24. Nancy from The Craft View this image ' Columbia Pictures / Sarah is a boss bitch in disguise - shes got the power, but shes judicious about how she uses it. Shes a good witch, if you will.
20. Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman View this image ' Disney / Disguising yourself as a man to go kick bad guy butt takes huge amounts of boss bitch power.
12. Michelle Tanner from Full House View this image ' Master of revenge, boss bitch-style. If you decide to go to summer camp with her, be verrryyy careful.
6. Heather Mooney from Romy and Micheles High School Reunion View this image ' Nickelodeon / Some might call her spoiled or a brat, but just you wait - this boss bitch is gonna be CEO of the world someday. Tommy Pickles: Dont take it all so personally. You can learn from your superiors.
1. Dionne from Clueless
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