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2022/23 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q4 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region

Strategic Intention Annual Plan Action

State Government Programs:

Community NRM Engagement Program inc. Smallholder Program

Activity this quarter Status

• Round 2 Community Capacity Grants - three more projects completed, others contracted for completion 2023/24. Round 3 grants launched with applications to close in July 2023.

• Supported four NRM volunteers with the First Aid Sponsorship program.

• Updated our NRM community through regular direct emails, the Cradle Coast NRM Facebook page and distributed the June 2023 edition of the Cradle to Coastlines newsletter.

• The Link, Learn and Lunch event held at Camp Clayton in May was a huge success. A total of 80 individuals from 38 different community groups participated and the feedback received was positive.

• Community NRM engagement stall at Agfest field days (4-6 May).

Implementing the Tasmanian Cat Management Plan (TCMP)

• Attended multiple events including: o Just Cats Ulverstone Adopting Day o NW EcoFest o AgFest o CCA’s Link, Learn and Lunch o AIAM’s Local Government Cat Forum (virtually)

• Currently finalising King Island Survey Results Report.

• Currently finalising King Island Cat Project Plan.

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