U.S. soy ink certification and FSC forest management certification. Not only does soy ink not emit pungent odors but it is also advantageous for recycling waste paper.
regard to labor, Wu says, "Currently Taiwan has made science and technology its main engine of growth, so it is becoming increasingly difficult to recruit staff. The Komori machines have a high level of automation, which makes it easy to manage staff. Moreover, because jobs can be adjusted flexibly, the company is well situated to handle market expansion over the next few years. That's why we joined forces with Komori." The new six-color Lithrone G40 advance with coater is helping to improve Just Shine Printing's production capacity due to its high level of automation and new enhanced functions. According to Chen, the Lithrone G40 advance has not only enabled operators to operate the press proficiently in a very short time but has also brought new business opportunities. He says that the efficiency and quality of the new machine can be used to win the hearts and minds of customers and also
Furthermore, Just Shine Printing has been designated as a supplier by global companies (Walmart, for example) for overseas orders where requirements are becoming more stringent every day. Wu hopes that Komori will continue to develop even better and more automated presses and provide effective maintenance services. Just Shine Printing will continue to create more products and, with the help of Komori Taiwan, will develop its markets, adhere to its environmental protection policy, and confront the challenges of an ever-changing market.
The press is equipped with easy colormatching software, the PDC spectral print density control system, and ink control devices, allowing Just Shine Printing to accurately control color differences and precisely calculate ink
Automated production solves staff management issues
of both the GL40 and the GL40 advance, both in six-color with coater configurations, Just Shine Printing appreciates the advantages of the Lithrone G40 advance. "The new machine is easier to use and color reproduction is more stable. The difference is even more pronounced when printing on heavy stock. Feeding and delivery performance are more stable, and relative efficiency is significantly better," Chen says.

- Second Plate to Unit system being installed at SAXOPRINT along with new Speedmaster XL 106
Partnership with HEIDELBERG drives innovations
Online print shops are seeing signs of a recovery, with orders back at a satisfactory level in this sector, too. Many companies have used the quieter months resulting from the pandemic to optimize their in-house processes and make further progress with digitizing their Consequently,operations.
- Heidelberg underscores technology leadership in digitized print production
For example, it is among the pilot users of Plate to Unit, the fully automatic printing plate logistics system that Heidelberg unveiled to the public, in conjunction with the latest Speedmaster XL 106 generation, at a world premiere in the fall of 2020. SAXOPRINT has now also switched its production to the Prinect workflow from Heidelberg, thereby laying the foundations for fully integrated, automated print production.

- Pilot user SAXOPRINT boosts productivity and provides development impetus
Furthermore, service and the closely related aspect of customer satisfaction now carry greater weight than in the early years of this business model.
online print shops are leading the way in the print media industry when it comes to standardization and process automation – from web-to-print portals through to the delivery of finished products. If they are to handle large print volumes reliably, these print shops must meet particularly high demands in terms of productivity and stable, fully integrated processes – both at the interfaces to customers and in print production.
Online print shop produces with Heidelberg solutions
When it comes to print production, SAXOPRINT enjoys a long-standing partnership with Heidelberg that includes continuous investment in the latest automation solutions and the Push to Stop concept. As a pilot user of numerous Heidelberg innovations, the company regularly provides vital development impetus relating to the practical application of solutions.
In online printing, speed, overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), and total acost of ownership (TCO) are key to enhanced profitability and long-term market success.
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SAXOPRINT GmbH, which is based in Dresden and is one of the leading European companies in this market segment, is no exception. It employs some 500 staff and handles around 4,500 print jobs each day – commercial, packaging, and advertising work –taking care of every step from receipt of orders through to shipping. From its Dresden site, SAXOPRINT serves both the German and European markets.
“SAXOPRINT aims for price leadership in the online printing sector. We want to offer our customers the best price, combined with reliably high quality,” says the company’s Managing Director, Klaus Sauer. “In the long term, that’s only achievable by fully automating our entire value chain, and that will make the vision of an autonomous pressroom a reality.
- Fully automatic “Plate to Unit” printing plate logistics makes offset technology even more attractive for industrial production of short runs
Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) and total cost of ownership (TCO) are also crucial for the longterm profitability of businesses.
“Growing pressure in terms of costs and competition is among the big challenges facing our customers. The best way for them to tackle this is to improve the productivity of their production process. In many areas of offset printing – that is to say our traditional core business – the potential for automation is also far from exhausted,” reveals Ludwin Monz, CEO of Heidelberg. “In close collaboration with customers such as SAXOPRINT, we are maintaining our technology leadership, boosting our customers’ competitiveness, and making faster and more targeted
The Dresden-based online print shop SAXOPRINT is among the pilot users of Plate to Unit, a fully automatic printing plate logistics system from HEIDELBERG.
Plate to Unit – another milestone in the Push to Stop concept on the way to autonomous pressrooms Plate to Unit enables fully automatic printing plate logistics. In other words, the process of making printing plates available at the press and disposing of them is almost fully automated. Guided by intelligent assistance systems, operators only need to intervene where actually necessary.
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Workflow integration and the new Plate to Unit system are key milestones on the way to reaching this goal, and Heidelberg is an important partner in this regard,” he adds.
progress with getting automation solutions ready for the market,” he emphasizes.
number of short runs, can quickly find themselves facing well over ten job changes per hour.
produces almost autonomously solutions
In terms of equipment, Heidelberg is thus bridging a major gap on the way to autonomous print production. Printing companies already operating on an industrial scale, such as online print shops with a particularly large

That also means a high workload for operators, who are in short supply due to the current skills shortage. Even without any operator input, Plate to Unit makes it possible to achieve consistently high productivity and thus better overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). It also relieves the strain on operators and ensures a reliable, stable process with less production downtime.
“Plate changes are a particularly laborintensive part of the printing process and our sector, too, is badly affected by the skills shortage. Using Plate to Unit, we achieve high productivity even with short runs. We have also largely eliminated the risk of damaging plates,
Correctly processing incoming data is a key factor in ensuring the process runs smoothly. The Prinect workflow is used to plan the job sequence for Plate to Unit. Prinect Scheduler, a digital planning tool, analyzes the incoming data to ascertain the best sequence based on criteria such as paper grade and format, ink coverage, and folding
which makes the overall process more stable and easier to plan,” says Sauer.
plates are then imaged fully automatically on a Suprasetter production line. Thanks to Prinect Plate Pilot, the Suprasetter platesetter outputs the printing plates in the correct sequence for the printing process and places them on a plate trolley that is then transported to the Plate to Unit system. Each plate has a unique QR code so that this sensorcontrolled system can make the right plate available in the right printing unit at the right time. During this process, contact is only made with the side of the plates that has not been imaged. This largely eliminates the risk of creases or scratches on the plate, and downtimes can be reduced further still.
With almost 200,000 plate changes during the pilot phase at SAXOPRINT, the system has provided impressive proof of having the necessary robustness for everyday operation. As part of our ongoing dialog with the SAXOPRINT team, we made specific enhancements to Plate to Unit prior to the recent launch of series production,” explains Rainer Wolf, Head of Product Management
SAXOPRINT now installing a second Plate to Unit system
Sheetfed at HEIDELBERG.
handles around 4,500 jobs a day, from ordering through to shipping.

Based on its very positive experiences over recent months as a pilot user of Plate to Unit, SAXOPRINT has already decided to invest in a further system, in conjunction with a new Speedmaster XL 106-8-P. Installation is already well underway and commissioning is imminent. “Plate to Unit is a game changer for us. We are expecting this technology to become standard at our company in the medium term,” sums up Sauer.
Prinect workflow a key aspect of process reliability
“With Plate to Unit, we are taking the development of the smart print shop
to a whole new level by bridging a major automation gap and making offset printing even more attractive for the industrial production of short runs. WELCOME THE NEW REVORIA PRESS ™ PC1120 Discover a new world of colour print without limits, driven by AI-powered possibilities. Find out more: Revoria Press™ PC1120 FUJIFILM and FUJIFILM logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of FUJFILM Corporation. Revoria is registered trademark of FUJIFILM Business Innovation Corp.

Rigid plastics to drive Japan market at 1.5% CAGR
Rigid plastics, which accounted for the maximum share of 33.1% in 2021, will continue to dominate through the forecast period, according to GlobalData, a leading data and analytics
Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 2022 46
Srimoyee Nath, Consumer Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “Apart from its easy and convenient storage, low cost and light weight features contribute to rigid plastics’ significant usage in packaging. Concurrently, rigid metal is anticipated to record the fastest CAGR of 2.6% during 2021-26. Increasing awareness regarding plastic waste and its harmful effects on the environment is likely to increase the use of rigid metal during the forecast period.
According to the report, the food industry in Japan is the primary user of packaging materials accounting for a 47.8% share in 2021. Within the food industry, flexible packaging was the most widely used pack material, followed by rigid plastics.
The Japanese packaging market is set to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 1.5% from 171.7 billion units in 2021 to 185.1 billion units in 2026.

latest report, “Japan Packaging Market Size, Analysing Key Pack Material (Pack Type, Closure Material and Type, Primary Outer Material and Type), Innovations and Forecast, 2021-2026,” reveals that flexible packaging and rigid metal accounted for shares of 23.3% and 21.5%, respectively, in 2021.
“Growing environmental awareness is leading consumers to switch to sustainable packaging formats, such as metal and glass packaging. At the
same time, the increasing need for convenience-driven features such as light weight, portability, and small sizes is boosting the demand for rigid plastics and flexible packaging.”
Nath explains: “The demand for flexible packaging in food products is mostly attributed to its high
During the forecast period, rigid metal and rigid plastics are expected to lead the growth, with a significant usage in food, non-alcoholic, and alcoholic beverages industries. Their userfriendly features (convenience) and attractive shapes and labels will appeal to comfort-seeking and experimental
will become more consumer centric as consumers will increasingly pay greater attention to features such as
consumption in bakery & cereals, dried food, and savory snacks, wherein consumers tend to look for products that offer convenience features such as zip locks, resealable closures, and light weight. The non-alcoholic beverages industry was the second-largest user of packaging materials in the country.”

convenience. To keep up with the pace, manufacturers need to constantly innovate and stay competitive.”
Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 202247
“Recyclability and reusability characteristics along with rising preference for on-the-go consumption among consumers are set to propel the demand for rigid metal and rigid plastics packages. Packaging

through to an autonomous Push to Stop perfecting press. The new 92 format option (650 x 940 millimeters) cuts printing plate costs by up to 20 percentcompared with the conventional 102 sheet format (720 x 1,020
millimeters), which is also available. This is a key economic consideration, especially given the sharp rise in raw material prices.
Heidelberg is investing heavily in taking its core business to the next level. “Perfect from all sides” is the slogan for the market launch of the company’s new-generation Speedmaster SX 102 , which has been enhanced in line with customer requirements. This press is aimed primarily at commercial print shops that require a high level of productivity and top-quality perfecting printing. Typical areas of use range from brochures and commercial print products to inserts for pharmaceutical packaging, and therefore include applications involving very thin materials that need to be produced in a single pass.
The basic model offers an excellent price-performance ratio, with configurations extending all the way
HEIDELBERG launches newgeneration Speedmaster SX 102

“Perfect from all sides”
Numerous assistance systems with artificial intelligence forautomation extending all the way through to autonomous printing - New 92 format option (650 x 940 millimeters) cuts printing platecosts by up to 20 percentCustomers benefit from Speedmaster XL technology transfer New ergonomic design combined with HEIDELBERG User Experience (UX)
With the Speedmasternew SX 102, customers benefit from systems.SpeedmastertransferredtechnologyHEIDELBERGfromXL The Future of Flexo Plate Making + Improve plate print quality and consistency + Lower total cost of ownership + Reduce handling errors + Higher productivity

The Speedmaster SX 102 features an innovative, ergonomic design with a new gallery and guards that also come from the Speedmaster XL series. The HEIDELBERG User Experience (UX) provides staff with a modern working environment.
Assistant, and many more besides. If required, the configuration can be extended all the way through to Push to Stop for autonomous printing. With the help of artificial intelligence, the digital assistance systems also achieve a further significant reduction in the number of manual interventions by operators. Besides saving time, this also means there is less risk of errors.
The end-to-end ergonomics extends to the operation of every single component. By making life easier for operators with its user very friendly navigation, the Prinect Press Center XL 3 with Speedmaster Operating System delivers predictable results and boosts performance. The various Prinect color measurement systems that are available focus on reproducible color stability and minimal paper waste.
New ergonomic concept combined with HEIDELBERG User Experience
HEIDELBERG 102 format class a popular choice for decades
Customers benefit from Speedmaster XL technology transfer

Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 2022 50
The new Speedmaster SX 102 is designed as a scalable press. Depending on the range of applications and the output/automation requirements, the basic model -already equipped with the tried-and-tested HEIDELBERG perfecting technology- can be ordered with many other assistance systems transferred from Speedmaster XL Thesetechnology.include
Thanks to the Prinect Press Center XL 3 and the Prinect workflow, the Speedmaster SX 102 can be fully integrated into a print shop’s overall workflow, which ensures efficient
“With the new Speedmaster SX 102, we are once again emphasizing our technology leadership,” says Stefan Hasenzahl, Head of Product Management at HEIDELBERG. “Our customers benefit from a scalable press that can be fully integrated and, if necessary, adapted to their precise requirements using a whole host of established assistance systems from our Speedmaster XL solutions,” he adds.
Intellistart 3, Intelliline, Intellirun, Wash Assistant, Powder
data management, precise presettings, up-to-date production data, and informative reports. The Preset Plus feeder and delivery have also been taken over from XL technology, along with further proven solutions.
“Perfect from all sides” – the new Speedmaster SX 102 makes hightech solutions from HEIDELBERG affordable to a great many of print shops.
“I’m confident we will continue this success story with the new Speedmaster SX 102. The press makes high-tech solutions affordable to a great many print shops, who also benefit from the industry’s largest and most efficient service network,” concludes Hasenzahl.
HEIDELBERG has been offering the 102 format class since back in 1975. In this segment, too, it is the market leader by some margin. To date, the company has sold well over 100,000 printing and coating units in this format class.

Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 2022 52
Joseph adds: “Beverage makers are incentivized by the growing consumer interest in sustainable packaging. Recyclability has become a key factor that Australians are actively looking for when making product purchases.”
Joseph concludes: “This indicates opportunities for beverage brands to build consumer loyalty through ecofriendly product packaging.”
As recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET) containers can drastically lower carbon emissions and help promote a circular economy
Consumer Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “Australia has set ambitious targets to build a circular economy. The National Packaging Targets envisages 100% of packaging produced in Australia to be reusable, recyclable, or compostable by 2025. PET bottles are one of the major contributors to single-use plastic waste in Australia, as it accounted for 86.9% of rigid plastics unit volumes in 2021*.”
To meet the packaging targets, beverage producers are in a race to adopt rPET bottles and make their packaging portfolio more eco-friendly. Major soft drinks producers such as Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Asahi have already adopted 100% rPET bottles for their popular Packagingbrands.
KHS Group launched Loop LITE, a fully recyclable, lightweight, 100% rPET bottle with an inner glass lining and a tethered cap.
Rising recyclability demand pushes beverage makers to switch
the consumer demand for recyclable packaging is on the rise, forcing more Australian beverage manufacturers to switch from PET to rPET bottles, says GlobalData, a leading data and analytics Suneeracompany.Joseph,

manufacturers are also developing new bottle designs to support the transition to rPET. For instance, the
In GlobalData’s Q3 2022 survey**, 74% of Australian respondents said that recyclable packaging claims were a niceto-have factor or essential/key driver of their product purchases, compared to 68% in Q2 2022***.

Furui Printing has a complete process for printing of cigarette packaging, from pre-press to post-press. The
At the same time, there is pressure from customers to go for smaller batches, faster delivery, and higher quality. The shrinking demand for tobacco products has also led to a drop in prices, and the change of China's demographic structure has led to rising labor costs.
“Presently, there are more than 20 people in the department, and the workshop has a total of 3 gravure printing machines, 5 offset printing machines, 23 die-cutting machines, for a total of more than 50 sets of equipment," says Wu Haijun.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 2022 54
As an enterprise dedicated to highend production, the company has since its establishment adhered to international standards, and introduced new concepts in construction of core technology, large-scale production, market development, internal organization, and human resources.
Mr. Wu Haijun
"Our equipment department's main work is maintenance, technical transformation, equipment and operations inspection, as well as installation and operator training”, continues Wu Haijun.
Wu Haijun also has a lot of experience in the use and maintenance of equipment. "The maintenance of the equipment is essential. As long as the maintenance is done well, there will be no major problems. This is the reason why the gravure printing machine we bought in 1997 is still in full use."
BOBST service team assists Printing in technological
entire production chain "Owning and thoroughly understanding the entire production process does not only effectively reduce production costs, but also improve production efficiency. It will also and more importantly provide our customers, the brand owners, with higher added value and quality of packaging and printing products," said Wu Haijun.
From the day he started at Furui Printing, Haijun and his team have focused on one thing, comprehensive and sophisticated production management.
Hunan Furui Printing Co. Ltd. is a fully owned subsidiary of Shantou Dongfeng Printing Co. Ltd. in China. The company was founded in 1992. Furui Printing’s core business is the development, design, printing, and production of middle to high-end tobacco packaging.

Recently, BOBST interviewed Mr. Wu Haijun, deputy manager of Furui Printing’s Equipment Management Department, to learn about the company's continuous efforts to improve equipment and technology

company’s big fleet of machines has further strengthened their position in the local market, and new customers are regularly coming in.
Lean management pays close attention to quality “Printing companies are under pressure. Competition is growing, an emergence of new processes, application of new technologies and materials are becoming more complex and the requirements for environmental protection is increasing. Therefore, we have to provide new craftmanship and new ideas to keep up with the development of the times”, said Wu Haijun.
One BOBST mechanical and one electrical engineer came on-site and completed the installation of the Registron® S6100 upgrade. The whole process took 3 weeks. “After the installation, the productivity of our equipment has increased, and the output quality of pale colors increased by 10%-15%. The HMI is more userfriendly, the operation is easier, and it is equipped with a fault reminder function, making it more convenient for the maintenance team. In addition, an even better feature is the ability to recognize color code registration, even very light color codes, which is of great help to our product development,
The general lifetime of Chinese machinery equipment is about 10 years, but with imported equipment such as these from BOBST is much longer. “We bought the first BOBST diecutting machine in 1995, and it is still in good condition. So, our relationship with BOBST started 27 years ago", Wu Haijun said sincerely.
Registron® S6100 for improved color quality
plate making and other processes. In the future, we look forward to more in-depth technical cooperation with BOBST," declared Wu Haijun.
The cigarette packaging market has particularly high requirements for accuracy. We have used BOBST equipment for so many years, and it is really reliable. The operation and maintenance of the equipment is relatively simple, and the failure rate is low. We trust this brand very much," Wu Haijun continued.
"When investing in equipment, the first is to examine the adaptability of the product, the second is to look at the reliability of the equipment (service, stability, maintenance and upgrades, etc.), and the third is to consider the environmental protection requirements." Wu Haijun continued, "Over the years of cooperation, our BOBST equipment has performed very well in terms of production efficiency, speed, and craftsmanship, and the performance in terms of service is even more commendable, as well as offering strong equipment improvements and upgrades."
Cooperation with BOBST for technical transformation and upgrades
Therefore, when Furui Printing was seeking technical upgrades, BOBST’s service team was contacted. "The first upgrade was the register control system. As time goes by, the original S4100 Registron® was no longer enough to meet customers' demands for continuous technology upgrades and product quality. BOBST has developed a new generation of registration control system, the S6100, and after in-depth technical analysis together with the BOBST service team, we decided that the new Registron® S6100 will meet our higher requirements for registration accuracy.”
To overcome these challenges, Furui Printing has invested in lean production and equipment management. "We have implemented Lean Six Sigma, which has enabled us to run production with the highest quality and lowest quantity of production material. We can maximize and stabilize the utilization rate of existing equipment and prevent errors from occurring. It also means that we can achieve cost reductions and an overall improvement of the efficiency", said Wu Haijun.
"Breakthroughs in products will not happen overnight, and breakthroughs in technology require continuous upgrading of the entire production chain, such as R&D, supply, user support, etc. What we can do, as a user, is to increase production capacity through various refined management activities. Expand the application of our products through technological improvement and empower the entire packaging and printing business." Wu Haijun said.

Registron® S6100 for improved color quality
assists Hunan transformationFurui
Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 202255
economical, efficient, and sustainable Zikiway.”Kuly, Scodix APJ President, adds, “Müller Korea’s expert team, focus on efficiency, and diverse sector knowledge makes them the perfect partner to support Scodix in this key region. The Korean packaging market in particular is poised for impressive growth, and the potential this alliance has to boost print businesses looking to add high-value, embellished products to their portfolio is very .exciting.”
customer reaping the rewards of these new features is DataProse. By utilizing ReadyPDF among other solutions in the Chemistry™ platform, it has been able to optimize its e-presentment files
Strengthen the healthy presence that Scodix already has in the Korean packaging market
Award-winning PDF optimization solution
Another new ReadyPDF 9.2 feature includes a Job Redirection function that detects certain characteristics within a PDF, such as font and color properties, and can reroute those to specific configuration profiles designed to optimize those characteristics.
Nakyeon Cho, President and CEO of Müller Korea, says, “Our purpose is amplifying the success of our customers with state-of-the-art technology, so it is an honour to be partnering with Scodix to bring their market-leading embellishment solutions to businesses across Korea.
ReadyPDF 9.2 offers many enhancements to its current features and new additions to boost functionality and improve user experience. These improvements include a streamlined configuration, additional discard object options, ReadyPDF job property variables, expanded optimization settings, pre-defined modes for various activities, greater optimization report functionality, and the addition of a new preflight mode.
Also notable is the Discard Objects option in version 9.2. Discard Objects is designed to remove unnecessary information for the presentation or viewing of the document. Additional discardable options have been added to further decrease file sizes and create simpler documents. These objects include unused images, unused forms, invisible text, popup annotations, and
With a focus on user experience, ReadyPDF 9.2 includes updates to

Scodix, the leading provider of digital embellishment solutions for the graphic arts industry, today announces the signing of a new partnership agreement with Müller Korea Co. Ltd., facilitating Müller’s distribution of Scodix solutions in South Korea.
Solimar Systems, Inc., provider of leading workflow software solutions for print production and digital communications, has announced the release of version 9.2 of its awardwinning PDF optimization solution, ReadyPDF® Prepress Server™.
its user interface that simplify the setup and configuration of jobs. The configuration now has multiple options for users to select preconfigured optimization settings that aid in onboarding new work and boosting productivity.
The new Preflight Mode in ReadyPDF can detect certain characteristics, such as missing or subset fonts, and will apply appropriate optimizations. It also identifies and removes redundant and unnecessary resources, such as empty XObjects, which increases processing speeds and shrinks file sizes.
Founded in 2019, Müller Korea is a dynamic distributor of Muller Martini, Kolbus,Prati, MBO group, Bograma and mps. The new partnership will strengthen the healthy presence that Scodix already has in the Korean packaging market and will serve as a complementary addition to the existing partnership with Screen HD Korea Co., Ltd, which has been a successful collaboration since 2011.
“Demand among our diverse customer base for high-value, luxury print, and packaging continues to grow, and with Scodix technology, print providers have an unparalleled opportunity to deliver premium products in an

SPEED UP YOUR PROCESSES with optical systems for UV curing and drying

What can we do to help elevate some of these costs with careful and correct purchases. How willing are supply companies wanting to work with you! By changing suppliers on consumables (for example) due to cheaper prices, is it really going to help long term?. What about workflow, can that help save you costs. Is that cheaper machine purchase going to be the right investment you need at this stage.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 2022 58 22
“GMS Pacific’s strategy continues to actively partner with leading companies and new technologies, to expand and evolve product offering where we see that the products offer superior value to the market and a competitive advantage”. says Andrew McNamara, Managing Director at GMS Pacific. “Domino Digital Printing is a recognised global leader in its markets, and we are proud delighted to be cementing our relationship with Domino. Together, helping our customers achieve success and growth through distributing, supporting and servicing this leading range of digital printing solutions and technological
it, our industry in under pressure, not from print job volumes, but by the ever-increasing cost of our production supplies, like film, board, plates, inks, freight, wages and other increases that we are being subjected to. Every business today is in the same boat, and this is not just a packaging issue. But we honestly only care about the costs that effect our business post pandemic in our industry.
GMS Pacific was established in the late-1970s by Founder Peter McNamara. Headquartered in Melbourne the company delivers intelligent solutions across a range of printing sectors, serving Australian and New Zealand manufacturers in the narrow-web label industry, wide-web flexible packaging, corrugated and carton packaging – as well as paper mills and the sign and display market.
Digital Printing Solutions in AsiaPacific, says: “We are delighted to welcome GMS Pacific as a distributor of the N730i label press. GMS Pacific has a strong presence in the Label and Packaging market and has always placed great emphasis on delivering exceptional service and support. This new partnership now represents an exciting opportunity to drive growth and sales for digital colour ink jet presses in Australia. We are confident that the industry expertise and the common values shared from both businesses will prove to be successful to our existing and future customers.”
Following the one day “intensive” SHIFT conference we will hold the industries only regional Asian Packaging Excellence Awards dinner, where we showcase the quality packaging companies who have been awarded Gold Silver and Bronze in the 2022 competition, always a highlight of the year. Register and book your seat booked today for the 2022 SHIFT conference and also get your best printed work ready to enter in the Awards Competition. Nothing says it better than being a winning quality packaging printer in Asia. And nothing helps more than you having the right information for your business moving forward.

Domino Digital Printing Solutions is delighted to welcome GMS Pacific as the distributor of the N730i in Australia. This new partnership will extend Domino’s presence in AsiaPacific with GMS Pacific responsible for expanding the Brand position in Australia and driving sales, service and support for Domino’s N730i digital colour ink jet label press.

for Domino
For more than 40 years, GMS has earned a strong reputation for the quality, reliability and consistency its solutions deliver, as well as its loyalty to the brands it is partnered with –many of whom have been working with GMS Pacific for multiple decades.
Details we be sent to you soon on how to register for this event
with the benefits our customers realize with the latest version of our ReadyPDF Prepress Server,” says Mary Ann Rowan, Chief Experience Officer at Solimar Systems. “Along with correcting fonts, images, color and structural issues in PDFs, ReadyPDF creates clean live data and detailed before and after optimization reports that can boost overall workflow productivity processes.”
We are having the SHIFT 22 conference in Bangkok on December the 8th and will try to address these issues and many others as well. The one-day event will bring back (for our 19th year) industry leaders so you can hear from people and companies who have the answers. Network with other companies who like you need to find these ways forward.
Let’s talk about the state of our Packaging industry post pandemic. What to look out for moving forward. The SHIFT 2022 Packaging NoConference.doubting

The new partnership will extend Domino’s presence in Asia-Pacific.
and reduce sizes dramatically. “With ReadyPDF, we are able to reduce file sizes by 95%, which streamlines our print output but also creates an optimized file for e-presentment online,” shares Brian Ray, Chief Technology Officer, DataProse. In addition to file size reductions and file optimizations, ReadyPDF has increased overall productivity and seen a huge ROI while increasing customer
Print Innovation Asia Issue 9 202259HP PressesDigitalPageWideCorrugated HP PageWide C500 Press HP PageWide T1190 Press HP PageWide T470S Press Scan to learn more Better.Faster.Economical.