FirstyearGuide 2025

The CPUT community welcomes you and assures you that your journey is starting in the right place.
The CPUT community welcomes you and assures you that your journey is starting in the right place.
You worked hard to complete your secondary schooling. Your hard work is rewarded as you enter the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) as a student in tertiary education, ready to embark on a new journey of education and empowerment.
Exciting as this may be, it may be equally intimidating. The CPUT community welcomes you and assures you that your journey is starting in the right place. To reassure you, we want to share our vision and values of ONENESS and SMARTNESS.
ONENESS implies that you now form part of the CPUT community – where together, we are one. The three U’s: Ubunye (unity), Ukungafani (diversity), Ubuntu, tell you that we ascribe to an African philosophy of “ukuhamba unxibe izihlangu zomnye umntu” – to walk in someone else’s shoes.
SMARTNESS infers that we revel in a culture of learning by doing, and our strategies are focused on technological developments and innovations. We strive to make a better world through education, research, and technological innovation. Your education is why you are here, and education is our business – and we benefit from you reaching your full potential. The vast academic, support and development activities at CPUT are here to guide and enrich your journey to great success.
I wish you well for the journey ahead and believe that together we can achieve great success. May your time at CPUT be rewarding and empowering as you step into student life.
I take this opportunity to welcome and congratulate you for gaining admission to study at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT). Your admission here marks the beginning of a dynamic journey that will see you grow physically, emotionally, socially, and intellectually.
The Division of Student Affairs (DSA) exists to support students’ success not only in academics but in all aspects of life and engage students socially, emotionally, spiritually while developing the student’s behavioural and social development to attain high standards of academic achievement.
The orientation program will be an opportunity for you to be inducted into CPUT programs and student life. I urge you to be intentional and pursue all orientation activities because this is your first and best opportunity to learn about our university, its culture, the academic, curricular and extracurricular programs and build networks and support groups, know the rules and regulations that govern your stay on and
off campus. CPUT prides itself on fostering a safe and inclusive space where students of all ages, cultural backgrounds, and walks of life can thrive academically, socially, and culturally. By transforming our ideals into action, the University management is committed to continuously strive hard to further enhance the University’s already high levels of diversity, inclusivity and belonging.
It is our goal to make your student experience a very fulfilling and successful journey. To this end we offer a variety of programs and services such as disability and inclusivity, student counselling, health and wellness, sport, recreation, arts and culture, student governance and leadership development, accommodation and first year residence programs. There are multiple opportunities for engagement and experiential learning through our peer support programs such as those offered by the peer educators, peer helpers, diversity and inclusivity champions and resident student assistants.
CPUT prides itself on fostering a safe and inclusive space where students of all ages, cultural backgrounds, and walks of life can thrive academically, socially, and culturally.
On our part, we commit to mentor you, educate you, train you, motivate and inspire you, and to empower you. We also commit to reward you whenever you excel, exceed expectation, or emerge exemplary in your performance, both in curricula and extra curricula tasks. On your part, uphold discipline, work honestly and smart, be positive in thinking, visualize more successful outcomes in your education life at CPUT and prioritize positive actions for achieving those successful outcomes that you identify with. The DSA is a good place to start if you can’t figure out what to do, where to go, or who to ask. I hope your time on campus will be exciting and will challenge you in new and different ways. We hope you reach all your goals and realise all your dreams.
See you around Campus!
What does the SRC stand for?
Student Representative Council
Who elects the SRC?
Any registered CPUT student (Part-time, full-time and short course students).
Why do we need an SRC?
To look after student needs and interests, and to represent students on various university structures, such as the University Council and Senate.
Who funds the SRC?
You, the student, which is why you have to take ownership and ensure that your money is wisely spent.
How do you stand for the SRC?
• You have to be a student for at least one academic year.
• You have to have an average of 65% to stand for the SRC.
• You may have no prior convictions against you, internally (i.e. not be
found guilty of transgressing the institutional rules or code of conduct – be that academic, non-academic, or residence rules).
• You may have no prior convictions against you, externally.
Why get involved?
Because it is your money, your University and your responsibility! Do your part and ensure responsible, accountable, transparent, and respected leadership on all our campuses.
Why should you vote?
To choose responsible, accountable and well-respected student leaders who will represent ALL CPUT students.
What does CSRC stand for?
Central Student Representative Council
What does LSRC stand for?
Local Student Representative Council
Mr Pelo Saki President
Mr Ayabulela Mbiza Deputy President
Mr Lungelo Mnguni Student Support Services Officer
Mr Thato Masonganye General Secretary
Mr Luvuyo Ricky NgwenyaEducation & Transformation Officer
Mr Ntembeko PetseCHC & Welfare Officer
Mr Anathi Pamana International Relations Officer
Ms Aphiwe Mbele Treasurer General
Welcome to the CPUT family! We’re excited to have you join our diverse and vibrant community. As you start this new journey, remember that your university experience is about more than just academics – it’s about connection, growth, and exploration.
Over the next year, you’ll have the chance to explore your passions, develop new skills, and make lifelong connections. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, seek help when needed, and celebrate your successes. We’re committed to helping you grow, learn, and thrive.
Get involved in student life, join clubs and societies that resonate with your interests, and connect with your peers. Our campus is buzzing with energy, and we invite you to be a part of it. Congratulations on taking the first step towards an unforgettable adventure!
#Encouraging Engagement and Community
Phelo Saki
CSRC President
I wish to warmly welcome you to the Faculty of Applied Sciences at CPUT.
The Faculty has eight academic Departments, which together offer 13 programmes of study – Agriculture; Agricultural Management; Analytical Chemistry; Biotechnology; Consumer Science: Food and Nutrition; Environmental Health; Environmental Management; Food Science & Technology; Horticulture; Landscape Architecture; Marine Science; Mathematical Sciences; and Nature Conservation. You have been admitted into one of them to join a family of over 4,000 other students enrolled in this Faculty. We are very pleased to welcome you.
As you make the transition from high school to university, there may be challenges and new hurdles for you to overcome in order to succeed and achieve your potential. As a Faculty, we are keenly aware of those challenges and hurdles, as well as how to best overcome them at university. Therefore, we have several structures, activities and programmes to support your
Prof Joseph I Kioko
We have several structures, activities and programmes to support your academic endeavours so that you can achieve success and be employable after your graduation in this Faculty.
academic endeavours so that you can achieve success and be employable after your graduation in this Faculty.
Some of these support initiatives include: Mentors, tutors, language support, and teaching assistants. We also have an Extended Curriculum Programme (ECP) that allows first-time entering students to spread their academic load in a manner that helps them succeed better. Please make the most of such opportunities to support your success at CPUT.
Although most of you are joining us for undergraduate studies, the Faculty also has a full suite of postgraduate qualifications up to Doctoral level. We have a strong research and innovation ethos, which includes the hosting of a variety of research entities (groups, units, centres, etc.) and a Technology Station. I welcome those of you who are joining us for postgraduate courses, and encourage the new undergraduate students to think ahead towards research and postgraduate study.
Best wishes for your stay at CPUT!
Thank you for choosing to study at the Faculty of Business and Management Sciences (FBMS), the largest faculty at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), a vibrant and dynamic institution of higher learning situated in the heart of Cape Town, South Africa. We welcome you and encourage you to pursue a wellrounded experience during your time with us.
We are proud of our achievements over the years and continue to strive to provide academic excellence; operating at the cutting edge of our disciplines; creating and disseminating knowledge through high level research. Our students are taught by academics who are both actively engaged in industry, ensuring high programmatic relevance; and who are pushing forward the boundaries of discipline-specific knowledge.
Our faculty works hard to create a caring and supportive culture and an affirming environment which values and celebrates diversity through respecting and celebrating individual differences.
The Faculty of Business and Management Sciences prides itself in its mandate to prepare
skilled graduates to participate successfully in the economic and business sectors of South Africa and beyond. It is comprised of 16 academic departments and 1 academic unit that offer a broad selection of business qualifications, from Paralegal, Hospitality, Tourism and Sport, through a host of Management qualifications specific to industry sectors like Retail, Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Real Estate, to a number of qualifications within the Accounting field.
Our faculty works hard to create a caring and supportive culture and an affirming environment which values and celebrates diversity through respecting and celebrating individual differences.
The faculty is also supported by three strategic units that aim to advance the academic programmes and promote the faculty projects, initiatives and research:
• Unit of Quality, Risk and Knowledge Management
• Unit for Research and Information Advancement
• Unit for Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships
The Cape Town Hotel School and Restaurant also forms part of the Business an Management Sciences Faculty.
We wish you much success with your studies!
I want to take this opportunity to welcome you, as well as to thank you for electing to join the Faculty of Education at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT).
The Faculty spans two campuses of the University, one in Mowbray and the other in Wellington. It is the third largest Faculty in the University, with over 5,000 students. Lecturers and support staff are committed, caring and dedicated. Lecturing staff in the Faculty possess top notch qualifications, and are some of the best Teacher Education specialists in the country. In addition, you will meet the most caring, ready to assist, and professional administrative staff – who understand that as the first port of call, they must welcome everyone with a smile. In fact, all of us in the Faculty espouse CPUT’s spirit of ONENESS and SMARTNESS.
Our goal in the Faculty is to prepare future-fit educators who will be ready to tackle technology as it advances to levels that are unimaginable today. We do this by preparing world-class educators through learning and teaching strategies premised on the balance between theory and practice. The outcome of all these activities is encapsulated in the graduate attributes, which are technological capability and foresight; resilience and problem-solving capability; relational capability; as well as ethical capability. Importantly, the Faculty prides itself in the high employability of its graduates.
Welcome to the beginning of your future. May 2025 be the most wonderful year as you start that future! All the very best in your studies; may your experiences in the Faculty be fulfilling and memorable.
Dear Student, welcome to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment (FEBE). FEBE is the second largest faculty at CPUT, and prides itself in its position as the flagship faculty of a university of technology.
The Faculty is host to some 7,400 students, of whom about 400 are postgraduate students; and is supported by approximately 200 highly qualified and experienced academic staff. We offer fully accredited academic programmes in eight departments. The Faculty has, for the past number of years, made great strides in the establishment and further development of various research entities in the Institution, through which our contributions to the institutional Research, Technology & Innovation (RTI) focus areas are effected.
These entities include the:
• French-South African Technology Institute (FSATI), which incorporates the African Space Innovation Centre (ASIC);
• Centre for Substation Automation and Energy Management Systems (CSAEMS);
• Centre for Power Electronic Systems (CDPES);
• Centre for Instrumentation Research (CIR);
• Product Lifecycle Management Competency Centre (PLMCC);
• Flow Process and Rheology Centre; and
• Centre for Community Water and Sanitation Research.
The Faculty is also host to two TIA (Technology Innovation Agency) Technology Stations –namely the Adaptronics Advanced Manufacturing Technology Laboratory (AMTL), and the Clothing and Textiles Technology Station – as well the first renewable energy training facility in South Africa, SARETEC.
Apart from this, FEBE has accepted the challenge of unpacking the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in both our teaching and our research offering. We are currently building capacity in relevant areas related to Water, Renewable Energy and Engineering Education.
We are perhaps best known for our satellite engineering programme, which launched Africa’s first nanosatellite in 2013, followed by a second launch at the end of 2018, and a third in 2022; which are used for various national objectives.
Our staff is friendly and focused on assisting our prospective students, especially those who have been disadvantaged, in finding their home and performing to their potential in this critical skill in the South African industrial landscape.
Enrolled and prospective students are welcome to engage with the relevant departments, our Advancement Officer, as well as directly with my office.
The Faculty is host to some 7,400 students, of whom about 400 are postgraduate students; and is supported by approximately 200 highly qualified and experienced academic staff. We offer fully accredited academic programmes in eight departments.
Welcome to the Faculty of Health and Wellness Sciences for the 2025 academic year –whether you are starting your academic life at CPUT, or you are here to further your studies. I assure you that your time here will be filled with inspiring, challenging, and scholarly opportunities to build your careers. May you enjoy your time with us in a faculty acknowledged nationally and internationally as offering high quality programmes in a wide range of professions. Our Faculty is with you every step of the way.
Our mission is to be a proud, African technology-driven faculty that takes the lead in relevant health and wellness education, research, and innovation in response to provincial, national and global socio-economic imperatives. We aim to empower agile graduate health care professionals who are ethically responsive to industry and societal needs, through academic excellence and lifelong learning, and the pursuit of relevant and pioneering research and clinical innovation, which will improve the health of individuals both locally and globally.
FHWS offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate programmes in Biomedical; Dental; Emergency Medical Care; Medical Imaging & Therapeutic; Nursing; Ophthalmic; and Wellness Sciences taught by dedicated academic staff who take the time to provide personal advising and mentoring, so that students can achieve their career goals. Our Faculty has a community of academic leaders who believe that interdisciplinary, diverse, and inclusive education and research are all critical to our success as academics in an ever changing society. Our programmes are designed to encourage each student to reach their full potential. There is a strong emphasis on providing real-world training and professional development. Work placements are arranged through strong partnerships with the Western Cape Department of Health, the National Health
Dr Nicole Brooks
Laboratory Service, and a number of private health providers, where students are required to complete experiential training prior to graduation.
The research conducted within the Faculty responds to problems and needs relevant to health, wellness, health care, and higher education in South Africa, Africa and globally. As a faculty, we exemplify and build on CPUT’s vision of being a research-led teaching institution, such that our undergraduate students benefit from teaching supported by current research, and our postgraduate students have access to supervisors who are active researchers.
All students who graduate with a qualification from this faculty will have the knowledge, professional competencies, attributes and values to enter professional practice and serve society. I encourage you to seek guidance and assistance from the department and Faculty as early as possible, as this support is in place to help you succeed.
Please know that we are committed to delivering high quality education for you. We will achieve this through a people-centred and inclusive learning culture that recognises our expertise and areas of development. Respecting the diversity of staff and students from many different backgrounds is of great importance in our endeavours. We value student participation in active, self-directed learning, work integrated learning, and community engagement. We encourage our students to assess existing and new practices, and to expand their critical thinking skills in an effort to respond to the rapid changes of the 21st century.
Here’s to you and the opportunities that await you at CPUT! Every moment of your time with us contains possibilities that can change your life in every way. Stay open to those possibilities!
With warm wishes for a rewarding year.
The Faculty of Informatics and Design (FID) would like to warmly welcome you to the family of champions. As a faculty, we embrace the University ethos and values of oneness and ubuntu. We believe in excellence and integrity in everything we do. We are a diverse faculty with a clear mandate of providing innovative solutions and versatile graduates. The realisation of our mandate is informed by our vision; namely, a “Faculty that strives to be an inclusive faculty that harnesses appropriate technologies in a collaborative, supportive and transformative academic environment by being responsive and adaptive to the local, national, continental, and global socio, eco and cultural context”.
The Faculty consist of five departments, with about 150 staff members, offering 19 programmes to a student complement of about 4,500. The faculty programmes and the other institutional support programmes present diverse opportunities for your academic, social, and personal growth. Some of these programmes include the “Firstyear Experience (FYE)”, Extended Curriculum Programmes (ECP), Work Integrated Learning (WIL),
As a faculty, we embrace the University ethos and values of oneness and ubuntu . We believe in excellence and integrity in everything we do. We are a diverse faculty with a clear mandate of providing innovative solutions and versatile graduates.
the Language Support Programme and a space where students can pitch their ideas to the industry partners and work with mentors in developing their talents. Please make the most of such opportunities to support your success at CPUT.
The academic structure of our programmes provides the articulation pathway to a postgraduate qualification once you have graduated from your undergraduate qualification. Our programmes are articulated from Higher Certificate, Diplomas, Advanced Diploma, Postgraduate Diploma, Master’s and Doctoral degrees. The faculty offers an opportunity for qualifying students to engage on student exchange projects, and to participate in diverse local, national, and international partnerships through our model of problem-based learning.
Once more, welcome to the family of winners; we look forward to collaborating with you in shaping and advancing the systems of our communities and country first, then our neighbouring and international countries.
The Division of Student Affairs (DSA) is headed by the Dean of Students, Ms Nonkosi Tyolwana, and is supported by the Deputy Dean, Mr Njabulo Maphumulo.
The Dean oversees a broad range of activities hosted by the different Student Affairs departments dedicated to supporting student success. The Dean provides leadership and direction to Student Affairs, whose mission is to educate students outside the classroom, to support academic success, and enrich the CPUT student experience.
The Division comprises of the following departments:
• Sport and Arts & Culture;
• Student Gover nance and Leadership;
• Student Life and Residential Services;
• Campus Health Services;
• HIV/AIDS Unit;
• Student Counselling; and
• Disability Unit.
Student Affairs Sport offers a variety of sport codes for both the competitive sportsperson, as well as recreational sportsmen and women.
We offer the following competitive sport codes on the different campuses.
We also offer the following recreational sporting codes for less competitive athletes:
Apart from all the sport codes, the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture also offers information and workshops on healthy eating; the danger of tobacco, alcohol and drugs; how to overcome addictions; and assistance in weight loss programmes.
Contact your Student Affairs Office, and ask to speak to a Sport Development Officer on your campus for any enquiries.
Student Affairs is instrumental in providing a wide variety of extramural activities, mostly free of charge, that will enhance your student life, including workshops, arts and culture activities, events, leadership training, seminars, conferences, off-campus tours, training student radio, environmental awareness campaigns, and female advancement programmes.
• Debate (Public speaking)
• Choir
• Cheerleading
• Drama
• Contemporary dance
• Interactive drumming sessions
• Slam poetry
• Visual arts
• Hip hop genres, i.e. beat making; MC’ing; directing and producing
• Diversity training
• Self-defense classes
• Entrepreneurship
• Extended orientation programme
• Financial literacy
• Etiquette and grooming
• Ethical leadership workshops/seminars
• Leadership skills
• T ime management workshops
Student activities to look forward to:
• Market days and lunch hour concerts
• Performing arts initiatives, i.e. slam poetry competitions, music concerts, dance performances, guest DJs, various arts and culture societies
• GBV interventions
• Nelson Mandela Day celebrations
• World Refugee Day awareness campaigns
• Disability rights awareness days
• Beach and mountain clean-ups
• Environmental campaigns
• Off-campus student tours, e.g. cultural festivals, SATICA choir festival, etc.
• Women’s Day events
• Informal sport days
• Picnic on the lawn
• Inter-faith gatherings
• Human Rights Day festivals
• Outreach/CSI programmes
• An extended orientation programme addressing students’ long-term, holistic developmental needs
Student Governance activities include leadership training for executive members of student clubs and societies, as well as SRC training.
For dates and bookings of any of the above-mentioned activities, please visit your Student Affairs Office, and speak to the relevant Student Development Officer on your campus.
The core functions of the Unit include:
• Improving the quality and increasing student leadership participation in Student Governance;
• Coordinating the co-curricular programmes and community service activities on- and off-campus, for SRC’s;
• Planning and coordinating induction, strategic, and financial planning programmes with student leaders;
• Developing and reviewing policies and constitutions governing student governance structures;
• Serving as a support structure for students by providing them with information, rules, and procedures;
• Ensuring that the budget is adhered to and that action plans are implemented;
• Facilitating and supporting the conducting of SRC elections; and
• Ensuring that student leadership receives the necessary training so that they can be effective in executing their responsibilities.
For dates and bookings of any of the above-mentioned activities, please visit your Student Affairs Office, and speak to the relevant Student Development Officer on your campus.
Student Affairs has a variety of structures, student-run clubs, and societies on most of our campuses. STRUCTURES
Career Exhibition Organisation (CEO)
God Seed Sowers Movement (GSSM)
Methodist Student Society (METHSSOC)
Seventh Day Adventist Student Movement (SDASM)
Student Christian Organisation (SCO)
Twelve Apostle Student Association (TASA)
Twelve Apostles Church in Trinity Student Organisation (TACTSO)
House of Praise
Anglican Church Tertiary Students (ACTS)
African Spiritual Longings and Belongings (ASLABS)
The Men of Issachar Vision (MIV)
CPUT Queer Unicorns
Esqiwini Student Legal Advice Club (ESLAC)
DENOSA Learner Movement (DLM)
Lions Heart
Lions Head
Nazareth Tertiary Students Association (NATESA)
Dental Science Student Community
In order to join one of the structures, you have to pay a membership fee at the cashiers under the account of the structure ensure that you are a registered CPUT student, full- or pat-time
make contact with the chairperson via your Student Affairs office on your campus. submit your name and all contact details to your chairperson.
It is a privilege to live in a student residence. Students who live in a student residence have a greater chance of success. To continue living in a residence in subsequent years, your academic performance must be excellent, and your behaviour exemplary. So, play your part in ensuring a happy and safe student life experience.
(0)21 959 6327
(0)21 959 6330
(0)21 959 6885 Anele Mkondweni De Goede Hoop
(0)21 959 8679
(0)21 949 9374 Zukiswa Kama Sereti House
Mr Albert Cebekhulu Catsville
(0)21 460 1558 Mrs Thobeka Zuma Catsville
Mr Chumani Mashwanyela DTL Ms Nobuntu Vuba EWR
Mr Xolani Jafta J&B House
Mr Alfonce Ngasirmoi Sandenburg
Ms Fundiswa Lumane Hanover;
Mr Lwazi Ndlabu
Southpoint (10 & 12 Plein St); Southpoint (New Mkt Junction); Southpoint (President House)
Mr Xolani Jafta St Peters
(0)21 460 3510
(0)21 460 3910
(0)21 680 7247
(0)21 448 9677
Mr Athenkosi Bucwa St Peters +27 (0)21 448 9677
Ms Asandiswa Mkutuka Viljoenhof +27 (0)21 680 7247
Mr Lwazi Ndlabu Cape Suites; Stanhope; Harfield House; Orchards; Student Junction; Vogue House; Ruskin House; Mountain House
Fulu Netshidzati
Van der Westhuizen
De Wet
Bliss; House Navarre
Campus Health Services is here to help you stay healthy so that you can focus on your studies. We offer a comprehensive, easily accessible health service where you can find assistance for a range of health concerns.
What services can you access at the Campus Clinics?
• Medical consultations;
• Emergency care;
• Reproductive health ;
• HIV management including HIV testing, ARV treatment;
• STI management;
• TB Screening & DOTS (Direct Observed Therapy/treatment short course);
• Trauma management: GBV cases (sexual & physical assault), MVAs (motor vehicle accidents), other physical injuries, referral of post-traumatic stress disorders;
• Lifestyle Screenings: blood pressure, HGT (blood sugar testing, HB (iron), Weight & BMI;
• Health promotion & health education;
• Referral for specialized care to hospitals;
• In-house mentoring of inter ns on the WIL program;
• Mental Health Screening & referrals;
• Traditional initiation preparation care package.
Campus Clinics are open Mondays to Fridays from 08:00 – 16:00. The clinic is closed on public holidays. To make an appointment, you will need the following:
• Your student card, or
• Proof of registration
• Identity document/ passport
What does it cost?
There is no cost involved when accessing the services.
Healthcare services can be accessed at the following CPUT Campus Clinics
Administration Building, 2nd Level, Room 2.900
+27 (0)21 460 3405 or 083 453 9525
New Library Extension, Ground Floor
+27 (0)21 959 6403 or 073 033 9668
Administration Building, Ground Floor
+27 (0)21 680 1555 or 073 040 9155
Administration Building, Room A29, Ground Floor
+27 (0)21 864 5522 or 073 040 9155
The HIV/AIDS Unit is a student support service promoting and empowering students through health and wellness programmes, including HIV, STI and TB screening; Gender Diversity; Good Citizenship; and Social Justice Awareness. Through our programmes, we want you to make healthy lifestyle choices that can help you reach your dreams, and help our graduates make an active contribution towards the economy of your country.
yearGuide 2025
Programmes and services include:
• Awareness Campaigns (HIV, STI, TB, Genderbased Violence, Amajita’s Mens and Young Women Empowerment Programmes, Mental Health);
• Peer Education Programme;
• Wellness Mobile Services across campuses;
• Care and support of students living with HIV;
• Curriculum integration of HIV, STI, TB and social justice issues;
• Community Outreach Programme;
• Research; and
• Inter nship and Volunteer Programme.
Report any gender-based violence related incidents to Campus Protection Services at your nearest campus, or call one of the following numbers:
CPUT is a safe space for all students, and we uphold our Human Rights documented in the Constitution of South Africa. Contact us should you require more information about our LGBTQIA+ programme, and Care and Support Programme for students affected by HIV. We support Student Counselling services and Campus Health services with regards to mental health services to our students. Feel free to contact us for more information.
Student Counselling is a student support service promoting student adjustment, wellness, and mental health. A team of professional psychologists and social workers are there to assist you with any personal or academic challenge that you may have, and we will support you along the way as you navigate studies and student life.
Student Counselling offers the following free services to registered students:
• Individual counselling;
• Student support groups, such as our first-year adjustment group;
• Social development services;
• Wellness programme, and mental health resources;
• Career counselling and assessments;
• Residence Peer Helpers; and
• Academic support, advocacy, and skills development.
Send us an email to request a service or counselling:
The DU is a multi-functional support service point of the University that strives to implement an ACCESSIBLE and WELCOMING learning environment for students with disabilities.
MISSION STATEMENT: To empower and support students with disabilities to reach their full potential in an inclusive academic environment.
• Assessments of students with disabilities’ needs on all campuses. Medical as well as other supporting documents are required.
• Applications and recommendations for reasonable accommodation and exam concessions for students with disabilities.
• Support to students with disabilities and support to lecturers who works with our students.
• Referrals to appropriate services and resources where necessary.
• Language capturer for students who are deaf, hard of hearing or who are unable to write for themselves due to a disability.
• Academic assistance during assessments (i.e. scribing, etc).
• Inputs into policy development.
• Outreach and marketing.
• Research and advocacy services.
• Awareness raising and sharing of best practices.
• Lobbying and networking.
FirstyearGuide 2025
Hardware includes Scanners, large screen computer monitors, and braille embosser. Large screen computer monitors, scanners: to enable students to scan their work and save it in document or audio format, magnifiers, braille embosser, special large font keyboards, noise canceling headsets and digital recorders.
The following specialised software programs are also provided: Speech-To-Text Claro Suite
Applications for exam concessions and reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities should occur before the end of March (1st Semester) or end of August (2nd Semester). Unfortunately, no late applications will be considered. Medical and supporting documentation are required. All information will be handled with the necessary confidentiality.
The DU has a Diversity/ Inclusivity champions peer support program. The Diversity/ Inclusivity champions exemplify inclusion through zero tolerance of stigmatization and discrimination based on physical, social or any other diversity variable.
Student Centre, 4th Level
+27 (0)21 460 3149
+27 (0)21 460 3720
Multi-purpose Hall, 2nd Level
+27 (0)21 460 3844
+27 (0)21 460 3845
New Gymnasium, Room 110
Student Centre, First Floor
+27 (0)21 959 6637
Major Sports Hall, First Floor
+27 (0)21 959 6335
F Block, Room F2A
+27 (0)21 864 5247
F Block, Room F2A and F2B
+27 (0)21 864 5507
Student Affairs annually recruit and train senior students to offer peerto-peer support to students on campus, and in residences. Different departments within DSA are responsible for peer-to-peer support programmes. Students in peer-to-peer support roles are passionate about helping others and leading by example. They are advocates for health, wellness, and equality.
Peer educators of the HIV/AIDS Unit aim to promote awareness of HIV/AIDS, gender diversity, gender-based violence, mental health, good citizenship, peer education, social mobilisation, and to encourage healthy behaviours amongst the university population.
Some of the roles and duties of peer educators of the HIV/AIDS Unit in the University may include:
• Conducting awareness campaigns
• Facilitating HIV/AIDS education workshops
• Providing information and resources
• Advocating for peer-led initiatives
• They also assist in Social Mobilization of students during awareness campaigns
• They work both on Campuses and in Residences
Peer Education is open to CPUT registered students from 2nd year until post graduate level. The programme run from February to September each year and end with an Award Ceremony end of September each year to recognise students for their contribution during the year.
It is a peer support program in collaboration between the Disability Unit and the Centre for Diversity, Inclusivity and Social change.
A Diversity/Inclusivity Champion exemplify an unyielding commitment to diversity and inclusion throughout the campus community and do not participate in any form of stigmatization or discrimination.
Champions embody the following values:
• Free of prejudice and discriminatory attitudes and behaviours;
• Ability to embrace diversity;
• Empathic and express concern for others;
• Strong ethical leadership;
• Helpful and trustworthy;
• Good communicators and listeners;
• Strong positive role models and change agents;
To qualify to become a champion the following criteria is considered:
• A senior student;
• Students that are performing well academically, supported by a good academic record;
• Students with no disciplinary record or current disciplinary action against them;
• Students that can set an example for other students.
How to contact a champion?
The Residence Peer Helper is a senior student who lives in a CPUT residences, who volunteer to become a source of support to fellow students. Through training and development peer helpers themselves are empowered with skills and knowledge to develop essential selfleadership skills.
Peer helpers are trained and supervised by Student Counselling to assist other students who may be struggling to navigate the challenges of campus life, and their academics. Peer helpers assist students in residence to connect with relevant campus resources and can make active referrals to Student Counselling when needed.
• Any senior student in residence can apply to become a trained peer helper.
• Good academic performance
• Applications are open once a year and students should refer to the DSA Facebook page and Newsflash for application announcements.
Enquire from your campus Student Counselling office or your Residence Coordinator.
Peer Helpers 2023
A Residence Student Assistant (RSA) is a senior student appointed to assist the Residence Coordinator and Residence Supervisor in a particular residence.
An RSA is expected to perform the following duties in residence:
• Serve as a positive role model to residents and other staff;
• Uphold all laws, policies and procedures of CPUT, and Residence Life;
• Be respectful of others’ differences and cultural backgrounds;
• Show leadership in sustainability;
• Confront inappropriate behaviour in a respectful, self-confident, and responsible manner;
• Be responsible about academic commitments including their own class attendance;
• Maintain a good academic standing, and personal conduct with the University and Residence Life;
• Perform various other duties in residences to support the administrative, and operational functions of the residence.
It is an official application process where an RSA may only serve on the programme for a period of two years. A yearly application however should be submitted to Residences to serve in the position. All appointed RSAs can be contacted through the respective Residence Coordinator.
FYE strives for students to adapt, engage, and succeed in their chosen qualification in record time. CPUT FYE works towards making the university experience productive, valuable, and enjoyable for our first-year students.
Our aim is to assist first-year students to find meaning and purpose within their university by:
• Instilling diversity tolerance and appreciation;
• Encouraging students to invest sufficient time and energy in their studies;
• Assisting in facilitating interpersonal interaction, collaboration, and formation of relationships;
• Equipping students with skills to engage with their studies;
• Creating awareness of learning styles, talents, strengths, interests, and values; and
• Providing academic and psychosocial support.
• FYE workshops/seminars are facilitated throughout the year;
• Online material – FYE videos are available on YouTube and the CPUT website;
• Mentoring programme – First-year students are allocated mentors who provide psychosocial support to facilitate a smooth transition from high school to university;
• CPUT101 Programme available on Blackboard offers various topics to assist first-year students to adapt, and engage with their academics; and
• Retention Officers (ROs) monitor first-year students’ class attendance, performance in tests and assignments, provide support and/or refer them to the relevant Support Services.
#We give information and support just in time#
As many courses will require you to access online learning materials, the following information is very important to ensure that you are equipped to navigate the online learning environment. CPUT’s Computer and Telecommunications Services (CTS) have therefore developed a multi-faceted approach to deal with student online access.
• All students have access to W i-Fi via the CPUT-Users or Eduroam SSID when on campus and in any of the CPUT-owned residences
• There are more than 160 Eduroam hotspots across South Africa, including at Cape Town public libraries, allowing all CPUT students access to the Internet via the Eduroam SSID. To log on to these hotspots at another institution, your username must be
Please be mindful of the data usage at these institutions, as they provide this service for your benefit. You can find an Eduroam hotspot by visiting the Eduroam website:
Q I am pregnant and not sure what to do?
A The Campus Health Clinic or Student Counselling can offer support and guidance on all the options available to you regarding your pregnancy.
Q I’m afraid to inform my family I am pregnant, but I want to keep the baby. What can I do?
A Student Counselling can offer support and help you to think about the best strategy to inform your family.
Q I am pregnant, where can I get pre-natal care during pregnancy?
A All local gover nment community clinics offer pre-natal services. You may enquire from the Campus Health Clinic for a referral to your closest community clinic.
Q How can I safeguard myself if I am sexually active?
A The Campus Health Clinic offers free family planning services. We encourage you to ensure you use protection in the form of the male or female condom to prevent you from contracting sexually transmitted infections, including HIV infection.
Q Do you provide the morning after pill?
A Yes, the Campus Health Clinic provides the morning after pill.
Q Do you provide the Implanon as method of contraception?
A No, we do not provide it but can refer you to a heath care facility to insert or remove it.
Q How long after sex should I take emergency contraception?
A You can take emergency contraception up to 3-days after unprotected sex. We do however encourage you to visit Campus Health as soon as possible.
Q Is it true that I will struggle to fall pregnant if I use contraception too long?
A No, contraception does not affect your fertility.
Q Do I have to inform the University that I am pregnant?
A No, your pregnancy status is confidential, however, not informing the University will limit the support that the student can receive from the University. A student however is compelled to inform the University of their pregnancy if they are studying a course with a higher-than-normal risk to the baby and mother. This refers to programmes that include:
• Physical activity, including lifting and carrying;
• The use of chemicals, including paints and pesticides;
• Medical and biohazardous material and waste;
• Working in hot/cold or pressurised environments;
• Possibility of exposure to infectious disease, including laboratory work and healthcare provision, and looking after animals or dealing with animal products;
• Exposure to ionising radiation.
Q Who can I inform that I am pregnant?
A A student can inform any staff member. It is recommended however that the first point of contact is the Campus Health Clinic or Student Counselling, as they will offer the necessary support and guide the student on the process to follow to inform the Academic Department.
Q By when should I inform the University?
A It is recommended that a student inform the University of their pregnancy by no later than 22 weeks of gestation to ensure that the necessary support can be put in place for the student. If a student is studying a programme with a higher-than-normal risk, then they must inform the University immediately.
Q How long can I attend classes when I’m pregnant?
A At 32 weeks gestation a pregnant student should stop on-campus class attendance and may no longer sit for formal examinations.
Q Till when am I allowed to stay in Residence when pregnant?
A According to the CPUT General Handbook, a pregnant student must vacate residence when 32 weeks pregnant.
Higher Health Helpline
36 36 36 or SMS 43336
African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG)
Department of Social Development Substance Abuse Line
South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependency (SANCA)
Thuthuzela Care Centres Bellville – Karl Bremmer Hospital
– Victoria Hospital
Department of Social Development GBV Command Centre
428 428 OR *120*7867# Rape Crisis
(0)21 4479762 TEARS GBV support
(0)10 590 5920 or *143*7355# and follow the prompts
+27 21 959 6767 @cput @wearecput