FBMS Handbook

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SUBJECTS: GUIDE TO TERMINOLOGY Please contact your academic department for information on pipeline qualifications and subjects CO-REQUISITE: A co-requisite subject is one for which a student must be registered together (i.e. concurrently) with another specified subject. PRE-REQUISITE: A pre-requisite subject is one which a student must have passed in order to gain admission to another subject. For example, Management 1 is a pre-requisite for Management 2.


This subject focuses on the study of human communication in a variety of formats and media in a paralegal context. It includes instruction in the theory and practice of interpersonal, group and organizational communication; speaking and listening; reading, writing as well as verbal and non-verbal interaction; technologically mediated communication and various contextual applications.


Assessments are formative and summative and consist of tests and individual, pair and group assignments. The process approach to academic writing is used to assess assignments and reports.

INTRODUCTION TO LAW AND ETHICS Pre-requisite: Subject outline:

This subject covers a general introduction to South African Law, including the sources and classification of the law, basic legal concepts, legal history, ethics, the legal profession and the relationship between law, justice and responsibility. It forms the foundation for the study of specialised law subjects within the curriculum.


A series of formative computer-based assessments are used to ensure student preparation for class and tutorial sessions are designed to assess the student’s readiness for the summative assessments in the form of class tests and the final summative examination.

LEGAL INTERPRETATION Pre-requisite: Subject outline:

This subject provides candidates with an overview of the various approaches to statutory interpretation and its application to legislation within the South African legal environment. It further aims to equip candidates with the critical thinking skills essential to a legal environment.


A series of formative computer-based assessments are used to ensure student preparation for class and tutorial sessions are designed to assess the student’s readiness for the summative assessments in the form of class tests and the final summative examination.

LEGAL RESEARCH AND WRITING Pre-requisite: Subject outline:

This subject introduces candidates to a systematic approach to legal research and basic forms of legal writing and exposes them to the different search engines and sources.


Assessments consist of continuous formative assessment of the relevance of information gathered, draft letters, memos and basic opinions as well as summative assessments in form of tests and a portfolio of evidence.

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