Guide to Postgraduate Studies 2025

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1. Introduction

Students who wish to pursue their master’s and doctoral degrees at CPUT should use this guide. It provides detailed information on the academic expectations, research requirements and administrative procedures for successful enrolment and completion of postgraduate degrees. Students cannot submit a previously rejected dissertation or thesis from another university to CPUT for a postgraduate qualification. Similarly, a dissertation or thesis rejected by CPUT cannot be submitted to any other tertiary institution for consideration for a postgraduate qualification. This aims to prevent the circulation of rejected academic work, promote integrity, and uphold the reputation of CPUT’s postgraduate programmes while maintaining the university’s quality standards, ensuring only original work meets the research and academic rigour criteria.

2. Admission requirements


Master’s degrees

Postgraduate admission criteria at CPUT require candidates to hold a qualification which aligns with the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework (HEQSF) at NQF Level 8 or an equivalent qualification in a relevant field. This includes degrees such as a Postgraduate Diploma, Honours degree, or an equivalent qualification from an accredited institution.

Prospective students are encouraged to contact the relevant faculties they intend to apply to or to consult the faculty’s website for more information on admission requirements. The admission criteria may include the marks obtained by the candidate’s prior qualification, specific prerequisites, or additional selection criteria such as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Each faculty at CPUT might have particular requirements and expectations, which may vary according to the programme’s academic focus. Candidates holding pre-HEQSF aligned qualifications, such as a previous BTech or National Higher Diploma, must refer to the relevant faculty’s prospectus or handbook.


Doctoral degrees

The applicant is required to hold a HEQSF-aligned level 9 qualification or equivalent qualification in an appropriate discipline. This means that candidates are expected to have completed a master’s degree or an equivalent postgraduate qualification that meets the academic standards required for doctoral-level study at CPUT Candidates should contact the faculty or consult the faculty website for faculty-specific requirements, especially regarding marks obtained in the previous degree. For pre-HEQSF-aligned qualifications, please consult the relevant faculty prospectus and handbook for articulation options into doctoral qualifications.

3. Faculty contact details and information

The information about research areas and supervisors can be found at areas-and-supervisors The general information for eachfaculty can be found on the following web pages:

3.1 Faculty of Applied Sciences


3.2 Faculty of Business and Management Sciences:


3.3 Faculty of Education


3.4 Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment


3.5 Faculty of Health and Wellness Sciences


3.6 Faculty of Informatics and Design


4. Fees

Registration and subject fees, including those for the dissertation or thesis, are payable annually as determined by the specific faculties Information regarding fees may be obtained from the relevant faculty office. It is important to note that registration fees and dissertation/thesis fees are recurring costs. This means that students must pay these fees annually for the duration of their studies until their dissertation or thesis is submitted and successfully examined.

It is highly recommended that students consult their faculty office for detailed information regarding the fee structure applicable to their programme of study. Fee schedules may vary across faculties and programmes, particularly for research-based degrees where dissertation or thesis supervision is a central component. Additionally, fees may differ depending on the mode of study (e.g., full-time or part-time), the duration of the programme, and whether the student is local or international.

Students must make sure to re-register at the beginning of each academic year. Re-registration is a formal process that confirms the student’s continuous enrolment in their programme during

the study period. Failure to re-register may result in losing the student status, including access to supervisory support, research resources and academic facilities. Re-registration guarantees the monitoring of the student’s academic progress and their adherence to university policies concerning postgraduate study timelines.

5. Bursaries

A limited number of bursaries are available for master’s and doctoral studies. Calls for applications are made periodically and published on the website below:

Acceptance into the degree programme does not guarantee a bursary.

Staff of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology enrolled for postgraduate studies are not eligible for these bursaries since they qualify for Human Capital skills development incentives.

The CPUT Postgraduate Bursary Policy outlines the criteria for awarding financial assistance to students, outlining the application process, obligations, and allocation of funds.

Visit the CPUT Policy Library to access the latest Postgraduate Bursary Policy.

6. Nature and duration of course

Refer to the faculty websites, faculty prospectuses, faculty handbooks and the postgraduate prospectus for more information on the nature and duration of a course. In general, the duration of master’s and doctoral qualifications are as follows:

6.1 Master’s degrees


• Full-Time Course work: A minimum of one (1) calendar year and a maximum of three (3) years

• Part-time Course work: A minimum of two (2) consecutive calendar years and a maximum of four (4) years

• Full-time 100% Research: A minimum of one (1) calendar year and a maximum of three (3) years

• Part-time 100% Research: A minimum of one (1) calendar year and a maximum of four (4) years

Academic block

Coursework Full-time Masters: Students that have completed less than 50% of coursework after year one or have not completed and do not have an approved proposal at the end of year 2 will be academically blocked, or their thesis not submitted for examination at the end of year three (3) will be academically blocked.

Coursework Part-time Masters: Students that have completed less than 50% of coursework after year one or have not completed all coursework after year two (2) or have not completed and do not have an approved proposal at the end of year three (3), or thesis not submitted for examination at the end of year four (4) will be academically blocked.

100% Full-time Masters: Students that do not have an approved topic after six (6) months or do not have an approvedproposal atthe endof year one (1), or thesis not submittedfor examination at the end of year two (2) will be academically blocked.

100% Part-time Masters: Students that do not have an approved topic after six (6) months, or do not have an approved proposal at the end of year one (1), or show no progress on experimental/lab/fieldwork at the end of year two (2), or thesis not submitted for examination at the end of year four (4), will be academically blocked.

6.2 Doctoral degrees


• Full-time: A minimum of two (2) consecutive calendar years and a maximum of four (4) years

• Part-time: A minimum of 4 years and a maximum of six (6) years

Academic block

Full-time Doctorate: Students that do not have an approved topic after one (1) year or, do not have an approved proposal at the end of year two (2), or thesis not submitted for examination at the end of year four (4) will be academically blocked.

Part-time Doctorate: Students that do not have an approved topic after one (1) year, or do not have an approved proposal at the end of year two (2), or have no progress on experimental/lab/field work after years three, four or five (3/4/5), or thesis not submitted for examination at the end of year six (6) will be academically blocked.

6.3 Interruption of studies

Students who wish to interrupt their studies must apply to the Faculty and Institutional Higher Degrees Committees. The application form for interruption of studies (HDC 1.9) is

available on the Centre for Postgraduate Studies website Interruption of studies may not be applied for and will not be granted retrospectively.

7. Applying to CPUT

All applicants must complete the online application available at

IMPORTANT: Prospective postgraduatestudents forfull thesis studiesmust first identify a research topic and supervisor before applying.

Information on the fields/areas of study can be obtained from Departmental Representatives at

Students from outside South Africa should contact the Applications and Registration Centre (ARC) in respect of recognition of their qualifications. Visit our website for more information on international applications:

8. Registration procedure and dates

• Students pursuing a coursework master’s degree at CPUT are required to adhere to the registration dates set by their respective faculty. These dates typically range from the second week of January to the first week of March, but exact registration periods may vary depending on the specific faculty or programme. Failure to register within these dates could lead to delays or complications with enrolment. To stay informed, students should regularly check the CPUT website for updates on registration dates and any potential changes. They should also consult their respective faculties for any faculty-specific guidelines or additional steps required during registration. Faculty offices can provide crucial information on required documentation, deadlines, and procedures, preventing study disruptions.

• First-time master’s and doctoral students registering for a 100% research thesis must take note of the key dates for the 2025 academic year The final date for application is usually the second week of March. This is the last day to submit all applications to be considered for enrolment in the thesis-based programme. The final date for registration is the last day of May. Once the application has been accepted, students must complete the registration process to confirm their official enrolment in the programme and to be granted access to supervision, academic resources and the university’s facilities.

• For all returning master’s and doctoral students, the final date for registration is usually the first or second week of March. Again, students must regularly check the CPUT website for updates on registration dates and any potential changes.

• Postgraduate students must register annually during the set registration periods and pay the

prescribed registration fee and course fees until they fulfil the requirements towards completing their qualification.

9. Appointment of a principal supervisor

• Heads of Departments (HODs) are encouraged to work collaboratively with potential supervisors to identify and allocate willing and appropriately prepared supervisors. This process should occur during the application and admission stages, ensuring that the supervisor-student match supports the student’s academic and professional goals. Supervisors should only be appointed once the student has successfully met the admission requirements for the specific programme. Co-supervisors can be appointed to facilitate mentorship and should be actively engaged in the supervision process.

• Supervisors must be selected based on their i) willingness to assume the supervisory role, ii) relevant qualifications, iii) expertise in the research area, and iv) capacity, including experience and availability, to effectively mentor and guide the student. The selection process should prioritise aligning the supervisor’s skills with the student’s research needs.

• When more than one supervisor is appointed, one supervisor will be designated as the principal supervisor, with the others serving as co-supervisors. The principal supervisor is responsible for the supervision of the project and ensuring that all necessary administrative processes, including the submission of Higher Degrees Committee (HDC) forms and the appointment of examiners, are completed efficiently. The principal supervisor should also ensure that the supervision team works cohesively, providing a supportive and coordinated environment for the student’s academic progress.

• The principal supervisor is typically a full-time CPUT employee. However, in some cases, an external principal supervisor may be recommended, provided there is a strong justification from the Head of Department and approval from the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee (FHDC) and Higher Degrees Committee. If an external principal supervisor is appointed and lacks access to the postgraduate management portal, an internal CPUT employee should be designated on the portal to manage administrative tasks, ensuring the continuity and efficiency of the supervision process.

• Supervisors for doctoral-level research should possess a doctoral qualification and have prior experience co-supervising at least one doctoral student alongside an experienced supervisor.

• For master’s-level supervision, it is recommended that the principal supervisor holds a doctoral qualification in the relevant field. However, a principal supervisor with a master’s

qualification may be appointed if supported by a co-supervisor with a doctoral qualification. Co-supervisors should generally hold a doctoral qualification when the principal supervisor does not. However, co-supervisors with a master’s qualification may be considered for capacity building purposes, provided they are paired with a doctoral-qualified supervisor and the appointment is approved by the FHDC and HDC

• Departments are responsible for recommending suitable supervisors and co-supervisors at both master’s and doctoral levels to the respective FHDC. The FHDC is tasked with approving the appointments for master’s-level supervision and recommending the appointments for doctoral-level supervision to the HDC for final approval. This process ensures that supervisors' selection is aligned with departmental needs and institutional standards.

• External supervisors will be remunerated according to the approved institutional tariff list, remuneration policies and guidelines. Payment will be made within one month following the student’s successful qualification for graduation. Faculties retain discretion over the timing and specific remuneration conditions, ensuring the process is fair and transparent.

• Supervisors with a master’s degree can only be appointed to co-supervise a master’s student under the mentorship of an experienced supervisor with a suitable doctoral qualification in the field. They should at least co-supervise two master’s students to the completion of their studies. To become an independent supervisor with only a master’s degree, you must show evidence of successful publication of research work.

• Doctoral supervisors should have supervised at least four master’s studies and cosupervised at least two doctoral candidates to completion before embarking on independently supervising a doctoral study

10. Registration on the Postgraduate Management Portal

All registered students must log into the existing system at and update their details. No hard copies of HDC documentation for students will be accepted. Notably, the HDC portal will migrate fully to Converis by the second semester of 2025, and students should kindly take heed of this.

All postgraduate students must activate their digital accounts after registration to allow the HODs to see the class list in their departments and link the student to the relevant supervisor. Please refer to the website ( for assistance.

11. Registration of topic

The approved research topic must be uploaded onto the management portal by the student, together with the Academic Record of previous qualifications.

The research topic must be finalised for approval by the FHDC:

• Within six (6) months of first registration for a 100 % full-time or part-time master’s study

• Within eighteen (18) months of first registration of full-time coursework master’s study

• Within two (2) years of first registration of part-time coursework master’s study

• Within twelve (6) months of first registration for a full-time Doctoral study

• Within twelve (12) months of first registration for a part-time Doctoral study

12. Student Supervisor Agreement (SSA)

The SSA must be completed by the candidate andsupervisor and uploaded on the Postgraduate Management Platform within six months of first registration.

The SSA should include the following items

• Frequency and duration of meetings between student and supervisor

• Meeting scheduling and agenda responsibility

• Email communication expectations

• Proposed project plan

• Progress reports expectations

• Expectations regarding submission of work (proposal, chapters, thesis draft)

• Expectations regarding feedback and revision of work

• Expected output (other than thesis, e.g. number of journal articles/conference papers)

• Expectations regarding skills and knowledge (need to have and need to acquire)

• Expectations regarding work in the faculty (opportunities/expectations)

• Ground rules (that the student needs to be aware of)

• Expectations regarding co-supervisor’s role (appointment of examiners)

13. Approval of research proposal and ethics application

The final version of the research proposal must be word-processed and submitted to the supervisor. The research proposal will be evaluated by a team of reviewers within the faculty or external, as well as by the faculty ethics committee, tabled at the specific faculty research and faculty ethics committees, and approved by the faculty research/higher degrees committee.

Research may not commence before ethics approval.

In consultation with the supervisor, students are required to upload the following documents onto the Postgraduate Management Portal:

• Proposal

• Review forms

• Supervisor and Student Agreement

• Ethics application document by student

• Ethics clearance certificate by the Faculty Research Ethics Committee

• Data Management Plan

Doctoral candidates are expected to present their proposal orally (defence) to the Faculty Research Committee.

Bibliographic citations should be done using the Harvard method. Research ethics documents and style guides are on the websites of the Research Directorate and Centre for Postgraduate Studies.

After consideration by the Faculty Research Committee, Faculty Research Ethics Committee and the HDC (where relevant), the project is ratified at the Senate level.

If a candidate is working with confidential information, a statement to this effect with supporting evidence should be added to the research proposal when submitted to the faculty’s research and ethics committees.

The research proposal must be finalised for approval by the FRC/FHDC:

• within twelve (12) months of first registration for a 100 % full-time or part-time master’s study

• within eighteen (18) months of first registration of full-time coursework master’s study

• within two (2) years of first registration of part-time coursework master’s study

• within twelve (12) months of first registration for a full-time doctoral study

• within two (2) years of first registration for a part-time doctoral study

14. Collecting and Recording Information (CPUT Libraries)

The CPUT library has extensive resources that can assist postgraduate students with information. The following can be found on the CPUT Library webpage.

14.1 Research Support Guides

14.2 Learning Support Guides

14.3 Faculty Librarians

14.4 Access to academic journals and books

15. Postgraduate Research Information Support Centre

This support unit, exclusively for postgraduate students and academic researchers, is in both the Bellville and Cape Town libraries, incorporates a Research Information Support Centre (RISC) facility, and provides dedicated information and computing services.

The online platform of the RISC can be found at

Facilities and services include:

• Networked PCs with internet, mail and word-processing facilities

• Scanning, photocopying and printing on-site

• Information support service

• Wireless access

Research information support includes:

• Guidance in the use of electronic resources for information-finding

• Designing research strategies

• Literature citation format and bibliographies

• Literature review support

• Database use training

• Training in the use of bibliographic software


(021) 460 3006 (District Six): Adhil Parker

(021) 959 6324 (Bellville): Nico Gertse

16. Centre for Postgraduate Studies: Software Support

CPUT has site licenses for the following software packages:

• Statistical (Quantitative) Data Analysis – SPSS

• Qualitative Data Analysis – ATLAS.ti

• Similarity Detection – Turnitin

Supervisors of postgraduate students must be registered as instructors to register their postgraduate students on the Turnitin system. This must happen as soon as the students have submitted a research proposal.

17. Similarity report

CPUT has no institution-wide similarity index cut-off point for postgraduate submissions due to varying writing styles and academic conventions across departments and faculties. However, a key guideline is that none of the individual line items in the Turnitin report should exceed 1% similarity. This policy emphasises the importance of particular instances of text within the report and requires a thorough examination by students and supervisors if any line item shows more than 1% similarity. The Turnitin report should be interpreted qualitatively, with supervisors and examiners encouraged to critically analyse sections where the similarity index exceeds the 1% threshold, considering whether the similarity is due to legitimate use of common terminology, properly cited quotations, or potential plagiarism. Students may be asked to revise and paraphrase sections to ensure compliance with academic integrity standards.

18. Reporting

At CPUT, students are required to report on their progress to their internal supervisor at least once a month. This regular communication ensures the supervisor is fully informed about the student’s progress, challenges encountered, and any guidance required and can provide timely feedback and support.

The Student-Supervisor Agreement (SSA) is a formal document that outlines the duties and responsibilities of both the student and the supervisor, and it must explicitly include this requirement for regular progress reporting. The SSA serves as a contractual framework for the supervisory relationship, ensuring that both parties know their obligations and expectations from the outset.

The supervisor’s report on student progress must be completed quarterly, formally assessing the student’s academic and research development throughout their postgraduate journey. The university will use the content of this report to evaluate the student’s overall progression within their study period.

19. Dissertation or thesis structure

The structure of a dissertation/thesis may differ from faculty to faculty. While the university provides overarching guidelines for preparing postgraduate research documents, each faculty or department may adapt its own structures. To ensure your dissertation or thesis meets the faculty’s requirements, consult their guidelines or handbook. Your supervisor guides you through the preferred structure, so maintain regular communication with them.

All postgraduate students should follow the CPUT bibliographic style guide for theses and dissertations to ensure consistency and accuracy in the citation and referencing of academic sources. The CPUT Library also provides Mendeley Reference Manager, where training and uploaded guides and videos are available to assist with proper referencing:

Before submission for examination, theses and dissertations must be free of errors. These works must be edited for accuracy, especially as they are subject to public scrutiny in the library. CPGS provides support for editing your theses and dissertations. Postgraduate students may email for any queries about access to support services.

20. Date of submission of dissertation or thesis

Candidates who wish to graduate in autumn (typically April) must submit the dissertation/ thesis for examination by September of the previous year. Candidates submitting after this date cannot be guaranteed graduation at the autumn graduation ceremony

Candidates wishing to graduate in summer (typically December) should submit by June of the same year. Candidates submitting after this date cannot be guaranteed graduation at the summer graduation ceremony

NB: Candidates who graduate in April will be responsible for fees for the previous calendar year. Candidates who graduate in December will be responsible for fees for the current calendar year.

21. Examination

• Dissertations and theses may not be submitted for examination without the supervisor’s approval as on HDC 1.11.

• Examination is by a panel of external examiners appointed by the HDC. Two external examiners will examine the master’s degree, and three examiners will examine the doctoral degree.

• Names of examiners shall not be divulged to candidates, and candidates may not

correspond with or contact examiners at any stage during the examination

• The faculty research administrator handles the examination process Supervisors may not contact examiners until the faculty research administration office has received all examiner reports and these have served with the faculty research committee.

• Each examiner awards a mark independently of the others. A pass mark is 50%. All examiners must pass the dissertation/thesis. (See par 16 for Cum Laude)

• An examiner may require resubmission of a dissertation or thesis after amendments have been made. A dissertation/thesis may not be submitted for examination more than twice.

• Doctoral candidates may be required to defend their dissertation in a viva voce (oral examination).

• Before a dissertation/thesis is finally approved and the candidate is allowed to graduate, all amendments should be made to the satisfaction of the supervisor and examiners and ratified by the HDC.

• Proof of submission of a DHET-accredited journal article or a paper presented at a peerreviewed conference, in conjunction with the internal supervisor, is required for master’s before graduation. Proof of final acceptance of a DHET-accredited journal article, in conjunction with the internal supervisor, is required for a doctorate before graduation.

22. Degree class decision:

For coursework master’s:

• Summa Cum Laude (SCL): If both averages of the coursework and dissertation marks are 75% or above – and if ALL the coursework marks are 75% or above

• Cum Laude (CL): If the finalmark is 75% orabove,and both averages of thecoursework and dissertation marks are 75% or above – and if ALL the coursework marks and both examiner marks are 70% and above

• If any coursework marks or dissertation marks are below 70%, the degree is awarded a “Pass”

For full research master’s:

• SCL: If both dissertation marks are 75% and above

• CL: If the final average is 75% or above, and both dissertation marks are 70% and above, and both examiners have agreed to a CL.

• If one of the dissertation marks is below 70%, irrespective of the final average, the degree is awarded a “Pass”.

23. Post-examination

• After examination and after any required corrections and amendments have been made, the final thesis must be sent in PDF format to the supervisor. The supervisor will check that all the examiner recommendations were applied and, when satisfied, will forward the copy to the postgraduate administrator in the faculty. The postgraduate administrator will upload the thesis to the library’s space allocated to the faculty

• No student will graduate if there is no submission of the thesis by the supervisor via the postgraduate administrator to the library The submission and acceptance of theses at the library usually is three (3) weeks before graduation.

• A deposition (disposition or rebuttal) document detailing all corrections must accompany the final thesis for approval at FRC/FHDC and HDC.

• Candidates are advised to contact the research coordinator of the faculty or the supervisor to ascertain whether hard-cover copies are required, for example, for cosupervisors or each examiner.

• An examination mark will only be awarded after ratification by the HDC and Senate and after submission of the final thesis to the library.

• Students must note that the Examinations Office will use the library list to compare with the faculty lists and prepare the graduation list.

24. Publication of the dissertation or thesis

• The dissertation/thesis may be published either in part (in scholarly, scientific or technicaljournals) or as a whole (as a monograph) only after permission has been obtained from the University.

• The supervisor (as co-author) and the Cape Peninsula University of Technology must be acknowledged. The student’s name must appear as the first author, and all supervisors and co-supervisors must be listed as co-authors.

• Please note the copyright statement, which should appear on the title page of the dissertation/thesis. Candidates wishing to publish their thesis in book format must obtain permission from the University.

25. CPGS contact information

The CPGS offices are in the Bellville Campus Library Building.


Staff contact information:

Prof Izak van Zyl Director

Mr Michyle Magerman CPGS Administrator

Contact for all administrative matters and for software access.

Dr Thandazile Mhlongo CPGS Coordinator

Contact for all matters related to postgraduate studies and management, including Higher Degrees Committee matters.

Mr Selema Molopa Coordinator: Postgraduate Development Support

Contact for all matters related to research and development support, including training, editing and software access.

Mr Cyrano Arries Financial Administrator

Contact for all financial administration matters related to bursaries, payment of service providers and student refunds.

Ms Phaphama Mhlekwa

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

Contact for all matters related to marketing, events and postgraduate record-keeping.

Ms Mtembukazi Sibindlana

Bursary Administrator

Contact for all internal and external bursary-related matters.



Tel: 021 953 8456





Tel: 021 953 8462


Tel: 021 953 8600

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