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here is a number of challenges the Council of Advertising Practitioners have encountered as an organization this school year 2021-2022, none of them we could not overcome and handle, but for the most challenging ones, there are two that come in mind: our members ’ inactive and inconsistent participation and pursuing our original plans for the organization.
Every time we have social occasions planned such as our acquaintance party and monthly movie nights (that was later discontinued) and partnerships for webinars and online events, it was, admittedly, difficult to ask and monitor our members ' participation virtually. During our virtual acquaintance party, only half of our members attended, which was stressful as the event planned was for the benefit of our freshmen to get to know their seniors and what it’ s like to be part of the organization. It was also a little bit unfortunate for the officers who stayed up late at night to thoroughly plan and execute the event, only for half of our members to appreciate and enjoy. Don
’t get us wrong, we were still grateful and glad for the time and effort our members gave to attend and participate. It was still a success in the end, however, we wished that it could have been better if everyone was there. As for the monthly movie nights, we have discontinued it for the same reason: only a small number of our members would attend and enjoy the movie. Although it is not mandatory for them to attend anyway, we had hoped that through our small effort of bringing everyone together at least once a month, that our connections would grow stronger considering that we are, after all, chasing our dreams in the same career field, hence why we are enrolled in BS Advertising.
It was just as difficult, if not more, to ask our members to register, attend, and participate in webinars and online events held by our partner organizations. The core officers including me sometimes wished that we can confidently accept a gold partnership, but considering our small population of thirty-six (36) and the schedule of each and every member, we unfortunately have to settle with only a bronze partnership-
which is still a great opportunity for us to show our willingness to support and cooperate with other organizations, but just like I said, we wished we could do more. Nevertheless, we powered through these challenges and still met the expectations and required attendees for our partnerships, all thanks to the efforts of our core officers and members of the council. As for our failure to pursue our original plans for the organization, the plans that we meant were our supposed Christmas party in December and Valentine special in February. However, due to Typhoon Odette in December, we decided to cancel the Christmas party in respect to not only our members but for the victims who lost their families and home to the typhoon. Instead, we cooperated with the College of Business and Accountancy Provincial Council in helping students who were stranded. We asked our members in our Messenger group chat if they needed any help or assistance from us and fortunately, all of them were okay. Some of our members only had problems with the electricity being out and signal for their mobile phones. As for the supposed Valentine special in February, due to time constraints and the differences in schedule of the members, we canceled it and decided to partner with Koalisyon with their Koa Jam 2.0: Gabi ng Tula at Musika by supporting and attending their event which they broadcasted via Facebook Live. We received a certificate of appreciation from said event. Despite all of these strenuous activities, we put all of our faith in our Almighty Father in order to push through with all our best efforts and hard work to continually make our name be known amongst all other organizations and fraternities of our university– that despite our small population, we are willing to open our hands to support, cooperate, and partner with others for meaningful campaigns and informational webinars. We have accomplished the theme CPU Student Organizations: EXCEL for God’ s Greatest Glory through our trust that the Lord will help and guide us in the right path of student leadership and service for the members of our council. Through our struggles and hard work, we never yield to the temptation of giving up, instead we looked for inspiration and motivation in God’ s holy word, and continued to improve our initiative, management, and authority in the council, influence important and worthwhile movements to the members, and exercise our creativity to promote effective communication as advertising practitioners. We believe that through all of our honest and hard work, immense passion, and ambitions, we excelled because we did it all for God’ s greatest glory, and we owe all of our organizations ’ and individual success to His gracious name– and all thanks to Him, we are able to proudly say that the Council of Advertising Practitioners will continue on serving and represent the students of Advertising, to confidently showcase through our portfolio our achievements and accomplishments, and to optimistically hope that the future of our organization is far from a dimming light… We will shine brighter, bolder, and better.