Cradle to Coastlines - Edition 1, 2014

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Cradle to C oast l i n e s newsletter of the cradle coast natural resource management committee

Featured Project NRM: online, interactive and mobile Pages 4-5


Edition 1 • 2014

in this issue: community activities


events and news




sustainable agriculture


Community Activities

New Handbook for Coastcare Groups Coastcare Week 2013 was not only a fun celebration of all things coastal, but also marked the launch of the latest edition of the Tasmanian Coastcare Handbook. The Handbook was produced by the Southern Coastcare Association of Tasmania (SCAT) and includes information on Tasmania’s coast, Coastcare activities and tips for successfully running a Coastcare group. Making the most of 20 years of Coastcare volunteer knowledge, the Handbook also features an array of volunteer stories and first-hand experiences. Members of Turners Beach Coastcare, one of the longest running groups in North West Tasmania, are proudly pictured on the cover of the new edition which was funded by the Australian Government in partnership with NRM South. Handbook copies in both printed and CD format will be made available to all Coastcare groups in Tasmania. Copies can also be downloaded from the SCAT website at

Anna Wind, Ingrid Albion & Andre Chiaradia at the Penguin Guide Training Image: P Marker

Sharing a passion for Little penguins Little penguins in our region have been busy raising chicks at colonies along the coast and these chicks are now beginning the fledging process (growing adult feathers and leaving the nest). Colony sites at Burnie and Lillico are set up to allow nightly viewing of these special birds in a way that is both safe for people and respectful of the Little penguins’ natural habitat and behaviours. The viewing experience is enhanced by the presence of guide volunteers from the Friends of Burnie Penguins and Friends of Lillico Penguins who share their passion and answer questions on anything from food preferences and nesting habits to penguin swimming and diving capabilities. Penguin viewing is a popular drawcard in our region, attracting 10,000 visitors and residents to the designated penguin viewing areas each year. To ensure that the guides are well-supported in both numbers and knowledge, Cradle Coast NRM organised a training event at the start of the Little penguin season for existing guides and to attract new volunteers. The training featured talks from Research Scientist, Andre Chiaradia, of the Philip Island Nature Park and Ingrid Albion, Education Officer from the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service. The 42 participants learnt about current penguin research, the penguin life-cycle, using interpretation for penguin guide talks and best practice penguin viewing techniques. Visit Burnie or Lillico viewing platforms between late November and early March to see the guides (and penguins!) at work. To find out more about Cradle Coast NRM’s support for coastal areas and programs, contact Coastal Coordinator, Anna Wind, on

DID YOU KNOW? • When feeding, the maximum dive depth reported for a Little penguin is an impressive 73 metres. • Penguins don’t eat things that float on the water’s surface so fortunately floating plastics and other marine debris are not directly consumed. • Depending on fitness, one adult penguin will be working harder than its partner; this is true for 72% of penguin parents.

Following the successful introduction of Link and Learn last year Cradle Coast NRM invite all Landcare, Coastcare, ‘Friends of’ volunteer community groups, and NRM project partners to attend the second annual Link and Learn forum on Saturday 5 April in Burnie. Link and Learn provides the opportunity for community groups to share knowledge, discuss common issues, exchange information, network with like-minded folk, and help each other problem solve.

and topical speakers in the morning, followed by Coastal, Biodiversity and Land workshops in the afternoon. Lunch will be provided. Save the date in your calendar if you or your group would like to be part of an informative event and find out what’s happening within your region. Full details will be advised in the coming weeks.

The day will include presentations from community groups, Cradle Coast NRM

To find out more, or to register, contact Anna Wind, Coordinator: Coastal, on 6431 6285 or

Ib better understand the breadth and magnitude of challenges in the region and groups represented by people here.

Events and News

You’re invited! – Link and Learn

I was so unaware of different issues and can see the bigger w. picture now. Comments from participants at the 2013 Link and Learn workshop.

Community Achievement Awards recognition The Cradle Coast NRM team were honoured to

Burrowing crayfish, Little penguins, Giant Freshwater

recently receive a Semi Finalist Award in the 2013

Lobster, riparian habitats, whale rescue training, and

Community Achievement Awards. The team were

threats to the environment caused by marine debris.

recognised for their wonderful achievements and the great work they do in the local community.

The team at Cradle Coast NRM are delighted to have been recognised and continue to dedicate

In delivering the Community Skills, Knowledge and

themselves to protecting, maintaining, improving and

Engagement Program between 2011 and 2013

restoring the natural resources of Tasmania’s Cradle

the NRM team engaged over 5,714 participants in

Coast to ensure a sustainable future for our region.

biodiversity and coastal activities throughout the Cradle Coast region. Cradle Coast NRM supported 45 community groups; funded 30 community group grants to Landcare, Coastcare and ‘Friends of’ groups; empowered 12 organisations through Land Manager grants; supported 43 schools; organised 23 community groups to participate in beach clean-ups; co-ordinated Hooked! From the Mountain Dragon to the Handfish art exhibition and supported the Shorebird Monitoring project. The team also contributed to future environmental preservation by planting 6,763 native trees, shrubs and grasses; controllin g 38 hectares of weeds; removing 106 bags of marine debris from beaches; and raising community engagement and awareness in the protection of the

Dionna Newton, Karina Rose, Mark Wisniewski & Anna Wind of Cradle Coast NRM. Image: A Wilson


NRM: online, interactive In this fast paced technological world it seems everyone is always connected. Mobile phones, smart phones, tablets, notebooks; where would we be without them? Cradle Coast NRM continues to improve its ‘mobile’ approach to natural resource management with a new GIS Gallery and upgrade to the Top 10 Weed Pocket Guide App (see story on next page). The development of the online GIS (Geographic Information System) Mapping Gallery presents natural resource management information in a simple, visual and interactive format. The integration of GIS Web Maps with text and pictures connects you directly with the landscape, almost as if you are physically there. GIS enables Cradle Coast NRM to create visually appealing maps whilst also telling a story. You can revisit past NRM projects and investments, learn about what Cradle Coast NRM does in the region, or simply have the acronym NRM explained. This new communication tool increases the relevance of Cradle Coast NRM to local, statewide, national and international audiences. Potential future developments of this technology could also allow Cradle Coast NRM staff to map on ground works via an online/mobile integrated mapping tool. The GIS Gallery is available to view now at A selection of the web maps and web mapping applications are being ‘mobile optimised’ and will be available through the free, newly updated Cradle Coast NRM Android application. To find out more about GIS technology contact Project Officer: GIS & NRM, Mark Wisniewski, on 6431 6285 or email

The successful Top 10 Weed Pocket Guide app of 2013 is now old news!

Feature Story

and mobile

Not just weeds!

An updated, expanded and re-named app is now available for Android phone users. The Cradle Coast NRM app is about connecting the user directly to natural resource management information with minimal effort and fuss. Feature updates and additions include: • The Tasmanian Country Hour page and ability to listen to the radio broadcast at leisure • NRM on Facebook • NRM on Youtube • NRM Threatened Plant and Shorebird Identification guides (Flash player required) • North West Tasmanian weather links Perhaps the most significant change is the inclusion of Geographic Information System (GIS) technology directly from the Cradle Coast NRM GIS Gallery web page. “What is NRM”, the first mobile optimised web mapping application included in the app, outlines the story of NRM in the Cradle Coast region through interactive maps, pictures and text. A fantastic advantage of the app is the ability for updates to be made at any time without having to re-download the app. Changes made by Mark Wisniewski, Project Officer: GIS & NRM, are simply updated live next time you access the app. To download the app visit the Play Store and search Cradle Coast NRM.



Native vegetation needs management too Weed and fire management within native vegetation are generally high on the list of management practices for landowners. There are other activities that can help make the most of native vegetation’s economic, conservation and aesthetic values too. Here are a few ideas from our Biodiversity Coordinator for you to consider if you have native vegetation on your property: Older trees and dead trees should be left in place as they offer nesting hollows for birds and animals, and provide a vantage spot or perching site for all birds of prey. All species of native birds perform a valuable ecosystem service including pest management and pollination. If you are thinking of removing trees for fencing materials or firewood remember that coppicing (cutting at the base allowing for re-sprouting) is a more sustainable uses of trees. Keeping a diverse shrub and ground layer is fundamental to managing a bush remnant. Prickly plants such as needlebushes and some wattles offer nesting sites, shelter and food. Shrubs such as bottlebrushes, tea-trees and many Eucalypts also

ian area blac kber ry cont rol in a ripar Abov e imag e: Best prac tice Turne r. Back grou nd imag e: Rael ee nd. Duga A by tion, bilita with reha

provide food for insects that help to control pest species. A healthy intact ground layer will aid in weed suppression and valuable topsoil protection that in turn reduces erosion. Natural regeneration is a cost effective method of re-establishing or rehabilitating the native vegetation on your property, particularly on a larger scale. It is cheaper to fence off and extend existing stands of native vegetation than to re-establish bush from a bare patch of land. If you see a young seedling in bush land, place some old branches loosely over it for protection from browsing animals. Avoid dumping rocks, earth, garden waste and rubbish in the bush as this eliminates local native plants and encourages weeds to flourish. The diversion of water into native bush can also lead to a weed invasion, especially if it is rich in nutrients. Fertilising native vegetation favours the growth of exotic species over native perennials. Biodiversity Coordinator, Alison Dugand, can help with information and options to consider on native vegetation management. Contact Ali via email on

Sustainable Agriculture Image: S Gibbs

Sustainable New Year Resolutions If you own a patch of land, either as a hobby or commercial farm, make 2014 the year to boost sustainable management of your natural resources. Here are our Productive Landscapes Coordinator’s top tips to help you achieve your New Year resolutions over the coming 12 months and beyond: Identify and map all soil types Different soils are suited to different uses. Knowing your soil types allows you to better manage grazing and nutrient additions, save dollars, and determine the best use of your land. Manage areas prone to wind or water erosion Valuable top soils can easily erode from exposure to strong wind and rainfall events. Costly impacts of lost soil and fertiliser flowing down stream can be reduced by providing as close to 100% groundcover as possible. This will result in improved water holding capacity due to the increased organic matter content. Contour ploughing helps with preventing soil loss and improves water and fertiliser retention providing improved yields and real operating cost savings. Fence waterways and dams and provide alternative water sources to livestock Poor water quality has an impact on all of us, you can help to maintain and improve good water quality

by providing stock with troughs located away from creeks, streams and other waterways. Cradle Coast NRM can help you with advice on how to establish stabilised banks with fencing, native trees, shrubs and grasses. Please feel free to call us. Identify weeds and pests and take action early Knowing which weeds and pests occur on your property is the first step in managing them for productivity and biodiversity benefit. Identify weeds with the help of this website: Reduce, reuse, recycle so you only rarely use local landfill sites 2014 could be the year that you rehabilitate an old waste site on your property or repurpose otherwise wasted materials into an animal shelter or garden bed. Remember too, as a landholder you have a legal responsibility to prevent waste from entering waterways and to prevent environmental nuisance. To find out more about sustainable land management practices and for help in getting your property off to a well-planned start in 2014, contact Productive Landscapes Coordinator, Spencer Gibbs, on 6431 6285.


Upcoming Events

Staff R ichard In gram Executi v e O f f i c e r


G ra nt P e arc e Opera ti on s M an age r

Shorebird counts will be conducted between Stanley and Narawntapu National Park throughout March. For further information contact Project Officer, Dionna Newton at

Shorebird Counts

Er ns t K emm e re r S trategy & Im pl e me n t a t ion M a na g e r


Apri l Lan ge rak I n formati o n M an ager

Beachwatch Circular Head, Devonport and Waratah-Wynyard Beachwatch groups will be conducting beach clean-ups at their adopted beaches throughout March and April. To get involved check out the Beachwatch page on our website;

Alis o n D u gan d C oordi nato r: B i o di ve r s it y Anna Win d C oordi nato r: Co asta l Di o nna N e w to n Project Officer: Coastal, Estuarine & Marine


S herri e J af f ray Pr o j ect Of f i c e r: C o m m u nit y Ed u c a t ion

S pencer G i bbs C oordi nato r: Pro du c t iv e L a nd s c a p e s

Saturday 5 April Cradle Coast Authority Function Room 1 – 3 Spring Street Burnie All Landcare, Coastcare, Friends of volunteer community groups and project partners are invited to attend. For further details contact Coastal Coordinator, Anna Wind at

Br a d Gri f f i t h s Pr o j ect Of f i c e r: S u sta ina b le A g r ic ult ur e

Paper or online?

M ark Wi s n i e w sk i Pr o j ect Of f i c e r: G IS a nd N R M

Ka tri na Yo u n g Pr o j ect Of f i c e r: W e st C oa s t We e d a nd F ire Man age me n t G r ou p

Unless otherwise acknowledged, this publication and the projects featured are supported by Cradle Coast NRM, through funding from the Australian Government.

Link and Learn

Would you prefer to receive Cradle to Coastlines as an e-newsletter rather than a printed version? Cradle Coast NRM invite you to assist us in ensuring a sustainable future for our region and change the way you receive Cradle to Coastlines. To switch from a paper copy of Cradle to Coastlines to an e-newsletter format send your request to or telephone 6431 6285. Making the change by 31 March 2014 also gives you entry in a draw to win a Cradle Coast NRM gift pack including a cooler bag, travel mug and hat.

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Cradle Coast NRM 1-3 Spring Street PO Box 338 Burnie TAS 7320

ph: 03 6431 6285 fax: 03 6431 7014 email: Cradle Coast NRM is an independent committee hosted by the Cradle Coast Authority

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