Cradle Coast Authority 2030 Strategy

Page 20

SEC TION 3: The fr amework

The following principles for natural resource management are applied through all projects and programs.

STEWARDSHIP Promote and enable the growth and uptake of knowledge, capabilities and practices that support the natural environment and productive landscapes to sustain productivity, profitability and healthy functioning.

RISK AND RESILIENCE Facilitate access to information that enables people to anticipate challenges, avoid or resist impacts, and recover without loss of economic, social or environmental functional capability or capacity, especially in relation to the direct and indirect consequences of changing regional climate conditions.

INFLUENCE Work with planners and policy developers to inform regional environmental and agricultural initiatives at state and federal levels.

A B O R I G I N A L C U LT U R E A N D K N O W L E D G E Appropriately and respectfully recognise and engage with Tasmanian Aboriginal people around natural resource management knowledge, perspectives, and practices.

PA R T I C I PAT I O N Actively establish and nurture partnerships and collaborations as the preferred operating arrangement for the planning and implementation of regional, cross-regional and local NRM programs, projects and activities.

Figure 3: Natural resource management principles in this strategy



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