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2022/23 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q4 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region
Rice Grass Removal from the Rubicon-Port Sorell Estuary
• Aerial spray trial conducted by Taz Drones on a 2.8 ha meadow of Rice Grass in the upper reaches of the estuary. Results from this trial will be evaluated in late 2023 when the effectiveness can be observed with the new season growth of the plant.
• Water sampling was conducted with the trial of aerial spraying. Sampling was conducted to monitor the amount of herbicide detectable in the waterway. No herbicide was detected before, on the day of application or seven days after the trial.
• Final project update produced. Content in the update includes an overview of Rice Grass and the local infestation, project objectives, details on the treatment, aerial spray trial, monitoring, and next steps. This will be available on the CCA website and distributed at future events to the community and other stakeholders.
• Attended the Rice Grass Reference group meeting and provided an update on the project.