The Design & Cr afts Council of Ireland (DCCoI) is the main champion of the design and cr aft industr y in Ireland, foster ing its growth and commercial strength, communicating its unique identity and stimulating quality design, innovation and competitiveness.
Design & Crafts Council of Ireland Castle Yard Kilkenny Ireland www.dccoi.ie/contacts
DCCoI’s activities are funded by the Depar ment of Jobs, Enter pr ise and Innovation via Enter pr ise Ireland. DCCoI cur rently has over 3,200 registered client enter pr ises and over 60 member ship or ganisations known as GANS (guilds, associations, networ ks and societies) throughout Ireland.
+353 (0) 56 776 1804
CONNECT www.dccoi.ie
OUR VISION That Ir ish cr aft and design is recognised and valued wor ldwide for its excellence in cr aftsmanship, innovation and mar keting.
www.designireland.ie www.dccoi.ie/enterprise www.dccoi.ie/portfolio
OUR MISSION To promote and stimulate the creative and commercial potential of Ir ish cr aft and design and to wor k in collabor ation with str ategic par tner s in the ongoing development and growth of the sector.
www.futuremakers.ie www.nationalcraftgallery.ie www.craftinireland.ie
This leaflet details a selection of progr ammes r un by the Design & Cr afts Council of Ireland for registered DCCoI clients. These progr ammes are devised to suppor t the growth and development of small and medium sized cr aft and design enter pr ises.
www.learncraftdesign.com www.ceramicscourse.ie www.jewellerycourse.ie www.showcaseireland.com
DESIGN ISLAND APP Design Island, which is available for download from the App Store and Google Play, features cur ated recommendations from design exper ts and enthusiasts on
Pan Shaped Ceramic Vessel by Magda Bethani
things to do and places to visit, allowing user s to exper ience the best that the island of Ireland has to offer from a design and cr aft per spective . v6 2017
REGISTER WITH THE DESIGN & CRAFTS COUNCIL OF IRELAND (DCCoI) Register ing with DCCoI gives designer s and cr aftspeople the oppor tunity to avail of the many suppor ts and development progr ammes that DCCoI has to offer. Registered clients can also avail of DCCoI’s group insur ance scheme and receive the monthly CRAFTlink e-zine with news, oppor tunities and industr y updates. Cur rently there are four levels of registr ation: Professional Designer/Maker ; Semi-professional Designer/ Maker ; Design/Cr aft Enthusiast; and Student. Applications for DCCoI registr ation are assessed by a Registr ation Review Panel ever y three months. dccoi.ie/register CRAFT, DESIGN & BUSINESS MENTORS The DCCoI mentor ing progr amme provides cr aft and design businesses with tailored suppor t from a r ange of exper ts in design, production, business, mar keting, br anding and cr aft-specific technical exper tise . Mentor ing is delivered one to one or in group settings. Registered client enter pr ises can apply for mentor ing throughout the year. ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS Enter pr ise Development Wor kshops cover topics that have been identified by DCCoI as relevant to the ongoing development of cr aft and design enter pr ises. These wor kshops are or ganised by DCCoI, often in par tner ship with Local Enter pr ise Offices (LEOs), and adver tised on specific dates and times in var ious locations in Ireland. STRATEGIC PLANS FOR MEMBERSHIP ORGANISATIONS DCCoI has par tnered with Business to Ar ts to offer exper tise to our GANS in devising str ategic plans to assist in their ongoing development and professionalisation. This progr amme includes wor kshops, advice sessions, site visits and business plan content review, analysis and deliver y. FUSE FUSE Clinics offer access to a r ange of design and business mentor s over a one- or two-day
per iod. Mentor s assess and provide advice relating to different aspects of cr aft and design products, including merchandising, br anding, production, design and the use of innovative mater ials and technology. FUSE Clinics enable clients to networ k with one another and with mentor s who identify the necessar y next steps for developing and growing a cr aft and design enter pr ise . BUILDING CRAFT AND DESIGN ENTERPRISE PROGRAMME IN PARTNERSHIP WITH LOC AL ENTERPRISE OFFICES The Building Cr aft and Design Enter pr ise Progr amme , in par tner ship with Local Enter pr ise Offices, is a premium package of suppor t tailored for designer-maker s to boost their product in the mar ketplace through a ser ies of design-led wor kshops. Dur ing the progr amme , par ticipants under take mar ket research, engage in designfocused wor kshops and lear n about br anding, costing, promotion and str ategies to expand existing mar ket channels. NETWORK SUPPORT SCHEME Financial suppor t is available to member or ganisations of DCCoI. Funding is offered on an annual basis and those applying must be in a position to provide match-funding. To access DCCoI’s Networ k Suppor t Scheme , individuals can submit an application for m on behalf of their networ k or association. It should be noted that the minimum number of cr aftspeople required to for m a networ k or association is six. NATIONAL CRAFT GALLERY The National Cr aft Galler y is Ireland’s leading centre for contempor ar y cr aft and design, inspir ing appreciation, creativity and innovation through exhibitions, events and education progr ammes. The National Cr aft Galler y plays a cr itical role in building an under standing of cr aft, design and mater ial culture in Ireland. Progr ammes feature leading Ir ish and inter national designer s, ar tists and maker s across a var iety of disciplines through in-house and tour ing exhibitions. nationalcr aftgaller y.ie
Further information available from www.dccoi.ie/enterprise Contact: innovation@dccoi.ie
MARKET DEVELOPMENT DESIGN IRELAND Design Ireland is a br and dedicated to promoting the breadth and quality of Ir ish design and cr aft to global and Ir ish audiences. The Design Ireland identity is featured on DCCoI exhibitions at tr ade shows, in-store point-of-sale mater ial and promotional campaigns. The accompanying website www.designireland.ie discover s and shares ideas, inspir ation and infor mation on talented Ir ish designer s and where to buy their wor k either online or in listed shops. designireland.ie
DIRECT SELLING OPPORTUNITIES DCCoI suppor ts and promotes selected design/cr aft enter pr ises at direct selling events. These include key shows that are open to the public such as Bloom in the Par k and the National Cr afts & Design Fair. See dccoi.ie/oppor tunities for relevant call outs. SHOWC ASE Showcase , Ireland’s Inter national Creative Expo has established itself as the foremost tr ade event for retailer s from around the wor ld to discover unique , design-led products across fashion, jeweller y and home & giftware . At the hear t of the show is Design Ireland, a space dedicated to promoting leading contempor ar y Ir ish br ands selected by an independent jur y for their creativity, innovation and cr aftsmanship, with all products in this area designed and made in Ireland. Showcase is a par tner ship between DCCoI and Showcase Ireland Events Ltd with suppor t from Enter pr ise Ireland in promoting the show inter nationally. showcaseireland.com
PORTFOLIO PORTFOLIO actively wor ks to grow the reputations and potential of contempor ar y cr aft maker s and designer s who are seeking to develop their presence in the galler y and collector mar ket. The jur y for this prestigious progr amme is made up of Ir ish and inter national exper ts and it selects wor k based on high standards of design quality and technical skill. PORTFOLIO cur rently showcases contempor ar y wor k by over 100 of Ireland’s most renowned designer maker s. dccoi.ie/por tfolio EXTERNAL EXHIBITIONS FUND The Exter nal Exhibitions Fund has been established to assist in the development of high-quality, independent exhibitions r un by individuals, or ganisations or groups. This annual fund suppor ts a small number of professionally produced exhibitions featur ing Ir ish cr aft and design in Ireland or abroad. INTERNATIONAL FAIR FUND The Inter national Fair Fund has been established to financially assist designer s and cr aftspeople in reaching key expor t mar kets. The fund provides limited match-funding for wholesale tr ade fair s abroad. MAKER DIRECT FAIR FUND The Maker Direct Fair Fund provides financial suppor t on a match-funding basis, to maker s in the PORTFOLIO progr amme who wish to par ticipate in direct-selling fair s outside Ireland.
IRISH CRAFT STUDIO EXPERIENCE The Ir ish Cr aft Studio Exper ience features some of Ireland’s best studio exper iences. Featured sites are either cr aft studios open to visitor s on a full-time basis or cr aft galler ies and retail spaces offer ing visitor s the oppor tunity to meet or inter act with the maker. For a complete listing of approved locations and for infor mation on applying to be assessed for the scheme , visit: cr aftinireland.com/explore
Further information available from www.dccoi.ie Contact: marketdev@dccoi.ie
EDUC ATION & OUTREACH PROGRAMMES The education and outreach progr ammes aim to develop public awareness of cr aft mediums, techniques and design process through wor kshops with professional maker s, cr aft installations, making demonstr ations, talks, discussion for ums and object-handling oppor tunities. Outreach progr ammes often for m par t of DCCoI’s presence at national platfor ms or are devised as projects to connect with specific groups. CRAFTed DCCoI’s CRAFTed progr amme gives pr imar y school children and teacher s an exciting oppor tunity to explore their creativity and lear n new skills by wor king with professional designer s and cr aftspeople . It provides collabor ative tr aining, access to highly skilled cr aftspeople and gives both teacher s and students the oppor tunity to explore new mater ials such as clay, pr int, fabr ic and fibre , as well as metal, wood and willow constr uction.
designED designED is an ar t-and-cr aft-room actionresearch initiative for post-pr imar y ar t students and their teacher s across Ireland. designED encour ages collabor ative skills and problem solving. It complements cur r icular lear ning in the visual ar ts by enhancing imaginative composition, design and cr aftwor k, and is an enjoyable hands-on approach to making. designED provides funding bur sar ies to enable post-pr imar y schools to engage in creative projects with professional cr aftspeople and designer-maker s in the classroom setting.
FUTURE MAKERS DCCoI’s Future Maker s Awards & Suppor ts progr amme rewards the next gener ation of creative maker s, providing suppor t for the development of an exciting career in the cr aft and design industr y. The progr amme funds research, tr aining, residencies, exhibitions, studio development and more . futuremaker s.ie
SKILLS & DESIGN COURSES The Jeweller y and Goldsmithing Skills & Design Cour se specialises in the tr adition of wor king with precious metals and gemstones, equipping gr aduates with the pr actical skills needed to develop career s in the jeweller y industr y in Ireland and inter nationally. This intensive two-year progr amme is located at the Design & Cr afts Council of Ireland’s headquar ter s in Kilkenny. jeweller ycour se .ie The Cer amics Skills & Design Cour se is located at Island Mill, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny and is a two-year intensive skills-based progr amme . This extremely successful cour se has established an excellent reputation in the industr y both nationally and inter nationally. cer amicscour se .ie . DCCoI is cur rently wor king with industr y par tner s on plans to develop a Centre of Excellence model for cr aft and design, focusing initially on Cer amics and Jeweller y.
Further information available from www.learncraftdesign.ie Contact: education@dccoi.ie