Giant Freshwater Crayfish Field Tour
Fiona Marshall, Project Coordinator with Cradle Coast Authority discussing riverbank vegetation and buffer zones on the Inglis River.
It was great weather for the Giant Freshwater
We heard from the landholder about the
challenges and benefits.
participants that braved the storms on 24 There were also presentations including live
March to look at a couple of properties that
animals from crayfish expert, Todd Walsh and
have undertaken or are about to start river
we heard of the benefits of conservation
rehabilitation works in our priority crayfish
covenants from Dr Helen Morgan from
project catchments.
Tasmanian Land Conservancy. It was great to see such good recovery with a change in
The first property we visited had undertaken
land management and the presence of
fencing and revegetation back in 2007,
dead logs and timber in the River, protecting
creating a great vegetated buffer between
the toe of banks and providing food and
the Inglis River and their cattle enterprise.
habitat for the Giant Freshwater Crayfish.
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