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Stronger Councils, Stronger Region
Strategic Intention
Annual Plan Action
NRM Aboriginal Traineeship Program
Activity this quarter
• Finalising last 2 units of CEM course.
• Fox shortlisted for the Tasmanian Training AwardsAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year.
• Assisting in GFC Recovery project on-ground works completion with landholders and final sign-off.
Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator (RALF)
• Delivered workshop session for TasTAFE apprentices ‘Introduction to plant diseases. ’
• Delivered workshop session for TasTAFE apprentices ‘Plant diseases of a pasture-based system and case studies of disease management in the pyrethrum industry.’
• Delivered workshop session for TasTAFE apprentices ‘Managing soil erosion in crop production.’
Protecting Our Productive Soils
• Project delivery complete, with final compliance reports being prepared for submission by the end of July 2023.
• Soil erosion field day delivered Hagley School Farm campus on 20 April with 295 in attendance.
• Final project working group meeting held at Forthside vegetable research station on 19 June.
• Five landholder agreements (one-to-one support) signed and executed (one tunnelling dung beetle colony release and monitoring agreement at Redpa and four multispecies pasture establishment agreements at Preston, Beulah, Ridgley and Flowerdale).
• Final outcome report completed for Regional Land Partnerships.