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2022/23 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q4 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region

Strategic Intention

Annual Plan Action

Giant Freshwater Crayfish Recovery

Activity this quarter Status

• Project delivery complete, with final compliance reports being prepared for submission by the end of July 2023.

• 10.83 km of river frontage protected through fencing and covenanting in Q4, now totalling over 37 km protected at project completion.

• Three covenants signed off by both landholder and Minister protecting 63.71 ha of vegetation and 4.63 km of river frontage. Includes over 43 ha of critically endangered White Gum forest.

• Landholders severely impacted by weather conditions and supply issues in getting fencing completed on time.

• Fourth and final GFC Newsletter circulated and mailed to landholders and community contacts. Mailed to 221 recipients and emailed to over 110.

• Field day held at the project site on Duck River in April, attracted 36 participants.

Enhancing King Island Brown Thornbill habitat patches for future corridors

• Project complete and grant acquitted.

• 5 ha demonstration site established to protect critical KIBT habitat across three commercial grazing properties.

• Field day delivered to the King Island community to raise awareness of species and habitat threats and practical land management actions that can be taken on farms to mitigate threats and improve productivity.

Defining and mapping habitat requirements to support the survival of King Island Scrubtit and King Island Brown


• Project complete. On track

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