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2022/23 ANNUAL PLAN PROGRESS REPORT – Q4 Stronger Councils, Stronger Region
Creating a Hooded Plover Stronghold on Three Hummock Island
Activity this quarter Status
• Project delivery complete, with final compliance reports being prepared for submission by the end of July 2023.
• Wildcare volunteer trip in late May delivered to undertake final weed control and marine debris services.
• A further trip to run Felixer maintenance and capture final round of data for this project and now being assessed for final reporting now.
• Reference Group meeting held as a final evaluation meeting.
• Huge amount of data, with camera traps capturing about 110,000 animal events across 60 different species, with feral cats captured 914 times across the life of this project.
• Early analysis of data indicates that there was slight reduction in cat activity in the 12 months post baiting and a more significant reduction since Felixer deployment, particularly in the last 5 months.
• Eight cats previously detected and killed, of what is assumed to be a small established population, by 7 operational Felixer units, with no change in the most recent Felixer data collected in May.
Community support for Maugean Skate Recovery
• Project complete and grant acquitted.
• All monies spent and final project reporting submitted.
• Project summary completed and added to the project webpage.
• Final approvals for interpretive signage and bronze skate sculptures obtained from the West Coast Council. Council working with a stonemason to complete installations by September.