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2022/23 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q4 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region
Strategy 2 – Natural Resource Management
2.1 Implement the Regional NRM Strategy
Develop a Regional NRM Business and Investment Plan
• Consultation initiated regarding natural capital accounting approaches to inform implementation and evaluation of Regional NRM Strategy.
2.2 Continue to deliver funded NRM projects Manage and deliver NRM projects including:
Australian Government Programs:
Coastal Saltmarsh Recovery in Robbins Passage and Surrounds
• Project delivery complete, with final compliance reports being prepared for submission by the end of July 2023.
• Rice Grass Reference Group meeting held in May with updates and technical advice provided by Cradle Coast NRM, UTAS, Circular Head Council and Circular Head Landcare Group. Agenda and minutes produced.
• Final project update produced; content includes an overview of coastal saltmarshes, threats, project objectives, Rice Grass management, saltmarsh protection, monitoring, and future objectives. The update will be available on the CCA website and distributed at future events to the community and stakeholders.
• Covenant protecting 37.5 ha of saltmarsh at Montagu signed by both the landholder and Minister.
• On-ground works – fencing and revegetation of wetland area adjacent to saltmarsh covenant completed at Western Inlet.