As has been discussed before in a previous list, an artisan craft is the practice of creating an item made to serve one or more practical functions and be influential as an artistic work. Though some of the entries on this list serve no practical purpose other than artistic merit and aesthetics, they are all the more welcome as they borrow from similar skill-sets to craft. The focus of this list is on the more intriguing and lesser-known artisan crafts but is also composed of suggestions in demand from the previous list. As such I have tried to include as much information on the crafts mentioned that I have deemed relevant and informative, and as a result, some of the list entries are longer than others. Feel free to suggest or mention your own craft in the comments!
Glassblowing is a technique of forming glass into certain shapes that involves inflating molten glass into a bubble, or parison, with the aid of a blowpipe. Glassblowing exploits a working property of glass known as inflation. Inflation refers to the expansion of a molten blob of glass by introducing a small amount of air to it. There are many methods as to how to shape the glass and add a variety of color to it, but items made with glassblowing techniques tend to retain their rotund or spiral shape.
Batik is a cloth that is traditionally made using a manual wax-resist dyeing technique. Batik or fabrics with the traditional batik patterns are found in Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, China, Azerbaijan, India, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Nigeria, Senegal, and Singapore. Traditional colors include indigo, dark brown, and white, which represent the three major Hindu Gods (Brahm?, Visnu, and ?iva). This is related to the fact that natural dyes are most commonly available in indigo and brown. Certain patterns could only be worn by nobility; traditionally, wider stripes or wavy lines of greater width indicated higher rank. Regions of Indonesia have their own unique patterns that normally take themes from everyday lives, incorporating patterns such as flowers, nature, animals, folklore or people. The colors of pesisir batik, from the coastal cities of northern Java, is especially vibrant, and it absorbs influence from the Javanese, Arab, Chinese and Dutch cultures.
Bookbinding is the process by which a book is assembled from a number of folded or unfolded sheets of paper or other material and usually involves attaching a cover to the bound pages. The history and origins of bookmaking is extensive, with many cultures contributing different techniques, methods and resources to create a book. Early examples include, but are certainly not limited to: Roman scrolls, wax tablets and parchment; Greek tomes; Indian palm-leaf books and the Mayan codex. Ultimately, we have settled into a routine that binds the newest bestseller at your nearest bookstore in paperback or hardcover. There are numerous methods of binding books; the above image was coptic stitched and conceptualized by Jessica Buzanko. The