1 minute read

Stronger Councils, Stronger Region

Strategy 4 – Model Best Practices in Local Government and Public Administration.

4.1 Continue to build our capacity to ensure financial viability. Implement and monitor a longterm financial management plan to ensure financial sustainability.

• The Core Operations surplus has been maintained.

• The 2023/24 budget has been prepared in line with the Financial Management Strategy and was endorsed on 20 June 2023.

On track

4.2 Improve the way we measure and communicate the impact of our work.

Regular, transparent, and meaningful reporting to our owners and external stakeholders.

• On going process, with substantial changes to be implemented with the next strategic plan. On track

4.3 Make the most of technology to improve organisational effectiveness and efficiency.

Establish high levels of technological literacy among staff.

• Ongoing, with short refresher courses being provided at staff meetings On track

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