Stronger Together: COAP's SDP Portfolio SY 2021-2022

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here is a number of challenges the Council of Advertising Practitioners have encountered as an organization this school year 2021-2022, none of them we could not overcome and handle, but for the most challenging ones, there are two that come in mind: our members’ inactive and inconsistent participation and pursuing our original plans for the organization.

Don’t get us wrong, we were still grateful and glad for the time and effort our members gave to attend and participate. It was still a success in the end, however, we wished that it could have been better if everyone was there. As for the monthly movie nights, we have discontinued it for the same reason: only a small number of our members would attend and enjoy the movie. Although it is not mandatory for them to attend anyway, we had hoped Every time we have social occasions that through our small effort of bringing planned such as our acquaintance party everyone together at least once a month, and monthly movie nights (that was later that our connections would grow stronger discontinued) and partnerships for considering that we are, after all, chasing webinars and online events, it was, our dreams in the same career field, hence admittedly, difficult to ask and monitor why we are enrolled in BS Advertising. our members' participation virtually. During our virtual acquaintance party, It was just as difficult, if not more, to ask only half of our members attended, our members to register, attend, and which was stressful as the event participate in webinars and online events planned was for the benefit of our held by our partner organizations. freshmen to get to know their seniors The core officers including me sometimes and what it’s like to be part of the wished that we can confidently accept a organization. It was also a little bit gold partnership, but considering our small unfortunate for the officers who stayed population of thirty-six (36) and the up late at night to thoroughly plan and schedule of each and every member, we execute the event, only for half of our unfortunately have to settle with only a members to appreciate and enjoy. bronze partnershipCOAP PORTFOLIO 2022

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