2023/24 Annual Plan Progress Report – Q2

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2023/24 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q2 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region A message from the CEO From a management perspective, Q2 was dominated by the NRM Team continuing to work with the Australian Government on the project design of regional projects and finalising the Corporate Strategic Plan 2024 – 2028. Both activities inform the future work program of CCA. Q2 also saw the completion of the Don to Leith section of the Coastal Shared Pathways. While both Waratah-Wynyard and Burnie Council are continuing work on their sections, CCA’s involvement in the project at this stage has concluded. CCA has provided support for future developments of the pathway and has had preliminary discussions with the Department of State Growth about the next steps. The Coastal Shared Pathway is a Regionally Important Project (RIP) with feedback indicating that there is still more work to be done. The Braddon Truck Wash and Effluent Dump across the four sites is progressing however the negotiation of leases, ownership and Grant Deed variation has slowed the project. This is a highly complex project which has been impacted by increasing infrastructure costs. However, there is considerable interest from the Cattle Transport sector for further sites. In 2023 CCA hosted a number of forums using a provocation methodology – feedback indicates that these forums are highly valued by participants. Our last forum was the Health Innovation Forum held at the end of October, it was jointly hosted by Senator Urquhart and CCA. A report from that forum has been circulated to participants and the Senator will use the report as appropriate to champion health issues and opportunities for the Cradle Coast region. Quarterly Progress Reports are intended to let the reader know how we are progressing against the Annual Plan developed for and approved by Member Councils each year. Please note that as the Representatives have approved the Corporate Strategic Report 2024 – 2028, there will be changes to this report in Q3 and Q4 as we begin the process of developing work plans and commence implementing the strategic priorities. Happy reading and best wishes,

Sheree Vertigan AM BA MEd (MAICD) Chief Executive Officer

Cradle Coast Authority 2023/24 Annual Plan Progress Report – Q2


2023/24 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q2 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region

VISION, PURPOSE AND PRINCIPLES CCA’s Vision and Purpose are underpinned by our commitment to our fundamental Principles. These principles guide the way CCA conducts its business and how CCA delivers all its activities and services for the benefit of the region.



A Region that is prospering as a result of strong Councils working together, where ratepayers, industry and government see the benefits of investing in the CCA model. In short, “Stronger Councils, Stronger Region”.

To help Councils achieve regional outcomes and maintain strong local government, by working together.






We adapt and refocus quickly and easily, in response to change.

We play to others’ strengths and listen with intent to understand and avoid duplication.

We see the best possible outcome and strive for it.

We use our resources wisely and keep things simple. If a longer meeting or document won’t add value, we’ll keep it short.

We experiment, reflect, and innovate – we constantly ask ourselves “how can we do this better”?

Stronger Councils, Stronger Region.

Cradle Coast Authority 2023/24 Annual Plan Progress Report – Q2


2023/24 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q2 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT This Annual Plan Progress Report is designed to keep stakeholders informed on our progress. It will be updated quarterly and published on our website. Quarterly progress will be reported against CCA’s four strategies, the following strategies have been drawn from the guidance of the CCA Representatives Letter of Expectation. •

Strategy 1 – Implement the Regional Futures Plan by working with Councils, Community and Others.

Strategy 2 – Lead regional NRM, with Councils and others, to improve the environment.

Strategy 3 – Activate the Letter of Expectation.

Strategy 4 – Review of the organisational Strategic Plan. Quantitative measure:

Qualitative assessment:

More than or equal to 80% of milestones or requirements met

Project is on track to meet deliverables or has met all deliverables

More than 50% and less than 80% milestones or requirements met

Project has minor delays and/or challenges

Less than 50% milestones or requirements met

Project is significantly delayed and/or has major challenges

Cradle Coast Authority 2023/24 Annual Plan Progress Report – Q2


2023/24 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q2 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region Strategy 1 – Implement the Regional Futures Plan by working with Councils, Community and Others. Strategic Intention

Annual Plan Action

Activity this quarter


Promote the Regional Investment Framework to identify and secure support for Regionally Important Projects.

The Regional Development Manager (RDM) and the Chair of the Regional Economic Development Committee (REDC) focus has been on refreshing the list of Regionally Important Projects, including the assessment and support of a number of renewable energy projects.

Focus on the development of regional partnerships and linkages to support Regional Development.

The Regional Development Manager (RDM) has reinstated several working groups and created new linkages for future initiatives and upcoming projects.

Advocate for Tasmanian Government and Australian Government support Reactivate ‘Choose Cradle Coast’ for regional initiatives, priorities and innovations.

The RDM has been working with Councils and other stakeholders on a funding submission for regional precincts and partnerships projects (rPPP). CCA made a number of budget submissions to the State Government to support regional initiatives.

Undertake extensive research to support Member Councils and the community through an improved and updated Regional Land-use strategy.

Embed the ‘Regional Futures Plan’ as the overarching regional economic development framework for the region.



Memorandum of Understanding entered to establish format and governance of new RLUS being drafted by State Planning Office (SPO) with Regional Planning Group (RPG) from each region.

Cradle Coast Authority 2023/24 Annual Plan Progress Report – Q2


2023/24 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q2 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region Strategy 2 – Lead regional NRM, with Councils and others, to improve the environment. Strategic Intention

Annual Plan Action

Activity this quarter


Develop a Regional NRM Investment Prospectus and key project implementation plan based on the 2030 Strategy.

Increase investment in the region and produce positive NRM outcomes through the implementation of a Regional NRM Strategy. 2.2 Continue to deliver funded NRM projects


Natural Heritage Trust project announced for environment portfolio and still awaiting agriculture, so gaps in priority areas are somewhat more apparent now. Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) roadmap still in development with consultant.

Manage and deliver NRM projects including: Australian Government Programs: Creating a Hooded Plover Stronghold on Three Hummock Island

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Felixers remain in the field and are fully operational having been services by the project team. Data showing no new detections.

Tasmanian Soil Extension Program

Contract in place to enable project to progress and planning has commenced for community engagement activities across this year.

NRM Aboriginal Traineeship Program

Trainee program completed; employee remains at CCNRM whilst we re-establish our 5-year program.

Cradle Coast Authority 2023/24 Annual Plan Progress Report – Q2


2023/24 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q2 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region Strategic Intention

Annual Plan Action

Activity this quarter


State Government Programs: Community NRM Engagement Program

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Implementing the Tasmanian Cat Management Plan (TCMP)

The Tasmanian Weeds Action Fund (WAF)

All of the Round 3 Community Capacity Grants have been initiated and half have been completed. Cradle to Coastlines December Edition released. Supported the Tasmanian Landcare Conference and nominated NW community groups, including Mt Roland Landcare who won a community group award. Facilitated Council NRM Working Group Meeting, Northwest Weed Working Group and supported the development of the West Coast Weed Stakeholder Group. Six out of the nine regional councils have committed funding and participating vets for a desexing program, in partnership with CCA and the National Desexing Network. Attended multiple events, including the Tas Pet Expo, Big Hairy People and Pets Seminar and Bunnings events to promote containment and cat-safe enrichment plants. Discussions are underway with NRM North to continue support of this State Government initiative in partnership.

Cradle Coast Authority 2023/24 Annual Plan Progress Report – Q2


2023/24 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q2 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region Strategic Intention

Annual Plan Action

Activity this quarter


Cradle Coast Authority and Regional NRM Committee Programs: Circular Head Roadkill Mitigation Project

Draft Options Paper presented and discussed CH Roadkill Mitigation Working Group at the November meeting. Media release encouraging road users to slow down over the summer and promoting Simon Plowright’s film, Living with Devils, on ABC iView. The film screened on ABC earlier than initially planned.

Cradle Coast Authority 2023/24 Annual Plan Progress Report – Q2


2023/24 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q2 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region Strategy 3 – Activate the Letter of Expectation. Strategic Intention

Annual Plan Action

Activity this quarter


Ensure economic development work is informed and improved through the inclusion of an NRM perspective.

The Chair of the NRM Committee and the Regional Economic Development Committee (REDC) have had preliminary discussions about how and when they can work together for the benefit of the region.

Advocate, promote and provide thought leadership in sustainable development practices and approaches across the region.

CCA hosted the Health Innovation forum with Senator Anne Urquhart. CCA hosted the Tasmanian Energy Minister Nick Duigan to speak with Member Councils. Planning is underway for a transport forum in Q3.

Explore shared service opportunities in Environmental Planning e.g., climate change (review climate plans for coastal member councils), lead implementation of zero plastics and other initiatives as identified and agreed.

Implement the functions of CCA as described in the Letter of Expectation (LoE): •

Regional development

Natural Resource Management

Strategic Services

Regional Advocacy

Council Cooperation and dialogue

Deliver governmentfunded projects

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Work with member council • General Managers to assess other opportunities that will ‘facilitate’ • the Shared Services Strategy and develop a detailed, costed implementation plan where applicable.


CCA is currently finalising a Climate Risk and Mitigation Report that outlines shared services opportunities both within the region and across the State.

Provided Communications support to the Circular Head Council. Exploring opportunities to provide strategic planning and review services to two Councils.

Cradle Coast Authority 2023/24 Annual Plan Progress Report – Q2


2023/24 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q2 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region Strategic Intention

Annual Plan Action


Monitor, evaluate and review the • Advocacy Strategy in response to Local, State and Federal Government priorities.

Aligned CCA's Advocacy, Communications, and Engagement strategy with the new Corporate Strategic Plan.

Continue to seek funds through budget submissions, advocacy strategy and grant submissions to build additional capacity i.e. grant writing and research.

Submitted multiple funding proposals to the State Budget submissions.

Constructing the Coastal Pathways

Senator Anne Urquhart officially opened the Don to Leith section of the Coastal Pathway. Development of a proposal to “activate the Shared Coastal Pathway”. Working with State Growth to identify the next projects to support the pathways including signage, mapping and data collection.

Plan, coordinate, facilitate, and advocate on behalf of councils.

3.3 Develop additional capacity to respond to council requests (e.g., Strategic Planning).

3.4 Continue to deliver funded Strategic Services projects.

Activity this quarter

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Cradle Coast Authority 2023/24 Annual Plan Progress Report – Q2


2023/24 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q2 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region Strategic Intention

Annual Plan Action

Activity this quarter

Farm Vehicle Washdown and Effluent Dumping Facilities

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Cradle Coast Future Energy Hub

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CCA is awaiting the lease agreement between TasPorts and Eastern Shipping for the King Island facility. The selection panel has nominated the preferred contractor for the Minna Road facility. The contractor has been issued a contract, but it has yet to be signed. Hosted Energy Minister Nick Duigan. Clean Energy Tasmania and the TCCI provided an update on their perspective of the importance of renewable energy for Member Councils and our region. Meetings planned with TasNetworks, Marinus Link and ReCFIT in Q3.

Steps towards Sustainability

Continued working with Waratah-Wynyard Council to implement four pause places along the coastal trail, signage and website is being developed.

Regional Planning Framework

Memorandum of Understanding entered to establish format and governance of new RLUS being drafted by State Planning Office (SPO) with Regional Planning Group (RPG) from each region.

Cradle Coast Authority 2023/24 Annual Plan Progress Report – Q2


2023/24 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q2 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region Strategic Intention

Annual Plan Action

Activity this quarter

Develop partnerships to promote the Sustainable Construction and Development project


CCA is working with a private landowner to develop a concept brief for a sustainable, multi-density housing development.

Cradle Coast Authority 2023/24 Annual Plan Progress Report – Q2


2023/24 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q2 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region Strategy 4 – Review of the organisational Strategic Plan. Strategic Intention

Annual Plan Action

Activity this quarter


Scope the proposed model developed by the Board for presentation to the Representatives in December 2023.

In progress.

Focus on building and sustaining a high-performing team.

An external company has conducted a cybersecurity audit, CCA is awaiting the report. A review of the Corporate Risk Management Framework has commenced.

Develop an organisational model that reflects the future form and function of CCA.

4.2 Build the workforce for the future: right people and right employment processes and practices.

4.3 Achieve financial sustainability.

Monitor the Financial Management Plan to inform decision-making and ensure continued compliance through the review process.


Ongoing – Financial Management Plan was reviewed prior to the December Representatives Meeting.

Cradle Coast Authority 2023/24 Annual Plan Progress Report – Q2


2023/24 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q2 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region Strategic Intention

Annual Plan Action


Regular, transparent, and • meaningful reporting to our • owners and external stakeholders.

Improve the way we measure and communicate the impact of our work.

Activity this quarter


Currently redeveloping the CCA website. Updated CCA’s Advocacy, Communications, and Engagement strategy.

Cradle Coast Authority 2023/24 Annual Plan Progress Report – Q2


2023/24 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q2 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region Summary of Current Projects and Initiatives

Funding Provider


Regional Land Partnerships Core Services - The Core Services portion of the Regional Land Partnerships Program (RLP) is intended to enable the NRM groups to undertake NRM planning, project design, and Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Improvement (MERI) activities. It also supports the community, including community groups, the Aboriginal community, and industry groups to participate in the delivery of RLP projects.

Australian Government


Soil Extension Program - Partnering with NRM North and NRM South, this project will deliver the Northwest component of the Statewide Soil Extension Program. Project activities will engage farmers from across Tasmania and aim to increase their capacity and knowledge about the management of productive soils. There is a focus on increasing soil testing and providing support for on-farm decision-making and management activities that improve soil health

Australian Government

2022 - 2024

Implementing the Tasmanian Cat Management Plan – This project supports the implementation of the Tasmanian Cat Management Plan (TCMP) through developing and implementing awareness and education programs to improve levels of responsible cat ownership across the region, assisting Member Councils in the development of policies linked to the TCMP including the development of by-laws and development and implementation of compliance programs for the Cat Management Act along with training programs for Member Council employees.

Tasmanian Government

2022 - 2026

The Tasmanian Weeds Action Fund – The Tasmanian Weeds Action Fund (WAF) is a $5 million State Government initiative, funded for five years from 2018/19. The funds provided by the WAF were invested with farmers and other community organisations to tackle weeds impacting valuable agriculture and environmental assets. CCA has formed a partnership with NRM North and NRM South to implement stage two of the fund in the next three years, making it accessible throughout the state.

Tasmanian Government

2018 - 2023

Farm Vehicle Washdown and Effluent Dumping Facilities – This project will see the construction of modern washdown and effluent dumping facilities at Smithton, Burnie, Devonport and King Island for livestock transport and other vehicles.

Australian Government

2019 - 2024

Constructing the Coastal Pathway – Jointly funded by the State and Australian Government along with Latrobe, Devonport City and Central Coast Councils, the $14.4m Coastal Pathway extension project will see 21 km of additional pathway built between Latrobe and Sulphur Creek between 2019 and 2023.

All three tiers of government

2019 - 2023

Steps Towards Sustainability – Installation of at least four pause places around Waratah-Wynyard’s towns and villages. This project is funded through a ‘Healthy Focus’ grant from the Crown through the Department of Health.

Tasmanian Government

2023 - 2025

Cradle Coast Authority 2023/24 Annual Plan Progress Report – Q2


2023/24 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q2 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region Other Ongoing Initiatives •

Implementing the Regional Futures Plan (RFP) – The Regional Futures Plan provides a blueprint for a new way of doing regional economic development. Backed by industry, government, and the university sector, it aims to boost regional growth and foster a more resilient economy, lifting the living standards of residents in the region.

Regional Investment Framework (RIF) – As part of the Regional Futures Plan, the Regional Investment Framework provides a systematic approach to identifying and securing support for regionally important projects. The Regional Economic Development Steering Group will maintain a list of regionally important projects, reviewed, and published quarterly. The list was released in early 2020 and is updated constantly. The purpose of the list is for our region to speak with one voice in support of projects that will drive positive economic change.

Cradle Coast Future Energy Hub – A partnership between CCA and industry, established to showcase Cradle Coast’s future energy potential. The Hub will be a central place for industry participants to host community and industry engagement activities and a place for the community to learn about the range of renewable energy opportunities in our region.

The Coasters – Hosted by CCA, The Coasters was established in 2017 to ‘Connect. Inspire. Grow’. The network aims to connect like-minded aspirational young people who live and work on the Cradle Coast and wish to influence the region’s future. They share skills, knowledge, and experiences to raise aspirations and improve access to career development and mentoring opportunities.

Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) Partnership – Aimed at strengthening Local Government and reducing duplication, by sharing information more freely, CCA and LGAT will work together to deliver training, events, and other services to our Member Councils.

University of Tasmania Partnership – The partnership with the University of Tasmania will see CCA support and/or host two PhD candidates and two Honours students working on projects aimed at supporting the implementation of the Regional Futures Plan.

Enterprize in the Cradle Coast region – Enterprize supports founders of innovative, high-growth potential businesses by providing world-class education, mentoring, events and spaces across Tasmania. CCA supports the role of the Cradle Coast Startup Community Coordinator and the expansion of Enterprize in the Cradle Coast region.

The Makers at Cradle Coast UTAS – The Makers site will come to showcase modern making in the region, hosting the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA), Tech Solutions Hub, a Business Incubator and public demonstration space inside. CCA is working in partnership with UTAS to support this initiative.

Cradle Coast Authority 2023/24 Annual Plan Progress Report – Q2


2023/24 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q2 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region Projects of Regional Importance There are currently eight regionally important projects that have been submitted and accepted by our Regional Economic Development Committee (REDC) under the Regional Investment Framework. More details on the regionally important projects are available here. In no particular order, the current project list includes: •

Marinus Link and Battery of The Nation – together these projects will create thousands of jobs and enable the delivery of low-cost, reliable and clean energy generation and storage providing benefits to the entire National Electricity Market – working to make the best use of Tasmania and Australia’s renewable energy resources. CCA supports the Australian Government and State Government in working with TasNetworks and Hydro Tasmania to progress these important projects.

Whaleback Ridge Energy Park – a proposed large-scale wind farm, to be located south of the Tarkine which will be used to generate sustainable hydrogen.

HIF Tasmania – a proposed eFuel plant to be constructed and operated in Surrey Hills on land located within an existing forestry plantation. The plant is expected to be capable of producing up to 100 million litres of carbon-neutral eFuel per year.

Coastal Pathway extension – extensions and improvements to the Coastal Pathway, transforming it into an iconic tourism experience and increasing liveability.

Don River Railway upgrades – a scenic railway from Devonport to Penguin and other Don River Railway upgrades, including a café and function centre. Building upon the existing Don River Railway tourism operation with the aim to capture overnight visitors by presenting a more diverse offering.

Natural Resource Management Jobs – 200 new land conservation jobs delivered through a ‘fair share’ of a $4 billion land conservation stimulus package proposed by NRM Regions Australia. Up to $20 million allocated to our region would see people working on weed management, track work and other Natural Resource Management projects.

Jobs Transport Independence Project – developing transport independence for individuals to strengthen local labour markets. WNW Working is currently the lead for this project. Please note that CCA is no longer pursuing this project, as West North West Working has received funding from TCF. CCA supported this application.

Table Cape Resort – an internationally recognised luxury resort built at Table Cape, providing over 100 ongoing jobs. Waratah-Wynyard Council is currently the lead for this project.

Mobile Phone Towers – new mobile phone towers in the region, supporting business productivity, safety, and digital accessibility. CCA is currently investigating how we may provide support for digital literacy. Please note this issue has been partially funded by the Australian Government. Cradle Coast Authority 2023/24 Annual Plan Progress Report – Q2


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